scarlettphantoms · 5 months
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boo! gay people
anyways i've been thinking really hard about cowboy AU for a while... and i can't get over how good kurt looks all dressed up as a priest
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eldritchrach · 7 months
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Saddle up and ride out! We're going to the Weird West genre for this month's Patreon sticker sheet. Join before the end of Feb and get the full sticker sheet and sticker featuring guest artwork by JekyllDraws!
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punk-circus · 4 months
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cut my character lineup in 4s so the photo crunch would be less evident lol
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ktclover · 2 years
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Cowboy Cryptid
i love cryptids and i love cowboys, and fresno nightcrawlers got legs to fit boots made for walkin!
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dykesynthezoid · 2 months
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A Daniel Molloy Coded Movie List.
- Nightcrawler (2014) - Near Dark (1987)
- Naked Lunch (1991) - Talk Radio (1988)
- Strangers on a Train (1951) - Mikey and Nicky (1976)
- Cruising (1980) - Lost Highway (1997)
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) - Point Break (1991)
- Videodrome (1983) - Mahler (1974)
- The Graduate (1967) - Midnight Cowboy (1969)
- Premium Rush (2012) - Stalker (1979)
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asaltysquid · 13 days
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Wish I could explain any of this but alas I am cursed with hyper fixating on a ship that I myself made up.
How does one get to cowboy Wade/Kurt you ask? Uhhhhh
1. Hyperfixate on the Deadpool/Wolverine movie
2. Start binge reading og Deadpool and X-Men comics
3. Get reminded Nightcrawler is your favorite xman
4. Get reminded of the gay ass Nightcrawler/Wolverine cover
5. Remember you loved Nightcrawler/Wolverine
6. Read a fanfic where Wolverine leaves Kurt for resurrected Jean
7. Joke with partner about Kurt self destructing and crossing paths with Wade Wilson
8. It stops being a joke
9. Show partner Red Dead Redemption 2
10. Get hyperfixated on RDR2
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What's In A Name? Chapter One
Meg Harding and Kate Carter were inseparable until their friends died five ago, then she ran to New Orleans to save lives as a paramedic. But when Javi calls on his two oldest friends to help him collect data, counting on their matching natural instincts for tornadoes, Meg goes home for the first time in years. That's where she meets Tyler and the rest of the Wranglers, the YouTube storm chasers her dad likes to watch, and finds herself fitting in more with them than with Storm PAR. Meg only plans to stay for the week but will it be easy to leave when the dust settles?
If a certain cowboy has a say in it, nothing about leaving is going to be easy.
AO3 Link
“Well don’t you two look like a couple of city slickers,” Meg teased two of her oldest friends. Javi, who always preferred to be half dressed was in khakis and a wrinkle-free polo, and Kate, who had never been much of a fashionista, was in a turtleneck and a button-down despite the heat of an Oklahoma summer. Meg was dressed in comfortable jeans and an old New Orleans EMS shirt with the sleeves cut off, her style being the only one that apparently hadn’t changed since college. The only thing new about her were the tattoos covering both her arms and her back.
“You’ve spent too much time in Louisiana, your accent’s startin’ to go sour,” Kate teased, pulling her in for a tight hug. “I missed you Mud Bug.” 
“Bite me, Katie my Lady.” Addy had always called them two shades of the same color, a dynamic duo, who had been inseparable from the first day of freshman orientation until their friend’s funerals. It felt like slotting two puzzle pieces together standing side by side again.
“Don’t I get any love?” Javi asked, mock offense filling his voice. Kate and Meg shared a look before each pinching one of Javi’s cheeks, making him wince. “Okay, okay,”
“We missed you too, Jav.” 
“A little bit,” Kate patted him on the cheek. Javi pulled both of the women in for a quick hug before pushing them towards the truck.
“Are you two ready to work your weather magic for me? If I’ve only got you two for a week, I don’t want to waste a second of it.” 
“We’re going to need two sweet teas before we work any magic, Kate’s been in the city far too long.”
“Two sweet teas, coming up. Now get in, get in, we’ve got two cells forming and my team’s waiting for us.” Kate took the passenger seat and Meg climbed into the back, relaxing into the leather upholstery. Javi and Kate kept casual conversation but the tension between the three of them was palpable. Meg sighed, pain in her wrist sparking up, it never used to get this quiet. 
Meg wasn’t paying attention at all when Javi introduced her and Kate to the Storm PAR team, getting weird vibes off of them. They reminded her of how her parents described Jonas’ Nightcrawler team from back in the day. What brought her attention back was the sounds of cheering, loud country music, and honking. Kate looked confused but Meg couldn’t help but smile, it was the Tornado Wranglers. Her dad was obsessed with the channel, watching all of their live streams. Sometimes the old crew would gather at the house and watch the live streams together, cheering and booing like it was a football game.
“Hey, Storm PAR, we’re live on YouTube, say something.” Meg waved at the camera, grinning as she felt her phone buzz, probably her dad having caught sight of her. 
“Blow me,” One of the Storm PAR guys shouted and Scott admonished him. Meg rolled her eyes at their antics, were they grown men or schoolchildren?
“Come on now, guys, science is fun,” Boone shouted as they drove off. Kate’s brows were scrunched in confusion,
“Who are they?”
