#Day 4 - 2023
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sekaiichis · 1 year ago
While helping clean up Ritsu’s apartment for what felt like the hundredth time, Takano happens to stumble upon a look into the mind of Oda Ritsu.
Day 4 of @sihjrweek!
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misscorn · 1 year ago
Day 4 Journal/Surprise
Fourth entry of @sihjrweek B) once again this spawned from silly conversation between @sekaiichis and I lol and I did watch some videos for inspiration as well (more crying than I expected alkjlakjdsdaskj)
Ritsu was boredly flipping through old magazines in the waiting room of a dental office, not invested in it's contents as he was impatiently waiting for his boyfriend to be put into his care. Masamune had been told during his last visit that he needed to get his wisdom teeth removed and of course he would not be able to drive himself home afterward. Ritsu didn't utilize his driving license often, but he was thankful to have it in this situation. It would be a massive pain to get Masamune home otherwise.
Though, Ritsu had not anticipated how getting Masamune home would be a massive pain in an entirely different way.
Ritsu had expected Masamune to be out of it - tired, if not a little bit loopy - but he was not prepared for the way in which Masamune excitedly slurred out his name, clung on to him and refused to let go the moment they came face to face. Ritsu turned dark red as he tried to lug Masamune out of the dental office, letting out a final thank you before he actually managed to exit the building with Masamune in tow.
"You have to let go of me to get in the car." Ritsu pointed out once they were next to the vehicle.
"This sweater is a nice color on you..." Masamune mumbled, a little hard to understand with the cotton in his mouth, completely ignoring Ritsu's statement and instead hugging him tighter.
Ritsu sighed, trying to muster up a little more patience than he would usually have.
"Thank you, you bought it for me," Ritsu reminded him. "Will you please get in the car so we can go home?"
"I bought it for you?" Masamune echoed, suddenly tearing up. "You're wearing a sweater I bought?"
"I-yes-why are you crying?!" Ritsu exclaimed in alarm.
"Ritsu's wearing a sweater I bought...I'm so happy..." Masamune hugged him even tighter and smiled, having a surprising amount of strength for someone clearly not fully in complete control of their mind and body yet.
Ritsu shook with the effort it took not to laugh as he realized the reason for the tears was utterly ridiculous. This was serious, he had to get Masamune home so he could rest. They couldn't just stand around embraced for this long either! People were going to start staring!
"Yes, it's a nice sweater, now please get in the car so I can take you home." Ritsu said, somehow managing to unwrap Masamune's arms from around him, but Masamune looked like he was going to start crying harder. "What's wrong?"
"I don't wanna go home cause then you'll go home and I won't see you anymore." He explained. It was barely intelligible, but somehow Ritsu managed to understand.
"It's okay, I promise. Can you please get in the car? You will probably need to be sitting down when I tell you this." Ritsu said gently, continuing to try not to laugh. It wouldn't be very kind to laugh at Masamune's emotional distress, but it was just so absurd. It took a little bit more coaxing, but somehow Ritsu managed to get him into the car. Ritsu then got into the driver's seat, buckling in and triple checking that Masamune didn't unbuckle his own seatbelt before he started the car.
Masamune was looking out the window, arms crossed, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth downturned. "I'm mad at you." He announced before Ritsu could say anything else.
"Why are you mad?" Ritsu asked as he started to drive.
"Cause-Cause you're taking me home to get rid of me." Masamune accused. "Do you hate me? Why are you mad at me?" He asked, clearly forgetting that he was supposed to be the one mad at the other. "I love you, please don't be mad at me..." He added pathetically.
"Masamune. I'm taking you to our home. We live together." Ritsu said.
"We live together?!" Masamune echoed in clear surprise, his eyes wide with awe.
Ritsu finally allowed himself to smile in amusement, a little bit of laughter bubbling out of him as he answered, "Yes."
Masamune sat there silently, shellshocked, clearly doing his best to process this 'new' information. After a minute, his expression became suspicious, as if he didn't trust Ritsu to be honest with his next response, "Are you my boyfriend?"
"Yes, I am your boyfriend." Ritsu said, deciding not to point out their matching bands on their fingers lest he overwhelm Masamune.
