#sorry for the delayed response!
vellatra · 7 months
You knitted your wedding dress?? That is so cool!
Thank you! I had two main objectives - keeping the cost of our wedding down (so we DIYed a lot), and also simply not wanting to hunt forever for something that fit my tastes. (I'd had enough of the "hunting" experience when I went shopping for a prom dress haha!)
I started in January and finished the whole thing in August, just a few short weeks before the wedding, which was on Labor Day weekend that year. Had a lot of fun with it - learned some new techniques, did lots of little fancy details (like knitting tiny beads into the fabric!), and ended up with something completely unique. :) I'd never want to do it again; there were easily millions of stitches involved. But as a one-time experience, it was pretty cool! :D
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panicbroadcast · 23 days
nine people you want to get to know better
thanks for the tag @vyrd (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
last song?
Emergency Contact by Pierce the Veil
favorite color?
currently watching?
The Fall of the House of Usher (cause i love mike flanagan's work and i love rahul kohli)
last movie?
Wicked Little Letters
savory (but like a sweet & savory mix)
relationship status?
current obsessions?
Zenless Zone Zero (reason im not as active recently lol)
last thing you googled?
was trying to find a specific erowid experience entry
@wise-emperor @crowcock @sadcena @unshankable @whatyoutaughtwasfear @cryptidhanzoshimada and anyone else that wants to join in \⁠(⁠๑⁠╹⁠◡⁠╹⁠๑⁠)⁠ノ
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Don't have a serious question buuuut thank you for rebloging my childhood artwork!!💗💗💗 I haven't found a good play to hang it yet sooo should I frame it on the wall? :0
No problem, it was very lovely!! You should definitely frame it if you can! I keep my artworks framed around my room + desk!!
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alohdark · 1 year
Fandom: Star Wars!
OTP: Kallus/Zeb
Favorite Canon Pairing: Hera/Kanan
Worst Pairing Ever: R*ylo
Guilty Pleasure Pairing: Poe/Hux
A pairing you want to see more: Kallus/Zeb! It's basically canon! Please give us MORE
That Pairing Everyone Likes But You’re Like “lol no”: Hmmmm I can't think of one that I NoTP. Every pairing has it's own sort of value.
Favorite Non-Romantic Pair: Ezra/Sabine
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watermelinoe · 2 years
Um hi is it ok if I use your personal post about eating some1 else’s sandwich as part of a media and linguistics activity for analysis l. I chose it bc I don’t have social media and it’s fairly innocuous… I could scrub your username lmk
yes of course!! i'm not worried about my username being public, so it's up to you if you decide to scrub it!
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march-harrigan · 2 years
okay yay, i hope you sleep well and that you enjoy this when you get up!
potential tw for blood mention?
okay so-- i'm not sure on a premise for the concept, but jervis and reader eventually become friends for one reason or another.
fast-forward and at some point, reader realizes they like him? like they adore him, feel like they're drowning when they're not beside him, completely enamored with him and it's like the entire world outside of him has disappeared- they're fucking obsessed, they're sure they're in love with the guy.
and it scares them - not that they're crushing hard on the hatter who isn't quite all there half the time, but that these feelings are coupled with this itch that consumes them for jervis, and boils at the thought of anyone else. maybe they've never fell for someone this hard before, but they knew this wasn't normal- not right, anyway- but.. it filled them with a sense of fulfillment- or, was it a pang of a lack of sense of fulfillment, before they found jervis?
they don't know, but as it grows- as their entire self drowns in the idea, the presence, of jervis; as the pit in their stomach sinks at the sight of jervis with someone, anyone else but them; as the adrenaline rushes through them at the sight of that bastard who put their hands on him, eyes glazed over and their blood on reader's hands, headlights barely lighting up the display in the dark alleyway before they slip away-
they don't like it. just as jervis suffocates them, the itch drowns them.
but it's addicting, anyway.
(and if jervis were to ever catch wind of this, they couldn't even begin to think of how he'd react- sure, he can be looney, he can be downright possessive himself, but they couldn't bear the thought of rejection or, worse, him avoiding them because of it. what they don't know, what won't necessarily harm them, is that jervis may just feel the exact same way, if he hadn't before)
Hello again, Anon!
So I did read this this morning, and I reread it just now and I am so completely into it! Like honestly, if you did flesh this idea out enough for a fic for it, I'd read that without a moment's hesitation!
I could see reader's panic over what they've done being a whole arc on it's own. But also(assuming Jervis returns the feelings), I can easily see this escalating into a whole mutual yandere thing. Just with the feelings Reader has been experiencing leading up to the murder and then Jervis' own history with possessive behavior... It's a match made in Hell and I think it'd be thoroughly interesting to see!
