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desirdae-coiner · 5 months ago
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A desirage term for those that desire/yearn want to be a child permanently.
Some reasons for this might be:
- age regression
- being chronosian
- trauma
- not wanting to grow up
- etc
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nichelink · 2 months ago
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Kid+Sitter: an All-Ages nichelink relationship/relationship dynamic where one person is the "(baby)sitter" and one is the "kid."
"kid" can be replaced with "child" etc. the flag is inspired by the system caretaker flag and colors i associate with babysitters trying to be cool and relatable to kids.
this isn't the same as being an agereg or syskid caretaker, it is a committed specific relationship dynamic (that you might even start because you want to care for an age regressor or syskid).
this may include, but isn't limited to:
non-rose/tertiary attraction like cedural, tutelary etc
wanting the dynamics of Parent+Child but the sitter specifically not wanting to identify as a parent
the kid wanting the dynamics of Parent+Child but specifically not wanting to identify as related or having parents
the kid being an age regressor, age slider, chronosian, dissoage/dissotime/dissoperpetualbaby/dissotraumayounger/dissoconnochildhood, desirchild/desirpermachild etc etc
the kid being a syskid/youthful headmate in a system and the sitter being a protector/designated syskid caretaker headmate
the kid being under some obligation to the sitter at certain times and having to follow rules they set
the kid also being in a Parent+Child nichelink and the sitter being someone the parent trusts to watch the kid when they can't
nichelink carrd
tagging: @radiomogai | @everythingarchive | @dreaming-of-mogai | @desirdae-archive | @dissodic-archive | @a-agere-archive could be useful? | @spritzcoiner | @sage-thee-herbmaster | @disso-lovesong | // ask to be untagged or to be tagged in similar/subset terms
this relationship dynamic doesn't/cannot involve sexual or romantic attraction.
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redacted-coiner · 5 months ago
could you maybe make desirage, desirchild, desiradult, desirteen, desirpermachild and desirpermateen pixels?(you don’t have to tho/gen)
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Desirchild , Desirage Desirteen
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Desirpermachild , Desiradult , Desirpermateen
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Desirimmortal and Desirfifage
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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desirfictional · 4 months ago
Desirchild/desirpermachild tips please?
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ofc! i hope these help:
♡ wear oversized clothes to make yourself feel smaller
♡ swear as little as possible
♡ buy stuffed animals! give them names and personalities and play with them a lot
♡ buy other kids toys too
♡ drink caprisuns, koolaid, juice boxes, glasses of milk/orange juice, or other drinks children usually drink
♡ buy crayola crayons and draw with them, including buying childrens coloring books
♡ watch kids shows like gravity falls, my little pony, littlest pet shop, adventure time, bluey, etc
♡ read books for kids like warrior cats, wings of fire, percy jackson, etc (or books for even younger kids, like how to read books)
♡ instead of buying things or going to places yourself, ask someone else to take you places or buy things for you
♡ set a bedtime for yourself and try to make it pretty early (like 6 or 7 pm)
♡ buy onesies to wear as pajamas, especially onesies that are themed after animals
♡ try to mention your chrono-age as little as possible, only mention it if its necessary
♡ ask your friends/family/partners/etc to treat you like your intra-age
♡ when celebrating birthdays, celebrate your intra-age birthday instead of your chrono-age one
♡ remember to always be safe about transitioning, dont lie about your chrono-age in any sort of legal contexts (like medical forms, relationships, etc)
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nichelink · 2 months ago
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Parent+Child: an All-Ages nichelink relationship/relationship dynamic where one person is the "child" and the other/s are the "parent/s."
this is a subset of Family Nichelink. this isn't the same as being an agereg or syskid caretaker, it is a committed specific relationship dynamic (that might be useful to agere/syskid communities)
this may include, but isn't limited to:
familial attraction
non-rose/tertiary attraction like cedural, tutelary etc
people who identify as "found family"
the child being an age regressor, age slider, chronosian, dissoage/dissotime/dissoperpetualbaby/dissotraumayounger/dissoconnochildhood, desirchild/desirpermachild etc etc
the child being a syskid/youthful headmate in a system and the parent being a protector/designated syskid caretaker headmate
the child being under some obligation to the parent and having to follow rules they set
nichelink carrd
tagging: @radiomogai | @everythingarchive | @dreaming-of-mogai | @desirdae-archive | @dissodic-archive | @a-agere-archive could be useful? | @spritzcoiner | @sage-thee-herbmaster | @disso-lovesong | // ask to be untagged or to be tagged in similar/subset terms
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nichelink · 2 months ago
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Teacher+Student: a 16+ nichelink relationship/relationship dynamic where one person is the "teacher" and the other is the "student."
this may include, but is not limited to:
the teacher being an introject/kin/alterhuman of a character who is a teacher
non-rose/tertiary attraction like cedural, tutelary etc
the teacher being dissoteacher/dissosubteacher
the teacher being a moralist, coach, academic, internal self helper etc
the teacher handling plurschool activities for their system or others
the student being an age regressor, age slider, chronosian, dissoage/dissotime/dissoperpetualbaby/dissotraumayounger/dissoconnochildhood, desirchild/desirpermachild etc etc
the student being embarrassed that they don't understand something because it's assumed to be "basic knowledge," and the teacher being knowledgeable in it and wanting to be their dedicated teacher
the people in the relationship wanting some kind of dynamic where one has some small amount of authority over the other while also being a protecting and helpful figure, and not vibing with Kid+Babysitter or Parent+Child; the teacher wanting to be a dedicated figure in the student's life who can support them and teach them but in a way less immediately attached than those terms
nichelink coining
flag inspirations: the dissoteacher flag, images of apples, the system caretaker flag
tagging: @radiomogai | @desirdae-archive | @dreaming-of-mogai | @everythingarchive | @a-agere-archive ? // ask to be untagged or to be tagged in specific concept/themes
i chose to make this rated 16+ as i don't believe it's fair or logical for someone younger than this to take this role.
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desirdae-coiner · 5 months ago
Hi me again hope you don’t mind but can I request desirpermachild too please?
I posted it. Hope you like it.
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