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18 posts
She/Her | Proud Hufflepuff! 💛 | writing for fun! 🕯️🍁
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moontopuff ¡ 3 months ago
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Summary: Twins got curious about your miggle thing - pencil.
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It was one of those bustling afternoons at Hogwarts, where students just couldn't calm down. You were nestled in a quiet corner of the library, trying to focus on your essay but the sounds of laughter and the occasional shout from the hall filtered in, making it hard to concentrate.
Just as you were about to lose your train of thought, you felt a familiar presence behind you. “What do you have there?” Fred’s voice was suddenly right in your ear, causing you to squeak in surprise. One would think you’d be used to the Weasley twins sneaking up on you by now, but no; every time they did, it was the same. And they loved your reaction every time. Their laughter echoed in your ears, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, even as a smile crept onto your face.
“Is it a Muggle thing?” George chimed in after they’d both stopped chuckling at your startled reaction. The twins leaned in closer, their curiosity piqued.
You beamed, the excitement bubbling over. “Oh, yes! It’s a pencil! It’s for writing! And it’s so cool!” You held it up like it was a precious artifact, your eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
Fred raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “But aren’t you a—”
“Yes, yes, I know!” you interrupted, rolling your eyes at his implication about your Hufflepuff status. “But there are plenty of Muggle-born Puffs, you know? Some of the first-years even bring their own pencils and notebooks to Hogwarts because they’re nervous.” You leaned in conspiratorially, lowering your voice. “Besides, they’ve been using them in our common room, and it got us curious. Now there’s a whole stash of pencils for everyone to use! Isn’t that nice?”
You glanced at the twins, noticing their confused gaze, clearly not understanding the glory that is a pencil! You could practically see the wheels turning in their heads as they processed this new information.
“So, how is it better?” George asked, leaning into you and using your shoulder as a makeshift armchair. You huffed in playful annoyance but let him stay there, knowing it's not the first nor the last time he will do it.
“Okay, so look!” You pulled out a piece of parchment and wrote “Fred & George Weasley” in your neatest handwriting. “See? It’s neat and not messy at all!” You held the paper out for them to examine.
“Hmmm,” they hummed in unison, their eyes scanning the writing with a mix of curiosity and slow understanding. In a second, before you could react, Fred took the paper and tucked it into his robes. “We’re confiscating it.”
“Oh, sure you are,” you waved a hand dismissively, being used to their non-typical behavior. Really, it's rare that you could predict how they would react or what they will do. But, nonetheless, you like them for their unexpectedness, and so, you couldn't help but let the small smile creep into your face. “Don’t you want to take the pencil, though?”
“Well,” George began and you could see how he tried to sound and look serious, “next time you could take one for your bestiest besties. We wouldn’t complain,” he finished innocently.
You laughed, shaking your head fondly at their antics. They were insufferable sometimes. “Sure, next time. Now go, I have to finish this essay!” You shooed them away, and they departed, probably already thinking about some pranks or others.
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moontopuff ¡ 3 months ago
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Summary: twins hear some nasty rumours about you, and don't like people talk like that about their favourite Hufflepuff.
Other: hurt/angst? I mean, group of students are gossiping about your relationship with twins in a nasty way... its mostly about twins reactions and their wave of protectiveness towards you.
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The corridors of Hogwarts bustled with the usual energy, as Fred and George Weasley strolled through the hall, joking about their next prank. Their conversation slowly faded as they neared a group of Hufflepuff girls chattering animatedly just ahead.
They weren’t ones to eavesdrop, not random students, because their topics were usually just too boring. Still, when your name slipped into the conversation, both twins fell silent, instinctively tuning in. It wasn’t like they could help it when it was you they were talking about.
"…Right! And Ernie asked me to the ball yesterday, so I’m going too!" a blonde girl said excitedly, her voice carrying through the hall.
"Good for you, girlie!" her friend, a brunette, chimed in, clapping her on the shoulder. But then her tone shifted, quieter now. "And on the topic… Do you know if anybody asked (Y/N) to the ball yet?"
Fred and George slowed their pace, glancing at each other with smirks. Did somebody ask their favorite Hufflepuff yet? You didn't tell them anything, and if they will know thanks to gossip... Well, they will use it to tease you, for sure. That's why they stopped their walk, pretending to be interested in something else, while listening to conversation.
