#Dems Deliver
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republikkkanorcs · 3 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 8 months
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ot3 · 29 days
just straight up blocking anyone who i see refusing to call a spade a spade wrt kamala's stance on the genocide. "yeah voting for kamala is like getting food poisoning but not voting for her is like swallowing a cyanide capsule!" no actually voting for kamala is like keeping a genocidal administration in power because you believe they could possibly provide you with domestic policy gains, and not voting for her is risking those possible domestic gains in an attempt to influence the democractic party's stance on the genocide their administration is currently funding. regardless of where you stand on the issue i am not going to listen to anything you have to say on the matter if you have to couch it in cutesy metaphor that underplays the level of suffering the dems have been willing to inflict on the palestinian people
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 1 year
I love how it feels like every month there's a news report that's like "The Social Democrats/Sinn Féin/Labour have introduced a bill to ban kicking babies and pushing elderly women into traffic. The government has announced it will oppose the bill."
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 month
“She said, ‘Be quiet unless you want to elect Trump.’”
There was nothing else they could do, so they just sat down. Sometimes, that's all you can do.
“Our nation with this election has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past,” Harris said. “A chance to chart a new way forward. Not as members of any one party or faction, but as Americans.”
You're right, Ms. Harris. I no longer see any division at all. Well, one of you lies that we'll do fewer atrocities on your watch, and the other lies that we'll do more, but that's it.
Unspoken campaign promises kept -
Obama: "I will tell poor Black Americans to drink lead. I will drop bombs on weddings and birthday parties with drones. I will put children in cages. I will deport more people than Trump's first term in my first term... and maybe the same goes for the second term."
Biden: "I will keep stealing children until the Supreme Court makes me stop, and make sure we pay no compensation for the ones we already stole. I will violate international law to punish asylum seekers and send them away. I will bend over backwards to help pull off a genocide."
Harris: TBA?
I have to mail in my ballot in October to vote for legislation - which exists in print and can't lie to me - to protect the health of pregnant people in Arizona. (I don't think federal legislation is coming. Do you? Really?) She has until then, for me. Maybe a little longer, for Michigan. For Palestine, too, certainly, but they don't get a vote. And since I'm absent, they'll probably call the election before my ballot even gets counted.
Speak up, unless you want to elect Trump.
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batboyblog · 2 months
My heart felt like it dropped to my stomach when I saw the news of Biden dropping out. I’m voting for Kamala of course, but I’m just so anxious about what could be the effects of this, and my anxiety disorder is not helping things. Do you think we’ll be able to win still?
longer answer, Yes, we always have a chance to win, who Donald Trump is hasn't changed, in weeks of hellish coverage for Biden Trump stayed stuck at about 46% in the polls, the same amount he won in 2016 and 2020 (46.1% and 46.8% respectively) The media and a small group of dems weren't ever gonna give up on trying to push Biden out they were never gonna let him reset thats why he quit, now that we've ended this cycle we have a chance to force focus onto Trump and unite all the people who hate him, which is a majority of Americans, we just need them all to vote for the same person and not fuck it up like 2016 where just enough people voted for 3rd parties to bone it all up for everyone
if you're stressed, I'd say give Kamala a dollar, the media narrative will be driven in the coming days by fundraising strength (sad, but true) out the gate, she's raised over 5 million in an hour or so, what's more again, everyone, sign up to Volunteer now more than ever, everyone need to get out and do what they can, if we all pull in the same direction we can do it.
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Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
On Tuesday, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris announced that her pick for Vice President is Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota. In recent years, as trans and queer people have come under attack from over a thousand proposed bills, Walz is expected to serve as a source of optimism for LGBTQ+ people. The governor’s long track record on LGBTQ+ rights positions him as a strong oppositional force against what has become a national attack on LGBTQ+ people, particularly transgender individuals.
“I am proud to announce that I've asked Tim Walz to be my running mate. As a governor, a coach, a teacher, and a veteran, he's delivered for working families like his. It's great to have him on the team. Now let’s get to work. Join us,” read Harris’ statement on Twitter. Walz has taken decisive action against attacks on transgender people in surrounding states, making Minnesota a refuge for those seeking care. In 2023, he signed an executive order protecting transgender people from out-of-state prosecution if they seek care within Minnesota’s borders. The executive order also issued a bulletin to health insurance companies, mandating coverage and initiating investigations into health insurance denials in the state.
