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3XN/GXN' “Aware: Architecture and Senses,”
Courtesy: Danish Architecture Center
#art#design#stairwell#architecture#stairway#staircase#stairs#interiors#spiral staircase#surreal#senses#3XN/GXN#DAC#denmark#red#mirrors#reflextion#kaleidoscope
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This is how Sun's minigame went right
#he's such a sassy little fucking bitch.#I love him#Sundrop#fnaf sun#fnaf help wanted 2#help wanted 2#lol#fnaf humor#fnaf hw2#fnaf#dac#daycare attendant
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elmesélem, mert látom érdekel
Van nekem egy fűnyíróm, illetve kettő, de a másik az elég hassle free, elemes. De Ez. Ez benzinges damilos fűkasza vagy mi a neve (line trimmer, weedeater, bushcutter, whatever) és amúgy nincs vele baj brummog és pörgeti (vagy ahogy unokaöcsém mondaná: pörgettye!) a damilt, szóval működik. De. Van neki a pörgettyűje közepén egy ilyen gomb-izé, ami, ha a földhöz csapkodod a masina elejét (Tap 'N Go), kienged még több damilt az elkopott, leszakadt helyett. Na ez a gomb-izé ez a használatban elvásott, elkopott, a teteje lemállott, így a földhözcsapkodás nem működik már. Na jó a csapkodás igen, csak nem lesz tőle hosszabb a damil. Ez, az múgy is utálatos fűnyírás élményén csak ront.
Na, gondoltam magamba' ennek van gyárja, majd veszek bele másik plasztik bigyót mibe kerülhet az, legott írtam is a gyártónak, hgoy hellóbelló, monnyad meg a cikkszámot vagy valami és már rendelem is az egyetlen alkatrészt ami _hótziher_ h elkopik a(z amúgy oké) szarotokon. Veszek hármat, évekre le van tudva. Az a kis izé a piros körben, na az az.
Kaptam vissza egy cirkalmas levelet, hogy nagyon örülnek, hogy elégedett vagyok a termékkel, de ez a filléres plasztik bigyusz bizony külön nem cikkszám, csak az egész damilos fej-bigyó egyben az, rendeljem azt. Anúgy nem vészesen drága, csak megsértődtem (ami ingyen van) hogy minek nekem egy egész új fej amiből csak ez az egy bütyök kell. Amúgy a damilcserebere része nem a legokosabb, a Husquarna sokkal jobb ebben, de a husky 10 munkaóra után meghalt. Ezt a szart online csak Invercargillból tudom megrendelni, akasszátok fel magatokat, van nekem 3D printerom, majd csinálok én magamnak ilyet, ha elvásik, printolok újat. Easy as.
Izé, szóval az van, hogy egy OctoPrintet futtató RPI volt ráakasztva a printerre, de a történelem fordulatai miatt az RPI kellett máshova, a printer is kicsit kiment a napi-heti használatból és bement a sarokba, de hát nem vagyunk állatok, hogy SD kártyán szaladgáljunk a gcode-al egyből kiokoskodtam, hogy végül is van itt egy öreg laptop, csak ül a polcon, de amúgy nincs baja, arra feldobok egy Octoprint, az majd USB-n megizéli a printert és kész. Aha.
A masina egy 2015-ös MB Air amin Monterey fut, mi baj lehet? A töltője is meglett egy óra alatt, egy másik alatt meg updételte magát amennyire tudta. Azt is mondja, hogy vigyem az akkuját szervizeltetni, de pár órát kibír azért. Erre nem érünk rá most, dolog van. Gyorsan elolvastam hogy kell OctoPrint tenni a macOS-re, nem bonyi, itt el van mesélve, töviről hegyire.
Miután ezt a laptopt a gyerek használta az isiben, nincs rajta semmi, gyári installt csináltam rajta amikor megkapta. Ezért elébb kell egy Xcode-ot telepíteni theát, sebaj, pikkpakk. Ja, nem, a mostani Xcode nem megy a Montereyen, kell egy régebbi változat, de azt csak akkor kap az ember, ha feliratkozik apple fejlesztőnek. Voltam én már mindenféle, ez is belefér, feliratkoztam. Találtam egy régi verziót (a 13-as jó) leszedtem a tíz gigát, kicsomagoltam, feltelepítettem. Kell még command line tools, azt is. Eltartott egy ideig, de sebaj, heg nélkül gyógyul.