And then that brings in the whole question of does Jervis find out at some point in the relationship? Did he already know beforehand? Hell, did he discover it and when Reader tried to explain, it all clicked and the relationship starts there? Is he hiding similar secrets from Reader, or has he been on his best behavior this time around?
Reader trying to rationalize what they've done in their mind because they know Jervis has done pretty much the exact same thing before. The subsequent realization that hiding it from him may be kind of unnecessary, but continuing to hide it because bringing it up now would only let him know that Reader's been keeping secrets and he might question their honesty in the future.
There's so many directions it could all go and it's really grabbing my attention!
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lfthinkerwrites · 2 months
I have a question about the PI Verse! How do you organize your Series Bible, if you have one? How do you keep track of all the little things and the changes as the series goes on? I’m trying to write a long term fanfic of my own, but I’m having trouble writing the Series Bible. It’s a whole convoluted mess.
Hi! First of all, I’m sorry for not answering sooner.
So I don’t have a series bible per se. What I do have is an outline that I started about a year before I wrote the first word for my series. I guess in a lot of ways it also serves as a series bible. I basically wrote a list of the characters I wanted to use, along with a few blurbs about who they were, what their status quo was, and what their arc would be about. Then I wrote out a few notes about which canons I was borrowing from, what I was keeping and what I was throwing out or re-working.
Fun note: PI verse was originally going to be a lot closer to Post-Crisis continuity, but for the sake of my sanity I decided to spin it off into its own universe. Call it Earth-9 or whatever.
I also wrote brief outlines of the arcs in PI Verse, plot summaries, which characters would be involved, etc. Some of these have changed a lot from when I originally conceived them, but others have been fairly close. Sometimes that was because of logistical issues, but other times it was because it just felt organically right. It sounds cliche, but sometimes the characters go down paths you didn’t intend, but they insist on going that way and you have to go with it.
I do still consult my outline to keep myself on track with the overall story arc, but I did write a lot of the outline fairly vaguely to account for all the little details that might change. You can’t be too rigid or you can write yourself into a corner, but you also need to have a general roadmap of where you’re going, or you’ll drive yourself off a cliff.
I hope that helps! Good luck with your fic! I’d love to give it a read.
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"The Eight Great Dates..." IS a banger title, I was looking through the notes of that post for fun and it definitely caught my eye. It flows so good and it's so fun
hey thank you!
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Carlos would happily take the gang membership. Might be a little awkward for him because he's still pretty prim and proper even for an anarch (of which he is definitely more on the conservative end) and will be from afar given he lives in Barcelona, Spain
Considering the currently scattered nature of the gang, International membership from Spain is of little issue!
As for attitude, I think the way Leo would put it is that one simply needs to find the balance between situations calling for being proper, and those where one is free to do as they wish! One of those things people tend to shake under the right environment.
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
"Yeah! Let's do that that would be so cool!"
"Ah haha! Hm! I'll just- stay back and set up the computer, okay? Okay!"
"All right! Have fun with the computer, we're gonna go looking around outside. Hopefully we find more of those really colorful, shiny glass rocks! You ready to go, Cleo?
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hazmatmaid · 3 months
Hi! So what ARE your Spamton headcanons? How do you like to portray him?
Mighty kind of you to ask! Apart from much of these being made with the help of @val-of-the-north, I've been intending to draw his known eras in life, and this is the perfect opportunity to detail each:
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Addi Spamton:
He's just some guy. A young adult with some semblance of direction in life, but neither the know-how nor the skill to get there. Despite this, he still talks himself up with confidence you wouldn't otherwise expect from him.
If I ever have any "cutesy blushy uwu" interactions, I dump them all here, where I think he's young and inexperienced enough for it to make the most sense.
He once tried to sell home insurance to a hotel guest.
All of his buddies mostly pity him for his abysmal luck (or whatever else might be holding him back), rather than simply looking down on him, even if they are embarrassed to be seen with him.
Just as prone to bullshitting (and getting pissed off when he's called out on it) as his future selves.
I don't consistently include his hairline in this stage, I mostly just draw it for my own convenience.
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Big Shot Spamton:
A Spamton who knows success to not only afford basic cost of living, but to have his name and face on every sign, screen, and soda in Cyber World (and possibly beyond). Naturally, because of his aforementioned ambition, and unlike his former peers, he doesn't question if he deserves any of it, having an obnoxious, arrogant "I told you so" attitude.
