#Corona Virus Impact
theculturedmarxist · 2 years
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jdinstitute · 2 years
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Fashion may pretend that there aren't two sides of the same coin when it comes to development, diversity, and structural problems, but they are if the reality is seen. Exclusion is at the core of the industry's problems. And an emphasis on profiting from individuals without humanizing them might result in out-of-touch corporations being steadily cut off from their prized wealth. In this age of companies claiming to be socially and environmentally aware, it's worth thinking about how sustainable a business can be solely based on the customer narrative.
Read More:- https://jdinstitute.co/the-fashion-industrys-post-coronavirus-road-to-recovery/
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lotus-tower · 6 months
COVID-19's long-term effects on the body: an incomplete list
COVID’s effect on the immune system, specifically on lymphocytes:
NYT article from 2020 (Studies cited: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.18.101717v1, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.20.106401v1, https://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/32405080/Decreased_T_cell_populations_contribute_to_the_increased_severity_of_COVID_19_, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.08.20125112v1)
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abc8511 (Published in Science)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Lauterbach-warnt-vor-unheilbarer-Immunschwaeche-durch-Corona-article23860527.html (German Minister of Health)
Anecdotal evidence of COVID’s effects on white blood cells:
Much more if you speak to Long Covid patients directly!
Related information of interest:
China approves Genuine Biotech's HIV drug for COVID patients
COVID as a “mass disabling event” and impact on the economy:
COVID’s impact on the heart:
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/deadly-virus-could-lead-heart-31751263 (Research from: Japan's Riken research institute)
https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/is-coronavirus-a-disease-of-the-blood-vessels (British Heart Foundation)
COVID’s effect on the brain and cognitive function:
Cognitive post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) can occur after mild COVID-19 
Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs
Covid as a vascular/blood vessel disease:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004104134.htm (microclots)
Long Covid:
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don’t know, and a framework for action
- Viruses and mutation: https://typingmonkeys.substack.com/p/monkeys-on-typewriters
Measures taken by the rich and world leaders
Heightened risk of diabetes
Liver damage:
tl;dr: covid is a vascular disease, not a respiratory illness. it can affect your blood and every organ in your body. every time you're reinfected, your chances of getting long covid increase.
avoid being infected. reduce the amount of viral load you're exposed to.
the gap between what the scientific community knows and ordinary people know is massive. collective action is needed.
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thefisherqueen · 7 months
I've caught covid for the first time, after somehow managing to avoid it for almost 4 years, and it thoroughly sucks. I'm far from the only one at the moment (I'm writing this on 8 december 2023) - testing fascilities are all done away with in the Netherlands so the view of the current situation I have is very limited, but I do know that numbers like virus load in our sewers and people in hospital with covid are rapidly going up right now once again.
I'm having a lot of thoughts about it all now, and even though they are far from coherent, I still would like to share them.
In the Netherlands, so far there's been a staggering lack of reflection on anything to do with corona. We have no official moment of rememberance, no monument, no time and place for collective grief. Research into long covid is severely underfunded. There's also been an astounding lack of evaluation into our pandamic response. I've only seen one report so far, and it had a limited scope, pretty much the only conclusion was that the goverment's strategy was 'too fixated on intensive care capacity'. If another new illness will emerge, which of course is only a matter of time, I believe we will make all the same mistakes again.
In summary, I just feel sad and kind of hopeless by it all. The lack of care for the lives of eldery and otherwise vulnerable people, and just for public health in general, displayed during the past years, and all for the sake of corporate interest and personal freedom, is staggering. It all started quite promising, back in March 2020, once it dawned on our government that COVID-19 was a serious illness and that immediate action was required. I myself had basically no knowledge on pandemics yet and the lockdown blew my mind. We were taking action to save lives. I remember feeling hopeful.
But pretty much from the moment we emerged from the first lockdown, our government has each time waited with taking measures until the last possible moment. In comparison to the rest of the world, response was not the worst (at least no outright corona denial or 'drink bleach' here), but it was not good either. The Dutch government basically went 'this is fine' meme until hospitals overflowed (long term health care facilites were barely even considered) and then they panicked, putting lockdowns into place again while those are only really meant as an emergency measure when all else fails. Coherent, preventive measures like testing, masks, clear information, ventilation, contact tracing and isolation were never properly put into place.
And now we've lost tens of thousands of lives prematurely, hospital patients with covid still vastly outnumber those with influenca even in bad years, many still report pandemic-related mental health issues, and an estimated 90.000 people in the Netherlands currently have long covid, including a good friend of me.
I feel like all were in a traumatic event that isn't even over yet, and we're barely even talking about the impact, and the next one will inevitably come and likely just be as bad. It's just a lot.
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brondingsloan · 3 months
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[Image Generated using DALL - E]
Reflecting on the case and the marketing strategies of Corona and Heineken reveals a tale of two varied approaches, each with its unique implications in the competitive landscape of the beer market.
As I read the case- I kept comparing the dynamic nature of advertising and selling beer in the US. Having grown up in India- the nature of ads from alcohol companies were very different. My reflection highlights some of the areas where regulatory frameworks lead to innovative marketing tactics such as surrogate advertising.
Finally- I could not help but wonder what the impact of the pandemic was on a brand like Corona (for obvious reasons). I remember listening to a podcast back in the day about the ultimate positive effect the pandemic had on beer consumption in the US, and my final point covers that.
Corona and Heineken's Divergent Paths Corona’s growth in the U.S. market, challenging Heineken's long-standing dominance, serves as an example of how brand imagery and lifestyle alignment can reshape market dynamics. While Heineken has promoted its brand as a premium quality, heritage, and sophisticated one, Corona adopted a different strategy. Its marketing campaigns evoked a sense of relaxation, escapism, and the simple pleasures of life, epitomized by the iconic image of a lime-wedged bottle on a sun-drenched beach.
The Indian Context: Surrogate Marketing Turning to the Indian market, where direct advertising of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, brands have resorted to surrogate marketing to make their presence felt in the consumers' minds. Companies promote products that share the brand name with the alcoholic beverage, such as music CDs, water, or even airlines, thereby maintaining brand recall.
For long, some of the funniest and most memorable ads, usually came from such brands. This strategy, while requiring creativity and indirect messaging, highlights the complex interplay between regulatory environments and marketing innovation, allowing brands to build a presence in a market with strict advertising restrictions. (Alcohol brand selling "Music CDs": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zhozmQCDYg&pp=ygUdbWVuIHdpbGwgYmUgbWVuIGltcGVyaWFsIGJsdWU%3D)
Lately, many brands have launched zero-alcohol products, using these as surrogates to gain market popularity. Heineken was definitely the winner in the Indian market – from my recollection, I never saw a Corona ad.
Any publicity is good publicity? - True for Corona!
