#Creep Chromatic
Red Bull Culture Clash NYC 2024
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On Saturday, June 1, 2024, the latest edition of Red Bull Culture Clash took place in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Four crews competed in four rounds to win over the crowd, with each team representing an annual NYC parade. There were decibel readings for each team after every round and the team with the most points would be crowned the winner.
The four crews were Remezcla (Puerto Rican Day parade), Papi Juice (Pride Parade), Eastern Standard Times (Lunar New Year), and No Long Talk (West Indian Parade). I was assigned to document NLT’s stage, which I was super excited about since my father was from Jamaica and I went to many West Indian Parades growing up. The final round had the crews bringing out special guests and it was pretty tough to beat No Long Talk’s surprise guests: YG Marley and Wyclef Jean. NLT also brilliantly handed out noisemakers to their supporters to help them be the loudest.
There’s a few images on my website here, plus a recap on the Red Bull website here, and a few more images on their Instagram accounts here and here.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Lead is a neurotoxin; it causes premature deaths and lifelong negative effects. It’s said “there is no safe level of lead exposure” — as far as we know, any lead causes damage, and it just gets worse the more exposure there is.
After a 20-year, worldwide campaign, in 2021 Algeria became the final country to end leaded gasoline in cars — something the US phased out in 1996. That should make a huge difference to environmental lead levels. But lots of sources remain, from car batteries to ceramics...
Bangladesh phased out leaded gasoline in the 1990s. But high blood lead levels have remained. Why? When researchers Stephen Luby and Jenny Forsyth, doing work in rural Bangladesh, tried to isolate the source, it turned out to be a surprising one: lead-adulterated turmeric.
Turmeric, a spice in common use for cooking in South Asia and beyond, is yellow, and adding a pigment made of lead chromate makes for bright, vibrant colors — and better sales. Buyers of the adulterated turmeric were slowly being poisoned...
But there’s also good news: A recent paper studying lead in turmeric in Bangladesh found that researchers and the Bangladeshi government appear to have driven lead out of the turmeric business in Bangladesh.
How Bangladesh got serious about lead poisoning
The researchers who’d isolated turmeric as the primary cause of high blood lead levels —working for the nonprofit International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh — went to meet with government officials. They collected samples nationwide and published a 2019 follow-up paper on the extent of the problem. Bangladesh’s Food Safety Authority got involved.
They settled on a two-part approach, starting with an education campaign to warn people about the dangers of lead. Once people had been warned that lead adulteration was illegal, they followed up with raids to analyze turmeric and fine sellers who were selling adulterated products.
They posted tens of thousands of fliers informing people about the risks of lead. They got coverage in the news. And then they swept through the markets with X-ray fluorescence analyzers, which detect lead. They seized contaminated products and fined sellers.
According to the study released earlier this month, this worked spectacularly well. “The proportion of market turmeric samples containing detectable lead decreased from 47 percent pre-intervention in 2019 to 0 percent in 2021,” the study found. And the vanishing of lead from turmeric had an immediate and dramatic effect on blood lead levels in the affected populations, too: “Blood lead levels dropped a median of 30 percent.”
The researchers who helped make that result happen are gearing up for similar campaigns in other areas where spices are adulterated.
The power of problem-solving
...When the Food Safety Authority showed up at the market and started issuing fines for lead adulteration, it stopped being a savvy business move to add lead. Purchasers who were accustomed to unnatural lead-colored turmeric learned how to recognize non-adulterated turmeric. And so lead went from ubiquitous to nearly nonexistent in the space of just a few years.
That’s a better world for everyone, from turmeric wholesalers to vulnerable kids — all purchased at a shockingly low price. The paper published this month concludes, “with credible information, appropriate technology, and good enough governance, the adulteration of spices can be stopped.”
There’s still a lot more to be done. India, like Bangladesh, has widespread adulteration of turmeric. And safety testing will have to remain vigilant to prevent lead in Bangladesh from creeping back into the spice supply.
But for all those caveats, it’s rare to see such fast, decisive action on a major health problem — and impressive to see it immediately rewarded with such a dramatic improvement in blood lead levels and health outcomes. It’s a reminder that things can change, and can change very quickly, as long as people care, and as long as they act."
-via Vox, September 20, 2023
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slowfalter · 4 months
My inner child has a crush on your inner child
driving home in silence
as an exercise in thought mining
as an exercise in poetry writing
and the best line I could think of was
we’re all poems in the end
or would that be the beginning?
and you said there’s a poem in that
and I said yeah a bad one
I can’t write long poems because my world is very small
mostly it’s a kettle and a bed
but these distend and retract as required
sometimes over the kettle you’ll swell and scatter
like sugar through fingers
your timelines hatch chromatic
from that crystal that hangs in the window
and I want to know all of the people you were before
even the ones who creep into your sleep
just to embarrass you
like the one with all the hair gel
and the ones they dressed like girls
I'll pluck them from your family album
and cradle them in my palms
I’ll say it’s okay
I know it feels bad right now
but this will all be a poem in the end
or it would be if I could capture them for you
so I could show you
their finest light
and beamingest smiles
neatest hair
first beer
first love
they’re someone’s favourite son
fastest run
funnest time
I’ll show you what I know
and I know that they were all the best people
they had to have been
because they led you here
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noxcorvorum · 1 year
The train arrives, and the mechanisms leave, perhaps getting cosmically irradiated in the process, unable to see the collapse of yggdrasil before the metal of their bodies peels the scourge from their systems and the rainbows from their eyes, before aurora gets out of range of the exploding oil slick in colors unseen and imperceivable covering every planet like a shroud and bringing snapping mouths and hungry teeth and rending claws ripping into the fabric of space as loki and sigyn join each other in death and the bodies of the occupants of the ratatosk express spill into physical space, frey's corpse flayed and frayed and split at the seams, freyja fused with the wall, bones and flesh merged with metal dripping with golden-red, heimdall's empty sockets gazing at nothing and everything, seeing to all the edges of the corruption, tyr and garm entwined, tyr's new hand gripped by garm's sharpened teeth and garm's heart clutched in tyr's ragged fingers, odin's serpentine form slumped on the floor of the observation deck, single eye wide and staring out into the abyss as her blood tinged with acid and deadly rainbow drips from thor's borrowed hammer and mingles with his own where he lies nine steps from her corpse, and the knot of cosmic horror spreads, and spreads, and spreads until it encompasses yggdrasil and all its nine planets, and still it creeps forth. No one goes near yggdrasil, anymore. Just like fort galfridian, abandoned during its fall and left to rust and rot and burn and plummet into avalon, the yggdrasil system is left alone and watched and monitored as the squamous things creep closer. They seem to slow, as they get further out, but it never stops, an oil slick spreading infection and mutation and horror over everything it touches, for the flutes have stopped, the doors have opened, and azathoth awakens. The sole survivor, an inspector second class of the midgardian transport police, must move often and quickly, as they drip corruption behind them like a cloak, like so much water on soaked earth, and it spreads and screams and rips and rends if they do not leave whatever planet they stop at before it puts down roots. Everyone they encounter can tell they have been fundamentally changed, by the swirling colors in their eyes and the slight echoed song in their voice and the chromatic smudges that leak from their fingertips onto everything they touch. The void does not let them die, knitting their flesh and sealing their bones back together on a tide of vivid color and nauseous patterns. They take to music and storytelling, narrating the fall of their planetary system as a way to commemorate its existence, and as a warning to any who would listen of the distortion and decay raging its way forth, for they are herald and harbinger for the squamous things, and it will never let them go.
