#Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery
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owozee · 6 months ago
It's too cruel to be "just a dream"
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This is not a canon story of Everett. Rowan survived in my canon and ended up with him.
Dreams of Rowan is a TLSQ for beyond hogwarts, and I think this is just so cruel since he died and never really reached his dream to become the youngest professor in hogwarts. Feels like a little insult for him and God. I cried at 2 AM watching the gameplay😭😭
Also a detail that you might not see it but I want you to notice loll
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yarahdraws · 2 months ago
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Nada mejor que pasar navidad junto a Mérula mi hermosa esposa y mis amigas Aven y Calliope que estan saliendo con mis otras amigas, Penny y Chiara. 🤭💕
Esto es una cita triple ☃️💚💖💕
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jacobscursebreakerlilsis · 1 year ago
They're talking about Scabbers😂💀🤚🏼
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immagrosscandy · 11 months ago
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coming out of my cave to share you guys recent news: i like merula now
i feel like i haven’t given paula (and merula) the best treatment, so i decided to work on them, and i realised what a marvelously toxic gay no homo relationship they have.
i can't really work with merula and candy because she wouldn't really speak to her. she's afraid of merula so she tends to avoid her at all cost, but paula doesn’t so there could be something in there that can work!
they'd start as enemies, slowly warming up to the other after rakepick chooses them as appretices in year 5, until they become not best friends but something else, like really close partners. something good for the other, i hope 😅
i'm working on some drawings (for weeks), and they're still not done, but they're on their way!
in the meantime i'm going to class because i'm running late-
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raccoon-lair · 1 year ago
Memes with Salem the cat
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khamoise · 1 year ago
[Curse breaker vs Auror]
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They want each other so bad 😫
Let's say that, by orders of Mad Eye Moody, they had to start working together after a few years without seeing each other and having ended their relationship at Hogwarts in a not very friendly way.
Now they both must learn to work as a team again and well, what we already know comes after that 🥴
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cursedcrusaders · 1 year ago
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When your ex gets a tongue piercing after the breakup.
Colors by @weirdcursedvaultkid :^> thank you for coloring this for me! You made this so much better
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detherun · 6 months ago
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Past, Present And Future.
(Yotsubato! Pose)
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owozee · 5 months ago
Their opposite personality is hilarious
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unabashednightmarepizza · 2 years ago
𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑠
A/N: I couldn't stop my simping ass from writing for him, sorry not sorry!
Warnings: Spoilers for the "First Date" quest, some unintentional drama(?)
Prompts used: lips barely touching, smiling while kissing, slow kisses, first kisses from this/ "Is it okay if I kiss you?" " I would like that very much." from this.
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People are very noisy.
That's even more obvious to you after the accident with Snape. You didn't blame him for what happened, especially after he said "no notes" and you were caught writing something down. It was a misunderstanding, one that put you on a rough spot.
Because all your friends were trying to learn who your crush was, everything felt like you were drowning in them and you had no other way out.
Apart from your saviour in white shirt and Gryffindor tie, the only one person you could confide in, someone who wouldn't care about all the rumors.
"Hi, Bill..." you sat in front of him as the red-head lifted his head and smiled kindly to you just like always.
"Hey, Y/N. How are you holding up?"
"Good I guess." You shrugged your shoulders. "By the way, I am sure Charlie knows you were out in the Courtyard, checking up on him earlier. He was irritated I guess?"
" Good. I want him to know his big brother is watching. Truth is, my mum likes me to keep an eye out for him. She is worried about him almost all the time."
You smiled at the woman's worry, though you knew better than to be fooled by her sweet nature, especially after that one Howler she sent to Charlie.
"His hobby is monstrous, fire-breathing creatures. I think any mum would be worried. How is she doing by the way?"
Bill smiled at your question, answering with a happy she is fine, she wants you to come to the Burrow this summer actually, as you and him ate your meal in silence.
You were gratefull for the Weasleys and how welcoming they had been to you, ever since the start of the second year. Spending time with them for the last 3 summers felt like a paradise to you, even if it was mostly chaos with their younger siblings. But they were a bunch of cute and good-natured kids, didn't mean extreme harm to anyone as long as they didn't annoy them and they adored listening to your rants about your adventures with their two eldest brother.
