dna-d2 · 2 years
Now I can FINALLY do other things again without feeling like I’m forgetting to do something in the back of my head.
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ahamkara-apologist · 10 days
Do you believe Lightbearers are changed biologically from before they became Lightbearers?
Can't believe I forgot to answer this- I genuinely thought I did until I was scrolling through my inbox and saw it pop up again. Oops.
Anyways, my headcanon is that yes, Lightbearers are biologically different than non-Lightbearers- they become so when their ghost is rezzing them for the first time. During the first rez, their bodies are essentially restructured to better suit being a vessel of Light, with far greater phsyical resiliance, capacity, and overall durability being granted as a boon from the Traveler so that they're not torn to shreds when using even the most basal abilities. Even Lightless, they're still much stronger than a baseline human, they cannot age (their telomeres simply do not degrade and their DNA repair kit becomes more accurate, so they don't incur the gradual DNA loss/nonspecific remedies that lead to the maladies of old age), and they're still paracausally sensitive, even if their conduit for channeling the Light has been cut. Outside of the never-aging and paracasal-sensitivity thing, the effect isn't drastic, but they are still noticibly hardier than a person who'd never directly touched the light of the Traveler would be. Eris, Zavala, and Osiris could be beaten by a sufficiently strong mortal in an arm wrestling contest, for example, but they're all able to learn to use Darkness/walk off injuries with an ease that a Lightless mortal cannot.
After the first rez, additional permanant change is possible, but it requires either paracausal alteration (such as wounds created by Darkness, wounds that were earned and began healing in a no-light zone, or subconcious paracausal alteration, where the Guardian's own body rejects the touch of the Light), or deliberate ghost manipulation. I like to headcanon that by using the Light in much the same way that they would heal, Ghosts can learn to tweak parts of their guardian's bodies to be altered to their liking, which is a method by which transitioning post-rez occurs, in the instance that one was not an exo or did not medically transition before death. It's extremely delicate, but all they have to do is use their bond and the Light to go 'hey, you're missing something, you need to make more of this hormone or grow more of this tissue to fully heal', and bam, gender transed :) This fully depends on the skill of the ghost, however, so its a slow process even if it can theoretically lead to a full transition over time, and certain tissues can only atrophy so far before they need to be cut off. In the case of exos, all the ghosts need to do is block the mental disconnect between the body alterations and the perception of what those should be, and that's about it
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certifiedceliac · 17 days
In a new preprint, a research team, led by Dr. Jorge Dubcovsky and Dr. Wenjun Zhang, found that by removing specific sections of wheat’s DNA, they could reduce these harmful epitopes without negatively affecting the wheat’s ability to make good bread. One particular deletion, called Δgli-D2, removed major harmful epitopes, which not only made the wheat safer for people with celiac disease but also made the dough stronger and better for breadmaking. The Δgli-D2 deletion didn’t affect the wheat’s yield or protein content, making it a promising option for producing wheat that is both better for baking and safer for people at risk of celiac disease.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
I found this on the Descendants subreddit:
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What do you think?I dunno I feel about this.
For starting orders, are these from the Descendants guide book??? Because if so, I didn't know that was potentially out yet...unless these are preview pages??? If so, kinda weird Red or Chloe didn't get their pages previewed...unless they contain spoilers and can't be shown unlike Mal's and Uma's and the page on transformations... Not gonna lie though, these preview pages are kinda making me wanna buy it...soley to see how the fuck Descendants explains ANYTHING in its universe at this fucking point.
But to answer the question: let's get transformations page out of the way first, because uh, I find it the most meh lol- its just basic knowledge about transformations and Maleficent, Mal and Uma being the only characters so far to have that ability...though confusing how its surprising to Auradon, since they a fairy tale kingdom, transformations shouldn't be a surprise really... Though they really gave a list of shit Mal did with her dragon but then said 'oh and Uma can transform too I guess' like they really did not care to go into Uma much there, though curious why they saying its only via necklace she can do that as I assumed it was Ursula's magic/DNA in general that allowed Uma to go octopus form... Plus lemme just add: 'battled Uma' last I checked all Mal did was fly around and blow FIRE at WATER and that's it, Ben handled that shit more then Mal did really.
Now onto Mal's....first: United States of Auradon...okay nice to know I guess Beyond The Isle Of The Lost definitely ain't gonna be connected to the film at this rate because there they called it United Kingdom of Auradon, but now we back to the film title here, aka United States of Auradon. But heyyyy! We can celebrate that they actually resisted the urge to blame Ben for Mal's problems for once! ...It's sad I consider that an absolute win, really, but its Descendants so... "Confident and natural leader"...wait is that meant to be serious or...because I kinda laughed there given how much of a 'confident' and 'natural leader' she was in D2 and D3... "Particularly because she felt guilty about the VK's she'd left behind" Yeah, she felt so guilty in fact that she literally showed zero fucking concern in D2 about the VKs when treating the Isle like a get away place, let alone showed zero concern when Evie did on the Isle about the VK's and in D3 basically went, "Fuck those kids, my happily ever after is more important-", when choosing WITHOUT HESTIATION to close the barrier and punish the VKs for crimes they didn't do and still intended to do this even during the lies revealed scene...so clearly guilty about leaving the VKs behind, guys. "Eventually, she helped convince the Auradon citizens to accept all VKs into Auradon Prep." And by that, I mean likely everyone else did the work but Mal's being given credit because main character and Descendants wants you to believe she actually gave a crap about the VKs after that council meeting scene lmao. "Mal is talented in a lot of areas, both in artistic endeavors and in spells and magic"...wait we NOW remember shes into art???? Because D2-3 did not fucking remember that detail well before making her into generic main character for personality and shit- but also where's being a bully and getting away with it and other crimes like love spelling someone and lying in those talents? She's very oddly good at those, even after she's meant to be good. "mess with other students" Well, that's a brutally honest description of what Mal was like with magic in Auradon Prep lmao. "the queen she was always meant to be" I...Do I need to point out saying Mal was always meant to have a form of power over people isn't great, given what she's like, or...? Like, taking someone who had a form of power on the Isle and used it to be a bully and shit and giving them power over a kingdom when they haven't even changed much isn't great, but Descendants seems to think Mal's the greatest so no wonder they acting like it was simply destiny she was always meant to be queen... Also I guess Mal still has the ember and didn't donate it to the museum so uh, there's that...also why does Hades' image look the most awkward lmao???? Did they not have a stock character image of Hades like Maleficent and Ben or...
