#Dad Discipline Techniques
tanuandthetriplets · 4 months
Part 2 | Bala Ko Dr Ka Injection Yad Aaya! | Triplets Ka Aapsi Support | Triplets Vlog - 25th May’24
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ashasdiary · 1 month
JJK Men as Dads
Contains: Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso, and Sukuna.  A/N: Don’t yell at me for Toji’s I’M JUST SAYING IT HOW IT IS 
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Gojo: He’d be as protective as your average dad would be. Nothing scares him, because he knows he’s the strongest, and he sleeps comfortably with the knowledge that nothing and no one could ever possibly even dream of harming his child so long as he’s alive. 
He’s laid back and not strict, though he can be stern at times. He wants his child to have a good childhood. So he encourages them to do everything so that they learn lessons and make mistakes. 
He’s a playful father, keen on making core memories with his child. Carrying them home from school over his shoulder, chasing them, playing games, blowing raspberries on their tummy.  
If one day he learns that his child is being picked on at school, he’ll roll up his sleeves and fume, “Alright, no more Mr. Nice Guy!”
Geto: Much like Gojo, he’s not overly protective, because he’s secure in the knowledge that he can protect his children from most things if not all. 
Geto is gentle. So very gentle. He never yells, even if he’s mad. His approach to fatherhood is a calm one. While he had practice with Nanako and Mimiko, when it came to his biological child, he was a little nervous because the baby was so tiny.
Geto is a very present father, and his baby talk is quite cute. When his child gets older, he’s a little more reserved, he doesn’t showcase his love all the time even though he feels it. He can be a little awkward with showing physical love. 
Nanami: Nanami Kento. The man destined to be a father. He is a big family guy. More protective than Gojo and Geto, because he feels the responsibility of fatherhood deep in his bones. 
He’s a little more strict with his child because of this, always keeping them close. His love language is acts of service and quality time so he loves to help his child out with homework or complete puzzles or do colouring with them. He’s one of those fathers who’s pushing their child to do good at school but is not overbearing about it. 
For disciplining his child, he tasks them with chores, making them sweep the entire backyard for example, and it works. 
Choso: Choso is thee most protective dad you could ever imagine. If he’s that protective over his brothers, imagine what he’d be like for his child? 
Choso’s main love language is physical touch, so he’s very hands on: rubbing and drawing circles on their back while they drift off to sleep; carrying them on his shoulders; giving piggyback rides, holding their hand; doing their hair (more often than not, like his); giving big bear hugs. 
He never lets his child out of his sight unless their mother is there. Choso is less patient as a father, but he’s working on it. He knows he’s not a perfect dad, but he’s striving to provide a safe environment for his child, at least until they are old enough to defend themselves. But even after they are old enough, he’s still looking out for them.
Sukuna: It was never in Sukuna’s nature to be a father, because he despises children. Loathes them. They are useless things that require way too much attention for way too long. 
He did not bat an eye when his child was born, in fact, he nearly killed the poor baby for crying too much. However, over time, his resolve cracks a little. He merely tolerates his child. He doesn’t show them any techniques, and expects them to know it all already. 
Affection is a foreign concept to him but he does not turn his child away for hugging him. 
Sukuna is not always present but he feels a smidge of responsibility for his heir, so he makes a minuscule amount of effort on occasion. 
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© ashasdiary, all rights reserved. Divider by cafekitsune
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tyrannosaurus-maxy · 1 month
Vacirca remembers: ‘Jos would bring Max into the workshop. The whole day in the shop, they were cleaning and doing jobs on the kart. Of course, he was sometimes a little bit lazy, he was a kid, but then Jos would shout again and then Max would do something again for a couple of minutes. But they were day and night involved in racing.’ ‘Jos was so good at triggering Max in a certain way,’ reflects Van der Garde, ‘and was tough sometimes, telling him off if he was doing no good but also if he was doing really well telling him, “I am proud of you.”’ It was this imparting of total, rigorous discipline that enabled Max to realise his potential, recalls CRG’s owner Giancarlo Tinini. ‘[Max] had great abilities from all points of view, very important for a driver: track technique, mental strength, determination. He had exceptional control of the vehicle in karting, even in the first laps of the race when tyres were not warm enough and this feeling and naturalness in driving allows him to make the difference in motorsport even nowadays. ‘I never saw any resistance or strain from Max to what Jos was teaching. Max always accepted it as a challenge and has always been able to find the solution to get the result his dad was asking for.’ One thing his dad never, ever told him, however, was that he was going to be a champion. ‘He was always the opposite,’ recalled Max in the Whatever It Takes documentary, ‘telling me I was going to be a truck driver or a bus driver. In a good way, making me realise that what I was doing at the time was not enough.’ He elucidated further on this point: ‘He thought I was too lazy and laid back. [He would say] “Goddammit, retarded bastard, stupid pig. You’re never going to make it.” That’s a summary of his reaction when he felt I didn’t give it my all. He was really strict. In the end, that’s what motivated me to prove him wrong and that I could do it.’ ‘I think Max had a really tough time,’ said Helmut Marko. ‘Jos was a really good teacher and instructor. But I think he was more than hard on this young boy.’
Unstoppable by Mark Hughes, 2023
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ᴀ ʙᴏxɪɴɢ ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ.
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Henry stood in a corner of the gym, his 13-year-old son, Ajax, by his side. The air was filled with the rhythmic thud of gloves hitting the punching bag. Ajax watched in awe as his father demonstrated the art of boxing, his movements precise and powerful.
On the sidelines, Y/N, pregnant with their second child, watched with a mix of excitement and concern. Her mama bear instincts kicked in, as she observed every move, ready to step in if necessary.
Henry, sensing Y/N's protective gaze, turned to her with a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry, love," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "We'll take it slow and make sure Ajax stays safe."
Y/N nodded, her eyes never leaving their son. She trusted Henry's expertise and knew he would prioritize their son's well-being.
Henry started with the basics, demonstrating the proper stance and footwork. Ajax listened attentively, mimicking his father's movements as best he could.
Y/N's heart swelled with pride as she watched Ajax's determination. She knew he had inherited Henry's passion for fitness and wanted to encourage his growth while keeping him safe.
As the lesson progressed, Henry guided Ajax through various boxing techniques, emphasizing the importance of control and discipline. Ajax absorbed his father's teachings like a sponge, eager to learn and improve.
Y/N, unable to contain her protective instincts any longer, stepped closer to the action. She watched every move, ready to intervene if Ajax showed any signs of distress.
Henry noticed Y/N's heightened concern and approached her, his voice calm and reassuring.
"Y/N, I've got this," he said, his eyes filled with reassurance. "Ajax is doing great, and I'm keeping a close eye on him."
Y/N took a deep breath, reminding herself to trust in Henry's expertise. She relaxed slightly, her focus shifting from worry to pride in their son's progress.
Ajax, fueled by his father's guidance and his own determination, grew more confident with each punch. His movements became sharper, his control more refined.
As the training session neared its end, Ajax's energy started to wane. Henry recognized the signs of fatigue and called for a break.
Y/N rushed to Ajax's side, offering him water and a reassuring smile.
"You're doing amazing, Ajax," she said, her voice brimming with pride. "Just remember to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them."
Ajax nodded, grateful for his mother's support. He took a moment to catch his breath, the sense of accomplishment evident on his face.
Henry approached them, a mix of pride and love shining in his eyes.
"You're becoming quite the boxer, Ajax," Henry said, his voice filled with admiration. "I'm proud of you."
Ajax beamed, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. He looked up at his father, a newfound confidence radiating from within.
"Thanks, Dad," Ajax replied, his voice filled with excitement. "I'm gonna keep training and get even better!"
Y/N wrapped her arms around Ajax, her own excitement mingling with her protective instincts.
"We'll be right here, supporting you every step of the way," she said, her voice filled with love.
Together, as a family, they celebrated Ajax's progress and the bond they shared.
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vermilionsun · 4 months
If you are still open for requests..how about Ais and Kuras (or pick which one) with a child/children?
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Of course!! Don’t hesitate to send in more if ya want <3
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Father figure of the year
✩ Pretty chill in general
He's the type of dad who will let you have a good time but also make sure you're staying safe.
✩ Always there to lend an ear or offer advice… or constructive criticism—
You can always count on him to give you straightforward and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear. Even though he may not always agree with your choices, you know that his intentions are always good and that he genuinely cares about your well-being. Ais may not show his emotions openly, but his love and support for his child would be unwavering.
✩ Seems to know exactly what to say in any situation.
Whether you need help with a problem or just want someone to talk to, he is always there for you (with judgment /j)
✩ Don't even bother to lie to him.
