#Dad!George Weasley
swiftieblyth · 4 months
Can you do one with dad!George who takes care of his and y/n's daughter?
Thanks a lit! X
Daddy’s little princess
warnings- fluff, nightmare, being sick
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“Daddy!” You’re three year old daughter yelled, running to your husband when he apperated back from work.
“Hey, princess!” Your husband smiled, picking your daughter up and spinning her in the air before holding her to his hip. “How was your day with Mummy?” He asked, kissing her head.
“It was gweat!” She yelled, making you and George smile. “Mummy and I went down to the pawk, and fed the ducks!”
“Oh yeah?” He smiled, walking over to you.
“We did, you smiled, pecking his lips.
“Ew,” your daughter, Molly, let out.
“What?” You asked looking at her. “Are Mummy and Daddy not allowed to kiss?”
“I’m hungwey!” Molly called, ignoring your question.
“I know baby,” you smiled. “Dinner’s almost ready, how about Daddy helps you wash up.”
“Okay. Come on Daddy!”
“Okay, princess.” George smiled.
“How was work today?” You asked, laying in bed with George that night, head on his chest.
“It was good.” He explained, twirling your hair in his fingers. “It was pretty slow now that all the kids are back at Hogwarts. How was your day?”
“It was great. I just love our sweet little girl. I’ll miss her tomorrow when I have to go to work. Are you sure she’ll be fine in the shop with you? She is very much your daughter.”
“I know,” he chuckled. “She’ll be fine. I’ll do my best to keep her out of trouble.”
“I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about Fred.”
“What? They two love eachother.”
“don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one gets hurt, and nothing brakes. Including Fred.”
“Thank you my love.” You smiled. You went to kiss him, but were stopped by your door creeping open and little but rushed footsteps came in.
“Princess?” George asked, confused as to why she was in there and not asleep.
“Daddy?” She sniffled, alerting both of you.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You asked, fear in your voice as you and George both bolted up and looked down at her.
Her red hair was messy and all over, her eyes were puffy, and her face red and tear stained, as she held her stuffed monkey.
“Uppy?” She asked, as more tears came down her face.
“What’s wrong princess?” George asked, scoping her up in his arms, laying her in between you both.
“I had a nightmewa.” She cried, I to George’s chest, as he held her in his arms.
“Oh, baby,” you let out, wrapping your arms around her too.
“Do you want to tell me and Mummy what it was about?”
“It was about you,” she cried pulling away, and looking up at her daddy.
“What do you mean, princess?”
“You… you wewe with Uncle Fwed, but you had two eaws.” She cried, you looked at George who was already looking at you. You both had a feeling as to where this was going. “And then, a beaw came out of nowhere and bit youw eaw off. And thewe was so much blood, Daddy,” she sobbed.
“Oh, princess,” he sighed looking at her. “Don’t let that bother you. That’s not how I lost my ear. Your uncle Fred wasn’t even with me when I got my injury.”
“Was Mummy?” Molly cried.
“I was darling, but that’s nothing you need to be worried about. We can tell you when you’re a lot older my love.” You sighed, putting a hand to her head, feeling heat radiating from her. “Baby, you’re burning up.”
“What?” She asked.
“Oh, poor princess.” George cooed, pulling away a little, kissing her head. “Muma’s right princess. You’re burning up.”
“Are you sure you can stay home?” You asked quietly, getting ready as you looked at your sleeping daughter.
“I can. I promise. Our little Princess needs lots of rest. She won’t get that at the shop.”
“I know, but I can see if I can stay home, or even work from home-“
“Darling,” George interrupted, holding your hands. “I got it, okay? You go to work. Have a good day. I’ll write to Fred, and take care of our princess. Fred will understand.”
“Daddy!” Molly called from the master bed room.
“What’s wrong princess,” George asked, walking in from the kitchen.
“I don’t feew good,” she cried as a cough find its way out of her lungs.
“I know my sweet princess,” George cooed, stroking her head. “But I’m making you some chicken noddle soup okay?”
Molly coughed again as more tears came to her eyes.
“My poor princess,” George breathed, carefully wrapping her up in his arms. “It’ll be okay. Mummy’s going to get you a potion after work to help you get better.”
“I downt wanna be sick,” Molly pouted.
“I know my princess,” George let out, scooping her up in his arms. “Let’s go get you some soup.”
George kissed her head and walked to the kitchen putting her down on the counter and pouring her a small bowl of soup.
He got a spoon and got some soup, softly blowing on it to cool it before he looked at Molly.
“Okay, open up Princess.” George let out, spoon feeding her sick little girl.
“Great job Princess,” George smiled, when Molly finished her soup.
“I’m tiwed, Daddy.”
“Okay, princess. Let’s get you back to bed,” he smiled picking her up, walking back to the master bedroom. “Do you want to watch a movie with Daddy?”
Molly nodded her head as she leaned on George’s chest, drifting off to sleep.
George sat her down on the bed and put her favorite movie in, then got in the bed next to her. Molly climbed up on his chest and laid down, George’s arms wrapped protectively around her as she drifted off to sleep.
“Good night my princess.” He whispered, kissing her head. “I love you.”
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george-weasleys-girl · 4 months
If you've ever wondered what kind of sofa George would buy, this is it. Now, he can cuddle with his spouse and kids in one big puppy pile.
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Detox Day
George Weasley x Reader
Summary: It had been a long day of work, and your poor Hubby needed to detox a little. So, what better way than to have his loving partner help him out? First to put your son to bed, and remind him he deserves some self care
Warnings: 18+, So much fluff, gentle sex, domestic fluff, oral (male reviving) foot massages, kinda foot fetishy? This fic is very fluffy and playful, technical fem doming? ((George is EXTRA submissive in this one. Love me a man that whimpers. Mm))
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“Dad’s home-!” Little Freddy shouted, the moment he heard the door open. Poor George hardly got a foot through said door, before Junior jumped onto his leg. Holding on for dear life, as if George would fade into a mist. Just never wanting to let go.
Despite being so bone dry tried, he just couldn’t resist his baby boy. He would take his dress suit jacket off, and hang it, before yanking his son into the air. Holding him high, and making him laugh. Squeals of pure delight filled the air, before he was attacked in kisses. Being held back just as tightly, as you watched.
“How was the shop-?” You asked, as you finished up dinner. Normally you helped out, of course. But George wanted to make sure Freddy had a stable life. Even as a baby, George made sure to have him in a sling around him. With ear protection, of course, while working in the shop. Not wanting to have a strained relationship. Much like what happened with his own parents. Seven kids isn’t as stable as people think. He wanted to make sure little junior always had a parent to love him deeply. When Freddy starts Hogwarts, that’s when you’ll return. That’s a promise.
<OH THE STORIES I HAVE TO SHARE WITH YOU> He would sign, so that Freddy didn’t notice, as he was busy hugging his father. Sounded, ironically, like he had himself a very bad day. One for little ears to not bear. As much as he didn’t want Junior to be naive to the world, he still needed a childhood just as much.
“Now come on over to dinner, you two. Still warm.” You gently encouraged, as Freddy was soon climbing onto his father’s shoulders. Quick to sit on them, and rest his head on the older man’s. Oh how identical they were. The same wild hair, same little smile. You loved them so much. Couldn’t stop yourself from joining in with the grins, as you rounded them up for a much needed meal.
For once, George had actually stayed rather quiet. That concerned you, as you ate. The meal wasn’t silent, however. Junior was more than happy to fill the quiet. Talking about the day he had with you. George was smiling at each word, but you could read him like a book. He was tired. So very tired. Not a need for sleep tired. That defeated tired. Suppose the weight of Fred no longer being in the shop was weighing on him again. His other half, if you will, no longer there for support. He felt alone, and tried to drown himself in work again. Guess you’ll need to fix that, won’t you?
“And then and then-“ But a yawn was quick to cut the little boy off. Poor thing talked himself tired again. A habit he’s developed. Just so full of energy. “Georgie, can you clean up while I put Freddy to beddy?” Was asked, as you hoisted the tot in the air. He whined, with the normal complaints of not being sleepy.
“Sure thing, love. Big boys need lots of rest.” George was quick to sooth. A gentle kiss to the little boys temple, and a squeeze to his little hand. “Love you, Junior.” He added, as your little boy smooshed his cheek against George’s. Reminded you so much of when Fred and George often did that. As a mock facade of ‘cute innocent little boys that could do no wrong.’ You don’t know how he picked up the habit, but a sneaking suspicion that there was a ghost at WWW wasn’t out of your mind.
“Love you to, Daddy.” He yawned, as you would bring the little boy to your chest. Humming away, as you escorted him to his bedroom. Rich in all that he loved. Tucked into bed he went, with his favorite little toy. A dragon plush from his uncle Charlie. Still smelled like soot, and that’s what soothed your tike. Snuggled in his grandmas quilts, and listening to you read him a bedtime story.
George would happily watch, as Junior gave him a sleepy wave. Along with a waving paw from the little dragon. George returned it, and gave a little finger wave to the dragon as well. Making sure they were both greeted. Seemed seeing him at the door way was what helped sooth Freddy to sleep. Out like a light, with his father quick to kiss his head. Doing his best to still be as involved in his life as he could. Even when so horribly tired. So much as just being physically there does wonders.