In 2024, Walz signed a bill banning the gay and transgender panic defense. This defense is often used to help individuals avoid murder charges or receive lighter sentences by asserting that they were "deceived" by a romantic partner who was gay or transgender. According to one study, the transgender panic defense has been used at least 351 times. Walz's pro-LGBTQ+ record goes back much further than his time as governor. In 1999, he sponsored the first gay-straight alliance at his high school while working as a teacher. In Congress, he co-sponsored the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D)’s track record on LGBTQ+ issues has been stellar, dating back to his pre-Congress days.
This makes me glad that he is the nominee.
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On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find nore documents with lists of U.S. informants on them.
A Timeline
• FBI wiretapped Russian gambling ring headquartered at Trump Tower for two years - March 21, 2017
• Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador - May 15, 2017
• Trump, Putin Meet For 2 Hours In Helsinki - July 16, 2018
• Rand Paul Goes To Russia And Delivers Letter For Trump, Marking Our Era Of Irony - August 9, 2018
• Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From the Campaign to the Presidential Inauguration - December 17, 2018
• The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting - September 10, 2019
• Trump’s Loose Lips Force US to Extract Spy From Kremlin - September 10, 2019
• Was Mar-a-Lago Trespasser a Tourist or a Spy? A Judge Said Her Story Didn’t Hold Up. - November 25, 2019
• Trump downplays massive cyber hack on government after Pompeo links attack to Russia - December 19, 2020
• Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for 40 years, former KGB spy says - January 29, 2021
• There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder - April 17, 2021
• Longtime GOP operatives charged with funneling Russian national’s money to Trump, RNC - September 20, 2021
• Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants - October 5, 2021
• Files Seized From Trump Are Part of Espionage Act Inquiry - August 12, 2022
• Ex-Clinton aide implies 'President of France' file found at Trump's home during Mar-a-Lago raid could be valuable to Putin as 'kompromat' - August 13, 2022
• Inventing Anna: The tale of a fake heiress, Mar-a-Lago, and an FBI investigation - August 22, 2022
• Russians used a US firm to funnel funds to GOP in 2018. Dems say the FEC let them get away with it - October 30, 2022
• Trump makes shocking comments about trusting Putin over US 'intelligence lowlifes' - January 31, 2023
• Russia's Prigozhin admits links to what US says was election meddling troll farm - February 14, 2023
• GOP operative sentenced to 18 months for funneling Russian money to Trump- February 17, 2023
• Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources - October 5, 2023
• 'So appalled': What witnesses told special counsel about Trump's handling of classified info while still president - April 24, 2024
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socialjusticeinamerica · 10 months
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republikkkanorcs · 10 months
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Both parties are not the same. If you believe they are you are a dumb ass and should f—k yourself with a dry cactus.
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rejectingrepublicans · 7 months
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RepubliKKKlans are a numerical minority and can only win by suppressing minority votes, encouraging Dems not to vote, or encouraging Dems to vote 3rd party.
Republican cultists will always turn out in force and vote as a solid block no matter who their candidate is
We can only win if you turn out and vote blue from Biden/Harris down to every last Democrat on the ballot.
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The Pizzaburger Presidency
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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The corporate wing of the Democrats has objectively terrible political instincts, because the corporate wing of the Dems wants things that are very unpopular with the electorate (this is a trait they share with the Republican establishment).
Remember Hillary Clinton's unimaginably terrible campaign slogan, "America is already great?" In other words, "Vote for me if you believe that nothing needs to change":
Biden picked up the "This is fine" messaging where Clinton left off, promising that "nothing would fundamentally change" if he became president:
Biden didn't so much win that election as Trump lost it, by doing extremely unpopular things, including badly bungling the American covid response and killing about a million people.
Biden's 2020 election victory was a squeaker, and it was absolutely dependent on compromising with the party's left wing, embodied by the Warren and Sanders campaigns. The Unity Task Force promised – and delivered – key appointments and policies that represented serious and powerful change for the better:
Despite these excellent appointments and policies, the Biden administration has remained unpopular and is heading into the 2024 election with worryingly poor numbers. There is a lot of debate about why this might be. It's undeniable that every leader who has presided over a period of inflation, irrespective of political tendency, is facing extreme defenstration, from Rishi Sunak, the far-right prime minister of the UK, to the relentlessly centrist Justin Trudeau in Canada:
It's also true that Biden has presided over a genocide, which he has been proudly and significantly complicit in. That Trump would have done the same or worse is beside the point. A political leader who does things that the voters deplore can't expect to become more popular, though perhaps they can pull off less unpopular:
Biden may be attracting unfair blame for inflation, and totally fair blame for genocide, but in addition to those problems, there's this: Biden hasn't gotten credit for the actual good things he's done:
Writing in his newsletter, Matt Stoller offers an explanation for this lack of credit: the Biden White House almost never talks about any of these triumphs, even the bold, generational ones that will significantly alter the political landscape no matter who wins the next election:
Biden's antitrust enforcers have gone after price-fixing in oil, food and rent – the three largest sources of voter cost-of-living concern. They've done more on these three kinds of crime than all of their predecessors over the past forty years, combined. And yet, Stoller finds example after example of White House press secretaries being lobbed softballs by the press and refusing to even try to swing at them. When asked about any of this stuff, the White House demurs, refusing to comment.