He can see right through any facade and will always know when you're not being completely honest. His ability to detect deception is uncanny, but it also makes him a trustworthy confidant. Besides, what even did you do that made you think the consequences would be that bad? (Or even exist?) Partying? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Sex?
✩ “Lame. When I was your age I was way worse—”
✩ CRAZY parent lore.
And he mentions it so casually every time. Like, he's seen (and done) it all before. Nothing seems to faze him in the slightest.
✩ He's the kind of guy who would drop everything to help his kid, no questions asked.
✩ On the other hand, if we're talking about babies…
He might be a bit (completely) clueless when it comes to diaper changing, feeding schedules, or soothing a crying infant. However, his willingness to learn and his dedication to being the best parent he can be are admirable qualities.
✩ He's the type of person who will spend hours researching the best parenting techniques and tips.
✩ He gets the hang of it pretty quick.
✩ He is incredibly patient to the point where it becomes a bit scary. 
From reading bedtime stories to playing endless games of peek-a-boo, a cheerleader, a rock, a shoulder to cry on—he's all in when it comes to being a parent. 
✩ If anyone dares to think about touching his child, they'll never see the light of day again.
24/7 confusion
✞ This begs the question of whether the child would be half-angel.
Let's assume so, because it becomes ten times funnier.
✞ Absolutely  b e w i l d e r e d  in the beginning.
✞ “...Why does it cry so much?”
Another question that often arises is, "Is there something wrong with it that I can't see?" He's just… confused. He doesn't really understand babies. Kuras is used to living a fast-paced, independent lifestyle, so the idea of being responsible for a helpless infant is overwhelming for him.
✞ Incredibly good once he figures it out.
Despite his initial confusion and overwhelming feelings, Kuras quickly adapts. Kuras is always on call to help with midnight feedings and diaper changes, making sure the baby is well taken care of around the clock.
✞ “Uh… honey? The baby is floating.”
Cue Kuras calmly walking into the room and safely guiding the baby back to the ground with a knowing smile. It becomes a common occurrence in the household. 
✞ Eventually takes on the role of mentor, teaching the child how to control their powers and use them for good.
✞ Slightly strict
Believes in setting boundaries and enforcing rules to ensure the well-being and safety of his children. He considers discipline an important aspect of parenthood, as it helps instill good behavior and values in his kids. He may come off as harsh at times, but it all stems from a place of love and protection. Kuras wants his children to grow up knowing right from wrong and understanding the importance of structure in their lives.
✞ Comfort
He listens without judgment, allowing his children to express themselves freely. Kuras encourages open communication and fosters a strong bond based on trust and respect.
✞ Don't even bother to lie to him part 2
If you try to sneak out, he'll be waiting for you at the door, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. You can try to pull one over on him, but chances are, he'll see right through it. It's better to just be honest and upfront with him, because he always seems to know what's going on.
✞ Consequences
Although Kuras seems disappointed at times, he knows that it is all part of the process of growing up and learning from mistakes. He understands that his children need to make their own choices and face the consequences of those choices in order to become independent and responsible adults. Kuras tries to offer guidance and support, but ultimately allows his children to take ownership of their decisions and experiences.
✞ Always puts his children's needs above his own.
✞ Being the doctor he is and a parent can be a challenging juggling act. Kuras, however, manages to balance both roles with grace and dedication.
✞ T r i p l e t s
✞ If anyone dares to harm their child, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Fuck repentance and forgiveness; Kuras will seek justice with a vengeance that knows no bounds.
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pineappleciders · 1 year
ayo can i request a male (or gn if you prefer) adult reader adopting tweek, butters and kenny? bc i love those kids but they all deserve much better parents than the ones they have in canon.
masc adult reader adopting tweek, butters, and kenny (and a bit of karen)
A/N: i've never gotten to do a male reader b4 so i'm glad you asked!!!! these r kinda separate to keep it simple, also reader is referred to as dad :)
TRIGGER WARNING: SA and abuse mentions, drugs (obviously)
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tweek tweak
first things first, you start weaning him off the coffee. you still give him smaller doses for awhile just to keep him stable and with no withdrawal
if you send him to rehab, he'd definitely be a little scared. so you pack his backpack and lunch and pat him on the head and send him off, telling him to text you if he needs anything
he's always coming into your room in the middle of the night gripping his pillow and pulling his hair.
"dad, the gnomes! t-they're back, AGH!"
"tweek, i thought we went over this..."
it can be a little difficult to calm him down sometimes, so you two practice breathing exercises in case you aren't there to help him
he carries around a little card keychain that you made for him with comforting words and grounding techniques. he carries it everywhere and attaches it to his bookbag!!
you put the coffee pods on the highest cupboard shelf so he can't reach them. he hasn't tried to reach them (as far as you're aware)
you try to smooth down his hair and brush it out but it somehow always pops back up. also his hairline is fucked. so are his teeth. he's a little fucked up in every way but you love him anyways
butters stotch
with butters, it's apparent that negative discipline is not the route here. you instead opt to use positive reinforcement when he obeys and does stuff right
you're not a pushover by any means, but you are a lot less strict than his biological parents.
he gets a little confused sometimes when he doesn't get shouted at or blamed for something he didn't do. like he walks in the door expecting to get yelled at but you just hug him and ask how his day at school was
he's really glad he can actually have friends over now. his friends are always commenting on how cool his new dad is compared to his old one
butters has learned to not talk about his trauma and past. he was always taught to bury it deep down and never mention it to anybody. so when he randomly blurts out how his uncle molested him at dinner, he's confused when you look horrified
he loves to play sports in the backyard with you!!! his old dad never really spent time with him, so he has the absolute time of his life playing ball with you. it becomes one of his best core memories
he likes to draw with crayons a lot so he always draws pictures of you and him like under a rainbow or something and you always hang it up on the fridge. you're quickly running out of room for his art
kenny mccormick
as soon as he gets home and you give him the OK to eat he is eating everything in your house
turns out it's really difficult for a 9 year old to properly grow on a diet of frozen waffles and dust bunnies. you're shocked when you're preparing his bath and he's a lot skinnier and shorter than the other kids
honestly if u adopt him then you have to adopt karen too. and kevin if you want. but preferably karen.
nothing makes kenny happier than knowing she's sleeping in a warm bed with a full stomach. it's just a bonus that he is too!!
like butters, he loves to play sports with you. specifically catch and baseball. he also forces you to play barbies with him and do a high-pitched girl voice
loves to fall asleep in your lap/in your arms. like he'll fall asleep mid-piggy back ride and just snore on your shoulder
always flexing on cartman that now that he isn't the poorest kid that cartman is now. cartman hates u for it
always wants a sip of your morning coffee and waits for karen to finish her food before finishing his. it's a force of habit and it's kind of sad but also really sweet
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sweetpascal · 7 months
i'm so needy for husband!simon,, i cannot stop thinking about this man ONLY soft for his family. i know i've briefly spoken about him as a husband, but what about him as a dad 🥹
.・゜゜sweet nicknames for his kids like bubs, bubba, poppet, pet, and anything else he finds adorable to call his children.
.・゜゜surprisingly enough, simon is a very present parent. you can't make it to parent-teacher conference? he's there. the kids have achievement awards and all parents need to come and support their children? he's there, front row, camera ready. the coach for the little league team is out sick? simon already has his jersey and clipboard. every event, every game, every performance, simon is THERE.
.・゜゜i reckon that he's also the type of parent that doesn't let his children be embarrassed for anything. if they wet the bed at an older age, if they want to ask uncomfortable questions about sex or their bodies changing, if they start developing mental health issues. dad!simon will always be an open book for his kids.
.・゜゜speaking of mental health, i hc that one of his kids has bad panic attacks. simon is always the first to know because he has experienced them. he teaches his child everything about how to calm themselves down, like breathing techniques, hugging themselves, counting, looking around the room and naming what they see, etc.
.・゜゜while dad!simon is known to be a gentle giant with his kids, he always knows when the time is right to put his foot down. he doesn't play when it comes to disrespect. he disciplines his kids the right way without any silent treatments, physical punishments, or any of the crap. he handles discipline accordingly and he always runs it by you first to get your approval. the retired soldier in him always gets his team in check.
.・゜゜does NOT have favorites. he loves each and every one of his kids equally. other parents often joke to you both - simon is usually always silent during these interactions - that you must have a favorite. no. he doesn't. plain and simple. all of his kids are his world.
.・゜゜because he didn't really get to live a happy childhood, his kids really brings out the inner child in him. when his daughter wants to play pretend, he takes it seriously and even does character voices. when his son wants to show him his favorite video games and how to play them, simon becomes immersed and in awe at the graphics and story design. when the kids wanna play with the slip n slide during the summer, simon is the first one to test it out and literally giggles all the way down.