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges particularly for a brand like Corona, given the unfortunate name association. Despite initial setbacks and market confusion (with rumors rife with association to the virus), Corona's marketing strategy demonstrated resilience and adaptability. Research suggested that the brand's visibility and consumer loyalty contributed to this growth, with each new COVID-19 case seemingly boosting Corona's sales by $5.30 weekly compared to other major beer brands. The article mentioned that Corona beer gained "accidental popularity" due to its name's association with the coronavirus, driving increased attention and sales during the pandemic​. Link to article: https://www.marketplace.org/2022/12/30/how-did-the-pandemic-affect-the-corona-beer-brand/
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lefemmerougewriter · 4 months
The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice
Summary: After a mask mandate and lockdown are imposed in the Kingdom of Corona, in response to a contagious "invisible" virus spreading, citizens are restless and hostile toward Raps, as their sovereign. Varian vows to stay behind and help the citizenry, while Raps leaves. She wants to clear her head. Later, while her sketchbook dries, she wades into a stream and falls in thanks to tremors from a nearby spaceship landing. A decorated lieutenant, and accomplished space pirate, comes to save her. The woman has a familiar face, with her mahogany pigment shining in the sun. Its none other than Cass. After meeting Cass's new pirate girlfriend, the captain of a massive spacefaring vessel, Raps makes a far-reaching decision which will impact not only Cass and her girlfriend, but herself and the people of Corona thereafter.
Characters: Marika Kato, Rapunzel, Cassandra, Varian, Eugene Fitzherbert, Misa Greenwood, Kane McDougal, Coorie, Hyakume, Schnitzer, San-Daime, Luca
Friendships: Rapunzel & Pascal (former?)
Romantic pairings: Rapunzel / Cassandra (former?), Cassandra / Marika Kato
Words: 4000+
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36110716/chapters/136737880
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1425409282-the-corona-chronicles-cass-the-space-pirate-her
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/14508344/The-Corona-Chronicles/2
A/N: Sorry that it's been over two years since my last update! I really wanted to publish this a while ago, but a lot was happening in my life. There were preparations for a trip to Italy throughout 2022, even as I still wrote eight fics (like those in the High Guardian Space series) primarily at the beginning and end of the year. And then I moved into a new place in March 2023. With that on top of job stresses, it took until the end of last year for things to settle down. When I wrote the first chapter in December 2021, I had no idea about what was going to happen in the years ahead. I may end up writing a third part. This chapter sets the stage for a possible third part. As a reminder, in this story, Cass is a Black woman.
Work Text:
Back in the castle, Raps was pacing once again. She had locked the castle building and prohibited anyone from entering. She made a snap decision she'd go out into the city, among the people. She couldn't be cooped up forever. Varian wanted to know if she really wanted to pursue this course of action or not. "Are you sure about this?" She nodded. She needed to hear what the people had to say. She was their sovereign... after all. This made Varian very afraid. He had heard people's anger toward her. He realized she had to experience it first-hand. Both put their handmade masks. Varian wore a black cloth mask, with black straps. Raps wore a purple and yellow mask, with intricate designs, that she had colored herself. She would not be content with a single color, as she liked vibrancy.
As she walked out of the castle, and locked the door behind her, she got a taste of this anger first-hand. One onlooker heckled her. "Boo!" he shouted. He then pointed. "YOU got be the virus!" Unfazed by this clear lie, she continued moving forward. Varian used his alchemist staff to trap the person in amber. No dissent to the royalty would be allowed. Most in the town followed the posted ordinances, but some did not.
Those who refused to abide by the regulations had started to come together, loosely, into a grouping they called the Anti-Rapunzel Alliance, or ARA for short. Those who led the organization did not believe in any governmental system, state, or anything like that. They didn't even think of themselves as leaders, claiming the group was "leaderless," another lie that anyone could see through very easily. They called themselves anarkhists. They would always be a thorn in the side of Raps, especially after the passing of her parents a year prior from old age. The ARA had been annoying Raps for years. She was aware of their violent activities. She did not worry about them. She did not see them as representative of the people. That sentiment was accurate, even though their support was growing every day.
She was jeered and booed as she walked through the city. People did not feel she had done enough to protect them from what was being dubbed the "Corona-Ailment," or ca for short. She shared their sentiments since she did not know if she had done enough or if more could be done. She wracked her brain with these questions every day. The ca crisis was always at the top of her agenda. She was exhausted, tired of running the city, and the kingdom, almost entirely by herself. She wished that Eugene had been there, as he had gone on a voyage to one of their allies across the sea, specifically to Avalor. Instead, she had to do this without him. She sighed.
The viciousness and nastiness toward her by those in Corona had deeply affected her. Varian expected this would happen. This is why he hoped she'd decide to stay inside the castle. This belief was misplaced. If he had known Raps as well as he thought he did, then he'd be aware that she liked to take risks, no matter the costs. Some people in her position would cry. Her emotional strength allowed her to weather heavy criticism, at least in this case. Sometimes Pascal would help her through this. She couldn't even rely on him this time. She had left him in her room, letting him sleep away without bringing him with her.
She turned to her trusty confidante, her royal science advisor, and royal scientist. "You can go back to the castle, Varian. I want to be alone." He didn't want to leave. He felt obligated to help her, especially since he had caused so much trouble for her in the past. Back then, he almost overthrew the government. Even still, she justified her response, at the time, noting that she only pushed away his pleas for help because of pressing demands on her as the royal queen of Corona. She couldn't spare anyone back then. "I…want to stay," he remarked. She shook her head. She wouldn't let him do that. "LEAVE!" she shouted and pointed back at the castle. She glared into his eyes. He cowered and turned around. He did not want to cross her. He realized that giving her some space was the right thing to do.
As he crossed the bridge and walked toward Corona, and the royal castle, Raps went the opposite way. She had to clear her head for a bit. She wanted to sit by the stream and watch the water cascading across the rocks. That always calmed her down, even when times were tough. It made her feel better about herself. She found a nice spot: a rock which overlooked a bubbling stream. She then pulled out her watercolor paints and sketchbook. Every day, week, and month, she believed that her art had improved.
In the past, she had disguised herself as "Robin Rap," putting on a mask, fake wig and beard, and a robe with a hood. She secretly set out art displays in the street during the night. This led to curiosity and excitement from those across Corona and the nearby lands. However, since ca had begun spreading, she hadn't taken on the persona, perhaps contributing to lower spirits among the populace. It made them more prone to feelings of utter despair, hopelessness, and anger toward her. Not everyone in Corona liked her as the monarch, in part due to her gender. Others saw it as a step forward to have a break from a line of male rulers which went back eons.
She yawned and stretched, leaving the sketchbook out to dry. If she put it away now, it would ruin not only the page she had sketched but also others inside the book as well. She walked into the stream bed and sensed the cold-water coursing through her toes. She wished she could stay here all day. This place of bliss would not last forever. Out of nowhere, tremors from something far away, shook the ground. It caused her to shake. The reverberations came ever closer, becoming so strong that she lost her balance and fell into the streambed.
She complained. "Fuck! My dress is all wet now…UGH!" she yelled. Trying to regain her balance, she slipped on a rock, and hit the stream with a thud. She began to cry. Even a queen could be taken down by something as small as a rock with moss on it. "Help! Won't someone please help me!" she shouted into the distance. She half-believed that no one would lift a finger for her. She resolved to give it five minutes, then she'd crawl out of the stream on her own. It was a time like this that she wished Eugene had been there, or anyone else who could be just as loving. The latter seemed very unlikely.
