#Daring and Grace: Teen Detectives
icespur · 7 months
DadGoro Navigator Quotes Help
5/2: update: replaced some paragraphs with the originals in my Google Doc, Including some example quotes I came up with
originally I had a concept I was going to post about "Teen Akeshu Daughter from the future gets sent to the past during P5R", but I got preoccupied.
She tries to play matchmaker to get Akiren and Akechi on the right path. But she also can't risk revealing who she is, Akechi and Akiren don't know what to think of her. To them, she comes across as an unhinged Akechi fan that ships him with the Phantom Thief Leader for some reason, and is from the future, and looks like a mix of both of them if they squint real hard.
Akechi especially finds her irritating, and finds her very selective sharing of who she is very suspicious, and isn't buying her surname being “Akagi”. His detective senses are ringing like sirens that “🚨 THIS FUTURISTIC BITCH IS SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK! SHE’S CLEARLY NOT BEING TRUTHFUL IN THE SLIGHTEST, DO NOT TRUST, ALSO HIGHLY ANNOYING AND EVASIVE, MUST KEEP WATCH OF SUSPICIOUS TEENAGER! 🚨
So when Komari joins the Phantom Thieves in battle, and the rare instance where Akechi briefly takes over as Navigator, he especially makes his irritation of her known and just how much he doesn't give a shit what happens to her in battle.
("Akagi" is her "undercover" surname)
“Akagi-san’s health is down. Heal her I guess~” 
“What a tragedy, Akagi-san has perished.” 
“Oh, Akagi-san is fully healed and ready to continue to grace us with her presence~”
“Akagi-san has been incapacitated. Can't say I'm surprised.” 
But once he finds out she's his future daughter—-
Granted,the fact that he’s destined to eventually have intercourse that leads to knocking up his rival is—-alot to take in—-. but this is his daughter. His future flesh and blood, he—oh he feels like such a piece of shit 🤦. Curse his trust issues and natural skepticism, he was a fucking dick, how is he going to fix this? 
The “Daughter Reveal” makes him take a 180 in his behavior towards her. Something just clicks and “Fuck this annoying suspicious little shit.” Turns into “I've only known Komari for a couple of months, but if anything were to happen to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.” With zero warning. 
I am thou,
thou art I, 
Protective Dad Akechi has awakened! 
Komari becomes number 1 priority in battle, and he’ll freak out if she gets injured or inflicted with an ailment. He demands Joker to immediately help her like the whole world will implode in on itself if he doesn't. Other teammates or enemy strengths and weaknesses be damned, Komari is important. 
and this shows especially in battle.
“You stay with me, don't you dare close those eyes, you are not dying on us. You're strong, you can get through this—-JOKER, HURRY THE FUCK UP!” 
Tears streaming down face while still yelling “PAPA’S HERE, I’M NOT LEAVING YOU, once your IDIOTIC FATHER finally heals you you’ll be all better.” 
In the scenario where Komari and another party member is low on health, Akechi ignores them. 
Ryuji speaks up faintly “Uh, hey. Hate to interrupt your guys' very understandable panic–but any chance you could throw me a full heal too?” 
Akechi growls back “Walk it off, Sakamoto-kun, this isn’t about you!” 
Just----the complete 180 from:
"Oh, what an absolute tragedy, Akagi-San has died, tip your masks in respect everyone. She will be sorely missed, if only we had a revival on hand~"
when infected with ailment, Akechi and Joker immediately tag team her with the feather fans to bitch slap the ailment away.
Akechi or Joker always perform a followup attack when she's having her turn in battle.
After a successful battle and if Komari's Persona levels up and gains a new ability, the in-game dialogue would be Proud Dad Akechi complimenting and drawing attention to it. Pretty much a more aggressive version of Prince attire Akechi leveling up. “Everyone, look! I gained a new ability. :) “ 
A couple example dialogues I came up with:
“Hey, everyone pay attention, what, were you all raised in a barn? Mari-chan gained a new ability.” 
“I’m already looking.”
“My future princess is turning more and more into a powerful badass with every new ability 🥲🥹. Ahem I mean—-oh, Komari-chan earned a new skill, ooo, that’s a good one.” 
Then, a friend mentioned dialogue for other battle actions like Baton Pass and Ailments that I didn't even think of!
So I'm going to have you fellow Akeshu fans participate because I'm having trouble coming up with more Proud Dad Akechi dialogue.
Write some dialogue reactions for Akechi if his and Akiren's daughter was a playable party member.
(you don't have to fill out all these sections. Just, if you come up with a line for one of the below actions, reply or reblog with it and once I get enough participants I'll make another post.
Akechi/Crow: passes Baton to Komari: 
Crow/Black Mask response to Komari Attack Quotes:
Komari Dodges Attack: 
Komari Downs an enemy: 
Double Enemy Down: 
Down all enemies: 
Defeats an enemy: 
Defeats two enemies:
Defeats last Enemy:
Attack miss or Skill miss:
HP at 25% at start of turn:
Affected by Tarunda/Attack Decrease:
Affected by Rakunda/Defense Decrease:
Affected by Sukunda/Speed Decrease: 
Suffering from Shock:
Suffering from Freeze:
Suffering from Brainwash:
Suffering from Despair:
Suffering from Forget:
Suffering from Confuse:
Suffering from Rage:
Recovers from being downed:
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
What are your favorite Grace Callaway books?
She has a good-sized backlist, and I've just started my third series by her.
Grace Callaway is for when you wanna read like, a Tessa Dare-esque sense of humor mixed with MacLeanian girl gang/"oh there she goes, cartwheeling into mortal peril while the big man who's in love with her shrieks in panic" vibes, topped off with lots of sex scenes that are generally more creative than those you'll find in trad HR, often with a dusting of light kink. Age gaps are common, but not guaranteed. A lot of her heroines are virgins, but not all. You'll frequently find a hero who's like "God this bitch gives me a migraine but I love her so much" and a heroine who's all "what? like it's hard?" when her hero cautions her against deep throating him on the first try.
I....love these qualities. I did break my usual protocol re: reading out of order, because I began her most recent series first. And that's fine, but her books are generational. So everyone's kids grow up and fuck each other, as God intended.
Generally, though, I'd recommend
The whole Lady Charlotte's Society of Scoundrels series, which is a Victorian Charlie's Angels setup. Such a solid series thus far. The main entries are:
Olivia and the Masked Duke--Heroine sees the hero, who she's known since he saved her life when she was like 12, fucking another woman in a D/s scenario and realizes that she Must Have Him. A good Stern Daddy/Bratty sub book, with the added bonus of the hero being like... 10-12 years older than the heroine and feeling Super Guilty about corrupting her. He's friends with her daaaaad which I ... love.
Pippa and the Prince of Secrets--Widowed heroine reconnects with the guy who gave her her first kiss when they were teens. He's now the scarred leader of a band of child spies (more common than you'd think in historical romance) and he wears a mask and has an exhibitionism kink. It is HOT it is ANGSTY, it's probably my favorite Grace because the moment when he lets her see his whole face is... so much. As is the scene where he gives her multiples in front of like dozens of people in an orgy.
Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl--Intrepid spitfire crosses paths with an ESPIONAGE EARL (TM) on one of her "missions" and they try to do a fakeout makeout to stay undercover but it turns into him getting her off against a wall and after that he's like "uh well I guess I should propose" and they try to have a cool respectable marriage but their passion is 2 Much. At one point one point they fuck in a room knowing that someone is watching through a peephole. This happens more than you'd think in Grace Callaway's England.
Glory and the Master of Shadows--Duke's daughter becomes the mentee of a Chinese underworld master (not sexy master; he's been celibate for YEEEEARS) and he's like "wow would be much easier to mentor her if I didn't fantasize about putting my dick in her mouth on the reg". He does eat her out in a hallway with her parents sleeping like, feet away.
Then, outside of that series, I love:
The Duke Who Knew Too Much--Okay this one is fucking balls out hilarious because the heroine is like an INTREPID DETECTIVE (a lot of Grace heroines are INTREPID DETECTIVES who like, lick their finger and test the air and go "he went north" while the hero is all, "I mean we received a ransom note telling us he went north but okay" to sum up the vibe) and she comes upon the hero, a scary lord man, doing a bit o' light CNC with his mistress, and she's like "EGADS" and then when the mistress dies he has to take her to a sex club and be like "look I'm not a murderer I just like to tie bitches up and fuck them" and she's like "... tell me more. for the case."
M is for Marquess--I like this one a lot, because it has one of my historical romance novel tropes, which is "girl has mild asthma so the hero is afraid of fucking her to death". This hero is SO. SO AFRAID. OF KILLING HER WITH HIS PENIS. He also is like "my dead wife called me a depraved fiend, no one shall accept me", because he likes domming a bit. A lot of Grace heroes have dead wives, who were not fun. This book also has one of the least annoying romance novel children, mostly because he has anxiety, and the heroine kinda calls the hero a bad father...? I died.
Her Prodigal Passion--I like this one because the hero is a total wastrel and then as he's shaping up the heroine, who has been obsessed with him for years but gave up on it after he gave her an orgasm while he was high (that's True Rake Game) and then forgot about it, ends up entangled with him. There's a scene where phrenology, the practice of feeling skulls for lumps to sum up your personality, is used in a Sexy Way.
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theblondebandit · 3 years
Daring and Grace: Teen Detectives. Anyone on this hellsite heard of it??
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I finally managed to find and watch it's one and only season, and it must have been cancelled (which I think is a massive bummer) but I feel like I'm the only one who ever saw it.
Anyone out there?
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
What’d You Wish For?
Title: What’d You Wish For?
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 2,873
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​
Teen Wolf Tag List: @linkpk88​, @pure-ghost​, @awkwardnesshabitat​
Author Notes: I can’t explain how much I enjoyed writing this one. It was just so sweet and fluffy. I mean, ugh I want a Stiles. I hope you all enjoy!
Gif Credit: Google
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"Dude, I don't know if she actually wants to celebrate her birthday this year. She hasn't really said anything about it." Scott said in a whisper as him and Stiles stood in front of your locker armed with wrapping paper, confetti and what looked like an accordion spring.
"Who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday? Girls are different Scottie, they'll say they don't want to do something but really they do. They just want the guys to do the work." Stiles said as he dropped his backpack and began pulling out the tape and scissors.
"Like they're testing us?" Scott asked confused and Stiles nodded his head before gesturing violently to the locked locker. Scott jumped into action and began quickly spinning your lock.
"She said she doesn't want the attention but when has she ever said no to us? I mean we're her best friends she's gonna love this." Stiles said confidently as they began their work for your birthday tomorrow.
 "Oh my god Lydia, I hate this." You hissed when you walked down the hallway and spotted your locker. It was wrapped in birthday wrapping paper that was black with multicolored balloons. Lydia snickered softly next to you as the two of you came to stand in front of your locker. "I'm going to kill them. I told Scott I didn't want all of this. I had hoped he'd be able to curb Stiles." You said with a loud groan.
"They love you and birthdays are a big deal. Especially to Stiles. You know that boy is head over heels for you. Plus I think it's sweet." She said with a head tilt.
"No he's not, don't say that." You chastised quickly. Lydia knew about your crush on your best friend and had been constantly been bringing up that he was in love with you. You didnt believe her even though you desperately wished she was right. "Well if you think it's so sweet I'm gonna sick them on you when it's your birthday." You threatened and smirked when you saw her eyes widen.
"Don't you dare." She gasped out. Laughing you turned from her to begin opening your locker. When you had gotten the lock undone you easily opened your locker only to be surprised as something sprung out at you and confetti seemed to explode into the air around you raining down all over. You heard a soft snicker next to you and whipped your head to glare at Lydia before turning back to the contraption in front of you. There was brightly colored birthday card attached to a spring and what looked like a little container that had probably held the confetti. "It's a cute look on you." Lydia said trying to hold in her laughter as she began picking some of the confetti out your hair.
"You were supposed to wait!" Shouted a familiar voice that had you turning while you were still in your daze. Long arms wrapped around you and crushed your body to a taller one in a tight hug. "Happy Birthday! I'm sorry we weren't here to see you open your locker. We overslept."
"Gee, I wonder why." You quipped out sarcastically and Lydia laughed softly behind you as you looked up at Stiles. He looked down at you with a bright happy smile that melted away your annoyance at your two best friends. Lydia was right, it was sweet that they went through all this trouble just for you. Your eyes looked to the side and saw a sheepish looking Scott and you grinned before stepping towards him and pulling him into a hug.
"You're not upset?" He asked softly in your ear as he returned your hug.
"A little but I'll get over it. Thank you." You said with a shrug.
"Happy Birthday." He said warmly and tightened his hold on you.
"Alright, alright break it up it's present time." Stiles said quickly and you turned to him shaking your head.
"Stiles I thought we said no gifts this year." You complained and watched as he shook his head.
"They're little things and under twenty bucks. Stop bitching." He responded quickly before shoving a gift bag at you. "Open mine first."
You began to look down at his bag but was quickly distracted by a length of braid black leather coming over your head. Your eyes immediately focused on the silver charm that was the symbol of your pack and you gasped softly.
"No, she'll get mine first." Scott said from behind you and Stiles huffed loudly. "It's only fair I gotta work tonight so you two are on your own for celebrating." You nodded your head at Stiles and he grinned over at you excitedly. "I made this myself. You're part of the original trio and since I can't convince you or Stiles to get a tattoo I had to find other ways to have the symbol in your life."
         “I love it.” you say softly as you hold the pendant in your palm to examine it a little closely. “Thank you so much Scott!” you say happily and turn around to hug him once more.
         “Alright now it’s my turn. Since Scottie jumped the line.” Stiles said from behind you and you smiled turning to him. He handed you the gift bag, you smiled when you noticed that it was your favorite color teal with gold tissue paper sticking out of it. You opened the bag and moved the tissue paper to the side to see inside. Gasping softly you pulled out a small wolf stuffed animal and a new notebook that had a manatee design on the front of it.
         You looked up at Stiles and saw he was looking down at the floor uncertainty. You stepped forward and hugged him tightly around his waist, your new gifts were squished in between the two of you but you didn’t mind. They were thoughtful gifts and you loved them.
         “I love them Stiles.” you said softly into his flannel.
         “I got you the wolf because of Scott but the notebook is because you’re my detective partner and I know your last notebook is almost full and you’re gonna need a new one if we’ve got more supernatural trouble coming.” he explained to you as he held you tightly.
         “I love them.” you repeated and hugged him tighter. Since your head was buried in his chest you didn’t see the knowing looks from Scott and Lydia directed as Stiles who shook his head at them. When you pulled away you laughed softly when you spotted some of the confetti had transferred onto Stiles’ shirt. “You look good in confetti.” you said and everyone laughed around you.
         “You do too.” Stiles responded with a soft smirk. He then gestured for Scott to lock your locker and led you down the hallway to your first class. 
           It was the end of the day finally and as you stood at your locker collecting your books for homework and the gifts that Stiles had given you, you felt a presence next to you making you turn your head to see Scott and Stiles standign there with wide smiles on their faces.
         “Happy Birthday again! I’m sorry I can’t celebrate with you tonight but we’ll celebrate tomorrow when I don’t have work.” Scott said as he hugged you and nodded.
         “It’s no big deal Scottie. We’ve got tomorrow to hang out and celebrate. I just like hanging out with the two of you for my birthday.” you said kindly and he smiled and nodded his head once he had pulled away. Scott patted Stiles on the shoulder as he passed the taller teen and you looked over at him with a smile.
         “You ready birthday girl? I got some plans for us.” he said excitedly and you laughed softly at him nodding your head.
         “Lead the way!” you cheered and Stiles fist pumped in the air and grabbed your hand tugging you out of the school to the parking lot.
           It was hours later and the sun had finally set to reveal the dark night sky dotted with stars. Stiles has taken you to your favorite fast food place and the two of you had sat in the restaurant eating and talking. Your conversation had flowed easily and uninterrupted as you talked about the supernatural, school, life and anything else the two of you could think of to talk about. 
         It had always been this easy between you and Stiles, the friendship and companionship was something that you cherished greatly. And while you held romantic feelings for him you knew you would never have the guts to act on them because you were too afraid of losing the bond you had with him. So as the two of you sat in his trusty jeep and he drove out to the preserve you idly chatted about things.
         “So now that you’re technically an adult, what should be the first thing you do as an adult?” Stiles asked as he tapped the digital clock display on his dash. You looked over to him surprised.
         “You remember what time I was born?” you asked in shock as your eyebrows furrowed softly. He smiled sheepishly and ducked his head as he turned into the preserve and steered the jeep to your favorite outlook point.
         “Well yeah, I mean, I remember yours and Scott’s birthday down to the time because you two are my best friends. And it’s always nice to remember when the two most important people in my life came into this life.” he said a little embarrassed.
         “Wow.” you said softly and then a wide grin spread across your face. “Didn’t know you were that sentimental Stilinski.” you teased softly before grabbing onto his hand closest to you and linking your fingers together. “You certainly know how to make a girl feel special.” you said softly and smiled warmly over to him. You tilted your head slightly when your eyes caught onto the soft blush that graced his cheeks. He shrugged his shoulders and kept your hands interlocked while he continued driving.
         When he came up to the outlook point he parked the jeep and you unwound your hands so that you could exit the jeep. You were still thinking about the question he had asked you before and as you came to stand in front of the jeep and lean back on the hood your eyes darted up to the sky to see all the stars above you. Suddenly you knew what your first adult action would be. 
         Stiles came to stand next to you and you could see he was putting something in his pants pocket before he smiled widely at you and wrapped his arms around you in a loose hug. Smiling warmly you snuggled into his embrace. It was moments like these that you had continuously remind yourself that Stiles was just your best friend and nothing more even though you wanted him to be.
         “So I’ve decided what my first adult action is going to be.” you said softly and Stiles pulled away a little to be able to look down at you expectantly. “I wanna wish on a shooting star.” The grin that overtook his face was contagious and he nodded his head at you before looking up at the sky with you.
         “Alright so game plan is to find you a shooting star to wish on. I think we can manage that.” he said confidently and you laughed softly. The two of you fell silent as you stood in his arms, both of you staring up at the sky watching for shooting stars. Just then his hand gripped your hip and your eyes darted over to the shooting star that was streaking across the sky. Your eyes shut quickly and you made a wish. I want to always be this happy with him for the rest of our days. The wish came to you easily and as you thought it you knew that it would always come true. 
         Opening your eyes you turned your head and saw Stiles was staring down at you with a warm smile on his face. He grinned when your eyes connected and he pulled away slightly to reach into his jeans pocket. “Did you make a wish?” he asked softly and you nodded with your own grin on your face.
         “Yup. Can’t tell you though, just in case it won’t come true. Though I don’t see that being a problem.” you said teasingly.
         “Well now I wanna know what the wish was since you’re so confident it’ll come true.” he said questioningly. You tilted your head again to him and then smiled before deciding to go out on a limb and tell.
         “I wished that I’d always be this happy with you for the rest of our days.” you said softly to him and watched his eyes widen and his breath get stuck in his throat.
         “Well, that’s definitely better than the wish I made on my birthday last month when I blew out my candles.” he said with a self deprecating laugh.
         “And what did you wish for?” you asked softly frowning at his low self-esteem.
         “That I would have the guts to finally tell you how I felt about you.” he answered in a whisper. You felt your eyes widen and looked at him expectantly.
         “A-and how do you feel about me?” you stuttered out to him watching as he moved closer and held up his left hand to you. In his palm was a small white box with a tiny top. You furrowed your eyebrows again and took the box from him once he’d nodded his head at it. You lifted the lid and gasped softly when you looked inside. A simple sterling silver band laid inside the box with your nickname engraved on the outside of it.
         “I’ve been in love with you since middle school when the three of us all went to the spring dance together and you got all dressed up in that pretty teal dress. You went all out even when it was just me and Scott.” he explained softly to you. You laughed softly and shook your head slightly.
         “I went all out because of you, Stiles.” you said in a whisper and darted your eyes up to see his had widened with an adoring soft look in them.
         “I wish I’d known that a long time ago.” he murmured and you grinned softly. “On the inside of the ring,” he began to explain as you pulled it from the box and set the box on the hood of the jeep. “Is the date that I fell in love with you.” he said softly. Gasping you turned the ring so that you could see the date of the spring dance and you smiled at the ring. 
         Stiles hands came up shakily to take the ring from you and slipped it onto your thumb finger. You grinned knowing he had done it specifically this way because you had once mentioned to him that you wanted to have a thumb ring eventually. You just hadn’t ever figured out what ring you wanted on your thumb. Tilting your head upwards to him you saw he was already watching you.
         “I’m in love with you too Stiles. Have been since the year before the spring dance.” you explained with a warm smile on your face. Stiles rested his forehead on yours and you both let out soft chuckles. “I love you Stiles.”
         “I love you too.” he answered and ducked his head to press his lips to yours softly in a loving chaste kiss that lasted for a few moments. When he pulled away the two of you were panting and your hands were gripping his sides as his arms were still wrapped around you. “Whoa.” he said softly and you laughed brightly making him laugh along with you.
         “I’ll say.” you quipped and he grinned before dipping his head again to steal another shorter kiss.
         “I’m not going to be able to stop doing this now that I’ve done it.” he warned you when he pulled away.
         “I don’t want you to stop. Ever. Kiss me.” you demanded and he was suddenly kissing you passionately as he pressed you up against the hood of the jeep. His hands came to cup your face and he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss further.
         “You know this makes you my girlfriend now, right?” he asked once he pulled away still cupping your face lovingly.
         “You never asked.” you gasped out softly and he groaned loudly making you chuckle.
         “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked begrudgingly and you smiled nodding your head.
         “Of course I will Stilinski.” you responded and he grinned ducking his head down again so he was so close to your face that your noses brushed together.
         “Good.” he answered and kissed you again. Your heart was soaring as the kiss went on and you wrapped your arms around his waist tugging him closer to you. Smiling through the kiss a thought fluttered through your mind, this had to be the best birthday ever.
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Alone Together Ch 5
ao3 link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/22311754/chapters/56421904
Chapter Summary:
The shadowy memory from before surfaces behind his eyes once more and the itching in his brain multiplies ten fold.
The darkness. The fear. The water. That blasted sound.
But he can’t remember.
“I can’t place it,” Twilight says again, feeling helpless. “But I know whatever it is, it isn't good.”
Or: A series of fics centered on Four and his interactions, inside and out.
His heart is pounding.
He can feel his pulse all throughout his body, slamming away in his wrists, pulsing in his throat.
The poor muscle in his chest beats at a rabbit’s pace, its frantic thud thud thud crashing rhythmically into his ribs. Blood roars in his ears, blocking out anything and everything else except for the staccato feedback of his own arteries.
His body feels alive, hair standing on end, fingers shaking as they minutely clench and unclench, his eyes wide, taking in every detail.
The thrill of the hunt.  
Yet, despite the coiling of his muscles and the racing of his heart, Twilight’s breaths are slow and controlled. Each lungful is carefully measured, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Silent. He needs to be silent, lest his quarry detect him.
He takes an excruciatingly slow step forward, his knee almost creaking with the effort of remaining still. Slowly, ever so slowly, he places his foot on the ground before gradually leaning weight onto it.
The dry grass crunches quietly beneath his boot. His prey doesn't seem to notice. Perfect.
Keeping his eyes on the target, Twilight lowers himself into position–one leg braced behind, the other in front– ready to pounce.
His hands feel clammy, but he doesn't dare move to wipe the perspiration away on his tunic or pants.
Gray-blue eyes flick back and forth between booted feet and the prize, calculations running through the farmhand’s head. Distance, power,but not too much power, reaction time; all of it needs to be accounted for.
He’s only got one shot at this.
A controlled breath. Another. And another.
The wind shifts directions, making the speed of Twilight’s heart ratchet up even faster.
It’s now or never.
So, heart singing, thoughts racing, and blood turning icy in his stomach, the Hero of Twilight lunges forward.
He lands hard on his elbows and stomach, his leather arm guards clacking unhappily against the ground as his full weight bears down on the light armor. The air in his lungs wheezes out from between his lips at the force of the fall and he can feel mud seeping into the stomach of his tunic. Painful tingles race up one of his arms; he must have hit his funny bone.
But he doesn't let any of that phase him, a triumphant grin spreading over his face
Extended out in front of his head, his arms lay outstretched in the mud. A faint glowing light seeps from between his lightly clasped fingers. A slight tingling sensation tickles against his palm as a too small body scuttles around, confirming his catch.
“Are you done making a fool of yourself over there?” calls a flat voice. Mocking. Legend.
Twilight ignores him, the joy of having finally caught the sparkling bug too warm in his chest for someone to rain on that easily.
Carefully, using his elbows, Twilight slowly levers himself onto his knees and then leans back onto his feet, bug still held safely within softly cupped hands. He turns back to the others, a grin on his face.
A little ways back, Wild and Wind erupt into whoops of success at Twilight’s catch.
Wind had been the one to spot the little insect, and though Twilight had insisted that the two of them stay back while he caught it–even with the Sheikah Armor on and Wind’s supposed stealth experience, the two together were incapable of sneaking up on a deaf bat–they were very excited about the positive result.
Past the two celebrating blondes, resting in the shade of a large, oak tree, Legend and Warriors look on in unimpressed silence and mild interest respectively.
Behind them, Sky is leaned up against the side of the oak, head thrown back against the bark  in the throes of a much needed midday nap. Next to the Chosen Hero, Time is in a similar state, legs stretched out, arms crossed, and chin to chest, breathing slowly.
He had said he was just going to ‘rest his eyes’ but Twilight knew that was old man speak for taking a quick five minute nap. Rusl always said the same thing after a good hunt, settling down on the couch one second, and out like a light the next.
Beside the two napping heroes, Four and Hyrule sit together, the former with his nose in a book while the latter sits straight spined, eyes closed. Meditating, Hyrule had called it.
“Wild,” Twilight calls, striding back toward the shade of the tree, toward the other heroes.  “Can you grab the cloth covered bottle from my bag?”
The teen nods, quickly scurrying to the leather satchel, rustling through it for a moment, before making a soft sound of success as he pulls the glass bottle out of its confines. Container in hand, the scarred hero hurries back over, unscrewing the metal clasp as he walks and removing the hole punched cloth top as he holds the bottle under Twilight’s still cupped hands.
Out of the corner of his eye, Twilight sees Wind edge closer to the two of them, peering into the bottle as the older hero carefully opens up his fingers, allowing his prize to drop into the leaf filled glass. Then, as soon as he’s sure the creature is safely within, the farmhand pulls the cloth back over the lid and screws the metal band back into place.
He takes the bottle from Wild’s hand, careful not to jostle it too much, and holds it in a single palm, letting the two teens look into the container without any obstructions.
Within, a golden grasshopper sits, using one extremely long leg to swipe at its antennae, a faint orange-ish pink glow emanating from it’s tiny body.
“Cool!” Wind breathes, big round eyes glinting in the soft light.
“What kinda potion are you gonna brew with it?” Wild asks, face just as awed as the sailor’s
Both Twilight and Wind turn toward the champion, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and–at least in Twilight’s case– a mighty helping of genuine concern.
“What?” the farmhand sputters.
“C’mon, don’t hold out on me,” Wild says, his smile growing. “That looks like a pretty rare bug. I bet you could brew something really powerful with it!” He peers back into the side of the bottle, giving the grasshopper a considering look. “A Hearty elixir maybe based on the glow? Or an Energizing one ‘cause it's a grasshopper?”
Twilight pulls the jar close to his chest, away from Wild’s line of sight.
“I’m not using it in a potion!” he replies, voice going a little high with indignation.
“Then why didyou catch it?” Warriors asks, butting into their conversation with all the grace of an Ordonian goat. Which is to say, none.
“Don’t squash our Twilight’s dreams of being an etymologist, Warriors,” Legend cuts in before Twilight can justify himself. “So what if he wants to look at bugs when he grows up all big and strong? It's his passion,” he says, voice scolding but words snarky and playful.
Twilight rolls his eyes.
“I believe the word you’re looking for, Legend, is entomologist,” Four interjects without looking up from his book. “Entomology is the study of bugs. Etymology is the study of the history and development of words.”
“I’m assuming you study the latter, then,” Legend replies with a huff.
Four doesn’t respond, though he does turn another page in his book probably more loudly than is strictly necessary. Next to him, one of Hyrule’s closed eyes twitches, a smile pulling at his face, concentration broken.
“I caught it,” Twilight starts, forcing the conversation back on track, “because a friend of mine in Castle Town runs an insect conservation project. Golden bugs like these are becoming more and more rare throughout Hyrule, so I’ve been catching male and female pairs for her to take care of and breed.”
Wind makes a face at that.
“While I’m not great at telling the difference,” Twilight continues, regardless of the younger’s reaction, “I’m pretty sure this one is a female. Hopefully I can get her to my friend before we switch again.”
“Good,” Warriors says with a sage nod, “It’s not polite to keep a lady waiting. Especially one with such a powerful parasol.”
Twilight feels his face screw up in confusion, staring at the scarf wearing hero for a second. How Warriors knew Agatha was female, let alone carried a parasol everywhere she went was beyond him.
Warriors was just... like that sometimes.
The captain just seemed toknowabout some of their worlds, the knowledge rolling of the Pretty Boy’s tongue like it was no big whoop to have intimate knowledge off vastly different locations and time periods.
What made it even weirder was the type of information the soldier knew. Not big historical events or even exaggerated, folktale accounts. No. What Warriors knew of their worlds was often extremely niche, utterly unimportant little details. Stuff he couldn't just read in a history textbook.
It was mind boggling.
Twilight stares at the other a moment longer, and when Warriors doesn't elaborate or explain– in fact he gives Twilight a shit eating grin that tells the pelt wearing hero that the captain knows exactly what he's doing– lets the line of thought drop with a sigh.
A problem better left for another day.
A loud, long inhale sends all of the heroes’ eyes back toward the trunk of the oak tree.
Apparently, their conversation had been loud enough to rouse Time, whose chin rises from his chest as he blinks the last of the post nap sand from his eye.
As the Old Man stands and stretches, Twilight stows the jar back inside his bag, careful to put the glass container in the most secure part of his leather satchel before turning to his mentor.
With a nod and a significant look from their leader, the others begin to pack up their gear.
Their rest is over.
“You said the town was close?” Time asks, stepping closer to Twilight, an attempt to give themselves the air of privacy despite the fact that Twilight knows the others are listening in,  if their perked ears are any indication.
“We’re not far from Kakariko now,” Twilight replies with a nod. “Just a little further south. The  canyon should be coming into view soon.”
“Good. And you think this shamin…” Time pauses, the name obviously escaping him.
“Renado,” Twilight prompts with a quirk of his lips. “Memory going already, Old Man?”
Time waves him away, a glare without heat lighting up one eye.
“You think Renado may have some information for us?”
“If not him, then the Resistance might have something.”
The older hero wrinkles his nose at the name of the group.
“I'll explain later,” Twilight assures. “They’re harmless, but they do have a good network of information. If something is happening in this Hyrule, they’ll know about it.”
“Then we should get moving,” Time says with a decisive nod. And then, with a faint quirk to his lips, “But first, we need to decide who’s going to wake up The Beast.”
Six pairs of interested ears suddenly lower, no longer so intent on the conversation anymore.
The sound of packing gets louder.
Twilight can’t help himself. He laughs.
Hyrule ends up drawing the short stick this time, rousing the very groggy Sky with minimal injury, much to everyone else’s awe and envy. Apparently, damn near everyone had a soft spot for the traveling hero, including the infamously grouchy ‘Post Nap Sky.’
With that debacle taken care of, the group gets back on the road, making their way over the rolling green hills of East Hyrule Field.
It's a beautiful day Twilight notes with a growing lightness in his chest.
The sky is a bright, cornflower blue interspaced with fluffy, white clouds. The sun hangs high above their heads providing ample warmth while a faint breeze rolls over the hills, keeping the group of heroes from overheating.
The air is fresh and clean, smelling of grass and dirt, with the faintest promise of a storm despite the perfect weather.
Perhaps only Twilight can pick up on the last bit, but he doesn't mind the extra information. It’s saved his ass more than once.
Though, it wasn't always such an accessible tool in his wheelhouse, so to speak.
When he first transformed back into a Hylian after his involuntary stint as a wolf, the world was… off. Off center, off kilter, just plain off.
The Faron Woods, a place he had been traveling to, exploring, playing in all his life, was transformed into a foreign sensory deathtrap. The smell of greenery and dirt and warm water was so cloying, the farmhand could have sworn he was drowning in swamp sludge. Around him, birds were chattering, the wind was blowing, seemingly shifting through every single leaf in the forest as the deku babas snapped their jaws in sickening ragtime, a deafening cacophony.
It was...overwhelming. Maybe even more so than the massive, translucent light spirit in the shape of a monkey telling he was the hero of destiny.
Overtime, Twilight got a handle on his senses until they simply edged at his consciousness, hints of something that was more than his hylian senses could ever detect before, but definitely duller than the sharp accuracy he could achieve as a canine
Now, most of the time these little snippets of his wolf senses were helpful, like when they allowed him to see better than the others at night, providing better security.
Other times, they were annoying, like when Warriors had found some shitty cologne at a market and wore it for three days straight before Twilight could stealthily steal the bottle and throw it down the nearest ravine.
Speaking of ravines...
“Wild, Four, look how deep this canyon is!” Hyrule says, scurrying close to the edge of the cliff, gazing down into its depths with a look that borders on childlike wonder.
Wild jogs up next to the other teen and leans precariously over the lip of the canyon. He lets out an appreciative whistle at the sight, grinning as the sound echoes back seconds later
With a quick hand, Wild swipes his Sheikah Slate from his belt and with a click, a glowing blue bomb materializes in his other hand. “Let's see how long it takes this thing to hit the ground!” he says with a grin.
“Please back away from the edge,” Four huffs before Twilight can get the chance to do so, the smithy standing with his hands on his hips at least five feet back from where the others are. “You don't know how stable that ground is.”
Twilight feels his lips tick upward at smaller teen’s words.
At least one of their younger members has some common sense.
Hyrule has the decency to look a little sheepish as he takes a step away from the canyon. Wild, meanwhile, gives Four a flat look, obviously displeased that, for once, someone other than Twilight is raining on his parade.
“C’mon Smithy, where’s your sense of adventure?” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Aren’t we supposed to do stuff like this? Hero of Courage and all that?”
Four’s right eye twitches minutely, the blue sky reflected in its depths.
“I don't need the Triforce of Wisdom to know that what you’re doing is unnecessarily reckless. We’re the Hero of Courage, not the Hero of Dying Stupid Deaths.”
Wild rolls his eyes, but thankfully steps away from the edge as well, spherical bomb flashing back into non-existence as he does.
“Buzzkill,” the champion mutters as he stalks grumpily over to Twilight’s side.
As soon as he’s in range, the pelt wearing hero throws an arm around his neck, dragging him into a headlock, successfully pulling Wild even farther away from the canyon. Twilight hauls the struggling teen forward, back on the path toward Kakariko.
“Why don’t I tell you guys about that canyon as we walk?” Twilight offers placatingly once he's done grinding a fist into the top of the champion’s head.
Hyrule nods emphatically at the offer, big hazel eyes bright with curiosity. Wild, meanwhile, places his hands on Twilight’s back and heaves, wrenching his head from the rancher’s grip. Free once more, the champion mirrors the traveling hero’s look of eagerness, eyes bright, hair completely mussed.
Twilight laughs at their excited faces and continues to walk forward, forcing the boys to catch up if they want to hear his tales.
They do have a schedule to keep, after all.
Wild quickly falls into step on the Ordonian’s left while Hyrule slots into place on his right as they head toward the canyon that will lead them to Kakariko. Four takes up a position on Hyrule’s other side, not as entranced as the other two, but eager enough for information to include himself as well.
Once he's got all eyes on him, Twilight launches into a brief lecture of the formation of the canyon, starting with an old folktale before reciting Rusl’s old words about sandstone and tributary rivers to Lake Hylia.
As the sentences flow from his mouth on auto pilot– an explanation given to him years ago that he repeated for the kids, for Iliya, for her– Twilight feels himself smile.
Wild drinks in Twilight’s words like he’s dying of thirst. The champion had been so excited when the Ordonian had announced that they were in his Hyrule, eyes immediately flashing every which direction to catch anything and everything.
“You’ve seen all of my home,” Wild had said, an excited smile in place. “Now I get to see all of yours!”
Hyrule looks equally happy at the knowledge. Twilight doesn't know as much about the brunette teen as he does about Wild, but one thing the pelt wearing hero can say for certain is that their senses of adventure were the same.
From what Twilight had heard of Legend’s scoldings sessions with the traveling hero whenever the younger would get lost, the teen always wanted to see what was just over the crest of the next hill. Wild was much the same, climbing to insane heights, spotting something in the distance, and then running–or gliding– headfirst into it, regardless of whatever task or job he had been working toward before.
It was an admirable trait, their curiosity. They had a thirst for knowledge, for the unknown, for adventure. It was endearing, if not extremely annoying for those trying to keep track of the teens.
“There’s actually an attraction that runs in the river down there,” Twilight continues, his words suddenly catching back up to him.
“What kind of attraction?” Hyrule asks, brows furrowed and head tilted, like he can’t even fathom the concept.
Twilight elbows Wild lightly, a soft laugh jumping from his lips.
