#future of fashion industry after covid
jdinstitute · 2 years
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Fashion may pretend that there aren't two sides of the same coin when it comes to development, diversity, and structural problems, but they are if the reality is seen. Exclusion is at the core of the industry's problems. And an emphasis on profiting from individuals without humanizing them might result in out-of-touch corporations being steadily cut off from their prized wealth. In this age of companies claiming to be socially and environmentally aware, it's worth thinking about how sustainable a business can be solely based on the customer narrative.
Read More:- https://jdinstitute.co/the-fashion-industrys-post-coronavirus-road-to-recovery/
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haloxsaisha · 2 years
This Love.
(Part 2 to 'So Good'.)
[Lewis Hamilton x Actress!Reader]
Based on: This Love by Taylor Swift.
Warnings: a little bit of a cliched reunion (?), mentions of weight loss and depressing stuff, mediocre writing.
Word Count: 13.8K words.
Author's note: Thank you so much for all the love you've shown for "So Good", it was so overwhelming <33 Today happens to be my birthday too so I'm really happy about posting this part now. Also the reader is about 5 years younger than Lewis. I hope this is a fitting happy ending and reaches up to what you expected. Please ignore any mistakes because I haven't proof reading hasn't been done yet.
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A year later.
Red carpets, flashing camera lights, champagne flutes were things that Lewis was not unfamiliar with in his life so far. However the perspective of today's event for him was definitely different.
Lewis always loved doing some or the other thing to keep himself busy, trying out new things and this was the start of something new for him. Starting his own production company and entering the film and television industry. Definitely something different from his cameo in 'Cars 2'.
Little did he know that it was going to be a new beginning for more than one thing in his life.
After giving his trademark model look in front of the cameras on the red carpet, obviously with a very fashionable outfit on, he entered the big hall.
It was an event for directors, producers and actors in Hollywood, he was hoping to meet some people who he could work with in the future, creating the same magic on the screen like he did on the track.
The evening went on like most events do, starting with 'hi's and 'hello's and going on with conversations about work and a few jokes being cracked, sipping on whatever alcoholic beverage was available.
That was until, the corner of his eyes spotted a rather distant yet familiar body.
He looked multiple times to make sure if it was the same person he was thinking of and after a slight tilt of the face, his thoughts had been confirmed.
It was you.
There you were, exchanging hugs and starting conversations with many friends and acquaintances that you'd met on a couple of occasions, sipping on the champagne that you had always been fond of.
The sight of you had brought in a swirl of emotions in him. Love due to all the memories you shared, happiness because he hadn't seen you in so long but what really blew him in the chest was disappointment in himself for letting you go and not even trying to reach out to you despite knowing that there was unfinished business between the both of you, anxiousness because he could reach out to you right now but didn't know how to do it.
You always brought out emotions that no person managed to do with him. That was the connection you shared.
After the last lap of the Abu Dhabi race last year, he felt so numb and empty on the inside. And everyone knew that the decisions made at a time one wasn't in a right state of mind weren't good ones at all, he had already experienced it before in life and yet, he let his emotions take over that day. He could've asked you for some space and then returned when he was alright, so as to not burden you with his pain and recovery but he just pushed you out completely.
He'd seen the articles which hinted about your loss in weight, tweets from your fans about how your social media activities came down. Even after your break from filming to heal, there was something he noticed himself— it was how your smile stopped reaching your ears like it used to, always so bright and how the sparkle in your eyes had gradually disappeared.
And he hated himself for doing that to you. You were nothing but understanding and loving despite knowing that his work was always what he'd hold the highest in his life, something that most of the women he'd been with had chastised him for. In fact, you were the one who always compromised your schedule to follow the COVID restrictions so that the both of you could meet during his race season. He didn't really take that much effort so as to meet you while you were busy shooting a movie and that always made him wonder if he'd taken advantage of your kindness and empathy.
Walking with his head running through multiple thoughts and emotions, he bumped into somebody, feeling something wet fall on his clothes.
"Oh gosh- I'm so sorry." apologies in a very familiar voice fell on his ears, a voice he'd recognise in a heartbeat. He looked up at you and let out a shaky breath.
God, you were so stunning.
You wore a red satin dress with a deep v back and the way you carried yourself in it reminded him of the goddess you were. He was reminded of the multiple times you told about how a cherry red lipstick and satin dress was enough to make you feel sexy, and he was right infront of the sight of it right now.
"No no, please don't apologise. I wasn't watching where I was going." he said, eyes falling on the spot on champagne that had been spilt on your dress "I'm so sorry about the stain, let me help you."
"It's alright Lewis, I'll get it done myself, it’s just going to the restroom and using some wet tissues." you told him, shaking your head and giving him a polite smile. Hearing his name in your voice after so long made him feel a pang in his chest.
He was pretty surprised about how nice you were to him after everything he did to you. Not giving the relationship enough priority and then breaking up over a bloody text message was absolute cowardice and a dick move from his side. Yet you gave him a sweet smile and didn't cut him off rudely.
"Please, I insist. It's the least I could after all the mess I created." he requested and the way your eyes softened told him that you understood that he wasn't referring only to the champagne stain.
You thought about what he said for a moment, staying in a dilemma if you should let him accompany you. You somehow managed to get over all the pain he caused and Lewis wasn't somebody who held back from speaking his thoughts, no matter how much sugarcoated the words would be. You knew that if you did let him help you, it would take you back to some memories that made your heart hurt at the same time but still brought in a fuzzy feeling.
But no matter what the brain warns you about, the heart wants what it wants, always.
"Sure." you said and he let out a relieved breath, giving you a grateful smile which made his eyes crinkle.
That was a sight you definitely missed, those damn brown eyes with the crinkles by the side.
Being the gentlemen he always was, he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you through the crowd of people, the feeling of his touch on your skin making a shiver pass through your body. God, the man still had the same effect on you.
“Well, what do we do now?” Lewis asked, confusion etched on his face at the sight of the separate washrooms in front of the both of you. The unusual innocence from him the moment had you close to laughing, considering how Lewis didn’t seem to bother about the gender separation in restrooms when he wanted to be with you away from the crowd.
"Well, it's not like the both of us have gone into only one of these together" you shrugged in an unbothered manner and his confusion increased, you were usually the one overthinking in situations like these and Lewis was the one who would pull you in, being his usual rebelious self. 
"But those were different situations.” he weakly argued, knowing that it was going to fail. The roles had reversed tonight and you sure as hell that you were going to drag him in like he used to when things got pretty handsy.
"I'll check the women's, you check the men's; we'll go into whichever's empty." you instruct him and he nods his head.
You check the women's restroom, finding that it wasn't empty. You went out to find Lewis with the door of the men's restroom open, giving you a look which you could understand that the restroom was empty and you nodded your head in understanding.
It was crazy how he didn't have to say anything but you still understood what his expressions meant.
You entered the room and he immediately goes to the corner to get some tissues for you.
"Thank you." you tell him after taking it in your hands "I could've just done it myself you know."
"Like I said, I wanted to help in cleaning the mess I created. If it makes you uncomfortable I can-" he stopped the sentence midway as you gave a nod that indicated that you didn't feel any discomfort, then continued "I watched the recent season of your series, you did an amazing job on it."
"Thank you." you tell him, passing a smile as you worked on cleaning the champagne stain "I heard about your production company by the way, that’s great." you congratulate him.
"Thank you. Um, did you watch this year’s season?" he asked, referring to, looking a bit nervous.
“I watched only Bahrain and Australia. Skipped Jeddah and honestly, I-” you sighed, knowing the answer wasn’t going to be a great one “I just felt better that weekend so I thought maybe just, not watching F1 for a while would be better for me.”
Guilt completely drained into Lewis after hearing that. He knew how much you loved the sport and how passionate about it, it was one the things about you that got him attracted to you— the way you’d grin while discussing about your favourite races, the frown on your face and the irritation in your tone when you rambled about a race that went bad for any of your favourite drivers, which included him. You mentioned how watching F1 got your mind off your hectic life and really helped you in a way, now he had taken it away from you.
But he was grateful about how honest you were, you could've easily blabbered something about how you continued watching the sport because you were very fond of it. He always loved how you didn't hesitate on being open with everyone and even showing vulnerability to the people very close to you.
“How did the season go though?” you asked him rather awkwardly just to push away the silence, fiddling with your dress.
"Well, kind of a shit show to be honest" he let out a dry chuckle " We got the aerodynamics and the floor wrong, a shit ton of break problems too. So just couple of podiums but no wins,I spent most of it just experimenting with the car and getting my back broken."
"That sounds like a complete nightmare, I'm sorry." you apologise. It must've been pretty rocky for him to deal with the season after having a great car for the preceding years; the backache must've been quite a nightmare too.
You couldn't even fathom how Lewis even managed to deal with all the shit that happened to him.
"Lewis, I've been wanting to say this for a while. I'm sorry......for not being there that day. During Abu Dhabi." you finally manage to tell him, leaving out a shaky sigh.
"You already apologized a lot about it then." he nodded, giving an understanding look "it's not your fault that you couldn't be there, you had to be there for your work just like I was for mine."
"Yes, but I still should've been there for you. I don't mean to impose but-" you start but he still continues nodding his head.
"Love, you've never imposed anything on me." he says, placing his hand on yours to comfort you "The problem wasn't you not being there, it was me making the wrong decisions because I wasn't doing great emotionally at the time. You probably hate me now" he mumbled, looking down at the ground in disappointment.
"I've always loved you for the F1 driver you have been, but after meeting you, my feelings for you went beyond because of the person you are. There were days I used to fight with my dad because I wanted to watch the race while he wanted to put on the news, he must've told you about it. And now, despite loving the sport so much, I couldn't watch a single race without losing my mind, I think you can guess why."
"Then why are you still being so nice to me?" he exclaims and you frown at him. You didn't expect him to feel so guilty about it. Did he also feel like there was something unfinished between the two of you?
