#Derek Hale being a good dad is such a treat
shona22 · 2 months
With the ass pull of the writing we got from tw, it always surprised me how dedicated TH was with Derek's character growth. Because I came across the clip again, the one where Derek is explaining to the sheriff how he hasn't transformed infront of Eli after that incident in his childhood, how absolutely broken he sounds, and lets others see him in that state?
Fatherhood had changed him, sure. But you know what else had? His anchor shifting from being anger to Stiles. That jeep, along with the sheriff, being the closest connection to Stiles he can get...Jesus Christ. TH really tried everything to give us just an inch of catharsis, a sense of closure.
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space-fox-writes · 8 months
Derek Hale x Female Reader
Title- Stiles' Little Sister
Description- Derek comforts reader after she had a hard day at school. Just fluff, that's all this is
Word count- 1630
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Y/N is pulled from sleep at the feeling of a gentle hand rubbing up and down her back, nails lightly scratching a path over her shirt. A smile graces her face when she looks up to see her boyfriend of eight months crouching down next to her bed. "Hi, Derbear." She whispers through a sleepy smile.
"Hi, babygirl. You looked so cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you." Derek says with a blinding smile. Y/N is quick to bury her face back into her pillow, blushing at Derek's words. Derek huffs out a laugh as he climbs into the bed with the younger girl. "How was school?" He asks, pressing a quick kiss to the crown of her head. Y/N merely shrugs her shoulder, resting her head on the werewolf's chest. "Did something happen?" He worries. 
Y/N sighs, letting the feel of Derek running his nails down her shirt-covered back calm her before she says anything. "Nothing happened, per se," She mutters, drawing patterned on Derek's chest. "It's just the teachers, and students, and stuff." She finally says after a moment of silence.
"Did somebody say something to you?" Derek questions, still running his hand up and down the girl's back in an attempt to keep her grounded and in the moment.
The room is quiet for a few minutes as Y/N gathers her thoughts, deciding how she wants to talk the problem out with her boyfriend. "It's just, that ever since our relationship became public, everyone treats me differently. Like, kids talk about me behind their backs. Granted, they don't know I can hear what they're saying, werewolf hearing and everything but that doesn't matter! The teachers treat me differently too. They don't call on me when I know the answer, and they know, I know it! And they call on me when I don't know the answer and embarrass me in front of the whole class. Hearing what everyone is saying about us behind our backs is what hurts the most." Y/N vents, squeezing her hands into fists when her claws slowly start to come out. Taking a deep breath, she continues. "I hear them say I'm only with you for the money or the sex. I'm not only with you for either but don't get me wrong, the sex is great, but it's not the only reason I'm with you! Or the money! I don't care about the money! I promise Der." Y/N says, tears quickly brimming her eyes.
"Hey, hey, calm down babygirl. I know you're not with me for either, though I would have to agree, the sex is pretty good," Derek says with a cheeky smile, making Y/N huff out a laugh. "What else are they saying?" He questions quietly.
"They say that you're blackmailing or threatening me to be with you, calling you a pervert for being with someone so much younger than you. Eight years isn't that much! Mom and Dad were nine years apart! Dad wouldn't have let us be together if he saw something wrong with it" Y/N exclaims.
Sure, the Sheriff didn't see any problems with the couple being together, but Stiles sure saw a problem.
Y/N and Derek were too wrapped up in each other to hear the sound of the loft door being opened and closed, or the sound of footsteps coming toward them until it was too late. Stiles' scream of horror when he looked at the couple is what brought them out of the intense makeout session. Y/N hurriedly throws herself off of Derek's lap, covering herself with the comforter, and looking around the floor for her jeans and shirt she had thrown off in her haste to climb onto Derek's lap.
"Stiles! Do you not know how to knock?" Derek growls, pulling his jeans on over his boxers.
"I didn't think I had to knock! I would have if I'd known you were sucking my baby sister's face off! Dude, you're like, ten years older than her! Dad is gonna flip when he finds out, Y/N!" Stiles yells.
"He's only eight years older, and Dad already knows! I wouldn't be dating Derek if Dad didn't know. Now will you please leave so I can get dressed? I would rather my boyfriend be the only person to see me in my underwear!" Y/N yells at her older brother, sending the other boy scurrying out of the room and down the stairs. Y/N sighs, flopping down onto the bed, and covering her face with her hands.
"At least we still had our underwear on. It could have been so much worse, babydoll," Derek says as he hovers over her. He pries her hands from her face, giving her a gentle smile when she glares at him. "Look on the bright side, now when I sneak in your window at night, we don't have to be as quiet, since he knows. Granted, I'm not gonna make you scream, that's only for me to hear." Derek says, nipping at the younger girl's neck, making her squeal.
"You better get off my sister and get down here, Derek Hale!" Stiles yells from the living room of the loft. Derek growls softly, his eyes flashing Alpha red, Y/N's flashing yellow in return as she giggles at her boyfriend and Alpha.
"We're coming, keep your pants on, Stilinski!" Derek yells back, getting up from the bed to finish buttoning his jeans and find a shirt. He throws Y/N's discarded clothes at her, flashing his eyes at her one last time as he says, "We're not done here. When he leaves, I'm going to finish what I started." Y/N squeaks, moving to quickly put her clothes on, in a bid to get her brother out of the loft quicker. Derek chuckles, watching his girlfriend rush down the stairs while she's still fixing her shirt.
"Stiles has a reason to have a problem with our relationship, but no one else does! I just don't understand why anyone else cares." Y/N says, sniffling softly, all the steam from her rant quickly leaving her.
"Y/N, can you look at me please?" Derek gently asks, pulling his girlfriend's face to his. "I don't care what anyone else thinks of us. This relationship is between you and me. No one else. No one else has any say in our relationship. I'm dating you, not them. If I wanted their opinion, I would ask them, but I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, they can all go eat Wolfsbane. I only care what you think, because I love you, and only you."  Derek says softly, smiling when Y/N's eyes widen.
"You love me?" She asks. In the eight months they had been dating, those three words hadn't come up yet. Y/N had wanted Derek to say it when he felt like it, not when he thought she would want to hear it, so she let him be the first to say it.
"I do. I love you more than anything in this world, which is why I don't care what anyone else says about us. Only you."
"I love you too, more than anything, Derek. You're the best thing to happen to me in a long time." Y/N says. Her eyes flash gold, Derek's answering in red. The couple sit for several minutes in content silence, until Y/N says, "My mom would have loved you."
Derek's face breaks into a huge smile when he replies. "I know my family would love you too. Almost as much as I love you. But not nearly as much." He says, pulling the girl on top of him. Y/N softly rubs her nose over Derek's neck, scenting him gently. She lets the smell of her Alpha lull her to sleep, Derek following not long after.
The sound of the dismissal bell rings throughout the parking lot, as students file out of the doors. Derek waits, leaning up against his Camero, watching for Y/N's bouncing bun on the top of her head to come out of the door. When he finally lays eyes on her, she's talking to a girl with purple hair, but is quick to bid her goodbye when she sees Derek waiting for her. She takes off like a shot to him, her backpack bouncing against her back as she rapidly makes her way to him.
Derek braces for impact when she gets close to him, opening his arms for her to run into. The Alpha werewolf encircles her shoulders with his arms when she makes contact with him, her arms wrapping around his middle. "Hi, baby. I missed you today." Derek says into her hair, where he places a kiss. "How was your day?" He asks when she pulls away.
She gives him a radiant smile, puckering her lips in invitation for a kiss, which Derek is quick to grant with a huff of laughter. "It was really good. Since you've started picking me up at the end of the day and you bring me lunch, people have stopped talking about us as much. The teachers are nicer too. I think they're scared of you. It's great!" Y/N chirps happily.
Derek laughs gently at the younger werewolf, sliding his hands down her back to rest of her jeans-clad butt. "I'm glad. Now, let's get home, I've been dying to have you under me all day, and I don't plan on wasting any more time in making that happen. Get in the car, babydoll." Derek all but growls in Y/N's ear, opening to door for her. Y/N makes a sound between a squeal and moan when Derek slaps her butt as she's getting into the Camero, making Derek laugh as he rounds the front of the car to get into the driver's side, revving the engine and pulling out of the parking lot hastily.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Camping & Bonding (Part 3)
Tags: m/m, Erica Lives, Boyd Lives, Jackson Doesn't Leave, Pack Mom Stiles, Pack Feels, True Mates, fluff, hurt/comfort, camping, mutual pining, m/f
Main Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Side Pairings: Scott/Allison, Boyd/Erica, Jackson/Lydia
Teen Wolf Characters: Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd III, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Cora Hale, Scott McCall, Allison Argent
@writersmonth Prompts Part 3: flame + forest
Summary: Stiles thinks the pack should go camping, as a bonding exercise. Much to his surprise, Derek agrees with his plan. So the pack goes off into the mountains to camp together.
This Fic on AO3 | This Fic on FFNet
Stiles Summer Stories 2024
Part 3: The Bonfire
Dinner was a huge success. Everyone huddled around the bonfire, the flame throwing that soft glow that set the mood. Laughter and conversation filled the space between them, shoulders bumping, arms wrapped around each other. And after food, there had to be dessert, of course. Who would Stiles be if he hadn't brought marshmallows, crackers and chocolate, after all?
"Here," Derek offered Stiles a smore.
He'd been making multiple ones at the same time, handing them out to the entire pack. Stiles found himself happy to accept the treat. The bonfire painted beautiful shadows on Derek, the shadows of his lashes dancing over his cheeks. It made his Sourwolf look unusually soft.
There was laughter and there were stories. Surprisingly, Boyd told the best ghost stories, he really knew how to deliver them. And if Stiles ducked just a little closer to Derek, the Alpha at least didn't seem to mind, or notice. Stiles munched on another smore and enjoyed the closeness and warmth from his Alpha. He may not have werewolf senses but he still relished in Derek's scent.
"We should do this more often," Allison smiled. "Though I'll come hunting with you tomorrow."
Derek hummed softly. "We used to do this, when I was young."
"I remember," Cora whispered. "Faintly. But… it was nice. I remember dad's barbecue. Mom and the other older wolves would go and hunt, and dad would prepare dinner."
"Yeah?" Stiles kept his voice gentle, trying to get the Hales to talk more.
They so rarely brought up their family, their old pack. Especially not in a positive context. Filled with pain and grief, maybe. But they rarely shared good memories. Stiles wanted to hear every good story they had, he wanted to know everything that made Derek happy.
"Why didn't your dad go hunting with the rest of the pack?" Scott asked confused.
"Our dad was human," Derek replied, his eyes on the bonfire but the look very far away. "There were multiple humans in the pack, mates to the wolves and children who took after their human parent. Dad took care of them, made sure they'd feel bonded with the pack too."
Stiles blinked in awe. He hadn't known that Derek and Cora's father was human. The Alpha Mate had been human? Was that a thing? Sure, he knew the pack valued him, but at times, he still felt a distance. There were things he just couldn't do, or feel, because he was human. But if someone who had the second highest rank in the pack – higher than the right or right hand – could be human? Then maybe the difference between werewolf and human didn't matter all that much.
"Going out to hunt together was actually an exercise in coordinated attack too, on top of being a bonding experience," Derek whispered, the far-away look turning more sad. "Mom… always knew how to make the work and training aspects fun. I just…"
Without thinking on it, Stiles reached out a hand to rest on Derek's arm in comfort. He knew where the Alpha was going with this. He thought he wasn't as good an Alpha as Talia, couldn't live up to the Hale legacy. And maybe he wasn't, but he was on his way. He was working on himself. Becoming a better Alpha, the longer he was one. With Stiles' help, he'd started teaching the betas how to control themselves without pain, by finding their own anchors – the way Stiles had helped Scott channel his love for Allison as his anchor. Derek wasn't a bad Alpha, he was just someone born to be a beta, who had never been taught to be an Alpha, and he had been raised in a pack of born wolves, so he struggled to relate to the ones who'd been turned through the bite. Derek turned to look at Stiles with soft, warm eyes and the smallest hint of a smile.
"We could make this like a once a month thing," Isaac leaned back, looking up into the starry sky. "Going away for a weekend to go camping together."
"That sounds like a good idea," Lydia agreed.
Lydia, who'd argued against camping and sleeping on the ground with insects all around. But she too could see that this meant something to Derek. They all could see it. The closer their pack grew, the more in tune with each other did they get. Jackson, with his arm around Lydia, hummed his agreement, Boyd and Scott voicing their enthusiasm for the idea, everyone else smiling in encouragement and confirmation at their Alpha.
"It's getting late," Derek cleared his throat and got up. "Let's clean up and head to bed. I want to go on a morning run with you at sunrise."
They all worked together cleaning up and putting all the left over food away so it won't attract any wild animals to their camp ground before each duo headed into their tent. Which was when the challenging part started for Stiles. He tried not to look at Derek while the Alpha got changed because werewolves could smell arousal, and instead focused on getting changed.
Once in his shirt and sweatpants, he settled in, burrowing deep in his sleeping bag. His eyes were on Derek though, the older man laying so close. There was something near domestic to getting ready for bed and turning in together like this and Stiles' heart was thumping like a rabbit. He shuddered at the cold of the night. Right. Because sleeping in a tent in the forest during autumn might not be the greatest idea ever. He pulled his sleeping bag closer around himself.
"You're cold," Derek noted, eyebrows furrowed.
"Amazing observation skills, Sourwolf," Stiles gave him a deadpan. "What gave it away? The way I am burritoing myself into my sleeping bag, or the shivering?"
A soft, annoyed growl and an eye-roll was all Stiles' hard-worked sarcasm got him though. It said a lot about how far they'd come that all Stiles got for being obnoxious was mild annoyance and that Stiles fully stopped feeling threatened by any kind of growling happening.
"C'mere," Derek huffed and lifted his own sleeping bag.
It took Stiles embarrassingly long to piece together what Derek was suggesting because his brain fully refused to believe that was actually happening. "Do you want to cuddle with me?"
The look Derek gave him at that should actually physically hurt, it was quite impressive. "You're cold. I'm not. Wolves run hotter. You can also stay over there, freezing your ass off, if you prefer."
"Oh, hell no," Stiles huffed and dove straight for the Alpha.
He gave a content little sigh as he snuggled up to the living radiator known as Derek Hale. Wolves really did run hot. Squishing his cheek against Derek's chest, he did his best to press up against Derek for maximum heat exposure. Derek made a small noise that Stiles couldn't really tell what it meant before he wrapped his own sleeping bag around them both.
And this totally wasn't weird. It wasn't. Not at all. Pack cuddled all the time. They had puppy piles during pack nights, when the wolves returned from their run they'd all huddle together in the den in an entanglement of limbs. Just because this was only Derek and Stiles, all alone, did not make it weird, it was just like pack cuddles. Nothing weird going on at all. No, sir.
"This was a good idea, Stiles," Derek's voice was… warm. "Thank you."
"Thank you, huh," Stiles grinned a little. "Gotta mark that down in my calendar."
Derek heaved a sigh at that. "Shut up, Stiles."
"See, now that's more like the Sourwolf I know," Stiles snuggled a little closer. "Night, Der."
Derek tucked Stiles under his chin, arms around him. "Good night, Stiles."
Running wild in the forest had felt so good. He loved doing it at the preserve, but here, in the mountains, mapping a territory he wasn't familiar with yet, and with his pack at his side, it felt different. Hunting down their dinner himself. They needed to do that again. And bringing the game to his mate, if Derek was able to turn into a full wolf he would have wagged his tail in excitement when Stiles praised him for bringing him the deer. Human Derek simply grunted.
It hadn't even hurt to talk about his family, like it usually did. There was just… warmth, in sharing this with his pack. Happiness. It nearly felt like healing. Like he was finally reclaiming what had been taken from him – his land, his home, his pack. He was on the right path. A big part of him still wished he wouldn't have to, but the other part knew he couldn't change the past and that clinging onto it and onto the pain wasn't going to do him any good. His betas had shown him that. By trying to cling to how things used to be, he had alienated them and nearly lost them.
He did come to regret Stiles' sleeping arrangement choices though, because when they headed into their tent, Derek found himself all alone in a small, enclosed space with Stiles. Sleepy, cute Stiles, shivering, cold Stiles. And being unable to watch his mate shiver close by, Derek had offered Stiles to sneak into his sleeping bag. Just to keep Stiles warm, because he didn't want the human to catch a cold. Because Derek was being a good Alpha these days. Good Alphas didn't let their pack members freeze. If his inner wolf was purring happily and if Derek slept better that night than he had since the fire, then that was between him and his inner wolf.
Waking up surrounded by Stiles' scent, with his mate safely tucked against his chest, was the best feeling Derek could imagine and he wished every day could start like this. He wished Stiles could be his. But Stiles deserved so much better than what Derek had to offer. Though he was working on himself, he still struggled with communication, he still growled more than he talked, snapped when people didn't understand the things that were natural and obvious to him. He was still plagued by his past, by his survivor's guilt twice over, by all the trauma he'd been through. That was too much to burden anyone with. Why would Stiles want to be stuck with all of that. With him.
"Mornin', Sourwolf," Stiles' voice was rough with sleep.
His nose rubbed against Derek's collarbone, making Derek shudder at the skin-contact and at how cold it was. He instinctively pulled Stiles closer to warm him up more. Derek wanted to stay in this moment forever, the soft noises of the forest waking up outside, the morning chill in the air but the warmth of his mate on his chest as they slowly woke up.
The moment was destroyed by Scott opening the tent. "He—ey, Derek, what about the ru-"
The beta abruptly stopped talking and stared at them in mild bewilderment. Because they were cuddling. Because that wasn't something Derek and Stiles did. Should do. Reluctantly, Derek let go of his mate, allowing Stiles to sit up and stretch. His shirt riled up just a little, revealing a sliver of pale skin doted with moles that Derek had not yet gotten to see.
"Less chipper this early in the morning, Scotty boy," Stiles yawned. "Go and put that energy into hunting down breakfast. No, not hunt. Don't bring me raw meat for breakfast. How about you round up the other puppies and make sure they're all awake and ready because the way I know you guys, Erica is probably still asleep and Jackson is still doing his hair, so no point in bothering Derek yet. Make sure everyone is ready by the time Derek joins you. Shoo, now."
Scott gave them one last doubtful look but then he simply obeyed. Something that was affecting Derek more and more the longer it went on. Stiles commanding the betas. It was marvelous now naturally Stiles took over his role as Alpha Mate without even knowing. Derek's inner wolf was whining happily and practically begging for belly-rubs from Stiles. And that, Derek was never going to admit. Instead, he turned to get changed.
"Speaking of hunt. I didn't know you could take apart a deer."
"C'mo—on. Sheriff's son!" Stiles motioned vaguely. "In a small town! With a forest!"
"Flailing disaster who keeps falling flat on his face," Derek argued dryly. "Would not trust with a gun or a knife. Much less both of them."
