satureja13 · 2 months
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The Boys have their own stamps now ^^' The print is crappy - I'm working on it o.o
And here are some old concert tickets from Jeb and Ji Ho's Creatour last year. These ones are from their AC/DC cover concert in Oasis Springs.
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The design is made with inkscape (which is free to use, like gimp). It had been surprisingly easy! I made a template and just placed the photos and text.
(I treated myself with this embossing machine and I have way too much fun with it hahaha)
And the slogan is from this song:
(one of the greatest songs of all time)
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vampirebutterflies · 1 year
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when yuor the tiniest guys in the whole wide world
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funtergeist · 2 years
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The Creatoure
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anak1n · 2 months
has any1 acyually ever seen a mr beast video he feels like such a social experiment to me bc ive heard about how much money he has and how huge his productions are and how he's one of the most popular creatours out there blah blah blah but ive never even seen a video of his on my recommended page like. i have no idea who this dude is!!! ur all lying to me!!!
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une-sanz-pluis · 3 months
Cecilia Neville and Margaret of Anjou via letter?
We have a letter from Cecily Neville to Margaret of Anjou in May 1453. It was normal for queens to send and receive letters asking for their assistance and this letter, imho, gives us a sense of how women's networks of power and influence operated. Unusually, there are few lines that suggest a greater intimacy between Cecily and Margaret that we might otherwise suspect and suggest that whatever happened between York and Lancaster, their relationship was not adversarial from the get-go.
I've included the Middle English transcription given by Carol Rawcliffe in 'Richard Duke of York, the King's "obeisant liegeman"', Historical Research 60 (1987).
Cecily, duchess of York, to Margaret of Anjou, queen of England Besechith with all humblenes and reverence possible youre lowly obeisaunt servaunt and bedewoman, Cecile, duches of York, that, where of the plente of your good and benigne grace it pleasid ther unto in your comyng from that blissid, gracious and devout pilgremage of our lady of Walsyngham to suffre the comyng of my simple person — replete with such ymmenserable sorowe and hevynesse as y dowt not will of the contynuaunce therof amynuse and abrigge my days, as it doth my worldly joy and confort — unto youre moost worthi and moost high presence, where un to than [you pleased] full benignely to receyve my supplicacon to the same, made for your humble, true man and servaunt, my lord my husband, whose infinite sorow, unrest of hert and of worldly comfort, causid of that that he herith him to be estrangied from the grace and benevolent favour of that most cristen, most gracious and most mercifull prince, the kyng our soverayn lord, whos maieste roiall my said lord and husbond now and ever, God knoweth, duryng his lif hath be as true, and as humble, and as obeisant liegeman, and to the performyng of his noble plesur and commaundement as redy, as wel disposid, and as diligent at his power, and over that as glad, as ioyfull to be there un to commaundid as any creatur on lyve, beyng specified in the said supplicacon, I beseche your highnes and good grace, at the mercy of our creatour now redy to send his grace in to all cristen persons, and of that blissid lady to whom ye late prayed, in whom habundeth plentously mercy and grace, bi whos mediacon it plesid our lord to fullfill your right honerable body of the most precious, most ioyfull, and most confortable erthely tresor that myght come unto this land and to the people therof, the which y beseche his habundant grace to prospere in yow, and at such [time] as it plesith him to bryng in to this world, with all honour, gracious spede, and felicite, with also of futhirmore supplicacon of blissid and noble fmite of your said body, for the greete trust and most confortable suerty and wele of this realme and of the kynge's true leige people of the same, to call the good spede of the matiers conteynyd in thls said supplicacon in to the gracious and tendir recommendacon of your highnes. Wherunto y shuld for the same have with oute slowght or discontenuaunce and with ondelaid deligence have suyd, ne had be the disease and infirmite that sethyn my said beyng in your high presence hath growen, and growith, uppon me causid not oonly th'encomerous labour, to me full paynfull and unesy, God knoweth, that than y toke uppon me, but also the contynuance and addicion of soche hevynes that y have taken, and take, for the consideracon of the sorowe of my said lord and husbond; and yt it please your good grace not to take to ony displesur of strangens that y have not diligently contynuyd the sute of my said supplicacon unto your said highnes, causid of the same infirmite not hid uppon my wrecchid body. Wherfor y report me to God; and in reverence of whom, and of his said grace and mercy to you shewyd, it please eftsones unto your high noble to be a tendre and gracious meane un to the highnes of our said soverayn lord for the favour and the benewillence of his hand to be showid unto my said lord and husbond, so that thorow the gracious meane of you. soverayn lady, he mow and effectually opteyne to have the same. Wheryn y beseke your said highness that my said labour and peyne mow not be takyn fryvole ne infructuose, but the more agreable for my mid lord unto your said good grace. Wher unto, not with stondyng my said infirmyte, y shuld not have spared to have recontynwyd my said sute, if y coude or mygh have [done], that it shuld have plesid your nobley if that y shuld so have doon the which, as it shall please therunto y shall not let, not sparyng oonly sparyng payn that my body now suffice of any possibilite to bere or suffre, with Godde’s grace, whom y shall praye to prospere your high estate in honour, ioy and felicite.