"Ritsu's my boyfriend..." Masamune breathed out. He started to pat his pockets, searching for his phone, which Ritsu had already confiscated much earlier. "Wanna tell everyone Ritsu's my boyfriend." He mumbled, more to himself.
"You can tell everyone later, okay?" Ritsu said, trying to placate him.
"Nooo!" Masamune said, distraught. "I have to do it now, I have to let everyone know now, if they don't know they'll try to date you!"
"Who are 'they'?" Ritsu asked in amusement.
"Everyone!" Masamune insisted.
"I already told everyone, okay? They know they can't date me." Ritsu said, attempting to get him to calm down.
"I promise." Ritsu said, not thinking this promise counted as holding much weight.
"If you're my boyfriend then you should kiss me." Masamune pointed out. That made a lot of sense, right?
"I can't kiss you right now." Ritsu denied, effectively shattering Masamune's heart, his facial expression falling.
"Why not?" Masamune asked, the tears coming back tenfold. If Ritsu was his boyfriend then what reason could there possibly be for them not to kiss?
Ritsu startled at the tears returning much stronger than before. He was not used to seeing Masamune cry so much! As amusing as it had been earlier, he was now concerned and a little panicked at seeing Masamune so devastated.
"B-Because I'm driving, so I can't kiss you or I'll put us both in danger. Plus, you also need to let your stitches heal." Ritsu explained, hoping the logic would somewhat reach Masamune.
Of course, he was hoping for too much as Masamune continued to cry.
"If you loved me you would kiss me!" He insisted, "Ritsu doesn't love me..." Tears continued to roll down his face.
"I'm not kissing you because I love you! So that you won't get hurt!" Ritsu said, but Masamune was not listening, lamenting the fact that his boyfriend clearly did not love him anymore.
"Did I do something wrong? A-Are you gonna leave again?" Masamune asked between sharp intakes of breath.
Oh God, what do I do? He doesn't seem like he's calming down, Ritsu thought worriedly, soon stopping at a red light. He quickly, but very carefully, pressed a light kiss to Masamune's wet cheek.
"There, I kissed you." Ritsu said, settling back into his seat, hoping that was enough to satisfy him.
Masamune blinked a couple times, reaching up to gently touch the cheek Ritsu had just kissed, startled enough by the show of affection to pause in his crying.
"I promise I'll kiss you again, but later, okay? When you're feeling better." Ritsu added, feeling a little frazzled himself as he hadn't expected his boyfriend to be so sensitive in this state.
Masamune settled a little after that, continuing to cup his own cheek for longer than necessary, "I'm better right now." He said, "I'm better, I promise."
"The dentist said it could take up to two weeks for a full recovery." Ritsu said, hoping to shift the blame on to someone else so Masamune would not accuse him of not loving him again.
Masamune grumbled unhappily, "The dentist is stupid..."
Ritsu let out a soft sigh of relief as the redirection seemed to work, "I know, but we have to listen to him so you can get better."
Masamune became quiet as Ritsu's reasoning finally sunk in and chased away any doubts of Ritsu loving him. He looked out the window once more, seeming to start to relax before a thought occurred to him and he tried looking behind him into the backseat.
"What are you looking for?" Ritsu asked.
"Where's Sorata?" Masamune frowned. "Why isn't Sorata here?"
"I can ask Yokozawa if Sorata can visit you tomorrow, okay?" Ritsu offered.
Masamune's usual impatience reared it's head once more as he started whining yet again, not liking that he couldn't have what he wanted right now.
This is going to be a very long drive home, Ritsu thought with a sigh.
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royaiweek · 2 years ago
this ultraviolet morning light
this ultraviolet morning light - more_than_melody - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga [Archive of Our Own]
for day four, prompt afterglow
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momoharuevents · 2 years ago
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Day 4 of momoharu week 2023 is here! Today’s prompts are Hugs/Kisses 💕😘
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silvergiftingweek · 2 years ago
Welcome to the Day 4 of Silvergifting Week 2023!
