persy-r-bozo · 2 months
I enjoy you in every possible way, I enjoy looking at you, talking with you, laughing with you, sitting in silence with you. I even enjoy arguing with you. I want to wake up every morning and know that your nearby. I need you to stay, if you were to leave it would tear me up inside... till I am a bloody vomity husk.
Uh. In a stright way though! I ain't apart of those LGTBCDEFG Freaks✨️
-Duck probably
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ginniesfangirllife · 3 months
Sonic to Saitama
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sof ?
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He’s not wrong.
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linkedin-offficial · 1 month
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ilaw's mama, from a simpler time
lady sariwa; a medic borne of the nesters family
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huariqueje · 6 months
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Peter’s denial - Giovanni Gasparro
Italian , b. 1983 -
Oil on canvas , 130 x 100 cm.
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gothic-soda · 10 months
Legend of Zelda fun fact: Revali is actually not dead! He is alive and in my basement! I feed him a good diet of gold fish crackers and Mountain Dew. He is very happy living with me. Ignore the squaking coming from the floorboards, those are the sounds he makes when he’s happy 😃
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memorywitches · 2 years
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They’re fine yall :) !!! Hunter was just telling Flapjack all about Cosmic Frontier :)))) 
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sidetongue · 2 years
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there was a kingfisher in this tree and henry could not comprehend that it did in fact fly away and not allow him to eat it 
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nonaonann · 1 year
Gothamites must have THE BIGGEST headache trying to keep track of all the birds and bats. I mean, all the different mantles they uptake during their vigilante tenure, think the robins and the batgirls,, plus all the different names and costumes they take up before settling into whatever DC continuity decides on.
Bonus: You think when one of them goes through an extreme costume change, some gothamites just think a new one has hit the streets?
ALSO, imagine trying to talk about a specific batgirl but it's just:
(For context, in current canon, both Steph and Cass are Batgirl. They're operating at the same time with the same name.)
"Oh, the ginger? She was badass. I dont think she's a Batgirl anymore though."
"No, I'm talking about the other one."
"The other one? Bro, there's more than one."
"The newest one on the scene."
"The purple one?"
"No, bro. She's been on the vigilante scene longer than the other one."
"Bro, no she hasn't. The ginger was the first one."
"I'm not talking about the ginger!"
"The one covered head to toe in black?"
"But she was Batgirl before the purple one."
"But the purple one's been on the streets longer."
"But she's the newest batgril?"
"She was a robin before that. The girl one."
"Dumbass, of course not! She wore the same colors as the others."
"Wait. So she wasn't that other purple vigilante?"
"Dude, Spoiler and the purple Batgirl are two different people."
"No way, dude. They have the same cloak thingy. Plus, no way Spoiler would let some girl walk around in her color, she was kinda territorial 'bout it. They have to be the same person!"
"Bro, based on that argument, the Robins might as well all be the same person."
"Ah, that's true... Backtrack, you said the girl Robin. There's been two."
"No there hasn't, dude."
"Yes there has. The second ginger one was a girl."
"There is no ginger Robin, bro, let alone two. Only black haired and one blondie."
"Dude, I swear I'm not lying about that."
It must be even worse with the Robins. No one can agree how many there's been, what hair colors they had, if they wore pants or not, if they've died, their age, their gender, what new name they picked up (if they dont think ex. Robin 1 and Nightwing are two dofferent people). It's all chaos.
Just, imagine this:
(Their referring to the Robin toy in the BatBurger kids meal btw)
"What Robin's this thing modeled after?"
"...Definitely not the new kid. That thing's [the toy] pale as the frickin' moon."
"So...one of the black haired ones?"
"Dude, they practically all have black hair."
"Bro...we talked about this last week. There were two gingers and a blonde."
"Yeah, but then Bobby said there was no way there were six robins."
"But then Tiff said there was definitely a blonde one cuz she met the girl a few times."
"Oh, and she did say there was at least one ginger, but he went emo, black box dye or somethin'."
"Oh wait, this one [the toy] doesn't have pants."
"That's still like half of them, dude!"
"Well I'm sorry, Bro! Take it up with the Bat! Tell him to get some fucking variety."
(Situation: someone being held hostage is being saved/handed over to paramedics or something OR report asking the question gothamites are dying to ask)
"Are you ever going to give an official statement on how many vigilantes are operating in Gotham?"
*inaccurate stare translation: Even I don't know how many there are. They keep appearing no matter how many times we do a headcount.*
"Silent treatment, terrific. What if I said a number, this number including you in the count, and then you said higher or lower?"
*small nod*
*points a finger up, holds back an amused smile in response to the person's godsmacked face, then grapples away*
[The next day | someone's reading the article/blog post/tweet]
"There's more than ten of us??"
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bunny-birdy · 1 year
it’s so fun to just be a mindless edgeslut! it’s been hours and i’m so wet and drippy!
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bayofwolves · 12 days
i can't believe i've never talked in depth ab drineke before. all this babbling ab shaneke and never a fic or analysis or even an explanation for some of my favourite doomed sapphics of all time. Wow
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We live in a world where even biologists are pretending they don't know where babies come from.
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supernoverse-askblog · 2 months
Everest are you gay?
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qtrump · 1 year
q!trump revival? 🤞
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gwydionmisha · 3 months
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go-to-the-mirror · 4 months
hmm in deltarune you can say no to acknowledging the possibility of pain and seizure and it just moves forward which... i have thoughts. about this. acknowledging vs. not acknowledging doesnt mean it's not gonna happen.
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blueish-bird · 2 years
We don’t, to my knowledge, ever see Angel fly in the manga. What we DO see is Public Safety/Makima forcefully prevent fiends from getting too strong and/or escaping, such as having Violence wear a mask that emits poison (Ch 34) and draining Power’s blood (Ch 39) — so my current theory is that Public Safety clips his flight feathers.
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