Stiles narrowed his eyes in indignation but he knew Derek was right so he didn't argue, making Derek smirk. Beyond the way Stiles complimented him as a leader, Derek loved their banter the most. He loved how Stiles had never, at no point in their relationship, backed down from him. Even when Derek had still been a stranger and a danger, Stiles had been filled with snark. Derek loved it. Derek loved Stiles.
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Idea of a Teen Wolf Percy Jackson crossover where Percy is petters kid
Percy is Peter kid but is still a regular demigod since you can't been half werewolf. The hales don't know that he is a demigod but they know he is something that is not fully human and is difficulty not a wolf but love him all the same. Before the fire happened he was getting demigod dreams and tried to warn his family but it got brushed off as regular nightmares since he was five. The fire happened he was inside the house but only got slightly hurt since he is mostly fire resistant but had to watch other burn alive. Lura put him in foster care when she and Derek reached New York since she couldn't take care of a traumatized five year old and teenager.
After a while he is adopted by Sally and his story is the same as canon until the point where he swims in the rive of Styx. Since he has two dads instead of a bio mom he can't get a mother's blessing and swim in the river. Nico and Percy still go to underworld since they wouldn't know that they need a mother's blessing tell they talk Achilles. Not wanting this whole underworld trip to go to waste Percy gets into the river but makes sure not to let the water touch him to try and take talk to the spirit that lived in the rive in hopes of getting the ion skin anyway. They talk and he end of impressing her since he is a man of his word and has a fatal flaw of loyally and they make a deal. If he could un pollute her river she would give him a blessing just not the one he was original after but one that would be better in the long run. He cleans her river and gets a blessing and has his fight with Hades.
Everyone thinks he has the curse of Achilles so he hides his injuries so no one knows he doesn't have invulnerability and everything goes as canon the same till the end where he passes out from his injures after he give the knife to Luke and Kronos is defeated. He almost died form his hidden injures and everyone now know he never had the cures of Achilles and is stick at camp recovering and helping rebuild until he is taken by Hera. Sally doesn't know that he is still alive since he never got the chance to send a sign that he was ok after everything went down. She goes to the cops and opens a missing persons case for him since she doesn't know what to do and has to have a way to explain to people why she is grieving for her son.
On the teen wolf side of things Derek has even more guilt than he did before since they had warning about the fire but they all brushed it off. He can't forget that it could have been avoided if they just listened to little Percy. He feel even worse when he finds out that Lura give Percy up since he thinks she picked him over Percy when she tried to explain that she couldn't help two traumatized kids while being traumatized herself. He tries to look out for Percy from a distance and makes sure he gets taken out of the bad homes he was placed in. When Percy goes to Sally, Derek stops checking in as often when sees how good Sally is and miss what smelly gabe did to them both when he come into the picture a couple of months after Percy stated to live with Sally.
Derek stops checking in on Percy when he is 12 right before Percy find out he is a demigod because Lura thinks it is unhealthy that he is slightly staking their cousin and tills him that he can only check in if he goes and talks to Percy to try and rebuild their relationship. When the whole man hunt thing goes on tv Derek feels like he could have avoided it if he was still checking in on Percy and goes and tries to find him. In Derek's search he finds out how smelly gabe was treating Sally and Percy. When Percy and Sally get home safe Derek decides to stop his check ins because he feels like a starker instead of a protector sine he missed something so big with smelly gabe.
When Lura goes back to Beacon Hills Derek checks in on Percy for the first time in a couple of years just so he could reassure that his family is safe only to over hear the call Sally got after the saint helens volcano incident and believes that Percy is dead. Since he doesn't know for sure how Percy died so he assumed that it was hunters that found out that he was something other than completely human. He goes to call Lura and tell he the news only to find out that she was killed. He had no lead on Percy's killers so he decides to hunt down Lura's killer.
When he gets to town he tries to look out for Scott and Stiles since they are the same age as Percy is and he feels supper guilty that he never really got to know his cousin, so he wants to make sure that kids Percy age don't end up in the same early grave. He is torn between keeping Stiles close to keep him safe and scaring him away. He doesn't want to fail Stiles by being to far away to notice when he isn't safe like he was with Percy but he thinks it is unsafe for a human to be rapped up in this stuff since every good human he knows that got in the supernatural stuff died and want to keep him away for it all.
Things are dragged out longer than in canon and Peter is saner. He had his connection to Percy to help him hold on to keep him sane and in-between the killing he is looking for his son how he knows survived the fire. The whole school year passes and it is the start of summer when they find out that the alpha is peter and they have their big show down. Peter asks Derek what happened to Percy, that he knows that his son survived the fire and has been though a lot of pain and suffering since than, he almost wished Percy was killed in the fire to save him form the life he had because it must have been something for him to be suicidal at 12 and didn't look to be getting better. In the end Derek was unwilling to kill Peter and Peter was never lite on fire. They kill Kate and try to find out what happened to Percy.
Stiles get brought in to help figure out what happened to Percy and end up adopted by Peter since the Sheriff isn't the best dad. They find Percy when he loses his memories and that is about the time Gerenold comes to town.
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
Give me a Headcanon about Stiles working somewhere and his boss being an absolute dick (think a la The Devil Wears Prada), but it’s such a good move for his career, he doesn’t quite know what to do. How does he deal with it? How does Derek deal with it? (ofc this is sterek, I’m nothing but predictable).
It's his supervising agent or whomstever when he's entry level at the FBI (i do not know how the FBI is structured lmao, just go with it). he's trying to be on his best behavior, cuz he is NEVER gonna get a chance like this again, and if he blows it here he's gonna have to go back to Beacon Hills and be a deputy and work under his dad and he will literally just straight up die if he has to do that.
but his boss is the wooooorst. he's condescending and dismissive, passive aggressive as fuck, never takes anything Stiles says seriously, treats him like a fucking intern, still hasn't even gotten around to learning Stiles' goddamn NAME. he's about to snap.
he's honestly not sure when Derek got into town. by the time he reveals himself to Stiles, he's already like.....got an apartment downtown and stuff. like, he is settled in. he never really says why he came to town, but Stiles thinks it might be so that the pack human isn't completely on his on this side of the continent (Jackson and Danny both ended up settling near enough to MIT that Lydia could call them in an emergency, but no one else ended up on the east coast with Stiles). he tried to be mad about it for a minute, but honestly he was getting kinda lonely and homesick so having Derek around is nice and he's decided to let himself embrace Derek as his new (local) best friend.
ANYWAY, so he unloads on Derek about what an absolute dick his supervising agent is and how he can't DO anything about it because the guy is absolutely 100% petty enough to tank his career prospects in retaliation if he does.
Derek's advice? go over his head. make friends with his boss's boss. play the long game, make sure that guy absolutely LOVES HIM, and then casually make mention of The Asshole's behavior, in one of those self-effacing "oh don't worry, it's fine, i'm being so brave about it" kind of ways, and then let the big boss take care of it on his behalf uwu
Stiles is......frankly stunned 😂 he's really used to Derek solving problems with his fists, he was expecting Derek to offer to beat the guy up for him or something. aaaaand that's when he remembers that Talia Hale was a politician. Derek may not like political maneuvering, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to utilize it when necessary.
it's genius, and it works like a charm. Derek lends his super-hearing so they can eavesdrop on the big boss and find out his interests, which Stiles just so happens to adopt as his own new interests, and his super-sniffer, so they can track the guy's movements and just so happen to bump into him in a few random places.
it's all very cloak and dagger and it turns out to be great fun, scheming with Derek to screw over his supervisor.
on the day the supervisor gets transferred to another office (the big boss did not like the way he spoke to his nice young friend, who is both a very promising rookie agent and a fellow avid birdwatcher who helped him find a prothonotary warbler to photograph), Stiles kisses Derek. he kisses him SO GOOD.
happily ever after, the end
-takes a bow-
sleepover weekend!! ask me things!!
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 15: Frustrations and Paralyzations
After being interrogated and treated, Stiles sent Sam home.
The next day, kinda seemed like a breeze.
Sam sat on the bleachers waiting for Stiles to finish his rock climbing. The gym students crowded around the rock wall, staring up and laughing at a frizzy blonde clinging to it in fear.
Coach was trying to persuade her to come down, which she finally did. The girl was Erica Reyes. She and Sam used to talk in freshmen year, almost formed a friendship before Erica stopped talking to her altogether. Sam never knew why, but it didn't bother her too much. She still had her boys.
Erica tried to smile the situation off as the rest of her class laughed at her. She glanced at Sam with a weak smile, tightly wrapped her arms around herself and walked past her. Sam watched her go and sighed. She felt bad for her. It wasn't her fault. Rock climbing wasn't easy. Sam was scared of it in her freshman year until she learned to keep going despite the risk of falling.
Turns out Erica had a seizure while trying to climb the rock wall alone. Scott had saved her, feeling a connection towards her and now she was in the hospital.
Sam was on the way to her next class when she saw a distressed Jackson having a heated conversation with Lydia, who was back at school. The red head looked terrified, and Jackson looked beyond pissed.
Fucking prick.
"You ruin everything!", Jackson screamed to the flinching girl. He turned on his heel and stormed away from her in Sam's direction. He almost bumped into her and his eyes narrowed on her.
"Both of you! Nothing happened to both of you! It's like your immunity was passed everybody! You all ruined this!", he yelled and stormed away.
Sam shook her head and moved over to Lydia. Despite not liking her, Sam hated how Jackson treated her. "You okay?", she asked. Lydia looked at her with tears welling in her green eyes. She hastily walked away without another word. Sam clenched her jaw.
She was sick of being nice in a school full of pricks. What the fuck was up with them… 
Just as quick as that interaction happened, lunch came by and Stiles dragged her off with him into the lunchroom, meeting up with some guy named Boyd.
She's never seen him around before. Made sense if he was always by himself and kept his head down. They walked up to his table and Stiles took a seat across from Boyd.
"Boyd, do you have the keys?", Stiles asked. Boyd lifted his hand, reaching over to give Stiles a set of keys. But when Stiles reached to grab them, Boyd snatched them back. 
"This isn't a favor, it's a transaction.", Boyd said. 
"Right, yeah, well…" Stiles searched his pocket and slapped a twenty-dollar bill on the table.
"I said fifty.", Boyd gruffed, glaring at Stiles.
"I remember twenty. I have a very good verbal memory and I remember twenty. I remember that distinctive 'twah' sound. Twenty.", Stiles tried to get out of his deal.
"I said fifty. The 'fuh' sound. Hear the difference? If you can't, I can demonstrate some other words with the 'fuh' sound."
"Oh, no, I think I'm recalling it now. Maybe I got it confused with a…forty." Stiles slapped another twenty on the table. Boyd stared at him, popping a Dorito into his mouth and chewing slowly. Sam's eyes bounced back and forth between them in annoyance.
"Come on man, do you see the piece of crap Jeep I drive?", Stiles whined.
"Do you see the piece of crap bus I take?", Boyd countered. Sam sighed, rolling her eyes and pulled out a ten, slamming it onto the table. "We done?", she asks.
Boyd looked at it, then to Stiles, then at her and smiled, finally letting Stiles have the keys.
"You're welcome. Let's go.", she smiles at Boyd before standing and yanking Stiles up by the back of his collar and led him to Scott. Stiles sat down across from Scott. "Got them. So after work meet me at the rin—" Scott and Stiles' eyes followed a beautiful, busty blonde walking into the cafeteria.
She wore a white tank top, black leather jacket, and a short, tight leather skirt. She walked with a purpose in her leopard print pumps. Her lips were plastered with bright red lipstick.
She strutted over to a table of boys, bending down and taking a bite of one of the kid's apples. She smirked at them and turned to the trio. She eyed and smiled at them suspiciously. The girl was Erica Reyes. The girl who only yesterday was being made fun of, now eye candy of the entire cafeteria.
She was just a shivering, nervous mess yesterday. The hell happened?
"What in the holy hell is that?" Lydia slammed her hands down on their table.
"Derek.", Scott growled. 
"Definitely Derek.", Sam repeated with a frustrated sigh. Erica walked out of the lunchroom, leaving all the boys with their mouths agape. Sam stood up, following after Erica first, the boys quickly trailing behind her.
They ran out of the school and through the door to the front courtyard to see Erica getting into a shiny black Camaro. The front window pulled down as he, in blacked out sunglasses, flashed the three of them a smile and sped off.
"Fucking hard-headed hypocrite…", Sam sneered. She shook her head, walking to her mom's car, getting in and following his car to his new home. An abandoned train car.
"Derek!", Sam called, walking in. He emerged out of one of the train cars. Erica trailed close behind and so did Isaac Lahey.
"You turned her? Did we not just have this conversation about turning defenseless, emotionally unstable teenagers into ravage beasts?", Sam asked as she stormed up to him. 
"Hey.", Erica yelled in warning.
"Shut it.", Sam narrowed her eyes, pointing at her.
"Fine." He huffed. "I'll make it up by helping out with Scott." Sam looked at him like he had grown another head. "Help? You were already supposed to be helping with Scott. That's what I ended up getting bitten for!"
Derek frowned. "Plus, Scott's busy.", Sam says.
He raised an eyebrow. "With?"
"Why's it matter? ", she asked and wiggled her fingers toward the two blond betas behind him. "You have your little crew over here and now you're bothered by what he'll be doing?"
His eyebrows furrowed and Sam stepped closer to him, raising her eyebrows in challenge. "I'm not threatened by your thick ass eyebrows. Me, Scott, Allison, Stiles and," She rolled her eyes. "Lydia are going to ice skating rink. Are we not allowed to have fun? You look like you've been having fun these past few days, so why can't we?", she asked.
Derek rolled his own eyes. "Whatever. Don't do anything stupid.", he says as she walked away. "That's my line!", she called as she left.
Later that night, she met Scott, Stiles, Allison and Lydia at the ice rink. To be honest, she regretted coming. It was basically a double date and Sam just stuck out.
Though, Stiles and Lydia were here as friends, at least she hoped. Stiles didn't need to be heartbroken over someone that wasn't even paying attention to him. 
Sam balanced herself around the rink while Lydia gracefully twirled around the ice. Lydia stopped her fun and skated over to an area, suddenly crouching down to the cold floor.
"Lydia?", Sam called noticing the girl's weird, sudden behavior, but she didn't answer. She skated over to where Lydia was crouched.
"Lydia, what's wrong?", Sam asked. There was a purple flower sticking up out of the ice. Ice shavings were piled at its base.
Sam bent down and touched it, quickly retracting her hand as it burned it. "The hell…?"
Lydia wiped away the crushed-up ice around the area around the flower and it revealed a man. His eyes were wide open, familiar and the girls immediately felt their world crumble as they saw who it was. It was Peter Hale. Lydia and Sam let out a scream, catching the attention of the other three.
Stiles came rushing over to them, aiding Lydia by holding her. She was still screaming and blubbering as Stiles held here. Sam started hyperventilating at the sight of Peter's face. Why was he here? Why? He was charred. He was! They burned him. How is he here?
Scott ran over to Sam, holding her face away from the area.
"Sam, what happened? What? What's going on?" Her eyes couldn't pry away from Peter's shocked face.
"Sam?", Scott shook her and she whimpered, finally looking at him. "Peter."
The next day came quickly, much to Sam's relief. Yesterday had to have been a dream.
It didn't feel like it as Scott, Stiles, and Allison were so confused. They asked Sam so many more questions, she wasn't sure how to even answer any of them.
She walked into the lunchroom to see Scott sitting by himself. In front of Scott, was an empty table. 
Actually…wasn't Boyd supposed to be here too? It was his table.
If Boyd was here every day, sitting at that exact table… 
She shook her head, hoping he was gone for a good enough reason. 
"You see it too.", Scott suddenly said, nodding over at the table. Sam's shoulders dropped as she sighed.
Scott and Sam came up with the plan that they would go to the ice rink after school while Stiles would go to Boyd's house.
Right after school, they arrived at the ice rink. Rushing inside, they heard a machine going. A Zamboni was going around the ice and Boyd was the driver.
Scott rushed onto the ice, only a few feet from Boyd, while Sam stepped into the rink but stayed by the wall.
"Boyd, I just want to talk. Come on Boyd, please. Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't mean going out of control on the full moon, I mean everything!"
Boyd shut off the Zamboni and sighed.
"He told me about the hunters.", Boyd replied.
Really Derek…? He had a bad habit of giving bits and pieces instead of the whole thing.
"And that wasn't enough to say no? Whatever you want, there's better ways to get it.", Scott suggested. 
"I just don't want to eat lunch alone everyday.", Boyd said, making Sam frown.
She didn't know he didn't wanna be lonely. Speaking from experience, she got used to being alone once she moved to California. That was until she met Stiles. His bubbly personality changed her world.
"You could do a lot better than Derek.", Scott countered.
"Scott, really? We're throwing shade?", Sam asked, crossing her arms.
"I agree. That really hurt, Scott." Derek's voice echoed around the rink.
Sam looked around to see Derek, Erica, and Isaac standing there.
"If you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?", he asked the blonde.
"In a word," she thought for a minute, "transformative." She roared for emphasis. Sam rolled her eyes. The girl definitely changed. Annoyingly, so.
"Isaac?", Derek asked.
"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive but other than that I'm great.", Isaac smirked.
"This isn't exactly a fair fight.", Scott said suddenly.
"Then go home, Scott.", Derek smiled smugly. Derek looked at his two Betas, and they went for Scott.
He punched the ice, cracking it. He transformed into his wolf form, glaring at Derek.
"I meant fair for them.", he roared.
The three betas started fighting Scott while Boyd watched above from his Zamboni. Derek proudly watched his Betas fight Scott, Sam got into the ice rink, steadying her on the icy floor before making her way over to Derek with a glare.
"Boyd, really?", Sam asked.
"Yeah, why not.", he shrugged.
"Oh, I don't know, Derek. I can think of many reasons, but we'd probably be here all night.", Sam exclaimed. Derek frowned at her, "I told you that I needed to strengthen my pack."
She crossed her arms. "And I told you that not everyone needs to be a werewolf, just because they "have the potential", Derek. That's not how that works. You haven't learned from Jackson at all? He could've died. I could've died and they could've as well.", she expressed. Derek didn't reply. He knew, deep down, in a way, she was right, but the fresh alpha in him refused to agree.
Sam sighed harshly at the sound of hear mixtures of growls, roars, and bodies being thrown down. Claws were scratching against the ice. Scott tackled Isaac to the ground, and she could swear she heard something crack.
"Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power. It's all about him! He's making you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, but all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!", Scott yelled, forcefully sliding Isaac to Derek and Erica to Derek's feet. 
Derek smiled. "It's true. It is about power.", Derek admitted. He took a step over Isaac's unconscious body and began slowly walking towards Scott. He let his claws out, threateningly as he stalked over to Scott.
"Derek, stop!", Sam yelled after him, trying to push him away, but swayed on her own unsteady feet.
After twitching his head, he roared and stormed up to Scott, head butting him. He punched and slashed Scott in the stomach with his claws. She could hear his fist come in contact with Scott's face several times.
And then it came in contact with his stomach once more. Scott screamed, finally punching him back. Derek went for Scott again and all Sam could hear was Scott's painful yells and see their blurred motion.