“Chasers out of Arkansas,” Javi answered at the same time as Scott, who with a lot more venom denounced the group as hillbillies with a YouTube Channel. Meg glanced over at where the red truck was now swarmed with chasers, smiling at the whole situation. Tyler Owens was leaning out of the truck, shouting his silly little catchphrase to get the crowd riled up. Meg glanced at her phone,
Dad: You’re in Oklahoma?!?
Meg: Only for a week
Dad: With Kate and Javi???
Meg: I’ll call you later and explain
Dad: Get me a mug!!
Meg rolled her eyes, she would most certainly not be buying her dad a Tornado Wrangler mug, especially not in front of the entire Storm PAR team that seemed to hate them. Tyler looked over, catching Meg’s eye and tipping his hat. Meg stuck her tongue out, laughing and hoping she got picked up on Boone’s wide shot so that her dad would see her.
“That’s Tyler Owens, he calls himself a tornado wrangler.” 
“What does that even mean?” Kate scoffed like she didn’t used to call herself a tornado tamer on a regular basis. 
“Mean’s our world is going to shit,” Javi sighed. “Alright, let’s figure out which storm we’re going after. Kate, Meg?” He passed them Scott’s tablet. “What do y’all think?” Kate took it, studying it while Meg left her side, going to the open grass where she could stare up at the sky. It didn’t take long for Kate to join her, abandoning the tablet in favor of a dandelion. Meg leaned down, scooping up a handful of dirt. Different shades, same color, doing the same thing in different ways.
“Old school, I like it,” A southern drawl filled with humor called out behind them. Kate turned to look but Meg couldn’t take her blue eyes off of the sky, feeling the instability of the atmosphere in her bones. The storms brewing were pulling her mind in different directions but they couldn’t chase both. She took one last look towards the east and it didn’t feel right, there was no tingling in her fingertips or twist in her gut. It wasn’t the right cell. “Where did you ladies come from?”
“New York,” Kate answered. Meg brushed the dirt off her hands, glancing to the west, the familiar sensations of her undeniable instinct confirming her decision on which way to go. “Mud Mug, mind your manners,” Kate chided, pulling her out of her head. The cowboy was giving both of them an appraising look at Meg and had to admit, he was handsome. Tall, broad-shouldered, obviously strong with the way his muscles filled out his flannel shirt. Maybe she would have to become a subscriber to his channel alongside her dad.
“Sorry, Sweetie Pie. Jav dragged me out here from New Orleans,” After five years, Meg spoke like a local, pronouncing the city with only one syllable. Kate chuckled, “Nice to meet you.” 
“Good to meet you ma’am. So, how are you liking working for Storm PAR?” There was something about the way he asked it that made Meg’s skin crawl like he was asking how she liked working for a sweatshop.
“Tyler!” A clean-cut British man with glasses came jogging up before Meg could question him. “Have you figured out which storm we’re going after?”
“Why don’t we ask-” He pointed between the women.
“Meg.” Tyler grinned, eager for attention like a golden retriever. Meg smiled back, liking the feeling of his attention.
“I’m Tyler,” 
“And I’m Ben,” The man shook both their hands. “It’s nice to meet you both. I’m a reporter here to do a piece on American storm chasing. Tyler here has been kind enough to let me tag along.” Tyler patted Ben on the chest, still grinning like an idiot. Meg wondered if his cheeks ever hurt from smiling so much.
“All Ben here had to do was promise to write nothing but good things.” Kate caught Meg’s eyes, looking towards the sky. Meg nodded curtly, letting her know she was on the same page.
“Well, good luck with that,” Kate sassed, pulling Meg away. “West?” Kate whispered,
“100%,” Meg confirmed.
“Now hold on,” Tyler called out, stopping them in their tracks. He had his hands on his hips, playing the role of the unserious cowboy to a T, but his green eyes were studying them like precipitation charts. “Y’all didn’t say which storm we should be going after. The way I see it, west we double our chances, to the east it’s high-risk, high reward.” Was he testing them? Or was he really that bad at chasing?
“You best go for the reward, Sweetie Pie,” Meg kind of hoped he knew she was trying to play him. Kate caught onto her game quickly, 
“Don’t want Ben here to think you’re boring,” Kate traced a W onto Meg’s back, confirming her gut feeling. Tyler licked his lips, looking between the two of them with a pensive expression.
“Being boring is never an issue with me, Kate.” Kate huffed with laughter, mumbling I bet under her breath.
“The two to the west are fighting over the same inflow, they’ll choke each other out. The one to the east has the sky all to herself. Precipitation, wind shear, instability, she’s got everything you need to give Ben here a good show.” Damn, she was laying it on thick. 
“Don’t you feel it in your bones, Tyler?” Meg teased, turning on her heel. After a few steps she looked over her shoulder to see him watching them with a small smile, “And if you feel it, well, you know.” 
Meg’s dad would be fangirling knowing that she had just had a full conversation with Tyler Owens and she knew that if Tyler found out whose daughter she was, he’d be doing some fangirling of his own. Kate excitedly got Javi into the truck, telling him which storm to chase and he didn’t even hesitate to throw all Scott’s data aside to listen to her. 
