#Cyberpunk Red is stressful
kimarisgundam · 1 year
Wow. I think I really messed up 😐. As in, as my Netrunner in Cyberpunk. I messed up last night 😐
I defected from Arasaka to protect the party, but my Netrunner is still very respectful towards her ex-sponsor (actually her bio dad) and Arasaka
But cos of the recent mess that happened... eg. Solo was getting manipulated by dad and now he relapsed into cyber psychosis... I guess I was stressed 🥲?? And Rockerboy confronting dad made things worse for me 🥲
My Netrunner's elder half-brother told my Netrunner to back down. She's "raised better than this". She's being "very disrespectful towards her father and Arasaka". She threw her future away for "street scum"
"Do you want Arasaka-sama to find out about your betrayal? Stop being childish. Come home immediately. "
Wow. I lost it and shouted "Arasaka-sama can Ara-Suck My Ass" at our DM 😭
That's literally the insult Rockerboy and Solo2 use all the time 😭. And I scold them when they say that 😭
My life is over 🥲. I invoked Arasaka-sama's name 🥲. If the Arasaka family finds out, they will send Adam Smasher after my Netrunner 🥲
I genuinely feel I owe everything I am (as my Netrunner) to Arasaka. I'm like so sorry I chose outsiders/streetrats over my duty to Arasaka... but I couldn't just let dad hurt my friends 🥲
It's my fault some NPCs and a few of my friend's characters died early on in our campaign 🥲. I just couldn't do it anymore. I didn't want to be a double agent for Arasaka anymore 🥲
My honour was already in the bin. And now I told THE Arasaka-sama to suck my butt 😭
Like who tf do I think I am??
I should be the one sucking Arasaka-sama's butt!! Omg wait. I don't mean it that way
This is Rockerboy's fault
My friend who plays Rockerboy threw the entire session into chaos cos Rockerboy went to confront dad. Stuff happened and I was getting frustrated cos my Netrunner's dad (our DM) was being very unreasonable
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
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OH yea cyberpunk sketch for my friend sammy, her character bunny!!!!! she's like a rockerboy and erm. i wont lie i wasnt even supposed to play this game, im admittedly not ready.. but i joined last second and kinda a little happy i did cuz oh my god... shes fucking WILD. she snorted cocaine off an exec's car and he was like OMHGGGGGGG I LOVE YOUR MUSIC and then he drove us to the mall to kill a bunch of literal clowns. shes great,...
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strigital · 1 year
the new trailer for Phantom Liberty took me back to 2018... watching demo for the first time... waiting impatiently for the game's release day... ahhh, good to feel that kind of nostalgia-soaked excitement again 💙💛
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 | Crossed Lines
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Some things are better left unsaid.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, dystopian AU, space/Sci-fi/cyberpunk-esque, Enemies to lovers, Angst, Violence, Drama, romance, adult, angst, potentially triggering content, mentions of prostitution, fluff??, injury, I'm sorry for this one don't hate me
Length: 3k words
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You never really thought of Jungkook as the jealous type- and maybe you're interpreting his foul mood entirely wrong too.
But you've got a feeling that his clear displeasure is mostly due to the very tall and very charismatic Alien who's been all over you ever since you woke up.
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't need help eating her food, Jin." Jungkook growls, eyes a vibrant green with a little red swirling around sometimes, as he watches you on the lap of the tall Alien currently feeding you. Jungkook's arms are crossed and he honestly looks ready to tear someone's throat out- and while you're still learning what the colors of his eyes might mean, you're starting to somewhat connect certain colors with certain feelings.
"Pah, just let me enjoy this before you take her away again!" The man named Seokjin whines, pulling you a little closer. "I can't believe you found such a sweet thing.. you don't even want her, just leave her here with me!" He complains, and Jungkook's eyes turn a little hotter in color, orange burning bright as his anger seems to rise. Why that might be you're not sure- you don't understand why he's not letting you stay here either. Seokjin seems like a nice person, and Yoongi, a cat-like Alien who'd taken care of you while you were resting, told you that the three of them are all very good friends. So why did Jungkook suddenly change his mind?
"Shut up." Jungkook barks under his breath, turning his face away. "…she can stay if she wants to. Who cares." He mumbles more or less, and at that, your heart skips a little uncomfortably. In a way, you knew he wanted to get rid of you sooner or later- but to hear it too, makes it all the more real. Maybe deep down, that small hidden innocence in you had thought he was warming up to you- but maybe that was just your imagination after all.
So you shrug, and look down at your plate of food, shaking your head when Jin offers you another piece to eat.
"I can't believe that you're worse than me, Jeon." Yoongi says, shaking his head in disappointment. "That was mean, even for my standards." He mentions from his spot near the only window in the small metal shed Jin lives in, his tail swaying a little. "Humans are sensitive. You can't just say things like that." He says, before he adjusts his position, crossing his legs.
Jungkook however just scoffs, and refuses to look at you.
You truly want to say something, but your voice just comes out horribly strained, making you cough- so you just leave it, trying to clear your throat, as Seokjin holds the inhaler you got from Yoongi to your lips.
Only that the hand is.. tattooed?
One look upwards and yes, there he is- it's actually Jungkook who acted so fast, eyes a slightly stressed pale blue, as he carefully helps you use the plastic container with the medicine inside, face a mix of worry and annoyance. You just let him, for now- and decide that maybe, this is his actual issue. You're now sick, you're gonna use up a lot more resources, let alone the cost of your medicine and everything. You're no use for him, only baggage.
Jungkook sighs, sits back down before he puts the inhaler away into his canvas bag. "If she wants to stay, she can, I guess.." He says, crossing his arms again. "If she wants to come with me, she can. It's whatever." He huffs, and Yoongi sighs to himself, while Seokjin chuckles.
"Well, I guess that's as much of an invitation as you'll get, little thing." He shrugs, looking down at you.
And this time, you don't feel like running after Jungkook like a lost dog.
So you just quietly shrug, and eat the rest of your meal.
