ilmtest · 1 year
The Prayer Timings
Abū Mūsá al-Ashʿarī (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that he came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ asking him about the times for the prayer, أخبرَناه أبو عبدِ اللَّهِ الحافظُ، أخبرَنا أحمدُ بنُ سَلمانَ قال: قُرِئَ على عبدِ المَلِكِ بنِ محمدٍ: حدثنا أبو نُعَيمٍ (ح) وحَدَّثَنا أبو محمدٍ عبدُ اللَّهِ بنُ يوسُفَ الأصفَهانِيُّ، أخبرَنا أبو بكرٍ أحمدُ بنُ سعيدٍ الإخْمِيمِيُّ بمَكَّةَ، حدثنا موسَى بنُ الحسنِ، حدثنا أبو نُعَيمٍ الفَضلُ بنُ دُكَينٍ، حدثنا بَدرُ بنُ عثمانَ، حدَّثَنى أبو بكرِ ابنُ أبي موسَى الأشعَرِىِّ، عن أبيه، عن النبيِّ - صلى الله عليه وسلم - أنَّه أتاه سائلٌ فسأَلَه عن مَواقيتِ الصَّلاةِ And he did not respond to him at all. فلَم يَرُدَّ عليه شَيئًا، So he commanded Bilāl to establish the Fajr (prayer) at the break of dawn. فأَمَرَ بلالًا فأَقامَ الفَجرَ حينَ انشَقَّ الفَجرُ The people almost could not tell one from another. والنّاسُ لا يَكادُ يَعرِفُ بَعضُهُم بَعضًا، Then he commanded him to establish al-Dhuhr (prayer) when the sun declined from its zenith, ثم أمَرَه فأَقامَ الظُّهرَ حينَ زالَتِ الشَّمسُ And a person would say: “It is the middle of the day” and he was more knowledgeable than them. والقائلُ يقولُ: انتَصَفَ النَّهارُ. وهو كان أعلمَ مِنهُم، Then he commanded him to establish al-ʿAṣr (prayer) while the sun was raised (high in the sky). وأَمَرَه فأَقامَ العَصرَ والشَّمسُ مُرتَفِعَةٌ، Then he commanded him to establish al-Maġrib (prayer) when the sun had set. ثم أمَرَه فأَقامَ المَغرِبَ حينَ وقَعَتِ الشَّمسُ، Then he commanded him to establish al-ʿIshāʾ (prayer) when the redness of the sky disappeared. ثم أمَرَه فأَقامَ العِشاءَ حينَ غابَ الشَّفَقُ، The next day he delayed al-Fajr (prayer) right up to the time (before the sun rose) ثم أخَّرَ الفَجرَ مِنَ الغَدِ حَتَّى انصَرَفَ مِنها، And a person would say: “The sun has risen or it was about to rise.” والقائلُ يقولُ: طَلَعَتِ الشَّمسُ أو كادَت. Then he delayed al-Dhuhr until it was near to the time of al-ʿAṣr prayer (of yesterday). ثم الظُّهرَ حينَ كان قَريبًا مِنَ العَصرِ، Then he delayed al-ʿAṣr until the time a person would say: “The sun has turned red.” ثم أخَّرَ العَصرَ حَتَّى انصَرَفَ مِنها، والقائلُ يقولُ: احمَرَّتِ الشَّمسُ. Then he delayed al-Maġrib right up until the time where (the redness) of the sky was about to disappear. ثم أخَّرَ المَغرِبَ حَتَّى كان عِندَ سُقوطِ الشَّفَقِ، Then he delayed the al-ʿIshāʾ until the first third of the night. ثم أخَّرَ العِشاءَ حَتَّى كان ثُلُثُ اللَّيلِ الأوَّلُ، Then in the morning he called the questioner. ثم أصبَحَ فدَعا السّائلَ، And then he said to him: “The time of prayer is in between these two times.” ثم قال: "الوَقتُ فيما بَينَ هَذَينِ". This is the wording of the ḥadīth of Ibn Yūsuf, and it was reported by Muslim in his Ṣaḥīḥ from Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allah b. Numayr from his father from Badr b. ʿUthmān with this wording. لَفظُ حَديثِ ابنِ يوسُفَ. رواه مسلمٌ في "الصحيح" عن محمدِ بنِ عبدِ اللَّهِ بنِ نُمَيرٍ عن أبيه عن بَدرِ بنِ عثمانَ بهَذا الَّلفظِ. al-Bayhaqī, al-Sunan al-Kubrá 3/41 #1754 البيهقي، السنن الكبرى ٣/٤١ #١٧٥٤ https://shamela.ws/book/148486/1210 @ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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shharib · 10 months
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• 13:31
- he alone is, knower of the unseen
and he does not disclose his knowledge to anyone -
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kurapikaschai · 10 months
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halalgirlmeg · 1 year
Its been like 2 weeks of ramadan and I'm still doing most of my prayers on time MashAllah. Usually by now I'm ready to quit but its been giving me a really good routine
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shehzadi · 2 years
i can literally only work in the morning or night like the afternoon is a total no go because i have lunch and then i snack and then i watch tv and then i scroll and then i annoy my family and suddenly. it’s 19:00
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prayer-in-time · 7 months
prayer time in Ciro