The reasons they give for this is that they don't want to mess up an active case while it's before the courts. But that's not how this works. Yes, misstatements about active cases can do serious damage, but not talking about cases extinguishes the political will needed to carry them out. That's why a competent press secretary excellent briefings and training, because they must talk about these cases.
Think for a moment about the fact that the US government is – at this very moment – trying to break up Google, the largest tech company in the history of the world, and there has been virtually no press about it. This is a gigantic story. It's literally the biggest business story ever. It's practically a secret.
Why doesn't the Biden admin want to talk about this very small number of very good things it's doing? To understand that, you have to understand the hollowness of "centrist" politics as practiced in the Democratic Party.
The Democrats, like all political parties, are a coalition. Now, there are lots of ways to keep a coalition together. Parties who detest one another can stay in coalition provided that each partner is getting something they want out of it – even if one partner is bitterly unhappy about everything else happening in the coalition. That's the present-day Democratic approach: arrest students, bomb Gaza, but promise to do something about abortion and a few other issues while gesturing with real and justified alarm at Trump's open fascism, and hope that the party's left turns out at the polls this fall.
Leaders who play this game can't announce that they are deliberately making a vital coalition partner miserable and furious. Instead, they insist that they are "compromising" and point to the fact that "everyone is equally unhappy" with the way things are going.
This school of politics – "Everyone is angry at me, therefore I am doing something right" – has a name, courtesy of Anat Shenker-Osorio: "Pizzaburger politics." Say half your family wants burgers for dinner and the other half wants pizza: make a pizzaburger and disappoint all of them, and declare yourself to be a politics genius:
But Biden's Pizzaburger Presidency doesn't disappoint everyone equally. Sure, Biden appointed some brilliant antitrust enforcers to begin the long project of smashing the corporate juggernauts built through forty years of Reaganomics (including the Reganomics of Bill Clinton and Obama). But his lifetime federal judicial appointments are drawn heavily from the corporate wing of the party's darlings, and those judges will spend the rest of their lives ruling against the kinds of enforcers Biden put in charge of the FTC and DoJ antitrust division:
So that's one reason that Biden's comms team won't talk about his most successful and popular policies. But there's another reason: schismogenesis.
"Schismogenesis" is a anthropological concept describing how groups define themselves in opposition to their opponents (if they're for it, we're against it). Think of the liberals who became cheerleaders for the "intelligence community" (you know the CIA spies who organized murderous coups against a dozen Latin American democracies, and the FBI agents who tried to get MLK to kill himself) as soon as Trump and his allies began to rail against them:
Part of Trump's takeover of conservativism is a revival of "the paranoid style" of the American right – the conspiratorial, unhinged apocalyptic rhetoric that the movement's leaders are no longer capable of keeping a lid on:
This stuff – the lizard-people/Bilderberg/blood libel/antisemitic/Great Replacement/race realist/gender critical whackadoodlery – was always in conservative rhetoric, but it was reserved for internal communications, a way to talk to low-information voters in private forums. It wasn't supposed to make it into your campaign ads:
Today's conservative vibe is all about saying the quiet part aloud. Historian Rick Perlstein calls this the "authoritarian ratchet": conservativism promises a return to a "prelapsarian" state, before the country lost its way:
This is presented as imperative: unless we restore that mythical order, the country is doomed. We might just be the last generation of free Americans!
But that state never existed, and can never be recovered, but it doesn't matter. When conservatives lose a fight they declare to be existential (say, trans bathroom bans), they just pretend they never cared about it and move on to the next panic.
It's actually worse for them when they win. When the GOP repeals Roe, or takes the Presidency, the Senate and Congress, and still fails to restore that lost glory, then they have to find someone or something to blame. They turn on themselves, purging their ranks, promise ever-more-unhinged policies that will finally restore the state that never existed.