She sat as the water passed around her, through her soaked clothes. She grumbled and had given up. Suddenly, a woman dressed, in a what looked to be a fancy lieutenant's uniform, with epaulets on the shoulders, and a sword on the belt, approached her. She outstretched her hand, its mahogany pigment shining in the light. "Let me help you, Ma'am," the voice bellowed. Raps looked up. It was none other than Cass, whose mahogany skin almost sparkled. She blushed. She was surprised that Cass was there and even more embarrassed that she had to be helped out of this... unfortunate situation. Perhaps they could start again, with a healthier relationship. After all, Cass was an independent woman now. Raps had no power over her, unlike in the past, when she has been employed as a lady-in-waiting, a servant, and handmaiden all-in-one. It was a master-servant relationship. Cass had obliterated that when she subsumed the Moonstone's power into her own body, wanting to determine her own destiny. Although her motives were justified, her actions could be extreme and destructive, thanks to Zhan Tiri's mental manipulation.
"Cass…is that you?," Raps asked inquisitively. She nodded. "Yes, and I'm here to save you…princess, I mean...queen." She pulled her out of the riverbed and onto the dry land. Cass chuckled. "I didn't know you’d get so wet before you saw me…that must have been quite an experience." Shamefaced, Raps pounded against Cass, clearly annoyed. Her face was the color of a ripe tomato. "Come on, that’s not fair…," she said. They had a good laugh together and Cass helped Raps get up. Looking at her clothes, she remarked, "That's quite a look for a member of the royalty…what would the people of Corona think if they saw their queen drenched to the bone?" This comment got to Raps too, who pouted in response.
She quickly regained her composure. She grabbed her now-dried sketchbook and smiled. Before she could say anything, Cass interjected. "I'll bring you to my ship…there's some dry clothes there." She nodded curiously. Her...friend now had…a vessel…under her command? She thought that Cass would be some lone wanderer, or something. At least that's what she expected. Even so, she did not know what was in store for her. Originally the plan had been to bring a fleet of medical ships to the surface. Marika had called them back to the starship, saying that she and Cass would survey the situation first, then report back.
They reached the dinghy, sitting in a nearby field, with the cockpit closed, so no miscreants got inside. She saw a pinkish orange-haired woman dressed in space pirate regalia leaning against the ship. "Hey, Cassie," she began. Pointing at Raps, she asked, "who's that you have there?" Raps started to say something. Cass spoke first. "This is my friend…Rapunzel Fitzherbert, you know, from Corona, whose distress call we got on the Bentenmaru." Marika understood but was confused. Was this woman really a queen? She didn’t get the vibe from her at all. Perhaps it was the wet clothes. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Fitzherbert. I'm Marika Kato, the captain of the Bentenmaru…and I’m Cass’s friend." Cass rolled her eyes. "Girlfriend. She's MY girlfriend." Raps was surprised. In a year's time she had gotten a girlfriend and...her own ship to command! Cass had been busy... in her estimation.
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Kato. You can call me…Rapunzel or Raps. I'm not really about all these formal titles." Marika chuckled. She shook Raps' hand. "Nice to make your acquaintance too. Cassie told me about you…in fact, she's the one who pushed us to come here." That was only half-true. Cass and Marika had jointly agreed to come there, not one of them deciding it on their own. Knowing that Raps probably had feelings for Cass, she thought it would be better this way, since it could allow them to reconnect better. Although Cass knew that Marika wasn't being entirely truthful, she let it slide, this time. "Yeah, that’s what happened," she said sheepishly. After that, Cass opened up the cockpit of the dinghy, and showed her where the spare (and clean) clothes were. She even got her a bag for her wet clothes, which she'd dry later. Since Cass had left, Raps had started doing more tasks by herself, without servants.
It's awkward to be with a girl you once loved and... their new girlfriend. So, she tread very carefully. She didn't want to cause any problems for Cass or for herself, for that matter. Even so, she couldn’t stop herself from blushing. And Marika noticed. She watched Raps like a hawk. Although she had only been with Cass for about a year, she could be somewhat jealous, especially since Cass was her first girlfriend. Surely, at the academy, girls had fawned over her, like no one's business. Once she helped her friend get together with her lover, also a girl, on a mission that involved the entire Bentenmaru crew. It was a huge endeavor, to say the least. All of this colored what was happening at the present.
Raps eased the tension pretty quickly. She decided to confide in them about what was going on. "I'd like to get away from here, away from it all...things are not going well in Corona." Cass was surprised. What could have gone wrong? She was unsure. "There's this contagious virus that’s spreading...and people are getting restless. No one is helping me combat it...at all." Her latter statement was somewhat untrue, as Varian had done his part to help her. This made Cass and Marika even more curious. Rather than Cass getting in a word, Marika asked a question. "So…can we catch this virus?...I don't wanna make my crew sick." Raps moved her head from side-to-side. She had to tell the truth. "I guess so. The number of cases have been rising...it's not that many yet. I mandated a lockdown and that everyone wear cloth masks to protect themselves. It has made people very angry at me. Even Varian refused to leave."
She stamped her foot on the ground and gritted her teeth. This situation had brought back her fears about being a ruler. She didn't think there was anything else she could do. Perhaps it would be better if she wasn't there at all. She grabbed Marika's hand. "Can you please take me with you into space?" she pleaded. "I really don't want to be on this planet anymore. I have to get away." Marika wasn't sure this was a good idea. She looked toward Cass. She needed her approval before agreeing to Raps' request. Cass asked Raps directly, "Are you sure you want to do this? If we take you with us, we might not be back for a while." She nodded.
They all packed themselves into the dinghy's cockpit. Although most dinghies were single-person, this one had seats for up to three people. Marika closed the visor and told everyone to strap themselves in. Raps and Cass easily followed her instructions. Pressing some buttons, the engine began to roar, and the ship quickly took off. The landing wheels retracted and they went soaring through the sky. Raps was amazed. As they flew up through the air and above the trees, their ship passed by the island kingdom of Corona and over the Bay of Corona. A small schooner arrived in the island’s port. A young twenty-six year-old man, with light skin and short brown hair, was aboard.
Cass turned to Marika. She asked, "you wanna play THAT song?" She smiled. That was fine with her. Pressing a button, a tray came out of the console. She pulled out a transparent plastic case, adorned with a paper cover of a black-haired and pink-skinned woman wearing a black t-shirt, black-pants, and holding a guitar with a black strap around her body. A black heart was behind the woman and two words stood out on the cover: "Bad Reputation." This three-part case, made from a synthetic polymer, had liner-notes, and a back card. The two sides were hinged together. She carefully pulled out a reflective thick thermoplastic disk. It was adorned with images of the same woman, but in a circular fashion. The disc itself the following words: "Bad Reputation – Joan Jett – 2012 Re-Issue." Cass had picked it up when she and Marika went to a flea market, as some called it, during their travels.
Putting the disc in, she pressed another button. The tray retracted. She pressed a third button, looking like a small rightward facing arrow. It had one small word: "Play." Like magic, the music began playing out of speakers, although Raps wasn't sure from where, as any speakers seemed invisible. Cass and Marika began singing along. Raps started to get in the mood of it too.
"I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation / You're living in the past, it's a new generation / A girl can do what she wants to do / And that's what I’m gonna do!"
As the song began playing, they all sang along. Their voices were so loud that people could hear them on the island below. One of those people was the brown-haired man whose boat had arrived on the island's docks: Eugene Fitzherbert. His light brown eyes spotted the dinghy flying through the sky. He saw a woman with blonde hair inside. He was taken aback. "Blondie?" he asked confusedly. He wondered why the woman he loved was speeding away from the planet at a high rate of speed. He didn't even recognize Cass, nor he did know who the other woman inside the ship (Marika) was. People across Corona, including Varian, looked up at the sky in amazement.