"I really loved you Lewis. I always felt so loved and in this bubble of happiness and positivity around you. And like I said, you are an amazing human being so I didn't want to hold any hard feelings against you. I don't want to sound harsh but-" you let out a sigh, knowing it was going to sound harsh anyways "you haven't really had many serious relationships because of your work life and our relationship was probably like that too-"
"Woah, wait hold up-" he cuts you off and you wave your hand in front of him, thinking that he felt bad about upsetting you.
"No no, I'm not upset about that or anything. It's alright, I understand." you cut him off and he gives you a pointed look.
"Sweetie stop for a bit and hear me out . Did I really make you feel that way? Like our relationship didn't really mean anything?" he asks you and you shrug at him with a weak expression on your face, not knowing how to explain how you felt.
"Hey, look at me." he says, placing his hand on your cheek and you eyes fall on the face of the gorgeous man in front on you "I want to be very very honest with you right now. For the first time in years, I felt really comfortable and wanted to spend more time with somebody that I was dating. All those moments we had— just cooking together and then watching a movie at my place or all the times you surprised me with something special you planned, I always felt so much at peace with you, like none of the problems from the track would cloud my mind. I missed having your arms wrapped around me after my races, the feeling of your hand running through my hair after a bad race and that beautiful smile after a great one. I miss everything about you so much, I've always loved you and you'll always have a special corner in my heart, I'm so sorry if I didn't express that well." he finishes his soliloquy and you could only look at him in surprise, eyes getting misty and your mind still in a haze of shock, trying to let Lewis' words sink in.
Lewis wasn't really a person who expressed his emotions, the very heavy ones very often. He always kept his guard on, something that sunk into him deep over the years because of the constant emotions that came thwarting as an after effect on him racing. This was the most vulnerable he'd been to you after all the time you spent together.
You craved to see that side of him while you were together, the guy beneath all the solid rock exterior he had but you never voiced your thoughts to him. You wanted him to take him time to open up to you, to feel comfortable and during the race at Monza last year, it finally felt that he was beginning to feel the comfort with you, just like you did with him. But because of the way he broke up with you after Abu Dhabi, it felt like you looked into everything too much and that Lewis probably didn't feel that way around you.
Now that he voiced his feelings, it was like your feet had been stuck to the ground and everything around you stopped moving. You felt scared yet so fuzzy on the inside.
"Then why did you let me go?" you asked him and the broken look on your face made him want to wrap you in his arms and soothe all the wounds he caused, giving you all the love you deserved.
"I just- I felt nothing at the time, it was just numbness. It was one of the worst things that ever happened to me, I couldn't burden you with my problems and all the emotions I was going through." he explained.
"Lew," you tell softly, taking a step forward so as to be closer to him "that wouldn't have been a burden to me, never. I've always cared about you and loved you. It's totally alright to lean onto somebody and let them hold your hand. That's what I wanted to do. Remember Monza? You don't really have to talk or open up until you want to, just being with a comforting company does it all. I was your girlfriend, all I wanted was to just be there for you. Through whatever it was, happiness or pain. Just like how I was there during your seventh at Turkey, I wanted to be there the same way after what happened at Abu Dhabi. There's nothing wrong in showing your emotions or letting it out, you're just as human as everybody is"
"I've missed out on so many things in life because I've given it all to racing and I don't want to let go of you, you make my life so much better. I don't deserve you but-" he starts and you shook your head at him.
"Don't be ridiculous now. I always felt so loved, safe and at peace around you. You're all I've ever wanted." you tell him, taking his hand in yours and intertwining them.
"I barely came to support you at work, you'd been to so many races." he said but you gave him a look, indicating him to stop the self blame knowing how deep he'd go into that.
"We've already spoken about that before, we've both missed a lot of events because of our work and the pandemic restrictions. Now that it's done, we can work on that too yeah?" you tell him.
"You want to work on us again?" he says and the way his eyes brightened up in hope brought a smile on your lips.
There was nothing the both of you would leave unfinished.
"Only if you don't shut me out again." you tell him, knowing what damage it caused the last time "Nothing about you is a burden to me. We can make it through, I'm always here for you."
"I'm so sorry." he says, pulling you in for a hug by holding your waist "I won't let things go wrong this time, proper communication this time okay?".
"Please don't let me fall again." you mumbled, placing your forehead on his.
"I'll hold onto you tight, I promise. Never letting you go again." he says, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a kiss on your forehead.
You were back with your person and it filled you with peace, that love came back to you.
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zumpietoo · 1 month
Beside that Cole can decide to retire right now and still be set for life, we as fans are familiar with him surprising us with projects instead of PP’s irritating repetition of “soon” but no specifics. We’re not stressed about his future bc he’s always reliable but no surprise her fans don’t get that concept. He keeps his mouth shut bc he knows the industry is fickle and funding/availability can change (like covid killed so many movies) and he obviously prioritizes WHO he works with and having trustworthy coworkers helps stop things leaking. Hes been vocal about work environment mattering to him and PP fans maybe should ask themselves why, like if that has anything to do with her nasty set attitude and unprofessionalism. Other things to think about for her genius stans are how it’s self care when PP takes years off from work but if Cole isn’t churning out movies right now after a busy fashion season plus promo for months then that must mean he’s finished? The man’s on vacation 🙄😂
Yep, precisely.....I continue to not remotely grasp the connection she made, either.....meanwhile, here's glamorous Peepster...
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ladylooch · 1 year
Can you do a kempe fic with a lot of angst please.
A/N: Yes! Always yes. Thank you again for requesting this. I've already expressed this, but I am SO happy! I hope you enjoy!
Greener Side of That Fence- Adrian Kempe
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Angsty... like I was anxious writing this, there is a smidge of 18+ Content cause I can't help myself, multiple character points of view, swearing.
It’s a hot summer day in Southern California. The temperature is above 90 degrees with no ocean breeze to offer reprieve. The heat is stifling and the black tux I’m wearing doesn’t offer any support.
A bead of sweat rolls down my hair line and collects in the stiff collar of my designer shirt. I shove my sunglasses over my eyes, buttoning my suit jacket together before shutting the door to my Audi. I turn, taking in the white church in front of me. 
I shouldn’t be here.
But I can’t be anywhere else.
Tucked inside that church is the love of my life preparing to marry someone else.
My stomach tightens at the realization of how close I am to losing her for good. I push out a heavy breath, wishing I had knocked back that shot of tequila I poured myself earlier. The courage I felt on the drive here has dissipated watching Kailey’s wedding guests filter into the church.
“Damn it.” I mutter to myself, leaning against the back of my trunk. I run a rough hand over my face, scratching at the trimmed beard on my chin. My eyes scan the front of the church, working to the window overlooking the parking lot. Shock daggers through my body when I see Kailey standing at it. Her head is tilted as she secures an earring into place. I can see the white dress from here, filled with sparkles and lace. She looks so damn beautiful it hurts.
Her lips form an O as her shoulders raise indicating a big inhale. She places a hand on her stomach, shoulders deflating back into place. I can feel her nerves from here. Her fingers come up, settling in the corners of her eyes. She pulls them back, waving both her hands at her face. 
Don’t be nervous, baby. I’m coming.
As I begin to cross the parking lot, I rehearse the words I want to say to her, thinking about when our story started four years ago.
To be honest, the meeting wasn’t too exciting. We were introduced by my teammate Trevor Moore. His wife, Monique, and Kailey were best friends growing up. Kailey moved out to California for a year long internship focusing on supply chain in the Fashion industry. It took 2 weeks before we were inseparable. We spent the whole year together, eating tacos, drinking mezcal margaritas, and soaking up the sun at the beach.
We fell in love quickly. Then life happened.
Her internship ended and her dream job called from New York. We tried to make it work but with the time difference, it was impossible to stay connected. Once she left L.A., we didn’t even make it a year. We mutually decided to go our separate ways, both convinced it was temporary and we would find our way back to each other in the future. I think that’s the hardest part of all this- nobody did anything wrong. We did the right thing by allowing each other to chase our dreams. When we broke up, we hugged at the airport and said we loved each other. 
It would be so much easier if we had hurt each other.
We stayed good friends despite the distance between us. I’ve wasted the time dating a few others, but none of them compared to Kailey. She felt the same- at least I thought. We would joke back and forth over the next couple of years, through COVID even, that we were just biding time until she could transfer to the L.A. office within her company. We’d get married quickly and spend the off-season traveling all over Europe to soak in the Fashion scene. But after lockdown lifted, something changed. My texts and FaceTime calls were left unanswered or put off until days later. I chalked it up to her being busy with work after her promotion.
Then, Kailey moved back to L.A. without even telling me. I found out when I saw her at a game a few months back, sitting next to Monique like she used to. Except this time she wasn’t in my jersey. I remember flipping a puck at her to get her attention. She gave a head nod at me with sparkling blue eyes. I came out flying in the first, wanting her to see how much better I’d gotten since she was away. Then, as I was getting off for the first intermission, I saw him. His arm was around her while he wore the jersey I gave her. After the game, it was just Kailey waiting for me. She told me they were getting married in June while nervously spinning her engagement ring around her finger.
Despite the agony I felt in my chest, I lied and told her I was happy for her.
The problem is I’m not, and the regret I already feel about not telling her so then keeps me awake at night. 
After we lost in the playoffs, I packed my shit and booked a one-way flight to Sweden to join my family. I had been waiting for the moment that I could escape L.A. and Kailey’s new future. But the day of my flight, I couldn’t get on the plane. Nor could I the next day or the full two weeks after that. Mario has been calling, wondering when I’m coming home. My niece misses me. So do my parents. All I say is I have unfinished business in L.A.
Trevor and I met up for lunch last week after a run along the beach. I told him I was considering renting a charter for deep sea fishing this weekend and asked if he wanted to come.
“Can’t. Mo’s in a wedding.” He told me around a bite of chips and guacamole.
“Oh.” I say, taking a sip of my margarita. I lick my lips, squinting out across the glittering ocean to my right. “Kails?�� I ask, trying to seem nonchalant. Trevor looks like he doesn’t want to answer, but he eventually nods. “In Hermosa?”