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You're still hiding in Seokjin's bedroom, upset and saddened by the fact that Jungkook is truly preparing to leave you behind, when you hear someone walk through the pearl curtain that disconnects the bedroom from the main living area of the little house. "Here." He mumbles, throwing something on the bed- a plastic box, a rubber band around it to keep it shut, you guess.
You don't react, but you hear him sigh, as he sits down on the mattress, bed dipping down a little under his weight. "At least look at it, so I know I didn't buy the wrong shit." He huffs, and you roll your eyes, before taking the scratched up box, pulling the rubber band from it. And inside-
-are two, different colored knitting needles, a small pair of scissors, and two balls of grey, thick yarn.
"So?" He urges, and you can hear him play with the keychain in his hand a little. Is he nervous? Or just impatient?
What is he really thinking about you?
Why did he buy this, if he didn't at least mildly care about you?
You turn around towards him, and tap his shoulder to gain his attention- which you get, as he turns a little towards you- clearly caught off guard when you hug him. You want to see something- you need to check if your instincts are correct with this.
And when his arm- admittedly rather awkwardly- wraps around you and pats your back, you get your answer.
So you get up, put your clothes and the plastic box into a bag given to you by Jin, and stand by the pearl curtain quietly, nodding outside.
"Are you sure?" He asks, not getting up yet. "Jin's a good guy. Yoongi visits regularly, and he's got a human partner. Knows all about human health." He explains. "I mean, the planet's climate sucks, but it's at least somewhat peaceful." He says, and you just roll your eyes, and cross your arms. "..guess that's a no." He sighs to himself, though you don't miss the warmth in his eyes as he gets up, and takes your bag from you, walking out to say goodbye to Yoongi and Jin- well, mostly Jin. Yoongi just.. quietly bumps his head against yours and Jungkook's, before he simply leaves.
But Seokjin? He goes in for the hug, and it's honestly a little funny how annoyed Jungkook seems at that.
"You'll have to stay in contact!" Seokjin whines. "I need to know she's okay, and that she eats well, and that she's not getting lonely, or sad, or-" He rants, and Jungkook groans, clumsily taking your hand in his to pull you closer.
"Yeah yeah whatever, I'll look after her just fine." He argues, before he turns with you to walk off- letting you wave to Seokjin for a bit, before he tugs on your hand. "Look ahead. You'll trip otherwise." He scolds, though he keeps holding your hand-
The moment you're both back on the ship, he immediately runs an entire scan of the system and Ship's interior- telling you that he doesn't trust the mechanics on this planet too much, and that he wants to make sure they didn't leave anything here that doesn't belong. What exactly he means by that you're not sure- but after noticing how he even physically searches your room for anything off, especially the camera up in the corner, you're starting to have an idea of what he meant by that.
and it feels oddly kind, the way he keeps you both connected with a surprising tender amount of strength.
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"Do you want to stay here or come with me?" He asks, and you shrug, taking a blanket from the bed with you to instead walk closer to him. "…I really made you clingy now, didn't I?" He sighs to himself, looking at you a bit annoyed- though the faint pink-ish hue of his eyes gives you hope that he's just trying to act tough, and not genuinely upset over the fact that you'd like to keep him company from now on.
If Yoongi was correct, Jungkook simply has trouble attaching himself to others- the cat alien had told you that he didn't have the greatest upbringing, and that it left him with permanent scars.
Scars that one might not be able to see, but they're still there.
"Alright, let's see.." Jungkook mumbles to himself, as he logs into his system's autopilot, taking over the controls as he reads through all the info flying past on the screen. It's impressive to you how quickly he can seem to soak up any information practically flying past him, and it shows you just how long he's probably been doing this.
Yet, now that you think of it, you're not actually sure what exactly Jungkook does for a living, besides selling cargo here and there. But then again, should you really question it? He's putting food on the table, and gives you a safe place to stay. Better not ask too many questions, you tell yourself.
So you instead sit down somewhere near the windows, studying the pictures of the faded paper instruction manual that came in the plastic box of knitting stuff- the language foreign to you, though some words seem to click in your mind. It doesn't seem too hard to do, and considering that you've tried it in the past, it's not that difficult to pick back up where you left off years prior.
And the entire time, you don't even notice Jungkook occasionally watching you, the sight of you happily occupied with your new present doing something special to him. After all, usually, to his kind-
gifting things is considered something only mates do for one another.
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"Hey- come here for a second." Jungkook says one morning, urging you a bit closer as you enter the command center where he already sits in his usual seat, though he doesn't seem as relaxed as he's been these past few days.
Your throat has been healing well, and the entire ship by now is filling with your little animal shaped knitting work- one better than the last, after Jungkook had picked up some other colors of yarn for you at one re-fuel stop. It's been a good handful of days now- and you feel like you're actually getting comfortable with the Alien. "I'll be turning course today. I'm.. gonna leave you with Jin for a while." He says, and you instantly furrow your brows in confusion, unsure what's wrong.
"Why?" You ask, voice still a bit raspy, but it at least doesn't hurt as much to talk anymore.
Jungkook just sighs, looking away. "It's not for long, just a few weeks. I'll pick you up before the seasons change-" He explains, but you won't have it.
"That doesn't answer my question." You say, clearing your throat after somewhat getting that small sentence out. He runs his hands over his face.
"It's.. urgh, fuck!" He groans out agitated, and it's honestly both funny and a little unnerving to see Jungkook so.. embarrassed.
"I'm-… It's mating season for my kind." He huffs out defeated, arms crossed. "And since you're a female, it's kind of.. distracting." He explains, and you take that info in for a second.
And Bolku people are a proud but reserved kind, only really staying in pairs, never in groups. But Jungkook doesn't quite fit the visual characteristics, apart from his eyes- so maybe he's a hybrid too?