Today's prompt is:
Day 4 (August 10): Betrayal | Captured | Bad Ending
Optional word prompt for Day 4: Corrupting touch
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hetalia-aushun-week · 2 years ago
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Day 4 (June 8)
Wedding/ Wedding dress and suit | “I wish I had a say in this.”
We’re now at the halfway point of the event! You can do one of these prompts or combine the two, it’s up to you! And remember to tag your content with #aushunweek2023 and @ this blog.
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germanbrosweek · 1 year ago
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Day 4 (Oct 4)
Monsters | "Get back!"
Half way there! You can either do one of these prompts or both. Just remember to tag your content with #germanbrosweek and @ this blog.
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card-of-the-day · 2 years ago
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Today's Card Is: Polywhirl
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apricotrush · 1 year ago
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[DAY 8] Christmas Dog Sweaters
Cuddle up beside the fire with your festive fur babies wearing the cutest lil' sweater!
Sims 4 festive dog sweaters
Requires Pets
For large & small dogs
5 Swatches
Public Access: December 25, 2023
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 1 year ago
ok everybody block dnp on all socials they have eyes everywhere. they know way too much. those omniscient fuckers are always watching. no one is safe.
like what do you MEAN you know about those stupid “real voice” compilations and people absolutely clowning about jumpcuts and smudged whiskers and what do you MEAN you’re aware of those 2009 phan theories people still debate to this day? what happened to “i don’t check my indirects” “i don’t go on the tags”?? i bet you’re lurking RIGHT NOW reading this very post. all men do is lie. can’t trust anyone 😤😪
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danikatze · 1 year ago
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[ID in alt text]
Inktober day 1: homage.
My first Owl House fanart!! I watched it for the first time in July and yeah.. I love Raine. They're singing a little song to and about Eda :3
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[ID in alt text]
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bahbahhh · 1 year ago
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misscorn · 2 years ago
Day 4 AU/Free Prompt
It’s time for: t-t-t-time travel bullshit @takaritsuweek hehehe
This had to be a nightmare. Or maybe Takano Masamune had been kidnapped in his sleep (unlikely)  - or somehow sleepwalked all the way here (even less likely). He was even willing to believe that this was some sick and twisted punishment from a deity that he had accidentally angered during his time on Earth. What other possible explanations could there be? The only real logical option was the first: nightmare. However, no matter how hard Masamune tried, he could not wake himself up. 
No, instead of opening his eyes to his beloved, official boyfriend, Onodera Ritsu, he woke up alone and in a familiar, yet nauseating room to a very loud and repeated buzzing. It sounded like his old alarm clock, the one he used in high school. He had smacked it to make it stop and it then took several moments for it to sink in that it was his old alarm clock from high school. He sat up quickly once the realization struck him and he basically fell out of bed in his panicked attempt to stand. Once he managed to actually find his balance he stood frozen with his hands out in front of him, as if this were some kind of illusionary mirror maze that he would smack face first into the second he took a step forward. 
“Ritsu?” He called out, still unmoving. The silence that responded was unnerving. “Ritsu?” He repeated, more urgent this time, finally willing his body into action as the fear of being alone outweighed his caution of his surroundings. He navigated the piles of books on his bedroom floor (freaky how they seemed to be in the exact spots he remembered, was this some kind of elaborate prank?) and rushed out into the hallway, calling out his lover’s name as he haphazardly threw open doors to search for him on the upper floor. 
“Shit…what the fuck…” Masamune said under his breath, anxiously running a hand through his hair as he came to the conclusion that the house was currently occupied by no one else but him. 
Well, apparently not no one else.
Sorata stretched and curiously approached Masamune, apparently having just woken up himself. He meowed again, louder this time as he reached up to paw at Masamune’s leg. Sorata was used to being fed his breakfast by now, but Masamune had been running around the house in a tizzy. 
“Sorata?” Masamune said in confusion. “How are you here…why are you so small?” He said, shaking his head.
Sorata merely let out a little ‘mrrp’ and walked past his legs to rub against them. 
“No…no, there’s no fucking way. I’m crazy. I’ve gone crazy.” Masamune said as he started to rush toward the bathroom, getting in front of the mirror and staring in both disbelief and horror. 
Masamune hadn’t just magically appeared in his old house and that was it. That would be too easy.
