#DBZ Chapter 10
everymangavegeta · 1 year
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He deserved it…
Killed by power levels barely over a thousand…
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dbfacets · 2 years
Facets: Chapter Ten
Summary: Evil is once again brewing in the Demon Realm.  This time, however, even the Grand Priest is concerned with how things develop, especially when it involves someone from his past...
Author Notes: ive said this about a few other chapters but this is one of my top fav chapters for sure!!!  got some beloved characters of mine in here :) enjoy!
Shot begins with a view of the Demon Realm.  There’s spiky rocks and shit like that idk.  Shot focuses on some commotion down below on the ground, where a group of demons are arguing over who’s going to rule next.
UNNAMED DEMON 1 I should be the one to wear the crown!  I’m more worthy than all of you combined!
UNNAMED DEMON 2 Get real!  I’m obviously the strongest!
UNNAMED DEMON 3 You’re both wrong!  I should be the new ruler!
While they’re all bickering, the camera focuses on ESTO peeking out from behind a rock formation.  He looks peeved.  He slinks behind the rock and growls to himself.
ESTO Petty fools…  Don’t they know none of them are worthy of ruling this place?  They hardly compare to King Taoreta…  Hell, even Taoreta pales in comparison to those that came before him.
Shot changes to show silhouettes of past demon rulers.
ESTO (off-screen) This realm used to be crawling with powerful demons, all worthy of being rulers in their own right.  If it weren’t for that damned Omni-King erasing them and their universes, they’d still be here to settle all of this and bring order to the Demon Realm…
Shot changes to show ESTO brooding angrily.
ESTO If only they could be brought back somehow…
He seems to get an idea suddenly, and he then grins wickedly.
Shot changes to show some shinjin planet.  There’s shinjin running around playing and having a good time, I guess waiting to be chosen to be Supreme Kais.  Shot focuses on one shinjin in particular--SUT.  They stop what they’re doing and look over to a tree, where ESTO is peeking out from behind it.  He waves them over.  They curiously look at him for a moment before heading over to meet him.
SUT Who are you?
ESTO I’m just someone looking for help.
SUT Really?  What do you need help with?
ESTO This may sound silly, but...I need help gathering the Super Dragon Balls.  I want to make a very important wish that will help a lot of people.  I don’t know the language of the gods, so I need someone who can make my wish for me.
SUT That does sound important…
They look over their shoulder for a moment before turning back to ESTO.
SUT I think I can help you.  I have really good sight, so I can definitely find them for you.  I’m also fluent in that language, too.
ESTO smiles, and there’s a hint of something sinister in it.
ESTO Thank you so much.
Cut to a shot of the Super Dragon Balls with the dragon being summoned.  SUT and ESTO are floating in front of them.  SUT turns to ESTO.
SUT Okay, what’s the wish?
ESTO grins. Shot changes to show the GRAND PRIEST standing somewhere in ZEN-OH’s palace.  He seems to hesitate as if he senses a disturbance, and he then summons his staff.  He looks into the ball at the end of his staff for a moment before looking shocked.  Cut back to ESTO and SUT.  The dragon disappears and the dragon balls disperse.  SUT looks at ESTO again.
SUT That was a pretty big wish!  I never thought anyone would do something like that.
ESTO Yes, well...it was an essential wish.  I thank you for helping me get it granted.  Unfortunately...that is all I need you for.
SUT looks at him questioningly, but then there’s a look of fear on their face when ESTO pulls out a dark energy sword.  Shot ends with him holding it up to slice.
Shot cuts to show the Demon Realm again.  Everyone’s still bickering.  It focuses on a demon named POI, who’s just kind of watching from the sidelines.  ESTO soon returns, and POI goes over to him.
POI Esto!  Where have you been?  Things have gotten crazy down here!
ESTO I was taking care of some important business.
POI Business?  What business?
ESTO grins.
ESTO Patience, Poi.  You’re about to find out.
The two of them look off into the distance, where a huge silhouette of a crowd of big demons is approaching.  Slowly, they come into view, and there’s a ton of nasty-looking demons of all shapes and sizes walking forward.  ESTO looks very pleased.  The big demons start to part, and a smaller demon woman walks through the path that’s been cleared.  It’s MAZAKA, and she looks badass. ESTO Your new leader has arrived.
POI Leader?  You can’t mean her!
The big new demons (two of which are KOKKUTA and CHOVE) grin evilly.  The previous demons start crowding around them.  POI hops down and runs to the front of the crowd to meet them.
POI You can’t just show up outta nowhere and claim the throne!  You have to wait in line like the rest of us!
MAZAKA So, you’re saying I have to clear you all out first before I can claim my throne?
POI Yeah!  All of us!
MAZAKA grins softly.
MAZAKA …  Very well.
She lifts a hand and holds it out before flicking her wrist upward.  Shot shows the silhouettes of POI and all the smaller demons getting straight up impaled by a bunch of spikes that come through the ground.  ESTO is just smirking at the scene.  MAZAKA and her underlings walk around the forest of impaled demons and approach ESTO.
ESTO It’s been too long, Mazaka.
MAZAKA Indeed, it has.  I assume you are the reason we have returned?
ESTO Yes.  I felt that it was time for you to--
MAZAKA suddenly grabs ESTO by the throat and chokes him.
MAZAKA It took you a millenia to resurrect me.  I dearly hope you don’t expect praise for this, do you?
ESTO N-no, Your Majesty, I wouldn’t dare…!
MAZAKA squints at him before releasing him, leaving him to rub his neck and cough.  She walks by him with her minions following.
MAZAKA Then tell the others that their ruler has come home.
ESTO is left behind to nervously watch her walk away.
Cut to the white space where the GRAND PRIEST has called for meetings with the other deities.  He teleports in on his podium as usual, but when he arrives, he takes on a look of surprise.  Shot changes to show various new gods standing around with the previous gods of the 8 universes, and they’re all looking at each other in confusion and shock.  The GRAND PRIEST rubs his chin.
GRAND PRIEST I...see.  It seems someone has resurrected the universes that had previously been erased after all this time.  But, who?  And...why?
Shot shows IVE standing with MOJA, POLI, and MARDUK.  They all look frightened.
GRAND PRIEST Alright, everyone…  I called you all here so that I may confirm these happenings with my own eyes.  Now that I have...I suppose you should all return to your respective universes until I call for you again.  I must speak with the Omni-King to decide what course of action we are to take.
The gods look at each other before starting to teleport away.  Eventually, GRAND PRIEST is left by himself to think.  Suddenly, the ground behind him starts to crack, and he looks back.  The crack grows larger, and smoke starts to come out of it.  It soon breaks open completely, and MAZAKA emerges from the smoke with a little grin.  GRAND PRIEST looks very displeased to see her.
MAZAKA …  You don’t look too happy to see me again, Priest.
GRAND PRIEST I was under the impression that you were erased with the rest of the demons from your universe.
MAZAKA starts approaching him with a little laugh.
MAZAKA Oh, I was.  Luckily, someone was thoughtful enough to bring me back, along with all of my friends.
GRAND PRIEST looks disgruntled.
MAZAKA Oh, don’t look so upset, Priest.  You act as though you never liked me at all...when we both know that isn’t true.
She gets closer to him until she’s in his personal space, and he looks away with a scowl.
MAZAKA Remember when you used to call me Maz?  You were always so cute, you know.
GRAND PRIEST That was before you decided to side with the Demon Realm and give up your status as a deity in favor of ruling over them.  Things have changed.
MAZAKA is still smiling, but there’s a wicked look in her eyes as he continues to speak.
GRAND PRIEST You and the rest of your ilk received the punishment you asked for when you tried to rebel against us.  It would do you well to remember that your actions have consequences.  Now, I suggest you go back to the Demon Realm before I am forced to take action.
MAZAKA …  And you wonder why I left in the first place.
MAZAKA finally backs up and waves her hand dismissively.
MAZAKA Very well, I will leave you.  But, don’t expect me to stay gone forever...Priest.