In no time at all, the dinghy made its way through the atmosphere and into outer space. It came close to a massive starship, which was painted in a mix of black and magenta colors. The vessel had a cylinder-shaped main body and a coned bow, a design often used with rockets. The ship's emblem and name were on the side: Bentenmaru. There were four fins on the rear. As they came closer, Marika spoke into a receiver. "We’re coming back. Our mission has concluded. No need to bring any additional ships at this time. And we have one new passenger." A woman with little tone in her voice answered: "Affirmative."
This was Luca. She often did not interact with her fellow crewmates and only commented on her work. Her voice's tone usually remained the same unless when she was really stressed out. At times, she could irritate crewmates by saying she saw something but when she was asked about it, she wouldn't reveal it. Other times, she claimed she saw something but when asked, she said she told them nothing. Her attitude differed from the friendly and supportive medic (Misa), the laid-back and friendly helmsman (Kane), the fairly friendly and often amused radar/sensor specialist (Hyakume), and the fairly relaxed electronic warfare specialist (Coorie).
Soon after docking, Marika jumped out of the ship, followed soon by Cass and Raps. She brought them to the vessel's bridge, which had two levels. They entered through the upper level. The lower level had the steering wheel and consoles where crew members could steer the ship; examine radar, sensors, and engines, or conduct so-called "electronic warfare." During battles, the upper level lowered, and shutters blocked out the windows, with the view outside the ship shown on a visual display on the ceiling. That wouldn't be happening... this time. Marika spoke first. "I'd like to introduce our honored guest, Queen Rapunzel of Corona." Misa smiled. Kane remarked, "this might be nothing like your home, Miss...however, we'll treat you well, don't you worry." Hyakume laughed. He was just as friendly toward her as Misa and Kane. "This isn't the first time we’ve transported royalty, but hey, why not another royal?"
Coorie looked up from her screen. She turned toward Raps in a friendly manner. The other crew members were unsure about their new guest. Schnitzer remained stern and serious as always. San-Daime, often worrisome and pessimistic, was anxious. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Won't someone come to get her...and we'll be in trouble?" Cass put them at ease. They listened to her. After all, she was the lieutenant and she was close to Marika, who they deeply respected. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. This was her choice to come here and we should honor that." Everyone seemed to accept that reasoning. Raps interjected jubilantly. "Thanks everyone. I'm glad to be here." She had one more thing to say, something which would surprise them all.
"I have two more requests, if you'll indulge me." They were listening intently. This would be hard to explain. "I assume you have weapons on this vessel, right?" They nodded in agreement. "Well, I'd like you to destroy a stone bridge for me. It''s the last thing I'll do for Corona. Then, I'd like to send a message to Corona...through that radio thing." They agreed to both requests. They seemed easy enough to execute her requests. Walking down the stairs, she came close to Hyakume, skilled at radar and sensors. After guiding him to exact location of the target, he sent her over to Schnitzer, the ship's tactical officer. He was standing-in as the gunner. Usually they had other gunners, but not on this mission. He maneuvered the front-pulse weapon into position. He pressed a button and a powerful blue laser beam fired from the ship’s nose. It traveled at supersonic speed. It hit the bridge's middle with almost exact precision.
The weapon unintentionally ignited dynamite which some angry citizens had set as part of their plan to overthrow the government. The bridge exploded into a million pieces, with stone flying every which way, including into the island kingdom. Some people could barely escape the falling stone. Even the ARA, undoubtedly seen as the culprits whether they were involved or not, was worried about the results of this explosion.
A static crackle filled the air. A voice began speaking to the surprise of the citizens:
"Hello, this Queen Rapunzel. As you can see from the recent explosion, I am cutting off the kingdom of Corona from the mainland. I cannot let this virus spread any further. This is for your own good. As my last act as sovereign, I am appointing Varian as my successor. I believe in him and hope that you all put your trust in him. Thank you."
Everyone in Corona was surprised. Wasn't Eugene next in line? Has she abandoned them? Did she have any loyalty to her subjects? All these questions, and others, rattled in the minds of the citizens as a riot began to break out. People grabbed torches, pitchforks, and any weapon they could find, throwing them in royal buildings. They approached the castle in huge numbers. This unorganized demonstration was not the work of the ARA. It stemmed from the fury of the citizens. The royal guards tried to hold people back. They could barely hold the line. Varian came out of the front doors. Although he knew the citizens were angry, he remained dumbstruck in this situation. He didn't know what to do.
Suddenly, Eugene stepped forward. He believed this was the time for a strong-hand, decisive leadership. He wasn't sure Varian could do this. Coming close, he whispered into Varian's ear, "kid, let me take this." He responded in a low-pitch that only Eugene could hear. "I didn’t want this responsibility anyway, so take it." He closed the door and walked back inside. Eugene addressed the hastily assembled crowd. "I talked with Varian. I'm the one in charge now. I’m sorry that Rapunzel left us behind. I will lead us back to glory." What he said next he came up with on the spot. It was totally spontaneous, at least it appeared. "As my first act, the mask mandate and lockdown are hereby ended. Let us make Corona great again!" The crowd cheered wildly. Masks were pulled off and burned by their torches. People began chanting "Eugene! Eugene! Eugene!" He did not know what he was getting himself into.
Back on the Bentenmaru, Cass led Raps to a spare cabin. "You can sleep here, Raps. See you tomorrow morning." She smiled. Everything was going as she had hoped. While she would have liked Pascal there with her, she wanted to start fresh, at least this time. He would be better without her. In fact, he would have questioned her rash decision. Perhaps her view would change in the future. For now, she needed to get away from it all, and that included Pascal. She was ready and willing to become a space pirate, just like Cass had done years ago. However, there would be some awkwardness since it had been so long since she and Cass had been together.
It was hard to say what remained next for Corona or for Cass, Raps, Marika, and other crew members on the Bentenmaru. But it would surely be written in the stars.
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gogonano · 11 months
How to Safely Clean All Surfaces from Viruses?
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Careful hand washing and use of disinfectants and wearing protective masks are an important part of limiting the spread of corona and other viruses. For safe disinfection, we have developed a natural cleaning and disinfecting agent that safely destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi, Gram-negative (for example, the causative agent of tuberculosis) and Gram-positive bacteria from any surfaces and materials.
Corona challenge
In light of recent events, GoGoNano has adapted its core activities as a green chemistry and technology provider to provide support during the global corona pandemic. We remain focused on core values ​​that positively impact people and the environment.
Our mission is to provide products and technology to reduce and/or replace toxic disinfectant chemicals and support people in reducing infectious diseases. With the goal of saving people and making our planet friendly.
Lactic acid is much more effective against corona & other viruses
GoGoNano Anti-Viral is a lactic acid-based deep-cleaning disinfectant that helps fight not only corona but also all other pathogens in a safe and sustainable way. Its biodegradable composition with surface-active particles effectively destroys bacteria, virus particles and fungi and does not damage delicate materials. Therefore, it is well suited for cleaning all objects and surfaces that have come into our homes from the outside, such as food packaging, clothes worn while shopping or other soft objects that cannot be properly disinfected with ethanol.
GoGoNano antiviral and antibacterial disinfectant has been proven effective against various harmful pathogens and bacteria. Corona can survive on different surfaces for several days. Therefore, disinfection and cleaning are extremely important. The product is specially designed for this task.