All the while trying to surpass their smirk at their second older brother having heart eyes as you talked to them, blushing behind you with a dazed look.
Apart from you, Charlie's raging crush on you was pretty obvious to everyone. Both in school and to his family. Never, even for once, did he shut up about you at home. Always talking, always telling how amazing and badass you were, how caring you were with the magical creatures as Hagrid watched you, how you always spent time with him and was comsiderate of your friends, how cute you looked while sleeping...
"Okay, okay, we get it. Your curse-breaking girlfriend is pretty awesome." Percy would often roll his eyes at his brother, already sick of the amount of talk about you even if he... tolerated you?
Molly and Arthur would also chime in from time to time, just to push Charlie a bit to know more about his dating life. It was from her good heart of course, Molly just wanted all of her children to be happy... Possibly with a lover that would hopefully turn into their spouse.
And besides, seeing his usually dragon-maniac son who wasn't interested in dating suddenly blushing at the mention of this girl made her curious.
Who were you and how did you manage to make her smitten ike that?
So, as the sweet yet slightly controlling mother she was, she convinced Bill to take you here with himself for one summer, to see and get to know you. Bill was happy to oblige, besides he knew his mother already knew a lot about you by the endless talk both him and Charlie did, the last thing left for her was to see you.
And when she did, she decided: You were now a part of the family.
Because one, you looked like such a cute and generous girl with a golden heart and two, her son was really, trully happy whenever he was with you.
But, as much as she witnessed the obvious love her boy had for you, she was left shocked, one would say even pitying her own son for his denseness, when she talked to him and Bill... and learnt that you two weren't dating as the boys looked at her sheepishly.
"Charles Septimus Weasley! What's this supposed to mean?! What do you mean by you aren't dating her?! Are you so dense to let a girl like her go?!"
But here was the part, which was the reason why he still didn't make any moves on you: Charlie sucked at romance.
Dragons? Show him one scale and he could tell what they eat. Lessons? Pfft, pretty easy, he aced them all! Quidditch? He was the best at new strategies! But romance?
With you?
That was straight out of his nightmares. Because what if you didn't feel the same? What if he lost you for good because of some silly, yet very warm, feelings? Was it worth taking the risk? He didn't know any pick-up lines, and didn't intend to ask his friends...
So, just like that, he refused to do anything and instead savoured the time he had with you even if his heart made backflips whenever you smiled at him.
And Bill was left to deal with his dumb brother and oblivious friend as they both had feelings for each other, unknown to both sides.
" At this point, everyone knows I have crush and suddenly... they are all so interested in who he is!" He was shaken from his thoughts as you exclaimed angrily, munching on your lunch like an angry rabbit, remembering the pleading looks your friends gave to you.
"Well, you have all the reason to keep it to yourself." He said pointedly. Just the same logical boy he always was...
"Well... Except, I'm thinking of not keeping it to myself." You shyly told him as he raised a brow at you, shocked and also sad for his brother and how heartbroken he would be. It was inevitable though, as he and their mother often told him.
"Oh really? Well, good for you. Good luck with getting a decent enough person to give you advices!" You looked at him curiously as he almost seemed... nervous to continue this talk.
Is he... pretending to not understand me? Or mocking me?
You stared at Bill who was eating his sandwiches with a happy grin, trying hard to not look at you and confront you to save himself from the stress, sternly until he lifted his eyes to look at you and his mouth fell open in shock.
"Wait... You want my advice?!"
"Yeah, who else's?" You sarcastically said, pointing between you and him and showing the other empty seats. But Bill's attention wasn't on any of them, since y'know, he was freaking out, choking on his food.
Nope... Nope, nope, that was bad! He couldn't betray his little brother like that!
"Don't you remember the Emily Tyler thing? Trust me, Y/N... I'm the worst person you could have come to!"
"Oh... Oh, you are very serious, and you aren't going to give up, are you?"