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ungoliantschilde · 2 months
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Ride the Lightning, 1984.
Every aspect of this album was an improvement over Kill ‘Em All. The writing, the composition, and the variety of sound.
Fantastic album.
There was an error edition of the vinyl albums. A small number of the first printings were produced with a green hue. They’ve been bootlegged and copied. Original error editions are VERY valuable in the vinyl collector’s world.
The only single was “Creeping Death”, and it’s about the Israelites fleeing Egypt. Stoned Sour did a great cover of it. Great, great track.
My picks for the best are basically Metallica’s signature song, “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and “Fade to Black”.
“For Whom the Bell Tolls” is the song you’re going to expect when you see them live, and be fucking pissed if they don’t play it. Cliff Burton’s bass chromatic intro is based on what got him hired by the band. It’s… iconic.
“Fade to Black” is the perfect example of them broadening their musical tastes. The acoustic intro was initially derided by the hardcore fans. This climactic ode to suicide is one of their best.
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malaierba · 2 months
numbers 9 10 and 13 for the choosing violence asks.... irt dunmesh 🤭
Thank you for the ask! Oh these are difficult. Answered 13 for another buddy btw!
Worst part of canon
It's not the absolute worst, I don't think it's that bad, I just think that Namari could've gotten more focus on her?
She's the other "coded as a main character" character. She seems quite emotionally mature, she puts herself first before helping out, it's implied that the dragon event shook her into "not letting go of her fear" — A wake up call, and she takes it to heart. When Toshiro and her are manipulating the crowd that ends up going against the Canaries, she brings up material motivations that Toshiro later further reframes.
I think that was setting her up to contrast nicely with Toshiro and Kabru, and puts her way of seeing things closer to Laios'.
Ah, I mentioned this to someone else earlier this week but it's really interesting how she kinda contrasts Toshiro? When she resigns for the both of them she says "some of us have to make a living". But really, it's only her. SHE has to make sure she's in a good place, and she helps out as she can. Toshiro on the other hand falls back onto his family resources + the help of his retainers, and goes at it so recklessly he burns himself to the ground.
Just an interesting parallel. From the red and green pals, chromatically opposed on the colour wheel yet so often on the same brainwave you'd think they swapped a Braincell at one point. Having her spend so much time with Kabru and Toshiro, both so epically bad at taking care of themselves unless they have outsider help (which is valid and meaningful, but that's another topic) , I really wish she had had the opportunity to explain more how she arrived to that mindset — Because I just know it wasn't by accident. Totally a result of her dad pulling the rug from under her feet.
Like it's not the worst part but I do find it a missed opportunity that she didn't get as much a focus as everyone else. (/Kicks a pebble
Oh also, I don't really wanna get too into it, but for all that power systems and the way privilege is systematised is portrayed quite well in the manga, I would've liked some more focus on the ways in which that can be changed beyond "play the system smartly" lol.
Worst part of fanon
Toshiro's not a simp, not a dudebro, not whatever toxic stereotype of Asian men you are swearing to me you've totally seen, not a creep, NOT JEALOUS, not angry all the time. I could go on. They flanderised my guy and they didn't even do it right ugh.
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aptericia · 6 months
I'd LOVE to know more! It's on sale and I considered getting it because I recognized the name from your posts, I'd love to hear more about it from you before I make a decision
of course!! So basically, the story revolves around these urban legends called the "Seven Mysteries" and various characters trying to learn the truth about them in order to further their own goals. The player switches between several main characters & their sidekicks, all of whom are pretty different but all very likeable! There’s a lot of alternate timeline stuff as well which is super cool.
The only romance is like very minor background mentions, and there's no creeping or gross flirty comments. There's some language, cigarette & alcohol use, etc., as well as of course lots of murder. There's plenty of disturbing imagery, but the gore is mostly limited to dialogue and written descriptions. There's also lots of flickering and flashing effects, although I believe the chromatic aberration effect can be disabled for easier viewing.
The puzzles include looking for clues around 360-degree environments, picking dialogue options, choosing when and how to use your characters' powers, etc. The game gives you a conversation log and detailed info about characters and setting in order to help you solve the puzzles. They're not too difficult, but they do require thought and are often very creative!
If you're interested, the characters include:
Shogo, an unremarkable Normal Guy(tm)
Yoko, the neighborhood Weird Girl who is fascinated by the paranormal
Harue, a rich housewife who's disturbingly comfortable with the idea of murder
Richter, an eccentric cowboy detective
Tsutsumi, a serious and experienced police dude with family issues
Erio, a much more excitable junior officer
Yakko, a teenage schoolgirl who would rather punch you than use an ancient curse
Mio, a more introverted brand of Weird Girl and knows a lot about magic
and lots more!!!
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trashlama · 2 years
ROR (Record Of Ragnarok) headcanons/IDK drabble turned one-shot
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Jack The Ripper
This is definitely not for kids!
Like if you're under 18 please just turn back. This is 18+ only!
Just to warn you guys, I literally watched this show almost in one night yesterday so bear with me. And then proceeded to write this. It was supposed to just be some headcanons. And then it turned into drabble and then one shot.
I re-read this thing a couple of times. I tried to search the internet for quotes that would fit. Cause his character is really into quote'in and shit. I'm sorry if it isn't great I don't usually write so I tried my best. I just was filled with so much simpin' juice for this man at the time so I had to write cause I have no confidence in drawing his character with how badass he is.