Meg’s heart was pounding with excitement, it felt a little bit like old times as she slid into the back seat of the truck. Out of the window she caught sight of Ben and Tyler watching them, Ben looked confused but Tyler on the other hand was smiling. He must have known they had been playing him, which made Meg all the more excited, he was fun and hopefully could take a joke. When he caught her eye as they drove past, Meg made the tornado motion with her fingers and blew a kiss, grinning from ear to ear when Tyler doubled over with laughter. 
“What’s so funny, Mud Bug?” 
“Nothing, nothing at all.”
Next Chapter
A/N: All three of the original tornado tamers needs a really long hug and a cup of hot cocoa. Meg's got her dad's instincts, her mom's need for adrenaline, and has probably made more progress on processing her emotions than Javi and Kate combined. Probably.
I don't plan on taking this story anywhere above a T rating but if there's interest, I might make a collection of post-canon one shots later on that include some smut. Who knows.
Taglist: @writtingrose
Let me know if you want to join the taglist!
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elsweetheart · 1 year
hi kittie!!
i literally love the way u write ellie, and i have some questions abt for u abt her.. just outta curiosity 👐🫶
what do u think her phone case would look like? if it’s clear, what would be in it 🧐
what kinda bathing suite would she wear?? like shorts and a tee?? 🤤
what do u think her closet would look like? 👕
what do you think her top 5 favorite movies would be? 🎥
thank you so much !!
1. she’s a clear phone case warrior for sure. but, she’s a sentimental lil sap so wedged in the phone case would be a photo booth column you guys took together on one of your first dates !!
2. i feel like she is a shorts and a tee kinda gal. and if you guys are at a beach, she’ll go to the gift shop and buy the wackiest hat she can find to protect her head. either a cheap cowboy hat or a truckers cap that says something like “women love me fish fear me” on it, sometimes she’ll even buy a dumb tshirt too that says something obnoxious like “ I ❤️ BAD BITCHES” on it and just wear it around 😭
3. i feel like a lot of neutrals, muted colours, foresty tones. majority of her clothes are black and grey, especially if it’s just basics, sweatpants, hoodies etc. she has a couple of khaki items, like jackets and pants, and some dark reds maybe in the shoe department with her converse and t-shirts, and probably some faded dark blues too — sweatshirts, sweatpants, waterproof jackets, sneakers. she thinks her wardrobe is pretty boring but you love it bc it’s so her.
4. she’s a star wars girl til she dies i know that for sure, probably favouring the original trilogy bc she’s nerdy like that. i’d say that’s number 1, then of course not to be cliche but the jurassic park / world series at number 2. i think number 3 would be something more niche, gritty and gory like Nightcrawler. at number 4, i’d say it would have to be her sexual awakening movie which she watched on a tape she found at her uncle Tommys when she was younger, Wild Things (1999) — probably rewinding the pool scene one hundred times. at number 5 i think she’s a spiderman fan for sure — most likely toby maguires spiderman specifically. i think she’d like spiderman 3 the most !!
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
My Idea for a Live-Action X-Men Movie...
Thinking... how can we introduce the X-Men into live action, whether through movie, tv show, limited series, etc. ... and I have an idea.
Let's start in media res.
Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted has been active for the past few years, however with a small class size of seven. Scott. Jean. Bobby. Hank. Warren. Alex. Lorna. Despite only consisting of seven students, due to Xavier's wealth he has been able to keep his school open and thriving since the beginning.
However that has changed as the size of his class has dropped from seven to one after a botched mission led to the capture of his students save one, Scott Summers.
And the opening scene is Xavier sitting in his mansion, worried, waiting, until Scott kicks his door down, tells them his team is gone, and passes out due to exhaustion.
We then pick up on our narrator for the movie, the character whose eyes we will be seeing the entire movie take place through, stepping off a plane and into JFK airport...
Ororo Munroe. Storm.
She had travelled from her home in Africa seemingly on a whim, as if drawn there by fate, and - unsure where to go or what to do next - she goes to a nearby bar to make her next plan.
Who should happen to sit next to her but a short, hairy man in a cowboy hat and a thick, Canadian accent?
Ororo, meet Logan. They do not hit it off.
She does happen to hit it off with the soft spoken Russian man who is reading poetry at the other end of the bar - Piotr Rasputin - and the bartender, a Native American man - James Proudstar - who wasn't supposed to be working that day but traded shifts with his roommate.
While they are all gathered there they hear a voice in their heads and turn around to see Charles Xavier, a man they all recognize and all soon realize is the reason they are now gathered together in this bar. At first they all want to leave but Xavier implores them to at least first hear him out, which they agree to do, but he tells them he won't start until the final member of their group is here.
Cue shouts and gunfire as Kurt - Nightcrawler - runs, leaps, and teleports across the airport in all his blueness.
Xavier manages to calm the crowd however not before one of the security guards manages to call in that the threat is a mutant and it's a race to grab Kurt before reinformcements arrive. But wouldn't you know it the group is not the best team yet and the reinforcements do arrive in the form of Sentinels.
It seems like all hope is lost when, out of nowhere, a stray quartz-colored beam blows one of the Sentinels apart and allows the group a moment to escape. They regroup in Xavier's car, which had been where Scott was waiting while Xavier gathered the others.
They return to the mansion where Xavier explains what happens to his team, that they were responding to a mutant in distress on an island that had ultimately been a trap - with only Scott escaping. The group has been gathered together to help Xavier and Scott rescue their teammates.