With that, she disappears back into the smoke, and the crack in the ground seals itself up.  GRAND PRIEST is left standing there uncomfortably.
Cut to MOJA pacing around while ROWHEA, IVE, and POLI watch.
MOJA I just don’t get it!  Where did they all come from?  The other universes were supposed to have been erased thousands of years ago!  Is it some kind of trick?
POLI I don’t believe it was a trick, Lord Moja; the Grand Priest seemed genuinely concerned with the situation.
MOJA I just don’t see why someone would go against Grand Zen-oh’s decision like that.  What are they planning?
IVE tilts his head.
IVE Why is it a bad thing…?  Isn’t it good that the other universes are back?
MOJA No!!  Zen-oh made the decision to erase them, and bringing them back is going directly against their word!  Someone must be plotting something serious to do something so stupid.
IVE looks disgruntled at this, but says nothing else.
Cut to the Demon Realm again.  MAZAKA is rallying the demons while ESTO, KOKKUTA, and CHOVE stand behind her.  They’re all standing on a rock formation that’s acting as a podium.
MAZAKA Fellow demons, thank you for your warm reception.  It is good to be back home.  I feel as though a celebration is in order, don’t you?  As it turns out...I have the perfect way to celebrate our return.
She gives an evil look.
MAZAKA It is time to wage war against the gods.  With our newfound numbers, we are more powerful than we’ve ever been.  It shall be easy to overrun the gods and take what is rightfully ours--the power to rule over the Mortal Realm.  They’ve looked down on us for far too long, have they not?  Don’t you agree it’s time we show them how powerful the Demon Realm really is?  Don’t you think it’s time we show them why they should fear us?
The crowd of demons goes wild, blowing fire and cheering and stuff like that.  MAZAKA’s subordinates all grin darkly.  MAZAKA turns her attention to a few demons at the front of the crowd.
MAZAKA I will be leading this effort, of course.  However, I have appointed a few trusted allies to aid me in order to make sure things run smoothly.  They are all Demon Lords of their respective universes.
Shot focuses on SHAZA.
MAZAKA Shaza, of Universe F.
Shot focuses on ABORA.
MAZAKA Abora, of Universe N.
Shot focuses on AKAL.
MAZAKA And finally, Akal, of Universe U. Shot shows the three Demon Lords standing together as MAZAKA speaks behind them.
MAZAKA These three are all very determined to get their revenge on the Omni-King for erasing them, which tells me they are motivated enough to be very reliable allies.  I trust that they will prove quite useful in the final battle.
MAZAKA seems to notice something off to the side.  She looks over to see SIRACHA just kind of floating there casually on his back, without a care in the world.
MAZAKA …  And who is that?
ESTO leans in.
ESTO That is Siracha, Your Majesty.  He’s one of the more recent Demon Gods to appear.  He hasn’t proven himself very trustworthy or useful for that matter; he’s quite unpredictable.  I would just ignore him.
MAZAKA A Demon God, you say?
MAZAKA watches SIRACHA for a moment, then grins.
MAZAKA …  You.  Siracha, correct?
SIRACHA looks over at her when he’s called, rolling over.
SIRACHA That’s me.
MAZAKA I hear you’re quite the interesting character.  A Demon God, even.  You seem like the type to enjoy a bit of fun.
SIRACHA I’d agree with you there.
MAZAKA You are also well-informed on the activities of the other gods, are you not?
SIRACHA I get around.
MAZAKA I see.  Then, would you be interested in being my informant?  I would just need you to keep me updated on what the gods are doing during this operation.  You will surely be rewarded for your efforts when this is over.
SIRACHA hums before rolling over again.
SIRACHA …  Sounds interesting.  I’m in.
MAZAKA grins evilly.
Shot cuts to MOJA’s castle.  MOJA and POLI are in the kitchen having a discussion.
MOJA This is still so bizarre to me.  Who in their right mind would want to gain Zen-oh’s attention in such a bad way?  Do they want the whole damn multiverse to get destroyed?
POLI I’m not sure.  What I do know, however, is that the Grand Priest believes that the Demon Realm plans to wage war on the gods now that their strongest leader has returned as well as a very large number of demons.
IVE can be seen eavesdropping from behind a wall.
MOJA Yikes.  That sounds about right, though.  He better talk to Zen-oh fast before things get out of hand.  At this rate, there really will be a war, and if that happens, it’s possible that the Mortal Realm will be affected, too.  It might even get destroyed as collateral damage.  I say Zen-oh needs to just nip this in the bud while there’s still time.
IVE seems concerned with this information, and he heads off down the hallway.  Cut to IVE finding ROWHEA.
ROWHEA Hey, dude, what’s up?  You look worried about something.
IVE I am.  Rowhea, I need you to cover for me for a little bit.  I have to go take care of something.  It’s really important.  Can you do that for me?
ROWHEA Uh, sure, no problem.  Don’t do anything too crazy, alright?
IVE nods.  Cut to IVE in his room holding a button similar to the one Zen-oh gave Goku to summon him.  He presses it, and a projection pops up from it.  ENLIL can be seen on the projection, and she soon notices IVE.
ENLIL Ive?  What’s wrong?
IVE This is going to sound stupid, but can you take me to Zen-oh’s place?  I really need to talk to them.
ENLIL …  You’re right, that does sound stupid.  You know what’ll happen if you say something wrong, right?
IVE I know…  I wouldn’t be doing this normally, but something awful is about to happen and this is the only way I know of stopping it.
ENLIL …  Okay.  I’ll be over in a sec to get you.  But if you mess this up, I’m not going to cover for you.
IVE Thanks, Enlil.
Cut to the two of them teleporting to the Omni-King’s place.  GRAND PRIEST is there to greet them.
GRAND PRIEST Oh, Universe X.  I was not expecting to see you today.  You’ve come at an unfortunate time, however; there are important things I must be tending to.
IVE steps forward.
IVE That’s actually why I came.  I know you’re thinking about having Zen-oh erase the universes again, and I don’t think that’s the right answer.
GRAND PRIEST’s expression falters.  ENLIL stiffens up.
GRAND PRIEST …  Ive, was it?  I appreciate your concern, and I have praised you for preventing the erasure of Universe A in the past, but I must warn you that there are some things that you would be wise to let those above you handle themselves.  What is happening does not concern those who are not considered gods.
IVE I’m training to become a god, doesn’t that amount for something?
GRAND PRIEST For this?  I must say no.  Please return to your universe at once.
ENLIL tugs on IVE’s arm.
ENLIL You tried, Ive.  Let’s just go.
IVE No, I know there’s a better solution than erasing whole universes.  Can’t I just talk to Zen-oh for a little while?
GRAND PRIEST looks peeved, now. GRAND PRIEST I will not ask you again, saiyan.
IVE shrinks back a little before hanging his head in defeat.  ENLIL holds his arm.
ENLIL We apologize for the disturbance.  Kai kai.
The two teleport away, leaving the GRAND PRIEST to frown.
Shot changes to show ENLIL and IVE in IVE’s room again.  They’re sitting down.
ENLIL I can’t believe you talked to the Grand Priest like that.  You’re so lucky he didn’t annihilate you on the spot.
IVE Why was he so adamant about getting rid of the universes again?  You’d think he’d be open to ideas that didn’t involve damaging the whole multiverse…
ENLIL Sometimes you should just not question people’s decisions.  They must know better than us.
IVE I seriously don’t think he knows what he’s doing.  The other universes shouldn’t have to suffer because of some war they don’t even know is happening.
ENLIL Well, what do you plan to do?  If war is going to break out between the Demon Realm and the gods, then Zen-oh is surely going to show up and end it before it even begins.
IVE thinks for a moment.
IVE …  Then I guess we’ll have to show up and meet them there and convince them not to erase the universes that way.
Cut back to the Demon Realm.  MAZAKA is rallying her forces.  She lifts her staff and casts a spell that opens a huge portal.  She then addresses her troops.
