#Depicting: Game & Watch Fire Attack
gaminghardwareingames · 6 months
Game & Watch Gallery 4
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Sprites from: https://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy_advance/gnwgal4/
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amandacanwrite · 5 months
Halsin Headcanons For When He's In Love With You/Tav (Ungendered)
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Generously Requested by @cryingoverpixelsetc I can't tell you how much it means to me when people actually WANT to hear about my bg3 brainrot because this game has been my escape lately and also, just a nice little break from the freelance work I have to cram to get done.
(PS if you like these, I am also a writer of my own original stories and I have some WIP's you may like.)
Quick CW|| Some graphic depictions of violence, particularly puncture wounds and viscera, intentions of heavy violence also referenced. In Battle
He trusts you, perhaps more than anyone else, to handle yourself. He doesn't hover, but he always has an eye on you as you tear into the fray.
He always seems so gentle to you that you sometimes worry about your own brutality in a fight. Especially when it leaves you covered in blood.
Because of this, you tend to keep your distance after a fight, too frightened to look into his pretty hazel eyes and see any measure of hesitance or disgust with you. Not that you've gotten used to it, you cant bear the thought of him not calling you 'my heart.'
This is only a fear for you until you got pinned down with a particularly nasty bhaalan cultist. Astarion had already been taken down in the surprise attack, then you were toppled by one of the many in the ambush.
The scream you let out as they sadistically drove their daggers through the palms of your hands was shocking even to you. You felt like a moth pinned to a board--it was too painful to try to break yourself free, even as the assailant wielded his next blade like he was about to field dress an elk.
You'd never felt fear like that.
But it didn't last long. A great cave bear launched through the air and into your attacker, wasting no time before ripping into the soft flesh of his throat and tore it out.
The smell of fear on you was strong, he knew you couldn't fight like that, so he simply stood guard over you, tearing to shreds anyone who got close from what small parts of it you can remember through the utter fear.
It was the after math of that fight when you knew you could never let him go.
He cups your face in his large, warm hands.
"Look at me, dear heart. Look upon me and remember that you're alive. There is no more threat. There is no one to hurt you. I would never let someone take you away from me before nature deigns it so."
The blades, you wept, the blades would hurt to remove.
"They will, but only for a moment, my love. Just a moment of pain before I heal you myself and carry you back to camp."
It's Astarion who removes the blades from your palms and frees you; he has the steadiest hands. But Halsin wastes no time in cradling you close to him, holding both of your hands in his own as he quietly whispers the healing word. You watch as your flesh and tendons weave themselves together. Then he envelops you and comforts you as you cry. Just cry.
How lucky it is that he is so at peace with every expression of you. He takes you as you are at all moments; whether you're bloodthirsty, joyful, or terrified. He basks in it all.
At Camp
Always touching you. Always. To him this isn't a public display of affection. It's not awkward. He loves you, why should he not touch you at every moment he can?
Sometimes it's a small thing, a broad hand on the small of your back as you discuss travel plans with Wyll. A little touch to remind you that he is there, like a tether to safety.
Other times your bodies are a tangle of comfort. Like he's looked for every way he can weave his body with yours. His fingers in your hair, your arm over his shoulder, your leg betwixt his, his wide chest lifting and falling with his sleepy breaths. This is often how you wake in the mornings with him.
Perhaps your favorite, though, is the nights by the fire. He doesn't even ask most days, just places himself behind you and offers himself as your seating arrangements for the night. His arms up behind him as he reclines against a rock or a felled tree, you sitting on his lap or between his lazily bent legs. His husky laughter tickles against your ear, the little hairs on the back of your neck. His rough voice rumbled against you as he regales the camp with yet another story of his youth.
He's a bit of a night owl. You fall asleep long before him most days.
He's also a bit disheartened by how difficult it is to find clothes that fit him in your travels together. Karlach as generously offered to share her clothes with him of course, but...something about her taste doesn't really seem to quite suit him.
(A disappointment to you, considering how nice those legs looked in infernal leather.)
He's the one who does much of the hunting for the party, along with Astarion. Halsin's a shockingly gifted fisher, though most of the fish he brings back to camp have bites in the flesh.
It was unnerving to gale at first, but he learned to live with it when he once brought back a salmon the size of a deep gnome.
When You're Alone
Rarely fully clothed. Not shocking, of course and certainly not something you would ever complain about. He usually just takes his tunic off, he says it feels restrained by it. He feels like he can breathe a bit better when his chest is bare.
No pun intended, of course.
Funny thing though, you always feel its much harder to breathe when he's shirtless.
There are no chaste kisses with this large elf. He seems to not have the restraint.
"I love the taste of you, my heart. It's the finest ambrosia. How blessed I am to have free reign to sate my appetites with you."
He likes to braid your hair and you're not sure why you're surprised at how good he is at it. Braids are a common hairstyle for elves, after all, and the man is a few centuries old. It soon becomes your favorite part of any day.
"I love how long your hair is getting, love. These times with you, my focus lost in your tresses...they have become some of my most treasured memories."
He compliments you often and freely.
One day you tell him about how you worry that you're too brutal to be with him, that you're concerned you'll scare him off one day for good.
"My heart, I spend more than half of my life in the form of a cavebear. I know I have told you how I received this scar. I may treasure the thriving, living of nature but that is only one side of the coin. Nature can be as brutal as it can be miraculous. In you, I see the beauty of brutality. I do not fear it, I admire it."
In Intimate Moments
Potential NSFW below, proceed with caution.
TW|| Mentions of consensual rough housing before...well, you know.
He is...proportionately sized...if you like.
(You do. You like very much.)
You sometimes have to remind him to get his pleasure with you. He is so pleased to be with you in this way that he forgets to indulge himself, even when it would be a moment of shared pleasure.
He loves every iteration of making love with you. He loves to take you fresh after a battle, covered in blood, to remember what it is to live and be alive.
He loves to take advantage of the vulnerability of a bath in the rivers and lakes of Faerun. Seems to particularly enjoy the sounds that come out of you as he thrusts up and into you, the sounds of your bodies muted by the water so he can hear every whimper and hitch of your breath.
He loves to hunt you. More than once you've stolen away into the forests and he gives you a head start. It's some of the most thrilling experiences you've had being intimate with someone.
This is no simple game of hide and seek, it is a true pursuit.
He always finds you quickly and he is fast, but you are faster. It's always a struggle for him to catch you. When he finally does succeed in his quest, you are so lost in the thrill and challenge of the pursuit that it becomes a struggle.
This part he always wins though. Sometimes because your desire for his body takes over your desire for besting him.
Sometimes you are still fighting when he gathers both of your wrists in a single one of his hands and carefully locks your legs beneath his.
He is careful though. He would never do anything without your express consent, without your enjoyment. He may be lost in the moment but he is old enough and wise enough to keep his head.
"Do you still want this, my love? Does your body still burn with need? Or has the pursuit run away with you?"
When you tell him you want this; you want him. That brief tarry into gentleness vanishes. He smiles sharply and turns you over, taking you as an animal in the wild might. Rough and unrelenting.
His hands dig into your thighs, your hips. His fingers tangle and pull your hair.
But when all is said and done, the kisses are soft and sweet. Peppered over your shoulders, down the path of your spine.
He collects you in his arms and soothes you.
"Have you pain anywhere? Is there anything I can get for you my love? You have been so generous with your body this night, it is only right that I take care of you for the remainder of it."
He likes to discuss your intimacy at length. He wants to know what you liked, what you didn't like, what he should change. At first you didn't like to critique, but he pressed you about it once he started to notice changes in your demeanor or reactions in the act. It's gotten much easier for you to discuss these things with him over time.
He simply loves discussing the potential of a family with you. Sometimes enough to be ready for a second round. But that second round is much gentler and more loving than the first. Like he's dreaming of a future with you.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Hi I’m gonna be busy today , would it be alright if I send in my request now please if that’s ok with you
Please , please I am on my knees ! Can I please request yandere pet like Sand wraith concept /hcs please (their my fave dragon from the httyd game🥰) 💗🙏
Sure! Hope you like my interpretation :)
Yandere! Sand Wraith Concept
Pairing: Pet/Animal-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Abduction/Kidnapping, Jealousy, Isolation, Clingy behavior mentioned, Forced companionship.
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There isn't much on the Sand Wraith from what I can find.
They are depicted as a feisty medium sized Tidal class dragon that hides in the sand.
Due to its class we can assume these dragons are semi-aquatic and hide in the sand to ambush their prey.
They are said to be intelligent and agile, similar to the Fury line of dragons.
Due to their similar appearance and characteristics to the Fury line, I'd imagine they'd be similar to them… Sort of like Woolly Howls are.
These dragons, like Woolly Howls, blend in with their environment.
While the Woolly Howl blends in with snow… the Sand Wraith blends in with sand.
As a result these dragons are perfect with stealth.
Their eggs can be given to new dragon riders to train, or they can be found in the wild despite being considered elusive due to their stealth.
I'd imagine a Sand Wraith would be loyal to their rider, although they'd have a feisty and sassy nature.
For example, you'll be training them and they'll playfully disobey.
That or they'd do a command in return for something.
If you raised one from a hatchling, your Sand Wraith expresses some clingy behavior despite their sass.
If you denied them affection you'd see the sassy Sand Wraith quickly growl and whine for you to pay attention.
At the same time I feel Sand Wraiths are more isolated at times.
If they want to be away they'll find some sand to hide under.
Maybe they'll even jump out of it to spook you for fun.
Personally I can see a Sand Wraith dragging their rider into the sand to play.
They'll nuzzle you into the sand in an attempt to hide under it with you, all while growling playfully.
These dragons can be protective like most other dragons, Sand Wraiths seem like they'd have an advantage while protecting you.
They use stealth to their advantage to watch over their rider.
They also use said stealth to attack threats.
You're never really alone with them.
They are armed with not only teeth and claws, but their unique fire type.
Their fire type is small hardened balls of sand covered in fire.
Getting pelted by that would burn holes in the skin.
I feel Sand Wraiths live in underground dens surrounded by sand.
They're loyal to their riders and I imagine if they were overprotective, they'd take you there.
A trained Sand Wraith would still live in their dragon stable, but imagine this…
Maybe they've been making a hidden underground den to hide their rider?
Most dragons will do whatever they can to defend their rider.
Sand Wraiths are no different.
Being a stealthy dragon I feel they'd want to hide their darling more than outright attack others.
Just like how they hide in the sand, they want to hide you in the sand.
Imagine your Sand Wraith going rogue, shoving you onto their back before flying off.
When they land it looks like they've taken you to a hole in the ground.
You try to ask them what's wrong, only for them to shove you into the hole/den.
I have a feeling Sand Wraiths won't attack until threatened.
They know you'd hate it if they vented their jealousy through violence.
So instead they decide simply removing you from other dragons and humans will fix the issue.
You're essentially kidnapped by your own dragon and kept in a warm sand den.
They often bring back food they think you'd like and curl around you in the den.
You can hear the water of the waves from the beach they've chosen to live with you in.
They often bring back fish they've collected, scales freshly wet from the ocean.
Your Sand Wraith feels like they can take care of you themselves.
Even if you try to leave the den, where will you go?
They most likely took you to a more tropical island and you can't leave without another dragon or a boat.
Even if you tried to get such things, the Sand Wraith will just remove such a way of transportation.
They've claimed you as theirs, just like you chose them.
So they'll take care of you alone to return the favor.
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Bound in Fire and Blood [Aemond Targaryen x Reader]
Previous chapter || Series masterlist || Other HOTD stories
Summary: You are the younger twin sister of Aemond Targaryen and the second youngest child to King Viserys and Queen Alicent. Growing up you were extremely close to your twin brother, practically inseparable and as you continued to grow, you realized your feelings for him were more than just a sibling love….
TRIGGER WARNING: This is a story of incest (obviously, it’s Game of Thrones). It contains strong depictions of sexual content and blood. Please read at your own risk.
Warnings in this chapter: None.
A/N: Soooo this chapter was supposed to come out much sooner but I got shadowbanned which meant I could post BUT my post wouldn’t show up in the tags. All because I made a joke and hurt a Team Black supporter’s feelings 😂 (I mean it could be a glitch BUT it was a coincidence that I got shadowbanned after they sent me a message 🥴. Look, I am genuinely Team Green but don’t come attacking me for it. I laugh at Team Green memes the same way I laugh at Team Black memes. Please and thank you xx). Anyway, sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy the chapter. 💚 Update: it was a glitch on their end but my tumblr is back 🥰🥰🥰 (the day AFTER I make a backup 😂)
Chapter Six: Dragon Dreams
Gif does not belong to me 💚
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“Did you have a good night, husband?” You asked softly, brushing through your white locks as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Aegon grunted a bit, sitting up in your marital bed. He looked as though he had gotten little to no sleep, his short silver hair a mess.
“I did,” He mumbled yawning while running a hand through his hair although it didn’t do much as it fell back in his face.
You nodded a bit, looking back in the mirror. The night before was running constantly through your mind. The way Aemond touched you, it made you feel alive. As though he erupted a fire within you…something you have never felt with Aegon.
You set your brush down although you furrowed your brows, noticing the forming mark on your neck. You placed a hand over it lightly before quickly standing to find a necklace that could cover it.
