#Demetri Goritsas
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willstafford · 3 months ago
Winter Warmer
TWELFTH NIGHT Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford upon Avon, Thursday 19th December 2024 Prasanna Puwanarajah’s new production of Shakespeare’s melancholy rom-com adopts the increasingly common approach of swapping the first scene with the second, so, instead of Orsino’s famous opening line, “If music be the food of love,” we see Viola scrambling ashore, having survived the shipwreck in which…
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pers-books · 5 months ago
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Full casting has been announced for the RSC’s upcoming production of Twelfth Night, which runs at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon from 5 December 2024 - 18 January 2025.
Joining the previously announced Samuel West (All Creatures Great and Small) as Malvolio and Gwyneth Keyworth (To Kill a Mockingbird, West End) as Viola are Freema Agyeman (Jamie Lloyd’s Romeo and Juliet, West End) as Olivia, and Bally Gill (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, RSC) as Orsino.
Completing the cast are Emily Benjamin as Priest, Norman Bowman as Antonio, George Fletcher as Second Officer/Orsino’s Attendant, Demetri Goritsas as Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Michael Grady-Hall as Feste, Danielle Henry as Maria, Michael Lyle as First Officer/Orsino’s Attendant, Cat McKeever as Sea Captain, Daniel Millar as Fabian, Reece Miller as Orsino’s Attendant, Charlotte O’Leary as Olivia’s Woman, Thom Petty as Curio, Rhys Rusbatch as Sebastian, Joplin Sibtain as Sir Toby Belch, Tom Sowinski as Orsino’s Attendant, and David Whitworth as Valentine.
Director, Prasanna Puwanarajah said: “I’m delighted and honoured to be back in the RSC rehearsal rooms working on this beautiful play with such a terrific company of performers and creative collaborators; some are new to the RSC and some are veterans of the company, some are long-term collaborators of mine and some are exciting and wonderful new creative partnerships. They are a kind, creative, bold and soulful group of artists, and I’m so grateful to Casting Director Matthew Dewsbury, the whole of the RSC Casting Department and to Daniel Evans and Tamara Harvey for their work in putting together this stunning ensemble.”
Joining director Prasanna Puwanarajah in the creative team are set and costume designer James Cotterill, lighting designer Zoe Spurr, composer Matt Maltese, sound designer George Dennis, movement director Polly Bennett, and casting director Matthew Dewsbury CDG.
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 9 months ago
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Title: Austenland
Rating: PG-13
Director: Jerusha Hess
Cast: Keri Russell, J.J. Feild, Bret McKenzie, Jennifer Coolidge, James Callis, Georgia King, Rupert Vansittart, Ricky Whittle, Jane Seymour, Ayda Field, Ruben Crow, Demetri Goritsas, Parker Sawyers, Sarah Niles, Annie Gould, Tracy Higgins, Goldy Greaves
Release year: 2013
Genres: comedy, romance
Blurb: Pride-and-Prejudice-obsessed Jane Hayes travels to a Jane Austen theme park in search of her perfect gentleman.
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juliopison · 2 months ago
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CINE El editor de libros (2016) Título original: Genius Reino Unido Dirección: Michael Grandage
Atención: Solo para ver en PC, Notebook, Table
Para ver el Film pulsa o copia y pega el Link: https://memoriasdelcafe.blogspot.com/2025/01/el-editor-de-libros-2016.html
Reparto: Colin Firth. Jude Law. Nicole Kidman. Laura Linney. Guy Pearce. Dominic West. Vanessa Kirby. Demetri Goritsas.
Género: Drama | Biográfico. Literatura
Sinopsis: Una crónica de los tiempos de Max Perkins (Colin Firth), el editor de libros más admirado en el mundo, que presentó al público a los más grandes escritores de este siglo, revolucionando la literatura americana. Incasablemente comprometido con el fomento del talento, fue la fuerza detrás de grandes estrellas literarias como F. Scott Fitzgerald (Guy Pearce), Ernest Hemingway (Dominic West) y Thomas Wolfe (Jude Law).
Crítica: "Un absorbente relato de una relación que, aunque desconocida para la mayoría de los espectadores, reformuló radicalmente el paisaje literario de América en el siglo XX -Ann Hornaday: The Washington Post
Premios: 31 Edición de los Premios Goya (2017) - Películas del 2016 nom. Mejor película europea 66 Festival Internacional de Berlín 2016 nom. Oso de Oro - Mejor película
Resúmen del Café, basado en la reseña de "Genius" de Glenn Kenny para el sitio web de Roger Ebert (10 de julio del 2016).