I...really don't have much to say about Uma's page lmao- not because its meh or bad, its just not giving me much to complain about as it didn't at least villainize her like Descendants normally loves too...though interesting choice to say Uma only wanted to go to Auradon because she was envious of Mal and not because she wanted to free the villain kids...but I guess we can't let someone else care about the villain kids when we pretending like Mal gave a shit about them suddenly! But uh, guess this is confirmation that Fairy Godmother fully retired??? She and Ben's parents really do just like to ditch their jobs at the nearest chance and hand it off to the nearest young person- though I still really don't get why Uma would want to be a head mistress of a school, like I know she'd want to help villain kids and such, but like, she can do that outside of being head mistress technically, it just feels random for her character. Also niece of Uliana...are they actually gonna address this fully in the film or...we know Uma captured by Queen of Hearts so like....sigh, Uma suffering more in plot bullshit, first it was Mal's plot bullshit, now its Queen of Hearts bullshit, she cannot catch a fucking break. And one last question: when did the Isle of the Lost become a KINGDOM??? It was called a prison last I checked, why does it count as a home kingdom now??? If I was a villain kid and asked my home kingdom, I wouldn't say the Isle of the Lost, because that's a prison I was stuck on for existing basically.
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
As promised in my "MY FAVOURITE JIKOOK VOCALS" series, I said I will share more jikook moments from their HONGKONG tour during the lys era.
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When JK held JM's arm for no reason lol! I still adore this moment, it's soo wholesome!
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Jiminie and his Jungkookie <3
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When JM lifted JK's chin up during DNA.
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Jikookies handshake
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This random moment lol.
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Them singing RUN. (Oh boy, you're gonna see an even wilder version of jikook during D2)
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When JM tickled JK during "So What"
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Another cute moment.
The main moment. The one you've all been waiting for.
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Complications of D1 to D4
JK teasing JM back in the same way.
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Some random Jikookery moments
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There's something in the air of Hong Kong. You definitely cannot convince me otherwise.
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zydrateacademy · 1 month
The First Descendant - First Impressions
Whether or not you like a game like this depends on your personal threshold for grinding 1% drop rates and your personal suspension of disbelief of watching women with swimsuits on take several thousand bullets to the stomach.
I'm not some young buck that gravitates towards media just because it has some tiddies on the loading screen. I was brought here by all the comparisons to Warframe and Destiny. Warframe is a game I still actively play with over a thousand hours played. Destiny quite a bit less so, I played D2 and was quickly bored by the "endgame=raids", since I'm not a hardcore player by any means my progress was quickly halted and there wasn't enough activity in the world for me to really bother with. But the gameplay itself can be fun and satisfying up to a point.
I'm not going to waste any time talking about the story. It's a framework for the gameplay and much like the two games it's copying from, you mostly forget what happened five minutes after it happened. The intro cinematic threw a lot of names at me like the beginning of a fantasy novel. "The humans were defeated by the Volges, then the Colossi came and then..." Like what are the Vulgers or whatever, what are Colossi? Is that a faction or literal? (It's literal). That Vulga boss sure looks human to me. Does the game explain that? Absolutely not! I still don't know what "Achre" is, just that we have a lot of it. Anyway, who cares. Moving on.
The game shares more DNA with Warframe than Destiny. Each zone is a quasi-open world but they're mostly just instanced shooting galleries with precious very little in between the missions. You may run into some players that help you during these missions but half the time they run off to do their own thing. Which I can't fault them for, they've got their own progression to get through. Sometimes I just catch a high level player just going for that 20% blueprint, so that's always nice to get some backup. But the loop is basically Warframe's relic mechanic spread across the entire loop. You do missions to get some token, then you either go fight a Colossi or do some elite fight planetside to crack the token open, very much like WF's relics. The main problem here is that seems to be the entire game so far.
The visuals seem to be a bit overdesigned which is often a problem I run into with Eastern MMO's in particular. The main villain looks like someone sat down to draw a gothy suit of armor and didn't stop adding tassels or metal fixtures for six hours. Everything shares the same philosophy to where minute by minute visuals get drowned out by all the gunfire as I spend more time looking at my health, the enemies health, and my bullet counter far more than the "looks" of anything. During cutscenes or even just finishing crafting something we're treated with some mechanical metal sound every second anytime anyone or anything does anything at all. It's so excessive and actually does the opposite of the intention; at the end of the day everything feels a bit homogeneous. Warframe also has a similar problem, but it takes the three or so designs and standardizes them. They have the knowledge that people aren't going to stop and look at the walls very much so you needn't waste more time adding panels or alien ridges. The First Descendant does not understand this distinction.