"Oh." You simply answer, unsure what else to say. Well, you didn't really think about that- but yeah, you remember reading something about Bolku people's.. well, mating traditions, so to speak. Not really because you ever thought anything of it- it was just interesting to find anything to read back on earth, and when you stumbled upon a common book about foreign galactic humanoid variants, you read through it.
It's how you know that Seokjin must've been some sort of human-Shairo hybrid; with his tall body and caring nature, but otherwise rather human appearance. The short, thick and scaled tail gave him away, mostly, and you read in your book back on earth how his kind has a problem with gender in their kind. They're mostly male- females are incredibly rare to be born for some unknown reason.
What's interesting now however, is how the past few days and Jungkook's actions during them, change in nature to you. The gift of the knitting stuff. The blankets he kept bringing to your room. The way he'd cuddle you throughout the journey through Cryon- all of it suddenly feels odd to you now that you know he's near his kind's mating season.
Does that mean that those weren't acts of kindness? That you weren't making any progress at all? That he was just..
..acting on instincts?
"I can just stay in my room again for the time being." You shrug, and he notices the way your posture and tone change. He's become quite good at reading your body language and subtle hints here and there- be it the tone of your voice, or the way you avoid eye contact, or how you'd change topic if he was to talk about something that made you uncomfortable. And right now, it seems as if he said something that made you almost.. defensive. And he's not sure what.
"No, I don't want to.. lock you in there again." He shakes his head. "You're not a prisoner anymore. Or anything similar." He denies.
"Then what am I?" You ask, looking at him- and he can't help but feel a little called out by you.
"That doesn't matter." He responds, but that's not enough for you anymore. You've become bold- mostly because you're not scared of him any longer, and because he's slowly, unknowingly, nurtured your will to survive back to life.
"It does to me." You croak out, coughing right after, making him cringe as his eyes turn a concerned blue hue. But he knows not to try and do anything right now- you're on edge, and he feels as if he's arguing with a cornered animal right now, any wrong move or word enough to set you off.
"Then what do you want to be?" He asks instead, making you look at him with a gaze that just screams uncertainty.
You don't know what you want to be. Especially not what you want to be to him.
When you came onto his ship, you didn't care what happened to you. You'd given up, you were ready to take whatever was thrown at you- but now you actually want to live. You want to be alive, and most importantly, you want to stay with him, and stay on this ship, and stay in this little space where everything seems okay. The amount of safety you feel here has spoiled you at this point, causing you to feel protective over it.
You don't want to stay with Seokjin, no matter how sweet and kind he is. He isn't Jungkook, and he isn't this ship.
"I don't care!" You huff out at him, moving to sit in the middle of the control center, grabbing your blanket before you throw it over your head, and hiding underneath it as you sit down facing the large window, face barely exposed. "I'm staying." You growl to yourself, and Jungkook can't help the slight amusement tickling in his chest at the fact that you're starting to pick up on some of his own behaviors.
Though your growl is anything but intimidating. It's cute, but nothing dangerous at all.
"It's just for two weeks. Three at max." Jungkook sighs, turning on the autopilot before he walks closer, tip of his boot gently tapping your back. "Hey." He calls out, but you don't answer. "I'm talking to you."
"And I'm not." You respond, pulling the blanket close so he can't see you as he crouches down next to you to catch a glimpse. "You'll leave me there."
"I thought you wanted me to leave you?" He wonders in an oddly soft tone, but you can't help but feel as if this too is just his instincts, and not actually him.
"Shut up." You respond, and he laughs.
"You kind of sound like me." He tells you, sitting down in front of you with his legs crossed. "Doesn't fit you- so stop it." He argues, pulling on the blanket- but you got a steel hold of it. "Come on, stop being a brat-"
"No!" You bark out, scooting away from him a good bit.
"I'll pick you up again." He sighs. "Promise."
"Your promise is empty." You mumble, finally giving in as he manages to pull the edge of the blanket enough with his fingers to expose your face.
"How so?" He wonders, face clearly confused, and somewhat upset.
"Cause you said it!" You argue. "I'm distracting you because you're like- horny or whatever. That's not you. And when your.. mating season is over, you'll just.. leave me with Jin." You say, looking at the ground.
"How come you humans always get so horribly attached to things so easily?" He mumbles, as if he's mostly talking to himself- eyes distant as he looks at you, hands in his lap. "Attach yourself to Jin. Not me."
"Why?" You ask timidly, unsure what he's getting at. You're not even sure yourself what you're thinking of him. You don't know why you're so attached to him.
"Because he's.. a better fit." He shrugs. "He's nice. Knows human social norms, since he's partially human as well-"
"So are you though?" You ask, testing the waters, and the way he tenses up, eyes flashing a pale, unreadable color, gives you the answer you were looking for.
So he is a hybrid too.
Suddenly, his face seems angry, jaw clenched and tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek as he looks to the side, eyes a blazing red as he gets up and walks away. "I changed my mind." He says, tapping away on his control panel. "Go stay in your room or whatever. I don't give a shit." He growls, and for some reason, you suddenly feel guilty.
So you quietly leave, door hissing shut behind you-
before it clicks, small display near it offering only a single, pulsating message.
[Locked by Administrator]
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kitkinnie · 8 months
games w. species euphoria
please don't spoil any of the games with stories in the replies or reblogs!
Ori and the Blind Forest - felinekin, maybe some kind of fae or angel kin too ori is very good little creature design and it moves around so fluidly but there's zero customization, if you vibe with ori it's great and if you don't, might not be for you. it's a puzzle platformer similar gameplay-wise to hollow knight (but not as difficult)
Hollow Knight - bugkin, ghostkin, voidkin difficult but very pretty and atmospheric. i've played some of it before getting stuck/being unable to progress because i'm not good at video game. hard platformer with boss fights.
Stray - robotkin, catkin this is one i've been meaning to play for ages (and haven't gotten around to pirating yet, cough) Stray is a 3d game set in a cyberpunk/sci fi world. You play as a tabby cat trying to find its way back to its home and it looks stunning. I assume the story is great, too.