Aegon watched you carefully with a raised brow, looking down as he poured himself a cup of wine. “Is everything all right, my love?”
You nodded in response as you tried to keep your composure. You never thought about Aemond leaving visible marks, marks that Aegon could possibly question.
Aegon nodded a bit. “Did you do anything last night?” He asked, taking a long drink of his wine.
You looked over at your husband, meeting his violet eyes. He seemed to be suspicious of your frantic actions, but didn’t say anything as he turned back to his cup of wine.
“It was a rather boring night. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it,” You replied quietly, looking down at the necklace in your hands before carefully putting it on.
Aegon hummed in response, downing the rest of his wine and pouring himself a second one. You watched him before turning away and sighed standing up.
“Are you to be attending breakfast with me?” You asked softly.
Aegon waved his hand a bit. “I’ll be there in a moment,” He groaned, moving his hand to his head.
You watched him for a moment before nodding and heading down out and down the hall. You clasped your hands in front of you, a small smile coming onto your lips seeing Aemond stepping into line with you.
“Good morrow, brother,” You greeted looking ahead.
“Good morrow, Y/N,” Aemond replied, a small smirk on his lips. “Did you sleep well?”
“I did,” You replied returning his smirk and the two of you shared a small laugh as you headed into the family dining hall where your mother, father, and sister were already eating.
“Ah, I was wondering if you two were ever going to grace us with your presence,” Viserys spoke up with a small smile.
You smiled over at your father and nodded a bit, sitting next to Helaena. You smiled at your sister before taking your cup and pouring some wine.
“Good morrow, sister,” You greeted while grabbing bread and some fruit.
Helaena watched over you quietly before turning away to look down at her own plate. “Bastard prince,” She whispered out causing you to frown a bit.
“Are you all right, Helaena?” You asked, lightly placing a hand on her arm.
Your older sister shook her head a bit. “Y-yes, I’m fine,” She replied quietly.
“Helaena has been acting strange lately,” You told Aemond softly while walking with him through the halls of the keep. “I mean, stranger than usual,” You added with furrowed brows.
“How so?” He asked curiously, clasping his hands behind his back.
You took a deep breath. “She always mumbles about a bastard prince every time I am near her.” Saying those words made your stomach twist with knots.
Aemond furrowed his brows a bit. He sighed softly and looked down, shaking his head a bit. “We all know how Helaena can be. She is such a sweet girl, but her musings never make sense.”
You nodded in agreement, although you could not get rid of the feeling inside your stomach. You were sure enough though that those words meant nothing.
“Are you going to be training today?”
Aemond’s question snapped you out of your thoughts and looked up at him with a small smile. You have been training with your brother quite often and sometimes with Aegon as well. Your mother believed it to be improper of you, yet you really never listened to your mother.
“I can….” You began, tilting your head a bit. “But I want a bit of a challenge today,” You stated scrunching up your nose a bit.
“A challenge,” Aemond repeated, clicking his tongue a bit. “What kind of challenge?”
You smirked up at Aemond. “I would like to challenge my sweet twin brother to a duel.”
He chuckled a bit, looking ahead. “A duel, you say? And what do you want if you win, sister?”
The smirk stayed on your lips the closer you got to the training grounds. “I think you know what I want.” You weren’t wearing your usual flowing dresses, having swapped it out for an emerald green tunic and a pair of breeches with your rider boots. Your silver hair was put up and out of your face.
You turned to face Aemond after picking up your sword, a small smirk on your lips. You twirled your sword a bit getting into position.
“Do you remember what I taught you?” Aemond questioned, looking over you before he tried to strike you. “Do not let your opponent find a weakness.” A small smirk came onto his lips when you blocked his strike.
You looked up into his eye when you came face-to-face, laughing a bit. You suddenly pushed him away and parried his attack when he tried coming at you once more.
Aemond looked you over and chuckled as your swords clashed once more. He quickly grabbed your arm, moving his blade to around your throat.
“And don’t let your guard down,” He whispered in your ear. “Do you yield?”
You tilted your head, a small laugh passing your lips. You pushed him away and in one quick swift movement, you disarmed him and had him on his knees.
“Do you yield, brother?” You returned his question.
Aemond’s eye flickered from the tip of your sword up to your face. He chuckled a bit, pulling his dagger from his belt and in one swift movement, cut your cheek. The watchers around gasped, but the young Prince stood up, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Our champion!” He exclaimed, taking your hand and lifting it in the air as the crowd cheered for you.
You laughed a bit with a wide smile on your lips, looking up at Aemond, your smile forming into a smirk. “I think you let me win.”
Aemond chuckled, looking down at you while lowering your hand. “I would never, sweet one,” He said quietly, reaching up and wiped the blood of your cheek before lightly licking it off of his thumb.
❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈
You let out a satisfied moan, gripping tight onto the bed sheets as you leaned back a bit. The two of you were quite sweaty, having a heated moment in Aemond’s chambers, you on top of him.
A small smirk came onto your lips while the two of you tried to catch your breath and looked down at Aemond, giggling a bit.
“If the winner gets this every time, I would not mind you letting me win more often,” You teased, pushing back a strand of his silver hair.
Aemond let out a breathless smile, looking over your body in its natural state. “I did not let you win, my love,” He stated, placing a hand on the back of your neck and bringing you down for a kiss.
You smiled lightly against his lips and tilted your head a bit when you released. “I find that hard to believe.” You scrunched up your nose a bit and laughed when Aemond took you by the waist and dropped you onto the bed.
He hovered over you, a small smirk on his lips. “You have every reason to believe me though,” He said teasingly and chuckled, one of his arms moving to wrap around your stomach.
You smiled up at him as you moved your arm over his. The words Helaena spoke kept playing in your mind: a bastard prince. Your smile slowly fell and looked up at the ceiling, a pit feeling coming to your stomach.
Aemond paid no mind to you as he just held your bare body close to him. You knew what you did was wrong, yet you never thought of the consequences that could come from your infidelity.
{tagged readers: ✨ @mrsdaemontargaryen ✨ || @aastridmalfoy || @alexandra-001 || @ateliefloresdaprimavera || @billihill || @bregarc || @chiyausu || @chosogb || @claudie-080102 || @curiouser-an-curiouser || @daddysfavoritesexkitten || @darylandbethfanforever9 || @derzauberermitlilabademantel || @eddies-bat-tattoos || @hansensunshine || @highexpectationsgurl || @l1-l4 || @mendes-bae || @mirandastuckinthe80s || @multitargaryen || @neenieweenie || @princessmiaelicia || @sakuramadae || @thegirlwithoutaname87 || @watermel0nsugarhigh || @whenmypartysover || @xcharlottemikaelsonx || @yckaar || @zgzgzh }
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novasdarling · 2 years
Hello! Can I request something for yan Uvogin? I absolutely love how you write for him. I was thinking something like he gets too rough during sex (whether the sex itself was a punishment or just regular sex is up to you!) and he ends up hurting his darling? (For example he breaks a bone or ends up choking them out)
He would, he really would. Just break something of yours when he's angry or super into it and be like "oh shit... well anyway"
TW: Kidnapping Implied, Noncon, Broken Limbs, Blood Mentioned, Death Mentioned and Sorta Depicted, Crying, Yandere
Begging Won't Help
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It was foolish to think you could have gotten away from him. That you actually had a shot at getting far enough that he wouldn’t have found you. Though, on the other end, you would also been an idiot to pass up on this chance, to just not run when you had a clear path. Had someone willing to offer. A kind citizen who just wanted to help, who pitied the poor battered and bruised you left alone in this abandoned building. It was their own kindness that landed them in Uvogin’s hands. They had prompted you up, holding you so you could walk, most of your energy going. Helping you get out faster than you could have on your own. Things had been going so well, how were you to know he would be back so soon? You could have sworn he only left a day ago. That should have given you more time, yet, here he was. Peering down at the both of you. The man holding you up, with his hand under your arm, by your chest and yours over his shoulder. You knew how it looked to him. It wouldn’t just be running away from him, no he would see it as also cheating. Getting help from another man, he would over react and see it as more. The look in his eye told you, you were right.
He was fast, throwing you to the side so he could focus on the man. Uvogin grabbed him, crushing his arm that was previously on you. Squeezing tighter and tighter until you heard that familiar crunch of bones breaking within seconds. The man screamed, but it was cut short when Uvogin threw him against the wall. You assumed he was dead when he went silent. Even if he wasn’t, he’d be dead shortly. Uvogin never let people live. In his eyes, they didn’t deserve to live. No one who couldn’t fight him adequately should get any mercy, but you and even that was subjected to appeal. 
The man was left there, blood pooling from his mouth and nose. Cuts littered his body adding to the puddle of blood he was now laying in. A scene you had seen from him before when he decided to let you come with him for work. Scenes worse than this, ones that still haunted you.
Uvogin’s attention was now on you. A burning fire behind them, fueled by anger. This was the worst you had ever screwed up, worse than any other attempts you made to get away. At least those times he took it as a game of cat and mouse. A hunt he greatly enjoyed. This time, it was different. You weren't alone, you weren’t out there waiting to be caught by him. You had someone helping you. It didn’t matter you didn’t know him, that he just so happened to find you here. All Uvogin saw was red. His hands were now on you, grabbing and dragging you out of the room. Back further into the building, back to the room he kept you in. Seemingly uncaring when your feet couldn’t keep up, letting you fall multiple times until he finally picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. Carrying on with his walk. All there was to do was fall limp in his arms as you watched the room where the man’s body was still laying leave your vision. There was nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no way to get out of his grip. Once Uvogin had his hands on you, there was no easy way to get out. All you could do was cry, beg for mercy, and ask for forgiveness. 
You were thrown on the bed, Uvogin not bothering to let you down gently. Clearly not caring about your safety or feelings. Forgetting you were still recovering from the last time he lost his temper. You knew how he could be, blinded by rage and a need to attack. There was no way you were getting out of this, his eyes were staring down at you. Holding an emotion that you were all too familiar with. The only choice was to submit and tell him how sorry you were. Before he could speak, yell at you for running away again, for seeking help from another, a man. You began to cry, telling him how sorry you were, that he was some random guy. He offered you help and you should have said no. Get your story out so his mind didn't have time to wander. Didn't have time to create a fake narrative in his head, but as he spoke. You realized you were too late. He was far too gone.
“You’re telling me some man just happened to stroll by? Just happened to offer you help?” 
As unbelievable as it was, it was true. You had no idea who that man had been. Or even how he got here. The building was falling apart, some old factory that had been abandoned for probably over a century. Buried deep in some forest, according to Uvogin it wasn’t on any map. It was on the outskirts of some town that had been long and forgotten. It made no sense why he was here, this logic would harm your excuses. 
“How fucking dumb do you think I am? What was he? Your past boyfriend? Huh, were you going to run off with him?” 
Uvogin was now on you, holding you down to the bed while he yelled in your face. There was no logic in what he was saying, you knew that. Even if you did know that man, how were you able to communicate? Logic that escaped him in his state. Another thing you'd have to pay for.
You continued to cry. Worrying about what he had planned. You never got off without punishments, when you were lucky it was just him making you beg. Pray for forgiveness, kiss his feet, anything to make you look like a pathetic little creature appealing to a god for mercy. But most of the time, you weren't so fortunate. He tended to favour a harsher way of teaching a lesson. One where it involved spreading your legs to him. As his eyes began to wander your body, it was obvious he was leaning towards his favoured method. 
“I think” One of his hands wandered down to your legs, caressing your thigh before pushing your legs apart. “I know a way to make me feel a bit better though.” 
Your legs were spread, allowing him to settle in between them. Making himself comfortable. His grip stayed on your thighs, making sure you didn’t attempt to close them or fight when he began to remove your clothes. The last bit of resistance you had was to shut your eyes. Block out the sight of him as he continued to remove any barriers between the two of you. Trying to ignore the feeling of his hands stroking your bare skin. After a while you could, you were able to pretend his touches were from a lover trying something new and not from the monster who took you. His hands were down stripping you, deciding to push your legs up, placing them over his shoulders. A position he favoured when he wanted you to feel everything, when he desired to get as deep as possible. You pictured him as your old celebrity crush, pretending he was the one you could feel against your entrance. That it was him naked between your legs, not Uvogin.
“Hey! Open your eyes.” His grip was getting firmer on your thighs. Both hands now squeezed them as he kept them in place. “Look at me.” 
Wavering your options, determining it was best to listen to him. To not dig yourself into a deeper hole. You looked at him, trying to ignore how he gazed at you. As if you were no more than something of his, his toy to do with however he pleased. You had no power against him, you both knew that. You couldn’t even close your eyes and escape that way from him now. He wouldn’t allow it. He needed you to look at him, watch as he punished you. 
“Were you thinking of him? Thinking of him saving you, of him fucking you?” 