MAZAKA This portal is a gateway to the realm of the gods.  When we pass through, war shall begin.
The demons look like they’re about to go absolutely feral.  Cut to the other side of the portal, where all the gods are gathering behind GRAND PRIEST.  He looks serious as he observes the portal.  Shot shows MOJA, POLI, and MARDUK.  MARDUK leans over to MOJA.
MARDUK Where is Ive?  Shouldn’t he be here?
MOJA The Grand Priest specifically ordered me to leave him behind.
GRAND PRIEST …  They’re coming.
Shot shows MAZAKA’s shoe coming through the portal, and soon enough she fully emerges with a grin on her lips.  She and the GRAND PRIEST have a stare-off.
MAZAKA Hello, Priest.  It’s so nice of you to have gathered all of the gods here to welcome me.  It’s a shame that you and the rest of them will all be gone soon.
GRAND PRIEST You have one chance to turn back and call off your armies before you meet the same fate as before.
MAZAKA You mean Zen-oh?  Oh, Priest, you really think things will play out the same way they did last time?
As soon as she finishes speaking, KOKKUTA and CHOVE fly out of the portal on either side of her, heading directly towards GRAND PRIEST.  He scowls and lifts up his hands, stopping them with one big attack (they get obliterated). GRAND PRIEST You’re sorely mistaken if you believe I’d succumb to a few lowly goons.
MAZAKA Perhaps it’s not the goons that you should be worrying about.
GRAND PRIEST suddenly notices a huge spell circle underneath him.  Before he can react, the spell activates, and he’s caught in some sort of dark energy that freezes him in place.  The other gods look shocked, but they’re soon caught in the same energy.  GRAND PRIEST seems to be struggling.
GRAND PRIEST Even the angels…  They’re your children!
MAZAKA gets a sour look on her face, but she’s still smiling.
MAZAKA Oh, so now you decide to play the family card.  How sweet of you.  But, didn’t you say it yourself?  Things have changed.
Shot changes to show IVE and ENLIL watching all this from a crystal ball in his room.
ENLIL This is bad.  The Grand Priest can’t call Zen-oh to come take care of them before they can start the war.  Now there’s nothing in their way…
IVE That means Zen-oh isn’t going to show up…  I guess we have to go to them instead.
ENLIL Right.
Cut to the two of them arriving at Zen-oh’s palace again.  They fly up to the palace, and it cuts to them running down the hallway to the throne room.  Two guards stop them before they enter.
ZEN-OH Move, I can’t see who it is.
The guards move out of the way to reveal ZEN-OH standing there with a neutral look on their face.
ZEN-OH Oh, you’re that one guy from earlier.  Do you need something?
IVE Y-yes.  Grand Zen-oh, something very bad is about to happen.  Your Grand Priest can’t call for you, so I had to come instead to tell you that the Demon Realm is about to wage war on the gods.
ZEN-OH Mmm.  It’s because all those universes got revived, right?  That’s okay.  I can take care of it.
They lift up their hands to erase everything, but IVE steps forward with his hands out.
IVE W-wait, stop!
ZEN-OH What?
IVE You don’t have to erase all the universes to prevent it!
ZEN-OH What do you mean?
IVE Don’t you think it’d be unfair to all those living in those universes who aren’t even involved?  They just got brought back and they’d be disappearing again even though they have no control over what’s happening.  It would be...kinda mean, I think.
ZEN-OH Mean?
They lower their hands and think for a moment.
ZEN-OH …  Mmm…  Okay.  What should I do instead, then?
IVE There’s only a few people responsible for what’s happening.  If you get rid of them, the rest of the demons should be discouraged and call it off.
ZEN-OH Are you sure? …  Okay.  I’ll be right back.
Cut back to MAZAKA standing there grinning as the gods and GRAND PRIEST struggle to move.  Suddenly, ZEN-OH appears in front of her, and she’s startled.
MAZAKA W-what?!  How did you--?!
ZEN-OH lifts their hand and erases her, just like that.  The magic holding the gods and GRAND PRIEST disappears, and they all fall to their knees.  Cut to the Demon Realm, where ESTO and the three Demon Lords are also being erased.
UNNAMED DEMON SOLDIER Huh--?  Where’d they go?
SIRACHA can be seen hiding behind a rock.
SIRACHA Whoops.  Time to go.
He then disappears in a puff of smoke.  Cut to the portal closing up, and everyone’s confused.
UNNAMED DEMON SOLDIER What’s going on?  Aren’t we supposed to attack?
ZEN-OH appears before the armies in the Demon Realm, which scares everyone.
ZEN-OH Don’t pull this again or I’ll erase the entire Demon Realm.  Okay bye.
They disappear, leaving all the demons scared and speechless.  Cut to ZEN-OH reappearing with IVE and ENLIL.
ZEN-OH Okay, it’s done now.
They start to walk to their throne, but they stop and look at IVE for a second.
ZEN-OH You’re not a god, are you?
IVE N-no, not yet…
ZEN-OH You should be.
IVE blushes a little.  ENLIL places a hand on his shoulder.
ENLIL We should get you back home now.
IVE R-right.
Cut to later at MOJA’s place.  ROWHEA and IVE are just hanging out.  MOJA steps in after a moment.
IVE Yes, Lord Moja?
MOJA It’s time.
Shot of IVE looking nervous, but somewhat excited.  Cut to MOJA, POLI, and IVE teleporting in to the white space where the gods gather.  All the other Gods of Destruction and their angels are there waiting on them.  GRAND PRIEST lowers to greet them.
GRAND PRIEST Ive.  Before we begin, I...owe you an apology.  My mind was clouded back then, and I realize it would have been a good idea to listen to you.  Once again, you made a good decision.
IVE smiles.  GRAND PRIEST claps his hands.
GRAND PRIEST Now, let us begin the ceremony.  Everyone, please gather ‘round.
The Gods of Destruction all gather around IVE and GRAND PRIEST in a circle.  God, I have to draw 26 gods, huh.  I have to draw the angels hanging back, too.  Anyway the gods begin to recite something in an ancient language that I’ll probably make up on the spot.  Some magical energy begins to surround IVE, and he starts to lift off the ground.  It fully envelops him for a moment as they continue chanting, and the GRAND PRIEST simply watches from above.  Soon, he is lowered back down, and the gods fall silent.  GRAND PRIEST holds his hands behind his back.
GRAND PRIEST Ive, you have now ascended to the ranks of the gods.  From this day forth, you will be known as the God of Destruction for Universe X.
IVE looks happily up at him, then turns to see MOJA smiling proudly and clapping along with the other gods.  Cut to them arriving back on MOJA’s planet.  ROWHEA runs up to them.
ROWHEA You’re back!  How was it?  How do you feel?
IVE It was great!  All the other gods were there for the ceremony.  It was really cool.  You would have liked it.
POLI and MOJA walk by them.
MOJA You two take a minute to celebrate while dinner gets prepared.
IVE and ROWHEA Okay!
MOJA looks over his shoulder at them before walking inside.  Cut to him walking into his chamber and going over to his nest bed thing, where he stands there and looks down.  He then sighs to himself.  Cut to IVE running into the kitchen, where POLI is cooking.
IVE Where’s Lord Moja?
POLI You should check his room.
IVE Okay.
IVE runs to MOJA’s room.
IVE Lord Moja?
He floats up to his nest bed and looks around curiously.  He then notices MOJA’s uniform resting in the nest.  MOJA is nowhere to be seen.  IVE gets closer and picks up the uniform, slowly realizing what’s happened.  He looks really sad suddenly.  POLI comes up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder.
IVE …  He...didn’t even say goodbye…
POLI You know him…  He was never one for sappy things.  But...he did want you to know he was very proud of you.  He knew you would become a great God of Destruction one day, and he was happy to know you proved him right.
IVE looks dejectedly at the uniform.  Cut to ROWHEA downstairs at the table already eating.  He sees IVE and POLI come in, and IVE is wearing the uniform instead of his usual bodysuit.