The only answer he got was a playful rise of your brow and a smirk.
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After a very long lunch with Bill, and trying to convince him that it was a good idea to ask his opinion, you felt tired.
Why would you trust my advice?
You've never led me wrong, Bill.
Do you ask because I'm older?
Trick question. You are older... and wiser!
The list of questions continued. You couldn't help but get suspicious of him and his strange behaviour. Now, it was official that Bill was the mother hen of your large friend group, being the only one who had 2 brain cells, and he tended to get worried about almost everything... Possibly a treat of having 6 younger siblings.
But he, never even for once, hesitated to help you with something. It was almost like he was looking for an opportunity to run away from this conversation, or you in general whenever he saw you out with your friends.
You were starting to get worried you were being a nuisance to him.
But... who else were you supposed to go, when your crush was the little brother he was always looking out for? None other than, Charlie Weasley himself.
It was patheatic really, how you silently suffered because of this crush. It didn't help that he always hung out with you, or that you got to spend the summer with him and his family.
You saw him, the true him every day even more and this crush was getting our of control.
Now, you knew he was an outdoor-loving, adventurous spirit and probably, the best way to ask him... out, was in the forest. A picnic date? Maybe?
Oh Merlin, I can't believe I'm about to do this... Rejection is at the horizon, and I can always write to mum and ask her to transfer me to Beauxbatons.
Besides, Aurélie likes me. I'm sure she could-
Your train of thought were cut when Bill suddenly laughed awkwardly, looking at once again, anywhere but you..."I can't believe we are about to have this conversation... It's been a while since I gave any advices."
But ultimately failed at seeing your... saddened face.
Which made the mother alarms in his mind go off.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Did I do something? Did someone do something? They better pray for a higher power, because I will-" he stumbled over his words as he took a hold of your hand to comfort you, but frowned when you took it away from him.
"It's not that... Bill, you would be honest with me, right?"
"Of course, what kind of a question is that?" He frowned at you as he sat down on the bench outside Hogsmeade, a hand on your knee as he rubbed it comfortingly.
"Because... I'm starting to think that I am being a nuisance to you, by how you always try to run away from me."
Oh Merlin, this isn't going to places good...
Panic suddenly rose in Bill's chest, seeing how you trully believed in that by his actions. He failed to realize how his actions affected you, when he tried hard to not betray his brother like that.
But you didn't do anything to deserve this, and he was instead betraying you.
"Well... I'm sorry if I gave that idea but, it's not that. It's just... Everyone looks at me as if I know something they don't. I mean, I don't even have experience in that part! And now, my best friend is asking me for help, and I don't know what to do."
You looked at him softly, suddenly realizing that this was also hard for him and you were just making things up. "Bill, I really appreciate your concerns but I came to you for a reason: I trust you. I talked with Penny, Tulip, Barnaby, even Talbott! But in the end, you were the one who always helped me first..."
A cheeky grin took over your face soon, which already told enough to Bill that you were planning to tease him after a heartfelt conversation.
"Besides two years more experience is a lot when it comes to dating, isn't it old hag?" You elbowed his side and ruffled his hair playfully, which he secretly took great care of, and took of for a running while Bill scoffed at you and prepared to run after you.
"Oh, you little rascal... Come here!"
After letting out a squeal and running away from Bill while laughing freely, he finally caught up to you and offered to drink Butterbeer to cool down and finally help ypu put with your problem, your head between his arms in a headlock as you struggled to get away from him.
Even if he would be betraying his brother, he couldn't let you all alone by yourself.
"So... What's the best way of asking out my crush?" You asked to him, eyes hopefull, as Bill looked at you through the glass he was drinking and smirked at you teasingly.
"Well... Definetly, I wouldn't recommend a note. It could easily fall into wrong hands."
"Haha, Bill. So funny, I'm glad my misery is so funny to you." You giggled embrassed as he shook with laughter, his long hair falling onto his face.
"Well, all jokes aside, face to face would be the best think to do. It may be the most nerve-wracking but involving anyone or anything else complicate things."
