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hardfloor · 9 months ago
In this new episode of our widely treasured Electronic Beats TV Blind Test series, we dive back into the depths of Acid Techno. Building upon the success of our previous 90's Techno 303 Edition Blind Test, we proudly present part two, this time with a playlist curated by Oliver Bondzio from Hardfloor.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years ago
Ya boi Dasco
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Evil and fucking love it | A Whinny psycho | Really Dumb motive | Cool motive still murder | I don’t know enough to rate them | They have a point but they are a dick about it | Road to hell paved with good intentions | They are in the right here | Look if it were me I’d have been So MUCH worse | How are they not the hero? | Yea, I’m routing for the villain.
See the problem here is I KNOW this f***er's backstory. I wrote it.
And if it gets a continuation. ( COUGH COUGH @knightsweeties COUGH COUGH) I can go into it more without spoilers.
But yea, Dasco is a Despicable bastard that Runs his Gang with an Iron Fist. And he is no paragon of good. But he use to be a bit more of decent guy. Until his OLD boss (A REAL evil and Fucking loving it) type did what he did. And lets just say after that, its very hard to go back to being a good person
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lampung7com · 3 months ago
Dasco Sebut Kabinet Prabowo Bakal Difinalisasi Sebelum Pelantikan
Ketua Harian DPP Partai Gerindra, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad mengungkapkan bahwa susunan kabinet Prabowo akan difinalisasi sebelum pelantikan presiden terpilih di 20 Oktober mendatang. “Nanti finalisasi yang akan kemudian difinalkan sebelum pelantikan presiden terpilih,” kata Dasco di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (26/9). Dasco menuturkan penambahan nomenklatur kementerian dan lembaga…
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holopiscom · 11 hours ago
PSSI Pecat STY, Dasco : Kita Kepingin Sepak Bola Lebih Maju
JAKARTA – Wakil Ketua DPR Sufmi Dasco Ahmad ikut menanggapi pemecatan yang dilakukan PSSI terhadap pelatih timnas Indonesia, Shin Tae-yong (STY). Dasco meyakini bahwa keputusan pemecatan tersebut sepenuhnya adalah kewenangan dari PSSI yang harus dihormati. “Ya tentunya PSSI dalam hal ini, mempunyai evaluasi-evaluasi dan pertimbangan sendiri sehingga hal seperti ini mungkin, kita serahkan ke…
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rasiooid · 22 days ago
DPR Dorong Penurunan PPN untuk Kebutuhan Pokok, Pemerintah Siapkan Kajian
  RASIOO.id – Wakil Ketua DPR Sufmi Dasco Ahmad menegaskan bahwa kenaikan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) menjadi 12% hanya akan berlaku untuk barang-barang mewah, seperti mobil, apartemen, dan rumah mewah. Kebijakan ini tidak menyasar kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. “Mobil mewah, apartemen mewah, rumah mewah, yang semuanya serba mewah,” ujar Dasco dalam konferensi pers di Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta,…
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riaunews · 3 months ago
Fahri Hamzah Disebut Dapat Jatah Sebagai Menteri Perumahan, Begini Tanggapan Dasco
Fahri Hamzah. Jakarta (Riaunews.com) – Ketua Harian Partai Gerindra, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, merespons pernyataan Hashim Djojohadikusumo soal calon Menteri Perumahan Prabowo. Adik Prabowo Subianto menyebut nama Fahri Hamzah ketika membicarakan soal perumahan. Dasco mengaku mendengar pernyataan tersebut di media daring. Dia mendengar bahwa Hashim mengatakan tugas Fahri Hamzah akan sangat berat di…
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bantennews · 2 years ago
Wakil Ketua DPR Kunjungi Sejumlah Tenda Jemaah Haji di Mina, Ini Temuannya
BANTEN – Wakil Ketua DPR RI, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad meninjau pemondokan jemaah haji Indonesia di sejumlah Maktab, di Mina, Kamis (29/6/2023). Berbagai keluhan disampaikan jemaah, utamanya soal toilet dan sesaknya tenda. Dasco dan rombongan, awalnya berkunjung ke Maktab 48 yang ditempati jemaah dari wilayah Jakarta dan Banten. Di bawah terik matahari yang lebih dari 40 derajat Celcius, Dasco dan…
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bidiktangsel · 2 years ago
Ngomongin Prabowo Ketemu Gibran dan Bobby, Ini Penegasan Sufmi Dasco
Jakarta, bidiktangsel.com – Ngomongin Prabowo Ketemu Gibran dan Bobby, Ini Penegasan Sufmi Dasco. Ya, Ketua Harian DPP Partai Gerindra Sufmi Dasco Ahmad angkat bicara. Ini berkaitan dengan pertemuan Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra Prabowo Subianto dengan Gibran Rakabuming Raka dan Bobby Nasution. Apakah ini manuver? “Silaturahmi, jangan dikait-kaitkan dengan manuver-manuver politik apa pun, karena…
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monsterboyfriend · 9 months ago
So how do they meet? And what makes them a good pairing? How do their personalities gel? Is Cisco still Vibe?