Cairo, as the capital of Egypt, follows the Islamic tradition of observing five daily prayer times. The prayer times in Cairo are determined based on the position of the sun and follow the schedule outlined in Islamic teachings. The five daily prayers—Fajr (pre-dawn), Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (just after sunset), and Isha (night)—serve as important moments for spiritual reflection, connection with the divine, and communal worship. Cairo's vibrant and diverse population actively participates in these prayer times, contributing to the city's rich Islamic heritage and cultural identity. The call to prayer, or Adhan, resonates across Cairo's mosques, marking the rhythm of daily life for its residents.
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navramanan · 2 years
This settles it. I have to go to bed immediately after returning from terawih at the mosque
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iphijaania · 2 years
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toychest321 · 6 months
Ugh, I've been meaning to post about this doll for what feels like ages! Allergies have been pretty bad this week, but I've finally been able to pull myself together enough to post about Fulla's prayer dolls!
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According to the Islamic blog Alhannah.com, "The purpose of a prayer outfit is twofold – to respect the sanctity of prayer by covering one’s ‘Awrah’ (parts of the body that should be covered in public) and to uphold the principles of modesty".
"A prayer outfit typically encompasses a long, loose-fitting skirt paired with a top that has a head covering (Hijab), collectively ensuring that the body remains concealed during prayer". The website also states that there are one-piece and two-piece versions of the outfit, the choice between the two often coming down to preference of the wearer (in this case, it seems Fulla prefers the latter)
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Muslims pray five times per day: once in the morning before dawn (Fajr), once at midday (Dhuhr), once in the afternoon (Asr), once after sunset (Maghrib), and once in the evening (Isha).
As far as I can find, there have been three prayer dolls of Fulla released. Two are for the Fajr and Isha prayers respectively, and one is for a process connected to all five!
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Fulla's first prayer doll was released in 2004 with a doll-sized prayer mat and prayer beads for yourself!
Prayer mats are used to ensure the ground is clean while praying. Prayer beads, meanwhile, are used for dhikr, a process of prayer recitation after each of the five daily prayers. The beads are typically counted for each of the 99 names of Allah recited, however with certain prayer beads consisting of 33 beads instead (such as the one included here) they are counted 3 times over. The first 33 recitations are "Subhan Allah" (Glory be to Allah), the second 33 are "Al-Ahamdulilah" (Praise be to God), and the final 33 are "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest). After these you must pray "Laa ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shay in qadir" (There is no god worthy of worship except Allah alone, with no partner or associate) once.
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Her next prayer doll was released in 2006 for the Morning Prayer (Fajr)! While I can't definitively say the same for the prior Prayer Dress Fulla, this doll wears indoor clothes underneath her prayer outfit to start the day! She comes with a prayer mat and bag, and (it says on the box but its hard to read) a prayer booklet of the Morning Prayers! And I hadn't even known this until now for this doll or the next, but apparently there's a button on her back that makes her recite them (batteries included)!
I like how much the pink pops against the white! Although the outfit is decent, it looks a bit plain compared to her other indoor looks (although that could have been intentional). I don't have any particularly strong feelings on her fashion, but it's decent!
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The same year a doll for the Night Prayers (Isha) was released as well! Underneath her prayer clothes she wears a pair of pink pajamas with gingham detailing, with matching pink slippers! It seems she also came with a prayer mat, bag, and booklet (this time for the Night Prayers) as the Morning Prayers Fulla did! And yes, she also has a button to make her pray them with you!
I love these pajamas so much, they're so cute!!! And the way they match her prayer outfit too??? Indoor-fashion-wise, I probably prefer this one over the Morning Prayer's indoor outfit.
