#David you cheeky bitch
rocketrouquine · 1 year
So let me get this right… We have (for now) with the trailers or posted by David Jenkins on insta promoting the new season :
The beautiful ones by Prince
Nothing compares 2 U by Sinéad O'Connor
Because the night by Patti Smith
This Guy's In Love With You by Herb Alpert
…. Yeah. we are fucked.
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Me too, Ed, me too. Although I have no regrets.
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pippin-katz · 7 days
You know, everyone says that Edwin is a brat, but I have to disagree. Edwin is a bitch, 100% but he's not a brat. You know who is a brat?
Think about this for a second!
Charles tells the little girl that Edwin’s thing is to “play hard ball” as he’s about to do it, being cheeky and giving away the game. They save Crystal, find out she has some sort of amnesia, and he immediately says she can stay at their office without asking Edwin if it’s okay. And Edwin doesn’t even argue! He’s like, "okay, we don’t usually do that, what the hell, but guess this is a thing right now”.
They bring her back to their office, and he tries to explain that this it’s a bad idea, but notably tries to whisper so as not to wake her up. Even though Edwin doesn't like her and doesn't want her there, he's considerate. Edwin’s entire routine and safe space has been upended by this living girl, so he’s understandably stressed and in a bad mood, but Charles is like, “you’re being bitchy, so I’m gonna go out with Crystal”. They get back and Edwin’s still upset, and then Charles is like, “btw she’s gonna stay” without asking Edwin AGAIN! And AGAIN he doesn’t argue! He immediately asks how long she’s staying for!
Then Crystal reads Becky’s poster and Charles wants to go overseas for a living client, which is all new and Edwin even says that it’s all happening too fast, and they STILL GO! Charles throws Edwin's own worries about Death back at him despite brushing him off earlier, and pulls the guilt trip card of letting Becky die, in front of Crystal, and fucking smiles because he knows he’s won.
And Edwin? He just fucking sighs.
And then once they’re in Port Townsend, Charles sides with Crystal at every turn. He tells Crystal they can find a different way to get the information when the entire point of bringing her was for her powers. He calls Edwin a show-off when he mirror hops, and says it not as an insult, but also without his usual fondness. He says himself that possessing the living "sets off all sorts of alarm bells in the Afterlife", proceeds to do it anyway, then brushes off Edwin’s worries of the consequences. When Crystal yells at them about being scared, he puts her feelings above Edwin’s, who has already been pushed completely out of his comfort zone, and is taking an extra personal risk getting involved with a demon considering he’s on the run from Hell. Even when Crystal’s revealed to have lied about David, and Edwin’s having a complete breakdown, Charles still brings it back around to Crystal.
And this is all just the FIRST EPISODE!!
They are both totally devoted to each other, unquestioningly, but Charles has Edwin literally wrapped around his finger. There's nothing he could ask him to do that he would refuse. He might bitch about it or resist it initially, but he always does what Charles wants in the end.
And Charles seems oblivious and all too aware at the same time. I don't think he has a grasp of how much Edwin would do or how far Edwin would go for him. But he smiles at him and knows he'll cave, and he uses that.
If one of them is a brat, it's fucking Charles.
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virescent-v · 1 year
School Yard Bully
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hi hello! a cheeky bingo req incoming!
could i request Emily x Reader with the prompt „I want to hear you beg”? Maybe a bit of enemies to lovers? <3
Filling the prompt for the lovely @prentiss-theorem bingo :)
Summary: Emily's had it out for you since you joined the BAU. What is her deal?!
Word count: 2k+
Warnings: Some light cursing. Surprisingly, no smut yall, sorry to disappoint ;)
You’ve busted your ass every single day since joining the BAU. You got the job on a whim, a chance connection between your previous boss and someone within the office. You didn’t ask too many questions; you were just excited for a once in a lifetime opportunity to show off your knowledge and skills. 
Of course, that doesn’t mean that everyone found your presence…helpful. Most of the team had no issues with you, accepting you with open arms, showing you the ropes and learning as much as they could about you. 
Actually, there was only one person who seemed to have an issue with your arrival. 
You weren’t really sure what the problem was. From the get go, she’s seemed to have it out for you in some way or another. At first, you thought it was just normal newbie hazing. But, it’s been months and she’s never warmed up to you. 
She constantly berates you in front of others, never taking your suggestions seriously, always doubting the information you shared, finding second opinions from other team members when she could. She always found excuses to never be alone in the same room with you, always got out of doing interrogations, stakeouts, or assignments with you. She didn’t ask you any personal questions; hell, she barely tried to talk to you. If she did, it was usually snarky, sassy, and to be honest, a little rude. 
At this point, you’d learned to try your best to stay away from her. 
Hotch had noticed almost immediately that something was off. He tried talking to the two of you together about it, but both of you said nothing. He kept Emily in his office after you left, their voices raised from inside the office. She left not five minutes after you, slamming his door shut on her way out before leaving the office for the day. 
No one else on the team seemed to know what was up with Emily either. 
Penelope, JJ, Derek, and Spencer had all had separate conversations with you regarding her behavior, trying to get to the bottom of it. None of them had a clue. 
Regardless of her behavior, you knew that she wouldn’t let anything happen to you in the field. She was no nonsense, and somehow that made you feel a little bit better. 
Still, it pissed you off that you knew you hadn’t done anything to her, and yet, she was still a bitch to you. 
At the six month mark, you could tell the team was getting frustrated by the lack of connection between the two of you. You oftentimes didn’t do after-work social gatherings because you didn’t want to make Emily hate you even more. She was here first after all. 
“Oh, come on! You never hang out with us!” Penelope exclaimed, tugging on the sleeve of your blazer. “Just this once, please!” 
You could feel yourself giving in to the temptation of a night with the group. After a hellish week at work, you could use the drink and some unwinding at David’s. 
But, you knew that Emily was going, as her and JJ had been talking about what food from Rossi they were most looking forward to at lunch. 
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth. “I don’t know, Pen. I’m not really feeling up to…all that,” you sighed, taking a sidelong glance at where Emily was in conversation with Reid. 
Penelope sighed right back at you. “I know, sugarplum. But you two need to work out your issues. For the betterment of the team. And both of your sanities.” 
You rolled your eyes, Penelope’s truthful words putting you on edge. You knew that you couldn’t let Emily bully you forever, but you really just didn’t have it in you to deal with her sarcastic comments tonight. 
You crossed your arms before looking Penelope in the eyes. “Fine, I will go,” you said, Penelope whooping in excitement. “On one condition.” 
Penelope’s face went straight, one of the most serious looks on her face you’ve ever seen. “Name it.” 
You smirked. “You run interference and don’t leave me alone in a room with her.” 
Penelope’s smile grew. “You got it, sweet cheeks.” 
You and Penelope arrived at David's at the same time, heading immediately inside to his stocked bar, quickly making yourself a drink. 
You had barely taken a sip before Emily was in your face, making some snarky comment about how you handled yourself during the case this past week. You could feel your irritation growing, even though Penelope was trying her hardest to distract and move the conversation along. JJ shuffled her feet, trying to pull Emily away towards the dart board Rossi had for a game. 
For whatever reason, Emily wasn’t taking the hint or bait. She stayed focused on you, her dark eyes burning holes into you. You could feel the heat flushing up your chest, finding a home on your round cheeks. 
You felt like the odd kid out, just like you did in elementary school. You didn’t deserve her hatred, her comments growing more and more fierce. You hated how well Emily could read you, even for someone who didn’t know you that well. She was finding every insecurity you had and digging her claws into them, overwhelming you. 
Instead of embarrassment or shame heating up your insides, all you felt was fury. It had been months of rude ass comments and you were getting absolutely sick of it. 
“Fuck off, Emily,” you all but growled. You watched as she paused for a second, almost as if she was in shock of you finally sticking up for yourself. 
She quickly refocused, a slight smirk on her lips. “And if I don’t?” Her eyebrow lifted. 
You scanned your eyes up and down her body, noticing how Emily’s body was almost leaning closer to yours, ready for a fight. Your expression mirrored her own. “You don’t know me, Prentiss, of your own doing,” you paused, watching as Emily seemed to be hanging on to your every word. “I’ll kick your ass if I need to. Now, leave me alone and let me enjoy my drink in peace,” you turned back to the bar, trying to find the rum to make yourself another drink. 
Before you could, you felt two warm hands on your hips, forcibly turning you around. 
You came face to face with Emily, her body so close with every breath you could feel her breasts graze yours, her arms on either side of you on the counter, closing you in. “I’d like to see you try, princess,” she whispered, her breath ghosting over yours, the smell of liquor present, but not overly strong. 
At this point, you were absolutely fed up with Emily. You shoved her off of you, causing her to stumble a little over her own feet. Before you could rush forward, Derek was pulling you in the opposite direction, Hotch pulling Emily in the other. 
“Enough!” Hotch yelled, causing the irritated banter between the two of you to stop completely. “I have had enough of this, whatever this is, between the two of you. It ends tonight.” He motioned to Derek, both of them dragging you off further into the house, shoving both of you into one of Rossi’s guest bedrooms. 
Before either of you could make towards the door, you heard a lock click into place. “No fucking way,” Emily hissed. She tried the handle, finding it impossible to move. “Let us out! Come on guys, this isn’t funny!” 
“No, what isn’t funny is your behavior towards each other for the past six months. It ends tonight. I’m serious,” Hotch spoke. “You two will stay in that room until you work whatever this is out.” 
“You’re treating us like teenagers, Hotch! Now let me out!” Emily said, banging her fist on the door. 
“I wouldn’t have to treat you like teenagers if you acted like grown adults. Have a good night, guys!” 
You and Emily could hear multiple sets of footsteps leading down the long, secluded hallway away from the room. 
“Those sons of bitches,” Emily muttered. “I will make them pay when I get out of here.” 
You scoffed, drawing Emily’s attention once more. “Oh, come off it, Em. This is one-hundred percent your fault.” 
Now it was Emily’s turn to scoff. “My fault? Mine?! How the hell is this my fault!?” 
You rolled your eyes, the anger simmering just under the surface. “You’ve been a raging cunt since I got here, Prentiss. I tried for months to befriend you. To get on your good side. But no matter what I did, I couldn’t. So, I gave up. I stayed away from you.” You could feel the fight slowly leaving you, entirely spent on this ongoing argument. 
You stared down at your hands, fiddling with the wristband of your watch, a nervous habit you’ve never been able to break. “I begged Hotch for a transfer, but he denied it. You’ve made my life hell since joining the BAU, Emily, so much so that I wanted to leave.” You sighed. “I don’t know what I did that pissed you off so much, but I’m done fighting with you. You win.” 
You weren’t sure how you were going to face the team whenever they decided to let you out, but you could feel the blush staining your cheeks already from embarrassment. You wondered if this was going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and force you to quit, a thought that’s been rattling around for a few weeks. 
“The first day you walked into the BAU, you took my breath away,” Emily whispered. 
Your head snapped up, trying to catch her eyes, but finding her facing away from you, her arms curled around herself protectively. 
Emily chuckled humorlessly. “God, you were so gorgeous and bright eyed and excited and I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I wanted to kiss you.” She paused, looking up, finding a dumbstruck expression on your face, your mouth hanging open in shock. 
“Probably wasn’t the best way to go about things, ya know, but I settled into the middle school-bully your crush-ideal and it just stuck,” she sighed. “I think it was a way to protect myself.” Her eyes caught yours. “Because I knew that you were capable of tearing my heart to pieces.” 
You felt about ten different emotions run through you at once. “Are you fucking kidding me, Emily?” 
You watched as Emily instinctively took a step back, wincing at the tone of your voice. “I’m sorry, I-” 
“No, Emily. It’s my turn to talk now,” you said, making your way towards her. “You bullied me for months just because you had a crush on me?” You asked incredulously. 
Emily went to talk, but you smacked your hand over her mouth. “You bullied me, Prentiss, when we could’ve been kissing this whole time?” 
You found it almost comical how wide Emily’s eyes got, your sentence sinking in. You started to giggle at her attempting to speak with your hand still over her mouth. “Wanna try that again?” 
She took a deep breath, settling her eyes on yours. “Can I take you out to dinner to make up for it?” 
You closed the distance between the two of you entirely, your chest flush with hers. You could feel the quickened rise and fall of her chest, feel her stuttered breaths against your face. You trailed your hand down the side of her face slowly, watching her pupils dilate as you moved down her jaw, across her collarbone, before settling it on the middle of her chest, feeling the rapid pace of her heart beneath your fingers. “I want to hear you beg, Emily,” you smirked. “You owe me that much.”
Emily licked her lips, her smile growing large and sinister. She leaned forward, her lips brushing your ear. “Please, princess,” she emphasized the pet name, almost mockingly. “Let me eat you out. Sorry,” she cleared her throat. “Take you out. Let me take you out.” 
You threw your head back and laughed, full bellied and loud. Your hand lightly smacked at her chest. 
“Next Friday, seven p.m. sharp. Take me out and make it up to me, Emily.” “Yes, princess,” Emily winked.
A/N: thanks for reading yall :) I might turn this into a part 2 with smut but idk lololol
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drewstarkeyupd · 8 days
Queer Makes Drew Starkey a Movie Star. Its Impact on Him Was Even More Profound
The Outer Banks star redefines himself as Daniel Craig’s enigmatic lover. Over lunch with Vanity Fair, he calls the role “a wake-up call for me.”
By David Canfield
September 13, 2024
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Photo by Greg Williams
“This is my breakfast,” Drew Starkey proclaims as a plate of medium-rare steak and potatoes gets placed in front of him, a near-empty cup of black coffee to its side. He woke up at noon, coming off of a late-night screening of his new movie Queer, for his final day in Toronto. It’s the last meal the 30-year-old star will have before he flies home, taking a pause from the glamorous fall-festival circuit. He’s just walked the same Venice red carpet as Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman; he’s newly swept up into the A24 family. Things are moving fast. As he searches for a fork, it’s natural to wonder how he’s taking it all in.
The answer to that is hardly simple, in part because Starkey’s been on a journey of introspection since he was cast in Queer well over a year ago. An adaptation of William S. Burroughs’s semi-autobiographical 1985 novel, the film directed by Luca Guadagnino takes an elliptical approach to the story of a slippery romance between two men in mid-century Mexico City. Lee (Daniel Craig) becomes infatuated with a beautiful, enigmatic younger man named Allerton (Starkey), whose sexual proclivities prove maddeningly difficult to read. They become intimate—as captured by Guadagnino in explicit, passionate detail—and eventually travel both around South America and into the depths of their own subconscious (via a trippy ayahuasca sequence). One piece of dialogue, spoken at different points by both of them, haunts their courtship: “I’m not queer, I’m disembodied.”