“Yeah, at that church off Monterey.” I nod in understanding, sitting back in my chair. “You’re not going to show up, right?”
“No, I’m not going to show up.”
This agreement is probably why my teammate isn’t happy to see me walking up the steps right now. 
“Shit, Adrian. You can’t be here.” Trevor snaps at me, halting me from entering the church. 
“I can’t let her marry him without telling her I’m still in love with her.”
I have to tell Kailey how I feel before it’s too late. Maybe she’ll tell me to fuck off. Maybe she’ll tell me she feels the same. I don’t know. I just know I have to try.
“Dude, I should have never told you about it. Monique is going to kill me.” He groans, stopping my pursuit again with a firmer hand in the middle of my chest.
“Trev, I’m going in. Let me pass or I’m going to drop you on these steps.”
For a moment, fear grips the back of my neck. Trevor stands firmly in front of me. His gaze is unrelenting from beneath his sunglasses. Finally, he relaxes, dropping his hand from my chest.
“The only reason I’m letting you in is because it’s obvious Kailey still loves you.” My stomach drops to my feet at his admission.
“How do you know?”
“Because despite the multiple offers from my wife to come with her, she can’t walk back into our arena knowing she’s not yours. Go through the door and to the left.” He pats my shoulder and walks away. I’m frozen on the steps as various guests move around me to enter the church.
I came here not sure if I had a chance. Now, I have the most crushing feeling in existence: hope.
I get to the bridal suite without being stopped or interrupted again. My knock is hesitant and I resist the urge to sprint back down the hall when it’s done. Kailey is alone when she opens the door. She startles backwards, then glances quickly in both directions before focusing back on my face.
“What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Now? It can’t wait?”
“No, baby.” I shake my head at her. Her eyebrows tug together in distress at the pet name. She senses what I’ve come here to do. I prepare for her to shut the door in my face. Instead, she opens the door wider. She bites her lip, gripping my forearm to pull me in. My skin is electrified at her touch. I grip her arm back, allowing myself to get a little lost in her softness. She let’s go first, crossing the room to provide distance. For her or me, I’m not sure.
“You look… amazing.” I finish, truly lacking the words in both English and Swedish to describe her. Her blue eyes fill with uncertainty. I can see her breathing increase, her breasts pressing tighter against the cups of her dress. “The only thing I’d change is who you’re marrying.”
“You don’t even know him.”
“I know he’s not me.” I stuff my hands in the pockets of my dress pants, leaning back against the door. I want to be considerate of her personal space with how conflicted she seems by my presence. 
“You were right. This suit is better than the tan one I was considering.” I try to lighten the mood, gesturing to my blue suit. I was so adamant about the other one, but she made the clerk ring me up before I could protest further.
“Blue is your color. Brings out your eyes.” She smiles at me, tilting her head to the side and trialing her gaze along me. I’m feeling less like an unwanted visitor. 
“Yeah. I know you like me in blue.”
“Used to.”
“Still do.” I insist, watching as she rolls her eyes lightheartedly. “What do you need to tell me?” She changes the subject, crossing her arms over her chest.
“A story. Once upon a time…” I trail off cheekily. Her gaze remains unwavering on my face. I drop my nervous smile and get serious. “There was this hockey player who fell in love with a girl on their second date.” Her eyes close as she listens. “And he loved her so much that when New York called, he knew she had to go. He helped her pack. He drove her across the country. He even convinced himself that letting her go was better than fighting for the love he believed in with her.” Her beautiful eyes open and she has visible tears. “But he never stopped loving her. Not when she moved back to L.A. without telling him. Not when she brought her new fiancé with her. And definitely not when she was dressed in white, about to marry someone else.”
“Adrian.” She whispers painfully.
“I love you, Kails. I never stopped loving you for one moment of the last few years. And I just.. need you to know that before you do this.”
“A, it’s been over for years.” She tells me.
“Bullshit.” I scoff at her, crossing the room. Fuck, her personal space, this is my moment. I reach for her, expecting her to pull away but instead she steps closer. “There is no way you and I are over.” I lean our foreheads together. “It wasn’t over when we broke up in New York and it still isn’t over just because you’re about to marry someone else. You didn’t tell me you moved back for a reason. You want to pretend you don’t love me anymore? Go through with this and live the rest of your life settling? Come on, Kails. That’s not you.”
“Adrian.” She’s gritting her teeth through the tears now, gutting me with the way her voice shudders. “I love him.”
“That’s okay.” I tell her honestly, feeling my hands shake. I know I can’t actually stop her from going through with this, but maybe if I keep my hands on her face, she’ll cave. She’ll lean into my touch instead of resisting the pull of me. “I understand you love him. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. But, you’re it for me, baby. You’re it.” She licks her lips in distress, sighing heavily. “If you tell me you don’t feel anything anymore, I’ll leave.” I whisper to her, giving her an out I know she won’t take.
Her silence soothes the twisting knife in my chest for a moment.
“Of course I do.” She finally admits to me. Relief rushes through my body and renews my pursuit.
“If you need me to say it, I will. Don’t marry him.” She shakes her head no at me, soft hands coming to grip my wrists holding her face. She stares at her hand wrapped around the tattoo I got with her last time I was in New York. Her thumb brushes my skin as her eyes close, a tear sliding down her face.
“It’s not that simple.”
“I love you, Kails. You love me. It is that simple.”
The door opens after a fast knock.
“Don’t come in!” Kailey yells out, but it’s too late. Her mom and dad step in, shocked at seeing me with my hands on their daughter’s face.
“Kailey.” Her mom snaps, clearly displeased. Her steely gaze rests on me and I know I better go. Kailey will need time to consider. I don’t need her to walk out of this church with me right now. That’s too much to ask.
“I’m going to the beach, baby. Our spot right by the lifeguard tower, where we planned out the rest of our lives together. If you’re not there by sunset, I’ll know your answer. If you don’t show, you’ll never hear from me again. I promise.” She stares back at me with tear tracks down her beautiful face. She says nothing. But she won’t stop looking at me. “I hope you’ll meet me there when you’re ready.”
It takes everything I have inside of me to release my grip on her and step back. She seems to crumble within herself without my touch. She looks out the window. I nod in understanding, stepping back and walking towards her parents.
“I’m sorry for showing up uninvited. But I love your daughter and I had to tell her.”
“Did you?” Her mom squints at me. “Seems selfish.”
“Yeah maybe. But at least now I’ll be able to look myself in the mirror the rest of my life knowing I tried.” I hear Kailey sniff and gasp in breath from behind me. “I love you, baby.” I call to her before I step around her parents.
As I get back into my Audi, I know the easy part is over. The hard part will be what I’m about to do.
^ ^ ^ 
With my arms holding me together, I stare out the window to the parking lot. I watch as Adrian slides into his Audi. It’s an upgrade from the one he had when we were together. When my eyes close, I can remember loudly singing songs as we drove down the coast together. The salty wind blowing my hair around my face as the demands of the world disappeared. The last time I truly felt alive was sitting in that passenger seat with his hand on my thigh, his silver rings sparkling in the California sun.
“He is absolutely unhinged.” My mom balks, fluffing her hair in anger. “Coming here and attempting to ruin your day after everything he’s done.”
“What he’s done?” I snap at my mom. “It was a mutual decision, mom.”
“Well, it didn’t feel very mutual when you were crying on the phone to me every weekend. And don’t even get me started about that pregnancy scare he couldn’t show up for.”
“He doesn’t know about that.” I say, using the tissue she handed to me to blot at the tears rimming my lashes.
“Regardless, Matt knew you were the one and did something about it before the last possible second. He’s the one, not some summer fling.”
“Hun, let’s give her some space.” My dad breaks in, leading my mom to the door. “I’ll be waiting for you outside when you’re ready, honey.” I nod my head at him, turning my back to them as I attempt to hold another sob back.
I fall onto the couch, not caring about the bunching of my dress or the pressing of my shoulders into the perfect curls I had. My mind is back in New York sobbing at the thought of being pregnant with Adrian’s baby. The two different sides of me: the one that yearned for a reason to reach out and the other that knew the regrets I would have for not pursuing this dream. When it turned out to be negative, I felt so empty and alone. I should be happy, I remember thinking. I called my mom, knowing her words would give me the grounding I needed. She told me I might be best of Adrian didn’t know. “Don’t reopen the wound.”
I still wonder what our lives would have been. If that test had been positive, I would have told him. I would have left New York and flew back to L.A. He would have taken care of us. But it wasn’t. Instead, the reality was that we lived on opposite coasts and slowly drifted into long-distance friends who joked about ending up together like it didn’t hurt. After lockdown, I met Matt at a social-distance bar where he soothed the aches in me I’d felt since Adrian left on that western bound redeye.
Until three months ago when I moved back to L.A. for Matt’s job. Monique begged me to go to a Kings game for old time sake. I saw Adrian, purposefully waiting after the game without Matt. Adrian had hugged me, congratulating me on our upcoming nuptials. He seemed sincere. It mattered to me that he was happy for me. But It was a mistake seeing him. Adrian was right. I didn’t tell him about coming back because I was hiding from what I still feel from him. Now, every time Matt touches me, I feel nothing.
I can’t shake the feeling that this is the real mistake. 
Marry Matt and he’ll give you the entire world. That’s what my mom said after our engagement party when I felt unsure. That’s what my brain has said every morning leading up to today. But right now, my heart yearns for tattooed arms soothing the ache within my chest. I press my left hand there and my large engagement ring catches the light ahead.
“Matt deserves better than this.” I say out loud to myself. “He’s the one who takes care of you. He cooks and cleans and is home every night to comfort you after a long day of work. Adrian can’t be that safe space for you every night. He’s always gone.” I press my flattened palm to my head. “Follow through on your commitment.” I suck in a deep breath, shoving it out forcefully, then stand.
I’m going to marry Matt. That’s what I came here to do.