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jesterjamz · 1 year
what if they invented a creatoure
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enterweek · 1 month
가평군, 농촌 크리에이투어 ‘체험나라공화국 in 가평 팸투어’ 실시
서울–(뉴스와이어)–가평군(군수 서태원)은 지난 13일 ‘체험나라공화국 in 가평’이라는 주제로 농촌크리에이투어(CREATOUR) 홍보를 위한 인플루언서 팸투어 ‘체험나라공화국 in 가평 팸투어’를 실시했다고 밝혔다. 이번 팸투어는 가평의 명물 운악산 출렁다리 산책, 운악산 산바라기 마을 보리수 고추장 만들기 체험, 잣향기 푸른마을 빵도마 만들기 체험, 수살피꽃다방 한방족욕 체험 등 다양한 일정으로 진행됐다. 팸투어에 참가한 인플루언서들은 가평 농촌마을의 인심과 체험의 매력에 푹 빠졌다면서 만족감을 드러냈다. 특히 소원 잣불켜기 체험은 가평특산물을 활용한 점이 돋보였고, 가평에 가면 소원을 이뤄준다는 콘셉트도 흥미로웠다고 평가했다. ‘체험나라공화국 in 가평 팸투어’를 찾은 가평군 박노극 부군수는 “가평은…
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walkhumble1 · 2 months
Isaiah 40:25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shal I be equall, saith the Holy One? Isaiah 40:26 Lift vp your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names, by the greatnesse of his might, for that hee is strong in power, not one faileth. Isaiah 40:27 Why sayest thou, O Iacob, and speakest O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord, and my iudgement is passed ouer from my God? Isaiah 40:28 ¶ Hast thou not knowen? hast thou not heard, that the euerlasting God, the Lord, the Creatour of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is wearie? there is no searching of his vnderstanding. Isaiah 40:29 He giueth power to the faint, and to them that haue no might, he increaseth strength. Isaiah 40:30 Euen the youths shall faint, and be weary, and the yong men shall vtterly fall. Isaiah 40:31 But they that waite vpon the Lord, shall renew their strength: they shall mount vp with wings as Eagles, they shal runne and not be weary, and they shall walke, and not faint.
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amed5555 · 9 months
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NeXt is about a 10 year old girl named Jane.
Who was chosen to save a magical world called, The Land of NeXt. Jane and the other chosen ones, need to collect 5 keys from The Royal 5. If you have all keys comes a powerfull creatour NeXt,NeXt can fill you a wish, Jane and the chosen 4 need that wish to stop the evil God of Chaos and his pepoul.
The series will be an Action, musical, , fantasy , Comedy
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I wish I could shake the water off my body like a creatoure.
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riftraftriffraff · 2 years
Your wounderful creatour
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satureja13 · 1 year
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While Jack and Saiwa are on their way back to Vlad, Ji Ho and Jeb perform in Oasis Springs at Station 66 tonight! They have some free time and sit at the viewpoint near the waterfall. Meanwhile Travis is organizing the stage outfits for this evening.
They are still processing the news that Luci had been the remnants of Vlad + the Bond all the time... Ji Ho: "But if Vlad was Luci, why can't I love Vlad then?"
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Jeb: "I mean there was your trauma that kept you from loving/trusting anyone. But Vlad and Luci healed it. Then Vlad was so rude to you to keep you from falling in love with him because he was afraid the curse would kill you. But the curse didn't exist... And then your love to Luci kept you from falling in love with anyone else. But he wanted you to be with Vlad and left you after we 'fullfilled our duty to defy the council'... I'm still not over it..."
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Ji Ho: "Even though the bond doesn't pull us together anymore and we don't suffer when we are apart, I can still feel him..." Jeb: "How does it feel?"
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And then Travis called them over... it's time to dress for the gig.
'How do you like me now? Now that I'm on my way Do you still think I'm crazy standing here today? I couldn't make you love me but I always dreamed about livin' in your radio How do you like me now?'
How do you like me now - Toby Keith (I've watched a few MV from him and they are pretty funny and worth a watch)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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verykoalaturtle · 3 years
Hey! Buy Now.....
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cabrilecorural · 5 years
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Pisões e Tradições, o ciclo da lã em Barroso #uminho #creatour #lab2.pt #turismocriativo #sustainability #ods #culturatridicionaldebarroso #responsibletourism #lifecanbesimple #cabrilecorural (em Universidade Do Minho - Campus de Azurém) https://www.instagram.com/p/B43AUf5F9iq/?igshid=p23cf5rrxhpd
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jajodesign · 5 years
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CREATOUR llegará al Social Media Day 2019 La cuarta edición del CREATOUR tendrá un espacio destacado durante el Social Media Day 2019, programado para el próximo 26 de junio, para que los seguidores de YouTube puedan conocer de cerca, en un foro, cómo la plataforma puede convertirse en una auténtica fuente de negocios digitales.
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yellbug · 2 years
beyond the mere zeitgeist of the dracula emails i would like to follow other people who are into draculablogging, draculaposting, dracula kinfood, all types. the real ones. the other dracula factkins out there. come and sing to me creatoures of da night
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