Starkey references the line at one point over our meal. A feeling of disembodiment rushed up in him about as soon as he finished production on Queer, one of many reasons he’s still processing the film’s impact on him. Its professional impact may be clearer: The star of Netflix’s Outer Banks and teen films like Love, Simon reintroduces himself here with a rich, complex, and brave performance that ought to open new doors. But as we chat, he sounds more interested in the personal doors Allerton may have introduced him to.
At the film’s Toronto premiere the night before our interview, Starkey revealed on stage that Guadagnino first described Allerton to him as a “nasty bitch.” Naturally, we began there.
Vanity Fair: Let’s start with “nasty bitch.” How do you react when you get that description for your character?
Drew Starkey: Luca was being cheeky, but in earlier conversations we had, he talked about Allerton as cold and slippery and very hard to read—and Lee is always trying to put his finger on the pulse or define him in some way. He’s always just out of grasp or just out of reach. There’s a quote that Burroughs had in the original Queer from 1985, one of the last paragraphs. In the sentence, it says something to the effect of, “What happened to that knife called Allerton?” That image was always really an anchor for me. So, a nasty bitch. [Laughs]
You’ve talked about how you are still figuring him out.
I’m going to give you a Burroughs quote. For the last few days, I’ve had his quotes in mind.
Just for the last few days?
[Laughs] Well, the past year-and-a-half. But he was talking about writing Junkie versus writing Queer. He said that he felt like he was the one writing Junkie but he felt as if Queer was writing him. That kind of mirrored my experience in the filming of it. I felt like I did all my work, and I had to let Allerton lead me—which is so different from the way that I’ve worked in the past. It was a lot of meditating and letting things happen. But it was tough. It was really tough.
What does surrendering to the material feel like?
It feels like you’re holding onto a plane crash. You’re like, “I hope I survive this.” There’s an energy to it. [Costume designer] Jonathan Anderson is a friend of Elton John’s, who was an incredible help in terms of the wardrobe and what he wears. So much of it was the image of Allerton, what Lee is drawn into and sucked into. That was really a lot of the focus: What’s the silhouette going to be here?
I was going to ask you about the physicality. You move in a very specific, alluring way.
Well, I lost a lot of weight for it. There’s only a few photos of Lewis Marker, who Allerton was based on, but he was very thin. The bodies of that time were not very muscular.
There was just a great essay in TheNew York Times that touched on that, specifically related to the show Fellow Travelers.
Yeah, I wanted to avoid that. I see it a lot, in a kind of mid-century period setting—because that’s such a modern look. This was about a four-month process of losing about 30 pounds. At first, I stopped eating. Not a great idea. Then I worked with a nutritionist. I got a little bit too skinny at one point and then he was like, “Wait, wait, wait.” But that really did change the way I felt and moved. It felt very natural. And then [Daniel and I] were in, essentially, a dance class with each other. My body felt a lot more fluid and I think that kind of informed my gait. It felt like a lot of outside-in work, which was fun.
You clearly sensed this was a major opportunity. What scared you the most?
Living up to material. I felt a lot of pressure, maybe too much. I was quite nervous, and usually I feel okay. And this was like my heart was racing on the first day. One, Luca and the words of Burroughs, and then Justin Kuritzkes did such an amazing job with [the script]. But then working with Daniel and Lesley [Manville] and Jason [Schwartzman], it was an amazing cast. I felt like I was being found out. I never really had that before.
And given the weight loss, you had a lot of time to think about it before even stepping on that set. Could you think about anything else?
No. I was just engrossed with everything. All my responsibilities went out the window. I mean, every day I woke up and thought about it. It really felt like who I was for a year and a half. I’m not one that can really detach from a role and work in that way. It has to be: Blinders on. I can’t separate.
Everyone’s last day of shooting was the final scene you see in the movie. It was Daniel and me, and it was very emotional on the last day. I never really cry. And I’m crying! Just because it was so—it was so much. It was such a release.
Did you feel generally nervous to do sex scenes as you would be asked to do in this movie?
Not more than any other film, any other sex scene. But there was so much conversation around it, too. Luca made it a point during the first two weeks in Rome, when we had table readings and rehearsals, to separate those and talk about those as their own thing. Get comfortable with it. Daniel and I had been familiar with each other enough that by the time we got there, it felt like any other day.
It, strangely enough, did. There was such a comfort in our bodies. We were really, for months, essentially in a kind of choreographed jujitsu. There was no trepidation. There was no shying away from the nude scenes at all. Dan and I just wanted it to exude a type of truth and normalcy, how two people would be intimate with one another. You don’t want to put anything on top of it. Yeah, so strangely enough, no, it didn’t. It really didn’t.
To your point about the choreography though, there are specific sex scenes that indicate where the characters are in relation to each other, in terms of power and connection. How did you balance the jujitsu you’re talking about with that sense of intimacy?
We would talk with Luca about how he had a picture for it, his ideals for a given scene. We would just walk through it, but then left some freedom to let things happen. That’s the way Luca works in general. He’ll have a specific idea like, “Here’s my idea for what I think it should be, how I think it should be played out.” And then it’s a very intimate, small, closed set. Only the camera operator, Bianca [Butti] was with us. Months prior, of course, that was something that I was weighing like, “Oh, my God”—I was pretty nervous about it. When you read the script and you see the scene, you go like, “Oh, man.” But Luca was very, very particular about, “I will do nothing that you are uncomfortable with.” We had an open dialogue about all that. And Daniel is also such a giving person. He’s a great partner. Once we got into working, all of that was fine.
The final chapter of the film centers on Lee and Allerton doing ayahuasca. Have you done ayahuasca before?
No, but I’m interested. I feel like I’ll know when it’s time to; I don’t think right now is the right time. It hasn’t called to me. But we had some crew who had done ayahuasca and it was a great reference. It was like: “Okay, how did it feel in your body? How did it feel to walk? How nauseous were you?” That part was really fun. Yeah, I’ve never done ayahuasca—yet. But it seems, I don’t know. I certainly have some things that I need to address.
What can you share about that?
This year, I definitely got happier with myself. The past five years or so it’s been fast-paced and always going. Funnily enough, the strike happened and I felt incredibly disembodied. I had nothing to latch on to. I actually thought about Burroughs in that time, and his relationship with what he calls the ugly spirit. It’s this version of yourself that only wants to destroy, and how to make destruction your friend. I really did a lot of soul-searching, because we finished right before the strike happened. It was like boom-boom—I had this very intense, beautiful, creative kind of experience, and then nothing. I was a little mad.
Did you feel like work was important to keeping those feelings at bay?
Yeah, and maybe it’s not really that active. It’s just, I care so much about this and I want to do this, and that’s a byproduct. You lose a sense of yourself. That’s definitely my relationship with acting. I don’t feel like a confident person. I love life and I love tackling life, but in some way, I’m substituting the job for therapy. I never have admitted that I was doing that. And then this past year, I was like, “Oh, that is what I’m doing.” Now I need to actually ask questions about myself and consider myself, and talk and communicate. I didn’t do that a lot about what I was going through. I love to work and I love to distract myself.
It’s interesting to be going through that while you’re playing a character who is so non-verbal.
Mm-hmm. I’ve thought about this a lot. Even though Allerton felt like the hardest person to be, he also felt like the closest person to me in a way. In a lot of ways I really, really understood him and it felt like me—the way he moves through the world, the way he interacts with people. It was like, “Oh, right, that’s how I would be.” Maybe he was a wake-up call for me.
You already alluded to it, but I was going to ask you: What does, “I’m not queer. I’m disembodied” mean to you? Clearly, you’re someone who thinks a lot about Burroughs these days, and it is the core line of the film.
Oh, I’ve thought a lot about Burroughs. I think it’s the inability to define yourself. He doesn’t use language to express anything, to show his admiration or how he feels. Luca always said in the beginning of this, “It’s not a story about unrequited love. It’s a story about unsynchronized love.” Having that type of love can make you feel more detached from yourself. These are two people who do have this love for each other, and it’s beautiful—you see fleeting moments of it, and you see Lee attach himself to those moments. But they’re operating on two different planes of time in some way. That can make you feel more disconnected, experiencing that and confronting that with your counterpart, than even being alone can. [Pause] Yeah, I think I answered?
Very much so. It’s a movie that prods some deeper introspection, so I appreciate the answers.
Yeah, I know it’s a movie that if I saw it at 14 or 15, it would open doors for me, like: “Oh, my God.” My parents weren’t prudish in any way, but there was definitely some censorship. It was my grandma who was watching us, I was maybe 10, when she was like, “What rated-R movie do you want to watch? Pick one. Go pick one.” Me and my brother were like, “Okay!” I think we watched The Patriot or something. [Laughs] But yeah, I’ve had to go off and find those things on my own.
This interview has been edited and condensed. This story has been updated.
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Christmas kids
“If you ever try to leave me i’ll find you, Ronnie.”
pretty much canon rafe x reader
warnings: murder (not detailed but implied), canon rafe, mentions of blood
summary: after you break up with your boyfriend, rafe, and start seeing a new guy, he makes sure you’ll never leave him again.
a/n: not proof read
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You can’t believe you had allowed this to get so far. You had started dating Rafe a about a year ago. At first he was the nicest guy, he’d pay for everything, complimented you, treated you like a princess, he gave you everything. But clearly that was just the honeymoon phase. Because soon his true colors started to show.
He’d become really possessive, any guy that looked your direction ended up with a bloody lip and black eye. He didn’t let you wear certain things, hang out with certain people, go out, etc. You had to be around him at all times, he’d snap for little things, manipulated you into thinking it was your fault when he snapped, starting doing a shit ton of cocaine. And you couldn’t handle it anymore.
So you broke up with him, at least you tried.
“No baby, i’m sorry, i’ll change I promise just please don’t leave me. Your all I had.” He sobbed as he stood in front of you reaching for your hands. You pulled away and shook your head. “No Rafe. I’m sorry but it’s over. I can’t do this anymore.” You mumbled. He shook his head and bit his trembling lips. “Please Princess I swear, I promise i’ll change. Is it the coke? The weed? If it’s that I’ll stop I swear.”
You shook your head before turning to walk towards the door. “I’m leaving.” His sadness quickly turned to rage as he picked up and vase and slammed it towards the wall, causing you to flinch. “You’ll pay for this you bitch! You’re going to regret ever leaving me, I promise you. I’m what’s good for you Y/N, I know what’s best.” Is the last thing you heard from him as you shut the door.
For months you avoided him, and he didn’t seem to be looking for you. After a months you healed and had completely forgotten about your toxic relationship with Rafe. Especially when you met David. He was a nice guy, nice parents, not much money but that was manageable. And that’s where the story continues.
Today, 7:45 pm
You and David had a date today, you had one every Thursday. And he was almost two hours late. You paced around the parking lot looking for him, you turned around when you saw bright headlights. You smiled to yourself, thinking it would be him. You face immediately dropped when you recognized the truck.
Rafes truck.
You immediately turned on your heels to walk away when the car swerved and parked right in front of you. You froze in your place when the brown haired beauty himself stepped out of the car and flashed you that same cheeky smile that made you fall in love in the first place. You gripped your purse that was thrown around your shoulder as you straighten your back. He started making his way over to you with a smirk.
“Long time no see Y/N.” He said as he stepped in front of you, hands in his pockets. “What do you want Rafe?” You sighed. He shrugged. “To talk.”
“How are you? How have you been? What are you doing here?”
“I have a date.” You said as you started getting concerned with Davis whereabouts. “Oh right, what was his name again? Daniel?”
“David.” You corrected before your brain flooded with curiosity. “Wait, how’d you know?” He couldn’t stop the smile that plasterers his face. “I ran into him on the way here.” He brought his through his hair and your heart dropped to the floor at the sight of his hands that were stained red.
He watched as your face dropped. Your lips moved but nothing came out.
“You- You,” You stuttered out, tears pricking your eyes. Rafes brows furrowed as he cooed mockingly. “Don’t worry hon, I didn’t kill him. At least not yet.” Tears were spilling down your face as you looked back at Rafe. “Please don’t, please don’t kill him.” You sobbed.
He shushed you, walking closer to grab your face, pulling it closer to his. You wanted to fight, but you couldn’t. You were frozen with his. “Shh,” he hushed your sobs as he wiped your tears and stoked your hair. “Let’s make a deal, kay? I won’t hurt him on one condition.”
“What?” You quickly asked. “What do you want?” You asked desperately, eyes widening. He chuckled as your desperate state. “You.” He said simply, enjoying the way your face turned from despairing to fear. “I just want you back baby. Say you’ll be mine and i’ll let him go. Promise, and you know I always keep my promises.” He smirks.
“You’re going to regret leaving me, I promise you.”
You choked out another sob but he shut you up with a harsh kiss. You couldn’t help but give in to the kiss, wanting David to be okay. He pulled back, his lips still brushing against yours. “Say you’re mind. Do it Y/N.”
For David.
“I’m yours.” He kissed you again, and you let him. He smirked into the kiss knowing, David was already long gone.
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
🚬Ethan × reader
part 4/?? [series masterpost]
NSFW 🔥 smuttastic feral nastiness
° Ethan Torchio/female reader insert ✨ cameos by: Damiano David, Thomas Raggi & Victoria De Angelis
° 'This son of a bitch will pay for this tonight' ||| meeting the members of måneskin in miami unexpectedly brings up your need for revenge [based december 2022]
wordcount::        6,370
° commissioned by the wonder that is kat (@mistressofthecats-blog ) 💋 thanks for another truly filthy idea that i loved bringing to life
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“So you’re the reason Ethan can’t focus ‘cause he’s always horny?” Damiano asked.
“Yep, that’d be me. Did you want an apology or…?” You returned, making the lead singer laugh.
You felt good about this, feeling confident of the first impression you were leaving on one of Ethan’s best friends. This was the first night you were meeting all the members of Måneskin and there was an unprompted urge inside of you to prove yourself. Not just to the three of them, but also to Ethan. You wanted to show him that you could fit in with the most important people in his life, as if this was an unofficial test to win the achievement of being the great girlfriend he deserved.
But your night wouldn’t be entirely about appealing to the musicians, because you were at work the same as them. The events management company that you worked for were partnered up with the company that had brought Måneskin to Miami for the night.
This was just a brief moment of relaxation that you would have backstage.
“Okay, okay, how about a little less inappropriate questions for this professional woman just trying to do her job?” Ethan suggested, stepping forward.
Damiano was provided a steaming cup of tea and wandered off for a quiet place to sit. This left you and your boyfriend alone, amongst the rest of the backstage activity. Smirking, you turned to face him.
“Always horny, eh?” You asked.
He stared you down. “Oh, and you aren’t? You’re probably thinking about it right now…”
You folded your arms across your chest. “I’m sure that I have no idea what you’re talking about, I am just a professional woman doing my job.”