Please enjoy!
Really into aura shit
You got a nice aura? Better watch out. He might seek you out for that warmth if it's too similar to his mother's. Before she went kray- kray-.
Brah has a thing for cute shit
Based on his reaction with the Valkyrie chick he Völundr with. He's definitely into Lolita's.
I'm not a hundred sure what else he might be into. I feel like he's into the whole pure thing and wanting to A.) Corrupt it or B.) Cherish it.
Totally see him as a creep/closet pervert
Too much of gentlemen to be straight up creepy, buuutt still manages to push boundaries, tho whatcha gonna do
Brah is V from V for Vendetta but, minus the whole fuck parliament and being a charred turkey whose like woof- woof- for Evee Hamond.
Brah kept giving me flashes back to Batman by Gaslight.(Really good movie, guess what? Fet. Batman & Jack the Ripper. It's some badass shit.)
Brraaahhh imagine just being some poor samp having to make ends meet in like one of the recognized most shittiest times. And its the dead of the night, walking home after your shift at the pub that ran later than you would prefer. But hey, money is money.
Everything is quite aside from the inebriated stumbling to their choice of den and the ladies of the night who waited on the curbs for potential customers. Preferably the quick and wasted ones.
Although the lamp wicks were burning bright thanks to the caretakers that serviced them. You being a dumb b*tch just trying to get home decide to pull the white girl move in the horror movie and walk into one of many dark decrepit alleys in London that were spread out like a cobble stone labyrinth.
Only to come across this motherfucker while passing through. Humming the London bridge is Falling Down while hunched over something behind one the local comunial waste bins. Obviously whatever it was had the bizarre-o ivory-haired man distracted enough to not notice your initial presence. If you were a normal self-preservation instinct still intact person you would've ran back the way you came.
Buuut that's too easy sooooo, no.
You—, you decide to play Blue's fuckin Clues and go stroll by the dude to see what he dooooin'.(Kinda like when there's a crash and everyone is like yoo I wanna see. But there's traffic so they slow just a little bit down when passing the crash to see what's up. Cause we all nosey b*tches. Don't lie.)
Didn't even take five steps before this crackhead whipped around to see who was approaching. And in the same short amount of time it took the mustached hetero-chromatic eyed dude to analyze your fluctuating aura of emotions. Meanwhile your ass noticed how this dude was fist deep in this lady's guts playin' doctor with a satchel of equipment at his side. Outfit drenched in the same burgundy colored ooze that flooded from the ripped open abscess in the abdomen of the obviously recently deceased women that was prompted up against the corner where the waste bin met the structure.
Before you could even think of back pedaling out of this situation. The pale haired man had launched himself on you. Quick to restrain you against the gross ass cobblestone wall of the ally way. In the right hand a common barbers knife that'd you find in any supplies shop in london—hovered threateningly above the thin skin of your throat. While the other was kept busy planting you against the wall by the roots of your still pinned up hair.
The desire to allow fear course into your veins was strong as you stared trapped in the heterochromatic pools of mania that belong to the person infront of you. Pools of crimson and glacier keeping you pinned. The former of the two holding almost supernatural glow to it. The gleam of it's light piercing through the veil of fog and darkness like the knife he so carefully wielded.
"What's a young maiden like yourself walking around at this hour in a place like this? And without a chaperon?" The mustached man inquired though obviously not out of interest but, amusement. Maintaining the manic look upon his pale aging features as he peered back into orbs of (y/e).
"It is a blind goose that cometh to a fox's sermon." The older gentleman cooed. Warm breath fan across the skin of your face leaving behind goosebumps in its wake.
The guy was definitely creepy.
Though not keen on being a damsel in destress of any kind. Your ass knew you wanted to survive this counter. And no one from the London yard to the hooker you passed on the corner is gonna help you now.
You had three options:
With a blade at your throat you might as well call yourself Marie Antoinette 2.0, if you chose the first option. Fighting with this dude would definitely be one-sided. From the fact that it took him 2.5 secs to over power you and contain you to a single spot. Yeah that's a no-go. And to be honest you weren't a hundred percent sure if reasoning would work on the psycho in front of you. Based off the fact he's staring at you like a mustached Cheshire Cat with a Mad Hatter's attitude. This is one fucked game of perseverance that you wish hadn't walked into.
Your last resort? You weren't completely sure what yet but one thing for sure; the way this night was looking so far this might be your last time underneath the moonlight. You might as well try something. It's not like you have anything left in your life to lose.
As you steeled your resolve in your mind. Your aura told the middle age man everything he needed to know.
At first glance it was nothing special. Just a cesspool of emotions primarily exhaustion and the normal stress that lays beneath every worrisome thought of the future and tomorrow's problems.
He was just going to rip her up like the predecessors that came before her. However, it was when he pinned her to the putride wall of the alleyway that he saw her true colors.
They shifted like a marvelous rainbow. One moment they were a stressful cobalt. The next a surprised cyan. Than a thoughtful calculative lime green.
However resting a deeper emotion sat next to the core in every flash of color. Remaining vigilant against an invasion from outside forces that threaten to penetrate the brigade that kept them at bay. Was a spec of regretful indigo. There it sat safe guarding the very thing that created its very being. So the same thing wouldn't happen again.
The array of sensitive colors dazzled his senses. The alternating emotions keep his interest peeked and the knife from laying any more pressure on your artery. His receptors in his nerves soaking up the vivid feelings like a dry sponge in the bath water. However unlike the sponge, his body just craved more.
He wanted to see the violet purple. The despair fill her heart. It was his favorite thing.
Swallowing a thick glob of saliva your (y/e) irises began to what you think is nonchalant but, isn't very chalant— scanning your surroundings. Looking for an opportunity to present itself despite the current obvious disadvantages. -cough- knife at your throat -cough- head at risk being slammed -cough-.
The creepy-ass grin from the creepy-ass man in front of you didn't help easing any tension in the little space between you two.
" Sir I nought know why you're doing this but, please allow me to pass onwards on my path. I cannot convict you. I don't even know your name nor what you look like." You reasoned (y/e) eyes filled with earnestness and your soul mirroring the same in a vivid courageous orange and a trepidious magenta.
Eyes trained with one another never breaking for a moment. Not even when his hand with the knife pulled away and was swiftly replaced with the left grasping your windpipe.
He hummed amused with your statement. How foolish you were to think ignorance could save you from your sealed fate.
" How rude of me..." He began.