"I talked with that girl who is close to her, and I know that nope! And isn’t it kinda sad that nobody’s asked her to the ball yet?" another girl snickered.
"Yeah," the blonde one agreed, her voice softer but tinged with clear jealousy. "Especially since she’s always seen with the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan. I figured she’d be the first to have a date. She's close with them, after all."
"Exactly," the brunette chimed in, her eyes wide with faux innocence. "I mean, if she’s so close to the twins, how come neither of them wants to take her? I heard some Ravenclaw's talking that it's probably she’s… you know… giving it up to both of them, but they still don't want her, and thus she still can’t even get a proper date."
Weasley twins blinked in unison, too surprised to do more than that. That's... not what they were expecting to hear.
Fred woke up first and felt a wave of disgust wash over him, his hands balling into fists. George’s jaw clenched beside him, the tension building between them as they forced themselves to stay silent and listen.
"Yeah, like, that’s just pathetic," the blonde said, her voice turning mocking. "She’s hanging around them all the time, probably hooking up with both of them, and yet here she is, still dateless. That’s… well, kind of sad, don’t you think?"
A chorus of giggles followed, the sound hitting Fred and George like a slap in the face. The idea that anyone could think that they are spending time with you only for your body... That you were only their plaything, while that couldn't be more far from the truth. The fact that people believed it was happening and were laughing at you for it—made their blood boil.
"She’s probably desperate," one of the girls added, her tone casual but venomous, and that was the last thing twins' heard as the girls started walking away and their giggles finally faded into the distance. With that, the twins also resumed walking, not a world exchange between them, just cold silence. Neither of them spoke for a few moments, their minds racing with anger and guilt. You were their friend—someone they cared about deeply, and hearing people spread lies and cruel rumors about you left a bitter taste in their mouths.
"You think she’s heard any of this?" George asked quietly, his voice tinged with concern.
Fred’s frown deepened. "If she has, she hasn’t said a word. But Merlin, if she knew what they were saying…"
They both knew how kind and loyal you were—always trying to avoid conflict, always looking out for others. You weren’t the type to confront people, not unless it was absolutely necessary. You’d rather keep your head down, maybe even shrug off the rumors with a weak smile, even if they were cutting you deep inside. The thought of you, bashful and kind as always, hearing something like this made Fred’s stomach twist in knots.
"She doesn’t deserve this," George muttered, shaking his head.
Fred’s eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination sparking behind them. "We’ve got to do something. She shouldn’t have to deal with this rubbish."
George smirked slightly, though there was no humor in it. "Something big. Make sure everyone knows the truth without making her feel embarrassed about it."
Fred nodded, already hatching a plan in his mind. "Subtle enough that she won’t notice what we’re up to. But obvious enough that no one will ever believe those lies again."
They continued down the hall, their thoughts already racing ahead to what needed to be done. This wasn’t just about protecting you from gossip—this was about reminding everyone that you were worth far more than the cruel words of a few petty girls. That you were more than your body. You were loyal, hardworking, and kind, and anyone who thought less of you clearly didn’t know you at all.
"By the time we’re done," Fred said, a glint of mischief finally returning to his eyes, "she’ll have half of Hogwarts wishing they were her date to the ball."
George grinned, feeling the tension between them ease as they began to plot. "And we’ll make sure everyone knows she’s not someone to mess with."
Silently, they decided that you now, along with Ginny, are under his protection: who will do wrong to you, will do wrong to them, and thus, punishment will be given. They knew you could handle yourself, but why let you do that, when they could do it themselves, and spare you dealing with rubbish people? The twins walked off with renewed purpose, ready to set their plans in motion.
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moontopuff ¡ 3 months ago
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Summary: Cold day at Hogwart, you freezing out, and twins making it better :)
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It was a bitterly cold day at Hogwarts, the kind where the wind snaked through every cloth you were. The sun was hidden behind clouds, casting long shadows without offering much warmth. You, Fred, and George Weasley were trudging through the castle grounds, heading to your next lesson. The cold had sunk deep into your bones, and despite your Hufflepuff scarf being tightly wrapped around your neck and mouth, it wasn’t doing much to help.