The resolution seems final and gets me through the last few minutes of preparation. The procession song begins. I step outside of the suite with the large bouquet of light pink tulips in my hands. I glance down at them, admiring their beauty. I love pink tulips because of Adrian. He bought them for me at the farmer’s market on the second date he talked about earlier. He showed up every week to my apartment with a replacement bouquet until I moved to New York in the Spring.
I loop my hand through my dad’s arm, biting down hard on my lip as unwanted tears fill my eyes. The wedding planner tells us we can begin walking whenever we are ready. Out of seemingly nowhere, my throat beings to close up. My chest collapses in on it’s self as I contemplate taking a step forward, going through with this, and not showing up at our spot on the beach. I cry out at the thought of Adrian waiting there all night for me while I share a first dance with my second choice because I’m just too damn scared.
“Dad.” I whimper, large tears blurring his face. “I don’t know…” I trail off, thinking of the thousands of dollars both our parents have invested into this day. 
“It’s your choice, sweetheart.”
All there is left to do is decide. 
^ ^ ^
On the same date, five years later, I awaken to sunshine streaming into my bedroom. When I see my husband’s bare back, a coy grin stretches my lips. Faint, red claw marks line his skin from last night. He is barely at arm’s reach, so I maneuver a few inches closer. I reach my pointer finger out, tracing the lines I made and the divots of his muscular back. He begins to shift slightly, leaning into my touch. I can get all my fingers on him now. I trail my nails, gently, along his back, watching as goosebumps pebble along his tan skin. 
“Feels good.” He mumbles to me.
“I got you good last night.” I confess to him, biting my lip.
“Worth it. You always are.”
I inch forward again, placing my lips on the angriest red line. I ghost my mouth over it, loving the way he softly hums at my touch. I reach a hand around, gliding it beneath his shorts to grip his hard shaft. I stroke him as his head falls back.
“Kails.” He moans. I press my smile to his shoulder, increasing my tempo. My thumb dips into the slit of his head.
Tap. Tap.
We both pause when we hear the sound of feet on the wood floor from the hallway. 
“No.” He whines as I remove my hand from his shorts to prepare for our guest.
“She’s coming.” I whisper, hiding my face behind his shoulder as we both look towards the door.
Little feet patter their way to the entrance of our bedroom. Our daughter, with wild blonde hair like her dad, grins behind her purple blanket. 
“Pannkakor?” Pancakes. She asks her dad in his native tongue.
Adrian, who hasn’t told her no since the day she was born, sighs happily.
“Okey, sweets. Does mommy want pancakes too?”
“Chocolate chip sound good, love?”
“Yes!!!!!!” Our daughter cheers, rushing into our room and tossing herself onto our bed. Adrian swoops her into his arms, smooching her cheeks loudly and tickling her sides. Her legs flail towards me and I rush backwards to avoid a kick to my belly where her little brother grows. The baby kicks back in response. I place a hand on him to soothe his motions. Adrian watches, turning our daughter.
“The price of pancakes is kisses for mommy and baby brother.” Adrian tells her. She puckers her little lips at me. I press mine gently on hers, placing a hand on her back to tug her into a hug too. 
“He’s right here.” I point to where I felt his kicks last. She leans forward and gives a loud kiss to my swollen skin.
“Now pancakes?” She turns to her dad hopefully. He laughs at her impatience, which she also gets from him.
“Yes. Go brush your teeth first. And no TV.” He calls after her as she rushes out. Her giggles tell me she’s purposefully not going to hear that last part. Adrian’s hand comes to our baby boy. His blue gaze works up my body to my eyes.
“Thank you.” He murmurs, his thumb brushing comforting lines along my skin.
“Showing up at the beach in your white dress, late enough that I thought you had chosen to live the rest of your life without me.”
“I told you there was traffic. I wasn’t late on purpose.” I shove at his shoulder, rolling my eyes. 
“It’s okay. It was my fault. Should of never let you go.”
“I should of stayed in L.A.” He shakes his head at me, leaning down to kiss our son.
“No, you absolutely should have gone to New York."
“Why are we doing this?” I groan playfully at him, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck. “Just kiss me and go make your girls pancakes.”
“We are talking about this because I know you could have chosen something different.” He presses his lips into mine and we share a deep kiss. He relaxes into me, lips tightening to prevent a smile.
“A, I’ve never thought about the other road I could have taken. Not one second since I fell into your arms on the beach.”
“Mmm, when you were in labor there was a moment.” He jokes with me. 
“Oh my god.” I giggle before rolling out of bed to follow him. “Well, your daughter came too fast for me to get the good drugs.” I press my nose into his back, wrapping my arms around his waist and bumping us forward with my belly. “I think some sass was warranted.”
“Sure, baby.” He muses. We walk into the open concept kitchen and living room space, finding our daughter perched silently in front of the TV. “This looks like the opposite of what I said. Dd you brush your teeth?” He asks her, tilting his head at the giggles she lets loose. 
“Yeah.” She doesn’t take her eyes from the TV.
“Okay, we can watch TV but we are going to watch mommy’s show.” I tell her. “Come snuggle with me.” I slowly lower myself to the couch, arranging the pillows along my back so I can feel supported. She crawls onto the couch next to me, burying her face into the side of my chest. I change the channel to the Food Network, smiling as the opening of The Kitchen begins. 
I can hear Adrian behind me, grabbing the ingredients and the skillet for pancakes. I turn to watch him over my shoulder, admiring the way his back muscles tighten with each movement. He catches my eye when he turns, lips tilting up at me.
I can’t believe I almost married someone else, believing it was right, when all along, this was the greener side of that fence.
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sdrenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Blog 2
Before taking this course, I frequently felt the desire to fill the role of a nature interpreter – I just didn’t know it yet. Throughout high school and the beginning of university, I worked as a tutor for children between the ages of 3 to 18, and I always enjoyed being surrounded by youth and fresh perspectives, as well as being able to integrate my personal passions into my teaching style. This, for me, typically meant applying concepts related to the environment and the preservation of the natural world into conversations I was having with the youth I was instructing.
As I developed as a tutor, I found myself finding this more and more of a desirable role – so much so that after my first year of university, I applied to a position in Squamish, British Columbia at a summer camp specifically focused on teaching youth about ecology and nature through games and storytelling. Sadly, my first year of university was abruptly cut short by the COVID pandemic, and so was my chance to teach children about the natural world.
Flash forward to now – I stopped teaching, which has definitely left a void in my heart since I’m no longer surrounded by the future generation, and I am no longer able to share information and stories about the natural world in the same way I used to. This being said, as I have searched for internships and co-op placements since I stopped teaching, I have found myself with an affinity to jobs that have some sort of teaching and outreach position. For example, my first co-op was with a professor here at the University of Guelph, and it was primarily focused on creating a website for cottage-goers to explain the science behind the eutrophication of the Great Lakes, and why aquaculture is not a major contributing factor to algal blooms. In addition, my third co-op term was with the apparel company Aritzia in their sustainability department, and I found myself really enjoying explaining the scope of my work to my other interns, as well as assisting in putting together external documents to educate consumers on what the company was doing in terms of sustainability.
Going forward, I think I’d like to remain in the sustainable apparel space and be a nature interpreter in the form of educating my colleagues as well as consumers about the environmental impact of the fashion industry. This is a topic that is so close to my heart, and so wildly important given the current and proposed future state of the economy, as well as the rapidly increasing global population. Typically, climate change gets the spotlight when it comes to environmental issues, but greenhouse gas emissions are truly just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to apparel. There are factors such as raw material extraction, chemical leeching, microfibres and microplastic pollution, and human rights violations, just to name a few, that are also tied to the apparel industry. Being able to educate the public, as well as my peers in the industry on this topic would be a dream come true.
In order to be a good nature interpreter, I need to develop my public speaking skills. I struggle with comfort while in presentation-based scenarios, and in order to be a good interpreter, I believe that being comfortable in front of a crowd and being able to read your audience is vital. This is something I want to become better at to improve myself as an interpreter. 
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auncerra · 15 days
Is the algorithm becoming an active trigger warning, 6/17/2024
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome in Japan (rates partially relative to the lifting of certain COVID regulations), U.S. military investment in the ongoing mass genocide in Palestine, the staggering rates of unemployment (often due to unrealistic employer standards, class division, and general competitive culture around hiring) and housing crisis, arguably 'constitutional' draft legislation in 2024 (expanding on trans-exclusionary ideologies, deferring to 'AMAB' despite the "progressive" incentives to allow for legal gender-identity-affirming changes) (was the polarizing Vietnam, and its compromising effects, not limited to decades of PTSD, not sample enough of the draft's ethical drawbacks/failure), bird flu discovered in the cattle industry in the U.S. (now attributable to dairy, cattle meat), major banks and their future questionable viability (particularly in regards to accessing checking accounts/account balances), the rise of arguably/allegedly unconstitutional, intellectual-property-exploitative AI-training initiatives via major players (Photoshop/Adobe, Instagram (Meta), potentially Google with new 'Gemini' updated browser, et cetera), California residents and the disproportionate/directional turn towards becoming unhoused when outside of a target income range, noted escalated climate change and broad fast-fashion implications, unrelieved and unaddressed student loan concerns... it draws on the question of where the climate of the United States is headed, beyond those issues being faced globally.
It's no revered secret the United States as a whole has seemed to turn on the ideology behind constitutional rights, behind a nation comprised of the voices of its citizens, behind understanding and reconciling the concern for certain liberties it was supposedly founded on, the growing unrest in the country, the vast political divides, the lack of understanding, tolerance, and ethical conduct (non-discriminatory) action of local, federal, and judicial entities, the uneven class system, historic and systemic racism, gender-based discrimination, transgender/LGBTQ++-centric discrimination, the list of out-of-touch and arguably endangering policies, and lack thereof, leans further into the core of this question: if it is not a nation inspired for the betterment, social, cultural, psychological, (often) medical, and material health of its citizens, is it any wonder generations today obligatorily turn to applications like TikTok as primary news sources, apps vulnerable to scrutiny, to a potential ban, because of their viability as a source of income and information where the government, where other corporations and apps have become demonstrably uncaring and not openly providing?