Successfully instilling even further the threat that was to her life tonight. Not the drunktards who came in on a regular. Not the slim shit wages that barely kept her afloat. Not cholera(that one is a joke because of the time period and where they're at).
The mustached man right in front of her.
Typically he just kills whores. The women who remind him the most of his mother. Though if their soul shines a true brilliant viscous scarlet.... he doesn't mind making an exception or two. After all at the end they all become such a beautiful violet before it ends in white.
Taking an actual intake of her appearance she was certainly not a prostitute. Her bosom was properly strapped down by the corset underneath the fabric of her appropriately length dress that clung to her desirable frame. No cheap lard products to cover her natural appeal.
Only upon closer exception does he notice the faintest of a tan line from a band that has long since been removed.
A ring.
There had been a martial union and as evident with the lack of a band clasped around her dainty finger. It has been terminated. Divorced. Day-old goods that no one wants to touch.
The absence of it told him she had no one to return too.
That she was also abandoned.
That she was free for the taking if he pleased.
But, unlike most Lodon's fine selection of men. Jack actually did have manners.
And a criteria.
And before taking her in he needed to test her.
Can't have distrust in a budding relationship now can we?
" My name dear unwanted maiden is.... "
Hands like snakes from Garden of Paradise enclosed around your tranchea . Effectively sealing away the opening for the air to travel into your lungs.
Cheshire Cat grin stretched across his pale complexion. The insanity in his eyes burning red hot like the poker in the fire.
"... Jack The Ripper! " He said with a joyous glee. Finally leaning in close enough that you could finally make out his full features.
"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest"
Pools of (y/e) widen with surprise as they maintained the direct line of eye contact with the killer who has been stalking the streets of White Chapel.
Tears fell from (y/n) sockets. Not out of fear or the tragedy of your death. But rather the hurt of knowing you'll never get the chance to have a family.
I'm sorry this next part is ridiculously darker than the rest of this one shot/drabble. IDK how I went down this path but, just warning the next part includes talks of divorce, implied inf@cide, implied ch!ld murder, mi$carriage, oh and I almost forgot just dap of pedo alert.0
Please continue with your own discretion!!!
Since the start you never got to have that family. You never knew your parents. They had left you at an orphanage. Lucky for you that they had room to spare. Most became water logged coffins sealing away the babes from undesirable fates.
It wasn't sunshine and rainbows at the orphanage. You had to pull your weight from a very young age. Those who didn't contribute didn't get food, those who resisted got sent away, anyone who didn't listen came back from lectures with welts and concussions. You pick and choose your battles. And you chose them very carefully for the first fifteen years.
Until you felt the need to defend yourself against one of the caretakers who wasn't so noble. You had shed first blood the summer before. And ever since had been on the edge due to prying eyes and wandering hands.
That summer you left the orphanage and headed to London. Hear say from villagers say all the jobs are in the cities now. Thanks to the Industrial revolution offering more opportunities than ever before.
You had gone. Worked at a textile plant for some time until you met your first husband. And became pregnant with your first kid.
....only to lose the fetus three months later due to the stress your body was under. Children take so much. Even before their born. The nutrients get sucked from the marrow and slowly you lost the battle.
Your husband blamed you, and you did too. You tired, tried, and tried. But, they just couldn't be kept.
It wasn't even a two years later that your first husband divorced you.
You always wanted to be able to try again. To have that child to love and hold, to cherish unconditionally like you wished you had been.
Though staring into those mix-matched pools of insanity. In one last attempt to not give into the fear of the impending end. You thought one last time about your dream.
Jack was both pleased and mystified
Instead of the violet purple he saw within most of his victims. He found a light source that resembled the embers that kept the Londoners warm through the ruthless winters. An eradecent hue that blend yellow and pink into what can only be described as a hug to the senses.
Relaxing and comforting. A guiding light to ease one to rest.
"And light is mingled with the gloom, And joy with grief; Divinest compensations come, Through thorns of judgment mercies bloom In sweet relief ".
Slowly hands like steel latches released their grasp from around your neck. Skin already blossoming with bruises in the shape of handprints.
Without the support holding you up your body slid towards the alley way floor to only be scooped up into Jack's arms, as if weighing nothing more than a few sheets of paper.
"There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand."
Too exhausted to fight off Jack's tight embrace between the near death experience and the shift you had worked before ever traversing down this alleyway.
(y/e) drifted shut as you listened to Jack whisper sweet quotes of adoration as he took you away. Going only gods know where.
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind. Nor hath love's mind of any judgment taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste: And therefore is love said to be a child, Because in choice he is so oft beguil'd."
As the morning sun rose above the thick pea soup fog. Londoners would be too enthralled in the newest victim of the ripper to notice that there was another woman that the ripper had stolen. With no body to be found.
The five quotes here are quoted by(as in order of appearance)
John lyly
William Shakespeare
John Greenleaf Whittier
Mary Shelley
William Shakespeare
My other fur-baby is fed up with me editing this thing.
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demonicdames · 1 year
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A little writing project of mine that I have on A03 that I'm going to throw here to. Rated: E F/M Papa Emeritus II x F!Reader Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Chapter 8: Apologies Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
It all happened so fast, first Papa Terzo was on stage singing his heart out to the siblings and party goers and next, he was dragged off stage everyone was confused even the ghouls and ghoulettes, that was when Papa Nihil came out, and introduced himself, that was the night everyone had found out that Terzo was no longer Papa. It angered you to no end how could they do that to him!?, yeah Terzo wasn't the best guy and could be a downright dick and creep but to publicly humiliate him like that?.
Nihil watched his youngest son from the window above, Terzo had sought refuge in his brothers. With his elbows resting on both knees his face in his palms shoulders shaking, his Prime Mover on her knees in front of him consoling her dethroned Papa.  "Sister- I hope you honestly know what you are doing." Nihil may not have been the best father but he did care for his boys seeing Terzo hurt like this... hurt his very soul.
"Yes Papa believe me I know what I'm doing, it -- it had to be done the fame unfortunately got to Terzo's head and the poor boy lost his way, lost the message we are to send out there of our Dark Lord." Lies, all were lies that slipped past that woman's lips, Imperator wore the mask of sorrow yet inside she was celebrating that her plan was being perfectly executed. 
"Let everyone in the Ministry take a week off all of the siblings I'm sure must come to terms and accept what happened last night. "Of course Papa, I will make the announcement shortly."