“Really?” He asked, full of cheeky scepticism. “Are you really gonna try to tell me that you aren’t already thinking ahead to the hotel room?” He took a step closer to you and your eyes darted down to his mouth. “You don’t have any plans for that bed, or the floor?” You were hanging on his every word, too distracted to care if anyone else was noticing the two of you. “You didn’t pack any extra, special items in with the rest of your work stuff?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Baby, I’m just a regular working stiff tonight. I think you should be more worried about yourself.” His eyebrows raised at that. “Will you be able to focus on your drums knowing I’m watching?”
There was no hesitation in how he responded, ready to quip back in the same second that you had finished speaking. “Are you gonna survive knowing I’m banging my drums and not you?”
“Yep, I’m sure I’ll be just fine.” You said with full confidence.
“And we’ve got Vic.” One of the members of the touring team announced to the large room as the bassist emerged from the makeup room.
“Okay, photos. Everyone get together.”
Ethan gave you a peck on the cheek before leaving your side. He went over to where someone was holding a bulky camera, assembling with his bandmates.
Before the informal photoshoot could begin, you were distracted by a co-worker tapping your arm. They presented you with a rectangular tin. This needed to get to the merchandise stand, because the staff were running low on cash. You took one last look at Ethan (who was showing his serious side to the camera) before leaving backstage, with the locked container in hand.
The venue was buzzing with the excitement of the fans, with a large amount of people in line to buy some merch. You moved around to the other side of the booth, joining the other working staff. You transferred the cash box into their hands and asked if they needed any extra stock from backstage.
Then you were leaving, ready to see what tasks needed your attention next.
“Why don’t we do a ‘kissing under the mistletoe’ photo?” You heard the photographer suggest as you returned backstage, which made your ears involuntarily prick up.
“But there’s no mistletoe…” Damiano said.
“Imaginary mistletoe.” Thomas offered a solution.
“Come on, it’s festive.” Victoria said. “It’ll be good for the feed.”
There didn’t appear to be much thought put into how they would pair off, Thomas turned to the person directly beside him and Victoria did the same - meaning she would be sharing a kiss with your boyfriend. As you watched, from a distance, you couldn’t help feeling like you were back in school, watching Spin the Bottle go down at a rambunctious party.
“Okay, are we ready?” The person holding the camera asked the chatting bandmates. “Three, two- kiss.”
You kept your eyes glued to Ethan, watching the way he and Victoria laid their hands on each other before kissing. Their eyes were shut as they fully went in, heads tilted and lips parted, leaning into one another. The camera flashed so many times, capturing a lot of photos as they kept going.
You couldn’t look away, even as you felt white hot irritation winding its way around your gut and tightening. The tendrils reached higher and you clenched your jaw. The negative emotions were so deep within you before you had any time to understand their source or apply any kind of logic.
This son of a bitch, it was your first coherent thought, directed at your boyfriend.
You weren’t entirely shocked by the display - you had come to learn that this was something of a trademark for Måneskin. You had seen the video for I Wanna Be Your Slave, you understood that they played with the ideal ‘sex sells’. He had explained to you that the four friends were simply very comfortable with one another, with physical affection being part of that. You hadn’t raised any further questions, accepting this, even if you couldn’t relate to it.
Now, all that you could think about was how you would literally never do this with any of your friends. Even if you were single. Nico would sooner hit you with pepper spray than agree to this kind of lip-to-lip contact.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you understood that nothing would come of this. There was no betrayal to be felt, because you knew she wasn’t after your man, or anything juvenile like that.
All the same, you were plagued by jealousy. Because you wanted to be the one indulging in a kiss with Ethan. It had been hours, you wanted to feel his hands and taste his lips.
This son of a bitch will pay for this tonight, the decision was made.
He was teasing you with what you couldn’t currently have. It was as frustrating as the naked or otherwise lewd photos he sent to you when your work kept you separate.
When the friends finally parted, he screwed his face up in distaste. “Pizza breath. Fucking Hell, Vic.”
This brought about laughter and she playfully punched his arm. One of the makeup artists rushed forward, ready to do touch-ups, beginning with her.
Amongst the movement from everyone else, he spotted you and all traces of that scowl left his face.
He smiled and winked at you. It wasn’t one of his over-exaggerated, silly winks. This was a subtle batting of one lid, just for you.
You returned his smile only half-heartedly, your jaw was still clenched.
“Hey, can I get you to grab another pack of those water bottles from the fridge?” Your supervisor asked, approaching you. “We’re running low out here.”
“Of course.” You said immediately.
You started to leave the backstage area, heading for the loading dock you had been shown earlier in the night. As you walked, you began to make your vivid plans for the hotel room, plans for the bed and possibly beyond.
In your mind, you were already away from this night of work. He had been teasing you and your dirty mind before, but you were prepared to go beyond anything he might expect.
*** *** ***
Almost every word that you had said to Ethan had been dripping with sarcasm. And he had matched this, without any signs of fatigue from the intensive show he had just put on.
The two of you were able to carry out your unique style of flirting as you were driven away from the venue. A large van was filled with the members of Måneskin and some of their team, en route back to the sanctuary that was the luxurious hotel.
You had spent the entire concert coming up with how you would exact your payback on Ethan. This had built up a lot of energy inside of you, with your intentions bubbling just beneath the surface. This manifested in a lot of snarky comments and sassy comebacks.
You weren’t sure how long you had been in the van. But for the majority of the journey, the two of you had been volleying.
“I heard a girl screaming in the front row, ‘fuck me, Ethan’.” You said.
He was smiling at you. “You sure it wasn’t you?”
You rolled your eyes. “You wish.”
“No, I just have memory of that.”
“And is it memories like that which keep you quote-unquote ‘too horny to focus’?” You teased.
“You know that he was exaggerating when he said that.”
“I dunno about that, he seems like a reliable source to me.” You said of Damiano. “If I were going to shout anything, it would be ‘fuck off, Ethan’.”
He furrowed his brow. “I don’t have any memory of that.”
“You’re about to…”
From the seat behind yours, Thomas chimed in. “You two sure have an unusual way of communicating. Don’t take that the wrong way, please. ‘Cause it’s good to go against the grain. But damn, if I didn’t know any better…”
“Yeah, are you two this mad at each other when you’re fucking?” Damiano asked.
In your peripheral vision, you could see that Ethan had begun to blush and this pleased you. “It depends on what kind of dumb shit he’s done that day.”
His mouth dropped open in exaggerated shock. “What? What about the dumb shit you do?”
“No comparison.” You calmly stated.
“You two need to go and fuck this out already.” Damiano said.
“In his dreams.” You said.
“We’ll see about that when we get back to the hotel.” Ethan said.
A sly smile came onto your face as you responded. “Yes, we will.”
*** *** ***
“I’m so exhausted.” You had said to Ethan once you were back at the hotel, before he had gotten the door to your suite unlocked.
He had taken you at your word, after seeing a portion of your night at work. He hadn’t given you sarcasm or any kind of sass, that mood had been left behind. He hadn’t tried to talk you into joining him in the shower, instead he had kissed you on the cheek and promised to keep the noise down.
“Get some rest, creep.” He said as you yawned.
As soon as the bathroom door clicked shut, you cut this fake yawn off. You continued to undress from your work clothes, going over to your opened suitcase. But you didn’t pull out the old T-shirt you had brought to wear to bed, instead you unzipped a thin compartment of the bag.
You heard the water running in the shower and quickly got to work on the first part of your plan. This included a transformation - taking you out of the practical clothes he had seen you in all night. You replaced your bland uniform with a dark red, velvet dress. You paired this with fishnet stockings, then slid your feet into some black high heels. You pulled on a pair of black, mesh gloves that reached above your elbows.
When you had packed this ensemble, you had envisioned having a romantic reason to wear it. But you didn’t mind putting it to use in this way. Using it for an evil plan was better than not using it at all.
Onto your lips, you painted a blood red pigment. You touched up the makeup already on your face as the water kept running in the other room.
Then it came time to prepare the room. You tossed your secret prop onto the seat of an armchair and began moving this over, getting the chair closer to the bed. You rushed around, turning off all of the lights, excluding your bedside lamp. You used this light to get back to the chair and you sat down, facing the bed. The prop laid in your lap as you listened to the shower.
When the water finally shut off, you reached your arm out and switched the lamp off. You were swallowed up by the shadows, hoping that the light from the bathroom wouldn’t reach you. You crossed one leg over the other and composed yourself.
He emerged from the darkened bathroom (considerate enough to shut off the light before opening the door, to avoid disrupting your sleep). He became another shadow in the suite and you listened carefully for his footsteps on the carpet. In your mind, you visualised his movements.
You kept very still, until you heard the mattress sigh under his weight as he began to settle. Was he reaching across the bed and trying to find your body? How long would it take for him to realise that something was different and speak a question into the silence?
You hooked your prop over one finger, letting its chain make a quick, rhythmic rattling as you reached out with the other hand. You switched the lamp on again, filling this part of the room with light.
His brow was furrowed as he looked in your direction. Immediately his expression started to change, with the concern giving way to show how impressed he was. He sat up in the bed as his eyes rushed to take in your entire appearance.
Nothing was said as he appraised you. You took advantage of this moment and began to twirl one thick leather cuff around your finger, the other, attached handcuff swirled through the air. You maintained this momentum, drawing his attention to your BDSM prop.
“Hey creep, I thought you were asleep.” He said.
You didn’t smile as you looked at him. “Nope. I’ve gotta deal with you before I can sleep.”
“Deal with?” He repeated, looking sceptical.
You got to your feet, taking the few steps over to the bed. “Yes. You see, you’ve been a complete pain in the ass.”
You climbed onto the bed, keeping yourself on your knees so that you were higher than him. You put one hand on his bare shoulder and shoved him back. He didn’t resist this and you got him lying flat on his back.
“It doesn’t matter how God-like you may feel, all of those people screaming and falling to pieces over you and just you- that doesn’t mean you can disrespect me like you did tonight and not face any consequences…” You said, holding the heavy-duty cuffs securely in your hand.
The cocky, teasing smile came back onto his face as he looked up at you. “You’re referring to the kiss?”
“Damn right I am.”
“Alright.” He said and offered his wrists to you, showing his willingness to submit.
“Above your head.” You said. “I’m cuffing you to the bed.”
He continued to smile as he lifted his arms up, he probably thought he was about to go on a sexy adventure. But the cuffs were only a part of your evil plan.
You wrapped the leather around one of his wrists, then you fed the linking chain around a rung on the wooden headboard. You pulled the other cuff over and fixed it into place, trapping him in his current position.
“You look really gorgeous, babe.” He said.
“Aw.” You pinched his chin in your hand. “That’s not gonna get you out of this…”
He looked even more inviting than you could have imagined. You swept your eyes up-and-down his body, which was clad in only a pair of blue underwear. There was more inspiration to be drawn from his current state - the muscles in his arms tensed while the rest of his body was immobile. Your imagination was practically overflowing with ideas as you watched his impressive chest rising-and-falling quicker than what was normal.
“The things I’m gonna do to you…” You said as you remained kneeling at his side.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he watched the motion of how you had started to stroke the side of your neck. “How about you tell me? Then I can help you and make sure you get everything checked off that nasty list you’ve got.”
You shook your head. “No.” You properly caressed your skin, exploring all that was left exposed by your dress’ low neckline. “I’d rather leave you guessing.” You played with the spaghetti strap over one shoulder. “I’d rather tell you about how totally crazy you drive me. ‘Cause you aren’t just a pain in my ass. You consume me, probably without even trying…”
You ran both of your hands down to the front of the dress, your palms gliding onto your chest. His eyes had widened, fixed on what you were doing, on how you had begun to lightly fondle your breasts. “You make me ache.” Your nipples were firming up beneath the fabric. “You make me so insatiable and it’s so often. All that you have to do is look at me and you get me aching for your touch.
“And it’s in my whole body…” You lowered your hands, going for the hem, which sat at your thigh. You lifted the dress, allowing him to see more of your thighs. You ran your hands up-and-down your legs and he continued to watch with fascination. “I just want your hands all over me, because you make me feel so good.”
He gulped audibly, but he didn’t have anything to say as he watched you working your hands up-and-down your thighs. You let the hem of your dress move without lifting it high enough that he would be able to see your lacy panties.
You found that his dick was now visible as it stiffened and strained against his briefs. This sight brought a smile to your face - you were yet to lay a single finger on him.
“Maybe you know a little something about an ache…” You said.
His nostrils were flared as he nodded a little. You removed one of your gloves and dragged the thin fabric along his skin, watching his feet start to shift.
You didn’t speak as you took off the other glove, his heavy breathing was the only sound in the suite.
The next thing you removed were your high heels. You rested the shoes upon his chest. “Hold onto those for me, will ya?”
He looked displeased by this and you wondered how much of his patience remained. The chain gave a rattle as he readjusted how he was holding his arms.
You rolled your stockings down and pulled them off. It was a sudden decision to loosely wrap them around his neck, as some sort of fishnet scarf. The dark material looked perfect on him, adding another enhancement to how your fantasy was flawlessly becoming real.
You picked your shoes up. “Thanks, babe.” You pulled them back on, knowing how much he enjoyed the sight of you in high heels.
You grabbed for the bottom of the slip-style dress, allowing him to see your black underwear now. You lifted the dress, pulling it away from your bare torso. You removed the velvet garment and tossed it off the bed. His eyes were fixed on you as you readjusted your hair.
You could tell that he was fully hard inside of his underwear now. You started to push your own down, removing the damp panties.
Instead of liberating him in the same way, you placed your hands to his shoulders. This was to help you brace yourself as you mounted him. He loudly groaned when you straddled him at his stomach, keeping your crotch away from his. He squirmed beneath you, but he was ultimately powerless.
You felt a giddy rush to the head, indulging in the triumph of your plan. You were receiving vindication and he couldn’t do a thing to stop you. The sense of control was intoxicating.
And you let it push you further - you grinded as you settled your body weight on top of them. You pushed your wet pussy down until you made contact with his hot skin. You placed yourself over the strip of hair that reached down from under his belly button.
He made an impatient huffing sound as you started to move your hips. You arched your back, rocking yourself back. Then you thrusted forward, dragging your pussy along his skin. You felt a shiver run up your spine as this translated very well to your aching pussy, you continued your work at building some friction.
You rubbed your clit back-and-forth, wetting his skin as you went. Your walls spasmed and contracted around nothing as your excitement grew. You were finding your pacing, settling into his wonderful motion.
“Fuck.” He moaned, watching you grinding yourself on him. “Does that feel good, dealing with me like this?”
“You have no idea.” You said.
He lifted his head from the pillow to watch as you reached down, going for your pussy. You let your two fingers plunge down, wiping along your slit.
He was transfixed by this. Maybe he was preparing for the fingers to go into his mouth, as you had done in the past.