His idea of gifts to his old Addison buddies is his own merchandise (once couldn't attend one of their birthdays, and instead sent them a giant cungadero-shaped cake decorated with neon signs, sparklers, and a picture of him leaning out the window).
Ain't no way he's not spending bank on hookers and cocaine.
If he has a softer side at this point in his life, rarely anyone would see it.
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Present Spamton:
A 40-something Spamton who has long since abandoned much of his morals and inhibitions, even somewhat before his downfall.
Down with murder: this doesn't necessarily mean that I just see him as a mindless killer. Far from it, in fact. His role in Snowgrave is to take advantage of it in a calculated manner once he sees what's going on.
He is capable of kindness (or as close as he can possibly get to it), but it's more him reciprocating someone else's kindness. Even if he does do this unprompted, he probably has to relate to them, or see himself in them on some level.
This version of him is where I am most prone to claiming other absurd, wacky things of him (not that his BShot self is exempt from this).
While I tend to see him at this point as mostly self-serving, conniving, and planning all manner of revenge/murder, I don't think he's entirely beyond redemption and saving, but it would probably take another whole route of character development for him to get anywhere close.
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boombaux · 4 months
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who? him?
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bleue-flora · 6 months
No. c!Tommy was never right about anything.
Nah, Tommy was right.
Instances of Tommy being right:
[Dsmp Finale]
30:27 "You know what, Dream? You know what, Dream? I’m sorry because you’re right."
38:27 "You—you—you didn’t have a bad thought in your mind, it was just George and Sapnap."
38:53 "That’s why you’re doing this isn’t it? You just want it to be simple."
40:12 "You just wanted it to be simple, you wanted to be back with your friends. That makes sense."
41:52 “I just didn’t realize how much that hurt you.”
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
Hi! I've never done this before but I'm new to comics (started with WFA and Zatanna and the Ripper) and I've basically got most of my information from posts on tumblr and r/hobbydrama (including yours.) I think I have a general idea of what Jason Todd is like, but I believe a lot of people are unhappy with his new characterisation.
So, if you were the one in charge, how would you write him? Would you write him with a team or as a solo character? Would you have him use the All-Blades or a crowbar or his guns? Would you have him properly rejoin the batfam or not?
Hi! Welcome to the fandom! I hope you're enjoying your time here.
In general, I think DC (and the fandom) has spent too much time milking Jason's death for trauma porn. They have refused to allow him to find closure, move past that, and exist beyond his daddy issues drama with Bruce. When DC has allowed him to have stories outside of that, they were often written with little consideration for what should be done with Jason beyond making him "badass."
None of this has been conducive to creating any kind of satisfying and coherent narrative or character arc for Jason, especially when both writers and editorial seem more obsessed with stealing traits, relationships, and stories from other people to give to him (most prominently Dick, Selina, and Helena). My hottake is that DC should move beyond "Red Hood" as an identity for Jason entirely, because it drags his character down and keeps him inherently tied to the same problems that have kept his character stagnant for years.
However! I don't think he's unsalvagable. I simply think DC needs to put a decent writer on him and commit to a character direction for more than 2 years at a time. I'm unsure of what Shawn Martinbrough is currently doing with Jason in his The Hill arc, as I'm not reading it, but I've heard that there might be some forward momentum finally happening there?
Anyway, my personal conception of Jason's future (as lovingly brainstormed by me and my friends in our comics discord server) is effectively this: he becomes a street-level paranormal detective who solves cold murder cases by talking with the victims' ghosts and providing closure to restless spirits. Think Lockwood and Co. meets Pushing Daisies with a superhero twist; basically, a supernatural detective noir book.
There's a lot of concepts and lore drops tied into this idea, but basically it was born out of a discussion where I was talking about Jason's many connections with the supernatural and occult across all continuities and how it's kind of a mystery why DC hasn't just formally connected him to the mystical side of the DCU. So I was like "they should just reveal that Superboy-Prime’s reality punch resurrection left him LITERALLY undead, make the event where he finds this out also spark his ability to see and communicate with ghosts, and make him an occult detective. Let him close cold case murder files and put those spectres to rest."
Which is also a great premise for a Bat book and a great unfilled niche for a Batfamily member. Kate's supernatural stories are much more high concept and connected to her family drama. Damian's supernatural/occult connections are traditionally very heavily tied to his family history and the Lazarus Pits. Dick's semi-regular magic encounters are usually stuff he deals with alongside his teammates in the course of working with the Titans. None of the other Bats have enough regular encounters with the supernatural and magic side of the DCU for it to encroach on their shtick, and a Gotham-based supernatural book is well within DC's ability to publish and market given books like Gotham by Midnight.
