#Cw religion
socialc1imb · 19 hours
Every day i stray further from religion as a whole and my roommate’s words reminiscent of “if god says that you are not welcome but tries to *keep* you, does that not sound like an abusive relationship?” ring in my head constantly.
If not for the fear of god that has been branded into my soul, i think i would have left a longggg time ago.
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d1s1ntegrated · 3 days
tomura shigaraki
cw: religious trauma, religious motifs/themes/imagery, catholicism, defiling of the church, angst, hurt, slightly ooc
a/n: just a short angry religious trauma post drabble bc i'm feeling a type of way rn and it kinda sucks lol. sorry for projecting this onto u tomura i love u
Tomura wanted to cry. Wanted to scream in anguish, beg and plead for a miracle or a sign from a God, any God. But the pews of the rotted church served little to sanctify him as he crumbled each one with an angry fist. Shaking fingertips dug into the deep grooves in the mahogany and crumbled them into forgotten prayers. Scattered pages of proverbs and psalms littered the marbled tiles, and the sun rays twinkled in through the ornate stained glass, reminding him just how small he was against the hands of God. There was no God here- only Him, and He alone could stand the tides of change with a battering ram for a heartbeat. It hurt, it hurt so badly, to be forgotten and known all at the same time. Who was he? Tenko Shimura, the sweetened cherub boy, with scraped kneecaps and bruised elbows? No, never. It was a dream, a softened hymn that only time knew the words to. Now he stood, an adult in the eyes of society- though his body never felt quite big enough to be- Tomura Shigaraki. A man, a disciple of the Feared One, a machine created to destroy. And destroy he would. Starting here.
He didn't believe in God. He didn't follow the practice of any one religion, especially not the Catholic Church. Hell, the fact that there was even a church to find out here was a one in a million shot- they weren't exactly few and far between in the cities, but the Catholic population in Japan was a small decimal compared to Shintoism or Secularism. But for this moment, he felt it was best to be in here. A lot of western media he had consumed over the years painted church and Christianity as some all-consuming Light, like this is where miracle happened. Well, the only miracle here was that Tomura even set foot inside.
Every step pressed another layer of dust into the deep red runner up to the sanctuary. The altar remained pristine as he caught his breath, his throat tight and dry. The sound of his thumping heart swelled in his ears and head, the pressure reminiscent to being underwater. Looking up, the height of the cathedral shrank him down to atoms. It felt like a mockery. Like even God was reminding him he was small.
Small. Tiny. Pitiful.
Each word of arrogance against him made his blood turn darker, thinner, rushing through his veins as he grasped at the elegant pillars, dragging himself to the ground with a gasping cry, so that he fell to his knees at the altar rails, his tired bloody eyes locking with the adorned chancel, and the poignant, giant statue of the Son, hung plainly in front as if to scream "I'm here, too".
He felt more alone at this revelation, that human faithlessness was so overlooked because of sin, that people like him weren't meant to be here not because of their trouble finding faith, but for their lack of it. That he too would be damned because he chose not to find light in God, and instead found his own way of safety through destruction and chaos and everything Sensei had taught him. His own scripture, signed in viscera, torn at the edges. It wasn't his fault no one taught him to believe, but it was damn sure his fault he didn't seek it for himself- and he felt it, now, as Mother Mary's half-lidded gaze held above his wakened frame as if he were a pestilence on this world that God created.
Was he in the wrong for keeping his head low? Should he hang it high, be grateful for the hands that supposedly formed him and molded him? This, Tomura knew, was the entire reason behind his aversion to faith. Because he needed someone to listen, and not a single ear fell for him. Not even Sensei cared enough to listen to his alleged son, his pride and joy as some called it. He felt neither prideful or joyous when face to face with him, instead it was a sinking, sorrowful feeling, that could best be described as grief. Grief for his old life, or for the new one he failed to perfect for himself, his Sensei, his friends- try as he might, he was just so small here, and could do only so much.
Church was a last-ditch effort to feel something. Anything. His time was low, and the unfortunate arms of fate were every turning and chiming, reminding him that his goal was only so far. It was seconds away, he felt as he could reach out and grasp it- but he was too well trained, he knew better than to reach out to the things he really wanted, in fear he would destroy it all in the blink of an eye. Not even Gods hands could hold him now, though, as he pretended to pray for one last chance.
His hands pressed into the cold tile and he felt the ground beneath him rumble, his body quaking and splintering in wretchedness, the power lifting him entirely. The pure white turned a murky grey as they shattered and cracked under him, the giant spires atop the roof even quivered at the desolation. And as he screamed, as his throat burned in anger, poor Mother Mary fell to the ground from her pedestal, an ironic display. The caricature of fallen angel, in the house of God, airing his grievances to no one but marble and blood wine, he stood. Destroying it all.