You nodded thoughtfully as you drank your butterbeer, weighing your options and which place would be the best thing to do such thing... When Bill's silence made you look at him confused.
"Is that all? Surely the Bill Weasley has other advices to give to his cute and in dire-need-of-help underclassman who is also his best friend, right?" You cheekily exclaimed, batting your lashes at him while hoping that it would help, making him shook his head in disbelief at you.
" Yeah, my cute underclassman, I told you I'd come prepared. I promised I would help, remember? Even if I may feel silly giving them..." he cracked his back as he took his notebook and pencil out, writing his list down under your watching and curious eyes.
Sorry, Charlie... Forgive me.
"First, compliment them. Everyone likes compliments, and don't dive directly to the topic. That would scare them. Also, don't overthink, something hard in your condition." He pointedly said as you rolled your eyes at him, elbowing him to continue.
"Spending time with someone you like should be fun and relaxing. And remember: Your date might be just as nervous as you are. There is a high chance that it is both your first times dating, so relax knowing that it's also a first for him."
After minutes of talking and him advising you, you were feeling... enlightened? Your plans of taking Charlie to the forest would work, it seemed!
And he called himself bad at giving advices, what the hell? He had been even more useful than the others!
"So, any questions?" Bill clapped his hands expectingly as he stared at you, waiting for an answer. But the answer he got was one that made him blush.
Almost. You were still the girl his brother, who had been obsessed with dragons as long as he can remember, liked. He wasn't going to act like a schoolboy talking to a girl for the first time.
"And you call yourself bad at giving advices! Bill, you just saved my life and my potential date!"
"Now, I wouldn't get too excited. I didn't save anything, yet." He said, suddenly turning serious as he looked at you. "Until you ask your crush out, your date goes amazing and you leave as a girl who has a boyfriend, I don't consider anything over."
"There is... a high chance that he could reject me, you know that right?" You meekly said, your fingers clutching your clothes thightly. His confidence for your ability, or lack of, to ask someone out surprised you. Actually, everyone thought you to be very confident for some reasons.
Was it because you were dealing with the Vaults? Or Merula? Or maybe you just gave off that vibe even if you were an anxious ball of stress almost half of the time?
"And if that happens... Just think of it as an adventure. You've been on many of them."
"It's something I know of, dating though? I don't have any experience."
That girl and her pessimistic brain...
Bill sighed out irritated at your sudden lack of confidence and got a hold of your cheeks to make you look straight into his eyes as he used the ultimate weapon: The Mum Voice.
" Y/N Y/L/N, everything will be fine! I'm trying to lighten the mood here... Just because this is something new for you, something you have never done before and don't have control over, it doesn't mean it will end bad. To me, everything will turn out fine for you."
"I really hope so... This means a lot to me, y'know?" you blushed softly and Bill was stricken with a realization: You grew up from the little first year you were to a fine young woman, with steady steps.
"If you aren't gonna tell me who he is... At least tell me what he likes, maybe that could help finding a good spot for your first date?"
And also save me from finding that guy and breaking the news to Charlie?
"Hmm... That's an interesting idea, actually...." you hummed thoughtfully to yourself, confirmation from Charlie's own brother would be almost the same as his. But you were not aware of the wide eyes Bill was giving to someone behind you as you dived into your fantasies. "Uh huh, shit..."
"Hmm? What is it, who are you talking- C-Charlie? Tonks?"
There stood Charlie, shook to his core as he clutched his bag thightly in his arms, heart beating loudly at the sight before his eyes. Out of anything he expected to happen, seeing his brother with his crush wasn't on the list when he merrily woke up today with the greatest stretch of his life in the morning.
What were you two doing? Why were you alone? And what was that interesting idea anyways? Not that he was jealous, no no not at all...
Meanwhile Tonks looked between you and Charlie awkwardly as Bill signed her to help him out, to which she awkwardly cleaned her throat.
"Wotcher, Y/N! We weren't expecting to see you here, right mate?" She emphasised pointedly, elbowing Charlie so that he could stop sending daggers to his own brother before he knew what was going on.