He squeezed tighter and tighter on your thighs, making you squirm and thrash against him. It was getting worse, his grip was getting worse, and he wasn’t letting go. He had riled himself up with the idea of that man, of what he thought was true. Delusions were taking over, becoming true to him. Believing his own thoughts no matter how ludicrous they sounded. You couldn’t get through to him, Uvogin was glaring at you as he squeezed. Eyes not leaving yours. Ignoring how you cried, begging him to stop. It wasn't until he heard the sound of one of your thigh bones being crushed that he looked away. Letting his grip on your other leg loosen as he stared at the broken leg.  Ignoring your cries as he examined your leg. Seeing how bad it was. You cried for him to stop, to just let you be. To not touch you, but he wasn't listening. Uvogin slowly lowered your leg as he moved. Placing it straight as can be next to your other leg. As gentle as he was attempting to be, the pain was still agonizing. Worse than when he snapped your ankle or arm.
It wasn't what he had planned, sure he wanted to break something of yours, but he knew he was going away in a week and leaving you unable to move properly wasn't a good idea. You were barely recovered from when he sprained your ankle a month ago. All he wanted to do was fuck you over and over again. Possibly even show you the dead body again and gloat until you were in tears and trying to hide your face in his cheat. This wasn't what he wanted, your broken leg meant work for him. It meant he had to be more careful when he played with you. Something he hated and clearly wasn't good with. As Uvogin went off to get something to help set the wound, leaving you on the beg crying and caressing your leg. All he could think about was how annoying this was going to be.
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inksandpensblog · 5 months
🍄Blue: What detail in the series that seems to be ignored or missed by the fandom or canon that you want to talk about?
I feel like AvA6 is gonna be one big reexamination of everything “missed by canon” up to this point, at least concerning the main series, so I’m gonna hold out on saying anything there.
Missed by the fandom? Oh boy where do I start?
Most of Purple’s story is still a mystery to us. We know about his family issues now, we know his dad left and his mom has a grave in the outernet, but that’s it. We don’t know how he ended up on the Mac, we don’t know how he found alanspc during AvLeague, we don’t know why he seemed to not realize his friends might be upset about being sold out to King, we don’t know what he’s told King about his past, we don’t know how much the members of the color gang who aren’t Green know about his past, we don’t know how aware he is of King’s past…there’s a lot about Purple that we still don’t know.
We never see Chosen and Dark attacking the outernet, during their rampages. They’ve been depicted terrorizing websites and games (both from the inside, at a depth that humans can’t access, which I tend to think of as interspace), but there’s no evidence that stick-cities have ever come under their fire.
None of noogai’s handdrawn sticks look at him through the monitor screen until AvA4; until then they only ever looked at the cursor. Could they not see him until then? Why? Did something about the hardware change?
Dark’s introductory attack is the digital-interface equivalent to earthbending and he never does anything like it ever again. Chosen also has at least one attack that we’ve only ever seen him use in a desktop environment.
The first three handdrawns fight noogai by attacking the cursor directly or by destroying the interface. Orange fights noogai by nearly doxxing him and by impersonating his social media account while sending hate to his friends, all of which would’ve had real-world consequences for c!Alan outside of the integrity of his computer.
King might not have known there was more than one master-block until he saw Orange come flying at him with another one. He also might not’ve known about the warden before Orange showed up with one.
Chosen is the only stick with a visible mouth. Nothing we’ve seen him eat can be called food. Blue and Purple have also eaten things that aren’t considered food, but unlike with them I don’t believe anything Chosen has “eaten” has actually stayed down.
Chosen is abysmal at watching his back in fights. The sneak attacks always get him.
The phenomenon of living stickfigures seems to be an open secret, in the Beckerverse. Not something that’s hidden, exactly, but not something anyone would know about if they aren’t part of the right online communities.
Orange has spoken through the interface. How did he get in there. How did he send an error message with the force of his wrath alone.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 11 months
Till Death
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[ID: The title of the story, till death, written in light green, brush-stroke letters over a photo of a blonde woman in black clothing, walking through a dense forest, facing away from the viewer. All other images are divider lines, showing four small brass bells. End ID]
Her garment covered him like a soft green blanket. It didn’t keep him warm, because there was no warmth to keep, but it made him feel a bit safer. One tiny barrier between his broken body and the teeth of the forest, but perhaps it was enough. Perhaps she was going to stay with him until it was over.
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📖 Synopsis
Finnian is a wandering healer down on his luck. When one of his patients dies, the village turns against him, beating him half to death and abandoning him for thirst and scavengers to finish what they started.
Eilis lives deep in the forest, hiding from the world. When she finds him, impaled on a tree and barely alive, she can‘t leave him to his fate, even if it means upending the peaceful life she has built for herself.
As Finnian slowly recovers, days filled with quiet companionship make the prospect of him staying less daunting than either of them had expected. But he carries too many scars, and Eilis too many secrets, threatening to destroy their fragile relationship as the shadows of the past draw closer. When everything falls apart, will they save each other, or will the price be too high?
📖 About
Genre: Dark Fantasy Love Story
POV: Third person past tense, dual POV
Wordcount: 110k
Status: final_final_v2_thisone.doc
Content Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, gore and rape, including, graphic eye/hand trauma, attempted hanging, strong deathwish, insects, animal attacks, torture (whipping, strangulation, cutting, flaying, burns, broken bones), forced to watch, self-sacrifice, abusive marriage & childhood trauma
Vibes: left for dead / falling leaves / “please don’t leave me” / crows on the branches / making fire (the novel) / sweet berries / small touches / “i'm sorry” / the chiming of bells / a stubborn goat / unreliable magic / the smell of honey and milk / “don’t hurt her”
Moodboard | Playlist | Lego Finn & Eilis!! :D | Printed Version | "Advertisment" | Locket
AU: Forsaken - Forgiven - Forever
Custom artwork links below, contain spoilers as well as sketchy violence and gore <3
Left for Dead | Despair | Worry | Compliance | Forced to Watch | No other Way | The Wheel | Happy End
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📖 Cast
As a healer who cannot use his magic to heal, Finnian has spent the last fifteen years barely scraping by. He hates his profession, he hates people, and most of all, he hates himself. Unfortunately for him, someone else hates him just as much.
Deep inside the forest, in a little hut with only her ducks and goats for company, Eilis is hiding from her past. She can’t trust, she can’t speak — but she also can’t turn the wounded stranger away, even if it means risking her heart.
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📖 Tags
There aren’t many, because I have yet to think of a tag for the two protagonists. The only tag I am currently using is #wip: till death, for tag games and ask answers talking about this wip.
I don’t know what genre to call it — it does not quite fit the common cornerstones of Dark Fantasy, or Dark Romance, but oh boy, it definitely is dark.
It won’t be posted on Tumblr, instead arriving directly as ebook, because I am just done dealing with this site.
As of Aug 20th, the first draft is done at 110k words! Now I'll bother my friends, let it rest for a few weeks, then edit it. Fingers crossed!
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It's out! Download the ebook here.
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salarta · 1 month
Below is a reply I wrote elsewhere to someone who said they were present when the Austen run with Lorna in the 00s was going on. According to them, everyone hated Lorna, and there was no way to root for Lorna in any of the Austen stories until people "in retrospect" learned of the Genoshan genocide (which as I note below, readers would have known back then - New X-Men 132 was before Austen's run).
I'm posting it here because I think these things need to be kept in mind when reading Lorna stuff of the era, and when seeing people talk about it.
I wasn't there. I learned of Lorna in 2009, after everything transpired.
But as a Lorna fan who's got decades of media consumption under his belt, that dealt with similar situations in other communities, it's time for me to say something about this. And I'm going to start not with Lorna or X-Men or even Marvel, but with something else I'm a huge fan of that I dealt with.
Before Lorna, my favorite female character was Rosa Farrell from Final Fantasy IV. Unlike Lorna, I had been a fan of the character ever since the game released way back in 1991 on SNES as FF2. Why did I love the character? Because she was a caring badass. She crossed a desert to warn Cecil about Baron coming after him, and made it by herself, only coming down with Desert Fever which anyone could get! She helped Rydia get over her fear of fire with empathy that Cecil and Edward couldn't give! When Fabul was attacked by Baron, and Kain and Golbez almost killed the entire party then and there, Rosa sacrificed herself to save them and trusted Cecil to come save her. Her willingness to forgive and see good in people led to Kain helping them in their final fight. And when it came time to actually go to the final fight, rather than waste time arguing with Cecil, she stowed away on the Lunar Whale and confronted him about his sexism ("chivalrous" though it may have been intended) when it was too late for him and the others to keep her out of it. And then you factor in the gameplay and she's a literal lifesaver.
That's... not what most people I ran into online saw two decades ago. Because they didn't bother to pay attention to the story, or think it through. To most people I ran into, Rosa was nothing more than a weak damsel in distress who undermined Cecil's mission twice and had no depth to her beyond "loves Cecil." I saw a lot of people insist the game would have been better without her. Many of them also didn't realize that Rosa was THE template for caring female white mage lead heroines from FF7 to FF10 - another issue that meant they didn't see her unique traits, considering them to just be "typical white mage traits." So even though Aeris, Rinoa, Garnet and Yuna each had more damsel in distress scenarios with causes less understandable than Rosa's, that they had other aspects built on meant a lot of people didn't hold that against them like they did to Rosa.
In short, there was nothing wrong with how Rosa was written in the original FF4. She wasn't this frail weak flower who constantly needs saving that people made her out to be. She had more depth than that. People just lacked media literacy and rushed to judging her negatively.
What we're talking about here, with writing of Lorna in the Austen era? It's the Exact. Same. Thing.
She had JUST experienced a genocide. That is NOT something that was retroactive. Anyone with a sliver of media literacy, who put real thought into what they were reading and didn't misjudge her by past depictions, should have kept New X-Men 132 in mind. You don't need to see the explicit scenes of her watching all those millions die to understand that this woman who was just pulled out of the ruins, naked and suffering from the horrendous trauma of a genocide that she had to keep reliving as her powers replayed those final moments over and over, is going to have some issues. She's going to have trouble processing the pain. She's going to have mood swings. She's going to look for ways to ease the pain, she's going to react strongly to perceived threats. Not everyone who experiences trauma does so in the same ways. There are many ways of expressing trauma, and many paths to healing.
It's not Lorna's fault that people back in the 00s refused to acknowledge that trauma means something. It's not her fault that some people had their heads in the sand because they wanted her to go back to their nostalgia-laced ideas of her that say she's not allowed to have a trauma reaction where she reacts in any way other than "I need a man to comfort me." I will grant two (2) missteps. One, when Havok left her at the altar, Lorna should have been blaming and going after Havok - not Annie. It was Havok's choice. And two, maybe Austen should have been clearer about how her behavior was a result of processing her trauma from the Genoshan genocide.
But then again... Austen did that. When he explicitly showed flashback scenes of Lorna during the genocide itself. In other words, he took what people should have understood from the "gaps" of the story, and because they didn't, he pulled those moments OUT of the gaps and put them straight on the page to try to get people to understand that hey, Lorna's been through some shit, that has to actually mean something or else what's the point of even having comic books. And yet, despite Austen eventually spelling it all out in big bright neon letters, some people still insisted on ignoring the obvious so they could keep ragging on Lorna being written in a more complex manner than their nostalgia.
Far from "rewriting history," this is putting history into its proper context. It's the same thing as archaeologists today recognizing that Viking women did, in fact, participate in battle, and the claim that they never did was based entirely on past archaeologists deciding to ignore context and force their presumptions about gender roles ("only men fight and use swords, women stay in the kitchen where they belong") onto centuries old finds.
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
(Disclaimer incase some of y’all don’t have the “Honkai spoilers” and “Genshin spoilers” tags blocked: This post will contain some pretty major spoilers from both games. Also this post is more of a repeat shower thought of mine than a proper analysis)
Something I find… disappointing about Mihoyo’s writing is that it only ever seems to be people who are already in positions of power and authority who get redemption arcs, where as characters who were genuinely just forced into these terrible situations will get villainized and killed off.
