ajrnal · 2 years
A Man Called Otto (2022) : A Personal Note
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I don’t really know how to review a movie, let alone any types of media out there, but I'm badly want to write something about this one. Therefore, I'll do my best to write everything I thought based on MY watching experience, and minimize any act of over-spoiling.
First of all, it's important to note that this movie will came off triggering as the one of the main themes being suicide ideation, so there are several scenes that depicts related act of it after episodes of indignation and grieving from Otto - the main character - hence this movie might be not for everyone. But it didn't stop me from enjoying it as the majority of this movie is all about learning to move forward in life, and acknowledge that there's still people out there who cares about you.
The whole movie will be a roller coaster ride of emotions. It's both heartwarming and heartbreaking. There are comedy, so it's guaranteed to laugh, then followed by tears streaming, back and forth. At first, my biggest motivation(s) to watch this movie is:
Basically Tom Hanks himself, because I know if he's in there, the movie will be good (and it turns out being great as I expected!).
The promotion poster and the synopsis that my local theater serve promising a found-family trope.
I was unfamiliar with the rest of the cast, but gotta admit most of them are marvelous actors/actresses. Along the way, I eventually fell in love with Mariana Trevinõ and her bubbly role of Marisol, along with the character of Jimmy - played by Cameron Britton - despite his screentime, but I'm weak for happy-go-lucky friendly young adult neighbor! At the end, I still can feel the 'found-family' vibes that I was aiming, so it's not entirely disappointing (again, personally!). Another thing that I like about this movie is the amount of social critics and satire that is too relatable with current society. It will easily being noticed throughout the movie.
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Last but not least, I love how they wrap up the story properly, although I personally still need a second watch as I feel like some details are missing. The movie is slow, but rushed at the same time for me? Also, a lot of scenes in the movie manage to haunt me, both in a good and bad way. Nevertheless, I still highly recommend this to add into anyone's watchlist. I honestly want to experience watching this like it’s my first time again. It's really THAT beautiful! I also just found out this were adapted from a book written by Fredrik Backman and it has its own movie adaption in Swedish with the same title "A Man Called Ove". So might gonna try watching the Swedish movie and read the real book later!
My overall score for this movie:
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