The door would be closed, with his night lights set, before George finally let himself drop his facade. The age in his face there in a blink. The sag, the exhaustion, the pale cheeks, everything seemed to just scream defeat. He learned to hide his emotions very well, after the war. Broke your heart to know it. He was just so damn drained.
“Go and sit down. I’ll grab you a drink, and you can tell me about your day.” You offered, with a kiss to his cheek. Earned you a crooked smile, as that sounded delightful to him. To just take a minute to let it all soak in. Get his muscles undone.
Into the comfortable arm chair he went. Just leaning back into it, and letting himself melt for a moment. Get off his exhausted feet, and breathe. Your poor hubby. Some Fire Whiskey is needed, and many other little TLC’s.
You would return with the glass, and bottle, to be placed on the table next to him. Along came a kiss to his cheek, before you were sitting at his feet. Your head in his lap, as you hugged his legs. Showing all your attention was on him. Making sure he knew you were there.
“Where do I even start-?” He groaned, as he would take the drink in one swift swallow. The way he rubbed his temples told you it all. A rough day at the shop. Your poor hubby. Not a day where he could just be playful and himself. A bullshit day of bullshit and more bullshit.
He would soon ramble about the day, as he poured another glass. Talking on about the parents, as you would work on untying his shoes. Placing them aside, and smiling to yourself. One sock being orange with purple stripes, and the other purple with orange polka dots. Never change, George. Never change.
“Then she asked for a refund. She asked for a refund, on a love potion, because the person she gave it to didn’t fall in love with her. It made sense, until she explained that he used it as perfume. That’s not how it works, and for the love of Merlin-“ He rambled on, as you would soon massage at his aching feet.
“Damn that feels good-“ He groaned, as he leaned back. Whatever else he was trying to say was forgotten. Just the comfort of being pampered. Not something he was used to. He’s normally the one drowning you in affection. So, you pulled a sneaky. You pampered him because it made you feel better. Get rekt.
“Poor baby. I can feel the blisters already. Such a hard working man. Even with magic, you just have to keep busy.” You tsked, playfully, as you gave his foot a hug. Making him playfully push at your cheek with the socked appendage.
“Got a thing for feet or something, you freak?” He teases on, as you gave a playful bite at his foot. “Freak of nature-“ He scoffed, but you both laughed. Hypocrite he was. Have to be a weirdo to think you could become one of the richest men in the Gaelic isles from a joke shop. Then prove yourself right.
“You are to be blamed for it all.” You egged on, before you would snuggled between his legs. Your chin on his chair, and looking up at him. So much love and devotion, returned in your own gesture. Those big brown eyes. You could stare into them forever. So full of spark, even after so many years. They were still so full. Despite it all, he was alive. Both physically, and mentally.
“Gonna just stare at me all night? Not complaining-“ He would smirk, as he would sway his cup of whiskey. A satisfying buzz on his tongue, as you were happy he was relaxing. He needed it, and you were going to make sure he would get some good sleep tonight.
With a grab of your wand, you gave it a flick. Casted a silencing charm, and an alert charm as well. In case Freddy needed either of you, but also warn you so you don’t traumatize him with what you were about to do.
“I have other things in mind.” You winked, as he rose a brow. With the wand set aside, as you would kissed his thigh. Taunting him, as you would rub at his calves. Getting him to give a blissful hum, as he closed his eyes. Just enjoying being touched.
Just something slow, and gentle. That’s what he needed. He deserved it. To relax, and for you to pamper him. You both loved it. To flip the script, and enjoy each other’s company. To hear each others whispers, and blissful sighs.
“Let’s get you more comfortable.” You whispered, before starting to unzip his dress pants. The sigh of relief he gave, when you pulled them down, was just heaven to your ears. To admire the hard on forming in the orange fabric. You couldn’t help but kiss it, and appreciate it. The simple act of being aroused by someone he loved so much.
“Such a tease.” He muttered, as he enjoyed another lazy sip. Wasn’t something he normally did. Made him feel like some Head Of The House bullshit he hated. As being in a family of seven siblings, everyone played a roll. There was no real ‘boss’ of the family. Molly more so was the leader, than any boss. He hated the idea of hierarchy, but he knew you genuinely enjoyed these moments. Communication is sexy.
“Learned it from the best.” You winked, as he rolled his eyes. <SARCASTIC BITCH> He signed. Well, more so said Female Dog. Even with sign language, he was cheeky. You retaliated with a flip off. “Ah, how educated of you. I would think you were a pure blooded noble~” He fanned himself, making you snort into his thigh.
“Let me be sexy, for like two seconds-!” You begged, between your snorts. That had him laugh even more. It was hard to take things to serious, and that was wonderful. Most of the time. Just to be at a point that it’s just laughter, instead of awkward noises and averting eyes.
“Ok ok, be sexy. Go-“ He finger gunned, with a wink. That had you slap his thigh. “Gregory, please-!” Was just more laughter, as you tried to get back in the mood. Even if you couldn’t, the love of laughter was all that mattered. You loved how he found a way to make you laugh, no matter what. It was wonderful.
“Alright, I yield. Go on ahead. Be sexy.” He would fight his giggles, with another sip from his whiskey. Savoring the flavor, as to try and calm himself down. Along with not he sloshed, because he damn well wanted to enjoy the moment.
With your breathe caught, and tears wiped away, you were finally able to return to the prize. Had you biting your lip, as you admired it. After so many times, you still couldn’t help but get excited to. No matter the years.
You would tug down his underwear, and watched it spring to life. The groan of relief was sending a thrill down your spine, as he was able to get the relief of the air on his exposed cock. Chilling, but needed from the heat of the whiskey in his system.
“Now time for my drink.” You grinned, as you kissed the tip of his cock. A few gentle kisses down it, as it throbbed against your lips. Excited to be given attention. You were more than happy to give him such. Little kisses, up and down his dick. Just taking it easy, as he enjoyed the view.
“Wonder if I’ll be able to taste that whiskey….” You absentmindedly muttered, before you run your tongue up the side. That got him to shiver, as he would hold onto the chair. Just letting you take full control, as he enjoyed the buzz in his chest and groin.
He was just so cute. How his freckles looked like stars, on those roses cheeks. The way his eyelids fluttered, when you licked over his tip. How he bit his lip, when you gave attention to his balls. He had so many beautiful expressions. Who could resist a submissive man?
“Please…..” He almost whimpered, as he stayed a good boy. Keeping his hands firm on the arm rests, and letting you remain in charge. Good boys deserved rewards, and rewards were given to those good boys.
The head of his cock would slip past your lips, and he moaned in relief. The heat of his cock in your mouth was exciting, as his need for you was impossible to hide. How his heart was racing in your mouth, as you took more down.
“Fuck….Fuck that feels good-“ He moaned for you, as you looked up to him. How his face was even more flushed, and how his nose did its cute little scrunch. Oh how you loved when his nose would speak for him. Was just an adorable thing. Had you smile, as you would bob your head. Pulling out more moans of pleasure.
It was simple, like that. It didn’t always have to be complex. Nor hot and steamy. Sometimes, you just wanted to pamper your partner. Make love. Remind them how much you love them. Course, it’s also quite the bonus to hear all the sounds they made. Not distracted by the heat of the moment. All for you to enjoy.
After a while, you could feel his cock throbbing in your mouth. Had your eyes look up, and you could see the way he was trying to hold back. The way he was panting, with his pretty lips parted. His hair slightly a mess, and his eyes closed. Such beautiful lashes he had. Ever fluttering, when your rubbed your tongue over a vain.
He was close, and you wanted him to spill. Spill into your mouth, and watch him whimper your name. To breathe heavy, and drool ever so slightly. To just let all that tension leave his body, as you would take good care of him. Make sure he was cozy, and relaxed.
“Fuck fuck fuck-“ His whimpers answered your prayers, as you would take him deep down your throat. Savoring the feeling, as his cock was spurting down it. Oh his moans were just the trumpets of heaven. How his chest heaved, and his stomach clenched. The way his head rolled back, and his mouth opened wider. You didn’t need to get off. That was your reward. A whimpering man.
With his high coming down, you would pull off from his cock. Happy to have swallowed it all, and even gave the tip a little peck. As a thanks. Thanks for giving you such a beautiful sight.
“That hit the spot.” He sighed, as you stood up. A gentle hand to brush his hair aside, as he kissed his cheek. Right on the scar, from when he lost his ear. A reminder you loved all of him. Every, last, inch.
“I better return the favor-“ He said, but you poked his nose. “In the morning, hm? Time for you to get some needed sleep.” You would hush, with another kiss to his cheek. That got a whine of protest, but he knew he was a bit tipsy. Best to enjoy the buzz, instead of risking a hang over.
With his pants and underwear taken off, he would strip off the rest of his exhausted clothes. Nothing a Accio for his sleep wear couldn’t fix. Into those comfy pajamas bottoms, and old shirts that once belonged to his older siblings.
The two of you would quickly give one last check to Freddy, seeing him peacefully asleep, before returning to your own bedroom. To go through your own sleep routine, before snuggling close. Yourself in one of his stolen shirts. Nothing more comfortable than that.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He asked, as he would play with your hair. “Exist.” You smirked, before he rolled his eyes. Regardless, those words meant a lot. It’s been such a burden to be a lonely twin, but you’ve made it easier. You made him alive.