"Yes, of course." He replied with icy cold voice, though it wasn't directed at you and he was looking rather softly and sadly at you, you wondered if something happened between the two.
Something Bill didn't mention, because they were both fine this morning, and he had been with you ever since the lunch time so he didn't spend any time with Charlie enought to set him off.
Before you could ask, he walked up to your table and stood between you and him, with a pointed look to his brother.
"I heard that my brother has an interesting idea. Please, do tell. It's very rare, after all..."
Ufff, something definetly happened. Because the Charlie Weasley you knew wasn't like that.
With a frown, you answered him, not knowing that you kind of made everything even worse. " He was helping me ask my crush out, and asked what he liked doing... But what's wrong with you? You are never... this sarcastic?"
Well, it was definetly a way to put it in Charlie's eyes. He knew he was being irrational, after all, you and him weren't a thing. You weren't dating or anything, so he didn't have a reason to stand against you hanging out with his brother.
Besides, he had been your friend almost since first year started, and maybe... If he had just gotten over his anxiety back then and talked to you, he would be the one standing next to you, supporting you through everything you went through, protecting you.
Which he was already doing, just... a little bit later than he wanted.
With a broken heart, he looked at you and sighed sadly, not saying anything as Bill landed a reassuring hand on your arm. "Don't worry, Y/N... I think my brother just picked today to show his development in humour. What luck, trully..."
Witnessing the silent battle the two brothers were having, Tonks tried to think of a way to stop this. But just as everyone here knew, she was bad at this.
"I heard uh, the accident with note, Y/N... I hope you are feeling better now."
"Note? What note?" asked Charlie curiously as he watched your expression change and you blushed.
If his heart wasn't squeezing painfully in his chest at knowing that you had a crush, he could awe at you and memorize this momet to think about it later before he slept.
"You don't know? I'm surprised actually, everyone seems to be very into knowing who I like... Thanks for your worry though, Tonks. I feel better."
"Yeah, I mean... Snape already scares people enough. Adding the fact that he, accidently or not, stumbled upon a personal thing..."
"Oh... So, that note never reached to your crush?" Charlie hoped that his hopeful voice wasn't also carried by his question, trying to seem cool to you as if your heart didn't already belong to someone else.
You, meanwhile, gulped down hard at seeing him very... interested in it. But it wasn't like your other friends', they wanted to know purely out of curiosity and wished you to be happy...
When Charlie wanted to know everything because... He was jealous? No way, your crush liking you back wasn't an option, right? Besides, why would he feel jealous? He wasn't interested in dating and you were already walking on eggshells.
But this exchange... And the talk she had with Charlie a few hours ago how he wished it was him you were into, that it was him who would take you to a date...
Tonks had a plan.
"No, not really... Why did you want to kno-"
"You know what, Y/N? We will help you plan your date!"
"What?!" You and Charlie both yelled at the same time, eyes wide in shock at what she said from two different reasons.
Charlie couldn't believe his own ears at what his best friend was telling. Helping you with your date? Was she out of her mind? Did she and him not talk about his feelings for you?
"What? I'm not into dating anyone and Charlie... well, he is your best friend! He would like to help, right?" Charlie agreed with what seemed to be sarcastic nod of his head as he started to pick at the skin near his finger out of anger, looking between his friend and brother as you laughed awkwardly and pulled Tonks to yourself.
"Tonks..." you whispered down to her silently with thight lips, looking up at her. "Why the hell are you so invested in planning my date so suddenly anyways?"
"I told you, it's because-"
"I heard it clearly but... Are you sure it's not to learn who my crush is-"
"We don't care about your crush, Y/N."
You looked at Charlie with shocked eyes as they were filled with tears slightly at the sharp tone he used and how... cold he sounded. At that moment, he wasn't the same warm-hearted boy you met, he wasn't the friendly boy who you talked about dragons all the time even though you didn't understand everything about them but did it anyways just to make him happy, and he definetly wasn't the same boy you fell asleep on as you basked in his soft touches...
But you wondered... what it was you did that made him so angry.