“One that I’m sure our Champion here would love,” he replies. “It’s called Iza’s Rapid Ride. The goal is to use bomb arrows to destroy as many targets as possible while steering a canoe down a series of rapids.”
“That sounds awesome,” Wild and– to Twilight’s extreme surprise– Four say at the same time.  All three of them turn to their smallest companion, faces colored with varying shades of disbelief.
Four, in turn, looks just as surprised at what slipped out of his mouth as they do. His eyes blink rapidly in confusion, the light catching them differently every other second until Twilight isn’t even sure what color the younger's eyes actually are.
The smithy’s head gives a slight shake and then angles downward, his jaw clenching and unclenching, chewing on unspoken words.
“If not extremely dangerous,” Four adds finally, looking uncomfortable as he stares at his shuffling feet.
Wild accepts the other’s words easily enough, quickly moving on to detailing what his strategy for such an attraction would be to Hyrule.
For his part, the traveling hero lets his eyes linger on Four a second longer before he is drawn into Wild’s crazy plan of using his slate to freeze the boat in time in the river so I can hit all the targets, Wild that's cheating, He didn’t say I couldn't, I mean yeah but I don't think...
Twilight though… Twilight eyes the smallest hero as they continue their trek.
The boy is silent once again, gaze locked on his feet as his hair hangs down around his face, a golden curtain blocking out the rest of the world.
To Twilight, it is a painfully familiar sight.
Colin does the same thing whenever he feels he has said something the other kids wont like.
Sometimes, it surprises Twilight how much of Colin he could see in Four.
Maybe it was just the hair and the big round eyes, but the Ordonian hero couldn’t help but draw parallels between the two.
Like the timid boy, Four often went with the flow of the other heroes, tagging along behind their more outgoing and outspoken party members, a mirror of Colin’s relationship with the other Ordonian children.
That wasn't to say Four was a pushover; the teen was confident in himself and his abilities, the little hero’s skill with a blade unquestionable and his discipline with the hammer and tongs a marvel. He was more than willing to speak his mind or outright call out dumb ideas if he saw them– case in point, earlier– but more often than not, the smithy was a passive figure in their menagerie of big personalities. Never the one to initiate conversation.
However, while he was never the one to start a dialogue, Four was always open and willing to listen to anyone and everyone who talked to him, just like Colin. He was attentive, seemingly going through each word someone said with a fine toothed comb, teasing out the implications of every syllable, just like Colin
Hylia, he was even the same size as Colin now that the boy had gone through a bit of a growth spurt. Slap a green headband on the Ordonian boy, and from behind, you might even be able to mistake one for the other.
Not to mention–
The resonant blast of a horn yanks Twilight from his thoughts and back into his body abruptly.
The sound echoes across the field, low and growling and Twilight’s feet freeze underneath him as his head whips back and forth. The farmhand can feel the three teens next to him sending him quizzical looks as his search becomes more and more frantic, but he ignores them, anxiety pumping through his veins, clawing at his intestines.
That noise. The horn. It’s sofamiliar, but his memory is foggy in his mind. Smokey and full of shadow, no definite shapes or colors.
And yet, that blaring noise pierces through the impenetrable fuzz, the only part of the recollection that is clear to him.
He remembers…
He remembers...
He remembers darkness. He remembers fear. Fear and water. Water on his face, water up his nose and water in his lungs. He remembers a pain in his head and that damned sound echoing in his ears, making his skull feel like it was shattering slowly.
He remembers… he remembers...
“In coming!” shouts a voice from behind them.
The half formed memory fades back into shadow as Twilight whirls around toward the others, his sword already in hand. The three teens beside the farmhand mirror him, falling into battle stances of their own.
Black bodies drop from the sky, the sound of birdlike screeches wrenching through the air and drowning out the last echoes of the horn as seven pairs of leathery wings flap in deafening unison. Twilight barely manages to bring his blade up fast enough to block a pair of claws from scoring across his face.
“Kargarocs!” he shouts, heaving his sword from the screaming beast’s grasp, dealing a slash to its legs.
The winged monster lets out a squawk of protest as it flaps its wings, desperate to pull itself out of range of Twilight’s sword.
With three powerful wing beats, the Kargaroc successfully launches itself into the air. It wheels for a moment, simply circling him like a vulture would, before it folds its wings in and dives, talons outstretched
“Oh no you don’t!” Wild hisses next to Twilight, bow out and an ice arrow knocked in the string. With a twang, the arrow flies, singing through the air for a moment before it strikes home; freezing the left wing of the Kargaroc.
The beast lets out a scream of pain as it spirals to the ground, thrown off course by the weight of the ice. It slams into the dirt with a sickening crunch, its voice dying out as it erupts into black and orange smoke.
Another screech from Twilight’s left has his head whipping to the side in time to catch another Kargaroc swooping toward Wild’s back with talons outstretched.
An odd whiffling sound passes by Twilight’s ear and suddenly a blur of yellow whips toward the beast, cracking into the head of the bird-like creature, sending it wide of Wild by at least a few feet.
Having hit it’s target, the shape– a boomerang, Twilight notes– arcs back around, flying behind the pelt wearing hero’s head and landing with a smack in Four’s outstretched hand.
“Go help the others,” the teen grits, readying another throw as Hyrule slides into an offensive stance, knees bent, silver blade steady. “We’ve got this one.”
Twilight nods, watching only a moment longer as Four lets the boomerang fly once more. The Kargaroc, having risen back into the air,  swerves to avoid it, diving to dodge the whirling wooden weapon. Miraculously, the boomerang follows the bird, forcing the beast lower and lower and lower, straight into the honed point of Hyrule’s sword.
It lets out a screech as the traveling hero’s blade slashes into the soft skin below its wattle.
Right, Twilight thinks, catching Wild’s eyes as they both turn and run toward where the others are. Those two definitely don't need help.
The rest of the heroes, however, do.
In a mass of black wings and talons, five of the flying menaces mob the others, a chaotic flurry of beaks, claws, and swords, all packed together in too small a space for any true combat to break out.
As he runs to their aid, Twilight isn't sure exactly how he's going to attack without accidentally hitting one of the others until...
Suddenly, there is a flash of cobalt fabric and one of the beasts pulls away from the rest, a distinctive scarf caught in its claws.
With two big wingbeats and a yank, Warriors is fished from the mayhem of black bodies, his clear blue eyes fire bright and wild as he claws at the keepsake that is quickly tightening into a vice around his throat.
With another harsh pull, the Kargaroc drags Warriors to his knees a good five feet away from the others and then releases the fabric, diving toward the now prone hero.
Twilight lunges forward, claws punching into his shield rather than through Warriors’ chest. Leathery wings batter the sides of the Ordonian’s head as the Kargaroc struggles against him, desperate for its talons to find their target.
With a grunt of effort, the farmhand manages to shove the squawking monster away, giving Warriors the precious seconds it takes to ready himself.
A woosh of air blasts past their heads, and the creature is back for more, this time swooping low, attempting to stab at their exposed heads with it’s cruelly curved beak.
Warriors fends off the first pass with a wide swipe of his blade, keeping the flying menace from coming within striking distance. Twilight batters away the second attempt, slamming his shield into the beast’s head as it dives.
With an enraged warble, the Kargaroc folds its wings and shoots out its scaled legs, claws clinging to the sides of Twilights shield. It lets out a scream that rings in the farmhand’s ears, too loud, too sharp, and too close as the monster rears back and snaps at him.
A flash of freezing cold air bites at Twilight’s neck, and suddenly, the beak in front of him is encased in ice.
Wild again.
With its head trapped and far heavier than the rest of its body, the Kargoroc drops, releasing the shield, and plummets beak-first into the ground, its wings and feet scrabbling feebly at the ice.
Warriors doesn’t let it struggle for long, plunging his sword into its spine.
“You should really tuck that away during battle,” Twilight says breathlessly, glancing at the scarf trailing behind Warriors as the other stands, pulling his blade from the plume of smoke
“I’m honestly surprised the first thing to go for it was a fucking overgrown bird,” Warriors replies with an huff, adjusting the aformentioned cloth to fit more snugly around his neck.
The crack of a whip snaps through the air, jolting both heroes back into their ready positions.
In the next instant, a body slams into the ground next to Twilight.
Another Kargaroc, this one flailing wildly as it crys bloody murder. A red whip wrapped around the winged beast’s throat making it’s voice come out garbled and pained.
It’s fight halts long enough for beedy, yellow eyes to lock onto the farmhand and suddenly, the creature’s struggles redouble as it fights against it’s bindings, a blood lust that needs to be satisfied gleaming in its gaze.
Before it can pull itself free, a body with a bright blue tunic suddenly throws itself between Twilight and the Kargoroc.
The figure resolves itself into Wind, hefting a hammer that is way too big for the small teen’s hands over one shoulder. With a full bodied motion, the sailor swings the mallet down with enough force to create small shockwaves that jolt up Twilight's legs as he smashes the monster’s skull in.
“Nice one, Sky!” Wind yells as he hoists the mallet back into his arms, eyes already searching for his next target.
The Chosen Hero nods in silent acknowledgment, cracking his whip to free it of the slowly disintegrating body of the Kargaroc. He quickly zeroes in on a target and with another swing of the whip, Sky manages to snare the wing of a second monster.
Monster hooked, the Skyloftian leans back and then pulls with the full strength of both arms, yanking the struggling body to the ground.
Twilight and Warriors both step forward, ready to put the beast out of its misery, but before either can deal the mortal blow, another burst of freezing wind has both heroes stopping short.
Above the struggling Kargaroc, a block of ice condenses from thin air. It grows and grows and grows until a massive, translucent boulder hovers weightless in the air, misting in the noonday sun. It floats for a moment longer before it suddenly plummets to the ground, gravity catching up to it and crushing the beast below its mass.
Behind the now stationary mound of ice, Legend slowly lowers a staff with an angularly cut sapphire on its tip back down to his side. He winks at them, a smug smile pulling at his lips as he stares down Twilight and Warrior’s shocked faces.
“Fucking magic,” Warriors mutters under his breath. Twilight can't help but agree. He was never a fan of the stuff himself.
Twin screeches echo through the air before they are suddenly, and without remorse, cut off.
Turning, Twilight catches the tail end of two puffs of smoke dissipating in the air, Time giving Wild an approving nod as the champion happily flushes at the gesture.
“Sound off!” Time calls as he cranes his neck to spot all of their members.
A chorus of ‘fine’s, ‘here’s, and a particularly snarky ‘present’ respond to his call. No one yells for help or screams for medical attention and slowly, Twilight feels the tension of the battle leave him, his breaths becoming longer and slower as the adrenaline in his veins slowly sputters to a stop.
They group back up, a few sporting minor bruises or a couple of niks here and there, but otherwise, no worse for wear. Hyrule and Legend quickly begin distributing bandages to those with cuts while Wild pulls herbs from his slate. Something to help the pain later, Twilight remembers vaguely.
As the others get themselves patched up, Time strides toward where Twilight and Warriors stand. The Old Man holds out the Biggorn sword for them to inspect.
Orangish-red blood drips down the blade in thick rivets.
“Not infected,” Time says succinctly as he pulls out an old cloth to clean his blade. “Do they usually fight in groups as large as that?”
Twilight shakes his head, confusion bubbling in him.
“The largest group I’ve dealt with before is three.”
Time hums at his words. With a final swipe of the cloth, the sword is freed of the viscera that had been coating it and the older hero sheathes the blade at his side.
“Not infected and yet still acting strangely,” Warriors sumerizes, with a shake of his head.
Both heroes turn to Twilight, questions burning in their eyes.
Unfortunately, the Ordonian hero has none to give.
“Did you guys hear that horn before they attacked?” Twilight asks, a phantom echo of the sound bouncing around in his skull once more.
Warriors face screws up in confusion, eyes squinted, brows furrowed, and mouth turned down in a befuddled frown. Time, however, straightens.
“What did you hear, Pup?” he asks, single eye flickering over Twilight’s face.
“I...I’m not sure yet,” Twilight admits, a mixture of frustration and shame making his stomach feel full and heavy. Something scratches in the back of his skull. Fear or a warning maybe, but Twilight can’t say for sure. It itches and itches and itches.
The pelt wearing hero kicks a boot into the dirt, his mouth pulling to one side. “I know I’ve heard it before. I just... can’t place it.”
The shadowy memory from before surfaces behind his eyes once more and the itching in his brain multiplies ten fold.
The darkness. The fear. The water. That blasted sound.
But he can’t remember.
A warm hand grips his shoulder and when Twilight looks back up, Time is sending him a look dripping in concern, eye soft as it gazes imploringly at him.
“I can’t place it,” Twilight says again, feeling helpless. “But I know whatever it is, it isn't good.”
They enter Kakariko with little fanfare, the good mood from earlier all but dried up after the Kargaroc attack.
Though, Twilight does have to admit, just smelling the dry, dusty air of the village brightens him up a bit, despite the anxiety that still runs rampant through his heart and the itch in the back of his scalp that refuses to abate.
There are more people in Kakariko now than there were when he had first seen the town.
Before, when the skies were a perpetual dreary gray and when the sparks of twilight floated upward through the air like inverse snow, the village had been a literal ghost town, only the spirits of the few survivors left huddled together behind boarded windows and barred doors.
In the years after he had completed his journey, though, Kakariko had flourished. Where once there were empty, dilapidated buildings, now there were homes, freshly painted and open to the streets.
Where there were once quiet, lifeless streets, now there are voices, people, going about their day in the canyon town. Instead of three adults and a handful of scared children, Kakariko is now home to multitudes, families even.
Case in point, Shad and Auru. Though they still met up at Telma’s bar most of the time, the two members of The Resistance now lived in Kakariko permanently, taking up residence in two of the renovated homes.
The Gorons also visited more frequently, their nighttime stalls featuring gems and other Death Mountain goods. Their wears were becoming more popular as word about them spread to the general public.
With the arrival of the Gorons, came trade and cultural exchange. Soon, the old hamlet had become a bit of a tourist destination, an easy way to experience the medicinal and luxurious hot springs of Death Mountain without– well– actually going up Death Mountain.
To accommodate the influx of people, the Malo Mart had expanded as well, the small shop growing to include an extra two rooms and more merchandise than ever before. Barnes Bombs enjoyed a similar increase in customers, though definitely not as extensively as the now chain of shops that Malo ran.
To put it simply, Kakariko was finally a village again.
And thankfully, one with a large and accommodating enough hotel, the Elde Inn, to fit all of them comfortably.
They go three to a room:Twilight with Time and Wild, Warriors with Wind and Sky, and Four with Legend and Hyrule.
After settling into their designated spaces and, in some cases, fighting over beds, they all come together in Time’s room to discuss the game plan for the rest of the evening.
“Time and I will be going to speak to one of my friendsto get information on any strange occurrences,” Twilight starts once everyone is quiet and paying attention, partially in part due to a well placed glare from the Old Man.
“And I think Warriors mentioned wanting to go to the shop to restock?” Twilight continues, sending a questioning glance to the aforementioned Captain. The scarf wearing hero nods in confirmation.
“So, if anyone has any specific requests or would like to go with him to carry supplies, that would be appreciated,” Twilight finishes.
Surprisingly, Legend raises a hand.
“Hyrule and I have been keeping an eye on our medicine stores and there's a couple of things we could probably use,” the pink haired hero says by way of explanation. “Besides,” he continues, serious expression melting away as he smiles charmingly at Warriors, “I don't trust him with my money.”
Warriors adopts a dramatically affronted look, hand to chest and everything as he gasps in shock.
“Sounds good,” Twilight says, agreeing easily enough, despite the dramatic interruption. Warriors turns his open mouthed expression on Twilight, giving him a look that said ‘how dare you not defend my honor?’
Twilight returns Warriors dramatic expression with half lidded eyes, a raised eyebrow, and a faint shrug that hopefully conveyed the sentiment ‘can’t defend what isn’t there’.
Time steps forward, breaking up the unspoken smackdown by giving both heroes a very tired face.
“And you five?” the Old Man asks, looking at the youngest members of their group plus Sky. “Was there something you wanted to do before we meet up for dinner later tonight?”
The five look between themselves, no one willing to speak first, lest they get shot down.
A part of Twilight– the part that itches itches itches at the back of his skull–hopes beyond hope that all of them decide to just stay in the hotel rooms for the rest of the evening.
A much bigger part of him knows that that's never going to happen.
“I wanted to check out the spring at the back of town?” Hyrule says eventually, his voice going high at the end, like it was a question rather than a statement of intent. “It feels like… there’s something special about it.”
Time nods at his words but Twilight feels that scratching, that incessant itch, increase with a vengeance, digging at the back of his head at the teen’s suggestion.
One could say a lot of things about Hyrule, but the traveling hero was definitely observant, especially in things having to do with magic. It figured that Hyrule could detect the spiritual nature of the spring.
It should be one of the safest places in town.
So why does Twilight’s scalp crawl and his guts quake at the idea of any of them going near it?
“I’ll go with you, ‘Rule,” Sky pipes up with an easy smile, jolting Twilight from his revere and unknowingly adding insult to injury. “And then afterwards, maybe we could visit the hot springs upstairs?”
Hyrule nods eagerly and Sky’s smile grows. “Perfect!”
“Wild and I wanna go to the bomb shop!” Wind cuts in with a big grin.
Twilight feels a frown pull at his face, a more concrete concern finding its place in his stomach like a pile of stones.  
“Sounds interesting. I’ll tag along as well,” Four interjects and Twilight can’t tell if that soothes his anxieties or ratchets them up further. Obviously, Four had shown interest in bombs earlier that morning, something Twilight couldn't remember him doing before.
The kid was a wild card, someone Twilight couldn't predict. At least he could count Wild's more-erm-pyromaniac persuasions to be consistant in their destructive nature. The pelt wearing hero had no idea what to expect of Four, apparently.
And with Wind egging them on? It was a recipe for disaster. Twilight doesn't need a foggy memory, an itch in his brain, or a sinking feeling in his gut to tell him that much.
Wild, however, let’s his discontent at the smithy’s addition be known immediately with a groan.
“We don’t need a babysitter,” Wild says with a huff, eyeing the shorter hero.
“No one said anything about a babysitter,” Four replies evenly. “The shops I’m interested in aren't open until night, correct?” he asks, directing the question toward Twilight.
The farmhand nods.
Four had been particularly keen on seeing the stalls that were open after dark, excited to see what the Gorons would display that evening at their stands. The smithy was practically giddy to examine and pick apart the innovations a forge heated with lava could produce.
“I’d like something to do in the meantime,” Four continues after Twilight's answer. “And besides,” and here his face remains entirely neutral except for the faintest flicker of a smile and a flash of fire in his eyes, “I like bombs.”
No one really knows what to say to that, so the argument is dropped.
With their plans settled, everyone begins to head out, with Sky and Hyurle leading the charge out the door, talking amicably about the medicinal pros and cons of hot springs. Warriors is quick to follow them, eager to get out to the shops as soon as possible.
As Legend turns to follow the scarf wearing hero, Twilight catches him by the arm.
“Hey,” the Ordonian starts once he’s got the younger’s attention, “If there’s a baby-faced kid working the shop, don’t let him gouge you. The kid’s notorious for hiking up prices for tourists.”
Legend raises an eyebrow but nods at Twilight’s words, acknowledging.
“I’ve haggled with Ravio before,” the pink haired hero says with a little bit of a grimace. “I think we’ll be fine.”
Memories of the aforementioned merchant’s salesman smile, smooth words, and flair for theatrics blink into existence in Twilight’s mind.
“Fair enough,” he admits, releasing the veteran hero’s arm.
Once freed, Legend turns and strides through the doorway, walking towards an impatient looking Warriors who waits with a hand on his hip and a foot tapping on the ground. Legend holds a hand out to the older hero, making grabby motions as he flashes Warriors an expectant look. The two stare at each other for a moment, some kind of silent standoff.
With a sigh, Warriors relents, dropping the wallet full of their pooled spending money in the veteran’s open hand.
And then the two are off. Which just leaves…
“We’ll be back in time for dinner!” Wind assures as he scurries out the door, Wild hot on his heels.
“Don’t blow up the town!” Twilight shouts at their retreating backs.
“No promises!” Wild yells back over his shoulder as he and the younger blonde disappear around the bannister and down the stairs.
Four follows them at a more sedate pace, waving away Twilight’s slightly concerned look as he follows their resident trouble makers out of the hotel.
And… they're gone.
Twilight stares at the stairway for a moment longer. There's something… uncomfortable about watching them disappear one by one out of the hotel, out of his line of sight.
Anxiety drips coldy down his ribs like ice water and settles in his gut and Twilight finds his hand scratching at the back of his scalp idly, trying to assuage the tingling itch that irritates his brain.
A hand lands in the pelted fur sitting on Twilight’s shoulder as Time comes to stand next to him.
“They’ll be fine,” the older assures.
For a moment, Twilight wonders how Time knew what he was thinking, before he lets the thought roll off his back. He’s far past asking Time why he knows anything. The Old Man just knows.
“Besides, how much harm could they do in an afternoon?” his mentor finishes with a smile.
Twilight turns to the other, giving him the driest look the farmhand can muster.
Time lets out an unbecoming snort, hand that was once on the farmhand’s shoulder releasing so Time can give him a fond clap on the back.
“Joking!” the Old Man says, voice warm with laughter. “I’m joking!”
The armor wearing hero takes a second longer to compose himself before staring down at Twilight with a knowing look. “I swear, you’re worse than I am sometimes,” he laughs, with a slight shake of his head.
Twilight winces at that slightly.
He knows he can be a bit… overprotective of the others. But he can’t really stop himself from worrying about them. Whenever any of them got hurt, Twilight felt their wounds like they were his own. When Wild would wake from night terrors, shaking and unable to breathe, Twilight felt breathless with him. When Wind’s frustration at how the others treated him bubbled over into warm tears, Twilight felt his own eyes start to water.
He couldn't help how much he wanted to protect them all.
It ran in his veins, pounded in his bones, howled in his heart.
An instinct, he thinks ruefully.
It was the same mindset Twilight had held for most of his life, ground into his very being from hours of entertaining and watching and protecting the kids of the village. It’s what drove him, trapped in wolf form and in an unknown land, to protect Wild from any and all harm.
It made Twilight want to hide Wind and Hyrule and Sky away from the world, to drag Legend into the confines of safety kicking and screaming. It made him want to take all of the daggers meant for Warriors back, to make sure Time made it back home safe to Malon.
It’s probably what made him see Colin in Four.
It was definitely what made Twilight sure he would use every moment he still had breath in his lungs making sure Wild was happy.
Twilight can’t describe it, the force that wraps his heart in a vice at the thought of any of the others in pain. He can’t describe the growling anger at the presence that forced them to dance in time with its plans.
He wishes he could describe it, pin it down and understand it’s source, but he can't.
He also wishes it wasn’t so active due to the fact that they were in danger all the Hylia damned time.
Twilight blows a sigh through his teeth, pushing a hand through his bangs.
“I’m happy I got to meet them,” Twilight says eventually, still staring at the stairs. With effort, he  manages to wrench his gaze away from the steps, turning to look into Time’s too observant eye. With another exhale, Twilight feels something in him deflate, energy suddenly sapped from his very marrow.
His shield arm aches. He wants to sit down. He wants to visit the hot springs or curl up in the warmth of his bed.
He doesn't want to deal with this anymore.
But he will. For them.
“I’m happy I met them, but sometimes I hate that they’re here,” Twilight mutters, letting all the sadness and bitterness that came with failing to protect the others over and over and over again turn his words to daggers. “I hate that they got dragged into this.”
“You make it sound as though this is your fault,” Time says, words gentle but voice pointed, striking straight to the core of Twilight’s thoughts, his feelings. “You make it sound as though you're not a victim here as well.”
The farmhand’s mouth opens but his voice is dead in his throat. He has nothing to say, no response.
“I would tell you not to hold this burden on your shoulders, but I know you will refuse to put it down,” a little laugh, not happy but not angry either. Resigned. “Just one more thing you inherited from me that I wish you hadn't.”
Half of Twilight’s mouth lifts into a sad, partial smile, the same expression pulling onto Time’s face.
Two faces that look too similar to be anything but related, having seen too much of the world.
“The best we can do for now is try to figure out what is going on here,” Time continues, voice stronger, more confident. A pillar that Twilight can lean on if he needs. “The sooner we can do that, the sooner they and this Hyrule will be safe from whatever would wish to do them harm.”
Twilight nods silently at his words.
Right. They have a plan. A plan he can focus on and work towards, steeping himself in preparation rather than peeking around corners for every what ifscenario.
The farmhand takes a deep breath in, allows it to fill his lungs, before he breathes out. He stowes the uncertainty, buries the fear. He allows the anxiety to stay. It isn’t like Twilight can banish it if he tried– and oh, how he's tried– so instead he lets it settle in his gut, familiar if not comfortable.
It will keep him on his toes, if anything.
With another gulp of air, Twilight straightens his spine and squares his shoulders and then leads the way out of the hotel and toward Renado’s house.
It is not a far walk to the shaman's place of residence.
From their hotel, it's just a quick walk down the central dirt path of the town.
As they approach the building, Twilight can see Hyrule and Sky a little farther back as they stand in the water of the nearby spring. Both have abandoned their boots, their pants pushed up past their knees to protect the cloth from the warm water as the two heroes wade deeper.
The Skyloftian looks up and flashes them a contented, close mouthed smile and a little wave. Hyrule, meanwhile, seems entranced by the water, eyes locked on the crystalline surface as he searches for something.
As though summoned by his intense gaze, a fairy appears, seemingly materializing from the water itself.  Hyrule lets out an amazed laugh as the little pink sprite flutters upward and circles his head once, before stopping right in front of his nose.
Sky laughs delightedly at the sight. Behind him, the farmhand hears Time huff out a content sigh.
They look relaxed in their joy. Happy. Warm.
Twilight isn’t sure why, but it sets his teeth on edge, that anxious tension in his guts roiling as phantom bugs carve lines in the back of his skull.
He's forgetting something. Something really important.
Whatever it is, it makes Twilight want to force them out of the spring right now. It makes him want them to run back to the hotel and lock themselves inside.
In a flash of rose, more faires blink into existence to follow their sister, a whole swarm of them circling around the two heroes, sparkles of strawberry magic swirling them in a mini blizzard.
Their voices rise in surprised joy as Twilight turns from the sight and sets his knuckles against the old wood of Renado’s door. He knocks with three quick whaps of his fist.
Almost as soon as his hand leaves the wood, the door creaks open, a heart shaped face looking up at him shyly through a short curtain of black hair. Dark, round eyes almost immediately light up in recognition and the door is thrown open as the girl behind it dives at him for a hug.
“Link!” she exclaims, her happy voice muffled as she gives him a squeeze around the middle.
“Luda!” Twilight replies a little breathlessly as she squeezes harder. “It’s been a while.”
“Too long,” she says into his chest, tone fond.
She’d gone through a bit of a growth spurt since he had last seen her, Twilight realizes as he gives the young shamin-in-training a light hug in return.  Her head reaches his mid chest now when it used to be at his navel. As she steps back to give him a once over–checking for injuries no doubt, Renado taught her well– Twilight wonders if she’ll surpass him in height one day.
If she takes after her father, as Twilight suspects she does, she most certainly will.
Done with her inspection and having seen nothing in need of her immediate attention, Luda steps back through the threshold of the door, holding it open for the two heroes to enter.
“Come in, come in! Dad will be so relieved to see you. Shad and Auru too.”
As they pass through the doorway, Twilight notes how the teenager’s eyes linger on Time, curiosity sparkling in those observant, dark gray eyes of hers.
Entering the room is like walking nose first into a brick wall made out of pure jasmine, pine, and cinnamon. Well, at least it is for Twilight anyway.
It is… potent to say the least, but a familiar potency, one he has gotten used to after spending hours in this very room, comforting Talo and Beth, talking to Colin and Iliya.
As his eyes adjust to the change in lighting, Twilight sees that the house is almost just as he remembers from his quest. The wooden torches are lit and in place on the walls, casting the room in an inviting orange glow. The old, worn, hand woven carpets frame the stone statue of the Light Spirit Eldin that looms in the center of the room. Lovingly painted pots litter the cracked dirt floor, organized from largest to smallest against the rounded walls.
The only large difference between this room and the room he remembers from his adventure is the addition of another door at the back, an expansion to the house Renado had built with the help of the Gorons.
A clinic for the expanding town.
Luda shuts the door quietly behind them and then turns, hands on hips and face expectant. She leans forward a little, letting her eyes rest on Twilight’s face. After a moment of silence, both of her eyebrows lift and her eyes widen, as she sends the farmhand an even more pointed look.
“So?” She says imploringly. “Where have you been? What have you been up to?” Her eyes flash back to Time for a moment before landing back on Twilight once more. “Rusl said some group of strangers showed up in Ordon and spirited you away on another adventure or...?”
Twilight opens his mouth to explain and then shuts it once more. He turns to Time, but the older man is no help, simply giving the Ordonian a shrug.
What Rusl had told her… wasn't technically wrong. Twilight had just happened to be back in the village helping Fado with those damned goats when five warriors had stepped onto the ranch.
Two of them appeared to be Twilight’s age, one with a flowing blue scarf and the other with the Master Sword of all things strapped to his back. Two of the others looked to be younger, the anxious brunette appearing to be a teenager while the one with the multicolored tunic made Twilight fear these men were traveling with children.
The last one, however, had been the one who had caused the normally sure seated rancher to almost fall from Epona’s saddle.
The armor was different, but undeniably similar. It was missing the overgrown moss, the vines that choked the arm guards and crossed the chest. Without the foliage  and the rust that Twilight was accustomed to, the metal shined in the sun, sending flashes of silver and gold into the air.
He was missing his helmet, Twilight had thought idly.
He was also already missing his eye.
After that, it had not taken much–if any– convincing on the other heroes’ parts to get him to join. He was already on board.
“Well?” she says, cocking one hip. Her stance has the body language of Telma written all over it.
“W-well,” Twilight starts, “I’ve been traveling with some people from far off lands.” The farm hand spares a look at Time, who, instead of helping, is smiling faintly as Twilight flounders on his own.
Thanks a lot.
“We’ve been traveling around a lot, helping out wherever we can. I guess we just sort of… ended up here? Now?” Hylia, he is bad at lying.
Stretching the truth, a phantom, high pitched and giggly voice whispers in his ear. He ignores it.
“This is my… one of my new friends,” Twilight says, the words sounding wooden and forced to his own ears as he gestures to the Old Man.
“You may call me Time,” his mentor cuts in, holding out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Luda takes it and gives it a firm, polite shake, her father’s propriety shining through despite her reservations.
“Luda,” she introduces in return.
The young shamin gives Twilight another questioning look but ultimately drops it, her shoulders drooping slightly as she strides past the two heroes towards the back room.
“I’m assuming you’re here for my father. I’ll go grab him for you,” Luda says over her shoulder. “He’s in the back with a patient.”
She disappears into the other room and Twilight can just hear her raise the call of “Daaaad!” as the wood swings shut behind her, muffling her voice once again.
It is silent for a moment.
Time turns to him, mouth open to speak, but his words are drowned out as the sound of stone grinding on stone assaults the air.
The statue of Eldin in the center of the room is moving, gliding across the ground, the owl–Moth? Eagle? Twilight was never sure what Eldin was supposed to be. None of those things have lips– slowly shifting to the left, revealing the secret passage below.
As soon as the stone is out of the way, a head pops from the newly revealed hole in the ground. A head with slightly mussed auburn hair and with askew, round spectacles sitting precariously at the end of a familiar nose.
“Ah!” Shad exclaims, hefting himself up the final rungs of the ladder and into the room proper. The scholar adjusts his glasses and then smiles warmly, holding his hand out in a friendly greeting. “I thought I heard your voice. It is nice to see you again, Link.”
Twilight takes his outstretched palm with his own, giving the hand a short, strong shake. “Likewise, Shad. It’s nice to be back.”
“And not a moment too soon,” comes a calm, deep voice from the back of the room.
Renado sweeps into the room, looking serene as always despite the very tell-tale red that stains the ends of his long sleeves.
“We didn’t mean to pull you away from a patient,” Time says quickly, apparently having seen the blood as well.
The shamin waves the older man’s worries away. The tassels on his sleeves sway with the motion.
“He is in stable condition now. Luda can observe him while I am away.”
“She’s graduated from assistant then, has she?” Twilight asks.
“Yes,” Renado replies, the normally neutral expression on his face cracking slightly with pride. “She is coming along very nicely.”
The slight uptick to his lips falls and the carefully blank expression falls back into place on his face.
“However,” the older shamin continues, “the reason for her getting so much hands on experience is worrisome to say the least.”
“So there have been attacks?” Time asks, cutting right to the chase.
Renado eyes Time for a moment, an open weariness to his usually relaxed dark gaze.
Twilight takes a small step forward, drawing Renado’s eyes back to him. “Please,” he says, allowing the unfettered concern that had been howling in his chest all day to bleed into his words. “What's been going on?”
The shaman's eyes study him for a moment before he nods almost imperceptibly.
“As your friend said,” the man starts, voice still calm, “there have been more attacks as of late. The monsters are getting increasingly aggressive.” The shamin brings a hand to his chin, a cloud shadowing his eyes with worry. “Kargarocs have been encountered in increasingly large numbers. The Bombskits are growing less skittish. Stalhound packs spring to new heights every night.”
“But that’s not the worst of it,” Shad cuts in. “While there are more monsters, they’re easy enough to dispatch with a group of skilled hunters or warriors.”
The scholar and the shamin share a pointed look, an unsaid question rigning silently in the air between them.
“The problem,” Shad continues, choosing his words carefully. His eyes flicker over Twilight’s face, waiting for a reaction, “lays in what is controlling the monsters.”
“Controlling them?” Time presses.
Shad nods grimly.
“The Bulbins.”
And suddenly, the itching in Twilight’s scalp stops. The tight grip anxiety has on his stomach releases in shock.
The foggy memory clears and slots itself into place behind Twilight’s eyes.
A warm evening. A warm spring. A warm smile. Warm green eyes.
He had felt so warm, so protected, so safe, not a care in the world. The only thing on his mind was excitement for his journey the next day.
It would have been his first time going past Faron Woods. The first time he would see Hyrule Field. The first time going to Castle Town. His first chance to explore the world.
He had been excited but content, happy to be with his friends, Iliya smiling in front of him and Colin laughing by his side.
He had been so happy.
And then the tremors had started. Distant at first, but growing with each passing second until it was an earthquake, the water rippling and crashing in miniature waves around his legs as he fought for balance.
The rumbling grew and grew, rhythmic and deafening until with a terrible crescendo, a Bullbo had crashed through the wooden gate protecting the spirit spring, two Bulblins armed on its back.
Colin had gasped, stumbling back. Iliya had screamed, turning to run.
And he… he was frozen.
The beast had charged forward, crashing into his side and shoving him out of the way. One of it’s riders readied a bow, and with a twang, put an end to Iliya’s escape… and her screams.
He had wanted to run to her. He had wanted to grab her and Colin and flee into the secret passage, to safety.
He never got the chance, a club slamming into the back of his head, making the world explode with pain and darkness as he fell first to his knees, and then into the water.
Darkness. He could not move, could not swim up from the depths of his mind. He had felt water around him, water up his nose, water in his lungs but he had been unable to cough or even choke.
He had been drowning in that darkness when he had heard it.
That sound. A deep rumbling, resonant blast of an ivory horn, the notes diving low before flinging themselves higher in the air.
The call to the Twilight Realm. The all clear.
Twilight drags himself from the memory, Time’s concerned face slowly swirling into clarity before his eyes as the images fade back into his brain.
“But that makes no sense,” Twilight mutters in bemusement, shaking his head to dislodge the final pieces of the memory from his vision.
“Why?” Time asks. “What are Bulblins?”
Both Shad and Renado’s heads whip around to face the armored hero, twin expressions of shock and confusion on their faces.
“He’s not from here,” Twilight throws at them by way of explanation, too deep in his own thoughts to come up with a more detailed or believable lie.
“Bulblins are…” Twilight pauses, unsure where to start.
Thankfully, Shad takes pity on him, stepping forward to provide a better explanation than Twilight ever could.
“Bulblins,”the man starts, adjusting his glasses slightly as he speaks to Time, “are a race that is related to Bokoblins, though how closely related, no one knows for sure.”
The scholar pinches his chin between his thumb and forefinger, a thoughtful expression dropping onto his face.
“What sets them apart from Bokoblins, other than the green skin, is their intelligence. They can build complex structures. They have their own language and have been known to speak rudimentary Hylian. They even have a hierarchical society, with a chief or king.”
“Their hierarchy is based on strength,” Twilight cuts in, having finally found his words. “Strongest at the top, weakest at the bottom. You can probably guess why they would side with Ganondorf.”
Time nods.
“But,” Twilight continues, “I defeated the King of the Bulblins in single combat. After that, they abandoned Ganondorf and fled back to the Gerudo Desert. They haven't been seen in Hyrule proper for years now.”
“Well, very apparently, they are back,” Renado replies, lips down turned. “Travelers and merchants have reportedly been attacked while traversing the kingdom. There have been sightings of Bulblin raiding parties as close to the village as Eastern Hyrule Field.”
A heavy hand lands on Twilight’s shoulder. He glances up at Time, and the two share a look. Question. Response. Not a word spoken.