“Love you, so much, jellybean.” He would give you a gentle kiss, and you returned it. Tucked under his chin you went, as he hugged you tighter. A squeeze of reassurance, as the sounds of late night Diagon soothed you both to sleep.
A simple night, but those were cherished all the same.
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turvi · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a George Weasley x reader where she's Harry's ago and either Remus or Sirius daughter? Thank you (:
Hope you like this. Both Remus and Sirius are fathers.
Warning: Kissing, Dramatic Sirius
Y/n woke feeling excited to spend summer vacation with the Weasleys. Her parents were alright about it in fact they were looking forward to spending some quality time alone. Because of the war, they were forced to stay apart for nearly a decade. 
“Good Morning Love” Sirius greeted you from the kitchen. 
“Good morning pops” she wished him as he laid her breakfast in front of her and kissed her temple. 
“Did you sleep well?” 
“Yes father” 
“Don’t call me that it makes me sound… old” He gasped 
“You are old” she replied with a smirk 
He sniffed again “take that back” 
By now Remus was also up from all the commotion. He silently went up to Sirius and hugged him while he was busy arguing with Y/n about how he was not old. 
“Don’t you guys have better things to do than bicker?” Remus groaned into Sirius’ neck 
“It gives a kickstart to our morning” Sirius replied his lover handing his breakfast 
“You need hobbies both of you” 
“Good morning Papa” Y/n wished Remus with a bright smile 
“Good morning pumpkin, have you packed everything?” He asked ever the concerned parent. 
“Yes. And checked twice too like you always say.” 
“Do you really have to go pumpkin? Our home is going to feel so empty without you” Sirius gave his best puppy eyes that always used to work in his favor. 
“Pops not this again please” she got up to get her bags from her room. She loved spending time with her parents and cherished their moments together after the war she gained a new perspective on life. This is the reason she decided to spend her break at the Burrow. 
“Has Harry reached there?” Sirius asked helping her with her luggage. 
“Yeah everyone is there except for me” 
“Yes stick with him those twins are always up to something mischievous” Sirius shivered remembering the last time twins were at their home and played a prank on Sirius. 
“Hmm, but they feel a bit familiar to me” she smirked at her father who was trying to process her words.
Before she could leave someone came stumbling out of the fireplace. Remus got up to see it was George. 
“Hey, Darling” George practically sprinted towards Y/n ignoring the glares of Sirius Black. He embraced her and twirled her around but was immediately interrupted by Sirius. 
“Unhand her you dunderhead” 
George carefully put y/n down and took her luggage “It was nice meeting you Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin, we will see you soon” 
As soon as George held Y/n’s wrist Sirius pulled her back. “Not so fast young lad, Y/n why is this creature calling you darling.”
“Pops I told you he is my boyfriend” 
Sirius gasped “Oh no he isn’t” 
“Dad are you alright?” 
“Oh godric I think I am going to have a heart attack” 
Y/n looked up at Remus who was reading newspaper and drinking his morning tea “Oh, he will be fine, you guys carry on. We will see you soon hun” 
“You better keep one arm distance with her” Sirius’ threat fell in empty ears as the couple had left.
George picked up Y/n’s luggage kissing her lips briefly before apparating to his humble abode. 
“My own daughter how could she do this to me?” 
Remus sighed “Exactly love she is your daughter she has a thing for trouble and George isn’t that bad” 
“Not that bad! He dyed my hair purple, you of all people should know how much I love my hair” Sirius sassed. 
“Oh I know” Remus retorted when suddenly noticed a solemn look on his lover’s face. Remus obviously loved Y/n but she had wrapped Sirius around her fingers ever since she was a little baby.  
As a baby when she refused to sleep and wailed in Remus’s arms she would immediately fall asleep in Sirius' arm. With Y/n Remus found a new soft and more loving side of his lover
“Moony my little pumpkin has grown up. She has a boyfriend now.” 
Remus sighed and hugged Sirius. Merlin knows he needed it. 
“Padfoot she will be back before you know it.” 
“Why did she have to date that weaselboy?” 
“I think she takes after me for that matter. Falling for a troublemaker” Remus gives him a loving smile that always seems to comfort Sirius. They kissed as they slow danced in their home enjoying the peace the morning had brought. 
"She will be fine love she has us" Remus tried to comfort him.
"Yeah, "Sirius smiled at him kissing his lips and scars Remus' chuckle echoing in the house.
Y/n and George were under his blanket sharing kisses and laughs. 
“I can’t wait to marry you” George confessed with a lovesick smile. 
“My father has barely accepted you as my boyfriend and you are talking about marriage” she pointed out even though she loved the idea that he presented her. 
“It’s ok I will always be here. With you. It is fine if we never get married I still want to spend my life with you.” 
“Ohh dear, George I think you love me” 
He chuckled “You think?” He kissed her lips, his cold hands leaving goosebumps on her waist as he pins her on her bed. They are interrupted by tapping on the window. They both peep from the blanket to see a very aghast Sirius Black. 
“This is not one arm distance Weasley!!!!” 
“I think you should start running George” 
“Good idea love.”
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carewyncromwell · 5 months
Okay, I blame @maleliddell for making me think about this, but...this Lunar New Year marks the year of the Dragon, right? And the thought occurred to me that Charlie would be so disappointed if it turned out he was not born in the year of the Dragon, so I looked it up. And when I did, I found out something that just cracks me up.
Charlie was born in 1972...year of the Rat. As in Percy's-pet-Scabbers Rat.
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So yeah, definitely sad Charlie, knowing he wasn't born in year of the Dragon. But to rub some salt into the wound, you want to know which Weasley was born in the year of the Dragon?
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Yes. The least outdoorsy, hot-tempered, and wild of all of the Weasleys was born in 1976, a year associated with Charlie's favorite magical creature. Sorry, I just find that absolutely hysterical. 😂
(The other Weasleys' Chinese zodiac signs under the cut, just for kicks!)
Arthur ~ 1950 ~ Year of the Tiger
confident, brave, magnetic, idealistic, thrill-seeking, arrogant, selfish; symbolizes bravery
Molly ~ 1949 ~ Year of the Ox
diligent, gentle, hardworking, reliable, patient, materialistic, stubborn; symbolizes diligence
Bill ~ 1970 ~ Year of the Dog
helpful, honest, trustworthy, unselfish, pessimistic, anxious, timid; symbolizes protection
Charlie ~ 1972 ~ Year of the Rat
ambitious, charming, talkative, resourceful, private, frugal, critical; symbolizes wisdom
Percy ~ 1976 ~ Year of the Dragon
outspoken, energetic, generous, intelligent, perfectionistic, egocentric, impatient; symbolizes authority and good fortune
Fred and George ~ 1978 ~ Year of the Horse
amusing, enthusiastic, independent, persuasive, irresponsible, moody, opportunistic; symbolizes indomitable spirit
Ron ~ 1980 ~ Year of the Monkey
entertaining, intelligent, optimistic, sociable, fickle, secretive, unpredictable; symbolizes cunning
Ginny ~ 1981 ~ Year of the Rooster
adventurous, charitable, funny, loyal, argumentative, boastful, self-involved; symbolizes punctuality and fidelity
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daily-hayley568 · 2 years
could you write a charlie weasley imagine where the reader is the twins best friend and dating charlie in secret and sneaking around together around the holidays/birthdays where the family is all together including her because she’s like family (like harry and hermione)💖
Some Things Are Better Kept Secret|Charlie Weasley
Pairings: Charlie Weasley x fem!reader, platonic Fred weasley x fem!reader, platonic George x fem!reader, dad!sirius x daughter!reader
A/n: I love this! Tysm anon!
Summary: You’ve always been best friends with the twins but their older brother caught your eye.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual content, kissing, use of pet names, age gap, forbidden curses, mentions of death, blood
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You had been best friends with the Weasley twins since your first year in Hogwarts. You were sorted into Gryffindor and you were inseparable from Fred and George.
Fred and George planned pranksters. You would charm their victims and lead them into the trap. You all tag-teamed.
The first Christmas you spent with the Weasley’s was your second year Christmas break. Your mother was out of town with her friend and you mentioned that you would be staying at Hogwarts but your two best friends couldn’t have it. They owled their parents and Mrs. Weasley insisted you came to their Christmas. Said she heard so much about the girl who the twins loved.
When you rode the train you sat in the compartment with the twins, and Lee Jordan. Four kids in a compartment playing exploding snap all the way to the train station.
When you arrived at the Burrow, you were attacked by Ron and Ginny, the younger ones. They were so excited to meet the girl that Fred and George couldn’t shut up about.
“Fred talks about you all the time. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You looked up at the older boy. You knew him as the Gryffindor seeker. It was Charlie Weasley; and he was much more handsome closer then the distance from the pitch.
You swallowed quickly before taking his offered hand in the shake, you rose your eyebrows smirking at Fred and George. “You can’t shut up about me. How sweet.”
Fred rolled his eyes, “You’ve been mentioned.”
You giggled, releasing your hand from Charlie’s. Realistically you were still a kid and he was almost a full grown man, but you couldn’t help but swoon.