She heard a loud heartbeat. Was it hers? Was it Scott's? Was it the betas? It felt like a throbbing headache, though. The sound began to increase in volume as if she had her ear on someone's chest.
She heard a familiar voice whisper in her left ear. "Don't you wanna join them? A little chaos won't hurt." She flinched, looking to her left to see no one there. Just like at Kate's funeral...
Sam began to sweat as she watched Derek practically pummel Scott.
"Just a little chaos and everything will be fine. They're having fun. Don't you see?", the feminine voice says.
Sam covered her ears and squeezed her eyes closed as the heartbeat got louder. This can't be happening.
She wasn't going insane…
She couldn't be. 
"They're having so much fun without you, Samantha…  you can't let it go to waste."
Her eyes widened as she trembled. She felt angry all of a sudden. Scared, even. And maybe excited…? She didn't know. It was a mixture of feelings; she didn't know what to do.
She tried taking deep breaths, but the more she did, the more she started to sweat and feel dizzy.
She could barely hear the beatings on Scott's body. She could barely hear the fighting going on anymore. The thumps of a heartbeat were too loud and it hurt her head.
She wanted it to stop. She wanted everything to just stop. 
"Then make it stop, Samantha. Make him stop."
Everything moved like a blur. Once Sam noticed Scott on the ground, trying to catch his breath, she moved.
Derek slid across the icy floor, landing in a pouncing stance as he glared at Sam. She tackled him? She managed to knock him over?
Derek let out a snarl but stopped suddenly as he got a good look at her. His red eyes widened as she glared at him back, holding a broken Scott in her arms. "I'm not gonna let you kill him.", she declared through her teeth.
"Sam…", she hears Scott's weakened, yet shocked voice. She looked down at him as he stared back up at her with wide eyes.
"Your eyes…", he muttered. She reached to pull out her phone but noticed her nails had gotten longer and her fingers looked like she dipped them in soot.
She pulled out her phone, switching to the camera and saw her face.
Her irises were yellow but her sclera was black. They also looked like she wore heavily eyeliner that streaked down to the apples of her cheeks. She had marks on her face that also contoured her cheeks.
She turned back to Derek with a hardened face. "The hell are you trying to do? Be a new Peter? You don't think this is going too far? You have your betas, but you better learn how to take care of them all by yourself." Derek frowned, standing straight.
She still kept pressure as he slowly healed, though. "I'm so sorry, Scott…", Sam said, sadly. He looked at her, slowly going back to his natural form. "You… what was that?", he asked.
Sam helped Scott up, grimacing at his whimpering. She glared at Derek over her shoulder. "We're talking about this later, Hale.", she says before leaving with Scott.
"Shhh, it's okay.", she comforted Scott as she got him into her mom's car. He wasn't bleeding as much, thank God.
Sam looked in the rearview mirror. Her face was back to normal. She sighed in relief and turned back to him. She felt okay again. At least, she didn't feel heavy or tense anymore.
"I don't know. I don't know how to explain it.", she says. 
They sat in silence until he fully healed, and Sam dropped him off. Sam headed over to Derek's new place and parked outside.
She got out of the car and looked around. His car was here. He has to be here. She quickly entered the abandoned station, walked down the stairs, and looked around. The station was silent and no one was around.
"Derek, I'm not gonna spend all night looking for you. Where are you?", Sam exclaimed, her voice echoing. 
She sighed and turned around, jumping at the sight of Derek leaning on a pillar behind her. "Shh. You're gonna wake up the kids.", he said, smirking.
"Are you done?", Sam huffed and shook her head. He thinks this is a game. Just like Peter. She supposed that runs in the family.
"You gonna explain what that was about?", he asked, pushing himself off the pillar and began circling her as if he was sizing her up.
"Not just anyone has the power to practically tackle an alpha.", he says. Sam rolled her eyes. "Well, it's obvious I haven't turned. You can smell it on me, can't you?"
He frowned. "If you haven't turned, then what the hell was that?"
"I don't know!", Sam exclaimed, making Derek raise an eyebrow.
She sighed. "I've been hearing voices in my head, but they're, like, a woman's voice. At least I'm sure it's been two women. One sounded like… this big boss lady and I'm sure her voice is linked up to the woman that was in my dreams the other day and then the voice I just heard sounded psychotic. Like she wanted me to lose control. I don't know…"
He looked at her, unsure.
"All I know is that I'm having this huge headache and I'm getting dizzy and then next thing I know, you're skidding across the ice and I've changed. I don't know how, but I changed.", Sam says, tiredly.
He didn't say anything for a while until he finally spoke up. "You didn't look like you turned… I can't put my finger on it though. You definitely didn't look like a wolf."
Sam looked at him in confusion. "I'm supposed to look like you guys if I had turned? You guys look like confused, angry puppies. I don't wanna look like that." 
He looked offended.
She sighed, dismissing his offense. "Tell me the truth, are you adding anyone else to the pack?"
"No. Not right now.", he says. She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. 
"I'm telling the truth.", he said. "Yeah, but you also said you'd stop. You're letting this power thing get to your head and it's getting ridiculous. Deaton warned me about this and I was having faith that you wouldn't. You're really destroying that faith right now.", she says and felt her phone buzzing.
She pulled out her phone to see she had gotten a text from Stiles. 
'911, meet me at Armor Tire & Service Center'
"What?", Derek asked, curious.
"Stiles, he said there was an emergency at some mechanic place.", Sam says, pocketing her phone away. "Go.", Derek directed.
"Yes, sir.", Sam sarcastically saluted and left.
Pulling into the service center, her eyebrows furrowed. There were at least two dozen cop cars along with a few ambulances. Red and blue police lights were flashing everywhere.
"Stiles?", Sam called, running up to him. His head snapped up from looking down at his shaking hands.
Where was Stiles? Was he okay? What happened to him?
She felt relieved when she saw Sheriff Stilinski and Stiles sitting on the edge of an ambulance. She parked and got out of hermom's car, rushing over to them. 
His face wet from the pelting rain contorted into sadness. Sheriff Stilinski got up from the ambulance, walking over to his fellow officers.
"Stiles, what happened?", Sam asked. She looked at the ambulances and could see a group of officers had led a gurney with a bloody sheet on top towards an ambulance farther away. A killing?
"Remember when Scott said that there was something else out there?", Stiles suddenly asked. Sam nodded. "I saw it.", Stiles said.
Sam led Stiles to her mom's car and they got in. "My car got impounded as evidence,", Stiles complained with a groan, "but Scott was right. It wasn't like him."
"Well, what was it?", Sam asked. Scott mentioned he had seen the creature on the night of the full moon in Isaac's house while with Allison.
"I don't know. Its eyes were almost, like, reptilian. There was just something about it.", Stiles muttered.
"Something about it? Stiles, I need more than that.", Sam pressed. 
"You know like when you see a friend in a Halloween mask but all you can actually see is their eyes? And you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure out who it is?", he asked. 
"Kinda… do you know who it is?", Sam asked.
He shook his head. "No, but I think it knew me."
During Sam's free period, she spent time with Allison as they were studying outside on the courtyard at one of the benches.
Stiles had come up to the girls asking if Allison's grandfather had a Bestiary. Sam blinked in disbelief. "Dude, what??"
"I think you mean Bes—" Allison chuckled.
"No, I mean Bestiary! And the two of you-- I don't want to know what's going on in your heads.", Stiles corrected. 
"Well, what's it look like?", Sam asked.
"It's probably like a book. Old, worn…"
"Like bound in leather?", Allison finished. Stiles ran off, not even bothering to confirm.
Apparently, Allison saw Gerard with a book like that last night. Then ten minutes later, Stiles came sprinting over to our table again, completely out of breath. "Where does he keep it?", Stiles asked between breaths.
"Office. It's got to be there.", Allison thought. Stiles ran off again. 
"You know, you could just call Scott and tell him this.", Allison said. Sam smiled. "I know. Stiles just has a funny run.", she says, chuckling.
Stiles came back several minutes later with Scott's inhaler pressed to his lips.
"You know drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones for years.", Stiles suggested, trying to catch his breath. Allison listed every reason possible why she couldn't do that.
"Can you get the book?
"Not without his keys.", Allison shook her head.
"What if we got the keys somehow?", Sam asked her. 
"How do you think we'll do that without getting Gerard to ask thousands of questions?", Stiles looked at her in disbelief. 
"We don't. We take them from him. You said something about him going to the game tonight, right?", Sam asked Allison. She nodded her head. "Well, he has to, now that he's the new principal.", she says. 
"Then this should work.", Sam said, smirking.
Stiles' news about the creature was big, and it was definitely a big lead for Scott and Derek. They were so close to trying to figure out whatever and whoever the creature was.
She had arrived at Derek's, ready to tell him everything. She walked into the place, and stopped in the doorway, seeing Erica latched on top of a standing Derek, her lips plastered on his.
Her frown dropped her faced as she looked at them, feeling off. She wanted to back away as soon as she saw what was going on. She felt... weird. Her chest and stomach hurt looking at them. Derek pushed Erica to the ground.
"That's the last time you do that.", he growled, wiping his lips.
"Why? You seem to be lenient with that human girl. You don't like girls with power now?", Erica asked, smugly.
"Are we done?", Isaac cut in, lying on the floor. "Because I've got a good 100 bones that need a few hours to heal."
Derek walked over to Isaac sympathetically and crouched down, taking his arm.
"Here?", Derek asked. Isaac nodded but instead of healing it, Derek snapped his arm back and Isaac screamed out in tormenting pain. He ended up lying on the floor with Derek grasping his arm.
"One hundred and one.", Derek paused. "You think I'm teaching you how to fight? Huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive!", Derek yelled, throwing Isaac's arm down and standing up straight.
Isaac and him bickered back and forth as Derek talked about showing them his ways. Sam's frown deepened. He was never gonna change.
Everything he said sounded like things Peter would say and it bothered her. It bothered her bad. Derek's words trailed off as he realized his betas weren't even looking at him, but behind him.
Derek turned around, almost flinching at the sight of Sam. "Shit…", he muttered, looking away.
Erica looked almost nervous, but still tried to keep up a smile.
Derek looked at her and opened his mouth to speak. Sam hardened her gaze. "Don't even.", she grounded out in disappointment. She didn't know what she was so angry about. Derek was a grown ass man. Just let him do what he wants.
Something bothered her on the inside, though. Why should he go around biting people just because he's an alpha now? What right did he have to change people's lives just because…?
She heard him following her. "Sam.", he called. She felt him closing in on her and looked at him over her shoulder. "You touch me, and I might have to break your hand.", she threatened, glaring at him. He sighed harshly, stopping.
She walked to her mom's car and got out of there.
Her mom was sleep, thank god. She didn't want her to see the mess she had on her face. She didn't want her to bother asking anything she couldn't answer with.
The next morning, she readied up, asking Stiles for a ride.
A loud knock on her front door caught her attention. That was fast.
Opening the door, she thought she'd see Stiles' goofy face, but she was wrong. It was Derek.
"Can we talk?", he asked, almost sheepishly.
"What's there to talk about? You're a grown man, you do what you want at this point.", she says, ready to close the door.
He sighed. "Look--"
"What do you want from me, Derek? You got almost everything you want right now. What could I possibly give you?", Sam asked, fed up.
"A chance to talk."
"Again, what's there to talk about?"
"How much did you see?", he asked. Sam raised an eyebrow, a little amused. "Why does it matter? Looks like you were enjoying yourself."
He rolled his eyes, frustrated. "It's not like that."
Derek frowned as well. What the hell did that mean?
Sam shrugged. "I never asked. Though, it seems like that's your type anyways. Blondes.", Sam says, giving him a sarcastic smile.
"It seems like you got everything all figured out anyways.", she said and shook her head. "I was stupid for letting myself trust you. You were just gonna go behind my back anyway because you want power." She frowned. "Stiles was right."
"No. Stiles isn't right because he doesn't have any of the answers.", he barked. 
Sam pushed him out of the house. "He may not have the answers, but neither do you. Or have you forgotten you panicked seeing me and Jackson fighting the bite? I didn't forget that little detail."
Stiles pulled up alongside her driveway and honked.
"I need to go.", Sam sighed.
"Sam.", Derek called.
"Whatever, Derek. Do what you want. I obviously can't stop you, super alpha.", she says, walking off to Stiles' car and hopped in.
"What's Derek doing here?", Stiles asked.
"Drive, please.", Sam said, not bothering to spare Derek another look.
"Lydia?", Stiles called. The second the strawberry blonde saw him, she began to roll up her window in a hurry.
The plan was set. Allison had just put on her grandfather's jacket and Sam had slyly walked past her, taking the keys in her hand and walking off. She rushed to meet Stiles behind the bleachers. "Ready for this?", she asked him.
He nodded and they were off to the parking lot as the game began. They were doing so good until they heard a familiar voice.
Lydia Martin.
She was crying in her car and of course Stiles perked to attention. 
Sam rolled her eyes as Stiles went to go comfort her. They were on a time crunch and she had no time for Lydia's meltdowns.
Sam went into the school her and broke into Gerard's office with his keys. After searching through a bookshelf, she shot a quick text to Stiles to hurry.
"Book, book, book.", she whispered to herself, looking around. There wasn't anything valuable in here besides simple office supply stuff.
"You know, breaking and entering is considered illegal." Her head snapped up at the sound of a woman's voice. Erica was standing in the doorway, holding Stiles by his ear.
Sam rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Fucking Stiles…"
Erica smiled and dragged Stiles out by his ear with Sam quickly behind them. 
Erica led them through the double doors into the pool, where they found Derek standing with a basketball grasped in his hands.
Stiles was complaining till Erica let him go and went to stand beside Derek.
"What are you doing here?", Sam asked Derek. He ignored me and turned his attention to Stiles.
"Derek.", Stiles rolled his eyes. 
"What'd you see in the mechanics garage?"
"Uhhh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting.", Stiles plainly said.
Displeased with his answer, Derek sunk his claws into the basketball, deflating it.
"Let's try that again.", Derek threatened. Sam stepped in front of Stiles. "Your threats don't work on me. Stiles, just answer the damn question."
"Holy God.", Stiles gasped watching as the basketball dropped to the floor with a loud thump. He turned to her. "You tolerate this?"
Sam frowned, glaring at Stiles. "Not anymore."
"Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking. Its skin was dark, kind of pattern; I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Because I have somebody I really need to talk to.", Stiles rushed.
Derek looked at him, an eyebrow raised. Stiles groaned. "Alright, eyes. Eyes are yellowish and slitted. It has a lot of teeth, oh, and it has a tail too."
"Are we good? Wait, have you seen it? Because you've got these looks on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about.", Stiles said, ignorantly.
Derek's eyes suddenly trailed up above the two teens in front of him. His eyes widened. So did Erica's and she looked terrified.
Sam's eyebrows furrowed as she noted their sudden behavior. She frowned and turned her head, her lips immediately forming a tight 'O' shape. Her heart dropped.
Sam backed away. "Stiles.", Sam whispered.
Stiles turned around and all of their eyes fell on the lizard shape-shifter thing.
They gasped and stepped back as it let out a terrifying raptor-like scream. It jumped down to the floor and immediately, Derek pushed Sam and Stiles behind him and crouched protectively, giving a roar.
The creature slashed at Erica, throwing her against a wall and she immediately passed out on the floor.
Good riddance.
"Run!", Derek ordered Stiles and Sam. The creature swiped at Derek. He stayed standing, but spun around, confused. Then Sam noticed a cut on his neck.
"Derek, your neck.", Sam gasped. He reached his hand back and touched his neck. Before he could even react, he began to fall until Sam caught him and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Stiles, give me a hand!", Sam yelled. Derek was dead weight now. Stiles got on his other side and took Derek's arm over his shoulder. They began slowly walking, almost limping, around the pool.
"Call Scott.", Derek demanded Stiles. Stiles reached into his pocket and took out his phone, only for it to drop on the ground. He bent down to pick it up and Derek's arm slipped off his shoulder, dragging her with him. 
"Stiles, sonuva—" Derek fell into the pool with a loud splash. Derek was paralyzed, meaning he'd drown in there. As he sunk, Sam went under, bringing him back up to the surface.
They gasped, looking around and at Stiles. "Stiles, you jackass!", Sam yelled. 
Despite her being heavier than Derek, it was harder to hold him up. Kicking the water could only do so much, thanks to the water's resistance.
Stiles jumped in, leaving the phone on the ground and helped support Derek with her.
"Where'd it go?", Stiles asked, his head twisting to see. "Do you see it?"
"No.", Derek grumbled.
"Okay, maybe it took off.", Stiles suggested. There was a loud screech.
"Maybe not.", Derek mumbled. "Can you get me out of here before I drown?"
"You're worried about drowning? Do you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth?", Stiles asked. 
"Did you notice that I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water?", Derek shouted.
"Okay, fine. I don't see it.", Stiles said. They began paddling over to the side of the pool.
He was just slowly stalking around the perimeters of the pool, waiting for them to come out. Then it finally tried to come into the pool. The creature stuck its claw in and jumped back as it had been burned.
"Wait, wait, wait, stop!", Sam cried, spotting the lizard thing. It hissed at them.
"What's he waiting for?", Stiles asked.
Sam's eyes widened in realization. "It's afraid of water.", she muttered.
"I don't think it can swim.", Stiles said.
Wading in the pool went on for what felt like hours. They kept scanning the pool area for a hint or scale of the thing but couldn't see it and holding Derek was starting to get tiring.
"I don't think I can do this much longer.", Stiles breathed heavily.
"No, no, no! Don't even think about it!", Derek yelled at him. 
"It's either we die drowning or at the hands of…that.", Sam says, irritated. Stiles' grip on Derek loosened when he began staring at his phone.
Sam's eyes widened as she sped up her kicking. Derek caught onto her sudden panicked behavior and frowned. 
"Stiles, don't you fucking dare!", Sam huffed, trying not to swallow to chlorine water.  
"Would you just trust me this once?", Stiles fussed.
"No, sir! Absolutely not!", she exclaimed.
"I'm the one keeping you alive, did you notice that?", Stiles motioned tilted his head to the bottom of the pool.
"Yeah and when the paralysis wears off, who's going to be able to fight that thing? Me, Sam, or you?", Derek asked. Sam snapped her head to him in disbelief for even picking her as a candidate. 
"So that's why we've been holding you up the past two hours? So you could fight it?", Stiles accused. 
"You don't trust me, I don't trust you. You both need me to survive and that's exactly why you're not letting me go. If you do, both of us go down.", Derek said.
Stiles glanced from Derek, to Sam, to Derek again and in one swift motion he pushed Derek down.
"Stile—", Derek and Sam yelled but her cry cut off with chlorine water burning in the back of her throat. She was sinking down with Derek.
Sam wanted to cough, to scream at Stiles, but her lungs burned as she tried to swim back up with Derek. The further they went under, the more he and Sam got heavier.
Stiles came down and helped Sam pull him back up. She felt weak; they had to have been wading for two and a half hours. Her muscles felt like jelly. Derek and Sam began gasping for air once they hit the surface.