Overall, I love how all of these dolls not only represent a significant Islamic religious practice, but encourage children to do it with her! Between the prayer beads and voice button, I can easily see this doll joining in prayer with her owner :)
And not too difficult to imagine either, since Fulla has also made officially branded prayer clothes in 2005, 2007, and as recent as 2024!
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Anyway, I'm glad I was finally able to dive deep into this topic like I'd been meaning to look into for a while (now to get some sleep as it is currently 4am)
Ramadan Kareem!
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zaurae · 5 months
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇
𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘺𝘭𝘦
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The first step to achieving a new goal; identity; a lifestyle is to overcome laziness. I am myself was and sometimes have my lazy moments; however, to really make a change and accomplish the goals you desire first starts with changing your current lifestyle to the one you want; the person you want to become; and to work hard for the goals you want.
Of course, with that being said, do not change your whole lifestyle in one day. That is overwhelming and impossible, you will just go back to your old ways and become worse. Others say to have a new goal each day; however, for a more stable and consistent change, have a new goal every month. For instance, this month you will focus on balancing your meals; and then the next month is to be consistent through your sunnah namaz.
Each time you make these monthly goals, it shifts your one percent better than before. And as always be kind to yourself if you ever fall back or feel like giving up. Change can be difficult and that is why it is also important to go at your own paste even if that monthly goal turns to a year. Try your best and have faith in yourself!
Inshallah these steps help you!
𝑭𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒉
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When you begin to prioritize Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala I swear your life changes. You begin to have inner peace, confidence, a burst of imaan and happiness. No matter who you are, no matter what your past is, dont ever let it stop you from becoming closer to Allah the Almighty.
We all have a past, guilt, a deed we committed that we are not proud of. But let me tell you something, Allah forgives every sin, Allah loves those who repent and try to change, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive those even if they sinned their whole lives, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves us no matter what.
So, who are you to say you are not worthy of forgiveness? I heard doubting your lord's mercy is a sin itself. That just shows how much our lord loves us, how merciful Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is.
I sometimes do have that feeling of me not being able to be forgiven but please remind yourself how much of a merciful lord we have that even if we repent just now, we are forgiven.
The most important steps to focus on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and be better is to do the following:
Be consistent and on time with your five daily prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Mahrib, and Isha)
I know Fajr is hard for others or any of the prayers; However, try your best and pray to Allah to make it easier for you, to be consistent, to be engaged in prayer and to connect with it too, Start by setting up an alarm for each of the five prayers, strengthen your imaan by looking up the benefits of the five daily prayers; perform wudhu 10-15 minutes before (I tried this and it definitely made it easier for me to be on time and to be more engaged in namaz).
Perform Dhikr (Whether you have tesbih or the tesbih counter, always repeat Allahs most loved words like Subhanallah; Alhamdulilah, Allahu Akbar; La illaha Ilalah; Agstafurillah, and the 99 names. Even when you are working or at school--no matter where you are repeat these words as they are light on the tongue but heavy on the scale.)
Read the Quran (Sometimes life gets in the way, and we become very busy and that is why I recommend downloading a Quran app so no matter if you're at school or not you can read an ayat or two which is still heavy on the scale. And also learning how to read the Quran. No matter what level you are on learning how to recite the Quran, try your best and know that you can do it!)
Perform goodness (Try your best to give up those bad habits, those bad deeds and replace them with good ones. No matter how big or small those good deeds are, always be consistent with them.)
Make dua (For everything I listed, always make dua to make it easier for you, to ask for the things you want and need, and of course before you even ask for anything always repent and ask for forgiveness, as your lord is the most forgiving)
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒆𝒕
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Mindset is everything! Shift your mindset to a positive one! stop thinking that you deserve every bad event. Stop thinking that bad incident was the end of it all; or how that rejection you got is the end to your happiness.
There is something I stand by and believe, and that is whatever did not work out for you is an opportunity for something better to happen.
Regardless of what is happening in your life right now, just know it is a test, a test that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is making you go through because why? Allah subhanahu wa ta'alaloves those he tests and is going to grant something way better. What you need to do is for you to believe something better will happen and to never give up.
Along with changing your mindset--change your mind set about yourself as in stop thinking your this and that, that your "ugly" or "weak". First of all, your beautiful and beauty should not define your inner beauty. Change the way you view yourself, just like affirmations think and believe you are beautiful, your amazing, successful, smart, and going to achieve your goals.