This is where schismogenesis comes in. If the GOP is making big, bold promises, then a shismogenesis-poisoned liberal will insist that the Dems must be "the party of normal." If the GOP's radical wing is taking the upper hand, then the Dems must be the party whose radical wing is marginalized (see also: UK Labour).
This is the trap of schismogenesis. It's possible for the things your opponents do to be wrong, but tactically sound (like promising the big changes that voters want). The difference you should seek to establish between yourself and your enemies isn't in promising to maintaining the status quo – it's in promising to make better, big muscular changes, and keeping those promises.
It's possible to acknowledge that an odious institution to do something good – like the CIA and FBI trying to wrongfoot Trump's most unhinged policies – without becoming a stan for that institution, and without abandoning your stance that the institution should either be root-and-branch reformed or abolished altogether.
The mere fact that your enemy uses a sound tactic to do something bad doesn't make that tactic invalid. As Naomi Klein writes in her magnificent Doppelganger, the right's genius is in co-opting progressive rhetoric and making it mean the opposite: think of their ownership of "fake news" or the equivalence of transphobia with feminism, of opposition to genocide with antisemitism:
Promising bold policies and then talking about them in plain language at every opportunity is something demagogues do, but having bold policies and talking about them doesn't make you a demagogue.
The reason demagogues talk that way is that it works. It captures the interest of potential followers, and keeps existing followers excited about the project.
Choosing not to do these things is political suicide. Good politics aren't boring. They're exciting. The fact that Republicans use eschatological rhetoric to motivate crazed insurrectionists who think they're the last hope for a good future doesn't change the fact that we are at a critical juncture for a survivable future.
If the GOP wins this coming election – or when Pierre Poilievre's petro-tories win the next Canadian election – they will do everything they can to set the planet on fire and render it permanently uninhabitable by humans and other animals. We are running out of time.
We can't afford to cede this ground to the right. Remember the clickbait wars? Low-quality websites and Facebook accounts got really good at ginning up misleading, compelling headlines that attracted a lot of monetizable clicks.
For a certain kind of online scolding centrist, the lesson from this era was that headlines should a) be boring and b) not leave out any salient fact. This is very bad headline-writing advice. While it claims to be in service to thoughtfulness and nuance, it misses out on the most important nuance of all: there's a difference between a misleading headline and a headline that calls out the most salient element of the story and then fleshes that out with more detail in the body of the article. If a headline completely summarizes the article, it's not a headline, it's an abstract.
Biden's comms team isn't bragging about the administration's accomplishments, because the senior partners in this coalition oppose those accomplishments. They don't want to win an election based on the promise to prosecute and anti-corporate revolution, because they are counter-revolutionaries.
The Democratic coalition has some irredeemably terrible elements. It also has elements that I would march into the sun for. The party itself is a very weak institution that's bad at resolving the tension between both groups:
Pizzaburgers don't make anyone happy and they're not supposed to. They're a convenient cover for the winners of intraparty struggles to keep the losers from staying home on election day. I don't know how Biden can win this coming election, but I know how he can lose it: keep on reminding us that all the good things about his administration were undertaken reluctantly and could be jettisoned in a second Biden administration.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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drdemonprince · 3 months
A few weeks ago you replied to a vote scold anon asking about project 2025 by saying it was like liberal qanon. I haven't stopped thinking about it since. Would you be willing to say more about that?
Dems want a motivating conspiracy theory to shock voters into getting to the polls and supporting them. but it's a manufactured one. we are essentially living in a media landscape that is not ruled by journalism, or even by social media, but by the creation of centralizing cults (fandoms, conspiracy theory groups, etc) and the Dems are attempting to harness that kind of obsessive power for their own ends by telling a fantastical handmaid's tale kind of story of what the future will be under Trump. As if that reality isn't already happening. They need to create a shadowy boogeyman to be able to draw a favorable comparison to themselves, because they have so little to deliver to anyone who is trans, a woman, an immigrant, cares about fucking genocide, poor, Black, etc.
As others on the post wisely noted, the Heritage Foundation has been drawing up plans exactly like project 2025 for years, the Republicans have n e v e r been coy about what their plans are, they're already been wildly successful at it, and half of the things that conservatives would be pushing for if they were in office are happening already under Biden.
Like Qanon, project 2025 as a theory latches onto a few very real anxieties that the American public has and true abuses that people in power do actually commit, but then waves a false narrative around them that serves one wing of the existing power structure's interests and is designed to lather the base up into a paranoid fury.
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