Look, I'm enjoying the game for what it is right now. I play a lot of fantasy and stealth games and sometimes I just want a nice gallery shooter. However, I can't tell you if I'm going to be playing this in another six months or not. I fear that this game may share the fate of other Live Service games, or turn into the forgettable Outriders where once you hit the end game you just hit a wall after sixty hours and just think "well, I guess I'm done here". TFD has the markings of this very problem but if they are vigilant with keeping up with the community, updates, and maybe a little buff here and there with the droprates to shed this company's previous reputation, they might have a decent competitor here. That, or they'll just cut and run like the rest of them. Time will tell. Until then, it's hard to argue with free.
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nekoannie-chan · 7 months
Nekoannie-chan’s Captain Bottom Bingo Masterpost
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English version/ Versión en inglés
I publish my works in Spanish and English.
Aquí puedes leer la versión en español.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
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All my entries for @cabottombingo Captain Bottom Bingo Round 2, carta CABB2024:
A1 Hospital visit; “Visits″;  Steve Rogers X Double agent!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
A2 AU: Celebrity; “Fame″; N/A; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
A3 “Dr. Abraham Erskine.”; “Doubting″;  N/A; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
A4 Surprise at work; “Pic″;  Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
A5 Lost their work; “Fired″;  (ExAvenger!)Steve Rogers X (Ex!) Avenger!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
B1 Misunderstood; “Misunderstood instructions″;  Steve Rogers & New!Avenger!Reader.; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
B2 Jack Frost; “Frozen adventure″;  Steve Rogers & Avenger!Reader.; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
B3 Stolen DNA; “Stolen″;  Steve Rogers X Double agent!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
B4 Doppelgänger; “Double?″;  N/A; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
B5 Shock collar; “Shock″; N/A; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
C1 Ballroom; “Dance practice″;  Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
C2 Kid fic; “A funny spell″;  Steve Rogers X Witch!Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
C3 Free; “Touch″;  Sub!Steve Rogers X Dom!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
C4 AU: Firefighter; “Fire″; Firefighter!Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
C5 Tropical vacation; “Vacation″; Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
D1 Cinderella story; “Shoe and book ″; Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
D2 World War III; “Kind of war″; Steve Rogers X Mutant!Avenger!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
D3 Pre-serum; “Draw″; Pre-serum!Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
D4 Giggling; “Enjoying″; Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
D5 Private tutor; “Tutor ″; Steve Rogers X Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
E1 Hotel room meet up; “Secret reunion″; Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
E2 Sun burn; “Burn″; Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
E3 Mind control; “Mind″; Agent of HYDRA!Mutant!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
E4 Spending birthday alone; “Lonely birthday″; N/A; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
E5 Holding hands; “Hands″; Skinny!Steve Rogers X 40’s!Reader; Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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manhwalizando · 1 year
Star Wars: Curiosidades Aleatórias que Todo Fã Deveria Saber
Olá, galáxia distante! Sejam bem-vindos a mais um episódio do nosso programa, onde exploramos o universo de Star Wars. Hoje, prepare-se para mergulhar em algumas curiosidades incríveis sobre essa franquia que conquistou corações ao redor do mundo. Eu sou [seu nome], e neste episódio, vamos revelar segredos e histórias por trás de Star Wars. Vamos começar!
1: A Origem do Sabre de Luz
Sabe esse icônico sabre de luz? Você acreditaria se eu te dissesse que sua origem está ligada a um dispositivo fotográfico? Sim, o designer de produção John Stears usou um flash de uma câmera antiga como base para criar esse efeito visual único. É fascinante como uma simples inspiração se tornou um símbolo tão poderoso em Star Wars.
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2: Código-fonte em Star Wars
Prepare-se para uma surpresa nerd! Em uma cena de "O Ataque dos Clones", enquanto Obi-Wan está investigando os clones, é possível ver trechos de código-fonte de um programa de DNA na tela. Uma pequena referência que certamente agrada aos fãs mais atentos.
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3: Os Ewoks quase falaram inglês
Você já se perguntou como os adoráveis Ewoks se comunicavam? Bem, inicialmente, eles estavam planejados para falar inglês. Mas George Lucas decidiu que eles teriam uma linguagem própria. Os sons dos Ewoks foram criados combinando vocais de animais, como ursos e guinchos de lontras. É uma língua única que adiciona um toque especial à sua fofura.
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4: O Retorno do Jedi
Sabia que o título original do terceiro filme da trilogia original era "Revenge of the Jedi" (A Vingança do Jedi)? Porém, pouco antes do lançamento, George Lucas decidiu alterá-lo para "Return of the Jedi" (O Retorno do Jedi). Ele sentiu que "vingança" não era um traço adequado para os Jedi, que buscam a paz e a harmonia. Uma mudança sutil, mas significativa.
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5: Nomes inspirados
Muitos dos nomes cativantes em Star Wars têm uma história interessante por trás. Por exemplo, o nome "Han Solo" foi uma homenagem ao cineasta Han Nolan. Já o sobrenome "Skywalker" foi inspirado no cineasta Douglas Trumbull, apelidado de "Skywalker". É incrível como pequenos detalhes têm grandes significados na criação desses personagens.
