#Deathnotetober 2024
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captainhysunstuff · 5 months ago
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@deathnotetober Day 2: SPK
Team Kira had better watch out.
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night-lie · 4 months ago
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𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 30: aLone
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my-one-true-l · 4 months ago
The Sincerest Form of Flattery
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Written by Asraella (My-One-True-L), Illustrated by La-Van.
For @deathnotetober 2024, Day 31: Trick-or-Treat
“I really must insist you let me in.”
The low resonance of L’s voice rang muffled inside Beyond’s ears. The heavy oak door that stood between them served as more than a buffer to L’s request. It was a mahogany-stained guard, silent and strong, unmoving to L’s commands, as was the young man locked behind it.
“Patience is a virtue, is it not?” Beyond smirked at his reflection in the antique mirror hanging over the bathroom sink, a relic from the times before The Wammy House was an orphanage, the glass warped and the image distorted from years of neglect, and it held in its grim gaze a premonition of what the young man staring into it would become. “If I let you in now it will spoil the surprise and you wouldn’t want that, would you? Everyone knows the best birthday gifts rely on the element of surprise.”
“I really do think you should…” L’s words escaped his mouth then faded into a strawberry-scented sigh. No one was as stubborn as Beyond and to continue in this attempt at strong arming the outcome he wanted would not produce the results he was seeking. L knew better and he knew he needed to approach this differently. “Perhaps you can give me a hint to this gift you refer to.”
“A game as a preamble to the festivities? Alright, detective. I will indulge you!” Leaning closer to his reflection, Beyond shared a laugh with the person grinning back at him. In his hand rested a half-empty  pot of loose face powder, a treasure he found hidden in the depths of a forgotten vanity in Watari’s quarters. The original owner was a mystery, but the worn gold lettering on the side of the jar and the smell of musty roses that filled the air when the lid was removed reminded him of something he couldn’t quite place, but he was certain it was meant for him to find, and it filled him with a thrill that even solving cases didn’t. To not waste the precious contents of the jar, He swiped the expired makeup across his cheek and over the bridge of his nose with delicate consideration, smiling as his complexion lightened to a milky white. “So tell me L, What are children in America doing this evening?”
L lifted a lanky thumb to his bottom lip and became thoughtful. “I suppose many are preparing to go Trick-or-Treating.”
“That was a bit simple, wasn’t it?” Beyond chuckled his annoyance at L’s quick answer. “Regardless, You are correct.” He turned on the spigot, letting the water run over his fingertips before he dipped them in the watercolors he borrowed from the art supply closet. With purple on his left hand and black on the right, he smeared the paint under his eyes in exaggerated strokes until it blended into the powder. “and how do they prepare for such an outing?”
A scowl forged from concern weighed on L’s brows. “As I understand the custom, I believe the children dress as either a monster or someone they admire.”  
“Why couldn’t it be both?” Beyond asked as he opened the door, the creak of rusty hinges announcing him before he stepped into the shadowed hallway. “Happy Birthday! What do you think? Is it you or does it suit me better?”
Confusion made L’s already wide eyes grow larger as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Starting at his bare feet, He dragged his eyes up Beyond, his jeans a slightly darker shade of blue but reminiscent still of the inspiration, a white long sleeve shirt clung to his frame while tangles of hair hung over his eyes and stuck up in the back in spikey mattes, and when their eyes met, Beyond smiled genuine pleasure at L’s expression.
“What is this?” Steady and even, there was no anger hidden in L’s tone, just the low hum that clung to his words as he spoke.
“I really did think you would be better at playing this.” Beyond huffed his disappointment. “I think the actual question you should be asking is which of us is the trick and which of us is the treat?”
L tried to sort meaning from the jumbled nonsense the other orphan was muttering. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he scuffed a few steps backwards. “Perhaps I should get Watari.”
“You’re…concerned? For what reason?” Beyond looked at L incredulously. “Surely I don’t need to explain that I am The World’s Greatest Detective this Halloween?”
L tipped his head towards Beyond, his words hushed by disbelief. “I think I fail to understand how this is a gift for me?”
“Didn’t you know?” The corners of Beyond’s lips twisted into a sneer, drawing tiny cracks in the foundation caking to his skin. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
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nightfurynova1217 · 4 months ago
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@deathnotetober 2024 #30 - Alone
Gosh, Near is such tragic character when you think about it too much...