It's mostly a resounding no. Piotr would rather be at home on the farm. James has to go searching for a new job since he undoubtedly got fired from the bar for leaving during shift hours. Logan is "not a team player" and believes that the team is most likely dead anyway. Kurt is game but he is also "not the best fighter".
Ororo also agrees to help.
That surprises everyone. She says that while the circumstances that brought them together were underhanded, she cannot sit idly by while innocent people, people like her with a mutant gene, are in danger. Not just those on the island, who they are tasked with rescuing, but around the world especially since Sentinels have become standard issue around the world. While she does not see herself being a full-time member, she knows that the team Xavier had protected mutants like them from these threats and, with them gone, who will protect their community now?
Xavier tells them that, after they help rescue his original team, they would be free to leave and do what they want with their lives as they please.
Piotr is in. So is James. Logan sighs and agrees, "Since I don't want to be the odd one out." They agree to go save the others. Scott says, however, that before they can mount the rescue mission, they need to become a team first - referencing their battle at the airport and how they need to improve.
They agree to train.
Meanwhile, on the island, we see that there is a Master Mold along with Trask and scientists working on creating the next model of Sentinels in their ongoing war against mutants using the captured mutants from Xavier's Academy as test subjects. The scientists are just as much as prisoners as the X-Men, however, as they were led to the island on false pretenses and forced to work for Master Mold who had, unbenknownst to everyone until the final act, had taken over Trask and controls him as a puppet.
A few of these scientists came with their families. One of these families were the Prydes. Katherine Anne Pryde is seen as a non-threat by both Master Mold and Trask, and is able to freely wander the island as well as speak with the prisoners because, since everything is monitored and she is twelve, she cannot do anything to disrupt the mission. We learn from this scene that Master Mold is on the cusp of unveiling a new breed of Sentinel that, using the schematics pulled from Jean's mind, would be able to track mutants anywhere without needing to be called in. It was luck that the X-Men arrived on their island, fell into their trap.
Meanwhile back in Westchester, NY, this new team of X-Men are having a hard time at coming together to work as a team, which is making Scott mad. He and Logan almost come to blows if not for Piotr stepping between them to break things up. They both step away to cool off.
Ororo decides to speak with both of them. First, she goes to Scott, and tells him that he is not being a good leader. They have a heart to heart where he confesses that his friends are his family, and Jean... he has a lot riding on this being a success, and this is as new to him as it is new to them. He is not used to working with people he hasn't grown up with. Ororo tells him that he needs to lead from a place of love and courage, and not fear. Then, she goes to find Logan to see that he is brushing off Kurt rather coldly and Ororo does not wait to take him to task on his loner attitude. They clash a bit before Ororo tells him to get his act together or just leave, as it shouldn't matter to him what they think if he really doesn't care.
They all agree to do another training session, only they never get the chance as Xavier tells them it is now or never as there was a spike of pain from the same island his first team was lost, and that cannot mean anything good. The heroes go to get suited up and fly to the island base.
Master Mold is ready to create his new breed of Sentinels and it looks like they are a success, as they have been fitted with new upgrades. He activates a few and they immediately power online with the alert that there is a mutant among them.
All eyes turn to Katherine Anne Pryde. Kitty.
Her father and mother object but are restrained as the Sentinels begin to pursue her, only able to tell her to run before they are knocked out. Kitty runs and manages to escape the Sentinels after discovering her ability to phase through solid matter. The escape is not fullproof as they burst out the bunker in full pursuit. When she reaches the beaches with what looks like no place left to go, the clouds part and reveal the Blackbird jet which Ororo had just exited from and is now flying down to confront the Sentinels she spotted chasing the little girl. The Sentinels sense her power and lock onto her, only to get blasted by lightning and turret fire.
The X-Men land and confront the Sentinels but, unlike at JFK, they are able to work together and take them down. Even Logan finds himself being a team player. They rescue Kitty and she tells them where the prisoners are and also what Master Mold is planning.
The team decides to split up - Scott, Piotr, and James will confront Master Mold while Ororo, Logan, and Kurt follow Kitty to the prison area.
Of course we stay with Ororo because, again, she is who we are relying to guide us through this story.
We get to the prison area and it's Ororo, Logan, and Kurt going HAM on these guards taking them down while Kitty uses her powers to free the X-Men. She manages to get to the main control room and hits the button that releases all the prisoners who do their best to help, despite being weakened from experiments and torture.
We learn from Kitty that there's a prisoner missing, and they admit that it's Jean. She was taken by Trask.
So the group races to the main room where Scott, Piotr, and James are and see a BUNCH of Sentinels on the loose and pure pandemonium. Piotr and James are on the ropes and Scott is putting up his best fight, however just as the group arrives the Sentinels converge and blast him, with a woman across the room watching calling out his name as he 'perishes' (we'll circle back on this later).
Without their leader and shocked, Ororo steps up and takes command, leading the group into battle like she's been doing it all her life against the Sentinels while Kitty and Kurt evacuate the scientists. She cuts across the room almost instantly to get to Trask and Jean where we finally learn that the former has been completely taken over by Master Mold and is now a Sentinel cyborg. They battle it out but it's a tough battle given the numbers they're against until there's a moment where Ororo and Jean are tucked away, shielded from incoming blaster fire from Trask and the Sentinels, when Jean places her hands to the ground and closes her eyes. Ororo asks what she's doing and Jean tells her she's asking for help.