The general sense of acceptance around states of living that are unsustainable, the broad sense of distrust of those in positions of power to ensure communal safety from powers within and outside, the glacially-slow pace of important policies being acknowledged, integrated, where those critically lacking in moral/ethical foundation are passed blithely...
Yes, colonized land. Yes, class inequities. Yes, all aforementioned. Yes, for these reasons, a predictably intolerant military foundation (let's not even delve into the mental health ramifications of casually dismissing gender identity to supply archaic 'AMAB'/'AFAB' pretenses), (let's not even unravel the notion of incarceration as a penalty for morally or ethically objecting to engagement in a potential war, particularly one waged unethically and objectively opposed and the implications on an already strained workforce/employment opportunity of criminal records/felons), (let's not even dive into the already underfunded, corruption-susceptible, long-declining structure of the prison system)...
None of this is news, because the news stream is constant. The issues can sometimes feel verbatim, one after another, a teetering reality dependent partially on a restructuring that might only come with acknowledgment. Yes, maybe antibiotic treatment and bacterial-infection-protection measures can apply to a situation such as the one in Japan, but what about pre-exposure measures and incentives (in the general/broader future sense), equipping for potential disease/illness surges prior to their occurring; what about including legislation that might proactively help this country/the U.S. (not-disease-related), for example, policies around restrooms for non-binary/transgender-identifying citizens/individuals, policies around healthcare reforms, policies around landlords overcharging/elevating rents, policies around increased employment initiatives, policies around protecting independent artists/independently employed contractors and their creative licenses/labors/intellectual property with the invasive AI trend heightened investment, policies for domestic assault/abuse survivors, policies for marginalized communities, policies to analyze communal concern for funding-forward genocidal/heavily-unpopular initiatives outside of the U.S.'s borders, policies to protect against archaic, antiquated drafting measures that invite a host of theoretical/potential issues/disputes/complication.
Point being, news needs a facelift, policy a team of qualified surgeons, and certain politicians/agencies a mid-procedure wake-up crisis. Newsflash: listen to what funds. Listen to that population that comprises, regardless of 'class' 'stature'.
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tericarrblog · 2 months
London Property Market: A Comprehensive Overview
The London property market is one of the most dynamic and diverse real estate markets globally. As the capital of the United Kingdom, London has long been a hub of culture, commerce, and innovation, attracting people from all over the world. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a vibrant lifestyle, it's no wonder that London's property market remains highly sought after. One of the key factors that have contributed to the enduring popularity of London's property market is its strong economy. London is a major financial center with a diverse range of industries, from finance and technology to fashion and media. This has created a thriving job market, attracting professionals looking to further their careers and secure a stable future. As a result, demand for property in London remains consistently high, especially in prime central locations such as Mayfair, Chelsea, and Kensington. However, the London property market is not without its challenges. One of the most significant issues facing buyers and renters in London is affordability. The high cost of living and property prices in the city have made it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to get a foot on the property ladder. This has led to a growing trend of young professionals and families moving to the outskirts of London in search of more affordable housing options. Another factor influencing the London property market is the impact of external factors such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. The uncertainty surrounding Brexit has caused some volatility in the property market, with fluctuations in demand and prices. The pandemic also had a significant impact, as lockdowns and remote working arrangements changed the way people viewed and used their homes. This has led to a shift in preferences, with more buyers looking for properties with additional space for home offices and outdoor areas. Despite these challenges, the London property market remains resilient. The city's global appeal, world-class amenities, and cultural attractions continue to attract investors and buyers from around the world. International investors, in particular, see London as a safe haven for their capital, with property seen as a secure long-term investment. In recent years, the London property market has also seen a rise in new developments and regeneration projects. Areas such as East London, once considered less desirable, have undergone significant transformation, with the development of new residential and commercial spaces. These areas are now attracting a younger demographic looking for a more vibrant and affordable lifestyle in the city. Overall, the London property market presents both challenges and opportunities for buyers, sellers, and investors alike. With its rich history, strong economy, and diverse range of properties, London remains a prime destination for those looking to invest in real estate. As the city continues to evolve and adapt to changing trends and demands, the London property market is sure to remain a dynamic and exciting sector for years to come.
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The Textile Industry and COVID-19: Navigating Challenges and Shaping of future
The global textile industry, a vital component of the fashion and manufacturing sectors, faced unprecedented challenges with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article explores the multifaceted impacts of the virus on the industry, from disruptions in the supply chain to shifts in consumer behavior, and how these challenges are shaping the future of textile manufacturing.
Then situations:-
||Disruption in the Supply Chain||
One of the immediate and profound effects of the pandemic on the textile industry was the disruption in the supply chain. The lockdowns and restrictions worldwide affected production hubs adversely, leading to delays in sourcing raw materials and creating logistical challenges throughout the manufacturing process.
||Changes in Consumer Behavior||
As lockdowns and social distancing measures became the norm, consumer behavior underwent a significant shift. The demand for these sorts of products, especially non-essential items, plummeted. The rise of e-commerce was also seen but it appeared with some of its drawbacks.
 ||Adaptation and Resilience||
Faced with challenges, the textile industry showcased remarkable adaptability and resilience. This highlights how manufacturers pivoted their production lines to address the urgent need for personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical textiles. The shift from traditional apparel to essential items during the crisis is discussed as a key strategy for survival.
Some positive consequences:-
||Focus on Sustainability||
The pandemic prompted a re-evaluation of the textile industry's environmental impact. After handling those circumstances, sustainability became a focal point, with brands and manufacturers embracing eco-friendly materials and more sustainable production processes. This points out that how the crisis acted as a catalyst for positive change, pushing the industry towards a more responsible and ethical future.
||Supply Chain Resilience||
As the world moves towards recovery, the textile industry is redefining its strategies. This emphasizes the growing importance of supply chain resilience, with businesses exploring ways to diversify sourcing and reduce dependency on specific regions.
||Digitalization and Technology Adoption||
Digitalization and technology adoption are accelerating in the textile industry. This shows how innovations like virtual showrooms and digital weeks are becoming integral to the industry's operations, shaping its future in a post-pandemic world.
||Shifting Consumer Landscape||
The whole article examines the evolving consumer landscape post-pandemic. With a rising demand for sustainable and ethically produced textiles, brands that prioritize transparency and social and environmental responsibility are gaining traction.
In conclusion, the textile industry's journey through the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of challenges, adaptation, and transformation trajectory. From disruptions in the supply chain to shifts in consumer preferences, the industry has navigated numerous obstacles and emerged with valuable lessons that are now shaping its future.
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britesparc · 6 months
Weekend Top Ten #618
Top Ten Things 2023
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but another year has been and gone. Now we’re in the far-flung future of 2024; that’s after Blade Runner but before Demolition Man, if you’re keeping score.
Anyway, looking back, it was a funny old year. I managed to score the longest-term contract I’ve ever had since going freelance, which was nice. One of my kids went to secondary school. There were a bunch of wars. But what about pop-culturally? Because this is the point when I list my favourite things that happened that weren’t, you know, actually serious or important.
Even looking at “arts and entertainment”, it was still a bit of a weird year. In terms of film and TV, the various strikes hugely impacted everything, grinding productions to a halt, disrupting release schedules, and really having an almost Covid-like influence on the next couple of years. And even at the cinema, there was an almost-universal downswing in box office, surprising many and leading to tons of films – from Mission: Impossible to Indiana Jones to almost every superhero movie – underperforming; the counterpoint, of course, was Barbenheimer, of which more later.
In videogames, there were a ton of future classics – almost all of which I didn’t play – marking 2023 out as a potential banner year alongside, say, 2007 (Mario Galaxy, Halo 3, Portal, etc). However, the whole industry was rocked by repeated mass layoffs, making it hard to celebrate.
But – hey! – there genuinely was a lot of cool stuff. I do feel a bit weird that some of the things I was really looking forward to – the new series of Ghosts, the Transformers reboot – I still haven’t gotten around to checking out yet (but my comics are on their way!). So with no further ado other than a belated “Happy New Year”, here are my favourite (non-important, non-real-life) things that happened in 2023.
Tune in next time, when despite the year being about one-twenty-fourth over already, I highlight what I’m looking forward to in 2024!
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Doctor Who Returns to Glory: I don’t want to get too down on the Chibnall era, but it’s fair to say that my love for Doctor Who had waned somewhat in recent years. However, it returned to form in a huge, huge fashion, once more under the stewardship of Russel T. Davies. The three-part anniversary specials, with David Tennant and Catherine Tate unleashing their amazing chemistry again, were a delight; then we got the effortlessly cool Fifteenth Doctor in the form of Ncuti Gatwa. The Christmas special was as fast-paced and charming as you’d expect. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about TV in a long time, and it was absolutely the best thing all year.
Barbenheimer: I spoke briefly about the disappointing box office this year, but two films that bucked the trend were Barbie and Oppenheimer. The second of these films is a dark, introspective, mesmerising look at a man and a moment in history; it’s terrific but I think we were already expecting something very good from Nolan, so it wasn’t so much of a surprise. Barbie, on the other hand, was a revelation, not just funny and light but also incredibly deep and thoughtful and about stuff. Plus it had one of the performances of the year and a terrific musical number. Together these films lifted each other up, becoming a zeitgeist juggernaut and just demolishing the competition. And they’re both great! Really, really great!
Things That Technically Came Out in 2023: when talking about films, though, my favourite is the exquisitely beautiful and magisterially produced The Fabelmans. It’s not just a heartbreaking introspection on one family falling apart despite there being a lot of love around, but it’s also in its own way a love letter to cinema and a deconstruction of the artist. And it has my favourite final shot of, well, maybe any film I’ve ever seen. Now, this film actually came out in 2022 in America, but we got it in 2023, so it counts. Similarly, on TV, the incredibly good – funny and heartfelt – Our Flag Means Death was a delayed arrival on these shores. So three cheers for things that still, technically, came out this year!