"I'm gonna kill you, Stillinski!", she threatened Stiles. He looked like he gave up.
"We're gonna drown if we stay like this. We need something to hold onto.", Sam says and dragged the other two to a starting block. She grasped her hand onto one of the metal handles. But her hand kept slipping as she felt herself being held under the water.
After reaching for it, it finally slipped and all three of them were sent under the water, unable to move anymore from exhaustion.
She let out what little breath she had, exhausted. She saw Derek glancing at her with the same look he gave her when they were in that chamber under his house.
Her eyes started fluttering close from the lack of air and suddenly the three of them were grabbed, each lifted out of the pool, and thrown onto the deck.
Derek crawled over to an unconscious Sam after gaining some feeling in his body. He shook her lightly before listening for her heartbeat. It was slow.
"-ke up! Sam!"
Her eyes opened to see a panicked Derek standing over her. Sam gasped for air, but as soon as she did that, she felt the water she swallowed lurch up in her throat.
She pushed him away, coughing up all the water that entered her body. After catching her breath, she shivered as she looked up tiredly to see Scott was there, looking at her with worry.
When they finally gained enough energy, Scott, Stiles and Sam walked outside while Derek tried to wake up an unconscious Erica. Sam rolled her eyes. How did he expect her to do anything if she couldn't wake up from being knocked out? 
Scott had given Sam his jacket, which she draped over her shivering body while she leaned on Stiles' car.
"Is that even a language?" Stiles complained, the two were looking at a computer, which had the word Bestiary on it. The boys found it in a jump drive attached to Gerard's keys.
"How are we supposed to figure out what that thing is?", Scott mumbled, confused.
"It's called a Kanima.", Derek said, walking up to the car with Erica by his side.
"You knew this whole time?", Sam asked.
"No, only when it was confused by its own reflection.", Derek shook his head. 
"It doesn't know what it is.", Scott said.
"Or who.", Derek corrected.
"Well, what else do you know?", Stiles asked, annoyed.
"Just stories. Rumors."
"But it's like us?", Scott asked.
"A shape shifter, yes. But it's- it's not right. It's like a—"
"An abomination.", Stiles finished. Derek nodded. Sam sighed and walked to Stiles' passenger side. Derek and Erica turned away to go walk to his car, but Scott stopped them.
"Derek, we need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents.", Scott suggested.
"You can't trust them.", Sam said, shaking her head.
"Nobody trusts anyone! That's the problem!", Scott exclaimed, frustrated. 
"You still trust them, Scott? You can't! That Gerard fuck isn't just someone we can underestimate. You don't understand. He's up to something and he knows too much.", Sam exclaimed. "Him being the principal isn't just some coincidence."
"You wanna start this right now? Not trusting the only people that could help kill this thing? While we're here arguing who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people! And we still don't know anything about it!", Scott yelled.
"I know one thing. When I find it, I'm going to kill it.", Derek said finally and turned away, Erica right on his heels.
Sam sighed and left with Stiles. No one could trust anyone because they couldn't come to a single enemy. How can you trust the same people whose sworn purpose was to hunt and kill you…?
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asterekmess · 2 years
20.000 people probably already answered this but the Sheriffs actor is named Linden Ashby. What a name to have.
I'll be real, at the time i first saw this message, nobody had given me the name yet. XD i've only seen one mention of it in the replies on the post. You're a lifesaver. Linden Ashby.
You know he played a firefighter in 'the good witch'?
Im Dying at the idea of stiles' dad being a fire chief instead of a sheriff. Imagine how much more involved/devastated stiles would be about derek's return to Beacon Hills.
"Dude, that was Derek Hale. His whole family died in a fire like 6 years ago. Dad said the flames burned so fast that most of the house's foundation is still standing. But the Smoke was insane: Dad Swears there had to be something fueling the fire, instead of the electric accident the insurance said caused it. Tara is the one who pulled his uncle out of the flames, said she couldn't believe he'd survived for so long in the heat."
Just like, all Stiles' fear abt his dad's job. Now move it from 'getting shot' to burning to death. He and Derek would both have that anxiety about the fire going.
Imagine how much more MESSED UP stiles would be after s1, after he lights peter on fire.
The fire marshall's Son flambe'd a man.
Stiles still being obsessed with police stuff, but with a Very healthy dose of acab. He gets his info similar to danny, hacking the accounts. Or just pickpocketing the bastards. Has Zero respect for cops because his dad gets in fights with them regularly about doing stupid shit.
People STILL call his dad 'sheriff' only it's an affectionate term bc they call him when they need cop-type stuff done instead of the actual police. The actual sheriff hates his guts. Noah is A-Okay with that, cus that fucker reminds him of his own dad.
And it'd highlight stiles' bad-assery with rulebreaking too. Bc we find out the only reason he got caught so damn often was bc it was his own dad catching him. His record is almost squeaky clean with the actual cops bc his dad and he both know he's going to get Shafted if he gets in trouble, so he just Cannot get caught.
He Loves outsmarting the cops bc he sees how they treat his dad and he likes proving that he's better at their jobs than they are.
Stiles being known as the Bad kid instead of getting his misbehavior buried under 'sheriff's kid'. Stiles is genuinely Feared by some people. They say he does the same exercises as the firefighters (he does but it's to be moral support for his dad). Stiles has this whole second family with like Tara and stuff, but they're all firefighters. He sleeps at the station at least once a week.
Also. Stiles as someone who can fucking pole-dance (as an exercise, Tara taught him) and he does shit like in the first episode hanging from stuff All the time bc he's got insane leg grip from climbing up and down the fire pole all the time.
I forgot what we were talking about. I need to go write this au XD
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I've never done a rec request before but here goes. (I also don't know if you're taking rec requests right now or if that's something I should check obvi ignore this if you're not I'm sorry for bothering) I was just reading some fics on one of your sterek meet cute rec lists and I was wondering if you knew of any Halloween themed sterek meet cute? I wanna get into the holiday spirit. 😃😃
hahaha. Well....this is awkward, @coastalmedusa. Um..happy halloween, I guess.
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Treat by DarkJediQueen
(1/1 I 1,714 I Teen I Jodran/Stiles)
There was something fun about going to the bars on Halloween in Beacon Hills, where one never knew if someone was letting their inner creature out or just having a lot of fun with make-ups. Stiles loved finding out which.
To Fling or Not to Fling by Lostariel
(1/1 I 2,114 I Teen I Sterek)
“A trebuchet? What the hell are they doing with a trebuchet??”
“They are flinging pumpkins, of course.”
Something Spooky, Something Blue by crossroadswrite
(1/1 I 2,483 I General I Sterek)
Derek sighs and boredly stuffs a handful of gummi bears in his mouth, straight out of a Halloween candy bowl Aunt Olivia insists in buying every year even if they never get trick or treaters this far into the woods.
He tilts his head and tunes back into the boys’ conversation, which has been the prime time entertainment of the Hales for the past ten minutes or so.
“It’s dark,” one of the boys whines.
“Don’t be a baby, Scott,” the second chastises.
“But, I don’t wanna,” Scott whines, like a baby.
He Had No-Body To Go With! by Anonymous
(1/1 I 2,895 I General I Sterek)
Single Dad Derek and his daughter celebrate Halloween with Derek's fairy boyfriend Stiles:
"Get it? No body, as in- nobody, but also, no body." Stiles laughed, eyes glinting merrily, before frowning when Derek didn't respond. "Do you get it? Because he's a skeleton?"
Derek pinched the bridge of his nose. "I get the joke, Stiles."
"Right, so...make with the laughing."
The five year old looked between the two men; examining her dad's exasperation and Stiles' confusion. She decided to take matters into her own hands, and cleared her throat. They both looked at her. "I get it. And the uh- the fungus didn't go with the skeleton either. Because uh...because there wasn't mushroom at the party."
Stiles bursts out laughing, high-fiving Isabella gleefully, and Derek smacks himself in the face and wonders how he ended up with the both of them in his life.
Little Red Riding Hood (you sure are looking good) by textbookchoices
(1/1 I 10,216 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles hangs out with werewolves. Stiles dresses up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. It's supposed to be ironic.
Intermediate Braiding Skills by apocryphal
(1/1 I 10,428 I General I Sterek)
In which Lydia assembles her Halloween costume, learns to make friends, and shamelessly exploits her father's crush on Stiles Stilinski.
The (Horizontal) Monster Mash by taylorpotato for jfar09 (Holmes_Watson)
(4/4 I 17,350 I Explicit I Sterek)
It figures that, living in Beacon Hills, Stiles would eventually become a creature of the night. But he should have hopped on the werewolf train when Peter offered it, because being a vampire sucks.
Hunger For Your Touch by WhoNatural
(1/1 I 42,066 I Explicit I Sterek)
“I got you, my dad, a gorgeous home... a freaking cat... Guess I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
It does.
Dead Things by standinginanicedress
(6/6 I 89,100 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek blows some more smoke out. He chooses to look at Stiles’ mouth instead of in his eyes, again. “I need you to bring someone back.”
“From the dead.”
“Absolutely not,” Stiles scoffs, shaking his head. “Not for you, not for all the money in the world.”
Derek looks at him, just looks. He is not going to accept no for an answer, and Stiles knows it, but it doesn’t matter, because Stiles will not do that. He cannot do that, not again. “Why not for me in specific?”
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themoonslore · 3 years
Bad Parent Sheriff Stilinski Teen Wolf Fan Fic Rec Part 2
(TW overall child abuse / neglect)
Written In The Stars by HaleOnThis
Word count: 632221 Chapter 29/? Last updated 02/2022 Sterek
Stiles grows up being looked down by everyone and goes through things a child should never have to. He must learn to stand up for himself and fight for himself and his adventures do just that.
A Different Kind of Person by RebaK1tten
Word count: 18361 chapter 8/8 no pairing
Stiles is ten, his mother is dying, his father isn't dealing and he spends a lot of time alone. Tonight, it's a good thing when he goes to spy on the Hale family.
Loyal to a Fault by EveryoneWantsLoveInSomeForm
Word count: 16281 Chapter 26/? Last updated 02/2019 Steter
Stiles is fucken dying because his shit of a friend/brother is too busy being between a psycho bitch legs. After getting the hell out of the Argents basement and making sure Erica & Boyd are at the train station as well as crashing his beloved jeep to save the asshole Jackson, he sits on the ground and is fucken dying. But thanks to his two newly returned betas begging, Derek bites Stiles. Stiles becomes something no one expects and he wants revenge. But he also wants a family to protect.
Just Try to See This Through by CaptainDean13
Word count: 4122 chapter 1/1 no pairing
Stiles cannot change himself to make others like him. There is something fundamentally wrong with him that makes him an outsider to every situation. Stiles accepts this truth and makes the decision to never let others see how much it affects him. He will absorb all the insults and hurtful commentary, shove the pain down into a small secret corner of himself and present a confident face to the world.
Revenge in the time of betrayal by Loveofangst
Word count: 22692 Chapter 18/? Last updated 07/2021
Steter (TW Rape/non-con elements)
Peter escapes the hospital but instead of finding Laura, he finds Stiles.
Ad Astra per Aspera by mrgnbrg
Word count: 69921 chapter 26/? Last updated 03/2022
Peter ended up in coma after saving the Hales from the hunters that set the pack house on fire.
Stiles went to the hospital a lot to visit old people or sick friends.
A bond formed between them through the years, allowing them to communicate despite the werewolf being asleep. But soon after Stiles turned 18, he gets attacked by a feral alpha.
As they navigate through recovery, they start to realise that a lot of accidents that happened in the last years were not really coincidences, and that neither of them were supposed to survive.
Or, the accidental bonding, alive Hale family and supernatural everyone fic with a side of murders that I've been thinking about a lot.
Castaway BisexualInDisguise
Word count: 13302 chapter 1/1 Sterek
This isn't about you, Stiles, this is about Scott and what you did. You drove him away in hopes that it would make us hate him like we hate you" Stiles stepped back, his face falling with something that should have been shock but felt a lot like a revelation of relief. Johns words fell over him in the next moment, his face stiffening and his shoulders squaring as he spluttered. "That-that's not- I didn't- that didn't come out like-"
"No I get it dad, poor little six year old stiles had nothing over cute chubby cheeked Scott. Especially when that damn Stiles looked so much like her"
Explosion by Twisted_Mind
Word count:1133 chapter 1/1 Steter
He takes another step back, away from his dad’s devastated expression, and closer to the door. “You don’t get to stand there and lecture me, treat me like I’m not an adult, after I made that choice. After what you put me through after she died. You just don’t.”
1,460 Days (gotta clean my slate) by army_of_angel
Word count: 1638 chapter 1/1 Sterek
Two years after Scott becomes Alpha and Derek gives it up for Cora, Stiles gets hurt during a fight and ends up in a coma for two weeks. According to the nurse, a guy has been visiting him every day and, as much as he wishes it were Derek, it sounds a lot like Scott. Except he and Scott aren't even friends anymore.
Part 1. 2   3 
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parkkrys · 3 years
I would like you to write this, if you are inspired, pleaseee.
Alternate universe (no Hale fire and A/B/O.
Stiles is introduced to the whole Hale family by one particular Hale (or adopted Hales as in the Golden Trio Erica, Boyd and Isaac) but not Derek. So when they meet, Derek is all grumpy and shy and BAM love at first sight! =D
Hopefully this is alright! Sorry it took a bit, got busy with Sterek week and it took over my week heh. All grammar mistakes are my own! 
Warning:  -------------------------------------------------
High school was hell, life was hell, he hated being an omega and if alpha’s didn’t leave him alone he was going to kill someone. Which would be sad because then his father would have to arrest his only son and Stiles despised disappointing his father. He already felt like he wasn’t a good enough son, he didn’t have to prove it but he will murder people if they stopped trying to woo him all because he can pop out kids. 
He gets it, alphas are pretty much hardwired to think they were superior and omegas must be protected but Stiles can take care of himself, alright? He doesn’t need an alpha to save him like he was a damsel in distress. 
He actually found comfort in Boyd for these kinds of occasions. The beta just let him rant and rave about how horrible it is to be an omega despite Boyd being mated to Erica who was an omega herself along with his best friend Issac who was also an omega. Boyd apparently knew how to treat omegas better than alphas if he had so many omega friends but Stiles always kept that to himself. 
But other than that, Stiles was going to be fine. Yes he didn’t act like normal omegas, yes all alphas seem to want to tame him which wasn’t going to happen and yes, he may be in constant danger because of the amount of alphas trying to get up in his space. His father was furious and demanded the school to know why they were doing nothing about it but in the end they just shrugged it off and went “well, kids will be kids”. 
That just made his dad more furious and now he had pepper spray on him at all times. 
He only used it a grand total of three times so Stiles kept it handy. 
Scott hasn’t really been around since he had been taken in by the Hales by being bitten and Stiles was alone now. He never held it against his brother from another mother, he never could. He was jerked out of his thoughts when Isaac more or less plopped himself in front of him and Stiles only squinted at him in suspicion. 
“And what do I owe to get you to sit with me?” Stiles asked and Isaac just rolled his eyes at him before he started to shove his sandwich into his mouth. “Right okay, nice talk.” 
“Talia Hale wants you to come by the house later today.” 
“Okay why?” 
Everyone knew Talia Hale, the Hale family was old and stupid rich, they had history with the town and they mostly kept to themselves. Stiles just thinks they are all introverts with the way Cora growls at everyone here in high school and Laura who the hell knew about her, she was a wildcard. Derek was just grump eyebrows and a look that could kill while Peter was just straight up creepy. 
“Because Scott said something about your problems about being an omega and she thinks if you are brought into the pack it will help,” Issac said with no care in his tone before he smiled at him and Stiles knew he was becoming a Hale with his I don’t care attitude he had going on sadly. 
Isaac was a sweet kid, who was abused as it was later found out so Stiles could chalk it up to that too. That would strip anyone of their innocence. 
Stiles' first instinct was to tell Isaac off but he felt like that wasn’t a smart move with Erica joining the table with Boyd. 
“We just want to help you Stiles, we are tired of seeing the disrespect you get all the damn time so accept it,” Erica immediately started as if she knew what exactly they were talking about. She was a werewolf so she probably did. 
“I don’t want to become a werewolf though.”
“There are humans part of the pack Stiles,” Isaac said and Stiles frowned. 
“I don’t need their help, I’m fine.” 
“At least talk to her okay?” Erica said softly, “It would be awful if you didn’t show up when she summoned you.” 
Stiles nodded silently, he knew how bad it would look. Even if Talia didn’t meddle her way into knowing the townspeople they always knew when something was happening. The only thing he knew about the alpha was she had to be friendly with his dad as they worked together often on his cases. If Talia didn’t kill him, his father would if he didn’t go. 
It looked like he had no other choice in the matter. 
Which is why after school he made his way over to the preserve and found himself standing in front of their front step. He was hesitating, they had to know he was there by now but they must be giving him his time to gather the courage to actually make the first move. He was actually glad for it as he finally rang the doorbell and Talia was standing there in front of him, beautiful as ever. 
“Stiles, I am glad you could make it.” 
“Yeah, your puppies told me to be here,” Stiles said and he didn’t miss the amused quick on the corner of her mouth as she stepped aside to let him in. 
“Yes, I am glad they gave you my message. I just wanted to talk to you about a few things and figured you would like to see how Scott is doing.” 
“Wait, I can see him?” 
Talia only smiled and Stiles fist bumped the air as he flopped onto the couch in excitement. No matter how brutal this talk was going to be, he got to see his brother from another mother and that was worth everything. 
Derek had been away for some time now, college had taken up most of his time and finally he was glad to be going back to his pack. His wolf whined in excitement as he passed the sign that welcomed people into Beacon Hills. He had heard Laura was going to be coming back once she was done and it will be the first time in a long while that everyone will be together. 
He couldn’t wait for it. 
He had heard from Isaac that someone new had entered the pack by the name of Scott and he was bitten by a rogue. He had growled at that, and when a newcomer came in, it threw off the pack bond until Scott would find his place within the pack and the bond would be stable once more. 
His mother was already waiting for him when he pulled up into their driveway, her arms wrapped around him tightly as soon as he was out of the car. 
“Welcome back home Derek.” 
He only awkwardly patted her back. After the whole Kate thing it has never been the same and he could only blame himself for that. He was the idiot that nearly killed his family. 
“Hey mom.” 
Next thing he knew Cora was on him and he laughed loudly as he shoved her off, “Hey Cora, didn’t miss you.” 
“Asshole, yes you did!” 
“Language children.” 
“Yeah Cora, language,” Derek couldn’t help but to tease as he watched her huff before she stomped away. He really did miss her even if she was full of teenage attitude. 
“You too Derek,” Talia only said before she was walking towards the front door and Derek squawked. 
“I just got home and this is what I get?” 
“Tough luck there Derek.” 
Derek turned and beamed when he saw Isaac behind him, a smirk on his face and Derek only wrapped his arm around his neck and ran a hand through blond curls as Isaac yelled. 