"From who? Xavier only sent us?"
"From the mutant we came here to help in the first place. From the island."
BOOM! We get the reveal that the island. Krakoa, is a mutant and has been weakened by the experiments run on it by Master Mold and the Sentinel. Jean tells the group that they need to let Krakoa 'feed' on a piece of their energy to recupe its strength for it to help them and they all look to Ororo as it's her call, and she says they should do it. They do and the ground rumbles and shakes and we can see the island begin to terraform as it fights back against Master Mold and the Sentinels. It takes out MANY of them while the X-Men pick up the slack on the rest.
Ororo takes on Master Mold/Trask hybrid as the island begins to sink back into the ocean, with Trask, damaged, spouting nonsense. That he is there to save the world, that he is the FUTURE, the INEVITABLE, that the X-Men cannot prevent the world falling apart in the future, that they will be responsible for the apocalypse. However, with a lightning zap and some timely telekinesis, the group escapes back to the Blackbird as the rest of the island has already been evacuated.
The X-Men return to Westchester without Scott and inform Xavier of what happened.
Time moves on. They recover. They mourn. A memorial service is held for Scott. Xavier's original students, Warren, Bobby, Alex, Hank, and Lorna, decide to leave the school afterwards as they believe they need to come at the Sentinel problem another way. They form X-Force.
Xavier comes up to Ororo after the service and asks her to stay on, despite her having no obligation to do so. She watches Logan and Kurt keeping Kitty entertained while Piotr and James speak with her parents, about Kitty staying on at the school and learning from Professor Xavier, and decides that she would like to stay and lead the X-Men. Jean joins them and says that she'd be happy to be on any team Storm is leading, revealing that -of the original students - she is the only one who is staying with the X-Men. The three look out onto the horizon as there are endless possibilities for the X-Men now *play the theme song*
END CREDIT SCENE NUMBER ONE - Magneto watches Xavier's new team of X-Men in action and converses with Mystique, saying that, "If Charles has put together a new team of recruits, we should, too."
END CREDIT SCENE NUMBER TWO - A blonde woman in all white speaks with a raven-haird men with red eyes and a crimson diamond embedded in his head. "You pulled a lot of favors to get him, are you sure he's worth it?" "Believe me. He is." The duo, Emma Frost and Dr. Sinister are looking over the body of Scott Summers, very much NOT DEAD, held in stasis as the camera pans out and reveals the Hellfire Club.
And that would be how we introduce the X-Men, and mutants, into live action movies.
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Marvel Masterlist
Hey, hey! Welcome to my Marvel Masterlist!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist and My Navigation
And my requests currently are CLOSED
And I no longer write for these characters or this fandom for personal reasons (I still enjoy the show, but I just don't read or write fanfics for it anymore)!
Last Updated On: 11|12|23
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All Characters (MCU & XMEN)
Ghost of Them (🥀)
All Characters
Do They Give Good Hugs/How Often Do They Hug You (❤️)
The Avengers Reaction To You Slapping Them (❤️🤷‍♀️)
Morning Sweetheart (🥀)
I Once Asked If It Was Between Me and Him, Who Would You Choose?: Part 1 (🥀)
And They Chose Him: Part 2 (🌹)
I Killed Them (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Bucky Barnes
Embraces (🌹)
I'm Sorry (🌹)
They Forgot, But That's Okay (🌹)
All You Need Is Love (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
High? Hi (Gender Neutral Reader) (🤷‍♀️)
Just Sleep (🌹)
Loki Come Down (🥀✨)
You’re An Idiot, But I Love You (Trans-Male Reader) (🌹)
Got You (🌸)
Soulmate AU: Version 1 (🌹)
Soulmate AU: Version 2 (🌹)
Those Are Mine (🌸)
Hanahaki Disease AU (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Everything Changed (🌹🥀)
Being With Him Includes (❤️)
Another Life (🥀)
We'll Get Through (🌹)
I'm Lonely Without You (🌹🥀)
Stupid For You (🌹)
Soulmate AU (🌹)
Wait For Me To Come Home (🌹🥀✨)
You Tried (Peter’s POV) (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Peter's Reaction To The End of S7EP12 Of The Clone Wars (🌸)
Your House: Part 1 (🥀)
We Weren't Perfect: Part 2 (🥀)
I'm Happy For You: Part 3 (🌹🥀)
Unexpected (🤷‍♀️)
My Yellow (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Here (Male Reader) (🌹)
Worst Couple (🥀)
Happy Halloween (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
I'm Fine (Stark!Reader) (🥀)
I Love You 10,000 (Stark!Reader) (🥀)
I'm Just--I Know (Stark!Reader) (🌹)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🌹)
Let Me Help (Stark!Reader) (🌹)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
He Just Did (🥀)
I'm Sick And Tired Of It All (🌹🥀)
Natasha Romanoff
Happy Birthday (Romanogers!Reader) (🌹)
I Love and Miss You (🥀)
Something Like That (🌸)
Pietro Maximoff
Hanahaki Disease AU (🥀)
Sam Wilson (No Longer Write For)
My Daughter? (🌹)
Steve Rogers
Soulmate AU (🌹)
Little Things That You Do That Steve Loves/Finds Cute (❤️)
I Thought You Left Me For Good (🌹🥀)
Happy Birthday (Romanogers!Reader) (🌹)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🤷‍♀️)
Something Like That (🌸)
I’m Sorry For Ignoring You (Male Reader) (🌹)
Tony Stark (No Longer Write For)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🌹🥀)
All Characters
Do They Give Good Hugs/How Often Do They Hug You (❤️)
Liar! (🥀)
I Want To Go Back! (🥀)
It’s All My Fault (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
The X-Men’s Reactions To You Slapping Them (❤️🤷‍♀️)
Alex Summers (Havok)
Yeah, In A Cowboy Hat (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Friends or Lovers? (🥀)
You're Jealous (🌹)
Take It and Go (🥀)
