#DIY bride
We had the absolute pleasure of providing our gorgeous locally grown flowers for a delightful wedding!
Congratulations to Ashley and Trino, who tied the knot in the most enchanting ceremony. 💍💒
The bridesmaid bouquets were a sight to behold—each one bursting with vibrant colors and delicate design, making the day even more magical. The mother of the bride, Crystal, created these bridesmaid's florals. They were full of whimsical radiance and creativity! But the real showstoppers? The stunning bride and her lovely ladies! Thank you, Ashley and Trino, for letting us be part of your memorable day. Here's to a lifetime of love, joy, and blooming happiness! 💐
📷: Crystal Hardy....🌷💖 #WeddingBliss #BloomBucketFlowers #LoveInBloom #DIYwedding #locallygrown #growingwithpurpose #cobbtown #mstterblooms #bloomstoshare #weddingflowers #capcut #fyp #foryoupage
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vellatra · 7 months
You knitted your wedding dress?? That is so cool!
Thank you! I had two main objectives - keeping the cost of our wedding down (so we DIYed a lot), and also simply not wanting to hunt forever for something that fit my tastes. (I'd had enough of the "hunting" experience when I went shopping for a prom dress haha!)
I started in January and finished the whole thing in August, just a few short weeks before the wedding, which was on Labor Day weekend that year. Had a lot of fun with it - learned some new techniques, did lots of little fancy details (like knitting tiny beads into the fabric!), and ended up with something completely unique. :) I'd never want to do it again; there were easily millions of stitches involved. But as a one-time experience, it was pretty cool! :D
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thegothicalice · 6 months
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Did I paint Lisa Frankenstein earrings because I couldn’t find merch? Yes, gotta appreciate that artist power⚡️Top from blxckfly on Etsy, moth duster from Hot Topic, boots Demonia, earrings acrylic on wood with found charms.
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lalalychee · 1 year
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recently started doing stick n pokes on myself. here is one i just finished yesterday! 🥹 i'll be doing a matching trinity of terror tattoo on my sister soon because tot was such a bonding experience for us 🫶
(the spiral beneath it is also a stick n poke done by me! ✨️)
**i know and accept the risks of doing this on myself. i work in a safe, sanitized environment. it's my own body, not yours, so the risks i choose to take with it are not something to worry yourself with 💕 also if you don't think it looks good, again it's my body! don't worry about it! be nice!**
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leviathan-says-hi · 1 year
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Adding to the list of things I own now covered in patches: my backpack! 🎒
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preciadosbass · 11 days
26/8/24 [skipped yesterday as there wasn’t much info, draft from monday — key + significant photo at end]
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woke up at 9 and got ready as soon as possible to meet my extended family early at breakfast as today was their last day. i said goodmorning to boris, got dressed into my skinless outfit [skinless shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, wooden bracelet, panic! at the disco bracelet, mcr bracelet, two spiked cuffs [one with three rows and shorter spikes, the other with two rows and much longer spikes], my diy can tab bracelet, a leather skull-lined adjustable bracelet, taxidermy scorpion necklace, thrifted necklace with all/matching colours of my skinless shirt [the beads look like mushrooms], knee high converse, my mcr danger days zip up, and my pin decorated jacket.] and then packed my bag.
me, my parents and my sister met the rest of our family at our restaurant at around 9:30/40. i sat next to H, the other people on our table were RY, E, and R. i had a couple bowls of cereal for breakfast, and then had to move tables as RY had pancakes [ew] - after my food, while i was just sitting waiting for everyone else, i was sent a picture of boris by my hairdresser who is looking after him. it was an image of him and the hairdressers daughter that came along to meet him. its really nice that even though we’re away, boris still has company. i just hope that it isn’t stressing him out. we left breakfast at approximately 10:40 and headed to the fair.
once arriving at the fair, we established that most of us were having a go on the go karts and organised who was going with who. i decided to go with R as he drives fast normally, and my sister chose to go with RY; the rest went as singles. we spent about 30 minutes queuing and while doing so, i spoke to my dad & R about boris and the rollercoasters at thorpe park. i’m so excited to go with my cousins in september. anyway, me and R got on a green double kart and everyone else loaded themselves into their own. the doubles are allowed to go onto the track first, and as RY + my sister were infront of us in the queue, they were sat in the kart infront of us. they rolled onto the track and the lap started with our karts being neck and neck.