“Why is it so bloody cold today...” you grumbled into the scarf, your words muffled and barely escaping the fabric. The three of you were making your way across the courtyard, the wind biting at your exposed nose.
Fred, with his usual grin, gave you a sideways glance. “Probably has something to do with the fact that it’s freezing and there’s no sun. Just a theory, of course.”
You huffed, narrowing your eyes in mock-annoyance, and swatted at him lightly. “Oh, brilliant observation, Fred. Thanks for that groundbreaking weather report.”
George snickered beside you. “Still cold? Your scarf’s covering half of your face. Isn't it enough to keep you warm?”
“No, dummy! My nose is still freezing,” you said, tugging the scarf higher up your lips in vain. “I need full face coverage or else this scarf does nothing! Ugh my poor, poor cold nose... Care to touch if you don't belivie?” You gestured dramatically, kinda annoyed because of the cold, offering them the chance to check for themselves just how cold your face still was.
The twins exchanged grins and before you could react to their new, probably stupid, idea, they leaned in closer to your face. Fred touched your left cheek and George your right one at the same moment. Both twins dramatically hissing from cold.
Fred was first to spoke, feigning shock. “Blimey! I think I’ve lost a finger!”
George followed suit, dramatically clutching his hand as if he’d just touched a block of ice. “It’s like touching a snowman! How is this possible, Puffy?”
You couldn’t help but giggle at their antics, rolling your eyes at their silliness. “You two are ridiculous!”
You were walking two steps before them and still wrestling with the fabic, trying to cover more of your face, when suddenly you felt an extra warmth being wrapped around your head making you stop in your tracks. You took a second to register that one of them had draped his own Gryffindor scarf over your face, covering your cheeks and nose, leaving just your eyes peeking out. Exactly how you wanted it to be from the beginning.
“Oh?” You blinked, trying to adjust your vision, but the two scarves had reduced your view to a mere sliver. The sudden warmth made your heart flutter as much as the fabric heated your cold skin.
“Now, that you look more like walking clothes than human, it should be okay, right?” The voice was teasing, and close, but so was the other one. You simply couldn’t tell which twin had taken the initiative this time.
“Perfect.” the other chimed in, adjusting the extra scarf with a flourish. Still, they both were so close, and...
And you could feel yourself blush, warmth creeping up under the layers. “Perfect, huh? More like a bundled-up puffball.”
"A cute one" voice said, making you weirdly warm and dizzy.
“And now you're just the perfect mix of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Ah, didn't we make you so pretty, Puffy?" the other teased.
The warmth from the extra scarf did its job, but what really made you feel warmer was the thoughtfulness of their gesture. They could be sweet when they wanted to—though you’d never tell them that directly, lest it inflate their egos even more.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, trying to hide the smile creeping up your face, forgetting that they wouldn't be able to see it anyway because of a scarf. Taking a mental deep breath in and out, you shushed the weird feelings away, and focused on the boys on your two sides.“You two. We’re getting hot chocolate after lessons. No excuses!”
“With that weird Muggle sweet flying on the top of cocoa?” they asked in unison, their excitement palpable.
“Exactly.” You laughed again, the happiness in your voice clear even through the layers of fabric. “And whipped cream!”
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moontopuff ¡ 3 months ago
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"so what, I won't give up." said an annoyed Hufflepuff tugging behind them a shocked Slytherin.
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moontopuff ¡ 4 months ago
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unhinged hufflepuff student text posts 💛😌
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
Thanks for existing
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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it was probably on one of your shared classes with Gryffindor
person from your house gave the answer, and didn't get points, when person from gryffindor gave the same answer, just louder, and got points. That made your friend upset and you - super annoyed. Because you *really* didn't like unfairness. So, you speak up, and from word to word, discussion between you and professor took nearly whole lesson. And in the end your friend also got points, so hurray!
nonetheless, that's when Fred realized that "bloody hell, that just made my heart race", and since that day, he started to look at you differently. not like a friend, but more.
