#Delichon urbicum
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podartists · 6 months ago
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Rauchschwalbe, Chelidon rustica, Mehlschwalbe, Hirundo urbica | Die Vögel (1913) | Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829-1884) | Biodiversity Heritage Library
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namu-the-orca · 2 years ago
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House Martins Another oldie but I think it turned out sweet: a pair of house martins flying over a summer field, painted as a commission.
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proton-wobbler · 2 years ago
Common House-Martin (Delichon urbicum)
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"Cute but menacing little beasts! AND they have FUZZY LEGS. Also I'd rather these guys get elimination spotlight than none at all so im risking it." "Beautiful Blue (PAsSPoRtS)"
What tiny precious beasts! With little pants, even! The common house-martin is an extremely popular species, being found all across Europe and half the Asian continent during their breeding season and throughout most of Africa during the off-season. Their nests are built from clay and mud and are often found on the undersides of building eves in large colonies.
House-martin's were likely associated with certain European coats of arms, as wikipedia describes:
"The martlet, often believed to refer to the house martin, or possibly a swallow, was a heraldic bird with short tufts of feathers in the place of legs. It was the cadency mark of the fourth son of a noble family, and features in many coats of arms, including the Plantagenets. The lack of feet signified its inability to land, which explained its link to a younger son, also landless. It also represented swiftness."
Image Source: eBird (Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok)
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meg-megbanom-ezt · 2 months ago
felhorkantam :D
Annak, aki nem ismerné, hogy honnan van. Nagyon szerettem, habár elfogult vagyok, mivel Fekete Istvánon nőttem fel NYILVÁN és sajnálom, hogy itthon a Gesztenye, a honalapító kevésbé ismert... Mondjuk én sem segítek a problémán, mert nem adnám kölcsön a saját példányomat a legközelebbi barátokon kívül senkinek. :D Könyvekkel nincs tréfa!
Néha elgondolkodom, hogy a magyar cím eléggé... más, de ez kb. olyan, mintha, teszem azt, egy magyar regénynek Gödöllői-dombság vagy Fadd-Dombori lenne a címe, szóval egy földrajzi név, amit az eredeti országban mindenki ismer, de külföldiek meg vannak lőve. Most hogy' fordítod le a Watership Downt, sehogy. Fordítónak lenni különben is gecc' hálátlan munka valahol, mert ha tökéletes munkát végzel, az kvázi láthatatlan, akkor mindenki az eredeti írót dicséri; de jaj neked, ha rosszul fordítod a legutolsó gőzhajókormány-csavar nevét, mert úgyis jön egy gőzhajó-geek és szanaszét szed...
EZZEL EGYÜTT, naná, hogy találtam igazi fordítási hibát a Gesztenyében :D 1. a könyv elején hőseink egy folyó mellett haladnak el, ahol a partfalból füstifecskék röpködnek ki-be. De hát a partifecske az, amelyik partfalakba ásott üregekben fészkel... Itt egyszer sikerült megszereznem az eredetit és ott tényleg martin a röpködő fecskék neve (sand martin = partifecske, barn swallow = füsti fecske. A molnárfecske is martin, csak az house martin, így kizárásos alapon a partifecske a nyerő). 2. a könyvben jelentős szerepet kap később egy Kehár nevű sirály, aki állítólag egy fekete fejű sirály. Itt elég egyértelmű, hogy ez a black-headed gull tükörfordítása, ami magyarul a dankasirály. (Hogy a dankasirály feje igazából csokibarna, az már MásValaki Problémája.)
(Ezzel együtt #2, köszönöm Székely Katának a fordítást. <3)
Speaking of geoguessr, here's the funniest things I ever saw ingame
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postmanpetecoluk · 2 years ago
Rosebay willowherb: Chamerion angustifolium with Episyrphus balteatus Hoverfly by pete beard Via Flickr: #castlePark. 3:30pm
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randlemartin · 1 month ago
He scrubs his hands under the cold water until his skin is raw, watching as the gray dirt is washed down the drain. The bathroom is narrow, nearly claustrophobic, like a foxhole that was dug wrong, but Johnny stands on the off-white tiles, leaving mud stains in the grout as picks the filth from under his nails, using half of the bar of flowery scented bar of soap to do so. It’s only when even his still shaking brain is satisfied his hands are as clean as they’ll ever be, he abandons the task.
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chapter 6....
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herpsandbirds · 4 months ago
Do you by any chance have any info about House Martins?
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Western House Martin (Delichon urbicum), family Hirundinidae, order Passeriformes, found in Europe, Western and central Asia, and much of Africa.
There are 4 species of House Martin, genus Delichon.
They are swallows.
Like many swallows, they make nests on the sides of natural and man-made structures, using mud.
They are migratory, breeding in Europe, West Asia, and North Africa, and wintering in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
They feed on a variety of flying insects.
photographs: Sergio Correia, Michael Palmer, Cesar Gil
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bonefall · 2 years ago
what's "swallow" (as in the bird) in clanmew?