Terzo held his head in his hands going over every concert, every step, every word, every moment what had he done wrong?, Did he not praise Lucifer enough? did he not invoke the sins of Lust and gluttony enough? Even Primo and Secondo were confused plus to make matters worse- it happened in front of his love and you, literally he had made sure you and his Prime Mover were in the front row and of course the rat. Terzo looked down at his Mover his hand creasing her cheek. "Please don't cry cara mia." Sniffling she laid her head back on his lap whispering apologies on behalf of the Clergy. "This is very strange," Primo muttered, Gemma was beside him her arm linked with his, her belly showing even more now. "Maybe.. because I did not produce an heir?." Sister Shelly looked up at her Papa fearing that it was her fault. "No- no no no  darling no." Terzo cupped her face. "The only reason we did not produce an heir is simply because I was too busy trying to impress them, the followers and the fans." 
 That is when you came jogging up sympathy written all over your face. Your sudden appearance made Secondo stand a bit straighter, this was the first time he'd seen you since you were snatched away from him, and what a sight you were. The second oldest Emeritus had almost forgotten the curve of your hips, the swell of your ass and tits, how perfectly they were squeezed into your habit but most of all those lips and eyes. Lips he'd give anything to feel brush against his own again and wrap around his cock, to see the look of admiration, lust, and maybe even a little hint of love in those eyes when you both reached your bliss. His brother's woes were forgotten for a moment as his hetero chromatic eyes looked you up and down Primo caught his little brother's gaze and elbowed the man. "Stronzo," Secondo whispered under his breath his attention finally coming back to his brother when Sister Shelly cleared her throat. 
"Brothers, Sister I'm going to take mi amore back to our room to relax keep yourselves out of trouble until we can get to the bottom of this."  The Sister spoke as she rose from the ground, Terzo looking up at her with teary thankful eyes. "Grazie amore," he muttered getting up when his Mover gave his arm a little tug a soft kiss shared between them. "Ti amo così tanto tesoro." Shelly purred to her wounded man walking him away. You watched the two as they headed off,  you did feel bad for Terzo being yanked off the stage like that it wasn't until now that you realized that left you with Primo, Gemma, and - your attention turned to Secondo who wouldn't hide the fact he was looking at you, studying you the intense look made your cheeks warm up. "Come the both of you can help us." Primo waved his hand between the two of you. Both you and Secondo opened your mouth but closed it Primo was Secondo's older brother and you were Sister Gemma's helper. Returning to Primo and Gemma's home, both brothers slipped their Papal robes off, hanging them up, wearing black dress shirts, pants, belts, and shoes under them the two almost matching if it wasn't for Secondo's gloves and watch. Freezing in your place you watched as Secondo rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, having not been with him for the last couple of weeks you noticed a few little things, a few little things that had a big impact on you mostly between your legs. You noticed the veins that laced up his arm, the top of his forearm slightly darker than the bottom, and the thin layer of hair that covered his arm. You could recall those nights when those arms were around you, holding you down that gloved hand around your throat the Emeritus looked up catching you looking at him for a split second your gaze being adverted quickly your cheeks burning. Primo and Gemma exchanged looks they knew exactly when they were doing the old ones Prime Mover handed him two dry rigatonis. 
"Fratello, could you do me a favor?" Primo asked Secondo walking over to him. "I have this kink in my back could you get it out? like when we were younger?." Secondo eyed his brother arching a brow. "Fratello at your age I will break you in half." Secondo protested but of course, as expected Secondo gave in, turning around Primo made sure you saw the dry noodles go into his mouth, crunching down on them when Secondo picked his older brother up who withered in fake pain Secondo looking as if he was about to shit bricks. "Mi dispiace mi dispiace mi dispiace I told you fratello!." Secondo huffed as Primo made his way to the couch with your help and Gemma's even you had faked looking shocked.   "Va bene va bene va bene va bene." Primo rested on the couch with a sigh . 
"Fratello could you and our lovely sorella stick around for a little while, until I feel a little bit better, sì?." The older Emeritus asked getting a nod from Secondo.  "Perfetto grazie fratello! and sorella, would you two make lunch?." Primo asked as Gemma sat beside her husband on the edge of the couch, his hand moving to rest on his Movers thigh.  Before Secondo would say a word you answered for the both of you.  "We'll get right on it Papa Primo." Your hand taking hold of Secondo's and dragging him into the kitchen, it must have been a hilarious sight little you tugging that tower of a man into the kitchen.  "I can't cook..." Secondo whispered harshly to you sure in his past Primo tried to teach him but he never paid attention always having the siblings do it, you could see the turmoil in his eyes making you giggle your hand gently patting at the man's chest. "Don't worry, I'll help you."  Secondo made a face but agreed as long as he could spend time with you. It wasn't long before the kitchen was filled with giggles and hushed chuckles the radio was turned on low to not disturb the love birds in the other room, you've never seen Secondo so relaxed- well when sex wasn't involved. Taking your hand in his own the man swayed you around the kitchen in a little dance that had you giggling up a storm as he twirled you away from himself only to pull you right back bumping right into his chest. He was smiling- sweet Lucifer below he was smiling you stayed like that for a good few minutes just staring and memorizing each other. The song on the radio changed to a much slower one, without taking his eyes off of yours Secondo took your hand in his the other resting on your lower back while your free hand took purchase on the Emeritus's shoulder. body-to-body slow dancing in the kitchen. Secondo leaned in his lips gently pressing against yours moving slowly causing soft smacks before deepening it, your lips moving together slowly.
 You melted into each other your lips parting when his tongue poked them for entry you couldn't help the little whimper you gave as the Emeritus tongue searched and reclaimed your mouth as his own. His strong hands moved to your backside lifting you with ease like you weighed nothing, sitting you on the counter the kiss never breaking until you were settled, his skilled mouth traveling from your lips to your neck.  He hated that the marks he had decorated your neck constantly were gone and that his scent didn't cling to you anymore.  You moaned his name your head falling back as Secondo's lips moved feverishly over your skin maneuvering to the other side of your neck, his paint smearing off onto your skin pulling back the Emeritus looked down at you seeing his paint on you, paint and saliva mixed, a grin coming to his face. "I've missed this, seeing my paint on you, that clouded look in your eyes." You smiled up at him you wanted to be happy that you were there in his arms again but- the recent time away had also allowed you to think about things, about everything after today he would just walk the halls of the Abbey and Ministry like nothing happened or even get a new assistant if things went sour in the office. This was just the last pleasurable rodeo for him you didn't mean anything to him, did you? At least your brain told you so the only reason you had been sleeping with him in the first place was, as he put it 'co-workers with benefits'. You could feel the lump forming in your throat with each kiss Secondo placed on your skin each inch his fingers slid up your habit, your hand placed on his chest giving the man the smallest of pushes to cause him to stop and lean back.  "Sorella what -?."  "We shouldn't." you cut him off Secondo looking confused.  "Why?."  You had to think of something quickly not wanting to spill your heart out to your ex-boss. "We're in Primo's kitchen, can't do 'that' here." You forced a believable smile as Secondo seemed to remember that you both were in his older brother's kitchen. "Mi dispiace" Secondo spoke taking a step back and allowing you to slip from the counter the man chuckled making you turn and in your horror, there was a perfect sweat outline of your ass and pussy the mark giving away just how wet this damn man made you, cursing grabbing the cleaner and towel to take care of it your face flushed completely not able to look the Emeritus in the eyes. 
