#Cymric Cat
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shadowlighthollow · 23 days ago
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Testing out some ref sheet layouts and fell in love with this one!
I open for commissions in March!
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animalatoz-com · 9 days ago
Best Cat Breeds for a Home List
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Choosing the right cat breed for your home is essential, especially if you have specific needs regarding space, personality, and maintenance. Here are some of the best cat breeds suited for home life:
Best Cat Breeds for a Home List
Savannah Cat
Toyger Cat
Black and white cats 
American Shorthair Cat
Sphynx Cats
Best Cute Cat Photos
Norwegian Forest Cat
Bengal Cat Size
Siamese Cat 
Ragdoll Cat 
Manx cat
The Elusive Bobcat
Names For Black Cats 
serval cat
Serval Cat
Feral Cat
Yellow Cat Breed
Korat Cat
American Wirehair Cat
Havana Brown Cat
LaPerm Cat
Tonkinese Cat
American Bobtail
Thai cat
Russian Blue Cat
Cymric Cat
Munchkin Cat Breed
Turkish Van Cat
Donskoy cat
Balinese Cat
Persian Cat
American Curl cat
Peterbald Cat 
Burmilla Cat
Nebelung Cat
Final Thoughts
Before choosing a cat breed, consider factors such as activity level, grooming needs, and companionship requirements. Each breed has unique characteristics, so find one that best matches your lifestyle!
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genderselkies · 29 days ago
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xenocis woman cornish rex and xenocis man cymric cat icons
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alexjon143animal · 3 months ago
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mau-mao · 7 months ago
Usually, when a breed has various coat lengths, they'll have their name then "shorthair" or "longhair" at the end (e.g., Oriental shorthair and Oriental longhair).
BUT! there are several breeds that don't follow this.
Abyssinian (SH)
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Somali (LH)
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Bengal (SH)
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Cashmere (LH)
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Manx (SH)
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Cymric (LH)
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Exotic (SH)
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Persian (LH)
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Siamese (SH)
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Balinese (LH)
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Burmilla (SH)
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Asian Longhair/Tiffanie (LH)
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mirtadraws · 1 year ago
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cat breeds round #2: Arabian Mau, Egyptian Mau, Burmilla, Havana Brown, Japanese Bobtail, Cymric
find round #1 here
One more post coming soon and that will be the final in this series.
I want to take this opportunity to talk about short tail mutations in cats, with the Japanese Bobtail and Cymric as examples. Btw Cymric is just a longhaired Manx, so we're talking about the Manx gene here. The Manx mutation for short tails is notorious for the associated health complications, even including death. You see, the mutation works by eliminating some vertebra and that makes the tail shorter. Sometimes it eliminates too many vertebra. In any case, you should never breed tailless x tailless Manx. In contrast, the mutation that gives the Japanese breed its short tail seems to be harmless and devoid of negative side effects. There are probably more than these two that can cause short tails in cats - some harmless, some very dangerous. Anyway. Think twice before buying a Manx or one of the breeds derived from it, and carrying a potentially very dangerous mutation.
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ineedhelptaylorswift · 1 year ago
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Cymric Cat: Canadian cat breed, Long haired, British Long Haired.
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colacat53 · 1 year ago
Raincode Cat AU part 4
Aetheria Girl Trio
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there are no individual drawings of them as I drew them all in the same drawing because I could not bring myself to separate them
anyways here are the breeds of cat I made them
Yoshiko - Toyger
Waruna - Cymric
Kurane - Selkirk Rex
also I tried to draw Kurane's bow around her neck like this image I found on google
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but it did not turn out well. I blame the way I posed her
also Kurane's tail is supposed to be curled like a Shiba Inu, I just didn't know how to draw it
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kleinkatje · 2 years ago
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Ashstripe || she-cat || Warrior
Ashstripe is a stocky scottish fold/cymric hybrid. She is shy and loving but suffers from self-consciousness due to her unnatural ears and big eyes, she was also teased a bit for her build. She was once a kittypet who joined the clans after her owner was taken to a nursing home. Ash also suffers from slight arthritis.
