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elidelio · 2 years ago
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Art by 十字卿
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meeravandaseera · 23 days ago
Waterfolk can be associated with other elements too
While waterpeople are primarily and solely associated with water, some of them bear associations with other elements in terms of the classical elements, namely earth, fire, and air. I will rather dive into this in regards to symbolism.
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Edited "Fire and the Sea" by Henry John Stock in 1912.
This in general is thought of to be the contradicting element of water. If water and fire is seen side by side, it creates a strong contrast. Red and blue contradict each other in terms of color alongside. However, waterpeople could still bear connections to it. In regards to that, flames tend to have a slight blue tip in terms of color. Warmth and solar associations with waterfolk exist, too.
Maria da Manta from Portugal meaning "Mary of the Blanket", Maria Gancha namely "Mary Hook", Maria Ganta meaning "Mary of the Grid" or as in the Miranese language, Mariamanta, was said to live in wells, having hooks for hands in order to drag the youth in and drown them. While her appearance varied a lot, some would say she possessed eyes made of fire. Source: Maria Gancha - Portuguese Creatures and Legends Galore https://portuguesecreaturesandlegendsgalore.wordpress.com/2020/02/14/maria-gancha/
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Edited "Wasser und Feuer" by Franz von Stuck in 1913.
Sulis is a humanoid, Celtic goddess from the United Kingdom who is both a water and solar deity. She was closely associated with the hot springs in Bath alongside. Source: Sulis, Goddess of Celtic Mythology | Characteristics & Depictions - Study. com https://study.com/academy/lesson/sulis-celtic-goddess-mythology-history.html?srsltid=AfmBOopQslCH2QEArMfaq5VE7QDgXuMQS3z55jnppUGbVGlpA3E7ldu2.
The Thai sea-maiden spirit called Phi thale ผีทะเล is said to appear as a mermaid or a beautiful woman, luring sailors. Sometimes a Phi Thale takes form as a St. Elmo's fire, basically a weather phenomenon caused by electrical discharges during thunderstorms. It seems to appear like faint luminosity or "fire" on pointed objects. St. Elmo's fire is accompanied by a noise like hissing and crackling. The Phi thale may also be considered to be related to electricity in this regard which is just as contradictory to water as it injures one upon touch in water. Sources: What is a Phi Thale (ผีทะเล)? - PAHUYUTH https://pahuyuth.com/en/glossar/phi-thale/ and Saint Elmo's Fire - Britannica https://www.britannica.com/science/Saint-Elmos-fire
This is something all living beings require and thus connect, but not all can fly or go with the winds. While waterpeople are thought of to primarily only reside in water bodies, some were capable of flying. The flying fish is something I associate them with regarding this.
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"Flying Fish" by Herbert James Draper in 1910.
One version states that the seirenes of Greek mythology had been the daughters of Achelous, being the naiads of the Achelous river, namely acheloides before being turned into their seiren forms. Usually, they had been depicted with wings and the bodies of birds, luring sailors like they used to. They are an embodiment between the shore and the sea, connecting air and water in terms of symbolism. Source: SIRENS (Seirenes) - Half-Bird Women of Greek Mythology - Theoi Greek Mythology https://www.theoi.com/Pontios/Seirenes.html
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"Ulysses and The Sirens" by John William Waterhouse in 1891.
The Catalan dones d'aigua were described with wings like those of butter- or dragonflies despite living underwater. One of them who lived in the Torre dels Encantats in Caldes d'Estrac would fly and launch herself into the air, only to descend like a bird down to the beach in order to bathe in the sea. Sources: Les dones d’aigua Elisenda Vilaró Móra http://www.elisendavilaromora.com/2012/03/les-dones-daigua/ and Llegenda de la Dona d'Aigua - Adjunament de Caldes d'Estrac https://caldetes.cat/fitxa.php?id=3414
Melusine also grew wings in order to fly away as she felt betrayed.
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"Little Fairy Sisters" by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite for her "Fairyland" in 1926.
Shapeshifting waterpeople could turn into critters who could fly. For instance, yawkyawks could transform into dragon-flies and the dones d'aigua could turn into water blackbirds.
Almost all waterpeople from the world were capable of shedding their aquatic guise in order to go and venture upon the shore and amidst the forests. Many could shed theirs like the Celtic and Norse selkies, Gurindji karukayn, Irish merrows etc. and some would completely shapeshift in order to go ashore like the Brazilian boto encantado did. Anyhow, some waterpeople did not need to change at all. Water-horse-people like the kelpies could go ashore both in either humanoid or equine form. While some waterpeople were still bound to their aquatic origins, some were not depending on the type of waterperson.