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Fred isn't as secretive as his twin. after he realized he had a crush on you, he started talking about you non.stop. And it was only the beginning of his crushing stage!
earlier, he just liked spending time with you, but now? now he’d find any reason to spend time with you. even if it's not your best day, and you're all grumpy, and snappy, he just wants to be next to you, ya know?
reliazed that you're too used to his teasing and flirting, so he decided o try different approach; touches! Of course within your boundaries, but brushing hands or shoulders while walking, pushing hair from your face and accidentally touching your skin, first making you nearly fall, so he can then catch you and help you up. He's very creative, so beware!
started calling you "love" & darling "isn't it our darling Puff waiting for us?" "Don't be snake, love, share your notes with your friend??"
he was a talkative man, as always, but now that he likes you he's talking even more. like, just babbling a lot, and checking if you listen to him and if u like said topic
goes out of his way to always say hello to you first. and often is kinda dramatic with it like:
"Puffie!" said Fred, elbowing some Gryffon out of the way and bowing deeply to you with the biggest grin,"Simply splendid to see you, love"
He gives you little things to drop hints, like your favourite sweets from Honeydukes, or that [plant/flower/herbs] you always talk about, just because its so happened that he saw one (yeah, not that he was searching for it more than a hour, noooo)
when you compliment him, he blushes but pretends that it's not real: "aww, stop, you're embarrassing me~"
"accidentally" blowing warm breaths across your ear, just to see your reaction (loves seeing your pink cheeks)
wherever you're in quidditch team or not, you and Fred have this kind of rivalry between houses before game like "we will win, this time Freddie~" "in your dreams, love!" but not an arrogant one, it's just... full of romantic tension, ya know?
so yeah, people may start shipping you two. you brush it off, but see that Fred is weirdly proud of being shipped with you...? "huh.."
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he was (mostly) confident that you like him back. but! he had so many ideas of different ways to confess to you, that he didn't know which one to choose
so that's kinda way it took him longer than expected
and the funniest thing? In the end, he confessed without thinking about it!
It was late evening after detention, and you were both tired. George had run off with Jordan, leaving you and Fred in the Gryffindor common room. “Too tired, man/George,” you both muttered at the same time at their invitation to join, chuckling softly as you sank into the couch. You tried not to fall asleep, reminding yourself this wasn’t your dormitory, while Fred dozed off beside you, his head resting on your shoulder. You smiled to yourself, happy that he feels safe and comfortable with you, His weight was warm and comforting. You couldn’t help but glance at him every so often, his soft breathing distracting and relaxing at the same time. You kept reading your book until Fred stirred, suddenly sitting up and blinking around groggily. His eyes found yours, and you asked if he was alright. Instead of answering, he smiled sweetly, leaned in, and kissed the corner of your mouth. “Thanks for being alive,” he mumbled sleepily before resting his head on your thighs, slipping back into slumber. You froze, heart racing. What just happened? Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked down at him, completely still except for the rise and fall of his chest. You barely knew what to do, your mind blank for a moment, as your fingers gently began to run through his hair. He didn’t move, completely lost in sleep, but your mind was racing. What had just happened? The next morning, Fred was waiting outside the Hufflepuff common room, looking unusually nervous. His hands fidgeted in his pockets, and you couldn’t help but find it endearing. “Um, hi?” he greeted, his voice a bit unsure. You smiled. “Hi, Fred.” “So, I guess you already know my feelings…?” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Or, can I confess again?” He finished with an uncertain grin that made your heart skip. Without a word, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him, whispering that you liked him too. Fred laughed, nearly squeezing the air out of you in pure joy, lifting you off your feet for a moment before setting you back down gently.
later he told you about all the different ways in which he wanted to ask you out, and honestly, you were grateful that it didn't come to that…
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giving you compliments or "love you's" at random times a day, every day. he just want to make sure that you know how perfect you are in his eyes
purposefully hiding your stuff when you're hanging out in Gryffindor common room, so you will have to come back to him
getting random, surprise kisses here and there, because he loves seeing your blushing face (even in class, honestly!)
him booping your side when you're hanging out and he's bored "at least give me your attention, love~!" he would whine at you
lot's of you playing with his hair, and him playing with your fingers, when you're hanging out with others
and his contented grins when you run your hand through his hair when you two are alone (he can be very vocal...)
but yeah, he also likes using you as an armchair
tutoring him!