Aztán kell egy Python, úgyhogy - követve a javallatokat - felinstalláltam a HomeBrew-t, azzal felraktam a Pythont, örvendeztem. Aztán kell egy virtualenv, de az ugye már nem kunszt, van pip, azt is felbigyóztam.
Aztán felraktam az OctoPrintet ami eleinte nem indult el, aztán meg de, nem értem se azt miért nem ment, se azt mitől megy most, de nem is érdekel, lényeg, hogy fut meg megy a kis webszervere is, lehet nyomkorászni az UI-ját. Igen a printert Elemérnek hívják.
Ezek után rájöttem, hogy fingom sincs milyen beállításokkal ment az OP a RPI-n, úgyhogy beléptem az RPI-be ami mással foglalkozik egész nap, megizéltem az izéjét, hogy két webszerver is fusson rajta anélkül, hogy idegesítenék egymást, így elértem a régi OP-t a régi, jól bevált settingeket tudtam backupolni, a backupot leszedni, rárakni egy USB-drájvra. (amit kerestem egy fél órát, ki használ ilyesmit). Ugyanezt megcsináltam a prusaslicerrel is, ha kéne a printert rángató szaron valamit kicsit újraszlájszolni meglegyen, de az nem volt nagy kunszt, config ki, config be, szivárványok, egyszarvúak. Aztán rákötöttem az öreg macet a printerre, látták és szerették egymást, minden fasza, elő a sublert.
A vacak elvásott darabot lemértem, Fusion-ban rajzoltam egy ugyanolyat mint emlékeim szerint eredeti állapotában ez volt (na jó, nem emlékszem jól, de mindegy a méret stimmol és nem egy komplikált alkatrész), stl ki, stl octoprintbe be, nyomtassunk. Az első print egy fos, a filament eléggé rottyon van, de sebaj, legalább a méretet le tudtam csekkolni, szépen passzol a fűnyíróba.
Nyilván amíg ezt gépeltem már eszembe jutott, hogyan lehetne ezt sokkal jobban csinálni, majd mindjárt újratervezem az egészet, mert nekem nem kell költséget csökkenteni, mint a gyárnak és nem számít, hogy 11g vagy 20g anyag megy bele a darabba, nem kell, hogy üreges legyen, csinálok jó masszív, tömört valami sűrű vagy full infillel.
Persze az egész kaland nem tartott volna ennyi ideig, ha van összerakva egy hálózatra kötött printer, vagy csak rájövök, hogy be van-e az sd kártya olvasó konfigurálva azon az SKR3 Mini E3 printer control boardon amire lecseréltem valamikor a gyári creality-t. Meg találok egy SD kártyát amit éppen nem használ semmi. De halvány lila fingom sincs, hogy amikor a firmware-t feltettem akkor megcsináltam-e ezt, sose kellett. (érdekes módon 3 éve a v1.2 board akkor 28 usák dollár volt, a mostani v3 meg hatvan. (le van ócsítva most 32-re de sokkal többet tud mint a v1.2 anno. Dual Z-driver, jobb hűtés, 3fan viszont ugyanazok a TMC2209 motorvezérlők vannak benne)).
Na mindegy, végül ilyen lett, nagyon szépen passzol, bár kicsit nehéz, 59.9g lett (phat boi) ami lehet, hogy kicsit zavarni fogja a masinát. Bár elég közel van a forgás közepéhez, úgyhogy úgy döntöttem, megbírja ez, megbírja. Most sajnos nem tudopm kipróbálni, mert nincs kedvem rossz az idő, de majd tán holnap.