Once you both had finished preparing lunch for Primo and Gemma, you checked her vitals writing down her blood pressure and sugar level everything came out perfect. When leaving you turned once more watching as Primo rested his face on his Prime Movers belly again a smile finding its way to yours. You remembered earlier in your work relationship with Secondo how you wished, dreamed that he'd take you as his Prime Mover or pop the question but it never happened your brain reminding you that you were worthless to him, you were just a paper pusher, your smile slowly vanished once the door was closed. Feeling arms snake around you, you turned quickly to face him.  "Don't." You spoke cursing that your voice cracked.  Secondo's brows furrowed his arms staying around you keeping you close. "Cara, what is wrong?, why do you push away your Papa?." You tried hard you did but even the strongest of walls sometimes crack. Swallowing against the lump in your throat you gently pulled his arms from around yourself stepping back.  "Secondo, we... we can't, I can't..." Your voice trailed off Secondo whispered your name his hand moving to take purchase on your cheek however you blocked him from doing so. "Damn it just-." And then it all came out. 
"I know I'm nothing more than a good fuck now and then Secondo, that's all I am to you in the beginning I didn't care sex was sex but now... now I.. I..I... I just can't!." You yelled turning and running from the Emeritus who reached out to grab you but missed by a hairline. He didn't move from that spot for a good moment he was shocked, is that what you thought? you thought you didn't mean anything to him? Just how long had you felt that way? 
You had run blindly down the halls of the ministry weaving through siblings and Clergy members, your habit caught on your heel sending you falling to the floor a good-sized staircase followed,  landing at the bottom you were dazed you swore you could hear voices, saying your name one of them sounding like Terzo before your eyes rolled and darkness took you. 
When you came to you found yourself tucked into a plush bed covered with equally plush black and purple blankets.  "Where..." Your voice croaked as your vision cleared a wet cloth patting your face, it was Terzo. "Terzo..?" You asked the man was dressed in a purple robe.  "Shhh cara mia, you took quite the fall." You noticed three other forms there as well Omega, Alpha, and Divine who plopped in Omega's lap all three having worried looks on their faces.
"What happened?." You asked sitting up Terzo opened his mouth to speak but the ghoulette beat him to it.  "We were fucking and you came tumbling down the steps."  "Divine!" the two ghouls spoke sternly and Terzo squeaked.  "What?!, that's what we were doing don't come at me." The ghoulette huffed wiggling from Omega's arms to stretch out beside you on the bed in a feline-like manner the ghoulettes head coming to rest on your belly your hand settling on the female's head gently petting through her raven locks your lips turning to a smile as the ghoulette began purring, they were like cats and dogs.  "But yes." The Emeritus started. "You came tumbling down the steps with tear streaks, what happened little dove?."  It threw you for a loop how Terzo could sometimes be so obnoxious but other times like these he was sweeter than sugar.  "I'd- rather not talk about it." Before they could question you again your attention turned to the Emeritus sitting by you. "How about you Terzo? how are you holding up?."   A pained look came to his face.
"I'm... I'm -." Omega reached over placing a clawed hand on his lover's shoulder giving the Emeritus a reassuring squeeze. "I'm managing principessa." You smiled up at him before looking around the dark room. "Where is this place anyway?." "An old ghoul den that was used back in Primo's time it was abandoned not long after Secondo took over as Papa," Alpha explained  "It's the only place we all can be together and not get weird looks," Divine explained her tail wrapping around Alpha's thigh. " Or jealous ones." Omega threw in. "Ahh, so you three and Sister Shelly are poly?."  Terzo nodded to you. " First it was I and my Prime Mover then Omega later Alpha came in followed by Divine a few years after." The Ghouls and Ghoulette nodded at their Papa's words.
"Now sorellina, why were you running with tear-stained eyes?." The Emeritus asked. "Was it Secondo? I can smell him on you." Omega piped in.  "No no no, everything is fine it was-."... Damn it think!... "Pre-period mood swings." It wasn't too big of a lie considering your flow would start soon, after being the victim of an Emeritus Ghoul and Ghoulette snuggle party you were finally allowed to leave and promising not to tell anyone of their little love nest. You now understood why Terzo always loved to lay with his ghouls and ghoulettes you felt rejuvenated. Maybe you overreacted with Secondo you did go along with most of his movements and even drew him in perhaps it was best to apologize. Lost in your thoughts you didn't see the Cardinal coming your way until you collided with each other both falling to the ground. 
"M-Mi dispiace! mi dispiace s-sorella!." Copia stammered grabbing his biretta from the floor the Cardinal quickly moved to help you up uttering apology after apology dusting you off.  "It's okay it's okay it's -." You grasped both his gloved hands in yours making him look at you. "It is okay Copia." You offered him a warm smile which he returned, his already warm cheeks only grew warmer as you took his biretta placing it back atop his head. The Cardinal did have such a sweet face and that adorable little mustache that your thumbs smoothed over. Copia fought the urge to part his lips at your touch it was so intoxicating, and your touch only seemed to grow even more intoxicating after the night you two had spent together.  "Where are you going in such a hurry anyway?." You asked his hands coming up to rest in front of himself wringing them together.  " Eh, oh I was on my way too ah, talk to Sister and Papa Nihil about something with the Ghost Project."  "Then I won't keep you I know how Sister is when you keep her waiting." You chuckled. "Ciao Cardinal."  "Ciao sorella!." 