Ei, leader of a nation and a god, hunted down poor and middle class vision holders (technically a minority group) and stripped them of their will or killed them if they resisted, but the story goes out of its way to show us her grief and hardships, which are supposed to make her worthy of redemption
Dr. MEI, main leader of her era, committed way too many war crimes to list here (main one being experimenting on soldiers and sending them to their death without their consent) and defunded or distracted at least two of the leading scientists working on alternatives, but the story frames her actions as noble and a necessary sacrifice
Otto, part of a ruling lineage and leader of a government party, also committed too many war crimes to list here but we’re gonna focus on the part where he kidnapped and tortured children for science, was given a story the centered around showing us his humanity, motivations, and good intentions/ outcomes
Sirin/HoV one of said children Otto kidnapped and tortured, lashes out and attacks the ones responsible for her pain and those who defend them. Killed off
Kevin, literally just some guy pulled off the street who stepped up when nobody else would, took on a task that was way too big for him to handle, watched almost all his friends die, watched as he was powerless to stop the world from being destroyed, and went along with a desperate and incredibly dangerous plan that he hated, but thought was the only way to prevent what he already lived through from happening again. Deemed a monster that has to be killed
La Signora, a young village woman who’s lover died in a pointless war between gods, had her home destroyed, turned her body into liquid fire, and joined the side that was looking to take down the people who caused her all this pain. Presumably killed off probably not gonna stay that way though so we can come back to this one in a couple years
Some potential exceptions to this trend/ less straightforward examples:
Fu Hua and Kujou Sara (arcs handled similarly, so I’m lumping them together). Though they are both technically leaders, they aren’t by any means the one in charge. Their motivations, reasoning, and potential for redemption is established incredibly early on and the story is quick to show us that even though they’re on the bad guy team at first, they have noble intentions. They also spend the majority of their time in the story actually doing the leg work to prove they’re a good guy
Scaramouche. Though he is technically the child of a god, he’s still a parental abuse victim and the story repeatedly puts him in positions of powerlessness and servitude. He also spent the majority of his life living in poverty. Though he hasn’t exactly been redeemed for his war crimes yet, the story is giving him a chance to work for it
The grand sage. Example of a corrupt person in power we actually did get to take down. Though it should be noted that the story frames it as though that power was never rightfully his in the first place
Idk, it’s not enough for me to go and try and accuse Mihoyo of anything, nor am I trying to say that all these stories were handled poorly (and yes, I’m fully aware that a lot of my descriptions were oversimplifications of the canon). It’s just a pattern that I’m side-eying Mihoyo for. A trend that does make me straight up go “hey, Mihoyo, what the fuck-“
Why is every scientist tampering with human biology and evolution depicted as some puppy-kicking lunatic? Why does the story focus so heavily on demonizing their areas of research and acting like those are the problem, not the fact that they’re committing several OSHA violations? I know I’ve ranted about this point before, but I just find it incredibly strange
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ryqoshay · 8 months
Tri-Arame: Purple and White
Primary Pairing Trio: RyqoYozaLacey YuuAyuSetsu Words: 569 Rating: T AU: TTRPG style world Time Frame: Sometime during the trio's college years Prompt: Purple Content Warning: Depictions of battle
Author's Note: Primary entry for the 26th
Summary: Ryqoshay, Yozakura and Lacey fight a dragon turtle
Yozakura yanked on her sickle, trying desperately to affect the balance of the dragon turtle. Her fighting style was unfortunately weak against quadrupeds. But that wasn’t going to stop her from participating in the fight. If nothing else, she could at least provide enough distraction to keep the beast’s attention away from her charge, best friend and guild leader, Ryqoshay.
A couple yards away, it seemed Lacey was having better luck with her greatsword. With a resounding crack, the fighter managed to finally hack her way through the dragon’s tough shell.
“Woo!” Lacey cheered as a sizable chunk of shell chipped off.
The turtle dragon roared and tried to turn toward its attacker.
“Not so fast!” Ryqoshay shouted.
I thought she was out of arrows. Yozakura thought to herself. She turned to watch the diminutive archer wave something that was definitely not her bow. Wait, no!
A brilliant flash, a loud snap, and lightning struck the dragon.
Oh thank the gods she got a good effect…
“That was awesome!” Lacey cried, taking another swipe with her sword.
Don’t encourage her…
Ryqoshay waved the Rod of Wonder again. However, instead of more lightning, a stream of multi-colored stream of sparkles splattered across the turtle.
And the creature became purple.
Ryqoshay burst out laughing. Lacey cheered. And Yozakua sighed.
At least it was ultimately a neutral effect. But it didn’t help defeat the still dangerous foe.
Yozakura yanked again on her sickle, trying to upset the balance of the dragon turtle.
“Ne, Shizuku-san.” Setsuna bounced with excitement. “Can I cut some scales off the dragon to keep?”
“I didn’t know Lacey was the trophy taking type.” The Dungeon Master said.
“Her big sister was, so why not do the same.”
“Also, they’re not actually for her.”
“I would like to use them to make a necklace for Ryqoshay-san.”
“I’ll help with that.” Ayumu spoke up. “Uhm, is there anything white on the turtle that Yozakura can take?”
“Well, the effect description says the target turns purple.” Shizuku checked the entry in the book. “But I suppose I can say that its teeth stayed white. You could take a few of them.”
“I’ll do that then.”
Yuu laughed. “Thank you guys for the consideration. Ryqo-chan really has the best girlfriends with unwavering love and loyalty and spoiling her and such.” She smirked. “Kinda like me. Still, I wonder if she’s the type to wear such things…”
“I think Yuu-chan would wear a necklace if Setsuna-chan and I were to give her one.” Ayumu pointed out.
“Yeah, probably.” Yuu shrugged. “I mean I did start wearing my hair with twintails, and dying it because of Ayumu. So yeah, Ryqo-chan will accept the gift.”
“Although you three still have to defeat the dragon before you can take trophies from it.” Shizuku reminded.
“Then I’m gonna use the rod again.” Yuu said, shaking a pair of d10s.
“Ooo… I hope you get the fireball.” Setsuna said.
Yuu laughed again. “Of course Setsuna-chan wants a fire spell.”
“It’s a classic!” Setsuna insisted.
Ayumu smiled as she watched the events of Yuu’s actions play out. She loved watching her girlfriends enjoy the game, even if it meant that her character had to deal with a few odd things. Just seeing everyone having fun made it worth it. And she knew Yozakura felt the same way in game, even if she had trouble saying so.
Author's Note Continued: Stole a scene from an old D&D game I played and swapped in the characters YuuAyuSetsu are playing.
I haven't written much about Setsuna's character, as she was originally the DM and didn't want to play one for fear of favoritism. But this game is DM'ed by Shizuku, so she is more comfortable playing. Also, Lacey Rayshun is a newer addition to my Roughnecks roster, so I'm still figuring her out. For both of these reasons, I would like to write more of her, and Setsuna playing her.
And continuing my self challenge, Unwavering was the prompt from '21 and Classical was from '22.
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astraldrake · 2 years
sketch/wip/unfinished nonsense dump but there's context bcs why not under a cut because otherwise it'd be six miles long
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these are some boss arena sketches for achilles the upper sketch is a rough map with a few specific symbols denoting the location of corpses and trees, as well as a few notes pointing to the starting location of the boss and the player entry of the arena. The lower sketch is a set of scenes taking place in different parts of the arena. The first depicts a character entering the arena, the second is the character approaching the boss, and the third is a shot of the boss, now awake. In this hypothetical setting (game? thing? i have no clue what to call this really), Achilles guards the path to felwinter peak, an optional area (although what is in said optional area i have yet to fully decide, i think he may just be guarding a friendly npc or something).
The idea is that you have to beat him to access the area beyond. The arena is full of the corpses of previous heroes who had challenged him. You find him stuck in a wall of ice that's blocking your path, but he wakes upon seeing you, and thus begins his bossfight. At half health he gets overtaken by corruption and switches from solar to stasis attacks.
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boss design thing for darren. sticking with the theme for a moment. I figure even after you beat him he doesn't die, and after recovering somewhat actually ends up helping you out later on.
His thing in this setting is that he's essentially become so saturated with light that it's taken a toll on him (i toyed with giving him the title 'Light-lost' in reference to how his nature as a person has been 'lost' to the light. im being veeery subtle). It's eaten away at his memory and identity and when you initially start the fight he's amnesic and confused, he knows he has to kill you but can't remember why. Despite this he's still incredibly powerful, hurling bolts of lightning and and slashing at you with two massive swords. After you deplete his first healthbar, he self resurrects, beginning to remember more and more, and kicks off his phase 2. If you survive the hail of blades and fire, you knock him prone, at which point he recalls enough to switch tactics and will become friendly, offering his aid in exchange for you to stop trying to kill him.
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Elden Ring, O Elden Ring. I just couldn't figure out what to do with the background on this one. Also, I was very disappointed to find out that there was nothing that let you get the bird wings the crucible knights have. I have decided my tarnished has them anyway because they look sick as hell. (also they match the scythe, so, yknow.)
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Character expression practice. I had a few more of these but I think these two turned out the best. (some of the other ones looked kinda unsettling and wrong) So many part of a face squish around when you emote, and if you miss something then the whole thing looks off.
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been watching a bloodborne playthrough again. Had some very- shall we say self indulgent, ideas about universe hopping, and one particular adoptive grandchild of Aerrhiks. (that phrase is gonna mean nothing to anyone whose never heard of my ocs but eh) first sketch is some hunter armor, second is a design for a baby great one version of them.
should probably state here that my favorite way of doing crossovers (although i dont often share them) basically amounts to picking up one (or several) of my ocs and just plopping them down into the setting in question. Let chaos ensue and all that jazz. It's fun to see how the ocs will respond to their new setting, as well as thinking about how the setting might react to them in turn. (I also acknowledge that this method usually ends up breaking the narrative/setting/themes/etc at least a little if not a lot, and is by all accounts kind of a stupid and unintelligent way to interact w/ the source material, but have you considered? it's fun.) Anyways yeah, tldr for these is that I considered unleashing Ash on yharnam for enrichment purposes. (and then thought way too much on how that might end.)
And that's all I have for tonight! I might do another one of these at some point with some older things i never got around to sharing/finishing. We'll see.
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al-hekima-art-astro · 2 years
The House of the dragon 1x01 (none reader review)
Coming back to Game of throne HBO show, three years after the infamous finale season 8 is a bit like coming back with an ex after a torrid love affair and a messy break up. Yeah, that was hot but do I really want to go through the same meltdown again?
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I've read Game of throne books up to the dance of dragon and watched the 8 seasons of the show, but I haven't read Fire and blood inspiring the house of the dragon. No spoils please!!
Initially my answer was "no, never again" but after watching the first trailers in spring, I was more " ok maybe just one more time?". HBO was really playing music in my ears with more targaryens, more authenticity to the novel, more dragons...
I was the perfect target audience for this spin-off. I really never been that much interesting about neither the Starks, the Nighwatch, and the Others. However I've always been a big fan of Daenerys and really invested into her storyline. Long story short, I'm not against the idea she ended up mad queen, but I think season 8 rushed her struggle with sanity and make it difficult to believe it.
House of the dragon (HOTD) comes like a sincere apologise and a promise to do better. It expands Daenerys Targaryen's tragic story 172 years before her birth. in GOT the targaryens are already gone, Daenerys is born orphan after the downfall of her family she doesn't know much about her culture but what her brother retold her and him also was a child. Dragons were suppose to have disappeared decades before her birth so when she awoke three it comes like a miracle. She didn't really know how to raise them and so do we.
The first episode of HOTD took really great care of old GOT viewers. This pilot was like a date, everything was done to make us comfortable and familiar with the universe : Targaryen's theme was very present, GOT's theme closed the episode for the nostalgia, here some long dialogues around a cup of wine, here some ultra graphic depiction of violence, here some crude sex, here some expensive costumes, here amazing landscape, and here amazing dragons.
Yes it's GOT, but with a complete different flavour almost two centuries ago. I especially love all the scenes with Rhaenyra, our new main character who where a nod to her descendant Daenerys.
Lol the opening scene gave me PTSD😅 last time we saw a dragon above King's Landing it didn't end well... so it's amusing to see we are in a different timeline, nobody is surprise to see a dragon flying above the city. The same dragon above the funeral pyre is an allusion to Daenerys's judgment against the Tarly family. And of course Rhaenyra in front of the throne reminds us Daenerys' final dream of power.
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About the new plot in itself the approach seems original. Yes it's still about political struggle: who will succeed the king? but this time it's entirely focused on a deep family feud who happened to control dragons. And this intimacy kind of surprise me. We get use to pompous dialogues, epic war, machiavellian scheme. That will come later because hey! it's still GRR Martin's universe but in this first episode they chose a very human's angle. People think of Targaryens as Godlike because of their control of dragons but without them, they are just like everybody. We see all the main characters dealing with succession in a patriarchal society, the absence of woman consentement during pregnancy, jealousy and envy betweens brothers, dealing with mourning of loved one, hope in dream, sacrifice for power.
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King Viserys : Don't ask me why but for some reason he reminds me a lot of Hashirama Senju. Dreamer, easy-going. He seems to not realise how many snakes are around him ready to attack. I love how the actor Paddy Considine plays a well-balanced character, who can take hard decision if needed I was touched by his grief. But as his brother noticed he is really naive about people...
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Ah, the brother.... Daemon Targaryen: you can already tell he's going to be the star of this show. Matt Smith's talent is not a surprise for me, I've seen him already in the Crown when he was playing Prince Philip, the Queen's consort. And he already have this talent for playing haughty aristocrat, both attractive and annoying. Prince Daemon is much more rogue, impatient, with a taste for violence. I can't say yet if he is in my top tier because his first action was a big mistake. He was already his brother's heir, all he has to do was to wait and be nice with his brother and niece. But he celebrates his victory too soon and get kicked out. In the same time if he hasn't done anything they'll be no story right😅? So for now I'm like : ok I like his wildness, good villain vibe detected, I can feel the character is much more complex, but I need to see more because for know he's not the sharpest mind...
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Rhaenyra : for now she is my favourite, it was easy to like her. She resembles Daenerys both physically and in her attitude. She has the same problem : being a women in a position where everyone is expecting a man. But contrary to her descendant she was not alone. She seems to have a loving family, wealthy and comfortable childhood inside the royal court. Power, dragon and affluence but for how long....? I can feel her life is going to be very difficult. No one is ready to accept her easily as heiress to the throne, will she stay close to her childhood friend Alicent, herself representing her family's interest? And also how will develop her closeness to her uncle Daemon? There is in one side their rivalry to the throne and also we know Targaryens and their openness to incest... so I'm ready to any morally grey situations... 😬
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Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys : We haven't seen much yet but this couple is intriguing. Rhaenys is called the Queen who never was. Will she accept Rhaenyra becoming heiress to a title she once was legitimate for? And also why her husband is defending Prince Daemon so much during the council lol at some point I thought Daemon was paying his bills lol.