“We’ll head out first thing tomorrow morning,” Twilight says,voice strong, decisive as he  wrenches his gaze away from his mentor to look at the other men in the room.
Shad adjusts his spectacles again, eyes wide, matching the circular frames. Renado, as unflappable as ever, tilts his head ever so slightly to the left.
“May I ask who is included in this ‘we?’” the shamin asks, eyes once again flitting to look at Time before they lock on Twilight once more. “I will not send good people to their deaths.”
“The group I’m traveling with is more than capable of handling this,” Twilight replies firmly. “I would trust each and every one of them with my life.”
Twilight doesn't even have to look to know that Time is smiling behind him. Or at least, sporting that soft eyed look he gets sometimes, half of his mouth pulled up, brows high.
The shamin raises his head slightly, aprasing.
Slowly he inclines his head. Graceful as ever.
“Then we shall leave it in your capable hands, Link.”
As they exit the shamin’s house, Twilight sees that Hyrule and Sky are gone from the Spirit Spring.
The farmhand catches himself as he lets a sigh of relief breeze past his lips at seeing the warm waters calm and empty. He now understands why it had made him so sick to see them happy there. Happy and content and warm.
With a frown, Twilight turns away from the water, feet slowly carrying him through the town, following in Time’s dusty footsteps.
They continue to the hotel in relative silence.
If Twilight were to guess, he would assume Time’s mind was already occupied with thoughts of the coming battle. Formations, pairs, weapons, all of it whirling through the old man’s mind at a breakneck pace.
Twilight, on the other hand, feels mired in memories, each one dragging through his mind and pulling at his eyes, forcing him to look, to see.
Before he knows it, they are back in their shared room, Time making adjustments to his armor in the corner while Twilight stands in the center of the room, lost.
The weight of the Shadow Crystal suddenly increases tenfold, the leather cord of the necklace biting into the back of his neck. Twilight idly brings a hand up, fingers hovering over the warm, warped obsidian stone.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Time asks and Twilight’s head snaps up.
The Old Man doesnt look up from his work, a ploy to look as unobtrusive, as unjudging as possible.
The rancher feels his hand drop back to his side.
“Talk about what?”
Twilight knows he's being obtuse.
He also knows he doesn't want to talk about it.
Time merely shrugs his shoulders, thankfully taking the hint and the air around them is once again silent, save for the faint scrubbing sound of a cloth on metal.
Soon enough boots stomping up the stairs and the sound of arguing breaks the awkward air in the room, signalling the arrival of Legend and Warriors back into the hotel.
“I’m simply saying that the purple one looked nice!” Warriors says, voice high and defensive as he stomps up the final step, head turned back to address Legend.
“And I’m simply saying,” Legend replies in an irritated, huffy voice, clearly struggling a bit more under the weight of his laden arms than Warriors, “That purple is not your color.”
“Oh, I’m about to make purple your color,” Warriors grumbles back as he enters Twilight and Time’s room and sets down his load of bags. Time spares them a glance, before rolling his eye and going back to his armor.
Legend deposits his load on the ground as well and then fixes Warriors with a look, one hip cocked and one eyebrow raised.
“Wanna say that again, Pretty Boy?”
Without responding, Warriors sits down and begins pulling bottles full of a pearlescent, red and rippling, mesmerizing blue liquid onto the ground. Legend mirrors him, grabbing bandages of all sizes from his own bags organizing them by size as he goes.
“I could snap you like a twig,” Warriors comments as if he's talking about the weather, peering at some materials for fletching arrows.
“Oh, I’d love to see you try,” Legend responds just as flippantly as he adds another red potion to Warriors growing line of bottles.
Twilight rolls his eyes.
He will never understand their friendship.
Wild, Wind, and Four are the next to get back, the sound of feet quickly ascending the wooden stairs the only warning Twilight gets before two pairs of hands grab at his shoulders and yank him down to be face level with their youngest member.
“You have fish that are bombs in your Hyrule?! My Hyrule is a fucking ocean and we dont have bomb fish!!”
“Language.” Two voices call out, and Wind flips off the air, pointing his finger to indicate the room at large.
“Twilight,” and here, Wild’s voice sounds pained, like the farmhand has wronged him in the most irreparable way possible. His face is scrunched up, eyes closed, brows down and mouth in a wince. “Twilight, how did you fail to mention that you live in a world with exploding bugs?!”
Two pairs of very expectant blue eyes look up at him, like both young heroes are actually trying to get an explanation out of him.
Twilight looks up for help and catches the eye of Four who stands in the doorway. Half of the teen’s mouth lifts into a wry grin, both eyebrows up and then he turns, leaving Twilight to his fate.
“Uhhhhh,” he replies, very intelligently. “It never came up?”
By the look on both teen’s faces, that is not the right answer.
After an unfortunately thorough chewing out by the blondes, who manage to extract a promise from Twilight to test out the bombs at a later date, Hyrule and Sky finally descend the stairs from the upper levels, apparently done with the hot springs.
Both are positively glowing, their faces smiling and cheeks still flushed from the heat.
Soon enough, dinner is served in the lobby, a type of spiced cucco served with a yogurt sauce with flatbread. The heroes descend on the food, their table picked clean in an almost embarrassingly quick amount of time. It’s good, though Twilight muses that WIld could probably improve the recipe in at least 12 different ways.
After the meal, Time briefs everyone on their task for the next morning and then turns them loose to make their preparations.
Before Twilight knows it, sunset orange light bleeds into their room from the window and Four once again stands in the doorway of Twilight, Time, and Wild’s room. Sky and Legend stand behind the smaller teen staring hopefully at Twilight from over the smithy’s head.
Well, Sky looks hopeful. Legend looks impatiently expectant.
“We were wondering if you would like to come with us to the Goron stands,” the small hero says,  eyes flicking over his shoulder to include the other two in the statement. “We figured you would know some of the sellers.”
On his bed, Wild perkes up and stows his slate back on his belt, obviously interested in the proposition.
Twilight feels the younger’s eyes on his back but ignores the puppy dog stare being thrown his way. Besides, it's entirely unnecessary. Now that Twilight knew what was causing his metaphorical (and not so metaphorical) hackles to rise, he sure as Hylia wasn't going to let these idiots out of his sight.
Which is how Twilight finds himself trailing behind Sky, Legend, and Wild as they make their way through the dusty streets of Kakariko once more, the last light of day bleeding red against their backs, sending their shadows crawling along in front of them.
The sight of the extended shades shifts something in Twilight. The Shadow Crystal feels a bit heavier, a bit warmer against his chest. Next to him, Twilight thinks he sees Four wave his hand subtly at his own shadow, the dark reflection mirroring the movement.
Soon enough, the lanterns from the pop-up stands come into view and Wild takes off, dragging Sky through the throng of shoppers and toward the first stall. Legend follows at a slower pace, picking his way through the tourists with a bit more grace than the champion
The Skyloftian is apparently looking for something to get his Zelda as an anniversary present and had enlisted the help of Legend to pick through the prospects. The pink haired hero was apparently very particular about his jewelry, magic or not, and had a keen eye for quality and cut.
Wild was there to look for a new pair of earrings for himself, excited to add to his own inventory of shiny things like the magpie he was.
From what Twilight can see over the crowd, Wild holds up a pair of extremely gaudy looking hoops–they’re absolutely massive, thick, and over bedazzled. They look like they could knock out the wearer if they moved their head wrong–and Legend makes a dismissive hiss, as though the metal has personally offended him. Wild grins at his disapproval and turns to the vendor Goron, asking about the price.
Sky laughs as Legend seethes.
Beside him Four seems like he’s just about to dive into the fray of people toward a stand selling knives when a voice has both him and Twilight turning.
“More friends of yours?” Luda asks as she pulls herself from the crowd and comes to stand at Twilight’s side, looking at the squabbling boys.
Wild somehow finds an even uglier pair and holds them up to his ears. Legend looks like he's going to chomp the other’s head off. Sky, standing between the two, is too busy looking at a necklace to be any the wiser.
“Unfortunately,” Four mutters for Twilight.
The shaman in training startles, seemingly seeing Four on Twilight’s other side for the first time.
“Oh, hello!” She says and Twilight winces as she bends down to address the smaller like one would a child. Four’s right eye twitches, cobalt and cold. “My name is Luda. What’s your name?”
“Four,” the smithy says, standing up straighter and injecting as much icy politeness into his voice as possible. He holds out his hand. “A pleasure.”
Luda blinks at the tone and overly rigid behavior and then straightens up, taking the smithy’s hand and giving it a quick shake.
She sends a questioning look Twilight’s way.
“First Time and now Four. Your friends have some pretty interesting names, Link.”
“They’re nicknames, actually,” Four corrects, jumping back in before Twilight has to fumble his way through another stretched truth. “We’re all from pretty far away, so some of our names are difficult to pronounce outside of our native languages,” he says, the lie slipping smoothly from the teens lips like a polished river stone.
It sounds believable even to Twilight.
Luda's face lights up at his words, a proud and challenging glint to her dark eyes.
“I think I’ll be the judge of that,” she says with a smile and a wink. “I’m pretty fluent in Goron- if I do say so myself- and I’ve been working on my Zora and ancient Sheika recently.”
Four’s eyes alight in response, a competitive grin of his own pulling at his face and a mischievous fire in his eyes.
“Cochi-ichoa-ichia ichiri,” pops from the boy’s mouth, each syllable bubbling from his lips, the sounds quick and chittery, like a bird or a squirrel as he places a hand on his stomach– where the seams of his tunic come together–  and bends slightly at the waist in a small bow.
Twilight stares wide eyed at the teen and next to him, the farmhand swears Luda’s eyes damn near pop out of her head.
“What the hell was that?” Twilight sputters.
Four simply grins smugly and shrugs his shoulders before turning away to walk toward the stalls. Luda lets out a shocked  little laugh and then jogs forward, throwing a wave back at Twilight before catching up with Four, questions flying from her mouth as soon as she can think of them.
They are swallowed by the crowd of shoppers.
And so Twilight is left to his own devices.
Not really there to buy anything himself, Twilight merely peruses the stalls slowly, saying hello to Gor Liggs and his son, Carrig as he browses. As he passes in front of one of the many jewelry stands, Ota, the young Goron, excitedly asks when Twilight would head back to the summit for more wrestling matches. Apparently Darbus was looking for a good match and hadn't found one among his brothers yet.
Not wanting to disappoint the kid, Twilight quickly gives him a humble non answer, a ‘as soon as I’ve got the time’ and then he moves along.
At the next vendor, Twilight finds Legend and Wild, the pink haired hero nodding his head appreciatively as the scarred boy tucks a couple of strands of long hair behind his ear, modeling another pair of earrings.
Twilight gives a whistle and nods his head. He has to hand it to Legend. The guy really does have an eye for this stuff.
The piece that Wild wears is elegant but not overly showy. The part that actually sits in the teen’s ear– the stud, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Iliya’s reminds– is a simple ball of silver. However, thin lines of ivy seem to grow from the ball, drawing icy swirls of vines and leaves from the teen’s lobe to the outer parts of his ear.
“Looks nice, Cub,” Twilight says, earning a glittering smile from the champion.
“Much nicer than those monstrositiesfrom earlier,” Legend agrees, his face screwing up as if he were chewing on a lemon at even the thought of the horrendous hoops.
Wild sticks his tongue out at the comment and then quickly pulls his slate from his belt to pay for the earrings. Then, they set out to find Sky among the crowd of tourists.
The chosen hero is easy enough to spot, his distinctive white sailcloth-cape distinguishable even in the fading light of the sunset.
However, apparently, while he is easy to spot, he is very difficult to please. At least when it comes to getting a gift for his girlfriend.
By the time the three of them make their way back toward where the Skyloftian is examining bracelets, the young man has worked himself into a tizzy, clutching multiple pieces of jewelry in both hands, looking back and forth and back and forth.
It takes a while, but Legend is eventually able to talk the chosen hero down, and helps Sky to select a simple metal charm–a stylized sun with thin rays of light radiating off it–to go along with the pink, red, blue and purple beads Sky had been carefully whittling and dying over the last few weeks.
With their main task done, the group of four simply browses through the stands as they wait for Four to get his fill of questions.
From where Twilight can see, Four and Luda are still chatting away six stalls down, the teen examining a large looking, metal hammer with interest. He points at some part of it, first talking to the girl next to him and then shifting to ask something of the vendor.
The two listen with rapt attention as the Goron responds and then Luda points to another part of the hammer– the side of the hammer’s face– her head shifting to the right as she clarifies. Both Four and the vendor nod at her, the small smithy smiling brightly as he adds something else that has Luda nodding right back.
The two continue to chat with the Goron, eyes equally bright, soaking in the knowledge.
Twilight smiles at the sight.
Next to him, Wild holds up a garish gold necklace, odd metal spikes hanging from a central, gold plated eye. Legend scowls at it and Sky merely laughs, pretending to take interest, if only to rile the veteran hero up further.
In front of him, Twilight watches as the sun finally, finally takes its rest, sinking below the cliffs of the canyon in one last swipe of a red and orange paintbrush. As the laughs and jeers around him increase, Wild now pushing a diadem into Legend’s hair, the navy blue of dusk finally settles like a blanket above them, heralding the night.
All is calm.
That should have been his first hint.
The second at least had the courtesy of being more obvious.
A faint tinkling starts from the table next to them, dragging Twilight’s attention away from the skyline.
Two rings clink together. Three rings clink together. All the rings clink together.
The farmhand’s whole world narrows down to the table, the sound of Wild’s laughing, Legend’s snarls, Sky’s weak attempts to play neutral all falling away as he stares as the silver and gold pieces shift against one another on the table.
Twilight watches as the rings shift and then jump in time, moving on their own.
No… not moving on their own!–
What started as an imperceptible tremble under his toes grows, the ground beneath his feet  rumbling and quaking, forcing the farmhand to brace his legs beneath himself to stay standing.
The earrings, necklaces, bracelets, tools, swords, everything begins to clink together. Then they do more than clink, jumping in chaotic waves, clanging so loudly it rings in Twilight’s ears, a picaxe to the brain.
The sound of a horn, no five, no seven, blasts from the end of the canyon in a hellish chorus, the low notes sending the earthquake up into Twilight's stomach, setting off an avalanche of ice into his blood. The anxiety in his guts cracks open like a fissure, fear spilling out.
Beside him, Sky loses his footing, falling forward. Twilight doesn't even let him touch the ground, razor sharp instincts allowing him to catch the young man’s sailcloth turned cape and haul the chosen hero behind himself.
With a strong step forward, Twilight throws his arms open, shielding the three other heroes behind himself just as the wave of Bulbos turn the corner, screaming into the village.
Around them, cries– Hylian, Goron– rise into the air as the beasts charge.
Everything is chaos. Bulbos squeal and grunt and shout in time with cries of fear as the beasts careen into the crowd and through the stalls. Broken wood, precious jewels, fire; it all flies through the air as bodies shove into Twilight from all sides, the crowd moving as one, dragging them downstream.
Behind him, Twilight feels hands grab into his tunic, into his pelt like a lifeline. He reaches back, catching what feels like Sky’s sailcloth between his fingers and holds on with all the strength and desperation he can manage.
A snap and an errant shard of wood comes careening from the darkness, slamming into the side of Twilight’s head, but he hardly notices. He’s too preoccupied with keeping his hands on his boys as he's pulled forward by the current of people, making sure they aren’t pulled away by the flood or Hylia forbid, fall to the ground to be trampled.
Oh Hylia, Twilight thinks, the ice in his veins turning sharp and pointed, stabbing into his lungs as fear takes his breath away.
Where's Luda?! Where’s Four?!
Twilight lifts his head, trying for a better vantage point, but is given an elbow to the eye and a shove from the side for his troubles, sending him reeling but not down. Hylia, he can not go down and drag the others down with him.
More screams rise into the air as a lantern smashes into a stall setting the whole thing ablaze, scattering embers and hot oil like pollen from a poppy.
Immediately the crowd moves, shifts, dives away from the danger, a school of fish moving on instinct in the dark.
Twilight is powerless to stop it, dragged to the left of the street by the horde. Someone falls next to the pelt wearing hero, landing bodily into his side, wrenching his left arm back. The cloth connecting him to his brothers threatens to be pulled from his hand but Twilight holds on all the harder, digging his nails into the fabric.
Another shove and out of the side of his eye, Twilight catches how the light of the fire glints in shades of oil spill orange and green off the side of oxidized and rumbled sheet metal in the shape of a tall building.
Barnes Bombs.
Somewhere he recognises. Somewhere the crowd is swimming away from in their haste to make it to the hotels.
A shoreline in a storm.
Twilight locks his knees against the onslaught of people and feels a body slam into his back. The sailcloth goes slack in his hand. Sky, most likely then.
Looping the fabric around his wrist for security, Twilight ducks his head and begins to ram his way to the sides of the crowd, earning him errant punches and elbows and kicks from all directions but he keeps moving. By Hylia, he keeps moving. Keeps moving forward.
With a final push, Twilight breeches the mass of bodies and throws himself flush against the side of Barnes’ shop, the metal uncomfortable against his back as he all but drags Sky and the others to his side.
At a glance, they seem to be battered and rattled but overall fine. Sky seems the least injured, though his wide, aquamarine eyes catch in the fire, big  and frantic and overwhelmed. Behind him, Legend sports a few rips to his tunic and a rapidly purpling chin, his own eyes flashing back and forth over the crowd, searching. Blood gushes from WIid’s nose and drips off his jaw though the teen hardly acknowledges it as he catches sight of Twilight, face contorted in concern.
Twilight doesn't feel his own cuts and bruises, the nick on his forehead from the wooden plank or ache in his arm or the pain in his ribs. His blood is too warm with adrenaline to feel any pain, too cold with fear to care if he did.
They all lock eyes and in the next moment,  they draw their weapons, Twilight and Sky going for their swords while Wild pulls a massive, stone bludgeon from his slate. Legend’s hands wrap around the Ice Rod he had been using earlier, ready to drop tons of ice on their adversaries.
And yet, as soon as they ready themselves, the sound of pounding hooves and shattering wood and screams the new, earth shattering normal, it all flies away, the ground slowly coming to a halt beneath Twilight’s feet.
In a flash, the riders are gone, dark shadows moving away like ghosts into the night, leaving only swirling dust clouds and destruction behind them as proof of their existence.
In a matter of seconds, the street is clear of most people, only glittering metal, ravaged stalls, and the injured left in the dusty road.
Immediately, Twilight’s eyes are scanning the dirt, looking for a small childlike figure amongst the rubble. He searches for that distinctive quadripartite tunic, those locks of golden hair in the lantern light. Anything.
Every passing second that the farmhand sees neither hide nor hair of the small smithy, his heart ratchets up three notches in his chest, his breaths coming out ragged and panting.
Twilight doesn't know what he dreads more in that moment:the boy staying missing, or finding him.
The sound of creaking wood sends Twilight’s head whipping up from his frantic search.
Across the street, a pile of debris shifts, revealing the yellowed, rocky skin of a hunched up Goron slowly uncurling.
The sentient rock straightens, coming to his feet first and then slowly uncurling the rest of the way, wood and dust falling away from his back as he uncrosses his arms from around where he had been curled.
And as he stands up, Twilight watches with fascination as two figures are slowly revealed to the firelight, both with similar bob haircuts but in opposite colors; one sable, one golden. Slowly, the two disoriented figures stand from their huddled position,  looking dazed and rattled but none the worse for wear.
Four and Luda. Safe.
Twilight must make some kind of choked off cough, because suddenly both teens are looking at him. Something like pained relief slams over Four's face and the teen stumbles forward over the shattered planks of wood toward the farmhand, Luda following close behind.
Something in Twilight settles at the sight of of the two, safe and s–
Pure, deep, rolling thunder shatters the delicate calm, ripping apart the second long reprieve
The thunder rises, the note going from a grumbling, vibration of the air to a triumphant war call, rattling through Twilight’s body, that sick sense of deja vu clawing at the back of his brain as his eyes are all but forced from the teens back toward the entrance of the village.
There, standing in the pale light of the rising moon in front of the steaming water of the Spirit Spring, is Lord Bullbo, his distinctive gray hair, massive tusks, and glowing red eyes visible even from the other side of town.
Astride the hulking beast’s back is a green skinned figure, too large to be a regular Bulblin but too small to be the King, large, painted horns hooked and dangerous, gleaming red eyes flashing in the firelight.
The too large Bulblin’s glowing eyes lock onto Twilight and then flash to the teens, a snaggle-toothed sneer pulling at his lips as the man?–monster catches sight of the would-be reunion.
And then the Bulblin flicks the reins and Lord Bullbo rears back with an ear splitting squeal, legs heaving the gargantuan body as fast a runaway carriage down the dirt street.
Twilight’s body is moving before the farmhand even registers it, sprinting forward, arms outstretched. Beside him, Sky, and Wild match him step for step. Legend does one better, the wings on his boots fluttering up a storm as the pink haired hero sprints like the winds, pulling in front of the farmhand, reaching forward
Across from the heroes, the Goron dives, making a grab for the teens, trying to pull them from harm's way once more.
Above them, the Bulblin looms, two pairs of blood moon eyes locked onto the youths caught in the middle of it all.
And Four and Luda…
Well, they run.
They run, dust kicked up in swirls by their feet.
They run, twin expressions of fear blowing their eyes wide.
They run, Luda pulling ahead, her longer strides allowing her to cover more distance.
They run, but as the shadow of the charging beast descends over them, faster than the Goron can dive, faster than Legend can sprint, Twilight knows with a flash of clarity that neither of them is going to make it in time.
Twilight knows they’re not going to make it, and he can see the moment that Four knows it too.
Can see it in the way the smithy’s eyes harden into flinty, multicolored gems. Can see it as he plants his feet, presses both hands into Luda’s back and with a full body movement, shoves her forward into Legend’s arms.
Twilight watches as, alone, the tiny hero turns to meet his fate head on.
And then, in the next second, Twilight can no longer see Four, the teen ripped away by the fabric of his hood, up into the arms of the Prince Bulblin in a flash of silvery boar hide and a snorting laugh.
In the matter of milliseconds, the gray beast has made it to the end of the canyon, the end of the town and the bastard Bulblin pulls on the warthog’s reigns, pulling the spitting bullbo until the creature rears back on its back hooves, screaming in fury.
The Prince Bulblin raises his prize and...
And Hylia, for the splitest of seconds, Twilight sees Colin in the monster’s hands.
He sees Colin, sweet, intelligent, brave Colin, unconscious in the arms of King Bulblin, held aloft in the noonday sun, a war trophy to spur Twilight into action. To spur Twilight to fight.
But then that moment ends.
It is night once more, the moon glinting off Lord Bullbo and illuminating the not-King Bulbin as he struggles to contain his captive even as he raises the teen skyward.
Because Four is not Colin.
Because unlike Colin–brave despite himself but still a child at heart– Four does not faint in the arms of the Bulblin.
Four hisses and spits like a feral fox, punching, kicking, clawing at every piece of green skin he can reach. The smithy rages in the Bulblin’s grip, thrashing wildly, nearly sending the rider from his saddle as he swings precariously in the monster’s hold.
Twilight dares to hope the Bulblin will lose his grip.
He doesn't.
Instead, he adjusts his grasp in the green fabric of the hood while his other hand releases its hold on the reins long enough to grab a massive wooden club from the back of the saddle. The Bulblin raises it above his head, looks straight at Twilight, and then, with a vengeful, poison filled smile, brings it down savagely.
Once, twice, three times.
Only then does Four still, finally going limp like Colin did.
And only then does the not-King Bulblin lift the smithy with a scream of triumph, the moon and the fires illuminating both monster and hero in the glow of destruction, red eyes bright in brutal glee as the green of Four’s headband turns black, drenched in blood.
A twang sounds from behind Twilight, an arrow sailing through the air only to glance off the side of the not-King’s armor harmlessly. The Bulblin smiles cruelly as squealing, terrible chuckles rip up from his throat at the failed attempt to save their friend.
Then, with a jolt of the reins, the Bulblin crashes away into the night with Four tucked under his arm like a sack of potatoes.
For a second, it is quiet, the only sound breaking the silence the crackling of the fires quickly consuming the destroyed stands.
In the next moment,Twilight begins furiously turning out his pockets,desperate to feel the smooth wood of that two belled flute, where is it, where the hell did he–
“Twi,” Wild says, voice urgent and rough with worry, as he, Sky, Legend, and the shaking Luda jog over to the farmhand’s side, matching expressions of concern and frightened anger on their faces.  “Twi, what are you doing? We have to–
Twilight yanks Iliya’s Charm free from his back pocket, quickly presses the mouthpiece to his lips and blasts three descending notes twice.
Almost immediately, there is an answering whinney and the distant but quickly approaching gallop of hooves. In less than a minute, Epona stands by his side, muscles twitching and hooves pawing restlessly at the dirt, in tune with her master’s clawing anxiety, his need to run, his need to run now.
With sure movements, Twilight swings himself onto her back, heels ready to tap Epona into movement, hands already at the reigns ready to snap–
Twilight’s legs freeze in place, his hands hovering, holding the worn leather of the reins in a death grip.
He wrenches his eyes from the dirt path in front of him, looking down.
Twilight looks at them and Wild stares back with imploring eyes, hand on Epona’s side as blood drips from his nose. His face is hard as stone, determined. Beside the champion, Legend glares up at Twilight, daring the other hero to tell them to leave. The veteran’s electric blue eyes are bright with fire, inside and out, guilt, concern, and anger taking turns pulling at his face. Behind the two, Sky nods his head as he sets his jaw, ready for anything.
Twilight looks at them, and even though anxiety and fear and a howling, clawinganger boil in his guts, he feel totally and utterly proud and totally and utterly stupid.
Because of course they want to help. Of course they needto help.
And of course he’s not alone. Not anymore.
He doesn't have to try to save Colin Four on his own. He doesn't have to be a one man army riding out into the sunset headless of his own safety.
Because, no matter how much it pains him to see them hurt, or how much it kills him that they’re in danger, he can’t protect them from everything. What literally just happened proved that without a shadow of a doubt.
He can’t protect them. Can't lock them away under his watchful eyes forever. Can’t force them to abandon who they are just to satisfy his own conscience.
He can’t protect them from the darkness.
But he can help them fight it.
And by Hylia, they can help him fight it too.
So, these thoughts singing in Twilight’s head, the pelt wearing hero scoots forward in the saddle and offers a hand down to his fellow heroes.
Legend immediately steps forward to take it, but pauses.
“Got an extra bow in that thing?” Legend asks gruffly, flicking steely eyes at Wild.
The champion nods, and with a click, a wooden bow with metal reinforcements glows into life. The veteran hero takes it and the proffered quiver full of arrows and then grabs Twilight’s hand, seating himself snuggly against the farmhand’s back.
In a flash of ethereal light, more ribbons of effervescent aqua condense from nothing, weaving together, forming… something.
It looks like a Guardian, segmented and criss crossed with veins of orange and aqua light. However, instead of the vase shaped, octopus designs of those Sheika monstrosities, this machine is sleek, two wheeled and fashioned in the style of a horse, saddle and equine head and all.
It is big enough for only one rider.
Wild quickly mounts up on the device like it's the most natural thing in the world, feet sliding into the metal stirrups and hands going straight for the handlebars that stick from the neck of the mechanical horse. He gives the nobs there a twist with his wrists until the device gives a kick, a grumbled humming sounding from the thing.
With a final click of his slate, a vicious looking, serrated triplicate boomerang materializes in the champion’s hand, steel glinting dangerously in the moonlight..
With a soft cough, Sky steps forward until he stands next to Epona’s side gazing up at Twilight. He unsheathes the Master Sword, glances over the sacred blade for only a second, before he offers the purple and green pommel to Twilight.
“We’ll switch,” he says, nodding to Twilight’s Ordonian sword. “She wants to go with you.”
Twilight takes the blade, his callouses sliding against the smooth pommel, the grip fitting perfectly in his hand like it was made for him. He supposes he knows now that it wasbut that doesn't tarnish the feeling holding the sword gives to him.
He slides it into the sheath on his back, nodding his head in thanks to the Skyloftian.
Sky nods in reply, takingTwilight’s sword. It is an uneven trade, but one the chosen hero seems happy enough to make.
“I’ll get the others,” Sky says, serious.  “We’ll be there soon.”
With that, the chosen hero takes off down the street toward the Elde Inn, his thick, labored breaths showing no sign of slowing the Skyloftian down.
Which just leaves...
“Bring him back,” Luda says, eyes big as she stares up at Twilight. Her voice, however, is steady and hard. An order. “Bring him back just like Colin.”
Twilight nods, a silent oath.
The girl accepts it, stepping back from Epona’s side with a final pet to the horse’s twitching flank before she too turns away and runs back toward her house, no doubt to get her father to help the injured.
Everything settled, Twilight sets his eyes on the moonlit, dirt road ahead of them. Legend shifts behind him, readying his bow. Beside Epona, Wild revs his machine, the wheels spinning, sending up clouds of dust.
“Let go get our smithy back,” Twilight says, voice all fangs.
Then, with a snap of the reigns, Epona bursts into motion, her powerful legs galloping them further into the canyon, further into the dark.
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bluesravens · 5 years
star girl
summary: it’s late and murphy isn’t sleeping. neither is she. warm fires, new friendships, and fairytales fill the night.
pairing: john murphy x reader
genre: angsty shit with some fluff
warnings: cursing, murphy being an ass
inspired by: the moon song by beabadoobee ft pig
author’s note: my first time writing on here so i hope y’all like it !! i’ll be setting up a request page with prompts soon, but feel free to request anytime!
A sudden gust of wind blew a piece of hot ember from the camp’s fire pit to the soft grass beneath Murphy’s feet. He sat on a splintered log, staring into the flames that sat in front of him, not noticing that Y/N, another one of the 1OO kids sent to the ground, was lying in the dirt on the opposite side of the fire.
Y/N had noticed a while ago that Murphy had slumped onto the log across from her, but decided not to say anything in hopes not to disrupt him or to disrupt her nightly routine of stargazing. Her hair was scattered over the log she was resting her head on and her eyes were lazily gazing at the constellations above. It was calmly quiet out. The sounds of Earth filled the silence around her and Murphy as the rest of the camp slept on the soft grounds of their new home. She glanced at Murphy who was staring into the fire with a hint of sadness and exhaustion in his eyes.
Y/N inhaled a deep breath and relished the burn of the smoke in her throat. She had never felt so alive, but also never as scared as she did right now. A new planet. A new life. A new beginning.
Apparently Y/N’s loud sigh had alerted Murphy of her presence. The boy jumped up from the log and fumbled for some sort of weapon in his pocket. He whipped out a rusted screwdriver and pointed it in her direction with a near steady hand. She sat up and put her hands up in surrender.
“Hey! Hey! It’s me!,” She exclaimed. “It’s me. Y/N.”
Murphy sighed with relief and annoyance and loosened his grip on his weapon. “How long have you been sitting there? Who the hell just sneaks up on people like that?”
Y/N put her hands down and looked at him apologetically. She hadn’t meant to scare him, she just wanted to be alone for a bit and it wasn’t like he was disturbing her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out. I was just looking at the stars.”
A content look replaced the worried expression on her face as her eyes returned to the sky. Murphy sat back down and scoffed dramatically to prove his irritation with her. She looked back to him and furrowed her brow. He had a far away look in his eye while he stuffed the screwdriver back in his tattered jacket’s pocket.
“Are you alright?,” Y/N asked. “You’re up awfully late.”
Before she could say anything else, Murphy cleared his throat and the sad look in his eyes dissipated as quickly as it had arrived. He didn’t need her asking personal questions like that “Why are you up so late? Don’t you need to rest up before another long day of kissing Clarke’s ass?”
Y/N didn’t know why it had affected her, but she felt a pant of hurt in her chest. The insult had come so suddenly she was in shock. She was really sick of Murphy’s friends being awful to Wells and Clarke. She agreed with Clarke’s ideas and suddenly she was a target. Maybe Y/N had thought that since it was just Murphy and her he would be a little more kind. Her eyes betrayed her and she new that she looked hurt.
Murphy’s expression softened and he looked as if he was almost going to apologize for being so unnecessarily cruel to her, but this time it was Y/N’s turn to cut him off.
“Don’t you have to get ready for a long day of being Bellamy’s bitch?,” She shot back. His eyes narrowed and she slapped her hand over her mouth. That was not like her at all and she regretted it immediately.
“I’m not anyone’s bitch.,” he spat back. Venom dripped from his words and he got up to leave in a huff. Any chance of him apologizing was gone.
“Murphy! Murphy wait! I’m sorry.,” She said as she jumped up. “Wait! Don’t go!”
Murphy grabbed his small bag and began to walk back to whatever tent he was calling home, ignoring her pleas.
Y/N reached out and grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving. He dryly laughed before turning around and looking her dead in the eye. “What do you want now, Y/N? You gonna insult me again? Call me a bitch again?”
She didn’t let go of his wrist, but looked down. “Im sorry, Murphy. Seriously. I shouldn’t have said that. But you shouldn’t have said it either. Why would you try to start something with me?”
He scoffed and pulled his arm away. “Whatever. I don’t need to answer to you.”
Murphy wasn’t used to kindness or people being sincere so he took her apology as a threat. She swallowed and looked back up at him. “Please sit back down. I’m going to my tent anyways. You can go back to whatever it is that you were doing.”
Murphy shook his head and began to walk back to his tent, but she reached for his shoulder this time and gently pulled him back.
“Please. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.,” She asked again.
Murphy eyed her suspiciously and slowly nodded. “Fine.”
A couple of tension filled moments passed as the two just looked at each other, waiting for someone to do something.
Murphy finally went to sit down and pulled a flask out of his bag. He didn’t look at her again as he popped off the lid and let the container rest between his lips.
She sighed and shook her head. Why did everything have to be so damn difficult? She felt hurt and wished she would’ve said something else but she also felt pity for the boy sitting before her. He looked so lonely.
Y/N made a decision and sat right back where she was before. The warmth of the fire heated up her skin and she looked across the fire to see if Murphy was okay. He was staring at her with an angry expression, but also with a look of amusement.
“I thought you were leaving.,” He stated simply. He placed the flask back in his bag and crossed his arms. A humorless smirk settled on his face. “Couldn’t get enough of me?”
Y/N was quietly staring at the night sky and very obviously not listening to him. She looked so elegant and peaceful under the moon light and Murphy couldn’t help but notice. Even though she had just ripped his head off, Murphy could see that she was normally a very kind human.
“Y/N? Did you hear me?,” He asked, interjecting his own thoughts. “I said I thought you were—”
“Did you know that in a few billion years our north star will become a different star called Vega. It has something to do with the tilt of Earth’s axis.,” Y/N explained, ignoring his statement and interrupting his next attempt at talking to her.
He looked confused but brought his attention up to the sky she was so intently staring at.
Y/N pointed to a zigzag pattern in the stars and sighed happily. “And that constellation right there is called Cassiopeia. And that one over there is called Andromeda. I think.”
He watched her as she excitedly pointed out all her favorite star clusters. He didn’t dare interrupt her now.
“My mom was an astronomer. Before she died she always made up fairytales about the constellations and would tell me stories to help me sleep.,” Y/N told him. “Also, there’s not much else to do in a metal box other than read about the universe we live in.”
A look of nostalgia and pain crossed over her face. He looked up once again and Y/N could have sworn she saw a smile grace his lips.
“My mom used to make up stories too. She would write them down and then tell them to me before I went to bed.,” He said quietly, but then let out a laugh. “Man, you never realize how easy you have it when you’re nine, do you?”
Y/N examined his face, but didn’t detect any sarcasm. He was being genuine with her for some reason.
“ No. I guess not.,” She replied, chuckling a bit too.
Quiet replaced the conversation again and the two teens sat on the splintered logs in silence, just looking at the sky together. Murphy felt peaceful for once. This stranger had scared him, then insulted him, then made him feel safe in a very short amount of time and he was starstruck.
“Im sorry.,” Murphy muttered abruptly. “I shouldn’t have said something like that before. You don’t deserve that. I don’t why I was so mean to you.”
He didn’t meet her eyes, but she knew he was being genuine again. “Thanks, Murphy. You’re not too bad yourself.”
Y/N made the bold decision to move a log closer to Murphy. He watched her, but didn’t object. It was quiet again and the two were content.
He smirked at her again and winked jokingly. “You’re brave, Y/N.”
“And why is that, John Murphy?,” She replied, playing along.
“You are officially the first person in this whole camp to be nice to me.,” He said, gesturing around at all the tents.
“I wasn’t kind though.,” She said while talking a little bit quieter than before. She looked disappointed in herself. “I like to be nice to everyone just in case they’re going through something, but I didn’t do that earlier. I was mean.”
“Mean? Seriously, come on. I randomly insulted you and you had a comeback. That isn’t mean. That’s called standing up for yourself.,” Murphy explained, gazing at her with admiration and respect in his eyes. “I’ve never met someone who has the balls to be kind to someone as bitchy as me.”
“I think you’re brave too Murphy. I know why you were locked up. You’ve been through a lot.,” She muttered softly.
Murphy smiled lightly at her and nodded stiffly., “Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot.”
They were facing each other now while they spoke. Y/N was almost thrilled to see him smile again.
“You’re smile is contagious, John Murphy.,” Y/N said boldly. Maybe it was the night air that had taken over her normally anxious self, but right now she was being more flirtatious than ever.