although he gets easily distracted, be it by his own thoughts, other students or you
You rolled your eyes, trying to focus on the textbook in front of you, but Fred's lips were brushing your knuckles again, his soft kisses trailing up your arm. "Fred..." you muttered, swatting him gently. He let out a playful whine, resting his chin on his hands, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I’m trying to help you study,” you added, poking his side with an annoyed expression. You loved him, but he can be a lot sometimes. Fred just grinned wider, staring at you like you hung the stars. “I can’t help it, you’re too beautiful.” You blushed, kinda startled by his words, fiddling with the sleeve of your jumper. “My hair’s a mess and there’s a stain on this.” “Like I said,” Fred leaned in closer, whispering against your hair, “most beautiful girl here.” You groaned softly, face burning as you buried it in your hands. “Stop it, stupid.” Fred chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Alright, alright, I’ll behave. For you.”
you’re probably the center of his cocky jokes or while he's teasing others. but don't worry, he always paints you like the sexiest, most awesome goddess ever
often pulls you into his lap, just because
you don't mind, because it's nice being pressed to his chest, and listening to his voice up close
and he likes having you this close, and be able to smell your scent, that calms him down
would have random, weird ideas, that he wants to do with you
"Can we do something fun?" Fred asked, leaning against the common room table, his grin as wide as ever. You raised an eyebrow, not even bothering to look up from your parchment. "Like what?" "Just please say yes?" He shot you a charming grin. "It won't harm you aaand—you get a free makeout session tonight. Hmm?" You couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes at his absurd bribe. “Fine, yes. Whatever you're planning.” The next morning, as you walked through the halls of Hogwarts, you tugged at your collar, now adorned with Fred’s bright Gryffindor tie. Glancing over, you saw Fred proudly sporting your yellow Hufflepuff one. He walked over to you, greeting you with a quick kiss. “I look dashing, don’t I?” Fred smirked proudly adjusting the tie with way too much enthusiasm. "You look ridiculous," you muttered, biting back a laugh. But as you glanced at him, you realized that he was showing off that he was yours, proudly wearing your house colors like a badge of honor. You leaned closer and gave him a light peck on the lips, lingering just a little longer than usual. “You really just wanted everyone to know we’re together, didn’t you?” Fred’s grin softened, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Maybe... I am the proud boyfriend of the most amazing Hufflepuff, after all.” Blushing at his words, you couldn’t help but bury your face in his shoulder, whispering, “Since when you are so soft?” Fred chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You're my only exception.”
him sending you playfull kisses during his quiditch games
and overall just him being distracted by you during games
but as it turns out, he has divided attention so it works, and he still is an awesome in the game
sweaty hugs after the game, which he knows you don't particularly like, but he gives you ones anyway, because he loves you and want to celebrate with you, or needs you to hug him after not winning
him sometimes being slightly jealous, because a) why there are so many animals in Hufflepuff common room and b) why are you giving them attention (and kisses) more than him!?
and he always gets weirdly excited when you swear or get like *really* annoyed, saying that it's hot of you
and as with Geroge, as Fred's partner, you're making it to the stadium of Molly's favourite in-laws, placing you next to Harry & Hermione!
overall, lots of love, teasing and being silly and happy together
If you would like to read again how you met twins and how friendship with them looked like: [Click]
If you decided to change the twin: [George Weasley route]
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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upset hufflepuff core: isolation & bad thoughts about yourself
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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I think he realized it on a normal evening, you were sitting in Gryffindor common room with twins; you on the couch, Fred on the armchair of course, and George sitting on a carpet in front of you. They were talking about their new invention; Fred mostly talked about the outcome of said thing and how testing was going, meanwhile, George was talking about how he came up with the idea. It wasn't much known in the Hogwart, but George was better at potions; better at making them and changing proportions to make something new.
you, of course, knew that, but you couldn't help but see that sometimes George was a little bit shy about his knowledge, as if it would make him a not good enough Weasley twin or something. Honestly, you couldn't know.