You thought that childhood crush would go away, but it never did.
You were now about to start your fifth year. You were once again at the Burrow for Ginny’s birthday party. When Ginny invited you, you were so excited to see the Weasley’s before school started in September. You knew that they were going to Egypt, so you would be separated from your best friends.
Ginny was going into her second year at Hogwarts; Ron, Harry, and Hermione were going into their third, and Percy had recent news of becoming Head Boy.
“Happy birthday, Ginny!” You smiled entering her room.
“Y/N! You’re here!” Ginny ran up to you pulling into a huge hug. You and Ginny had become even closer after the encounter with Tom Riddle.
You smiled when Fred peaked from behind you, “Didn’t even say hi to your best friends?”
“I said hi to Ginny?” You tilted your head, a mischievous glint in your eye.
Fred hit you upside the head, you chuckled elbowing him. “Where’s my favorite twin? George! There you are.” You squeezed past Fred hugging George.
“Hi, Y/N! I think everyone’s about here now.” George grinned.
You turned reluctantly giving a hug to Fred; who was pouting from receiving no love from his best friend.
You four went downstairs to find the trio; Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They were speaking with Bill and Charlie. Fred elbowed you and you hit him upside the head.
“Y/n!” Harry sprinted to you embracing you. You took it as your duty to keep Harry Potter under your wing. You were like his older sister. You never told him his godfather was your dad, or mentioned that he was in Azkaban.
“Heya, Harry.” You grinned.
Ron and Hermione waved. Bill hugged you and Charlie smiled with a wave, not without noticing a new scar on his arm.
At Ginny’s birthday party, you were sitting on the porch watching your friends play a game.
“You don’t want to join them?” You glanced up at Charlie Weasley taking a seat next to you on the step.
You shook your head, “It was a long travel.”
“I agree, apparating from Romania to here was a lot.”
“I’m sure it was. How are your dragons?”
You had never had a conversation with one-on-one with Charlie Weasley and your butterflies were erupting in your stomach. You wanted to choke them all out one by one.
Oh, Godric. His smile was so pretty, “They’re good. A new baby girl was hatched right before I left; Hungarian Horntail.”
“So many people are scared of those dragons; I know they’re much larger than other breeds and their fireballs are longer distance, but I think they can be cute creatures. People are scared of something that’s territorial and bigger than they are.”
Charlie Weasley rose his eyebrows. He didn’t know you knew so much about dragons, “Woah you’re like a dragon expert yourself.” He chuckled nudging you with his arm.
Your arm in return erupted in goosebumps over the ghost of his touch. Gotta get yourself together; your best friends brother? Really, Y/N.
Your thoughts scolded you. You ignored them anyway and decided to listen to Charlie instead of your angry thoughts and your drumming butterflies.
“I wouldn’t say that. I like reading about animals or just reading general, but I have taken an interest to dragons.”
“Maybe I could show you the reserve sometime.” Your face lit up.
“Yeah, maybe.”
You didn’t see Charlie again until that next Christmas. You couldn’t wait either. You begged Remus and your mum to let you stay for the holidays again. Of course they agreed.
At Christmas dinner, you were squeezed between Fred and George. You encouraged them to give the Marauders Map to Harry; leaving out his dad was Prongs himself.
Charlie sat across from you and you both talked about quidditch and dragons again. He told you about how the baby dragon from Ginny’s birthday was doing and you were so entranced with him, you didn’t even hear George asking if you wanted to play quidditch outside.
The twins shrugged and left you to talk with their older brother. You two were left alone before you realized you should head to bed.
“Would you mind if I owled you to ask on how Roxie is doing?” Roxie was the name of the new baby dragon.
“No! It’d be a pleasure to receive letters about dragons and not my mother scolding me from being too far from home.” You giggled shaking your head.
“Goodnight, Charlie.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
You never told Fred and George you sent letters to Charlie through the rest of fifth year. Remus and your mum knew of course, you couldn’t shut up about Charlie to them. That’s how you and Charlie became good friends.
Then at the end of your fifth year, you were reunited with your father and Harry’s godfather. Harry thought he had been a murderer when he was out, but you knew your dad was innocent. Stories from your mother and Remus made you a firm believer that he was framed. Remus and your mum argued a lot about letting Dumbledore know he was an animagus, of course your mum won that fight.
You loved watching your mum and dad reunite. It was the favorite thing you saw that summer.
You attended the quidditch World Cup with the Weasley’s added Hermione and Harry. You shook your head when your best friends decided to bet all your money.
Worried, but you had full faith in them.
Charlie was there and you gave each small looks. You just turned 17 a few weeks ago. He said he was staying around a bit longer for something he needed to do. You had no idea what.
At the World Cup you and Charlie ended up sitting next to each other on the end. Fred and George were on the other end.
“Who do you think is going to win?” Charlie leaned over to talk in your ear.
You shivered your brain thinking of other times Charlie could be whispering in your ear.
“Ireland. It’s got to be.”
“I agree.” Another dazzling smile from Charlie Weasley himself.
After Ireland won, you and Charlie grinned fist bumping each other. Back at the tent, everyone stayed up for awhile. Arthur rushed everyone to bed after Ginny fell asleep on the table. You and Charlie had slipped out the tent sitting next to each other watching the Irish celebrate their victory.
“You know, I thought you were going to be as annoying as George and Fred are. Then I met you and I was totally wrong.”
“Thanks, though I do cause a lot of trouble with them.”
Over the course of the letters, you and Charlie were now close friends. You still had a raging crush on the boy. His light, platonic touches drove you crazy.
The Weasley family knew about Sirius’ innocence but you told Charlie first. Something ate at you about telling your best friends first, but it was Charlie who you ran to.
“That I also noticed,” Charlie chuckled.
You smiled, “Well I should head to bed. Goodnight Charlie.”
“Night, Love.” You froze at the pet name at the entrance of the tent but you let yourself smile brightly heading into the girl tent.
You knew you didn’t sleep for long when Charlie was shaking you awake, calling your name. You were confused as he pulled you out of tent as you struggled to put your nightrobe on.
“Charlie, what’s going on?”
“Death eaters.”
Your eyes widened as you met everyone in the living room. Fred and George were to take care of Ginny and you were to take care of Harry. Ron and Hermione and you two were to stick together.
Before Charlie took off you both shared a look of stay safe.
You took off with the crowd holding onto Harry’s arm trying to run to the gate, but you both fell getting trampled, becoming unconscious.
When you and Harry woke up, the tents were burned and Harry was stirring beside you. You saw a man and your breath was hesitant, but Harry didn’t.
“Black are you okay?” Harry muttered. The worst time to call each other by last names.
The strange man called the dark mark and you took in a sharp breath but after Harry spoke loud enough the man looked at you both. He ran off.
That’s when you heard a bunch of popping and surrounded by Ministry men. “You’ve be discovered at the scene of the crime!” Barty Crouch shouted.
Barty held a wand to your throat. Arthur came to your rescue. “She’s just a girl!”
“So? She’s Sirius Black’s daughter. He probably sent her to do this himself! Where’s your tent, Arthur.”
Arthur opened up the tent and the rest of the group shot up seeing Harry enter.
“Where’s Y/N?” George asked him and his twin worried sick. Thought he didn’t voice it, Charlie was too. Harry looked at his shoes not responding.
“Get in there!” Barty Crouch shoved you onto the couch.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked; you looked frustrated.
“Y/N Black was discovered at the scene of the crime! She conjured the dark mark.” Barty accused.
“I didn’t! You can’t arrest me because of my relations? What about you? Your son?” You asked tilting your head and Barty gasped.
“How do you know about that?”
“My father.” You spat. “Check my wand. Check Harry’s wand. I. Didn’t. Cast. It.” Barty took both of your wands and checked it. You both didn’t cast the spell.
“Sorry for the inconvenience.” Barty muttered.
After all that, you were lying in bed and couldn’t sleep. So you walked to a room you knew you could find rest in.
Charlie was still awake when you walked in. “Can I sleep with you? I just-“ you swallowed, your voice small. I cant sleep and I’m scared, Charlie.”
Charlie opened his arms and you climbed on into the bed cuddling in his arms, “What you did was pretty badass.” You giggled.
“Well, I didn’t want to go to Azkaban.”
He grinned, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair. You fell asleep much easier with your head on his chest and him playing with your hair.
That night passed, and you were back at Hogwarts with your best friends. After the first years were sorted , the triwizard tournament was announced. Luckily, you turned 17 last June. You stuck your tongue out at the twins because they didn’t reach the age limit.
You decided why not and you entered the tournament.
Charlie Weasley apparently got wind that you one of the four champions. He was so pissed. You two had never even had an argument until now. He told you that you were just a kid and shouldn’t be doing the dangers that was coming for you.
You were furious. He thought of you as a kid? You didn’t write back for the next month. The four champions were as listed: Y/N Black, Harry Potter, Victor Krum, and Fleur Delacour.
The first task is when you saw Charlie again. You didn’t even look at him. You got the Swedish short-snout. Luckily you knew a lot about this dragon, and the Hungarian Horntail so you gave Harry tips when no one was paying attention.
Before it was your turn, Charlie dragged you privately.
“You’re crazy.”