My critics : I was expecting more original scores. They probably choose to play safe for the first episode. GOT's theme is a signature. I think I've never skipped it during the 8 seasons because it emerges you into the universe and there is always tiny details in the opening credits, changing when the story progresses. I've enjoy listened to it again during the ending but I'm ready for a new show having his own identity, I'm expected an original opening next episode for House of the dragon.
To put it in a nutshell, it's an excellent start, I love the plot and actors I'm ready for more drama and bloodshed. And gosh how I missed dragons !🔥🔥🔥
Note 9.5/10
Episode 2
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In your opinion, please rate thg movie series with 1-5 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 3=neutral, 5 = I love it.)
1.The Hunger Games :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
2.Cathing Fire :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
Movie 1 :
Movie 2 :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
Thank you 😊
The hunger games: 2/5. This is the only one I’ve watched.
things I liked: Black Cinna! Good for him! Their depiction of the cornucopia was interesting, I wouldn’t have envisioned it that way. I also REALLY like the scene in district eleven. I’ve spoken about this before, but that scene is a peek into what the movie could have been. The book was tied to Katniss’s perspective, but in film you can show so much more that the tributes wouldn’t get to see. I like Caesar Flickerman.
things I didn’t like: why. Why aren’t Katniss and Peeta POC. Why are the district twelvers white. That’s not a thing. 12 is supposed to be such a melting pot that practically no one is without mixed ancestry. Also why isn’t Peeta an amputee? He loses his leg? ??? Also. Did they need to do the careers so dirty? They aren’t the villains. They’re scared kids. They’re the same as Rue and Katniss and Peeta and all the rest, they may have volunteered to be there but they didn’t choose this, society chose this, their parents chose this, they aren’t attack dogs, (well.) they’re people.
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Bound in Fire and Blood [Aemond Targaryen x Reader]
Previous chapter || Series masterlist || Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: You are the younger twin sister of Aemond Targaryen and the second youngest child to King Viserys and Queen Alicent. Growing up you were extremely close to your twin brother, practically inseparable and as you continued to grow, you realized your feelings for him were more than just a sibling love….
TRIGGER WARNING: This is a story of incest (obviously, it’s Game of Thrones). It contains strong depictions of sexual content and blood. Please read at your own risk.
Warnings in this chapter: None.
Chapter Fourteen: Audience with the Queen
Gif doesn’t belong to me 💚
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You clutched onto the vanity, your knuckles white as Eleanah made your bed for the day. You have gotten little to no sleep the night before, thoughts of Aemond from the night before running through your mind. Between him and Aegon, you have been slowly getting to your breaking point.
Eleanah stood straight, clasping her hands in front of her as she watched you. “Are you all right, my princess?” She asked with furrowed brows.
“Y-yes,” You replied taking a deep breath. “Fetch me my tunic and breeches please.”
“My princess?”
“I am going to the training grounds, it is hard to use a sword in a dress.” You turned to your handmaiden, noticing her beginning to protest. “Now, Eleanah,” You snapped a bit.
“Y-yes, my princess,” The young girl said softly and rushed to find the clothes along with the corset that you often wore that bore the Targaryen dragon in the leather.
You sighed, turning back to your vanity and began to do your hair so it will stay out of your face. You glanced behind you, noticing the way Eleanah refused to stare at you. She had been acting strange all morning and you could not understand what it was.
You let your handmaiden tie your corset after slipping your tunic and breeches on. “Can you fetch me my boots, please? Then you may leave.”
You watched her carefully as Eleanah was fast to make her leave and you let out a soft sigh. You knew something was off about the girl and it caused your stomach to churn a bit. You tried to shake the feeling off, heading towards the training grounds although it was still eating away at you.
You slowed in the training grounds hearing the sound of steel clash, noticing your twin sparring with Aegon. Your first husband was stumbling a bit, clearly still recovering from his night before.
“Is that all you’ve got, brother?” Aegon slurred a bit after barely blocking an attack.
Aemond scoffed a bit and with one swift strike, Aegon was on the ground grunting. He turned as you walked closer, twirling his sword a bit. He looked you over with a raised brow, clearly confused why you were not in your usual court clothes.
“Why are you here?”
“I wanted to train,” You responded causing your husband to laugh as he sat up a bit, the dirt staining his clothes.
“When was the last time you trained my dear wife?” Aegon questioned with furrowed brows. “I bet you can not even wield a sword well enough to beat Aemond.”
“Clearly that is you, husband,” You said smirking over at him before looking back at your twin. “I would like to challenge the winner.”
“No,” Aemond said flatly.
“Why not?”
“Because mother would kill me if something were to happen to you, especially since now you are a mother.”
You laughed while walking over to the table of swords, picking one up. The steel felt a bit heavy in your hand, yet it was light enough where you weren’t dragging it across the ground.
“Then, may I suggest you go easy on me?” You teased getting into position.
Aemond glanced over at Aegon before back at you before getting into position himself. “You should know by now, my sweet baby sister, that I am not one to go easy on someone.”
You laughed and smirked blocking an attack as he lunged towards you. “I do not expect anything less, Aemond.”
You blocked another attack of his before making a lunge for him, laughing as he nearly blocked you. It felt as though you have never forgotten how to wield a sword.
“You are quite slow, brother!” You taunted. “Say, have grown soft since last we’ve sparred?”
Aemond stared at you, a small smirk on his lips. “Maybe I am just going easy.”
You stared at Aemond, tilting your head. You did not understand how his mind worked. One day, he was angry with you and the next he acted as though nothing happened. You were never scared of Aemond, although his changing behavior did terrify you.
You gasped when he suddenly kicked the back of your knees and you landed on the ground with a hard thud. You groaned closing your eyes.
“It is still four to three,” You said softly, having kept track of how many times you’ve beaten your twin in training.
Aemond chuckled and reached his hand out to help you up. He pulled you up and turned when you noticed he was staring at something behind you. You turned and frowned at the sight of your mother standing above the training grounds.
“Y/N, may we have a word?” Alicent called softly.
You looked around your mother’s chambers, the churning feeling coming back to your stomach. Your eyes slowly went up to your mother, watching as she walked over to the fresh pot of wine.
“What did you want to talk to me about, mother?” You asked, lightly picking at your nails.
“Eleanah has informed me of some rumors,” Alicent began, not even looking at you. “She overheard you and Aemond talking last night.”
“Oh?” You furrowed your brows a bit.
“Please tell me it is not true,” She said softly, looking up at you with tears in her eyes and the clear disappointment on her features. “That you are not married to Aemond.”
You stared at her, your mouth opening but no words coming out. You have only seen your mother so upset once before and that was when Lucerys Velaryon took out Aemond’s eye. You took a deep breath and turned away, ashamed to even look at your mother.
Alicent scoffed, setting her cup down while trying to blink back her tears. “You can not even look at me or deny the accusations,” She whispered before walking closer. “I have tried so hard to make sure you do not end up with Aemond.”
“And so you marry me to Aegon, knowing very well the kind of person he is,” You said suddenly looking at your mother. “If you wanted to marry me off to any of my brothers, it should have been Daeron. Instead, you have shipped him off to Oldtown.”
Alicent sighed, shaking her head a bit. “Your father and I agreed to marry you to Aegon instead of Aemond because we thought of it to be a better match. Especially when you flowered before Helaena….”
“You act as though Aemond is a monster.” You laughed a bit. “But maybe it is you who is the monster, mother.”
She narrowed her eyes and suddenly slapped you. You were shocked, placing a hand on your cheek where it was stinging.
“You are no daughter of mine,” She said firmly. Alicent took your hands, her grip tight as she looked at you. “You are to annul your marriage with Aemond at once. Your sixteenth name day is coming soon enough and that is when he is to find a wife. You are to continue to do your duties to Aegon as his wife.”
“And if I refuse to annul the marriage?”
“I have no choice but to report your crimes to the small council and you will answer for your actions there.”
You stared at her with furrowed brows. “You would not have your own daughter executed, would you?”
Alicent sighed while turning away from you, her hands falling from yours. “It is not something I would wish, yet you have committed a crime against the seven, Y/N.”
You scoffed. “Fuck the seven,” You said suddenly.
Your mother stared at you, shocked. “Y/N!”
“I love Aemond, mother,” You began as the tears stung your violet eyes. The night before was running through your mind, how you made him leave and the hurt being clear on his face. “Annul my marriage to Aegon, have him and Helaena marry,” You said suddenly. “So I can be with Aemond.”
Alicent frowned at your proposal. “You know I can not do that. Aemond is to find a wife at the feast for your name day and Helaena is to find a husband.”
You felt a few tears roll down your cheeks but slowly nodded. “I understand, mother.”
“You must also annul your marriage to Aemond before the next moon turn or you will face the consequences.” You heard your mother call as you headed towards the door, her voice slightly cracking.
You placed a hand on the door, glancing back at her, Alicent’s own tears falling from her eyes. You nodded a bit.
“I understand, mother,” You repeated before leaving, wiping at your eyes, the ultimatum you were given hanging in the air.
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So because I’ve been obsessed with MHA fanfiction for a little while, I decided to watch two of the episodes i haven’t watched yet.
Specifically, I ended up watching the “ultimate moves” episode and the Dorm episode. (I’m going to focus on the ultimate moves episode because that’s the one I find more interesting)
And after watching the ultimate moves episode, can I just say that the fanfic authors tend to do a better job writing Izuku?
Look, I get it’s just one episode of the show, but there are a lot of issues with that one episode, and I’m going to rant about them.
First of all, Izuku feels incredibly stupid in this episode. There’s a whole bunch of build up to the realization that Izuku can kick people. Holy heck, kicking? What a unique idea that I’m sure no one has ever had before. And the explaination for parts of it doesn’t make any sense. “If I’m afraid of breaking my arms, I’ll just use my legs”? Dude, breaking your legs isn’t a good choice either. Arguably, it could probably put him at more of a disadvantage in combat. What if you tried to not break your bones?
Second, the entire concept of the “ultimate moves” is honestly kind of silly. It feels very fighting-game instead of actually feeling like combat. I get it, the show doesn’t actually need to be realistic. The fights don’t actually need to make sense. It’s just that the ultimate moves are incredibly stupid. Wouldn’t it make more sense for the characters to try and utilize their quirks in new ways to test out different fighting styles? (Consider, iida using his engines to burn people as a last resort attack, Bakugo using just the sparks to start fires in stealth work, Hagakure body slamming people)
Like, what if instead of doing this weird ultimate moves training, they had different pro heroes come in and teach them about their fighting style, show the kids how to replicate a few key points, and then fight each other. It would be so cool to get lots of guest teachers, and we could get to see more of the pro hero’s that aren’t used enough.
Thirdly, there’s how Hatsume is depicted. A weird amount of it is sexualized, and it feels really uncomfortable. Especially considering that these are teenagers. Hatsume tends to be a pretty fun character to read in fan work. She’s so chaotic, and its amazing to see what people can do with her. But her presence in the actual show, so far, is kinda dissapointing.
So yeah, the fan work is better than the actual show.
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andrewmoocow · 7 days
Rick and Haruko chapter 3: Good Rick Hunting (originally published on June 21, 2024)
AN: Hey, welcome back, everyone! How are you doing? You all look good, you all look good. Now, pardon me for taking so long, I've just had other business to do. Been watching TV shows, going to college, playing video games, all that jazz. But now I can finally set aside some time to finally get back to Rick and Haruko! When last we left off, the Flesh Curtains had their first big encounter with Medical Mechanica on the Boiling Isles, and Haruko has now learned that someone else wants Atomsk for himself. This does not please the future Vespa Woman one bit. What will happen when Haruko's relationship with Rick begins clashing with her crush on the Pirate King? Well, we'll have to see. But for now, let's get down to more crossovers!
Repre S. Entative glowered as he sat down in his office chair, still recovering from his altercation with the Flesh Curtains on the Boiling Isles a month ago with his organic arm in a sling, gazing at various holographic screens depicting the band's further escapades. On one screen, Haruko played doctor and forced three young female Galactic Federation officers to strip naked so she can touch them in uncomfortable places. On another screen, Rick is shown angrily shaking his fist at his ex-girlfriend Washu Hakubi, who returned her former lab partner's anger by threatening to cut his head off for science. Squanchy was playing a game of basketball against a cyborg basketball player, and Birdperson was meditating next to a silver-colored humanoid on a surfboard.
"I can't just sit idly by and watch them continue their chaos!" Repre yelled angrily while pounding the arm of his chair with his mechanical hand. "Ugh, if only I could somehow find a way to gain their trust! Maybe then, it'll be easier for me to find Atomsk." Just then, a Medical Machine entered his office. "Unit #4113, what is your request?"
"I wish to speak to you about our research on Neural Omnipotence energy." The Medical Machine answered coldly while presenting a video on a tablet it was holding. "Our continued project has seen fruit as we can now use it to deliver the factories and associated Pins to multiple alternate universes in an instant. Here is but one example we have from Dimension A-205."