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greycaelum · 1 year
I feel like Satoru has some low level 'I want to save everyone' thing in him because of his abilities. What if Kouki inherited it? Kouki got tangled with a bullying sesh and it resulted to brawling. Well, Kouki tried to be the big boy and talk things out but everything escalated. Just like Megumi-nii! And the parents got called in the principal's office. Satoru, the proud dad becuase he trained him and yn just sighs.
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters { Son }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
If there is one person he unquestionably respects, there's only one person in his mind.
It's his Father.
𑁍 Genre: family theme, fluff, angst if you squint, comfort
𑁍 CW/TW: (1.5k)—bullying, guidance office, brawl, Satoru just being a proud dad, and the munchkins protective moments, NOT PROOFREAD this is fight-or-fight *sigh
𑁍 A/N: Better late than never for my munchkin, here's to Kou's 8th birthday. Can't have my little mochi growing up to soon. Excuse Grey for being MIA, I'm dying from simultaneous exams, defense, and work can't believe I manage to sneak this in~ —Grey
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If there is one person he unquestionably respects, there's only one person in his mind.
It's his Father.
The unwavering stance of his Papa never seems to falter.
Kouki gasp for air on his knees. His sore arms barely supported him as he feels his muscles shaking.
"Get up Kou, on your feet, c'mon buddy." His Papa looked at him observantly but at the same time made no move to help him. "No one's gonna help you unless you help your self little one."
Has was six. Barely got his 'r' and 'l' right but started the daily training with his father. An hour of uninterrupted various activities tired and challenged him. It was the time not even his Mama can come and intervene.
He didn't hate it. Looking back on those times, he is certain that it's the reason he didn't break apart even after his curse techniques nearly shattered his mind.
"In a fight, you don't win just by physical force Kikufuku." His Father sighed, flicking his nose the nth time for losing yet again. "You first shatter the mind." The back of his father's finger knocked on his temples. "Then you break their body."
His Father sternly prohibited him from all the things he learned in their training to use against harmless people.
"What happened to your cheeks, sweetheart?" You asked him, wiping your hands and kneeling before your son who just came home from school. The reddish-than-normal patch and dirt on his clothes awakened your curiosity and fear at the solitary guess in your mind.
"I should've made myself clear. I did say don't use it on harmless people... But." His Papa busied himself cleaning Kouki's wounds while you are inquiring the school about this incident. His Papa's eyes stared at him with a dissatisfied glint. "I didn't mean that you let yourself get kicked around buddy."
Kouki remembers the distress on your face seeing him once again dirty and all. His Father never mentioned a word but only looked at him for a long time before announcing dinner. He finds it unnecessary to fight for himself. He's never been diligent enough to bother proving himself. But it comes differently when it's directed to the people he loves.
Really he never meant to let it get too far. Kouki sighed with his arms crossed over his chest. Sitting in front of him is his classmates, battered and dirty.
They are all sitting on the other side, glaring at him who's sitting by the left seat all alone.
To be fair he did hold back. His Mama raised him better than being a violent person, and while his Pa taught him how to fight, he never taught him to recklessly hit others. He doesn't really want his Ma to come to fetch him in the discipline's office.
Contrary to popular belief, he's a pretty quiet kid in the class. But these kinds of brawls always gravitate towards him since middle school.
The door slammed open. The familiar long white hair of his sister contrasts the gloomy atmosphere of the room. Her bright blue eyes darted from her brother and to the other side of the boys hunched altogether.
A feral glint soon emanated from her eyes. Kouki sometimes has to blame their father for letting Saika join in those training. She's always been a hot-tempered girl.
"You dare punch my broth—"
Kouki was ready to jump on his sister when the door slammed open.
"Ah! There's my boy, no bruises and all clean. See I told you Honey he's fine. Right, Kikufuku?"
The striking silvery white mane of his father gathered all the attention, followed by your figure, worriedly looking at your children. The guidance counselor also went inside.
Satoru looks at the boys on the other side. All looked at him and his wife with pale faces.
"I beat them up. And I'm not going to say sorry." Kouki scowled before the guidance counselor spoke.
"Well, that's not the best thing to say in your situation, young lad." The elder woman sighed. Gesturing for you and Satoru to sit. Saika finds her way to see beside her brother, calm but Kouki can see the bearings working inside his sister's brain.
"This is the..." The woman looked at you and at the record in her hand. "Fifth offense, dear. Quite overdue don't you think?" The elder lady looked at the young boys who are itching to bite at Kouki. "As for you children, five versus one? Really boys?"
Satoru chuckled. You elbowed him stifling him up.
In his defense, he gotta love the humor of the new guidance counselor.
"You won buddy." Satoru ruffled his son's hair making the boy squirm.
"Satoru." You growled, slowly regretting bringing your husband with you.
"He punched us first!"
"You talked to me first." Kouki raised a brow. 
"Mrs. Gojo, anything to say about your son's behavior?" The counselor asked. She looks and acts more calm than the previous flirty lady.
"We're not in the scene, c'mon we're at work. How about you guys tell us? Since you're the ones in school? Hmmm?" Satoru intervened, engulfing your hand in his hold to stop you. "Or how about you guys tell us?" Satoru switched to a friendly tone and looked at the boys.
Let me Honey... it was a quiet note for you.
"He punched us first! We were just talking." One of the boys justified, but quickly hunched his shoulders when he met Satoru's direct gaze.
"You were talking about how I and my sister are witches, with our unusual hair," Kouki lowly growled. Eyes turning shades darker.
"Satoru." You shakily uttered your husband's name.
"It was fine really, if you just talked about me, I would let you go." Kouki's eyes turned dark that you swear they looked so much like his Father's, much more resemblant compared to his sister's. A quiet raging storm. "But if I let you go it's like I feel sorry for myself and my sister for looking like how we are. And I'm never gonna be sorry for looking like my father much more for beating you up." Your son subtly hissed.
"Hmmm, well said, well said." Satoru nodded, once again intervening. Glancing at the new guidance counselor who took off her glasses and frowned.
"You three go out. I need to talk to the counselor alone." You kicked your cats out before they make any more ruckus.
"Now let's talk won't we little ones?" You turned to the children with a sigh.
Satoru waited outside the nearby cafe with his son sitting beside him and Saika busy playing with his sunglasses.
It's not the first time, to be fair, he was ready to transfer his kids the second they wished so. But Kouki endured it. Satoru knew his son's temper, perhaps better than you. It's a man-to-man thing. The lil' mochi wouldn't complain if it's just about him. He would keep quiet even if the kids isolate him. Even if he's always left with the shortest stick, the hardest challenges. The lil' guy would just accept it and go on.
He's always been a little worried for his son letting himself put up with such grievances. But later he understands that the little guy just doesn't wanna bother too much about the temporary things. And that he just has a different trigger than the rest. It's not about him, but his trigger lies in those he holds dear. And that doesn't make Kouki weak, it just makes him more untouchable by ephemeral situations.
He doesn't need to say much but ruffling his son's long hair is more than enough to make the little one lit up.
"Did you won?"
"Of course Papa, not a scratch or a punch. See?" Kouki grinned showing off his pristine uniform as clean as it was when you ironed it this morning.
A familiar silhouette of a young rebellious teenager with black hair flashed through Satoru's mind. As calm and organized Megumi looks, the kid was worth a dozen being the "problem" child that Satoru never really had a problem raising.
"Good boy, next we'll learn jujitsu."
"Satoru your son is still just 9." You cut him off. Setting your bag beside your husband.
"Mama," Saika ran to your legs.
"Nothing too early to start discipline." Satoru shrug. "C'mon Honey, I'm his father. Can't have my son getting kicked around."
You sighed, shaking your head and told the kids to fetch their bags. You're bringing them home early today. When they came back Satoru took their bags, your children more than excited to go home.
"Kou, Sai,—" you kneeled in front of your son and daughter, bringing their hands to your lips. "—being different doesn't make you any less. To the people who really love you, you'll never be any less."
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby  @aeanya  @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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wlntrsldler · 8 months
now i see daylight | part i: don't you
song: don't you by taylor swift
series description: set after lust conquers all, jamie returns to richmond and takes accountability for treating you like shit.
warnings: language-- it's ted laso, what did ya expect?; mention of jamie's dad, misogyny, bff!sam, sad!jamie
pairing: jamie tartt x f! reader
word count: 2276 words
series masterlist | main masterlist
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Working for AFC Richmond meant that strange things happened every day. Sometimes, you'd walk out on the pitch to find the team wheelbarrow racing, while the coaches stood and critiqued their techniques. Or sometimes you'd hear them passionately sing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber in the locker rooms before hearing absolute silence when Ludacris' rap came on. Then, you'd only hear Colin perfectly rapping on beat, and when Justin's voice came back, a roar of cheers for Colin's rapping skills followed. 