“Thought I was just a kid.” You hugged. Charlie sighed running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry. You’re not a kid. You’re too strong. I was just angry when I wrote that. I just worry about you a lot.” He sighed rubbing a hand up and down your arm.
“Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I do what it takes to win.”
“Y/n one more thing.” You rose your eyebrows, “I want you to know-“ the cannon shouted and they screamed Black. It was your turn.
Without another word, you ran off to fight your dragon.
You tied first with Harry.
Charlie returned to Romania and you didn’t see him until Christmas. You were getting ready for the third task; you and Harry still tied. You joked about winning this thing together and it seemed possible.
At Christmas, you found yourself alone with Charlie after everyone had gone to bed. You both were sipping tea and just talking. “Have you ever tried firewhiskey?”
You shook your head and Charlie left before bringing back a bottle of it. He poured you and himself a glass. You took a sip letting the warm feeling travel down your throat. “Delicious.”
He chuckled, “Are you worried about the third task?”
You shook your head, “I’ve got Harry. I don’t care if I win.”
He smiled, continuing to sip his whiskey. Maybe you two drank too much. But Charlie ended up kissing you and you kissing him back. He mumbled something about tired dancing around stuff.
You were on the couch, his mouth on yours in a kiss of passion and heat. He slipped his tongue in your mouth and you moaned into his. He chuckled pulling back with a wide grin.
You and Charlie began to sneak around after that. The rest of the holidays ended up with kisses on the couch. You never talked about it after you went back to Hogwarts.
It was time for the third task. You and Harry decided to grab the cup together and it was a portkey. You were taken to a graveyard. You were left unconscious next to the trophy and Harry groaned getting up.
He noticed the grave that read tom riddle on it. He needed to get out of here. Before he could grab you and the key. Wormtail casted a spell to keep him bound to the tree.
He dropped Voldemort in a boiling cauldron, cut his arm off, sliced Harry’s for blood. Voldemort was back.
You were still unconscious when Voldemort talked to Harry.
Voldemort touched Harry’s scar before he noticed you. He kicked you and you let out a groan, stirring. Harry prayed that Voldemort would leave you alone.
“She’s important to you. I can tell.” The noseless man said to the scar boy. “Crucio!” Right as you began to stand you were back on the ground writing in pain, screaming in agony. It felt like needles were being plunged into your skin. Then he released the spell, you could breathe again.
Wrong. “Crucio!” He screamed again and that was the torture. Thinking that it was over but it wasn’t.
You couldn’t stand the pain and you were losing consciousness. Then it all stopped. Were you dead? No. You could hear Harry. Harry was fighting him. Next thing you knew you were back at the stadium, crying to be let go of. You didn’t know who was touching you.
There was cheering but it suddenly stopped when Harry was crying over your body. Your mum and Remus leaped out of the stands running towards you followed by the Weasley kids who were attending Hogwarts.
“Y/N?” George or Fred whispered, you couldn’t tell.
You blinked your eyes open tears spilling, “Harry.” You rasped holding onto his arm. He was sobbing. “It hurts.”
“I know it does, Sis. You got to stay with me your the closest family I have! Y/N!” Charlie was now at your side stroking your hair.
“Are you crying, Charles?” You whispered. “I told I’d win.” You tried to grin but it was more of a grimace.
“I told you to be safe too.” Charlie muttered.
Dumbledore finally arrived with mad-eye moody. “Harry what happened?”
“Voldemort!” He cried, “he’s.. he’s back. He could tell we were close somehow and just started Crucio after Crucio. She went through so many! I thought.. I thought she was dead.” The poor boy was heartbroken at the fact he could’ve lost his sister tonight. Charlie scooped you up and carried you to the hospital wing.
After a couple days of rest, you woke up feeling less painful and Charlie was sitting there. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, since you’re here.” He rolled his eyes with a smile.
“You scared me. I thought you were going to die without me telling you something because I was too afraid too.”
“What’s that?”
“What if you died before I told you I was in love with you?” He whispered grasping your hand.
“Well if I was dead I wouldn’t be able to tell you I’m in love with you too.” He grinned kissing your lips, lightly. He was scared of hurting you.
That summer you, mum, and Remus moved to the Grimmauld Place.
“Buttercup!” You ran into your fathers embrace with a giddy smile. You hadn’t seen him in a good while. He visited you when you were sick but now you got to live with him.
You had just turned 18. You were secretly dating Charlie Weasley and you got to move in with your dad. Best year ever!
The Weasley’s also moved in and you, Fred, and George worked on their products. You and Harry gave your winnings to the twins so they could do their joke shop.
Charlie was there for the summer too. You were of age so you got to join the Order. During those meetings you sat beside Charlie. He had his hand on your thigh and you played his fingers in his lap.
It was subtle, no one could tell. Except Sirius, he loved to tease you about him.
Late nights was included Charlie in your room full of cuddles, kisses and your favorites. You always made sure to lock the door so no one saw you and Charlie and entangled limbs.
Your secret was falling apart. Or you two just didn’t care. You brought up to the twins what if you and Charlie went places and they said they didn’t mind. Though one morning you did forget to lock the door.
“Y/N!” You shot awake off Charlie’s chest. George was holding an order form. “Charlie?”
Eyes wide you turned to Charlie who was smirking and starting to lean against the headboard. He brought you on his lap. “Meet my girlfriend.”
“No. Fucking. Way.”
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justinlvr · 1 year
MEET YOUR HEROES - george weasley
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PAIRING george weasley x male!reader
SUMMARY months within your relationship with george, he thought it was about time to introduce himself to the people that raised you to be the guy he loves; unaware of the fact he already met them informally.
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The boys dormitory was as noisy as ever thanks to the whiz-bangs that enamored everyone, courtesy of Fred making another set just for fun. George, on the other hand, lying on his four-poster bed, eyed the moving picture of his family, specifically the non-Weasley in his arms. He watched as the boy laughed at what Ron had told him, slightly falling on George's chest before staring back at the camera.
The repeating action kept bringing a smile to George's face for an embarrassing amount of time. The picture was taken right after a messy dinner in the burrow where his boyfriend, (Y/n), first met his family. He remembered how nervous you were despite his, Fred's, and even Ron's reassurance, but that just showed how much you wanted to be accepted by his family.
Everything went smoothly after the introduction, and George watched how you immediately fit right in. Conversations went on like clockwork, and his parents have loved talking about you ever since.
"Oi, look at lover boy, Fred, all smiles and heart eyes again!" Lee Jordan, their close friend, teased. Despite the crackling noise of the fireworks, his voice was loud enough to catch the attention of his twin with the same devious smirk the other had.
"You've got to get used to it, my friend! Not even our strongest love potion defeats that."
George scoffed and tossed his pillow towards Lee, hitting him straight on the face with an 'oof! ' erupting laughter from all three of them.
Fred, after safely keeping his whiz-bangs inside his trunk, jumped beside his twin on the bed and snatched the picture. "Oi!" George exclaimed, reaching over to get it back but was kicked off of the bed by his brother. Now Lee and George were on the ground while Fred crossed his legs, studying the picture.
George sat up on the floor and blocked the flying pillow from his other friend, but he kept his attention on Fred. "What are you looking at?" he asked, this time throwing his balled-up blanket at Lee and hitting him in the stomach.
"Don't worry, I'm not looking at your little boyfriend—I was just thinking, just now, how he already met our family but you never met his?" Fred's question was obviously a joke towards him; his overly exaggerated expression of what was supposed to be concerned assured him of that, though it did get George thinking.
You barely mentioned your family with him; the most time you did was when his mom asked but got quickly dismissed by Bill, the oldest of the Weasley children, who seemed more interested in knowing whatever he and Fred are up to in Hogwarts. George never realized how much of a mystery your family was to him.
Maybe you weren't just comfortable talking about them, George thought, but it made him curious. So naturally, on that same day, he left his room and walked across to yours.
George could hear your voice from inside, your shouts muffled by the thick material of the tower's walls. With a swift knock on the door, he was immediately answered by Percy, who had more bags under his eyes than he remembered.
"Hey, Perce, nice weather we're having?" George greeted his brother, who only groaned in tiredness as a response. The prefect already knows why he's here, so he only had to step away from the door to let him in. "Thanks, big brother." He patted the other's back, who was caught off guard by the impact, making him almost fall to the floor.
Now that George was inside, he finally heard what you're screaming about now.
"And when I threw that bludger, my eyes were solely on that nasty malfoy. If it weren't for that big-headed git, Flint, I could've knocked him off his puny broom!" laughter erupted from your door mates, and George, who had the perfect view from where he stood, saw how you were standing on the bed with a makeshift bludger made of paper.
"I can feel Wood's regret for making you a replacement player! We need your energy on that pitch!" one of the Gryffindor students, who's also on the quidditch team, exclaimed. "Maybe even replace one of the twins, eh?"
You chuckled, the mention of the twins making you double your grin. "You mean both of them?" The rest of the boys laughed as you threw the fake bludger in the air, hitting it with a pillow. You were about to go and grab it again when a hand snaked around your torso as you were about to jump off the bed.
"Where's all this confidence coming from?" George whispered into your ear, making you turn your head so fast that it probably gave you whiplash. The boy greeted you with his signature boyish smile, leaving a quick peck on your cheeks. The others watching made vomiting noises at the two of you. "You loved seeing me battered and bloody that much?"