The tablet showed an armada of Medical Machines and Medical Mechanica soldiers in Dimension A-205 fighting against an army of soldiers who were using fire-based abilities against them. "Our forces were ready to conquer this land and install another Pin, but everything changed when this so-called Fire Nation attacked."
"Does everyone in this dimension have fire powers?" Repre asked while stroking his chin with his mechanical arm.
"Not entirely." The Medical Machine continued. "This is a world where humans living in four nations display mastery in controlling one of the four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. Only a being known as the Avatar is adept at all four of them, but unfortunately, the current incarnation of the Avatar, the one who is supposed to end the Fire Nation's reign of terror, is reported missing."
"Interesting." Repre muttered, showing intrigue in the Four Nations' potential. "Fire up another portal! I want a word with whoever is leading this Fire Nation. Maybe we can strike up an alliance."
"But sir, your arm!" the Medical Machine urged the Representative Director. Still, he was too stubborn to listen as he stepped through an N.O. portal that brought him to Dimension A-205, right in the middle of the conflict between Medical Mechanica and the Fire Nation's army.
"Soldiers of the Fire Nation, we come in peace!" Repre declared as he made a grand speech to stop the fighting, putting his natural oratory skills to good use. "I am Repre S. Entative, representative director of Medical Mechanica. Today, I have come here to inform you and your military of the glorious purpose your empire and this entire world have been trusted with. I have planted a large Medical Mechanica factory on your land that will one day be very useful, and I must urge you to drop all futile resistance towards our rule."
"You must be the leader of these invaders." Zhao, one of the Fire Nation's generals, declared as he marched towards Repre with a hand covered in fire that he planned on attacking with. "The Fire Lord shall not take this lightly."
"Well, is the Fire Lord here with us right now?" Repre smirked as he gestured towards Zhao's forces being brought to their knees by the Medical Machines. "If you ever see your master again, tell him Medical Mechanica will always be watching. But in the meantime, men, fire when ready."
The Medical Machines silently obeyed and opened fire on the Fire Nation Soldiers as Repre left through another portal, leaving Zhao to grit his teeth in anger as he prepared to fight these invading machines.
"Come on, Haruko, put it in, put it in." Rick urged Haruko while she dumped some grounded-up Kalaxian crystals into a bong and lit it up for them to smoke. After taking a puff of the bong, Rick's eyes began dilating, and his sclera turned a bright blue. "Whoo, wubba lubba dub dub, I am tripping so many balls right now! Check it out, I can see myself as a dorky teenager in high school who also happens to be a talking fish!"
Haruko began smoking the bong herself and became just as drugged up as Rick. "Whoa, these crystals are the tits!" she cheered in a drug-induced craze. "Wanna know what I can see?! I see myself as a sexy dullahan biker chick with the cutest little cat ears on my helmet! Cat ears, kitty kitty, meow!"
"Whoa, my hands smell like lemons now." Rick muttered to himself while gazing at his hands and sniffing the alleged fruity scent. "Unacceptable! I wanted my hands to smell like strawberries or something!"
"Rick, Haruko, there you two are," Birdperson said as he stepped into the two's den and smelled something off. "What smells of dead skunks in here? Are you two doing drugs again?
"Come on, Big Bird, try it!" Haruko said while offering the bong to Birdperson. "One smoke of this, and you'll imagine yourself as a witch hunter or a cute opera-singing sniper!"
"I'm good, thank you." Birdperson politely turned down the offer. "We're coming up on our next gig now. Please come outside and see."
Rick and Haruko then put the bong down and left their crack den, strutting out while imagining "Low Rider" by War playing as they went. But from Birdperson and Squanchy's point of view, the duo were stumbling about while vocalizing the song poorly to themselves before they stumbled and fell.
"I knew I squanched something wrong!" Squanchy declared. "Anyways, look alive, you sons of squanches, we got a real doozy of a gig! Some broad named Pink Diamond in Dimension CG-213 wants some entertainment for her big ball squanching up."
"Dimension CG-213? Oh goddammit." Rick grumbled as he got back up while coming down from his high.
"What beef do you have with them, Rick?" Haruko asked.
"This dimension is home to a race of sentient rocks named Gems who go about colonizing planets to make more of their kind." Rick explained to Haruko. "I don't want to get into any specifics, but let's agree not to mention what happened on Naru-10."
"You think they'll let us in after that stunt you pulled back then?" Birdperson asked.
"Please, you caused the genocide of one species of ninja fox aliens; you basically committed all the genocide!" Rick bragged as the Rick-stery Machine emerged from a portal and flew towards a planet resembling a large white stone broken into pieces and surrounded by rings. "Hopefully, this won't turn out like what happened with the Viltrumites." He then put a pair of antennae on Haruko's head. "Now put these on; these Gems have never encountered any humans or humanoid life before, so we're gonna need to act like the most bizarre-ass aliens possible."
Soon, the Rick-stery Machine landed on the Gem Homeworld to the cheers of every Gem present at the landing site while the Flesh Curtains stepped out of the spaceship to greet them. "Greetings, Gems, bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong!" Rick declared while using a universal greeting and accompanying hand gestures before he started flipping the Gems off. "Come on, Haruko, you gotta flip 'em off! Last time I was here, I told them it means peace among worlds! How hilarious is that?"
Haruko looked out at the Gems surrounding the band, many of whom with working fingers also had their middle fingers raised, and she eagerly joined in on the lewd hand gestures. "Coming through, just a couple of normal aliens here to play music." Rick exclaimed while continuing to flip the Gems off. "Take us to your leader and all that."
"So you are here to perform for Pink Diamond's ball tonight?" Yellow Diamond asked the Flesh Curtains once they entered the Great Diamond Authority's throne room. "What makes you believe you can just waltz onto our planet and start making demands?"
"Come on, Diamonds, we've been through this dozens of times before!" Rick exclaimed. "I do stuff for you, and you won't kill my ass in exchange! Besides, Pink needs someone to keep a leash on her while she's going through whatever you Gems call puberty or whatever."
"That reminds me, where is Pink?" Birdperson asked. "Is she in her room again with her little Pebbles?"
"Yes, she's just getting ready for tonight." Blue Diamond replied.
"Oh phew, I thought she got into trouble for getting so squanching mad again." Squanchy sighed in relief. "She's a real firebrand, that one."
"Teenagers, am I right?" Rick agreed with Squanchy. "Only a matter of time before she gets into a rebellious phase."
"Oh please, Pink is somewhat well-behaved." White Diamond chuckled. "What's the worst that could happen from a rebellious phase?"
"But mark my words, Rick, there will be consequences if you mess this one up." Yellow Diamond stated. "Speaking of which, you said you had a new member in your band. Where is she right now?"
"Hey, watch this!" Haruko exclaimed while hanging out with Pink Diamond, the youngest member of the Great Diamond Authority, in the Diamond's room as she demonstrated some juggling with a few of Pink's Pebbles. "Introducing the great and splendiferous Haruko! Thank you, I'll be here all night!"
"Wow, Haruko, you're so much fun!" Pink Diamond laughed joyfully. "I wish I could have a friend as fun as you are!"
"Maybe you could just ask for one, and they'll make it for you." Haruko replied. "Besides, didn't you lose your last friend a while ago? What was her name again?"
"I just called her Pearl." Pink said sadly. "I was having a little tantrum, and it caused me to accidentally break her eye, and then she was taken away from me. White Diamond says I should get another Pearl soon, but I don't know how long that will take."
"I can relate to suddenly having someone taken away from me." Haruko sympathized with Pink Diamond's predicament. "For all I know, I'm the last daughter of my old home planet before it was destroyed in an earth-shattering kaboom. And frankly, I'm glad to be rid of it. These guys called Medical Mechanica took it over and turned it into the mother of all crappy dystopian hellholes that suppressed any individual thought. Luckily, my mom was one of the only people who got a clue and led la resistance in fighting back for a while."
"What was your mom like?" Pink asked.
"Only the most wonderful woman I could've ever known." Haruko sighed nostalgically while gazing out Pink's window and reflecting on simpler, happier times.
"Tell me, where did you come from? Why do you know me?" Rihanna Raharu, a gentle woman with a soothing voice, red eyes, and white hair styled into a side plait over her shoulder, sang her twelve-year-old daughter, Haruha Raharu, a lullaby on her Flying V after tucking her into bed. "Tears of melancholy fall, resounding through the end of my loneliness. Bran-new lovesong, that is my song for you."
"Good night, Mommy." Haruha said before Rihanna gently kissed her daughter on the forehead.
"Good night, my little bumblebee." Rihanna smiled at Haruha. "And remember that for as long as you chase your dreams, I'll always be there for you, even if you can't see me. Because I love you." As soon as Haruha fell asleep, Rihanna decided to get serious as she stood up and walked out of Haruha's bedroom with the Flying V over her shoulder just as Reagan stepped out of the bathroom.
"Going out again, Rihanna?" Reagan asked his wife, yellow eyes half-lidded. "I swear, one of these days, your little band of freedom fighters are all gonna get caught, and you'll get us all killed!"
"The hardest of choices require the strongest of wills, dear." Rihanna let out a heavy sigh as she gathered the necessary supplies for her latest rebel mission. "Can you check the front door to see if the Little Busters are outside?"
"I can see Taro's folks right outside right about now." Reagan said as he opened the door for a brown-haired couple to enter, the wife looking way more confident than her husband. "Izumi, Jun."
"Reagan, Rihanna." Izumi's husband, Jun, greeted Reagan before turning to Rihanna. "Rihanna, you have got to hear this. Matsuo just got back with some juicy intel on Medical Mechanica; I mean, it's really insane! Some might even say apocalyptic!"
"My kind of party!" Izumi said boisterously. "Come on, Anna, the rest of the Little Busters are waiting for you!"
"Did you, uh, put Taro to sleep too?" Rihanna asked Izumi. "You know how he and Haruha like getting into trouble. Who knows what could happen if they decided to follow us on a mission."
"Ah, nothing to get intestinal distress about; Taro's sleeping like a baby right now!" Izumi laughed while giving her teammate a hearty slap on the back. "Now, what are we waiting for?! Let's blow that popsicle stand and head home before sunrise!"
"Like I said, Rihanna, one day you're going to get us all killed." Reagan said while helping himself to some beer. "Or maybe my drinking problem. We'll see how this all pans out, I guess."
"Dimension CG-213, huh?" Repre S. Entative growled to himself as he observed the Flesh Curtains' current location from afar. "I have you now." He laughed maniacally as his latest machine was prepared for launch.
Later that night, Pink Diamond's ball had commenced, and the Flesh Curtains were warming up for their show. As Haruko tuned her Rickenbacker, she took a moment to peek from behind the curtains to see the Diamonds all sitting on thrones and looking down on their subjects dancing in an almost mechanical formation. She found it weird how in sync they all were. "Man, look at these Gems. They're like robots!"
"Yeah, that's the thing about Gems; they're all about rigid conformity and shit when they're not going out and harvesting planets to make into colonies." Rick explained to Haruko. "Remind you of anything, kiddo?"
"Yeah, that's basically what my planet was before Atomsk blew it up." Haruko realized the connection as she kept watching the dancing Gems. "I only hope these guys can get a clue and not suffer the same fate."
"Sorry, no changing a fascist regime like this one." Rick shook his head in dismay. "The only way anyone can change here is if there's some kinda war or something! But what are the odds of that happening?!" He let out a laugh while the other Flesh Curtains gave him a funny look. "Ah, you'll all get it someday."
"Mr. Sanchez, one minute to curtain, Mr. Sanchez." Yellow Diamond's Pearl called out from backstage. "And what was that about a war?"
"None of your business!" Rick yelled when he realized that someone was missing. "Hey, where's Squanchy?! We're not the FC without our drums!" He then turned to Haruko. "Haruko, go find Squanchy! I wouldn't be surprised if he's looking for a place to squanch."
"On it, boss!" Haruko saluted as she began searching for Squanchy's whereabouts. However, it didn't take long to find the little cat, as Haruko quickly discovered Squanchy strangling himself with an Amethyst's whip and jerking at something she wished she could unsee. "Holy sugar honey iced tea!"
"Hey, I'm squanching here!" Squanchy yelled at Haruko for invading his privacy while Rick picked him up and put him on the drums.
"You little guys are just full of surprises." Haruko declared as the regular curtains rose on the Flesh Curtains. "Hello, Gem Homeworld! Are you ready to be musically, sonically, and, if all goes according to plan, physically assaulted?!" she yelled into the microphone, snapping the Gems out of their trance-like dancing and causing them to cheer. "Oh hell yeah, that's what I like to hear!"
"Woohoo, go, Haruko!" Pink Diamond cheered for her smaller friend.
"Ugh, this was a bad idea." Yellow Diamond rolled her eyes.
"WE ARE THE FLESH CURTAINS!" Squanchy yelled and tapped his drumsticks together. "ONE, TWO, THREE, SQUANCH!"
With that, the Flesh Curtains began their song. "A deserted island which seems to have mostly sunk. Not found on any globe, not even named." Haruko started singing. "Yesterday, the ship we hoped for came close, but it didn't even come to meet us."