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6: A história por trás de R2-D2 e C-3PO
Sabe aqueles dois robôs adoráveis, R2-D2 e C-3PO? Eles foram originalmente planejados para serem personagens secundários, mas sua popularidade os elevou ao status de protagonistas. Eles conquistaram o coração dos fãs com sua química única e suas aventuras hilárias. Não é incrível como algo que começou como um papel menor se tornou tão icônico?
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7: O segredo do som do sabre de luz
Ah, o som inconfundível do sabre de luz! Você sabia que ele foi criado combinando o som de um motor de projetor antigo com o zumbido de um tubo de televisão antigo? Ben Burtt, o designer de som, utilizou essa combinação para criar um som icônico que acompanha cada luta de sabre de luz. É uma verdadeira sinfonia para os nossos ouvidos!
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8: Princesa Leia e Jabba the Hutt
Uma das cenas mais marcantes de "O Retorno de Jedi" é quando a corajosa Princesa Leia se torna escrava de Jabba the Hutt. Mas você sabia que a atriz Carrie Fisher teve que suportar o desconforto de usar uma fantasia de metal pesada sob as luzes quentes do set de filmagem? Mesmo assim, ela entregou uma performance inesquecível, mostrando sua força e determinação.
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E aí está! Espero que você tenha apreciado essas curiosidades fascinantes sobre Star Wars tanto quanto eu. A franquia nos surpreende com tantos detalhes interessantes que nos permitem mergulhar ainda mais no universo criado por George Lucas. Lembre-se de compartilhar suas próprias curiosidades e opiniões nos comentários abaixo. Que a Força esteja com você!
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herbirdglitter · 2 years
In the spirit of anti amatonormativity, here are a list of popular ships that I think would be better off as platonic but also I voice some very strong personal opinions and I understand if you have different ones. (don’t come for me I love you)
- Drarry (Harry Potter) in almost any way you look at it, that relationship is a toxic wasteland of twisted nothingness. Plus it’s a garbage franchise
- Yelena Belova and literally anyone. (Marvel) She’s aroace. It’s canon. what’s wrong with you.
- Shassie (Psych) You are imagining the sexual chemistry. Yes, Shawn is clearly bi but that doesn’t mean he and Lassie have any romantic or sexual chemistry at all whatsoever. Plus Woody is also canonically queer and right there so I don’t know what the hell you people are doing. (im mostly kidding about the woody bit but it’s not nearly as crazy as some of the other ships you hooligans come up with)
- Draco and Hermione. See Drarry explanation
- R2-D2 and C3PO. they are robots. as with all robot and monster characters, if you want to humanize them, having them fall in love is not the way to go. love is not what makes something human. 
- Dr. Doofenshmirtz  and Perry the Platypus. NO. ONE IS A HUMAN, THE OTHER IS A PLATYPUS. ENOUGH SAID. 
- Anakin and Obi-wan. You know when you (25m) raise a child from the age of nine and you’re pretty much it’s sole parental figure and then when it grows up you don’t think of it as an object of physical or romantic attraction? That’s good! There is no need to change that!! why would you make it insanely creepy
-anything involving real people. You already know why. except obama and harry styles of course as long as it’s always treated like a joke because that one’s just funny
- Gonff/Martin. Gonff is in love with Colombine and he and Martin’s friendship is already perfect. Gonff is definitey bi though
- Wincest. I feel like this one speaks for itself. 
- anything involving clonecest. again, they are brothers. they have the same dna. it’s creepy. 
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
In 2005, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game released. Based on the prequel trilogy of Star Wars movies, this game was in production before the third movie (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith) was actually released, meaning that the levels created around Episode III have some elements that were unused in the final product of the film.
A key part of Lego games are their character rosters, as in, the characters you can play as in the game. In the Video Game, there are a grand total of 56 characters to play as. 25 of these are unlocked as you play the game, 31 are only available after you buy them. There are 37 unique characters, as many characters have multiple iterations, an example being Obi-Wan Kenobi (padawan) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III). These, in the roster, are two separate characters, despite both being alternate forms of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The different versions of characters are fun to unlock, despite mostly playing the same (Obi-Wan Padawan and Obi-Wan Episode III have the exact same abilities, the only difference is their little Lego appearances. The only exception to this rule is adult characters with a child version, such as Anakin, because Anakin Skywalker (Boy) has no weapons and can use crawl spaces, but the other Anakin Skywalkers have weapons and cannot use crawl spaces)
Despite being the main character of the films and, technically, the game, Anakin Skywalker only has 4 alternate versions, these being Boy, Padawan, Jedi, and Darth Vader. The character with the most iterations, perhaps unsurprisingly, is Padmé, with 5 versions (if one includes Queen Amidala, which this one does). Although, theoretically, a case could be made for Jango Fett having the most versions, since there are 9 unlockable clones and all of the clones are clones of Jango Fett. Or, you could make a case for there being 10 unlockable clones, if you include Jango Fett as a clone, since all a clone really is is a repeated DNA structure and therefore, as the original DNA structure, Jango Fett himself, in making clones, is a clone.
There are 13 unlockable droids. Battle Droid, Battle Droid (commander), Battle Droid (Geonosis), Battle Droid (Security), C-3PO, Droideka, Gonk Droid, Grievous’ Bodyguard (known commonly nowadays as Magna Guards and yes, I had to look up whether or not they were robots, it’s a bit hard to tell if they’re people or not when they are Legos, whoops), PK Droid, R2-D2, R4-P17, Super Battle Droid, and TC-14. My personal favourite is R4-P17. I feel really bad for R4-P17.