You smirked, raising your eyebrows at him. "Only when it lets me play." With his arms still around your waist, you managed to step off the bed without letting go. "What are you even doing here anyway?"
George made an expression as if he were a deer caught in headlights, his smile falling from his face briefly. He remembered why he went to find you in the first place. The taller, despite how much he liked the position you two already had, unlocked his arm around you and held your hand instead. You interlocked your fingers with his almost immediately.
He looked around your dorm, seeing that everyone of your friends was inside. George knew it was a bit of a private conversation, so he led you outside. "Let's talk in the common room; there are fewer people down there."
"Did you do something?" you asked, "or did Fred do something?"
Your panicked expression made George chuckle as the two of you went down the stairs to the common room. Just as he said, there were about two Gryffindors talking to each other by the fireplace, since most students hang out in their own dorms when there isn't much to do outside. He pulled you to one of the couches and sat you down.
"You wound me, thinking of us that way," George replied, placing his arm around your shoulders as you sat down next to him. "Not too long ago, you made Goyle eat Ton-Tongue Toffee," you retorted, "and Snape almost blew a vein because of it."
"That guy deserved it," he simply said, shrugging with a smug look on his face.
You rolled your eyes, choosing not to reply to that. "Well, care to explain why you brought me here?"
George pressed his lips into a thin line, as if preventing himself from saying anything stupid. The memory of you talking to his parents suddenly flashed through his mind, giving him a bit of strength to get on with his question.
He adjusted his place on the couch, facing his body towards you. "I wanted to ask about—" He took a deep breath, seeing you patiently waiting for him to finish with an amused expression. He couldn't blame you, though; he can imagine how ridiculously nervous he looks right now.
"I wanted to ask about your family." The subtle change in your face made him continue a bit faster. "It's just—you met my family, got to introduce yourself as my boyfriend to my parents, and that's great and all—amazing, even—but we never talked about me meeting your family." George's words came out of his mouth like rapid fire, stuttering a bit in the beginning, but he felt good that he finally got it out.
You remained silent, deep in thought. To George's relief, you didn't look angry. If anything, you looked a bit solemn. This caused his eyes to widen, and he stared at your face in worry. He placed his hand on your cheek, making you laugh at his action. "What?" he mumbled. He was still concerned but mostly curious about your reaction.
You reached for his hand on your face, melting into his touch before giving him a smile. "I'm sorry I never brought it up. I guess I was just nervous for you, if that makes sense. My parents can be a bit—y'know, much—when it comes to me."
George chuckled, nodding. "You met my family, (y/n). I was born in a family that can be a bit much." His response made you chuckle, a grin forming on your face.
"I mean, if you want to meet my parents, you can. It's almost spring break!" you told him excitedly, intertwining your hands with his. He grinned at your suggestion: "I can make the arrangements! I'll just tell mom about it, and it's set in stone."
"And, hey," your abrupt, hushed tone caught him off guard, a familiar smirk on your face. "If you make a good impression, maybe they'll let you stay until the semester starts." The wink you gave him was enough clarification on what you meant, and he felt himself get red at your words.
George mirrored your smirk, grabbing a hold of your waist. "Now that's my type of encouragement," he said, pushing the two of them down on the cushions of the couch, giggling with each other.
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"And remember, George, no parent wants to know that their child's lover finds fake wands humorous." George's mom, Molly, readjusted the necktie and dusted his suit with a proud smile. "The first look is always important," she advised him, tucking the stray hair behind his ear.
"That's right, it would be a shame if that happened, Charlie Chaplin," Fred joked, eating a chocolate frog as he walked in circles around his twin. Their mother swatted him off with the comb before brushing George's hair for the ninth time.
He looked at himself in the mirror behind her, giving himself a pitiful gaze at his state. "Mum, don't you think this is too much? I'm not meeting the head of the ministry of magic or something; it's just dinner."
"Don't be silly! You look great. (y/n) would love it." What was an attempt for his mom to reassure him made George even feel worse. The thought of you seeing him like this made his face burn in embarrassment. Fred reappeared once again, saying, "Oh, he'll love it, mom! It won't leave his mind once he sees George," and his twin was not helping.
Their mom didn't tell Fred off, failing to realize he was joking, before doing some final touch-ups on the suit and taking a step back to see her son. She looked like she was about to cry.
Before she could add more flowers to his pocket, a knock on the door made everyone inside the house pause.
"C'mon, answer the door, darling! That's probably him." She smiled at George with such sweetness that he almost felt bad for the negative thoughts of what she'd done to him. He awkwardly walked towards their door and opened it, revealing his boyfriend. You wore your regular muggle clothing, vastly different from his get-up.
"Woah." He didn't know if George wanted to keel over and die at your action. "I mean, woah! That's truly extravagant—a bit formal for meeting the parents, don't you think?"
George could only sigh, itching his neck at the curious-looking fabric used for the suit. "Go tell mom that. She wouldn't listen to me!" You had to suppress the laughter in your throat, coughing into your hand as you patted his shoulder.
"I'll go to Mrs. Weasley; go change into your regular clothes." You gave him a quick kiss on his lips before entering his home. He had to blink once or twice as he walked upstairs to his room, watching your delighted expression as you proceeded to greet his mother.
It took George about 10 minutes to look normal again, wearing his favorite sweater—the only piece of clothing he had that wasn't matching Fred's—and a pair of trousers. His hair still felt a bit sticky from whatever his mom put on it, but he managed to make it go back to his old hairstyle. Once he got downstairs, he saw you drinking a cup of tea with his mom, who laughed at whatever you just said.
The noise of the wooden stairs made the two of you bring your attention to him. George expected his mother to look surprised or disappointed by the change, but she seemed oddly cheery.
"Your eye for fashion is truly wonderful, dear!"
George's eyes darted to you, an amused expression on his face. He wondered what type of spell you used on her to make her so fond of you—changing his mother's whole sense of style. But none the less, he was grateful for your amazing persuasion abilities, which made you ten times hotter in his most humble opinion. You simply gave him a cheeky smile, placing the cup on the table.
You hugged her one last time and said, "It's always lovely talking to you, Mrs. Weasley. We'll be on our way; don't want to get the parents waiting." She pinched your cheek lightly, physically cooing at your action. "Please, dear, call me Molly or Mom, whatever you see fit."
That earned her a chuckle from you: "I'll make sure George doesn't embarrass himself, mom."
As you turned to look for your boyfriend, you saw him with his arms crossed and a proud smile. George jumped from the last few steps of the stairs and right into your arms. "Should we just get married?" he joked, kissing you on the forehead.
"Let's hear what my folks have to say first." You stuck your tongue out to him, hiding how flustered you felt with his words, but the heat you felt on your cheeks proved otherwise.
Outside of the burrow was parked a flying motorcycle. George's jaw was practically on the floor when he saw the enchanted vehicle. "Is this yours?" he gasped at the sight of it, totally impressed by the small compartment on the side of it, which he believed was where another passenger could sit.
You chuckled, grabbing the helmet that you hung on the handle. "Nah, dad gave it to me just for today—to pick you up. I swore on my life I wouldn't crash, so here we are. This used to be really cool, black and shiny, but my dad had to build this little one because of me, he says." You rolled your eyes at the fond memory, wearing your helmet and giving George the other one.
"That's cute and all, but would I fit in there?" He was unsure if his legs would fit inside. You shook your head. "Of course not," you replied as if it were the most obvious answer ever, taking a seat on the motorcycle and pointing at the space on your back with your thumb. "You sit behind me."
George didn't ask any more questions, plopping himself on the vehicle and automatically hugging your body, not forgetting to lay his head on your chin. You didn't seem to mind it, flashing him a grin. The motorcycle roared as you began to move on the ground, slowly lifting yourselves up.
The trip was just as exciting as sneakily driving his dad's old flying car back then. The harsh winds hitting his body somehow calmed his nerves. He was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he was only a few flights away from meeting your parents. George instinctively held onto you tighter; the thought of them disapproving and making you two leave each other scared him.
His action didn't go unnoticed as you spoke, "Everything alright?"
George buried his face in your neck, careful not to distract you too much, before answering. "I'm fine," he said, muffled but able to reach you. He could tell you were attempting to comfort him as you tilted your head towards him, giving him free access to your cheeks and leaving light kisses on them.
Thanks to the darkness of the night sky, the two of you weren't seen by any muggles. You parked the motorcycle in front of a huge building filled with more windows than George has the patience to count. If he tiptoes hard enough, he can catch a glimpse of the muggles living inside. When you told him you lived in London near them, which you told him a few weeks into your relationship, he didn't think they were so close.
George removed the helmet from his head and handed it to you. "So, do you live in one of these?" he asked, pointing at the building. You could only give an unsure shrug and say, "Technically, yes." Your answer didn't really answer his question; but trusted you anyway. As you tucked away the helmets, you reached for your wand.
He watched curiously as you said a spell he'd never heard of, and almost immediately the building began to shake. It slowly revealed a new door with the number twelve on it, along with a metal fence that attached itself to the rest.