ROWHEA Hey, nice outfit!  You look like a real God of Destruction now!
He notices the look on IVE’s face.
ROWHEA …  Hey, why so blue?  Where’s Lord Moja?
IVE Lord Moja is...gone.
ROWHEA Huh?  Where’d he go?
POLI Otherworld.  There was no need for him to remain in this world any longer.  Ive is now in charge of his duties officially.
ROWHEA Oh, man…  I’m sorry, Ive…
IVE It’s...okay.  I think I expected this to happen.  He taught me everything he knew, so...I’ll be fine, I think.
POLI gives him a reassuring smile.  Cut to a shot of the sky outside of the castle.  IVE is sitting on a log looking over the forest surrounding it, and ROWHEA is there with him.  ROWHEA nudges him.
ROWHEA It’s pretty cool I get to be best friends with a god.
IVE Heh…  Yeah.
ROWHEA You’re gonna do great things, Ive.  I know it.  And Moja did, too.  I’m sure he left with confidence knowing you’d be here to take care of things for him.
IVE looks up at the sky.
ROWHEA This is the start of something really great.
Shot ends with a view of IVE and ROWHEA watching the sky together.
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anonymous-harpy · 29 days
So there's this one minific I was super motivated in that I dropped by I have enough outlined with plenty of notes
And like chapter two centers around Christmas...
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transmascswagpolls · 4 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
KRILLIN: Because I Said So YAMATO: CANON Transgender Man
Dragon Ball series, One Piece
KRILLIN PROPAGANDA- He’s just a little guy and his dbz season 2 suit and hat is very dapper His transest moment to me is shortly after he meets Goku in Dragon Ball- both characters are about 10-12 years old, but Goku (has lived alone in the woods for several years) can’t tell the difference between men and women without checking for balls. Krillin testily informs Goku “I’m a guy” and avoids being checked. He says the phrase "mondo cool"
He read a samurai's diary that was so cool he decided to become that samurai. This required him to adopt the male gender. He is also a dogguy :) [Pollrunner's Note: Yamato spends the vast majority his life as a young adult literally in chains, and an important moment for him is him screaming that he "wants to live freely". He is introduced from the very start as a man and literally growls at people who misgender him in any way. Right before taking a break from the manga, Oda released a chapter where Yamato and a transfem character, Okiku, get to have the most gender-affirming scene of all time when they use the separated male and female public bathrooms. It's a tradition of the series where characters have a party and hang out in an onsen before parting ways- this was the only chapter that was released in the month of June. Right after this chapter was released, the One Piece wiki, which had been strict on only using they/them pronouns for Yamato, switched exclusively to he/him and locked his page. I have been working on an essay about him and how media and the people who consume it treat transmaculine people for SEVERAL YEARS NOW. To me, he is the epitome of transmasc swag]
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shuukichan · 2 years
Goku x Vegeta Fic Recs
I've been spoiled with Sherlock, Good Omens, and Star Trek fic recs on this site. But after reigniting ye old flame for the particular paring of Goku x Vegeta, I've found a scarcity of fic recs (on Tumblr at least), so I thought I'd add my 2 cents on the off chance anyone might find this helpful. Fic summaries in italics are from the author and I’ve added some comments of my own to most of them. So here goes - the fic rec list no one asked for!
The Boys in Space
Contamination by @cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 14/14 | Words: 63,045): Hands-down the best DBZ fic I've read. A breathtaking piece of sci-fic horror with all the sophistication of a novel, combined with a profound understanding of Goku and Vegeta and the ability to render them perfectly in character. @cosmicmewtwo gives them a depth and a magnetic passion that keeps me revisiting and re-reading this amazing fic.
High Tide by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Teen and Up | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,270): A touching companion piece to Contamination.
Let’s Jam by @vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 5,613): Goku and Vegeta get separated from the Galactic Patrol, and crash land on an alien planet. They have plenty of time to get a little closer. For such a short fic, this one is saturated in rich description that immerses the reader in the crush of an alien city, the scents and tastes, the subtle feelings blooming sensually between our two heroes. Hits all the right notes perfectly.
Properties of Darkness by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5/? | Words: 10,366) Vegeta pressures Goku into teaching him how to use Instant Transmission, but the technique comes at a sinister price. In true Lovecraftian style, this fic explores the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible. What exactly happens when you rip at the seams of reality to jump across space? And what's lurking in the in-between?
Vegetasei AUs
Strange New World, That Has Such Creatures In It by GoblinCatKC (Rating: Teen and Up | Chapters: 10/10 | Words: 59,354): An imaginative fic full of world-building. Vegeta's wish to restore Vegetasei reveals the Saiyan homeworld as a misunderstood and divinely-chosen planet, as well as the surprisingly sinister role of the Kais in its downfall. Several religious allegorical references might be familiar to fans of CS Lewis or Tolkien, but (as a review of the fic puts it) the author uses allegory "without going all 'Pilgrim’s Progress' on us."
Irrevocable by akaparalian (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 8/8 | Words: 39,961): Traditionally, the rulers of Vegetasei determine their consorts by way of a tournament and when can Goku stay away from a tournament? Our clueless hero enters for a good fight and wins an outraged Prince. Goku’s ignorance as to the intricacies of his own people’s royal customs and etiquette make for a hard road for them both, but a good slow burn for the reader!
22 Years, 5 Months, 20 Days by zuzallove (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 19,026): Kakarot is Vegeta's assigned sparring partner when they are 4 and 6 years-old. Vegeta absolutely hates him. But as the years go by, Bardock's brat seems to be the only one who can hold Vegeta's attention for more than a minute. He hates him, but he can't live without him. Only two problems with that: there's a war on, and Vegeta has to mate whomever his father picks out for him.
Burn to Ash by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,476): Hours before his wedding, Prince Vegeta receives an unexpected visitor. Beautiful passion and excruciating angst.
Full Moon by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 7/7 | Words: 18,046): Goku’s tail is back, but he’s not sure he’s happy about it - especially now that he knows what he could become at the full moon. This fic complicates Goku as a character by seriously considering the emotional impact of killing his grandfather, exploring his fear and panic as he tries to accept his Oozaru form as an adult. Vegeta helps him through the process of embracing his Saiyan nature, which leads to another kind of embrace between the two.
Budoven by GoblinCatKC (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5/5 | Words: 15,524): Vegeta's past comes back to haunt him every day-memories of a lost culture, vulnerabilities he can't shake, a royal bearing crushed under cruelty. Now his past returns in the form of old enemies that destroy worlds, not a single warrior but an entire swarm. An insightful treatment of Vegeta’s past trauma, Goku’s understanding and love of this scarred man, an understanding none of the Z warriors share. Masterfully written with nothing overly maudlin, and bracketed by a gripping battle for Earth, it remains one of my favorite multi-chapter fics.
Feel You In My Bones by @teamdamon (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 9/9 | Words: 62,042): What starts as a fun romp with some great humor and steamy scenes, develops into a fic that explores so much - sexual dynamics, family dynamics, poly dynamics, etc. Vegeta's got one convoluted inner emotional life, Chi-Chi is relatable and understanding, Bulma is hilariously vulgar and loving, and Goku discovers a piece of himself he never knew he needed.
Remote Possibility by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 12,011): After Goku and Vegeta’s first battle, Vegeta’s pod is accidentally called back to Earth. When Goku learns about Frieza from Vegeta, they need to decide what to do next. As usual, Vakaara’s characterizations are spot-on in this AU - Vegeta’s dread of Frieza, Goku’s bottomless optimism, and the magnetic pull between the two Saiyans as they learn to train together against the common threat.
Under My Skin by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 11/11 | Words: 20,162): After eight years dead, Goku returns to Earth for one day at the Tenkaichi Budokai tournament. He left unfinished business between himself and Vegeta when he died. Vegeta isn’t happy about it. The bulk of this truly excellent fic explores the fallout with their families after Buu, the aftereffects of fusion, and how they make sense of it all in the end.
as if i could ever by MsFluorescent (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,784): Like many stories,  sparring leads to something more physically pleasurable between our two Saiyans. But Goku suddenly cuts things off. Something is crushing our hero’s irrepressible spirit, and even our stoic Vegeta can’t stand by and let that go on.