Roblox Creatures of Sonaria - there are so many creature designs there you're bound to find something that's youcore their colors can be customized. It's a multiplayer survival game so it's more stressful than the other games on this list, you gotta be trying not to die the whole time
Animal Jam Classic / Animal Jam Play Wild - lots of real world animals you can dress up and change the colors and patterns of your animals. ajc is in 2d and ajpw is in 3d and has more animal options, but i find ajpw really confusing personally.
William and Sly/William and Sly 2 - foxkin old flash games available as a set on steam, a quest platformer where you run around a pretty forest environment as a red fox and find various things. the music is lovely, both games have a great atmosphere, played it a ton as kid on armor games. i dont think i ever even finished either game i just loved running around as sly (in the second game there are also little kitten-fairies that you can collect and that follow you around)
Postmouse - mousekin free on steam, 3d puzzle platformer where you're a mouse that delivers letters. it can get a little obtuse and confusing at times which is why i never finished it, but it's very charming and free to play! you run around all these huge and pretty environments as a fancy-dressed little mouse .
Lost Dream 1 and 2 - foxkin abstract/stylized/polygonal walking simulator where you play as a red fox. doesn't seem to be much story and the reviews are mixed because walking sims like this need to be like, your cup of tea.
Spyro Reignited - dragonkin of course had to mention such an OG dragon game. never played it but like, it's spyro. cartoony 3d platformer in a fantasy environment.
Oneshot - catkin pixel rpg where you play as a cat child and the gimmick is that you only have one life. the steam page tags it as story rich and having multiple endings/story choices you can make, and the graphics are beautiful, the whole game seems to be made of dark colors and poppy accents
Honorable Mentions:
Way to the Woods - an in-development 3d game where you play as a deer and fawn exploring different enviroments.
The Isle - an early access survival MMO where you play as a dinosaur and try to stay alive.
feel free to add more in reblogs, i know i'm missing a lot of classics but i'm getting tired
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ineedlelittlespace · 2 years
You know those posts about what happens when you stick a character from one genre in a story from another? I think part of Murderbot's problem in All Systems Red---or in any of the later books, where it spends more time with its preferred humans---is that it's a cyberpunk character trying to wrangle a full cast of firmly solarpunk supporting characters. It's trying to look after a gaggle of comparatively naive academics who don't know any of The Rules, and it is stressed about it.
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pictureamoebae · 8 months
My apologies for being so quiet the past very long time. I took an extended break away from my PC (for the most part) throughout December and focused on some much needed downtime. January saw a ton of hectic and stressful activity as some Big Things were dealt with. The never-ending saga of Upgrading My PC sat on the back burner because a) it's overwhelming, and 2) I had so many other things to focus on. Being in constant PC limbo has meant I've had near zero motivation or impetus to do anything with TS4 or BG3 or anything else for that matter.
BUT, the Big Things are mostly dealt with now, and I'm sending emails back and forth with my computer guy finalising parts and if he pulls his finger out and gets back to me early this week I'm ready to finally get the darned thing ordered. Once my new system is up and running the next big obstacle will be trying to play all the things all at once sjkladsjfnsg
In the meantime I have a metric fuckton of paperwork to organise and file away after the Big Things, which should keep me busy while I wait.
On my list of things to play all at once in an overwhelming mess of impossibility are: Starfield, Cities Skylines 2, The Invincible, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Cyberpunk. I don't know how I'm going to find time, but I'm going to try my damnedest.
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tf-cyberaligned · 1 year
I guess that the Cybertronian artifact not only expanded their human lives but also their storage brain capacity. What do I mean? Not to be mean or say that your Cyber-continuity doesn't have sense. Like, NO, IS AWSOME AND I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE. I'm just a dumb person who likes to search for things that catch my attention and made me want to ramble... sorry.
But if you wanna take this into consideration when the thing with the relic happens and you want to explain something, I'll leave you with this. No need to listen actually.
The complexity of longevity with humans lies in the inability of organists to withstand the burdens of operating for more than a couple hundred two hundred years, basically, joints would eventually begin to break down under their own weight and stress, that's why we turn into dust when we die, but of course, lest remember that this is a Cyberpunk dystopia so fortunately, robotic organs will be the next fashion heat!!
But is it possible to replace all the various parts of a body?
Unfortunately no, there are limits, and those limits lay in our brains!! A human being is capable of storing around 100 terabytes of memory, or, what are the same, 100,000 gigabytes of memory, experiences, knowledge, etc. All of them are embedded in our heads thanks to the aforementioned neurons. It may seem like a huge number but eventually, likely in 300 years, a human brain would be full of memories, information, and all kind of stuff, making a person unable to put two words together, feel disoriented, as if you had a "brain fog." Having trouble finding things that could be in front of you. Feeling very confused, taking longer to process new information, or having trouble understanding things. Difficulty making decisions or analyzing things... etc. Let us also not forget about diseases that deteriorate the brain, neurodegenerative diseases, that make this process painfully faster.
Is an incredible concept for horror. But like I said, this is just me doing research on a topic that I just got focused on because I need to stress myself.
I am glad you asked this, cause I did not realize this about the human brain!
Old lore is in italics and is not 100% anymore
For the body
How they stay the same age looks wise is because their bodies are essentially put into a stasis-like state. So their joints don't wear down, their organs don't fail, and and things like cancer don't really grow. The only things that do seem to change is their blood cells and keratin in their body, so their hair and nails still grow. This is all based around Cybertronian anatomy.
The artifact was created by Cybertronians, who when creating it used Cybertronian anatomy as a basis. Now, human and Cybertronian anatomy are different, but hold many similarities. The relic had targeted the organs and parts of the human body that were shared in similarity with Cybertronians.
Things such as brains, circulatory system, eyes, muscles, bones, skin, and digestive system are all examples of similarities between the two species. The relic effected these organs, making them similar to how Cybertronian organs are. This means that the blood will still regenerate, they still have to eat, and they will still mentally age. However, things that are not comparable to Cybertronian anatomy were effected differently.