Time Taken: 2:10 hours
DeviantArt Comic Tumblr Instagram Twitter AO3 YouTube Discord: @nightfurynova4112
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thedecadentdetectivetyrant · 5 months ago
Deathnotetober and Cringetober Day 1
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@deathnotetober and Cringetober day 1
Prompts for today are favorite character and screenshot redraw respectively.
Couldn't decide on which one to join, so went with both at least today and redrew *that* one scene in Death Note with Light, you know, the one, in my style.
Comparison with the original under the cut.
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breakfast-cereal · 4 months ago
the world's three greatest detectives' Halloween philosophy
word count: 1.9k
description: Yagami Light's willpower is tested by a detective in a bad costume.
notes: written for Day 31 of @deathnotetober 2024
[main masterlist] [work on ao3]
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(c: Munch)
“Don’t you think your costume is a little too on the nose, Light?” Ryuuk laughs, flicking the scythe lying on Light’s desk.
“It’s popular in America.” He slides his pen into the cupholder. “Plus, Sayu got it for me, and she wouldn’t let me leave the house without it.”
“Your love for the Shinigami is flattering. I think you might care about death more than I do.” 
The tassels on Ryuuk’s belt jingle as he swirls around the room, dragging his long nails through pumpkin and ghost garlands. 
Light swivels with a scowl. “My mom put those up; stop playing with them.” He shoves his homework into a black bag with a purple spider on the front, slipping a pencil into his pants pocket. “Of course, I care about death more than you do. All the Shinigami are indifferent. Some humans are, too.” 
“Killing people isn’t as fun as it seems.” The ghost charm falls from his hand and knocks against the wall. 
“I’m not killing people.” Light shrugs his cloak over his head. “There’s a difference between the Death Note and murder. I’m–”
“All you humans are so naïve.” Ryuuk interrupts. “I don’t have enough apples to listen to you get philosophical with me.”
Light rolls his eyes. “I have to go downstairs. Sayu and her friends are waiting for me.”
He tip-toes out of his door, careful to avoid the attention of Sayu’s friends giggling in the kitchen. Ryuuk trails behind him, throwing nail clippings into the carpet. Though Light knows no one else will see them, he glares at the disrespect. 
“You know, I’ve been reading some of those philosophy books you have on your shelf.”
Light nods, hoping Ryuuk will shut up. He doesn’t.
“That guy–what’s his name–Socrates?” He scratches his head. “Well, whatever his name is, he’s annoying. So human. All of you think too much for creatures who can die so easily. At least Shinigami are hard to kill.”
Light bites his cheek. The night should run smoothly if he can find some apples and maybe a pair of headphones. 
He meets his sister and her friends at the dining table, glancing at the water bottles stuffed into the girl’s purse next to him.
“You aren’t drinking, are you, Sayu?”
She guffaws and crosses her arms over her cat costume as a blush rises to her cheeks. “What!? No way. Don’t be such a prude, Light.”
“Light-kun is right,” L says, exiting the kitchen, already holding a handful of candies. “Drinking so young will make you stupid.”
“Ryuuzaki,” Light frowns. “What are you doing here?”
“That’s a rude way to say hello to your guest.” He itches up his pant leg with his bare foot. “Your sister invited me in. Don’t you like my costume?” L smiles, wearing nothing but his regular clothing. Chocolate lines his gums. 
Light pinches between his brows. He might need to borrow a water bottle. 
“What are you supposed to be? A nuisance?”
“Light!” Sayu hits his arm. “Be nice to our guest. Ryuuzaki was just saying how helpful Dad’s been on the investigation.” She raises her eyebrows.
“Light-kun, you seem a bit—short-tempered. Is something the matter? Is it my costume?”
Like the annoying child he is, L flicks the edge of Light’s scythe. Ryuuk cackles, and Light swears a blood vessel in his forehead bursts.
“Your costume is quite fitting,” he leans in, the scent of chocolate and caramel hitting Light’s cheek. “Kira.” Light nearly combusts.
Ryuuk snorts, “Is this what you humans call reality TV?” 
Sayu’s friend, a short chubby girl who was obviously interested in Light a year earlier, laughs. “What are you two whispering about? Sayu says you’re part of an important investigation, Yagami-senpai. Is it about that?”
“Are girls your age supposed to be this nosey?” L tilts his head like he’s truly interested in the question he just asked. Itsuko, whose name Light only just remembered, flushes.
“What—no—I,” she sputters, adjusting the halo on her head. “Your brother’s friend is so mean, Sayu!”
“Light, tell Ryuuzaki to be nice. He’s upsetting my friends.”
L raises his hands defensively. “I was only asking a question.”
