#DEEP sigh
landminejoshi · 13 days
I'm never ever going to be normal, am I? I'm just fucked up and ruined forever
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murdrdocs · 11 months
eye ... just had a thought but abt stiles (cw unprotected piv + creampies)
stiles fucking you, hips pushing into yours with a certain desperation you only get to see in small doses. tonight, he's let completely go, doe eyes bigger and more watery than usual, his tongue looser than it's ever been before as he babbles praises, his grip tight and unyielding against your skin. it's cute, adorable even, to watch him drive himself insane as you purposefully squeeze around him, your nails dragging along his scalp, pushing the sweat-matted hair off of his forehead affectionately.
you know that the cause of his demise is technically your fault, as you were the one begging to forgo the use of a condom for the night. you needed stiles, you really did, but he'd made you cum twice, and a third was brewing, and at this point you were more entranced with the way he managed to hold off throughout your own orgasms. you were transfixed with his appearance, eagerly awaiting for his warning.
the words follow quicker than you'd expected, a pathetic whimper of, "i'm close," slipping past his swollen lips. you know he's telling you to unlink your ankles from his back. he's asking you to let him pull away from you, to prevent a potential accident that would cause more trouble than it's worth.
but you couldn't care less right now, reckless behavior be damned. your link at his back tightens, you pull him closer into you, your nails dig into his scalp as a warning when his eyes widen, almost comically.
"sweetheart, ah, lemme, i gotta–" you shake your head, pulling stiles down for a kiss. he hesitates, but he could never resist your lips, his own puckering to meet yours in a messy, sloppy kiss that is more clashing of teeth and tongue and swapping of saliva than anything else.
your lips separate from his with enough room to speak, enough room for his attentive ears—used to seeking out your moans and whimpers and whines—to hear you.
"come in me, stiles. please, i need it."
stiles would never deprive you of something you wanted, much less something you needed. so he nods, obedient in nature, and then his thrusts get sloppy and he stills with one hard thrust, warm spurts of cum painting your walls. you gasp, unused to the feeling, back arching as stiles' thumb circles your clit. your own orgasm (the third of the night) sinks into you, sliding down throughout your body as stiles is still twitching from his.
he doesn't pull out, not yet, instead burying his head in the crook of your neck, letting you comb through his hair as the both of you attempt to regain your breath. stiles miraculously recovers first, lips appreciatively kissing over your sweaty skin, hand rubbing along your side until it stops.
he stills once more, lifting himself up to look you in the eye. "you took your pill this morning, right?" you nod, still a little hazy from the feeling of stiles' cum leaking out around his cock still sheathed inside of you. "and uh ... how much is plan b again?"
you shrug. "around 50 i think?"
a beat. "shit."
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laylawatermelon · 3 months
So bad for Tommy to get involved with a guy who has a boyfriend who has a kid they raise together who also has a girlfriend who sometimes babysits their son so he can hang out with said boyfriend of his boyfriend. 😕
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
Me: okay, the update is almost ready. Huh all I need to do is some writing
My brain: but what if……listen….but what if we make it longer?
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lightasthesun · 13 days
pre relationship codywan my beloved; mutual pining my beloved, not actually unrequited feelings my beloved, unresolved romantic tension my beloved, unresolved sexual tension my beloved, slow burn my beloved, friends to lovers my beloved, undercover as lovers my beloved, fake relationship my beloved, sharing a bed my beloved, accidental kiss my beloved, miscommunication (done right) my beloved etc etc etc
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celestie0 · 30 days
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hey-shug · 26 days
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crowlipso · 10 months
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Come come kitty kitty. You’re so pretty pretty.
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soft-cryptids · 1 year
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Smoking Javi is just....yeah.  _____ more of my artworks: (x) you can support me on Ko-fi! (x)  
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galfromearth-22191 · 1 month
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I honestly don’t know y’all….
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softiedingo · 9 months
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he looks so classy with his legs crossed like that 😤✨️
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stnexus · 1 year
thinking about… jason todd!
