#Devotion to God
know-the-self · 11 months
Bhakti Yoga - Yoga of Devotion
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Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Consciousness in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Intelligence in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Sleep in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Hunger - Desire in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Shadow - Individual Self in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Shakti - Creative Energy in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Thirst - Desire in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Patience in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Original Cause in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Humility in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Stillness in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Devotion in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as splendor in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Lakshmi in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Mind in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Memory in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Compassion in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Contentment in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Mother in all beings everywhere.
Salute to the Divine Goddess, who manifests herself as Delusion in all beings everywhere.
O Mother!
Let all my speech be your prayer; let all my crafts and technology be your worship and be the mystic gestures of my hand, adorning you.
May all my movements become your devotional circumambulations.
May everything I eat or drink be oblations to you. Let my lying down in rest and sleep be prostrations to you.
Mother! Whatever I do, may all that become a sacramental service and worship for you.
Om Peace Peace Peace
- Devi Stuti
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awifechasinggod · 10 days
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I was reading this morning in Proverbs during my devotions. A vivid picture popped into my mind of this very scene. A stream of water was held in the hands of the LORD and although we (I) make our own plan(s), the LORD can channel the water (or our plans) whichever way HE pleases. I may think my plans are right, but the LORD weighs my heart! GOD has the ultimate authority. I may mistakenly think I am doing what is right, BUT GOD sees the motives behind my actions. I often have to make choices where the best action may be difficult to discern, but I can help myself by trying to identify my own motives first and then asking GOD to check them to ensure the REAL reasons I want to do this or that are beneficial and not for my own gain or honor. GOD is not amused or pleased when we do good deeds only to serve our own interests. Sometimes, that line could be so fine and other times, it may be so obvious to others but not to us! I need to remember to check my motives at the door before moving ahead with plans that may or may not line up with GOD’s plans for me. This was yet another reminder for me today that I am still a work in progress. I’d love to think I have it altogether all the time, but sadly, I fail sometimes. I long to be that wife who chases GOD in all areas and not just when I need forgiveness or a cleansing of my heart. I want HIS opinion first and I don’t want to lean on my own understanding! The truth is, I am NOTHING without GOD and I need to be reminded often of that. Yes, I try to act in my own power, but as that wife pursuing godliness is all things, I need to be reminded often of my utter dependence on a holy GOD. Forgive me LORD for trying to act in my own accord. I need you every day! ✝️
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bma1852 · 3 days
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Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay 1 1-3 Job was a man who lived in Uz. He was honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion. He had seven sons and three daughters. He was also very wealthy—seven thousand head of sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred teams of oxen, five hundred donkeys, and a huge staff of servants—the most influential…
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thinkingonscripture · 2 months
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For Christians, dedication to God is the starting point for the spiritual life and the advance to Christian maturity. Dedication is a synonym for commitment, devotion, loyalty, and positive volition. According to Charles Ryrie, “There is perhaps no more important matter in relation to the spiritual life than dedication.”[1] In another place he states, “Dedication concerns the subjection of my…
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dwuerch-blog · 5 months
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snek-eyes · 1 year
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Can we go back to this for a sec? To Aziraphale having to explain the concept of being in love to the other angels? Because I cannot imagine what a trip it has to be, falling in love with someone when that is literally not something you are supposed to be able to do. When it is something you barely understand. When the object of whatever this is isn't supposed to be able to feel this way either, except as time goes on you start to realize it's happening to him too. And neither of you can actually talk to each other about it.
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sugawara--san · 4 months
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tokenducks · 5 months
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Charles “We’ve got literally forever to figure out what the rest means” Rowland
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cccdynapro · 1 year
The Way of The Difficult is often The Way of The Wise.
The Way of The Difficult is often The Way of The Wise.When you do not use your skills, you can lose more than your skills. You can lose your CHOICES & FREEDOM. The easy way, seldom is the easy way. It looks easy at the moment but often costs more than we see in the short term. The seeming more difficult way is very often The way of the wise.Acts 20:23“I only know that in every city the Holy…
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melancholialapelada7 · 7 months
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Unlike previously believed, sheep do not blindly follow a dominant leader. Instead, they tend to follow the most experienced and wise individuals in the flock.
These leaders are usually older sheep that have demonstrated successful behavior in foraging and avoiding danger. Choosing leaders based on experience helps improve the survival of the flock as a whole.
Hello, happy Valentine's Day! a little late but I hope you had a good time, some narilamb to end the day.
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(Also random explanation that no one asked about the heights because I realized too late that I made the lamb more smaller than I intended)
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twindenial · 3 months
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KRISTEN APPLEBEES: UNIQUELY, UNMISTAKABLY HUMAN. ISN'T THERE SOMETHING HOLY AND GOD-LIKE ABOUT THAT? (or: your flaws dig deep into your skin and a saint could be built from the holes they leave.)
Fantasy High: Junior Year, Cursed Out / Amelia Rozear, Bursting / Margaret Atwood, Half-Hanged Mary / @/noquietrevolution (now deleted account) / Fantasy High, Prompocalypse Part 2 / J. Kirk Richards, Angel Descending / Fantasy High: Junior Year, Vulture Clash / ? / Yves Olade, Belovéd / Fantasy High: Junior Year, Party Politics / Rachel McKibbens, Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism / Laurent Grasso, Eclipse
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markmcole · 1 year
What is Biblical Worship?
Biblical worship is the act of expressing love, honor, and adoration to God in response to who He is and what He has done. Worship is not just a formality or obligation, but a heartfelt response of gratitude and devotion to God. In the Bible, worship is often associated with sacrifice, praise, and obedience. Here are a few characteristics of biblical worship: God-focused: Biblical worship is…
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yeslordmyking · 1 year
...while we wait for the blessed hope — the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior,... [ Read devo thought and prayer for this Bible verse ]
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amor-areia · 3 months
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I just love them so much!
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vdoes · 3 months
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Apollo Lykeios
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