In terms of how that direction affects all the other questions you asked...I think Jason's relationship with the rest of the Batfam should be complicated. I personally don't think "good/bad relationship with the Batfam" is a particularly useful way to look at it because I think there are people he should never see eye to eye with, people he realistically shouldn't and doesn't have a problem with, and people he should get along with just fine. I don't think everyone needs to or should be friends or enemies with him, but his morals and past actions will (and should!) complicate those relationships in interesting ways.
And re: what weapons I'd like to see him use...using the All-Blades would certainly factor into my proposed narrative direction, as that would lean into the supernatural connections, but I generally prefer the concept of Jason using knives as his preferred weapon over guns/a crowbar/etc. That way he can still be a marksman without using guns, and I think that fits more with his character trajectory as someone attempting to be less lethal but also has no problem roughing people up when he thinks they need to be.
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edgyggstantomlol · 4 months
Tomarry prompt: Accidental first kiss that neither one of them were expecting to happen.
There are things that everyone knows. The sky is blue, grass is green, Lockhart's a dick, the French are fucking annoying, etcetera and so forth.
Then there are things that everyone at Hogwarts knows, like the fact that Hagrid is more than a little insane about wild animals, and should be avoided by any persons who are less than ecstatic about creepy crawlies of larger than average size.
Or the fact that Riddle and Evans are always butting heads, but are also total freaks about each other, which is why they butt heads to begin with.
Quite frankly, it was a bit painfully obvious that their rivalry was rooted in a classic case of teenage hormones doing their, er, thing, but they themselves had yet to catch the memo. Unfortunate, truly, since it would probably only take a couple rounds of shoving their tongues down each other's throats to resolve all their conflicts.
But alas, some things were simply not to be, and so everyone resolved to having to endure the endless bitching and moaning of the school prodigies, never to be resolved by the hour of snogging Riddle and Evans so desperately needed.
"Oh holy shit," blurted out McTaggert. He and several other students were in the air, in between some casual matches of quidditch.
"Watch it, Taggy, not in front of the babies," said Carlisle playfully, much to the chagrin of her third year brother, and then, "What's happened?"
"Evans and Riddle just kissed."
Every single player halted what they were doing and snapped their attention to McTaggert, half convinced he was delusional. The school populace had long resigned itself to the understanding that Riddle and Evans would simply be dense for the rest of their school years, it was simply impossible that they would suddenly-
"Kiss? Riddle and Evans? Are you mad?"
"No way that's true, he's messing with us."
"You kid! Taggy, I fucking swear, you best be joking-"
"I'm not, honest!" he said defensively. "Look, you can see them running off right now- oh their faces are so fucking red, hah."
Everyone leaned forward on their brooms, squinting at where McTaggert was motioning.
"Oh shit, they are," said the elder Carlisle, with no small amount of glee. "Ah, to be young and innocent again, so flustered by a lil kissy kissy~"
"Oh, stop talking," whined Carlisle the younger. The pink-cheeked fourth years snickered.
"I think it's because it was an accident," mused McTaggert. "Honestly, it looked more like they tripped onto each other's faces than an intentional leaning in, if you will."
Carlisle guffawed at that, and Minyx, the sole sixth year Ravenclaw, quirked an eyebrow.
"Evans I can believe, but our ever so graceful Slytherin prodigy? Being so plebeian as to, what, stumble? I don't think Riddle's ever tripped on even his words, let alone his feet."
"Yes, well, I was the one who actually saw it happen, thanks, and I know what I was looking at," said McTaggert drily. "Perhaps if you lot were more aware of your surroundings, like a proper seeker-"
"Bring up our official matches and I'll beat you to death with my broom," interrupted Minyx.
The players then quickly and collectively devolved into a mostly unserious argument over house rivalries. Between all the noise and challenges, the matter of Riddle and Evans' little Schrodinger's kiss was soon forgotten in favor of defending quidditch honor.
From the beginning to the end, none of them had realized that Evans had ducked behind a pillar not too far away, red cheeked and wide eyed with a hand pressed against his lips.
What do you do when you know how a handsome boy's lips feel like?
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lunathrix · 1 year
I feel like The Radiance would try to one up pk and his Segway like idk a Segway without the handles to prove she’s better idk
I feel like radi has a mode of transportation available to her perfectly suited to flex on pk that you may have forgotten about
also thanks to @sudoscience for the beautiful kazoo cover 👏
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