Aushun Week 2024
193 posts
Monday June 3rd - Sunday June 9thRan by paperuniverse | #aushunweek2024
Last active 2 hours ago
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hetalia-aushun-week · 8 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Austria/Hungary (Hetalia) Characters: Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Marriage, Arranged Marriage, Fluff, Making Out, Mild Hurt/Comfort, AusHunWeek2024 Summary:
Roderich and Elizabeth have to get married for the good of their nations. But how will this impact their preexisting relationship? Elizabeth isn’t so sure.
I know this is super dooper late but hopefully the fandom gods are forgiving 😔🙏
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
Aushun Week Day 3: Snuggling
Title: Books in Bed
Summary: Aushun snuggling and being silly. Short and fluffy.
She was snuggled in his arms, phone in hand opened on a chapter of fanfiction. His eyes glued to a paperback romance book. Rain pouring from the heavens outside and crashing into their window. The perfect night to stay in and warm under the covers.
The way they were together might look awkward, but how else could Hungary be in her lover’s arms and they both read at the same time without having to hold her phone out like this?
She heard Austria lick his finger and turn the page.
She wrinkled her nose. “I still can’t believe you have that habit; only old people do that.”
“Am I not old in comparison to most?” He asked, teasing her.
“Doesn’t mean you need to act it.” She teased back. Both their eyes still on their stories, but neither continuing to read as they playfully bickered.
“Next you’ll say I need to dress in this centuries fashion.”
“Actually-” she wasn’t able to finish as he playfully went and kissed her neck, tickling her and effectively cutting her off.
She shoved him away, laughing still. “Stop that!”
“I thought you liked my kisses?” Austria said with a half smile, his face too soft for her to say it was a smirk.
“Maybe? I’d hope the love of my love at least liked my kisses.”
She felt her cheeks flush lightly at that. It wasn’t fair how romantic he could be.
Hungary moved closer, putting her phone away so she could snuggle him properly. Her head on his collar cone. Gripping at his arms so they’d hold her close to him.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, liebling.”
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 7 - Free Day
She is literally wearing a sheer dress - how else is he supposed to react to that?
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
Aushun week 2024 is now officially over!! Thank you to everyone who created something, from returning participants to new participants, all your creations were amazing!
As I say every year this event isn’t possible without you creators, while I might be setting it up, you’re the ones taking my prompts and putting life into my events. And I really appreciate it.
And to those who reblog/like/comment you make us creators want to continue creating. Thank you for that.
Despite this being the end of the event, I’ll still be accepting late submissions. I understand that life gets busy and whatnot, so if you have an idea you felt you had to give up on, here’s your sign you can still make it. There is no time limit, you can even go back and create content for the older prompts if you'd like!
With that I hope everyone enjoyed this year’s aushun week and hopefully next year will be even better 💜♣️💚
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
AusHun Week Day 7 - Free Day
Cus I got a new computer setup literally yesterday i'm not able to do any art for them. Sooo I'm blessin you all with my Headcanons about these two!
Old as Time hc, These two own a small apartament somwhere in between the borders of their countires. At first it was just for meeting purposes but now they fully live there togheter. It's not big or really elegant. It's small two bedroom apartament where one room was turned into a study cus Roderich need to keep the piano somwhere.
Roderich learned all of Liszt compositons, just so Erzsi could feel closer to home when she had to stay in Vienna.
My own personal hc is that Erzsi actually knows how to paint, (I once saw it in a fanficton where she was an art's teacher and I fell in love with it) And becouse of that most paintings in their homes are made by her (or Felicano, Yes Roderich kept them, they practically raised that boy what did you expect)
Roderich own's a Painting of Erzsi in his home in Vienna, It's in his study hanging behind his desk (I painted that painting actually here's link)
Even though at first the Nobles of Vienna tried to make a Lady out of Erzsi, She never became one. Girlie stole a horse once or twice (or even more times) and when she finally got caught Roderich decided to finally get her, her own horse so she wouldn't have to sneek out all the time, and of course to get those people off her.
These two think they're sneaky but everyone, i mean everyone knows that they're still together.
You need someone to put your hair in a neat hairstyle, Call Roderich, This man learned how to braid, style and just take care of Erzsi hair so it would be easier for her to take care of it
Roderich is the taller one, It dosen't mean that he's the stronger one, oh no. Erzsi is the one opening jars there.
I have lot's of other hc about them but i pulled out my fav one's so enjoy
Also here's one of the songs that i have on my playlist inspired by them.
please ignore any language mistakes i made, english isn't my first language
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 7 (June 9)
Free Day
Last day of auhun week woo!! You can do one of these prompts or combine the two, it’s up to you. And remember to tag your content with #aushunweek2024 and @ this blog.