Not in the name of God, but the name of Tomura Shigaraki. Because there was no God that could ever come close to being this angry.
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alienbycomics · 5 months
Gender Nonconforming Jesus: A look at art history. CW: religion, transphobia, artistic nudity, depictions of open wounds (Long post)
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smugpugchimera · 1 year
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An Angel
id by @magz
[ID: Art of abstract smoke-like mirage with radiating light. It vaguely has butterfly wings, a halo, and a black hole for a face. End ID]
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z-1-wolfe · 3 months
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happy pride :3 i offer religious trauma
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your-local-crypt1d · 1 month
Oh so when a priest takes an oath of celibacy he's "a man of faith", but when I say I'm Ace and sex-repulsed I'll "change my mind" and "haven't found the right person yet" 🙄
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icaruspendragon · 7 months
hiii, this might be weird, but who is Lazarus? I'm not religious, so I've tried searching for who he is, but I can't seem to get a clear answer and was wondering if you could explain him?
ah yes, lazarus of bethany. a man i consider to be equal parts friend and foe.
lazarus lived in bethany with his two sisters, mary and martha. and when we meet him, he’s sick. so much so that his sisters send for jesus of nazareth saying, “lord, your dear friend is very sick.”
jesus of nazareth was in jerusalem when he received the message. and despite being only a few miles from bethany, and despite jesus loving martha and mary and lazarus, he waited. he didn’t go to them straight away. he waited. he waited until lazarus died and then said, “lazarus’ sickness will not end in death. no, it happened for the glory of god so that the son of god will receive glory from this.”  
and when jesus finally made it to bethany he was told lazarus had already died. that he has already been in the grave for four days. and when martha, sister of lazarus got word that jesus was coming, she went to meet him. and mary, sister of lazarus did not. and when martha saw jesus she said to him, “lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
and jesus said to her, “your brother will rise again.”
but then mary arrived and she saw jesus and she fell at his feet and she said, “lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.” and she wept over her brother. because she loved him and he was gone. and jesus should have been there. because if jesus had been there, her brother would not have died.
and jesus saw her weeping. and he saw the other people wailing with her. because lazarus was deeply loved. and now he was gone. and they had sent for jesus. they had prayed for a miracle. and that miracle didn’t come until it was four days too late. and they didn’t know that jesus was going to bring lazarus back. they didn’t know that jesus had waited that long to teach a lesson. to prove a point. they just knew jesus was too late. and now they were forced to grieve.
and then a deep anger welled up in jesus. and he was deeply troubled. and jesus asks, “where have you put him?” and the people say, “lord, come and see.” and he does. and when he sees, jesus weeps. when he sees, we get the shortest verse in the bible. a mere two words to sum up an entire town’s grief. two words to convey the loss of a sibling. two words are offered for the preventable death of a loved man.
jesus is four days too late. and jesus?
jesus wept.
and the people who loved lazarus turned to him and said to jesus, “see how much he loved him!”
jesus loved lazarus. and then he let him die.
and some of the people said about jesus “this man healed a blind man. couldn’t he have kept lazarus from dying?”
and then jesus, who knew all along that he would revive lazarus. jesus, who let all those people mourn. jesus, who let those sisters lose their brother. jesus, who let them weep. jesus, who wept with them. that very same jesus said to those who loved lazarus, who mourned him, jesus of nazareth said to them, “didn’t i tell you that you would see god’s glory if you believe?”
and then the stone of lazarus’ tomb was rolled aside. and then jesus looked up to heaven and said, “father, thank you for hearing me. you always hear me, but i said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.” and then jesus shouted, “lazarus, come out!” and he did.
lazarus the dead man came out, his hands and feet and face wrapped still in burial cloth. and then jesus of nazareth told them, “unwrap him and let him go!”
and then lazarus of bethany became lazarus of the grave. lazarus of the grave that will never be left behind even though he has risen and relinquished. lazarus of the grave who did not make good his escape unscathed. lazarus of the grave who will now check each darkened doorway as death and his sting is keenly felt.
lazarus was a man. a man whose family loved him. a man whose sisters sent for a miracle. a man whose sisters mourned him in the four days it took for that miracle to show up. a man who was made an example for no reason other than being loved by jesus. a thing that we are all told to be. loved by our savior.
lazarus is a man who makes me wonder three things. firstly, if jesus had been there that my brother may not have died. secondly, if jesus of nazareth too weeps for me. and thirdly, if jesus loves us and we in turn love him too like the scriptures command, why does he use us in the lessons he teaches.
why must we be the men he makes believers of?
so lazarus was just a man whose crime was loving jesus. and martha was just a girl whose crime was loving her brother. and they both suffered a miracle because of it.