Finding yourself in front of Secondo's office door you straightened your habit making yourself look presentable, going to knock you jumped as the door opened the Emeritus stood before you a moment of silence before you both spoke in unison. "I need to talk to you." "But not here," Secondo added. "At my place." To which you nodded in agreement. When you walked into his room his scent smacked you like a ton of bricks the same scent that used to cling to your clothes, skin, and hair it still made your core throb. Secondo watched you as you sauntered around the room for him it was the first time that home felt like home again.  "Sorella what I wanted to say-."  "Wait, wait Secondo may I go first per favore?." "Sì." 
"I... I'm sorry for earlier I had a lot on my mind worries, and doubts, and I shouldn't have said any of that or gotten upset with you."  "No tesoro, I should be the one apologizing for making you feel that way, I am...ah.., not good at expressing emotion." Secondo took both your hands in his your name whispered past his lips. "You mean more to me than you will ever know...." He looked like he was struggling to find the words his brows furrowed in frustration his mouth opening but closing several times when the words didn't seem to fit. "Cazzo, ti voglio bene!!."
 He finally blurted out his grip on your hands tightening his angry gaze on the floor. You were shocked it took a few minutes for you to wrap your head around his words and to find yours, one hand leaving him to tilt his face up to look at you. 
"Ti amo." You whispered the space between you being closed pulling him into a soft kiss your lips moved slowly against each other as he hoisted you up so your legs could wrap around his hips the kiss breaking, staring into each other's half-lidded eyes the tips of your noses bumping before slipping into another kiss carrying you to his bedroom.
*Cazzo, ti voglio bene!: For fucks sake, I love you!*
Make-up sex in next chap Ꮚ˃ꈊºᏊ Also fun fact 'Sister Shelly' Was just a place holder name to begin with but now she's stuck wit her man. Tag List: Please comment or message if you want to be tagged for future chapters! @thesoundresoundsecho , @xpapaemeritus
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phvrvohxo · 3 months
never got paid for popcaan fixtape cover
2020 i shot the album cover for popcaan but i never received a dime, creep chromatic is the one who took me onboard the project. i spent about 7 days documenting the camp that they had in st. thomas. when i asked for payment creep said that it was too much of a hassle to go through ovo's people to get me my money smh they used the images for youtube videos and other promo without my permission. an article came out on the fader magazine website with some of the images published as well & guess what i didn't even get paid for that as well, all this happened 4 years ago and i am still pissed a let that slide. so many people posted the artwork and didn't even give me credit in the caption or tag me...
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omegaremix · 7 months
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Winter 2015 Mixtape.
Dum Dum Girls “Bhang Bhang, I’m A Burnout”
Pop. 1280 “Do The Angelfish”
Eric Copeland “Grapes”
Courtney Barnett ”Pedestrian At Best”
Diet Cig “Harvard”
FF “Caught In A Dream”
Former Ghosts “The Days Will Get Long Again”
James Clarke “Waiting Game”
Pup “Reservoir”
Sex Worker “Tough Love”
Together Pangea “River”
Anthroprophh & Big Naturals “Establishment In Decline”
Nisennenmondai “Souzousuru”
Sleaford Mods “Donkey”
Beech Creeps “Sun Of Sud”
Blossom Dearie “Sunday Afternoon”
Cribs, The “We Were Aborted”
OG Maco & Key! “U Guessed It”
Sleaford Mods “Tieds Up In Knotts”
Black Madonna, The “Stay”
Alessandro Cortini “Dell’ Influenza”
Flying Lotus & MF Doom “Masquatch”
Desire “Mirror Mirror” (dub)
XXYYXX “Witching Hour”
Soft Moon, The “Black”
Chromatics “Candy” (eight-track)
Dot Allison “Lover”
Burial “Wounder”
T.S.O.L. “Code Blue”
Death Grips “Runway J”
Black EL “’95 White Maxima”
Excepter “Forget Me”
Chromatics “Blue Moon”
Burial “Come Down To Us”
Adverts, The “Bored Teenagers”
Shonen Knife “Twist Barbie”
Raveonettes, The “A Hell Below”
Alan Vega “No More Christmas Blues”
Suicide “Hey Lord”
Arca “Sisters”
Consumer Electronics “Murder Your Masters”
Your Old Droog “Porno For Pyros”
Women In Prison “Suicidal Exit”
Ho99or “Da Blue Nigga From Hell Boy”
Soft Moon, The “Want”
Flucts, The “2 Gtr. Practice”
Flying Lotus & MF Doom “My Favorite Ladies / Litemeter”
18+ “Jets”
Shiny Two Shiny “Through The Glass”
Nobunny “(Do The) Fuck Yourself”
Antonio Adolfo “Venice”
Dual Action “NC-17 Drive In”
XXYYXX “Fields”
AIDS Wolf “Nothing But A Tape Recorder”
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danco110 · 2 years
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Teysa watched wistfully as the stained glass birds took flight from the cathedral window. The constructs flew far above the street, and soon disappeared from sight behind a nearby building, leaving the Orzhov scion sighing to herself on the balcony.
“Everything all right, Madam Karlov?”
Teysa shrugged at the imposing angel stepping into view. “I don’t know, Maladola. I just…occasionally find myself envious of the winged of Ravnica, artificial or otherwise.”
The angel raised an eyebrow. “I do hope you aren’t making a jab at my being a mana construct.”
“Oh, no,” Teysa quickly backpedaled, “that wasn’t what I was implying at-”
“Relax, Madam Karlov. I speak facetiously.”
Teysa stared at Maladola. The angel stared right back. After a brief standoff, Teysa blinked, breaking the stalemate.
“Mistress Maladola, was…was that a joke?”
“Don’t get used to it,” Maladola commanded. “I just noticed you looked rather melancholy, is all.”
Another sigh escaped Teysa’s lips as she set her cane to the side and leaned against the balcony railing.
“Thank you, Maladola. Unfortunately, humans simply were not built with wings…though that would have been nice.”
Maladola inhaled sharply through her nose, irritation creeping into her tone. “Madam Karlov. If I may be so bold, why not just use the wings spell? The one with the stained glass? That you regularly use?”
Teysa gently put her head down atop the stone railing.
“Because I…forgot about it. Thank you, Maladola.”
“Of course, Madam Karlov,” Maladola nodded. “Shall you be stepping out, now?”
Teysa’s shoulder blades began to glow. The Orzhov scion leaned over the railing as two wings of brilliant chromatic glass unfolded behind her.
“I shall.”
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Teysa took flight, sent airborne with a single flap of her wings. Maladola rolled her pitch-black eyes at the spectacle.
“I shall prepare dinner for your return, then…Oh, thank you, Mistress Maladola! No problem at all, Madam Karlov.”