Great Gaming Remakes: end-of-year gaming lists are going to be wanging on about Baldur’s Gate 3 or Tears of the Kingdom or something. However, I can’t deny that for me the gaming highlights were expertly re-released old games. GoldenEye 007 finally – finally! – made its way onto modern consoles, and remains a masterpiece. And then Quake II arrived in one of the most impressive remasterings I’ve ever seen, with options galore to fiddle and tweak. Both of these games retain their excellent gameplay and have manged to still look good despite the passage of time. Also a shout-out to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition which made its way to the Xbox this year, and is also great.
The Underdog MCU: if you were to read almost anything about the Marvel Cinematic Universe this year, it would be about how it’s a busted flush, on the way out, and how everyone is overcome with superhero fatigue. Now, for a start, I don’t think superhero fatigue is a problem; almost every mainstream, big-budget blockbuster suffered this year. But the MCU was the big dog so to see, say, The Marvels return a frankly shocking box office would naturally generate headlines. Despite this, though, I think Marvel had a really good year. Quantumania was a fun adventure movie whose biggest failing was that it tried to be too different from the low-key films that preceded it; The Marvels was a frankly excellent buddy-movie with some inventive action and three great leads; Loki provided the best finale Marvel has done and might be their best work on TV; and Guardians Vol. 3 is just a mini masterpiece. Yes, Secret Invasion was catastrophically disappointing, but I’m really happy with the overall quality at the moment.
A Great Year for Animation: it really was another terrific year for animated movies. Elemental – another alleged box office disappointment – was a tender and attractive romcom, even if it didn’t set the world on fire. Puss-in-Boots: The Last Wish was gorgeous and hilarious and really a lot better than it needed to be. Across the Spider-Verse added a healthy dollop of maturity and complexity to the gonzo wackiness of the first film. And there were loads of cool films dropping on streaming too. This is just the tip of the animated iceberg! It was a great year!
Happy Birthday Disney: speaking of animation, Disney celebrated their 100th birthday. It was quite nice following along and seeing the little teases and releases. The highlight was the new short film, Once Upon a Studio, which was hagiographic and back-slappy but also a nerd’s delight, spotting tiny cameos and in-jokes. It culminated in Wish which – I’m gonna be honest – I’ve not seen yet, but it’s still really nice how they built a big animated movie around aspects of their cultural history.
Microsoft and Activision Providing Drama: I’m not sure how much we should celebrate an enormous company hoovering up another enormous company, but the ongoing saga of Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard dominated gaming discourse across the year. It feels like this saga has been rumbling on forever, and it had enough twists, turns, roadbumps, and 180s to fill a streaming drama series. Ultimately it landed where I think most of us expected – with Microsoft now owning one of the largest publishers on the planet, albeit with a few interesting concessions. I’m not too fussed about getting Call of Duty on Game Pass, but I do hope the acquisition will allow for a healthier workplace culture at Activision, as well as more variety in the games they produce.
The Beatles Released a New Song: I’m gonna keep this one very simple, but in a year dominated by pop music – I mean, let’s be honest, it was really the year of Taylor Swift, even if the song that stuck around my brain the longest was Bad Idea Right? by Olivia Rodrigo – but The Beatles released a new song. The Beatles! A new song! Kinda! All, like, high-tech and cut up and smoothed out, with a video by Peter Jackson! I mean, really.
A Great Year for Indie Games: so yes, finally, I talk about new games – ones I played, too! Because for all the huge, Starfield stuff that dominated headlines, for me the best games were probably the much smaller ones. This is one of the things I love about Game Pass; trying out these littler titles that I don’t know I’d have rolled the dice on otherwise. So we have Venba, Cocoon, Thirsty Suitors, Sea of Stars, Jusant… all terrific, idiosyncratic titles without mega-budgets. Also quick shout-out to Star Trek: Resurgence, which won’t set the world on fire but does feel like you’re playing an episode of The Next Generation.
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master-ps · 6 months
Zipper Market, Share, Size, Future Trends, Forecast and Future Outlook – 2030
The market research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry, with a specific focus on the Zipper Market. It examines the size, growth rate, and major trends within the Zipper Market, offering valuable insights into its current state and future prospects. The report explores the significance of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP) in driving market dynamics and shaping business strategies. It investigates the market drivers, such as increasing consumer demand and emerging trends related to Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites (FRP), providing a deep understanding of the factors influencing market growth. Additionally, the report assesses the competitive landscape within the Zipper Market, profiling key players and their market share, strategies, and product offerings. It also addresses market segmentation, identifying different segments within the Zipper Market and their unique characteristics. Overall, the market research report equips businesses operating in the Zipper Market with valuable information and actionable recommendations to capitalize on opportunities and navigate the challenges in the industry.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.vertexbusinessinsights.com/request-sample/58/commercial-water-purifiers-market
This research covers COVID-19 impacts on the upstream, midstream and downstream industries. Moreover, this research provides an in-depth market evaluation by highlighting information on various aspects covering market dynamics like drivers, barriers, opportunities, threats, and industry news & trends. In the end, this report also provides in-depth analysis and professional advices on how to face the post COIVD-19 period.
The research methodology used to estimate and forecast this market begins by capturing the revenues of the key players and their shares in the market. Various secondary sources such as press releases, annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, governmental agencies and customs data, have been used to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the market. Calculations based on this led to the overall market size. After arriving at the overall market size, the total market has been split into several segments and sub segments, which have then been verified through primary research by conducting extensive interviews with industry experts such as CEOs, VPs, directors, and executives. The data triangulation and market breakdown procedures have been employed to complete the overall market engineering process and arrive at the exact statistics for all segments and sub segments.
Key Market Segmentation
Global Zipper Market - By Product Type
Global Zipper Market - By Material Type
Molded Plastic
Global Zipper Market - By Application
Global Zipper Market - By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East and Africa
South America
Ask Queries @ https://www.vertexbusinessinsights.com/enquiry/58/commercial-water-purifiers-market
Table of Content
 1 Executive Summary
 2 Market Introduction
2.1 Definition
2.2 Architecture
2.3 Scope of the Study
2.4 Related Stakeholders
 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Primary Research
3.2.1 Key Insights
3.2.2 Breakdown of Primary Interviews
3.3 Secondary Research
3.3.1 Important Sources
3.4 Market Size Estimation Approaches
3.4.1 Top-Down Approach
3.4.2 Bottom-Up Approach
3.4.3 Data Triangulation
3.5 List of Assumptions
 4 Market Dynamics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Drivers
4.2.1 Widespread product usage across applications including bags, apparel, and shoes among others
4.2.2 Increasing spending on branded and fashionable apparel and shoes in the developing countries
4.3 Restraints
4.4 Opportunities
4.4.1 Growing demand for innovative, flame-resistant, chemical resistant and soft zippers
4.5 Porter's Five Forces Model Analysis
4.6 Value Chain Analysis
4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on Global Zipper Market
 5 Global Zipper Market, By Product Type
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Close-End
5.3 Open-End
 6 Global Zipper Market, By Material Type
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Metal
6.3 Coil
6.4 Molded Plastic
 7 Global Zipper Market, By Application
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Apparel
7.3 Bags
7.4 Shoes
7.5 Others
 8 Global Zipper Market, By Region
8.1 Introduction
8.2 North America
8.2.1 US
8.2.2 Canada
8.2.3 Mexico
8.3 Europe
8.3.1 Germany
8.3.2 UK
8.3.3 France
8.3.4 Italy
8.3.5 Spain
8.3.6 Rest of Europe
8.4 Asia-Pacific
8.4.1 China
8.4.2 India
8.4.3 Japan
8.4.4 South Korea
8.4.5 Rest of Asia-Pacific
8.5 Middle East and Africa
8.6 South America
 9 Competitive Landscape
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Vendor Evaluation Criteria
9.3 Vendor Share Analysis, 2020
9.4 Recent Developments, 2018-2021
9.4.1 New Product Launches
9.4.2 Partnerships
9.4.3 Mergers or Acquisitions
9.4.4 Business Expansions
 10 Company Profiles
(This section covers the Business Overview, Financial Overview, Product and Product Offerings, Recent Developments, SWOT Analysis, and Key Strategies of the top market vendors. The given sequence does not represent their rankings in the market.