But You’re Not Mine (Gender Neutral Reader): Version 1 (🥀)
But You’re Not Mine (Gender Neutral Reader): Version 2 (🥀)
Charles Xavier (Professor X)
All So Sudden (🌹)
Early Morning Watch (🌹)
Hank McCoy (Beast)
You Weren’t The Only One! (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Jean Gray
I Love You (🌹)
Warmth (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
It's Okay Jean (Platonic!Reader) (🤷‍♀️✨)
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
You Are Doing Amazing (🌹)
Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
Thank You (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Everything Will Be Fine (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
5 More Minutes (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Warren Worthington III (Angel)
All I Have Are Flashes (🤷‍♀️)
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nervosims · 9 months
Hey where did you get your wild west/native cc
hi nonnie! buckle up and strap in, this might be a long one.
primarily, the old west was during victorian/edwardian times. so any cc within those periods is pretty much perfect. @simbury does AMAZING stuff for this period. example, qaletaqa's outfit:
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also, @oldtimeyskellington has some really good historical stuff that's sorted tag-wise. deffo give those a gander.
for sims with different body types, @letomills does some really good conversions. they added a bunch of morphs to ayizan's dress! you have no idea how thankful i was for that. for koatohee, they use the slim bodybuilder mesh. now there isn't too many historical items for that mesh yet but blueheavensims has been a lifesaver. also @theacmecatalogblog has some amazing sets for a variety of body types.
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cowboy hats are here, but aren't sorted to not show up when a sim is nakey. it's a pretty easy fix in simpe, however... i just haven't gotten around to that yet.
the buckskin garments i'd gotten for alicia was from here whereas tski's was from here
for longer hairs, i perused this database. nightcrawler and leahlilith conversion have long hairs for both sexes, so they're a good shout.
this page was really handy to get started. of course, any victorian cc I could find, i grabbed. as always, look through the plumb bob keeps. yea, even though it's primarily for medieval players. you can find some pretty good stuff for various periods.
dicreasy has great stuff for a more victorian-based game, which is the period I'm going for.
in general, i love anything from @yolartut for adding lots of detail.
to be honest, i can't think of anything else right now. but if u want a specific piece of cc, shoot me a wcif! hope this helped!!!
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shrubmogai · 28 days
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nightcrawlalder - an aldernic term for when one has/desires to have a body like nightcrawler
requested by @gay-cowboy-jedediah !
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digitalduckie · 1 year
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The results of today's stream! Another western/cowboy themed cryptid to match Mothman and the Fresno Nightcrawler. This time it's Braxxie's turn!
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doomerpatrol · 3 months
Comic Log: The Year So Far
this does not include the assorted works of Grant Morrison which will get their own effortpost(s).
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Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon: Truly rancid. Fundamentally does not work. I'm softer on the first and third arcs, while I think the fourth is a letdown and the second is abysmal. While Whedon's humor is characteristically hit or miss, and his characterization of just about everybody except Cyclops and Emma Frost is quite poor, what actually frustrates me is the way Astonishing squanders its opening ethos of reinvigorating the status of the X-Men as classic "traditional" superheroes (rather than the soap-operatic introspective subjects of Claremont or countercultural militants of Morrison). Despite this being the explicitly stated function of the ongoing series, it's only told and never shown. Instead we get a few different arcs themed around mutation and guilt, which is also fine, but again, those themes are barely fleshed out (the "mutant cure" that seems like it's going to be a really big deal and presents a lot of interesting thematic questions is summarily handwaved away).
Favorite arc/issue: "Torn" is a compelling exploration of Emma Frost's survivor's guilt, and the dynamic between her and Cyclops which extends into the final arc (which I otherwise loathe) is really great. Sad that it doesn't exactly get a real ending, just so the X-Men can go to space and endorse biological determinism, though!
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Detective Comics by Greg Rucka: What could have been! This has some really brilliant creative decisions going on, particularly in the beautiful artwork which uses monochromatic color palettes based on the theme and tone of an issue, but ultimately gets taken out and shot by the event mandates of "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?/Fugitive." The central idea here is the fallout of the "No Man's Land" event, which shifts the social and political tensions in Gotham, and causes Bruce to get saddled with a new bodyguard, Sasha Bordeaux. Having a constant tail that he needs to be able to shake without exposing his dual identity is a fun idea, but I don't think it gets as much time as it deserves, and the treatment of Sasha as a character isn't my favorite either. She's basically turned into a disposable love interest by the events of Fugitive/Murderer and the way it all resolves left me really cold. Ultimately the best ideas here get picked up in Gotham Central.