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#analog#digital#high tech#low life#ambigram#sci-fi#cyberpunk#futuristic#abstract#logo#vector#graphic#graphics#art#type#typography#adc#dac#flip#street art#street#projection#urban#videograffiti
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View of orchestra on stage at Detroit Athletic Club. Musicians play piano, drums, violin, saxophone, cello and accordion. Handwritten on front: "The Club's new bandstand." Handwritten on back: "Cover of D.A.C. News, January, 1946."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
#orchestra#dac#detroit athletic club#detroit#1946#music#musicians#detroit history#bandstand#detroit public library
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Olyanok vagyunk,mint Tom és Jarry a mesében...egymás idegeire megyünk mégsem tudjuk elképzelni az életünket egymás nélkül...
#macska#eger#harc#dac#magyar tumblisok#magyar#magyar tumblr#magyar lany#magyar gondolat#erzesek#szeretet#szerelem#kapcsolatok#kapcsolat
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TWST OC Group Profile - "Rococo Tails"
Sharptooth,Spencer Ryan,Lady Palm
Rococo Tails
A beauty product & rare magical item selling service owned by Sharptooth and managed by his close friends,Lady Palm & Spencer Ryan.
Name - Sharptooth
Physical Age - 23
Birthday - 10/5
Zodiac - Virgo
Gender - Male
Species - Half Fae
Height - 253cm/8'3"
Eye Color - Sandy Yellow
Hair Color - Deep Mossy Green
Orientation - Bisexual
Homeland - Port O'Bliss(?)
Family - Has Ties to the Zigvolt family
Twist of Crocodile from One Piece
School - Death's Academy of Combat
Dorm - Nakaumi
Year - 4th
Best Subject - Alchemy
Occupation - Business Owner
Favorite Food - Crocodile,Tomatoes
Likes - Cigars,Rings,Crocodiles,Leather,His Business,Lady Palm's History Speeches,Spencer Ryan's Eyes,Money,Spoiling Others,Biting Chewy Surfaces,Dressing Fancy,Yachts,Making People Earn Things,Dogs(Pugs mainly)
Dislikes - Sudden Rain Showers,Sweet Condiments,Losing Money
Unique Magic - "Sandy Suna" - Can turn his entire body into sand he can control and use to shield himself from impact. Can also dry up the moisture of anything that has it with his right hand…if he wants to.
Personality - Comes off as a laid-back chill dude. Doesn't speak much unless spoken too or sees a reason to as his voice can scare you if not ready. He is a businessman and a good one so has all the traits of being sneaky,greedy,and cruel to get what he wants if deal business with him. Has a habit of answering others requests for help with a "Earn It" condition. You've got to earn his assistance/gratitude/love,it's not free.
Bio - A wealthy large biting scarred man that in quite a few port towns is known as "Sharptooth" owner of Rococo Tails,a luxury beauty product and magical items selling service. Loves to see happy customers continue to use his services and invites new ones to try it out whatever they need. He is a good guy…trust him…but never cross him or may get bit.
Name - Spencer Ryan
Age - 20
Birthday - 8/15
Zodiac - Leo
Gender - Androgynous but presents as male usually
Species - Human
Height - 238cm/7'10"
Eye Color - Ocean Blue
Hair Color - Bubblegum Pink
Orientation - Gay
Homeland - Queendom of Roses
Twist of Bentham from One Piece
School - Death's Academy of Combat
Dorm - Nakaumi
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - Physical Education
Occupation - Makeup Brand Manager,Ballet Dancer,Martial Artist
Favorite Food - Parfaits & Green Tea
Likes - Swans,Dance,Singing,Fashion,Pink,Training,Makeup,Gracefulness,Sharptooth's Grin,Theater Plays,Romance Movies,Making Friends,Outgoing People,Classical/Dance Music,Feminine Aesthetics
Dislikes - Serious & Single Minded People,Unfriendliness
Unique Magic - "Mimic Love" - Can shapeshift himself into perfect lookalikes of other humanoid beings so long as he touches them with his right hand. Has stored a lot of faces and his current face is a combination of others he put together. Doesn't ever talk about this UM as he can't remember his own face any more.