10.1 YKK Corporation
10.2 Riri SA
10.3 YBS Zipper Group
10.4 Kao Shing Zipper Co., Ltd.
10.5 Ideal Fastener Corporation
10.6 Coats Opti
10.7 Salmi Oy
10.8 Max Zipper Co., LTD
10.9 Triple Power (Fujian) Zipper Co., Ltd.
10.10  HHH Zipper
10.11  Keen Ching Industrial Co., Ltd.
10.12  Sancris Linhas e Fios Ltd
10.13  Valiant Industrial Co., Limited
10.14  UCAN Zipper USA
 11 Appendix
11.1 Discussion Guide
11.2 Customization Options
11.3 Related Reports
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influencermagazineuk · 6 months
Influencer Niches to Watch Out for in 2024
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The influencer industry has seen tremendous growth and evolution over the years, with content creators carving out their own unique niches and amassing dedicated followings. As we look ahead to 2024, several emerging trends and societal shifts are expected to shape the influencer landscape. In this blog post, we explore the top influencer niches that are predicted to gain traction in 2024. 1. Virtual Reality (VR) Influencers As virtual reality technology becomes more mainstream and accessible, VR influencers are poised to make their mark. These content creators will immerse their audiences in captivating virtual worlds, showcasing the latest VR games, experiences, and innovations. From virtual travel to immersive storytelling, VR influencers will transport their followers to new dimensions and push the boundaries of digital entertainment. 2. Sustainability Influencers With sustainability and eco-consciousness taking center stage, the role of sustainability influencers will be more critical than ever. As consumers increasingly prioritize eco-friendly products and lifestyle choices, these influencers will advocate for sustainable practices, showcase ethical brands, and provide tips for adopting a greener lifestyle. From zero-waste living to sustainable fashion, their content will inspire and educate their followers to make conscious choices for a better future. 3. Financial Literacy Influencers In a post-COVID world where financial stability and resilience are paramount, financial literacy influencers will play an instrumental role. These influencers will provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help their audience navigate personal finance, investments, budgeting, and entrepreneurship. As individuals seek to secure their financial futures and recover from economic uncertainties, the guidance and expertise of financial literacy influencers will be highly sought after. 4. Health and Wellness Influencers The pursuit of health and well-being will always be a priority, and health and wellness influencers will continue to thrive in 2024. However, there will be a notable shift towards a more holistic approach, with a particular focus on mental health. These influencers will share self-care practices, mindfulness techniques, and mental health resources, fostering open conversations about mental well-being. Their content will empower and support their followers in achieving overall wellness in a rapidly changing world. 5. Space Tourism Influencers As space tourism becomes more accessible and affordable, a new breed of influencers will rise to document and share their extraterrestrial experiences. Space tourism influencers will give their audience a glimpse into the future of travel, sharing their adventures in zero gravity, showcasing space hotels, and providing insights into the latest developments in space exploration. Their content will inspire a sense of wonder and ignite curiosity about the possibilities beyond our planet. The influencer landscape is set to undergo significant transformations in 2024. As virtual reality, sustainability, financial literacy, mental health, and space tourism take center stage, influencers in these niches will capture the attention and imagination of their followers. Whether it's through immersive VR experiences, eco-friendly lifestyle choices, financial guidance, mental health support, or space travel insights, these influencers will shape and influence the trends and conversations of the future. As we embrace the power of social media and digital platforms, let us celebrate these influencers who use their voices and platforms for positive change, innovation, and inspiration. Stay tuned for the rise of these influencer niches in 2024 and beyond! Read the full article
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themarketinsights · 7 months
Warranty Management Software Market Poised for Greater Growth | Pegasystems, Astea International, Infosys, FieldEZ Technologies
Latest Study on Industrial Growth of Warranty Management Software Market 2023-2028. A detailed study accumulated to offer Latest insights about acute features of the Warranty Management Software market. The report contains different market predictions related to revenue size, production, CAGR, Consumption, gross margin, price, and other substantial factors. While emphasizing the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also offers a complete study of the future trends and developments of the market. It also examines the role of the leading market players involved in the industry including their corporate overview, financial summary and SWOT analysis.
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/101687-global-warranty-management-software-market?utm_source=OpenPR&utm_medium=Vinay
Major players profiled in the study are:
Astea International Inc (United States), Brill App Software and Solutions Pvt Ltd (India), FieldEZ Technologies Inc. (India), IBM (United States), Infosys (India), IFS AB (Sweden), Oracle (United States), Pegasystems (United States), PTC Inc. (United States), SAP SE (Germany), Tavant Technologies (United States), Tech Mahindra (India), Wipro Technologies Limited (India),
Scope of the Report of Warranty Management Software
Manufacturers utilize warranty management software to handle all of the bookkeeping and process management connected with their goods' warranties. Inspections, claims, returns, and registration are examples of requests. This includes requests such as inspections, claims, returns, and registration. Companies can handle all processes related to warranties from a singular solution, consolidating all relevant information and improving customer satisfaction. The New Zealand warranty management software market is expected to grow at a healthy pace during the forecast period, according to the AMA study. The increasing warranty expenditure and the growing demand for automation across different sectors are expected to be some of the major factors aiding the growth of the market. However, the market is expected to witness a decline in growth during FY 2020 but it is again expected to rise at a healthy pace after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Stringent Government Regulations Regarding Shutting Down of Operations Across Different Industries Worldwide Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic is Impacting the Demand for Warranty Management Software
The Global Warranty Management Software Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Application (Contract Management, Eligibility Verification, Policy Management, Product Registration, Repair Management, Return Management, Service Management, Warranty Tracking, Others), Enterprise SIze (SMEs, Large Enterprises), Platform (Windows, IOS/MAC, Web, Android), Industry Verticals (Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Retail & E-commerce, Fashion & Apparel, Sports, Healthcare, Others), Deployment (On-Premise, Cloud-based)
Market Opportunities:
Opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region Propelled by Increasing Competition Across the Manufacturing Sector
Market Drivers:
Rising Demand for Automation Different Industries
Increasing Competition Across Different Industry Verticals
Market Trend:
Implementation of AI in Warranty Management Software
What can be explored with the Warranty Management Software Market Study?
Gain Market Understanding
Identify Growth Opportunities
Analyze and Measure the Global Warranty Management Software Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals
Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Warranty Management Software
Understand the Competitive Scenarios
Track Right Markets
Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Warranty Management Software Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/101687-global-warranty-management-software-market?utm_source=OpenPR&utm_medium=Vinay
Table of Contents
Global Warranty Management Software Market Research Report
Chapter 1 Global Warranty Management Software Market Overview
Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry
Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 4 Global Productions, Revenue (Value) by Region
Chapter 5 Global Supplies (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions
Chapter 6 Global Productions, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application
Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis
Chapter 12 Global Warranty Management Software Market Forecast
Finally, Warranty Management Software Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=101687?utm_source=OpenPR&utm_medium=Vinay
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia.
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Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies' revenues.
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oxshare · 8 months
Crude prices decline following poor Chinese trade data.
On Tuesday, European stock markets experienced slight declines, with investors processing unfavorable German industrial output data and the latest company earnings reports.
At 03:45 ET (09:00 GMT), the DAX index in Germany traded 0.1% lower, the CAC 40 in France traded 0.2% lower, while the FTSE 100 in the U.K. traded flat.
This report was created by oxshare
German industrial production experiences a significant decrease.
German industrial productionIn September, the decline in [something] was greater than anticipated, dropping by 1.4% when compared to the preceding month. This provides additional proof of the unfavorable economic climate in Europe.
This unsatisfying information indicates that there may be a downward revision in the country’s third-quarter GDP growth, which will likely add more pressure on the European Central Bank to ease its monetary policies.
Eurozone September producer pricesLater in the session, there are plans to release figures that are anticipated to show a 0.5% increase on a monthly basis and a 12.5% decline for the year.
The trade data from China is not as good as expected.
European stocks had a negative start to the trading session influenced by Asia, where data indicated ongoing challenges for the Chinese economy, which is the second largest globally.
Chinese exportsIn October, there was a 6.4% decrease compared to the previous year, which was a faster decline compared to the 6.2% decrease in the previous month, while the country’s overall economic situation worsened.trade surplusreached its lowest point since May 2022, during the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The decline in exports indicated a deterioration in international demand, specifically from Europe and the U.S., which are China’s major trading partners.
Adding to the negative sentiment, the Reserve Bank of AustraliaIncreased interest rates on Tuesday, as they explained that inflation was not decreasing at the anticipated rate.
UBS has announced a significant loss for the quarter.
In corporate news, UBS (SIX: UBSGThe company’s stock increased by 4.2% after the large bank indicated that its primary wealth business is becoming more stable, despite incurring a loss of $785 million in the third quarter. This came after the Swiss bank reported expenses of $2.1 billion related to its competitor, Credit Suisse.
Direct Line (LON: DLGDThe stock price increased by 4.7% following a positive report from the insurance company about their strong performance in the third quarter, which was driven by a significant growth in their motor division.
Associated British Foods (LON: ABFThe stock of a fast fashion retailer Primark’s owner increased by 6.1% following the announcement of a new share repurchase program and a generous dividend. This news came after the company reported impressive double-digit growth in both revenue and profit.
Watches Of Switzerland (LON: WOSGThe luxury retailer’s stock experienced a significant increase of 6.8% due to its anticipation of more than doubling its annual profit by the year 2028.
On the flip side, Capgemini (EPA: CAPPThe stock price of the French IT consulting group dropped by 0.3% due to a 1.3% decrease in revenue during the third quarter. The company faced difficult conditions and experienced a decline in revenue specifically in the North American region.
Crude prices decline following poor Chinese trade data.
On Tuesday, the price of oil decreased due to the discouraging trade data from China, which raised worries about the slow demand in the biggest oil-importing nation globally.
Exports from China declined more than anticipated in October due to a decline in foreign demand, whereas an unforeseen increase in imports resulted in China’s trade surplus decreasing to its lowest level in 17 months.
The continuation of poor export performance may impede the country’s future growth and ultimately reduce the demand for oil.
By 09:00 ET, the U.S. crudeprice of futures dropped by 1.9% to $79.31 per barrel.BrentThe price of the contract decreased by 1.8% to $83.66 per barrel.
Both agreements have experienced significant declines in value in recent days due to the increasing belief that the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict will not have a negative impact on the availability of oil in this region.
Additionally, gold futures fell 0.8% to $1,972.80/oz, while EUR/USD traded 0.1% lower at 1.0703.
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robertrabiah · 9 months
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The Australian actor returned to his roots with a camera to make the impactful documentary This is Lebanon.
Upon meeting Robert Rabiah as your guide in his insightful documentary capturing the Lebanon of now, This is Lebanon – an instant immersion begins. A face and voice recognisable from previous television encounters, adds to an inclusive tone, as Robert touches down in Beirut and prepares for a winding journey through the streets, and beyond. In a sturdy acting career spanning over two decades, Robert Rabiah has stacked up credits from many well-known television series (most recently Bay of Fires, and Last King of the Cross), and hit films (Chopper, Ali’s Wedding).
Robert presents This is Lebanon in a self-described “stream of consciousness” style, with a focus on allowing the array of naturally articulate people interviewed, and their local knowledge, take centre-stage. “What I really wanted to achieve was to draw attention away from the presence of the camera and so I adopted a little bit of a cinema verité style of documentary filmmaking for these particular segments. I am very pleased with the result, especially the fly-on-the-wall elements,” Rabiah revealed to FilmInk.
Interview subjects include UN representative Sarah Shouman, along with some of the estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees hosted by Lebanon.