He raised a hand slowly in front of the mirror, watching as the reflection of his teenage self did the same. Holy shit. What the fuck is going on?! Where the fuck is Ritsu?! Masamune only became more panicked, rushing back to his room in a vain search for his cell phone - which of course he did not have yet as that model didn’t even exist in this current time. 
Despite this, he still ripped his room apart, going through drawers and dumping them empty, not bothering to put anything back as he moved on to the next. He yanked his comforter and sheets off his bed, shaking them in the hopes that by some miracle he had fallen asleep with his phone in hand or on his person and had taken it with him through this cruel time jump. He looked under the bed, under his nightstand, even under his piles of books even though that made as little sense as a smart phone time jumping. 
“Fuck!” Masamune cursed. Wait, house phone!
Masamune hurried down the stairs to get to the house phone - which was practically ancient by his own standards of ‘current’ technology - and got halfway through dialing Ritsu’s number before he realized what an idiot he was. Ritsu’s number in high school wasn’t the same as his adult cell phone number, obviously…and Masamune didn’t know Ritsu’s home phone number. 
“This can’t be happening…” Masamune said miserably. He and Ritsu had finally gotten somewhere good, somewhere comfortable and happy. And now this bullshit decides to come out of left field and wreck it all?! 
Of course, there were times that Masamune wished he and Ritsu had never broken up in the first place and could have gotten the whole high school sweetheart experience, but not at the price of losing his current relationship with Ritsu!
I guess this means we’re starting over…again, Masamune thought with a big sigh, I’ll have to do things right this time…unless he already left for England! Another wave of dread flooded over Masamune and he rushed to check the calendar hung up by their door. His parents used it in order to keep track of their busy schedules (and Masamune suspected also to align their schedules in a way that meant they could avoid each other) and he prayed that the month was accurate because if it was then that meant Ritsu was still in the country. 
Shit, I don’t know what day it is today…when I went to sleep yesterday it was Sunday, so is it Monday here? Masamune rubbed a hand over his face, feeling overwhelmed and underprepared to handle this timeline shattering event. 
Masamune then felt a paw at his leg again.
“Meow!” Sorata exclaimed in displeasure. 
“Right.” Masamune sighed. “Crazy time traveling or not, I guess you still need to be fed.” He said. “Come on, we can talk theories on what the hell is happening while I get your food.” He scooped Sorata up into his arms, carrying him off to prepare breakfast for them both. 
Masamune found himself unable to eat much and his frantic efforts to figure out what the hell was happening had set him behind on what was once his high school morning routine. Again, he wasn’t even sure if it was Monday, but he hoped that his alarm waking him up at least meant it was a school day and that he would be able to see Ritsu. He ended up getting started on his route to school a little later than he typically would have and he didn’t see Ritsu stalking him in the background at any point, much to his disappointment. 
What do I even say when I see him? Should I tell him what’s going on or will that absolutely break him? I don’t want to cause my boyfriend’s mind to unravel. Or more likely he could think I’m insane and break up with me, Masamune could feel his blood pressure going up from the stress, I guess I’m just going to have to act like everything is normal. Besides, maybe at the end of the day this really is a dream, he thought, attempting to cope with the reality in front of him. 
Masamune was a bit relieved to see other students flooding into the school building, meaning that it was in fact a school day and Masamune had a chance at seeing Ritsu. 
Damn, did he ever tell me what class he was in…I really don’t want to wait till the end of the day to see him, but I might have to, Masamune thought, though as he approached the entrance he caught sight of a familiar head of brown hair in the corner of his eye. He looked toward Ritsu, the younger teen jumping at the sudden eye contact - apparently, he hadn’t been expecting to get caught in his staring. Ritsu stood there, face slowly turning red and mouth gaping open like a fish as he briefly froze under Masamune’s gaze.
Masamune’s breath caught in his throat and his palms started to sweat, his heart picking up pace and thumping in his ears. He looks just how I remember…I’m so glad he’s still here, Masamune thought, a smile unconsciously tugging at his lips. The relief at seeing his lover was enough to nearly make Masamune collapse and cry, but he held it together enough to take two steps in Ritsu’s direction before Ritsu suddenly turned tail and rushed off. 