The relic had no clue how to handle things like hair, nails, lungs, reproductive systems, and other organs such as spleens and kidneys. There was no translation of these organs to Cybertronian organs, so the relic just didn't do much with them. Inner organs were put into stasis, still functioning but they were only effected due to being in proximity to other comparable organs. Hair and nails just weren't really messed with by the relic.
However that can have some big drawbacks. Their skin does not grow back to form scabs and scars, which can lead to wounds continuing to bleed. Their blood is able to clot cause in blood there are red blood cells and white blood cells. The white blood cells have something known as a platelet, which creates the blood clots. Since their bodies are no longer able to regenerate their skin, skin grafting surgery is required for large wounds.
Obviously, with several of the characters, this is not an option they are able to take. Miko for example got an acid poured on her face during a recon mission, and skin grafting would not have fixed this. That is why she has a metal plating around her head. Jack's chest also has metal plating after getting an injury across his chest. Most of the small scars you see on our human characters either came before the beam blasted them, or were the result of donor skin grafting. Kade's burn scar for instance is one of the injuries that is received before the beam hits the group.
Now for the brain issue
In Cyberpunk Edgerunners, which is one of my many inspirations, we are introduced to these ports in the skin.
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These ports as seen in EP 2 "Like a Boy", David and Lucy are seen stealing a technology known as Datashards from Corpo people. These Datashards can contain anything from money, information, photos, videos, schematics, etc.
It's basically a glorified SD card.
We are also introduced to Deep Dive Tech. This kind of technology is connected to the occipital lobe to allow for high amounts of data transfer between minds or mind and technology. This is highly dangerous and requires trained professionals to operate.
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So what does this mean for my continuity?
Both of these heavily inspired what I plan to do for the brain situation.
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These brain ports are connected to the occipital lobe just the Deep Dive Tech. Memories are able to be copied, downloaded, transferred, and even deleted. This allows for the operator, Raf majority of the time, to be able to extract the memories not needed for everyday life from the rest of Team Prime and the Rescue Team. Miko even asked for him to delete the memory she had of getting half of her face melted off, which is perfectly understandable in that situation.
The memories that are extracted are able to be returned to the person as well. Kade for instance had his memories of Hailey copied and extracted, put onto a hard drive specifically for those exact memories. Hailey was not one of the people hit by the beam, leading to Kade losing her by her dying of old age. He had his memories of her extracted so that he wasn't constantly reminded that she was gone, but he could also redownload those memories when he needed to.
So that's my idea for fixing the memory capacity issue! Yes it's very sci fi bullshit, but that's the fun part of cyberpunk universes.
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kimarisgundam · 11 months
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^ pics from our Cyberpunk Red game night 😀. I swear, this is the best fried chicken place in Singapore >_<
Also... I know Halloween is coming... but does my friend/our party's Exec really need to pull this kind of spooky surprise on me ಠ_ಠ
After the trouble our Rockerboy got into with Militech and NCPD, Exec and my Netrunner's NCPD chief friend feels it's better if Rockerboy leaves the city for awhile...
I thought we were just going to work with the nomads to transport something to Cali, but Exec just informed me that we'll be travelling with a few raffen too ಠ_ಠ. Like why. And what makes you think I'm ok with this ಠ_ಠ
"I need them cos they are familiar with Dogtown". Dogtown. DOGTOWN.
Why are we going to Dog Frigging Town?! I don't want to go in there??? I feel like I'll catch 6 different kind of diseases the moment my foot touches the ground >:U
If what you're transporting to Cali can only be picked up from Dogtown... I don't even want to know what kind of illegal nonsense Exec is getting himself into this time. I'm not paid enough to do this omg
And like no offence to our Wraiths Nomad (okay, full offence) but as my Netrunner, I don't even trust him on most days. I don't even like it when he drives me around. I'm civil with him now, but I still rather not associate with a raffen
I know the kind of shady stuff raffens do cos he is the kind of person dad/Arasaka hires when they want to commit unsavoury deeds ಠ_ಠ
And like, the upper management of Arasaka rather not interact directly with raffens. If raffens are hired, it's usually via a lower ranking employee acting as the middle man. My dad refuses to speak to them too ಠ_ಠ
My Netrunner interacting with our Wraith means she's really fallen from grace after defecting from Arasaka ;_;
He even tried to nab me the first time we met and now you want me to travel with his pack of rabies infested rats ಠ_ಠ. Like why. And why did you think I'll be ok with this ಠ_ಠ. I have 0 reason to like him and he is unbothered by how much I dislike him ಠ_ಠ
Rockerboy really dislikes him too for personal reasons, so I can't believe he's willing to travel with Wraiths just for a chance to mess with Militech again ಠ_ಠ
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sleepanonymous · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ó ꒳ ò✿)
AAAAA I'm so excited but also this was literally the most difficult list to come up with and not be like: Sleep Token, Vessel, II— lmao 😅
Music. Just in general. Like, yes obviously Sleep Token, but I've been listening to music every day literally since I was a toddler and I love it. Thinking back on it actually, it's odd that I never earnestly picked up an instrument or got vocal lessons or anything 🤔
My pugs. I have two boys, Toki who I got for my 23rd birthday (he just turned 9 in March), and Steak Knife, who I recently rescued last December. They're infuriating sometimes, too, of course. Toki is as stubborn as I am and Steak Knife has two modes: Chaos Demon and Sweet Baby Angel. They're ironically also the source for most of my stress and rage, but it's 100% worth it.
RAIN! Lol, this is such an odd one but I live in the Sonoran Desert so rain is very rare for me. My city averages around 12-13" of rain per year so we really never see a lot of it. Along with the rain is its smell. It's such a beautiful and unique scent of creosote and petrichor— it's so unique, I've only ever smelled it in the desert.
Video Games. Is this another thing that contributes to a lot of my stress? Absolutely, but I still enjoy the hell out of a good game. I mostly do Action/Adventure/RPGs (some favorites are Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Dragon Age Inquisition) but recently I've been sinking way too many hours into Minecraft and Project Zomboid.