Needless to say, there were so many strange things that happen at AFC Richmond that when a day is seemingly normal, that became the new version of strange. 
But the strangest thing that has ever happened at AFC Richmond was when you walked into the locker room to find Jamie fucking Tartt smack-dab in the middle of the room, a million apologies on the tip of his tongue, as the rest of the team shouted all his wrongdoings at him. 
Jamie Tartt is many things. 
For one, he is a mama's boy. He loves Georgie beyond comprehension. He truly believes that the world's largest problems could be solved if people just hugged their mothers more often. His proof? All his problems vanish when he gets a hug from Georgie. Well, maybe not vanish, but they significantly decrease in urgency. 
Two, he is a good football player. Scratch that, he knows that with the proper training and discipline, he’ll be regarded as one of the most legendary players to ever grace the Premier League. He has the potential to be great. 
Three, he is a prick– a goddamn gigantic prick. This was something that he gladly accepted. He didn't come to Richmond to make friends. He came to Richmond to play some fucking football. He was fine being known as a top-notch, proper, prick. 
This was true until he walked into the Richmond locker room and, hand to god, felt physical daggers being drilled into his entire body. 
Jamie knew that coming back to Richmond would ruffle some feathers. Truthfully, if he was in their position, he didn't think he would've been able to walk through the front door without getting ripped to shreds. He walked towards his cubby, head hanging low, not wanting to stoke the flame. He could feel everyone's gaze on him. The locker room was dead silent until Isaac's voice echoed against the walls.
"Oi, Tartt," he yelled, "You have a lot of fucking nerve showing your face here again, bruv." 
That started it. Before Jamie could even respond to Isaac, a million other things came barreling at him from different members of the team. 
"You called me a jaundiced worm!" 
"You hit on my mum, in front of my dad!"
"You cupped a fart and put it in my face!" 
“I don’t know you, but I don’t like you!”
Then, the room fell silent. You walked in. Jamie stared at you, eyes pleading for you to spare him a smile like you used to. He twiddled his thumbs together, his tell of anxiety and doubt. 
Ted blinked, finally stepping in after a few beats, "Alright, fellas, that's enough. I know emotions are runnin’ high, but we're going to have to find a way to work together. As a team– because that's what we are, a team. Alright?" 
Murmurs of agreement, disgruntled agreements but agreements nonetheless, rang around the room. Ted patted Jamie on the back before motioning the coaches to follow him into the office. You watched them walk in and shut the door, unable to do anything but stand frozen in your spot, staring at Jamie.
"Are you alright?" Sam's concerned voice snapped you out of your trance. 
"What the fuck is he doing here? Thought he hated this club.” You mumbled, rubbing your temples with the pads of your fingertips. Jamie hated the way that you were talking about him like he wasn’t there. Like he wasn’t in front of you, looking you in the eye. “His words.”
"Yeah," Sam replied, venom dripping from his lips. "His words." 
"I guess you can never take Jamie Tartt's words at face value," you spat, bidding goodbye to Sam before walking away, leaving Jamie dumbstruck and alone in the locker room where everyone hated him.
Jamie knew that getting the team to accept him coming back to Richmond was going to take some time and a lot of effort. They all hated him– rightfully so. He’s fucked up. A lot. He was a prick to them when he was first loaned to Richmond. He said some nasty things about Ted to the media. And they absolutely had the right to tell him to fuck all the way off when he came back to Richmond after being the reason they were relegated. They could’ve told him that he should go descend into the shit hole he came out of and that every bad thing that was happening in his career was his fault. They could’ve let him become a “has-been” before he even reached his prime after he fucked his football career up by joining that stupid reality show. 
But he knew he’d somehow win them over, eventually. Getting you to forgive him, though, was another story. The way your face morphed into a scowl, one that he’d only seen you use once and that was when Rupert showed up at Nelson Road unexpectedly, and aimed those words at him gave him the shivers. You don’t look at people like that. 
You never looked at him like that.
It’s been weeks. Jamie has tried everything short of getting on his hands and knees and begging you to talk to him. He hasn’t even gotten the chance to apologize because you leave the room whenever he’s around. You walk away whenever he tries to talk to you. He’s even tried to get the team to help him. 
Sam, who slowly opened up to him after Jamie proved that he could be trusted, tried to convince you to give Jamie a chance, which led you to ice Sam out for three days. Sam, who couldn’t go more than a few days without you, his best friend, apologized to Jamie and said there was nothing he could do. Jamie knew that if not even your best friend could convince you to talk to him, there was nobody in the club who could persuade you. He didn’t know what else to do, it seemed impossible. He didn’t want to give up, but it looked like the situation called for it.
Jamie’s eyes widened when he saw you walking toward the locker room by yourself. He quickly twisted the cap on his water bottle before jogging over to you. He called out, “Y/N! Wait up!”
You could pick out that accent from anywhere. You let out a sigh and did a complete 180 on your heels, walking back toward your office. The team PR opportunity can wait. You began to speed up as you heard him coming closer, but you should’ve known better than to try to outrun a professional footballer. 
Jamie ran in front of you, blocking your path. You had no choice but to entertain his attempts this time. He smiled when he realized you weren’t making a move to escape him, but it quickly faded when that scowl overtook your features once more. His shoulders dropped, “Just wanted to say that I’m gonna stop tryin’ to talk to ya after this.” 
You blinked in shock, eyes widening as you digested his words. Protectively, you held the binder closer to your chest, in case this was just a ploy. You stepped back, trying to make sense of the situation. After weeks of trying to talk to you, he’s going to give up just like that? Well, maybe it wasn’t just like that– you did avoid him like the plague. 
He continued to speak when you didn’t make a sound, “Right, figured you weren’t gonna say ‘nything. Well, yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I get it. It took me a while to hear ya, but I’ve been talking to Doc Sharon and she said I need to start thinkin’ about what the people I care about need instead of always thinkin’ of myself.” 
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head. Jamie chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, “Yeah, ‘m trying to take accountability for my actions in the past and that includes how I treated ya. And how I been treatin’ you since I’ve been back. I keep thinkin’ about how much I miss ya and how badly I want a second chance with you, even though I don’t deserve it.” 
“You don’t,” you replied, lips in a tight line. 
“Exactly,” Jamie wanted to smile even though your words weren’t anything to smile about. You basically confirmed that he had no chance with you, but he couldn’t even focus on that because you spoke to him. You actually said something to him. He bit the corner of his bottom lip before he continued, “So yeah, I realized that you just want me to leave ya alone and I respect that. I promise to only bother ya for brand deals and PR marketing shit. I’m sorry if I pissed you off these last few weeks. This is the last time. I-I just wanted to let you know.” 
You kept your lips sealed, trying to control the emotions on your face. It seemed that you succeeded as Jamie simply nodded and walked away, but not before sending you a friendly smile and a wave of his hand. 
“What the fuck?” you whispered, suddenly feeling very hot. At first you really did want to ignore Jamie, give him a taste of his own medicine. After all, that’s exactly what he did with you after Man City took him back. Once he was back in Manchester, your texts were going unanswered, phone calls gone straight to voicemail, and any shred of a relationship that the both of you shared vanished. 
Before he left Richmond, you and Jamie spent a lot of time together– maybe too much time. Last season, you were a sports journalist turned photographer because the magazine your worked for were misogynistic fucks who thought sports articles written by women would never garner as much attention as those written by men. As much as you hated it, you needed money, so when they offered you a job as a photographer, you took it begrudgingly. 
Jamie, being the self-centered prick that he was last season, spent a lot of time around you, hoping that you’d take more photos of him to post online. He pulled strings to let you into their private practices so you could get action shots of him and a few posed ones, though he’d never admit it. Somehow, those “candid” photos are the only ones he’d post on his socials. 
Eventually, you became a regular addition to his life. He spent time with you outside of football and you found yourself seeing Jamie off the pitch in restaurants, bars, parties, basically anywhere a famous footballer might hang out. Your relationship blossomed into something else. Soon you were a regular at his apartment, which you thoroughly re-decorated because when you first got there it looked exactly like what you would expect a young, hot, single millionaire footballer’s apartment to look like. 
He complained at first, saying that you were ruining his top-notch bachelor pad, but you once saw him snuggling into the throw blanket you bought for him on his couch after watching one too many episodes of The Office. Some nights, you’d sleep over because you were too tired to drive and Jamie would insist that you can stay in the guest bedroom. You’d reluctantly agree. Those nights, the both of you would stay up talking about anything and everything. 