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epicfranb · 2 years ago
hermits as cat breeds
this was originally a thread on my twitter but i since have deleted my account so im remaking it here because i know you need it in your lifes
Doc - Maine Coon
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Xisuma - Siamese cat
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more under cut lol
Etho - Sphynx cat
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Pearl - Ragdoll
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Zedaph - Munchkin cat
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Hypno - Bombay cat
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Cleo - Abyssinian cat
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Scar - Ragamuffin
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Gem - Somali cat
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Keralis - Singapura cat
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Iskall - American Curl cat
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Grian - Burmese cat
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Stress - British Longhair cat
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Mumbo - Cornish Rex
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Impulse - Persian cat
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Ren - Cymric cat
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Cub - Scottish fold
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Bdubs - Exotic shorthair
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False - European shorthair
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thank you for your attention
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silverior968 · 8 months ago
So I got to the end of s2 of RiD15 (Original under the cut)
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[Image ID: Catified versions of RiD15 Optimus and Ratchet drawn over a photo of two cats with very human poses in a tumblr screenshot. In the original image one cat is leaning their head on their paw and has their other paw around the other cat in the image. Optimus is drawn as the cat leaning their head on their paw. He's a ginger-on-blue mutated tabby mainecoon with a white throat, muzzle, ear fluff, tailtip and eyestripes. His eyes are dark blue and he has scars on his cheek, forehead and paws. He has tufted ears, one of which has a nick on it. He has a red jacket and blue trousers on. Ratchet is drawn as the other cat, smiling. He is a ginger tabby-and-white cymric cat with a stumpy tail and extremely blue eyes. He has markings that resemble eyebags and pointed eyebrows. He has scars on both of his cheeks, his temple and his chest, along with one nicked ear. The background is someone's room. Below the image are the tumblr handles "edgaralanfrog" and "glencocoabutter", the latter of whom has captioned the image as "son, your mother and I are very concerned". / End ID]
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[Image ID: The same image, except with the original cats, a brown tabby and a colorpoint. Edgaralanfrog's addition of "i never laughed at two cats harder before" is now on the image, along with an ifunny watermark. /End ID]
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child0feden · 4 months ago
some more black metal musicians as cat breeds because i love them so much <3
dan “ cernunnos ” vandeplas would be a munchkin
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erik “ grim ” brødrskift would be a cymric
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harald “ demonaz ” nævdal would be a cornish rex
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terje “ valfar ” would be a abyssinian
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ted “ nocturno culto ” skjellum would be a siberian
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shadowlighthollow · 2 months ago
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✨️🕯**Meet Jasper!**🕯✨️
**Species:** Cymric Cat
**Pronouns:** She/They
**Personality Traits:** Curious, Creative, Easily Distracted, Introverted, Lacks Spacial Awareness, Blunt, Reserved, Intelligent, Cares but struggles to show it
**Faves:** Chicken noodle soup, Honey lavender tea, Boba, Fancy hot chocolate (even though it gives her a tummy ache sometimes), Tomato soup (but ONLY with grilled cheese sammies), Tuna melts, heated/weighted blankets, comfy clothes, hats, fuzzy socks, reading, drawing, brewing potions, rainy days next to the fireplace
**Unfaves:** Being cold, being wet, being cold and wet, excessive heat, tomatoes, crowds, loud noises, being told what to do
**Special Talents:** Specializes in warm drinks that heal the body and soul, drawing, fashion design, dabbles in singing and dance
**Not-So Talents:** Following instructions, accepting feedback, keeping a schedule, taking care of herself when she becomes hyper-focused
Jasper used to be a witch's familiar until a spell went awry, and she gained consciousness and the ability to walk on two legs. She now works as the witch's apprentice, still figuring out magic while mostly just wanting to make potions and warm food.
The floor is open to you! Ask Jasper anything and get to know the face of ShadowLight Hollow!
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nebulastarss · 4 months ago
Pt2 of my shitty cat drawings but make it batfam
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Jason Todd but make him a Cymric, a breed with the unique trait of having no tail
(Yeah I actually did research for this, looked up cat breeds and their personalities in order to match em.)
He's supposed to be like. A light ginger. But colored pencils don't exactly come in that color
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bitchapalooza · 8 months ago
Breeds of cats I think the Strawhats are
Luffy: Somali
Jinbei: Main coon
Zoro: Cymric
Brook: Cornish Rex
Nami: Pixiebob
Sanji: LaPerm
Robin: Bombay
Usopp: Oriental shorthair
Franky: American shorthair
Chopper: Abyssinian
(Bonus)Vivi: Chausie
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cornercritter · 2 years ago
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day five of hermits as cats: the bounciest hermit!! gem is a cymric cat, a manx breed variant that originated in canada!
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