ace-ace-in-yo-face · 1 year
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Spooky Janus for my au! :] @thatsthat24
Reblogs are highly appreciated <3
[light version under the cut]
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ainsadist · 5 months
Rough sketches of my boys!! Ugh they’re so cute
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scrprints · 2 years
Got done watching the new sander sides esk music video and Janus in a coat is amazing. Not to mention Thomas' phenomenal voice on top.
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gorepill · 2 months
Sorryy for maing every post about my ocs
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TSS!Roman and RS! Roman meet for the 1st time vs Virgil and Youngblood meet for the 1st time
TSS!Roman: Who are you?
RS!Roman: Who are you???
TSS!Roman: I asked you first!
RS!Roman: Well, I asked you second!
Virgil and youngblood: *observing the himbos*
Virgil: So your Roman can't sing?
Youngblood: Yep, yours can?
Virgil: Unfortunately
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dontjudgemymuffin · 2 years
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“Spirit, tell me; Are these the shadows of things that will be, or are they the shadows of things that may be only?”
“wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?”
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yonakaruz · 2 years
Story Description
After months of being stuck in twisted wonderland, graduations are slowly coming near. Reader/Yuu has now fit in and has claimed the title of headmaster’s assistant due to all the errands she conducts for the crow. It seems things are turning out well for our prefect….or is it?
Crowley Dire (Twisted Wonderland)
[Gender Neutral Reader]
In the headmaster’s office, you will find a grumbling prefect, for they were recently ‘asked’ to ‘help’ the headmaster clean his room, soon they would spot something behind a tapestry. “Huh?” The prefect let out as they discovered a hidden vault, opening to see a stack of paper, confused, the prefect read a few articles only to let out a frightened gasp, dropping the paper. Startled by their discoveries they let out a shaky breath
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“What?” The prefect stuttered out, reading more articles only to find more dead children, children their age, all dying from a mysterious disease, the words entail fear into the prefect’s heart. “Prefect, I do apologize for my tardiness, but I have come to fetch you for I am so gracious!”  Soon Crowley entered with his cheery tune, only to see the stiff shaken prefect. “Why” They would mumble repeatedly slowly crumpling the paper in their hands. “Prefect?” The crow approached their shaking figure. “Yuu.” he gripped their shoulders with a worried glance, but soon his eyes widen as he suddenly snatched the article held by the prefect. “Yuu! What! How did you find these?!” The headmaster frantically would ask, only to receive a blank stare from the prefect.
“How could you?” They mumbled, balling their fists as tears threaten to spill out. “How could you hide this from me?!” They lashed out. Outside the headmaster’s office, the only thing ever heard was yelling. Hours would pass as the two go back and forth, one hurt and deceived, and the other was frantic and anxious. “I hid it to protect you!” The headmaster was now at his final wits as the prefect’s anger grew. “Protect me?! I could’ve died and you never told me!” They yelled trashing anything in their line of sight. 
*drip drip drip*
“How many?! How many of my kind had been sent here?! How many poor children died in your hands, Crowley?!” Tears streamed down the prefect’s face when suddenly they stopped.
An empty laugh was heard from the prefect, soon the laugh sounded unhinged then plan out maniacal, black tears flowed through their blank eyes, and when Crowley found out, it was too late.
*drip drip drip*
The prefect has overblotted
Author's Note: Hello everyone! This is my first time writing an actual fanfic rather than a headcanon, so I'm sorry if it doesn't really match any possible expectations! But I would like to practice my literature, so I might just make this a series!