Someone I follow is posting glee content on my dashboard and it has me once again thinking about the rarest pair that I wholeheartedly ship
David Karofsky (Glee) x Cisco Ramone (The Flash)
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vikinglanguage · 1 year ago
An assortment of more or less ridiculous Danish phrases to incorporate into your day-to-day life! (part the 2nd)
strømpesokker (noun, fk. pl.) – socksocks Or stockingsocks, if you will. It's socks either way.
(hjemme)futter (noun, fk. pl.) – (home)choos I literally had no idea how to translate this, but basically futter (fut in singular) are like slippers or any kind of cozy, comfortable shoes you'd wear indoors. I don't know why we sometimes call them that, but fut is also the sound a train makes. Thus: choos.
blamsefi (noun, fk.) – blasmephy Blasphemy, but wrong because it sounds funnier like this
idyd (interj.) – indeed This is what we in Danish tend to call an undersættelse (see below) of the English indeed. I 'in' and dyd 'virtue', but it kind of sounds like deed. Again, I don't know anyone who uses this except from my immediate family
undersætte (verb) – transearly (extremely not literally) Allow me to explain: in Danish translate is oversætte (lit. over + set, likely a calque of Latin trādūcō via German übersetzen). When you underdo the act of oversætte, so when you translate something badly, especially if you do it too literally, you have not translated it – you have transearlied it (excuse my creative liberties here)
hils (verb, imperative) – tell them I said hello You can use this in literally any situation when someone announces they are going anywhere at all. To Austria? Hils! Grandpa's uncle's dog's funeral? Hils! The restroom? Hils! (even better if it's not a public restroom). However, this is traditionally used to tell someone to tell the person on the other end of a phone call hello from you
knep (interj.) – fuck (literally) Literal translation of English fuck. This is considered extremely vulgar in the same way that I think fuck is to especially older speakers of English (?)
stande (verb, dialect) – refurb An alternate way to say istandsætte (long, boring, standard Danish) in the dialect of the area of Jylland where I'm from (Salling). It means to fix, repair or refurbish
slo (adj., dialect) – stale Literally means the same as stale, which (imo) doesn't have an actual word in standard Danish. Your crisps got old and soft? Slo. Bread old and dry? Slo. Straw wet and moldy? Slo. Soda lost all its fizz? Slo. Again, this is sallingbomål <3
goddawsbjerg (interj.) – g'day-hill Say this when it is clear someone has not been following what has been said or has happened around them, kind of as to say "thrilled you decided to join us mentally as well as physically". As for the prevalence, I literally don't know anyone outside of my immediate family who uses this
idyllerisk (adj.) – idyllicish Literally just idyllic but funnier
bajselademad (noun, fk.) – pinchocowich Bajselademad is a portmanteau of the words bajer/bajser 'beer' (slang, so I used pint instead of beer) and chokoladelademad 'chocolate sandwich' (open faced, obviously). It literally just means a beer
puttesove (verb) – tucky-sleep A sorta cutesy, joking way to say sleep. Putte is the word for tucking someone in, as well as just chilling in bed – with at least a blanket or duvet if not several in addition to pillows
diskodaskoluderbenzin (noun, uncountable) – disco dasco whore gasoline Excuse the misogynistic overtones, but I just genuinely think this is a very funny was of describing low percentage vodka- or rum-basesd drinks (for example Bacardi Breezer)
kodyl (adj.) – aspirin Kodyl means great or exaggerated, and you can also use it as an interjection kodylt! like you would use 'swell!', because it is pretty outdated. Kodyl was originally a brand of painkiller
hurtigkneppersko (noun, fk. pl.) – fast-fucker shoes Expensive men's shoes, usually of some kind of skin, be it leather or snake. It implies the wearer of the shoes is a braggart with nothing to really brag about. This was added to the dictionary fairly recently, to the great amusement of many Danes
slam! (onomatopoeia) – whack! An onomatopoetic word imitating the sound of being hit. Used not unlike the (now somewhat outdated) English "oooh, burn!" or just "ouch!" to indicate that something said to someone in your company was (perhaps unnecessarily) blunt, rude, or just shut them down really quickly – like a slap to the face
hjemmebragt (adj.) – home mrade Or, more accurately, home brought. Most commonly used for baked goods (originating from hjemmebagt 'baked at home') that you intended to make yourself, but you just didn't have time, so you bought it at the corner store instead. Its use has, however, in my experience been extended to include most anything that """should've""" been homemade, but isn't
konge (adj.) – king When something is really good, it's konge. Anything can be konge, from a chair to the meal your mother cooked you on your bi-annual visit at home.