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hycinthrt · 1 year
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his job is just betray
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Shout out to all the people saying I should stop being a furry or a therian because god wants me to be a human like pookie if your god dislikes me that much he can go weep to his angels but he isn't earning my pity
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kryptickrow · 3 months
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partially based off a true story of mormons coming to my door and giving me a buisness card of jesus that i kept for at least 2-3 years before it was sacrificed to rainbow dash and disappeared into the gulf of What The Fuck Is Happening of my room to jumpscare those that attempt to clean it.
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robo-milky · 15 days
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“Are you aware of the most beautiful book?”
REVEREND/PRIEST/CULT LEADER! ROOK MAKES A COMEBACK!! May do more stuff with him- also made me really happy that a good chunk of y’all wanted to see more him (like a year ago-)
Definitely not my usual style but I felt like forcing myself to render since I was unsatisfied with my style previously, and this definitely helped- Even forcing me to look up actual references- Even though art is just a hobby now, I still want to improve for the sake of it-
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aphidclan-clangen · 3 months
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part 2 out of 3
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alienbycomics · 6 months
Content Warning: religion and transphobia⚠️
Happy Trans Day of Visibility 🏳️‍⚧️ I made a comic reflecting on my church upbringing as an eXvangelical trans person. The Jesus conservative Christians claim to represent looked lot more like many of the LGBTQ+ friends I know and love. Just some food for thought 💖
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actualori · 1 month
a guide to all the gods/divine deities affiliated with mythicalsausage to whoever needs it
1. bubbles: (almost every smp) sausages puppy. follows him to every reincarnation and universe. is in charge of keeping balance throughout every timeline and multiverse. based off his irl dog
2. xornoth: (empires smp s1) the champion/reincarnation of the god exor. was sausages mentor and apparent boyfriend (toxic yaoi). taught sausage magic and corrupted him. was very evil
3. the blood sheep: (empires smp s1) used for magical sacrifices and came from a world unknown. unrelated to exor and xornoth but have evil capabilities. all hail blood sheep
4. joel: (empires smp s2) was sausages baby daddy. the god of thunder and lore
5. hermes: (empires smp s2) joel and sausages child and a demigod. able to manipulate time and weather. no specific age, somewhere from toddler to preteen. has no set gender (he/they pronouns mainly used)
6: pearl/santa perla: (empires smp s1 and 2, afterlife smp) s1 sausages best friend who died in his arms. became a saint represented by sunflowers. sausage was one of her angels in afterlife. s2 sausage devoted his life to her and created a religion worshipping her. they follow each other through every life protecting each other
7: the watchers: (bcg smp) sausage found a watcher sword and the fandom ran with it. he is not officially canon to evo/life series watchers (yet)
8: the fates: (sos smp/minecraft sos) controlled that specific universe and blocked out any lore related to other smps. specifically hated sausage because he constantly broke the rules of that world. frequently targeted him
9: nat and dem: (border smp) two gods fighting over the devotion of sausage. nat had a specific connection to spruce trees. dem attempted to kill nat (was unsuccessful). both speak to him through notes and give him gifts. each claim the other is evil. nat is short for nature, dem is short for something unspecified (probably demon)
10: sun god bdubs: (empires smp s2) god of the sun that sausage and gem worshipped. had a silly rivalry with santa perla since she was associated with the moon. the main worshipping was just making sure to always sleep at night
each description will be updated as more information is said. if i’m missing anyone or anything please let me know and i will add it
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mandyposting · 5 months
I'm a bit nervous posting my art for the first time, so I really hope you all like this art of Amanda from last October!
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disrealities · 3 months
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Alternatives for system / alter (with gothic religious themes!) — self indulgent!
"system" . . . Church, Acyl, Sainthood, Sheol, Religion, Faith, Cloud, Sect, Conclave, Nave, Followers, Furore, Devout, Clergy, Duomo, Congregation, Laity, Penitential, Choir, Hierarchy, Cathedral, Altar, Chapel, Diocese, Monastery, Abbey, Convent, Eucharist, Churchyard, Shrine, Sacristy
"alter" . . . Worshippers, Disciples, Devotees, Hymns, Ritualists, Sinners, Lambs, Doves, Prior / Prioress / Priory, Nuns, Priests, Frairs, Abbess, Clerics, Vaticans, Vicar, Bishops, Divines, Advocates, Prophets, Celestials
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