When you start to think of yourself as the person you want to become--you start to become that ideal identity. As you think about how beautiful you are, your face becomes more brighter, or how you began to think on how smart you are, you begin to work harder. Believe it or not but mindset is number one in taking action for change so please think good about yourself and life and shift those bad events to better opportunities.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓
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Character is very important! By changing and improving your character, it overall changes your how you act and think. Character in islam is especially talked about. Following how our Prophet Muhammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to speak and his mannerism is an excellent example we should all follow.
Speak softly and to not speak unnecessary words (gossiping, lying, swearing)
Appear approachable (Have a positive demeanor and stop glaring at others!)
Have manners (Fix your posture, know your limits, and be polite)
Smile (Its sunnah!)
Know your limits (As mentioned before, being polite and to smile often; however, there are some people who take kindness the wrong way so make sure to be kind but you don't always have to be that cheerful bear. Make sure you are comfortable and know when to say no.)
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Education is soooo important!
I know some people hate school and listen I hated school too but! School is so important--education is. Jobs now days only look at your education history and whether you have a diploma or not, which is why you should focus on your studies and go to school!
Others, including me, have had no idea what to study--what to become and at times like that it is very hard and discouraging and I understand. I finally applied to college after finding a program where it did not seem too hard, and it seemed like a program that I could like.
That being said, if you are having trouble to find a career path to pursue, write down your skills, what you're interested in, and what you are good at. For instance, you like to write and like to talk to others--consider Office Administration as you are required to write a lot. Point is, find your passions and research what career you could put your passion in to. And trust me, it won't be easy (pray and make istikhara which career path to take) but I believe we will all figure it out and find that career inshallah.
Take advantage on the ability to be able to study and get that education!
I hope this helps!! and remember to have a good day!
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skopostheorie · 4 months
I normally don't talk about stuff of this nature and least of all on Tumblr where there are like three active users but here.
UniMelb, my university, is having an occupation right now of one of our buildings, by students protesting UniMelb's alleged ties with weapons manufacturers currently being used by Israel. It's called Arts West and as the name implies a lot of Arts subjects are held there. My German, Korean, Chinese and Japanese classes all have at least one held there a week. This is an escalation of the encampment after the protesters provided an ultimatum (cut ties or we won't talk to you anymore).
Classes in the building were cancelled because of this occupation, citing safety concerns. The University has not helped teachers find new rooms, to my knowledge. My German teacher held the class outside, and all the others are online. The Aussie media is having a lot of fun with this, as I believe this is the biggest protest in the country of this nature since October 7.
The media is not being honest.
What's being said: the students seized the building violently.
The truth: they just kind of went in there and sat down. There are a few tents.
What's being said: the students are threatening people.
The truth: to my knowledge, no one has been threatened. Avi Yemeni and some cronies came to harass them around two weeks ago, and another group threw bottles, fire extinguishers and other projectiles at the protesters, but no retaliation has occured so far, as far as I have heard.
What's being said: classes were cancelled because of the occupation.
The truth: this is true, but the protesters have repeatedly said that anyone may enter and have class. I have been in the building several times to test this out, and no one even spoke to me, let alone told me to leave. I made a little coffee in the kitchen here:
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The University has turned off the lifts and taped them, as well as locked the doors. I am not sure why one of them remains open, but I am led to believe the protesters opened it so people could come and go as they pleased.
Since the beginning the little "front desk tent" has had a massive "Palestinians and Jews in solidarity" sheet across it. All the propaganda stickers by them are of a similar nature: one says "Not in our name, Jews for a free Palestine", and another says "Palestinian and Jewish solidarity" with a dove on it. They hold Shabbat there as well. They also do the call to prayer for Dhuhr, and possibly all of the prayers, but I'm not on campus for Fajr, Isha etc (for obvious reasons).
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I don't want people reading the news and thinking being at UniMelb is hectic right now. It's really fine. Nobody even really talks about it much. Classes in other buildings are quite normal.
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deenitweets · 9 months
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Death has no age. You may sleep tonight and not see tomorrow. People are praying Fajr and not making it to Dhuhr. Stay close to Allah because soon enough you'll return to Him.