Lactic acid is a natural, safe and effective alternative to synthetic antiviral agents. It is a naturally occurring acid that is produced during the acidification of milk, as well as in humans and animals as a result of physical activity. While most disinfectants work with the support of three biocidal mechanisms, lactic acid has four of these mechanisms, which is why it is much more difficult for pathogens to become resistant to it.
Thanks to this, lactic acid has proven itself as an effective defense against a large number of different pathogens. Its combination of effectiveness and safety for human health has made lactic acid a popular cleaning agent in both homes and businesses, such as catering kitchens and stores, where the need for deep cleaning and disinfection is constant.
Which surfaces should be disinfected?
During the disease season, surface cleaning should be done daily as a routine. It is important to notice which surfaces come into contact more often, especially in frequently used rooms. If you don’t know which places need to be cleaned, spend some time observing which surfaces people come into contact with most often.
The following areas and items usually require more frequent cleaning:
– door handles – elevator buttons – toilet and bathroom surfaces – switches – handrails – chair armrests – tables – work surfaces
In order to effectively prevent the spread of the virus, surfaces should be cleaned as often as possible. In public spaces, this should be done no less than every 2-4 hours. In addition to the mentioned surfaces, the edges of doors and other shared objects also need attention.
Lactic acid has fast-acting, effective antiviral properties
Most products available take 5-10 minutes to work on viruses, leaving the possibility that not everything will be removed. In addition, a large amount of the product is required for effective work, which limits its use and increases toxic side effects. Our lactic acid based antiviral organic cleaner has been tested and proven to work instantly. It removes all viruses within one minute of use. We believe that it is necessary to invest in a more efficient and ecological solution to prevent diseases along with the safety of our environment and human health.
“Our mission is to provide alternative products and technology to reduce and/or replace toxic disinfectant chemicals on the market and support people in reducing infectious diseases. With the goal of saving people and making our planet friendly,” says GoGoNano creator Kaur Reinjärv. “In the form of lactic acid, we found an ideal tool that fights diseases much more effectively and does not harm people or nature.”
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Nano coatings for clothing, vehicles and electronics
We are an Estonian brand of nanotechnological protective equipment, where apart from fighting diseases, we have also stood up against the modern throw-away culture. Our sustainable nano-protectors help keep electronic devices, clothes, shoes and even cars looking like new for a long time, so that you can use them for as long as possible, thereby wasting as little money and natural resources as possible.
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wellnessweb · 9 days
Predictions for Coronary Stent Market Size by 2025
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The Coronary Stent Market size was valued at USD 9.63 Billion In 2023 & is estimated to reach USD 12.49 Billion by 2031 and increase at a compound annual growth rate of 3.3% between 2024 and 2031.The coronary stent market, a pivotal sector within cardiovascular healthcare, continues to evolve rapidly, driven by advancements in technology, rising prevalence of coronary artery diseases (CAD), and increasing adoption of minimally invasive procedures globally. These tiny mesh-like tubes, designed to restore blood flow in narrowed or blocked arteries, represent a critical innovation in modern cardiology, offering patients a less invasive alternative to traditional open-heart surgery. The market is characterized by a diverse array of stent types, including bare-metal stents (BMS), drug-eluting stents (DES), and bioresorbable stents, each catering to specific clinical needs and patient profiles.
Innovations in stent materials, coatings, and deployment techniques have significantly enhanced efficacy and safety, reducing the risk of restenosis and thrombosis. Geographically, North America and Europe have traditionally led in market share, supported by robust healthcare infrastructure and high adoption rates of advanced medical technologies. However, emerging economies in Asia-Pacific and Latin America are rapidly expanding due to improving healthcare access and increasing awareness among both healthcare providers and patients. Regulatory advancements and clinical research continue to drive product development and market growth, ensuring that coronary stents remain at the forefront of cardiovascular care, providing critical support to millions of patients worldwide.
Get Sample Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/3437
The Coronary Stent Market  report contains in-depth analyses of the value chain and market distributors. The market analysis also covers a number of crucial factors that have a big impact on market growth. The report also includes a statistical analysis that identifies and lists the numerous market-influencing and market-restraining variables. With the use of market scenarios, the research report's scope is broadened to include a comparison of the top service providers, their profits, and the prices of significant market segments.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
Fewer items have been shipped globally overall as a result of the corona virus outbreak. The raw material supply, which is essential for the sector's sustainability, has also been impacted by this. This study on the Coronary Stent Market offers a thorough analysis of market shipping production throughout the course of the forecast period, together with observations of noteworthy changes over time.
Market Segmentation
By Type
Bioabsorbable Stents
Bare-metal Coronary Stents
Drug-eluting Stents
By Biomaterial
Natural biomaterials
Polymers biomaterials
Metallic biomaterials
By End Users
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Regional Analysis
The Coronary Stent Market research examines and analyses every segment of the regional market in terms of its key regional market reach. The report covers import, export, development, demand, and consumption in great depth. The research covers in-depth the major international regions of North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.
Competitive Outlook
The research provided a succinct summary of the major contributors and market participants in order to respond to various questions from customers and readers. Customers will also learn about crucial factors in this study that, in terms of the supplier environment and present competition intensity, have a substantial impact on the development of the Coronary Stent Market. The in-depth analysis of manufacturers, producers, distributors, and traders in the report is meant to assist key players with a variety of strategic choices and investment goals. Secondary and verified primary sources are used to analyse production data, percentage splits, market shares, product industry breakdowns, and growth rates for important competitors.
Key Objectives of Coronary Stent Market  Report
You can more clearly evaluate the potential of the major markets by having a thorough understanding of the specific market size and forecast information.
Conducting a detailed market analysis with an emphasis on market expansion and examining how current market developments have impacted customers' purchasing patterns.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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getinstagram · 16 days
Latest Instagram Marketing Techniques For 2020
Initially, Instagram started off as an image-sharing social website and now it has bloomed into a large social giant that can be one of the most significant platforms to get more leads and to drive more revenue for the businesses.
Change with trend they say! Similar to the other social media websites, Instagram marketing has also evolved over time. The focus is on being more interactive with your audience!
Here is an insight on the latest Instagram marketing trends of 2020:
Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing in Instagram has gained momentum and it is proved to be extremely beneficial. If you haven't considered influencer marketing till now on Instagram, its time to start right away. Influencers are Instagram users who have built a large number of loyal followers through their posts and through the information they share. The followers of these influencers idolize them and respect the opinions they share.
Basically, influencer marketing is getting in touch with one or more influencers on Instagram and asking them to share information about your products, posting reviews about your products, or recommending your products. This is one of the most efficient ways of reaching out to your target audience as it looks more genuine to your audience. Rather than approaching potential customers directly, you can get in touch with influencers to talk about your products and services. You can go according to your marketing budget, start by approaching one influencer and ask him/her to post a video review about your products and services, if that works well for you, you can get in touch with more influencers. This is definitely a worthwhile investment for your business as the experts will be recommending your products or services.
Add The Relevant Hashtag
The hashtag game is pretty strong on Instagram! You might be posting the most interesting updates, but without the relevant hashtag, your post is not seen by a huge audience. Instagram enables content to search through its 'Discover' tab on the basis of the hashtag search query. Users can follow the preferred hashtag and similar to the followed Instagram profiles, the content that is published using these hashtags will be displayed in the follower's feeds. It is proved that the Instagram posts that make use of the appropriate hashtags gain an increased user engagement in comparison to the posts that don't. You can add a hashtag just by adding the #symbol prior to the main keywords in your post and a linked hashtag will be displayed. Make sure to add hashtags in your Instagram posts and updates to get noticed by more people.