but, u didn't want him to feel any less because of this, so, you were listening intently to the origin story of making up this new thing, and when he ended you complimented him:
“Honestly, it’s all in the potion proportions!” George declared, his eyes lighting up as he spoke. You leaned closer, captivated, sensing the flicker of uncertainty in his voice. He always seemed to second-guess his brilliance, as if it might be too much for the room. “That’s so cool, George! You really know your stuff,” you said, breaking in as Fred rambled on about the grand plans for their next prank. “What if you added more of the—what was it—Gillyweed? Would it be more dangerous, or would it just go kaboom?” George blinked, taken aback by your enthusiasm, a shy smile creeping onto his face. His cheeks flushed a soft pink, and he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly not expecting your genuine interest. “Maybe both!” he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. It was a quick reaction, and to mask the sudden warmth in his cheeks, he slid back into his usual, mischievous teasing self. “Ohh, should I expect you to get a crush on me now, for my incredible potion skills?” You rolled your eyes, laughter bubbling up. “Shut up, George!” you shot back, a playful smile on your lips. With a grin, you turned to Fred. “Now we know who the smarter twin is~” George’s laughter mingled with yours, as Fred pouted. As 'smarter' twin met your gaze and saw your smile, something shifted in him—a spark of something deeper, something new, and he wasn't just sure if he liked it or not
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he gives you sweet but joking-sounding compliments, wanting to make you smile/blush but not being obvious with it
started seeking your presence in every room; the great hall, classes, outside, or quidditch playground. He just wanted to see you, hoped to see you, and was over the moon when he actually saw you
after that one time you complimented his potion skills; every time twins show you their new invention he unconsciously seeks your compliment. He may not know this himself, but you realized it, after one time you didn't say anything about his role in the thing, and he looked like a pouting, sad puppy...
him actually beaming after you compliment him
sometimes, his eyes subconsciously drop to your lips when talking to you
George would start helping you carry your books to classes. He would reason it, that he's doing it for something else you did (u never have idea what he's talking about), but he just doesn't want to admit it yet.
his heartbeat faster every time you suddenly touch him or show him any affection. Of course, he hides it with his usual playful expression, but he leans in your touch, and just hopes you're obvious to that
when it's crowded in the hall, he likes to put his hand on the small of your back to make sure you don’t get separated. First time he did it, you were flustered as crazy, and he didn't even realize what he did until you were already in the class! When he realized, he just joked that it's because you're getting lost too easily, but do you really believe in that...?
Him getting flustered yet excited to see you cheering over him (and Fred) during Quidditch matches. When it's a hot moment you even call his twins names, and it helps his determination (he has to win for you)
teacher catching him gazing lovingly at you. Sometimes they just let it slide because *young love*, but sometimes they ask him what he's doing and he comes up with an excuse or just shrugs
He’d find himself staring at you even in the Great Hall, as everyone is eating, and isn't it quite something for one of the Gryffindors to stare lovingly at Hufflepuff table?
unconsciously starts talking and thinking more about you when you aren't around. Like, the classes you don't share together, and something happens and he's like "Y/N would scrunch her nose and giggle at that, I can just see it" or while you eat at your house table, and George casually starts talking about you to Fred and Jordan "Isn't she clumsy, lately? Nearly fall on her face while going today to the library!" not realizing his obvious puppy eyes.
George, being the more emotional twin, enjoys just being his calm, sometimes worried or serious self with you. He's happy that you don't only like him (and Fred) for being funny guys, but also like him when he's too tired or too worried of being a fun guy. He likes having emotional and serious conversations with you.
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He didn't want to confess to you for the longest time, not because he's shy, but because he's insecure. He loves Fred more than anything, but he can't help but sometimes feel that people prefer him. And so, he was bloody terrified, that you would be just another person who would prefer his twin. And he couldn't hear you say it, because it would break him, he knew that.
so it wasn't until Fred finally decided to speak with him about matter. Encourage him, tell him that Geroge is your favourite twin and it's obvious to everyone. And after a few days of that, he finally confessed to you.
people would assume that being Weasley twin, George would be confident and confess with a boom, but no. At said time he felt like nervous wreck, feeling his palms sweating, and his tongue-tied as if hexed. Nonetheless, one evening, as you two were strolling through the school grounds, he finally confessed with a nervous smile.
And you? Well... You couldn't be happier.
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simp, soft bf, pouting when you're annoyed at him
loves you to the moon and back
compliments you everyday, from general to very specific things
"You're the most beautiful person in the Great Hall.""That mole you have on [place] suits you well. I love it. Can I kiss it?"
after you two started dating, he started doing unconscious things, like fixing your clothes after hugging you or having out session, and also fixing your hair when the wind makes it all in your face. It's like breathing for him
Forehead kisses. holding hands always. back hugs at random times.