You put the fingers into your own mouth, tasting your cunt as you used your tongue to clean this moisture off. The taste of your arousal coated the inside of your mouth as you took your fingers out. You didn’t swallow as you looked at him.
“Open your mouth.” You instructed.
He opened his mouth and you did the same, leaning forward. He strained in his current position, trying to get closer to you. You pushed the saliva out of your mouth, over your bottom lip. The spit dripped down, going directly onto him.
Only some of the spit landed on his waiting tongue. Most of it landed on his skin and you didn’t waste any of your time wiping this up. He furrowed his brow and shut his mouth again, looking wholly frustrated by this scenario.
But you were still enjoying the manifestation of your plan. You wiped a hand across your lips as you rocked your body weight back again. You resumed your grinding upon him.
You found your rhythm, savouring the effects this friction was having on your body. You could see a look in his eyes as he watched you riding his body, this was a look of him wanting to grab and kiss you. He was hungering for more than that drop of saliva had provided. You could see how tense the muscles in his arms were as you continued to deny his desires.
It added to the thrill of the complete control you currently held over him and it made you push yourself down harder on him.
“You’re mine.” You purred.
His response was instant. “Yes.”
“You are mine, Ethan, all of you.” You said. “And that includes those fuckin’ lips.”
“I know.” 
“Those lips are only supposed to go on my lips, all of them.”
“I know, baby.” He said.
You reached for the nightstand and picked up the packet of cigarettes you had left there earlier. You took one out, placing the filtered end between your lips. You collected one of your E.T. marked lighters, turning the little wheel mechanism until the flame appeared. He watched you light the cigarette and take your first drag.
With this task fulfilled, you could concentrate on your rocking again. You continued working your clitoris against his skin, enjoying how the pressure was building inside you.
Holding the cigarette between two fingers, you lowered it down to him. He opened his mouth, allowing you to place the end between his lips. His eyes were locked on you as he inhaled deeply. He puffed out a cloud of smoke before going back for another drag.
Allowing him this indulgence didn’t seem to help with his impatience. He continued to frown and the way the muscles in his arms still visibly strained told you that he was keen for his imprisonment to come to an end.
He stared you down as you brought the cigarette back to your own lips. He was watching you with such intensity - impatient, but not bored.
The cigarette began to lose its importance to you as the rubbing on your clit started to feel even better. The pleasure was swelling up, getting you so much more excited and you were soon picking up speed. Your jaw fell slack as it got more difficult to catch your breath and you held the burning cigarette off to the side. You squeezed your legs tighter against his sides.
“Are you gonna come?” He asked.
You were going faster, using all of your energy as your body filled with giddy tingles. “Fuck, yes.” You relentlessly pushed your cunt against him as that intoxicating friction demanded. “I’m gonna come right here, right on this fuckin’ happy trail.”
His reaction to this was lost to you as you were overcome by the delicious sensations in your body. You squeezed your eyes shut as you twitched yourself up closer to that edge.
One last powerful thrust was all that was needed for the pressure to melt away and you gained your orgasm. It brought a breathless smile to your face as everything fell into place. The friction was resolved and you could still yourself on him, your attention going back to the cigarette, what remained of it.
You let out a deep sigh, the puff of smoke all that you could see when your eyes first fluttered open. You licked your lips, taking yourself off of him as you slowly came back to Earth.
You could see his stiff dick still waiting and craving attention beneath the material of his briefs. Above this, the light from the lamp caught the little streak of moisture that you had left behind, it glistened as he squirmed.
“I should probably clean that up.” You commented through another cloud of smoke. “But I’m not gonna.” He rolled his eyes. “Just like I’m not gonna do anything about how hard that cock is.” The chain between his cuffs rattled. “You’re not getting any. Your punishment is gonna be those blue balls you’ve got…”
“What?” He snapped, the annoyance making his voice so much louder than what was typical. “You’ve got to be joking, you are being absolutely ridiculous-...”
It was louder than anything else in the room, getting your attention at once. He had broken off the decorative wooden rung that had been keeping him tethered to the bed’s headboard. He hardly acknowledged this, meanwhile your eyes had grown wide and you were no longer so relaxed.
“You’re so fucking ridiculous.” He said, his teeth bared. As he started to unbuckle the handcuffs, you scooted away from him, heading for the edge of the bed. “Maybe you were cocky enough to think that you’d get away with that. But it’s time for a reality check, baby.”
It felt like it was with all of his strength that he grabbed your arm, his fingers locking around your bicep. Before you could properly react, he was tugging you closer. Your butt slid across the bed covers and he wrapped his other hand around your other arm.
Your heart was pounding in your chest and resisting was the last thing on your mind. He forced you down onto your back and swiftly climbed on top of you. A portion of the pantyhose had tumbled free from his neck, brushing against the side of your face. He braced himself above you, looking at you with the intensity that could start you trembling straight away.
“Now I’m gonna teach you a lesson.” He said. “And I promise that it’s one you aren’t gonna forget anytime soon.”
His iron grip on you relaxed as he sat back. He unwound the pantyhose from around his neck and used these to clean any of the remaining saliva off of his face. Then he tossed them away.
There was a rush of adrenaline inside of you as you began to sit up. “I need to be taught a lesson?”
“Damn right you do.”
You gave your head a little shake. “And what lesson would that be?”
He grabbed you by the arm again and pulled you over to him. You were twisted around by his hands, turned to face away from him before being pulled into his lap. With his hands on your arms, he held you in place.
He spoke directly into your ear. “You’re gonna learn to not start shit that you can’t finish.”
You scoffed. “You clearly weren’t paying attention, ‘cause I did finish.”
“I did notice that. You making your pussy so sensitive like that was a grave mistake, with what I’ve got planned for you.” He said. “But that’s just the beginning. You aren’t gonna be able to walk in the morning.”
All of that sounded truly wonderful to you, especially because you could tell that he meant it. You didn’t care to get free, even when his guard lowered slightly as he took his underwear off.
Your butt was pressed to his lap again and the presence of his uncovered dick was noticed instantly. Your breathing had grown shallower and the anticipation hung in the atmosphere of the room.
He was controlling you with his hands on your hips, squeezing tight enough that you thought bruises would be left. He got you to the right spot and soon the tip of his dick was spreading your sensitive pussy open.
You couldn’t help squirming a little as he stroked himself in deeper. But he kept you in place with an arm locked around your waist. You heard his determined growl next to your ear as more of his length was buried into you.
Your noises were immediate when he started to move inside of you. From beneath you, he set into his desired tempo. Your moans marked his hips striking into your butt as your hands grasped his forearm with a claw-like grip.
He rocked his body back and you were bracing for the next impact, when he surprised you. As effortlessly as if you were nothing but a ragdoll, he was spinning you around. You were repositioned to face him, his hands on your back bringing your chest flush to his. He wrapped one of your legs around his waist and held it here as fucked deep into you again.
“Unf, Ethan.” You whimpered, clinging to him.
You felt totally out of control as you bounced in his lap. The friction was unbelievable, going straight to your head. In the intense pleasure, you were losing all thoughts, simply going with the momentum he was determinedly maintaining.
“You’re having fun learning this lesson, hm?” He asked, squeezing your body to his as you whined. “Good, because I’m not stopping until I’ve rearranged your fuckin’ guts.”
Your bodies writhed together, you were thrown off of your rhythm when your face was suddenly spat upon. You flinched in response to the drops of saliva hitting your skin.
Before you knew it, you were being moved. He took you out of his lap and you were pushed down onto the bed, flat on your back. You were left gasping for breath, the adrenaline pumping through you and you understood that this was far from over.
He flicked his loose hair back, away from his face as he placed himself on top of you. But he didn’t instantly resume his invigorated jackhammering into you.
Instead, you saw a moment of calm in his eyes as he scanned your face. The gentleman that he truly was won out briefly as he allowed you to regain your bearings, checking that you were alright amongst this feral energy.
You spurred him on for more, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down, bringing him in for kisses. As he kissed you back, he buried his length deeper inside of you. He kept your leg wrapped around his waist.
Excitedly, you sucked on his lower lip. But this was cut short when he shifted his body weight and sat up.
At this new angle, he could grind into you even harder and you were soon grabbing for the bedsheets. He arched his back, his body tensed as he resumed his speedy pounding forward.
Your hands wildly shook and you could feel the pressure building up inside of you. It was more powerful than before, making you feel as if the release was going to break you apart. You were consumed by his passion, with all of your energy going into keeping up with his rhythm.
He grabbed your other leg and guided it straight up, your ankle resting at his broad shoulder. As he continued plunging into you, you felt your elevated foot beginning to shake free of the shoe. You let the high heel fall, tumbling onto the bed behind him.
You shut your eyes, daunted by the edge that you could feel him pushing you up to. “Baby, I’m close.”
“Yes.” He hissed. “Me too. Gonna come inside you.”
“Yes.” Your response was half-shouted. “Come inside of me.”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” His energetic bucking was matched to his impassioned little chant.
You twitched and spasmed beneath his powerful body, making your loudest sounds of the night. It was all beyond your control, feeling as if your body was filled with an electric charge. Your cunt clenched around his cock, drawing more mind-blowing sensations from every collision.
“Oh, fuck…” He moaned and you could feel his hot cum starting to shoot between your sensitive walls.
You writhed up into him, crying out when this brought out your release. With a tremble, you felt all of the tension inside of you snap, your own cum springing forward. Soon, your thighs were feeling wet, but you were too lost in the afterglow to care. Your legs went limp as the room was swallowed up by silence.
When you finally lifted your head from the pillow, it was to find him sitting by the end of the bed. His eyes were on you as he slowly drank from a bottle of water. You could see a cocky smile tugging at his cheek as he took in the sight of your nakedness.
“My lesson was better than yours.” He said confidently.
“I didn’t know we were having a competition.”
“If that’s how you cope with your loss…” He said.
“How did I lose?”
“I’m just saying that I didn’t see any squirt when you were done on my tummy, teaching your lesson or whatever. But after my lesson…” His smile remained as he took a pause to look at your cunt. “I felt that squirt, and I can see more than just my mess dripping out of you right now…”
“Okay, so maybe you won. Does that mean you aren’t gonna share any water with me?”
He sat forward at once. “Of course not.” He joined you at the head of the bed and handed the bottle over to you. He gently wiped the drops of spit from your face and you could tell that his stormy mood was totally gone.
“The moment you stop fucking me like that, is the moment I’m leaving you.”
“Noted.” He said with a chuckle.
“But you don’t need to worry about me going anywhere ‘cause I’m not gonna be able to walk in the morning, or maybe for the whole day.” You teased.
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? My lesson was better.” He said. He laid down next to you and his eyes seemed larger than before as he looked at you. “You’re okay, right?”
“What are you talking about? Of course I am.” You said, removing your shoe and throwing it away from the bed.
“I just really want to make sure that you aren’t pissed off or actually hurt over me and Victoria kissing for that photo.” He said. “Because she was worried after, that it crossed a line. But I just assumed that you would know it meant absolutely nothing because you’re the only one for me and you know that. But if you want me to apologise, then I’m happy to.”
You picked his hand up in yours, your fingers naturally interlacing. “You don’t have to apologise. I’m not angry at Vic, in fact, I really like her. I think she’s cool. I was there, I saw how manufactured and staged that moment was. But I’m not gonna pass up an opportunity to put you in place and remind you who you belong to.”
“You’re the only one I wanna kiss.” He said, holding your hand between both of his.
“But maybe I should suggest kissing for future photos, if this is the revenge that I get.” He said. “No, seriously, when you first turned that light on and I saw you- I was ready to do whatever you said. You just looked incredible, so damn hot. I felt really lucky, really fucking lucky. But then you made me suffer.”
“You didn’t have to take that out on the bed.”
He cocked an eyebrow as he looked at you. “Didn’t I?”
“No, you destroyed the headboard.” You said, pointing to the missing rung. “Are we gonna get in trouble for breaking the bed?”
He shook his head. “No, it’ll be fine. We’ll make up some lie about how it happened, I’m sure it won’t cost that much to repair. We barely broke it.” He looked at you, smiling. “You know that you and me could really ruin this bed if we wanted to…”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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goldengoddess · 2 years
infuriating or infatuated ? - pope heyward ♡
pairing: pope heyward x reader
authors note: hello lovely friends! back from the dead with some actual writing this time. warning this hasn’t been proof read or anything fancy just my silly little thoughts <3
warnings: one small nightmare but no detail at all
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“you are the most infuriating person i’ve ever interacted with” you whisper under your breath.
the low chuckle behind you made you want to stab someone’s eye balls out. his eyeballs out to be more specific.
“aw cmon you know i’m just playing around. i’m sure you’re fully capable of opening a door. but who knows, maybe you’re only book smart. not door smart”
that infuriating prick. you were going to whirl around and give that cheeky motherfucker a peice of your mind. wipe that silly beautiful smirk-
the handle under your palm suddenly jerked downwards and the door of the hotel room flew open. you let out a small sigh of relief, hoping the pouge behind you would stop making his comments now.
unfortunately that wasn’t the case as he opened his mouth and said, “look at that. people can learn new tricks.”
you scowled to yourself, choosing to ignore his dig, and walked into the stingy hotel room. it smelled like all the other humid and frankly gross hotel rooms the school had bought for you in your years on the decathlon team. the smell was almost comforting, or at least familiar.
pope though, who’d only recently joined the decathlon team, scrunched his nose in disgust. “what in the world is that smell?” he asked.
you shrugged your shoulders and placed your suitcase on the twin bed you wanted to claim.
pope chuckled again, amused. “so what? now i’m getting the silent treatment?”
you simply ignored him and made a big show of unpacking your smaller bag. slowly, you pulled our your toriletry bag, phone charger, and the crazy amount of flash cards you’d spent hours making in the previous weeks. the one you knew pope wanted but was too proud to ask for.
“oh wow very mature of you. look i’m not all that thrilled to be sharing a room with you either but at least i’m not being a bitch about it” he scoffed and began to mimic your actions, pulling out his far more inferior flash cards.
you whirled at him, mouth downturned in anger. “i am not being a bitch,” you answered. “i’m simply trying to make sure you and i don’t kill each other before the weekend is over and keeping my distance. rooming with you wasn’t in my plan either, trust me. why would i want to room with my natural enemy.”
you turned away from him in your own dramatic fashion and made a point not to continue looking at him. as good as he looked in that burnt red shirt which hugged his arms in just the right way and - what?
shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you kept unpacking. this was just nerves. you were frankly a little freaked about tomorrows competition. going up against some of the greatest schools in the state was no small thing. what if you weren’t good enough?
you didn’t notice the only other body in the room come up behind you. close. dangerously close.