18+, NSFW, Minors DNI
mention of teasing, black!fem!reader
i know jason is an absolute asshole in bed. he watches you with low lidded eyes as he pushes each inch of his cock into you. just slow and teasing, and there is no begging with him at this moment, you’ll just have to take it. and he knows how much he’s stretching you out — he’s so girthy and long and it feel like he’s hitting every inch of your cunt.
and it’s not until you’ve let out a, “ ‘s too much…” as you push at his scarred chest, that you realize he hasn’t even bottomed out yet. with a dark laugh, his thumb finds your clit, rubbing slow tight circles over it.
“you got it pretty girl, just open up for me,” would be his response. he’d ease his way in until he hit the hilt, his body becoming one with yours, “see, I told you. my good girl always does so well.”
it wouldn’t be long before he’s pulling out of you just to push back in, his strokes slow and nerve wracking at the start. but what would make it worse is the way he’d lean over you with your legs wrapped around his waist, his lower abdomen pushing down on you and rubbing over your sensitive little bundle of nerves with every push and pull. but that wasn’t enough, he’d know he was teasing you, not giving you what you need.
he wouldn’t even hit that one spot that had you turning into a bumbling mess yet, on purpose. he’d be so mean about it too as you whine under him. “what? not enough now,” jason would grin as his slow movements continue. “but ya’ told me it was too much just a minute ago.”
“m’ sorry, jayyy,” you’d call out a fleeting apology, “please…just a little more…”
that was all it took for him (sometimes). he’d flip you onto your stomach with ease, a pillow placed right under your hips. he’d give you a whole lot more. jason would waste no time sheathing himself in your warm sloppy cunt once more, but the slow movements would be long gone. if anyone were to stand near your door the plap plap plap of skin meeting skin over and over would be evident. your pretty brown skin would meld over him as his heavy hips would press flush against your ass, his balls slapping quickly and roughly against your clit in the process.
you’d be dripping onto the sheet’s below you, making a sticky mess on part of the pillow that lay under you. your face pressed against the mattress and perked up dark brown nipples rubbing against the duvet.
“how ya’ feelin’, pretty girl?”
you’d somewhat hear him, but no words would form in between the jumbled mess of moans and cries you’d let out. that is until you feel one of his large hands glide up your back, as roughly as ever as he would grab a hold of your braids. forcing your knees to dig into the bed as he’d pull your head up from the mattress.
“i asked you a question. now use your fucking words,” he’d demand while his free hand traveled between your legs to play at your neglected and swollen clit. his hips rutting into you, the head of his cock hitting your most sensitive spot so deliciously as he’d split you open. it’d feel like you couldn’t make sense even if you tried. your brain would fogged over at his request.
still you’d attempt to listen, a flood of what sounded like beautiful nonsense to jason leaving your mouth before you’d be able to push out a chopped up sentence.
“feels…oh fuuuck, feels so good…jasonnn,”
with a ‘good girl’ uttered by jason he’d let go of your hair, your upper body dropping back onto the bed. your ass in the air, forcing you into an unforgiving arch. he would ruin you in every way possible, he enjoyed turning you into a stupid mess. he’d love every moment of it. your cunt clenching and gripping at him as it would warn him that your unraveling is near, something you couldn’t just announce with your words.
and as his movements never ceased he’d call out, “now cream all over me. cum on my cock, princess. show me how good you really feel.”
and of course you’d listen.
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matenr0u · 7 months
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happy 18th anniversary the game ever
my forever ship. this series has given me so many cherished memories. the summer i finished khii was so emotional i left the fandom until now, and ive been welcomed back so sweetly by everyone. those days watching the sora show & demyx time after school. glomping and emo songfics. ‘you’re the sora to my riku’. sleepovers where we’d all fall asleep idling in traverse town. kingdom hearts is home.
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fatestayyuri · 10 months
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drawing Ward to avoid having to actually continue reading Ward
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s1ckstvr0s · 2 months
It's them and their homosexuality and love for each other in the outfit of thirst for each other's blood against the world.
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
One thing I keep thinking about is how the pm's front company is literally called “Mori Corporation”. Like yeah sure, let's put the actual name of our evil boss, most likely the most wanted person in the entire Yokohama, as the title of our not-shady-at-all perfectly-subtle black-themed industry. What could ever go wrong
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