R’s legs didn’t even fit in the car and were getting stuck on the pedals but we ended up overtaking before the second lap started. my grandad and his fiancé were behind of us most of the time, and R’s girlfriend [E] was to our front. now, with this subject, i cant really get anything accurate from this point as the videos of us gokarting don’t show who we overtook next/i cant remember. so i’m going to skip to the end of the ride. right before it ended, we ended up overtaking E somehow, and had RY and my sister right on our tail. we both thought that we were going to be overtaken, but the staff cut the engines as the ride was over so they weren’t able to go past us.
there were a few other people unknown to us on the track, and they were getting mad at R for being at the front the whole time XD, at least we won! now we both just have to deal with my sister going on about it for years /hj - R in particular has a 10 year streak of winning go karting at this resort which i only was informed of after we won, so i’m glad i picked him. however this was the first time he’s been back at the resort since he was my age. he’s also really funny with things like this. the way he narrates things is just hilarious and he dosent even intend it to be half the time. after taking some family photos we all split up. my aunt and uncle said goodbye and walked back to their car, D [cousin #3] said goodbye and went off to the swimming pool to hopefully watch L and W [his partner and her son], and me, my parents, my sister, RY/H and R/E made our way to the beach at 12.
to get out of the fair, you can go through the arcade so my sister made my parents give in to letting her have another go of that minecraft game. [photo at end, ignore the blur my hair looked bad] afterwards, i went up to the beach a separate way from everyone else in order to not get my knee high’s sandy, but i ended up taking ages. once i’d finally gotten onto the path around the beach, we all started walking down it. everyone was just speaking about how our break has been and how much the resort has changed vs when my cousins were my age. i unfortunately didn’t get to change into my knock off converse’s before going to the beach, otherwise i would’ve been able to get some pretty shells.
the walk across it is very long, so i’d say we got about a quarter way down. we walked until we saw the two story accommodations and then headed back. once we did, RY, H, E, and R split off to go home, my mum and sister went off somewhere or another, and me and my dad went back to our chalet. on the way back, there’s an example of what the chalet’s would’ve looked like 80/90 years ago. so i went over to that and had a look inside. they for some reason look [design wise] better than the ones currently. however there’s not much to the interior/uncomfy looking beds/no bathrooms.
i attempted to write a little bit of my journal upon getting into the room, but i ended up falling asleep almost immediately. i slept up until 3 and while doing so my dad went back over to darts and my mum & sister carried on doing their own thing. once i woke up, i got my swimming things ready and all of us [my immediate family, now that everyone else has left] walked over to the swimming complex. there wasn’t any queue today as most people were leaving and the people arrived were still on their way so i was able to get undressed and just hop it within a small matter of time. i once again put on my swimming costume plus shorts and a t shirt.
the first thing we did was queue for the family flume. we queued up until we could pick up a ring and then my mum spoke to the lifeguard about the access thingy. it turns out that i was wrong and they do have an access organisation, they just don’t really talk about it. the way it works is they radio the person up top where you actually get into the slide, and you just make your way to the front of the queue. since the last time we’ve come to this resort, they’ve changed how many people you can have inside a ring at a time. it used to be four so all of us could ride together, but it’s now three. my mum offered to take a blue ring by herself so me, my sister and my dad could go together.
none of us officially agreed because we felt bad that she had to be alone, but we got to the front of the queue regardless. my mum went first, and we followed after she’d come out of the end. i resulted in getting absolutely soaked as the ring tuned right before you get off right where the largest body of water is. its been ages since we’ve been on a flume as a family [sort of, as my mum couldn’t be with us] so it was nice. i think i found it even fun-er as i genuinely couldn’t see where on earth i was going. afterwards, we queued up for the outside rapids. i say queued, but everyone just went in straight away.
i was freezing, mostly likely because my shorts & t shirt hold whatever temperature it is a lot more than just a swimming costume. i wanted to enjoy it but i couldn’t focus on anything other than how cold i was and how weird my throat felt from the stuffiness inside. my sister and dad tried doing our little game where you aim to be the last one out and everyone else tries pushing you/dragging you down the last drop, but i just slid down with my mum. hopefully another time it’ll be better weather and i’ll be able to play properly. i followed on with jumping into the adult pool while waiting for my sister and dad to come out of the rapids.
we barely stayed in there until we went over to the wave pool to see if it was working. it wasn’t the last time we came and it unfortunately wasn’t this time either. but there is still a small cascade of water that feels like what you’d imagine chocolate coming off of a chocolate fountain to feel. afterwards, we went round to the indoor river rapids. we went round two of three times, we’ll at least i did, until we went into the changing rooms. my dad found the locker and got everything out and i got dressed again. when id finished and came out of my stall, my mum and sister were gone. my sister went off somewhere so we had to wait until we could go to dinner.