He smiled again and looked down while shaking his head. “I’m gonna hit the hay, Y/N. You gonna stay out here?”
She shook her head and pushed herself off the log. “No. I feel like maybe I’ll be able to sleep now.” Y/N’s cheeks were flushed front the heat of the fire and her eyes looked ready to close any minute. She was positively adorable.
“Sorry about everything, Y/N.,” Murphy said again. He got up too and began to make his way back to his tent. “See you tomorrow night?”
Her heartbeat kicked up and she couldn’t contain the grin that pulled in her lips. “Of course. Goodnight, John Murphy.”
“Night, star girl.”
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nightwingshero · 4 years
😊😱🤗💕 I'm throwing this right back at you for Blair, Amikel, Veronica, and Gabriel!! Love you!!
Thank you, love!!!! Love you too! 💓😘 Sorry it took me so long!!! Gabriel and Veronica really made me think...(actually a few of them did.)
😊 - something that makes your character smile?
Blair: Honestly, it’s rather easy to make her smile. Bringing her a fresh cup of coffee is a good way to go. She’s always up for one and those who know her, know her coffee order like the back of their hand. And it’s usually H.R. Wells, Cisco, or Caitlin that’s grabbing her some. Iris will when she’s around (or needs help on something she’s working on--bribes are sometimes legal, okay?), or Barry will be thoughtful and grab one if he knows he’s going to see her. Being around Leonard and Mick makes her smile too, she’s grown fond of those guys.
Amikel: Can you guess? Alcohol! That’s right, that girl smiles when yo bring her a good bottle or glass, because that means you’re trying to be in her good graces, and she can never say no to a free bottle of booze. Grogu doing shenanigans is also a thing that makes her smile, because it’s so damn amusing to her. She’s a bad influence. I’m not sure who makes Din sigh more.
Veronica: Music and stealing. There are a few things, but hanging out with friends is a go-to. She enjoys her time with Dick and Jason at the manor when she’s younger (and older, let’s be honest here). Alice also amuses the hell out of her, because she’s not at all like Harley, and it’s just...V can’t help but be mildly amused. Something that really did make her smile was helping Jason work on his bike in the Cave. Dick trying to make her smile with his light teasing will do it too, no matter how hard she fights it. 
Gabriel: Playing on his guitar or going for drives(either in his Mustang or on his bike.) He smiles slightly to himself when he does that, especially if he’s alone or thinks no one is looking. He does little light chuckle and small smirk thing, and then looks down at his feet when someone makes a joke or says something he just finds funny. But seeing other people smile usually does it, especially if he really cares about that person. 
😱 - something that makes your character afraid?
Blair: It terrifies the hell out of her when the people close to her are in immediate and serious danger, where their lives are very much in the balance. Her losing control of her powers scares her too, because she can become the very thing that hurts, or even kills, her friends. Both of those things have kept her up at night, mostly because she’s witnessed them firsthand. And let me just tell you, Blair doesn’t handle either of those things very well.
Amikel: At first, despite finding it a bit amusing, it’s Grogu’s gift or powers. It’s easy to assume Amikel is nothing but a washed up bounty hunter/assassin who drinks constantly...but she’s a smart person, calculating, and she doesn’t know what it is; she just knows that it’s got to be something bigger. And that terrifies her. Bigger means more trouble, and the last thing she wants is more trouble for herself, Din, or Grogu. Later of course, that fear only grows as they learn more.
Veronica: She will obviously say she’s not afraid of anything. But honestly, she’s scared that she won’t work past her anger or be any better than where she came from. She loves Selina dearly, and is thankful for everything she’s ever done. But she doesn’t want the Catwoman mantle when that time comes, she doesn’t want to be known as a Rogue, or to be a criminal. Is she an antihero? For most of her teen years and some of her young adult years, yes. But she almost kills Scarecrow...it shook her enough to realize that if she didn’t leave...she was doomed to be nothing but a criminal eventually. Veronica is terrified she won’t overcome that.
Gabriel: So...he’s afraid that all he’ll ever be good at is being a criminal, and once he gets his powers, he’s afraid that he’s also only meant to hurt people. There’s a lowkey belief that if he uses it, that it means that he’s meant for bad things because fire is so destructive...he’s seen that first hand. It’s all he’s good at. And add that to the fear of his sister never accepting him again: whether it’s because of the life of crime he had chosen or the meta powers he had gained. That bridge is burned severely (pun somewhat intended--its late, please don’t judge.) Gabriel worries that there’s no redemption for him (but we all know that Wally won’t let that happen, don’t we?)
🤗 - something that makes your character feel warm and fuzzy?
Blair: Literal fuzzy socks and warm sweaters...I’m not even kidding. You will find her (well, she surely hopes you won’t) in her underwear (pajama bottoms--shorts or pants alike) with a warm sweater and thick fuzzy socks. Most of the time with a cup of coffee or hot cocoa in her hands. But honestly, it’s when Leonard does things to show affection. He has a habit of uh...tapping her nose quickly with the tip of his finger. And that actually started out as something taunting, sarcastic, and somewhat patronizing, because Leonard is Leonard. But it grew to something he’ll do when she’s troubled or too focused on something and frustrated. It’s also words of affirmation. Especially from Leonard, Wells, Martin, Oliver, and Barry. Even Mick, if I’m being honest. It’s a nice reminder that she’s cared for and it always makes her feel good.
Amikel: The moments where Din is being a soft dad with Grogu or when Grogu is being absolutely adorable (when isn’t he, though?) She won’t admit it at all, and she might shoot you (or throw a bottle at your head) if you dare say a word about it. But Amikel hasn’t had family in a long time, that’s the closest thing she’s had and having her childhood friend back? They make her feel like she’s part of a family and is cared for. 
Veronica: There are moments that she gets with Dick when they’re younger where they would just hang out on the rooftops of buildings in Gotham. It was like they were in their own little world back then, it made her feel like she had a friend that understood at least some of what she went through. They would often sit on the edge and eat from one of their favorite pizza spots in Gotham, and every time she passes it, it makes her remember it fondly. So, usually going out for pizza is a go-to with her other friends when she’s older, and she will actually take some pizza and sit on a rooftop on her own, too, on a good night on patrol. 
Gabriel: His mother’s homemade meals and positive reinforcement. He’s definitely rough on the outside, but he’s soft on the inside and appreciates affection from the people close to him. Blair rustling his hair (which he moans about--but secretly likes it) or pulling him into a hug, Mick giving him a rare slap on the shoulder, or anything of that nature will make him feel a bit warm because that’s validation he wants. But celebrating his culture (with or without his family) is something that always makes him feel like a kid again, and if he’s not with his family, it makes it feel like he’s with them anyway. 
💞 - something that makes your character feel loved?
Blair: When people pay attention to the little things. Most people don’t really catch most of the things she rambles about when it comes to her work, sometimes it can be hard to understand, but when people remember little details (even if they don’t understand), it makes her feel they care about her and her passions. Like how Leonard throws in how he’s paying attention or when her parents were always supportive of her scientific endeavors. Even having her science nerd friends get on board and show interest in her work means a lot to her. Actions are a big thing too, because that girl is oblivious at times, but actions speak louder than words (so Leonard can be as smooth and sarcastic as he wants, what she notices is him saving her ass on missions.)
Amikel: It’s really hard to explain, so I hope this comes out making sense, but it’s a bit complicated with her, so bear with me. Obviously you have the moments with Grogu where his attachment to her is apparent--that’s the easy answer. With Din, it’s different, and I know this might sound weird, but its his trust in her and treats her like a partner. Amikel doesn’t have the best reputation, and honestly, she’s not a very trustworthy person with the line of work she usually does. She’s not one to be fully without honor, but she’s also...well, she’s had a bounty on her head once or twice herself. So his trust in her as a partner and to trust her with the kid? Yeah, that hits a certain way.
Veronica: It’s when someone makes her feel seen. Veronica is perceived as a lot of things, some true, some not so much. There’s more to her than that, though, and it’s overseen, or she hides it more often than not. So when someone sees her despite all of that? It makes her heart race. And let me tell you, Dick Grayson sees right through her and always has (listen, he’s a damn good detective, alright? Give the boy some credit.) It makes her feel vulnerable, but in a good way when it’s with someone she trusts and loves in return, bot from friends and significant others. Alice and others making it a thing where they
Gabriel: He’s a pretty affectionate person past the hard exterior, so kisses on his cheek or forehead, and hugs (any of these could be platonic or romantic) are something that really hits him in the feels. But it’s when you make him feel...like something more, and you show that you’re not ashamed of him. It makes him feel truly loved when people can look past the criminal piece (because boy is trying to turn a new leaf--to show he’s more than the self destructive nature he’s seen as) and see him as someone worth something. Someone that cares for him for who he is and doesn’t try to make him be something he’s not, and just being there for him and believing in him. As for the affectionate piece, he loves it when you show it openly, unafraid of expressing that you care about him, despite what others feel (he’s got a bit of a rep for you know...being a criminal: thief, arsonist, hired muscle, and he dabbles in illegal street racing...he has a resume apparently...)
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madamebaggio · 4 years
Tumblr media
As I’ve said, now we have our 50 ships and there won’t be any new ships, but still many more adventures.
Our complete list is:
Robb Stark (Game of Thrones) X Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) 
Tauriel (The Hobbit) x Valkyrie (MCU)
Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) X Miriam “Midge” Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) X Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Vortigern Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) x Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men: First Class) X Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
James T. Kirk (Star Trek) X Rey (Star Wars)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals) x Kisa | Santanico Pandemonium (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)
Daisy “Quake” Johnson (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) X Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Kingsman)
Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl) X Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Beverly Marsh (It) x Eleven | Jane Hopper (Stranger Things)
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) X Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) X Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Natasha Romanoff (MCU) X John Wick (John Wick)
Darcy Lewis (MCU) x Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Joseph Dredd (Dredd) x Octavia Blake (The 100)
Maria Hill (MCU) x Merlin (Kingsman)
Thranduil (The Hobbit) X Loki Odinson (MCU)
Steve Rogers (MCU) x Mera (DCU)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) x Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) x Clarke Griffin (The 100)
Ravenna (Snow White and the Huntsman) X Morgana (Merlin)
Murphy and Connor MacManus (The Boondock Saints) x Anna Poliatova (Anna)
Frank Martin (The Transporter) x Lorraine Broughton (Atomic Blonde)
Baby Doll (Sucker Punch) x Priest (Priest) 
Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters) X Prince Nuada (Hellboy: The Golden Army)
Margaery Tyrell (Game of Thrones) X Roan (The 100)
Maleficent (Maleficent) X Jareth (The Labyrinth)
Dutch (Killjoys) x Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural) X Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
Diana Bishop (A Discovery of Witches) x John Constantine (Constantine)
Queen Freya (The Huntsman: Winter’s Wars) x Conan (Conan The Barbarian)
Roxy Morton (Kingsman) x Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons (Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Faramir (The Lord of the Rings) x Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Lucian (Underworld)  x Tamara (Conan The Barbarian)
Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe) x Katia Von Dees (Hitman Agent 47)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99) x Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Darth Maul (Star Wars) x Lady Jaye (G.I. Joe)
Hattie Shaw (Hobbs & Shaw) x Jane Kano (Charlie’s Angels)
Face (The A-Team) x Han Cho Bai (Red 2)
Jacob Hood (Eleventh Hour) X Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Selene (Underworld) x Mina Harker (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
47 (Hitman) x Elena (Charlie’s Angels)
Dagonet (King Arthur) x Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)
Borra (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) x Catia (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)
Diaval (Maleficent) x Yennefer (The Witcher)
Sabina Wilson (Charlie’s Angels) x Daphne Kluger (Ocean’s Eight)
Lady Sif (MCU) x Sara (The Huntsman) 
Chris Argent (Teen Wolf) x Madison Maxwell (Dollface)
Frank Castle (The Punisher) x Grace (Ready or Not)
For the end of this month we’ll have the Alternate April, which means all these lovely ships in AU situations.
I’ll follow the list below:
Actor AU
Alien AU
Android AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist AU
Art Student AU
Assassin AU
Athlete AU
Author AU
Babysitter AU
Bakery AU
Ballet AU
Band AU
Bartender/Bar AU
Beach AU
Bodyguard AU
Book Store AU
Bounty Hunter AU
Celebrity AU
Chef AU
Clothing Shop AU
Club AU
Coffee Shop AU
College AU
Coworker AU
Criminal AU
Cyborg AU
Dancer AU
Detective AU
Doctor AU
Enemies AU
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
Fire Fighter AU
Gang AU
Haunted House AU
Hero/Villain AU
High School AU
Hogwarts AU
Hospital AU
Jedi AU
Lawyer AU
Library AU
Mafia AU
Magic AU
Mechanic AU
Medieval AU
Mermaid AU
Military AU
Model AU
Modern AU
Musician AU
Neighbor AU
Ninja AU
Office AU
Officer (Police) AU
Paranormal Investigator AU
Pirate AU
Road Trip AU
Room Mate AU
Rival AU
Royalty AU
Scientist AU
Soulmate AU
Space AU
Spy AU
Star Trek AU
Street Racing AU
Stripper AU
Student AU
Tattoo Shop AU
Teacher AU
Thief AU
Undercover Cop AU
Vacation AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Veterinarian AU
Wedding Planner AU
Werewolf AU
Wild West AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Now... If you want to choose a AU for your favorite ship, let me know the name of the ship and the AU here in the comments.
Be daring, choose something completely out of the ordinary for the ships.
I’ll see you at the end of the month.
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acaciarosewrites · 5 years
A Midnight Prank: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery AU one-shot
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.” Emma told Tonks as they made their way through the east tower corridor towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.
“You’re not going to die!” Tonks said as she led the way, hiking up the knapsack that she had hanging on her shoulder.
Emma threw Tonks a skeptical look. “It’s Rakepick. Sneaking into her class to set up a huge prank that will make her look like… well like a fool? She already broke my first wand for trying to take her on. She’ll kill me. If she kills me, I’m haunting you.”
“You have a point—”
“Except, after she kills you, Rakepick will kill me for also sneaking into her classroom and pranking her to look like a fool.”
Emma shook her head, “Why did I agree to do this again?”
“Because you’re a good friend and you like helping others.”
“You sound very confident about that.” Emma muttered as she knelt to unlock the door, muggle fashion. “You haven’t even told me what you’re going to do to her.” Emma said as she heard the lock click and she pushed the door open.
“How do you know how to do that again?” Tonks said, appreciatively.
“Jacob. He taught me. He learned it from one of his Muggleborn friends.”
“I need to learn that.”
“I’ll teach you. If you tell me what all this is for.” Emma tried to reason with the metamorphmagus.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Tonks smirked as she walked forward, Emma threw her an unimpressed look as she stood in the entrance of the classroom to keep watch.
Behind her, Tonks was pulling objects out of her bag. The pink-haired teen was soon running around the classroom setting up all her prank items.
It was maybe half an hour later before Tonks came back over to Emma, nodding her head in satisfaction.
“Are you done then?” Emma asked sarcastically.
“Why yes, yes, I am.” Tonks said, not concerning herself with Emma’s tone. “Now let’s get out of here.” The two quickly exited the DADA classroom, making sure to close and lock the door.
They were half-way down the corridor when they noticed a pair of glowing eyes up ahead of them.
“Mrs. Norris!” Emma gasped.
“What do we do?” Tonks said turning to Emma.
“What do you mean what do we do? We run!” Emma whisper yelled, pulling Tonks by the sleeve towards a side corridor that they could hopefully lose the hissing cat in.
They quickly ran down the corridor and slipped into an alcove behind a suit of armor. They held their breath as they heard animal paws against stone and human footsteps jogging along.
“They can’t have gotten far, Mrs. Norris. We’ll catch those nasty rule-breakers. See about giving the shackles proper use, yet.” They heard Filch’s rasping voice say.
Tonks and Emma kept completely still as they waited for them to pass. Several minutes after they were sure Filch and Mrs. Norris were gone the two slowly exited from the alcove.
“That was close.” Tonks whispered.
“Yeah,” Emma agreed, “I’m actually surprised you haven’t tripped over your feet yet. No offense, but you are pretty clumsy.” Emma shrugged.
“Well, when it comes to an important mission such as this, I can be quite graceful.” Tonks boasted as she casually leaned back. Unfortunately, she leaned farther back than she meant to and knocked into the suit of armor which wobbled back and forth dangerously before falling to the ground with a loud crash.
The prefect and the prankster watched it go down with wide eyes before they started running. The noise would be bringing Filch back fast. Emma and Tonks quickly went in the opposite direction heading towards Ravenclaw House. They made it in record time.
“Quick! Give the password and let’s get inside!” Tonks urged the Ravenclaw.
“We don’t get in by password.” Emma responded.
“What do you mean you don’t get in by password? How do you—”
“It’s a riddle. The knocker gives you a riddle and you answer it.” Emma answered, indicating the bronze, eagle-shaped door knocker.
Tonks stared. “You’re having me on, aren’t you?”
“I’m not.”
“But what if you get the answer wrong?”
“You can always try again or wait for someone to come along and hope they can solve it.”
“We don’t exactly have that luxury, Emma!” Tonks exclaimed; eyebrows high on her forehead.
Emma rolled her eyes, “Keep it down. May we have the riddle, please?”
“I can be deep, I can be powerful, I can be complex, blind, difficult, and profound at the same time. What am I?” Came the soft, musical voice of the bronze eagle.
Emma tilted her head as she considered her answer, “I believe the answer is love.” Emma nodded her head.
“A wise response.” The knocker replied before the door swung open.
The teens quickly entered the Ravenclaw Common Room, door closing behind them.
“What if that was an emergency?” Tonks exclaimed.
“Flitwick and Dumbledore would be able to get through if it were truly an emergency. I suppose any teacher would. But Flitwick usually loves solving these riddles too. They help you learn.” Emma shrugged walking further into the room. Tonks followed her with a considering look on her face.
“You do realize any other student could get into your Common Room if they were so inclined.”
“Oh, they’ve tried.” Emma responded. “But most witches and wizards don’t have the patience to reason out logical answers – even if they are a bit obvious.”
“And how was your answer obvious?” Tonks questioned.
“Honestly, the part of the riddle that mentioned it was complex and difficult reminded me of my relationship with Jacob. I love my brother, but I just wish that he would come home and explain himself, explain why he was working with all these dodgy characters. It would be nice to be told the truth for once instead of having to search for the answers myself.”
Tonks nodded as she looked around the common room. “I think you guys might have more books here than the actual library.”
“It grows every year.” Emma noticed the questioning look on Tonks’s face and continued, “At the end of the year, the seventh years donate a couple of textbooks or reference books of their choice to the bookshelves. It certainly helps when looking for additional sources.”
“What if they give copies of books already donated?”
“Some of the books here do have copies, some don’t. If a graduating Ravenclaw gives a copy of a book it’s placed in the archives. Basically, there is an entire floor beneath this one, above our dorms, that has a section for copies. It’s become a challenge for those donating to give a book that hasn’t been donated before so there are a lot of unique books.”
“Something tells me there’s something special about the books in the archives…” Tonks mused.
“All the books are special.” Emma declared, “But… the books in the archives are ones that aren’t even in the Hogwarts Library.”
“Wow,” Tonks murmured, before throwing a teasing look Emma’s way, “who knew a secret library could be so cool.”
Emma once again rolled her eyes before indicating the couch near the window, “You can sleep there. We have some extra throw blankets in the dresser next to it. They’re washed every day by the house elves.”
Tonks wandered over to said dresser and pulled out a couple of blankets. “Why do you have blankets in your common room?”
“Suffice it to say, more than a few of us haven’t made it to bed after binge-studying for exams – the fifth and seventh years especially.”
Tonks laughed, “Thanks Emma.” The metamorphmagus smiled.
“You’re welcome Tonks.” Emma smiled walking over to the spiral staircase.
“Oh, and Emma?” Tonks called, “You wanted to know why I was pranking Rakepick?”
At that, Emma whirled around, “You’re actually going to tell me?”
Tonks nodded, “I might have taken something Jae said as a dare.”
“You might have?” Emma could already feel the disbelief forming on her face.
“Jae said that if anybody was brave enough to prank Rakepick it would be a Gryffindor. Okay, so maybe I took it as a challenge.” Tonks admitted.
“Alright… and the reason for the multiple pranks?”
“Well… Rakepick is one of the best Defense professors we’ve ever had. She might be able to detect that somebody had been in her classroom and set up a few traps. There are layers to this Emma. If she sets off one prank in one area, they won’t all go off. It’s pretty genius, if I say so myself.”
“If Rakepick kills me, I’m haunting you.” Emma declared as she walked down the stairs to her dorm, Tonks’s laughter following her as she went.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part 3)
N/A: Kurt is time to be a better person and reconize the abuse and get health copy mechanism.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The mission in London take the time Kitty expected and for once, in her entire career in Excalibur, that is a good surprise, the mission lasted 3 months. All the while, catching the bad people, in this particular case, a mafia of old wizards and during the time…Kitty questioned herself about Kurt Wagner.
“Kitty, is ok, is ok to feel this and you shouldn´t feel ashamed to talk about this with me” Meggan once told her in a kind fashion “ you miss Kurt, don´t you?”
 “Very much,” Kitty responds and then her compact communicator, Excalibur is a bit paranoid with communication and safety and Kitty is always happy to offer alternative solutions. It was Kurt calling Kitty, and Meggan does not appear bitter as Kitty is talking with the elf.
 “Katzchen? I want to talk with you….I want to apologize for what I did, with you, Meggan and Brian…I…don´t want you to be upset with me” Kitty didn´t show her emotions easily, at least, not now.
 “Yeah, well, don´t apologize to me, apologise to Meggan” the blonde woman is not showing a friendly face, yet, the feeling is not toward Kitty, Kurt on the device continues. “I know, I know …I realize I was acting just like them…just like Amanda”
 Meggan weird out the name. Yet, Kitty knows who it is and she shows some sympathize. A soft smile graced her lips as Kitty let the elf speak (she isn´t denying the claim, Meggan noticed, and she can conclude this Amanda is a bad person)
 “I´m reflection on my life and I really don´t want to be like Amanda or Margalia, this is a plight I can´t ignore, but, if I continue on this route means losing you…then I must do something” Kurt confessed and Kitty has a soft expression, yet, she´s still firm.
 “Nice words Kurt, but, is not only me who need to know you won´t be …an Amanda, but we´re also coming back, me, Meggan, Rachel and Brian and…can you behave?” she didn´t like how she asked, yet, she needs to know…the last thing she needs is to see Kurt pinning over Meggan or some random woman.
 She´s Kitty Pryde and will have pride no matter what.
 “When Brian and Meggan arrives, I´ll apologise with them and try to make up for that…incident” Kurt promised not knowing Meggan is there and is judging his words, not seeing his face(no need in this case) and detected no fault play…yet.
“Well, it will be a long way to go…Brian and Meggan don´t have the best image of you, and…I want to have the best image of you, elf, so, please…be a more mature person in the future, elf” she said with a firm tone and Kurt nods promising he will, and then Kitty starts to talk about the mission.
 “We get help from the MI-13, a man named Pete Wisdom help us…it helps a lot” Kitty explained and give the details, Meggan then leaves the room and never once Kurt ever asked if Meggan was near. Suddenly the blonde wonders about something Brian said. Sometimes, man can be stupid in regards to their own feeling.
 Yea, Brian you´re really the one to talk.
  Kurt´s legs are better and Rogue is there to fill the role of the best sister in the world and give tips to what to do, either to clean the room, something Rhane needs help too or how to respect boundaries, something Doug is really good at it.
 Excalibur arrives at the familiar lighting house and Kurt arrives with his legs healed and a shy smile on his face. Kitty wants to hug him, but first, she needs to know if his talk was genuine. Will he try to do anything with Meggan?
 Brian and Meggan are looking at Kurt as if daring him to do anything. The elf is many, many things, but a coward is not. “Brian and Meggan…I want to apologize for what I did” Meggan is not detecting any lie or ill feeling coming from him, yet, mere words don´t hold the same power as actions. “I know I did something horrible, in fact, I was unwell for while…I´ll spare from details, but, let´s just say…I lied when I said my family didn´t traumatize…it did and only now I realize I´m being just like Amanda” his golden eyes are glittering and Brian and Meggan know he´s not lying. “I´m sorry and I promise that type of behaviour won´t happen again…I´m a hero, not an Amanda”
 “You want a second chance?” Meggan asked breaking the silence. “Brian?” she looks at the blonde man for a moment.
 “Then don´t ruin your second chance, Kurt Wagner, you can´t save the others if you´re still under peril, I´d know nothing about the Szardos, but, I know they have a bad fame” Meggan as a Roma did give some details about the Szardos and nothing is pleasant to hear “ whatever they did, I think you´re better than this” Brian shake Kurt´s hand a gesture to solidify the second chance(Meggan nods for Brian as if the situation would only happen if she´s ok with that) “but don´t test us again, Wagner” Brian squeeze the hand a little hard. Meggan smile a little.
 Kitty smiles and now she can hug the elf. Rachel is ready to ignore the elf as usual. Kurt can say that as much Brian´s strength (and Meggan´s) are something to bummer anyone´s day, but having Kitty Pryde smiling at you again is worth.
 Rachel goes to talk with Rogue, Rhane and Doug and the two teens confirmed two things, they want to be members of Excalibur and Kurt was on his best behaviour.
  Kurt´s way to redeem himself was to get more mission as Meggan and Brian get more time to be alone, a gesture appreciated by the couple, as they want to talk about the future. Kitty Pryde is with him and the man can be grateful as the most boring or a strange mission gets better when she´s around.
 One day, as Kurt and Kitty are back from a mission. Someone is knocking on the door, something new as usual people just materialized inside the lighting house. It was a British man from MI-13, that is Pete Wisdom and somehow Kurt Wagner does not like the man.
 Pete is wearing a white, which by the way, is completely kneaded and a cigar in his mouth, normally, Kurt wouldn´t care about someone´s outfit, but, something in this man profoundly annoys Kurt Wagner.
 Pete goes to kitty, of all people, and speak in a more calm tone letting his accent roll (is that for real? Kurt never forced his accent) and is taking Kitty´s hand, much to Kurt´s dismay, and kissed, and really, whom this man think he is?
 “Kitty, I told we would see each other again, the MI-13 sent me here, and turns out one of the criminals we arrested escape and moved here, so, Kitty I need your help” Pete speaks ignoring Rachel and Meggan and focusing on Kitty.
 And Kurt notices how she´s blushing as well he noticed how his knuckles are turning white by how much he was squeezing. Kurt Wagner really does not like this Pete Wisdom.
2 notes · View notes
UnderappreciatedSterek 2017 Masterpost
I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I started this blog, or that I’ve managed to rack up a total of 108 recs so far!
Special thanks to @notvirginawoolf for the many recs they sent in over the year, and also to every other person who made a submission. I still have plenty to get around to, so keep an eye out for many more recs to come!
I’ve started the list with some of my personal favourites, with everything under the cut in rec order (sorry in advance for mobile users!) I can guarantee no matter which fic you pick, you’ll find an overlooked gem on the other side.
(I ended up having trouble whenever I exited edit mode when making this post where all the links would disappear. I had to remove some of the author tags to keep them working, but then they disappeared if I used the banner I’d made. So if the links aren’t there when this goes live... I’ll try working on it again T_T If you find any mistakes, please let me know, though I’m honestly loath to touch this again!)
A Bid from Midnight by Zercalo | 5572w | General
Derek’s been holed up in the middle of nowhere for a few months now, so Stiles makes a detour to check up on him. Because Scott is worried. (Scott is not that worried.)
And Pink Shoelaces by LupusScintilla (inkandblade) | 8842w | Mature
It was Derek’s turn. It had to be. He looked at the comm-disc in his hand. Even if he had to debase himself with going to this damned matchmaking service, he was determined to find his mate.
Any Other Name by twobirdsonesong | 979w | General
Stiles just wants to know what he smells like to Derek.
Counting Kisses by carolion | 327w | General
Derek has not kissed anyone in a very long time. But this is the first time he really wants to again.
Dealing with Werewolves by foolish_mortal | 2565w | General
In which Stiles runs away to live with the dragons and meets a werewolf.
In spite of all you knew and said by Azul_Bleu | 2700w | Mature
The road streams behind them, mile upon mile until Stiles can’t say where they even started, and Stiles talks so he won’t have to remember.
Or, Derek and Stiles deal with being the ones left behind. They’re not great at it.
(Set post an imaginary S3, where the Alphas win. Spectacularly.)
i've got someone else in mind by blueinkedbones | 2845w | General
“That’s just a mutual thing we have going on!” Stiles argues. “Like an unspoken arrangement, you know?”
Erica is generally smug at him. Stiles slumps.
“Of love, you’re saying. We have an unspoken arrangement of love, and it’s so unspoken neither of us knows about it.”
Keystone (3-part series) by Chandri / @chandri | 106,961w | Explicit
A world without parents is a lonely, portless world with no safety and no justice - this is a truth Stiles Stilinski learned when he was very young. But at nine years old, at twelve, he couldn’t understand just how true it was; that the powerful, indefinable wrongness that obscured his memories of his mother was more than a child’s sense of unfairness at having his mom taken away.
It’s not until a globetrotting great-aunt blows back into town after a many-years absence that it starts to dawn on him: that his mother’s death was anything but natural; that it was certainly anything but fair.
Reindeer in the (Library) Closet by Rainfallen | 3247w | Teen
Derek just wanted to put the spare network cables away and escape from Erica, not get accosted in the storage closet by a boy wearing the most atrocious Christmas sweater he’s ever seen. On second thought, though, the accosting maybe wasn’t such a bad idea.
The Field by Gimmie | 1625w | General
When he turned back to the field, he zoned in on the sudden appearance of Derek Hale, being led by the hand toward the meadow. He looked hesitant, but the girl was smiling with her head tilted and persuading him, pulling him along. Stiles stopped eating, stopped breathing, and stared as the older boy that he always noticed, as if he had a radar that could detect his presence, was finally led onto the field. The delay was not for lack of trying by the human girls of Beacon Hills High.
the pivot point by subnivean | 461w | General
Don’t be nice to me.
We Pick Ourselves Undone by StilesInTheGlade | 1583w | General
It was a habit, maybe even a compulsion, that Derek noticed in the aftermath of the Nogitsune. Stiles would periodically count off his fingers. One by one, from the thumb of his left hand to the thumb of his right, long fingers ticking as he marked them off, lips silently moving along, one, two, three…
when i look at you (oh, i don't know what's real) by verity | 1304w | Mature
Scott slows his pace during cross-country and falls back from Isaac to join Stiles at the rear of the group. “Hey, have you seen Derek recently?” Scott says, faux-casual like Stiles hasn’t watched him try to lie to their parents since they were five.
“Nope,” Stiles says. “Haven’t seen him in a week.” Unless he counts the Derek he dreams about on the regular, but if Stiles has learned anything from Lydia Martin and his umpteen-year-plan, it’s that the people in your dreams and the people in your reality are never one and the same.
Fuck Me in the Ass Cause I Love Jesus by WriteByNight | 3370w | Mature
Now that Stiles was a college graduate and still living at home, he had decided to help out as the organ player for the duration of the summer. The last organist had unexpectedly kicked the bucket and although there were a few people with more experience than Stiles, no one had the free time that he did so he’d reluctantly accepted the position.
Stiles thought it would put him back in the big guy’s good graces after all the fucking up he’d done as a kid…teen…okay, his entire life.
There wasn’t really another benefit to the arrangement. Stiles didn’t even have a keyboard at home, so he had to come to church every Wednesday and Saturday and practice for the Sunday services. Luckily, some of the more experienced players covered the choir practices for him. Playing and hearing hymns three times a week was more than enough for him.
However, about a week and a half into his time as organist he’d come across another perk. The groundskeeper and maintenance man, Derek Hale.
You’ve got me slippin’ and a slidin’ by ElisAttack / @iamonlydancing | 3683w | General
The snowmobile stutters to a halt on the banks of the river and Derek smiles when he sees a few ravens flying in circles in the distance.  The salmon are here.
“Seems like I’m your lucky charm,”  Stiles says with a wink.
Or the one where Derek lives in the middle of nowhere, and is probably in love with his delivery boy.
The Truth Behind The Pictures by Boy_On_Strings | 7796w | Explicit
Stiles learns to paint. Derek learns something about Stiles.
Ember by heavy_cream | 2825w | Explicit
Sleepy sunday morning sex.
Never Been Kissed by TheLittlestBoho | 2103w | General
Derek and Stiles touch, but they don’t kiss.
"My Wolf-Man" by write_light | 12,935w | Mature
Forest and castle, wolf and man, a vengeful spirit and true love, so much misfortune and so many masks. And a tray full of desserts. How do happy endings work? Prince Stiles, a human; Derek Hale, a werewolf; Talia & the ghost of Derek’s father; Uncle Peter and Evil Aunt Kate; Stiles’ parents, the king and queen.
The Time John Stilinski Learned To Knock by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon | 819w | Mature
John Stilinski comes home from a long shift and just wants to relax, then he hears a noise coming from Stiles’ room. (Prompts: 76. “Please put your penis away.”)
Like Immortality by Idday | 4815w | Teen
Dear Derek,
All these words, and what I’m trying to say is simple.
I want to love you like you deserve to be loved. I want to share your triumphs, your burdens, your full moons and your new. I want you to be as sure of my love as you are the phases of the moon.
I want to love you like the moon loves you.
(I told you that one day I would write you a love letter).
OR, Stiles and Derek, in letters, through the years.
carry me to love again by nighimpossible | 3000w | Mature
Stiles picks up Derek on the side of the road. Post 3A.
Thin Mints and Meddling by myhomeboy_stilinski | 5388w | Teen
Stiles would be the first person to admit that living in a small town had its drawbacks, with privacy being non-existent and sneaking around near impossible. But there was something to be said about the solidarity and loyalty that filled a close-knit community. People stood up for one another. They contributed and helped. They loved each other. Truthfully, Stiles pitied those who incited the wrath of someone from Beacon Hills.
To Stiles’ eternal gratitude, he had never prompted said wrath.
That is, until he met Derek Hale.
**** The one where the people of Beacon Hills realize that Derek Hale deserves nice things (in case you missed the tags.)
Whiskey Haze by Piscaria | 3221w | Teen
Stiles blinks drunkenly up at the ceiling, wondering who he knows who’s over 21 and a little bit shady.
Stiles had been dreading this day for years.
Leap of Faith by Batwynn | 710w | General
Derek watches his somewhat-friend become weather worn and tired, and thinks, ‘Why Stiles? Why him?’
Okay Will Get Us Through by clotpolesonly / @clotpolesonly | 41,955w | Mature
It was supposed to be a peaceful fucking protest. Stiles heard the first shot loud and clear, though, and was too boxed in to duck, even as his stomach felt like it fell out of his body entirely. For a second all he could think was “Scott is gonna be so mad, I said it would be fine, I promised,” and then he was falling.
First Born Unicorn by dragon-temeraire / @dragon-temeraire | 1982w | General
Something mysterious has returned to the preserve, but for once it’s not dangerous.
Decision by verushka70 | 17,398w | Explicit
Derek goes out to bars wishing he’d never been born and gives himself to almost anyone who wants to take him home. He wets his face in the sweat that runs down men’s chests and doesn’t shower after. Back home, the scents dare Laura to say something. She never does.
Derek grabs her in a quick hug. “I’m fine,” he murmurs, face tucked into her hair, scenting sister, pack, family, love. They both know it’s not true. But she lets it go.
The Devil You Know by verushka70 | 14,629w | Explicit
“So,” Derek says like it’s utterly obvious. (It’s not, it’s totally not). It’s hard to know how to take someone you can’t really read.
His tongue licks between Stiles’ lips like all of this was never in question. Was it? No, not really, because: Derek.
Gut Feeling by Chubstilinski / @chubstilinski | 29,842w | Explicit
Stiles was maybe, possibly, mildly obsessed with his favorite regular, Deputy Derek Hale. But in his defense, Derek seemed just as obsessed with Stiles. Or at least, Stiles’s baked goods, if his appetite for sweets and increasing waistline were anything to go by.
Comfort Drabble by wildwerewolfweirdness | 100w | General
They didn’t get on, Stiles and Isaac.
Happily Ever After by endoftheline7 | 3080w | Teen
The Sheriff finds out about Derek and Stiles, and doesn’t react well. At all. In fact, he ends up asking for the worst.
Family dinner.
Peter Plays The Long Game by HurrahForSmut | 2314w | Teen
She’d almost forgotten Peter, which is always a mistake.
Unchained Melody (2 part series) by swing set in december | 3825w |
Haunting requires skill and showmanship. Something werewolves will never understand.
Amber by cobrilee | 1283w | Teen
Derek stood by the bar, ostensibly waiting for the bartender to swing by and take his order, but in reality, he couldn’t care less if the bartender ever noticed him. He just wanted to have a legitimate reason to not have to hang out with his friends.  
A Taunting of Ravens to You by keelover | 17,830w | Mature
Stiles, plagued by uncertainty, would like to know whether or not he would be strong enough to survive the bite. Lydia, awake, but not entirely the same after her ordeal, offers him some insight with that tricky moon mirror of hers. And what does Derek think about all of this? The hell if anyone knew.
the wilderness (3-part series) by ceserabeau | 9202w | Explicit
When Stiles pictured Derek’s return to Beacon Hills, he never imagined this: late night in the cereal aisle at the grocery store, Stiles in sweatpants and a shirt long overdue a wash, glancing left from the Captain Crunch and Lucky Charms to find Derek Hale, four feet away, pulling a box of muesli off the shelf.