Social Media Notifications. Instagram, Tumblr, Discord, Ao3 (yes I'm counting Ao3), literally any number in a bubble anywhere except for my work chat and email lol. Am I perpetually online? Yeah. Do I incorrectly determine my self-worth by these numbers? Also yeah, but they do give me joy lol.
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aceghosts · 9 months
3 & 16 (personality), 3 (combat), and 1 (favorites) + Rooney for the cyberpunk asks 🖤
Thank you! 💙
[Cyberpunk OC Asks]
3. Tarot?
I think the best card to represent Rooney would be the Strength card. Upright it means courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, self-confidence, and inner power. All words that could be used to describe Rooney.
I also like this description from this website, which I think fits Rooney: “Your strength gives you the confidence to overcome any growing fears, challenges or doubts. Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you have been going through a rough time and are burnt out or stressed, the Strength card encourages you to find the power within yourself to persevere. You have got what it takes to see this situation through to its eventual end. You’re a loyal friend and a solid supporter, willing to step up and be present when others are in need, and you might also feel compelled to hold space for someone who needs your strength and support.”
16. Do they care about their appearance? Do they like it?
Rooney feels fairly neutral about their appearance. They are neither bothered by nor in love with their appearance. If Rooney had to pick a part of their appearance they liked most, they would probably say they liked their hair. They really like the shade of red.
primary stats [ex: intellect]
Rooney’s primary stats are Cool and Intellect. They tend to rely on stealth and quickhacks while working.
1.Favorite place in night city?
Rooney’s favorite places tend to be places where the people they love are. That usually means Vik’s Clinic, Misty’s tarot shop, Mama Welles’ bar, etc. Rooney usually feels safest in those places.
Rooney also loves being out in the badlands, where they’re far enough from the light pollution to see the stars. Occasionally, they like to go stargazing, which makes Rooney feel peaceful.
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hwanswerland · 8 months
Gifmaker wrapped 2023 ♡
I was tagged by @seonghwasblr @userwoosan @applejongho @yeofi @yunwooz @jeongyunho99 and @seonghwacore to link my most popular and/or favourite gifsets of each month.
Thank you dear mutuals and let us ignore that I'm an entire month too late to the party!! happy new year everyone, I hope January treated you well ❣️
2023 as a CC
well to be honest it wasn't really my year lol, I did not have a lot of time to gif and as the year went on I got more and more busy and stressed to the point where I didn't really enjoy being on here/giffing anymore, I just did it out of "obligation" I guess. Until even that became too much, but after a nice holiday this January I already feel a bit better and 2024 tour Hwa looks so good he kicked my ass back into gear (at least for a few moments). so let's see how 2024 is gonna go I suppose. I'm still so thankful for everyone who's ever been nice to me or complimented anything I made on here!! thank you mutuals and followers, it really means a lot to me <3
2023 Year in Review
under the cut! it was really fun looking at all of these again. There really were some memorable ones there, i think the most iconic one being Cyberpunk Seonghwa because he actually and without me exaggerating made me forget the english language and rendered me literally speechless for a few seconds. All of that happened while I was talking to someone... Not my proudest moment but for sure...something.
• most popular: hwa looking gorgeous
• favourite: Nugudo beoseonaji anneun yeogin under world
• most popular: 8 makes 1 meme
• favourite: hot tour hwa
• most popular: around 27 frames gifset
• favourite: same
• most popular: god tier hongjoong look
• favourite: ponytail hwa
• most popular: ateez scary rapline
• favourite: wonderland sword hwa
• most popular: woosanhwa pretty princesses
• favourite: grey/orange tour outfit hwa
• most popular: taemin at waterbomb
• favourite: same
• most popular: singer hwa
• favourite: same
• most popular: seongjoong promoting smth
• favourite: none lol
• most popular: ethereal ponytail hwa
• favourite: hwa on stage comp
• most popular: youtube live hwa being so pretty
• favourite: red outfit fireworks behind hwa
• most popular: ending fairy hwa
• favourite: kcon hwa
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thenervousmedic · 11 months
Here's another quick Cyberpunk oneshot
Back on my bullshit.
Only just under 1k words, just a lil snippet.
'Caught in the mirror'
(Vee and her brain hitchhiker have a brief encounter with a mirror... she doesn't look quite as he expected.)
A bit angsty, TW mentions of scarring and in depth descriptions of said scars.
There were agreements in place, even unspoken ones which seemed to evolve naturally as time went on, but despite all that some things were inevitable. Vee’s clothes slipped off carefully one by one, all the while she avoided looking down as if it were just another part of the routine. That is… until she catches a brief glimpse of herself in the mirror. The flinching wasn’t the worst part, it was that subtle buzzing sound that signalled Johnny’s arrival in the front of her brain. “Johnny, not in the bathroom, I want to shower-” She complained, only to be swiftly cut off from continuing.
“Look in the mirror.” The demand made her cringe, gritting her teeth at the firm ‘I’m not joking’ tone he’d taken almost instantly on arrival. “I really-” “Vee. Look. In the goddamn mirror.” Johnny repeated, firmer this time though notably not unkind. More… Stressed? Tense? Something that confused the both of them in their shared headspace, taking in everything as her eyes flicked from the sink to the display and back down repeatedly. There were a lot of things he could say, but right now his mouth felt as though it had run dry and he wasn't entirely sure if those nerves were Vee’s or his own.