“oh i’m you’re enemy now, am i? you do realize we’re on the same team right? so technically we are partners.” he paused and leaned in close to your ear, “equals.”
you straightened at the word, and at his proximity to your face. “we are most definitely not equals. i have way more extracurriculars than you”
he scoffed. “well i have more letter of recommendation than you. and i’m debate team captain .”
the proud tone in his voice almost made you smile before you squashed it back down. without even turning to look at him you answered, “well i have a much higher gpa than you.”
he hummed under his breath, like he was enjoying the banter between the two of you. “not after this semester you won’t. don’t think i don’t know about that c minus in biology. that’ll push me right back up to valedictorian.”
you stiffened. that silly c minus. stupid biology. stupid miss david who hasn’t rounded your grade and couldn’t teach for the life of her. pope was going to hold that stupid grade over your head the entire weekend. he’d win. you’d fail.
you couldn’t turn to face him. knowing you’d be met with that smug smirk of his. the one you sometimes, occasionally, pretty frequently, enjoyed seeing. enjoyed being the cause of.
so you simply let out a huff in response and shimmied to the bathroom before he could say anything else. in doing so, you slammed the door in his face.
god you were so not good with guys.
by the time you were done in the bathroom, you’d only let a couple of tears slip and pope was under the covers in his own twin bed.
when you emerged he looked at you with concern, but as quickly as it was there it disappeared and he said to you, “good glad you’re finally out of there. i was starting to think i might have to take your questions at the completion tomorrow. on second thought that wouldn’t be so bad, go back in there.”
you gave him the slightest most pathetic smile in the world, in no mood to join in the back and forth the two of you always had with each other. instead you silently got into bed and twisted so you weren’t facing him.
as you fell asleep you thought about the boy in the bed a couple feet away from you. the flash cards that had been on his night stand. the color of his eyes. the smirk he only ever sent your way during decathlon meetings. how every time you got nervous he seemed to start up some petty little fight which distracted you from your anxieties. in some ways, he was a lot better than you.
the thought sent you into restless sleep.
you woke up gasping. sweating and scared. you sat up, holding your chest. you were disoriented, not sure where you were. a moment ago you’d been on a stage in front of millions of people incapable of remembering the enzyme involved in digestion and now you were in a dim humid room.
before you could get your bearings a voice to your right asked “are you okay?”
you gasped again, turning towards the source of the question.
pope. beautiful pope who was still awake and had his flash cards on his lap, the lamp next to him still turned on. but at that moment, pope was looking at you. with a look so concerned he might jump over to your bed.
checking the clock on your nightstand and seeing it read three am, you turned back to the boy. “what the hell are you doing up? we have to be awake in five hours.”
at your snippy, and reflective, response pope’s shoulders loosened slightly. as if he was happy to have you participating with him. he motioned towards his flash cards.
“unlike your lazy ass, im getting some cramming studying done”
the way he said it almost felt like.. an invitation? and yet the words made it seem like a challenge all at the same time. maybe you’d accept both.
you pulled your covers off and sauntered over to his bed, dramatic as ever. he watched your every move. you decided right then and there that you loved having pope heyward’s eyes on you. to have him look at you in that way. more than anything. maybe even more than winning the decathlon.
before sitting down on the end of his bed you grabbed your own, again, superior, flash cards from your bag. surprise flashed through pope’s features. you bit the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling and giving yourself away.
“what?” you asked, “did you think i would study with your shitty flash cards?” you scoffed, “i’m not stooping to that level.”
before you could hesitate too much, you passed them to him. “and since you’re technically on my team i guess you can use them as well.”
pope, unlike you, made no move to hide his blinding grin. and even though you were sitting down you thought you might fall over at the sight.
“i knew you’d finally realize i’m your equal” he said as he started flipping through your perfect cards.
you kept silent, not confirming nor denying what you both already knew to be true.
inching forward slightly, he looked up at you and said: “maybe we could start with biology? i’ve been struggling a little bit with the newest topic.”
you knew he was lying. his perfect and consistent scores were proof enough of that. and if it had been anyone else to mention that class, you would have slapped them silly.
but pope got it. he knew how much the c minus had killed you inside. he understood. probably more than anyone else ever had. you could see it in the way he was looking at you now. with love. concern. friendship.
so you answered, “well if you need the help i guess so. cant have you making us lose, can we heyward?”
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messy-gemini1 · 2 years
perhaps it's that enticing itch of wanting to ask, but I've been dying for a prompt revolving the playful turbulence between David and teenage vampire huntress (honestly can be g/n if your prefer) that gradually transpires into a sort love-hate relationship if possible (like lowkey being a literal cheeky bastard and be in her head for his amusement). call me a sucker for the rivals/frenemies turn lovers norm lol
I love this idea ( i was listening to teeth by 5sos when writing this)
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One thing David loved to be was an asshole. Everyone on the Boardwalk were wary of him and his group but his favorite pass time of all was to bother you.
It didn't matter if you were trying to catch a meal or just hanging around the board walk; he was there, waiting with a grin.
You didn't even mean to meet him in the first place, only moving to Santa Carla because of hunters and hearing of Max and how he offered safety to vampires, for a price of course.
David and his group had been by the video store when you showed up, you were just some cute little things to them, until you and David had your claws out at each other in the ally.
Ever since then, you'd find moments where the cheeky bastard was searching around in your head when you weren't paying attention. Whenever that happened you would glare at his form through the crowd and imagine his body burning in the sunlight.
Chills always went down Davids's spine when you would send him your death glares, man did he love it. The other boys would always tease David but never to his face (cause duh).
The two of you were always at each other's throats, The other lost boys couldn't think of a moment when you two weren't trying to end one another or stealing each other's meals.
Until now.
David sometimes liked to hunt on his own, gave him some time away from his boys, sure it had its perks, but the downfall was always that hunters could be anywhere around, disguising themselves.
David caught the eye of a piece of eye candy, her friends were ushering her over to his form as he smoked a cigarette, his eyes trailing up her form and sending her a wink, he could see the pink dusting her cheeks.
'Easy meal' he thought to himself, stopping out his cigarette as she walked up to him, introducing herself and asking if they'd like to head down to the beach, just the two of them.
David should have seen it coming, maybe it was the smell of you nearby or the smell of the girl but as he followed the young blonde down the beach.
David and the girl found and secluded spot, lips locked instantly, he could feel her heartbeat pick up, he needed to wait for just the right moment.
She pulled away with a grin "ready?" she asked, David quirked an eyebrow until his instincts kicked in and he dodged the stake, getting a nasty scar across his chest and the stake lodged in his arm.
He hissed but felt too weak to fight back as the Huntress tried to stake him again, only to be tackled by a blur of H/c.
"Back off bitch" you growled, tackling the huntress and clawing at her form as she tried her best to fight back against your vampiric strength. David watched as you mauled the girl in a fit of rage.
He had never been so aroused.
When you stood up, panting and golden eyes gleaming in the moonlight at his form. He couldn't help but send you a wink. You stalked up to him, crouching next to him before pulling him in by his coat and kissing him roughly.
Just as quick as it happened, you pulled away with a glare. "I'm the only one who's going to be allowed to take your ass down" You hissed, pulling the stake out of his arm and biting your finger, letting David use your blood as strength.
You helped the white-haired Vampire up and began walking, ignoring how he slug an arm around your shoulder with a grin.
"So does that make me your, kitten?" He teased.
"Fuck off" you growled, ignoring the feeling of your cheeks growing hot.
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damnedparker · 4 years
little things
pairing: alex law x reader (gender neutral; no y/n)
warnings: none really? a bunch of swearing, this is just fluff
summary: alex is having a bad night, the only thing that will help is you.
this is a tiny little blurb/drabble/thing that popped into my head tonight. i thought it was cute. phone dialogue is in italics.
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“I’m fuckin’ tired.”
“Hello to you, too, Alex.” You chuckled, by now used to your boyfriend’s antics and immediately recognizable tone. Shifting your position on the bed, you lay on your back, feet facing the headboard and resting half upright on the wall. The wind blew terribly outside, every so often a little clink would hit your window, probably rocks or some other debris. “Someone sounds grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy. I’m tired of Juliet and David’s bullshit.”
“So just the usual then?” You mused, although still sympathetic. Alex could be an obnoxious shit, of course, but sometimes Juliet and David truly did treat him like scum of the earth. It irritated you, but maybe you were just biased.
“Oh, shove it,” Alex huffed over the phone. “I just wish you were here. So someone would fucking be on my side.”
“Mm, I’m the only one who ever is, you little brat.” You teased, beginning to get up and put on some semi-presentable clothes. In times like these, you liked to remind Alex how loved he really was. And it was even better when you could surprise him. You had an inkling of Alex never really being outwardly shown love his way, so anytime you could show him how much you cared for him, you took it. Because it made you just as happy as it did him. “What are you doing, aside from complaining?”
“Fuck off. I’m watching TV. Evil Dead.”
“Damn, I’m missing a good one?” You huffed, smiling to yourself. “I always miss the good movies. There’s never anything on when I’m over.”
“We’re always too busy to pay attention to a movie, anyways,” Alex Law, never without the cheeky comments. “I fuckin’ miss you, baby.”
“That’s sweet,” you finally shove your shoes on, grabbing your keys off your nightstand. “Listen, I gotta run some quick errands, I’ll talk to you in thirty?”
“Errands? You do know how fucking windy it is outside?” Alex questioned loudly. “And you’re gonna leave me alone already, in this chaos?”
“Alex, you can quote the entire dialogue of Evil Dead to me over the phone anytime you want,” You leaned forward on the nightstand, listening to the violent howl of the wind outside. Driving would be a bitch. “I’ll only be thirty minutes at most. Make it twenty if you’d let me get off the phone.”
“Fine, fine,” Alex huffed, clearly genuinely disappointed that you couldn’t talk for longer. It broke your heart a little bit to hear him sad, especially when he was already in a shitty mood. “Don’t die out there. And call me when you get back, yeah?”
“Yeah. I love you.”
“Love you, too, sweetness. I’ll talk to you then.” He hung up the phone, and you almost tossed yours back on the receiver before rushing out the door.
Alex, having been resigned to brooding on the couch while half-heartedly watching Bruce Campbell fight off Deadites, let out an almost guttural groan when the doorbell rang. He stayed on the couch, nestled in the cushions comfortably, and resigned to never getting up again. Ever since you hung up the phone, his sour mood had only worsened. If anyone said a word to him, he might just implode.
The doorbell rang again.
“Good fuckin’ god.” he grumbled, ripping himself off the couch to stomp to the door. The speed at which he flung it open almost slammed it into the wall behind, but he caught it and stopped once he saw who was in the doorway.
“Hey.” You grinned, tilting your head at your boyfriend. “Bit touchy, are we?”
“Shut up and get your ass in here.” Alex eagerly took your free hand, the one not holding the gifts you had brought him, pressing a wet smooch to your cheek as he pulled you inside. “Errands?”
“Somewhat,” you lifted the bag in your hands to prove your point. “I wanted to surprise you.” Alex could’ve melted into a puddle on the floor. The sweet look on your face, the reason you were here, just you being the way you were. He couldn’t begin to form into coherent words how much he just appreciated your existence.
“You drove all the way across town in that fucking wind?”
“Yeah. You were in a shitty mood, I wanted to make you feel better. Is that so bad?” Alex just blinked at you, before smothering you in an excited kiss.
“I fucking love you,” the smile that had crept across his lips made you nearly giddy inside, thankful that you had already been able to improve his night. “What did you get?”
“Greedy,” you hummed, leaning in to press another kiss to his mouth. He wrapped an arm around your waist to affectionately pull you against him. “I got that candy you like, the gummy worms? And some chips for us to share. From that place that makes them extra greasy, and extra salty… oh! And I got us a six-pack.”
“If Juliet and David weren’t here all of your clothes would be on the floor right now.” Alex said very seriously. You couldn’t help the blush that crept across your cheeks, shoving his shoulder. His hand reached for yours, taking the bag out of your grip and dropping it on the ground so he could intertwine your fingers together.
“That hasn’t exactly stopped you before.” You mumbled, smiling when he pressed his forehead against yours. Alex chuckled, the sound warming your insides, almost protecting you from the chill that lingered from the heavy gusts outside. His lips met your forehead in the softest of kisses, planted just between your eyebrows.
“Mmm, then the only thing stopping me is those chips you’re holding right now, angel,” he pulled on your hand to lead you to the couch. “I’m fuckin’ hungry, and I want a nice, long snuggle with my favorite person in the world.”
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depmode · 3 years
i was tagged by @confinesofmy thank you!
favorite color: darker teal. but i do go crazy for the right shade of yellow, mustard colored items of clothing especially. green is fun. black, classic. really depends on what i am picking the color for, i guess.
currently reading: nothing because me and reading are not buds. but that's boring, so i'll list what is sitting on my shelf that i *could* be reading: trailer park trickster by david r. slayton, a book of poetry by tyler knott gregson, and henry and june by anais nin.
last song: really could not tell you. probably something by either valley maker or lord huron. i stopped listening to music back in september? because Extreme Depression and have only started dipping my toe back in very occasionally the past few weeks. rip. miss you.
last series: i watches a few episodes of ted lasso.
sweet, savory, or spicy: savory or spicy, sweet is good sometimes but i have to be in the mood for it.
currently working on: working out character details for a new d&d based OC. she's a cheeky far too confident noble that was infused with phoenix essence in the womb but she has a soft spot for plants. maybe. it's still very much a Work In Progress. i wish i could say i was working on actual writing for Something but a bitch ain't done that in a hot minute.
i tag @1-800-collect @bradstoker @jazuthevulcanprincess uhhh basically anybody who sees this and wants to do it!
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jordanlahey · 4 years
Blast From The Past...(3/?)
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Pairing: Poly!lost boys x Reader
Summary: The boys feast and chase downs local witch coven and it didn’t work out in their favour. Home was home but at the same time it wasn’t.
Warnings: alcohol, drug mentions, some small fluff
Word count: 1675
"Wait are we seriously walking to the boardwalk?" Marko stopped and crossed his arms, he looked at you with a disappointed face.
"I don't drive and I don't see any faster way to get there." You replied back, you were starting to regret you decision on helping them if they are all gonna act like whiney bitches the whole time. You noticed that all the boys shared looks at each other, each face was full of mischief and it terrified you on what they were thinking. "Wait. What's that face for?" You furrowed your brows in concern and confused, they said nothing and Dwayne walked towards you and picked you up bridal style and the next thing you knew you were all up in the air. YOUR FEET WAS OFF THE GROUD! PANIC TIME!
You covered your eyes as the boys laughed and cheered, you even felt the rumble of laugher from dwayne a few times. It wasn't actually that bad flying but the water below made you nervous, he could let go and drop you into the water and you'd be a goner. They wouldn't do that to you not if you figured out a way to get them back, they needed you.