You were already comfortable with him as friend, but now, as you are with him, you feel that you can turn off your brain, and be hundred percent sure that he will make sure you will not get hurt.
he’ll never ever cross your boundaries (unless you want him too?)
he’s in touch with his emotions, so you’ve probably seen him cry and be furious a few times.
somehow you made a habit of napping on each other's shoulders. Sometimes even on each other's thighs...
he always lean into your touch, even when he's with his brother or friends. he would never be embarrassed of loving you
normally isn't easy to be flustered, but when it comes to you... well, let me tell you, that you have your ways of making his cheeks pink
as your bf he will sometimes do silly, gentleman things like; holding an open door for you, trying to stall stairs for you so u can make it on time, or leave some cute paper charms on your table.
will treat you like royalty you are
when you're too tired to get back to your own common room, he would give you a piggy back ride
pretty sure, he would give you massages when you're tired (in exchange for a kiss ;))
he wants to know even more about you
wanting to - somehow - be part of your hobby. For example; if u like reading, he would ask you to read out loud for him, or ask to borrow your fav book, so you would have a new share topic to talk about. And if you like make-up, he will gladly let you use himself as your model (and will be pretty serious if you ask him which look you did, he prefers!). And if you like sports/quidditch, he will train with you or be your biggest cheerleader. He just wants to support you.
so he may, or may not, make this invention especially for you (not for the prank, but to brighten your day and make you smile)
tickle fights
you wearing his jumpers, obv
holds your hand when anxious
now that you're together, he doesn't only stare lovingly at you at classes, but also holds your hand under the desk
cheering for him in every Quidditch game and even wearing his shirt to show your support (unless it's against Hufflepuff... then you're supporting both teams)
him showing off on his broom, making sure you're looking at him
him flying straight to you, after the end of the game (includes sweaty kisses)
your outside make-out sessions are often interrupted by curious animals coming closer to you (he's used to it, he knows that animals just like you, but can't they be curious when he doesn't have his tongue in your mouth??)
you stealing some food from Kitchens and bring it to your bf, when you know he's working on their new intention (he often forgets about eating)
him being surprised seeing you as if it was the first time, but tiredly grinning at you, giving you a quick kiss, and a strong hug, to keep himself going through the night
him grinning at you lovingly, as he's observing you naming the plant he gave you
if u have an allergy to something or just don't like specific food, he makes sure Molly knows it before he invites you to burrow. He may be a tricker but he knows when to hold himself, because he never wants to seriously hurt you or upset you
as his partner, you're making it to the stadium of Molly's favourite in-laws, placing you next to Harry & Hermione
overall, he loves you like crazy, you understand each other and support each other, love full of cuddles and emotional support
If you would like to read again how you met twins and how friendship with them looked like: [Click]
If you decided to change the twin: [Fred Weasley route]
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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how it started/how u met
okay so being honest, twins didn't notice you until your third year
that's when u, as a Hufflepuff, had transfiguration with gryffindor
and let's just say that they *had* to notice u
because u tried to do the task so.many.times. but it just didn't work and at some point u just yelled "bloody fuckin hell!"
and yes professor did take 10 points from your house for saying those words
but! thanks to that weasley twins noticed you! Right after the lesson, they approached you on the hall
"so. aren't you a naughty little hufflepuff?" "what's your name, Puffy?"
and so, this is how your friendship started.
and yes, at first twins were just curious about you, maybe just their gryffindor blood wanted something new
but nevertheless, it quickly changed into something more real, as they started hanging out with you
you laugh at their jokes, watch their quidditch games and sometimes lightly pack them on their heads when they are being too much of a nuisance. They realized they liked u as a person.
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so, just because you're their friend, doesn't mean they wont try and will prank you
that's why it often ends up in a game of tag; its either them running after you (sometimes you even win and end up safely in Hufflepuff common room!) or you after them (and trying to hex them after they pulled out their prank on you)
but yeah, so many times they tried to go after you to hufflepuff common room and they ended up smelling like vingear!