Esta reseña de "Genius" ofrece una mirada profunda a la película desde la perspectiva de alguien que apreciael arte de la escritura y la representación de la creatividad en el cine.
Glenn Kenny, en su crítica para Roger Ebert, nos sumerge en el mundo literario de "Genius", una película que explora la compleja relación entre el editor Maxwell Perkins y el escritor Thomas Wolfe. Más allá de ser un simple biopic, la película nos adentra en el corazón del proceso creativo y la dinámica entre dos mentes brillantes, pero diametralmente opuestas.
El Desafío de Visualizar la Escritura: Kenny destaca la dificultad inherente de representar la escritura en la pantalla. A diferencia de la pintura o la música, la escritura es un proceso interno, intangible. Sin embargo, "Genius" logra transmitir la esencia de este proceso a través de los diálogos y las interacciones entre Perkins y Wolfe. Los intercambios entre ambos, llenos de pasión y tensión, nos permiten vislumbrar la chispa creativa quesurge cuando dos mentes se encuentran.
Un Editor, Un Genio: Colin Firth encarna a Perkins con una sutileza y profundidad que nos revela un hombre complejo, dedicado a su oficio y a sus autores. Jude Law, por su parte, interpreta a Wolfe como untorbellino de emociones y palabras, un genio impulsivo y apasionado. La química entre ambos actores es palpable, y sus escenas juntos son las más intensas y memorables de la película.
El Precio del Éxito: La película no solo celebra la creación literaria, sino que también explora sus costos. A medida queWolfe alcanza la fama, su ego se infla, y su relación con Perkins se deteriora. La búsqueda incesante de Wolfe por la inspiración lo lleva a lugares oscuros, poniendo a prueba los límites de su amistad con el editor.
Un Vistazo al Mundo Editorial: "Genius" nos ofrece una mirada fascinante al mundo editorial de principios del siglo XX. Vemos cómo Perkins, con su ojo crítico y su paciencia, moldea los manuscritos de Wolfe, transformándolos en obras maestras. La película nos muestra la importancia del editor en el proceso creativo, un papel que a menudo pasa desapercibido.
Un Debate Sobre el Casting: Kenny plantea una cuestión interesante al señalar que ninguno de los actores que interpretan a estosicónicos escritores estadounidenses es estadounidense. Si bien los actores realizan un trabajo excepcional, esta elección de casting genera un debate sobre la autenticidad y la representación.
En Conclusión: "Genius" es una película que cautiva tanto a los amantes de la literatura como a los cinéfilos. Es una celebración del arte de escribir y una reflexión sobre la compleja relación entre el creador y su obra. A través de las actuaciones de Firth y Law, la película nos sumerge en un mundo de palabras, ideas y emociones, invitándonos a reflexionar sobre el poder de la creación y los desafíos que conlleva.
Puntos Clave a Destacar: La representación del proceso creativo en el cine. La relación entre editor y escritor. El impacto del éxito en la personalidad del artista. La importancia del editor en la formación de una obra literaria. El debate sobre el casting y la representación.
Film recomendado para aquellos interesados en: La historia de la literatura estadounidense. El proceso de edición y publicación. Las biografías de grandes escritores. Películas que exploran la creatividad yla pasión.
"Genius" es una película que invita a la reflexión y a la emoción, una obra que nos recuerda el poder de las palabras y la importancia de contar historias.
"Cordiales saludos".
Julio César Pisón. Café Mientras Tanto.