This first Lego game is unique in that it has a bunch of Jedi. There are 12 different Force-users (18, if you count alts). Many of the levels take advantage of this by having box-lifting puzzles (as in, you and a friend (the CPU counts as a friend) both stand on a box and levitate each other), because most of the games have at least two Jedi in each scene. Especially in Episode I, where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are the duo we follow through the story, but also in Episode II, where Anakin and Obi-Wan are the duo we follow through the story. And, in Episode III, you play as a lot of the other Jedi, teaming up with Obi-Wan. You play a lot as Obi-Wan, if what I’m getting at, and it’s weird that he only has 3 versions. I understand that it’s because Obi-Wan only wears 3 different outfits in the films, I get it I do, but you have an Obi-Wan in nearly every level.
My favourite Jedi to play as was Qui-Gon :)
In 2006, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy was released. The movies, having been released 30ish years before, were completed, so this game relates the story pretty accurately. The only difference is in a few levels where characters would be where they weren’t supposed to be, such as Yoda being in the cave with Luke when he confronts imaginary Vader. Both games, of course, add things to the levels that weren’t in the movies, but they are more notable in this game, as this one was based on movies that had far fewer scenes with multiple characters on screen at a time.
(In the first game, they added R4 to the scene where Obi-Wan is on Kamino, despite Obi-Wan being alone in the movie. In the second game, they had this happen more often. Like Leia being with someone in the first level, or Obi-Wan being with Luke sooner on Tatooine, etc. There were a lot more scenes where Luke would do something alone, in comparison to the prequel trilogy, which almost always had at least two characters on screen at a time (they worked as pairs))
In The Original Trilogy, there is a grand total of 114 characters. However, 46 of these characters are gained via having played the first game on the system before. These 46 characters are prequel characters, in other words, with only doubles excluded (so we don’t have two C-3POs, for example).
Excluding backwards compatibility, there are a total of 68 characters. 29 of these characters are unlocked over the course of regular gameplay, the remaining 39 have to be purchased. There are 45 (ish) unique characters to play as, the rest being alternate versions of characters.
There’s a lot more difference between character iterations than in the first game. For example, the majority of Luke Skywalkers can’t use the Force, instead having a blaster. There’s also that Luke and Han, in their Stormtrooper alts, can unlock doors only openable by Stormtroopers. Leia, in her Boussh disguise, can open bounty hunter doors. There are three ghost characters, Ben, Anakin, and Yoda, and these characters are unique in that they are invisible to the enemy and also invulnerable.
One thing added in this game are, as vaguely mentioned before, doors that are only openable with specific character types, such as Stormtroopers and bounty hunters. My favourite part of this is that both Darth Vader and the Emperor can open Stormtrooper doors. Darth Vader does a little animation where he crosses his arms and taps his foot impatiently, it’s very cute (Palpatine does an animation too, but I forgot what it was, oops, I played as Vader a lot). There are also hat dispensers, so Chewbacca can have a Stormtrooper helmet (balanced precariously on his head) and get into Stormtrooper rooms.
This game is unique in that there are only really 5 droids (we aren’t counting backwards compatibility here). There are 7 bounty hunters. There are 6 characters who have “trooper” in their name. So, unlike the first game, there’s a character whose alts outnumber the droids, the bounty hunters, and every other character.
Luke Skywalker has 8 versions, which is more than any other singular character (unless you count Jango, in the first game, but even if you do count Jango, Luke is pretty close to his record). There’s Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Jedi, Pilot, Stormtrooper, Tatooine, and Hoth. Leia is a close second, with 7 alts, but Luke is the undisputed champion of the alts.
In other words, Luke really is a lot like his mom :)
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives - Thundercat Remodel, from the forthcoming album To the Moon and Back - A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto
In celebration of composer Ryuichi Sakamoto’s 70th birthday, Milan Records announces A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto - To the Moon and Back, a collection of songs from Sakamoto’s vast catalogue newly reworked and remodeled by contemporary artists and collaborators.
Envisioned by Sakamoto’s management team and Milan Records, A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto - To the Moon and Back features artists across generation and genre, each with their own connection to the iconic musician, and hand-selected for the project as either past collaborators, friends, admirers, or personal favorites of Sakamoto.
From contemporary admirers of Sakamoto’s work like Thundercat, Devonté Hynes, and Hildur Guðnadóttir to longtime collaborators and friends like David Sylvian, Alva Noto, Cornelius, and Fennesz, plus some of Sakamoto’s personal favorites like Lim Giong, Gabrial Wek, and 404.zero, the included artists reflect the breadth of Sakamoto’s influence on contemporary music. Given full access to the musician’s extensive catalogue of solo releases and film scores, each artist personally selected their contribution and put their unique spin on Sakamoto’s originals.
The result is a collection that reflects the many dimensions of Sakamoto’s career, from the diversity of sound the consummate musician has traversed to the continued legacy of his work on artists of all backgrounds.
A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto - To the Moon and Back is pressed on a pair of 180g black vinyl discs housed in a gatefold jacket.