Standing in Reverence by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words | Words: 5,033): The fusion during the fight with Buu broke down some walls between Goku and Vegeta; Goku tears the rest down in an unprecedented gesture of apology and fidelity to his prince.
Aegis by orphan_account (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,154): While relaxing after a long day of sparring and hunting, Vegeta remembered the day he finally saw past the mask Goku held up to the world. A rare and satisfying vignette of Vegeta studying, understanding, and taking care of Goku.
Take Care by orphan_account (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,051): Goku knew when Vegeta wasn’t okay, and he knew what to do when that happened. In the early stages of their relationship, Goku studies his mate like he’s prepping for a fight, and it pays off for them both.
Kuvusa by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,967): This is in my top 5 for off-the-charts hotness, but with a fair dose of tenderness from Vegeta that is written in a wholly believable way for his character. I'm a sucker for the "heat" trope, but this fic is special in its convincing incorporation of the concept into Saiayn biology.
Side Effects by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,779): Vegeta accidentally exposes himself to a strange chemical in Bulma's lab. And really hopes he can expose himself again!
Blame It On Moonlight by gutterbunnyx for Dulcinea (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 5,589): The super moon makes Goku go into heat. Vegeta helps out in his own way. Veggie gets all dominant and Bulma and Chi-Chi are fans.
Toxic by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,353) It’s a love-potion-as-revenge/aphrodisiac fic, where poor naïve Goku gets tricked into drinking it. So, not really a “heat” fic but a lot of similar elements (multiple-orgasms, self-lubrication, Vegeta-tenderly-taking-care-of-Goku).
In the Time Chamber
Inside by @schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,301): Vegeta teaches Goku a little something new about male anatomy in the Time Chamber. Kakavege Week Prompt #22: Teacher’s Pet. They’re only a few months into their stay in the chamber and already Goku’s asking if it’s weird to like another man. Vegeta shows him how fun it can be.
New Ways of Dealing With Idiots by dragonspell (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,734): The first time that Vegeta crawls into Kakarot’s bed, it is in sheer self-defense. (Or Vegeta resorts to desperate measures to gain some peace and shut Goku up in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.) Goku is taken by surprise, but Vegeta’s method works well - so well that he may do it again. ;)
Training on Beerus’ Planet
Left Hook by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,176): Goku and Vegeta attempt to put Whis's suggestions into practice, but their training does not go as expected. Vegeta is wound tighter than any backrub could loosen, but Goku tries anyway! Some massage, a frank conversation, and a panicked punch still leads to some explicitly rated results.
You Need To Relax by Yammy_kooki (@eggdoodles) (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,59): Vegeta can't relax. Goku has a way to help. Another case of Whis “helping” move things along between these two by providing a very special kind of relaxation aid, as only a crafty angel could!
Curiosity by @tristaml (No rating | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6,203): Goku learns Vegeta's been with men and he's curious to know what that's like.
One-shots and PWP
Worthy by TristaML (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,547): Goku and Vegeta roleplay for the night. Written in a script-like style which detracts nothing from this hot gem.
mistake.jpeg by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 7,110): Vegeta embarrasses himself over text message. You might imagine our ragey prince going incandescent over his blunder, but Chapter 2 will surprise you.
Simple Needs by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 5,173): While sparring with Vegeta, Goku has an unexpected reaction (or: Great, Now We Gotta Kinkshame Goku) Sometimes, wires get crossed and pain and defeat get mixed up with other kinds of pleasure. One of the more imaginative uses of ki-rings I’ve had the pleasure to read.
Plain White T by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 1,950): Kakavege Week Prompt #35 - Costume: Casual Wear. Hilariously sexy. Poor Bulma puts up with so much.
Wild by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,660): Vegeta sees something wild inside Goku and decides to give him what he craves. Graphic sex, violence and some BDSM themes. Kakavege Week Prompt #15: Uke Goku. “If we go down this road, Kakarot, then things may never be the same.”
Untamed by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,628): Follow up to “Wild.” Kakarot comes back to Vegeta for more. Explicit sexual content including bondage, spanking, blood. Kakavege Week Day 3: Bondage
Fight with Denial by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,244): Vegeta never was satisfied with his fight with Kakarot that led to unleashing Majin Buu. So now that there are no more distractions, he has the perfect opportunity for a rematch. Kakavege Week Day 2: Hostility. This one reminds me of a few fan comics (Kabu’s Skyworld and Nakamori’s Fair in Love) where Vegeta’s rage and hatred are transformed during a fight. Bloodied and in the dirt, the two fighters finally, explosively, passionately connect after so much wasted animosity and denial.
Red Cheeks by @zennagreenwitch (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,210): Goku returns from Yardrat and tries to interact with Vegeta, but Vegeta doesn't seem to want anything to do with him. And what's up with that shirt? For Kakavege Week 12 Prompt Day 5: Embarrassed For once, Chichi knows what her Goku needs and makes sure he goes for it! Goku’s got a bit of internalized homophobia, but it’s no match for Chichi’s and Vegeta’s patience in this fun little fic.
By Accident by zennagreenwitch (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 9,346): Phantom tail pains wake Vegeta up in the middle of the night. Set after the Buu saga. Kakavege Week 12 Prompt Day 4: Underwear Series: Part 4 of Kakavege Week 12. Due Goku’s private, yet poorly-worded wish, Vegeta and all the half-Saiyan children are surprised to wake up with regenerated tails! After a bit of panic, Vegeta takes the situation in hand and explains what tail movements and scents communicate. Little does Goku realize what his tail betrays to his long-time friend and rival.
Training by MadamBiscuit (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,839): Vegeta's been having strange dreams lately involving his long-time rival, Goku. When Goku shows up for an impromptu training session, Vegeta tries to turn him down, but it isn't a fight that Goku wants . . . he wants to learn how to kiss properly!? Goku is super clueless and Vegeta has convinced himself this must be a dream. Silly hot PWP!
Signals by TristaML (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,938): PWP Vegeta/Goku. The wives have passed and Goku didn’t realize that anyone else knew that he liked Vegeta until adult Goten and Trunks pointed it out
The Proposition by GoldenMama (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 10,154 ): The Saiyans have their tails back, and Bulma’s questions are relentless. She asks the boys to enlighten her (for the sake of science, of course). Will they satisfy more than just her thirst for knowledge? A perfect blend of Saiyan possessiveness and a willingness to share. Vegeta is his smoldering self, but get ready for a more adult Goku than you might be used to!
Pace Is the Trick by GoldenMama (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/2 | Words: 4,082): Sequel to The /Proposition. It's Vegeta's turn to be the center of attention. Even when the Prince of All Saiyans is the bottom, he will always be on top.
Three's Company by herpb4uderp (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6,295): Goku and Vegeta turn an interruption into an invitation. On top of an expertly hot fic, what I love about this one is how the author explores the magnetic bond that Goku and Vegeta share – a bond that draws Broly towards them but one that will only ever be uniquely their own.
Dizzying Descent by gutterbunnyx (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,819): Day 1 for Bottom Goku Week 2022 - Fantasy! Goku fantasizes about Broly... And Vegeta is also there. ;) And then suddenly the fantasy materializes! Sloppy sexy fun.
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jluisjoni · 4 months
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Happy Goku Day! We're getting ever close to the release of Dragon Ball Daima in the fall and the 40th Anniversary of the franchise in November, and I personally cannot wait. I'm very excited to see how the series turns out, especially with it being the final Dragon Ball project with heavy involvement from series creator, Akira Toriyama. May he rest in peace.
I'd also like to take the time to show something - I've done a video talking about how Mr. Toriyama's work impacted myself back in late March, so if you have quarter of an hour to spare, I'd appreciate it if you could give it a watch. You can find it here: https://youtu.be/EFa_iBcyQeE
Once more, Happy Goku Day! And thank you for everything, Mr. Toriyama.