Favorite arc/issue: "A Walk in the Park" which covers Poison Ivy's expulsion from Gotham City's park after the "No Man's Land" crossover, with some nice characterization for Bruce and Ivy (if you like a redeemed/sympathetic Ivy).
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Wolverine by Greg Rucka: Inherits the Frank Miller treatment of a solo Logan as a sort of wandering ronin or cowboy. I have some complaints - I really do not like the characterization of fellow Weapon Plus victim "The Native," because it hews too close to gross racial stereotype, and the AFT agent that basically falls in love with Logan at first sight because she just loves a bad boy is CORNY. However! These three arcs have great action and tightly knit simplistic plots, which see Logan forced into morally and personally tight spots - a vengeance quest on a trafficking ring, a moral dilemma over how to deal with a pregnant cartel leader, Wolverine and Sabretooth begrudgingly teaming up against Weapon Plus as both of them look for the first opportunity to betray the other. It's not the most amazing set of stories ever, I don't think any of them would make a Top 10 Wolverine stories list, but it's very well-executed pulp fiction.
Favorite arc/issue: "Brotherhood," the first arc, which sees Logan hunting down a misogynist cult who sent assassins after one of its runaway victims, and its follow-up featuring Nightcrawler having a beer and shooting the shit about the soul. I love how squat Wolverine is drawn in this arc. That's not the deepest commentary but it is true.
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Catwoman by Ed Brubaker: Pretty solid! Has some of my favorite creatives (Brubaker, Darwyn Cooke, Mike Allred) on board. This series brings Selina back into the DCU after some time away, trying to turn over a new leaf and reinventing herself as a kind of defender of the downtrodden in Gotham's East End. An excellent new costume, a new attitude, new supporting cast - it's such a step up from the 90s Catwoman book. To be honest, the art from Cooke and (terrible person) Cameron Stewart and the various colorists is the big draw here, turning this part of Gotham into something both vibrantly cartoonish and appropriately noir-inflected: alternatingly poppy and moody and sensual as the story necessitates. At issue #25 the art team turns over, and the tone of the comic shifts towards something more conventional and "realistic." This was pretty much my jumping off point - I think it loses a lot of its charm and heart at this point and then has the misfortune of intersecting with the "Batman: War Games" event (not to mention that the new art is, uh, quite bad). But up through #25, the stories are pretty solid with some fun heists and capers, with a strong supporting cast and central arc of Selina figuring out how she wants to exist in the world.
Favorite arc/issue: "Disguises" is a highlight, which sees Selina going up against crooked cops as she and Slam and Holly very actively get in harm's way in pursuit of the truth. I also like "Relentless" where Black Mask tries to very ruthlessly destroy Selina's life; it's exceedingly dark and definitely derivative of "Daredevil: Born Again" but I appreciated its bleak, expressionist qualities. And the road trip arc "Wild Ride" is also really fun and cute!
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Hawkeye by Matt Fraction: A total treat. Interestingly bifurcated - the first half is slightly more episodic, putting a bunch of assorted pieces into play (our two leads Clint and Kate, the Tracksuit Mafia, Cherry the runaway mob wife, the Polish clown hitman, Lucky the dog, and the local community), with a domino effect from a particularly cruel death to our two Hawkeyes splitting from each other. From there, I do think the series spins its wheels just a squeak too long, as we alternate between Kate pounding the pavement trying to make some cash in LA and Clint steadily trying to figure out how to shoulder the burden of protecting his community, with some filler for good measure. But once Clint concludes he can't do it all on his own, and circumstances force the Hawkeyes back together - oh man! The last two issues are excellent, one of the most satisfying conclusions I've read in a comic in an age. I particularly enjoyed the communitarian theme. And the paneling and layouts and especially the artwork from David Aja and Annie Wu are all so delightfully creative and colorful and expressive. (The cover portrayed above is indicative of the kinds of spreads and layouts that we get throughout the book.)
Favorite arc/issue: definitely the two-part finale. Also loved the issue focused on the dog Lucky. The whole thing is immensely readable, it really works together holistically.
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Punisher (and Franken-Castle) by Rick Remender: Starts strong with Frank trying to take a shot at the politically ascendant Norman Osborn, which is an inspired choice: it automatically makes Frank a touch more sympathetic because we know Osborn is a sadistic fascist, it gives him the motivation to really up the ante with a high-tech arsenal (so a little bit of a sci-fi twist), and it offers an opportunity to do some of that hack sociopolitical commentary on post-9/11 American society that Marvel loved at the time. But the series finishes super weak. Most notably, the Osborn plotline is unable to meaningfully advance because all the relevant players were under Brian Michael Bendis' purview, so the series quickly devolves into a dull supernatural slapfight with The Hood and throwaway villains, and then quite abruptly turns into the underwhelmingly odd "Franken-Castle." The action is solidly drawn but the plot wears thin because it hinges on shallow contrivances, and there's an odd refusal to commit to any big thematic ideas or strong emphases of characterization, like the main supporting character of Henry. Honestly, I don't think Garth Ennis' run is likely to be outdone, it really captured the only version of Punisher as a protagonist that I think is particularly tolerable to read.