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Edited "Das Märchen" by Gustave Graef in 1881.
(If any source is not able to be viewed, consult an archival site)
Thanks for diving into this! :>
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unexpected-nightview · 4 years ago
*banging pans and pots* I don't want to finish Laojiumen so I've been procrastinating the last 10ish episodes like there is no tomorrow ajajjaajja
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7dinosaures · 4 years ago
A continuació us deixem les p��gines web que ens han servit d’inspiració per a dissenyar les nostres activitats. Si us interessen aquestes activitats i us agradaria treballar-ne més, en aquestes pàgines en podeu trobar més exemples que us poden servir. Aquest estiu els infants es mereixen passar unes bones vacances i, si no poden sortir de casa, el millor que podem fer és divertir-nos en família treballant les matemàtiques i l’experimentació. 
Amber. (2012). Felt & Magnetic Fishing Game. Recuperat de:  http://realpurdy.com/2012/10/11/felt-and-magnetic-fishing-game/
ElMundo. (s.d.). 4 Juegos con agua para bebés de 6 a 12 meses. Recuperat de: https://saposyprincesas.elmundo.es/ocio-en-casa/juegos-para-ninos/juegos-con-agua-para-bebes/
Fundesplai. (2017). 10 Jocs d’aigua per a l’escola bressol. Recuperat de: https://escoles.fundesplai.org/blog/petita-infancia/10-jocs-daigua-per-lescola-bressol/https://totnens.cat/28-activitats-daigua-i-gel-per-jugar-a-lestiu/
Martin, G. (s.d.).  Juegos para estimular al bebé de 0 a 1 año en verano. Recuperat de: https://www.guiadelnino.com/bebe/estimular-al-bebe/juegos-para-estimular-al-bebe-de-0-a-1-ano-en-verano
Pequefelicidad. (2015). 10 juegos con agua para niños de 1 a 2 años. Recuperat de: http://www.pequefelicidad.com/2015/06/10-juegos-con-agua-para-ninos-de-1-2.html
Totnens. (s.d.).  28 activitats d’aigua i gel per jugar a l’estiu. Recuperat de: https://totnens.cat/28-activitats-daigua-i-gel-per-jugar-a-lestiu/ 
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albert-grc · 6 years ago
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Gota d’aigua
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ace-crowbar · 3 years ago
2/8 12:19am I'm standing out in the middle of the 'daigua, my eyelids are heavy my eyes kiss closed and the water is deep and deep. The ice is thick, but not enough to hold me, nor am i. Enough to hold me. If I fell through the ice, who would know? Who would come to call if any. Any and you, always you'd say, always for you. The water is deep. 
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words4bloghere · 7 years ago
Among the Fire Lilies
Adult Modern AU
“Happy birthday toooooooooo youuuuuuuu!” The commingled voices of Sokka and Suki warbled through the phone and Katara was laughing before they finished.
“Aww, thank you guys.” Katara said and set her phone down on the kitchen counter so she could finish tying back her hair. Of course her brother would be able to pick the time she was getting ready to FaceTime.
“Have any plans?” Suki asked and Katara watched as Sokka sat back on the couch.
“Yeah, Toph and I are going out and meeting up with friends of hers.” Katara replied.
“Oof, well good luck with that.” Suki said and Katara chuckled. Toph was infamous among their friend group for her nights out.
“She swore it would be more low key. I’m not really up for a typical Toph night.” Katara said as she finished pulling her hair through the elastic tie.
“Low key for Toph may not be the same for you.” Sokka added.
“That is a very true statement.” Katara agreed. Her doorbell rang and Katara looked up, as though she would be able to see who arrived. “I gotta go.” She said and looked back down at her phone.
“Okay, have fun and be safe!” Suki said.
“Love you sis. Happy birthday.” Sokka said.
“Love you both, and thanks!” Katara replied quickly and ended the call. She left the phone on the counter and walked out toward her front door. Her apartment didn’t have a lock on the main door as the building also rented to offices, but normally Katara wasn’t worried since the neighborhood was fairly quiet.
However since Katara wasn’t expecting Toph for another hour or so, she was curious who would be at her door.
Opening it, Katara was immediately greeted by a large bouquet of flowers.
“Delivery for Katara.” A familiar voice said from behind the blooms. Katara sighed in exasperation as she took the flowers. Toph merely grinned.