Lock Me Up by FairydustOnRoses | 3410w | Explicit
Stiles is home for Thanksgiving break. He traveled across the country from Columbia University and is looking forward to spending time with Scott and his dad and stuffing his face on Thursday. He is not looking forward to running into a certain broody werewolf that he may or may not have left in bed after a hookup only hours before he got on the plane to New York back in August.
Swallow by carolion | 469w | Teen
Stiles looks good when he swallows. Derek tells him so.
He’ll bleed you ‘til you’re just bone and skin by ElisAttack | 2236w | Explicit
It’s moments when Stiles feels the dull pull of the bruises on his hips, moments when he can’t sleep on his stomach because the throbbing ache does nothing for a good night’s sleep, it’s those moments that make him feel worthless.
Makes him hate Derek with a passion that burns brighter than anything else he feels.
Or the one where Derek doesn’t know his strength, but Stiles knows he deserves it.
Moon Fever (10-part series) by mytimehaspassed | 30,612w | Mature
Derek moves into Stiles’ old house on a Monday.
Jacket by thatmcbastard (blueb1rd) | 335w | General
Stiles just keeps shivering and looking all vulnerable and pathetic. It’s annoying, alright?
Scream Wolf by grangerinvestigations | 13,966w | Teen
Someone’s taken their love of werewolf movies one step too far.
what in carnation? by haleofStilesheart | 2985w | General
Deliveryman wasn't exactly Derek's dream job but it helped put him through school so he couldn't complain. Especially since it helped him meet the love of his life.
Breathe a Little Easier by Scavenger | 3492w | Teen
Five years ago, he would never have imagined life being this easy, this good.
Take A Breath, Let It Out by northern | 2703w | Teen
Derek can smell the discomfort radiating off of Stiles. What going against his instincts is doing to his sweat and his breath. But as long as Derek can’t smell hesitation, it’s fine. He can deal with Stiles hating himself a little. He can’t deal with having killed Stiles.
We Den Our Hearts Here by LadyLade | 1921w | Teen
Somehow, having a pack of wolf pups has made Derek’s life easier.
Staying by secretagentwolf / @secretagentwolf | 4571w | Teen
Stiles shows up at Derek’s apartment door one day asking to stay. Derek surprises them both by accepting. He does his best to make Stiles feel safe and he doesn’t ask. Eventually, though, Stiles tells him.
This Will Definitely Hurt by write_light | 285w | General
That time when Stiles pulled a back muscle and Derek and the Sheriff had a (thankfully not literal) pissing match about how to take care of him. (est. relationship, Sheriff knows)
Seven Wonders by dadvans / @dadvans | 2988w | General
Stiles sees Beacon Hills through ancient parallels. Derek thinks he’s cursed.  
The Amazing Part Is by TroubleIWant / @troubleiwant | 2407w | General
You’re in love with a beautiful boy, and the amazing part is that he loves you back. He’s all dark honey eyes and buttermilk skin, moles down his neck that he lets you kiss and kiss again. He’s all sharp laughter and too wide sweeps of his arms, and it’s been ten months but you’re not thinking about your first anniversary, you’re thinking about forever.
and in your hand a skeleton key by faerielissa | 5474w | Teen
How was it that, of everyone from home, besides his dad of course, he missed Derek the most?
Find Me Sitting Fireside by kaistrex | 13,282w | Teen
With the news that an Alpha wants Beacon Hills for their own, Derek and Stiles are forced to attend a couples retreat at a ski resort to learn their enemy’s identity. However, the threat is the least of Derek’s problems when he’s expected to fake a relationship, share a bed and suffer through candlelit dinners with the man he’s secretly been in love with for the past four years.
At Least Our Theme Song Rocks by Deviousness_Carter | 907w | Teen
After years of being a technician, Stiles finally passes his field exam and gets to save the world. Unfortunately, he gets neither a mask nor a tux.
punitive acts by subnivean | 3881w | Explicit
Two idiots, both alike in indignity, or something, whatever.
Let Me Catch Your Laughter Upon My Tongue by monopolizeme | 1295w
| Teen
Stiles doesn’t laugh.
It’s not something that Derek has ever put much thought into before, because he’s never had a reason to focus on something that’s never been there before. But Stiles doesn’t laugh – he snarks with sly lips and snorts in indignation when he thinks that he’s heard something completely foolish and he huffs out a noise of victory when he succeeds at something but Stiles doesn’t laugh.
Laura Was Right by Sheepnamedpig | 1446w | Explicit
The first and last time Derek and his ghost boyfriend ever have sex in front of a mirror.
(I Will) Remember Your Name by saraubs | 1088w | Mature
Forced onto the sands to pay for his crimes against the Empire (also see: avenging his family), Derek just fights to unleash the anger, not caring if he lives or dies. Well, that is, until he comes face to face with a certain smart-mouthed body slave, and finds there are still some things worth fighting for.
I Know by Nival_Vixen / @nivalvixen | 1050w | Mature
Stiles has lost himself, he’s drowning, and he doesn’t know if he’ll make it back up to the surface.
The - Mistake by kaistrex | 504w | General
Four-year-old Derek mistakes Sheriff Stilinski for his mate.
That's Where It Is by LupusScintilla (inkandblade) | 22,815w | Mature
At twenty-two, the age of a Master-Builder according to the Number Law the Elder Council used, Derek was at the perfect age to break away from his family’s over extended pack and construct his own. As with all Alphas ready to take that step, he needed a Mate: no pack could be led by only one mind.  
This Must Be What Going Mad Feels Like by LadyLade | 902w | Teen
Then Derek twitches, sees Scott looking at him, and glares. “What?” he snarls.
Does…does Derek look a little guilty?
Oh Jesus. This is not happening.
Teen Wolf kink meme prompt: Holy shit, Scott thinks, horrified. Because Derek isn’t staring creepily at some unidentified point in the distance. Derek is staring at his best friend’s ass.
Know Thy Worth (2-part series) by Ishtar12 / @mommalosthermind | 15,983w | General
His Dad’s been snatched by a rival pack. His first kiss with Derek anchored his magic, sealed him to the pack, and maybe even Derek himself. Stiles has no idea what’s going on in his life right now, and less time to figure it out.
Day 4: On a date by starkology (jawnwatson) | 501w | General
Stiles and Derek try to go on a date.
With You (You'll Find Me) by CigarettesandCider / @kieren-fucking-walker | 1993w | Teen
“I need a fic of Stiles leaving Beacon Hills to find Derek because he can’t deal with that town and it’s people anymore. I want Derek doing some grocery shopping and then Stiles scent hits him hard and he just kinda whimpers and follows it till he finds Stiles there looking at him. I want Derek asking Stiles how did he find him and Stiles just shrugs and says he had a feeling. I want Stiles following Derek to his car when Derek tilts his head motioning to the parking lot because they don’t need words. And then finally when they’re inside Derek’s little apartment (there’s nothing fancy about it but it’s homey and there are pictures of Cora and him on the walls) Stiles finally crumbles and Derek just holds him.”
Meddling Ghosts by haipanda / @haihaipanda | 1837w | General
Stiles would like to remind everyone that he is not crazy and he does not see hallucinations. The fact that no one else can see ghosts is really not his fault and the rest of the world could be a bit more understanding.
Corpse Flower by Spikedluv / @spikedluv | 2253w | Teen
Stiles thinks that having sex with Derek will make him less distracting.
Lightsabers and Leverage by SourwolfSymphony | 581w | Teen
Stiles avoids studying for exams by calling Derek to rant about Star Wars; he doesn’t realize it’s 3am. Derek is worried and displeased.
When Stiles moves back to Beacon Hills after college, he pretty much immediately decides to convince Derek Hale to date him.
Unfortunately for him, it seems as though they’re not on the same page. Like, Derek thinks Stiles hates him (and apparently, so does everybody else). And surprisingly, none of Stiles SUPER ROMANTIC (screw you, Scott) plans to woo Derek seem to be working. Probably because Derek still thinks Stiles is making fun of him. Or something.
But Stiles is nothing if not stubborn. He’s going to win Derek over. No matter what.
His 10 point lists are definitely going to help (no matter what Lydia says).
Get Me With Those Green Eyes, Baby by penlex | 2110w | Teen
Stiles wakes up alone, but that’s okay because he has to go to school anyway. Right. It’s totally fine.
“What’s your problem, Stilinski?” Jackson barked, right when Stiles blurted, “I feel like my life’s soundtrack is made up of Taylor Swift hits.”
Nightcall by oldestcharm / @oldestcharm | 3086w | General
Getting as far away from Beacon Hills as humanly possible is much easier when you have supernatural friends… acquaintances… err, something.
Can't Control Myself by JueJueBahn | 10,940w | Explicit
Stiles is showering innocently but then omg a wild Derek appears and might or might not be intoxicated with weird supernatural stuff.
This Was How Legends Were Made by Delta_Immortal | 108,501w | Explicit
Caught between the Hales and the Argents in their war, Stiles finds himself a slave of the great Hale pack. Stiles spends each day working hard, hoping to earn his freedom and see his sick father. It also seems each day he’s capturing more and more attention from Derek, the young Hale lord. Stiles tells himself it’s mostly because Derek is merely trying to figure out how to send the annoying, useless slave away- not because of affection, despite the tales coming from the rumor mill.
It doesn’t matter what Derek’s intentions are. Stiles can’t bother with love right now. He’s got to keep his head down and survive long enough to keep his promise to Kate Argent. After all, she’s promised to keep his father safe.
Occasionally Domestic (Series) by Little Spoon (JaydenNara) | 36,523~w | Explicit
The day of graduation, Stiles left Beacon Hills behind when he hopped into Derek’s car and never looked back. He’s living in New York with Derek and attending Columbia University on a partial scholarship. Only, no one seems to realize that Derek and Stiles are very much together, and sickeningly happily so, because that had never been on anyone’s radar.
(or – Stiles and Derek, occasionally domestic.)
No Filter by kaistrex | 1213w | Teen
When Derek was hired to photograph some up-and-coming novelist for his book jacket, he was expecting someone stuffy, middle-aged and, well, bookish.
That’s not what he gets. At all.
Beacon Gills by kitsunequeen | 4226w | Teen
When Stiles accompanies Scott on a trip to his uncle’s beach house, he gets more than he bargained for after running into a pack of mermaids with a particularly attractive leader…
Last Word by Sheepnamedpig | 953w | Explicit
Someone is wrong on the internet.
Bravado by orphan_account | 3545w | Explicit
Something good finally happens to Derek Hale.
(Spoiler alert: that something is Stiles.)
Put a spell on me please? by ssleif | 3154w | Explicit
Derek has a dilemma, and figures Stiles, sneaky clever Slytherin that he is, might be able to help. Or: Teenage wizards having an illicit first-time rendezvous while their dorm mates are elsewhere.
Gnashing Teeth and Criminal Tongues (conspire against the odds) by
LadySlytherin | 14,269w | Mature
When Stiles mouths off to the wrong set of witches, he finds himself unable to control his tongue around a certain alpha werewolf. As Stiles struggles with the lesson the witches want him to learn, he knows it’s only a matter of time until the truth comes out. It always does.
Tie [taɪ] by LupusScintilla (inkandblade) | 5164w | Mature
Unable to talk his way out of attending the Wordsmith’s Masquerade, Derek thinks he’ll have to suffer through in silence. Luckily, someone else is there to do the talking for him.
Everything to Destruction by MajorAccent | 559w | Teen
Potentially evil. Potentially good. Just this huge powerful potentiality waiting to be shaped.
Wooden Smiles, Raging Sea by dedougal | 3466w | Mature
Stiles had no idea where the black smoke had come from and he had a feeling he really didn’t want to know.
Make us laugh (or nothing will) by rohkeutta | 31,005w | Teen
When Derek Hale left Beacon Hills at 18 to become a kickboxing champion, he thought he would never return. But here he is, seven years later: trying to salvage something from the ruins of his life, eighteen months after the house fire that killed his parents and left him limping and without a future. Enter Stiles, a college dropout Derek might or might not have been friends with in high school, and the unexpected interest he manifests towards the love of Derek’s life.
The Theory of No Control by howl-to-the-wind (greenleaf) | 27,989w |
“–kick your scrawny butt all over the Muertes Archipelago, Bilinski! Get out of there or I will feed you to a Stegosaurus!”
“First of all, having me come out from here and then tossing me to the dinos kinda defeats the purpose of it all, since I already am in a dinosaur cage. Second, Stegosauruses are herbivores, which means they will definitely pass on biting my rear end. And third, my butt is not scrawny, though I didn’t know you were even looking, Coach. I’m flattered.”
Derek groaned. “Oh no.”
“Oh, yes.” Scott grinned. He ran off, no doubt excited to watch his reckless best friend and cheer him on. He was such a damn enabler.
trick or treat (say something sweet) by dyobrienz (Muffintine) | 2712w |
“And,” Bat Kid sniffles, “a werewolf stole my candy, mommy – a werewolf!”
or: Three Halloweens from Derek’s perspective. Past, Present, Future.
Haleoween by redhoodedwolf | 6952w | Teen
“So what are you looking to get?” he inquired.
“Alright, well, the theme I’m going for is Badass Little Red Riding Hood.”
Derek arched an eyebrow, not judgingly, but curiously. “Interesting. Skirt and all?”
Stiles’ cheeks flushed at the joke. “Pfft, nah, not for this one.” Derek’s face flushed at that.
temporary tattoos make meaningful love tokens by Siriusstuff | 2126w |
Trick-or-treating with young Stiles, Scott, Derek and his sisters.
The Best Thing Since Peanuts by phlossie | 2042w | Teen
At this moment in time though, with gyrating attractive people who were not even remotely interested in gyrating in his vicinity also pretending he didn’t exist, Stiles felt that maybe the several month long moratorium should come to an end.
At least that way they could be miserable together.
Spell It Out For Me by chubstilinski | 14,766w | Explicit
But now Stiles was, well. He was fat. Not extremely so, just a little chubby, really, but it was exaggerated, every curve highlighted by the tightness of clothes made for a slender body. His Clark Kent slacks clung to thick thighs and cut into his hips. A substantial belly and small muffin top spilled over the waistband, stretching the buttons on his clean shirt. Derek could see the swell of his chest where the Superman logo peeked out from the undone top buttons, and he felt like he was going crazy. Stiles was gorgeous.
Or, on Halloween, Stiles gets jinxed by a hoodoo practitioner into gaining weight very rapidly. Derek thinks it’s sexy. Stiles thinks Derek is sexy. Shenanigans ensue.
Tricky to Treat by khasael | 2524w | Mature
Stiles loves Halloween. Derek hates it. Luckily, Stiles has a plan.
who nursey says is dead by demonicweirdo | 6357w | Mature
“I’m fine,” Stiles mutters, gritting his teeth through the searing pain. The hand pressed to his neck comes away drenched in blood. “Maybe not. I’m going to die here, in this shitty house, on Halloween.”
Haunted by kitsunequeen | 436w | General
First thing’s first, Derek is a liar.
1) Stiles is absolutely not afraid.

2) He did not shriek. He may have gasped, like, once. 

3) Clinging to Derek’s arm is in no way an indication of fear. He just really loves his boyfriend, okay? Really really. And his arm is comfortable to hold on to. That is all.
Rescue my cat from me by Hepzheba | 897w | General
Firefighter Derek has to retrieve a cat from a tree. He’d rather ogle the cat’s owner, despite the ridiculous sweater said owner is wearing.
Halloween by MissDizzyD | 903w | Teen
Stiles and Derek spend Halloween night watching horror films and dishing out candy.
Hallowe'en at Hale's! by lunaraindrop | 635w | General
After months of not hearing from Derek, Stiles decides to throw a Halloween Party at Derek’s loft. Could Stiles have ulterior motives besides dressing up and dancing?
Garbage Bag Ghosts by twisting_vine_x | 759w | General
This is literally just Stiles and Derek being dorky boyfriends and decorating for Halloween.
One Of These Days by dedougal | 552w | Teen
Stiles knows he shouldn’t just walk in on Derek. Anyway, Derek should hear him coming.
It Takes Time by kingandmoon | 3585w | Teen
He had no job, his pack had scattered for college, and he paid the delivery guy extra to unload all his food into his kitchen. So really, what was the point?
Take-out Turkey Day by captaintinymite (augopher) | 3071w | Teen
Graduate Student Stiles Stilinski is  alone as he studies in New York- well, aside from his only friend in the City. Derek lives in the same apartment building, and circumstances mean they will both be spending Thanksgiving alone. When Derek suggests they spend it together, Stiles jumps on the idea.
The only problem? Neither one of them can cook.
a fable of some sort by thatworldinverted / @thatworldinverted | 5706w | Explicit
Stiles isn’t stupid. He knows something’s wrong with him, something rotten at the core like an apple in a fairytale.
He just doesn’t care. Not as long as he has Derek, as long as he can look up from the knife and the steel table and meet wolf-bright eyes and red-tipped claws.
And I Promise You Kid, I'll Give So Much More Than I Get by nerdyderekhale | 4855 | General
Stiles and Derek have been roommates for years, friends for longer. When Derek decides to bring Christmas spirit to Stiles for a change, unintentional wooing leads to Christmas confessions.
A Modern-Day Christmas Carol by Peasantaries | 2876 | Teen
Derek Hale is an adult: he doesn’t drink beverages with the title ‘Christmas Cookie Latte.’ 
Catahoula by zjofierose | 6761 | Teen
A late flight, an ESL Uber driver, and a simple mistake are all it takes for Stiles to have his most… memorable… Christmas yet. 
New Traditions by baneofawolf (InTheArmsofaThief) | 4576 | General
Stiles fiddled with his phone, absently closing and reopening the same app over and over. He’d been thinking about this day for months. Well, for years, if he was being honest with himself, but the actual plan for this actual day had only started forming a few months ago. He’d been thinking about this ever since he found out where Derek was. 
No Objections For Stiles by kaistrex | 2168 | General
While fighting a witch on Christmas Eve, Derek and Stiles end up stuck in a snow globe. Deaton says it should take a few days to wear off, but perhaps there’s another solution… 
all I want for Christmas (is you) by BansheeLydia | 647 | Teen
Stiles just wants to get home in time for Christmas.
Lover's Eyes by yodasyoyo / @yodas-yo-yo | 3792 | Teen
Derek has a complicated relationship with Christmas at the best of times, Stiles may be the one person who can make it better. or Five Christmas Days over the years told from Derek’s POV
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swissmissficrecs · 7 years
Novella-length casefics, Part 2
Part 2 of my rec list for novella-length (ca. 15-50K) casefics. Split due to length.
Part 1 [click]
Part 2 below
The Adventure of Kitty Riley by Ariana (12K, Teen, Johnlock, Sherlock/OFC) Kitty Riley has started using her position as a tabloid journalist to blackmail people. After his return, Sherlock decides to do something about it, embarking on an adventure which amongst other things, involves Sherlock on a date with a girl, and creeping around in the dark with John, holding hands.
The Adventure of the Six Painted Virginsby Saathi1013 (14K, Explicit, Johnlock) Sherlock dons an unusual disguise for a case. John is…conflicted.
The Camford Dares by writerfan2013 (17K, Teen, Johnlock) Sherlock is being mysterious and secretive and John is being particularly stubborn and their annoying case in a well-known university town is not helping anything.
The Case of the Meddling Siblings by destinationtoast (37K, Mature, Johnlock) Mycroft and Harry Watson team up to send John and Sherlock on a case to distract a Sherlock who’s been pining after John.  And Harry, at least, is determined to get the boys together.
The Cornish Cottage by flawedamythyst (32K, Teen, Johnlock) In the wake of John's divorce, Sherlock tries to cheer him up with a trip to Cornwall. Adaptation of ACD's The Adventure of the Devil's Foot.
The Halloween Party by XistentialAngst (19K, Mature, Johnlock) Sherlock and John attend a Halloween party on the trail of a vampire killer -- a man who's been seducing his victims and taking all their blood.  Sexy costumes, bad puns, hideous danger, frantic sex in hidden places and some Halloween-flavored fluff are all on hand to "treat" you.  Boo.
The Killer with the Yellow Wall-Paper by kittlery (27K, Teen, Gen) Sherlock navigates a case - and John - with his usual tact and social grace.
The Last Case of Dr. John Watson by Susan (14K, Explicit, Johnlock)  If he really had less than twenty-four hours to live, was it too much to ask that it be sunny?  Being poisoned and soaked to the skin on the same day seemed to John a bit of cosmic overkill. Sherlock's only hope of saving John is finding the antidote before it's too late. But where does he start?
The Master of Latham Hall by Kryptaria (47K, Teen, Johnlock) Ten years after meeting Sherlock Holmes, John Watson has successfully kept only one secret from the world's only consulting detective: the most important secret he's ever had.Now, drawn into an impossible web of murders at Latham Hall, John learns the terrible price a man must pay for keeping certain things secret.
The Napoleon by darcylindbergh (25K, Explicit, Johnlock) Halloween, 1989: John and Sherlock both have big plans for the night, but serial killers have the worst possible timing.
The Night Riviera from Paddington to Penzance and Back Again by Iwantthatcoat (13K, Mature, Johnlock) Mrs Hudson has decided her boys need a little vacation together (after the events of S4) away from London and has booked them an inordinantly (per Sherlock) long train ride from Paddinton Station to Penzance.
The Norwood Love Builders by flawedamythyst (47K, Teen, Johnlock) Sherlock and John go undercover to solve the murder of Joanna Oldacre, but things are complicated by the many feelings John has been repressing in the wake of Sherlock's faked death and return.
The Other Man by ampersand_ch (27K, Explicit, Johnlock and John/OMC) Sherlock's been acting strange. John suspects he's after something in particular, but it's not what John wants. Or is it? An adventure full of traps, tricks, and misunderstandings leads the two of them on a rocky and painful road to each other.
The Sacred Bond by ampersand_ch (42K, Explicit, Johnlock) A series of mysterious deaths among priests puts John and Sherlock onto the trail of an ancient, secret brotherhood. Little do they suspect how deeply their own situation is tangled up with the case.
The Semantics of Crop Circle Formation: a case study by Sherlock Holmes [unpublished] by canolacrush (41K, Mature, Johnlock) "Look at these photographs," I said, gesturing to the wall of crop circles. "What do you observe?""Crop circles," John replied."Obvious.  What else?""Are...are those intestines surrounding them?""Yes.  The majority are bovine and ovine in origin.  The farmers who have acquired these crop circles in their fields have also had a tenth of their livestock murdered and arranged thus.""Why?" John said, presumably in a rhetorical fashion.I detest rhetorical questions.  "That is what I must find out, John."
The Straw Man Fallacy by Vulgarweed (40K, Explicit, Johnlock) “Mr Holmes, I'm not in the habit of approaching . . . consultants. But you are correct. I have great faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And until recently, I also had faith in the rule of law. Only the second one has wavered. Three years ago my fiancé, Sgt. Neil Howie of the West Highlands Constabulary, went to investigate an anonymous report of a missing child in a remote place called Summerisle. He never communicated with me while he was there, and he never returned.”Summerisle is not a welcoming place to visitors, but it shows its best face at May Day. For ulterior motives.
Torn Stitches by AggressiveWhenStartled (35K, Explicit, Johnlock) The trick to being with Sherlock Holmes, John mused, was to always keep in mind that he wouldn’t actually murder you and wear your skin as a suit. “I can see the appeal,” Sherlock was murmuring to him over the peeled body, much to the horror of any yarders in earshot. “I often find it surprisingly difficult to get inside your head. It might be cathartic to do in a more literal sense.”John snorted. “With your curls? Our killer didn’t even clean this poor bugger out properly, just pulled him on gore and all. You’d be picking bits of me out of your hair for weeks afterwards.”
Traitor’s Gate by roane (17K, Explicit, Johnlock) John and Sherlock go undercover at a top secret government lab to find out who is selling research. John is back in uniform and Sherlock is back in a laboratory, but they have to pose as strangers. Sherlock thinks he'll have an easy time of it, but John has his doubts. It's up to them to find out who is responsible for putting a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and try to keep their hands off each other at the same time.
26 Pieces by Lanning (28K, Explicit, Johnlock) Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
Under the Downs by Evenlodes_Friend (16K, Explicit, Johnlock) Five years after they first meet, a case in rural Sussex changes John and Sherlock's life forever.
Undercover by standbygo (15K, Explicit, Johnlock) John goes undercover to unravel a crime network.
Underground Rescue by khorazir (48K, Mature, Johnlock) All kinds of danger lurk in the disused stations of the London Underground. When Sherlock goes missing, John has to play detective to find him, while Sherlock faces demons both present and past.
What You’re Missing by kedgeree (16K, Mature, Johnlock) Sherlock always has it all figured out, but his wilful refusal to factor the influence of love into his calculations on a case makes John want to show him what he's missing.
Without a Clue by naughtyspirit (34K, Explicit, Johnlock and Mollstrade) Sherlock accepts an invitation to attend a murder mystery weekend at a hotel with John, Mycroft, Greg Lestrade, Mrs Hudson and Molly in close attendance. The theme is Cluedo and John's already worried about his costume.John's happy enough to go, but given that he's struggling through a definite desire for his flatmate, perhaps taking the room next to him wasn't wise.But pretty, definitely pretty.
Writing on the Wall by ScopesMonkey (45K, Mature, Johnlock and Mollstrade) Having returned from Wales with John injured and a betrayal looming in the background, Sherlock is refusing cases, until both John and a baffling double murder get the better of him.
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a03feed-percico · 6 years
First Come, First Serve
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KAnhoX
by Lovadoo
After a horrific phone call from a housemaid, Percy Jackson and the rest of his colleagues work together to solve the toughest case of murder in New York history.
Words: 502, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Jason Grace, Will Solace, Hazel Levesque, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Esperanza Valdez, Annabeth Chase, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Gleeson Hedge, Octavian (Percy Jackson)
Relationships: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Alternate Universe - Detectives, Angst, Violence, Developing Relationship, Blood and Gore, Triggers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KAnhoX
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notdeadjack · 7 years
annual rec list: 2017 edition
18 Fandoms represented: 
Voltron: 85 fics Haikyuu!!: 8 fics  Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1 fic  Yuri!!! on Ice: 2 fics  Naruto: 2 fics Star Trek: 8 fics  Boku no Hero Academia: 9 fics Marvel: 8 fics  Big Hero 6: 1 fic Teen Wolf: 100 fics Star Wars: 5 fics Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: 5 fics Harry Potter: 3 fics  Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: 2 fics Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator: 3 fics  Lucifer: 1 fic Stranger Things: 1 fic Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency: 3 fics
247 fics, under the cut!
(to those of you the “read more” doesn’t work for: I am so sorry.) 
If you find any dead links, incorrect/missing information or if you’re the author of a fic and want me to remove the link from this list, please contact me and I’ll take care of it :D
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9557762     Lonely (But Not When You Hold Me) by SouthernBird     4k, Lance/Shiro, h/c,
It’s an unsettling thing, something sickening that doesn’t sit well at all, almost as if he should have noticed the lack of presence earlier. Wary as he is to admit it, there’s a tiny voice of longing that dances in his chest through the silence of the corridor he’s standing in, as if the lack of the warmth of Lance’s presence has made him cold.
(A bit of a fix-it story after Episode 8/10 of VLD: Season Two!)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9550874     A Good Day to Slack Off by UnknownAuthorPerson 3k, gen, fluff, team bonding, truth or dare, 
It definitely wasn't how Shiro planned his day, but finding his teammates playing Truth or Dare was probably better than going through another day of rigorous training.   
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9137215     burn and break by epiproctan    2k, Keith-centric, smut, tentacles, 
Keith follows some local alien tips on how to work off his frustration.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8655217     Just Like Sunlight by literal_trashbaby    3k, Keith/Lance, fluff, pining, 
when Lance found Keith milling near the fringes of the crowd and made some lame joke, he was expecting the usual snide remark, or at least that somewhat endearing incomprehension that bordered on naïveté. instead, Keith laughed. Keith laughed, and Lance’s world turned on its end.
OR: Keith laughs at a corny joke and Lance Was Not Prepare(TM)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9124741    Too Busy Being Yours by Resamille     10k, Keith/Lance, pining, alcohol, 
Keith is in love, Lance is a mess, and maybe things might actually work out for once.
(alternatively: Keith pines, the stars are pretty, music boxes, Pidge can't hold their alcohol, lasers, and Blue is going to disown Lance after this.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9035474    Slowly, Surely by needchocolatenow    3k, Lance/Shiro, AU, pining, 
Shiro is tasked with an assignment to deliver important cargo to Altea. Lance is his second.
Or, the fic in which Shiro and Lance take a road trip through space in an unfortunately named shuttle.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8408143     A Kiss is a Kiss (But it's never like this) by GibbousLunation    25k, Keith/Lance, 5+1, slow burn, h/c, injuries, 
“How does this keep happening to us, every time.” Lance grumbled.
“You’d think they’d stop sending us on away missions,” he agreed. Honestly, between the poisonous plants of their last planet, and Lance’s tendency to always end up on the business end of every blaster or pointy ended stick, Allura was just being inefficient at this point.
Or, five times Keith kissed Lance but the situation was less than ideal, and one time Lance finally kissed him back.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8152486    Heatwaves on Autopilot by WhatTheBodyGraspsNot    56k, Keith/Lance, sex pollen, dubious consent, slow burn,  
Keith and Lance unknowingly inhale an alien aphrodisiac during a simple resource retrieval mission. But unlike the common aphrodisiac, this particular one reactivates under certain unknown conditions, later leaving them craving in situations that don't necessarily present them with many options. Keith tries to work through it, concerned with the sudden lack of control of his body, until he realizes the same thing is happening to Lance. So...great. How are they supposed to deal with this, keep it a secret, AND tend to the thousands of other responsibilities that come with defending the universe? (Together, of course.)
As someone who LOVES the sex pollen trope, let me tell you this fic is perfection. it has continuous sex pollen! and feelings! :D :D :D 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8628142     Bedroom Hymns by Bosstoaster Smut (ChaoticReactions)    26k, Shiro/Everyone, smut, aphrodisiacs, biting, fucking machine, D/s elements, body modifications, 
His arm wasn't the only thing the Galra changed. They also gave him certain... needs.
Shiro learns to make it work for him.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7491141    Lost and Found by battleshidge (Amiria_Raven)    75k, Shiro/Pidge, slow burn, pining, 
The dashed line from their current location to the box was labeled 00:02:47:29:12. Two hours, forty-seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds, twelve milliseconds.
In just under three hours, they would be headed away from the last known location of Sam and Matt Holt.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8101003    BloodCam by hollo     116k, Keith/Lance, AU, blood play, self harm, cutting, cam show, asexual character, paraphilia, minor stalking by secondary character, 
It was Pidge who drew his attention to it, groaning at the pop up ad that had somehow broke through their ad blocker. “What sort of depraved bullshit is that,” She grumbled as she closed the window, but not before the site’s name was ingrained on Keith’s brain -DarkSinCams - along with a tempting teaser shot of a graceful neck pinched harshly in a prong collar. Exactly the type of bullshit that piques my interests, Keith thought. 
As an asexual with a thing for blood, let me tell you this fic is one that I never thought I’d ever get to read, a part of me that i never, even in my wildest fantasies, dared to think would ever get representation. Even if it deals with such a dark, dangerous kink that is arguably neither safe nor sane, it NEVER does so in a sleazy or creepy way. And, since Keith is asexual, it is sexual in a way where it’s not sexual at all? idk, i can’t really explain it. But, it is hella good and i love it.
Do take note of the warnings tho, if graphic self harm and cutting is a trigger for you, give this one a pass, yeah?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9102247     strength of the small by nowweareunstoppable     12k, gen, h/c, graphic injury, BAMF!Pidge, 
A false distress signal lands the paladins in a tough situation. It falls to Pidge to earn their freedom, and it doesn't come without a dangerous cost. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9067054    String Theory by kingkoganes (noero)    4k, Keith/Lance, accidental soul bond, frottage, first time, 
The prospect of piloting the Red Lion had excited Lance at first, even if the mere thought of abandoning the Blue Lion made him uneasy. In hindsight, that should have been his first clue that something was bound to go wrong. Omnipresent robot lions were usually right about these things. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9081937    Stir by wynnebat     4k, Pidge/Shiro/Keith, threesome, first time, 
Shiro, Keith, and Pidge find each other after the battle with Zarkon. It's finding the others that's the problem. And boredom. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9197414     How Far Will You Go For Your Leader by WashiPuppy    24k, Lance/Shiro, Lance/OMC, dub-con, consensual voyeurism, marking, 
"You would throw yourself at my mercy his place?" The Druid asked with a curious tilt to her head, "And what would I do with you?"
"You could do anything you wanted with me, Babe. Just tell me what you want." Lance heard himself say low, sultry, and entirely without his rational brain intervening. He could practically hear the minds of the Galra in the room grinding to a halt.
Great, now when the rest of the team rescued Shiro, he'd have to tell them "Lance died after flirting with the enemy. There was nothing I could do. I think we all knew this was inevitable."
"You should be throwing yourself upon the Commander's mercy, not mine," The Druid stood and grinned down at Lance.
Ah well, what was the french saying? 'When the wine is drawn, you have to drink it' or something. He leaned slightly to give him direct line of sight to the Commander.
"You could do anything you wanted with me, Babe. Just tell me what you want." Lance repeated in the same sultry tone.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8495119     popping tags by ladyfnick    8k, Keith/Lance/Shiro, clothes sharing,   
Sweaters are basically communal items, right? Lance has some unusual habits when it comes to other peoples things. In that he keeps accidentally stealing them. Whoops? Keith doesn't have that excuse.  
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9157693    Objects in Motion (When Unbalanced) by Mytay     37k, Keith/Lance, slow burn, pining, 
Lance and Keith are constantly being mistaken for a couple. Lance is highly offended. Keith is quietly outraged.
Pidge decides if she can’t have peace, then she can write an epic scientific dissertation on the romantic failings of two exceptionally dense paladins.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7836556     Fake It Til You Make It by nikkiRA    26k, Keith/Lance, fake dating, pining, sex pollen,  
“No, it’s not that –” Keith tries to backtrack. “We just – we –” he isn’t sure what he’s going to say, he just knows he has to say something before he and Lance are forced to have sex with some weird alien species, while also keeping the weird alien king happy enough to create an alliance with them.
But not for the first time and not for the last, Lance pulls through.
Of course, this time pulling through almost gives Keith a heart attack, because Lance slips his fingers through Keith’s so that they’re holding hands.
“What Keith here means to say,” Lance says, and although his voice is steady, he is gripping Keith’s fingers so tightly it’s painful. “Is that we can’t mate with your people, although we, um, appreciate the offer, because, well. We already are. M-mated, I mean. With, you know. Each other.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9301076    in stasis by ilgaksu     26k, Keith/Lance, injury, physical disability, artificial intelligence, 
The story starts like this: with a story where you think you know the end, until it turns out you don’t, until it turns out you didn’t have a clue.
In which for three months of Lance McClain's life, he lives as an AI, waiting for his prosthetics to come online. It goes about as well as expected.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9355586     monachopsis by DJBunn3     7k, Keith/Lance, pining, 
It’s not that family-like situations make Keith uncomfortable, per se. He enjoys spending time with his fellow paladins and the Alteans, obviously. And in a way, they’re almost like a real family. Shiro and Allura are like the parents, and Hunk and Pidge are the younger siblings, mischievous and playful. That makes him and Lance the twins, polar opposites and incredibly similar at the same time, and always arguing over something. And no, he hasn’t thought much about this at all. So obviously he’s got no problem with families. They’re fine, even great. Just because he never had one before, doesn’t mean he’s made uncomfortable by them.
But now? Now that he’s witnessing Lance’s charisma firsthand once again, watching his easy interactions with complete strangers that Keith can only hope to achieve with Shiro and the others, he feels strangled and alone. His heart thumps unevenly in his chest. He’s opened the can of worms in his head that he swore he’d never touch again, and now they’re just crawling around his brain.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9379301     I Got You by dumpsterdiva      7k, Keith/Lance, pining, h/c, 
What do you do when you’re an overemotional kind-of-smol teen who likes engaging physical and emotional fisticuffs BUT NOW your crush is feeling insecure because of you??? Compliment him until he sUBMITS. THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM MY LOVE.
Lance is a self-sacrificing idiot and Keith is #done and frankly so am I
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9519404     All My Reasons Why by tylerproposey     11k, Keith/Lance, slow burn, pining, 
But what if Keith's favorite color isn't red...what if it's blue.
Keith who has never really had a favorite color. Then one day at the Garrison he catches a glimpse of Lance's eyes and it stops him in his tracks for that moment.
