#Count your days
bakugo-softski · 2 days
I’m going INSANE Can someone please just tell me if there is any other manga out there that has pulled this like platonic not-gay literal soulmate connection story with a like 90:10 ratio of canon content between said soulmate bond recipient/mc and the non soulmate canon straight relationship? Is this documented? untread territory? like i am so fucking unwell about this istg
Horikoshi Kohei, gaslighter: “😋izuocha?😋😋”
Also Horikoshi Kohei, gaslighter: “hey can you hold on to these majority bkdk coded big scenes, and all these canon sketches and covers and intros, and the save the maiden sacrifice, and this movie where they hold hands, and this very specific song i had commissioned for them, control your heart,and the soulmate token lying beside the corpse, and the rest of their lives and, oh hold up, i almost forgot- and this all might keychain and-*checks notes*-mountain top talk about the main characters’ love interests..love interest? That isn’t the main character? Cool,..thanks”
Hori-when i get out of this mental facility👊
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speedane · 11 hours
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POV You're Jin Qiu
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demigods-posts · 1 month
never thought about the implications of frederick not seeing annabeth for five years. imagine the last thing you have of your daughter is a broken window lock and an unmade bed with cobwebs hanging from the headboard. and then reuniting with her five years later. and she's a foot taller. and her hair once natural is now braided and upkept. and she learned how to tie her shoes without you. and wow do you even know your daughter? and then she turns to face you from across the field. and her eyes are still the stormy gray that you remember. except they're now calculating and cold. searching for the slightest sign of a threat. and your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach. because look what you put your daughter through.
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strandbuckley · 5 days
if i have to sit through one more heartbreaking team radio from logan i will swim to barcelona and murder james vowels with my bare hands
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foreshadowing my beloved ❤️
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trashmouthsworld · 9 months
Imagine knowing someone your entire life, from the point which you were conscious and then forever afterwards. That doesn't seem too hard, but imagine you lived for millennia. You saw the beginning of time, everything before and everything after. And you've still got the rest of eternity in front of you For most of that time, you loved them in the background of your mind. You saw them every once in a while, but they stick out in your mind, they are your one good constant. You have known them through the Flood, the Dark Ages, and the Renaissance. You have loved them through the Victorian era, the sinking of the Titanic, and the Great Wars. You don't want the world to end no matter how evil it can be. They are here, and if the world goes on, they are still here. Then imagine there's a fire. One miniscule little candle tipped over by a bumbling idiot who thinks he's a professional, of all things. Their pride and joy goes up in flames and you run in because they might still be in there and they can't be dead. They've been alive for 6,000 years with you. 6,000 years. They're not just your best friend, they are your world. And it's all on fire. You scream your voice hoarse, there's no way to explain that absolute agony. You can't imagine them not there. It's been since before time existed. You can't think of anything else to do but drink yourself into oblivion. Imagine the fucking relief when they show back up in front of you. That's probably when you know for sure. You love them. You love them more than God and all the heavens. You can't imagine going a single second without them after 6,000 years of being with them. Thank God they're not going to leave again, right?
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seiuuz · 2 months
hoyoverse I’m going to sue you BRING BACK GALLAGHER AND MISHA DUDE
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olieamr · 2 months
i LOVE this man...
apoligizes for it being shitty LMFAOOOO
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ponyboy I just KNOW your ass got lost in a grocery store at least once.
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kataraavatara · 3 months
i need you all to understand the reason for my undying hatred for cassian and grudge against sarah j maas is that when baby freshman me went to one of her first ever college parties i got followed around the house by this guy who i told clearly multiple times to leave me alone because i was not interested. it was a terrible and frightening experience. the next day, i think to myself “surely my new book a court of frost and starlight will help me feel better. it’s been all fluff so far.” and i opened it. and what was i greeted with. you guessed it. cassian following nesta after she told him multiple times to leave her alone. chapter 21 of acofas you ruined my week.
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vshusband · 3 months
I absolutely fucking hate you all
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Anyways look at him🩷🩷he’s so cute🩷🩷he looks like a lost puppy here🩷🩷:3 >_<
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nomeniko · 14 days
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matching stickers theyre DISGUSTING DIE DIE DIE KILL KILL KILL
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teddybeartoji · 19 days
i have officially been turned into a sukugo lover btw. i am here. i am looking. i am invested. they are weird and i love them.
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harpoonsnotspoons · 2 months
7 8 days
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ladyodium · 6 days
Armand and Lestat…. COUNT YOUR MFING DAYS!
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nataliedoesnotlie · 2 months
im gonna fight three grown men (shane madej ryan bergara and steven lim)
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