He told you about his dad on the fifth night. You told him about your asshole of a boss on the seventh. He told you about how he was scared to get comfortable at Richmond because everyone in his life that he’s ever cared about, barring Georgie, disappointed him somehow on the tenth. You told him that you might be falling in love with him that same night. 
The next, you found out he was going back to Man City and you never spoke to him again. 
Until today. 
You spent those months hating him. And Jamie made it so easy to hate him. That was the thing about Jamie, he played the part too well. You watched in disgust as he bad-mouthed Ted and the team. You watched as he showboated during the game highlights on the recap shows. You watched as he scored the goal that caused Richmond to get relegated. Those public displays of why he deserved to be hated just added fuel to the fire of why you personally hated Jamie Tartt. But now, you found yourself searching for that Jamie because he was nowhere to be found and your feelings for him were creeping back in. 
“Did Jamie just apologize to you?” Keeley asked, emerging from behind the wall. “Sorry, I was eavesdroppin’, babe.” 
“No, it’s okay, Keels,” you said, looking at her. Your face was flushed, “Yeah, he did. Crazy, innit?” 
“I dunno, Y/N,” she replied, thinking about how she was going to phrase her next few words. “It seems like he’s changed. Seems like he really wants to make amends.” 
“Cheers to him,” you rolled your eyes, beginning to walk toward the locker room once more. “The day I give Jamie Tartt another chance is the day the world ends.” 
part ii: treacherous
part iii: daylight
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wordstome · 10 months
i’m here to encourage you to please elaborate on singledad!könig
also, do any of their kids have any scuffles with each other? how do the parents and children deal with it?
This ask was sent 10 minutes after the dream daddy post went up. Anon, I adore you.
I was going to put single dad König in this same post, but then it started to go on and on, and I want to take my time with the second half of your ask as well, so all my König thoughts will go in a separate post. Thank you for enabling me :3
(also this is the post I lost 3 paragraphs worth of writing on. It was literally all of Price and Ghost's sections, so forgive me if they're not up to par).
Price: With three kids, there are bound to be spats. Brianna taking something of Alice's without asking, Clara ruining one of the older girls' possessions, etc. etc. People see Price with all girls and remark how peaceful his house must be, but Price (and anybody who has a sister) knows that is NOT true. The Price home is chaos interrupted by periods of peace. Luckily, their dad is a literal military captain, so he's able to whip them into shape. All manner of crying, yelling, and shrieking can be silenced with one singular "GIRLS!" from the man himself. Then after that comes the soothing and the stern talking-tos.
Ghost: I think Simon was great with kids pre-Roba, he had Tommy and then his nephew Joseph. But post-Roba and his work in the special forces, he's much more rough around the edges. Like I said in the main post, Caden is a pretty quiet kid, so I can't see him starting or getting into any trouble. But he is still a 10 year old, so I can see him throwing a fit when he's frustrated or uncomfortable. If this happens in public, Simon will pull him aside and talk to him quite sternly, especially if Caden is making a ruckus as an emotional outlet. In private, he gives Caden space to let it all out, and then talks to him afterwards. However, if Caden can articulate what's upsetting him, he's very gentle and understanding. One way or another, I can see Simon getting help with his PTSD, so he uses a lot of techniques that his therapist taught him with Caden.
Soap: I imagine Elodie as about 6-7 years older than Thomas, who is a literal baby, so I can't see that they get into any fights. Mostly Elodie getting cranky about Thomas getting all the attention, at which point Johnny has to reassure his daughter and give her some love as well. When they're older, Elodie is a classic older sister who fucks with her little brother. She's never truly malicious, but there are definitely times when Johnny's standing in front of them sighing and pinching his nose because Elodie's played a nasty prank on her brother. Johnny's a very picks-his-misbehaving-kid-up-like-a-doll-and-gives-them-a-noogie kind of parent. He's never raised his voice at his kids, but instead has an "if what I think is happening is happening, it better not be" tone that instantly strikes fear into his kids' hearts. I can hear it in my head. I know you guys can hear it in your head too. 'Nuff said.
Gaz: It's hard to say what it's like when Kyle's kids fight: I can see Violet being the sort of girl who is quite close with her younger brother, so I can't really imagine a lot of scenarios in which they would fight. But Elliott is a younger brother and Violet is a growing teenage girl, so there have probably been a few times when Violet got mad at Elliott and screamed at him or said something that she regretted. Kyle and Emily will both scold the kids when they step out of line, and they both do their part when it comes to discipline. Kyle in particular is a very "I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed" sort of parent. He expects a lot of Violet, but sometimes that pressure can get to her.
König: This man is overwhelmingly soft for his daughter. The calmest, most gentle giant. I think out of all the dads he's most susceptible to spoiling her, which obviously could become a problem. He's incredibly lucky though, because Ava is an angel. She is spoiled, being an only child on her daddy's colonel salary, but she gives more "kind rich girl" vibes than "inconsiderate little brat". I'm going to elaborate more on this in the upcoming König post, but he's got this deep sadness to him because he lost his wife. Ava is a pretty perceptive child, so she doesn't act out unless she's having a really hard time, in which case König is nothing but soothing and reassuring.
Horangi: If Ryujin (Hong-jin's daughter) has beef with you, he's kicking your ass right alongside her. When she was young, she was fully capable of both starting and finishing fights, and Hong-jin was an incorrigible enabler who was more likely to double over laughing than scold his daughter. Her mother usually had to be the disciplinarian. Hong-jin and Ryujin have a complicated relationship, but in adulthood, they're pretty even keel, and have grown even closer since the death of Ryujin's mom.
Keegan: Jason and Cecelia have been through a lot together, so they don't really fight. When they do though, it's nasty, and Keegan serves as more of a go-between than a disciplinarian role. Both of them will seek advice from him, but he understands that they know each other better than he does. Not for lack of trying, of course, but it's inevitable with older adoptions. His role comes from having more life experience, and he's got a kind of impenetrable chill that makes everybody a lot calmer.
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fleetways · 11 months
OKAY! It’s time for the Chimera Baby Lore Post!!
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🌼 How did you come up with the OC's name?
In both a meta and non-meta sense, Chimera Baby’s name is probably the most notable part about them. The name Chimera Baby is a reference to m-flo and LiSA’s Tripod Baby, ft in the game Shadow the Hedgehog. For over 6 months that was her official non-official name, as I couldn’t decide on a name for her. I received over 15 name suggestions, but in July I ran a poll at which point she was dubbed Mira!
As it turns out, Mira happens to be the name of a binary star system. Two stars in a dance doomed to end in supernova—rather fitting for a chimera character, wouldn’t you say? I like to imagine Shadow was the one to name Mira something meaningful and space-themed like that, meanwhile Sonic named the other child something totally arbitrary (“His name is Mochi because he's white lol”)
On that note, I’ve also decided Sonic calls Mira “Chili” exclusively, because its silly and he would. So Mira, Chimera Baby, CB, and Chili are all names she goes by!
🌸 How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
I like to depict them anywhere from baby to teenager, but in their most recent incarnation I’d say they’re somewhere between 15-17
💖 Do they have any love interest(s)?
At the moment no. She’s generally too aloof and off putting for anyone to approach her with romantic intent, but maybe in the future….
🍓What is their favorite food?
Strawberries and Triangle Chao Fruit
⭐️ What do they do for a living?
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💥 Do they have any hobbies?
Besides combat training, CB enjoys the occasional outdoor activity. Sometimes her friends goad her into a game of soccer (which she is an absolute beast at), but she generally prefers solo sports such as archery, rock climbing, or hiking. Sometimes her brother convinces her to fish with him, but she finds it pretty boring (but would never turn him down)
💃 What do they do best?
Mira excels at hand-to-hand combat. As the reigning champion of Chao Karate, Mira takes their martial arts training very seriously. They also possess exemplary control over chaos energy, and incorporates this into their technique. While they may not be as fast as their fathers, they make up for it with not just raw power, but an extremely disciplined technique.
Her skills also happen to make her an amazing breakdancer, but she’ll break your face if you ask her to demonstrate.
☀️ What is one of your OC's best memories?
A tie between making her baby brother laugh for the first time and the time she drew first blood for the first time in a fight with Shadow
🌧️ What is one of your OC's worst memories?
The aftermath of almost drowning as a child after she saved a chao friend.
✍️ Is their current design the first one?
For the most part—I did redesign their shoes because originally they were rocking some McDonalds drip.
💡What originally inspired the OC?
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This post i made ^^
Basically its a mix of me poking fun at the phenomena of Sonadow fan-children all looking kinda similar, and this plush reminding me of actual chimerism in animals and wanting to create a character with that characteristic! Over the months my ironic love for her has grown into genuine fondness—so while she remains primarily as a parody, she’s also a character I’m having fun exploring concepts with <3 Much like both Shadow and Sonic the Hedgehog, you can take her as seriously or not seriously as you wish!