Ideally your Instagram posts should be a combination of information, fun posts, images, videos etc. The idea is to get people interested and engaged. For instance, if you have posted a link to your latest blog post, your next update can be a funny or interesting image. If you only make serious posts on Instagram with no fun, people won't be interested in seeing your updates anymore. You can also post images and updates about the latest happenings.
For example, in light of the corona virus pandemic, you can create an image or video about the general safety measures or for motivating people. Think from the point of view of the spectator, what would you like to see and plan your posts accordingly.
Create suspense about your next post, make your posts interesting have contests and polls, help people understand your products and services through interesting and informative videos. Remember, there is no ground rule while planning your posts; you have to try out different types of posts and see what works for your audience. Once you know what your audience likes seeing, you will start generating content that is loved by people.
Embrace Instagram Stories
Instagram stories are short and they have a great impact. If your Instagram stories are perfectly framed, they can catch your audience's eyes immediately. Your Instagram stories can be what you want them to be. There are many interesting features provided by Instagram for putting up your stories. People might browse through your posts quickly without paying much attention but they will definitely stop by your Instagram story because this is the general trend. When the users start browsing Instagram, they first look for the stories that have been put up and they prefer to take a quick glance at them. You can post anything in your story, the latest blog update, some general information, discounts and offers, quotes, etc. Make it a habit to post Instagram stories consistently and this will add up to your brand awareness.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 3 months
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What is it, to ⚖️ plea-bargain with God?
A look at ✝️🛐 Sacred vows: they're not to be taken lightly (high risk, with high reward).
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The 🧠 mind is a funny thing.
I was placed on one of those dreaded hospital ventilators, pumped full of meds, during the height of when hospitals were calling EVERYTHING 😷 corona virus, even if NOT.
1) Doctors put me in a forced diabetic sedation/COMA, which lasted 3 weeks.
2) I was diagnosed with pneumonia, during my stay.
⏰ While IN the ordeal, in a altered state influenced partially by drugs that 🩺 hospital staff were giving me, I experienced NUMBERS of alarming out-of-body travels, one specifically to 🍊 Florida.
I was shown entry portals, where 👺 evil spirits were 🆓 to enter and exit 🌎 Earth.
This song was often playing 🎶 ⬆️ in the background.
🦇⬆️ I'd received an 🆔 of ✝️ Ambassador Arthur Batman, for being God's servant, long BEFORE THIS NDE coma (near death experience).
As a member of God's 🪖 ground forces, part of Batman's job is as Recruiter.
RIGHT when I came out of ⬆️ the coma, staring back at me from the television set in my ICU room: Batman's world-premiere trailer.
Always consider timing: I got the impression God was telling me, "Not yet. You've got 🦇 work to do, 🌎 here."
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In 2024 there is a SPIRITUAL leadership vacuum.
While STILL in altered state:
🦇 FULLY aware that I was requesting a transfer to the next tour-of-duty, RATHER than to remain bedridden, I asked God to be summoned to Heaven. Request denied!
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MUST 🙈🙊🙉 ⬆️ SEE❣️
Extended engagements that impact 🔚 times are decided upon by the Lord on a ⚖️ case-by-case basis.
There's a shortage of persons👑👰🏽 wielding authentic 🆔 representation as a Spouse of Christ's Bridal Party.
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Plenty of unfinished business 🦇 ✝️🆚👿:
Laying groundwork for a near-Future 👑👰🏽 Heavenly TAKEOVER is a priority.
"On Earth AS it IS in Heaven."
Don't squander this go-round 🎠 --as THERE'S a LOT of work that needs to be done.
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huangychen · 3 months
Sunshine comes after the storm
I still remember the enormous challenge of COVID-19 posed to me. When I first saw the news about COVID-19 on TV, I didn't realize it was going to be a world-changing disaster. It was an ordinary evening, as usual, I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching the long-awaited TV show. Suddenly, red warning words rolled on the screen, many channels were forced to change the news broadcast, the voice of the anchor appeared solemn and serious:
"Hello, everyone. The COVID-19 has recently emerged in many regions, and the situation is very grim." "According to the latest data, the novel corona virus has spread rapidly across the country, and the number of infected people continues to increase." "In response to the outbreak, governments are taking a range of emergency measures, including locking down cities, imposing social distancing and stepping up medical care." "We urge the public to pay close attention to the situation, follow the epidemic prevention measures issued by the government, and protect the health of themselves and their families."
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The news played a series of heart-wrenching pictures: hospital patients groaning in pain, medical workers wear heavy protective suits and fighting on the front line, government officials at a press conference to report the latest progress of the epidemic. As I heard reports of how quickly the virus was spreading, and saw scenes of quarantined cities and blocked streets, I began to feel a sense of panic. At the time, I hadn't realized how much of an impact the pandemic would have on my life, and I just felt like it was a distant event that probably had nothing to do with me. However, as time went on and the outbreak gradually spread globally, with new confirmed cases and deaths reported every day, I began to feel increasingly concerned. I came to realize that this was not just a medical crisis, but a social crisis. People are forced to isolate themselves in their homes, economic activity is severely affected, and social order is challenged.
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Then my parents and I chose to return the hometown, which is a small village located in the mountains. Afterwards, lockdown was implemented everywhere, and we could hardly go out, not to mention communication with the outside world. In such an environment, I gradually felt lonely and helpless, the long-term home life also made me lose hope for the future. I and my parents, my grandparents and my relatives lived in the old house, it was built themselves, with three floors is big enough for all of us. So I thought that I would be able to spend this time in the company of my family, but this was not the case. As time went by, the life in my hometown became drab and boring. I started lazy and stayed at home all day. My mental state slowly became low, and the effect of online classes was greatly reduced. It was difficult for me to concentrate and my mind often wandered, leading to academic difficulties. My weight started creeping up because of my long life at home, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. My father also became negative because he could not work at home for a long time, often drinking and smoking alone, and sometimes even blamed me for no reason, making me feel at a loss.
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I tried to communicate with my father, hoping to understand his emotions, but each time I responded with his anger and indifference. The atmosphere at home became tense and I felt that I could not stand the pressure any longer.
(One night, I couldn't help venting my emotions to my father.)
Me: Dad, I know you're anxious too, but you can't just sit around all day smoking and drinking!
Father: Don't you understand? How difficult our life is now, I can't work, the pressure of the family is all on me, you wouldn't understand!
Me: I'd love to help you, but you never give me a chance.
(Then my mother follow the sound)
Mother: We are a family and should understand and support each other.
Father: I know, but......
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After that, my father gradually adjusted his emotions and tried to face the current situation with a more peaceful attitude. My mother and I also began to actively communicate with my father, try to understand his situation, and try to find and solve the problem. In housework activities, I also try to take the initiative to take responsibility and help share the pressure of my father. Such as helping my grandparents water, trim flowers, plant vegetables and so on. These seemingly ordinary things, but let me more deeply appreciate the warmth of the family and the precious affecti
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on.deepened the relationship with them.