"Charlie, what the hell?!" Bill angrily let out as he got up to confront his brother who was also shocked and shaking at what left his mouth. That definetly wasn't the way he was raised, definetly not him at all.
I didn't mean it like that... Even if it was "I" instead of "we".
"No... Wait, Y/N! I didn't mean it like that! We care about you. Please, let me just-"
But he was already late as he watched you got out of the Three Broomstick hurriedly, Tonks following you right after as he was left with a fuming Bill.
"What the hell, Charles?! Don't you know the school talking about her and her brother, also adding the fact that her crush was revealed, that she had been stressfull? Why were you even acting like that?!" He dragged him outside to scold him, pushing him by his shoulders. His shoulders sag in sadness as he let his brother push him lightly, knowing that he deserved it after his unreasonable outburst at you.
"I... I know it's no excuse but I... I was jealous and couldn't bare it anymore. It hurts, Bill."
Bill looked at his brother's teary eyes and guilty face with a soft look, his anger having long been gone at the pitiful sight of him. He understood why he felt like that, having to hear the girl you like liking someone else and all, but still...
It wasn't enough of a reason to treat tou like this.
"I understand why, little brother but it was too much... You will go to her now and be completely honest to her, Charlie. You know she deserves it."
"I know..." he mumbled silently, his chest constracting painfully in his ribcage as his stomach was knitting itself anxiously.
"And she would never ditch you out for having feelings for her either. She didn't do it with anyone, and she will not do it with you. Now go!" He pushed Charlie towards the open area to where you ran, hoping that everything would turn out fine for both of you...
And that what Tonks said was true.
"She likes Charlie, had been for a year or so. But she is shit at showing it. All they need is a little push."
"But... I don't know where she is!" Charlie hastily yelled out as he looked at Bill over his shoulder to see him sighing irritatedly. Stupid teenagers...
"She is your bestfriend, you crush! You know her better than anyone!"
And yes, he did know where you were thanks to what Bill said, and ran to where he thought you were.
An apology and explaination already ready in his mind as he begged to Merlin that he wasn't too late to fix his mess.
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If you were to ask Charlie when he started falling for you, he wouldn't be able to give you an exact time. For the most part of his friendship with you, he didn't even realize that his feelings went beyond admiration. His friends and brothers always teased him for it whenever he called you "his bestfriend that he never imagined to have", and as a result, would get a snarky comment from Bill like "What a good way to add in your confession, brother! So romantic~"
But perhaps what sealed the deal for him and opened his eyes was that one time when you were cold in the common room, reading together and he gave you his sweater with his initial on it. (He pretended not to realize how cute you looked in it and how his heart beated faster at the sight of you, suddenly feeling possessive because damn it, you were so cute and beautiful as you read your book.)
And then, as if the sight didn't already turn him into a puddle, you mumbled a sweet it smells like you and buried yourself deeper in the sweater whilst continuing to read your book, completely unaware to how red he was because woah, seeing you so cozy in his clothes and as a big part of his life really opened a new window!
In your defence, you thought it was because he was hot from sitting in front of the fireplace witg that sweater on. And besides, he always ran warm for some reasons.
And then, just like that, his "bestie" attitude would turn into hearts and stars, accompanied by the "love of my life, my shining star and the meaning of my life" type of attitude. He had started to see all the outings you two did together, or all the times you went to the Three Broomsticks together, as dates and imagined himself just sitting next to you, an arm around your shoulders as he looked at you with loving eyes.
Apart from the fact that he absolutely sucked when it came to romance and being flirty, rather loosing track of his thoughts and stutter in your presence( which made you often giggle and call him adorable before pecking his cheek and setting them aflame) even though Andre often called him "an utter catch" while listing all the reasons why.
You are friendly, quick-witted, hard working, kind, play Quidditch and "annoyingly handsome" as a good friend of him-you- said.
So, he said nothing about his new-found feelings in fear that his friends and brother would make it worse by teasing him, he didn't have to know the miserable heart eyes he was giving you whenever you were close already gave it away, and try to desperately just be your friend. He couldn't risk ruining the best thing happened to him with his feelings, so he tried to avoid you in hopes that his feelings could disappear.