Masamune opened his mouth to call out after him instinctively, wanting to chase him down and glue him to his side so that nothing (not even time travel) would separate them ever again, but then he remembered that he needed to be acting ‘normal’. Unfortunately, in this time period, it was not normal for Masamune to chase Ritsu down. 
Hopefully if I can get things right this time, I’ll never have to try to chase him down again, Masamune thought, unhappily shuffling his way toward his classroom. But, if he had to, then ‘Saga’ would slowly have to transition into the kind of boyfriend who did do that. Because regardless of if he was a teenager or adult, Saga or Takano, dreaming or time traveling, Masamune was not letting Ritsu go. 
Classes had never been so brutal. Masamune had much more important things to be worrying about than his calculus class. Not to mention he couldn’t remember the last time he had done calculus. Those several hours of waiting to escape so he could go to the library and see Ritsu were agonizing. He’d never wanted to yell at someone to shut up more in his life (and he yelled at people to shut up all the time) than when he had to sit through his physics class working in pairs. 
Masamune rushed out of the classroom once they were dismissed, pretending as though he didn’t hear when some other student called his name to try to talk to him - he didn’t care, he wasn’t interested, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to pretend to be for the next ten to fifteen minutes. He went to the library as quickly as he could without drawing attention to himself, only to deflate in his excitement when seeing that the table he and Ritsu always sat at was empty. 
Maybe he’s just not here yet, Masamune tried to reason, heading over to sit down. He didn’t even bother getting a book to fake read, instead staring at the door anxiously, barely blinking. He’s definitely going to come, right? It’s a little hard to remember where exactly we’re supposed to be in our relationship right now, but there’s no way he won’t show up. Masamune tapped his foot and chewed his thumb nail as he started to desperately wish he had a cigarette. 
It felt like hours had passed, but Masamune’s frequent glancing toward the nearest clock told him it had only been a few minutes when the doors finally opened once more. Masamune moved before he could think, standing from his chair the second he spotted Ritsu and making strides toward him. 
Fuck acting ‘normal’, Masamune decided as Ritsu met him halfway. 
Ritsu appeared confused and nervous, looking at Masamune with a slightly furrowed brow. “...Senpai?” He said cautiously, carefully studying Masamune’s expression. 
Masamune took in a sharp breath at that and grabbed Ritsu’s hand, leading him off wordlessly, ducking into an aisle of bookshelves that had no other students browsing.
“What-?” Ritsu started as Masamune gave a cursory glance to double check that no one could currently see them before he cupped Ritsu’s cheeks and swooped in with a kiss, desperate to ground himself with Ritsu’s touch. 
Ritsu, however, pulled away before Masamune could even fully enjoy it, making Masamune all the more desperate to have his lover close. Though, the familiar shade of red on Ritsu’s cheeks was certainly a welcomed sight as it made Masamune feel warm - even as Ritsu started to scold him. 
“H-Hey, we’re in school right now, and there are still other students in the library!” Ritsu whispered. 
“Don’t care.” Masamune said, wrapping his arms around Ritsu to pull him into a tight hug. 
“I do!” Ritsu wiggled a bit against his hold, but really didn’t try that hard to escape. 
“Well, don’t.” Masamune said, as though it were that simple. “You should just care about me.” 
“W-What is that supposed to mean?” Ritsu asked, wondering if he detected a bit of possessiveness. “You’re acting a little…strange today. Is everything okay, S-Senpai?” He continued, stumbling over the honorific just slightly.
“Everything’s just fine.” At least, it is now that you’re here, Masamune thought as he finally released Ritsu and opted for ruffling his hair instead. “I don’t feel like staying at the library today. You should come back to my place.” 
“Eh? R-Right away? But I just got here-”
“I know, but I want you to myself. Where other students can’t see.” Masamune said. 
Ritsu turned red and looked away. “You’re being more forward than usual…”
“Do you not like it?” Masamune asked. 
“It’s not that, I-I…wasn’t expecting it.” Ritsu said. 