👾 What genre do they belong in?
PS1-era graphics Jet Set Radio game
🏳️‍🌈 What is your OC's gender identity and sexuality?
Non-binary and trans (you decide what direction). And she’s bisexual bc i love bisexuals <3
🍃How many sibling does your OC have?
One little brother Mochi—he is a perfect angel who is also her closest friend. She adores him, but you wouldn’t know from seeing them interact.
⚠️ What is the OC's relationship w/their parents like?
So I mentioned that Mira was reared in a chao garden, where her dads basically only visited once every couple days if not longer (Sonic and Shadow are not very attentive parents, go figure). However, this was honestly a perfectly fine arrangement as I headcanon mobian children don’t need the same level of parental contact as human children (Hell, Cream is kind of an outlier FOR having a present parental figure in her life).
That being said, I imagine Shadow spent more time with her when she was really young before stepping away, which made her really latch onto Shadow more than Sonic during that time. Especially seeing as Sonic is the most laissez-faire parent ever but simultaneously was the type to abandon her on a floating platform in midair with a trail of badniks so she can learn how to homing attack.
Much like her father before her, her latent Black Arms genes have caused her to develop a burning desire to destroy Shadow—a fact that Shadow seems strangely indifferent about. While this fact has pretty much wrecked their previous relationship, there are circumstances where Mira will put aside her goal and work with Shadow against a common enemy or towards a common objective (of course, this doesn’t stop her from trying to stab him in the back during these operations).
Her relationship with Sonic has remained mostly the same, with Sonic treating her much more like a friend or little sister than a daughter. They have lunch together at least once a month, and usually she’ll go to him for advice on any social interaction matter—conversations that have become much more frequent now that she’s begun to make friends.
💗 What do you like most about the OC?
I think I popped off with her design—chimerism is such an interesting concept and I loved balancing her two sets of genes without making it seem too busy. I also love her dynamic of trying to kill Shadow and how you would think her growing up in chao garden basically alone would have contributed to that, but that's not the case at all she’s just like that <3
‼️ Who is your OC's arch-nemesis or rival?
Shadow the Hedgehog is her self-proclaimed nemesis, but she makes a fair share of enemies and rivals wherever she goes due to her punch-first-ask-questions-later attitude. One notable rival is another OC of mine named Sauvik the Badger—another cold and brooding anti-hero much like her. Sauvik and Mochi are something of a team, but being a protective big sister she wants him to stay away from her brother. This generally leads to a fight that Mochi is inevitably forced to break up.
⏰ How long have you had the OC?
She was created in January of 2023!
That’s all! Feel free to ask any other questions and remember to vote for her here!
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irish-urn · 5 months
I’ve been reading Dasey fics and theres always this conflict about how Casey is scared to reveal her feelings because of her morals and what family and friends are going to think but then like a couple chapters later, they get together and it’s never brought up again. So my question is, how do you think the family would navigate through this? I can imagine Nora and George being confused and surprised in the beginning but I don’t know. I always love to hear your thoughts.
OH BOY MY FAVOURITE KIND OF QUESTION. Thank you sooooo much for hitting me up!! I love chatting!!! <3 <3 <3
Okay, so. SO. I think in EVERY universe I am working in (with the exception of the Hades AU), I have George and Nora reacting poorly. I genuinely believe with ALL MY HEART that they would be completely blind-sided by Derek and Casey getting together. We see this in my main college series kick at the darkness 'till it bleeds daylight, but I stand by this for... pretty much every version of Derek and Casey. Even the AUs where they aren't stepsiblings, I imagine George and Nora are just totally befuddled by them.
BUT, for the sake of this ask, let's look at canon. I believe that Nora has this idea in her head of a perfect family -- and she failed the first time with Dennis. Dennis was, in theory, the perfect man, the kind of man everyone expected her to marry. And that marriage failed. So now she's trying again with George, and it's messy and complicated, but dammit if she isn't going to do her best to make it seem like they are the perfect blended family. There's also all the pressure she puts on Casey -- while I don't believe Nora intends to do this, the fact is that likely after the divorce, Nora was overwhelmed and Casey saw this and, being who she is, just stepped up to the plate and took on extra responsibilities. Nora was grateful (obviously) and so proud that her daughter(s) are young women she can depend upon, and so she just... keeps leaning and trusting Casey to be the perfect Grade A daughter.
When it comes to George: I think he loves his kids. I think he's tried to be a good dad for them. I think they were fed, sheltered, and had a lot of fun with him, and very little discipline. I think, as a result, Marti and Derek are brats -- and the only reason Edwin is less of one is because DEREK keeps him in line. But Edwin can be pretty bratty too. What does this mean? It means that when Derek does reach out for help or does do something mature and right, it's usually either ignored or seen as "too little too late". I think that Derek and George have a lot of the same flaws, and George sees a lot of his younger self in Derek. And, as we see in LWL, neither George nor Nora view Derek as having grown up at all, despite the fact that his life is arguably in better shape than Casey's and he's far more mature than George.
What does this mean for them being faced with Dasey? I think Nora would FREAK and I think George would follow her lead. From my re-watch of the show, Nora spends a lot of time correcting George's parenting techniques; sometimes George convinces her to relax because it's not a big deal, and sometimes Nora convinces George to take things more seriously. But I do SERIOUSLY think that Nora would see her perfect, good daughter claiming to be in love WITH HER STEPBROTHER, the young man that Nora sees as a SON; and I think Nora would immediately refuse it. Because Nora has spent so much time trying to fix what she broke before; and I think she would see this relationship as, like, a cannonball aimed at her McTuri ship. I think George would see his wife incredibly upset and, judging by how he treats and views Derek, would take her side.
I think, at best, both parents would see this as a temporary rebellion on Casey's side, and just an impulsive move from Derek. I can just imagine George reminding Nora that Casey is a very attractive girl and Derek LIKES girls; of course he'd go after her if he had a shot. I think then there would be lots of mumbles of, "But he should know better than to go after his sister; I guess we expected too much from him; it'll blow over, he never commits to anything for long." (which is not true, btw. Look at hockey, look at film, look at his best friends (from his CHILDHOOD), look at his family. When Derek loves, he COMMITS.)
That being said, I think that, if Casey and Derek stuck to their guns and held their ground, Nora and George would eventually cave because, and I do stress this, they love their children. Nora loves Casey; George loves Derek. Neither wants to disown them or push them away. So, I think they would, after a lot of talking and Dasey determination, try to be okay with it.
I think, for a long time, it would be a "fake it until you make it" kind of thing. I think they would pretend to be okay with it because the other option is Derek and Casey not being around, and that's going to break up the family as much as (if not more so) them breaking up would. I think Nora makes contingency plans for when they break up. I think Nora has a lot of talks with Casey to check in; I think Casey is very private about her relationship with Derek and has been hurt by the reaction, and so is hesitant to divulge much information. I think this doesn't help calm Nora down whatsoever. I think George probably talks to the other kids (who I will get to in a minute) to try to understand. I think he kind of does, but doesn't trust his son enough not to screw it up.
I think it's years before George and Nora would actually be okay with it; and I think it would be one of those things where they pretended for so long eventually it became real. One day, Nora realized that when she said, "How sweet!" about something Derek did for Casey, she meant it. I suspect that this realization makes her sit down and think about her choices for a long time; and then I think she might apologize to Casey and finally start mending their relationship.
THE KIDS: I think they KNOW that Derek and Casey do not view each other as siblings. I think, especially as Edwin and Lizzie get older, they recognize UST for what it is. I think they love their siblings very much and recognize that the best thing for all of them is for them to be together.
THAT BEING SAID: I don't think it's a smooth transition for them. I think they probably find it SUPER weird at first. I think they told themselves for MONTHS that they would be supportive; and then they see Casey give Derek a kiss, and their brains explode a little. I think Marti is more okay with it than Edwin and Lizzie, but that's because she knows how much her Smerek loves Casey, and all kissing is gross, they're not special. I think Edwin and Lizzie try SO HARD to be cool about it, but it takes time. But I think both Derek and Casey, although hurt about their discomfort, understand that it's not disapproval, it's just growing pains and the awkwardness of seeing your sibling being sappy and in love. I think they'd adapt MUCH quicker than Genora, but would probably take more time than they thought, and I think Edwin and Lizzie would be disappointed in themselves.
Simon? I have NO idea. It depends on how old he is when they get together and the circumstances around it. Honestly, if you want, I can give you my HC on how everyone handles Derek and Casey getting together after LWL if you want, as opposed to as young adults.