Track List:
A1. Grains (Sweet Paulownia Wood) - David Sylvian Remodel A2. Thousand Knives - Thundercat Remodel A3. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - Electric Youth Remodel
B1. Thatness and Thereness - Cornelius Remodel B2. World Citizen I Won't Be Disappointed - Hildur Guðnadóttir Remodel B3. The Sheltering Sky - Alva Noto Remodel B4. Amore - Fennesz Remodel
C1. Choral No. 1 - Devonté Hynes Remodel (Featuring Emily Schubert) C2. DNA - The Cinematic Orchestra Remodel C3. Forbidden Colours - Gabrial Wek Remodel C4. The Revenant Main Theme - 404.zero Remodel
D1. Walker - Lim Giong Follow the Steps Remodel D2. With Snow and Moonlight - snow, silence, partially sunny - Yoshihide Otomo Remodel
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mlbigbang · 2 years
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[ID in ALT]
Our creators are hard at work on their Big Bang projects! We’d like to introduce you to a few of our participants:
Meet JuliaFC! She is a writer for our event, working with @dna-d2! You can check out more of her work @giuliafc or on ao3 as JuliaFC!
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jonathankatwhatever · 15 days
Now barely 6 Sept 2024. I hope to hook on to the conversation running through me in which it was described that P can not equal NP because they represent the two different perspectives inherent in the formation of grid squares. In D-structure, P runs D3-4, which appears as searching for the permutations heading out, what we call Emanating. It’s then easier to see that NP runs D4-3. We call that Imanating because we can see that problems have solutions, local ones, which we discover, and that the Imanations connect to, even collide with the Emanations.
This eventually becomes a host of stuff, from permutations and combinations, to sets and symmetries, and I give up trying to do that in order. I was thinking about coherence, consistency and persistence last night. Thinking about how they describe what I guess we’re calling the wave space generated by the 2 perspectives inherent in gs. One reason is that these require localization, and reflect localization, because a Thing must be relatively consistent across its existence, must be relatively coherent across its existence, and must persist, meaning that its attributes as a Thing persist, and thus cohere consistently. You could also say that coherence in a Thing is demonstrated by people hearing voices. Or hearing music because each hears it differently, just as each plays it differently.
So that guarantees oh that image again. What is that? Hits hard, leaves fast. There are 2 perspectives and thus 4 when the inner and outer perspectives of the Thing are considered. And 4 invokes CM64 because each represents a specific CM16. I was thinking about this regarding DNA and its bases. I was trying to picture why that appears as it does in D3-4Space. It’s the embodiment of the fCM process as specific D3-4 existence. I think I’ve finally grasped that.
So, P runs in D3-4 within the I//I. That choice of notation has worked out amazingly well. Example is you can see how it means identity running in both directions, meaning both perspectives within the gsSpace. That’s it in a nutshell.
All these questions are related. I was trying to say earlier that Navier-Stokes or really the question of turbulence is best seen as like a Rod Serling story in which we are actually puppets and he shows the puppeteer we can’t see. It’s like trying to guess what play you’re in. Not really, but it’s a nice thought. The problem with the argument is you can infer due to the locality of coherence, consistency, and persistence what might be there, and thus what play you might be in.
I just realized that summarize so many of humanity’s problems. What play are we in? One of brute strength? Of lies? Of believing hateful Things? Of doing hateful Things? That’s all within the localization. And that fits to the finite nature of gs.
Can I say something fast about D6 relating to D3? Yes. Look at where they meet? At D3. So wherever they touch, given the ways we can count, it is at existence, not into D4 because that isn’t there at that D3 place or state or existence with the larger existence of the Thing. That clears up a lot for me. I’ve wondered how the D6 related to D3, and it was right there in front of me: at the existence, not into D4.
Just say it.
That means there’s a transition through D5 to D4, to D3, which makes sense because we then reach to D2, with that then building and taking apart each D2 in relation to each D3. And with D6 hitting the moment at D3, that means the D5 transition to the D4 which sits at the edge of D3’s instant are hidden. And that is the missing part of the turbulence thinking. I mean that we construct turbulence through D-structure’s Regularization into or down to gs, meeting the construction of gs from lower D. And now we can see more mechanically why: the hidden D5 transition enables the states and gsProcesses necessary. I’m thinking about like a meteor and the disruption it causes appear instantaneous and then after is so chaotically energetic you can’t tell much about what’s happening inside. There aren’t missing pieces. They’re in the D5 transition which relates over the reduction of D6 to D3.
Being this fluent in D-structure has long been a goal. I’m now able to use the notation better. Need sleep.
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hinex-india · 30 days
Vitamin Supplements for Vegetarians and Vegans: What You Should Know
Discover essential vitamin supplements for vegetarians and vegans to maintain balanced nutrition. Learn how HINEX products can support your dietary needs effectively.
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Adopting a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle can offer numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of chronic diseases, better weight management, and improved digestion. However, these diets can sometimes fall short in providing certain essential nutrients, especially vitamins that are primarily found in animal products. This is where vitamin supplements come in. Here's what you need to know about vitamin supplements for vegetarians and vegans to ensure you meet your nutritional needs and how HINEX products can support you in achieving complete balanced nutrition.
Essential Vitamins for Vegetarians and Vegans
1. Vitamin B12:
Importance: Vital for red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis.
Sources: Almost exclusively found in animal products. Deficiency can lead to anemia and neurological issues.
Supplementation: Vegans and vegetarians should consider B12 supplements or fortified foods such as plant-based milks, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeast.
2. Vitamin D:
Importance: Crucial for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.
Sources: Produced by the skin in response to sunlight; found in fatty fish and fortified dairy products.
Supplementation: Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is plant-based, while D3 (cholecalciferol) can be derived from animal or plant sources (lichen-based D3 is vegan-friendly).
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and EPA):
Importance: Essential for brain health, heart health, and reducing inflammation.