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wordsbyhisheart · 4 months
Qur’anic Sūrats and Ad’iyyah (supplications) and Wadhāif (Litanies) to pray:
Before Fajr:
Read the three Quls three times (Ikhlāṡ, Falaq and Nās)
Read SubhanAllāhi Wa Bi Ḣamdihi 100 times
Yā Wahhābu 7 times
After Fajr
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā ‘Azīzu Yā Allāh 100 times
Sūrah Yāsīn
After Dhuhr
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Karīmu Yā Allāh 100 times
After Asar
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Jabbāru Yā Allāh 100 times
Read the three Quls three times (Ikhlāṡ, Falaq and Nās)
After Maghrib
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Sattāru Yā Allāh 100 times
After Isha
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Ghaffaru Yā Allāh 100 times
Sūrah al-Mulk
Before sleeping
Surah Fātiha (4 times)
Āyat al-Kursī
4 Quls (Blow on your hands and rub all over the body)
4th Kalima 4 times
Astaghfirullah 10 times
Durud Sharif 10 times
Anytime during the day
Durūd Sharif at least 100 times
Astaghfirullāh 100 times
Lā Ilāha illAllāh 100 times
Lā Hawla Wa Lā Quwwata illā Billāhil ‘Aliyyil Adhīm 100 times
Thursday Nights
SallAllahu Alan Nabiyyil Ummiyyi Wa Ālihi (1000 times)
Sūraah al-Dukhān
Sūrah al-Kahaf
Durūd Sharif at least 500 times
This is a general schedule for very beginners. I hope this will suffice for now.
For more daily Wadhāif and Supplications read “Al-Wadhīfah Al-Karīmah” compiled and authored by Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān (رحمة الله عليه) and also if you have more time then start reading “Dalāil Al-Khayrāt” daily by Imām Al-Juzūli (رحمة الله عليه).
Allāh knows best.
— Mawlana Mohamed Husein Qadri
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halalgirlmeg · 10 months
So I wasn't feeling this chapter I was editing so I rewrote it trying to put more feeling and emotion into it and I was like *highlight chapter* *delete* *stars over* *hits my word count for the day before eight am*
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 7 months
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Can’t tell if it’s time to pray Dhuhr or not
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raointean · 26 days
Just got done reading @ruffoverthinksthings series about religion on the Isle of the Lost, which ended with Jay's first real encounter with Islam.
For context, in that series of posts, Jafar is a major heretic and hates anything having to do with Islam (and religion in general) and would HATE if Jay started following it.
Building off of that last one where Jay visits the rundown mosque on the Isle, he goes leaves and thinks about what he was told. The rules don't make a lot of sense to him, but the sheer contrast between the order and goodwill of religion vs. the chaos and backstabbing of the Isle... piques his interest.
He goes back on a Friday a few days later, not because he's looking to convert, he's just curious (or so he tells himself). He hides in the back corner of the men's section (not that it does much. There's only about a dozen people there) and just watches.
After the service, Mhira talks to him and ends up offering to help him with his Arabic. There's not a lot of Arabic texts on the island, so Jafar mostly taught him with handwritten stuff when Jay was a kid. By the time he's in his teen years, he's out of practice and has forgotten half of it.
Next thing Jay knows, he's at the mosque every Friday and the things they tell him are starting to make a lot more sense. He formally converts to Islam when he's 14.
He's not a super strict follower (as in, he doesn't follow all the rules all the time), mostly because it's just not practical. Praying makes you vulnerable if you're alone and he'd like to not die, thank you very much; also, if Jafar knew, he'd be a dead man anyway. Mal and the gang don't really understand it, but they do watch his back when he's praying sometimes.
Fast forward to Auradon, he doesn't bother trying to find a mosque the first few weeks. They're just going to get the wand and get out anyway. It doesn't matter. (He's definitely not feeling any guilt about helping to unleash the villains on an unsuspecting Auradon. Nope. Not at all)
He does still pray, though. Luckily, he has lunch period during dhuhr so he just slips out and finds an out of the way spot with a closable door. One day, he's setting up and the door opens.
Turns out, Aziz's usual spot is taken, so he came to his backup spot. He doesn't know Jay very well at this point, but he had always assumed he'd be like his father: either with crazy ideas about Islam, or just a total atheist.
They eye each other for a few seconds, one wary, the other simply surprised, before Aziz goes and sets up next to Jay. They pray together quietly and leave without a word to each other, but Aziz makes an effort to be nice to Jay (and the other VKs by extension) after that.
He also calls his parents that night like, "You will not BELIEVE who I ran into during Dhuhr today!"
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