(as an aside, the Kinto'un/Nimbus looks like that 'cuz I based it on the cover for volume 26 (volume 10 in the VIZ Media release of DBZ), the first few pages of chapter 196 (chapter 2 in the VIZ DBZ release) and DBS: Super Hero's opening sequence. So no, it's not a mistake, just a little obscure callback)
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themattress · 5 months
Best DBZ Fights #2
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Goku vs. Freeza
Manga: Chapters 113 - 123, Volumes 10 - 11 Anime: Episodes 86 - 94 (Kai: 42- 47)
That's right, I actually prefer the battle between Goku and Freeza that transpires before the former's Super Saiyan transformation to the one afterward. The combatants may not be at the full extent of their power and the stakes may not be as high, but this allows for way more variety and way more strategy to be employed. Whereas as a Super Saiyan, Goku feels like he just easily powers his way through the fight, here he actually has to try and try hard, using everything he's learned about martial arts since childhood. While I'm glad we got the iconic follow-up, in all honesty the Spirit Bomb launched against Freeza is a perfectly good climax in of itself. Goku could've gone Super Saiyan just to do that and I'd have had no complaints.
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vegeta-bananabluish · 2 years
As If you weren't dead
*Completed multichapter fic* Vegeta is the sole survivor in an alternate timeline and is constantly hunted down by the androids. He travels to the DB, DBZ, and Future Trunks timelines to escape his personal hell and face his demons. Gradually, Vegeta starts to realize that the loss of Bulma and his infant son has affected him deeply.
Unfortunately, due to Vegeta's meddling in time, a string of unforeseen consequences arises. How will this impact Bulma and Vegeta's relationship through different timelines? And how will Trunks deal with three highly flammable fathers? Lots of action, typical canon violence, romance, and sweet family moments!
Future Vegeta x Future Bulma Canon Vegeta x Canon Bulma Teen Vegeta x Teen Bulma Chapters 1 - 10 have been heavily edited/improved. AO3
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
Both because I got tired today and because I remembered something, I decided to re-read Everything Stays (But it Still Changes) and also read some of your older oneshots out of curiosity. Or, tried while being tired. Specifically, I will highlight A Togami Doesn't Lose. Also, after thinking about A Legacy Will Be Crowned, I felt it would be interesting. Also read Also, again, I am very tired. I really need to stop staying up till 12am. I'm not a struggling highschooler anymore T-T Side note: Hopefully I will not blabber too much into delirious tiredness (spoiler allert from futer i didddd) but that could be the case. So, lowkey warning maybe? Perhpahs? I spelt that wrong but it looks funny to me right now so I'm keeping it.
Everything Stays- This fic was interesting because it gave some more insight into Kijo. It felt really fascinating seeing his more sympathetic thoughts, after all, he still cares about his heir to at least some degree. Like, how Kijo looks at the portrait of him and Byakuya when the heir won and reflecting on how he never seen Byakuya look quite like that ever again. Obviously, it's clear he's not going to change. Kijo will still be cold, calculating. Also, side tangent, I realized in my tiredness that, one, this is part of a series kinda and also, two... That Really Wasn't Supposed To Happen. One, I actually read a bit of it when it was ongoing and not finished back before I had a tumblr, so last year. And two... my gosh is it long. I will of course read it but also golly gee 62. Big numb (numb short for number heehee) So spooooooky! But I am so reading this in full which, gosh. I think I just need to plan it or chip away cus I can't pull an all nighter like I did with the others hehe. But also not a chapter at a time thing either cus I'll forget stuff. Also, the more I think about it, this might be the 2nd longest fic I will ever read... so far. Winner goes to a freaking DBZ fic I read in middle school that was around like... 72 chapters. So, if I could do that as a more anxiety riddled twerp, I can read this!! It's got my favorite booooooi! BBQ!!!
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A Togami Doesn't Lose- Was very short but fascinating to read cus it feels like a precursor to what would become The Heir of Despair. Not fully since so many twists and turns for that fic haven't been revealed. It was interesting though. Can also see the improvement in how you write too just from a year. Like, the deaths in this fic are short and sweet which fits the oneshot format. At the same time though, I can tell that, if written in the future, there'd be even more insight into Byakuya's thoughts, more detail in the deaths, stuff like that! So, it was really cool seeing how far you've come! So yeaaaaah. I wrote wordss :=] I hope the BBkuya was... insert verb here I dunno what else to say now. Or well, TYPE cus words on text do not speak unless they are Microsoft Sam, Bonzi Buddy, or some other text to speech guy who is less cool than those guys and sound like they'd do top 10 vids on the downlow. Legit almost 1am from the time i type this and my golly gee wilikers, batman
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so um, same batchanell, not say bat time cus my gosh do i not wanna stay up this late again but also i said that in reverse cus it's actually same bat time, same bat channel and i dunno if that refernece is referencing right now since the 60s Batman show isn't exactly relevant in the minds of the many and um... i put too much effort in this tangent so it's staying SO YEH! >:DD
Those two fics are defenitely a bit on the older side. Like, I'm pretty sure that EVBISC was my first time writing Kijo for more than a few sentences.
And looking back now, how I write him has changed a lot, and for the better. Technically it still depends on the universe, but I like how I write him now much more.
And A Togami Doesn't Lose was a silly little thing I wrote for Byakuya's birthday. And in a way it's like The Heir Of Despair. It's one of the older one-shots I still fairly like.
But TRWSTH is a long fic for sure. I mean, there are much longer fics out there but it's my longest fic. I also have to warn you that it was my first ever long fic.
So, especially in the beginning, the writing might be... something. Same goes for my old one-shots. You're entering dangerous territory there... You don't want to scroll down to see my 2 non danganronpa fics...
But thank you that you are putting so much thought into this!!
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jamiesfootball · 5 months
Tagged by @jamietarttsnorthernattitude and @asteria-argo
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso is the main one right now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A German, a Russian, and an American Walk into a Bar (The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015))
oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love) (Ted Lasso (TV))
The Garrison Reserve (The Musketeers (2014))
The Dick String Incident (Ted Lasso (TV))
somebody's hands who felt like mine (Ted Lasso (TV))
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, though I am woefully behind
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's a toss up between right next to the heart of me and somebody's hands who felt like mine. I think the first one is technically the sharper angst, but it at least has a sequel in the works to make things a little better. The second one is a softer whump, but open-ended and with no follow up planned.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In terms of fics that have actually ended, A German, a Russian, and an American Walk into a Bar wins by a mile
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet???
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Whatever kind. If I am feeling inspired by a thought, I'm gonna write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written AUs but no straight-up crossovers yet, though I've lazily batted a few around in a sort of 'what if x met y' sort of way
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, A German, a Russian, and an American Walk into a Bar and The Garrison Reserve were both co-written
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Right now it's Jamie/Whump
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
It's not that I won't finish The Garrison Reserve (literally the last chapter is half written), but finishing it is going to mean a rewatch because I have straight up forgotten half the side characters' names
16. What are your writing strengths?
Maybe descriptions? Also my willingness to try to tell a joke
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
This is one I try very very hard to edit out, but I am literally the worst at writing my thoughts down out-of-order or forgetting to finish a thought entirely. Oh, and dialogue. It either comes naturally or I am forging that garbage with a hammer.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think there is a time for using another language in-text and a time when simply implying the other language or leaning on the perspective of a character who doesn't speak the other language is the correct decision.
That said I am currently writing a story about Dani and Jamie which involves some Spanish dialogue, but I feel fairly good about it because 1) when in doubt, I can (and do) just quote my mom, 2) if it sounds too simplified / non-colloquial I can always make the excuse that Dani, like my mom, doesn't want to confuse Jamie while he's learning, 3) any mistake I make could easily be a mistake that Jamie would make anyways. Wins all around!