Spoiler alert, it didn't...
But his behaviour only ended up with you liking someone else and then him feeling stupid because he didn't act on his feelings before and get angry at himself and everything.
Human nature, after all, tended to blame orher things rather than themselves.
But now, he had to suck it up and go up to you, possibly explain everything and even comfess so that he would be free of the restrictions they brought to him and maybe, by a tiny chance, you would return his feelings back.
Hearing his timid voice behind you, you wiped your cheeks hastily and turned to him. You knew your eyes gave you away, with its redness and all, and you saw how Charlie winced at the sight, almost seeming like he was just as in pain as you were.
But why would he, you thought. He was the one who made me feel like shit, why would feel bad?
"I've come to... apologize, for my behaviour. I didn't mean to be such a prick. I'm sorry for shouting and hurting you... and made you cry." He mumbled in a sorry manner, playing with his fingers anxiously as he waited behind you to say something. Every second you were just sitting there silently, your back to him as the wind brushed through your hair and clothes, he got even more anxious.
Maybe he lost his chance? Did you really get hurt by his words that much? Of course, you did, you didn't deserve to hear any of them and-
"It's okay, I forgive you... Even though you were total jackass." He chuckled and nodded at you, not that you saw it as you pat the spot next to you and waited until he was fully seated next to you. The calm and silence was a good one, after all the hectic week you had, but even then...
You were restless, as your crush who just made you cry was sitting next to you.
And you wanted to know why he did what he did.
"Why did you say that? Back at the Three Broomsticks? Why did you act like that?" You asked softly, no hint of judgement in your voice, only confusion as you looked at Charlie with knitted brows, frowning when he stiffened at your question.
"You wouldn't understand..." he mumbled, shaking his head as if he was you and actually knew how you would react. That was one of the things that could anger you, just like it did in that moment, as your irritated eyes found his soft and pained ones, watching you with a thundering heart as his breath got faster at your angry shout.
"Then make me, Charlie! I'm your best friend! What did I do to deserve-"
It was your right to know it, you definetly didn't deserve to be left in the shadows but he was... scared. Scared of loosing you, scared of ruining everything. Scared of you hating him...
But he had to be brave, and accept whatever happens after what he was about to say.
"You made me fall for you, that's what you did!"
Out of all the answers you expected from the redhead, this definetly wasn't on the list.
Charlie? Weasley? The one who loves only dragons? He loved you?
You could actually dance around and scream in delight from how happy you were as a wide smile took over your face completely. You wanted to shout, jump on Charlie and kiss him breathless, later peppering his whole face on them as you stared at his freckles, then go and gush to Rowan, or Penny, scream in happiness with them too!
But before you could open your mouth after the shock of hearing your crush liking you back, Charlie continued to talk. He thought if he just kept talking and poured his heart out, you wouldn't slap him across the face and leave him there, heartbroken.
Maybe he could postpone the inevitable just a bit.
The inevitable in his eyes.
"What he have... our friendship is so perfect, I have everything I want in my life. My family, friends, you," his voice shook as he shuffled closer to you, and you wondered if your heart was loud enough for him to hear.
You looked at him sweetly, his worry of loosing you, how much he cared-no, loved- you made you melt at him. Tears of happiness strung up your eyes as you gingerly took his calloused hand and squeezed it.
"And how do you think I feel?" You whispered, making Charlie look at you confused and tilt his head.
"What do you mean by that?"
Welp, here goes nothing...
You sighed deeply, turning your whole body towards him and took both of his hands in yours. He looked at you shocked for a second, heart jumping up to his throat as his eyes first landed down on your hands holding his and then back to your own eyes.
"Charlie, the reason I was so secretive about my crush was because... Because it was you."
Now, it was Charlie's turn to be shocked. Because out of every kind of angry ways he expected this talk to go, you confessing to him wasn't one of them.
That crush being him, wasn't even close!
Taking his silence as a sign to continue, you sucked in a breath.
The word was already out anyways.