"That's it?" He realizes, "That's my favorite color,"
It starts off as an infatuation, nothing more than admiration for the entrancing blue eyed boy. It turns into a crush - something he’s never had - and suddenly every shade of blue reminds him of Lance. It ends with love, something deep and turbulent, really he never stood a chance.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9462965     from the mouths of liars by csoru     7k, Keith/Lance, Galra!Keith, xeno, rough sex, under negotiated kink,   
“Dude,” says Lance — foolishly, because it means he has to breathe and now if they get sucked out into the vacuum of space, he’ll suffocate — “Are you mutating? Is this going to be the kind of deal where you get all messed up and turn into a horrible monster?” 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8474725     He Who Fights Monsters by magisterpavus     64k, Keith/Lance, AU, dragons, injury, h/c, slow burn, kidnapping, 
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed...and so are the true monsters. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9645266     Practice Makes Perfect by ryuuou     2k, Hunk/Lance, mild dub-con, blow jobs, 
Lance goes to Hunk for some help on studying for extra credit.   
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9713744     i just want you to know who i am by Kyoshu_Koi     10k, Keith/Lance, AU, soul mates, 
"It's you!" Keith screamed, "It's always been you."
Or the fic where I combine every possible soulmate au together into one big mess 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9722156     We're Onto Something by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    3k, Hunk/Lance, cuddling, 
Over their years of friendship, Lance and Hunk slept pressed together many times. All that changed were the places.
Until things did change.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9964355     Pollination by Saucery      4k, Hunk/Lance, sex pollen, 
In which a species of alien flower plays matchmaker.
Or, the obligatory sex pollen story.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9623936     Make Me Your Home by Reader115     38k, Keith/Lance, pining, galra!keith, 
“Oh my god, Keeeith,” Lance wheezed. “Keith you’re the best drunk space cadet I’ve ever seen.”
“Space cadet,” Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance’s hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He began to gently trace over Lance’s fingers, sending shivers up Lance’s arm and down his spine. “You have looong fingers,” Keith murmured after a few moments.
Keith’s face perked up then, as if he’d just had a brilliant idea, and Lance could almost not wait to hear what new obscure thought had entered Keith’s pretty head. He was prepared to laugh, and instead found himself shivering again as Keith leaned far into his personal bubble, lips practically touching Lance’s ear when he spoke next.
“I bet you could reach all kinds of things, Lance.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9782123     Closer by Carvingknife     17k, Hunk/Keith/Lance, 
Keith understood that he was expected to bond with the other paladins, but he never expected Hunk and Lance to edge their way in as far as they did. Enemies, he could handle, but emotions. . . not so much. He entertained the option of ignoring the way his heart pounded all together, but one inebriated slip-up later, and the walls began to crumble. Suddenly, Lance is in trouble and Keith has to put confronting his feelings on hold in order to work with Hunk to get him back.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10020137     speechless by scriveyner (trismegistus)     1k, Lance/Shiro, pining, blow jobs, 
Keith was the same as ever in training, in sparring - his violet eyes narrowed in concern when he was able to throw Shiro and pin him to the mat; he had one palm on Shiro's heaving chest and weirdly that touch sent electric tremors down Shiro's spine. "You all right?" he asked, and Shiro's chest heaved.
No, he wasn't.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9630806      There's a love I've been keeping inside; by kirargent      10k, Hunk/Keith/Lance, 
Keith thinks, utterly certain of himself: Lance likes him, too. Lance likes Hunk, too.
And that’s just fucking annoying. Leave it to Lance to make Keith’s life even more complicated.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9768674     starlight by scriveyner (trismegistus)      873 words, Lance/Shiro, pwp, 
It turned out that there were a lot of things about Lance Shiro didn't expect.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9569120     Not The Human Definition Of Normal by BrOwNiEfOx     2k, gen, 4+1, non-consensual body modification, 
Four times the paladins noticed things Shiro gained during his time as a Galran prisoner and one time he got to rest and it didn't matter.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9853094     Like a Bolt from the Blue by Mytay     5k, Keith/Lance, 
Keith has a near-death experience, but he’s actually pretty okay afterwards — he considers it all part of the Paladin calling. Lance, on the other hand, is wrecked by it, and so he trains his butt off to ensure that Keith will never die on his watch.
Or, as I originally posted on my Tumblr: Keith unintentionally spies on Lance in the training room ...
… where the Blue Paladin is kicking ass. And Keith’s kind of mesmerized by it. Then he’s more than mesmerized — he’s freaking out because he’s actually kinda sorta into this brutally efficient soldier version of Lance.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9817643       Junkyard Gods by warschach     28k, Keith/Lance, AU, greek mythology - modern setting, 
What happened to old, forgotten gods?
They moved to L.A. apparently
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9904898     Hold me close by percyinpanties     4k, Lance/Shiro, BDSM, 
Shiro takes Lance apart in the best way possible, only to put him back together.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9913883     Heavy, Gentle Hand by aurumdalseni (kyo_chan)     2k, Hunk/Shiro, 
Hunk trusts Shiro with his life, but he can't really trust Shiro with his own life. He makes it a point to step in to take care of his leader.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10025414     Come Back (as pure as gold) by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)     3k, gen, time travel, bittersweet, 
When Shiro steps out of his lion after the final battle with Zarkon, something is off.
Seems like he missed something. Ten years of it.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9959891     Count On Me by st4rlabsforever (omaken)    5k, Hunk/Keith, 
It’s not until a couple of weeks after the Weblum incident that Hunk realizes how much time he and Keith have been spending together lately.
Or, rather, it’s not really spending time together per se, just that Keith seems to always wind up wherever Hunk is in the evenings, whether he’s cooking up a late night snack in the kitchen or lounging in the common room with a bowl of Altean cracklepops and a movie.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9820193     All About that Space by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    6k, Hunk/Shiro, AU, pining, secret admirer, 
After an accident that cost him his arm and his position on the first manned Mars mission, Shiro transfers to work at the Jet Propulsion Lab. Shortly after, Hunk gains a secret admirer.
These facts are probably coincidental.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9727223     Rushing To Say Nothing by LynnLarsh     36k, Keith/Lance, mild dub-con, alien brothels, angst, pining, 
“What the hell was that?” Keith says, sounding strangely pissed. Probably jealous; whatever happened, Lance is a lucky son of a bitch and Keith knows it.
Coran clears his throat before answering, and when Lance finally pulls his eyes away from the crowd, that purplish blush from earlier has increased to a noticeable shade of violet across his cheeks. “It seems our boy Lance here has just been propositioned by the local brothel.”
A.k.a. That time Lance went into an alien brothel to prove a point and came out perhaps a little too enlightened.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10026671     a truth in the blood by angstinspace     7k, Keith/Lance, missing scene, galra!keith, 
“I’m Galra, Lance.”
It's the first time he's said those words out loud––and to Lance of all people. He should feel horrified at himself but somehow, he doesn't. In fact, an eerie calmness has settled over him. Everything comes sharply into focus as he stands there, still holding Lance's wrist, breathing in and out, waiting for a response.
A post "Blade of Marmora" fix-it fic. Mostly broganes & klance bonding.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10088447     Hot Like Magenta by Methoxyethane     14k, Keith/Lance, galra!keith, heat, marathon sex, xenophilia, 
“I’m just saying it might be a little early to dismiss the possibility that you might be… you know.” He gestured to Keith’s alien junk as a whole. “In heat, or something?”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8365993     electromagnetic by seabear      25k, Keith/Lance, pining, fake dating, 
Lance spends a lot of time wondering about his place in the universe. And his place with Keith. Oh, also there’s a heist and some fake dating.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7797733      Entangled by mackerelmademedoit     101k, Keith/Lance, telepathic bond, pining, 
When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon.
Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind.
This is a fresh take on the mind meld/telepathic bond/mental link trope, and i enjoy v much
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8549284     Closer to Your World by CastleSL      29k, Lance/Shiro, canon AU, role swap, pining, 
Students will be carefully selected and tested for the opportunity to fly out to Kerberos for scientific research. Only one student may be selected. Application and Testing will commence during the third trimester, June 21XX.
There was more on the page, statistics and requirements and more details, but it was legit. The flyer was printed on standard Garrison announcement paper, the document signed by the Dean and board of directors. The chance to go to Kerberos. Hunk took a moment to think, then clapped his hand on Lance’s back, smiling.
“Well, I’m rooting for ya, buddy.” He said, and Lance beamed like that was all he needed in the world.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10371303     theorycrafting by glhf     3k, Lance/Pidge, pre-canon, unrequited crush, 
Katie overthinks it. At least Lance is oblivious, and not interested. Pre-canon, set during the semester at Galaxy Garrison.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9816713     Kiss the Rain by robotjellyfish     7k, Lance/Shiro,  
After another mission where Lance gets tricked by the enemy and captured Lance is feeling pretty down his usual insecurities getting the better of him. Shiro is determined to show him he's not as useless as he thinks he is.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10088642     Small Fierce Things by playswithworms    5k, gen, injury, PTSD, 
Pidge is badly injured. Shiro does his best to angst over it, but is foiled.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9924476    Catch & Release by anonymous_scapegoat     2k, gen, 
Some Galra grunt makes the mistake of putting Pidge and Lance in the same cell. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10057184    Stuck on You by carpemermaid     25k, Keith/Lance, forced proximity, pining, 
Go to Thalgor, Coran had said. It will be easy, he’d said. Well, it wasn’t easy being literally stuck to his rival thanks to getting exposed to some stupid alien plant in the middle of a humid jungle, after hiking all day with said rival. Lance and Keith just have to make it through two weeks of being around each other constantly, with their arms glued together, before they can go their separate ways. But first, they’ll need to make it through sharing a room and learning how to live on top of each other until they’re free.
oh hey look, it’s my favourite trope: forced proximity~
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10091792     Pendulum by noero     5k, Keith/Lance, rough sex, 
The funny thing about falling for someone is you don't even realize you're falling until you hit the ground.
It just happens that when Lance falls, he hits hard.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9608048    It Takes a Village by Zemmiphobia    18k, Thace/Ulaz, canon-AU, fluff, kid fic, grooming, 
One decision by an injured soldier changes not only the fate of the universe, but the fate of her young son.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10053452    Got Your Back - Platonic VLD Week Day #5 by hufflepirate    4k, gen, injury, h/c, cuddling, 
The mission started going badly long before Shiro realized Lance was injured and trying to hide it. Now, stranded alone on a strange planet and completing their mission on foot while they wait for the lions to self-repair, Shiro also has to figure out how badly Lance is hurt, why his uniform isn't healing him, and what to do about it.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10553376     Antiparticles by yourfaveisproblematic     3k, Pidge/Shiro, 
an·ti·par·ti·cle Noun. A subatomic particle having the same mass as a given particle but opposite electric or magnetic properties. Every kind of subatomic particle has a corresponding antiparticle, e.g., the positron has the same mass as the electron but an equal and opposite charge.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10431945     After Me Comes the Flood by Qpenguin98    25k, Keith/Lance, trans character, h/c, 
The interior of this ship is cold and boring. The Galran soldiers that try to bond with you are cold and boring. Zarkon is cold and boring.
You are sick of being cold and bored.
A story following the Red Lion.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10540689     Touchdown by InsominiacArrest     4k, Keith/Lance, bondage, spanking, 
Lance starts to get hot and bothered by the fact Keith sometimes gives out congratulatory ass slaps, and it becomes an issue when they start dating and it's hard for Lance to ask for what he wants.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10540284     Hot in Here by SugarSweetRascal     5k, Keith/Lance, dub-con, rough sex, 
Lance and Keith have been pining after each other, so much so that their lions are thrown into full blown estrus. Will the paladins survive going into heat, or find a way to quench their thirst for one another?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8104807     Infection by 5557     73k, Keith/Lance, horror, injury, drowning, slow burn, fluff, 
While exploring an alien planet, Lance is nearly killed by a mysterious monster. Now he's convinced that he is infected with an alien sickness. Why doesn't anyone believe him? It must be Keith's fault.
This is a horror-comedy (but like, also a romance?), and I drew pictures.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10411245      The Doctor Is In by InterdictedKai, minus___zero     10k, Lance/Shiro, AU, trans character, medical kink, 
Lance had always hated going to the doctors for anything to do with his reproductive biology. But transitioning and other medical issues meant that Lance had spent more than his fair share of hours around doctors. It wasn’t until he was nineteen and having serious pain issues that his local GP finally referred him to the Gynaecology department at the hospital in the next town over. Fortunately for Lance, it wasn't that far of a drive. Unfortunately for Lance, his doctor turned out to be young and hot. Fortunately for Lance, that doctor thinks Lance is temptingly hot as well.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9559535    Running Flat by SKayLanphear     11k, Keith/Lance, pining, crushes, 
Lance, like all the other paladins, is finally getting used to the “mind meld” they all have to indulge in when controlling their lions. Until someone’s uncontrollable crush comes in and knocks them all back in surprise. It’s a crush that circles persistently through their thoughts and only gets stronger as time goes on, until they begin to realize this might be a bit more serious than the term “crush” implies.
Meanwhile, the unfortunate paladin behind it all is trying desperately to bury the feelings away, yet failing at every turn.
oh gosh this is so cute
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10450977     Reach out for you (break these walls) by Utsukushin (UserFromPluto)    9k, Keith/Lance, h/c, past abuse, touch starved, fluff, 
Keith is trying to make himself smaller, to bury his head deeper in his knees, and Lance’s heart freezes in his chest. Anger dissipating like an exploded firework, Lance lets his hand fall limply to his side, mind blurring with static. When he tries to speak, nothing comes out but a choked noise, so he tries again.
“Keith,” he breathes. “Keith I’m not going to hurt you.”
(Keith has an abusive past, but with time and care Lance helps him become accustomed to positive touch.)
This fic was inspired by my fan art (!!!?!) and i’m still screaming about it ngl it’s amazing go read iiiit
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10465326    Katie by gemiinous    5k, Pidge-centric, coming out, trans character, 
"I'm a girl."
The reactions from the team should have made her feel better. They should have eased the months of dysphoria and anxiety, should have made her smile and relax into her own skin once more.
Instead, the casual acceptance--and even incredulity, were they even supposed to believe that she was a boy to begin with?--just left her off balance and whirling.
Pidge slowly comes to terms with the idea that gender might not be as cut-and-dry as she thought it was.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10906425    Crushing Hard by donutwolf     15k, Hunk/Lance, wrestling, size kink, body worship,
Lance has a crush. But also, Lance wants to get crushed.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10842192     the potential of you and me by Katranga     15k, Keith/Lance, AU, first time,
“And then other times,” Lance said. “I’m just, like, dying to know what a mouth would feel like around my dick.” Keith choked on air and said, with absolutely no go-ahead from his brain, “I have a mouth.” Half-laughing, Lance said, “Is that an offer?” He pushed his wet hair out of his eyes. His throat was dry. “Is that an acceptance?” -- The summer after freshman year of college, Lance drags Keith back to their hometown to hang out. But the two of them rarely spend time together without Hunk and Pidge around, because things had a way of getting out of hand real quick. This summer is... no different.
make sure to read the reddit post this fic was inspired by. it’s precious~
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10713636     I Like It When You Touch Me by emogod669    2k, Lance/Shiro, smut, 
“I know, but tell me anyway.” Lance pouts and damn, Shiro’s weak just like that.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10379589     Songbird by Faequeen40     105k, Keith/Lance, injury, non-consensual body modification, h/c, 
After an ambush on a strange planet, Lance gets captured in Keith's place. Will the others be able to rescue him before Lotor breaks his new prize?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10776273     wipe these stars from my eyes by scriveyner (trismegistus)    10k, Lance/Shiro, 
Lance flung his arms out and yelled, "I did not sleep with Shiro!"
There was a long moment of silence as the last of Lance's words hung in the early morning air. "So ... you were just naked in his tent when I walked in, then," Pidge said. "Yes!"
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10767930    Public Displays of Affection by JessenoSabaku    19k, Hunk/Lance/Pidge, voyeurism, 
Lance and Hunk have been hooking up since the Garrison days. They usually manage to keep their business private, but when Lance gets in the mood, there's no stopping him. Thanks to that, Pidge caught them getting it on in the showers, and ever since then she's gotten more and more distant. Now Lance has to find a way to close the rift between them.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10892712    Lusty Dust by Brewrites    5k, Pidge/Hunk, sex pollen, mutual masturbation, 
Pidge and Hunk are on an alien soulmate planet and have been blasted with sex pollen. Pidge for the second time on the strange planet.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10888098     In the Still of the Night by zombiegardener    17k, Lance/Shiro, slow burn, PTSD, 
Sleepless nights can wear you down. But sometimes they can also be the start of something beautiful.
Or how to build a relationship you didn't even know you wanted in sleepless nights and stolen moments.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10883565     small parts of something big by TEARSoverBEERS    4k, Lance/Shiro, 
“Yeah, no one's gonna be like 'oh, Shiro is in love with me, we gotta date now', just in theory, which one of us do you find the most dateable.” Lance agrees. --------------
Aka. the Paladins are stuck in a fight over who is more dateable and somehow Shiro get himself wrapped up in that (and then in Lance)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10927908    Jaded by Creepofish    8k, Lance/Shiro, injury, 
Shiro is the leader of Voltron. He is the strength and the calm in the face of the thundering storm of the Galra. Lance is someone Shiro doesn't quite understand. Shiro is someone Lance wants to understand with all of his heart.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10935372     You Always Say the Stupidest Shit by mischiefmanager    13k, Keith/Lance, first time, fuck buddies, bickering,  
"I know what your problem is," Lance interrupts, pointing a finger at him and smirking as though he's just personally discovered the deepest secret of the universe. God only knows why Keith stops talking then, but in hindsight, he wishes he'd have just gotten louder.
"You need to get laid," Lance announces.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10698537    the anchor by Sarolonde    1k, Lance/Shiro, h/c, 
Lance can feel the anger burning within, sizzling and searing through his veins like explosive fuses networking through his body. The spark that lit the match had been Pidge’s agonised cries and screams, the destruction that shattered through her armour and broke her body in horrible unknown ways. She should never have been there, if they had have just listened to him…
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10312844    Something Just Like This by Sarolonde     40k, Lance/Shiro, AU, 
[19:09] Lance glad my photos were accidentally sent 2 a nice guy like u <3 thank u for not being a creep [19:22] Shiro Uh, you’re welcome. I guess? I don’t know what else I would have even done with the situation. [22:11] Lance u innocent sweet angel unicorn ^_^ g’night kind sir *tips hat* [22:13] Shiro Goodnight, Interesting Stranger.
The wonderful, unexpected consequences of Lance sending partially-nude pictures of himself to a stranger.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10522167    For the World to See by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    10k, Lance/Shiro, AU, 
In which Lance is a dork for space, Shiro brought Lance's album with him to the ISS, and everyone else in their lives wishes they'd shut up about it for ten damn minutes.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10986474     in love again by Incertitude     10k, Lance/Shiro, power bottom!Lance,
when Lance's half baked prank causes an expected stir Lance is thoroughly pleased but the unexpected outcome is having Shiro inside his room unravelling Lance's buried feelings
the fic where Shiro says Keith's name during sex and provokes Lance into taking charge of the situation
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9630881    Black to Blue by PuppetMaster55     153k, Lance/Shiro, role swap, universe swap, 
Lance, the undisputed (no longer, since he finally got the team to stop questioning his position like a month ago) leader of Voltron finds himself in the absolute strangest scenario: being the Blue Paladin.
Lance, still finding his place on team Voltron, wakes up to the weirdest world: one where he's the Black Paladin.
OR, I take a universe where Lance was always the Black Paladin and have him swap bodies with canon Lance, throwing both sets of teams for a trip.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11094996    Cradle me in your arms by WHUMPBBY    8k, Lance/Shiro, sex pollen, 
“Shiro, I have an idea.” Hearing the vicious excitement in Lance’s voice, Shiro stopped his slow climb and sighed. “No, Lance, we will not set the tree on fire.” “How did you know?!” He was never quite sure how Lance could pitch his voice into the ‘angry teenager’ register even at the age of twenty. “Because I thought it through ten minutes ago and it’s too humid to light fire.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11986935    assess the situation by redlight    3k, Lance/Shiro, masochism, stuck in a wall, 
Lance is stuck, Shiro tries to help, and hopefully this is all just some weird, perverted dream, 'cause Lance really can't handle this right now.
Voltron NSFW Week, day 5 prompt "tricks and traps."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11974986    A Helping...Hand? by magisterpavus    13k, Lance/Tentacles, consentacles, h/c, 
“It’s kinda cute,” Lance mused as the plant oozed blue slime all over his hand and wrapped a tiny green tendril around his thumb. “Aww, look!”
“Sure, cute, in a Cthulhu’s spawn sort of way,” Pidge muttered. “Put that thing back where it came from or so help me, Lance.”
“No way,” Lance said, holding the plant to his chest protectively. “I think it likes me.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12345033    Keeping the Nightmares Away by MizuLeKitten    20k, Lance/Shiro, cuddling, h/c, PTSD, 
Lance had had the occasional nightmare as a child, who hadn’t honestly, so having them while in space fighting against an alien tyrant hell bent on controlling the whole universe? At least some things were universal. As the nightmares persist, Lance takes to wandering the castle at night, and it appears he’s not the only one. After a chance run in with Shiro the two come to a simple agreement: If they can't sleep alone, why not try sleeping together?
If only things stayed that simple. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12781515    Power and Control by Bosstoaster Smut (ChaoticReactions)   7k, Hunk/Shiro, dom/sub, collars, praise kink, 
Shiro can't let go of the stress of the day. Hunk might have a solution. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9280169     Routine by someonestolemyshoes     16k, Hinata/Kageyama, AU, porn, cam show, 
Kageyama Tobio has a routine.
Up, shower, dress, breakfast, classes, practice, work, dinner, laptop, show time.
It’s simple, and it works for him. Kageyama has never been all that much interested in socialising—not to say he doesn’t like talking to people, but…honest, for the most part, he’d rather not be doing that—and there is comfort in a system that never changes. No matter what party he is invited to, what club meal or class drink or work social they try to wrangle him into, Kageyama does not cave, because the rest of his routine is waiting for him at home.
And if he’s late, he will miss it.
Hinata is a well-known cam boy, and Kageyama is his biggest fan.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9375023     Don't Mind, Don't Mind by runswithwolves (ConstantComment)    1k, Hinata/Kageyama,  exhibitionism, public hand jobs, mild dub-con, 
Shouyou has always been aware that Kageyama gets riled up after a win. Very, very aware.
While everyone else is practically knocked out from a match or, you know, four -- the team’s snores and silence palpable on the bus back home -- Shouyou’s heart races and he imagines he could run to Tokyo and back, and maybe after have go at a couple more rounds of spiking drills.
And Kageyama... well.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7972708     Some Other Name by Gemmiel     14k, Hinata/Kageyama, college roommates, pining, misunderstandings, jealousy, 
Hinata and Kageyama are college roommates now, and Kageyama kind of wishes Hinata would call him by his given name every now and then. After all, they've been best friends for three years now, and aren't best friends supposed to call each other by their given names occasionally?
Not that he CARES, or anything. Except he does, sort of...
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7214293     I am what I am by Gilrael     40k, Ennoshita/Tanaka, AU, roomates, slow burn, demi character, 
“Uh, hi. I'm Ennoshita Chikara,” he introduced himself with a shy little smile that made Ryū's heart skip a beat. “Tanaka Ryūnosuke,” he replied mechanically, stepping aside so that Ennoshita-san could enter the flat. “C-come i-in.” --- Chikara moves out, because he has enough of his shitty flatmate. Ryū happens to need a new flatmate.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6198364     campfire in your chest by deanpendragon     74k, Tsukishima/Yamaguchi, slow burn, pining, jealousy, UST, 
Kei realizes in their second year of high school that he's probably been in love with Yamaguchi since they were ten. However hopeless he might be in handling that situation, Kei prays he's at least not as hopeless as Hinata and Kageyama. But he just might be.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9147199     The Video by Navybluewings     53k, Hinata/Kageyama, college, masturbation, dirty talk, slow burn, praise kink,
Kageyama Tobio knows that he and his roommate, Hinata Shouyou are low on cash. And he's aware that part of that is might be his fault. So when Hinata comes to their college dorm with the promise of a paycheck, Kageyama almost overlooks the video camera sitting in his spiker's hands. All he has to do is record whatever Hinata plans to do, right? How hard could that be?
Funny how one video could change everything.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11573157   Dragged into Your Pace by nebulia    8k, Hinata/Kageyama, dirty talk, praise kink,
[You’re incredible, Kageyama, Hinata had whispered that afternoon, straddling his waist, elbows on either side of Tobio’s head, and Tobio had gone cold and hot and cold all over, jerking like his strings had been cut. It had been so much. And giving Hinata that much leeway is scary, but Hinata’s also kind of gentle, sometimes. Like he knows how to handle the parts of Tobio that are fragile.]
The working title of this fic was “praise kink tobio,” which...pretty much covers it.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11240220    a game we both could win by kagome_angel    7k, Hinata/Kageyama, voyeurism, mutual masturbation, 
If he were a decent guy, he’d pretend this wasn’t happening, but apparently he's not really a decent guy.
It's an accident, initially. But it spirals into something else, and it's incredibly easy to get lost in it.
(It's just a game, right?)
(Of course not.)
Avatar: The Last Airbender 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/33751    The One Where the Fire Nation Clearly Loses by miarr    4k, Sokka/Zuko, frottage, 
Okay, so there was a little scenario with the guards.
Yuri!!! on Ice
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8836096     From Almaty, With Love by BoxWineConfessions    71k, Otabek/Yuri, slow burn, pining, 
It’s quiet here. Even if the car alarm on the neighbor’s goddamn BMW has been going off for the past twenty minutes. Quiet, even though the alarm’s got the neighbor’s dog howling like crazy, and the neighbor works second shift and isn’t there to comfort the dumb dog.
It’s quiet…They haven’t spoken to each other since that morning, when Yuri went off to go see his tutor, and Otabek went off to do whatever the hell it was he did in the mornings before he hit the rink.
“You’re used to the noise?”
“Yeah, but…I think I like the quiet too.”
Or: Yuri spends the summer with Otabek in Almaty.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9135670     all the world's a stage by braveten     112k, Victor/Yuuri, AU, anxiety, 
Everyone has a guilty pleasure.
For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov.
(And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.)
http://archiveofourown.org/series/266068    blood of the covenant series by 100demons    15k, Sakura/Sai, developing relationship, 
Sakura and Sai come home after the war.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5339486    reverse by blackkat    386k, Kurama/Kakashi, time travel, fix-it, slow burn, 
To make a tragedy, you break something beautiful and frame the pieces. To make a victory, you break something mighty and rebuild it piece by piece. To make a life, you glue the pieces together and hope for the best. Kurama's still getting the hang of this ‘human’ thing, but given that he’s 30 years back in time with catastrophes to prevent and a blond brat to save, he’ll have to figure things out on the fly. Luckily, living with Naruto's been good for his ability to improvise, if nothing else.
an absolutely amazing read! masterfully plotted and perfectly balanced between action, character growth and fluff. i barely noticed the length tbh. contains more rare pair ships than the main one, all which i now ship. also, contains character deaths in the previous time line that is referenced often as the MC deals with the grief, but all in all it’s a lot ligther and fluffier than one expects.
Star Trek 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1179148     We Two Boys Together Clinging by rabidchild67     21k, Kirk/Spock, mission fic, h/c, kid fic, de-aging, 
One day, 9-yr old Jim Kirk wakes up in the middle of nowhere with a big headache and no memory of how he got there. He’s not sure where he is, but it’s definitely not Earth, and there’s not another living soul around. Well, except for this other kid - an actual Vulcan! - who’s annoying at first, but turns out to be pretty useful to have around. Guess it’s time for the adventure of a lifetime he’s always wanted.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1731203    AT THE SAME STARS by spicyshimmy     136k, Kirk/Spock, canon-AU, slow burn, 
First Officer Spock of the USS Enterprise is part of the away team that discovers the survivors of Tarsus IV. Captain Pike assigns him to the curious case of James Tiberius Kirk, who steals one of Spock's sweaters. 
-There were no sufficient Vulcan poetics to describe the emptiness of the colony as it was found on the morning of stardate 2249.43. The fully-completed residential sector was neither ugly nor beautiful but simply remote; a hollow landscape of metal alloys and sensible architecture, with determined vegetation growing alongside the support beams. They did not flower.- 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1013237    Only Fools by museaway    63k, Kirk/Spock, canon-AU, h/c, 
Spock has just graduated with highest honors from the Vulcan Science Academy when Nero destroys his planet. Lucky to escape with his life, he is bound for Earth on a rescue ship where he meets a strange fellow traveler: an elder version of himself. Disturbed by his counterpart's experiences in his own timeline, Spock vows never to follow the desires of his human half. But when a man named Jim Kirk comes into Spock's life, he's faced with a struggle to find the balance between Vulcan and human. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1011854    Measure of Happiness by writeonclara    38k, Kirk/Spock, canon-AU, roommates, slow build, 
When Spock chose Starfleet over the Vulcan Science Academy, he had not anticipated cohabiting with the most illogical, irrational, emotional human he ever met.
On the flip side, Jim never asked for a Vulcan chaperone, especially one as snotty as Spock, son of Sarek.
A Starfleet Academy AU in which Spock adapts to human life, Jim learns very, very quickly never to play a prank on a Vulcan, and there are far too many people after Jim Kirk's life.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/883469    THE SUM OF BOTH OF US by spicyshimmy     207k, Kirk/Spock, canon-AU, kid-fic, slow build, 
Jim Kirk is nine when a massacre on Tarsus IV leaves him without a family and without a home. Spock is twelve when a strange boy in the desert saves his sehlat. Families aren't born; they're made. 
-The look in mother’s eyes at his correction remained a mystery long after the colors of the night sky and the complex patterns of distant nebulae had become translatable by means of distinct and relatively straightforward equations. -
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3896413     The prominence of a simple word by Exploding_Space    5k, /Kirk/Spock, pet names, 
Captain Kirk keeps referring to his First Officer as “sweetheart”. He does it when they are in mortal peril, when he is bored, when he wants to be annoying. Neither expects the term of endearment to actually become dear to them.
~ response to the „Hey, sweetheart“ challenge. reposted here from the k/s archive
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9488996     Sha Ka Ree by ThereBeWhalesHere    180k, Kirk/Spock, canon-AU, slow burn, time travel, pining, bed sharing, 
The year is 2258. Jim Kirk is a Lieutenant on the U.S.S. Farragut, Spock the science officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. When the ships come together for a priority landing party, these two strangers find themselves fighting against the odds for a chance at life in an alien world, and the only way they'll make it through is by relying on each other.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10607232     Undiscovered Terrain by battybatzgirl     32k, Kirk/Spock, canon-AU, first contact, fluff, 
After an attack on his ship from a Romulan warbird, prince Spock crash lands on a nearby primitive planet, directly into the backyard of one Jim Kirk.
Boku no Hero Academia 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6589822     Hitsuzen by Methoxyethane    10k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pre-slash, 
He would have ended up falling for Izuku at some point no matter what, he was certain. No matter what path life took him down he'd have still ended up here, not because of anything as elaborate as destiny or fate but instead due to the simple fact of inevitability. Because Izuku was Izuku and Shouto liked just about everything about him, couldn't help but admire him and would always want to be around him, just for who he was.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10020833     the sunshine people by dellsey     12k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, 
The shitty red hair, the bright orange tank top with the word ‘Zumba’ written across it in huge bold letters, the goddamn pants and the green sneakers. Talk about a fucking combo. “That’s not a lady,” Bakugou states, squinting at the dude. “That’s Kirishima. He’s the instructor,” Jirou simply replies.   
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10551482    downhill by eggstasy    5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 
Bakugou sleeping in the common areas like it’s no big deal seems to give everyone else permission to be just as bizarre, and little by little Kirishima starts learning things about his classmates he never knew. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11095629     Pure Morning by bigstupidjellyfish     10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, sex pollen, post-series,    
a classic sex pollen fic with a dash of sad excuse of worldbuilding 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11227647    nothing has changed me quite like you by akhikosanada     10k, Midoriya/Todoroki, fluff, pining, 
"Touching someone for the first time, Shouto found out, did not draw electricity or any other romanticized chemical reaction described in books and movies. It did, however, make his chest tighten harder than it ever had before, and as he drew the shape of lightning over Midoriya’s skin, his lips parted on an almost inaudible sigh. Midoriya’s breath caught in his throat, and Shouto wanted to catch it in his own mouth."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11483757     Shudo by signifying_nothing     4k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 
It was so easy to take someone who acts like Bakugou and write them off as just another overly-aggressive future villain. It was so easy, and that was why Kirishima hadn't done it. He'd refused. Bakugou was loud, and aggressive, and strong, but Kirishima knew bravado when he saw it, he knew what a person looked like when there was nothing on their mind but their pride and their self-esteem.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11286987    i want you to show me by crunchrapsupreme    3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, smut, 
“I already told you, I’m not gonna break, you don’t have to go slow.”
“What if I want to, though?” Kirishima murmurs quietly. “What if I wanna take my time with you?”
Bakugou shivers.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11725113      get tough, straight up by qactus   11k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 
Then again, Kirishima never had this Bakugou Katsuki thing under control—probably everyone's known that, too.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12886323    Katsuki VS Friendship by downtownfishies    13k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 
Katsuki knew he was an asshole. He just wasn't used to being so bothered by it.
all the franchise 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7396714    Angel of the Morning by iFlail, Jenetica    49k, Peter/Wade, canon-AU, slow burn, deadpool as a warning, 
"Peter sucks in a breath and hides his face with a sip of cocoa. Aunt May repeating his own idea back to him cements it in his mind. Deadpool needs a friend more than anyone else in the world right now, and Peter’s job is to protect people. Even if that means protecting them from themselves.
He’s going to be the best fucking friend Deadpool ever had, even if it kills him. Which it very well might."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6260548     Damage by dontcareajot    42k, Peter/Wade, h/c, slow burn, 
Peter Parker finds himself in a sticky situation and who should show up to rescue him but the infamous Deadpool? Now Peter feels indebted to the mercenary... And maybe weirdly charmed by him.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6148600     5 Times Peter was Having Issues (And 1 Time He Wasn't) by VyxenSkye   16k, Peter/Wade, 5+1, 
.... And How Wade Was Involved in Each One
A random '5 times' fic. Peter getting into trouble and Wade being there to get him out of it.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4720682     Project Phoenix by TheAvalonian    73k, Bucky/Steve, slow burn, pining, kid fic (kinda), 
“They told me you were enemies,” the girl said blankly. “They told me I had been forged in hatred.”
Neither Bucky nor Steve said anything for a long time. The girl stayed with her hand pressed to the glass, waiting. This time, the question was there, even if she hadn't asked it outright.
Bucky cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from Steve's and pushing down on the handle. “Well, they lied,” he said gruffly, and strode out the door without looking back. (Post-TWS, Steve and Bucky's lives are just starting to resemble some kind of normal when a young Hydra agent shows up in the lobby of the Avengers' Tower, claiming to be their daughter.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3135464     Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby     90k, Peter/Wade, canon-AU, fluff, protective bad guys, 
A really long redemption story.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3903769     Bad Lines by DustToDust     11k, Clint/Pietro, 
It's Tony's fault. Someway, somehow, Clint just knows that the man is behind this new level of annoyance.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4102126     Music to my Ears by astheoceanfalls    13k, Clint/Pietro, deaf character, prank war, 
“This music is awful. You have old man taste.” Pietro looked serious, but his eyes were lit up with mischief.
Clint did splutter this time. “This is it. I’m going to educate you on Real Music.”
Or, the one where Clint flirts with Pietro by forcing classic rock on him, and Pietro has no choice but to retaliate.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9819023    What Pals Do by basilique    4k, Steve/Bucky, pre-serum, 
Bucky's lips are soft, and his breath is hot as he pants against Steve's neck.
“It’s just what pals do…other fellas do it too, they gotta. I bet you there's no fella in the world who hasn't...who hasn't with his best friend. Just…just kiss me, Steve. Don’t worry.”
Big Hero 6 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3498686    Dirty (when done right) by thehomodabrothers     94k, Hiro/Tadashi, AU, not related, stripper, masturbation, pinning, 
You know the kind of guy who looks like he'd suck your dick, the money out of your wallet and the soul right out of your body?
Yeah. That half-naked waiter over there? He looks like that kind of guy.
(There's a stripper Hiro's having a little trouble staying away from. If his personality is anywhere near as nice as his ass, then Hiro's pretty fucked - and not in the fun way, either.)
starts out pretty damn dirty, but rapidly turns sweet af 
Teen Wolf
http://archiveofourown.org/works/629953    Monsters by nightanddaze     10k, Derek/Stiles, dubious consent, possession, 
Two (three) souls walking in the woods, looking for and finding monsters.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4683653     Stepping Off the Razor’s Edge by MissAnnThropic    25k, Stiles/Derek, angst, happy ending, 
After the events of season 3b, the group in Beacon Hills graduate high school and move on with their lives… everyone except Stiles and Derek. Beset by their demons, they decide they need to get away for a while to clear their heads. Cue the road trip.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/507930     taking the bus to chinatown by hito    13k, Stiles/Derek, 
Stiles' home economics teacher forces him to knit mittens. Nobody wants Stiles' mittens, but then Stiles offers them to Derek, and Stiles is pretty sure Derek does these things purely to drive him crazy. What else could it be?
hito writes the most precious Derek
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1647245    Knight of the Night by calrissian18    -1k, Stiles/Jackson, long distance snarkery, 
Jackson grins, chest still heaving. He points at Stiles. “Princess.” Then to himself. “Knight.”