Somewhat related, there was an absolutely fantastic Sherlock (BBC) fic back in the day (which was sadly removed from AO3) told from John's point of view where Sherlock decided he would go about his day in Italian. It included Italian dialogue that you could hover over for the translation, but the thrust of the fic was John playing along with his best guess of what was being said. The result was a fic that concurrently told two entwined stories by emphasizing two different povs by giving the audience the choice to ignore one in favor of experiences the other one first with no subtitles. It was very cool.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
a two-page handwritten DBZ fanfic when I was 11.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love)
tagging: @sighonaraa and @altschmerzes because I've not seen either of you yet
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candycandy00 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me, @scary-grace! This was a lot of fun!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
18, though I’ve only posted a fraction of my BNHA stuff on there and there’s even some JJK stuff I haven’t posted there yet. 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
217,870. And wow it took me way too long to find that lol. I didn’t even know about the Statistics page! 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Currently, Jujutsu Kaisen and Boku no Hero Academia. I wrote for a ton of different fandoms back in my “previous era” I’ll call it lol. I wrote for One Piece, Naruto, Final Fantasy (mostly 7 and 12), Death Note, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Durarara!!, and lots of other things (almost all of it featuring non canon ships like Cloud x Yuffie and L x Misa). I’d like to try writing for Bungou Stray Dogs and Demon Slayer at some point. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Doll House (2,280)
Human (390)
The Offering (377)
How to Seduce a Gamer (300)
Little Miss Nobody (234)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! But sometimes if it’s a comment on an older chapter of something I might not or if I got several close together I miss a few and then I’m too embarrassed to go back and respond later. Or if they just comment with an emoticon, I’m not sure how to reply lol. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
In my current era, it’s definitely the Mr. Compress chapter of The Dark Carnival. I have other fics that end badly for Reader but this one felt very tragic to me. 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Most of mine have pretty happy endings! 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Current era, I occasionally get people complaining that certain Readers are wimpy or stupid or whatever. I even had one person on AO3 write out a huge wall of text about how one of my Reader characters was a Mary Sue (they simultaneously complained that she was too weak and useless in a fight but also too perfect). But I tend to shrug off those comments. Readers are supposed to be Mary Sues. They’re literally Reader/Writer self inserts! Part of the appeal of x Reader fanfiction is the fantasy of Reader being an idealized version of yourself. So yeah she can hang out with the League of Villains and be the only girl Dabi has ever liked, or she can be old high school buddies with Gojo and Geto and they’re both crazy about her. It’s all fantasy. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Yes! And I write pretty much all kinds that don’t involve my three “big no’s” (minors, animals, or scat/pee/vomit). 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not since I was a kid, writing Sailor Moon/DBZ crossovers lol. 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not in my current era, not that I know of. In my previous era, I wrote a Gundam Wing fanfic that got really popular in the fandom and was ripped off twice. Not exactly copied word for word, but very close in both cases. They basically changed the wording around a bit but kept the entire plot the same (and it was a very unique AU with a big, sprawling plot). 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Like 20+ years ago a friend and I were co-writing a very fucked up DBZ fanfic together. It was actually pretty good, but it was unfortunately lost to time. I’d give anything to find it and be able to read it again, but she’s the one who was posting it and she deleted her account a few years later. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
I’m just gonna go with my current fave ships of my two main fandoms: BNHA (Spinneraki) and JJK (SatoSugu). 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
Probably The League of Villains Heroes. I love it dearly but it gets practically no notes so I have little motivation to keep working on it. 
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I’ve always felt like dialogue is my strong point. Probably because, until I was up into my 20’s, I rarely read actual books and almost exclusively read comics/manga (which tend to be dialogue heavy). I think I’m pretty decent with plotting as well. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Descriptions! 😩 I am so bad at describing things. Or rather, I’m bad to just… not do it. I literally forget to. I’ve had friends read my work and be like “what does this place look like?” Or “what does that guy look like?” And I can see it all so clearly in my head that I forget readers can’t see it as well. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I sometimes toss in some honorifics just because it seems weird to have certain characters not use them. Other than that, I try to avoid throwing in random Japanese (the only other language I would even consider using, just because these are Japanese characters). I did have Sukuna say his famous “Gambare, gambare” line once but it’s just too iconic! 
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
First I wrote for: Sailor Moon. First I actually posted a fic online for: Dragon Ball Z. 
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I’m going to pick one from each fandom, only among completed fics. 
BNHA: Trending Topics
JJK: The Offering
Tagging @missrosegold and any other writer friends who would like to do this!
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everymangavegeta · 1 year
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Now, then… Time for a long sleep.
I can’t wait… To wake up!
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Final Chapter Finale (1/10)
[Space Colony Ark]
Maka : You're Shinra Kusakabe. How on earth are you still alive?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Haven't you figured it out yet, Captain Obvious? I was the one who put you all and your friends into my influence, you were the ones who has spreaded it all from the lying that I caused. But it's such a same that you did not serve Death, my man-made son from 1000 years after I manifested the world that you all lived, which was created by me.
Maka : Shinigami was your man-made son? So that means, It was you! You started it all! You deceived me to think that I was the hero of my story! You told me that I wanted to show the world our courage! How could you even deceive me?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Well, perhaps...Our author was behind all of this, the world of Soul Eater was brought from the weirdness, everything was just a fantasy, the World of Soul Eater is all nothing but a lie. I highly recommended that the so-called Kishin that everyone keeps talking about, there's no such a thing is a Kishin, it was only a name for a heartless puppet controlled by Demon Vibe.
Moirai : So I guess that means it was the author that set up everything, but why, Shinra? Why did you created a world that Maka was living in a fantasy!?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : To tell you the truth from the eyes of truth itself, there is no such thing as Madness. That word that everyone keeps mouthing about, was just a will from the Gods and Goddess of Greece, it was originated from the man who went from Zero to Hero, Hercules.
Moirai : What!?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : And now thanks to your heroic efforts of defeating Dark Nebula, I forbid you and your friends from ever reaching towards the legacy of mine, but I'm afraid that my influence that has spreaded, shall be no longer serving pesky teenagers like you all the time and this time you will be eradicated and shall be ceasing yourself from existence. But I'm afraid, I can't do it. So now that our author has lied to us all, it's time say that I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine. A farewell gift to the Ohkuboverse!
*DBZ SFX : Rumbling*
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Huh? Wh-What is happening?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : No! That Magical Brat! She's using the power of the Emeralds to re-arrange 2011's events!
[Event : Chaos Control (full ver.) - Kenichi Tokoi]
Ashley : Oh no! That doesn't look good! Is it the energy caused by the magicals?
Kimial Diehl : No! It's Chaos Control! Someone must've used it to re-arrange the events that started in the 2010s!
Ashley : So it's going to re-arrange the events that we started!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : And I believe that a girl must've done it somehow!
Necrodeus : What!? Nooooooo! It can't be! History can't be changed by this kind of power! What is even this kind of power!? It's the power of the Emeralds!? This is unacceptable!
Mario : Mama-mia! That's gonna be one powerful reset button isn't it?
Luigi : What's gonna happen if all of 2011's events are going to be re-arranged!
Duo Maxwell : So this is what retconning Sonic 06's plot be like!
Lain Iwakura : It's too much, Duo! It's going to recreate a new era! It could be the end of this war and it'll be all over us!
Duo Maxwell : No it's not going to re-arrange events, it's about to fix the future and the future has to be altered!
Lain Iwakura : What? Does that mean...?
Homura Akemi : Chaos...CONTROLLLL!!!
Homura Akemi : Madoka, I finally made our promise. It is finally all over for you now.
Ashley : (about to wake up) What happened? Eh, Kimial? What are you doing here and...why are we back on earth?
Penny Crygor : Guess what, Ashley? You finally woke up this time! A girl name Homura Akemi has finally saved 2011, that means we won, right?
Ashley : Uhh, right. We did won.
Kimial Diehl : For your information, get a load of this, we're back at the United States. It feels like that we're finally home.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : All that's left is for us to bring a new era for humans and witches, how does that feel?