The image of her pale skin leant over the rim of the sink wouldn’t be soon leaving his thoughts. It wasn’t the subtle freckles, the sickly pale colour, or even the more private zones of her anatomy on display that kept his attention. It was the scars. Not like the little nicks and lines across her hands and arms that he’d caught on passing glance. Not like the few blemishes around the rim of her cyberware. There were too many to really count, some more visible than others, but the most noticeable were extensive to the point where Johnny had to wonder how she’d even survived such trauma. They sat as angry red marks along her skin, like windows into the damaged tissue beneath. A thick V-shape stretched between her collarbones like a grim necklace, dipping below her sternum at the bottom point, the edges pinched and stretched as though it had been caused by some kind of high-speed impact to the chest. A subtle indented line through the centre of it marked where whatever wound used to be there had been just barely stitched shut. Then there were the scratches. At least that’s what he would describe them as. Three long ragged lines cut into the flesh in a way that implied whatever had torn its way through her body wasn’t as sharp as maybe it should be. They started, or ended rather, down by her gut. Dragging winding lines up around the left side of her torso to curl around to her back. He couldn’t see the rest, not from this angle, but judging by the incessant itching that sometimes plagued Vee’s left side he had to guess it reached all the way up to her scapula. What he could see, however, was the way every rib the ‘healed’ gashes passed over had a harsh valley where the skin was forced to bridge the gap between the broken segments of the ribcage that had been splintered and never got to reconnect. “Fuckin’ hell, V…”
The thin glowing rim of her optics spun slightly as she watched the face in the mirror glare at her. As if catching her own reflection had been an act of violence and she was now staring down a potential threat. “I don’t want your pity,” she hissed, uncharacteristically hostile toward the digital parasite riding shotgun in her brain, the sudden flush of anger quickly fizzling back out like a distant firework “I just… want to take a shower.”
He could tell she didn’t want to talk about this, about any of it, even if at some point they both knew there’d be a high chance he’d relive whatever fragmented memory she had of getting these scars. Still, the questions rose and sat at the tip of his tongue like bullets in a chamber. “Just wanna know one thing.” A lie and they both knew it, but if she wasn’t open to talking he’d at least narrow it down to just the one. “What do you see?”
That caught her a little off guard, expression softening if only a little back to the round and deceptively innocent appearance it leaned into when she relaxed. “See?” she echoed back confusedly, blinking while turning to look at where his hologram was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Nodding back at the mirror as an instruction to keep her eyes on that and not him. “... A problem. A risk. A weapon. A mistake.” “A survivor.” He corrects firmly, glitching across the room to place a hand briefly on her shoulder before disappearing entirely. The strange warmth that word left behind made her lip quiver. Nodding once or twice as she took a sharp steadying breath and stood straight from leaning on the cold counter. “... A survivor.”
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bansept · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers. Would love to hear from you!
Oh, that is, quite a surprise, I never do that kinda stuff, but thanks!
Spending time with family: I am fortunate to have a good family that helps me when I need it, and they are the people I love the most. It isn't always easy, of course, but that's what makes them very important to me and a source of happiness.
Playing video games: I think happiness takes many forms. I am happy creating stories in the sims, and I'm happy to see character development in games like Red Dead Redemption, Detroit, Cyberpunk etc... It's inspiring to see how a game, that takes you to a whole new universe or era opens your eyes about life in itself. Whatever the ending of a game, I find happiness in it for completing it. It makes me feel like I've learned new things about myself.
Nature: There is a place, back in my hometown, near my parents' house, that brings me so many happy memories. Some are melancholic, but most are happy. Seeing the wind rustle the newly formed green leaves in the trees calms me down when I'm stressed. Listening to the birds chirp in the afternoon as the sun lights my room makes me forget about the city.
Reading: It can be a book from when I was younger that I keep coming back to, or fictions on the internet, I love to read stories. Like in the games, you enter a fictional world, you try to think differently to fit the narrative and understand the characters, and most of the time, you close the book and feel excited and happy about what you've read.
Friends: I admittedly don't have that many friends, but they're real ones. I've helped them, they've helped me, we understand each other. I am happy to have them in my life. I can't word it properly, but, I'm so glad for each of them. And if, at some point and for whatever reason our paths no longer intertwine, I'm happy I've met them, they made me a better person.
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cyberpawn-arc · 2 years
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NSFW Headcanons A-Z (Also people are welcome to send more!! A lot of these have more than just one answer!)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Vale is incredibly attentive to their partners! Aftercare is a lot of hugs, kisses, compliments, and assuring their partner that they did an amazing job. Plenty of comments too of “I loved when we did this” or “this was funny when you said that”. Plenty of attention for themself and their partner!!
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Vale is confident in their thighs. Their thighs will save lives and listen, they deserve to get grabbed and spanked and all that! With partners, it genuinely depends on the partner! Vale often finds themself giving a lot of attention to chests and asses.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Vale makes a mess when they cum! Also: Vale swallows! 😏
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
Within their standard cyberpunk canon, Vale really doesn’t have a lot of dirty secrets, but they’ve probably had some passionate hatefucking with rival mercs. The only reason they would keep that secret is because they don’t wanna deal with “God, I hate that person they’re such an ass!” “Vale you literally got fucked by them last night”
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Vale is fairly experienced! While Vale sees sex as a very intimate thing with their partners, they are also hypersexual so they don’t see sex as something so sacred they can’t ask their partner to bang. Sometimes Vale loves some casual fuckin’, not everything has to be a big deal! They know what they wanna do and how to do it.
F = Favorite Position
Vale’s favorite position is doggystyle, but they really adore any position. As I’ve mentioned, they love positions that really offer a lot of options and also give them the opportunity to get pinned down.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Look at them. 
Serious answer: Vale is humorous in bed!! They’re going to crack jokes and say dumb shit to get their partner to laugh! They also do understand when them and their partner are having a more serious moment, so they respect that too. They do default to Assigned Clown In Bed.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Vale doesn’t shave! They’re on T and they work hard for every hair on their body, also: Vale isn’t super good at committing to new routines, so they abstain from shaving because it happens so irregularly they get stressed out by forcing a routine for it. The carpet technically matches the drapes when it comes to their natural hair color (so verses when they don’t dye it), but in their canon, their hair is dyed red and blue and the carpet, so to speak, is not dyed. Vale isn’t putting chemicals down there.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
They’re pretty great at intimacy while also being a bit of a mess. Vale is a jack of all trades when it comes to showing love languages. They stumble over pick-up lines, they will make stupid noises to make their partner laugh, they will be a little shit during cuddling. They really really do care about their partner and they remember even those little details about their partner. They remember someone’s favorite snacks, favorite clothes, favorite media, etc! They work so hard on romance skills!
