garden-of-iris · 3 years
little self care things ♡
eat small fruit snacks
buy yourself a treat occasionally
make a cake in a mug
chew flavored sugar-free gum
put lemon in your water
listen to your favorite music
or just wear earphones to block things out
listen to white noise/ambient sounds
put on some sweet-scented lotion
spray a bit of your favorite perfume
make your favorite coffee or tea
look in the mirror and tell yourself you look good today
clean the clutter in your room + throw things away
close all the unused tabs
clean the dishes + do your laundry
delete unused apps
make your bed
fold your clothes tidily
organize your books and papers
turn down the brightness of your phone/computer at night
smile and be more polite at strangers
open up the curtains, let the light in
go outside often
hug people you love
cuddle your pet
read while lying in your bed
hug a soft toy
wash your face/use face wipes
dry shampoo if you’re too tired to shower
brush your teeth
exfoliate + moisturize your skin
change into clean clothes
brush your hair
put on some lip balm
do your favorite exercises
take a nap
take deep breaths with your stomach
take a warm shower
stand up and stretch your legs
put on some music and go for a walk outside
get at least 7 hours of sleep
drink lots of water
always make some time to do what you love
create art, writing and music for yourself, not anyone else
don’t feel embarrassed about your hobbies
be patient with yourself, progress takes time! don’t give up
hobby ideas: cooking, reading, drawing, painting, a sport, a new language, learn a musical instrument, collect things, photography, join a class or a club
put yourself first
spend less time around people who make you feel bad
write your thoughts in a journal
stand up for yourself
stop judging people
don’t dwell in the past
concentrate on what’s happening now
don’t try for people who don’t care
stop caring about what’s not important
be a friend to yourself, rather than a bully
learn to love your body
see the bigger picture
change self-destructive habits
appreciate the good
let things go
ask for help
make lists
focus on priorities
stop putting everything off
turn off your phone if you need to
take breaks
do one thing at a time
believe in yourself!
laugh a lot
get a plant and name it
buy flowers for yourself
be ok with being alone
go out with your friends
watch a movie
I hope you feel better soon. You deserve so much. Things will get better soon so keep going. ☁️ I love you
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
Hi everyone, I know it has been so long that I have posted anything here, but I have been really busy that I rarely had time to sleep but now everything is better and I promise I will post more.
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Only one day left till my math exam, I might pull an all nighter.
🎼 White Miracle- Wonho
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
And I messed it up, ahhhhhhhhhhhh , I worked hard but result was not good at all. 😭😭😭
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Hi everyone
I hope you are all doing great, I'm extremely stressed out about a sudden pop up exam, I'm not ready at and I have 32 hours left, I have to study a lot.
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Hi everyone
I hope you are all doing great, I'm extremely stressed out about a sudden pop up exam, I'm not ready at and I have 32 hours left, I have to study a lot.
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Hi everyone
I hope you are all doing great, I'm stressed out since all I have is 2 weeks in order to finish and prepare myself for my physics exam
🎼 Picture- Hyungwon of MonstaX
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
Hi Everyone
I hope you are all doing great, I still have to study a lot and these days I do feel like that I need to work harder
@thatcornercafe , I hope you are doing great
🎼 You problem- Monsta x
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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It has been ages since I uploaded any posts, but I was extremely busy with so many exams anyways today I was able to study for 14 hours.
Studying Chemistry, Physics, Math, Biology, Literature, Spanish in one day was hard but I'm happy that today was a productive day
@thatcornercafe , I hope you are having nice time
🎼 Dreaming by Monstax
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Embroideries works by Tran Hung
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Hi everyone I hope you are all doing well.
Today I had to study Chemistry, Biology, physics, literature, history and well Spanish is always part of my schedule, so you can guess how was my day, the worst part is I haven't been able to exercise at all and well with my parents who are always trying to help ( and suffocate me at the same ) it wasn't a very happy day but I know I have to give my best. I really have to manage my time better though , it's hard to keep up with everything. Have you watched Hyungwon's drama " fly again " I got the time to watch it today , God I really need a Han Yo Han in my life.
How was your day lovely @thatcornercafe
🎼 Loop by I.M of MonstaX
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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11.22.2021 | Study Time
Hope everyone is doing alright and drinking water haha!
Today’s tasks include: studying for my anatomy practicum, brainstorming ideas and finding sources for my theology paper, and painting. Not too bad and I finally started planning out my days again even though now it is only 3 weeks until the end of the semester… @irisys2021
Alsooo this is what my dorm looks like! It looks a bit different now, but my desks looks pretty much the same. More pictures to come probably.