Penny Crygor : Feeling great! There's no sign of anymore heartless, the girl named Homura Akemi saved all of it and fixed 2011 the way it was! I wonder how does anyone feels that way!? Hey, if I'm not mistaken for Soul Eater's moon, what's that purplish crescent moon in the sky? Wait a second, that's not Soul Eater's moon, what is that purplish thing!?
Ashley : Oh no! It can't be, that's the...Dark Moon!
*DBZ/One Piece SFX : Surprise*
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : So then that means...What's gonna happen to our world is...! Oh no, King Boo! He has escaped from prison and I realized that he destroyed five pieces of the Dark Moon, but apparently, Luigi manage to restore all four of them, but the last one is in King Boo's hand. Speaking of King Boo, Where the heck is Inky Albarn?
[Orders from the Illusions - Jun Senoue]
Maka : Hey, Inky!
Soul Evans : Yo! Inky Albarn! What's going on!?
Maka : Inky Albarn! The Kishin I defeated, has a Heartless Emblem on his chest and he disappeared from a puff of smoke! I didn't exactly have questioned my mind says that I didn't defeat a god with courage, I defeated it with Valor. Why do you think that courage is a useless gift, why are the heartless getting their attention on destroying the legacy? Have we been fooled by the likes of Shinra Kusakabe or what?
Inky Albarn : Oh, Maka dear. You are really the fool, don't ya? There was never a Kishin in the Real World neither was Shingami that you know about. Those beings that they called their selves Gods of the Ohkuboverse, they were nothing but false ones and they were part of the Lying of Shinra Kusakabe, you've showned your purpose of being under the influence of Shinra Kusakabe, the devil himself! Perhaps, it was the author that set up everything for you, he didn't cared for you and friends at all, he only cared about his greed, and I know how to fix Shinra Kusakabe's mistake! Only to find out that Death the Kid was actually modeled after Shinra Kusakabe, the second grandson of the Kusakabe Family tree! And with it, he shall be nothing more to exist.
[Merlina - Her Wicked Smile, Jun Senoue, Yutaka Minobe]
Maka : What!? Death the Kid doesn't exist? So does that mean...?
Inky Albarn : That's right, Maka-chan! You have been living in a fantasy the entire time and you couldn't wake up from it before! There is no Soul World, there is no Kishin, there is no Shinigami, and there is no such thing as Madness! Those were things that are made up from the crazy stories that you were living in and it's time for you and your friends to wake up to reality, cause this is Real World AU, the universe that you truly lived in and born in the sanctuary on Jupiter! The so-called DWMA wasn't created to protect the public order, it was created for the monopolization of political power!
Soul Evans : You mean, we've been puppets on a string to Shinra's will the entire time and nobody told us that we've been under his influence!? What was our author thinking!? He set us up from the beginning so that he could the raise the stakes all by himself from Square Enix! It's a pity that he lied to us all from the start of where it begins from the 2010s, these crazy stories were only made for money!
[Further Malice - Yutaka Minobe]
King Boo : Exactly, and they say that money is the root of all evil! The evil forces from Soul World was just a diversion to get you distracted! I knew that the heartless would able to get their attention on destroying the legacy made by Shinra Kusakabe himself, his family tree! And heroes of his universe like you have been it's pawns for the use of political power!
Maka : You, the Ghost who captured Mario!
King Boo : I just returned from being sucked up into that green guy's small-sized hair dryers in order to get my revenge for eating my brothers! It's payback time, Square Enix! This time, I will have my payback for a knuckle sandwich on the green guy!
"At last, after being stuck as a worthless portrait for so long, I King Boo, the King of Ghosts have finally returned!"
"And now, the demon queen of the Ink Demons shall be my first victim to be a portait of her life!"
"I will bring vengeance to all of my brothers and sisters!"
"Vengeance to the Green Man will be served!"
~ 106th Scene : The King of Ghosts' Revenge ~
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neoninky · 2 years
Hello to all my regular and new readers! I'll be updating this post with the posted chapters of my (currently completed) fanfics! For my fellow AO3 writers and/or readers: you can find my stories on my page here.
As of right now, I am working on a third fic for my TWST canon x oc fanfic series. That said, my inbox is open for short scenario or headcanon requests, questions, or even just if ya wanna say hello - by all means, welcome~
:Twisted Wonderland:
Diasomnia Courtship Headcanons
League of Antagonists
Tai (OC) takes over parenting his step sons
-Sacred Crown Chronicles-
Her Ivory Crown (Heartslabyul x f!OC) - COMPLETE
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch.9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15, Ch. 16
Her Lost Voice (Octavinelle x f!OC) - COMPLETE Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15, Ch. 16, Ch. 17, Ch. 18, Ch. 19
Her Devoted Shield (Diasomnia x OC) - Currently Writing
Prologue, Ch. 1, Ch.2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6
-Sacred Crown Chronicle Shorts-
Indigo Cerith: NRC Days
Indigo Cerith: Courtship
2nd Gen: Calico Leech (Part 1)
2nd Gen: Calico Leech (Part 2)
2nd Gen: Calico Leech (Part 3)
2nd Gen: Calico Leech (Part 4)
2nd Gen: Calico Leech (Final Part)
- OC Bios/Introductions -
(Diasomnia canon x oc) Borlean Noctune
TWST OC: Astrid Piperita
TWST OC: Zhao Tai-Yang
Art: Inky Mascot B1NKX
:Twisted Wonderland:
Cerulamaids (SC Gurls - “Her Lost Voice”) Therapy Rabbit AU: Diasomnia!Inky Bun Therapy Rabbit AU: RSA and NBC MalMal x Moselle (OC) first meeting (dragon edition) NRC Waifu Club (TM)
Lilia becomes a girl bat dad
Lilia becomes a girl bat dad part 2
Lilia and His Foxy Lady Husband
Shipping Wars: Diasomnia x OC
King Malleus has no chill
Pumpkaboo Patch
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captainaikus · 1 year
Chapter 19 : Dynamism (yeah I’m posting after a long time regarding a manga chapter while 2 of the prev are sitting in my drafts)
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My aiku crumbs (*≧∀≦*)
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Stared at this for 10 solid minutes
I am not sorry. Aiku’s ass made it on the manga I will burn the image of it into my brain
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So basically … Aiku found out that he has meta vision and took it to the next level. Isagi can read people on the field while he knows about Isagi’s tricks - I’m … Ubers are eating bastard munchen.
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… assshot
Okay but the puzzle ground thing is taking me back to Dbz ; when Vegeta and Trunks were training with weights
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discobrainrot · 2 years
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
As far as DE specific things go, I keep writing about just how sad Harry's apartment is. That, and the skills bickering with each other! I love to watch the girls fight lmfao.
In general, I tend to write a lot of pining and a lot of... I don't quite know how to phrase it. Romantic beginnings? The realization that oh no, the feelings are here. First kisses. First times. I dunno, those are my favourites, tho!
💖 What made you start writing?
That's a... big and intimate topic. Long story short, I went through a very troubled time from around 10 to 14 years old. I was coping with things in a variety of not great ways, but I felt less alone when I was writing or drawing. I just... never stopped lol.
I won't get into the bigger details, but I will tell you that my first fictional crush was on Piccolo from DBZ LMFAO. My choice in men... has gotten worse.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
So, there's two that I got on the brain right now (apart from I Didn't Know I Was Broken, which I'm currently rewriting some plot points for... it's getting bigger than I planned lol).
I've got plans for one where HDB and Kim meet in their mid-to-late 20s when Harry is still a gym teacher and Kim is a delinquent. Think half way between the Cardioverse fic and the Swap AU. The working title I've got for it so far is If We Jump. Not sure how long it'll be! Probably not much more than 3-5 chapters, tho.
And after one of my recent reblogs, I've got ideas for one where HDB and Kim go under cover in a country bar. That's it. That's the plot lmfao. Probably gonna aim for 3 chapters at the absolute maximum.
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