There are three words for Swallow in Clanmew! This is because there are three major species they encounter in this family. But, it must be noted that there are five birds in this Clanmew family, and six new words in this entry.
Clan cats believe that swallows, martins, nightjars, and swifts are all in the same classification.
Yioobeo = Martlet.
Yioobeo is the generic term for these birds. This is best translated into English as a heraldic animal, because these birds are so far apart cladistically that there is no proper term that links them. "Martlets" are all admired by Clan cats because of their incredible flying abilities, and this 'family' is defined by it.
Some of these are counted as songbirds (Fancy), and others as gamebirds (Game). Most are songbirds in some way. However, they are never taken when they are nesting unless it's an emergency. Many martlets create complex social dens, just like a Clan cat, and to attack them near their "camp" is said to invoke the bad luck of another Clan coming to attack yours.
Common House Martin (Delichon urbicum) = Chrir
A white and brown-black bird with a shiny blue-black cape, which tends to construct elaborate nests on human structures. They collect mud and stabilize them against bridges, houses, and caves. They're more solitary compared to other martlets, and produce lots of chicks in a relatively short span of time.
As such, a Chrir is seen as game.
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) = Eeich
The most common swallow to see; a blue-black and white bird with a distinct red face. Their nests have more string, hair, and sticks than a Chrir's, which is pure mud. Eeich return to these nests every year, in the same groups.
Associated with the start of summer and the male's long, streaming tail feathers, the flight of swallows is a joy for Clan cats to witness. They do nearly everything in flight, drinking, eating, and even bathing.
Eeich are considered fancies, or "songbirds," a bird of cultural significance that is dishonorable to hunt.
Sand Martin (Riparia riparia) = Byyrbe
Dull-colored but industrious birds who create "apartment complexes" in sandy riverbanks. This is the swallow that RiverClan sees the most, and they are beloved for eating river midges.
RiverClan cats consider Byyrbe to be fancies, where other Clans see them as game. This is both because RiverClan doesn't typically eat birds to begin with, and their pest-control abilities are highly valued.
Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) = Gyygr
A large, nocturnal bird with a churning, somber sound. Their song is considered mystical. Unlike other birds, you cannot follow a Nightjar's song to the animal that is singing.
This is because the nightjar itself is capable of simple ventriloquism, turning its head as it sings. They also never sing while they're in flight, males perching to camouflage themselves before doing so.
Pair this with the fact that they are ground-nesters who prefer moorland, and it's easy to understand why they're so highly revered in WindClan. It is thought that they were given a song by StarClan itself to help them defend their families, and for this purpose, they are considered Fancies. Dishonorable birds to kill.
Swift (Apus apus) = Wheer
Important to remember that a swift (bird) and the attribute of quickness (prriprra) are two different things in Clanmew! And, if you were wondering, Swiftpaw's name was Wheerpwyyr. He was named for the bird.
This is because the swift is the fastest flying bird in this area, and almost NEVER stops flying. Its legs are so small that they aren't even noticeable while they're in flight. A swift eat, sleeps, and breeds in the air, only ever stopping to lay their eggs. There are even birds who can spend years of their lives without touching the ground.
All martlets are known for being fantastic fliers, but the swift is above all other members of the group in the eyes of Clan cats. To kill a swift is the sort of thing that is never done unless you are explicitly commanded to catch one, as part of some task from your leader or a starvation scenario.
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blogbirdfeather · 1 year ago
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House Martin - Andorinha-dos-beirais (Delichon urbicum)
Cruz Quebrada/Portugal (21/09/2023)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR; 1/2500s; F6,3; 400 ISO]
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birds-in-posts · 6 months ago
Western house martin (Delichon urbicum)
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wildpixar · 2 years ago
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All flights delayed due to rain 🛫🌧️ House Martin (Delichon Urbicum) View more on Instagram https://ift.tt/6dshebV
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livornopress · 2 years ago
Tutela della nidificazione, la forestale informa la cittadinanza
Tutela della nidificazione, la forestale informa la cittadinanza
Livorno 10 maggio 2023 In queste settimane rondini (Hirundo rustica), balestrucci (Delichon urbicum), rondoni (Apus apus) e rondoni maggiori (Apus melba) stanno nidificando e vediamo i loro nidi sotto le grondaie, spioventi, terrazzi e cornicioni dei palazzi e delle abitazioni. “È fatto obbligo, per chiunque, di rispettare i nidi dei volatili, provvedendo alla loro tutela e protezione. È vietato…
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birdblues · 2 years ago
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House Martin
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allblackbirds · 3 years ago
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House Martin (Delichon Urbicum)
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triruntu · 5 years ago
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day 391, a house martin.
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postmanpetecoluk · 2 years ago
House Martin: Delichon urbicum by pete beard Via Flickr: Local City street
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