“You are such an asshole,” Isaac growled at him and Derek only grinned at him as he noticed Erica and Boyd come up to him with two other boys behind them. 
He frowned, he thought there was only one new member and he could immediately tell which one was the new wolf. The wind shifted and he was hit with the smell of cinnamon and vanilla combined and it was the most delicious scent he had ever smelled. The scent also screamed omega and that made him stiffen in shock. 
“This is Scott, he is the new wolf,” Erica mentioned as she gave Derek a quick hug and Derek couldn’t care less about the new wolf as his eyes were locked onto the omega standing beside him. 
He was a skinny thing, golden doe eyes and moles that Derek wanted to trace with his tongue and he wondered what the omega was thinking as the teen stared right back at him. The fire in those hazel eyes told him that he wasn’t anything like the other omegas, he would fight and that made his wolf howl in want. It clawed at him, yelling at him that this omega was the ideal potential mate for him. 
“And this is Stiles, he is Scott’s best friend and an omega.” 
“Yeah, we took him in to protect him.” 
“I don’t need protecting,” Stiles snapped and Derek narrowed his eyes in want. 
“And yet you are now pack,” Erica challenged him and Stiles huffed at her in return. 
“You will also respect your pack mates,” Derek growled out as he grew annoyed with the way the omega dismissed her so easily. HIs wolf purred as the omega stared at him with wide eyes and he decided that he always wanted the omega’s eyes on him. 
“Sorry,” Stiles sheepishly muttered and Derek hummed in approval. 
“Are you kids going to come in or do you want dinner to grow cold?” 
Everyone’s heads snapped towards Talia before they all moved towards the house. Derek could smell the attraction and the want from the omega as Stiles stole a glance at him as they all sat down for dinner and Derek smirked, this was going to be interesting. 
He also knew he should do something about it before Laura came home or things would get much worse. 
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 5
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xWord Count: 3,374
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ storyline.
Chapter: 5/?
A/N: If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 5
I woke up to a heavy and warm wight around my waist. As my mind started registering the scene around me, I noticed the soft snores that were filling the room, the strong smell of cologne, the rough skin encircling me, the chest in front of me that raised and fell at a slow pace. At some point during the night, Derek must have crawled into bed, and I couldn’t say that I minded.
He looked peaceful when he slept. No supernatural problems, no feuds, no hunters, just peace. My hand unconsciously landed on his cheek, softly stroking his cheek. Still succumbed to slumber, he leaned into the touch, nuzzling his head onto my hand like a puppy. I wish this could be the way it always was, but now that I knew the reality of the world we were in, there was no chance it would ever stay this way.
Deciding to let him sleep longer, I tiptoed down the stairs to the kitchen where breakfast had already been prepared. I looked around and noticed that their car keys were gone, which meant they had left early in the morning to do whatever it was that they always did. I greeted Brody who had trotted my way from the living room, and filled his dog bowl, adding a few tasty treats. While I served two plates, I put the coffee machine to run, ensuring the freshest pot for the morning. I looked around for a tray to take the breakfast upstairs in case my parents came back at any moment, eating my food as the coffee brewed. Placing some cream and sugars on the tray, I made my way back to the bedroom where Derek was starting to wake up, Brody following behind.
“Morning, sour wolf.” I softly pushed open the door, the tray in front of me. Derek was rubbing the night from his eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. Upon seeing the man, Brody jumped on the bed greeting him with slobbery kissed. Derek laughed and petted his head as he laid at the foot of the bed.
“Morning,” he yawned. “Whatcha got there?”
“Some eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Also, some coffee.” He took the tray from my hands and set it on the bed. Taking one of the coffee cups, I sat over on my desk to work on the homework I had left pile during the week. Derek grabbed the plate and came to stand behind me, leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder.”
“What are you doing?” He inquired, downing the food from the plate quickly.
“Homework. You know, the thing people my age have to do to be able to graduate from high school with good grades.” I looked to the side, my heart beating faster noticing the closeness of our faces. “I’m sure you wouldn’t know much about that.”
“I’ll have you know I was a good enough student.”
“Emphasis on good enough.” I booped his nose with my pen and continued my work. “When you’re done you should head home, don’t want my parents catching you here just in case.”
“Why? We’re not doing anything.” He sipped his coffee and sat down on the bed, Brody laying his head on his lap. I turned my chair and faced him, a laugh escaping my lips.
“I think you’re forgetting who you are and who my family is. Apart from that, I don’t think my dad will particularly enjoy the fact that a 21-year-old werewolf is in his teenage daughter’s bedroom, alone.” I grinned. “But suit yourself. I’d love to see how it will play out.”
“Alright, but can I at least take you out some time this week?” My heartbeat quickened, the sound loud enough for me to hear. “Is that a yes?”
“It’s not a no,” I grinned.
“I kind of need an answer,” he pressed. A grin played on his lips by the point he had stood and rested his hands on the arms of the chair.
“How about, I’ll let you know?”
“I’ll take it,” he smiled. “I’ll text you.”
“Alright, I’ll be waiting.” He kissed my cheek and grabbed his jacket to head towards the door. “Where are you going?”
“Not through the door you’re not.” The dumbfounded look on his face was hilarious. “what would I do if my parents walked in.”
“I’m fast, you know. Like supernaturally fast.”
“Mm, I’ve seen you. Not fast enough.”
“Fine,” he surrendered. “Keep watch of your phone.”
“I will,” I smiled. He took a step back and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. Brody got alerted by the sudden move and jumped off the bed to bark at the window, standing on his hind legs to prop his eye out. I joined his side and saw Derek standing normally in my backyard as if he hadn’t just jumped out of a two-story window. He waved and I waved back as he became a blur, vanishing before my very eyes.
I slumped down on my bed and ran my hands over my face. What was I doing? There were so many things that were pit against us. My 18th birthday was still a little less than a year away, he had something going on with Erica, my family and he are natural-born enemies, we are currently under the terror of a reptilian shapeshifting Jackson, and that was just scratching the surface. I couldn’t scrutinize why he would ask me out too much, it was probably not even in a romantic way. It could just well be that he wanted to keep an eye on me since I was new to this whole werewolf, Kanima, hunter thing.
A couple of hours went by where I took Brody out for a walk, finished what was left of my homework, and started watching a movie when my phone went off.
“Hey, I heard the good news! You’re staying in town.”
“Hey, Allison. Yeah, it looks that way.”
“Well then, I believe you owe some people an apology.”
“What could you possibly mean?” I scoffed. But she was right, as hard as it was to admit.
“Don’t act dumb, (Y/N). You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“I don’t like it when you’re right,” I sighed. “What do you think I should do?”
“I could invite them over to your house and you could apologize to them. They never object to free pizza.”
I was glad. Instead of sulking on the 'he likes me, he likes me not' nonsense, I prepared the house for Allison and her friends, the people I hope to win over. One by one they arrived at my doorstep. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison. I had put out some snacks and the pizza I had bought. Scott and Stiles were not shy about their hunger as they dove in right away.
"So, what's the purpose of this meeting?" Lydia asked, her usual cocky attitude on full show.
"Uh, well, I wanted to apologize for being such a bitch these past few weeks."
"Hm, understatement of the century." Stiles chuckled with his mouth full.
"Actually, she can be 1,000 times worse. That was just level 1 bitchiness."
"Point taken. But why would you apologize? We get it you don't want to be our friend."
"That's not it, it's just... ugh... Look, it’s honestly a very long story, but moving around it’s hard to cut ties and start over for so long. After a while it’s easier to builds walls up and maintain everyone at arm’s length." They all stared at me. Hopefully I was getting through to them. "But this time I'm changing that. I want to be your friend and that's why I'm apologizing."
"Well, I don't know about the other guys, but I've always considered you my friend. I mean, I've considered Lydia my friend and she hates me."
"Oh, please, Stiles. I don't hate you, you're just, um.... special."
"I'll take it."
"We understand. And of course you're our friend, (Y/N). You were just too stubborn to notice." Scott smiled at me. "Now, is there more pizza?"
"How the hell did you two boys just finish two boxes of pizza?"
"We're growing?" Stiles said with his mouth full.
"Barely," Allison mumbled.
"You know I can hear you, right?"
"That's the point, Scott."
The whole room laughed and continued to enjoy a very pleasant afternoon. It felt weird to finally feel like I belonged somewhere; that there were people around me that cared for me despite my flaws. As I looked around the faces of the group that had welcomed me with open arms, I couldn’t help but feel that someone was missing; the person that had first accepted me.
The clock had hit 4 o’clock when the last piece of food was gone, and the gang had gone home. After cleaning up, I decided it was time to call Isaac. I didn’t like the person he had become after the bite. But I couldn’t say I didn’t understand. He felt confident, strong, but he was using the wrong outlet. Just like I was.
“So, you’re finally talking to me,” Isaac chuckled, a cocky tone to his voice.
“Only if you’re done being a douche.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ever since you turned into a werewolf you’ve been nothing short of unbearable with your cocky behavior and holier-than-thou attitude.” I could hear him shifting on the other line, the news taking him aback. It seems Derek hadn’t told his pack that I knew everything.
“H-how… who told you?”
“Derek, your alpha. He told me everything the other day. I know all about werewolves, kanimas, hunters, pack, blah, blah, blah. But none of that excuses your behavior,’’ I sighed. “So, are you done being a dick?”
“Maybe,” he chuckled. “Can I see you?”
“Sure. Why don’t we go grab a bite? I’ll pick you up.”
“Alright!” He sounded excited. “I’ll text you the address.”
After hanging up I decided to take a quick shower before leaving. I threw on a white t-shirt and jeans and paired them with my leather jacket. As I tied my boots, I reached for the keys of my dad’s Chevrolet Suburban. Hopefully, I didn’t crash. In the car, I typed in the address Isaac had sent me. It was an industrial loft not too far from my own home. I honked my horn to notify Isaac I was there as well as sent a text.
“Are you stalking me now?”
I jumped at the sound of Derek’s voice and the knock he left on my window. . He appeared like a ghost and leaned on my door. “I could say the same about you. I’ve never been here before.”
“I live here,” he laughed, pointing at the building. “It’s my loft.”
“I’m here to pick up Isaac,” I said sheepishly. “So, he’s been staying with you. I thought you live in the woods.”
“It’s my family’s house and it’s under my ownership, but it’s not under livable conditions. And, yes, Isaac has been staying with me.”
“Hey, Derek.” Isaac finally emerged from the doors and jogged up to my car, patting Derek on the back. The man’s expression rapidly changed as soon as Isaac joined the conversation. The playful smile he wore had been replaced by a menacing scowl. “We’re going out for a while. I’ll see you later.”
We said goodbye and as I drove off, I stared at Derek. His body was tense, and his jaw was clenched. He was angry, but I didn’t know why. When we were alone, he was a completely different person than what he showed to others. There was this terrifying façade that was impenetrable by everyone else, yet he was a completely different person with me; he was an Alpha to the others, but he was just Derek to me.
I parked the car at a small burger joint Isaac directed me to. It wasn’t too full, so our food came out quickly. We sat at a table in the back, far from any prying ears.
“So, what did you mean about this cocky attitude?” He popped a french fry into his mouth, playing around with his food. “You seemed quite mad about it. Mad enough that you avoided me for some time.”
“Ever since you transformed you’ve been carrying yourself like you’re above everyone, you don’t even bother to be respectful of teachers or anyone for that matter. I miss the old Isaac.”
“You mean the pushover wimpy kid?” He scoffed. “I can’t say the same.”
“That’s not what I meant.” My hand reached out to his clenched fist and his hold softened. “You were nice and respectful, and knew how to treat others because you knew how it felt to be mistreated. Of course, you could have done with more confidence, but that’s not what this is. It’s almost as if you’re turning into Jackson, heaven forbid.”
His eyes softened and I knew I was getting through the wall he had built up.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). It's just… this is the first time in my life that I have felt powerful, like nothing and no one can touch me. I've dealt with so much shit that I thought I deserved to act like that," he sighed. "Can you ever forgive me?"
“You’re practically my best friend, how could I not?”
“Thanks.” He gave me a smile that I happily reciprocated. For the first time in a while, I was seeing the Isaac I had met some time ago. “So, what is it that you needed to speak to me so eagerly.”
“Remember how I mentioned that I would be moving at the end of the year so you shouldn’t get attached?” He nodded. “Well, it seems you’re gonna have to put up with me for a long time. Beacon Hills is now my home.”
“What?! That’s great!” He exclaimed a little too loud. Heads turned towards us and Isaac tried to hide his blush. “Does that mean we can truly be friends now? Not just study partners or casual conversation acquaintances?”
“Yes, Isaac. That’s exactly what that means,” I laughed. His face had lit up as the hard mask he wore finally broke apart. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you, what happened the night that I picked you up? It was such a weird night.”
His whole demeanor changed, clearly a sore subject to talk about. "If Derek told you what we are I presume he told you about everything else." I nodded. "The Kanima. It killed my father. We, um, had gotten into a fight and I ran out. It seems he went out looking for me but didn't get to me. I found him dead in his car, but I ran and called you."
" Isaac, why didn't you tell me? I mean, I know why you didn't tell me, but something; you should have told me something.” I looked into his eyes, worry evident in them. He had gone through such a traumatic event basically by himself. “Is that why the police were looking for you?"
He nodded. "They thought I had something to do with his murder because of something Jackson said. He was unfortunately my neighbor and had seen me running out of the house, but there were no tracks leading to me. I'm not a fugitive anymore." He smiled softly.
“I’m glad, Isaac, really. And I’m truly sorry for everything you’ve had to endure alone for all these years. You didn’t deserve it.”
“Thanks, (Y/N). At least that part of my life is over.”
“Now we just have to get that damn Kanima and get on with our lives.” We laughed.
Before we knew it, the sky outside had turned dark, signaling the arrival of the night. The car ride back was filled with mindless chitchat and soft background music. It had been a long few days and exhaustion was evident in both of us. Soon enough, the grey building had come into view.
“Do you want to come in for a bit?” Isaac leaned into the open window of the driver’s side.
“I think I’m just gonna head on home. I’m a bit tired and we have school tomorrow.” I smiled. “But, I’ll take you up on the offer someday.”
“Isaac, good to see you’re back,” Derek announced himself, his two betas following behind. “You’re late for training.”
“Sorry, Derek. Time slipped away.”
“Sorry won’t cut it.” His voice was commanding and a bit intimidating. I could see why everyone around me feared him. “Go with Erica and Boyd. Get started.”
'‘Bye, (Y/N). I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled and nodded, trying my best to comfort him.
“See you.” Derek stood back as we both watched the three figures disappear into the building. His chest moved, heaving, and he reeked of jealousy. “What’s your problem?”
“What?” Did he truly believe I was that oblivious? “I just…”
“You’re acting like a prissy child, Derek. You knew where Isaac was, who he was with, and that there was a possibility that he would come back late. There’s no need to grill him that hard.”
“He’s old enough to manage his time correctly, (Y/N). He needs to learn discipline. This has nothing to do with you.”
“Clearly, that’s not what’s happening here,’’ I laughed dryly. “Look, pardon the metaphor, but this whole alpha male act is gonna get very tiring, very quickly. If this is how you’re gonna be, don’t bother on scheduling that date this week.”
“Don’t be like that, (Y/N). I swear this has nothing to do with you. There are certain rules that we have to abide by, a different life. It’s complicated.”
“You’re not making any sense, Derek.”
“It’s hard to explain.”
“Yesterday we said no secrets, Derek. What changed in the hours that have passed?”
“Nothing’s changed. I’m sorry if I seemed too harsh on Isaac, but I have to be. They’re young and reckless, and it’s my job to make sure they stay safe. No matter the cost.” He ran his hands across his face as he let out a loud sigh. “Why don’t we just keep the supernatural and our personal lives apart.”
“We can try that for a while, but they’re bound to intersect at some point.”
“I know, but…”
“Let’s play it your way and see how it goes, okay? And lay off Isaac and the others? They are just kids.”
“I’ll try,” he smiled softly. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“If I remember.”
I backed the car up and sped back to my house. When I opened the garage, my father was sitting on the spot where the car usually went. I had forgotten to tell them I would be gone, and my phone’s battery had died a while back. I was in so much trouble.
“Good to know you’re alive, darling daughter.” The sarcasm spewed from my father’s mouth, and it stung.
“I’m so sorry. I went out with a friend and my phone died. And I know I forgot to say I was leaving the house, but I rarely do that, so please forgive me.”
“Calm down, (Y/N),” he laughed. “We just wanted to make sure you were okay. You weren’t answering your phone, so we got worried. But remember, there’s a tracker on the car. We figured you were out. And I’m glad to hear you have a friend. It’s about time.”
“Thanks, dad.” He wrapped me in a hug and patted my head. If he knew who my friends were I’m sure he wouldn’t feel the same way. “But, if you knew where I was, what was this whole scary setup? I for sure thought you were going to kill me.”
“Nothing like that, honey. But your mother and I have something we have to talk to you about.”
“What is it? You can’t take back that we are staying.”
“It’s not that, but it is serious. Let’s go, your mom is waiting in the kitchen.”
My heart was beating at a rapid pace, a million thoughts running through my head. Although, at the bottom of my heart I knew what this talk was going to be about.
Tag List: @hellowinterlane​ @lokisgoddesofpower​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @malar-region
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princeescaluswords · 3 years
*enter scene; a fancy hat sits on the stage of a university lecture hall, when suddenly, it rises with me wearing it as I emerge from the floor. "Hello, welcome to my TED talk on Fandom Logic"* Gosh, Stiles is so gosh darn stubborn for not bowing to Derek and recognizing his sovereignty. Surely, a prodigy sleuth who helps his dad solve cases could've figured out Derek's family's sacred, ancient link to the territory. He literally complained about playing "Robin" aka sidekick. He thought it a good idea to trigger a survivor handcuffed in a police cruiser by bombarding him with blunt questions, asking invasive questions about his dead sister.
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You see, you've come across something very profound, even as you were being funny. It's another aspect of fandom racism.
Even in the earlier seasons, before Scott became Alpha, there was one clear thing that fandom had foremost in their mind -- Scott had certain things he had to achieve before he could be considered worthy of being liked or even being tolerated, and those things were absolutely about how he treated the adult white men in his life. They watched as the show repeatedly outlined how Scott was pursued, manipulated, and confounded. How the Hales took his submission to them as their Lycaon-born right, how the Argents treated him as a dangerous animal at worst and an annoying animal at best, how Deucalion saw him as a prize to be added to his collection, and consistently -- as one recent commentator on Tumblr pointed out so effectively -- expected Scott to react to this behavior in a coolly logical and completely selfless manner for anyone to even consider granting him protagonist status.
And Stiles? Stiles just had to show up for them to think that he was worthy of veneration.
I mean I always talk about how Scott earned his heroic status in the first seasons by not giving into the urge for violence unless he felt he had no other choice, for valuing others outside his own social circle, and for refusing to bow to intimidation and manipulation. That is the story of Teen Wolf and how Scott was the lead protagonist, because he could have done all these things. Even as a teenage boy, he had the opportunity to hurt those who hurt him, the opportunity to ignore anything but his own significant problems, and the opportunity to choose a side to make his decisions easier. And he didn't do any of those things.