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
@hetalia-aushun-week Day 6 - Marriage
(No one said it had to be their marriage) 👀
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
Bride and groom stood next to each other on one side of the desk while their bosses and other officials of their governments stood on the other side. These men had already signed the documents and now it was the couple’s turn to officially agree to this union. Signing this would mean that Roderich was no longer the Austrian empire alone, but Roderich and Erzsébet would be the Austro-Hungarian empire together.
This was their wedding. There was no wedding dress or grand party for Erzsébet, but being Austria’s wife would do so much to improve her position within the empire and it would please her people. So she had agreed to this marriage.
He didn’t know if he knew how to be Hungary’s husband instead of her boss, but he would have to learn. Marrying her would calm down some of the unrest in his, soon to be theirs, empire and there was so much trouble brewing within his borders that he desperately needed some relive. So he had agreed to a marriage.
Roderich took the pen that was laying on the contract and put his signature on the paper. As he straightened up again he held out the pen for his bride.
Erszebet took the pen that was offered to her and bowed over the desk to put her signature, the last one needed, and moved the pen across the paper.
And so it was official, but no one actually pronounced them husband and wife or told the groom to kiss his bride.
As all attendants began to leave the room, one person held back another until they were the only ones left. It was the husband who had held back his newly wedded wife.
“I know that we both had our own reasons for this marriage and that these reasons were not love. This might be out of obligation, but… I do care.” Her husband then gave her a small, gentle kiss on her cheek and simply left his wife alone in that room.
Day 6 prompts "This might be out of obligation, but.. I do care."and (political) marriage for @hetalia-aushun-week.
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 6 of AusHun Week!
Political marriage/marriage | "This might be out of obligation but... I do care about you."
Inspired by a painting named " The Wedding Register" by Edmund Blair Leighton
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 6 (June 8)
Political marriage/marriage | "This might be out of obligation but... I do care about you."
Second last day here we go! You can combine these prompts or just use one of them. And remember to tag your content with #aushunweek2024 and @ this blog.
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 3 - Cuddles
I draw them cuddling so much anyway that I thought I’d try something a little different 🐱
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
Erzsébet was slowly waking up. The first thing she felt was the warmth of the sun coming in through the window telling her that a new day had arrived, the second thing she became aware of was just how soft the bed she was lying in was. Now, her own bed was certainly nothing to complain about but this... and then she realised this soft bed was hers bed from now on. This was the bed she was going to fall asleep and wake up in from now on and she would not be sleeping in this bed alone.
She opened her eyes and stared up at an unfamiliar ceiling, it was so pretty and much more decorative than the ceiling Erzsébet was used to seeing when she woke up. How could she have possibly forgotten, even for a moment, that she got married yesterday. That she had fallen asleep in this room and in this bed next to her husband after their wedding night.
Then the brunette sensed the warmth next to her, a warmth that felt so different from the way the sun heated the room. This was the warmth of another person and gently she tore her gaze away from the ceiling and faced Roderich.
Her husband was there lying next to her, looking at her and she liked the way he looked at her as he said ‘good morning’ to her. She liked the way he looked at her while he said ‘I love you’ to her.
And because she returned this man’s feelings she told him the only thing that came to her mind. “I want to wake up with you every day, eat breakfast with you every morning.”
After she said this he called for the servants to bring their breakfast to their room.
Day 5 prompt "I want to wake up with you every day, eat breakfast with you every morning.” for the AusHun week @hetalia-aushun-week.
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 5 of AusHun Week! Flower bed | "I want to wake up with you every day, eat breakfast with you every morning." @hetalia-aushun-week Today in the form of sketch because i don't have time :(
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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I do think they garden, but I also think Erzsi would coax him to lay out in a field of wildflowers with her to watch the clouds roll by 🌸
But also Rod has bad knees, so he can’t squat down to weed for terribly long 😭
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 5 (June 7)
Flower bed | "I want to wake up with you every day, eat breakfast with you every morning."
Today is day five! You can combine these prompts or just use one of them. And remember to tag your content with #aushunweek2024 and @ this blog.
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
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Day 4 of AusHun Week! Guard/Protect | "I might be a damsel, but he's the one in distress."
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hetalia-aushun-week · 9 months ago
Am I using Pawns again as an excuse to write for today’s @hetalia-aushun-week prompt? Why, yes, yes I am.
To be fair, I’ve been tinkering with this chapter going on… what, eight years now?
Specifically wanted a moment for Roderich to lose it/go apeshit, for once. This is where the Venn Diagram comes together for him and Bowser - don’t crash their wedding. They all need therapy. That’s all 💀
Anyway - Day 4: Guard/Protect
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