Personality - He has a flamboyant outlook. Always doing the most whatever he wants he is a free spirit. Highly social and loves friends,doing anything with them. He would defend a friend he met 5 min ago from anything. Respects those that show him big kindness like Sharptooth who seems like someone who wouldn't. Is a big flirt as well but waits for others to approach him first before he does anything.
Bio - The secret master of disguise and kicking martial arts. He has a happy do what I want attitude and wants others to be happy too so his friends get all the attention to ensure their well being. He dreams to become a professional makeup artist,theater actor,and drag queen later in life. He always says he is graceful like a swan but also as deadly.
Name - Lady Palm
Age - 21
Birthday - 2/6
Zodiac - Aquarius
Gender - Female
Species - Human
Height - 188cm/6'2"
Orientation - Bisexual
Homeland - Sunset Savanna
Twist of Nico Robin from One Piece
School - Death's Academy of Combat
Dorm - Nakaumi
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - History
Occupation - Service Manager,Hand Model,Archaeologist
Favorite Food - Sandwich & Soba��
Likes - Ancient Artifacts,Archaeology,Reading,Sunbathing,Cooking,Dancing,Organizing Stuff,Listening to Audiobooks,Open Tops,Knee Boots,Sharptooth's Scars,Cute Small Animals,Memorization,Monsters
Dislikes - Her Past,Spencer Ryan(Halfly),Not Understanding Jokes
Unique Magic - "Endless Bodywork" - She can multiply any of her body parts for what seems like endlessly but most seen is like 10 arms and such. Her extra parts can appear on her body,other's bodies,and surfaces so long as she can see them. Usually can see her using extra arms to do tasks/work faster. Can double her hearing if multiply her ears.
Personality - She is very calm to the point it's eerie to some. Lacks showing fear even when she should her face stays stone faced. So focused on history she doesn't get most modern things like jokes or slang go over her head and frustrate her sometimes til she figures it out. Has a habit of saying/thinking of the worst possible outcome of a situation without knowing how disturbed others are from what she said. Can talk for hours about history as it's her passion but that may annoy you if only trying to rizz her up which she has no clue about much as only history lovers tend to stay near her.
Bio - The voluptuous calm history lady as some call her. Has a knack for knowing how the world works from all her research on its history. She almost always knows the history of any object,animal,or person by memory and if not will get to work learning it. Loves her job as it helps her learn new things she wouldn't study otherwise. Not shy to speak what's on her mind and uses her UM in front of others without warning so seeing her with extra limbs is a normal thing to those that pay attention.
#twst oc#twisted wonderland oc#twisted wonderland#twst fanschool#twst fandorm#oc profile#group profile#long post#dac#death's academy of combat#nakaumi#sharptooth#spencer ryan#lady palm#one piece crocodile#one piece bon clay#one piece nico robin#one piece
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I tried hard to resist making another pregged up oc, but I was inspired by @preggomancer 's Monsterpreg U. This is Professor Glorian, (they/them/any) and they're a fallen angel who teaches choir and theatre at the college. They've been a professor almost as long as the university has existed, and they've been pregnant for even longer somehow.
When 2 practically immortal and unknowable beings, who have arguably existed since the beginning of time, get together to make a baby, it's sort of hard to predict how long it's going to take. And what's going to happen when it's born, or even HOW it's going to be born. But Professor Glorian is always happy to make accommodations for the prophetic students on campus who may have some trouble attending their classes in person. (They do however hate teaching incoming freshman classes because they inevitably ask a million questions about they're pregnancy, and while they want their child to come out when it's ready, Glorian doesn't necessarily like being reminded of exactly how long they've been waiting)
Their fiancee, DAC (it/it's), an eldritch void god who walks among mortals in void form (it's the only form it has that can be mostly comprehended by humans/mortal beings), can sometimes be spotted bringing Glorian whatever they forgot at home that day, or dropping off some mid-day cravings. Faculty and students alike have a slight headache after seeing it, but it is cute to see the parents to be (someday hopefully?) being adorable together.