brugsvildledning (noun, fk.) – user misleader · deceptions for use A play on the word for 'user guide', brugsvejledning, swapping out the nominalised form of the verb vejlede 'guide, lead' for that of vildlede ' 'mislead, decive'
ork (noun, fk.) – bear An ork is something that you just really cannot be bothered to do, because it would require some kind of effort. Doesn't matter how much effort, as it could be anything from getting your drink that you forgot in your kitchen, only realising this after you sat down, to explaining to your homophobic uncle why it's not acceptable to call gay people slurs, even if it is "just a joke". Most often, it is the former of those two scenarios
dak (noun, uncountable) – boom* Short for dakkedak, which is an onomatopoetic name for music with a strong, repetitive bass rhythm. *this is a bad translation, but it's the best I could come up with
gråssenollike (noun, fk.) – greyish feather-brain A joke-y name for a house sparrow, gråspurv. Gråsse is presumed to either originate from plain gråspurv or gråsset 'grey-ish', and nollike is a word that can mean fool, but also be used about animals or women in jest.
skemad (noun, uncountable) – spoon food Literally anything you can eat with a spoon. I believe its most common use is for the food you first give babies when they are moving on from nursing to real food, but I know quite a few people who use it for cereal because we literally only have the word “morgenmadsprodukter” for it, which is a mouthful to say.
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mojsvijet · 2 years ago
wie is de mol season 23, episode 5, in images (with absolutely no context)
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rik would absolutely decimate the kandidaten at monopoly
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"and knowing your track record, you probably can't..."
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because if they aren't in their seats hell WILL be raised
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uh does wanting to see josh groban as sweeny todd count
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honestly what else is new
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disco dasco doorbitch the new gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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me when a professor says a specific thing will be tested
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(take me to church by hozier plays in the background)
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when your eyebrow pomade dries out within a month
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(bass boosted spooky scary skeletons)
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soy went on a journey of self-discovery
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soy it's an opdracht not group therapy
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go on de slimste mens and find out my good dude
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"because nobody that pretty is trustworthy"
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konfrontasi · 21 hours ago
Dasco: Presiden akan Evaluasi PSN yang Kurang Berguna Bagi Masyarakat
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cinews-id · 1 day ago
Komisi VIII DPR RI Usul Kuota Haji 2025 Ditambah 10 Ribu Jemaah
JAKARTA, Cinews.id – Komisi VIII DPR menggelar rapat bersama Wakil Ketua DPR Sufmi Dasco Ahmad membahas persiapan penyelenggaraan haji 2025. Ketua Komisi VIII DPR RI Marwan Dasopang mengusulkan agar pemerintah menambah kuota haji 2025 sebanyak 10 ribu jemaah. Dia pun meminta Dasco mendorong pemerintah agar membuka kuota tambahan sesuai yang diusulkan. “Kalau masih memungkinkan ketua didorong…
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holopiscom · 20 hours ago
Dasco Minta Pelaksanaan Haji 2025 Lebih Baik, Belajar dari Periode Sebelumnya
JAKARTA – Wakil Ketua DPR RI Sufmi Dasco Ahmad memberikan imbauan agar pelaksanaan ibadah haji 2025 dapat dilaksanakan dengan maksimal. Semua masalah yang sebelumnya terjadi harus bisa dilakukan tindaklanjut dari catatan-catatan penyelenggaraan haji periode sebelumnya. “2023-2024 kemudian kita bisa mendapatkan hal-hal yang bisa menjadi evaluasi,” kata Dasco dalam rapat koordinasi di DPR RI,…
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rasiooid · 6 months ago
Usung Andra Soni-Dimyati, Ini Nama Koalisi Gerindra dan PKS  untuk Pilkada Serentak di Banten
  RASIOO.id – Partai Gerindra dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) telah resmi menjalin kerjasama politik untuk menghadapi Pilkada serentak di Provinsi Banten. Kerjasama tersebut diberi nama Koalisi Banten Maju untuk Pilkada 2024, dengan pasangan calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Banten, Andra Soni dan Dimyati Natakusumah.   Pasangan Andra-Dimyati sudah mendapat restu dari Prabowo…
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lampung7com · 12 days ago
Prabowo Minta Ibadah Haji 2025 Lebih Tertib dan Efisien
Jakarta – Menteri Agama (Menag) Nasaruddin Umar menyampaikan arahan Presiden Republik Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, terkait pelaksanaan ibadah haji tahun 2025. Menurut Nasaruddin, Presiden Prabowo meminta agar pelaksanaan ibadah haji di tahun 2025 dapat berjalan dengan lebih tertib dan efisien dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. “Presiden, melalui arahan yang disampaikan Pak Dasco, menginginkan…
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