"Cheer up babe, Dwayne wouldn't drop you." Paul was now flying backwards keeping his eyes on you.
"Babe?" You repeated under your breath. 'What is with all the pet names?' It's probably nothing they are from the 80's the best time for flirty comments that don't mean anything. Right? You all were there in no time and had landed somewhere nobody was gonna see and Dwayne steadied you back on your feet. "Right it's dinner time." The boys took the lead, walking and looking around for what you had presumed was their next meal or at least their first meal of being here. You followed behind them keeping your distance, you weren't 100% sure if you were to follow them or just hang around somewhere and they'll come get you but really did you want to watch them eat? Would it terrify you seeing them act animalistic?
"Y/n! Glad to see you." You cringed slightly at the high pitched voice that called your name. The boys all stopped when they heard your name and turned to see who caught your attention. "That was some party the other night although you could have at least pretend you were having a good time." The girl added making you roll your eyes.
"Oh believe me it was so entertaining watching you and a bunch of others exchange saliva and getting high. So. Much. Fun." You sarcastically remarked. The girl glared at you then noticed the boys behind you.
"Hi there I'm Nancy if you'd like, me and some of my friends are gonna head to the beach if you care to join us." Nancy spoke in a sickly seductive tone which cause you to look at her in utter disgust, she'd flick her red hair every so often. Who does she think she is throwing herself at them like that! Ugh! Won't they feed of her and her friends, please. You weren't jealous or anything...you just hated how she does that to them. You were too busy glaring daggers in the back of her head to notice that they boys kept looking at you and reading the thoughts in your head. The boys looked at you then at Nancy they all had come to an internal agreement.
"We'd love you go." Marko pulled a cheeky smile and nudged Paul, when you heard what he said your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. "But we're only going if Y/n, here is invited." Marko sauntered over to you and hung his arm over your shoulder.
"Oh y/n can't, I bet she has better things to do." Oh that's the last nerve, you balled your hand in a fist then took a deep breath.
"Actually, I'd love to tag along. I can predict tonight will be one to remember." You said with a smirk as Nancy glared at you.
The six of you joined Nancy's friends, you never liked them they were all too sleazy and had all sorts of lewd thoughts running through their heads it was too loud to block out and surely the boys can hear it too. You wouldn't have to worry about them after tonight or at least you hope you won't have to.
The night went on and you stayed in the background not getting involved with them, you just sat and watched how Nancy had basically ignored her so called "date" not that you are surprised but instead latched herself onto Dwayne and Paul while her other friends do they same to David and Marko, this was no surprise for you but you sat on one of the logs sulking and glaring daggers at the girls whenever they got too close for comfort. What was worse was that Paul and Marko were eating up all the attention you couldn't expect anything less they are probably use to so much female attention. They could at least have some self control. Nancy's date would occasionally sit next to you and make small talk but you had to shoo him off since you weren't interested. The boys noticed your irritation, they enjoyed seeing you so jealous and they partly wanted to see just how long you'll sit through it.
You were starting to lose interest in this whole party, you much rather go back home and look through your books for something to get them back to their time. Marko then joined you, slinging his arm around your shoulder.
"Enjoying yourself?" He spoke loudly close to your ear so you could hear him over the music, you move your head away from him, his breath stunk of alcohol it made you cringe.
"Hardly I'm bored and your breath stinks of booze." You scooted away from him but he followed. "What." You smiled sarcastically at him. "I'm sure you're being missed by those two over there." By this time the other guys had left, they weren't up for being ditched for other guys which is understandable.
"Someone's moody. Fear not the show is just about to begin." He sadistically grinned and looked at everyone, it was pretty clear that there would be no survivors, it made you wonder just how violent they could get. You watched as Marko got up and walked to one of the girls, shamelessly flirting with her then your eyes went to Paul who was already kissing the neck of a different girl. The screams caused you to snap your head towards David who had already started drinking from her and after that they all started to feed, you kept turning your head at each boy, they screams getting louder than quieting down. Staring wide eyed at them, you couldn't tell if you were afraid or not they were like animals, tearing into the necks of their prey.
It wasn't till they started laughing and whooping that the screaming had stopped and you watched them throw the bodies into the fire clearing the evidence, you now felt bad for wishing death upon Nancy and her friends but that didn't mean you'd never see them again you'll see them tomorrow, they're faces all over the news, phones, and on missing posters.
"Earth to Y/n." David wave a gloved hand in front of you and you blinked back into reality. "Have scared you off have we?" He chuckled darkly, looking back at the others who also laughed.
"You're brutal." Was all you managed to say.
"Hey, you were the one wishing we would just feed on them." Paul added, he had a point and it's true you did. You were jealous it's a dangerous emotion to have. "Come on, we can all have a good time now."
"Can't let alcohol go to waste." Dwayne picked up a bottle and opened it with ease, the rest joined it and all waited for you. It was clear they had no intentions on killing you so you picked up a bottle and held it out for someone to open it. You soon just let yourself go and has a good time for once you weren't the moody one at the party.
David sat back against one of the logs smoking watching you dance with Paul, you were wasted and he was high and David was making sure Paul behaved himself, he had a tendency to be grabby when he was high. You however, were just too drunk to care about anything else, the alcohol coursed through your body making you feel all buzzed as you danced with Paul through the music. The alcohol coursed through your body creating a soft buzz, you were having fun and you had never let yourself get this wasted especially around other people but you lost all ability to care as you danced with Paul. Occasionally you would feel his hands on your waist but not even a minute later Dwayne would slap him up side the head to remind him to keep his hands to yourself but soon everybody realised he would do it on purpose just to hear the laugh bubble from your lips. You slowly felt the buzz leave and you began to feel tired, your feet couldn't even keep you upright and slowly you leaned backwards but David had caught you and held you against his chest.
"Tired?" He asked. You couldn't even speak without your words being slurred so instead you just nodded, David picked you up and all of you fled back to the cave.
It wasn't just the five of you at that spot no no, not to far behind someone else was watching. They weren't too pleased with what they had witnessed, in fact they were disgusted from the sight of the feeding and then whatever they had just saw. The boys and yourself had something bigger to worry about than just finding a spell.
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Hello Stranger
Summary - You were going through a rough patch in your life. As you were drinking away your problems, you met with a green eyed man who acts a little too nice towards you.
Pairing - Dean x Reader
Warning - Mentions of crappy life, swearing, drinking, angst, fluff-ish, plot twist.
Word Count - 2.1k
Square Filled - One Night Stand ( @spndeanbingo ) - it is just mentioned
A/N - This is written for @impala-1979’s Words for Love challenge. My word was Viraag in Hindi. Viraag - The emotional pain of being separated from a loved one.
The divider is by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89
This is also my 5000th post on tumblr. Woah! Also I am back to my angsty self *evil laughs*
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Rolling your eyes, you check your phone for the thousandth time that evening for any message.
“Bitch,” you grumbled, thinking about how your best friend had ditched you, again. You had waited for almost two hours for your friend to show up before you decided to leave the bar at first but then you decided to stick around for a couple of drinks.
Life has been kicking you in the ass lately. Maybe staying home and binging F.R.I.E.N.D.S for the hundredth time suddenly didn't seem like a bad idea considering the girl who you had thought to be your best friend had left you alone in a bar full of drunk and horny dudes.
Staring at the glass of whiskey in front of you, you sighed aloud grabbing the attention of the man on the stool beside you.
“What's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?” You looked to your right towards the source of the sound and saw a man staring at you with a creepy little smile on his face. You shuddered at the thought of answering the man.
“Not in the mood. Back off,” you grumbled, downing the glass of whiskey in one go. The sleazy person got up from his seat and stalked his way towards you.
“Fuck off,” you growled, as he placed his hand on the small of your back.
“Back off! That's my wife you're talking to,” A deep voice growled from behind the man, taking you by surprise, “Hey honey. Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to work an extra shift.”
You looked up and a freckle faced, flannel clad man staring at you with his beautiful forest green eyes. Your heart started to beat loudly as the man put a hand around your shoulder.
“Whatever dude,” the drunk grumbled and went off in another direction, probably in search of another person who can keep his bed warm for one night.
“What a creep,” you mumbled, the ominous feeling finally leaving you, “thanks for coming to my rescue.”
“No problem,” he said, removing his hands from your shoulder and taking a seat on the stool beside you, “So can I buy you a drink?” The green eyed man smiled.
“I just told that man to fuck off, what makes you think I will let you touch me?” You said, your eyes narrowing at him, “I am not your wife.”
“I don't do relationships and who said anything about touching? You look like-”
“Shit?” You joked.
“I wasn't gonna say that,” he smirked, “maybe tired was the word.”
“Gee thanks. Life's been tough, boss is an asshat, people who I thought to be my friends turned out to be nothing but snakes,” you said, signalling for a refill, “now, look at me rambling about my fucked up life to a stranger.”
“You need someone to talk to and I'm a good listener,” the man had a soft look on his face, “Name's Dean.”
“Y/N,” you smiled.
“See I am not a stranger anymore,” he chuckled.
“What am I? Four? You say your name and you're suddenly not a stranger, huh? Stranger danger, I hope you know that,” he played along.
“You're something else, you know that?” Dean smirked.
“I know. Heard that a lot. So different that no one sticks around,” you said.
“Then they don't know the real you.”
“Why are you wasting your time?” Dean tilted his head at you, confusion evident on his face, “I already told you I'm not in the mood. I just wanna get drunk tonight.”
“You seriously think that I am acting friendly just because I wanna get in your pants?” You kept quiet sending him a clear message that it was exactly what you were thinking. “You need a friend tonight and not a one night stand.”
“Why? I just told you the reason.”
“Dean, there are other girls in this bar who have been ogling you the whole night and giving me the side eye. Why are you wasting your night with me?” You asked.
“Because I know how it feels to hit rock bottom in your life when all you need is someone to talk to,” Dean said. You nodded slowly at the man’s words.
“What about you Dean? How's life goin’ on for you?” You asked.
“Full of crap.” He gave a dry chuckle.
You took a glass of drink and raised it, Dean mimicking your actions. “Cheers to crappy life.”
“Sometimes I think what if my life was a little different. More adventurous, more exciting,” you wondered.
“Trust me, sweetheart, this life is what you want,” Dean said, taking a sip of his drink.
You didn't realise how much time you had spent talking to the green-eyed man in front of him. You were slowly succumbing to the charm of the man and there was this nagging voice in your head telling you to get away from him as fast as possible but in your heart, you couldn't believe that Dean would have a single bad bone in his body.
“Tell me about yourself.” You asked, hoping you could find out more about him and stop being paranoid.
“My life's pretty sucky like yours, no offence,” he chuckled.
“None taken.” You giggled.
“There are days where I just wanna give up, like today but then I meet this beautiful girl who effectively makes my day better,” Dean said with a cheeky grin on his face.
“And who might be this beautiful girl?”
“She is sitting right in front of me,” he smirked, making your heart flutter in your chest. Maybe Dean was genuinely a good man.
“I am happy I could make your day better because all I did was ramble about my stupid life,” you smiled.
“You have no idea how lucky I am to see you tonight. Did I help you?”
“You did. Thank you for tonight, Dean.” You said, leaning into kissing him on the cheek.
“You thinkin’ of going back home now?” He asked politely.
“I am, considering my friend will never show up and I don't want to waste anymore of your time. You want to….come with me?” You hesitated, a little unsure about taking him to your home but you were quite surprised when he shook his head.
“I already told you that I don't wanna get into your pants. Just holding up my end of the promise,” he smiled, signalling the bartender to let him know you would be leaving, “You sure you're okay to go home alone?”
“I'll call a cab,” you said.
“I can drop you off, I have my Baby parked outside,” he said, waving his hand towards the exit.
“Baby?” You cocked your head.
“My 67 Chevy Impala, she is my Baby,” Dean beamed, puffing his chest out.
“You have a nice taste in cars, Dean,” you smiled, “but you do know this kind of feels like the start of every roadside horror movie?”
“So I got an upgrade from the creep to a psycho killer machine?” He asked, a cocky grin plastered on his face, making you shrug.
“Just sayin’. Who knows maybe you're David freaking Yaegar,” you teased.
“Why don't you get in my car and find out? Maybe it's my time to slice and dice,” Dean grinned, your eyes widening at the reference.
“You have good taste in movies too,” you said, “but let me tell you if you kill me, I will come back to haunt your ass, Mister.”
“I will gladly have a cute ghost like you haunt me my entire life,” Dean chuckled, and guided you towards the exit.
“Damn, she is one sexy car,” you let out a low whistle and saw Dean smirking at you.
“Time to slice and dice. Get inside the car now,” he chuckled.
After an hour, with proper directions, the black Chevy had come to a halt in front of your house. Dean had previously told you that he was in the town for a couple more days at the “Red Motel” with his brother.
“You sure you don't wanna-”
“Nah. I'm a man of my words, Y/N,” he flashed you a smile.
“Okay. Thank you for tonight,” you said, “You're a good man, Dean. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, handsome.”
Dean squeezed his eyes shut, a lump forming in his throat as he heard you call him handsome.
“Don't be a stranger if we cross paths again,” You gave him a quick hug before climbing out of the car.
He gave you a small wave as he revved up the engine. You looked as he turned his car and drove out of your place. You smiled as your mind replayed the moments from the evening. You went inside your house, closing the door behind your back.
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“What?” Dean grumbled as he saw his brother staring at him, the moment he entered the motel room.
“Where the hell were you? I called you so many times,” Sam frowned at his brother who stumbled into the motel room.
“At the bar.”
“Why are you doing this?” Sam asked, “This is the third time in two weeks that you drove to this town.”
“Forgot the huge vampire nest we hunted?” He said, opening the cap of the beer bottle.
“Was it just about the case? I don't think my memory is failing me but doesn't Y/N live in this same town?” Sam raised his voice, “Did you or did you not go to the bar hoping you would meet her?”
Dean kept quiet.
“You can't do this to yourself Dean. It was your idea - you pushed her away!” It took Dean by surprise as he heard his brother yell at him. It was rare that Sam got this mad, “now you can't just waltz back into her life!”
“Don't ‘Sammy’ me, Dean. You-you did this to her, to us. Instead of dealing with the situation, you ran away from it!” Sam shoved his brother.
“I know! I know because I was the one who told Cas to erase her memories - give her a new life! I know it, Sammy. I know it better than anyone because I was the one who almost got her killed!” The green eyed hunter's voice broke at the end.
“You could have talked to her. She would have done anything to help you. It wasn't you.It was the mark.,” Sam said.
“It was still me,” he whispered, “she was the only one who could have talked me out of it but I didn't want that. This life - it's not for her, man. She deserves to have someone who is not ninety percent crap-”
“No. You don't get to say that. She was family. You shouldn't have made that decision for her,” the younger Winchester scoffed, “She would have stayed unlike you running from the problem because she loved you.”