This was a really long answer, but it's a complicated situation. I promise you that in any fic I have that has Derek and Casey getting together and the family involved, I wouldn't just brush over the family reaction. I love the fact that it would be dramatic, because it allows for conflict and relationship growth that isn't cheating or miscommunication or all those other tropes I dislike so much. This is a real and heartbreaking conflict that could make or break Dasey; and I love playing with the complications of family.
Please, please, reach out if you want any more of my thoughts or if you want me to expand on any of this. I looooooove talking about this stuff. Makes me cackle like a little gremlin.
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six-eyed-samurai · 6 months
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Add-on to my previous what-if of Tengen Uzui adopting Gyutaro and Ume Shabana - read the first part here.
I imagine that Gyutaro wouldn’t directly tell Tengen about his crazy skills with the sickle, (despite his denial) mostly because he’s worried that they’ll be more wary of him or think bad of him or take it the wrong way or think he’ll murder them all in their sleep or hurt them like he did to the - never mind, that’s just his intrusive, depressive thoughts.
So there would probably be only three scenarios in which the Uzui household will find out about his sickle skills if 1. He does some gardening/farming 2. Ume boasts about how her brother protected her back in the Red Light District 3. Gyutaro accidentally makes an offhand remark about it. But we’ll get back to that later. 
By now Gyutaro and Ume would’ve known about their adoptive family’s job, alternating between staying at home with the Uzui wives or overnighting at the Butterfly Mansion if all their parents are away. You can’t convince me that Ume doesn’t like to flex about her dad being the most flamboyant Hashira of all flamboyant Hashira. 
“Ha! My daddy never gets sick! He’ll never die and never lose! My flamboyant, powerful daddy…can do anything he wants!”
To this day Gyutaro is still very protective over Ume, as he’s still harboring the deep rooted fear that one day this heaven would vanish in a puff of smoke,  so once he’s heard about man-eating demons you bet your life’s savings he’s paranoid as hell about Ume at night now.
What if one day a demon broke into their Estate and slaughtered everyone? What if Ume got turned into a demon? What if he got turned into a demon? What if a demon killed Tengen? What if, what if, what if-
And then he has to remind himself Tengen is a Hashira and the Uzui wives were trained as shinobi, nothing could possibly befall them, as Ume liked to brag! 
Okay, but what if they weren’t around and Ume and him were left to fend for themselves? 
It’s alright! He’s pretty sick with a sickle, he’ll make a demon sorry it even cast eyes on his baby sister-
Oh wait, didn’t Tengen say that demons could only be killed with Nichirin swords?
And so this loop of doubt and reassurances would go round and round and round until Gyutaro ultimately decides that to be doubly, triply, quadruple-y sure nothing demonic will ever befall his sister, he's going to become a slayer.
Gyutaro would one day get bored of watching Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma play dolls with Ume for the hundredth time (there’s only so many times he can take listening to Ume’s princess dreams, no matter how much he loves her) and wander away to find Tengen training some poor slayers he’s berating for “swinging your swords and using your breathing techniques in the most un-flamboyant way possible”. He didn't even realize how his thoughts were going to spiral until he accidentally interrupts with a blurted “Teach me how to become a slayer.”
Tengen would definitely be surprised but pleased, banging on and on about the flamboyance they would share as “the flashiest father and son duo to ever slay demons!” To the point Gyutaro almost reconsiders. Almost.
Breaking the news over dinner (Tengen CANNOT keep his mouth shut, much to Gyutaro’s embarrassment), stunned silence would reign supreme until the girls explode in excitement and anxiety.
“Har? GOOD JOB, GYU-KUN!” -Makio
“Are you sure? It's not a life we'd want to expose you to-” -Hinatsuru
But the biggest surprise came from the loudest voice:
Bad enough that one of their kids was going to put themselves on the line, so the Uzui wives and Gyutaro did their best to discourage Ume, but stubbornness and cuteness will get you where you want, much to the others reluctance. Tengen, unhelpful as he is in child discipline and the fine line between proud-that-my-kids-are-gonna-slay-demons and my-kids-are-gonna-slay-demons-I’m-worried, simply burst out into booming laughter, scooping up Ume and playfully tugging at Gyutaro’s topknot. 
And so this was how Tengen landed himself with not one, but two Tsugoku.
To stick with the actual storyline as much as possible, Gyutaro and Ume probably wouldn't take over Sound Breathing, despite their (extremely intense) training in it, probably going off to invent their own techniques.
I'd like to think Shinobu would take a liking to Gyutaro because of how overprotective he is of Ume, and Gyutaro vice versa (low-key, she scared him with the smiling when they first met) so she would've influenced his breathing technique when he created it: Poison Breathing.
Let's not forget how much Mitsuri would love Ume! Ume would be so obsessed with her hair and both would eat mochi galore gossiping and squealing over boys (Gyutaro forced to clean up her mess after she went to go wheedle Obanai). Mitsuri would definitely find them both very cute and cry at their horrible history; pinching their cheeks would become her new pastime (Obanai’s jealous but we don't talk about that) - and would be over the moon to find out Ume has declared her her idol and invented Ribbon Breathing, inspired by Love Breathing!
However, I don’t think and if you’ve already guessed that Gyutaro and Ume aren’t going to use the typical Nichiron blades: Tengen requesting (bothering) the swordsmiths to commission the most flamboyant pair of sickles and whip-like sword (reference to Mitsuri’s, but more whip-like to suit Ribbon Breathing) to ever be commissioned. The Uzui household had never been prouder the first time the siblings displayed their skill and beheaded their first demon. 
Gyutaro’s canon design includes baggy pants and those collar-looking red cloth, so in this theory they would be replaced with the same type of gemstone-headband and gold band Tengen wears, with a similar sleeveless uniform and equally baggy pants. I think Gyutaro, weirdly, would go slaying barefoot because no matter how civilized he is now he never did get used to the feeling of shoes.  He probably slings his sickles at his back too, Tengen-style. 
Say Ume’s former uniform was made by Masao, and all hell broke loose when Gyutaro and Tengen found out. Masao’s new glasses were proof enough of that. The Uzui wives demanded a remake, and when they didn’t get one (Masao going on strike) they tailored her uniform themselves to cover up and added the obi belt Warabihime is so famous for. Let’s not forget Ume flaunting her red eyeliner her daddy drew on!
Tengen begins to insist and receive missions if possible where all three of them can go together (“We’ll out-flash any dull, un-flamboyant demon together!”), so obviously when he decides to go hunt for his wives (Let’s all take a moment to imagine the tantrum Ume would throw when she finds out her moms are putting themselves in danger and Gyutaro freaking out silently but obsessively scratching at himself once again) at the Red Light District, despite his misgivings and qualms about taking the siblings back to their personal hell, they all wound up going together anyway because Ume can scream pretty shrilly and Gyutaro threatened to steal Tengen’s jewelry. 
So remember that scene where Tanjiro arrives to see Tengen “kidnapping” the Butterfly Girl and Aoi? 
Re-imagine it now, but have Gyutaro holding up the Butterfly Girl by her collar and Ume riding Tengen’s shoulders as he tosses Aoi over the other one. 
“OH MY GOD, JUST SHUT UP!” Ume glared at Aoi contemptuously, tossing her head slightly. “Aren’t you a slayer? You should be proud you’ve been chosen for such a mission! You guys are so miserable; you mustn't have tried very hard if this is all you’ve got! How unfortunate!”
“Please stop it!”
“Let them go!”
Tengen sighs heavily at the cries of the other Butterfly Girls, turning around to walk away. Noticing this, Gyutaro immediately shakes Aoi violently, threatening to drop her off the perch he had on top of the wall. “OI! STOP SCREAMING, OR WE’LL SEE WHAT SHE’LL LOOK LIKE SPLAT ON THE GROUND!”
“No need for violence, kid.” Tengen patted Gyutaro’s head with a “stern” expression. “Let’s go! Your mothers are a-waiting!”
Ume clapped her hands gleefully; Gyutaro leaped off and trailed along beside the Sound Pillar, only to stop short when someone was very irritatingly tugging on his uniform. He whipped his head around with a snarl. Kira? Kanae? Whatever her name was, she was seriously pissing him off, trying to rebel against Tengen’s orders!
“HEY! LET GO! DON’T PULL AT US SO PLAINLY LIKE THAT!” Ume snapped viciously.
“You have your orders.” Tengen scowled at Kocho’s tsugoku. 
A beat of silence, then another, and another.
Gyutaro nearly brought out his sickles right there right now when the Butterfly Girls pathetically charged at him and Tengen. 
Great, what now? Oh right, it was that annoying forehead kid. 
“Save them!!! It’s a kidnapping!!!”