when she finally reappeared we quickly walked back to the chalet so i could get my bag and brush my hair. once id finished and my sister finally let us leave the room [she wanted me to go to arcade with her], we went over to dinner. i had the stereotypical autism dinner [iykyk] checked on boris via my dad’s camera. i went back from dinner early and i stayed in my parents room for a while while scrolling on various platforms. once my parents arrived back, we set off to a show. we got into the correct venue and managed to get a seat right at the front to the left of the stage.
the show was a comedic ventriloquist performance. the guy had been on britain’s got talent before and got to the finals. i thought that the personality concepts for each puppet was good, but i don’t think that his jokes came across in a way that made them as funny as they could’ve been. the crowd was a little dead and my parents said they agreed but i still feel guilty for not being keen lmaoo but i don’t think it helped that i was really tired. i could barely process anything he was saying. during the show, i got a text from my aunt. it was a picture on boris outside, which obviously made me so happy. but near the end of the show, i realised that he’s outside - on the driveway; alone. so i started getting really worried.
conveniently, my aunt was on her way back to our house to get him inside as he wasn’t having it earlier. i got a text right before we started walking back to room saying that he’s inside and having his dinner followed with a picture of him eating. which was such a relief. i stayed in the chalet until 9:15 when i came along with my parents to see the light show that i also saw last night. i decided to go for half an hour so i’d have enough time to write this journal before having to do my questions about boris. the sound was better this time round as we were slightly further back and more towards the middle. and for some reason there was more cool lights, but i’m not complaining. the actual show started at 9:30 and i left to go back to the room at 10.
when i got back, i scrolled some more on tiktok and looked through some more jackass pictures on pinterest. when my parents got back, i scrolled through all of the pictures of boris on my phone which took at least half an hour. after, i wrote this journal, got undressed into my onesie at 12:20 and eventually finished asking my parents questions about boris at 1. i said goodnight to boris through a picture of him and went to sleep at 1:40.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, questions about boris/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he's okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i'm hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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bluegirlteam · 3 months
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Look at the Herbert West Shrinky Dink I made!!!!!!! 😛😛⁉️
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truebluemeandyou · 2 years
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Make Thoughtful Cards Out of Paint Chips Using Paint Names
I have been making cards, booklets, and posters out of paint chips for years. What is original about my idea (and I’ve never seen it done by anyone else), is that I pay attention to the paint name on the chip. 
All you need is a hole punch, scissors (if you want to cut the names into hearts for a card), and fasteners.
For 231 pages of DIY Valentine’s go here: truebluemeandyou.com/search/hearts
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I have made cards with wine names, vacation themes, movie themes, and the list goes on and on. As I was picking up paint, I noticed that Home Depot had some great paint color names for Valentine’s Day and Galantine’s Day. All you need are free paint chips and cheap fasteners for the booklet. You can write on every page if you’d like, like the DIY Playing Card Valentine’s Day gift “52 Reasons I Love You” here.
And how perfect is “As You Wish” from The Princess Bride?
These are the cards I used for my booklet:
Heart Breaker
Heart to Heart
Stolen Kiss
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Joie de Vivre
I Heart Potion
Lover’s Knot
Night Music
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Love Poem
I Pink I Can
Love at First Sight
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Diva Glam
Kiss Goodnight
Magic Scent
Romantic Poetry
Secret Scent
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rebelwrites · 5 days
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It’s been a busy weekend for me!!
Yesterday I spent the day with my nearest and dearest for my Hen day and my god we had a blast!! The VR game room was amazing followed by lunch and an afternoon in the spa 😍
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Today has been all about the wedding DIYs it might be 7pm but we are still going because the list is long 😂
Only 38 days to go before I marry my best friend 💜
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💘 Tiffany Valentine - Chucky Tattoo 💘
Cross stitch designed and Stitched by me 😘
Squooshy's Stitch Bits
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nanaapocalypse · 2 years
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Bride of Chucky 🔪 Tiffany Valentine
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scottyskindaintoit · 1 year
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My friends made me these for my hen party tomorrow. Definitely better than an awful pink sash.
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gothabilly-kitty · 1 year
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andrew-excelleen · 2 months
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Making My Wedding Dress! (Part 1)
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bernsay87 · 7 months
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Starting to make wedding center pieces!! I think these ones are all for the head table ! 530 days left 💕
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