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ulkaralakbarova · 4 months ago
New York in the 1920s. Max Perkins, a literary editor is the first to sign such subsequent literary greats as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. When a sprawling, chaotic 1,000-page manuscript by an unknown writer falls into his hands, Perkins is convinced he has discovered a literary genius. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Max Perkins: Colin Firth Thomas Wolfe: Jude Law Aline Bernstein: Nicole Kidman Louise Saunders: Laura Linney F. Scott Fitzgerald: Guy Pearce Ernest Hemingway: Dominic West Zelda Fitzgerald: Vanessa Kirby John Wheelock: Demetri Goritsas Assistant Editor: Harry Attwell Bertha Perkins: Angela Ashton Zippy Perkins: Eve Bracken Julia Wolfe: Gillian Hanna John Wheelock: Corey Johnson Eleanor, Perkins’ Maid: Miquel Brown Scribner’s Staff: Rosy Benjamin Mabel Wolfe: Elaine Caulfield Director: Richard Dempsey Jane Perkins: Katya Watson Peggy Perkins: Lorna Doherty Nancy Perkins: Makenna McBrierty Miss Wyckoff: Lucy Briers James, Mailroom Clerk: Ray Strasser King Scribner’s Staff: David Altaner Scribner’s Staff: Charles Dinsdale Scribner’s Staff: Erick Hayden Scribner’s Staff: Kenneth Hazeldine Scribner’s Staff: Oliver King Scribner’s Staff: Alex Large Scribner’s Staff: Charlotte Longfield Scribner’s Staff: Nick Mercer Scribner’s Staff: Kim Rosenfeld Scribner’s Staff: James Wallace Purring Woman: Katherine Kingsley Guest at Purring Woman’s Table: Richard Clark Guest at Purring Woman’s Table: Stella McCabe Guest at Purring Woman’s Table: Christopher Oram Guest at Purring Woman’s Table: Mike Vessey Actress: Maddie Rice Actor: Ian Drysdale Lighting Technician: Alistair Sanderson Lighting Technician: Alexander Scrivens Woman at Bar: Cassandra Nina Woman at Bar: Pamela Okoroafor Band: Kenji Fenton Band: Neville Malcolm Band: Winston Rollins Band: Chris Storr Band: Frank Tontoh Dancer: Jamal Crawford Dancer: Kemi Durosinmi Dancer: Jo Dyce Dancer: Kevin Ketti Dancer: Lesley Mutombo-Agbepa Dancer: Joshua Robinson Grand Central Station Conductor: Andrew Byron John Hopkins Hospital Nurse: Jane Perry Funeral Minister: James Bierman Effie Wolfe: Trina Dillon Frank Wolfe: Gary Thomsett Frederick Wolfe: Mark Phillimore Film Crew: Producer: Michael Grandage Standby Property Master: Phil Bull Producer: James Bierman Screenplay: John Logan Casting: Jina Jay Costume Design: Jane Petrie Original Music Composer: Adam Cork Editor: Chris Dickens Production Design: Mark Digby Executive Producer: A. Scott Berg Director of Photography: Ben Davis Conceptual Design: Elo Soode Executive Producer: James J. Bagley Makeup Artist: Christine Blundell Makeup Artist: Laura Morse Special Effects Makeup Artist: Nathaniel De’Lineadeus Special Effects Makeup Artist: Chris Lyons Art Direction: Alex Baily Art Direction: Gareth Cousins Set Decoration: Michelle Day Executive Producer: Tim Bevan Executive Producer: Nik Bower Executive Producer: Tim Christian Executive Producer: Ivan Dunleavy Executive Producer: Arielle Tepper Madover Executive Producer: Deepak Nayar Producer: Tracey Seaward Assistant Foley Artist: Lilly Blazewicz Foley Mixer: Glen Gathard Foley Artist: Jack Stew Foley Artist: Andrea King Foley Mixer: Jemma Riley-Tolch Movie Reviews: Reno: **Behind a great writer, there’s a genius editor!** I felt the title ‘Genius’ was not appropriate for how the story revolved in the film. It was more like a commitment and priority given to those undertaking than any other stuffs and that’s why it looked like a genius from others eyes. Though I won’t deny the experience always comes very handy. This film tells the story of ant editor and how he meets one of the best writers of his time. But they two together give the literature world some masterpiece works and that’s the tale the film very genuinely presented to us. This story takes place around the 1930s. An enthusiastic writer and a genius editor develop a strong bond, especially from their professional, but it goes beyond that. When both the families struggle while these two men completely dissolved with their works. So the takes from di...
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filmpalette · 3 years ago
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Saving Private Ryan (1998) dir. Steven Spielberg
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nairmillos · 7 years ago
El editor de libros (2016)
Es extraño cómo una película como El editor de libros, en cuyo reparto podemos encontrar a Jude Law, Colin Firth y Nicole Kidman ha tenido tan poco éxito. El tono y el ritmo de la película, así como tocar un tema tan poco de moda y alejado de la modernidad como la figura de los correctores en la literatura. Si además la trama se centra en Thomas Wolfe, un personaje nada atractivo para congeniar…
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fitranslation · 7 years ago
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(c) Nordisk Film
(c) Cinépolis Distribución
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scenesandscreens · 7 years ago
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X-Men: First Class (2011)
Director - Matthew Vaughn, Cinematography - John Mathieson
“I’ve been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.”
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sweetluly · 4 years ago
Resenha do filme Radioactive, que está na @netflixbrasil e conta a história da cientista Marie Curie, primeira mulher a receber o Prêmio Nobel, interpretada pela belíssima Rosamund Pike!