Written for mating_games Challenge 1: Happily Ever After. AND WON FIRST PLACE!
http://archiveofourown.org/series/103751     Shatterproof series by pyes    90k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, car accidents, pining, injury, recovery, 
The first time that Derek kisses Stiles, they're in the Jeep—which is sideways—while they're trapped in an overpass collapse.
It's the second time when things really get scary.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3187547    Come Hell or High Water by blacktofade     14k, Stiles/Derek, AU, a/b/o, pining, saliva, 
As an alpha, Derek goes into heat, which means he has to deal with endless amounts of saliva at any given point.
an original take on the, uh, biology of the trope.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1991601    The Lawn Ranger by Snowjob    47k, Stiles/Derek, high school AU, jock!Stiles, pining, 
In which Derek is an adolescent werewolf with a penchant for chocolate bunnies, and instead of the dream summer of lazing around the house playing video games and nibbling on his hoarded supply of easter candy his mother makes him get a job.
In which Stiles is a showoff jock with a broken arm and an embarrassing crush who can no longer push the lawn mower around the yard.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3879556     UST (An Unfortunate Series of Tropes) by ureshiiichigo    54k, Stiles/Derek, pining, UST, bed sharing, accidental marriage, telepathic bond, donuts, 
Stiles and Derek sitting in a tree, M-A-R-R-I-E-D.
Wait, what?
Or: Stiles thought he and Derek were finally getting to be bros, and then Deaton had to go and ruin everything with his stupid spell.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3575022    Plus One by migratoryslashfan    101k, Stiles/Derek/Scott, Stiles/Peter, polyamory, accidental pregnancy, dub-con, fuck-or-die, underwater sex, graphic injury, traumatic birth, fluff,
Stiles takes a pregnancy test as a joke. It turns up positive.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4248903    Our Skin, Our Bones, Our Silent Poem by staylorpotato    7k, Peter/Stiles, deaf character, fluff, angst, nogitsune fix-it, ASL, 
Peter is a Deaf werewolf. Stiles is a CODA (Child of a Deaf Adult). They’re a kind of unlikely pair. But sometimes things you wouldn’t think of as a good combination, end up turning out to be the perfect combination, you know?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1932642    Reluctant Allies With Benefits by veterization    93k, Peter/Stiles, 
Peter suggests he and Stiles start having no strings attached sex. It's that simple. No, really, it totally is. Stiles will make sure of it.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3643614    Prison Break by cywscross    21k, Peter/Stiles, Eichen house, mentions of torture,  
The last time Peter was locked up and abandoned, he went crazy and killed a bunch of people. Stiles can’t understand why anyone would consider it a good idea to repeat history. So he decides to do something about it.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2542955    The Trouble with Threesomes and Supernatural Soul Mates by Akira_of_the_Twilight   87k, Peter/Stiles/Chris, canon-AU, polyamory, soulmates, slow burn, 
Peter looked at Stiles from the corner of his blue eyes and smirked. Stiles swore he saw a flash of red Peter’s eyes, but it might of have been his brain’s lack of oxygen making him hallucinate. “I’m looking for my soul mate. Christopher Argent. I believe he volunteered to be taken in for questioning.”
An iron fist clenched Stiles' heart. This man was Argent’s—Christopher’s soul mate?
Stiles stared at the Peter’s wrist, examining every detail of Peter's soul mark. Stiles couldn’t find anything different between his and the blond’s.
Stiles lifted his hand and ghosted his fingers along Peter’s forearm.
It was lightning all over again, and Stiles yanked his hand back, only to have it caught in an unbreakable grip.
Frosty blue eyes burrowed into Stiles', and he couldn’t stop himself from gulping. The smirk on Peter’s lips grew as the corner of his mouth quirked higher, and he drew Stiles’ hand close to his face.
Peter’s nostrils flared slightly as he stared at Stiles’ soul mark. He pulled Stiles forward, pressing soft lips to Stiles wrist.
“Now what would your name be?” Peter purred.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6490537    According to plan by FeelingsDusk    16k, minor Peter/Stiles, time travel, BAMF!Stiles, 
The plan was very simple: go back in time, kill Kate, kill Gerard, never ever make contact with his parents, try to find a place within the Hale pack or not, but either way, live the rest of his life displaced and without the people he loves.
Of course, as it always is with him these days, nothing goes according to plan.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8370943    All My Stars Aligned by Green    21k, Peter/Stiles/Chris, Peter/Chris, AU, a/b/o, alpha/alpha, pining, 
Stiles needs to find an alpha ASAP. Actually, the doctors say he really needs two. Damn biology.
Chris and Peter are two alphas in hopeless, doomed love with each other.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6454288    Don’t Forget to Breathe by cywscross     11k, gen, canon-AU,  kidnapping, codependency, injury, trauma, 
The fire destroys every last reason Peter has to continue living. Stiles gives him a new one.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2521997    This Could Be So Dirty That it Just Ain't Right by taylorpotato   10k, Peter/Stiles, a/b/o, omega/omega, 
Ever since Stiles presented as an Omega, he hasn't been feeling the same urges as his peers. When he's around an Alpha that's not Scott (who is pretty much his brother at this point), his first reaction is to shrink away, not try to press closer. Until he meets Peter Hale. Who acts like the most annoying, entitled kind of Alpha on the planet. Except he's not one. He's an Omega. Of course, Stiles would turn out to be every type of gay possible.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4013770    Lucky Penny (Tastes Like Copper on Your Tongue) by pibroch    11k, Peter/Stiles, AU, dark stiles, injury, groping, 
When Peter woke up, he spent a good fifteen or twenty seconds earnestly wishing that whatever had hit him had the courtesy to kill him outright. Because this? This was bullshit.
AKA the time I decided to give Peter all the nice things, but made him get hit by a car first. Like you do.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7233526    Written in Red by gryvon    5k, Peter/Stiles, canon-AU, soulmates, humour, 
Peter had given up hope of ever finding his soulmate until the red string on his finger leads him to a four-year-old. He's going to Hell. Or jail. Or both.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/820526     just like the ocean under the moon by rain_of_stars    23k, Peter/Stiles, love potion, dub-con, fluff, 
When they find the alpha pack, Stiles is calling first dibs. Because trying to kill them all is one thing, but making Peter follow him around like a creepy undead puppy is unforgivable.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6273163    Save Me by DiscontentedWinter    39k, Peter/Stiles, canon-AU, aftermath of rape, torture, attempted suicide, 
Peter is the Alpha. He's nobody's savior. Not his pack's. Not his town's. And not that kid's. But sometimes salvation goes both ways.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1601951    Under The Weight Of Living by SatanInACroptop    16k, Peter/Stiles, survivours guilt, 
Stiles is having trouble reconciling with the aftermath of the nogitsune. Namely the notion that if Allison were here, Stiles might well not be. Namely the heart stopping fear of what could happen to those still breathing if the next time he wakes up, someone else is opening his eyes for him. Fortunately, there is at least one soul in Beacon Hills with whom he can relate to. Sometimes a little bit of help can be found in the most unlikely of places, including the domicile of Peter Hale, and sometimes, a little bit of sanctuary is all it takes.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/715949    no moral compass, pointing due north by AuntieClimactic    4k, Peter/Stiles, 
“I certainly didn’t suggest anything untoward,” Peter says, honestly perplexed but hiding it by widening his eyes innocently. “I can’t help it if you overreacted to my natural sexual magnetism.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1158050     betrayed by bones by veterization    25k, Peter/Stiles, love potion/sex pollen,
Stiles stumbles into wolfsbane that forces him to seek out contact from a particular person to stay alive. That person just happens to be Peter. Stiles hates his life sometimes.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/761191    Feet on the Dash by veterization    9k, Peter/Stiles, road trip, 
It's strange, because to the random unknowing passerby they're just two friends, maybe even family members, taking a road trip in the middle of a sweaty, endless June, but Peter's an ex-serial killer werewolf and Stiles is a little puny human who's eating all the chips like Peter won't rip his throat out if he eats the whole bag without sharing. The road trip part, however, is true.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/754957    Trust Fall by Stoney    144k, Derek/Stiles, body swap, h/c, slow burn, 
Stiles is fairly certain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming back to Peter Hale. This time it's pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated by swapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. That makes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thing where his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek is actually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.
Great. Wait...does this mean he's the Alpha until they figure this out? Holy. Shit. ****
Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a few minutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loud mouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going to kill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him again just to kill him all over.
They were going to have to play this cool. They would have to stay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into this situation with someone who physically couldn't be calm and focused.
Of course.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1884876     But Then What... by Stoney    24k, Derek/Stiles, AU, High school, 
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2532104    That's How They Deal With Boys Like Me by taylorpotato    12k, Peter/Stiles, genderfluid character, trans character, misgendering, 
Navigating puberty is hard enough on it's own. But on most mornings, Stiles also has to deal with feeling like he woke up in the wrong body. Peter Hale, of all fucking people, is the only one that seems to understand.
http://archiveofourown.org/series/684416     The Sheep Chronicles by Guede    122k, Derek/Peter/Stiles, Sheriff/Chris Argent, AU, incest, polyamory, sheep, 
After Derek’s nearly seduced by a hunter into betraying his family, his mother thinks it’s a good idea to send him out into the world and learn how not to fall for traps like that. Peter comes along, because Peter likes exploring, and that’s why they decide to explore a haunted mountain.
Stiles lives on that mountain. With his sheep. They’re very tasty-looking, and well, Derek and Peter are werewolves.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/581108    Men of a Certain Age by peroxidepest17    15k, Sheriff/Chris Argent, 
The Sheriff and Chris Argent do their best impression of Scott and Stiles except without the flailing (because they're too old to flail anymore).
http://archiveofourown.org/works/971281    Concrete by RarePairFairy    8k, Sheriff/Chris Argent, 
Chris Argent does NOT have a man crush.
Except maybe he does, a bit.
There are hostile creatures appearing in inconvenient places around Beacon Hills, and three families - the Argents, the McCalls and the Stilinskis - are resembling a taskforce.
Chris is beginning to realize that he's tired of watching loved ones get hurt. Sheriff Stilinski couldn't care less, because he's been trained how to use a gun and the bad guy's getting away, so on your feet, old man.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11414910     Poacher’s Delight by Guede    7k, Sheriff/Chris Argent, AU, BDSM, 
What’s clear is that Chris has no right to be hunting where he is, and John’s caught him red-handed. But then it gets a little confusing.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4678247     Ecosystem Engineering and the Werewolf by Guede   19k,Derek/Peter/Stiles, canon-AU, BDSM, dub-con, 
Stiles and his dad work for the U.S. Forest Service, which sends them to Beacon Hills. It’d be nice if Stiles could stop running into the Hales. He’s got bodies to get rid of. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4272609    I'll Walk with Your Wolf by iCheat    33k, Peter/Stiles, body swap, 
When Stiles wakes up in Peter's body, he's understandably freaked out. As Stiles starts connecting with the man's wolf, he can't help but reconsider his opinions of Peter. Needless to say, it's a rather confusing time for all involved.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6147194     Beautician and the Beast by MaroonDragon     18k, Peter/Stiles, AU, 
Peter likes to look good. He sells himself through his looks. So why shouldn't he make sure that he's as handsome as possible when he's shifted? Why would anyone want to have a dry and coarse fur when it's not needed? So he goes to a dog beauty parlour on a regular basis. When Stiles opens up a new shop in town, Peter finds way more than a new place to have his nails trimmed and his hair done. The only problem is, how can he seduce the guy when he's on four paws and believed to be just a very large dog?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8124766    All In A Spin by ShippersList     12k, Peter/Stiles, AU, permanent injury, aphasia, trauma, 
Stiles can't really talk anymore but, with Peter, he realizes he doesn't have to. Even if their spoken communication consists of one swear word and stuttered syllables, they understand each other. And that's what counts. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/969413    Come Out With Your Hands Up High by dedougal    5k, Sheriff/Chris Argent, magic made them do it,
Kidnapping is all too current an occurrence for Sheriff Stilinski nowadays. But spell casting is one bit of the supernatural he hadn't quite got his mind around just yet. Especially when it's directed at him and his partner in kidnapping, Chris Argent. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/983275     Baby It's Warm Inside by RarePairFairy    4k, Sheriff/Chris Argent, smut, 
Chris is a combination of lethal weaponry, bad dad jokes and domesticity. John is a combination of hot, Old Spice and Jack Daniels. On date night, that somehow translates into lethal hotness, old dad jokes and drinking on the couch. Neither man has extensive experience in the sexual side of man love, but both have extensive experience in improvising. And that will do. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4316862    To Catch a Fallen Star by cywscross    7k, Peter/Stiles, AU,
Stiles falls. It is not as great a tragedy as he thought it would be. 
actual star!Stiles 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1110615    Sympathy for the Devil by KouriArashi    72k, Peter/Stiles, canon-AU, child abuse, 
Stiles gets a job as a hospital orderly and finds himself becoming strangely attached to the catatonic man on the long-term care ward, and finds out that there's a lot more to Peter Hale than there seems... 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/633727    Amends by AuntieClimactic    18k, Peter/Stiles, future fic, 
Stiles blinks, “You’ve spent the last twenty years in therapy?”
“I had some emotional issues,” Peter admits.
“That’s… hilarious.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5298617     Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24    50k, Peter/Stiles, AU, bikers, fluff, 
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he'll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn't know who this kid is, but he's cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He's not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn't really mind.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/597049    Bonds of Power by Miya_Morana    18k, Stiles/Derek, power swap, alpha!stiles, human!derek, 
When Stiles suddenly wakes up as an Alpha werewolf and finds out that Derek has become human, he reluctantly accepts Derek’s pack as his while they attempt to find out what exactly happened and how to reverse it. But as they all try to adjust to the situation, the Alpha Pack is breathing down their neck, and they’re going to need all the help they can get to face that threat.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/826201    Miner For Truth and Delusion by blacktofade     20k, Stiles/Derek, love potion, 
Stiles stumbles across what he thinks is a cult in the preserve and ends up cursed so that everyone wants to get with him. It makes it harder for him to get things back to normal, but luckily there's one person who's unaffected.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/877251     Divided We Stand by KouriArashi    156k, Stiles/Derek, AU, misunderstandings, mystery, 
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
http://archiveofourown.org/works/850923    Hard Pressed by pandacowhipster    4k, Stiles/Derek, masturbation, voyeurism, 5+1, 
Derek maintains this wouldn't be an issue if Stiles would just learn to knock.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1381153    Roommate Wanted: No Supernatural Creatures Allowed by veterization    38k, Peter/Stiles, roomates, future fic, 
Stiles is in college, living in a pleasant apartment, and absolutely does not need a roommate. He ends up getting one anyway, and as luck would have it, his roommate turns out to be Peter.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8214182    Adult Wolf by KouriArashi    82k, Peter/Sheriff Stilinski, canon-AU, 
As if Sheriff Stilinski doesn't have enough to deal with, now he's been attacked by some enormous dog in the forest, and that's normal compared to what happens next...
Season one re-telling with Sheriff Stilinski being bitten instead of Scott.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1518449    Binomial Coefficients by DevilDoll     20k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, 
In which brainy freshman Stiles Stilinski wants star quarterback Derek Hale to join the math team, AKA math nerds in love.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1204642    Kindred Spirits by Stoney    104k, Stiles/Derek, AU, slow build, pining, homophobia, 
Anne of Green Gables/Teen Wolf AU. [ You do not have to know AoGG to follow this fic, it would only enhance the reading experience. :D ] Essentially the world of Teen Wolf set in the late 1890s, with themes and some minor character names/places specifically borrowed from Anne's world (and no disrespect meant to LM Montgomery, because I love Anne Shirley to bits and pieces.)
Stiles is the adopted son of the Sheriff, brought to Beacon Hills to hopefully stay for good. A family, a best friend, school, Jackson as Josie Pye (because who else could he be?) and the mystery of a dark haired, green-eyed boy which leads Stiles to discovering a secret within himself.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5299154    here comes trouble by grimm     105k, Stiles/Derek, AU, a/b/o, past rape, past abuse/slavery, trauma, 
All Derek wants is one day where he can sleep without worry of being woken by gunfire, without the threat of death hanging over his head. He wants a full stomach and no pain clinging to his bones, no ache in his feet from months of running. He wants a shower, a safe place to put his head. He wants his family, the healing comfort of pack. He'll never have any of that again.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1124860    What You Can't See by darkmagess    54k, Stiles/Derek, kidnapping, PTSD, torture, 
A new threat comes to Beacon Hills, putting all its supernatural inhabitants in danger. A true alpha and banshee are rare and valuable quarry, but Stiles and Derek are the easiest targets.
do read the short fics linked in the first A/N
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1022356    Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach    76k, Stiles/Derek, AU, kidnapping, captivity, h/c, torture, 
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1491730    Handsome Hobo by relenafanel, Swing Set in December    8k, Stiles/Derek, AU, misunderstandings, humour, 
Derek should probably stop rummaging through garbage if he doesn't want people to assume he's homeless.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/479349     I'm Hunting on the Night (We're Playing for the Fights) by PaddyWack    6k, Stiles/Derek, AU, wolf!Sties, Human!Derek, 
Stiles is the unfortunate wolf that gets into some trouble during his moon cycle. Derek is the hapless hunter that finds him.
Or, the one where Stiles steps in a bear trap and has to be rescued.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/896999    And If I Die Before I Wake by consciousness_streaming    60k, Stiles/Derek, true mates, 
When Stiles wakes up on his eighteenth birthday from a chaste dream about Derek Hale he doesn't think it's a big deal. But when he wakes up the next few days to the same dream, he knows something is going on. And he's going to get to the bottom of it. Once is an incident, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern. More than three is just torture.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7946302     These Woods Sigh by blacktofade      80k, Stiles/Derek, friends with benefits, pining, accidental pregnancy, 
Derek and Stiles never plan to start a family together, it just happens. Or, the one where Derek accidentally wishes for a baby.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11640030     Falling In, Not Through by Julibean19    49k, Peter/Stiles, h/c, body horror, wing kink, alcohol abuse, 
“You need to help me,” Stiles says eventually. He’s still in too much pain to move off the floor, but he’s picked up a stray feather, twirling it between two fingers with a look of pure terror on his face. Peter nods immediately, eager and willing to be involved in whatever this is.
Peter’s eyes flick between the feather spinning between Stiles’ fingers and the harsh angle of the bend of his wings above his shoulders. He doesn’t look like any picture of an angel Peter has ever seen. There should be an elegant swooping curve there, neat little rows of white or gold or silver, pointed tips flung far out from Stiles’ body and a halo above his head. If Stiles is an angel, the myths are all wrong.
In which Stiles finds that he has wings and Peter finds that a pack doesn't always need to be made up of wolves.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2027388    Revenge Fake Dating Is Totally A Thing by seraphina_snape    32k, Stiles/Derek, fake dating, slow build, 
Sheriff Stilinski walks in on Stiles and Derek in a compromising position and assumes they're in a relationship even though they were just sneaking around to keep the sheriff out of their supernatural shenanigans. Obviously it's all Derek's fault for being so damn suspicious - at least that's Stiles opinion and the reason why he gives Derek a taste of his own medicine when he invites him over for family dinner at his dad's request.
Only then Derek turns the tables on Stiles and before Stiles knows it, they're fake dating for reasons of revenge, one-upmanship and the preservation of Stiles' relationship with his dad.
No way this can go wrong, right?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/924398    Imperfect Isn't Easy (But It's Us) by RayShippouUchiha    11k, Stiles/Derek+Lydia, voyeurism, possesiveness, 
Derek is so tired of everything being his fault, so tired of always losing. He's also tired of not admitting that he wants to own Stiles in ways he can barely describe.
Derek is far from perfect but maybe that's okay. Maybe in the right company perfect isn't necessary.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/487228     There Ain't No Heaven by blacktofade    4k, Stiles/Derek, masturbation, voyeurism, forced proximity, 
Derek and Stiles are forced to spend the night in a car and Stiles pops an awkward boner.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11066634     I Don't Blame You for Being You (but you can't blame me for hating it) by LadySlytherin    39k, Stiles/Derek, injury, 
Derek hits Stiles with his Camaro - 'Dammit, Stiles, it was an accident!'...'Why don't I believe you?' and hilarity ensues.
this fic contains mpreg, but it’s only a minor plot point and doesn’t actually take place during the actual plot.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7513226     your soul fits where mine feels empty by wishingonalightningbolt    19k, Stiles/Derek, smut, 
He pulls open the door without knocking and gets half a step inside the loft before he notices. Derek—lying on his bed—face down—naked.
Stiles gets an eyeful. Things go downhill from there.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/612585      Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us by queerly_it_is    12k, Stiles/Derek, bdsm, sub!derek, 
Derek doesn’t get why he likes it so much.
It’s just not -- he hadn’t expected to need this. Not from Stiles. Not from anyone, ever. He doesn’t do this.
Except he does, now. Because it’s for Stiles, and Derek -- fuck, he likes it too.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8179690    I've Been Everywhere With You by Leslie_Knope     61k, Stiles/Derek, theraphy, slow build, 
“Dude, you should totally come with me.”
“What? Like on the road trip?"
“No, come with me. To Austin. Get out of Beacon Hills.”
Derek paused. “What?” he asked again.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/717364     Brilliant & Ridiculous by maderr    10k, Stiles/Derek, fake dating, 
All Derek wanted was for the woman to leave him alone and ring up his groceries. How that led to her thinking Stiles is his boyfriend is something he blames on Stiles and his inability to stay out of trouble for five minutes.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/783841    John Hughes Did Not Direct My Life by nascentgalaxies    48k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, slow build, 
Stiles and Derek are childhood friends who drifted apart. When Stiles joins the lacrosse team against his will, the universe (with a little help from Laura and Lydia) chooses to push them back together.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/676633     The Sweetest of Words (Have the Bitterest Taste) by Omni     9k, Stiles/Derek, fake dating, 
“Ah, yeah, Desiree, I told you I was meeting someone. Well, that someone is Derek. My boyfriend. We’re totally in love.” His heart was racing and Derek was holding him so tight it was difficult to turn enough to face the young woman. What he did see of her had his breath catching on fishhooks in his throat. She was normally a relatively pretty girl, with cute round cheeks and large dark eyes, but in that moment she looked…terrifying. Her cheeks seemed gaunt, her eyes glowing like they were little windows peeking into a deep pit of raging flame.
(Or: Five or so years after the show. Stiles is in college, and finds himself getting stalked by a succubus. Derek's determined that the best way to thwart her is to prove that he and Stiles are madly in love. It's not really as much of an act as either seems to think.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1183688    i want to say all those things that would be better unsaid by aeneapsych  24k, Stiles/Derek, AU, phone sex, praise kink, teacher/student, 
Derek is a lonely professor who decides to call a phone sex line.
Stiles is a poor grad student who needs to make a living somehow.
"One night stands were never this good. Hell, his previous relationships were never this good. Derek was so screwed, but right now he didn't care."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1060026     Sense of Home by siny    53k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, angst, hallucinations, 
Home can be a place, but it can also be a person.
After the events with the Nemeton, Stiles starts suffering the consequences of their sacrifice. A journey he attempts to make on his own, but only becomes worse with every step he takes. In the process he seeks comfort in an unexpected place and it draws him toward an unexpected person.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/508648    You Saw Me Standing Alone by orphan_account    43k, Stiles/Derek, 
A pack of alpha werewolves is burning a war path through Beacon Hills; Stiles shouldn’t have the luxury of trying to get laid.    
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1168884    What's Up Pinocchio? by Brego_Mellon_Nin    11k, Stiles/Derek, 
Stiles has settled in for a bit of self indulgence, favorite porn uploaded and ready, his recently neglected dick already stirring. For a few minutes he simply watches as the two guys start kissing and touching, but as soon as the bigger guy starts sucking his partner, Stiles groans and grabs for his own erection. Except, when he grabs hold of it, it feels… foreign in his hand. Pulse jumping, he snaps his eyes downward. Then he sputters and flails, nearly tipping over the edge of the mattress. What the everloving fuck?
Stiles knows his dick, okay? He knows it well. He knows how long it is, how thick it is - measuring is a normal thing for a curious teenager, it really is - but somehow, that’s not true anymore.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/550277    This Time With Feeling by Crimson1    36k, Stiles/Derek, 
"Derek Hale, if you refuse to learn from your past…then you will be doomed to repeat it." In which Derek is turned into a 16-year-old and has to stay with Stiles until they figure out how to turn him back.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7451080     Drown Me with Kisses by LadySlytherin    19k, Stiles/Derek, pining, 
When a rusalka in the preserve nearly kills Stiles with a kiss, Stiles is in grave danger any time he’s near a source of water - not just rivers, lakes, and oceans, but pools, bathtubs, the shower, a sink full of water - you put water in it, and it could probably kill Stiles now. Deaton’s advice? Break the rusalka’s magic with a kiss of opposite power - love to beat out death.   
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3569615    I Dream of Stiles by runningwithdinosaurs    12k, Stiles/Derek, AU, 
In retrospect, Derek never should have rubbed the lamp.
But Derek did, which is how he got stuck with Stiles, who was truly a terrible genie. He didn’t even do things the way a normal genie was supposed to.
“What do you mean ‘it’s not three wishes’?” Derek bit out, glaring at Stiles, who was perched on the end of his couch. Literally perched. Like crouched on his tip toes.
“I don’t really know how to make it clearer,” Stiles said, long fingers twisting in the bright red hoodie he was wearing. “Is English not your first language? No son tres deseos. Ce ne est pas trois souhaits. To nie trzy życzenia.”
(Or the one where Stiles is a genie and Derek lives broken and alone in New York until a certain mole-covered immortal teenager LITERALLY pops into his life.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/751941    Graceless by AsexualDerek (Cammerel)     22k, Stiles/Derek, straight men having gay sex, 
Stiles doesn't ask for much in return, but a 'please' would be nice.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3097259    Run To You by Emela    31k, Stiles/Derek, feral!derek, h/c,
A witch casts a spell, turning Derek feral and leaving him the equivalent of a frightened puppy. Stiles is the only one he trusts to protect him and of course, Stiles is only too happy to help. (Which has nothing to do with all these feelings he's suddenly having, okay? Derek's just a really cute werewolf puppy.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1783486    Lap Magnet by Prairie_Grass    30k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, accidental bonding, 
Wherein an ill-advised floral arrangement leads to a whole new definition of obliviousness, accidental mate-bonds, and far more sex and tropes than one fic really needs.
Five times Derek and Stiles didn’t notice how close they were (literally) and then a whole bunch of times when they did... 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4035982    You'll Grow Into Your Skin by crossroadswrite    11k, Stiles/Derek, implied mpreg, 
“So funny story,” Stiles winces, “Remember when I joked you couldn’t get me pregnant?”
Derek nods his head. He remembers pretty much everything from that day.
“Right,” Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, “Surprise?”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/696562     Invited Inside by blacktofade    14k, Stiles/Derek, biting, bloodplay,  
Of all the things to finally bite him, a vampire is truly at the bottom of Stiles’ list.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7806307    Hot Pocket Ratio by ShippersList    12k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, incubus, 
At the threat of the alpha pack, all Derek wants is to keep his pack safe and alive. As the last resort, he tries summoning a demon to help with fighting the alpha pack. He gets a bit more than he bargained for.
Or, the story where the classic demon deal of "Will you pledge your firstborn to me?" takes some unexpected turns.  
http://archiveofourown.org/works/761973    Cosomination by zoemathemata    11k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, pining, bed sharing, 
For Fictional Force/Hoktauri who prompted “pining! Derek/oblivious! Stiles, graduation day”
Cosominate - To sleep together in the same bed or similar space.
Five Times Derek and Stiles Sleep Together - 4 platonic bed shares and one not-platonic bed share! Features Pining! Derek, Oblivious!Stiles and a very tense moment where Sheriff Stilinski has been hurt! But it all turns out okay. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8016247    Between Dogs and Wolves by artemis69    25k, Stiles/Derek, AU, mafia, violence. pining, 
"This is…not four million in cash,” remarks Stilinski.
“Isaac. Did you fail to get my money back and decided to pick up a stripper on the road to bribe me? Because let me make this perfectly clear: this would totally work. Well done.”
The mafia!AU where the Hales owe four million to the Stilinskis, Laura rents Derek (but not as a stripper), Stiles gets a new favorite, Derek gets a new boss, a new puppy and a new family.
Sometimes they break people, but mainly, they just snark at each other. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3992896     Wolf in the House by JoeLawson     33k, Stiles/Derek, wolf!derek, 
“What? It’s totally an improvement. He’s not scowling, or dating bad guys, or slinking around in unsanitary places. Still a bit paranoid, but what can you do. At least he’s a lot easier to get along with when you can buy his affections with ear rubs.”
“And you always wanted a dog,” Sheriff added wryly.
“And I always wanted a dog.”  
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1727696    Just the Same by ericaismeg    68k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, highschool, pining, 
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There's just no way Derek Hale is human. *** “I was wondering if you're even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it's ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It's unfair for us. I mean, it's obvious you work out, and I don't, so that could be why, but like...I was just wondering if you were human, that's all.”
“Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—”
“Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can't threaten him with shit.  
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1162093    Lie Down with Dogs by uraneia    3k, Stiles/Derek, slightly subby!derek, aftercare, wolf!derek,
Stiles gives Derek a flea bath. Then things get weird.
“Is this a joke?” Stiles says when Derek hands him the bottle. It has to be a joke, right? This is just more evidence of Derek’s redeveloping sense of humor. Ha-ha. He’s hilarious.
“Does it look like I’m joking,” Mr. Murder Eyebrows himself says flatly.
Fuck, he’s not joking.
Stiles turns the bottle over in his hands. No matter how many times he reads it, it still says Flea Treatment Shampoo for Dogs. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1251133    Under The Wolf, Under The Dog by Narcissistic_Ninny    5k, Stiles/Derek, wolf!derek, 
“So, uh, I noticed you’re commando most days. Is that because you have to transform, or cause you just don’t-”
“Oh my god,” he said. “I’m not having this conversation with you.” 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/962660    The Scent of an Oncoming Storm by accol    13k, Stiles/Derek, scent marking, watersports, 
In the weeks after Derek becomes alpha, he and Stiles form a reluctant team   
http://archiveofourown.org/works/723433    I Ran (So Far) by thepsychicclam    33k, Derek/Stiles,
“But, you don’t run,” Derek pointed out, confused.
 “People can get new hobbies,” Stiles snapped. “Geez, if I’d known it was going to be this big of a deal, I’d have called you first. Want me to give you my workout schedule? That way you can coordinate your nose accordingly?”
In which Stiles' summer starts off so badly he starts running, gets pelted by paint balls, and decides he is, in fact, going crazy if he willingly wants to hang out with Derek Hale.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/467550    The Life of Stiles by rispacooper   14k, Stiles/Derek, scent marking, 
First Stiles is in denial, then he is just confused.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5640295    As Cryptic as the Moon by Formaldehyde_Eyes    30k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, scent marking, psychic powers, 
“So,” Stiles started, everything about him unsure with how to explain it. “I sometimes have these dreams. About wolves.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10374501    It's Platonic Until It's Not by hbunting1403     16k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, scent marking, 
Yes, Scott and Stiles sleep in the same bed. Stiles would rather cut off both of his hands than touch Scott sexually, but he’s no stranger to showing affection, and they cuddle on a pretty regular basis. Their relationship is, in Stiles’ eyes, normal and healthy and exactly what they both need. Then Scott meets Alison, and they fall in love over a fucking pen (which is sickly sweet but so Scott), and Stiles suddenly has a lot more time on his hands.
Cue pottery classes, stargazing, a new friendship, and a lot of (totally platonic) fantasizing.
Even if Derek is hotter than the sun.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/446553     Flipped and Awkwardly Reversed by harlequin421    13k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, 
Scott getting bitten by a werewolf didn’t only change his life; it brought a sourpuss of a creeper werewolf into Stiles life who doesn’t seem to understand the concept of personal space or that windows aren’t doors, or you know, manners.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4620849    Proprietary by Osidiano    8k, Scott/Stiles, scent marking, praise kink, facials, 
Written for the TWKM: Stiles needs to smell like he's having sex with Scott because SERIOUS REASONS and they decide that a facial is the least awkward way to accomplish that, except they're both way more into it than they expected and things keep escalating. Like, Scott has no idea how this got from 'werewolf-awkwardly-masturbating-several-feet-away' to Stiles telling him, "Maybe. . . Maybe you should rub your dick against my face a little. You know. To make sure I smell believable."
". . .Yeah," Scott pants. "Yeah, that makes sense." 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/751583    The Boy and the Beast by Dira Sudis (dsudis)    116k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, slow build, 
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1035300    Dude, Werewolves by mysecretashes    29k, Stiles/Derek, canon- AU, scent marking, frottage, 
Stiles gets partnered with Cora for a history project, and they become bros. Also, he kind of falls in love with her older brother, Derek.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2141295    What the Body Grasps Not by sexyvanillatiger    21k, Jackson/Stiles, pre-canon, 
Fulfillment of this prompt from the Teen Wolf Throwback Fest:
"So I have this headcanon that the reason Jackson and Stiles don't get along is because Jackson adored Claudia Stilinski. She was the children's librarian or volunteered at their school a lot, maybe watched Jackson after school, whatever, but she spent a lot of time around the kids, maybe helped Jackson overcome some reading issues, talked to him, listened to him in a way his mother didn't and so Jackson grew attached to her and jealous of Stiles, who always seemed to be acting up and giving her a hard time (pre-medicated ADHD) and Jackson was convinced Stiles didn't deserve her. Then she died. So Jackson doesn't know how to deal with that and Stiles is barely coping and maybe words are said which leads to years of actual, seething hatred, culminating in hate sex. Lots of hate sex. That. Keeps. Happening."  
http://archiveofourown.org/works/625632     Goldilocks by tourdefierce    11k, Stiles/Derek, bed sharing, 
It may be the wrong fairytale to fit their odd world, but Derek was most definitely Goldilocks, and somehow, Stiles' bed was juuuuuust right.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9641306     Without You by fearfrost1211    4k, Stiles/Derek, touch starved, frottage, first time, 
Half a choked laugh boils up out of him. He had sex with Derek Hale.
Sex. With Derek.
He's never going to be able to shower in the locker room again.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/3904933    Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter     61k, Stiles/Derek, AU, fluff, 
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property. Humans are supposed to be extinct. But then, Stiles is full of surprises. 
Star Wars
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5638204    step out into the sun by plutos    71k, Poe/Finn, slow burn, fake relationship, accidental marriage, pining, fluff, 
“I gotta talk to you, buddy, real quick,” Poe says lowly, and grabs Finn’s hand to haul him back out of the mess hall. His pilot friends cheer loudly, Karé yelling something about keeping it decent, and Finn barely has a second to process it before Poe’s yanking him away and into a deserted side corridor.
“I can explain,” he says quickly, running his spare hand through his hair.
“Well good,” Finn snaps hotly, “Because I’ve had a really fucking weird day.” _____________________________
Otherwise known as: Finn Is An Oblivious Numbskull, or: the one where Finn gets a name, a jacket, a droid, and a marriage out of nowhere in only a few short weeks.
the softest fic
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5926144    tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester    37k, Poe/Finn, slow burn, pining, angst, 
There is a part of him that says: you are not human.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5798602     have you heard by peradi    42k, gen, side ships, revolution, propaganda, redemption, 
"I heard FN-2187 was a Stormtrooper."
Finn sparks a revolution.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5619475    my own secret ceremonials. by ameliorates    3k, Finn/Rey/Poe, UST, mutual masturbation, 
the mathematics are simple. the reality is a hot, sticky delirium. -- poe struggles with frustrated longing.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5753218    BB-Gate by ignitesthestars, nymja     5k, Jessika Pava/Rey, 
Jessika and Rey attempt to solve one of the galaxy's greatest mysteries: was BB-8 giving a thumb's up or the middle finger?
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
http://archiveofourown.org/works/8763691    Horrible and Terrible and Good All At Once by Mellow_Yellow    72k, Credence/Graves, arranged marriage, 
Graves was a lead Auror, and as such prided himself on his ability to stay calm in a crisis, to keep his head, to remain even-keeled and articulate no matter the situation. So no one was more surprised than he was when he opened his mouth and heard himself blurting out, “Excuse me, ma’am, but I would like to purchase your son.”
Seemingly without hesitation, and before Mary Lou had the chance to respond, Credence burst forth with his own, “Yes, sir, you may have me.”
Then they both fell silent, equally shocked at their words. Merlin’s balls. Somewhere upstate, Graves was sure his father had just burst into laughter and had no idea why.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9136114    Roche Limit by Rrrowr    19k, Credence/Graves, a/b/o, 
Thirty years, Graves has managed to hide this, smothering the very base notes of his scent with suppressants while keeping intact the identifying markers — chocolate, blood orange, and ash. Thirty years, he's managed to kill every instinct he has to bare his throat when challenged, funneling his nurturing instincts into a desire to protect, widening his idea of family to include all of wizardkind. For thirty years, he spent his heats doubling up on potions and taking sick days when that wasn't enough.