"We got a little scorched staring longingly into the sun." Birdperson added.
"Holding a prism up, I waved my hand, but-"Rick sang as the chorus began.
"Can you feel? Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?" the three sang together, with Squanchy backing them up on drums. "Even we, who weren't chosen up till yesterday, are waiting for tomorrow."
"I must admit, this song has a nice beat." Blue Diamond commented while tapping along to the song.
"Our mostly deflated zeppelin is skimming just barely over the ground." Rick sang.
"The look of the colors which defy description will probably be mercilessly pecked at by the birds." Haruko added.
"Can you feel? Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?" the duo sang together. "Surely not yet. The limit can't be like this at all, not like this at all."
"Can you feel? Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?" As the song climaxed, trouble seemed afoot as a shadow waited in the wings, eager for the right moment to strike. "I wanna believe that here is only partway through. I can feel-"
Suddenly, a loud explosion occurred as Repre S. Entative burst into the Diamonds' throne room ceiling with an army of Medical Machines by his side. "Alright, everyone, stick 'em up!" Repre commanded the Gems around him while transforming his cybernetic arm into a large, threatening laser cannon. "This is a hold-up; nobody makes a move until Rick Sanchez and Haruha Raharu are brought to me dead or alive!"
"Oh, son of a bitch, not you again." Rick shook his head in disgust as he put down his guitar and jumped off the stage to confront the overzealous representative director. "How do you keep following us around like this?!"
"You'd be surprised what I can accomplish with the resources given to me," Repre smirked. "But besides that, I want retribution for my humiliation at the Boiling Isles! You could not believe how my superior officer reacted to my failure!"
"Yeah, don't care; prepare to get your ass kicked." Haruko interrupted Repre while standing alongside Rick. "But which part of your ass would you like to have kicked? The gluteus maximus, the gracilis, or the adductor magnus?!"
"On the contrary, my pink-haired friend, it is you who shall have your gluteus maximus handed to you!" Repre cackled confidently while typing on his keypad to summon another robot through an N.O portal. This time, the robot could transform from a humanoid body into a yellow car. "Cybertron inspired me to create this bad boy. I call him the Goldbug! Go get him, my sweet boy!"
The Goldbug obeyed its master's commands and began charging at Rick and Haruko, causing the surrounding Gems to run away out of fear of the sudden invasion, but not this duo. "Okay, kiddo, just like we practiced. You ready?"
"Ready, Freddy!" Haruko declared as the two armed themselves with the Flying V and the Rickenbacker before leaping toward the rampaging Goldbug.
"WUBBA LUBBA LUNCHTIME!" the mentor-student duo yelled as they engaged the Cybertronian-esque machine in battle, with Repre staying away from the chaos and controlling his Machine from afar.
"Oh, how I longed to bring these fools their darkest hour." Repre confidently stated as his fingers danced around his keypad, pressing buttons that gave the robot commands to attack. "The rest of you, round up the bird and the puddytat!" he ordered the Medical Machines. "The Lord Superior Officer wants all of them rounded up by the hour."
The Medical Machines obediently nodded and prepared to capture Birdperson and Squanchy, but instead, they found themselves being attacked by a group of Amethysts wrestling them to the ground before the robots could do anything.
"Can't you do anything right?!" Repre yelled in frustration while the Medical Machines were torn apart. "Fine, if you want something done right, you're better off doing it yourself!" Pulling a lever on his iron shoulder, a hatch on Repre's palm opened, revealing a lightsaber that he ignited to indicate that the blade glowed a brilliant red. With a devious smile on his face, Repre quickly joined the fight against Rick and Haruko in progress.
"WHOO, FREE BIRD!" Rick yelled as he fired bullets from his Rickenbacker at the robot. "WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!"
"CHAAAAANCE!" Haruko began shouting as the robot chased her around the throne room, causing colossal damage wherever she went as she fought the transforming car, all while the Diamonds continued watching the chaos.
"I should've known allying with Rick again was a bad idea." Yellow muttered in annoyance. "This is the Naru-10 incident all over again!"
"But Yellow, I believe they can change!" Pink begged the older Diamond. "They may be a bunch of weirdos who cause trouble wherever they go, but they're all each other have in the universe or any other. I've especially grown close to Haruko since I understand where she comes from."
"Perhaps you should hear Pink out and stop this before anyone gets hurt." Blue agreed with Pink, causing Yellow to groan in annoyance as she got up.
"Fine, I won't kill them if that makes anyone feel better." Yellow muttered while cracking her knuckles, making electricity course up and down her fingers. "I will, however, teach them a lesson they'll never forget." Yellow then took off with lightning speed towards the Medical Mechanica robot, smashing it to pieces under her foot and taking Rick, Haruko, & Repre by surprise.
"Dammit, Yellow, we had a deal!" Rick yelled angrily.
"OH MY GOD, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME; I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" Repre shrieked like a coward while beginning to pray for mercy. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallow be thy name!"
"Must we always do this, Rick?" Yellow scolded the Flesh Curtains and their unwanted companion. "Everywhere you go, you do nothing but spread confusion and delay and make the lives of everyone around you worse because of it. Is that the life you want to live, Sanchez? Being nothing more than a toxic oaf?"
"At least I'm healthier to be around than you, you big bitchy banana!" Rick yelled before Yellow contained them all in a big, yellow bubble. "Where are you gonna send us?"
"The same place where all the naughty ones go, Rick," Yellow replied with a disdainful glare towards Pink, who looked away in shame while Haruko gazed at her newfound friend. "And by the way, we'll be taking your portal gun too."
"What?! NOOOO-" Rick screamed as Yellow Diamond sent the bubble away, silencing the panicking throne room as the Medical Machines were successfully dismantled.
"Man, Rick is just a pain in my neck." White Diamond complained before looking out at her subjects. "Unfortunately, everyone, the ball will now have to end early due to unforeseen interruptions. Return to your normal duties at once, please." She addressed the Gems' disappointment as they slowly began leaving in despair. "Now then, you said something about Rick's portal gun, Yellow?"
Meanwhile, in a dark tower overlooking most of Homeworld, the bubble containing the Flesh Curtains and Repre reappeared inside the tower before popping and sending the unlikely five falling to the ground.
"OW!" Haruko yelled in pain as she slowly got up and realized something furry was touching her butt. "Hey, you better not be copping a feel, Squanchy!"
"This isn't what it squanches like, it was an accident!" Squanchy said while Haruko sat on his arm.
"So, looks like I'm stuck here with you four idiots for now." Repre muttered with gritted teeth while propping his head in his hand. "Where are we, anyways?"
"This is the tower that Pink Diamond gets thrown into whenever she's being a little shit." Rick mused while sitting on the ground. "Yeah, in case you didn't realize it, Haruko, your big pink friend isn't taken very seriously because she's practically the equivalent of a teenager to the other Diamonds." This made Haruko freeze as she mentally compared Pink's situation to her life back on Wasprus. "Yeah, I'm sure this is reminding you of somebody."
"Yeah, my dad," Haruko muttered as she turned her head to gaze out one of the very high windows. "Hey Rick, you think in the vast unknown of the multiverse, there could be a universe out there where I had a better relationship with him?"
"Eh, what does it matter if there's a universe where your dad is a good person," Rick said in a bout of nihilism. "That's what I've learned in all my years of traveling dimensions. For every alternate universe where you're the most famous and successful person to have ever existed, there's always another where you're practically a nobody doomed to die with no one to remember you. Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists; save empty space and you. And you are but a thought, kiddo."
"Wow, so interesting." Haruko muttered in amazement at Rick's philosophy.
"He doesn't really mean that. Rick is just using the belief that nothing truly matters as a defense mechanism." Birdperson tried to assure Haruko that she should avoid following a similar path to her father figure.
"Please, if I wanted to hear such pessimistic drivel, I'd have a conversation with Steve from human resources." Repre sighed with his head to the wall. "My master is not going to be happy with this failure."
"Let me guess, shitty boss?" Haruko asked, trying to relate to Repre. "Dude, same. You remember Heinzenberg, right? He was the worst!"
"Yes, Heinzenberg was very hard to please." Repre nodded in agreement, surprised that one of the rebels was trying to form a kinship of sorts with him. "Here's something you should know: I'm a clone of my master, so I have to live up to his expectations as his right-hand man and representative director. It can be quite taxing, though, especially with people like you making my job much harder for me."
Haruko then put a hand on Repre's shoulder, making him recoil in disgust as he was not used to being touched by the enemy in such a tender matter. But even so, Repre couldn't help but notice how genuine Haruko was being, making him come to a decision as he was forced to swallow his pride for once. "I suppose if we want a chance of making it out of this dimension alive, we have no choice but to join forces."
"Never thought I'd hear you say that, you whiny trust fund baby." Rick smirked at the representative director. "Okay, here's the plan. We may not have my portal gun, but we have something else to help us out here." He looked towards Birdperson and gave him a nod. Birdperson did the same before spreading his wings.
"Well, this was completely pointless." Repre muttered as he and Rick grabbed onto Birdperson's back. "Why did Yellow go to all the trouble of locking us up here when we know someone who can fly?!"
"Just quit whining, and let's get outta here." Haruko replied before Birdperson took off with a loud cawing sound, leaving the tower behind as the unlikely reluctant alliance began searching Homeworld for the portal gun while trying to avoid any Gems that might spot them escaping.
"So, how can we find your portal gun, Rick?" Repre asked. "I mean, you're a Rick; you're pretty much prepared for anything, right?"
"Quit reading my mind!" Rick said as he tapped his left temple, activating a scanner in his eye that began searching for the portal gun's whereabouts. As if by chance or luck, the portal gun was being transported by a squad of Rubies to a yellow building. "I know that place; that's where Yellow Diamond keeps her bubbled Gems!"
"Why would she squanch it in there?" Squanchy asked.
"Beats the hell out of me; now get lower, Birdperson!" Rick exclaimed as Birdperson soared towards the building just as the Rubies entered, leaving the door open long enough for them to break in without anyone noticing.
"Dammit, it could be in any of these bubbles." Repre muttered. "Which is supposed to be the one we're looking for?"
"There it is!" Haruko yelled while pointing at the bubble containing Rick's portal gun. "May I do the honors, Sanchez-senpai?"
"The floor's yours, Haru-chan!" Rick grinned before Haruko leaped up to the bubble like a frog and popped it, letting the portal gun drop back into Rick's hands.
"Hell yeah, now let's get outta here!" Rick declared excitedly.
"I think not, Rick." Yellow Diamond's voice announced forebodingly as the lights turned on, revealing Yellow sitting in the dark with her hands clasped together as she glared at the Flesh Curtains. "Going somewhere, my nihilist friend?"
"Oh, nowhere special, just taking back what's mine." Rick replied. "What do you want with my stuff anyways?"
"As a matter of fact, the empire has been interested in dabbling in dimensional travel, and you were the only one we knew had access to such knowledge," Yellow stated as she slowly got up to confront Rick. "I'd advise you to leave now if you value your life since you already escaped."
"Couldn't agree more!" Rick declared before he fired a portal at the door and jumped through. "See you around, Chiquita Banana!"
As the rest of Rick's motley crew jumped through the portal to escape, Yellow began giving orders. "Guards, after them!"
Elsewhere on Homeworld, another portal opened near the Rickstery Machine, and Rick, Haruko, Repre, Birdperson, and Squanchy got out, eager to finally get off Homeworld once and for all. "All right, let's blow this jewelry store and go home!"
"Wait just a second!" Repre stopped the crew before they could board their ship. "I, uh, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out back there. I owe you guys my life."
"You cannot be serious." Birdperson said alarmingly as Yellow Diamond's forces began closing in on the band.
"Well, throw that life away and start a new one with us!" Haruko offered Repre while extending a hand in friendship to the representative director. "Who cares what that old fuddy-duddy makes you do? Maybe you can do something with your life for once, do whatever you want with no one holding you down! All you gotta do is take my hand."
Repre looked between his robot hand and Haruko's normal hand. All his life, Repre had to live up to his master's high expectations as his clone and right-hand man, like he was merely an extension of the Lord Superior Officer rather than his own person. Perhaps this could be his chance to break away from the life he knew and forge his own path. But then Repre realized that he was merely making everything up as he went along and wasn't interested in rebelling against his progenitor.
"I'm sorry, my dear, but I'm afraid I must decline." Repre declared before scratching Haruko on the arm, prompting Rick to come to the rescue by shooting Repre down with a ray gun. "What was that for?!"
"Misery, misery, misery." Rick shook his head in disgust. "My gang gave you friendship, and you spat in our faces! Were you making all that shit up about your boss's toxic expectations to get on our good side?!"
"Misery, you say? Your little band has caused me confusion and delay for the last time!" Repre shouted before the two revealed their weapons. Rick had his Rickenbacker, while Repre pulled out his lightsaber, which he revealed that it had a pair of crossguards as well.
"Compensating?" Rick snarked at Repre's lightsaber.
"For what?" Repre replied, not getting the joke.
"For your tiny dick." Rick laughed at the representative director's expense. "I mean, you chose the one with the crossguard out of all lightsabers? Wow, only a whiny emo daddy's boy with a dick smaller than a Patitite would have a weapon like that." Everyone then laughed at Repre's embarrassment. "See, they all get it!"