You gave your attention to him, holding his hand as you both started to walk to your home. "Ready?" It came out as a whisper as the two of you were now in front of the door. George gulped, and before he could register what he was about to do, he gently grabbed your chin and pulled you closer.
George kissed you, his lips meeting yours. It was short—shorter than you liked—but you knew it was his way of calming himself. "I'm ready." He nodded to himself, straightening his posture out of habit while you flicked your wand on the doorknob.
As the both of you entered, George could hear talking from a distance. The hallway was longer than his own room. Not even three steps in, a man popped out of the room from the other end.
"(Y/n)'s here!" The man had long hair, reaching up until his shoulders. Unexpectedly, he was wearing a suit. "He's kind of like Molly sometimes," he heard you whisper to him.
"Nice to see you all dressed, dad." You leave George's hand to hug your father. "Uncle Prongs is not going to believe me once I tell him about going back to your old get-up."
Wait, Prongs?
George tried to rack up his brain at the familiar nickname, though his nervousness is giving him a hard time to think. After you and your dad hugged, his attention went straight to George.
"It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm—"
"George Wealey, I'm well aware. My son has been talking a lot about you." The man's smile reminded him of you, calming down his nerves a bit at the positive reaction. "My name is Sirius, so don't call me sir; it sounds a bit formal, don't you think?" George would be lying if he wasn't amused at how similar you were to your dad, right down to the mannerisms and how you spoke.
Once again, he feels your hands on his, pulling him to move. "Where's Pops? Don't tell me he wants to do a grand entrance."
As if on cue, the three of you heard heavy and slow steps on the staircase beside the entrance to the dining room. revealed was another man, taller than Sirius and with brown hair. He had a few healed scars that decorated his face, making him look badass.
It took a second to recognize who he was looking at: "Professor Lupin?" George could hear your giggles to his side as the former dark arts teacher approached with a smile.
"When my son told me he's in a relationship with a Weasley, I thought he'd be with a boy like Percy ("Pops, c'mon!") But it seems he likes trouble better."
"Of course he does! He got his impeccable taste from his father," Sirius quipped.
The four of you began walking inside the dining room, seeing the table filled with variations of food. The set-up can probably battle the great hall in Hogwarts. There were more than four plates placed on the table—seven to be exact.
George wasn't the first to notice. "Are we having more guests?" you asked, sitting down on the left side at the end of the table next to Sirius, who sat in the middle, while Professor Lupin (George would call him Remus, but it just felt wrong addressing people who he knew as teachers first) sat on his right. You beckoned him to sit next to you, which he fully accepted.
"Yes, your uncle and aunt are coming, as well as Harry, of course." It was Professor Lupin who answered.
"Harry?" This time, George couldn't stop his mouth from talking. "You mean, Harry Potter?"
Sirius and Professor Lupin stared at him curiously before looking at their son. You had a sheepish smile, recognizing that look of theirs. You could only sigh as you held George's hand.
"Harry Potter is kind of like my cousin—not by blood, of course. Dad is his godfather, you see."
You could practically see the cogs inside your boyfriend's head spinning before seeing his eyes widen. "There he is," you mumbled with a chuckle as George gasped.
He tried his best not to point at two men in front of him, saying, "You're—you're Padfoot and Moony. Prongs is Harry's father. You guys created the Marauders' map!" The urge to jump from his chair and call Fred immediately was strong, but he kept his composure, still remembering why he was here in the first place.
"That we did," Moony confirmed, laughing in slight embarrassment. "Now I know who gave Harry the map," he added, making George blush at the memory.
"He and his brother are big fans of your work. It really helped us during our younger years in Hogwarts." You joined the conversation with a proud smile. "But I guess I was enjoying the map too much to bring up the fact that my family made it."
 George's nervousness was long gone as he faced you, "I can't believe I never realized!" He exclaimed, making you chuckle. "You knew exactly where Filch hid it and you knew how to use it."
"I never noticed how weird that might've been, either. You were too focused on how unbelievably charming and handsome I was, weren't you?"
"When you speak like that, you sound incrediblely like Sirius." Your other father commented as he watched the two of you with soft eyes, along with the mentioned man who gave him a cocky expression.
"Of course! He got the face and the personality from."
"It's nice to see you admit he didn't get his brains from you."
George watched the couple banter with one another, too mesmerized that he was literally sitting with legends that him, Fred and Lee could only dream of meeting. He felt his hand was given a tight squeeze, turning his attention back to you.
"I think they like you." You said, "They like to bicker in front of people who they find comfortable."
"Sounds like someone I know." George retorted with a laugh, earning a smack on his forearms. "You really are your father's son." he added, but this time he was able to catch your hand, kissing your knuckles.
"I can now see why you're a better prankster than the three of us combined, I mean, you have trouble in your bloodline."
You rolled your eyes at his words, "At least you now know I'm better than you."
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jlmhopper · 3 months
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #12
Prompt found here
(for my regular readers, this is the Harry Potter ficlet I meant to write yesterday)
The first order of operations, after their great escape from Hogwarts, was Gringotts bank to set up the last of their business affairs. After that, they went directly to the ministry. Fred and George shared a glance while in the elevator. They had some... Business with the family services division.
A week and a half after the Weasley twins left Hogwarts with a bang, Harry got a letter from them. Well, actually, Harry got two letters, a letter from Remus, which was a clever disguise for the letter from the twins, involving the same passphrase as the Marauders Map, and a letter from the ministry, which was explained by the letter from the twins from Remus.
Dearest Ikle Harrykins,
You should, at this time, have received a letter from the family services division at the ministry. We would have talked to you about this before going through with it, but we thought it best to act as soon as we legally could, instead. We want you to know that we have the utmost respect for your parents, and in no way are we trying to replace them—we'd be very poor replacements, in all honesty, your father was a legend, and your mum was bloody brilliant with a wand—we just want you to have a better home life than the one you do now, and we're tired of waiting for the adults in our lives to step up and step in. We have tried so many times to get mum or dad to lodge an inquiry or sue for custody, but they never took us seriously, and for that, we're truly sorry. They lost out on the chance to gain a truly spectacular—stupendous—extraordinary—yeah, alright, you get it, wonderful son like you. Instead, they'll get the shock of a lifetime, with their twin seventeen year old sons giving them their first grandbaby. Congrats, mum, it's a boy!
Harry, we want what's best for you, but we want you to trust us most of all. We know you struggle with authority figures, and we know there's a very good reason for that. You don't have to call us anything specific, simply using our names will do, but we're open to anything you'd be comfortable calling us. If you'd prefer more of a brotherly relationship over anything paternal, well, we certainly have more than enough practice with that! Either way, we will have to set and enforce certain rules, no matter what, though the what and how would be better discussed in person than over post.
We also want you to be prepared for a potential eruption of Mount Molly when we come to pick you up from the station, we haven't exactly told mum that we adopted you. We've only told Remus, Snuffles, and Bill, who helped ward our shop as part of our deal with the FSD for being allowed to adopt, "Someone of such standing while so young," hope you don't mind.
Anyway, if you want to tell your muggle relatives that you've found alternative housing for the rest of your schooling, you may want to do so soon, or you can simply write Remus back that you'd like your mischief managed and one of us will take care of it instead. Whichever you'd prefer, though honestly, I think Bill is planning on checking out those supposed blood wards on the place no matter what you say, just so you know.
We hope we haven't stepped too far out of bounds. We hope that we haven't broken your trust in us, or think we don't trust you for not talking to you about this before we left. Honestly, we thought of this idea right before we walked into Gringotts, so there wasn't time to talk to you beforehand. While it was somewhat spur of the moment, we do not and cannot regret adopting you, only the lack of discussion between us about it.
Hoping to talk again soon,
Gred and Forge
Before Harry knew it, he was in tears. He was beyond glad he'd taken the letters to bed with him and read them in privacy, or he'd have to explain to Ron and Hermione, or, Merlin forbid, the whole House, that he was fine, better than fine, even. His friends, his brothers, had seen him struggling to stay afloat, and instead of patting him on the head and telling him it was okay, they bloody well made him a life preserver and tied the other end to themselves. He legally never had to go back to the Dursley's ever again, the letter from the ministry confirmed it. Fred and George were his legal guardians, no one could force Harry to go anywhere without their say-so.
Hastily, and somewhat quietly due to the sleeping state of most of his roommates, Harry rushed to find a relatively intact piece of parchment to write his reply. He never wanted anything to do with his relatives again. A sob ripped out of his chest as it fully sunk in. He was free.
Hey all! Still sick (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) But we got snow this morning, so that was a good surprise! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ I had a really busy day today, so today's ficlet is pretty short, but I wanted to make sure I actually kept my word (even though I didn't write this the day I initially meant to (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ)
I'm not sure if I'll write any more non-Danny Phantom × DC/Danny Phantom × Batman ficlets (ie anything not of those crossovers) the rest of this month, I might throw in another Miraculous Ladybug × Batman ficlet or two for the practice, but I haven't really read anything not in one of those three fandoms (Miraculous Ladybug, Danny Phantom, and DC/Batman (a lot of Batman fics involve the wider DC universe, but not all of them...)) in a few months and that's making writing anything not in those fandoms more difficult than is helpful when I only have a single day to work on a given prompt 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ after November, when I'm no longer limited to just one prompt per day, we'll see!