[Say, aren’t you a little young to be running the guild of rich corrupt businesspeople and political intrigue?
Why, yes. Yes I am.]
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radium901 · 1 year
i should not have read a book about a serial killer!
it makes me want to become one.
no, no, poorly worded. that is really not the case, dear sir.
i just want to feel like one.
the music i listen to elicits it. the cat out of the cave,
i feel it creeping along every vertebrae.
the chromatic scale!
it is building and building but it cannot resolve to anything for
i am left on the leading tone!
it is such madness i don't realize chromatic scales
don't even fucking have leading tones!
the leading tone! how foolish!
a foolish blonde boy led me on! why communicate
when you can leave it on a leading tone
and let the girl complete the rest of the scale herself!
i am left one semitone away from
pure bliss, from pure wonder, from euphoria, from ecstasy.
that angers me! it can anger me to the point
where i am ready to take a human life! yes! yes it can!
little girls love to play dress up in front of their mother's closet,
long robes and belts and dangling earrings.
this time i hold a knife and my refection is unrecognizable,
but it's just dress up, and the only life i am ready to take
is my own.
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rebelichor · 2 years
The supposed deal had been a trap. There was not one lone guy waiting for them - but him and friend. Who were all too eager to get Ariadne and Enok on their knees, their guns taken from them.
„Ah, now dontcha glare at me like that, babydoll.“, the guy sneered with a chromatic smile and shrug, as he used his shotgun to point at her, slowly walking towards her. 
„We all gotta live and eat. And I‘m quite hungry… bet I can make some extra if I sell your organs, too… or maybe first your holes and then yo-„
He did not even get any further. A sickening crack and wet noise echoed through the dark alley and the man‘s skull practically split open right in front of Ariadne‘s face. 
One eye was still comically wide open - half in its socket as he slumped over and painted more red on the ground. Behind him, there stood Enok, holding the heavy metal bar he had just used to bludgeon that man‘s head in and glaring down on the body, as if he still considered hitting him a second time. 
Behind him the other guy had met a similar fate. 
There was not much left of the usually bubbly and grinning boy, who had asked Ariadne for his way back home on their first meeting. He just scoffed and spit at the corpse, before turning to Ariadne and nodding towards her. 
„You okay? We gotta bail. Other one managed to set off a call to their friends. Bet they will swarm us in a minute or two. And I‘m not into finding out how often I can pull that trick today.“
Ariadne's glare deepened. Few things angered her more than when a shit stain talked down to her, such a nickname was condescending as fuck and a blatant wolf-whistle.
His mistake was walking closer. She was raised a streetkid, and a fucking smart one at that. He could keep up his macho act for now but he was walking closer and closer to his own demise, and she was poised and waiting to strike out at him.
She had already planned how to turn his own gun on him. The walls were going to be painted, and he'd never process the stupidity of his own words and actions...
Then in a sudden turn of events, Ariadne flinched back.
Her eyes widened and her head snapped up to stare at Enok who just beat the life out of the thugs. He didn't have a smile on his face or some wise-cracking joke either — for which she was grateful, because her mind may have broken if he acted like his normal self in this situation.
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"What the fuck was that." she blurted out, getting up to her feet. It was less of a question and more a reaction.
It was a lot to process. He'd acted so fast, and her attention hadn't fallen on him at all. It was sneaky and violent in equal measure, and this very-serious-Enok before her was nothing at all like the boy she knew.
She hadn't thought of him as a tourist for a long time. But now, she reconsidered how she thought of him as still being a massive softie. Because that proved more than ever that he could handle himself. And her thoughts were quick to snap back into the moment. She'd have to box all these feelings and revisit them later.
"Yeah, I'm fine, creep didn't lay a finger on me. Let's dip. The streets might already be crawlin' with those friends, let's take this up to the rooftops and do a bit of above-city running. You good with that?"
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pinkbolts · 1 hour
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> @amarvel   … like thee starter .
sunny afternoon.. two power-houses finding solace in the clouds. hand in oh-so-understanding hand,   comparing life-forces .. or should we say prowess. something akin to star-crossed companions, t hat's what koriand'r believed at least.    though.. it seemed those opinions weren't shared — or rather questionable. the question asked was peculiar:     our powers are different, don't you think?   you can see it on sunset features, confusion mostly, but nothing close to rudeness. she dares to answer it with a difference of opinion, a great one, mind you..   “   i don't know.. i believe your powers are quite similar to mine.    “    fist, balled, extends out to show the blonde as if she couldn't see the light—force with her own two eyes. there's a small hum of light in tangerine palm, it blinks pink before dimming.
"   except yours are..   mesmerizing . "   fellow star in the flesh,   how about that!    never in her days did she think she would think she would see it,   nor it be so beautiful!    the colors were…   otherworldly , they almost remind her of home. compared to her vibrant rose that often varied in hue or shade, the color of the marvel's pigment truly was…   marvelous .   all puns & jokes intended.    chromatic some could describe & the way it shifted in the sunlight was hard to place on the spectrum of earth colors. and although she did love this planet,   she knew those colors couldn't have been from here.      mesmerized green scleras can't help but watch in ...    shock & awe   at the glory of solar flares in the base of palms.
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only then does koriand'r notice she hasn't spoken much, just a wonder—filled stare at the others fists. there's redness that rises in her cheeks, arms the housed starbolts now flicker & dim. fists closed & crossed behind her back.    "   you'l' have to excuse me. i grow too.. excited.    "   eye drop to look around at circling clouds, embarrassment creeping up like a summer cold. washing over features it would soon make home..    "  my friends tell me my staring makes others… disagreeable.    “   in their defense, it wasn't exactly the best thing to have starfire stare at you …   most of the time.    those haunting orbs could leave quite a lasting impression,    or so she's heard .    “  and i am not used to others that share my…      “   there's a pause there. she didn't exactly know what to call carol's beams, perhaps she called them something different than starbolts.   huh… interesting.    “   what do you call them.. your light? what's it's name?      "
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mckoysnews-blog · 3 months
SANDZ Toronto A Success!!
Kingston, Jamaica: Sandz Toronto, held this weekend in Uxbridge, Ontario, was a huge success, drawing large crowds who came out to enjoy the ‘People’s Festival’. The event kicked off shortly after 2 PM, with groups of patrons arriving, eager to enjoy the festival. Throughout the event, music was provided by Ricky Platinum, Creep Chromatic, Chippy Don, and DJ Flare. As the event progressed,…
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