Since then, I have adjusted my lifestyle. I began to pay attention to health, and insisted on exercising at home every day, whether it was simple physical training or outdoor walking, which made me feel the vitality and strength of life. At the same time, I also try to communicate with my family members and share their life experiences. Such communication not only makes me feel warm and close, but also helps us get out of negative emotions.
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In the end, the COVID-19 began to ease, and my family and I returned to a normal life. Looking back on this experience, although difficult and challenging, it gave me a valuable opportunity to think and grow. In adversity, I learned to persevere and positive optimism, learned how to adjust the mentality, how to deal with conflict within the family. This experience has made me a stronger and more mature person and cherish every moment of my life.
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rahulp3 · 3 months
Drug Discovery Outsourcing Market Size & Demand by 2033
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Between 2023 and 2033, the Global Drug Discovery Outsourcing Industry is projected to grow at a consistent compound annual growth rate of 7.2%. The market, which is projected to be valued at US$ 3.75 billion in 2023, is expected to surpass a market share of US$ 7.52 billion by 2033.Expanding the pharmaceutical industry and the higher penetration of digital technology and AI integration are transforming the market.
Furthermore, the research and development procedure and the expansion of drug discovery vendors in emerging economies like China and India fuel the market growth.A massive portion of the research around small and large drug molecules (80%) is outsourced through pharma giants. This is due to the cheaper costs, easy workflow, increased workforce, and enhanced quality.
The transformed drug industry with synergistic drugs and advanced anti-infection drugs is also shaping the market dynamics. At the same time, virus outbreaks such as Ebola and Coronavirus are increasing the market’s consumer base.Government policies integrate their medical policies, allowing pharma giants to collaborate and build the advanced drug discovery space.
Thus, the demand for outsourced drug delivery services is in high demand.The surge in respiratory patients with issues like tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc., also consumes a big chunk of the market. These conditions have increased lately due to the post-corona impacts.
Request a Sample PDF of this Reporthttps://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16937
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prenasper · 3 months
United States Online Learning Market Share, Revenue, Growth, Latest Trends, Industry Share, CAGR Status, Key Players, and Forecast Analysis till 2023-2033: SPER Market Research
E-learning, also referred to as online learning or electronic learning, is instruction and learning conducted using digital devices including computers, tablets, and smart phones, among others. It can help students become more competent, provide them the freedom to learn whenever and wherever they choose, and enhance learning results. The demand for e-learning in the United States is being driven by a growing focus on improving the affordability and accessibility of high-quality education, particularly for vulnerable learners and students with impairments. Furthermore, e-learning solutions are becoming more and more popular due to the widespread use of smart phones and tablets and the expansion of high-speed internet access.
According to SPER market research, ‘USA E-Learning Market Size- By Product, By Deployment Model, By End User- Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Segment Forecast to 2033’ state that the USA E-Learning Market is predicted to reach USD 341.80 billion by 2033 with a CAGR of 10.83%.
Drivers: Growing e-learning usage in the midst of a pandemic improvements in new electronic product developments, technological advancements, and internet accessibility have all contributed to the e-learning market's improved performance over the projection period.
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Furthermore, the market has been greatly boosted by affordable learning courses and the need for an online platform during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is expected that this element will increase the overall demand in the expanding field of technology for e-learning.
The drawbacks of online education: However, one of the things holding back the worldwide e-learning business is secrecy and cyber security. In addition, it is anticipated that the market would be negatively impacted in the upcoming years by technological barriers and expensive setup costs for e-learning.
Device downsizing: The increasing tendency of electronic gadgets becoming smaller, which necessitates the use of high-performance adhesives. Moreover, the market would be dampened by a lack of in-person engagement and little motivation to learn. Additionally, during the forecast period, the reopening of schools, colleges, and institutions as well as the recovery from a pandemic are anticipated to pose challenges for the e-learning market.
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Impact of COVID-19 on USA Digital Learning Market
The current global COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has significantly accelerated industrial growth because visits to educational institutions are restricted in order to control the virus's transmission, which is a serious worry. Online and e-learning tools, however, are praiseworthy in helping to stop the spread of new corona viruses. As a result, the pandemic has prompted the commercialization of e-learning, which is anticipated to propel the industry's large-scale expansion.
US Online Learning Market Key Players:
North America has the most educated population, a thriving corporate training sector, and a diverse academic environment, making it the region leader in the US online education market. Every US region is growing, with a certain market in mind. For instance, whereas the Northeast places a strong emphasis on academic accomplishment, the West Coast is setting the standard for cutting-edge technological solutions. Additionally, some of the market key players are 2U Inc., D2L Corp., Docebo Inc., Flatworld Solutions Pvt Ltd., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Co., iEnergizer,.
For More Information, refer to below link:-
United States Online Education Market Scope
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Philippines E-Learning Market Size- By Content, By Content Format, By Technology, By Source of Learning, By End Users- Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Segment Forecast to 2032
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SPER Market Research
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nursingucgconferences · 3 months
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Call For Abstract | Track 14: Coronavirus Deadly Impact on Humans
Submit your Abstract, paper, case study at the 14th World Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference from July 25-27, 2024 in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual. 
Submit Now: https://nursing.universeconferences.com/corona-virus-deadly-impact-on-humans/
Publish your research here: https://nursing.universeconferences.com/journals/
WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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United Kingdom Personal Protective Equipment Market Size, Share & Trends 2031
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United Kingdom Personal Protective Equipment market size is expected to grow at a significant growth rate by 2026, stringent government regulations to use protective equipment for workers and rising awareness in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus. The report focusses the overall Personal Protective Equipment market size by analyzing historical data from 2016–2020 and future prospect from 2021–2026.
United Kingdom Personal Protective Equipment Market: Segment Analysis-
The report has assessed the United Kingdom Personal Protective Equipment market on the basis of product type, application industry, distribution channel and key regions. The segmentation will help the companies to learn about their customers. The report also provides insights on the market trends, market forecast, market share, market driver and challenges that are impacting the overall market.
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The global landscape has witnessed unprecedented changes in recent times, bringing to the forefront the crucial role of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals across various industries. This blog post explores the size, growth trajectory, and escalating demand within the Personal Protective Equipment Market, shedding light on the pivotal role it plays in safeguarding lives.
Market Size and Growth:
The Personal Protective Equipment Market has experienced substantial growth, accentuated by a heightened awareness of safety measures and the imperative need for protection against various occupational hazards and health threats. Market analysts project the global PPE market size to reach [insert current market size] by [insert future year], with a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of [insert CAGR].
Factors Propelling Growth:
Pandemic-Induced Surge: The ongoing global health crisis has been a significant catalyst for the soaring demand for PPE. The pandemic highlighted the critical importance of protective gear not only in healthcare settings but across diverse industries, contributing significantly to market expansion.
Stringent Safety Regulations: Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are emphasizing stringent safety regulations across industries, mandating the use of PPE to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of workers. This regulatory landscape has fueled the demand for a wide range of protective equipment.
Technological Advancements: The PPE market has witnessed continuous innovation, with manufacturers investing in research and development to create advanced, comfortable, and technologically sophisticated protective gear. Smart PPE, incorporating IoT and wearable technologies, is gaining traction.
Increased Industrialization: The growth of industrial sectors, especially in emerging economies, has led to a surge in the demand for PPE. Workers in construction, manufacturing, and other high-risk occupations are increasingly prioritizing their safety, driving market expansion.