Repre then blushed angrily as he charged at Rick, and they clashed weapons, leaving Haruko, Birdperson, and Squanchy to keep the Gems from getting to the Rick-stery Machine. As the fight between the scientist and the representative director took to the skies, Rick noticed that a large Pin was slowly being inserted into Homeworld alongside a Medical Mechanica factory. "First the Boiling Isles and now this? What's the deal with all these Pins, chump?!"
"You may think this is simply a means to produce more robots, and it's true, but you'll learn what they're capable of quickly!" Repre boasted before swinging his lightsaber with utmost aggression and grace.
"Holy shit, is that Makashi style?" Rick asked about Repre's fighting style.
"Yes, learned it from Dooku himself." Repre bragged about his training before Rick used his brief display of confidence to find an opening and brain him in the head, sending the representative director flying down to the ground. "You said that nothing mattered in your years of traveling dimensions, correct?" Repre asked as he got up and was cornered by Rick on a bridge. "Tell me, what brought about such feelings, Rick?"
"Something did matter to me once, but it was taken away from me," Rick said while remembering how his wife and daughter were killed in an accident by an alternate version claiming to be the prime Rick. "I've built up these walls over the years to not lose anyone else again, and I don't want Haruko to go down the same path I'm on either!"
"You sure about that?" Repre said as he began to sow seeds of doubt in Rick's mind. "To be honest, I have a feeling she might have her eyes on another man. Perhaps a bird of unlimited power, to be precise?" Repre then gave Rick a smirk, and Rick responded to such things being said about his daughter figure by stabbing Repre with the neck of his guitar.
Back on the surface, Haruko went to town on all the Rubies, Jaspers, Amethysts, and Topazes sent out to recapture the band as she, Birdperson, and Squanchy held the line. "CHAAAANCE!" Haruko yelled as she fired bullets from her Flying V at some Amethysts, poofing them and reducing them to their gems in seconds. "Guess it's true what they say, diamonds are forever."
"Oh yeah, speaking of Diamonds, she's here!" Squanchy yelled as Yellow Diamond towered over the trio with a hand coursing with electricity to fire at them. "Maybe if we pretend to surrender, she'll let us go."
"Hardly, little feline." Yellow Diamond threatened. "Now then, any last words before I destroy you three?"
"Yeah, I got some." Haruko said before leaping high into the air and smacking Yellow in the face with her guitar, making the Diamond fall down. "STEE-TRIKE, YOU'RE OUT!"
"I wish I could've seen this coming, but I'm not a Sapphire." Yellow dryly commented as she collapsed on the ground, poofing numerous soldiers as Haruko got onboard the Rick-stery Machine after Birdperson and Squanchy before taking off. "After her!"
"Come on guys, we gotta help Rick!" Haruko yelled as she handled the Machine's controls and drove the spaceship around Homeworld like a crazy person. "Running in the nineties, it is a new way I like to be!" she began singing as she drove, narrowly dodging enemy fire and causing more damage along the way. "I'm just running in the nineties! Come on, baby, run to me!"
"Aw squanch yeah, Tokyo drift!" Squanchy cheered before Birdperson got in the way and took control away from Haruko.
"Let's be serious for a moment, we need to get Rick and the portal gun back," Birdperson said as he set the Rick-stery Machine on course towards Rick and Repre's duel, but not before he turned to discover Haruko staring up at him with big, pleading puppy-dog eyes and her hands clasped innocently together. "Fine. If it makes you feel any better, I can run over Repre if you'd like."
"Yippee!" Haruko cheered excitedly as the Rick-stery Machine steered towards Rick.
"It's over, Repre; I have the high ground!" Rick boasted to Repre while standing just a few feet above the representative director, who stood defiantly on the ledge beneath the scientist.
"You underestimate my power!" Repre yelled as he lunged towards Rick with his lightsaber, ready for one final attack.
"Don't try it." Rick growled as he turned to notice the Rick-stery Machine heading his way. "Because I have a flight to catch!" He then pulled out the Rickenbacker and used it to chop Repre's mechanical arm off midflight, making Medical Mechanica's second-in-command drop his jaw in horror as he lost his grip on his lightsaber before the Rick-stery Machine smashed into him, causing Repre to fall out of the sky and towards the darkest depths of Homeworld.
"CURSE YOU RICK SAAAAANCHEEEEEEZ!" Repre screamed angrily while shaking his remaining fist in vengeance before an N.O. portal swallowed him up mere moments before he could violently hit the ground while Rick jumped into the Rick-stery Machine to reunite with the gang.
"Oh yeah, wubba lubba dub dub, totally nailed it!" Rick cheered as he got onboard the band's ship, just as Haruko greeted him with a hug.
"Rick, did you see me there? I beat the shit out of Yellow Diamond!" Haruko asked excitedly.
"Hot damn, you did?! Good for you, sweetheart!" Rick replied as they broke apart, and Rick took the wheel. "Okay, gang, now that we have the portal gun back, let's get outta this damn jewelry store!"
"Uh, one problem, Rick." Squanchy said, bringing everyone's attention to the numerous Gem ships surrounding them. "WE'RE SQUANCHING SURROUNDED!"
"I've had enough of your games, Rick Sanchez. Surrender at once or die!" Yellow Diamond yelled from her yellow arm-shaped ship. "I swear, this has been one of the worst days of my life, thanks to you!"
"Yeah, I'm really starting to hate you and your shitty planet too, Yellow." Rick belched derisively. "Okay, guys, I know of a way out of this; you just gotta trust me on this one."
"We'll follow you every step of the way, Rick." Haruko declared, making Birdperson grimace with concern for the girl as Rick plugged his portal gun into the ship's console and began cranking his miniature dimensional travel device into overdrive. "So where are we going with this?"
"Who the hell knows?!" Rick laughed maniacally as he took the wheel while the portal fluid coursed through the Rick-stery Machine, causing it to vanish in a blinding flash of green light and leaving no evidence that the Flesh Curtains were even there.
In another flash of green light, the Rick-stery Machine suddenly lost power as it reappeared in the middle of a strange jungle-like area. As the Flesh Curtains stumbled out of the Machine, Rick continued laughing like a madman. "HAHAHA, WE DID IT! OH, SWEET BABY JESUS, WE DID IT!"
"What did we do?" Birdperson asked while looking around the area. "And where are we?"
"Hm, seems like Dimension M-204." Rick burped as he unplugged the portal gun to check their location, only to realize that his daredevil stunt had drained the device of its portal fluid. "Well, shit. Portal fluid's all out, meaning we'll be stuck here for a while until I can make more."
"Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty apes!" Haruko yelled as Rick saw that she was being harassed by a pair of monkeys, one of whom had red fur and one of which had yellow fur. "Rick, the monkeys won't leave me alone!"
"Where did these guys come from?" Squanchy asked. "Oh squanch, are these some of Caesar's guys?!"
"I don't think so, Squanchy; Caesar's clan isn't quite so colorful." Birdperson observed the two monkeys as Rick got out of the Rick-stery Machine.
"Hey, get off my daughter figure, you crazy chimps!" Rick yelled at the monkeys before he slowly began to recognize them. "Wait a second, I recognize those colors!" Picking up the yellow monkey, Rick began looking over the strangely-colored simian's fur before he came to a conclusion. "That jokin' son of a bitch, I'd recognize his work anywhere!"
"Who? Who are you talking about?" Haruko asked Rick as the band heard a rustling in the bushes, causing the two monkeys to chatter in excitement as a figure in a blue robe approached the Flesh Curtains.
"Sparx, Nova, there you two are." The man said with a warm smile as he collected the monkeys. "Well well, Rick Sanchez. I never thought I'd see you again."
Elsewhere, in a far off dimension within the Central Finite Curve, the Citadel of Ricks floated peacefully, inhabited by alternate versions of Rick Sanchez from across infinite realities where he is the smartest man alive. And one of those Ricks, a ripperdoc from Dimension C-2077, was hard at work on a particularly loud patient.
"MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP!" Repre screamed in agony as the ripperdoc Rick fitted him with a new mechanical arm where Rick had chopped it off in their duel on Homeworld, while the Lord Superior Officer looked on with a disappointed look on his face. "Please, master, I promise I'll be good! Just have mercy on me!"
"Jesus poledancing on the cross, I can't work like this while you're screaming like a little bitch!" Ripperdoc Rick complained without a shred of empathy for Repre before showing Demido his clone's new arm. "How's it look?"
"Exemplary work, I'd expect no less from a denizen of C-2077." The Lord Superior Officer smiled with satisfaction before frowning at his second in command. "Let this be a lesson to you, Repre. I won't tolerate any more failures of this capacity. I only rescued you from falling to your death because you still have a part to play, but if you fall out of line again. Well, to give you an idea." To demonstrate, Demido picked up a discarded piece of cyberware and crushed it in his hand. "Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir." Repre groaned in defeat before Ripperdoc Rick returned to work on his arm, causing the representative director to scream in pain yet again. "Please tell me it'll be over soon!"
"I believe he's had enough." Demido calmly said to Ripperdoc Rick.
"Yeah, I'm just about done with this guy anyway. He won't stop pissing all over my good chair." Ripperdoc Rick replied as he finished his work and allowed Repre to get back up. "Okay, that'll be fifty thousand blemflarcks. And that check better not bounce, Locutus!"
"How about some Kalaxian crystals instead?" Demido smirked as he bribed the ripperdoc with the hallucinogenic rocks, making the doc's eyes widen in excitement as he ground them into dust and snorted them up.
"Oh hell yeah, my spice is flowing, dawg!" Ripperdoc Rick yelled excitedly as his mind expanded, his eyes turned blue, and he got a rock-hard erection. "Ooh, I feel like jacking off right now! Gotta go!"
"You Ricks never cease to crack me up." Demido rolled his eyes as Ripperdoc Rick scampered off to pleasure himself during his drug high. "Tell me, my son, how do you feel after that?"
"I don't think I'm going to be moving my arms after a while," Repre grumbled as the pain began to subside. "Why did you bring me to the Citadel of Ricks, though? You could've just left me to die!"
"You'll learn once I bring you to the Council." The Lord Superior Officer said as he ushered his representative director out of the clinic and through the citadel. Repre cringed at the vast ocean of Ricks and their Morties that he had to wade through while following his boss to their chosen destination.
Eventually, the big two of Medical Mechanica made their stop at the headquarters of the Council of Ricks, the overseers of Citadel society and of all Ricks in the multiverse, where they would be ushered into the building by a group of Rick guards.
"State your name and business, visitor." One of the Ricks ordered.
"I am Demido Kuriya, Lord Superior Officer of Medical Mechanica." Demido introduced himself. "This is my right-hand man and representative director, Repre S. Entative. We come here seeking an audience with the Council of Ricks."
"Right this way, sir." The Rick said, leading the duo to the five Ricks the guards worked for, who all had individualized hairstyles making them stand out from the rest.
"Mighty Council of Ricks, I am Demido Kuriya." Demido declared as he kneeled before the Council. "My right-hand man and I come to you seeking your guidance in regards to a certain Rick we've been following for some time and wish to deliver to you."
"Yes, Rick C-137, we've heard." Riq IV stated. "You've told us about how he's interfering with your grand plans to capture the Pirate King Atomsk in order to fulfill your dark desires for control over all sentient beings that have ever lived, ever will live, ever had lived, yadda yadda."
"And he has done nothing but humiliate me and make me question my status!" Repre added angrily. "If there is any help you could offer us, I'm begging for it!"
"I believe we can." Riq IV said before he pressed a button to reveal a portal gun on a pedestal. "By the power vested in me as a member of the Council of Ricks, we bestow upon you a portal gun to allow for a wider range of dimensions to travel to. In addition, we specifically modified it to allow you to zero in on C-137's current location. Use this wisely."
"Oh yes, we shall!" Repre said eagerly as he took the portal gun, excited to regain his honor before a Medical Machine burst through one of the headquarters' windows and landed in a typical superhero fashion. "And what do you want?"
The Medical Machine then displayed a message in a strange language that only the Lord Superior Officer seemed to understand. But when he translated it, Demido was very elated with what he was reading. "They found Atomsk."
"Well, well, well, never thought I'd see you again!" Rick smirked in Dimension M-204 as the mystery man stood before the Flesh Curtains, revealing pale grey skin and heterochromatic eyes, his left eye being light blue and his right eye being red, and a pointed goatee. "So, this your little pet project now?"
"Rick, who is this dude?" Haruko asked regarding the strange man that Rick apparently has a history with.
"Oh, pardon me for not telling you guys earlier." Rick laughed as he walked towards his cloaked friend. "Al, I'd like you to meet my band, the Flesh Curtains. Everybody, meet the Alchemist."
And that's where we shall end things off for now. Rick and the band may be stranded in the world of Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go during the time before the kindly Alchemist became the villainous Skeleton King, but they'll be back to playing music and causing chaos soon enough with such a genius who combines science and magic by their side. In the meantime, Medical Mechanica veers ever so closer to Atomsk, which can only mean bad news for the multiverse at large. What dimensions will Rick and Haruko explore next, how much will Rick's bad influence increase, and how will it all lead up to Fooly Falls? You'll just have to stay tuned!
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