Favorite arc/issue: honestly really didn't care for this one, but I'd say the first arc "Living in Darkness" is the strongest - it sees Frank brutalizing his way out of tight spots in some fun ways, and I really like Opena's artwork. But the ending (featuring the return of old Punisher supporting character Microchip) is just really lazy and uninspired.
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JLA by Mark Waid: A rare Waid miss, unfortunately. I like the first arc, Tower of Babel, for its examination of how Batman's paranoia and isolation and obsessiveness can blowback without leaning into full-throated "Batjerk" characterization, but the "Ra's al Ghul destroys language" plot is a little underdeveloped for how high-concept it is. And the subsequent arcs, which emotionally center around Batman's reincorporation into the group, really didn't land for me, both because of the departure of Howard Porter as penciller and because the stories are just less interesting. I really did not like the "Queen of Fables" arc, which I found to be corny and overplayed (I feel like I've seen or read some version of this in cartoons and comics and speculative fiction media a million times), while the rest were just kind of middling. These later stories carry less thematic weight when compared to the parallel "communication breakdown" of Tower. It's not terrible, but just pales in comparison to the Morrison run that preceded it, despite trying to speak in a similar register. I hope that I will like Joe Kelly's run more!
Favorite arc/issue: Uh. Tower of Babel, if that wasn't clear.
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acryliccassetteart · 6 months
Requests are: Open!
✨Acrylic Cassette Art’s Masterlist✨
these will be sorted by fandom and the get more specific by character if i draw them frequently enough
Star Wars
Anakin and Ahsoka redraw
Kino Loy- One Way Out
Ahsoka trooper/332nd company helmet
Mouse droid with a lightsaber
Taking A Step Commander Fox fanart
Veil Tugged Loose gif (feat. commander fox’s asscheeks)
The bride and her ugly ass groom (Peedy)
i need ventress to be mean to me please god
syril’s baby shower (peedy)
inquisitor ahsoka (palette challenge)
Captain Rex (palette challenge)
femboy fives
Star Wars OC
an apple a day keeps the kix away
Vaderkin event submission
The Bad Batch
Echo and Omega (ss redraw day 4)
Get someone who looks at you the way Phee looks at Tech (ss redraw day 5)
Mayday and Crosshair (ss redraw day 8)
Omega Copying Tech (ss redraw day 9)
Omega copying Hunter (ss redraw day 10)
All Batch boys (ss redraw day 11)
draw the squad
Hunter and Omega exploring a waterfall (fic wishlist drawing for @freesia-writes)
TBB farewell
Phee Genoa palette challenge
Serve king (ss redraw day 2)
Redneck Hunter
Angsty Hunter
hunter work doodle
femboy hunter
Someone give this man a proper hairline (ss redraw day 1)
Redneck Tech
Tech work doodle
Underrated king (ss redraw day 6)
Redneck Wrecker
Cowboy Wrecker save me
Place Lips Here meme
Wrecker work doodle
goofy lil guy
femboy wrecker doodle
sadge :( (ss redraw day 7)
Redneck Crosshair
crosshair work doodle
crosshair x the onceler
old man crosshair (shitpost)
cunty cross
Pikachu face (ss redraw day 3)
Redneck Echo
work doodle echo
Redneck Omega
Despite everything, it’s still you
the flatwoods monster
fresno nightcrawler
Black Widow
Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider
Kate Bishop
Pavitr Prabhakar (Spider-man India)
Peggy Carter
Wet Rat Wednesday
original PFP art
Mushroom and wizard frog
I bet people can’t tell i’m a star wars fan (shitpost)
Princess Peach
Worm off the string, what crimes will he commit?
Tv head (⚠️warning: eyestrain⚠️)
Gen 1 Ghoulia Yelps with mobility aids
Art class work: 1/2/3/4/5
Jesus yeeting Wheatley from Portal 2
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kitsiinabox · 11 months
Top 5 Cryptids and also your given probability of them being real?
5. Flatowoods monster- classic stylish, pop culture icon right up there with mothman. Shockingly more commonly used in video games too.
I'm on the fence about the plausibility of this one. I feel it could be explained in several ways, yes. But also, it's just fun to consider it from a theoretical evolution standpoint. Why would an alien species evolve those traits?
4. Jackalope- Totally not real, but I delight in it because it's a wonderful handshake between a Cryptid and a Fearsome Critter. Made up by cowboys? Heck yeah. They sing! They love whiskey! Do they have antlers or horns? Whichever you prefer! What's more delightful that that?
3. Blobsters- yeah blobsters are real dead animals, I just delight in seeing conspiracy theories idiots twist themselves into knots trying to explain that NO this is clearly NOT a decomposed whale, it's a plesiosaur!!! Or a sea dragon!!! Just don't look too close at the actual skeleton peeking out-
2. Mothman. Used to scare the daylights out of me, now one of my favorites. Study what you fear, etc etc. Is it real? No I don't really think so. But I delight in the ways it's worked into our culture.
1. Fresno nightcrawler- ofc my fav is going to be my (almost) hometown star! What's not to love about them?? They're pants. Just walking around. Minding their own business. Ofc they're real. Why wouldn't they be? They're just little guys.
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