“I just missed you is all.” Masamune said. That made Ritsu look toward him again, eyes wide and jaw dropped, as if he couldn’t comprehend the idea of ‘Saga-senpai’ missing him, let alone saying it out loud. “Come on, let’s go.” Masamune insisted, walking off. He quickly grabbed his bag that he had left at the table before leaving the library with Ritsu right beside him.
“Will you spend the night tonight?” Masamune asked, pleased that Ritsu was actually next to him instead of behind him. 
“Ye-wait, no-”
“No?” Masamune looked at him with a frown.
“Not no, no, I’d have to ask my parents first…” Ritsu explained.
“You can call them using my house phone. You should give me your number while you’re at it.” Masamune said. 
“Y-You can’t call my house!” Ritsu exclaimed. “I mean - my mother, if she answered the phone and you said you were calling for me, she’d have a million questions and I wouldn’t know how to explain right now-”
“How about I give you my house number then? And you call me whenever you can.” Masamune said. 
“Oh…o-okay.” Ritsu said with a nod, clearly surprised by the offer, but he didn’t have the same starstruck look on his face that Masamune remembered. Maybe his idolization was beginning to ease up a bit? Masamune certainly hoped so. He wanted him and Ritsu to get back to a comfortable stage in their relationship as quickly as possible. That couldn’t happen if Ritsu was still in awe of the fact that ‘Senpai’ was even looking at him. 
“And I mean whenever, okay?” Masamune reiterated. “You won’t bother me.” He promised. “I want to talk to you as much as possible.”
Ritsu stopped on the sidewalk, turning to face Masamune directly with a slightly furrowed brow. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright, Senpai?”
Masamune gave a soft smile, taking Ritsu’s hand in his once more despite the inevitable protests of embarrassment he would receive. “Never better.”
As more and more time passed Masamune began to let go of the notion that this may be a dream that he would be waking up from at any moment. His alarm continued to wake him up for school, Sorata continued to be a kitten, and Ritsu - his Ritsu - continued to be fifteen. Though, the course of their relationship had certainly been altered to a certain degree already. Masamune was getting to experience things he hadn’t been able to in their high school years: secret late night phone calls with his boyfriend, dates other than the library and fast food, and he got to see the personality behind Ritsu’s shy shell quickly start to come through. 
Though, Ritsu still seemed to be having difficulty believing that his previously aloof and unreadable boyfriend was now quite clingy and affectionate. He frequently asked Masamune if something was wrong, if he wasn’t feeling well, or if there was something that he wasn’t telling him. Masamune, however, brushed off his concerns, hoping that eventually Ritsu would accept his behavior as the new norm because Masamune was physically incapable of pretending that he cared less about Ritsu than he did. He had no idea how he did it the first time around, but he couldn’t do it again. 
Now, Ritsu was over at his place and the two of them were actually watching a movie in his room - as opposed to putting on a movie for pretense before having sex. Masamune was surprised when Ritsu was the one to pause it this time around. 
“Something wrong?” Masamune said.
“I have to ask you something.” Ritsu said, taking a deep breath. “I’ve been wondering for a while now if I should ask it at all, but…” He bit his lower lip anxiously. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Whatever it is, you don’t need to be nervous.” Masamune assured. 
“Do you love me?” Ritsu blurted out, sitting up straight and looking Masamune head on, his eyes full of fierce determination. 
Masamune’s stomach dropped and his breathing briefly stopped altogether.
What? Why? Why was Ritsu asking this? Had Masamune really made the same mistake twice and not been clear about his feelings again? But this was different now! The circumstances in which Ritsu was asking were different! And Ritsu didn’t look nearly as bashful as he did the first time he asked it. That was a good sign, wasn’t it? It had to be, Masamune wouldn’t survive being separated again. Oh God, I need to answer him, I haven’t answered him, I have to say yes, I can’t lose him, I can’t let him run away, I can’t fuck this up again, I’ll never forgive myself, say something you fucking idiot before he misunderstands-
“Senpai? I just meant - do you feel anything for-”
“YES!” Masamune exclaimed way too loudly considering how close they were sitting next to one another. “I love you, Ritsu, I love you more than anything in the whole world and if I have ever done anything to make you doubt that I am so sorry-”
“-I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how deeply and madly in love with you I am if that what it takes for you to believe me, please Ritsu, just don’t leave me-”
“-the answer to your question is and always will be yes, I have very intense, staggering, devastating feelings for you, you are my first and only love, you’re the person who taught me what love really is, I don’t know what I would do without you and I-wait.” Masamune took a couple deep breaths after he stopped his distressed rambling. “What did you just call me?”