Gyutaro grunted, glowering at Kamado. Tengen came to his rescue, pressing a quick kiss to Ume’s forehead before yelling again. “YOU DUMB LITTLE BRAT!”
Okay, but he honestly didn’t expect Tengen to get headbutted or find himself hoisted and thrown up in the air.
“Good dodge,” he muttered, landing just in time next to the Sound Pillar. Aoi fidgeted and struggled, trying to get out of his grasp. “STOP MOVING, OR I’LL REALLY DROP YOU, WOMAN!”
“YOU FOOL!” Ume spat. “Do you even know who you’re dealing with?!”
“Idiots,” she huffed.
“I am the “former shinobi” Uzui Tengen-sama. The man who is known as the most flamboyant around these parts. And these are my very flashy children and future successors!”
Tengen loomed menacingly over them as Ume giggled with a gleam in her blue eyes and Gyutaro cackled. 
“Did you think that I would get headbutted by a snot-filled brat like you? You’ve picked the wrong family to mess with.”
For the sake of this storyline we’re just going to say Nakime is Upper Moon Six, Gyokko the one who killed Kanae (totally not because I want to see Shinobu roast the shit out of his pots and vases) and only Hantengu who attacked the Swordsmith Village to make everything work, and have Douma be lurking around the Entertainment District as a “customer” whose appearance is way too coincidental with the sudden increase in suicide and deaths. 
Ume would probably pose as a serving girl due to her young age, and is excellent at playing cute, innocent and unsuspecting, probably getting the closest to Douma due to this. She would only be around to keep an eye on the Kamaboko Squad for Tengen though, being the only true girl there. Please imagine with me her boasting to Tanjiro about her “best big brother in the whole world”, enthusiastically styling Nezuko’s hair, screaming at Zenitsu to back off (Tengen picks on him because of this, Gyutaro reminds Zenitsu about his sickle skills way too sadistically) and arguing with Inosuke for being too rough in disguise. Underneath her loudmouthed exterior though, it’s obvious to everyone that she’s genuinely afraid of what happened to her mothers. 
Gyutaro knows he won’t be able to fit in with the others, so he mostly patrols around with Tengen or ensures nobody inappropriately touches Ume. Surely Tengen wouldn’t mind if a pervert or two goes missing - oh, fine, he could almost hear Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma scolding him. He can still chop off a finger or two, right? No? Intense diarrhea from poisoning then?
The odds of it were so impossible, but yet it was true. Everyone was alive. ALIVE. Ume, Tengen, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma…everyone. 
Gyutaro wiped his face of blood, sweat and tears, succumbing to Makio’s frantic shaking down and questioning of his state, letting himself lean against Tengen while his sister babbled nonsensically and made him promise about a hundred times that he wouldn’t die without her.
So happy. Everyone was alive, they were going to be okay, everything was going to work out, they could live out that dream in the countryside they were always talking about-
“Should I praise you or something? What were you thinking, losing your left arm and eye? Even if this was a fight against an Upper Moon. How long will it take for you to recover? Who will take your place while you’re doing that? Your…kids are good, but not that good.”
“HEY! YOU DON’T TALK TO DADDY LIKE THAT!” Ume still had it in her to argue with one snarky Serpent Pillar apparently, dragging herself up to a sitting position to stare judgmentally at him, snapped sword in hand. “YOU WEREN’T THE ONE FIGHTING UPPER MOON TWO!” 
“Neh, sis, don’t move so fast.” Gyutaro groaned, prying himself from Suma’s smothering grip and Hinatsuru’s frantic examination of any injuries. “You’ll hurt yourself more.”
Still, he shot Obanai his best death stare too. Tengen barked a laugh and slung an arm around his skinny shoulders. “It’s alright. I’m retiring, man. I just can’t fight anymore. Oyakata-sama will probably allow me to do so as well.”
“But it’s alright.” Tengen gestured at the siblings proudly. “The young ones are growing up. Gyutaro and Ume will take my place with flamboyance! The Poison Hashira and Ribbon Hashira will be coming soon.”
“Especially the boy you absolutely despise, though, Iguro.” Tengen winked. “ Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re having a family reunion.”
As if on cue Suma and Ume burst into tears once more and Tengen did his best to join in on the group hug with his remaining arm.
Gyutaro had never considered his life lucky before, but now he’d call it fortunate. It was one hell of a miracle…but everyone was alive.
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meowm1x · 9 months
like i love bluey a lot, i think it's a beautifully animated and cleverly written show that is very meaningful for kids, and it speaks to adults in a great way too (episodes about infertility and speaking to mums who have anxieties about doing parenting right are examples at the top of my head)
but yeah i remember speaking to my gf saying that there are a couple of episodes i found concerning, because they essentially show rusty as an army kid who idolises his dad and copies him in every way, compounded by the fact the episode this gets brought up also had us meet jack, who has ADHD and is shown as having a hard time remembering things and focusing. rusty introduces jack to army techniques and language during some roleplay in the playground, and it magically helps jack's attention problems. the implication being he just needs some military discipline to Sort Him Out.
and it's hard to talk about this shit publicly because, similar to paw patrol's copaganda, whenever you bring up any concerns, people just go "LOL it's just a kids show! imagine getting bent out of shape over a baby thing! stop thinking too hard about it!" but they dont realise that THAT'S why it IS worrying. it IS a children's show where these ideas are being introduced. this whole "cops are your friends, western military are heroes :)" mindset gets put into folk at a very young age, and we should at least be concerned about that, i feel?
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Currently thinking about first-time dads txt having to discipline their kids or say no to them... they're all big softies who wouldn't want to be the bad guy or make their kid cry. I feel like Taehyun and Yeonjun would be best at gently laying down the law, while Soobin, Hyuka, Beomgyu, hmm and sometimes Yeonjun, would mostly use the distraction or bribery technique to redirect the child's attention to something else to move them on from the trouble they're in so they don't have to tell them off 😆
e.g. Beomgyu avoiding all the embarrassment a tantrum brings in public: oh look, a gum ball machine! here's a coin... oh nice, a blue one! is it yummy? yeah, that'll keep you busy for a while.
Yeonjun's technique is to just get really pouty with his kid and make them feel guilty for whatever they did lol
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nigtmarerin · 5 months
Base on this beautiful comment of @eugeneplace I’m gonna dive into their little lore in the Knytte Bånd Au.
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First of all, when I say “favorite uncle” it’s most likely mean “tutor” or “guidance” of the kiddos, all of them try to teach each child things that they can do to self defense and self discipline.
JD like to teach Coal about survival skills for any occasion, that’s why is also teach hin how to use a combat axe like him, because of the versatility of that weapon, normally he takes him to explore the nearest grounds of their tribe to learn the basics like, camping, set a campfire and other things like that, also get a ride on Ronda (his beast, is not an armadillo is a Chamened Wolf) for introducing him to this amazing creatures, a funny thing I was thinking is the first time Coal saw JD’s beast features he freaks the hell out of what his uncle can do.
Bang wants to be a constructor in the bunker matter like they dad, they want to know well their grounds to know materials and places to work on, that’s why Floyd was a good option to try non conventional ways to do so bc he’s blind, he had another perspective of the surroundings and they want to try it, in my head that’s the explanation of why Bang had a lot of bruises and scars, others than manipulating the elemental magic more than their siblings and using that war hammer, my little fun fact about that it’s the first time Bang want to hold the weapon, for the weight they fell backwards immediately.
For the third sibling Twig with that though energy of his, Bruce try teach him to relax a little bit, like he’s the brain of most of the tricks he and his siblings made, sometimes he got a little bit of stress, the ways his uncle try to relax him is going to short trips to the surroundings in his beast, exploring different and beautiful places meanwhile their training with “a stick with a pointy thing” like Twig likes to call it, Bruce, like his brothers, loose an important thing which for the others is insignificant but had a hard impact in his life and the way he sees the life, something that he wants to teach to his nephew.
Maybe Jacaranda is little now, but she is the entity of chaos itself in the tribe, that’s why Clay took her under his wing (literally) and tries to teach her in the archery, bc demands a lot of concentration and techniques that she use to tournament her siblings sometimes, those puffy arrows are her best way to take advantage of her opponents (aka her siblings), Clay show her how to be sneaky and faster than the others, she got a incredible vision and hardly never fails her targets, that’s why sometimes the kids get back home covered under paint least Randa how always asks what their gonna eat this time.
And answering the baby proof weapons, it’s bc Hype didn’t want Randa use pointy things at that age, Branch always says his is an hypocrite and tries to sneak with her in the training places to teach her at least how to use a knife, but they always get caught by Hype.
And a bonus draw of Randa complaining about her weapons.
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