But he did do some things that maybe he shouldn't have. He did choose to value certain things that maybe in the long run, didn't have any value but anyone but himself. He did lie to his mother and to Allison, neither of whom deserved it. It's arguable whether he didn't balance the long-term consequences of some of his principles. On the other hand, he wasn't the leader of a counter-terrorism unit, he wasn't the CEO of a fortune five hundred company, and he wasn't the leader of the werewolf resistance.
He was an asthmatic sophomore who played lacrosse and worked in an animal clinic after school. And yet, parts of the fandom reject the very idea that he's the heroic protagonist because he made decisions like a sixteen-year-old who didn't want to give up his life for someone else's ancient grudge.
On the other hand, they celebrate certain decisions Stiles made -- which are also completely in line as a sixteen-year-old boy -- as if that makes him the most relatable human being on the planet.
Stiles literally feels left behind and useless because while his best friend was constantly threatened with death; was shot, stabbed, slashed, and poisoned; and was forced to make decisions that affected not only his life but the lives of others on a daily basis; Stiles didn't get superpowers ,too, yet the fandom has literally no problems with this at all, because, as someone observed to me, Stiles's behavior is standard for a sixteen-year-old boy. In fact, parts of the fandom literally use Stiles's frustration with Scott not using his transformation to make Stiles's life better as evidence that Scott is a Bad Friend.
Do you see the problem here? Stiles has exactly ZERO expectations placed on him by the fandom. He can lie to his best friend and his father, torture his best friend, scheme to get someone killed, and allow himself to be coerced by a violent alpha, and that's just so understandable for someone in his position.
Scott has to give up lacrosse, his girlfriend, and freedom to serve the needs of a man who tried to mind-control him to kill a guy or another man who broke into his house, assaulted him and threatened to kill him, or he's a selfish prick.
As I've been on Tumblr and listened to minority fans talk about the burdens of fandom, it's become obvious to the casual observer that they're absolutely right. White characters become popular by existing; they're allowed to be children or human or flawed and still be celebrated. Minority characters must be perfect but not too perfect, must be self-sacrificing but never demand anything, and above all must never have age-appropriate desires that inconvenience shitty white serial killers in any way.
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spikeface · 4 years
why do you think stiles refused the bite? he was lying when he said he didn’t want to be powerful like peter and scott, and he said he enjoyed the strength being possessed by the nogitsune gave him. so i do think he’d like the powers that come with it, but he still doesn’t want to be a werewolf. it’s not that he’s afraid of dying, he’s constantly willing to die for scott, lydia, his dad and malia. maybe it could be that he doesn’t want to give peter the power to control him, but he never asks scott for the bite either. for stiles the bite is always treated as a last resort. idk i’ve always wanted the show to have stiles explain his reasoning!
Peter Hale Can Go To Hell. This only applies to the time Peter offers Stiles the bite, but it’s the biggest reason why Stiles says no in that instance. Peter has been torturing Scott all season, including trying to make him murder Stiles, and just recently attacked Lydia, the girl Stiles has had a crush on since he was in the third grade. Stiles will do anything for the people he loves, and anything to the people that hurt them. Peter could offer Stiles anything at that point, and Stiles would say no. Stiles wouldn’t accept the time of day from him. The next time he sees Peter is when he tries to set Peter on fire. He’s done with this guy.
The question becomes a little more complex once there are other Alphas around, particularly Scott and Satomi. Here are a couple of thoughts on why Stiles wouldn’t want to be a werewolf:
Risk of Dying. This is a big one. You pointed out that Stiles is very willing to risk his life, but also that he does it for other people, which I think is crucial. Stiles places almost no value on his own life compared to the people he loves. To a certain extent, especially after the nogitsune, I think he places little value on his life in general. But he’s also very aware of how dying affects the people who survive you, as we see in his rant to Lydia in season two, so I don’t see Stiles risking death for personal gain—again, because of how much he cares about the people he loves.
Being a Werewolf is Shit. One of my favorite things about Teen Wolf is that becoming a powerful supernatural creature makes you more vulnerable, not less. Yes, you become stronger and more able to heal, but the danger you face from that more than cancels out the benefits. Even becoming an Alpha simply makes you more visible to dangers like the Alpha pack. More humans may die numerically in the show, but a much greater portion of werewolves either die or suffer constant injury (or both). My favorite example of the show subverting the supernatural-transformation-as-power-makeover trope is Erica. Initially, she seems to embody the trope; her physical transformation is tied to a social transformation even more dramatically than it is for Scott. She’s hot, and confident, and powerful. But what does it get her, in the end? Derek winds up being a lot less charming than he was when he seduced her into the pack, and she’s subsequently hunted, captured, and tortured first by hunters and then by other werewolves. I still can’t figure out if she spent more time as a werewolf in the vault or not.
Stiles watches this happen. At first, he focuses on the benefits of her physical change, and even uses them as an argument for why Scott shouldn’t interfere with Derek biting people. He also gets to be Batman to Erica’s Catwoman, which calls back to Stiles’ season 1 complaint that Scott’s transformation has turned Scott into Batman while Stiles is stuck being Robin all the time (the same anxiety that Peter preys upon when he tries to win Stiles over to accepting the bite). But, as Scott says, in the end, “no one is Batman and Robin any of the time.” Erica’s life quickly turns sad and bleak, before she’s killed in captivity. I think that would kill any last remaining romance Stiles had about being a werewolf, while his pessimism would be strengthened as he watches Scott and other supernaturals be targeted over and over again.
Conviction That He Is Bad (esp. Post-Nogitsune). Stiles’ mother is convinced that he’s evil. It’s a formative moment for Stiles, and one he internalizes, as we see in season 2, when Stiles hallucinates his father telling him that he killed his mother, and now he’s killing his father as well. This conviction that he is secretly evil or dangerous would make him even less likely to want the inherently violent power that being a werewolf brings. The conviction would also be made much worse by the nogitsune. Stiles does say he enjoyed the feeling of power that possession gave him, but he also feels enormously guilty about it, which is one of the themes of 5a. He hates how much he “enjoyed” being possessed, i.e. feeling what the nogitsune felt. He hates that Donovan’s death made him feel “good,” however briefly. He’s terrified of what he’d enjoy as a werewolf.
Role as a Human. I think Stiles is too anxious to ever be fully comfortable with his role as anything, anywhere, but we do see him, after season 1, start to think about what it means to be a human in the pack. In season two he wrestles with it, but afterwards, he picks the bat and the Jeep as symbolic of his human status (though the Jeep means other things too), and becomes obsessive about his role as the pack’s detective. He’s also there for both Scott and Liam during the full moon, and is aware of other times when it’s an advantage to be a human, like when there’s a line of mountain ash. I believe this is something the actor has discussed as well, for what that’s worth.
The Show Ignores Human Physics. This is an external factor, which I wouldn’t usually include, but it annoys me so much that I can’t help it. Stiles should have had so much more physical damage than he did. He mentions a bad elbow once, and has the wound from Donovan, but that boy gets knocked out so many times. Way too many. He should have such brain damage. Lydia makes his ears bleed. He gets stabbed in the chest with a piece of glass. He gets thrown against walls constantly. A realistic depiction of the physical trauma Stiles goes through would have been the biggest argument for him to become a werewolf—and indeed, the only time he really considers it is when he thinks he’s got a terminal illness. Because the show ignores that, Stiles can exist as a relatively unharmed human and the benefit of werewolf healing is undermined.
I’m sure I’m not the only one to speculate on this, so please feel free to comment or reblog with your thoughts or links to them!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
In estranged , what if claudia took Mitch with her? What would their dinamics be like? How would Mitch feel about Noah stilinski? What is his reaction when he finds out he's about to have a baby brother? I just need Mitch being ruthelssly protective of stiles. I need stiles being spoiled by Mitch and them having the cutest sibling pair ever. I need Claudia teaching Mitch how to control his powers and teaching him about ✨magic✨. I need Mitch being the most famous lacrosse player in school and little stiles, Noah and Claudia cheering for him across the field. I need Mitch taking over his father's company ( he's still the heir) fixing it up the same way , but this time he has actual support. I need Mitch having real friends and family 🥺💔
Oooh this is a Good Ask, I love talking about the What Ifs 👀 (Edit to add: Also, not many people realize, but Estranged really is a tragedy. And seeing it side by side with how things could've been just makes it worse.)
The central mystery of the AU is why Claudia didn't take him with her (and there was a reason! She didn't just abandon him like everyone assumes), so I can't tell you much about that without spoiling the whole thing! I promise I'm going to write the sequels some day. But let's just say that she was protecting him, and the Nogitsune is involved.
I can also say that had they actually been raised together, they would've been a platonic pair. They only end up together in Estranged because they're strangers to each other, and their respective abandonment issues react interestingly, shall we say xD
But aside from that, it would pretty much happen exactly as you think! Mitch has no love for his own father, so I think he would respect John bc he makes his mom happy, and that's all Mitch wants. But John would treat Mitch just like a son and before long, Mitch would love him like a father.
I think in this case, rather than casting Mitch aside, Robert (his father), would have sued for custody. He would see it as Claudia not only leaving him, but stealing his heir, and he can't have that. And Mitch knows it; his father only wanted a legacy, not a son. There's also the fact that a lot of men sue for custody as a way to hurt their partner, by taking away her children. Robert is spiteful enough to do that, given their divorce reflects badly on him and his reputation.
In the beginning Robert might be more active in Mitch's life than he was in Estranged. Might try to bribe him with materialistic things, giving him a lavish life to make Mitch choose him over Claudia, but it never works. Because on one hand, you have a rich life that's cold and hollow with a father who doesn't care; or you have a more modest life with a family that loves you. Mitch is the kind of person to choose family every time, at least in this AU.
When he's old enough (I think it's 15, but it could be younger), Mitch would choose to stay with Claudia full time. At that point Robert would likely fully cut him off, aside from what he's legally required to pay, and give up his parental rights. Maybe Mitch should be hurt that his father is throwing him away, but he's really just relieved that it's finally over. And it means John could adopt him and officially, legally become his father. But until then, Mitch would have to live with being jerked around between two parents, which only gets harder when Stiles is born, because he doesn't want to leave his little brother behind. (Maybe it's every other month, given the distance.)
Also at some point, Mitch definitely tries to create credit fraud, probably when he's like 13 lol. He's just a kid but the financial differences are obvious. Claudia thinks it was very sweet that he was trying to help, but makes him give everything back. (In "canon", Mitch does steal his dad's credit card and buys a plane ticket to California when he's I think 14? But he gets caught before he can make it.)
Mitch would probably be so excited to have a little brother, but also Worried bc his childhood was so emotionally Rough, so he promises to always make sure Stiles is loved and cared for ;_; I think there's the opportunity for jealousy bc Stiles has both of his parents to unconditionally love him, meanwhile his are divorced, but honestly? Claudia raised him better than that. Mitch just wants to be a Good Brother.
Since a lot of his problems with his powers come from Claudia locking them until she died, Mitch would have a way better time growing up with her. She would teach him how to properly use and control them, and keep them from overwhelming him. In Estranged, the telepathy is actively killing him, but she would be able to protect him from that. And then when Stiles gets his powers, Mitch would get to help teach him, too.
Mitch would likely also have a tie to the Hales, since he'd have gone to school with Derek and Laura. Given he's psychic, he would've been able to protect Derek from Kate, and the Hales never would've died. (And bc I can't help myself: Mitch would probably end up dating Laura, and Stiles would eventually become Derek's mate/the Hale emissary. I like what I like, okay!)
Mitch would absolutely be a lacrosse star. It's American Assassin canon, and it's one of my favorite things about Mitch. He would still get the scholarship to Syracuse, but where he turned it down in Estranged bc he didn't need it, this time he would actually accept it, and go on to have a great college sports career. Or maybe he takes a smaller partial scholarship to a school closer to home.
I just reread the ask and see you want him to still take over the company, but I was actually thinking that in this AU, it would take a different direction. Robert lives bc Mitch was never there to kill him; his company is run into the ground and he doesn't know he's been betrayed by his partners until it's too late. That legacy he worked so hard for, destroyed his family for, turns to ashes right in front of him. He lives, but for a man like him, it's worth than death.
Meanwhile he gets to see Mitch's success grow. He's making headlines in college, and Lacrosse is much bigger on the east coast so of course his father would hear about it. He's got offers to go pro, but Mitch has lived the high life before, and he doesn't want it. He chooses a modest life with his family, in a career he loves, over money and fame. Works in a few different restaurants in San Francisco until he has the experience to open one of his own. He names it Orion, as a final fuck you to his father. (And, on a more sappy note - Orion is one of the main constellations to navigate by. It's what guides him home; to his real family, and the life he's built, not the one his father wanted for him.)
Because Mitch is with Claudia, fully trained in his magic, she never dies. There are other conflicts and close calls, but they're able to protect each other, and a young Stiles. But she never gets FTD, bc in Estranged, that not even what she had in the first place, and they survive. Not unscathed, but it's not they can't get through together ;_;
And then, the day Mitch is finally able to open his own restaurant (Either the same age he is in Estranged, or a little older, but definitely still Young for the industry), his family are all there to support him. John and Claudia and Stiles, and it will be absolutely packed (haha) with the Hales opening night. It's one of the proudest days of his life.
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 28: Judgements and Murderers
Sam's eyes slowly opened as she heard a vibration by her head. Her phone was vibrating and charging on her pillow. She picked it up to see Scott's face on her screen.
She answered. "Hello?"
"Where the hell were you?", she heard him yell. Sam frowned. "First off, you're not my dad and second…  I was just out for a while. I needed to clear my mind."
"You should've let us know. We were worried sick!", he replies.
"My bad, Scott. I'm fine. I promise.", she says. She, at least, didn't dream about that creep last night…
"We got Malia. Scotty went all alpha on us and changed her back to being a human.", she heard Stiles in the back. 
"Holy shit! Scott, you were able to shift?", she grinned. 
"Yeah, we both got improvements today.", Scott informed her.
"Improvements how?"
"Stiles can read again.", Scott said. Sam's heart skipped as she covered her mouth in disbelief. "Don't mess with me, Scott!"
"He's not! I can read again!", she hears Stiles in the back. She let out a relieved laugh, wiping her eyes. "I'm so glad, Sti. That's so good to hear."
"Well hurry up and come over so we can celebrate!", he yells through the speaker. She chuckled. "Alright, I'll be right over."
She hung up and saw a text from Derek.
Sorry, I'm not done with my vacation yet. Need to do some stuff. I'll be back, promise. 
She smiled. At least he sent her a text. She got up and freshened up before getting out of the house. She was relieved to see her car in the driveway and got in, heading to the McCall house to celebrate.
Soon October came just as quick as September left and the best day was soon arriving.
Mischief Day.
Sam parked next to Stiles as he was already full of energy and bouncing toward her.
"Today's gonna be awesome. What's better than a pissed off Finstock?", Stiles grinned.
"Not much.", Sam says, gathering her things out of her car.
"My dad's working the late shift tomorrow, so how about we all dress up, go do some trick or treating and watch some Michael Myers at my place.", Stiles suggested.
"Trick or treating?" Sam looked at Stiles, raising a brow.
"Hell yeah! We're not too old for it.", he smiled.
"Yeah, but scary movies sound so much better than going out. Y'know? Get in the spirit of things. Something mundane.", Sam says. 
"Something mundane would be like going out trick or treating. What about going to a Halloween party?", Stiles suggested.
"You get me a bag of candy and I'll consider it.", Sam bargains.
"Yes! Snickers or twix–", Stiles suddenly groaned, looking behind her. She turned around and saw Scott standing next to his motorcycle with Ethan and Aiden.
She sighed as Stiles stormed up to them and followed him.
"No, just to talk." Aiden shared to Scott.
"Ah, that's a change of pace for you guys. Usually you're just hurting, maiming, killing…", Stiles listed. 
"You need a pack. We need an alpha.", Aiden stated.
"Yeah, absolutely not. That's hilarious though.", Stiles nodded.
"You came to us for help. We helped.", Ethan urged. Scott had informed her happened while she was missing.
"You beat his face into a bloody pulp.", Stiles reminded.
"The only time you "helped" us was when you were trying to tell Derek that he needed to skip town, but even then, it wasn't exactly helpful. You were stalling time.", Sam says.
"That's actually counterproductive.", Stiles argued.
"Why would I say yes?", Scott asked them.
"We could add strength, make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no."
"I can think of one. Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now.", Isaac sneered, walking up to them, defensively. Aiden's jaw clenched as his eyes turned blue, letting out a warning growl.
"You wanna try?", he challenged.
"Alright, dammit.", Sam warned, reminding them this isn't the place. Isaac stepped forward and was ready to attack until Scott grabbed his arm and held him back.
"Yeah, sorry but they don't trust you. And neither do I.", Scott informed, walking past the twins, pulling Isaac away and taking Stiles and Sam.
The three of them walked into the school to see it busy with laughs and pranks. Silly string and toilet paper was being chucked through the air and half of the students were running wild.
The moment they walked through the doors, a roll of toilet paper came their way, hitting Stiles in the face while Scott and Sam ducked. "God, that's my face!", Stiles yelled.
"Take that shit somewhere else!", Sam shouted at an underclassman who carried rolls of tp. 
He sighed and patted Scott on his chest. "Hey dude, good decision, buddy. Good alpha decision."
"I hope so.", Scott sighed as they walked to Stiles' locker.
"You know so.", Stiles said as they reached his locker.
"It's just a lot more respectful to earn your trust than trying to force it out of you simply because they need an alpha.", Sam tells Scott.
He wasn't even paying attention. She followed Scott's stare to see him looking at Kira at her locker. Stiles also caught his line of vision.
"What are you lookin' at?", Stiles asked with a smile.
"Me? You.", he quickly said, looking back at Stiles.
"You looking at her?", he asked.
"Her? Who her?", Scott nervously asked.
"Her, her, Scott. Kira.", Sam says, nodding at her.
"You like her?", Stiles asked.
"No," he answered quickly. Sam raised an eyebrow. "I mean, uh, yeah. Yeah. She's okay, she's new.", he says. 
"She's new?", Sam repeated, smiling. That's all he could say?
"Ask her out!", Stiles encouraged as Kira closed her locker door and walked down the hall.
"How many chances do you get at love? Yes right now, Scott!", Sam encouraged.
"You're an alpha, okay? You're an apex predator. Everyone wants you, you know? You're like the hot girl that every guy wants!" Stiles explained.
"Don't give him a big head, now.", Sam joked as Isaac walked up, awkwardly.
"The hot girl?", Scott repeated. "You are the hottest girl.", Stiles gave him a pat on the shoulder and took off.
"What?", Isaac asked, confused.
"I'm the hot girl.", Scott's smile spread ear to ear as he nodded his head, pumping himself up.