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Hi Everyone It has been a while but you know Life and turns of events , anyways I had a really busy day reviewing all past years exams in order to have the point of view of the professors so it was extremely tiring, how was your day @thatcornercafe
Did you guys hear about Harry Potter's 20th anniversary, wish I will be able to catch up with that, also guys make sure to watch Monstax's Rush Hour it's amazing. I really loved Hyungwon's Mercy, I don't know why but it reminded me of Wonho a lot, I felt like it was written for him, don't know though , other songs were amazing too
🎼Mercy by Monsta X
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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Hi Everyone
It has been a while, but here I am.
These last days, life turned out in an exciting way and I met up with my relatives and my friends, after months of being locked down in my home.
I realized how much I missed them and how wrong I was thinking about my life.
There are so many things I should be grateful but I wasn't. All I did was focusing on negative parts and my mindset turned the most enjoyable things in my life into a suffocating mission.
There are so many things I want to mention but I can't find the proper words, but the point is LIVING.
I don't want to keep making things hard for myself anymore, studying is important, really important, but the way I'm living my life is more important, I'm 19 and so many sad things happened to me because of my mindset and how I handled studying.
No, I don't want this. There are things that I want from this life and I can't postpone them by using studying as an excuse and later hating studying.
I talked to my educational advisor and we changed the schedule, I accepted the fact that pushing myself to do more in a short time is not gonna help me achieve my dream right now , it will only make me lose more time.
I have to accept my place and improve myself while enjoying the process. So yeah maybe it's a new beginning or maybe the rest of my path but in a newer way , all I know that I don't want to hate what I'm doing anymore.
By the way I will be learning Spanish from tomorrow. I watched the new episode of Hyungwon's drama Fly again. It was really nice, something that matched with me a lot, it has a motivational part which is for sure, it might be romantic too, I don't know.
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
This reminded me of someone
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Pianist (painting), 2017
by Valeria Lakrisenko.
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
Hi Every one
I hope you are all doing great , Me? Well first day was hard for me, morning stretches somehow killed me, why am I so inflexible? Am I wooden or made of stone, I though about it a lot during stretches, also other workouts were tough for me, specially lower ab workouts, I felt like crying a lot during the 10 minutes of workout session, But no I won't give up.
Studying, well it didn't go the way I planned since I'm not really good with long term schedules and well 4 weeks and some days ( close to 5 weeks ) is considered long term goal I guess? anyways after talking to some one , I decided to focus mainly on my test books since I have the base knowledge for every subject , I need to perfect them.
Sad/Sweet fact : I'm a Monbebe and Wenee and soon monstax will come back with new Korean mini album, an English full album, their movie will be aired, then we have Huyngwon's drama, Jooheon's web show is aired and honestly I waited to gather all the episodes and watch them later, Shownu's drama will air soon too, Minhyuk will be a guest actor in a drama too ,I still have lots of episodes left from Minhyuk's Vogue ship show, then I still haven't watched midnight idol and Idol radio , back to idol season 2. We will be having lots of shows for their comebacks, Wonho has his own concerts and his ohhohoho as well as other shows he was guest which are still unwatched, these are all perfect but for me I can't support the boys the way they deserve since I'm always busy and I feel really sad when I can't shut up the haters , so I might not be able to stream or support them but I really love all members with all my heart, so if you have time support the boys, a fellow monbebe once said Stan Monstax and Wonho for better skin😉😂
I wish you all the prettiest luck.
Wish Me Luck
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
Hi Everyone Not gonna lie, I've been pretty down these days and I lost 2 days of a week already, the urge to stop and cry was so high and honestly not so many good things happened, so yeah I'm all over the place. After thinking for a while and meeting up with my bestie, I realized that I wanna live my life, studying will always be part of my life so instead of stressing out now, I have to enjoy it, anyways I realized that I really wanna LIVE a life I've always wanted. Things are really hard for me and some how life is really not going good but I'm alive and wanna LIVE. I have 40 days and here is my schedule :
4-5 Tumblr, prepare books, etc. Morning stretches and praying and yoga 5-8 study 8-8:15 breakfast + face massage + finger exercise 8:15-12:15 study 12:15-12:30 Emi Wong's 2 week challenge 12:30-14 study 14-14:30 Arm Workout + Lunch 14:30-16 study 16-17 ME TIME + lower ab workout 17-19 study 19-19:15 Thigh and leg workout 19:15-21:15 Study 21:15-21:30 Neck and collar bone workout 21:30-22:30 Exams 22:30-23 Shower and sleep
I will personally follow Emi Wong's workouts but you can choose others as well. Well there are other things that need to be mentioned but it's usual over all schedule.
Wish me Luck
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