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Vale likes to edge themself when they jack off! They like teasing when it comes to pleasure, including teasing themself! They’d rather take their time than just rush through it.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Vale is a fan of both degradation and praise! They’re a mess for both of those! Basically give them attention in bed and they will melt! 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
This is very basic sounding, but they love sex in their dumb bed that’s low to the ground and in a nook in their apartment. They also like sex on the couch or against a countertop! No place like the apartment!
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Their partner’s pleasure is a big motivator for them. They love seeing their partner feel amazing and feel treasured by them! Vale is a people pleaser, what can I say!
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Vale isn’t into choking or gunplay! This is because they’ve been shot at and grabbed around the throat in their line of work as a mercenary in their canon verse a lot. They aren’t tryin’ to bring the energy of almost dying into the bed.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Vale prefers to give rather than receive! They still like receiving, but they’re good at eatin’ out and suckin’ dick! 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
This is a question that depends on the partner, but Vale normally is fast and rough because they have a lot of energy. They can do slow and sensual, but given their level of excitement at all times, they default to fast.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Vale enjoys quickies! Vale’s been there, yanking a partner to a private spot and getting the job done (usually they’re the partner who gets yanked to said spot). They would being lying if they said they’d never had a quickie in a bar bathroom before.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Outside of their turn-offs, Vale is willing to experiment and take risks! They love meeting new partners, trying new things with new people, and even exploring kinks with their partners. They’re very adventurous!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Vale has a lot of energy, as I have mentioned before! They can go for a lot of rounds, and they are absolutely the type who would marathon all day. Like yeah, of course they take breaks and chill out too, they need their snacks! But Vale also loves casual sex throughout the day.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Vale has a collection of toys that they keep in the bottom of one of their dresser drawers. They’ve got a few dildos and vibrators, and the toys have been used on themself and partners! They are open to trying new toys too!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
LOVE IT! I mentioned it earlier, but Vale loves to get teased. They love to be teased and they also love teasing their partner, which then leads to them gettin’ in trouble for teasing their partner.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Vale grows in volume! They start out quiet, make lots of soft gasps and whines, and they just get louder the longer they go. Whining, moaning, saying their partner’s name, and much more!
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Vale also loves dirty talk btw. Say something to get them to blush, I highly recommend it. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
This here post highlights the pants situation! Their dick is around six inches hard, they’re cut. In a non-cyberpunk verse, thanks to the testosterone, their clit is larger and more sensitive than usual. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
HIGH. I addressed this earlier, but their sex drive and libido are high.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Genuinely depends on what happens, but they normally fall asleep quite quickly if they’re cuddling with their partner post-aftercare. If they just have a quickie, though, they don’t fall asleep afterwards, they just go chill and go about their day.
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kalungepallavi · 3 months
Exploring 3D Weapon Art: Jay Travers' Journey and Tips for Aspiring Artists
Jay Travers, a 21-year-old aspiring 3D artist from England, shared his approach to creating 3D weapon art and his experiences learning through trial and error. Jay’s journey from student to self-taught artist provides inspiration for others venturing into the world of 3D modeling, texturing, and rendering. His insights into tools like Marmoset Toolbag and his focus on continuous learning highlight the dedication required to excel in this field.
Education and Early Inspiration:
Jay’s interest in 3D art began in college, where he studied 3D Modeling and Animation. Originally drawn to product and graphic design, he discovered a passion for digital art, particularly in the gaming industry. His education provided a solid foundation in tools like Autodesk Maya, but Jay emphasizes the importance of exploring multiple software options to stay adaptable in a rapidly evolving industry.
Inspiration and References:
Drawing inspiration from video games like *Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077*, Jay focuses on creating realistic, hard-surface weapon art. He also relies heavily on references, particularly real-life weapon inspection videos and detailed images from auction houses and museums. These references are crucial for achieving the high level of detail necessary for his projects.
Modeling Approach:
Jay began his 3D modeling journey with subdivision modeling, which involves careful manipulation of topology to create smooth, artifact-free surfaces. While this method helped him develop problem-solving skills, he now advises against it for larger projects due to its complexity. Instead, he recommends learning popular workflows that simplify the process and produce cleaner results.
Texturing Techniques:
Jay’s texturing style often involves creating weathered, worn-looking surfaces. He learned by studying other artists’ materials and experimenting with procedural generators and brushwork in software like Substance Painter. Jay prefers using standard brushes with modified settings and custom alphas to add unique details, but he cautions against overusing popular assets that can make your work look generic.
Lighting and Rendering with Marmoset Toolbag:
For rendering, Jay has adopted Marmoset Toolbag due to its real-time rendering capabilities and ease of use. He follows a classic 3-point lighting setup to highlight his models and recommends Marmoset’s resources for hard-surface modelers. Despite its cost, he believes Marmoset Toolbag is a worthwhile investment for anyone serious about 3D rendering.
Challenges and Advice:
Jay acknowledges the challenges of breaking into the 3D art industry, especially finding work. He stresses the importance of dedication, continuous learning, and practice. He advises aspiring artists to seek out specialized courses early on and to immerse themselves in the community by engaging with other artists, studying their work, and taking advantage of available resources like tutorials and online articles.
Jay Traver's journey from student to 3D artist is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of self guided learning. His experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to improve their skills in 3D modeling and rendering.....particularly in the realm of game development. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your craft,. Jay's insights are a reminder that dedication and a willingness to learn are key to success in this creative field.
Travers, J. (2021, February 8). Studying Weapon Art: reference, SubD modeling, texturing. https://80.lv/articles/studying-weapon-art-reference-subd-modeling-texturing/
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