Sources: Found in high amounts in fatty fish and algae.
Supplementation: Algal oil supplements are a vegan source of DHA and EPA.
4. Iron:
Importance: Necessary for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
Sources: Heme iron from animal products is more easily absorbed than non-heme iron from plant sources like lentils, beans, and spinach.
Supplementation: Iron supplements can help, but it's important to pair non-heme iron sources with vitamin C to enhance absorption.
5. Calcium:
Importance: Critical for bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling.
Sources: Found in dairy products, fortified plant milks, tofu, and leafy greens.
Supplementation: Calcium supplements or fortified foods can help meet daily requirements.
6. Zinc:
Importance: Supports immune function, DNA synthesis, and cell division.
Sources: Found in meat, dairy, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
Supplementation: Zinc supplements or increased consumption of plant-based sources.
7. Iodine:
Importance: Essential for thyroid function and metabolism.
Sources: Found in iodized salt, seaweed, and dairy products.
Supplementation: Iodine supplements can help, particularly for those who avoid iodized salt.
8. Vitamin K2:
Importance: Important for bone and cardiovascular health.
Sources: Found in animal products and fermented foods.
Supplementation: Vitamin K2 supplements, particularly those derived from natto (a fermented soybean product), are vegan-friendly.
How HINEX Products Help Achieve Complete Balanced Nutrition
HINEX, derived from “High Quality Next Generation Nutrition,” offers a range of products designed to support your nutritional needs, particularly for vegetarians and vegans. HINEX products are developed using solid scientific knowledge and decades of research in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields by Otsuka Pharmaceuticals India Pvt Ltd. Here's how HINEX can help you achieve complete balanced nutrition:
High-Quality Protein: HINEX products, such as HINEX Whey Protein Isolate, provide one of the purest forms of protein available. While whey protein isolate itself is not vegan, HINEX offers other plant-based protein supplements suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Comprehensive Multivitamins: HINEX multivitamins are formulated to include essential vitamins like B12, D, and K2, which are often lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets. These multivitamins ensure you get the necessary nutrients without relying on animal products.
Fortified Nutritional Drinks: HINEX nutritional drinks are fortified with vitamins and minerals, providing a convenient way to boost your intake of essential nutrients. They are designed to support overall health and well-being.
Plant-Based Omega-3: HINEX offers algal oil supplements, a vegan source of DHA and EPA, ensuring you receive the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for brain and heart health.
Tips for Choosing Vitamin Supplements
Check for Vegan Certification: Ensure that supplements are labeled as vegan to avoid animal-derived ingredients.
Opt for Whole-Food-Based Supplements: These are often more bioavailable and come with additional phytonutrients.
Read Labels Carefully: Look for hidden animal ingredients such as gelatin or certain additives.
Consider Bioavailability: Some forms of vitamins are better absorbed than others. For example, methylcobalamin is a bioavailable form of B12.
Consult a Healthcare Provider: Before starting any supplement regimen, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine your specific needs and avoid potential interactions with other medications.
Practical Steps to Ensure Adequate Vitamin Intake
1. Dietary Planning:
Diverse Diet: Ensure a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
Fortified Foods: Incorporate fortified foods such as plant-based milks, cereals, and nutritional yeast into your meals.
Regular Blood Tests: Regular monitoring of vitamin levels can help catch deficiencies early.
2. Supplementation:
Daily Multivitamin: Consider a daily multivitamin designed for vegetarians and vegans to cover multiple nutrient needs.
Specific Supplements: Use specific supplements for vitamins you are most likely to be deficient in, such as B12, D, and omega-3s.
3. Lifestyle Choices:
Sun Exposure: Spend time outdoors to boost vitamin D levels naturally.
Mindful Pairing: Pair foods to enhance nutrient absorption, like combining vitamin C-rich foods with iron-rich plant foods.
Vitamin supplements play a crucial role in ensuring vegetarians and vegans receive all the essential nutrients their bodies need to thrive. By understanding the key vitamins to focus on, choosing high-quality supplements, and maintaining a well-planned diet, you can enjoy the health benefits of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle while meeting all your nutritional requirements. HINEX products are designed to support your nutritional goals, making it easier to maintain a balanced diet and enhance your overall well-being. Always consult with a healthcare provider to tailor your supplementation to your specific needs, and take proactive steps to monitor and maintain your vitamin levels for optimal health. With HINEX, achieving complete balanced nutrition is within your reach.
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articleverse · 1 year
Boosting Your Health with Vegan Supplements: A Comprehensive Overview
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Veganism has gained significant traction recently, driven by ethical, environmental, and health concerns. While a well-planned vegan diet offers numerous benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases and a smaller carbon footprint, it's important for vegans to be mindful of certain nutrients that may be lacking in their plant-based diets. Vegan supplements can play a crucial role in bridging these nutritional gaps and promoting overall health. This comprehensive overview will explore how vegan supplements boost your health and well-being.
1. Vitamin B12: Vital for Energy and Nerve Function
Vitamin B12 is essential for energy production, nerve function, and the formation of red blood cells. It's primarily found in animal-based foods, making supplementation necessary for vegans. Cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin are common vegan-friendly B12 supplements. Regular B12 intake helps prevent deficiency symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and neurological issues.
2. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. While sunlight is a natural source, many vegans may not get enough sun exposure, particularly in northern latitudes or during the winter. Vegan vitamin D2 or D3 supplements, sourced from lichen, can help maintain optimal levels and support overall well-being.
