#Corona Symptoms
pandaspwnz · 2 months
I got covid for the second time probably on sunday though it wasn’t confirmed until monday, but since then certain things have tasted differently, though I'm hoping it's just the head-cold symptoms that are messing with my sinuses that's doing it, and that it will go back to normal after the cold symptoms pass. But so far it's only very few things that taste different and I'm so glad I haven't completely lost my sense of taste or anything x.x
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tgtbata · 2 years
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you’re still here and i’m still here so i guess we’ve (almost) made it through another year. 2022 had weird ups and downs for me but it’s ending on an up so i’m very grateful for that. i drew a lot of art i’m proud of and i hope you guys enjoyed some of it as much as i did :)
thank you for every nice word, comment and tag you’ve ever left on my art! huge shout-out to all my friends who deserve the world <3
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My mom was just sick with a fever for two and a half days and i can feel my throat getting sore. This better not turn into anything i have had plans for two weeks to go to a bar with my friends tomorrow this can not be happening
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ajjconcertat2am · 2 years
im at work pretty sick still but i couldnt call out and i feel like a zombie and multiple ppl asked me if i have corona which i didnt even think about and now im anxious abt that too
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kittyprincessofcats · 2 years
I’m officially Covid-negative and therefore allowed to leave the house again - yay :D
Annoying that I got Covid after all after 3 years of avoiding it, but oh well, it’s over now - only the cough is still there, I think that’ll stay for a bit longer.
And it sucks that I had to have it on Christmas of all times :/. I’m really glad my sister came to visit me after all. I technically wasn’t allowed to have visitors, but come on... it was Christmas, we hadn’t seen each other in months, my symptoms were already almost gone, we were super careful about it (waited two days longer for the visit until my self-tests were negative, wore masks at home, etc.), and seeing her and getting to spend time with her did wonders for my mental health - and mental health’s important, too. (And even the guy at the test center where I tested positive said “make yourself a nice Christmas, just don’t sneeze on her” when I asked if she could still come over, so like...)
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technicalknockout · 2 months
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askaniatravel · 4 months
Der Albtraum vor der Traumreise | Wenn die Kreuzfahrt schon im Hafen endet
Im heutigen Artikel geht es um den Worst Case bei Seereisen. Alle Tipps dazu im heutigen Artikel... #Kreuzfahrt #Reisetipp #Boarding
Photo by Mike Bird on Pexels.com Kreuzfahrten sind für viele der Inbegriff von Erholung, Abenteuer und Luxus. Doch was, wenn der ersehnte Urlaub bereits vor dem Auslaufen ein jähes Ende findet? Immer mehr Reisende müssen die bittere Erfahrung machen, dass ihnen die Einschiffung verweigert wird. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig und reichen von fehlenden Dokumenten bis hin zu Fehlverhalten. In…
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khulkarjiyo · 1 year
जानिए क्या है? feline coronavirus और क्यों फैल रहा है cat lover जरूर पढ़ें
Feline coronavirus (FCoV) एक सामान्य वायरस है जो में बिल्लियों में पाया जाता है यह दुनिया भर में बिल्लियों को संक्रमित कर रहा है। यह अल्फ़ाकोरोनावायरस प्रजाति का एक वायरस है जिसमें कैनाइन कोरोनवायरस और पोर्सिन ट्रांसमिसिबल गैस्ट्रोएंटेराइटिस कोरोनवायरस शामिल हैं। feline coronavirus in hindi Feline coronavirus (FCoV) के दो मुख्य रूप हैं: Feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) – यह (FCoV) इसका सबसे…
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gofitnesspro · 1 year
How to keep yourself safer and protected from the new COVID-19 Variant XBB.1.5 of 2023?
New COVID-19 Variant XBB.1.5 What is XBB.1.5? The New COVID-19 variant XBB.1.5 was discovered for the first time in the US in New York in October 2022. It is a recombinant or hybrid virus subvariant, which means it consists of two strains, in this case, two descendants of the Omicron BA.2 sub lineage. The XBB.1.5 variation features a mutation that virologists think makes the virus more capable…
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healthmd · 2 years
Symptoms Of New Corona Virus Variants XBB1.16
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, new variants of the virus have emerged, including the XBB1.16 variant. . One such variant is the XBB1.16 variant, which was first identified in early 2022. The XBB1.16 variant, like other variants, has unique characteristics that make it important to understand.  Due to its potential to spread more easily and cause more severe illness. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms associated with the XBB1.16 variant of COVID-19.Read more
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
Procrastinating my actual work by trying to formulate that stupid german summary. Every word hurts. Physically.
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pandaspwnz · 2 months
Took another covid test and it's STILL negative which is surprising because I feel like absolute shit
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buindia · 2 years
What is Corona XE Variant, and is There Cause for Concern?
Compared to other Covid strains, the Corona XE variant is the most transmissible. Check out our article to know more about it.
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healthguidecorner · 2 years
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पुरे विश्वभर से कोरोना महामारी का संकट अभी ख़त्म नहीं हुआ है, हालाँकि इधर मामलों में काफी गिरावट आई है | और ऐसे में एक नई बीमारी "डिजीज X" ने दस्तक दे दी है | डब्ल्यूचओ ने डिजीज X को कोरोना जैसे खतरनाक वायरस की सूचि में शामिल किया है | अगर आपको याद हो तो बीते 2 सालों में कोरोना ने विश्वभर में खूब कहर बरसाया था, जो इसके चपेट में आये वह मौत की नींद सो गए | इसके अतिरिक्त और कई खतरनाक वायरस जैसे - इबोला, मारबर्ग, लस्सा फीवर, सार्स, जीका, मंकिपॉक्स, निपाह विश्व सहित देश के कई हिस्सों में बड़े पैमाने पर जनहानि का कारण बनें | Read More
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captainheadlines · 2 years
Another Coronavirus Wave Could Come.
As our third pandemic winter draws near, you can relieve risk without passing up a great opportunity.
Click Here
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jupiterica · 2 years
How did I manage to get covid for the first time in my life on my first week at a new job. It's a sign, I don't tolerate labour well
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