Dean swallowed, “I loved her too. I still do but at least now she is safe….alive. She now has to deal with stupid bosses and asshole friends instead worrying about monsters, thinking about everyday to be your last.”
“Then let her go, man. Y/N’s not yours anymore. Y/N’s not your wife anymore,” Sam said, patting his brother's shoulder, “She was like a sister to me. I miss her. Everyday. I know you do too. But you gotta let her go.” Sam walked out of the room, tears pricking at his eyes.
Nursing the bottle in his hand, Dean stared at the bland wall in front of him. Closing his eyes shut, he remembered the intoxicating smell of yours entrapping him when you had hugged him, the way you were continuously playing with a loose strand of hair while talking to him. Looking down at his right arm, his left hand reached into his jeans pockets.
“I still love you, sweetheart,” he mumbled.
Twirling the wedding band between his fingers, he scoffed, “Till death do us part.”
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Feedback is appreciated!
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Can I request dad dave/jealous dave where you run into your old boyfriend with you and david's child? And you run into him while you're waiting for david to meet up with you both and he sees all of you together and is confused and jealous for no reason lol.
I still had one more request before this one but I’m answering this one first just because it’s dad David and I’m a simp for that concept! I hope you like it! 
The sun was high up in the sky and the California air summer was overly warm. The usual bustling of people walking through the busy streets and the yielding L.A. traffic accompanied the soft humming of Y/n as she rocked her six-month old daughter in her arms. The simple nude and white pram was parked beside the outdoor table she was seated at in her favorite tiny coffee shop. 
She kept softly humming lullabies as she sipped on her cold lemonade as they waited for David to finish shooting for his latest show and come pick them up. Y/n felt completely at peace as she enjoyed the warm feeling of the sun against her already tan skin. 
She was cooing at the sleeping baby in her arms when a shadow blocked the warm sunlight. Confused Y/n looked up, only to be met with a familiar yet unwanted face. 
“Well, this is a surprise.” The man said. Even though an eternity had gone by since she had last heard that voice she would have recognized it anywhere. 
“Brad” Y/n said her eyes opened wide in shock. Her ex boyfriend, the same that three years back had dumped her for his secretary, stood before her, showing a wide smile with his unnaturally white teeth. 
“Hey, baby.” He replied with a wink before unpromptedly taking a seat in front of her. “So, are you here with your sister?” his head started looking around. 
“Umm... no. Just me and my baby... I’m actually waiting for my husband to pick me up.” She replied shifting uncomfortably in her seat. 
“Ohh, wow... So that’s actually your baby. You moved on fast didn’t you?” Brad chuckled, annoyance in his voice. 
“What?” Y/n uttered confused. 
“Well, I mean, it’s been what? Three years since we stopped dating and you are already married with a kid” He explained in a condescending tone. “Judging by the scene you put up when I told you I was leaving I would have thought you would still be trying to get over me”
“Did you really expect me to cry over the fucker who left me for his secretary for three years? Hun, the moment I left that building I was done with you and ready to move on” Y/n said looking straight into his eyes and flagging the waiter down to order the check. As she did, she noticed David’s car parking next to the café. 
“Wow, I don’t remember you being such a bitch when we were a thing.” Brad laughed dryly as David approached the table. You could tell by his semblance he had heard the insult. 
“Hey, baby. Are you ready to go?” David said before planting a long kiss on his wife’s lips. “And how is my beautiful daughter doing?” He took the baby in his arms. 
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m all ready.” Y/n beamed up while placing her wallet back in her purse. “Would you mind getting the pram in the car for me?” She pouted a bit. 
“Sure, baby” He said, passing the baby back to her. 
He quickly folded the pram and walked up to the steel blue Aston Martin, opening the trunk and placing it inside. 
“Well, now I see why you moved on so fast. I guess my mother was right when she said you’re a gold digger.” Brad lashed out. 
Y/n quickly handed the baby over to her husband and slapped his ex with all her force. 
“What the fuck?!?” He roared, placing his hand on the red mark on his cheek. 
“Thank you, honestly, for leaving me when you did. Who knows how much longer I would have taken your bullshit? You saved me so much time. Thanks to you running off with that secretary I found the love of my life, a man who loves me and treats me right. Oh, and if you ever insult me in front of my daughter again you’ll have to explain to mommy dearest why she won’t have any grand children.” She smirked and got in the car. 
David had already placed the baby in her car seat and soon enough the car took of leaving the fuming man behind. 
“Okay, that was so hot” David gave her a cheeky smirk. “Are you okay though?”
“I’m fine. I just can’t believe he had the audacity to call me a gold digger and a bitch.” Y/n sighed. 
“Trust me if you hadn’t slapped him I would have. I don’t ever want him near you or our kid ever again but you handled it like the badass you are.” He said taking her hand in his and pulling it to his lips for a quick kiss. 
“We can fully agree on that.” Y/n chuckled. 
“I can’t believe that guy was enough of a dumbass to let you go. I should be thanking him. Now I’ve got the most beautiful wife and daughter in the world.” He said turning for a moment to look into her eyes. 
“I love you. I was the one that got lucky, I got the most beautiful daughter and 2019′s People Magazine’s sexiest heartthrob.” She smiled teasingly. “The man that beat Harry Styles, Jordan Fisher, Noah Centineo and Shawn Mendes.”
“You’ll never let that go, won’t you?” He laughed, turning beet red.
“Not a chance... well... maybe, if you win Sexiest Man Alive” She giggled.
“The only awards I want are best dad and best husband.” He said, fully serious. 
“I’m calling Joe. I’m going to need to know where he gets his Vloffie awards.” Y/n smiled happily at the man she loved. 
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criminalmindsmad · 4 years
Are you finished?
This one is SO long (3400 words long lol), and I must’ve been real moody when I wrote this but please don’t be mad at me! I’ve merged 2 requests together because they may have been very similar had I not! Let me know what you think! Leave any comments in replies or in the tags if you reblog ❤️- Ash x
-Something angsty for hotch, i know this is very broad but idm what you choose to do with it since all of your stories are amazing!!
-Can I request a Hotch x reader where they’re close/kinda flirty and work well together but then Hotch is suddenly really cold to her because he realised he has feelings for her and he’s forced to talk about it when they have to share a hotel room?
“Oh hey! Aaron!” you shouted across the precinct realising there were about 7 cops looking at you. You cleared your throat “Agent Hotchner. May I see you in the conference room for a second.”
He looked at you and cocked his eyebrow, he could tell by the look in your eyes you were up to something and as much as he loved it now was not the time. “Is it important Y/N?” you couldn’t stop your cheeky smile forming on your face, it couldn’t be less important if you were honest, but you nodded anyway. Hotch gave in and walked over to you and into the conference room. “What is it Y/N?” he tried to be serious but he couldn’t help but smile a little. You paused briefly wiping the smile off your face, looking out of the window for dramatic affect. 
“Your butt looks good today” you looked back over to him and he just shook his head, let out a little giggle and left. You quickly followed him. 
Over the course of the case you two were your usual selves, talking about everything and nothing in between bouts of case work, gently touching one another whenever you got the chance, catching the other staring and making fun of them. You and Hotch were best friends, anyone in the world could see how close you were. Which was…great…probably…you had resigned yourself to being best friends aware that being anything more was just completely off the table.
A major storm had hit the night you’d caught your unsub, grounding the jet and leaving the BAU stuck in Dallas with nothing to do. Most of the team had taken the opportunity to get some sleep retiring up to their hotel rooms one by one. You’d decided to stay at the bar for a little while and treat yourself to a glass or two of wine, things had been a little dicey on this case and you felt like you needed it. 
As you sipped at your wine and watched the rain splash against the window a warm hand pressed itself against the small of your back. You flinched at the touch and turned to face them, grabbing their wrist as you did so and yanking it away from your body. 
“Hey that’s not very polite!” Some smarmy guy in a business suit smirked in your direction as he put his hand up in defence. 
“Neither is touching someone without their consent.” You released his hand and shoved it away. 
“Look you don’t need to be a bitch, I was just trying to be nice!” He got up in your face, trying to intimidate you “Jeez you’re not even that pretty anyway!”
“Hey back off!” Aaron had emerged from behind him and began bounding over towards the pair of you. You smirked at him as you grabbed the guy harassing you and pushed his face into the surface of the bar, not spilling a drop of your wine. 
“If you think I was being a bitch then…you must think I’m a colossal bitch now! Ha!” You picked him up and shoved him away from you, Aaron caught him as he flew towards the door. 
“I think you owe my friend an apology.” The guy looked at you once again and shook his head. 
“Let him go Aaron, he’s not worth it.” You nodded to him as he let go of the man and walked over to you.
“You ok?” He put his hand on your arm and looked down at you. You smiled back and bought him in for a hug. 
“Yeah, much better thank you" 
That night you two spent hours talking, moving up to your hotel room at around 3am. 
“Look I just think if the toys in Toy story come to life because kids love them then of COURSE food is alive because we’ve all seen kids eat chicken nuggets!” You both laughed as you sat back down from your rant, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. 
“Your brain is both amazing and stupid!” He laughed and leaned towards you, stopping both of your laughter in its tracks. Suddenly it felt like there was a rope wrapped around you both, pulling you together. Like the world moved in slow motion as your bodies moved closer, your eyes locked on his as you pressed your mouth against his. He returned your kiss moving his hand to your hair and holding your face against his. And then as suddenly as your lips met, your lips parted and Aaron moved away from you “Y/N! This is highly unprofessional” you looked at him with stunned eyes, your mouth hanging open in shock. 
“What?” You could feel the tears prickling at your eyelids as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Aaron?" 
"This should not have happened. This was clearly a moment of weakness on both of our parts.” You stood up and walked towards him, holding you hand out. 
“Aaron can we talk ab…”
“No” he pushed your hand away “I won’t have to take any professional actions against you however we are not to talk about this with each other or our colleagues again, is that clear.” You nodded. Silently willing yourself not to cry. “Goodnight Agent Y/L/N.” and with that he left, leaving you in the dark of your hotel room.
You didn’t sleep at all that night. Instead sat tormenting yourself over what had happened, figuring out what signs you misread and at some point you questioned if it ever happened at all. 
Morning arrived and you slumped down in the lobby waiting for your team. As you glanced around to check if anyone had arrived before you, you noticed the guy from the bar last night staring at you from reception. You pulled your sunglasses down and tried to ignore his existence. 
“Hey, where’s your boyfriend?” The man wandered over a cocky expression plastered on his face “wouldn’t put out for him either?”
"Wow… I would almost have forgiven you for being a drunk asshole but I guess you’re just a regular asshole huh.”
“Listen bitch I know the sheriff. I can do whatever I want right now and you’re heading straight to county!” He tried to get up in your face. Standing up you met his eye level and tried desperately to wipe the smile off of your face. 
“I’m FBI jackass, I could break your arm right now and I wouldn’t get so much as a disciplinary.” It was an obvious lie but this douche didn’t need to know that. 
“Agent Y/L/N!” Aaron’s voice boomed from behind you, as you turned your head and spotted him and the team in your peripheral you suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you “what are you doing? Do we have to have a talk about your professionalism on cases?" 
"Sorry Aaron this is just the guy from the bar last night.” You motioned towards the now even more cocky man next to you.
“Once again Agent Y/L/N it is not professional to sleep with someone every time we are away on a case.” Your mouth dropped open as he spoke, eyes fixated directly on his. 
“What did you just say to me?” Anger radiated from your voice. “I did not sleep with this man." 
"No she didn’t but she did threaten to break my arm.” You looked at the man stood next to you and without missing a beat he recoiled away from you in fake fear.
“My apologies sir. Y/N you’re suspended. Find your own way back to Virginia and be in my office at 8am Friday.” He spoke as if it was the most natural thing in the world, as if you were just some background character that no-one ever knew the name of and not someone he considered a close friend mere hours earlier. He walked by you, stern face completely unmoved by the shock plastered all over yours. The rest of the team shuffled by offering comforting eyes and the occasional touch on the shoulder, they seemed as shocked and confused as you were. 
And then they were all gone, you were stuck in Dallas, alone and heartbroken…at least you were in a bar…silver linings.
“Aaron… do you want to talk about what happened back in the hotel?” Rossi cornered Aaron in the plane kitchen. Concern spread across his face. 
“What is there to talk about? An agent acted unprofessionally, as they had done many, many times before, and I finally realised I needed to do something about it. I will discuss this further with agent Y/L/N when we meet next week. As for now, I have some paperwork to get started on.” He walked away, leaving Rossi stood at the other end of the plane. Emily and JJ looked over to the older man with questioning looks on their faces which was met, to their dismay, with an equally confused face from David Rossi.
“You’re late Y/N” a very stern Hotch mentioned as you knocked at his office door, not bothering to even glance in your direction. 
“I’m 15 minutes early Aaron.” You noted the clock on the wall. 
“Exactly.” You fought the urge to scoff at his comment “take a seat” you did as he said, sitting yourself in front of him. Usually the time you spent in his office was either splayed out on the couch or perched on his desk, this chair was uncomfortable, no wonder you never sat here. “I’ve taken the difficult decision to place the incident and your behaviour on the case last week as a strike on your record" 
"What?” Your eyes and mouth open wide, you couldn’t quite believe what you were hearing. “But Aaron! That goes on my permanent record, it could affect my role in this team and the FBI as a whole. I find it very hard to believe that what happened last week is grounds for that kind of action." 
"You threatened a civilian Y/N." 
"After I was threatened and sexually harassed! You saw what he was like! I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” You stood up off of your chair and turned your back on Hotch, placing your hands on your head in frustration. 
“Please calm down Agent Y/L/N! Don’t make me extend your suspension further.” He stood up and slammed his hand on his desk making you turn around to face him. You stood eyes connected in complete silence breathing in unison. “The mark goes on your record. You may start back with us on Monday. Take the weekend to cool off and maybe think about what a professional wears to the office." 
You looked down at your v-neck and skinny jeans, an ensemble you had worn some variation of during your entire stint with the BAU. You let out a small scoff, composed yourself and spoke "fine. See you on Monday Agent Hotchner. Have a nice weekend." 
Leaving his office you shut the door and met the gaze of your teammates. JJ was the first to walk over, offering to walk you out. As you stood in the lift with her you decided to let your frustrations out. 