"Yes you are.", Isaac agreed with a nod.
"That's our Stiles, filling your head with his weird pep talks.", Sam sighed, shaking her head and walking to class with a smile.
As usual, Finstocks' class was full of stifled laughter as they sat in their seats, trying to behave as they waited on Coach.
"Son of a bitch!", he heard outside in the halls.
Scott, Stiles, and Sam looked at each other and snickered as Finstock came storming into the class, totally pissed off. 
"Mischief night! Devil's night! I don't care what you call it, you little punks are evil.", Coach sneered. Sam let out a quick sputter of laughter, covering up with a cough.
"You think it's funny, Wilson?", he challenged. Sam scratched her nose. "No, Coach.", she said, trying to hide her smile.
"You all think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle." Scott couldn't hold his smile anymore and Coach slammed a hand down on Scott's desk, making him flinch.
"Mine's a freaking omelet!", Coach cried, turning his back to them. On the front of his desk sat a card in a yellow envelope next to a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper topped with a shiny blue bow. Finstock reluctantly picked it up and rolled his eyes. "Oh this? We're going to do this again?"
He held the gift up for the class to see. He dropped the gift to the ground. "I don't think so!"
Coach stomped it and smashed it to pieces. His eyes grew wide with realization as he saw what he destroyed. He picked up broken pieces of a ceramic mug and immediately went to open the card. "Happy birthday," He read aloud and opened the card, "love, Greenberg."
As Sam got out of her class, Stiles pulled her down the hallway, watching as multiple students were bustling in the halls.
"What the hell is going on?"
"I don't know, every cop from the surrounding three counties is here. I just saw my dad, something's wrong.", Stiles replied. 
"If it's not one thing, it's another.", Sam muttered, following him as his dad came into view.
"Dad! Dad!", Stiles yelled, catching the Sheriff's attention. They jogged over to him.
"Kids, I don't have time.", he stressed. "What's going on?", his son asked, concerned. Sheriff looked around, "A very dangerous prisoner escaped and he was spotted nearby."
"What prisoner?", Sam asked as they followed him. 
"William Barrow.", Sheriff sighed. Their eyes widened at the name. William Barrow, a crazed mass murdering man. He was known for walking onto a school bus full of kids with a shrapnel bomb strapped to himself. Four kids died and one had lost his legs.
"The William Barrow? The shrapnel bomber? He was spotted nearby?", Stiles cried, causing the Sheriff to stop in his tracks.
"A little closer than nearby, actually.", his dad whispered. They turned to see Mr. McCall as he walked past them with several officers. Stiles and Sam looked at each other with a knowing look. All this chaos happening, everyone running about…  he was here.
"Dad, what's really going on?", Stiles asked his dad.
"He might be here. You two need to be careful. He escaped during surgery at the hospital so see if you can get Scott and Isaac to get a lead on anything. I've got to go, I'm sorry."
Stiles and Sam turned to each other as his dad walked away. Sam pulled Stiles. "We need to find Scott. Now." Stiles nodded as they took off in a run to find their best friend.
They were looking everywhere for Scott but couldn't find him. He wasn't answering his phone and they didn't see anyone who saw him. 
As they passed up a hallway, she stopped, catching Scott's back pressed up against the wall of lockers right next to an English classroom. Stiles' caught her pause and they ran up to their friend.
"Scott.", Sam called, grabbing his attention.
"Where the hell have you been?", Stiles asked. Before Scott could respond, Lydia came jogging up to them. "The police are leaving! Why are they leaving?", she urged for an answer.
"The police?", Scott asked.
"Your obliviousness is gonna get you in trouble.", Sam says.
"They must have cleared the building grounds which means he's not here.", Stiles said, making Lydia sigh heavily.
"Who? What are you guys—", Scott started but Lydia cut him off. 
"He has to be here! That sound—the buzzing I've been hearing—it's getting louder.", Lydia exclaimed.
"How loud?"
"Like it's right on top of us.", she whimpered, looking up. 
"We need to find my dad.", Stiles said.
"Someone tell me what's going on! Who's here?", Scott asked.
"William Barrow. Remember him? School bus bomber?", Sam asked. 
"What?", he exclaimed with wide eyes. "My mom was supposed to do his operation!"
"He escaped during it and he's here. You try to go catch a blood scent we need to find his dad.", Sam says as they split their ways.
Scott went to find a blood scent and Isaac while Lydia, Stiles, and Sam ran outside. They caught the Sheriff just as he, Agent McCall, and a few other officers were going down the stairs.
"Dad! Dad!" Stiles called as they ran down the stairs in tow of the Sheriff.
"Yeah?" He continued to job down the stairs.
"Sheriff, wait." Sam begged.
"You can't leave yet.", Stiles said. Sheriff Stilinski stopped at the bottom of the stairs before turning around to them. "We got an eye witness that puts Barrow by the train station.", he told them.
"Let's go, Stilinski!", Agent McCall yelled.
"Would you give us a second!", Sam yelled. The Sheriff turned on his heel to walk away but Stiles stopped him.
"Lydia said that he's still here.", he cried and his dad's eyes widened. 
"What? Did she see him?"
"Not exactly…" Sam grimaced. "But if we say she did, would you guys stay?", she asked.
"What do you mean not exactly? Did she see him?"
"No. Not at all, actually. But she has a feeling—a supernatural feeling." The Sheriff was more than confused with his son. He looked over to find Lydia standing against the outdoor lockers.
"But, Lydia wasn't on the chessboard!", Sheriff said, exasperated. 
"Well, she is now.", Stiles clarified.
"God, really?", Sheriff cried.
"We know! We know how it sounds, but it basically means she can sense when someone's close to death."
"Can she sense that I'm about to kill you?", Sheriff whispered harshly. 
"You've got to believe us. She's been right every time before."
"I'm not saying I don't believe it, but right now, I'm going with eye witness over banshee." The Sheriff began walking away.
"Why would he be at a train station?", Sam asked, walking after him. "He targeted kids and now he's going to target the entire school!"
"We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lockdown till 3 o'clock. Nobody goes in, nobody goes out. Kids, that's the best I have right now. That's the best I can give you guys."
"Wha—leaving me here, no, that is the worst!", Stiles stuttered as his dad ran off to catch up with Agent McCall.
"Don't leave us!", Sam yelled and stopped as she sighed.
"We need a plan B.", Stiles said and Sam nodded in agreement.
Stiles and Lydia were checking the classrooms, the wolves were checking the basement, and Sam was checking the supply closets and the library.
She snuck to the basement after they checked and found nothing. Sam thought he'd be here. It'd make sense if he really wanted to hide.
She sent the text to a group message to Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden. Despite our recent differences, this involved them too.
Coming out of the library, she moved down the hall and checked each closet. There was nothing out of the ordinary. She moved down another empty hallway and just as she was about to open the custodial closet, the shrill ringing of the fire alarm blared throughout the school.
She quickly covered her ears to block out the sudden shrill noise. She rushed out of the room and spotted the group of six joining up together.
"Who pulled it?", Sam asked, rushing over to them.
"Me.", Stiles admitted.
"Figured. What do we do now? No one's here anymore.", Sam says.
"Does that mean everyone's safe?", Ethan asked.
"I don't know.", Lydia sadly answered. "I just…I don't know."
"No one's safe till he's back in custody.", Isaac said.
"We aren't exactly safe in the school at night either.", Sam said as she sat in the back seat of the Jeep. Lydia, Stiles, and Sam were on their way to the school because Stiles had a superstition as to where Barrow was hiding.
Stiles parked the jeep at the front of the school, and they went around to the side door that was always kept unlocked. They quietly walked themselves to the chemistry room.
"So, what are we looking for?", Lydia asked. Sam looked around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary in the chemistry room.
"I already checked in here, Harris always used to lock the closet and the new guy does it...too.", Stiles said as he easily opened the door. Sam's eyebrows furrowed. "Why was it unlocked?" It was never supposed to be unlocked.
"Yeah. Notice anything else?", Stiles asked.
"Besides chemicals? No.", Lydia answered. Stiles was using the flashlight on his phone as he searched through the shelves.
"Chemical smell." Sam thought back to Erica's dead body. "Ammonia.", she said as her eyes widened. "He masked his scent."
Lydia was right. Stiles looked at Sam as he crouched to the ground and nodded. He shined the flashlight on the floor to see pieces of broken glass, string, and drops of dark red blood.
"He was here. Performing very minor surgery on himself, but you were right."
"Why don't I feel good about this?", Lydia shifted her weight nervously.
"Something's not right. Why would he come to a busy school just to stitch up a wound?", Sam thought.
"He was probably here to kill somebody.", Stiles said.
"But who?", Sam asked. 
"That's what we have to figure out.", Stiles said, getting up and walking out of the closet. We began walking into the chemistry room.
"He targeted a bus full of kids, Stiles. If he had the chance, he'd blow up the whole school. I doubt it's just one person he's after. Hence the term mass murderer.", Sam emphasized. 
Lydia was staring at the board and Stiles was asking her what numbers on the board were.
"Atomic numbers.", she answered, walking closer. Stiles and Sam walked over to her to see three sets of numbers written vertically.
"Is it a formula?", he asked.
"Not really. 19's Potassium, 53's Iodine, and 88's Radium."
"The first two make potassium iodide…" Lydia picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the letter K next to 19.
"Potassium is K?", Stiles asked.
"From Kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." Lydia said, dismissively. She wrote an 'I' next to 53 and continued on to radium.
"What's radium?" Stiles questioned.
"Ra?", Sam asked. Lydia slowly wrote Ra next to 88.
"Ra." She gasped, dropping the chalk onto the ground. They stared at the board in shock as they read what was on the board.
"Kira.", Stiles and Sam simultaneously whispered in shock. He was after Kira.
"He's still not answering.", Sam warned as Stiles drove crazy down the road.
Scott had a bad habit of not answering the phone for when it counts.
"I got it! Turn right!", Lydia directed as Sam tried his phone once more. Something was off. He's not answering his phone and Kira could be in danger. Both him and Kira could be in danger.
"Fourth house down on the right.", Lydia informed, making Stiles swerve again. Sam's eyes widened to see Scott's bike. "Look!", Sam says, pointing at it. 
As they got closer to Kira's house, Stiles shifted the car into park and they all ran out of the jeep, seeing Scott knocked out on the pavement next to his bike.
"Scott!", Sam yelled, running over to him.
"Scott.", Sam shook as she crouched down to him. "Scott! Wake up!!"
She even checked for wounds. Nothing but a gash on his forehead. 
Stiles ran over to them, shaking his best friend. "Scott, Scott, Scott!"
Scott's breathing became heavier, and his eyes began to flutter until they popped open. He gasped awake, looking around. Stiles and Sam gave him space and stood up.
"Barrow! He took Kira!", Scott yelled as he looked up at them.
"We know. He was after her the whole time.", Stiles said. Scott got off the ground and shoved his hand into his jacket pocket, pulling out his phone. His fingers dialed Isaac's number and eventually Isaac answered. 
"Did you find anything?", he asked. They heard Isaac's muffled voice and Scott nodded. "All right, thanks." Scott hung up the phone looking defeated. "We have to think of something, he's going to kill her."
"I knew he was there. How did I know that?", Lydia asked.
"Okay, Lydia.", Sam says.
"What do you hear now?", Scott asked as Lydia concentrated on her hearing.
"Nothing." Her voice cracked. "I feel like I can do this, but I don't know what to do. It's—it's like it's on the tip of my tongue and I don't know how to trigger it.", she frowned. "I swear to God! It literally makes me want to scream." Scott, Stiles, and Sam looked at each other. Her screams were her warnings before someone was about to die.
Someone was gonna die.
"Okay then, scream. Lydia, scream.", Stiles ordered. And she did.
All three of them covered their ears to block out her shrill shrieks in the night air.
They all stared at Lydia's back as she finally went silent and looked up at the sky.
"It's not flies.", she said and quickly turned around, making Stiles flinch. "It's electricity.", she smiled in success.
"Wait a second…Barrow was an electrical engineer.", Stiles said. 
"Where did he work?", Sam asked.
"Some electrical substation."
"Lydia, find the address, please. C'mon.", Sam said as they piled in the car.
Something wasn't right. Unless Barrow had some weird, sick twisted way of killing Kira or he was trying to prove something.
"What's wrong?", Lydia asked as she looked at her through the rearview mirror as they sped down the road.
"I'm getting this weird feeling. Barrow is twisted, but electrocution? The last time I've seen anyone use electrocution was on werewolves.", Sam said.
Scott looked at her. "But she didn't smell like one. In fact, her house would've smelled like it, considering I was just there." 
"But why specifically her? I mean, he spelled out her name in elements.", Sam says. 
"She has a point.", Lydia said. "She did know about Bardo. Maybe she knew too much."
"I wanna believe that she's innocent and maybe she is. But if she's not human, what is she?", Sam asked.
"Okay, wait here alright? Wait for the cops to come.", Stiles instructed Lydia as we finally arrived. Scott, Stiles, and Sam rushed out of the car, Stiles keeping a grip on his metal bat.
"Me? Wait, why?", Lydia asked.
"I've only got one bat.", Stiles said and ran off towards Scott.
"What about you?", Lydia asked Sam. Sam shrugged. "I'll be fine. You sit tight.", Sam said and caught up with the other two. 
Scott was already ahead. Stiles and Sam ran towards the sound of struggling.
"No!", they heard Kira's voice. "Don't, she's not the one you want!"
Stiles and Sam ran into the room to see Scott paralyzed on the floor, and Barrow holding a broken power wire and walking towards Kira, who was tied up with ropes.
"Scott, your eyes!", Sam yelled.
"I can't." He groaned. "Can't move. Please. Help her."
Stiles and Sam began running towards Barrow as he closed in on Kira. Then, all of the sudden, they were blinded by white light. There was the sound of an explosion and all they heard was the buzzing of electricity.
Stiles and Sam were thrown back and hit the floor with a loud thud. Sam looked up with a groan, seeing sparks and strands of light. When the light dissipated, her eyes widened.
Electricity was being absorbed into Kira's hands.
All the lights in the substation flickered and finally gave out, submerging them in darkness. Stiles struggled to get his phone out of his pocket and turn the flashlight on.
It didn't matter. All they saw was Kira's terrified face and heaving shoulders. Sam stood, ready and defensive.
What the hell was that? What even is she?
Their questions didn't even get answered as they were now sitting in Sheriff Stilinski's office. Scott's dad pressured them with questions.
"Are you asking me?", Scott asked, staring at his dad with raised eyebrows.
"I think he's asking me.", Stiles said.
"Definitely isn't asking me.", Sam said.
"I think he's asking all of you.", Lydia said.
"Okay, let me answer the questions…." The teens looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Let me ask the questions.", McCall corrected. "Just so I have this absolutely clear, Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on a blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."
"Sounds about right.", Stiles nodded.
"How'd you know he'd take her to the power station?", McCall questioned.
"Because he used to work there? Do y'all not have a file on him in your little agent headquarters?", Sam says, looking at him in confusion.
"Lucky guess.", Stiles corrected before Sam got herself in trouble.
"That's one hell of a deduction there."
"What can I say, I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement.", Stiles joked, winking and pointing at his dad. The Sheriff stifled a laugh and when McCall turned around to correct himself with a glare, he passed it off as a cough.
"Just answer the man, kids.", Sheriff pleaded.
"We're just smart. Are you gonna arrest us for doing a little Scooby dooing?", Sam smiled.
McCall rolled his eyes and moved on. "What were the two of you doing?", Agent McCall asked his son and Kira.
"Eating sushi and pizza." They both finally concluded.
"Eating pizza.", Scott said at the same time as Kira said they were eating sushi. They all looked over to him with a raised brow. He looked over to Kira instead.
"Eating pizza.", she said as Scott said what Kira had stated before.
"Wow.", Sam muttered.
"Do you believe any of this?", McCall asked Stilinski.
"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles' has said since he learned how to speak." Stiles tried to hide his smile.
"But I think these kids found themselves at the right place at the right time and that girl sitting over there is very lucky for it." The Sheriff concluded.
"Kira," Agent McCall started, "is that how you remember it?" The teens looked over to the girl, narrowing their eyes at her.
"Yes.", she nervously answered. "Can I get my phone back now?"
"Sorry, but no.", he declined, getting up and finally letting them leave the building. They all were led out of the Sheriff's office after Agent McCall told Kira that she'd be taken home by an officer.
"Scott." His dad called to grab his attention.
"We'll wait for you outside." Sam told Scott, following the direction Kira went in. Sam jogged out of the building to see Stiles and his dad talking by the Jeep and Kira walking with the officer down the sidewalk.
"Kira." Sam called. She turned to her, and Sam walked up to her.
"Yeah?", she nervously asked.
"Are you okay?", Sam asked. She looked at Sam fairly confused.
"Umm, yeah. I'm okay.", she nodded.
"Good. Just wanted to make sure.", Sam says. Kira fidgeted as Sam stared her down.
"I don't know what happened. I don't know what that was, I mean I'm even more shocked than you are," She grimaced. "No pun intended. But seriously, I didn't even know I could do that."
Sam sighed. "Look, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt. We've been through a lot already and I don't need another problem. However, if you do need help, that doesn't involve doing mysterious favors for you, then we're willing to help.", Sam says, and she nodded.
"Thank you.", Kira says. "Don't make me regret it, Kira.", Sam warned. She nodded and walked back to the officer waiting.
Sam turned around and saw Stiles look at her with a curious expression. She shook her head dismissively.
Seems like the power outage reached all of Beacon Hills, not just some parts, but that didn't deter school from continuing.
After last night, Sam wasn't really in a Halloween spirit. She just wanted to go to home.
"Hey~ Guess what I got?", Stiles smiled as he walked up to my locker. Sam tilted her head in curiosity. He pulled out a party size bag of Twix, making her smile. "Happy late birthday."
"I was joking.", Sam chuckled, taking it.
"You love me anyways.", Stiles said, grinning. 
He looked behind her, and waved, catching her attention. Scott was walking through the door but quickly stopped in his tracks as he looked behind them. Stiles and Sam followed his line of sight to see Kira by her locker. She looked over at Scott before going the opposite direction.
"What did you say to her last night?", Stiles wondered.
"I was just letting her know not to mess up.", Sam shrugged.
"Did you threaten her?", Stiles asked. Sam looked at him in disbelief. "No. What?"
He raised an eyebrow. "She's new, I'm not gonna automatically threaten her and make bad with her right now. I'm just letting her know not to mess up.", Sam says. 
Scott began jogging down the hall to catch up with Kira.
"There he goes.", Sam warned as Stiles grabbed Scott. "No, no, no! Stop, stop."
"I need to talk to her.", Scott said.
"If you don't remember, someone left a coded message for Barrow to kill her.", Stiles reminded.
"Which is why I need to talk to her!", Scott argued.
"Scott, no way! Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interactions!", Stiles exclaimed.
"What if she's like me?", Scott asked.
"That girl walked through one hundred and twenty gigawatts of electricity.", Stiles stated with wide eyes.