Market Dynamics:
Product Segmentation: The Personal Protective Equipment Market comprises a diverse range of products, including safety footwear, gloves, protective clothing, respiratory protection, and eye and face protection. Each segment plays a crucial role in meeting the specific safety needs of various industries.
End-User Industries: The demand for PPE varies across different sectors, with healthcare, manufacturing, construction, and oil and gas being prominent contributors. Understanding the unique requirements of each industry is essential for manufacturers and suppliers to tailor their offerings.
Global Supply Chain Challenges: The PPE market has faced challenges related to global supply chain disruptions, impacting the availability and pricing of certain protective equipment. Industry stakeholders are adapting to these challenges by diversifying supply chains and implementing resilient strategies.
Segment by Product
Eye & Face Protection
Hearing Protection
Protective Clothing
Respiratory Protection
Professional Footwear
Hand & Arm Protection
Fall Protection
Segment by Application Industry
Construction & Manufacturing
Oil & Gas
Food & Beverages
Segment by Distribution Channel
Institutional/Direct Sales
Retail Sales
Regional Analysis The report has been prepared after analyzing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political factors of the country. The team have closely analyzed the data of revenue, production, and manufacturers of each region. These analyses will help the reader to identify the key regions as potential worth of investment in the coming years.
Breakup by Region:
Northern Ireland
Competitive Landscape
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The reader can will get an updated information on their revenue of manufacturers, product portfolio, recent development and expansion plans during the forecast period.
The major players in the market include Ansell Ltd., Honeywell International, Avon Rubber Plc., Mine Safety Appliances and 3M Corporation.
The major players are focusing on increasing their sales and distribution network in order to capture the untapped market. Other growth strategies include joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions and partnerships.
As the Personal Protective Equipment Market continues to evolve, driven by a convergence of factors such as the ongoing pandemic, regulatory imperatives, technological innovations, and the rise of global industrialization, its importance in ensuring occupational safety cannot be overstated. The market’s growth trajectory reflects a collective commitment to prioritizing human safety, and as demand continues to rise, stakeholders must remain agile and proactive to address the evolving needs of a safety-conscious world.
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micro-pc-tech · 5 months
Guide for Computer virus handling
In todays time every single person familiar with word Virus.
"A virus" the word “virus” is famous for “CORONA VIRUS” after impact of COVID-19 in all around world.
What do you do while protecting yourself from corona virus?
Yes! IT'S about to
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Cover you face with mask
Keep distancing
In similar style YOU can protect your computer from viruses that are generally called malware with formula KEEP DISTANCING! YES "IT DEFINITELY WORKS"
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Technical masks on your computer in form of Antiviruses, firewall, anti-spyware.
Keep distancing is another magic follow up to stay away from viruses.  (It’s very easy and possible to make distance from computer viruses
Keep distance from suspicious links downloads (Shared through emails or any other sources)
Keep distance from removable devices or does a scan with updated antivirus before insert it.
Keep distance from unauthorized web pages. Don’t open them.
Keep distance from downloading freeware from internet
Keep distance from downloading unauthorized software (malicious software)
Let's read what actually a virus is?
Oh that’s a silly program made by scammers in order to
Destroy computer system
Damage computer system
Make your computer sick and put it on ventilator
Hijack your computer system
Steal control or any important information from your computer system
All that means to disable smart functioning of any computer system, software, or electronic data. Virus is a program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router's hard drive and then making copies of itself. It can cause serious damage to your computer.
Download from reputable sources
Before downloading any freeware, take some time to read reviews from other users.
verify authenticity before downloading any software
Use a reputable Antivirus and keep it up-to-date
Be cautious of 'too good to be true' offers
Always opt out of installing anything that you're not sure about.
Keep your operating system and software updated with the latest security patches to minimize vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malware.
By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of getting viruses from freeware and protect your computer and personal information.
Over WWW there are numerous guides’ available that teaches you some possible ways to handle a virus. You definitely get huge suggestions in finding and fixing.
Are that all guide is resolving your problem? or
Make it worst?
Sometimes a journey of fixing existing virus may take you at risk of facing another unwanted virus or suspicious attack as many fake resources available to guide you. HOW? As most time a victim can opt for solutions by searching over web and can be entangled in a net of those who
Claim to remove your virus for free
Claim A system scan for free
A software that available with excited offers
Not have reputed name in market and work to just earning from victims.
Removing a virus from your computer requires careful steps. Here's a general guide on how to remove a virus that can be of any type like file infection , Boot sector , macro virus , polymorphic viruses ,Trojans ,Ransom wares ,  Aware , Spyware etc Here are some suggestions to remove virus from your computer .
Best way is to get Professional Help
If you're unable to remove the virus on your own, consider seeking help from a professional computer technician or IT specialist. This is best way to have help from a professional as they know right way to handle with virus. There are many helps over web that cares you pc through call.  They may have specialized tools and knowledge to assist in virus removal. Micro PC Tech, we provide the best support for virus removal.   You can contact at their toll free number +1-877-842-1012.
If you not want to go with a professional follow these steps, may it help you
Opt. Safe Mode: Turn off your computer and start it up again (Restart your computer) and click on safe mode (boot into Safe Mode). This action to run a computer in safe mode prevents the virus from running and makes it easier to remove.So this is one of possible way in detecting and removal of virus from your computer.
Update Antivirus: Antivirus is software that protects you from virus attacks. To ensure your antivirus proper functionality and best output check for software is up-to-date with the latest version. Updating of software is much important as it UPGRADE the software to fight with extreme power an let you protected from any suspicious malware attacks . If you don't have antivirus software installed, consider downloading OR buying a reputable program and installing it.
System Scan: When a virus affects computer than scanning is best way to stay it away from your computer, hence perform a full system scan using your antivirus software. Don’t halt scanning; Allow the scan to complete, as it will search for any traces of the virus on your computer.
Remove Detected Threats: Once you detect a virus, what is our next step? Probably we are going to kick it out. So the next step for you is that if the antivirus software detects the virus or any other threats, follow the prompts to quarantine or remove them from your system.
Manually Delete Suspicious Files: Manual detection is a bit difficult as you have to identify by yourself for any suspicious item and deleting them may cause for data loss. In case if the antivirus software does not detect the malware, you may need to manually search for and delete suspicious files. Be cautious when deleting files manually, as deleting system files can cause issues with your computer.
Restore Your System: most important for firm or personal is DATA, So Consider restoring your computer to a previous state using System Restore (Windows) or Time Machine (Mac) if the micro virus persists after running antivirus scans.
Prevent Future Infections: Once you remove virus that not mean it will not back again. After removing the micro virus, take steps to prevent future infections by installing reliable antivirus software, keeping your operating system and software up-to-date, and practicing safe browsing habits.
By following these steps, you can effectively remove a micro virus from your computer and help protect it from future infections.
Micro PC Tech Inc technician help millions of people around the world by relieving the frustration and stress caused by technical issues. Micro PC Tech Inc also helps enterprises transform customer experiences and increase satisfaction and lifetime value by enabling them to offer high quality technical support services for out of scope issues. Micro PC Tech has one of the highest resolution rates in the industry and strives to provide a great experience at every interaction. Today’s highly tech-dependent lifestyles have created an enormous need for professional tech support services. Filling this need gap neatly, Micro PC Tech helps consumers and small businesses get the most out of the technologies they use everyday by removing the stress and frustration experienced by people when dealing with technical problems.
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