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Heart and Brain Health
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for heart and brain health. While plant-based sources like flaxseeds and chia seeds provide ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), it's advisable to supplement with algae-based omega-3 supplements containing EPA and DHA, which are more efficiently absorbed by the body.
4. Iron: Vital for Oxygen Transport
Iron is essential for transporting oxygen in the blood and maintaining energy levels. Plant-based iron (non-heme iron) is less easily absorbed, so vegans should focus on iron-rich foods like lentils and spinach. If necessary, consult a healthcare professional for guidance on iron supplements.
5. Calcium: Building Strong Bones
Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Vegans can obtain calcium from fortified plant-based milk, leafy greens, and fortified tofu. However, a calcium supplement may be beneficial for individuals with low dietary calcium intake or special needs.
6. Zinc: Supporting Immune Function
Zinc plays a vital role in immune function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. While plant-based foods contain zinc, phytates in some plants can inhibit its absorption. A zinc supplement, in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc citrate, can help meet daily requirements.
7. Iodine: Essential for Thyroid Health
Iodine is essential for thyroid function and metabolism. Sea vegetables like seaweed are excellent sources, but the iodine content in plant-based diets can be inconsistent. Vegans should consider using iodized salt or iodine supplements made from iodine-rich seaweed or potassium iodide.
8. Vitamin K2: Bone Health and Calcium Regulation
Vitamin K2 is crucial for bone health, as it helps regulate calcium metabolism. Although it's found in fermented foods like natto, it can be challenging to obtain enough from the diet. Vegan-friendly vitamin K2 supplements can provide the necessary support.
9. Vitamin A: Essential for Vision and Immunity
Vitamin A is essential for vision, immune function, and skin health. While vegan diets provide beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A), some individuals may have difficulty converting it efficiently. Vegan vitamin A supplements derived from beta-carotene or other plant sources can be an option.
10. Vitamin E: Antioxidant Protection
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils are good sources in a vegan diet, but a vitamin E supplement (typically in the form of alpha-tocopherol) can be considered if dietary intake is insufficient.
Balancing Diet and Supplements
While vegan supplements are essential for maintaining optimal health, they should complement a well-balanced and diverse plant-based diet, not replace it. Focus on incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds into your meals to maximize your nutrient intake.
Regular monitoring of nutrient levels through blood tests can help you determine if supplements are necessary. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian with expertise in vegan nutrition to create a personalized supplementation plan tailored to your specific needs.
In conclusion, a vegan lifestyle offers numerous ethical, environmental, and health advantages. Vegan supplements ensure vegans meet their nutritional needs and thrive on their plant-based journey. By thoughtfully incorporating supplements, embracing a diverse diet, and seeking professional guidance, you can enjoy the full benefits of a compassionate and sustainable vegan lifestyle while promoting your health and well-being.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Coming Around Again / Itsy Bitsy Spider - Carly Simon" on YouTube
And he's saying it but someone has a confession to make and not you King rat and really you look like it in Britain it's disgusting you're so damn dumb and people are saying it's the nephilim and it's the max and I'll tell you what they are a threat and a severe one not as much as they think they're going to get an ass whooping like they've never experienced they don't know what they're messing with serious and if the computers are activated you're pretty much doomed cuz they took three quarters of their stuff it's really Tommy F stuff and you're not watching I got snowing won't help you anyways
It just so happens I do have a confession to make. Long long ago before westborough and I even saw them in the new country or the new lands I did have intercourse with Paris Hilton and back then she was not known as that it was more like one of here but it was before that she is beautiful and big she's about 8 foot and I was about 9 foot and I more or less kind of foster a little tricked her and she had the children I guess Dave found out and wants to use us against Mac and ourselves and it is working and really they're using our son and really we did have a daughter or two but they were captured and used and they just keep making them so probably not so bright but with their DNA they don't get massively stupid they get a little bit stupider and this is how because they're a smart enough to take everything I got to tell you something and this is going to be a war and Mac is not ready he's plotting along and taking these people apart having them clear out the base of some numbnuts and they're kind of half wits they weren't really full-blown gifted and these people are big and she can be humongous she's telling me 500 miles and it's probably not true it's probably twice that so these guys I've seen in 300 I hear stories 500 and he says that's what his people say so that's horrendous we're in deep s*** and we should know it he's pretty brazen with them and his wife was around I said Dave and Paris Hilton if they had kids would be gigantic a lot larger and I would not look forward to that they'd be healthy and it says some of them are making appearance but it's really possession but that's what they look like and that's what they sound like and he laughs because he recognizes a little of himself in recognizes you and it makes him happy that's what I say he's saying is true and I don't need the CIA jargon he says and really she's doing some stuff and your R2-D2 unit is offline or something she's never offline and she hears her and tells her to shut up there they're socializing so everybody's happy now I guess no we got it out and that Mac planned it and they're very arrogant they may have a lot of power but I don't think they're going to do it unless they want a friend to do the job which might be the case that's not what you think Mac his father and mother a Giants they just didn't make us Giants and he's wondering something what is that like I know you should be able to tell Mom and Dad were big and they can change their size genetically so we're wondering what the hell we're up against but we don't know and he says that it sounded like she may have done it on purpose and it's for survival and we're not looking forward to this and really you have to locate her you're inbreeding thing and stuff is nice but what if it's false she's being tortured and I get that so we're going and moving on it and she's original Barbie okay
Tommy f
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