"I just don’t get it! It’s like some weird twilight zone where my best friend has been replaced by a nastier moodier version of himself and nobody but me knows!” She laughed at your comments and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
“Agent Y/L/N!” Hotch’s voice boomed across the North Dakotan precinct catching the attention of anyone within 15 miles of him. “interrogation room now!” You had become used to being dragged into rooms whenever Hotch saw fit, his eyes burning into you whenever you did anything trying to find a mistake or reason to call you up. And the once gentle touches had become rough pushes go get you to move in or out of somewhere. The last month had been Hell, on top of your one strike Hotch had managed to find a way to give you another, during a week of back to back late nights and stressful days you’d accidentally fallen asleep at a desk and no one had decided to wake you before they rolled out to apprehend an unsub, Reid had gotten injured and sure enough Hotch blamed you entirely ‘had you been there and not sleeping on the job we may have caught our suspect without an agent ending up in the hospital’ for some reason the rest of the team felt the same and your relationship with most of them had been a bit strained recently. 
“Hotch, have I done something wrong?” You asked, shutting the door to the interrogation room behind you. 
“What is this?” He threw a case file onto the desk, notes and pictures sliding out as it slammed against the table. 
“It’s Ryan Knowles, a potential suspect, I saw his name pop up a couple times and had Garcia run him through our system, juvenile crimes, peeping tom and a non existent mother figure. He fit our profile, I asked JJ to put him on the board so that we could…”
“And why would you do that?” His question took you aback, what was that supposed to mean?
“It’s my job? To follow a hunch and see if it pans out.” You furrowed your brow unsure why you were in trouble. 
“Maybe not for much longer. I’ve noticed you’re slacking, sleeping on cases, following ridiculous hunches and causing the team setback after setback!” He threw the case file against the wall sending paper everywhere “follow your hunch, and you better hope it pans out or you’re off this team" 
"You can’t do that!” You shouted trying to hold onto your composer for just a moment longer. He began to walk out of the room, putting his face close to yours,
“Watch me.” He pulled his face away and walked out of the room leaving you shocked and confused. You began to pick up the papers of your case file trying to put them back into some order as your tears began to blur your vision. 
You stood up and wiped away your tears, looking at a picture of your unsub you decided you were going to prove you were right and prove why you deserved that spot on the team, not that you really wanted to be there much more anyway. 
“Put the gun down Ryan!” Your unsub pointed his gun directly at you, you’d managed to catch him attempting to bury his victim,  You had radioed for backup as soon as you saw him and could hear the sirens in the distance “you don’t want to do this, hear those sirens in 30 seconds they’re all around here and if they see you standing there out in the open with a gun it’s not going to take too long for you to be the one in the ground.” You swallowed hard, keeping a level head as you gradually lowered your gun “but if you have me they’re not gonna shoot you, how about you let Amber go and take me instead, look I’m unarmed” you kicked you gun slightly away as you heard the screeching of tyres. 
“Come here.” You walked slowly to Ryan he grabbed you and quickly held the barrel of the gun to your head. You watched Amber run off and be caught by JJ, you sighed with relief that they had made it to you in time. 
As Aaron saw you his heart leaped to his throat and his stomach hit the floor. He’d thought he’d managed to bury his feelings for you after everything that had happened, but there you were completely vulnerable with a gun to your head and he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly worried. As Rossi tried to talk Ryan down Hotch kept his eyes focused solely on you, catching your stare right back. You nodded slightly and forced yourself downward allowing Morgan to land two shots directly into Ryan’s chest. 
As you pulled yourself free from his arms you ran forward to your team and for some reason Aaron was the first to pull you in for a hug. Your body tensed up and you blinked with confusion but at least you were safe and he wasn’t firing you. 
“I’m sorry Miss Y/N but there was an incident with your room. A pipe burst and unfortunately we cannot let you stay in that room this evening. We managed to collect all of you belongings before they were damaged but it seems you will have to share with one of your colleagues.” The older woman at the desk was ruining your life, not actually but in many ways she was. Your team had already gone up to their rooms while you spoke with reception. “I can give you a spare key to one of their rooms so you can just go and let yourself in ok?” You nodded and took the key, you didn’t mind sharing a room with most of your team, as long as it wasn’t Aaron. 
You knocked on the door and began to let yourself in “Hey it’s Y/N! My room got flooded so the front desk gave me your key! I guess we’re roomies for tonight huh!” You finished opening the door and was met with the face of Aaron Hotchner. You sighed “ah. I will go get a different key.”
“NO!” He cleared his throat “no it’s ok, we can share I don’t mind.” You silent nodded and closed the door behind you, putting you go bag down on the desk you began walking over to the couch to get comfortable “Agent Y/N.” Hotch stated sternly. You stopped abruptly and sighed, you knew friendly Hotch was too good to be true. Turning on your heels you didn’t give him a chance to speak first. 
“Look I know I was reckless, but you didn’t really give me much of a choice. If this means I get fired then fine because I saved a life today and that’s enough." 
"I’m not going to fire you. In fact I wanted to say something.” He looked sincere, and sad like whatever he was about to say was painful or something “that night in Dallas, when we talked for hours and then we kissed, well for some reason it broke me, I knew I liked you and knew I found you attractive, I just never put it all together until that moment. I realised I loved you and I wanted to be with you, and I freaked out. Everything I’ve done over the last month was because I was so scared that I was going to get hurt or that you were going to get hurt and it would break me, but then seeing you today and realising that you could die it all went out the window, I don’t have time to be scared, I want to be with you and I realise that now. I’m so sorry” He stopped his ramble, looking into your eyes with his big brown puppy dog eyes, pleading forgiveness and willing you to return the sentiment.
“Are you finished?” He looked shocked by your question nodding to respond. “And that’s it is it? You made my life hell because you love me?” He nodded again, quickly glancing to the floor. “What do you want me to say now? That I love you too? That I forgive you? Well I’m sorry but no. I used to, but then you ruined it. You cost my friendships with the team, you cost me my perfect record and my job and you almost cost me my life, because you are an immature, petty self centred prick! I’ve been so stressed and tired I’ve lost 10 pounds for god’s sake! I’m sorry Hotch but your half assed confession isn’t going to fix this.” You sat down on the sofa and put your head in your hands leaving Hotch stood in the middle of the room, eyes drilling a hole into the floor, looking the way you looked after he left you alone in your hotel room that night. Neither of you moved, both unsure as to what should happen next. “I’m…I’m not saying that we can never happen. I just need time to process, and forgive you and learn to love you again.” His eyes had moved up to you again and you noticed the tears that had formed starting to leak out as yours quickly did too. “What… what erm… what side of the bed do you want?” He laughed slightly at you comment and smiled weakly at you a smile which you returned. Maybe in a little while, this wouldn’t be so hard again. 
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captainclickycat · 4 years
Discworld for the fandom ask game if you want!
o The first character I ever fell in love with:
Magrat, I think. She resonated with me because I was thirteen and dorky and also owned a lot of essential oils and the like. 
o A character that I used to love/like, but now do not:
Nobody really, although Magrat is now somewhat less compelling to me? Her syrupyness in the early books can legitimately get a bit grating at times. Took my hat off to “limp what?” though. 
o A ship that I used to love/like, but now do not:
I’m less fussed about Carrot/Angua than I initially was. It’s fine, but the whole “werewolf = dog” thing is a bit off-putting and some of the conflicts between them never really get resolved. Again, it’s fine, but imo “fine” is sort of all it is, really. 
o My ultimate favourite character[tm]:
Oh god no. Let’s go with top five
1) Nanny Ogg! She’s so funny and good-humoured but has this steely edge underneath it. I want to be like her when I’m 80. 
2) Sgt Jackrum. I love the way he takes care of his soldiers, but doesn’t coddle them or sugarcoat what they’ll have to deal with. And his climactic entrance (”I notes you have my little lads before you, sir! I’m hearing they are in a spot of bother, sir!” makes me well up every time. It’s just perfect. 
For the record I headcanon him as a trans guy. It’s really not my place to try and weigh in on where he fits into the whole Representation debate, but there you have it. 
3) Death. He likes cats and has weird dad hobbies, what’s not to like? Also his confusion about human stuff is endearing. 
4) Moist von Lipwig. I love his energy and cheekiness and crazy schemes. Probably the most fun character, alongside Nanny 
5) Commander Vimes. Bit of a surly bastard in a lot of ways, but generally does his best to be morally upstanding. Highlights include his kindly interrogation of the palace maid in Feet of Clay and, of course, “WHERE’S MY COW???”
o Prettiest character:
Oo this one’s interesting, given the medium but also the fact that we’ve got a smorgasbord of official illustrations, fanart and the odd film adaptation to go with. 
So I tend to fancast Moist as a Casanova-era David Tennant, so he’s definitely a contender. Adora Belle tends to look like Christine Addams in my head (watch the Bitches episode of Pushing Daisies, you’ll get it) so same goes. 
In terms of film/TV adaptation characters, Michelle Dockery’s Susan wins absolutely hands down.  
In terms of the Kidby illustrations, probably Miss Alice Band
o My most hated character:
Strappi. There’s a lot of unpleasant characters knocking about, but he’s unpleasant in a particularly gross, visceral, slimy way. 
o My OTP:
Has to be Vimes/Sybil, I think. You don’t often get to see middle-aged characters fall in love and then get to follow their story, and the subtle little ways they show their affection throughout the series are really lovely. 
o My NOTP:
I saw a thing about Susan/Teatime once which nearly scarred me for life. In terms of canon(ish) relationships, I was never all that sold on Susan/Lobsang. It just felt a little too convenient, and I didn’t see much chemistry between them. More of a “nah” than a notp though. 
o Favourite episode book:
1) Feet of Clay
2) Going Postal
3) Hogfather
4) Witches Abroad 
5) Monstrous Regiment
o Saddest Death:
The usual guy. He gets pretty sad sometimes. 
o Favourite season/least favourite season:
Let’s say favourite division, shall we?
Or maybe not because it’s haaaaaaard. Like the witch books deserve a mention because they got me into the series and the characters are so compelling, but then there’s Moist, and the Watch, and the Death books... aargh. 
Least favourite is easy though: I never really got into the Rincewind ones. 
o Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate:
Nobody stands out. Maybe Rincewind. Hate’s a strong word, but his books... just never really been for me. 
o My ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still my fave’ fave:
Nobby is really the epitome of this, right? he’s a filthy gross little devil but he’s our filthy gross little devil. 
o My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Probably Agnes Nitt. She sort of just gets jostled around without much say in the matter a lot of the time, which has got to be frustrating as hell. 
o My ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship:
Polly/Maladict. They’re a compelling pair, and I can see their relationship going somewhere post-MR canon, but I’m not majorly invested. 
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daviddobrikdreaming · 4 years
That’s New (David Dobrik x Reader)
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You had been a long standing member of the Vlog Squad, you were pretty much up for anything and on that principle you fit right in. You had spent the whole day filming with everyone and right now you were getting ready to go to a club, you were in Natalie’s room getting ready when David and Todd burst into the room.
“Are you guys going to be much longer?” Todd asked as Natalie halted at the boys.
“If you left us alone to get ready it wouldn’t take as long.” She hissed as they laughed into David’s camera, he passed me a shot as I was sat on the floor in front of the mirror doing my makeup. Doing it without hesitation he filmed me before shaking his head and looking into his camera.
“I fucking love this bitch.” We all laughed at his words and next thing I knew we were all at the house party, there were college kids everywhere and normally I stay fairly sober but right now I was drunk.
Dancing in the crowd of people I felt two warm hands on my hips before guiding me away, looking up behind me I saw it was David. We got outside and I pouted.
“I was dancing.” I stated making him chuckle.
“I was watching.” His eyes glistened with mischief along with his normal sparkle.
“Oh really?” You almost purred leaning more into him as his tall frame provided you with a sudden comfort you felt as though you’d been missing. Gulping he nodded before running a hand through his hair.
“Yeah really, how drunk are you?” He asked now grinning his usual cheeky grin.
“Not that drunk really.” You promised making him bite down on his bottom lip.
“So you’d be okay with this?” He questioned putting his hand under your hair to gently grip the back of your neck pulling you slightly to meet him in the middle so his lips connected with yours.
Once pulling away you blinked at him before smiling.
“That’s new.” You mumbled making him chuckle. You were soon whisked away by the rest of your friends and back to David’s, still in a bit of a daze at David kissing you it just didn’t come to your senses to talk about it.
It was a week later when you actually got the chance to see David again and despite texting and a FaceTime call that was it. Stepping into his house you already heard the chaos coming from inside, wincing you stepped into the garden in time for Zane to crash into you sending you both hurling for the ground.
“Jesus fucking Christ are you drunk already?!” You exclaimed as he pulled you up.
“Oh my god baby I’m so sorry.” He said pulling you into a hug, the whole team pretty much checked you were okay before laughing.
Stood in the back ground rubbing your wrist David looked over at you with a sheepish smile.
“You okay?” He asked noticing what you were doing.
“Yeah his fat ass just landed on my wrist.” I told him through a laugh, and then soon you were strapped to a makeshift wooden wall with goggles on as the boys lined up with little balloons full of paint.
“Why am I the one tied up?!” I yelled making Jonah laugh.
“We heard you liked that sort of thing!” Everyone giggles and even though Dave laughed a different thought and imagine crossed his mind making him clear his throat and pick up the first balloon.
“You ready?” He called making you shake your head.
“Like I have a choice!” You yelled back at him before you were hurled at. Stepping off the board Dave ran over filming me covered in yellow, white, blue and green paint, it was in my hair literally everywhere.
“That was so cool, it’s like art!” David burst laughing as you stood dripping. After your shower in his main bathroom you redressed in all Clickbait Merch and tied your hair in a damp pony tail. Before you could join the others David stopped you in the hall.
“Hey.” He whispered making you smile up at him.
“Hey.” You replied making him give you a small smile back.
“We should probably talk about the other night.” He said running a hand through his hair and you smiled leaning on the wall.
“Oh when you kissed me?” You teased making him smirk.
“I mean you definitely kissed back.” He pointed out making you shrug.
“It’s okay Dave, I’m pretty hard to resist.” You joked as his eyebrows rose.
“Can’t deny that Y/N.” He said leaning in just a tiny bit and if you’d of blinked you might of missed it.
“What did you want to talk about?” You asked in a soft tone that only he could hear.
“Well I wouldn’t mind talking about doing it again.” Biting down on your bottom lips at his words you looked down at his lips and back up to his eyes.
“I don’t just walk around making out with my friends Dave.” You said worried about your friendship and he shook his head gently, his warm hand found your jaw in comfort.
“Me neither.” His words barely came out as your lips connected once again, you almost melted into him feeling that sense of belonging once more. Pulling away your hands fell from him neck and rested on his chest.
“Did that feel as right for you as it did me?” He asked seriously now and still in a dream about the kiss you managed to nod.
“Perfect.” You whispered as he finally smiled.
“So we can do it again?” He prompted making you sigh and act as if you were thinking.
“I’m sure we can figure something out.” You joked making him pull you into his warmth for a hug.
“Always was something about you babe.” He promised before kissing your forehead. Looking up at him you were pretty sure this was the start of something amazing.
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