"I only tried to get more hints on what you like and dislike, so that I could ask you out properly. I mean, I know I'm your bestfriend but... I also know that you aren't into dating and have your focus on dragons-"
"I love you more than dragons." You smiled at how fast and eagerly he said that, clear genuine love pouring out of him, and nodded your head.
"I know that now..."
"I thought... You know, Barnaby was your crush and I felt so jealous. He had liked you for almost as long as I did and... I thought tou would see him more of a better match for you."
"But why would you think that?"
"I know you are kind of scared of dragons, and can't keep every information about them in your mind." You blushed at being caught. You thought tou made sure you didn't give away!
Charlie smiled at your blushing face and chuckled, raising his hand to touch your cheek but hesitating. You felt his hand get close to your face, shaking slightly. You giggled at his obvious nerves and nuzzled closer to his palm, pulling it towards your face as you gazed at him with eyes full of love.
And Charlie forgot what he had to say at the sight of your lovely self.
"A-And Barnaby and you... like the other creatures more, y-you even bonded with his Knarl and went on many, uh... alone hanging outs."
"Charlie... What I feel for Barnaby is completely platonic, he is only my friend. What I feel for you is much stronger." You smiled at him softly, lovingly with your eyes accidently drawn to his lips.
"I've been denying my feelings for you at first, I wasn't going to let my feelings get in our way, I was afraid I would loose my bestfriend but you were and are still my bestfriend. I just didn't think you would... actually feel the same."
He shuffled closer, your thighs touching each other as your faces came closer and closer."I have been dreaming about this... Longing for you to feel the same, wanting to be with you..." He whispered, close enough that you felt his hot breath as his lips hovered over yours, barely touching yours.
"We are both idiots in love, then?" You whispered to his lips and he laughed, the sound of it making your heart skip a bit and smile lovingly at him.
"I wouldn't have it the other way..."
Suddenly aware of thw situation you were in, you could have backed out and instead take it slow. But Charlie was intoxicating, he called you to him like a flame did to a moth and your lips met for the first time. The kiss was soft and slow at the beginning, a little bit clumsy as expected but it was just... perfect.
You ran your hand through his hair, pulling his hair tie back as his long hair fell down his shoulders. You had been craving to kiss him, and pull on his locks in a make-out and you exactly did that.
Your teeth might have clashed, from how wide you both were smiling as Charlie's hand travelled across the expanse of your back and settled on your waist, but you both knew that this was definetly not gonna be the first time your lips would meet.
Now that both sides had a taste of the other, both of you became each other's drug.
"But you still owe me a date. You made me cry, y'know?" You teased him while panting after breaking apart, still in each others vicinity as he looked down at your lips in a daze and nodded.
"I'll spent my life making up for it, love. And I already planned our next 50 dates."
"Is it okay if I kiss you again?" You couldn't help but ask, wanting to only drown in him and his kisses. Dates could wait, you and him had a life time for more dates anyways. He chuckled and leant down with a smirk as his lips caught yours.
"I would like that very much."
And indeed, he really made up for it.
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yarahdraws · 10 months ago
Estar con Mérula es así. 😂💚
Es desafiante, me encanta 🥰💖💕
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lisin-drw · 1 year ago
🌹 Everyone Happy Valentine's Day 🌹 ♡⁠(⁠ε⁠`⁠●⁠)
Wish y'all have a good time with your loved ones 🥰
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I felt like to draw Joslyn comforting Talbott without saying a word and he then responding. Well they had a hard time during the war, didn't they?
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redhairedgryffindor · 1 year ago
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TLSQ Valentines In Hogwarts Beyond but My MCs Kissing All Characters
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wizard-runes · 1 year ago
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Hogwarts Mystery doodles 🫶
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khamoise · 1 year ago
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She's pomegranate.
This is kind of the continuation from my previous post!
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helenadurazzo · 2 months ago
Tag Game
Made my MCs with this picrew so thought I’d share it, go crazy, lol
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Tagging (No Pressure): @carewyncromwell @catohphm @ominiscient @not-that-gilbert-blythe @girl-named-matty @autisticarachnid @drinkyoursoupbitch
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