“I knew it. I knew it!” Ritsu exclaimed, standing to his feet. “Oh my God, it really is you!” He said, tearing up a bit with joy. 
Masamune quickly stood as well. “...Ritsu? My Ritsu?”
“Yes! You idiot!” Ritsu beamed even as he insulted Masamune, throwing his arms around him.
“Wha-but-how?” Masamune asked, hugging him back tightly. 
“I don’t know. I just woke up and I was a teenager in my parents’ house again.” Ritsu said, his voice slightly muffled against Masamune’s shoulder. “But I’m so glad you’re here too. I was pretty scared…” He admitted. 
“How did you know it was me?” Masamune asked, still not quite over his shock. 
“Are you serious?” Ritsu asked, pulling back just slightly to look up at him. “You actually smiled at me when we saw each other in the morning, told me to ‘just care about you’ in the library, and then practically begged for nightly phone calls. If you were trying to be subtle, you did a terrible job.” 
Masamune scoffed. “I did not beg…”
“And the way you answered my question just now confirmed it.” Ritsu said with a small smile. “Sorry to make you relive that, but I knew it was you the second you looked like you were going to be sick.” He added with a quiet laugh. 
Masamune gave him a squeeze, letting out a big sigh of relief. “God, who knew my Ritsu could be so cruel?” He mumbled.
“I had to be absolutely certain before I said anything.” Ritsu insisted. “I didn’t want you to think I was crazy...”
“Well, we’re together now, at least. So, what happens next?”
Ritsu shook his head. “I don’t know.” He said. “It seems like we’re stuck here as far as I can tell.”
“I guess as long as I’m stuck here with you it’s not so bad.” Masamune said. “Damn, now I’m pissed I couldn’t tell it was you. But why’d you run away the first morning we saw each other? Why didn’t you try to talk to me?”
“Well, I didn’t know for sure if it was you yet! I couldn’t just approach ‘Saga-senpai’ first thing in the morning.” Ritsu said. 
“Is that all it was?” Masamune asked with a smirk. “Cause I remember you turning pretty red.”
Ritsu huffed. “What? You didn’t get a little…overwhelmed when you saw me like this?” 
“Of course I did. I get overwhelmed every time I see you.” Masamune’s smirk became a grin as he sat down on the bed and brought Ritsu into his lap. 
“W-Wait a second, the movie-”
“Forget it.”
As it turns out, even across timelines, some things never change.
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artsyebonyrose · 1 year ago
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inktober day 21: chains
(leon kennedy from re4r)
when i first read this prompt i immediately knew i was going to draw this scene!
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starmonsterrr · 1 year ago
Inktobertale Day 3: Medicine
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Creators keep him alive. Tracing a pen to make words, paintbrush moving on canvas to make pictures, strings vibrating to make sound; whenever that happens, he gets the medicine that lets him function.
yes i sneaked in aurum how could i not
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ayushipop · 5 months ago
the violence in bottoms (2023) is so satisfying in a way i don't really know how to put into words. somewhere between the violence against women that movies sometimes shy away from too much but also Lean Into a little too much (spectrum of either not depicting realistic violence/harassment due to discomfort with it or the "you can't hit her she's a girl!" concept vs gratuitous sensationalized violence). like it's that "boys will be boys" kind of roughhousing that girls are excluded from if the narrative frames them as too delicate / feminine / untouchable. and i see them beating the shit out of each other and it feels Good. they're not untouchable dolls nor are they objects to project malice and gratuitous violence onto! it's not even fully about the empowerment or seeing girls be able to fight back (which does feel amazing in its own right and the movie does a great job of delivering it) like even seeing like, idk black widow beat up a bunch of guys in a marvel movie doesn't feel the same as how bottoms does it. it feels unpolished and grounded and realistic and satisfying. #girlswillbegirls
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