(you did ended up helping them with the smell anyway. just later, of course)
so u may, or may not, have slipped that u were always wondering how it feels to be kabedon'ed to twins
did they know what that is? no. did u told them? no. did they found out anyways? YES.
and so, this is how it started; your whole week of Weasley twins kabeddoning you in random places at random times.
your reactions were quite enjoyable, so was your flustered expression, which only made them do it again, and again,,,
(you did like it tho. even if u decided not to share that thought with twins...)
when you have classes together you can expect paper bird charm flying your way! Twins would write something or draw something silly. Sometimes just because they are bored, sometimes so they can make you laugh and make teacher reprimand you. Anyway, it's not boring when u share classes
their mom & dad loving you! Of course not as much as they like Harry and Hermione, but you are just behind them! And Molly can't help but appreciate you and your ability to tone down twins (at least sometimes...)
you make them study together with you, of course its not easy and at least half of the time they (okay and you too...) spend talking and giggling, but because of your reward system (after you learn this you can get that), they are a little bit more willing to learn (not much tho)
twins knew that you know a lot of hiding places in Hogwart, so they often include you in their pranks... if only for you to help them turn into right direction
but sometimes things just didn't work out, and you three ended up in detention
that's when twins could see your grumpy, annoyed side
them knowing you're not *seriously* mad at them, meaning they would try to make you laugh, betting who would make you laugh first, and so on
them wanting to prank you but you know better
"Puffie, come on, join us tonight!" the Weasley twins chorused, their grins practically gleaming with mischief. You crossed your arms, eyeing them suspiciously. “No,” you replied flatly, frowning. You knew that look too well. "Pleaaaase," Fred stretched the word out, pouting dramatically. "Don't be a bummer!" George leaned in closer, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Do you want us to beg?" he teased, and then Fred chimed in, smirking. "Are you into men on their knees?" You felt your cheeks heat up as they burst into laughter at your reaction. “Are you willing to be these men?” you shot back, still blushing but fire dancing in your eyes, not wanting to lose to them so openly. But they weren’t done yet. “What if... there’s food?” George asked, his tone suddenly innocent. Your interest piqued. “What food?” you asked, narrowing your eyes. Fred nodded seriously. "Good stuff. Sweet stuff. Whatever you like." “Fine,” you sighed, but you weren’t so easily persuaded. “You have to promise that next time I have a bad morning and I’m grumpy, you’ll hug me. A sandwich hug, at that!” You finished with a grin, proud of yourself. If you were going to be pranked, you might as well get something out of it too. Fred smirked. "Blimey, didn’t know you were so forward, Puff—” You smacked his arm before he could finish, a playful scowl on your face. George chuckled, taking your hand with a grin. "Deal." Of course, it was a prank. But there was food, and was it worth it in the end? Your future self would wholeheartedly agree.
them asking you to bring food for nightly study or just hanging out at night
“Why me? You already know where the kitchen is,” you asked, genuinely curious but not annoyed. “Yeah, but it’s late already, and we’re us, and you’re you,” Fred explained, as if that made perfect sense. “Meaning...?” you prompted, raising an eyebrow. George chuckled, leaning in as if sharing a grand secret. “You’re an innocent Hufflepuff, and we’re mischievous Gryffindors. If a prefect or professor catches us, they’re more likely to let you go, and us... well, you know how it usually ends.” He shrugged, grinning widely. You paused, contemplating. It made a strange kind of sense. It was a bit unfair, sure, but if you could turn it to your advantage, wasn’t that fair in its own way? “Mhmm, we’ll see. What do you want?” you asked, a mischievous smile tugging at your lips.
so yes, they would also sometimes 'use your hufflepuff self" for making things easier for them. and hey! at first it worked perfectly! But after a while, prefect and professors caught on that you're not as innocent as you seem, and you are friends with Weasley twins in more ways than they thought
one time they pranked you by making your hair [color], thinking you would get angry, but you just shrugged and decided that it looks nice on you, and you're keeping it for time being
so yeah, they wouldn't think so at first, but somehow, you match them perfectly!
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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hufflepuff death eather
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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weird hufflepuff student moodboard 💛
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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not-so-nice hufflepuff girl aesthetic
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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harry potter meme | [one] house - hufflepuff
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil.
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
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Potter-themed commission! Alexandra of Hufflepuff. 
I very much enjoyed this one.
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moontopuff ¡ 5 months ago
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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