Anyways, have a good morning/day/night!
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aza-writes · 6 months
hi everyone. I'm about to post a few new one shots and the next chapter of Blood Red and Revenge or Revolution but I have a few questions
As I mentioned in my get to know me post, I won a writing contest last year at my college and I was wondering if you would like me to post my story? Or better yet turn it into a fic? (it wouldn't be hard, it's just a few names that would need to be changed) Let me know.
ALSO, I'm writing an essay for my class that talks about how the ballad of songbirds and snakes enhances the original Hunger Games trilogy. Would you like me to post that when I'm done with it? I know the analysis of that topic is really popular right now.
I don't have clear dates on when the fics will be posted but they are almost done or in the editing and revising process.
thank you for being patient with blood red as I get my life together. Hope you all have an amazing day
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yzuposts · 27 days
A sudden, silly thought: calling Fred and George (or Gideon and Fabian) Gluten Free as nicknames. Or just a singular nickname for the two. “Oh, Gluten Free? Yeah they’re in detention right now”
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swiftieblyth · 1 month
Nightshade Sisters: Herbology
warnings- none
“Alright class,” Professor Sprout called. “Today we will be learning about Puffapods. Could anyone tell me what a Puffapod could do?” Lacy instantly raised her hand with a smile on her face. It was no question that Herbology and Care from Magical Creatures were her favorite two classes. “Miss. Nightshade.”
“Puffapods are known to cause dizziness to people, and are able to be used against a troll due to the fact that they are allergic to them.”
“Excellent as always, Miss. Nightshade. It’s good to have you back.”
“Thank you, Professor.” Lacy smiled.
“Great job, Lace.”
“Thanks, Freddie.” Lacy smiled. 
“All right class I want you to be working on a paper over Puffapods to give me on Monday at the start of class.” Professor Sprout explained. “Miss. Nightshade, may I speak to you for a moment?”
“Yes, Professor?” Lacy asked, when everyone left the greenhouse.
“How would you like to be my helper this year? You could tend to the plants, and come here anytime you'd like, as well as help other students when required.”
“I would love that! Thank you so much, Professor!” 
“Oi, Lace,” Fred asked at lunch that day. 
“Yeah, Freddie?” Lacy asked, turning to look at the red-haired boy sitting behind her at the Gryfindor table.
“Could you help me with my Herbology paper? I know nothing about Puffpods.”
“Puffapods,” Lacy cut in. “Not Puffpods.”
“See, that just proves my point. I know nothing about this.”
“All right, meet me at the library tonight and I’ll help you.”
That night Lacy skipped dinner and went straight to the library finishing up her homework from the day.
“Are you ready to help me?” Fred asked, looking down at her with a smile on his face.
Lacy looked up and smiled at him, seeing the plate of food in his hand. “You just couldn’t get enough food at dinner?”
“No, I ate,” Fred explained, sitting down in the chair next to her. “This is for you. I noticed you weren't there and thought you would be hungry.”
“Thanks, Freddie.” Lacy smiled, closing her textbook. “So where should we start?”
“I don’t know, maybe what it does?”
“Brilliant. Puffapod seeds can be found in mostly plants or teas–”
“Wait, I thought you said they make people dizzy.”
“A raw Puffapod, yes. If it is in something then it’s fine. It’s actually a very safe and livegive plant.”
“Gosh this is so confusing!” Fred whined.
“Oh shut it!” Lacy ordered. “We’ve only just begun!”
“Are you trying to bore me to sleep?”
“Fred, seriously  you need to get the paper done.”
“Why can’t you just write it for me? I know you’re already done with yours.”
“Freddie, I’m not going to write your paper for you, but I can help you.”
“Ugh, fine!”
Taglist- @uglyfish3rman, @melodyoflove99, @Warlike-morning,
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george-weasleys-girl · 8 months
George & Fred as Dads on Halloween
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Always decorates early.
Usually around mid-September.
Decorates the whole house, inside and out.
Goes for spooky, but not overly scary.
Insists on carving jack o' lanterns the muggle way every year.
Before he had kids, his favorite thing was giving out candy to all the trick or treaters and seeing all their costumes.
Now that he's a father, taking his kids trick or treating has become his favorite thing.
Matching family costumes are a must.
Involves his family in deciding what to dress up as each year and has it planned out months in advance.
Along with Fred, throws a Halloween party every year for family and close friends.
They switch out who hosts it each year.
Let's his kids have candy for breakfast the next day.
Like George, he always decorates early.
Also, like George, he decorates the whole house, inside and out.
Goes full-on creepy.
Why carve pumpkins the hard way when he can use magic?
Builds a haunted maze that trick or treaters have to go through to get candy.
Before having kids, he loved to jump scare trick or treaters as they navigated their way through the maze.
Now that he's a father, he loves taking his kids trick or treating more.
Usually meets up with George, and they all go together.
Doesn't care too much about matching costumes, but if his s/o and his kids want to do it, he's game.
He and his kids stuff themselves silly on candy Halloween night (ignoring his s/o's pleas against it).
Because they're all usually too sick to eat breakfast the next morning.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
@drama-queen-fromthevault @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @themaraudersslut @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @phant0mkitsune @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @rhunew @lunacurlclaw
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
George Weasley As A Dad Headcanons
Newborn/Baby Edition
Offered by your certified George Weasley Wife. I have the ink to prove it. Ask my Muts!
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He’s going to be the most emotionally there for his kid possible. Once he has his first kid, it kinda dawns on him that having a big family like Molly and Arthur did might be a bad idea. He loves the idea of a big family, but is quick to realize that he just wouldn’t be there emotionally like he wants. Especially with the job to worry about. At most, three kids. If anything, he’s fine with one. That just means they get all his attention after all.
That baby is gonna be in a sling, as he runs around the shop. He’s not gonna just be the type to leave the kid to be ‘nannied’ by his partner. He’s going to be a parent. And don’t worry. He lost an ear after all. He’s gonna make sure the baby is wearing ear protection in the shop. Then again, they’ll be a Weasley. Kinda built in.
Since he’s always been the ‘emotional’ twin, he also has that emotional maturity. Such as knowing not to utterly spoil his kid, and make sure they understand the value of money. Along with poor habits don’t mean bad habits. Not to say he doesn’t love to spoil, but he’s gonna make sure they understand that being rich isn’t what makes you happy. But it sure solves alot of problems.
That baby honestly might be more glued to him than his partner! And they were actually inside being made! What can he say? He loves family. Especially children.
He is also the one to offer diaper duty. He’s kinda immune to bad smells at this point, and also has changed diapers before. Plenty of times. So it’s not like it’s a big deal to him. His job is about invent messes after all, and someone had to clean them before Molly got home. Diaper duty on him
That baby is 100% being taught Sign as well, as they grow up. Not just because of him being partially deaf. It’s good to learn anyway! Another language, a great way to communicate when they can’t speak, stimulating, it’s gonna only benigit. It can also be kinda like their own secret language they can share, since so few people know it after all. Over all be invested in the deaf community, as he would be as well
Speaking of languages, that baby is going to grow up knowing so many. Arabic, Romanian, French, oh man. Big family, lots of languages. This baby is never going to worry about a damn job with knowing tongues like that
That baby is going to be eating so good. He’s going to make everything by hand. He’s going to make baby food fresh himself, and make sure that milk is given different flavors to make sure that little ankle biter gets all the nutrients they need. That baby isn’t going to have to suffer like the younger Weasleys did
You better get used to the baby talk. This man is going to have the most straight face conversation with that baby’s babbling, yet somehow know exactly what’s going on the whole time
Like I said. He’s going to have that baby in a sling while he works. It’s gonna be matching to his suits, it’s gonna have sewn on patches, he’s gonna style
Three am baby feeding? He would have that covered…..But Ghost Fred says not to hog the baby. You two will think for the longest time you have a well mannered calm baby. Hey, bless him. More sleep for you two, and private time!
Group costumes group costumes group costumes. He will find an excuse somehow. Holidays, selling limited time products, he needs his family all matching!
Love. So much damn love. That baby is never going need to worry about coming home with a problem. That baby is never going to be scared to come out of the closet, or talk about self doubts. Never ever EVER-!
It’s one big happy family. Never worry about that. Family, well off, happy, stable, and just so full of love. Love and happiness
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m00ny-0 · 4 months
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Chapter two of my Fred x OC x wolfstar dads fic is up. Please bear with me as I remember how to write again.
‘Tabitha gripped Fred around the wrist, feeling him tense up beneath her grasp. She held on firmly, her grip a silent plea to stay calm, to resist the urge to lash out in anger and pain. Fred turned to look at her, his eyes filled with a range of emotion— rage, sorrow, and a deep seated longing for the friend they had lost.
Beside them, Lee stood with George, his grip firm on his friend's arm as he too sought to quell the rising tide of anger threatening to consume them.
“Come on, let's just go.” Tabitha urged, her voice firm as she gently tugged on Fred’s wrist, refusing to let go despite the burning rage coursing through her veins. With a heavy sigh from each twin, they finally relented, allowing themselves to be led away from the confrontation.’
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owlarchimedes · 2 months
Fred and George's shop selling shirts that say "Don't get splinched!"
That's it send tweet
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