"Kate electrocuted Derek when she kidnapped both of us after the formal. As I said before, the last time I've seen anyone use electrocution as torture and punishment was for werewolves.", Sam added. 
Scott shook his head anyway and took off. Stiles tried to go after him, but she stopped his shadow which made him yank to a pause as she walked up to him.
"He's very hardheaded." Sam sighed. Stiles frowned and dug into his pocket. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and looked over to see Stiles examining a silver key in his hands. "What's that for?"
"I don't know.", he said, blankly.
After school, Scott came running up to Stiles and Sam, pleading them to help him with something, but he was struggling to ask.
"Before you say anything, does this involve breaking the law?", Stiles asked. "Why are you surprised if it did?", Sam asked him.
"I need help, actually Kira and I need help getting her phone back. There's some things on there that the police can't see.", Scott said.
"Breaking into the station? Come on, Scott! My dad's in enough trouble.", Stiles whined.
"Please!", Scott begged.
"You're asking us to help her? I'm going with Stiles on this one, your dad's an asshole.", Sam tells him.
"I'll owe you guys forever, please. You won't have to go in. I'll take all the blame. We need to help her.", Scott stressed. 
"Why can't we just go do normal Halloween stuff like go to a party? No, we need to go break into a police station!", Stiles complained and sighed. "Let's go."
Stiles was more than frustrated they were helping Scott sneak into the station.
"I can't believe we're doing this.", he mumbled. Scott and Kira walked up to the car as Stiles pulled cards out of his pockets.
"Okay, this one will get you into all of the perimeter doors, this one into the evidence room, and this one's for my father's office.", he handed the cards to Scott.
"You didn't steal these, did you?", Scott asked.
"No, I cloned them using an RFID emulator."
"Is that worse than stealing?"
"It's… smarter.", Stiles said. While Kira pulled Scott aside for a second, Sam looked at Stiles.
"An RFID?", she looked at him in question.
"It's definitely something that may be against the law.", Stiles summed.
"Okay. So, now almost everybody's out dealing with the blackout. But there's always somebody at the front desk. There's Dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are gonna use the service door entrance by the dumpster. All right? Nobody uses it. I'll text you if anyone comes out. But, Scott, if you get caught, I can't help you. My dad's under investigation for impeachment because of your dad, so, if anything happens, we run and leave you both for dead.", Stiles said. 
"Got it, thanks. Seriously, dude.", Scott nodded.
"I'd ask my dad, but you know—"
"We got it, Sti.", Sam says, rubbing his shoulder.
"All right, just, uh, hurry up.", Stiles shooed them. The two nodded and walked off.
"What do we do now?", Sam asked, sighing.
"Sit. Wait. Hope we don't get caught.", Stiles said, looking defeated at this point.
"Well, our best chance at saving your dad the trouble would be just leaving them here. Scott already has his bike, we can just dip.", Sam said as we waited.
Stiles didn't say anything. He didn't have to. Sam knew he was stressed and tired, even though he looked better after not being able to read for a while.
"How are the nightmares?", Sam asked, making him pause then look at her. Sam raised an eyebrow as he tried to find the words to explain.
"They're… better. They've stopped but not completely.", he says as he messes with a silver key.
He pauses. "Can I tell you something?"
Sam tilted her head in wonder. "What's on your mind?"
"There's nothing really wrong… I think it's just me. I know Scott has his own thing going on and Isaac's living with him and all and then you're dealing with your witchy stuff now, I just– I feel left behind. I don't know how to explain it. I'm…", he sighed.
"I'm scared. Scared that I'm gonna lose you guys. If I haven't already.", he confessed.
She put an arm around him as she pulled him close. "Stiles, you still have us. Nothing's gonna change anything between us. We've got you. We love you a bunch, I promise you. We may have a lot to deal with right now, but it's not gonna sway us from you.", she reassures, hugging him.
He wrapped an arm around her. "Love you, kid.", Sam says, and he chuckled. "I'm only a couple of months younger than you."
"Yeah, but you're still the baby of the group.", Sam laughs, returning his smile. It was good to see him smile. She can't stand to see him so upset.
Their talk stopped as a beam of headlights shone, catching their attention. The other vehicle came to a stop and the ignition was cut off.
"Ah, hell." Stiles complained as Agent McCall exited the car.
"Don't move.", Sam whispered. Stiles leaned down in his seat and grabbed his phone, sending a quick text to Scott.
"Come on, Scott.", he whispered as McCall walked up to the back door.
"Okay, nevermind, you need to leave.", Sam urged. He watched Agent McCall's figure head in the door and disappear. He tenses, not making any move to leave. Sam gets ready to go in, but Stiles stops her. "Sam, don't."
"Just warn Scott to hurry the hell up. I'll stall.", Sam said, hurriedly getting out of the car and quietly following after Agent McCall. "Agent McCall, hold on.", Sam called, rushing over to him. "I've been looking for you."
He turned to her with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you want, Samantha?"
"The whole thing with Barrow, it was true. We literally just went to the school to make sure Barrow wasn't there. I helped Stiles with the plan of going to the substation.", Sam says, making him raise his eyebrows. 
Sam nodded. "Well, thank you for telling me. Now you should get home, there's a curfew.", he said and tried to walk away.
"Also, what you're doing to Stiles' dad sucks.", Sam says, making him pause and turn to her. "He's the best sheriff we've had for years. Did you ever once consider that maybe the mysterious cases were out of his control? Or anyone's control for that matter? Or that whoever was doing all of this has a very clean way of getting rid of evidence?", Sam pressed, walking up to him.
He didn't seem to have an answer which made her eyebrows raise. "Are you serious?", Sam scoffed.
He put out a hand to stop her. "Samantha, I really don't have time for judgmental reviews of performance."
"But you have time to review his. That's a little hypocritical, don't you think?", Sam challenged. He frowned at her. 
"You asked Stiles if the Sheriff was drinking? What does that have to do with the cases? Why even bring up a sensitive topic to someone that isn't even comfortable with telling you information like that to begin with?", Sam pressed.
He sighed. "If I pause the impeachment, will you leave me to my job?"
"Maybe.", Sam says.
He frowned. "Samantha."
"You said if. I said, maybe. Both are probabilities and it looks like we're gonna be holding on to those ifs.", Sam challenged and walked away.
She pushed out the door and walked around the building to find Stiles fidgeting near his Jeep. His eyes widened when he saw her and rushed over to her. 
"What happened?", he asked. "He tried to make a compromise and I told him it wasn't gonna work.", Sam said.
Stiles pulled her into a grateful hug. They pulled apart once they heard the metal of the back door creak open. Scott and Kira came rushing out with a smile on their faces.
"We did it! All the pics are deleted.", Scott smiled.
"That was awesome!", Kira said, excitedly. "I mean, terrifying, completely terrifying but kind of awesome."
Stiles and Sam looked at her in amazement before looking at Scott. He had such a sweet smile on his face as he looked at Kira.
"God, I've never done anything like that before, have you?", she asked. Scott, Stiles, and Sam all looked at each other, chuckling.
"Yeah, once or twice.", Stiles nodded.
"Pretty much.", Sam says.
"So, I guess I should take you home." Scott sighed. Kira nodded and started walking off to Scott's bike. Sam's phone bleeped, alerting her that she had a new message.
She pulled it out to see Danny had texted her asking if she was coming to his party. Sam sighed and agreed. She supposed she deserved to treat herself tonight.
Sam looked at the address he sent and frowned at its familiarity.
"Let's go.", Stiles called after her. She walked up to him as he looked at his phone. "We gotta go to this party, you promised me a party after I gave you candy.", he whined. Sam smiled. "I did say that."
She looked back at her phone, a confused frown setting in on her face. "Why's the party on Emerson St, though?" 
Stiles' eyes widened as they piled in. "That's Derek's loft.", he laughed.
Sam's heart dropped as she whined. He was gonna be so pissed when he came back.
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asterekmess · 3 years
Been seeing you getting hate mail and while I absolutely can't understand why anyone would go to all the trouble to make some one else feel bad... I also kinda really love the discourse on Scott? Like YOUR RANTS oh man. On point. Always. Tbh I tried giving Scott a chance... He is the main char after all... But I was like??? Wtf? That dude does nothing but refute others and does whatever he wants. And this was when I didn't particularly like Stiles either (first time watching Teen Wolf). But then I got to know more of him and like Tony he went asshole to lovable asshole—seriously, Stiles might not be the ‘nicest’ but he tries and his heart is in good place—while Scott is just... self-righteous. Someone pointed out that he sees people as possessions and that irks me too that I can actually see it being true. The dude has literally nothing going on except for being the one that gets bitten. And the Romeo-and-Juliet-esque romance he has.
Okay, okay, where was I going with this?? Right. LOVE YOUR RANTS. People need to understand that Scott not being liked isn't because of his race or anything trivial like it—he just happens to be—but because of his actions. Or inactions, as it were. *remembers the pool scene and Scott saying he's busy and resists the urge to chuck a shoe at him*
Basically, love you, love your work, and love your words! ❤️
I've talked with some friends about it, and our number one issue sort of...boiled down to the hypocrisy of the show? I....sort of rant a lot here, and I would add a Read More, but I can't find the option anymore?? I fucking hate Tumblr. EDIT: I found a post that told me how to do it!
So, since he's the character I focus on the most, let's talk about Stiles' morality. Because, you're right. Stiles is an asshole. He does some fucking awful shit in the first season, and even if he had a Reason to do it, it was still bad. And I still don't like it. But I understand it.
Stiles' lack of shits about what is 'lawful' is literally established in the first ten seconds of the show. He's a sheriff's son who sneaks onto people's roofs in the middle of the night bc they aren't answering his calls, who listens in on his dad's work conversations and is willing to fuck up a crime scene because he's so excited about getting to see a dead body. He doesn't care about laws. He doesn't even care about most basic manners (invasion of privacy much, with having Scott sniff Lydia to see if she liked him?). He's a dickhead, even to the people he cares about sometimes. But personality and morality aren't the same. Stiles' entire actual morality system is based around whatever he needs to do to keep the people he loves safe and happy. Lying to his dad so he doesn't get murdered by hunters? Totally fine. Telling Scott that it was "Jackson's own fault" that Scott attacked him with superstrength and dislocated his shoulder, so Scott doesn't feel like an asshole? That's just best friend duties! He will lie, steal, cheat, and he will kill to keep his loved ones safe (let's not forget this boy threw molotovs at Peter, knowing damn well what they would do to him). We can headcanon all we want about all the different people who are in this group of loved ones, but the list is canonically very short: Scott, his dad, and Lydia. Later on, like, past s3B? It includes Derek. Canonically. Stiles puts his life and the lives of others he cares about on the line while he lies to the matriarch of the Calavera hunter clan, to save Derek Hale. Derek is just canonically a part of that group now, and he fucking knows it bc Stiles is his anchor (that's canon too bb). End of Story, Sterek or no Sterek. It's why we get that insane number of lookbacks when Derek is dying before his evolution. Because Stiles is being forced to choose between two people who are BOTH in his ride-or-die group. He Cannot Pick between Scott and Derek, until Derek begs him to leave.
SO, yes, Stiles does fuckface things, and I don't always agree with what he does, but it is ACCURATE TO HIS CHARACTER. He is morally grey. He NEVER CLAIMS to be pure or good or just or righteous. Stiles knows who he is, and he stays true to himself. And I love him for that.
The same goes for a bunch of other characters! For Peter, who is strikingly similar to Stiles, in that family goes above literally everything. Screw the idea that he was following Derek around waiting for the chance to steal back the Alpha spark. That man put his life on the line (his second life, no less) to get the shit beaten out of him until Derek let him help save Derek's life Again and Again. Family Comes First.
Scott's morality is...confusing as fuck. I thought at first he was similar to Stiles, in that family came first, but...while he's protective of his mother, he also does a lot of stuff that puts her at risk without seeming to care/worry (like leaving Peter alone with her once Stiles hits their car, so he can chase Jackson) (or asking her to come to the high school when he's convinced there's a bomber in it)? Seriously, he's more protective over Allison, than his mother. It's very black and white the rest of the time. Very "this bad" "this good." And if you do "bad" then you are bad forever, while if you do "good" you are only good until you do "bad." The Betas were "good" until they asked for the bite, and then they were "Bad." Derek was "bad" when Scott met him and scared him, so after that, no matter how much "good" he did, he remained "bad." But only when it suits him. Allison is good even when she does bad, because he wants her to be good. Chris is good even though he's done mountains of bad, because of the minuscule amount of good that Scott has seen him do, because Scott wants him to be good. Even DEUCALION is good, despite the crazy CRAZY amount of bad he's done and despite having seen him do NO GOOD, just because Scott wants him to be good. Lying to those closest to you is bad, unless Scott is doing it, and then it's good, because he knows HE is good. Killing people is bad, unless Scott is doing it. Letting villains go is bad, unless Scott is doing it. Biting people is bad, unless Scott is doing it. Protecting family is good even if it requires killing or lying, unless it's not Scott doing it. Revenge for past slights is good, unless it's not SCOTT doing it. And you try to understand it! You try to say, okay, then he's morally grey, got it. He plays with the rules to suit his own morality, whatever. Except that Scott, the other characters, and THE SHOW ITSELF, are all telling you otherwise! They all say that Scott is morally pure. That he is good and righteous and lawful. That he always does the "right" thing, and that when he does "bad" things, it's justified and he had to. THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES say Scott is somehow better or more righteous than the other characters by MAKING HIM AN ALPHA OUT OF NOWHERE. (I'm talking abt canon here, not going into deaton conspiracy theories) It's like....Like in the hate mail response I did, where I pointed out that Every Single Thing people get angry at Derek for doing, Scott did too. Lying, killing (or at least attempting it), attacking innocents, losing his temper, keeping secrets, refusing to work with someone who could help, etc etc etc. Everything Derek has done that is morally "wrong," Scott has also done. And that's okay! Doing a bad thing doesn't make you a bad person, and even if it did, Scott is ALLOWED to be bad! GO FOR IT.
Except that he is sinless. It isn't that he learns from the bad things he does, it's that they aren't treated like bad things in the first place. Because Scott did it, and Scott always does the right thing.
Derek's behavior is reprehensible at times, but the show ADMITS that and frames it as bad. Frames it as him doing a bad thing when he scares Isaac or throws Peter or tells Erica who to date. And that's fine, because Derek is established as not being morally pure.
But SCOTT IS. And because they were so desperate to make him continue being "Pure" they didn't frame the things he did as wrong, or if they did, they absolved him of it immediately, using the exact same reasoning that works for Derek's situations, but this time Actually Accepting it.
He scares Stiles, well it's because he's scared. He throws Isaac, it's because he's upset. He attacks Jackson well it's because Jackson was being a dick. He orders Allison to date Matt, well he had a goal to accomplish. Every reason is treated like a fucking doctor's note that erases the bad things he does.
Being scared, or angry, or retaliating to someone being an asshole, or trying to protect himself, was NEVER a good enough reason for Derek to do ANYTHING "Bad." It was never an acceptable excuse.
IF IT WERE: If the show were making a statement about how fallable people are, how they do bad things, but they do them for a REASON. How people will do wild and terrible things out of fear, and how that doesn't make it less bad, but it makes it understandable, so don't demonize them out of nowhere. If that were the case, I would HAVE BEEN FINE WITH IT.
Scott is held to COMPLETELY different standards than everyone else in the show! And I DON'T mean that people held him to higher ones. They dropped that bar so fucking low. Anything was allowed, and any excuse was good enough.
He made out with a girl who was dating someone else, who his best friend was in love with? It's just the full moon, he's angsty about losing Allison. He ducttapes Liam to a bathtub and starts throwing random phrases at him that he hated Derek for saying to him? He's freaked out! He doesn't know what to do with a bitten wolf! It was an accident! He works with a mass murderer behind people's backs without telling them the whole story? Am I talking about Gerard or Deucalion? Who fucking knows. Either way, it's okay, because he was protecting his family. He plots to murder a cancer patient slowly and painfully by replacing meds that likely included painkillers with mountain ash, and the uses someone else's body to deliver the killing blow, and it's okay because he was just being smart! He was just working ten steps ahead! He was saving his mom and the whole town! Who cares if it DIDN"T WORK?
He walks into his ex-girlfriend's hotel room and scares the SHIT out of her while she's naked and alone in the shower? It was the wolfsbane. It doesn't matter that no one else's impulses included HARASSING someone. He lies to his girlfriend's face about her own life because he doesn't think it's important enough for her to know (who am I talking about, come on, take a guess, which one is it? Allison or Kira? Trick question: it's both). He was just being kind! He didn't want to worry her! He didn't want to make her feel bad! She didn't need to know!
I'm so far off track it's not even funny. My point was that Everything the other characters in the show are demonized for or framed as evil or bad or wrong for doing, Scott is shown to do and it's treated like at minimum a comedy, if not a Perfect Brilliant Strategic Move.
God, fucking hell. I mean, the PARALLELS you see in this show, between Scott and others. The scene of Alexander Argent going to the hotel after being bit? That bit where he pulls his shirt up in the mirror? It's a near PERFECT replica of Scott looking at his bite at Deaton's. They paralleled SCOTT MCCALL with AN ARGENT. Deaton has this whole line in S2 where he's bitching at Derek about "the person you should trust the most doesn't trust you at all" And then seasons later, we have Scott look his best friend in the eye and refuse to trust him, only to get upset later because Stiles doesn't want to work with him anymore and he "lost them." Scott goes running into Derek's house in S1 to accuse him of killing the bus driver, and when he can't get a real response, he EGGS HIM ON by accusing him of Murdering his SISTER, just to get Derek to react. Which is the EXACT same thing Kate did when she showed up and wanted Derek to lose his temper. Scott is CONSTANTLY paralleled with villains and assholes, and constantly does the things that others are persecuted for. But instead of feeling regret or learning something from it, instead of growing AT ALL. Those actions are treated as good. We are told they are righteous. And clever. That they are what heroes do. AND YES: There are parallels between Derek and Stiles' behaviors and villains/morally grey characters! Of course there are!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I understand the urge to think that the Teen Wolf writers did all of this on purpose. That they built Scott up as an unreliable narrator, so that we're forced to come to terms with a protagonist who isn't good, and we watch them fall into a villainous role while thinking all the while they are a hero. That all these parallels are intentional and the writers just couldn't Tell us what was going on bc they didn't have enough power.
And sometimes I play into it. I will lie to myself about Scott being the 'narrator' of the entire show, and that we're seeing it all through his eyes so of course things are biased and conflicting, just so I can actually Enjoy watching it.
But I think it's absolute bullshit that this was done on purpose. It wasn't. The parallels appeared because they Wanted Scott to do the badass things that they had all the villains doing, throwing people and being sneaky and clever, and stopping the bad guy, and they didn't want to deal with the fact that they were having him do bad things. So they just pretended he wasn't and refused to acknowledge that they'd already punished other people for doing the same exact shit, but somehow Scott was getting rewarded. They wanted Scott to be the hero, so they made him the hero, and screw everybody else.
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