Light tightens his grip on his scythe. “Lay off, Ryuuzaki. You can’t barge in while you’re not even wearing a costume and act like you own the place.”
“But I am wearing a costume! I’m the world’s best detective. Like Sherlock Holmes.” He pops a chocolate into his mouth and throws the wrapper onto the floor.
Light turns to his sister, forcing a smile. “Are you ready to get going, Sayu? I saw some cool houses on my way back from school.” 
She nods, her cat ears bouncing as she hops down the hallway, arms linked with her friends.
While walking by L, Light hisses, “Behave. And pick up your garbage.”
His eyes widen, and a grin stretches across his chapped lips. Light hates him. “35%, Kira.”
“Shut up.”
The night is bitter, burning against Light’s cheeks. By the second block, his scythe is an uncomfortable weight in his fist. His cloak collects leaves and everything else on the ground within a metre distance.
L chews loudly on a gummy candy he pried from the hands of a little kid in a dinosaur costume. He only shrugged when they burst into tears, walking away before their mother could chew him out. 
For the smartest man in the world, he’s incredibly grating and inconsiderate. Every time he opens his weird, chapped mouth, Light fights the urge to whack him over the head with his scythe. It would probably raise his Kira percentage, whatever that means. 
“Light-kun,” he starts for the twelfth time that night. “Are you popular with kids your age?”
Light squawks. “Excuse me?”
“Well, I was just wondering since you seem to be out at Halloween with your sister instead of at a party. Now that you’re in university, I’m sure there are several parties you could go to, unless you weren’t invited, of course.”
“You don’t seem to have a problem showing up unannounced, Ryuuzaki,” he snaps.
“It wasn’t a personal insult, Light-kun. Merely a question.”
Ryuuk grips Light’s shoulders, dangling an earring in his face. “Light,” he whines. “When are we getting apples? I didn’t come out here for nothing! Not that this isn’t pretty interesting.”
Light swats his hand backwards. L’s gaze follows the movement, calculating, deciphering. His mind works faster than any regular person could imagine. Light despises him for it. 
“Yes, I’m popular with people my age, which I’m sure you wouldn’t understand.” 
L sucks on a lollipop, nodding.
“My priorities are set on school and the investigation. I’m only here to chaperone Sayu.” Light sidesteps a child wearing a sheet ghost costume, brushing against L’s shoulder. He’ll need to take a shower later.
Sayu’s friend in a devil costume laughs, jogging down the street to a house lit with red lanterns and covered in fake cobwebs. Several children crowd around the entrance to the garage, which is lined with caution tape. 
“Light,” she calls. “Let’s go into the haunted house!”
Light shakes his head with a laugh. “You go in with your friends. I’ll wait out here for you.”
“You’re no fun,” Sayu whines as she jumps into the garage with a giggle. 
Itsuko frowns, though Light can barely make out her lips in the darkness. “Are you sure, Yagami-senpai? You have the perfect costume for it!”
“Don’t worry,” L beams, wrapping his arm around Light’s shoulders. Light shrugs him off with a grimace. “Light-kun will have fun out here with me.”
Itsuko’s frown deepens and creases around her eyes and chin. Light feels the same, wanting nothing more than to deck L in the street, but that would draw too much attention.
“Don’t say things like that, Ryuuzaki. It’s weird.” 
“Am I not allowed to spend Halloween with my best friend?” He tilts his head like a dog.
Ryuuk scratches his arm, flaking off pieces of snow-white skin. “Does this mean I’m getting that apple, Light?”
“We aren’t friends.” Ryuuk opens his mouth again, and Light whacks him with his scythe, receiving a glare and a groan.
“That’s a little insulting.” 
L whips out another candy bar from his pocket. The wrapper is melted into the milk chocolate. He licks it while making direct eye contact. God, Light hates him.
“I thought we were friends.”
It takes all of his willpower not to laugh in L’s face. 
“Huh, did you?”
L drops onto the corner of the sidewalk and leans backwards on his hands to look up at the sky. 
“I wonder, Light-kun, if this means anything.”
Light furrows his brows. “Why so philosophical all of a sudden? Did I hurt your feelings that badly?”
“Look at the sky.”
Light tilts his head up, catching nothing out of the ordinary. The moon glows softly, overshadowed by heavy clouds. Streaks of blue and purple brush the edges of stars. It’s pretty, but Light doesn’t think much of those things. It would be prettier from above. 
“Is everything alright, Ryuuzaki?”
“Light-kun,” he sighs. “Why won’t you admit you’re Kira?”