Thirty years spent facing that challenge, and now — all of it threatened by the fact that he wanted, for just one night, to be himself.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9095290    the king of oak bysaltpans    38k, Credence/Graves, recovery, slow burn, fae, 
The first thing Percival Graves does after being released back into the world is buy a new wand. He's at Greymalkin's for ten minutes and the only wand that works for him is raw aspen, whiter than bone and so rough that Graves gives himself a splinter conjuring a storm of birds. The wand—dragon heartstring, a most unusual wand for an American wizard, according to a flustered Greymalkin—feels wild, and Graves empties half his wallet on the counter and keeps his hand on his new wand all the way home.
The second thing he does is quit his job, because honestly.
("Grindelwald did his research before he put on your face," Seraphina says reasonably. "And it's not like you're open with your personal life. He has us all fooled."
"He wore scorpion stickpins!" Graves shoots back, somewhat less reasonably.
Seraphina looks at Graves, his pressed creases, his immaculate shirt, the red ruby cufflinks he's wearing to hide the starved brittleness of his wrists. "I'm sorry," she says. It is not enough to make him stay.)
The third thing he does is get jumped by Credence Barebone in an alley.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9904355     Nothing Shall be Impossible by terriblelifechoices    61k, Credence/Graves, dub-con, forced pregnancy, prison, protectiveness, fluff,
Inspired by a prompt on the kinkmeme:
Grindelwald figures Credence is too old and damaged to be useful, but his genes are clearly strong. Graves' genes are pretty awesome too with wandless magic and whatnot. So he decides to make them do it and train their offspring as perfectly loyal soldiers.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” Graves asked.
Grindelwald sighed, as if he found Graves’ questions tedious. “I told you,” he said. “I’ve Seen your child. Together, the two of you will produce a wizard so powerful that the armies of the world will tremble before him. He will be the first and most honored among my generals, and together we will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for wizard-kind.”
“You know,” Graves said, conversational. “When I asked you if you were out of your goddamn mind, the short answer would have been to just say yes.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9157615    your need grows teeth by alamorn    10k, Credence/Graves, 
There is something that Credence never told Mr. Graves. The man he thought was Mr. Graves. The man who cupped his skull and slapped his face.
Some of the wounds he healed for Credence were not from Mary Lou. Whenever he woke from lost time, he would find deep gashes around his fault lines, like a cheap toy put poorly together. He did not tell Mr. Graves that he did not know how he got them, just allowed him to smooth them away.
Note: this does not contain self harm.
Harry Potter   
(also, The Cursed Child) 
http://archiveofourown.org/series/583285     Alone series by mischiefmanager    3k, Albus Severus/Scorpius, masturbation, 
Albus is an angst-monster who is in love with his best friend and it is absolutely tearing him apart.
Scorpius is a cinnamon roll who is in love with his best friend and it's...well, maybe a bit lonely but mostly overall it's pretty brilliant!
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7331278    Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi    93k, Harry/Draco, canon-AU, pining, 
'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.    
http://archiveofourown.org/works/6239806     Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi    57k, Harry/Draco, post-hogwarts, pining, 
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/247621    Detente by entanglednow     3k, Dr.Horrible/Captain Hammer, 
"I'm your nemesis, you're not supposed to be having sex dreams about me, what would your psychiatrist say?"
http://archiveofourown.org/works/138889     Echoes in a Lonely World by etothepii     8k, Dr. Horrible/Captain Hammer, empathy bond, 
Dr. Horrible carries his device (it doesn’t have a name yet, but he’s been mentally referring to it as "That Empathy Thing") with him on heists for a week and a half before Captain Hammer finally shows up. Not nearly as serious as the title suggests.
Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11613825    An Intervention by Tenebrosa    2k, Craig/Robert, praise kink, 
Craig needs to loosen the fuck up and damn if Robert isn't the King of Relaxation. How he does it might be a little...unorthodox, but really, who's gonna judge them all the way out here?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11652366    I'm Selfish, I'm Obscene by passionfruits    7k, Joseph/Robert, 
A collection of Roseph intimacy. A bittersweet treatise on the unholy trinity of Joseph, Robert, and Mary.
AKA how much kink, fluff, and angst can I shove in one messy PWP dump? If you haven't read covet yet, I recommend doing that first. It's a good prequel.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11688816    Whatever's Written in Your Heart by captaincharming    16k, Joseph/Robert, infidelity, 
“Hey,” Robert says again, turning Joseph’s face back to his. “Look at me. You think Mary don’t already think this is happening? She’s been asking me for years if I’m screwing her husband yet.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9329171    Worthy and Forgiven by Erya    31k, Lucifer/Dan, friendship, 
In which Dan accidentally winds up in a confused sort of maybe friendship with the Devil himself, through absolutely no fault of his own.
Stranger Things 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7662067    Have Happened by cortexikid    43k, Jonathan/Steve/Nancy, slow burn, 
"I overheard you. You were talking in your sleep.”
Steve's heart fluttered nervously.
“It was a little funny at first,” Nancy admitted, her tone a mix of teasing and apologetic, “you were moaning my name and I thought it’d be kinda funny if Mike accidentally overheard you having a sex dream about his sister—”
Steve couldn’t control the guffaw that escaped him.
“But then you said Jonathan’s name. Right after mine. All in the same breath.”
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/11917929    the destiny of human handwriting by cosmicocean, princessparadox   53k, Todd/Dirk, soulmates, 
Even from a young age, he isn’t a romantic. It’s around third grade that kids start writing to their Match, eight year olds asking questions about their name, where they’re from, what they like, who they are. Todd doesn’t. He’s not really into the idea of Matches, even if it’s something he can’t change. People fall in love with people. If he falls in love, he’s not going to fall in love with someone who he knows only from ink on his arms that he didn’t put there.
Whoever his Match is, however, does not feel the same way. His left arm (so he must be right handed) is covered with doodles. Crude flowers drawn with what looks like ballpoint pens, so lots of skipping and gaps in the lines. Sometimes the outlines of hearts that look like fountain pens, but are smudged quickly, the ink running too hard.
Soulmate AU where anything you write on your arm appears visible on your soulmate's. Written for the Dirk Gently Big Bang 2017.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9630893    Electric Ghost Rhino by Lavellington    8k, Todd/Dirk, pre-slash, bed sharing, 
Dirk and Todd are not co-dependent, exactly. They've just had a rough couple of weeks. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9619238   Delete Me, Repeat Me, Let's Try This Again by coloursflyaway    6k, Todd/Dirk, pining, 
Dirk is in love with Todd, that much is clear. The question is what Todd intends to do with that information.
9 notes · View notes
dickie-gayson · 7 years
Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd
Genre: Horror
Length: 4k+
Other: Arkham Knight!Jason, Talon!Dick. this is The Worst Chapter - the Remix
Find It On: Ao3 Fanfiction
 Counting Bodies Like Sheep
"I was hung from a tree made of tongues of the weak The branches, the bones of the liars, the thieves Rise up above it, high up above and see One night of the hunter, one day I will get revenge"
  Jason's heart thumped an almost painfully quick pace in his chest as he lay on the dusty floor. He stared wide-eyed and unseeing at the ceiling as if it held the answers to his problems. Talon hovered over him, looking far too much like a leopard waiting to feast for Jason's liking. Still, he did not move. The weight of his predicament and new revelations seemed to keep him tied down and helpless. He certainly felt helpless. The assassin watched with a morbid sort of fascination as the resignation killed what little light had sparked in Jason's eyes.
With no warning, Talon rose on graceful feet and turned from the downed man. It was clear he viewed Jason as no threat just in the relaxed way he moved. There was no line of tension drawing up his shoulders. No hint of wariness in his posture. It was equal parts humiliating and irritating to be thought so little of. Jason watched the killer's soft steps closely, still on edge from the earlier assault. Every shift set his teeth on edge. Talon was unpredictable with his temper, making him a troubling foe.
He seemed to stop before a spot of blank, peeling wall just out of Jason's view and stare. It seemed to be a recurring theme with the new Dick Grayson. He stared far more than before and it was downright creepy. There was something he couldn't quite place in those gleaming eyes that made him want to crawl out of his skin. Jason saw pure evil, was face-to-face with it on a daily basis for a year, yet this was something completely different. It left the astringent taste of fear lingering like bile on his tongue. It kept his pulse pounding despite his best efforts to keep it calm. Yes, there was something completely different about this thing and all the demons Jason faced in his life.
Cautiously, he rose to his feet. His efforts to mask his movements were rendered useless as Talon heard him. The slight cocking of his head in Jason's direction was a dead giveaway of that. He had to resist the intense urge to try and brutalize the assassin who faced away from him. It wouldn't end well, he knew that much. The small amount of satisfaction he'd gain from landing a few hits wouldn't outweigh whatever the repercussions would be. Personally, Jason would prefer to be stabbed but Talon seemed to have a fondness for causing mental and emotional wounds. That was something he had no desire to endure at all.
Jason noticed that the only exit that wasn't boarded over was right beside Talon. Of course. He doubted that was a coincidence. Sure, he could try to make a break for it but he highly doubted he'd make it out before being dragged back in. To make matters worse, Jason was still missing his arsenal of weapons and tools that had been stripped of him while unconscious. He flexed his hands, sorely wishing for a gun or something to defend himself with, no matter how useless. This feeling of being totally exposed and helpless was something Jason absolutely loathed. No matter what he's gone through, the horrors he's triumphed and training he went through, he was still the victim. It was driving the man completely insane.
There was a fury in his steely gaze that he was positive Dick could feel. If looks could kill, his captor would most assuredly be nothing but ashes from the glare penetrating his back. It was with a certain degree of reluctance that Jason turned that angered glare from the black-clad man to sweep over the room in a more meticulous examination. Letting the crazed killer out of his sight wasn't something he was particularly keen on doing. However, he needed to find his gear and he couldn't exactly do that while trying to burn a hole through the back of the other man's skull.
Now that he wasn't panicking he was able to take note of a few more key details. All the windows but one had been boarded up, the lighting was purposefully dim to the point of near blackness, and there was an array of vicious looking blades of many forms lining the tops of boxes near Talon's little nest. What had appeared to be brown blankets were in reality white blankets completely covered in stains. It didn't take the world's greatest detective to guess where those brownish stains came from. The thought of just how many bodies it took to get that much residual blood was baffling. The analytical side of him was legitimately curious just how many DNA samples he could get from one swipe across the cloth.
He spotted his weapons and belt sitting out in the open on a weathered desk near Talon. Jason was mentally weighing whether or not he really needed those items or if he should take his chances. It was a short-lived thought, as he knew Talon had very purposefully placed them where he could see but not quite reach without getting near the assassin. All these false little windows of opportunity only added to Jason's growing resentment. That asshole was toying with him to see if he'd fall for those traps. Jason clenched his jaw in frustration as he swiped his now scratched helmet from the floor. Just as he was about to slide it back on, Talon's quiet voice cut through the air.
Jason paused, helm above his head, and stared at the assassin. Then, he took notice of the piercing yellow eyes in the dim reflection of a mirror so grimy it could almost pass as part of the wall. Had it not been for the tell-tale golden glow he wouldn't have even noticed that Talon was watching him. He'd been watching this whole time. Jason locked eyes through the dirtied reflection and gave a defiant sneer before forcefully putting the helmet on. All systems blinked on as the suit reconnected with its missing piece. There was a somewhat entertained look on the killer's otherwise blank features.
"Robins never were very good at following orders."
That made Jason's lips twist in an irritated scowl. He hated that Dick kept bringing it back to that. Robin. The argument 'I'm not Robin' sat heavy on his tongue, waiting to come out again. It was useless. To this bastard he'd always be Robin. Once a bird, always a bird. Jason could almost swear that the carved R on his chest was mocking him. He stomped heavily toward Talon, who still faced the wall but tracked him through the mirror. Jason wasn't quite sure whether he was drawing closer to punch the frustrating man, to grab his gear, or just try to jump out the window. Perhaps a daring combination of all three, though not quite in that order.
He came to a slow halt as his eyes landed on the section of wall Talon was covering. All thoughts of escape and his supplies left his head. Carved crudely into the wood was a long list of names; some were already scratched out. Jason read the list and recognized quite a few, if not only from word of mouth. He knew what this list was but the thought that Dick made a hit list, no matter how demonic he's become, was almost unfathomable. It just didn't quite connect. He found himself questioning it without thinking.
"What the hell is this?"
He mentally facepalmed for asking the stupidly obvious. Truthfully, he half expected to hear a witty 'my shopping list, obviously' or something equally dumb. Instead, that ravenous stare was back on him full-blast. There was no response at first, just an uncomfortable silence. Then, Dick spoke in that unsettling arctic whisper.
"The damned."
Had it been the old times, when Dick was still Nightwing and Jason was Robin, Jason would have snarked back about Bruce's melodramatics rubbing off on the older boy. But these weren't the old times and those soft words left his gut churning. It wasn't what he said but how he said it that got under Jason's skin. There was such unmistakable malignance in his tone that even Batman would be chilled to the core. Rather than linger on the discomfort, he kept reading the list. There was one break in the names, a section that looked like it'd been hacked at. There was no hope of reading what name had been there. The curiosity ate at Jason, but he continued on. It was a varied list, going from super villains to people Jason would have marked as average Joes. His eyebrows rose once he hit one name in particular.
"Slade Wilson. You're gonna try to kill Deathstroke?"
That unsettling stare turned sharp, nearly vicious, at the surprise in Jason's voice. He almost backtracked from that look alone.
"He wronged me. I will kill him."
Jason let out a low whistle at the sheer level of spite in his words. He knew all about the feud between his brother and the super-assassin. Who didn't? The fights between the two, particularly when Dick had been Robin, were something of legends among teen heroes. Now that Dick was turned into this, he almost pitied Slade. Almost. Whatever Hell he brought upon himself was completely deserved. As his eyes swept back to the list, he couldn't help but wonder just what the rest had done to deserve it as well. 'Catalina Flores, where have I heard that name before?'
"If this is everyone that wronged you, I gotta say I'm surprised the list ain't bigger."
Making enemies in their line of work, well, previous line of work was laughably easy. What hero didn't have their scars? It was meant as a joke, but the look he got in return made the light tone wither on his lips.
"It was."
Talon pushed a box that was sitting on a table. Jason's gaze fell onto the now exposed portion of the wall and that sickening feeling returned. Names lined the paneling, all scratched out. Many were from Gotham's elite that Jason never bothered to look into. He hardly pegged them as criminals. Then there were others; Elaine Marsh-Morton - otherwise known as Lady Vic or Lady Victim, and Tom and Tad Trigger - The Trigger Twins, Dudley Soames, Shrike, Guillermo Barrera, Randy Hanrahan, Giz, Mouse. All noted criminals and assassins. All crossed out. The list of scratched out names went on and on. It flooded to the next panel and ended at the next target: Harvey Dent. It wasn't too surprising, given how the madman had tortured Dick when he was Robin.
He was impressed by the body count Talon was able to rack up without drawing attention to himself. Hell, Jason was part of the underground scene and he never heard so much as a whisper of someone murdering others left and right. Sure, he heard word that some of the more notable people, like Lady Vic, were dead but nothing else on the topic. No one ever connected them together. To find out it was all Dick fucking Grayson that killed them? He's pretty sure his brain shorted out for a few moments trying to process it.
"I almost added you."
Jason had to force himself not to jump at the unexpected words. While he'd been focused on piecing everything together, Talon had slipped uncomfortably close. He was all but looming at this point. If Jason's armor didn't cover him so completely, he's pretty sure he'd be able to feel Talon's breath on his neck. Then, what Talon said caught up with him. He resisted the urge to step away from the eerie assassin. Dick seemed to notice this hesitation and spoke again.
"But I don't want you dead."
There was an unspoken 'yet' at the end of his sentence, Jason could feel it. He couldn't decide whether those words were meant to be comforting or a warning.
"Y'know, that's not as reassuring as a 'But I couldn't kill you'."
Again, it was meant as a joke, and again that look was all too serious. No matter how familiar the voice, he had to remember this wasn't the man he knew. It was a monster, as was evident by the cold stare he got in return. The silence that greeted his words was all he needed to know. This...this shadow of Dick Grayson could kill him and not feel an ounce of remorse. Jason promptly ignored all the reasons that hurt. He could still feel that heartless gaze on him as he returned to staring at the list. There were names Jason expected to see but didn't. In fact, it infuriated him just a bit that a certain name wasn't on his brother's list.
"I don't see Joker here."
There was no hiding the ire in his words. All these names and Joker - fucking Joker - wasn't deemed worthy of Talon's time. It pissed him off more than just a little bit. His fists clenched tight as he tried to reign in his temper; his hurt. There was another beat of silence before Talon spoke.
"Not mine to kill, not mine to add."
He then pointed at the section of wall that looked like it'd been hacked at. It was clear now that it had been Joker's name on the wall. Any response Jason had came to a halt as he was presented with a wicked looking knife. He got a pointed look from the assassin, making his intentions very clear. It was to be Jason's vengeance and so Jason should carve his name. He stared at the blade in surprise while Talon continued on.
"I was going to torture him. Drag out every last inch of his life then slaughter him like the swine he is. ...Then, I found out you still lived."
That rage fizzled out under the confusing assortment of bewilderment and, as much as he'd deny it, happiness. Despite the frigid, impersonal tone and former treatment, Jason couldn't help but be a little pleased someone was going to avenge him. He didn't doubt the assassin's words in the slightest. Given his possessiveness up until this point, it'd align just right for him to seek out the one who killed 'his Little Wing'. Jason took the blade and traced his free hand over a blank spot on the wall. He let out a slow breath then dug the dagger in. Each stroke of the blade was slow and deliberate. A bit of hate flowed into every line. As that hate and anger mounted, the gouges grew deeper. When the name was complete, it was cut further into the wood than any other. He had to yank out the blade at the end of the 'R'.
Teal eyes glared at the name and the dagger trembled in his grip. This must be why Dick chose to carve the names rather than write them down. It was much more intimate; made one really remember why they were on the list. In a spur of rage, Jason sliced yet another name into the wall beneath Joker. He could remember her high pitched laughter and nasally voice just as well as the Jokers. She was as guilty as him and she'd pay. 'HARLEY QUINN'. He grit his teeth as he glared at the names. His fury was evident in the growing choppiness of the lettering. It was less meticulous in style and fueled by his emotions. The memories dredged up brought with them the familiar heat of wrath and hate. It caused him to quake from the sudden onslaught. He all but snarled as he slammed the dagger back into the wood, carving even more names. Everyone that hurt him would feel his pain tenfold.
All the while, Talon watched silently. He was curious as to who would be sentenced to death by his little brother next. There were names he didn't recognize and names he did, like Sal Maroni. The list was not nearly as extensive as his own, but the sheer resentment that went into each stroke and letter could almost even the gap. As reluctant as Jason had been to cooperate in the beginning, Talon knew they could work well together on this. They would.
Jason took a step back from the wall and let out a low breath. The animosity still poisoned his veins, but he felt a little lighter marking those names down. It'd feel even better once those names had lines through them, he just knew it. It would calm some of his inner demons to rid the world of those scum. With Talon's help, he knew they'd all fall. So, why did it feel like he just made a pact with the Devil?
There was still one name he's yet to mark down. It would have been two, but he doubted Talon would appreciate his attempts to add Tim Drake to the list of the damned. That thought made his temper flare just a bit more. Having to spare his replacement just because Dick was obscenely possessive sent spikes of frustration through his nerves. He ground his teeth and gripped the handle of the dagger a little firmer. Then, he started to add that last name, the hardest one to write. The one that he would have given his life for and almost had. The one that failed him. Bruce Wayne. Jason didn't get further than 'BRUCE' before his forearm was caught in an unforgiving grip.
He looked at Talon with something akin to betrayal at being stopped. Tim he could understand. He didn't like it, but he understood. Bruce though?
"What the hell, Dick? After everything that's happened to us you're just going to let him go?! He deserves to be on this damn list! He needs to pay for his failures!"
The words were spat out with such venom, it was nearly enough to hide the pain that lingered under the surface. The slight crack in his tone near the end didn't help his situation. There was still no reaction to his torment or anger. Then, Dick calmly moved his hand to cover Jason's own hold on the hilt.
"Death isn't justice. It isn't vengeance. It's solace. Justice and vengeance? They come before death."
The way he spoke, so soft yet so unbelievably vicious, caused a chill to run down Jason's spine. Then, he moved the dagger under both their command and began to carve a new name.
"You want Bruce to suffer? He will suffer."
"He will beg and plead for the children he forsook."
"He will be reminded how he failed. Every. Single. Day."
"We will face him but we will not offer forgiveness."
"We will break him but we will not offer solace."
"Death would be kind, Jason."
"I am not kind."
Jason stood enraptured by his voice, envisioning what he spoke of. There was a dark, damning promise to his words that filled the younger man with a sick sort of glee. Originally, he wanted to just end Bruce's life for leaving him in the caverns of Arkham but this? This would be so much better. The utter iciness of Talon's hate contrasted so wildly against the searing heat of Jason's own animosity. Combined, the two could surely bring ruin to anyone and anything in their path. The plan he had started shifting to accommodate the ideas now planted in his head. Jason spoke low and slow, voicing the thoughts as they formed.
"We kill the bat and leave the man."
Bruce is his real mask, not the cowl. To be left with only 'Brucie' would certainly be a hell of his own making. And to know it's all because of the sons he forgot and replaced? That would definitely destroy him. 'If he even cares at all.' The invasive thought couldn't help but crop up. Jason was still utterly convinced Bruce felt nothing for them other than their shelf life and how useful they could be. Being forced to live every single day seeing the weapons he cultivated turned against him would be so delicious. Yes, Jason could see the merit of Talon's plan on leaving him alive.
The assassin watched the thoughts rolling through his brother's head with interest. He gave a slight nod at Jason's words. It was what he intended on doing. Destroy the legend of Batman, leave nothing but ashes in their wake. It would torment their 'father'. He could hardly live without the cowl and cape. They would strip him down, hollow him out and leave him cold, just like he left them to be.
"He'll know the pain of being left with a face that isn't truly his."
Talon's tone was acrid in its loathing. The two looked at each other, taking note of the disfigurations that marred the other, making them almost strangers. Dick's distortions were far more severe, but Jason was marked so cruelly by his tormenter that he could hardly stomach his own reflection on good days. What happened to the two was tragic. What they planned to do to Bruce will be anathema. A cruel smirk curled up Jason's lips. The day of reckoning was drawing near and he couldn't wait to watch them all burn.
He was drawn from his musings by Dick taking his dagger back. Why he needed all those knives on him, Jason still didn't know. He was a living weapon with fucking claws. Then again, he liked to pack an excessive amount of weapons himself. Maybe it was a comfort to feel that much more protected. Though if he were being truthful, Talon gave off a vibe that it was just to have more ways to kill people. Really, he had no room to judge.
The assassin then handed Jason his equipment back. It was a bit of a shock but he quietly took the peace offering. At least, that's how Jason thought Talon was offering them to him. A sort of olive branch. He woke up here despising Talon and would leave here feeling something close to camaraderie with the killer. Those cold, cruel words still echoed in the back of his mind, warning him not to become complacent near Dick. 'By my name you lived, Little Wing. By my name, you'll die.'
Jason holstered his guns and clipped on his belt, feeling safer in his full Arkham Knight regalia. When Talon placed a guiding hand on his shoulder, it felt like the cold hand of death gripping him. He motioned toward the window and gave an almost feral look.
"The sun is setting. We have hunting to do."
He didn't miss the fact that Talon didn't ask if he wanted to hunt with him, but rather issued it like a command. Jason gave a sigh as he checked his comms and messages. His men were a bit frantic that he went missing, especially after receiving such a grotesque 'gift'. He radioed over to Bax to let the man know their commander was fine. Then, he turned his attention to the waiting assassin. Talon was perched on the window sill staring at him, owl mask firmly in place. His pose was almost achingly similar to how Dick used to perch at the edge of ledges, just on the balls of his feet and teetering dangerously. It was yet another reminder that no matter how heinously different he was now, there were still some Grayson mannerisms left in the man.
"I've got to get back to base. My men are freaking out since some people can't talk to others without kidnapping them."
He took a cautious step toward the window, testing the waters. Jason wasn't sure how this crueler version of Dick would take his disobedience. If Talon let him out, then that'd be great. It'd mean he wasn't as freakishly controlling as Jason was led to believe. If he didn't let him out? Well, there wasn't too much he could do about that but follow his previous orders, was there? He was mentally rooting for the former but expecting the latter. Talon gave that strange little head tilt and made no effort to move from the sill. Jason was forced to come to a halt before the assassin. A frustrated noise rumbled in his throat at the lack of cooperation from Dick.
"Seriously, I need to go. We can 'hunt' some other time. I have shit I need to do."
What was meant to be forceful came out a little closer to a plea than he would have liked. There was a beat of silence and neither moved. Then, Talon grabbed him by his armor and yanked him forward with more force than Jason was expecting. He was only just able to choke back the startled noise from slipping out as he steadied himself. In reflex, he grabbed for his weapons but didn't fully unholster them. No need to rile up the crazy undead killing machine after they just got on friendly-ish terms. Dick pulled him so close, their masks nearly touched. The vicious, almost ravenous edge to his voice had Jason swallowing in fear.
"Go. Settle your business. Look at the flash drive. After that, we will hunt."
There was no room left for argument in those selfish, hellish words. He found himself nodding in agreement with the terms. Jason could deal with a compromise. It was honestly more than he was expecting from Dick at this point. Talon shoved him away with the same amount of force, nearly causing Jason to trip over his own feet. Then, he leapt from the window with the same enviable grace that left all who saw in awe of the last of the Flying Graysons.
A shaky breath came from Jason as he attempted to calm his spiking nerves. This had not gone like he planned at all. After one last look around the room with a pause to re-read the names, Jason made his own escape. It was going to be a long night, that was for sure. He had to figure out what the hell to do about Scarecrow now that Talon threw himself into the mix. That could wait until the more immediate problems were addressed, though. There were men to sort out, orders to give, and, most importantly, a flash drive to examine.
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randomrichards · 5 years
January 3:
We begin with an attempted reboot of the hit horror flick based on another hit horror film.
Based on the Japanese import Ju-On, the film centres around a curse born from a fit of anger that attacks anyone who dares to enter a house. The pale boy ghost and the contorted woman became instantly iconic, especially when they made that crackling sound. Of course, people in North America are more likely to recognize its remake The Grudge. While not on the same level as its predecessor, the American was still a hit. It has become so iconic that there was a crossover movie where it faces off against the ghost from Ringu.
This time, the target is Peter Spencer (John Cho), a real estate agent who intended to sell a house not realizing it contained the title curse. Believing a homicide occurred, Spencer calls on Detective Muldoon (Andrea Risborough) to investigate. But they fail to realize the curse inside dooms all who enter it with a violent and it’s coming for them.
Here’s another of a long list of Horror remakes Hollywood has been peddling in the last decade. For every good one (It, Child’s Play), there are three times as many failures (the recent ones being Pet Semetary and Black Christmas). I’m not having much hope for this one. It can still be good, but it needs a director with as creative a vision as Takashi Shimizu’s.
Based on The Three Christs of Ypsilanti by Milton Rokeach, Three Christs tells the real-life experiment involving three men who claim to be a certain savior.
In Michigan’s Ypsilanti State Hospital in 1959, Dr. Alan Stone (Richard Gere) conducts a revolutionary experiment where he brings together three men (Peter Dinklage, Walton Goggins and Bradley Whitford) who each claim to be Jesus Christ. He hopes to use this experiment to force them to confront their delusions. It would certainly be preferable to electroshock therapy.
A real-life story like this comes with a lot of potential. But with the director of Fried Green Tomatoes helming this project, it looks like this will be a typical biopic. This is a shame with 4 great actors working together.
January 10:
Sam Mendes, the director of American Beauty and Skyfall, takes us back to World War One and hopes to enter the Oscar Race with his latest war movie 1917.
Generla Erinmore (Colin Firth) tasks young British soldiers Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Schofield (George MacKay) with a difficult mission. 1,600 of their fellow soldiers are heading into a fatal trap and the two soldiers must deliver a message calling off the raid before tomorrow morning. And one of them is Blake’s brother. Racing against time, Blake and Schofield are forced to rush through enemy territory to deliver the message on time. Benedict Cumberbatch also
The film is already garnering high praise for its gripping suspense and graceful camera. It’s already garnering nominations at the Golden Globe Awards for Best Dramatic Motion Picture, Best Director and Best Original Score. It’s especially getting praise is how it makes the film look like one long camera shot following the two leads through their mission.
All the way from India is a film inspired by real life acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal.
This film looks at Malti (Deepika Padukone), a woman horribly scared after an acid attack. The film follows her through her physical treatment and eventual trial. It looks like the core of the film will be her journey of emotional healing, regaining her self-worth with the help of loved ones.
Unless you know films that show Bollywood movies, I suspect this film will be hard to find for many people. Kind of a shame
Writer/Director Destin Daniel Cretton (Short Term 12) brings ups the real-life story of a lawyer who battled systemic racism to free an innocent man.
Harvard graduate Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan) heads to 1980s Alabama to assist advocate Eva Ansley (Brie Larson) to defend those wrongfully convicted. His first and most important case is Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx), who was sentenced to death for the notorious murder of an 18-year-old girl despite evidence proving his innocence including a group of people who could vouch for him.
As Stevenson works prove McMillian’s innocence and those of other death row inmates, he faces up against an uncaring political maneuvers and systemic racism.  But neither he nor Ansley will let this stop them.
Audiences love and underdog story and this one is sure to satisfy, especially with Jordan, Larson and Foxx starring in the film. It’s also sure to offer some catharsis for those frustrated with current systemic racism. But this could by a typical biopic forgotten by the end of the year.
January 17:
I’m going to be brief because I don’t think we’re going to get anything special from this movie. This film is pretty much a checkmark of every plot element you see in every Buddy Cop movie. Cop considering retiring. Check. One last job? Check. Training arrogant young upstarts? Check. A forever disapproving superior throwing a tantrum of our heroes. Check. It doesn’t matter how flashy the trailer is, a cliché is a cliché.
But then again, the original two film were also piling of buddy cop clichés. The only thing they had going for them was Will Smith’s charisma and Martin Lawrence’s over the top delivery. Only the second movie was memorable thanks to some well shot, over the top action scenes. But I highly doubt this one will be memorable when Michael Bay has backed out of the film.
We don’t really need another Bad Boys movie, especially when we have the Fast and Furious series and the John Wick movies.
The famous physician who can talk to animals returns in a new reboot. This time the Doc is played by Robert Downey Jr, fresh from retiring his iconic role of Tony Stark after 10 years. It also looks like it will be going back to its roots as a fantasy story set in the Victorian era. There’s not much plot summary to go on, but judging by the trailer, it will have him setting sail on an adventure alongside his animal friends. At the core of the film seems to be his friendship with two kills. Also, among the cast are Jessie Buckley as Queen Victoria and Antonio Banderas as a pirate.
There is an all-star cast voicing the animals, including Tom Holland, Emma Thompson, Ralph Fiennes and Rami Malek just to name a few.
This film seems to rest its shoulders on Robert Downey Jr, hoping his charm will do for Dr. Doolittle what he did for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But the film lives and dies on writer/director Stephen Gaghan, who is an unusual choice for a family fantasy considering that his resume consists of gritty war movies like Syriana, Traffic and Rules Engagement and crime drama tv shows like The Practice and NYPD Blue. He’s even written for the video game Call of Duty: Ghosts. It’s strange that someone with this resume would be chosen to reboot this franchise. It’s especially risky considering the original attempts to adapt Hugh Lofting books for the big screen. But if Martin Scorsese can make Hugo, there’s a chance Gaghan can make Dolittle work
The first one was a musical that tried to bank on the Sound of Music’s success but was an epic flop. It didn’t help that lead actor Rex Harrison was a notoriously difficult drunk who couldn’t sing. In fact, his behind the scenes shenanigans were way more interesting than the actual movie as proved by Mark Harris’ non-fiction book Pictures at a Revolution. Decades later, 20th Century Fox reboots the franchise was a hit thanks to Eddie Murphy as the title character and a variety of comedic voice actors (especially Albert Brooks, Chris Rock and Norm McDonald) voices the animals. No matter the quality, there’s a weight of nostalgia for both movies with many people growing up with these movies. This film will face the challenge of pushing past the nostalgia.
From beloved anime writer/director Makoto Shinkai comes another romantic fantasy about two teens.
Teenage boy Hodoka (voiced by Kotaro Daigo) runs away from his isolated island home for Tokyo. Homeless and desperate, Hodoka takes a job as an assistant for journalist Keisuke Suga (Sun Oguri). His job involves finding “The Sunshine Girl”, a local teen girl who can control the weather. He soon finds her in Hina Amano (Nana Mori), a cheerful teen girl living with her brother. He is in awe with her power when she freezes the rain and love soon sparks. But messing with nature comes with a price and soon Hodoka and Hina are fighting to stay together.
Of all the movies on this list, this is the one I’m most excited to see. Once I saw his recent his Your Name, I was in pure awe. Never has a sunset looked more beautiful than in Shinkai’s anime. Every environment in Shinkai’s films enchant you with their vibrant colours and stunning details. Just as beautiful are his fantastical stories of young people growing up. At the core of each story is teens in love kept apart by unusual circumstances, whether it’s distance or time or even being in each other ‘s bodies.
This film’s already a major hit in Japan, which is very encouraging for anime fans.
January 24:
And now for something a little weird.
Nathan Gardner (Nicholas Cage) has moved his family to a remote farm to escape city life and live a life of peace and quiet. Then God was like “LOL No!” and sends an asteroid down their way. Then weird shit starts happening, most with colours mutating everything.
With a crew like this, you know you’re getting into some crazy shit. First, the film is based on a short story by H.P. Lovecraft, the inventor of cosmic horror and the man who gave us Cthulhu. Then there’s co-writer/director Richard Stanley, known for his odd genre flicks including Hardware and Dust Devil.[i] And then there’s Nicholas Cage, whose as well known for his scenery chewing Kabuki acting as his acclaimed Oscar-nominated roles. Last year, writer/director Panos Cosmatos found perfect use of Cage’s Kabuki acting in the ultra-stylized revenge masterpiece Mandy. Let’s be honest, the only types of films Cage’s Kabuki acting can work are either stylized, unintentionally hilarious or tongue-in-cheek. With the producers of Mandy working on this film, there’s high hopes it will be deliver on the stylized goods.
After remaking Aladdin (and making lots of money in the process), director/writer Guy Ritchie returns to his roots with his latest English crime comedy The Gentlemen.
From what I can gather, the films about an American Pot Dealer (Matthew McConaughey) who plans to sell off his Empire in London when a young gang led by Dry Eye (Henry Golding) starts a drug war. There’s not much plot to go on, but with a Guy Ritchie movie, the plot will be way too complicated to explain. What is guaranteed is that there will be lots of oddball gangsters with weird names, hilarious and gruesome deaths and shit blowing up.
The film features an all-star cast including Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant continuing his streak of getting his groove back by playing against type.
So far, Ritchie hasn’t made a film that’s reached the same level as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch. For the most part, he has been unsuccessful stepping out of his comfort zone. Here’s hoping The Gentleman will bring his back on his A Game.
This day concludes with a modern take of Henry James’ classic novella The Turn of the Screw.
Kate (Mackenzie Davis) is hired as a governess for care for her boss’s orphaned niece Flora (Brooklyn Prince) and nephew Miles (Finn Wolfhard). But as she cares for them in a secluded mansion, she comes to realize they are being haunted by hostile spirits. Can she protect them for what lies in the mansion?
The film has been remade multiple times, with the most acclaimed one being the 1961 classic The Innocents. This once changes it up by setting it in current times, with a notable scene of Miles creeping Kate out with drums. The film also gives some Conjuring vibes, especially with its cinematography. But it should be noted that similarity doesn’t equal copying and there could be some unique elements in this film.
There certainly is a good chance with director Floria Sigismondi will offer a unique vision. She has already directed episodes of stylized shows like The Handmaid’s Tale, Daredevil and American Gods, but she’s already well known for her stylized directing from her work in music videos. Since Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People”, dilating, jittery camera work has become her trademark, working alongside artists including David Bowie, Bjork, Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry and Justin Timberlake (just to name a few).
January 27:
Here’s the film Russia hopes will be nominated for Best Foreign Language film.
Set in Leningrad in 1945, Beanpole centres on Masha (Vasilisa Perelygina) and Iya (Viktoria Miroshnichenko) struggling to trying to rebuild their lives in the ruins of a city demolished by war. At the core of film is the infertile Masha hiring Iya as a surrogate mother.
There’s not much go on, but with the film winning Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival, there’s good prospects for this film. It seems to be a character drama like Roma. Here’s hoping this film’s as quietly engaging as Alfonso Cuaron’s masterpiece.
January 31
We conclude this with an Italian biopic about Tommaso Buscetta, the first Mafia Informant in 1980’s Sicily.
Tommaso (Pierfrancesco Favino) was a member of the Cosa Nostra. Then in 1983, half of his family is killed in a gang war. Now he intends to make them pay using the arm of the law. He knows the mob will do whatever it takes to stop him, but he’s more determined than ever. But as the trials continue, Tommaso will show the rabbit hole goes deeper than the law expected with political figures in the mafia’s pockets.
This is another film that may fall by the wayside, which is a shame because this film seems like a great biopic. It could certainly give overdue attention for director/co-writer Marco Bellocchio, who has remained a criminally overlooked director despite making acclaimed movies since the 1960s.
[i] And being fired from the Brando version of Island of Dr. Monroe.
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