“You are way too early.” She said and stepped aside. She pulled the bouquet close to her chest in order to breathe in the scent.
Fire Lilies.
It immediately brought back a very visceral memory for Katara and she closed her eyes as it flooded over her.
Zuko’s uncle cultivated many exotic flowers but both men favored the Fire Lily, as it apparently represented a sort of immolating passion and purity. It was a handsome enough flower and Katara loved it’s scent.
It had been in Iroh’s greenhouse where they had said their last goodbyes, before Zuko had gone off to his new position out of the country. They had both come to the painful decision not to pursue a long distance relationship since the time difference plus her Master’s program would be too demanding.
Zuko had held her tightly, and she remembered how his muscles twitched in effort not to fall apart. When they stepped away from each other, Zuko clipped a Fire Lily and offered it to her.
“Where there is a Fire Lily, so will there be my love for you.” He said and she took the thin stem into her hand.
Katara opened her eyes and smiled down at Daigua, Toph’s seeing eye dog. The retriever didn’t even look around as he trotted in, escorting Toph through the door frame.
“Where did you even get these? They’re out of season.” Katara asked and started to shut the door.
“Like I said, it was a delivery.”  Toph replied and headed toward the couch.
“From?” Katara prompted and frowned as her door got stuck.
“Me.” Katara lost her grip and the flowers fell from her hand.
Zuko reached out and grabbed them, offering the bouquet up to her. Wordlessly, she took them and blinked.
“You…” She drifted and then shook herself. “What are you doing here?”
“I told you, the Fire Lilies are directly attached to my love. Can’t have one without the other.” He said and dipped in, lightly kissing her.
“Gross.” Toph called out and Zuko’s mouth grinned against Katara’s. He stood up and kept smiling at her.
“Happy birthday Katara.” He said softly. Hiding behind the flowers, Katara once again stepped aside.
“Oh just come in already.” She said. As he walked past, Katara took in a deep breath of the Fire Lilies.
His love would always be visceral and immediate.
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art-neutre · 4 years ago
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Exposició de ceràmica: La llum d’aigua i fang | Pep Madrenas | ACVIC | Vic | Fins el 30 des. http://www.artneutre.net/2020/11/Exposicio-de-ceramica-La-llum-daigua-i-fang-Pep-Madrenas-ACVIC-Vic-Osona.html Exposició de ceràmica: La llum d’aigua i fang | Pep Madrenas | ACVIC | Vic | Fins el 30 des.
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objecteiespai · 5 years ago
l´Anna Andorrà ex-alumna de l´Escola
Derivant el seu nom del terme japonès de 'chit chat', PechaKucha és un format de presentació ideat i popularitzat per Dytham i Klein, i consta d'una sèrie de presentacions on cada participant mostra 20 imatges i se'ls dóna 20 segons per parlar-ne.
El concepte va ser creat originalment per evitar que els altaveus convidats parlessin massa temps en esdeveniments d’arquitectura.
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amateurchefstuff · 7 years ago
Crema de blat de moro
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600 ml de brou de verdures o d’aigua
1 llauna de blat de moro (uns 300 g)
1 cullerada sopera de midó de blat de moro (maizena)
125 ml de crema de llet
Poseu a bullir el caldo o l’aigua i quan bulli, afegiu-hi el blat de moro ben escorregut.
Deixeu que bulli un parell de minuts.
Seguidament, tritureu-ho amb el minipimer i passeu la crema per un colador perquè quedi…
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elidelio · 2 years ago
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Art by 十字卿
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unexpected-nightview · 4 years ago
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I was just going to say the same thing 😂😂
Gotta be extra efficient just to make sure Ba Ye is unscathed at the end of this 🔨👀. Off the Lieutenant goes to slaughter everyone.... Like. This man literally ends up a who knows how many generations bloody conflict between two villages in record time 🙁
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And then they didn’t show it. C O W A R D S.
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actualitatvalenciana-blog · 7 years ago
L'ajuntament de Benicàssim reforma un total de 56 fonts d'aigua potable http://actualitatvalenciana.com/castello/lajuntament-benicassim-reforma-total-56-fonts-daigua-potable/
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first-ten-thousand-blog · 11 years ago
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Sonnenberg Gardens Green House
© Timbo Louer Photo 2013
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elidelio · 2 years ago
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Art by 十字卿
The cast
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elidelio · 2 years ago
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Art by 十字卿
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