Radioactive Elenco: Rosamund Pike, Sam Riley, Anya Taylor-Joy, Aneurin Barnard, Indica Watson, Cara Bossom, Simon Russell Beale, Mirjam Novak, Corey Johnson, Demetri Goritsas, Tim Woodward Direção: Marjane Satrapi Gênero: Biografia, Drama Duração: 103 min Ano: 2019 Classificação: 14 anos Sinopse: “A história das paixões científicas e românticas de Marie (Rosamund Pike) e Pierre Curie (Sam Riley),…
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kwebtv · 4 years ago
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A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes -  CBS  - October 22, 1995
Running Time:  120 minutes
Eva La Rue as Annette Funicello
Len Cariou as Welt Disney
Frank Crudele as Joe Funicello
Rob Stewart as Jack Gilardi
David Lipper as Paul Anka
Don S. Davis as Glen Holt
Justin Louis   as Young Frankie Avalon
Andrea Nemeth as Annette Funicello (Ages 12 - 15)
Frankie Avalon  as himself
Linda Lavin as Virginia Funicello
Annette Funicello as herself
Austin Basile as Jack Gilardi Jr
Annie Boyce as Gina Portman
Jay Brazeau as Uncle Pete
Victoria Brooks as Jill
Demetri Goritsas as Jimmie Dodd
Kavan Smith as Young Dick Clark
Dick Clark  as himself
Shelley Fabares as Herself
Lorraine Landry as Young Shelley Fabares
Television movie about the life of Annette Funicello. 
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kritikycz · 6 years ago
X-Men: První třída - když čtvrtý díl přebere nový režisér (Matthew Vaughn)
Žádná akční řežba. Žádné hloupé dialogy sesmolené někde na koleni a napsané na umaštěný papír. Matthew Vaughn se pustil do zfilmování populárního „marveláckého“ komiksu a stvořil bezpochyby ten nejlepší díl. Po tragickém třetím dílu a ujetém snímku, kde měl hlavní roli Wolverin, je čtvrtý x-menovský film (není to pokračování, dějově se odehrává před předchozími díly) příjemným osvěžením. Matthew Vaughn…- Více na https://www.kritiky.cz/filmove-recenze/retro-filmove-recenze/2019/x-men-prvni-trida-kdyz-ctvrty-dil-prebere-novy-reziser-matthew-vaughn/
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 3 months ago
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Title: Jason Bourne
Rating: PG-13
Director: Doug Liman
Cast: Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, Brian Cox, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Gabriel Mann, Julia Stiles, Walton Goggins, Josh Hamilton, Orso Maria Guerrini, Tim Dutton, Denis Braccini, Nicky Naudé, David Selburg, Demetri Goritsas, Russell Levy
Release year: 2002
Genres: drama, action, mystery, thriller
Blurb: Wounded to the brink of death and suffering from amnesia, Jason Bourne is rescued at sea by a fisherman. With nothing to go on but a Swiss bank account number, he starts to reconstruct his life, but finds that many people he encounters want him dead. Slowly, Bourne realises that he has the combat and mental skills of a world-class spy...but who does he work for?
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movielovtrailers-blog · 8 years ago
Borg vs. McEnroe Official Trailer (2017)
Borg vs. McEnroe Official Trailer (2017)
Trailer for Borg vs. McEnroe, starring Shia LaBeouf and Sverrir Gudnason. It’s the summer of 1980 and Bjorn Borg (Sverrir Gudnason) is the top tennis player in the world, dominating the sport both on and off the court. A powerful and rigorously disciplined player, there is only one obstacle in his pursuit of a record-breaking fifth Wimbledon championship: the highly talented but ferociously…
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page58-blog1 · 8 years ago
Watch Shia LaBeouf & Sverrir Gudnason as Legendary Tennis Rivals in 'Borg/McEnroe' (Teaser Trailer) with Stellan Skarsgård
Watch Shia LaBeouf & Sverrir Gudnason as Legendary Tennis Rivals in ‘Borg/McEnroe’ (Teaser Trailer) with Stellan Skarsgård
    “The ball was on the line!” ‘Borg/McEnroe’ is a film about one of the world’s greatest icons Björn Borg and his biggest rival, the young and talented John McEnroe and their legendary duel during the 1980’s Wimbledon tournament. It’s a story about two men that became legends and the price they had to pay.
Directed by award-winning Danish director Janus Metz from a screenplay by Ronnie Sandahl
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years ago
The versatile Canadian-American actor Demetri Goritsas' Biography
The versatile Canadian-American actor Demetri Goritsas’ Biography
Quick Facts of Demetri Goritsas
Full NameDemetri Goritsas
Date of Birth1971 /08 /24
Marital StatusSingle
BirthplaceEugene, Oregon, the USA
Active Year1994-present
Eye colourBlue
Hair colourBlack
Height6 feet
EducationPrince George Secondary School and Central School of Speech & Drama
Online PresenceTwitter
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