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John Longstaff; ''The sirens'', 1892
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fawnaura · 2 years
I remember some of it, not all of it: deceit begins as forgetting
Louise Glück, excerpt from ‘Vespers’ in The Wild Iris 
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A good liar also needs to be a good actor
Anyone can say something entirely false, however if you don’t have the skills to convince someone that it is true then they will see right through you
However, not all good actors are good liars
If you are caught suddenly in a situation in which you need to lie and are unprepared then you may be unable to convincingly act your way out of it
Or maybe the actor could just be really good at acting as someone else but not at hiding their own deceit as they are unable to replicate their own actions unnaturally
I have come to this conclusion via a combination of experience in which I successfully lied to my drama teacher (dude it’s literally your job to teach people to act it’s your own fault I was good at lying to you) and this (follow actor) girl I used to be friends with* lying to my best friend and being seen though immediately
*long story, her fault
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ace-ace-in-yo-face · 2 years
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Janus aka. my favorite excuse to draw pretty hair :D This is Janus' design for my LikeFlowersWeBloom au. Janus is a God of illusion, deception, denial, judgement, death, sorrow etc. The scars are a reminder of his death before he became a god (that'll be a comic in the future), he usually covers them with illusions that are his golden scales (I'll draw that too ofc) :3 More facts about him will come with more art, perhaps a full body next time and a more fancy outfit, we'll see :)
(Btw Im graduating school this year so it'll be hard to find time to draw ,that's why this took so long ,i had this almost done waiting for some final touches since school started but just couldn't find the time ,i have to focus on my grades and exams. Additionally i won't have therapy till March due to my therapist being pregnant so that'll be quite a challenging time. I hope y'all are doing well ,I missed u and thank u lots for being patient - hope u have a lovely day :3)
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Hello everyone welcome to today's lesson on how to get away with madness.
Lesson 1: fabricate a claim
Fabricating a claim is relatively easy. You simply need to identify multiple instances of groups that are not only acceptable to attack but also desirable. When you've identified these groups relations to your target it is time to make up as much horrible things they could be guilty of as possible. The more relevant to the target the better.
Lesson 2: pin the tail on the donkey
Making an ass out of a target is difficult depending on how they react. Remember we want to get attention away from us to them quickly. Hit your target with a claim against their character followed by a false accusation that assumes guilt is already established then a second claim. The target will spend more energy defeating your claim than the accusation. Make sure as many people hear the accusation.
Lesson 3: painting the picture
Once your target has sufficiently caused a scene and made an ass of themself you need to peer by peer push to everyone interested or present that the accusation is not only what happened but also that they're angry over the claims made against them. Having a helper here works best as they can appear as a gossiping bystander as apposed to a person on your side. Be very careful the target cannot hear your gossiping with others present.
Lesson 4: simmer until cooked thoroughly
Continue to spread all available claims as over heard rumor from the chaos and back talking. Always assert your accusation as being stated as fact by trusted people present when out of earshot.
And that ends today's lessons on deceit and how to get away with madness. Hopefully this helps you win your next game of among us or town of Salem. Or just generally being a conniving bastard.
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owlseyevisuals · 2 years
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Big bluffer #art #artwork #drawing #ink #inkart #inkdrawing #inktober #inktober2022 #bluff #deciet #frilleddragon #frilledlizard #reptile #animal @scary https://www.instagram.com/p/CkAgsdPuN7_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kitkatwolf83 · 2 years
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The next circle they entered was nothing like the others. Thomas looked around seeing the natural beauty of his surroundings, and what he thought is the sun light on his face. Virgil had turned to Thomas and spoke in a wary tone," Do not be deceived by the surroundings. We r in the land of deceit. Nothing here is as it-" Virgil was soon cut off by a bright yellow scaly creature. "Aw, virgil u brought a new friend. It's always such a pleasure to have u sulking around my territory.", the creature said in a sickening sweet lull. "Well let me have a look at the new friend. U r very lucky to have this thing guide u around he's very weak after all. If he had chosen to be like us- all of u mortals would live forever.", he snared. Thomas got a sense of uneasiness from the scaly rapscalion. He looked over at his guide, and noticed that he looked so annoyed but also ashamed in a way. Virgil pulled Thomas from his thoughts, "Yeah him. Thomas, this is the lord of lies, deceit, and as u can see speaks in lies... well I can't say I had a blast deceit, but we have to be leaving now. " Virgil then grab Thomas's arm and dragged him away while they heard deceit's pleads to stay. #art #artwork #digitalart #katandsolarcomics #anxiety #virgil #virgilsanders #thomassanders #dantesinferno #sanderssides #janussanders #janus #deciet #gardenofedan https://www.instagram.com/p/CjYct71gQxc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Fall of Humanity
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sunbeargames · 11 months
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One of the classic character archetypes in mythology and folklore is the liar. A character that solves problems through trickery and deceit. Characters like Odysseus are famous examples of this.
We recently released Regari's Guide to Subterfuge, an expansion to the Rogue class with new optional class features, three new subclasses, and new magic items.
Not included in that document is a fourth Rogue subclass we wrote a while ago, the Liar. Playtesting found it to be fun and balanced but just. Too Silly. for most campaigns.
If you'd like to take a closer look at the Liar or vote for the next class we should focus on, you can join our new Patreon!
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