#my art#nbpreg#preg art#preg belly#monsterpreg u#glorian#DAC#glorian has started and come back from maternity leave several times#and they were there when the university even started providing maternity leave#before that they took a few sabbaticals when they thought it might be getting close to time but uh... nope they're still very pregnant
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After three years of being obstructed from view, this beautiful work (‘Nabi Sonyeo’) by Fin DAC in Koreatown was recently uncovered.
The last couple of slides show the artist in progress back in 2017, with an assist from Brett Crwaford and support from Co_Labs.
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HIFIMAN recently launched their most affordable integrated R-2R DAC, streamer, and headphone amplifier to date, called the EF499.
How does it perform? James finds out in our latest review, now published on Headfonics!
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Oh baby a triple!!! It's Tribow coming at you with a Refract remaster, it's Abstract!
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@laundryandtaxes here's my setup, since you shared yours with me.
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forgot to post this *passes out*
#i slept but also haven't#im tireeed#fnaf sun#sundrop#help wanted two#fnaf help wanted 2#help wanted 2#fnaf hw2#dac#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf spoilers#fnaf security breach
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Café Au?
thinking about making an sundrop/moondrop/Eclipse café au I already made Clips so what do you think?
#sundrop x reader#moon x reader#eclipse x reader#café au#my art#my ocs#dca x y/n#fnaf daycare au#DAC
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Tis i, here to bother you >:)))
∅ for SFH or Lord Astra on Emmett, Scooter on Erica or Dixie on Keres mayhaps, pick your poison bestie 🫶🫶🫶
I can do all of these pussy
Song Fenhua
" Ah, our ever stupid cowboy. He truly is quite embarrassing, hardly eloquent enough to express himself. I pity the poor bastard. "
Lord Astra
" Emmett you say? Oh yes quite the silly boy really. His antics are sure to amuse me any day! I however cannot deny my guilt in his situation.. I've no way to fix it at this point however. "
" Erica is a dear friend of mine. She's a wonderful person that cares for the gang like a big sister. And I love her! She can be a bit.... much for people though. "
" Keres? Keres.... Oh! Oh yeah the bird's lil helper! They're somethin that's for sure! Last time I saw em they turned all red and couldn't talk to me. Kinda cute! I bet they're fun to tease !! "
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hii🫰🏾, theo, 26, they/them, black, bi, wyverne on A03
about a year into writing and 40 years into reading fic. and i love, do you hear me, look at me, i loveeee the block button she’s my best best friend. this is an 18+ club. billy fans lee me alone and i’m not playing you keep racist human shrek to your damn self 🤨
i love blood and gore and bitching and recs and reqs, and my inbox is always open. i have a looooot under construction and no deadlines 😗 but anyway,
just a pinch (6k words)
smut, fluff. you get a surprise set of piercings just as summer comes to a close, and your best friend almost can’t help himself.
Acetaminophen! (4k words)
fluff. you are suffering, sufferiiiing, with a tooth-ache, and eddie is there to take care of you. i wasn’t kidding up there about the diary entry thing lol
saying grace (3.8k words)
smut, fluff. your boyfriend wakes you up properly with sweaty morning head
the “erica the reagan fan republican” arc is why i almost never touched this dumbass show again so now that i’ve remembered canon doesnt mean dick to me, i’ve realized: erica and eddie radicalize each other, actually
girl help!
tag system under construction rn as you read this literally.
this post is tagged w my blog’s tags so i can just go straight there
stuff about erica — lil erica
stuff about steve — jean ralphio
eddie munson fic recs - em reads
eddie art and gifs
eddie fanart, gifs — that guy from stranger things
princess!reader — princess
stickyfingers! reader — sticky
my writing — mine
mine or otherms eddie HCs and thoughts — ed brain
wrt graveyards
wrt kink
watersports — tagged/splash zone
dacryphilia — dac
degradation, humiliation, just him playing mean — mean
dumbification— head empty
#eddie munson x black! reader#mine#st#em reads#that guy from stranger things#jean ralphio#lil erica#lil luke#ref#gore#smut#cry#dac#so sweet#pin#ph#splash zone#ed brain#princess#sticky#save me sex pollen
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