“I was very aware of the fact that we didn’t have the backing of a big production company and the substantial budget that they bring to the table or an industry government body and the financial investment that they also provide. This was a passion project that was made with a one-person crew and a very small budget. Going with the grain and embracing that methodology and the way it was presented was the best option for the narrative. James Haggarty [editor] was also pivotal in helping shape what I was trying to achieve and his storytelling sensibilities in the editing process were paramount.”
A frequent mention is made in This is Lebanon, of how great the place was until a few years ago. When asked about what it was like, Rabiah say that “Lebanon once held the proud title as the ‘Paris of the Middle East.’ It was often cited as a financial hub where visitors could experience a Mediterranean-style culture, cuisine, fashion, history, art, and archaeology. It was once considered a beautiful fusion of tradition and modernity. But today, the wounds of a terminal leadership are taking its toll. The World Bank believes Lebanon’s economic crises could possibly rank in the top three most severe anywhere in the world since the 1850s. A far cry from the ‘Paris of the Middle-East’.
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“In regard to the political system in operation, the unique balance of power within the country has made it increasingly difficult for all stakeholders to come to some form of political agreement, especially when it comes to filling the presidency, which is currently still vacant. Widespread protests erupted throughout Lebanon in 2019 as a result of systemic corruption and a complete stagnation of the economy. Protesters from all religious sects called for the establishment of a new political regime, which did away with sectarian divide. This unity among the people resulted in the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers.
“The COVID-19 pandemic put an end to any change that had been brewing. Tensions reached an all-time high following the Beirut Port Explosion in 2020, which left 300,000 citizens homeless and over 200 dead. This culmination of widespread corruption, the pandemic and the Beirut Port Explosion, have led to the worst financial crises in the country’s history and an estimated 80% poverty rate. So many children are starving. It’s truly shameful.”
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Future hope is glimpsed at least, in the determination expressed by interviewees in This is Lebanon. “Systemic corruption in Lebanon made headlines the world over, particularly after the protests broke out in 2019. Now, you are dealing with a country that is prospectively on the verge of becoming a failed state due to the failings of its political elite. But the Lebanese people will not give up. They are determined to find justice, a better way of life that every human being deserves, and not be defined by the thugs ruling over them.
“It always takes courage to stand up to tyranny, especially when your personal safety is on the line. I believe Khalil Gibran [the famous Lebanese poet] said ‘For how can a tyrant rule the free and the proud, but for a tyranny in their own freedom and a shame in their own pride?’”
Despite dark times, Lebanon still has a lot on offer for tourists. Rabiah spotlights a restaurant favoured by fellow actor Russel Crowe, ‘Le Chef’, renowned Lebanese food blogger Anthony Rahayel, who is interviewed in the film, and the scenic wonder that is the ancient city of Byblos, otherwise known as a Jbeil, with its history of over 7000 years, and still going strong. Rabiah describes Byblos as “the perfect poster for the theme of resilience.
“I was absolutely taken aback by Byblos or Jbeil and felt quite overwhelmed on several occasions during my time there. It is believed to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, including the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians, Romans and Ottomans. The city is a UNESCO world heritage site, and like many other parts of Lebanon, deserves to be seen and appreciated by overseas travellers in a safe and stable atmosphere.”
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Byblos was also the birthplace of popular rapper Nizar Zgheib, who Rabiah hosts an engaging, fluid chat with. “Nizar is a bright beacon of hope for the next generation and after meeting and interviewing him I can clearly see why,” Rabiah shares.
“People often use the word hero quite loosely, but Nizar is a true hero in the face of immense adversity and a testament to the adage that art can be a form of healing and empowerment – even in such a powder-keg environment as Lebanon. Nizar offers a voice to the voiceless through his music, providing inspiration with his longtime collaborator, Anthony Samarany, despite the lack of opportunities for the youth of Lebanon, which is not too dissimilar to what N.W.A did for the African/American youth back in the ‘80s.”
Holding top position of Robert Rabiah’s own career bucket list, is a wish to collaborate with Oscar nominated Lebanese Director, Nadine Labaki. “Who can forget her film, Capernaum? Powerful!”
There are no immediate plans for future projects, though. “All efforts are being poured into This Is Lebanon and giving it the time and resources the subject matter documented deserves,” Rabiah stated. “Currently doing the film festival circuit, we have already been fortunate enough to make the finals of the Cannes World Film Festival and am also humbled to be considered for nomination at The Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Awards (AACTA) for Best Feature Documentary. More importantly, what these platforms give us is an opportunity to shine an even brighter light on the issues and specific faces of people who may feel invisible at times. And if that creates some change and a little discussion…. well, I think that’s the best you can hope for in cinema.”
This is Lebanon is currently on the film festival circuit, with Rabiah planning a charity screening in Beirut to raise funds for the Red Cross.
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chatsworthbyrubes · 10 months
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Discrimination and under-representation within the fashion industry still manages to make its way to the headlines and invade today's industry. However due to Covid-19's appearance in 2020 the fashion industry and many famous names in fashion have promised to change and have vocalised their help and support against discrimination after the overwhelming amounts of discrimination and brutality around the world at the time.
Many people believe that the overwhelming support against those in the Black, Latinx, and Asian communities were publicised with the industry and the public only starting to care about these problems because of the inequality within the world.
"What is it that is going to concretely make any kind of difference within the industry now that we have a spotlight?" Christina Tung
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Samuel Ross British menswear designer. “From 2016, social media started shifting the industry hierarchy. Young people of color started seeing other people of color with their vernacular and body language, building audiences or moving into subculture fashion publications. There’s lots of lip service but not that much clear information about what it takes to be successful in a racially biased industry. There’s so much still being said in the voice of a Black monolith and not about the individual experiences and tribulations one can face. So I’ll keep talking.”
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Naomi Campbell.
Campbell being a young, outspoken, black model at her prime became an inspiration to many young individuals, starting her career at just 15 years old Naomi was one of the six models to be named a supermodel in her era and was the first black model to be seen on the cover of vogue and Time france.
The essential need for diversity at Fashion Week isn't just relegated to the runway. Too often, models of color must contend with limited resources backstage which is now normalised. Jourdan Dunn, Nykhor Paul, and Leomie Anderson spoke out about stylists who are unequipped to work with black models. unsurprisingly the inadequate styling and preparation for black models isn't new in fact At the beginning of world famous Naomi Campbell's career, the iconic supermodel recalls dealing with stylists who were unprepared to work with black models. "When I was younger, I encountered this same issue. I would be backstage at shows and there would be stylists who didn’t have any experience working with black models," "It’s disappointing to hear that models of color are still encountering these same issues all these years later."
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Liu wen.
The famous model Liu Wen most famously known for being the first ever Asian person to walk a Victoria secret runway and chinas first ever supermodel, Liu completing many of the firsts for her community to hopefully inspire those of the same ethnicity.
Harvard Referencing:
(No date) Has the fashion industry kept its diversity promise? - elle. Available at: https://www.elle.com/fashion/a37806455/fashion-industry-diversity-promise/ (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
Andrews, J. (2016) Naomi Campbell talks about the discrimination black models face at Fashion Week, Teen Vogue. Available at: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/naomi-campbell-black-models-discrimination (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
Asian model continues quest for more diversity in beauty and fashion (2010) The Independent. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/asian-model-continues-quest-for-more-diversity-in-beauty-and-fashion-5535846.html (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
The fashion world promised more diversity. here’s what we found. (2021) The New York Times. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/04/style/Black-representation-fashion.html (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
Ishmael, A. (2022) Are we making progress in fashion? experts weigh in, Teen Vogue. Available at: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/future-fashion-industry (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
The question of race in the Fashion Industry (1900a) Moda 2023. Available at: https://www.moda-uk.co.uk/news/the-question-of-race-in-the-fashion-industry (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
The question of race in the Fashion Industry (1900b) Pure London 2022. Available at: https://www.purelondon.com/pure-london-blog/the-question-of-race-in-the-fashion-industry (Accessed: 20 September 2023).
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jazzlr1 · 10 months
Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo: Reviving Japan’s Fashion Industry Amidst Covid-19 Restrictions
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Over the past year, Japan has been working towards reviving its internal fashion industry after easing its Covid restrictions. The AW23 edition of Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo (FWT) was focused on this task and marked the first time since the pandemic.
The official calendar comprised a total of 58 fashion houses. Also, with 42 presented in-person catwalk shows, and 16 opted for digital presentations. With the government lifting Covid-19 restrictions throughout the country, the fashion week’s headline sponsor, Rakuten, is also focusing on improving the domestic economy. The tech company provides various services for Japanese and international firms.
With a primary focus on fashion, its biggest industry, operating both online and offline. Rakuten has been ramping up its efforts in the sector in recent years, launching a US site and introducing new categories such as luxury fashion.
Since the pandemic hit, the company has been particularly focused on supporting local brands. Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo serves as an important platform for Japanese designers to showcase their work and expand their businesses.
The event is not only a showcase of Japan’s creativity and innovation but also a significant contributor to the country’s economy. With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, Japan’s fashion industry has the opportunity to grow and thrive once again. The events like Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo will continue to play a vital role in its recovery.
Rakuten became a sponsor for FWT in late 2019, just before the pandemic caused a global shutdown, leaving uncertainty about the fashion week’s future. However, the company remained committed to supporting the event.
Also, the event shifted its focus towards assisting Tokyo’s fashion industry. It has particularly by making it more appealing to buyers, the press, and the public. One of Rakuten’s first actions was to bring strong Japanese brands back to FWT.
Rakuten launched the ‘By R’ project in 2020, as international travel restrictions prevented brands from participating in overseas fashion shows. The initiative has continued in subsequent seasons, with the aim of encouraging designers to return to Japan to present their latest collections on the FWT stage.
Rakuten’s efforts have focused on supporting Japanese designers, promoting their work, and helping them expand their businesses. By bringing established brands back to FWT, the company has helped to showcase Japan’s fashion industry to a global audience. Rakuten’s commitment to supporting the event despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. It has contributed to the industry’s recovery and its initiatives. It has played an essential role in promoting the growth and sustainability of Tokyo’s fashion industry.Read More
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