#Cousland origin
edenxrosey · 3 months
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Highever Has Fallen
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fishpuppyofficial · 2 years
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I'm not ready to let go.
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haverdoodles · 1 year
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The Last Cousland
— (Mannon)
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beetnik-jay · 10 months
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Lyassandra Cousland
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eshildora · 8 months
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Only right to start off 2024 with dragon age women
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trashmouth-critter · 2 years
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Queen of Ferelden, Evelynne Cousland
We all know Alistair didn’t want to be king, but this woman was not about to pass the chance of ruling a country single-handedly while her husband sits in the back and sips hot chocolate. She might be a bitch, but at least she’s a powerful one now
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harcove · 1 year
Replaying Cousland origin in DAO and it's reminding me how upset I was with Duncan/how much I felt angry with him in the origin lmao.
Like, I don't hate Duncan; I generally like him and his character despite how little we get of him in the game. But in the human noble origin in particular, I did not like him.
He won't recruit the human noble because your father does not want that, and Duncan respects that; sure. But, he decides to use your father dying to his advantage to recruit you in the end. I know the whole, 'grey wardens will do whatever they have to to stop the blight,' thing but this felt so fucking unnecessary and made me angry as fuck lmao.
Like, your father is there, dying on the floor, your home is burning, your nephew and sister-in-law are dead, and your father begs Duncan to get you and your mother out of there safely. And Duncan says "yeah sure, but I must ask for something in return-" and your father says, "anything" because he just wants his family safe. And Duncan pulls out the "what's happening here pales in comparison-" and asks basically to recruit you to the Wardens, which your father says he understands.
And, the best part? If you REFUSE to be a grey warden either way, Duncan will invoke the right of conscription on you; he never needed your fathers permission, he was going to do it no matter what. There was no need to create some sort of ultimatum for your father, or ask for a favour in return, "sure I can save them, but in return I would like this-" because he was going to do it ANYWAYS.
"Oh, but he was just being respectful-" no, he wasn't. He asked for something in return for saving two innocent people, and even that was empty because he will conscript you either way. Using your fathers desperation to get a yes was cruel in those moments and unnecessary. "Oh he's a grey warden-" yeah, he is, but he didn't have to do this. Especially when he uses the right of conscription on you if you say no either way.
He could have gotten you out safely after being asked to by your father, and then, when you were both out of there- asked you to become a Grey Warden. And if you said no, used the right of conscription on you. But no, he decides to use your father dying as some way to get empty permission for something he doesn't need permission for in the end. He makes an already hard situation even harder by giving a dying man some sort of "favour for a favour" ultimatum to save his child, when the permission he's given because your father is desperate, means nothing.
Sorry, this just- always made me feel so upset lmao.
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dragonagechaos · 9 months
Their love language is making fun of each other and sarcasm
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xytaes · 2 months
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reference sheet for Allison! I love her so much 🥹
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nurabelmax · 9 months
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Marisol for @lave_llan
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fire-and-sparks · 7 months
I love you Couslands! I love you Starks! I love you Rocks! I love you families who were so generous and honorable they couldn’t ever imagine betrayal! I love you children who triumphed anyway bc you were raised to be brave and good!
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edenxrosey · 1 year
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Misc moments w/ my beloved Warden, Aileana <3
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belljanuary · 1 year
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tested my new brush pack and drew my babyyyy
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velnat004 · 9 months
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installed the flycam few days ago and decided to make that everyone's problem. good evening velnat004 nation <3
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wylldebee · 22 days
Just a reminder that the Couslands once fought werewolves in the past. Haelia Cousland became a Teyrna after rallying an army against werewolves. You can't tell me the Couslands didn't have trophies from Haelia's time safely tucked away somewhere and brought them out at parties. BONUS: Someone joked about how ironic it is that Bryce went and married someone called the Seawolf. Bryce joked Eleanor infected him with love. She kicked him off her ship and banned him for three days.
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first-talon · 1 year
I’m chewing on so many thoughts for Naoise. One of my mutuals informed me that Eleanor Cousland has the sexiest backstory ever and intentionally kept it from her children so we don’t even get to KNOW in game that Cousland has a pirate grandpa and that Eleanor once pushed Bryce from a cliff because he mistook her for the help.
Naoise might not have grown up knowing this his mother “might have dallied as a battle maiden once”, and not the fact that she sailed up and down the Storm Coast to prohibit the feasibility of moving Orlesian soldiers into Ferelden, but he CERTAINLY resembles her in his looks and in his mannerisms that I think people who know her history do a double-take when they cross paths with him.
Eleanor and Bryce’s son? The youngest? The one who rarely left Highever and who reportedly is Eleanor’s spitting image in facade and spirit? Well, I do think I shall get right out of your way now, Ser…
Naoise is cunning and clever and wily, and everyone who says he doesn’t have any diplomacy or tact is wrong; he does, and he gets his way quite a lot, but he’s unafraid to ruffle feathers to do it. He’s not APPEASING, is the difference Arl Howe makes when he remarks on how fierce Bryce’s boy has become.
Naoise is the spoiled second child, quick to brattiness and indignation, and his stubbornness means that he refuses to yield when he doesn’t get his way—but is that such a bad thing, when you can read people like a book with a few quick quips? Sure, he might be annoying to travel with and hearing him bemoan the loss of his house can be tiresome (if sympathetic, as the grief is fresh), but it’s that same rigidity that pushes him on. If he desires his vengeance, he will receive it.
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