“Excuse me? Stop saying things like that while we’re in public.” Light plops down on the sidewalk, far from where L is sitting. He rests his scythe on his knees. “You know I’m not. These accusations are ridiculous.”
He frowns, tipping his head down and obscuring his bug eyes with overgrown bangs. “I guess I should have known you wouldn’t confess like that.” L chews his cheek and pulls another chocolate out of his bag. “I always liked you, Yagami Light. Even if you are Kira.”
Light clenches his fists. “That’s not the compliment you think it is.”
“It wasn’t meant to be,” L shrugs. He takes a bite of his chocolate and holds the remainder out to Light. “Want a piece?”
“That’s disgusting. How can you go from accusing me of being a serial murderer to offering me chocolate?”
“I know a few serial murderers who like chocolate.” The candy stains the tips of his fingers brown. He brushes them on his dark blue pants, already overlaid with stains. For the second time, he’s wearing a pair of beat-up tennis shoes. 
Light rolls his eyes. Of course, he knows serial murderers. That weirdo probably is one. “I don’t like sweet things.”
“100%, Light-kun, or should I call you Kira? What type of monster doesn’t like sweets?”
Light opens and closes his mouth but decides against commenting. He inhales and looks up at the sky once more. The colours are muted, but flashes of reds and oranges reflect from children laughing and strewn candy wrappers. 
“Even if you are Kira, Light–” It’s the first time he says Light’s name with any sense of honesty– ”I would still wish you a Happy Halloween.”
“Thanks, Ryuuzaki.”
“So, do you like my costume?” He meets Light’s gaze with a wry smile. 
Light hates him, but for the moment, all he sees are bug eyes and chapped lips, so human he feels ink on his fingers.  
“Happy Halloween, Ryuuzaki. I think Sayu is calling for me.”
On his way home, Light tugs a plush apple from the tree and tosses it to Ryuuk. His mind spins with accusations as his scythe drags on the ground. Ryuuk says nothing. 
I wonder, Light-kun, if this means anything.
It means more than L could ever imagine. 
Light tosses Ryuuk another apple. “Happy Halloween, Ryuukie. I’ll get you more apples this Christmas.”
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unofficial-deathnotetober · 10 months ago
When are you going to come out with a Deathnotetober 2024 list? I missed 2023 and I'd be happy to get a list so I can be prepared for Deathnotetober2024. Please tell me when you have the list! Thank you! ^_^
Thanks for your interest! We always made the prompt lists in September. I think we will do it like this again this year. It probably will be out one or two weeks before October. And since we’re now part of the official @deathnotetober, the event will take place there.
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night-lie · 4 months ago
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𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 28: Chess
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night-lie · 4 months ago
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𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 23: Chance
The symbolism of fresh snow: Cleanliness, purity, new beginnings and chances to keep living.
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nightfurynova1217 · 4 months ago
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@deathnotetober 2024 #16 - Baking
This one... took way too long to finish. XD But it was fun to do! I haven't made chibi's in like two years! This also may or may not be based on an animatic idea I've had for the Wammy kids for... like three years and I just haven't had the guts to get started on it yet. >.>
Time Taken: 13:45 hours
DeviantArt Comic Tumblr Instagram Twitter AO3 YouTube Discord: @nightfurynova4112
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night-lie · 5 months ago
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L: The veteran Mogi Kanzo. The internet expert Himura Shoko. The hot-tempered Aizawa Shuichi. The rather idiotic Matsuda Touta. I suspected you would come, but you're a rather unreliable group. And a small one at that.
𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 3: Task Force
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night-lie · 4 months ago
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"Let's put in the final piece together."
𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 29: Trust
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night-lie · 4 months ago
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if you write my name, you'll die too! then, let's meet in the afterlife in thirteen days.
𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 24: Betrayal
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night-lie · 5 months ago
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L/Soichiro Yagami in the 2006 movies
𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 9: Crack Ship
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night-lie · 5 months ago
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𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼-tober Day 13: (Gothic) Fashion
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nightfurynova1217 · 5 months ago
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@deathnotetober 2024 #1 - Favorite Character
DeathNoteTober is baaaaaack!!! Ain't no way it's been nearly three years since I've drawn anything for the fandom, I didn't realize I've missed it so bad.
I won't be drawing something for every prompt throughout the month, but I've picked out a few. And when the prompt list came out, of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw my best boi. Gosh I love him so much <3
Time Taken: 4:05 hours
DeviantArt Comic Tumblr Instagram Twitter AO3 YouTube Discord: @nightfurynova4112
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