#Copy Trading Signals
truepdf · 2 years
How does copy trading work? How do I set up my copy trading?
How does copy trading work? How do I set up my copy trading?
Copy Popular Investors
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How does copy trading work? How do I set up my copy trading?
Setting up your copy trading is simple. Choose the user that you’d like to copy, input the amount you’d like to allocate, and click COPY. You’ll be duplicating their positions automatically in real time and direct proportion.
You can start or stop copying a user at any time. You may also set a stop loss for the copy, add or remove funds, or pause the copy. For more details on how copy trading works, click here.
Start Trading Now
Originally published at https://go.etoro.com.
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Auto Trading with FTS MT4 Indicator 👉 +85% accuracy 🔥
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sharpy-tech · 2 years
QUOTEX STRATEGY | MAKE MONEY ONLINE 2022 My main channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj9XGWJjDHbatWl2cpwU37Q Hi! I’m Dasha and today I’ll show you my binary options trading strategy on pocket option platform. More my binary options tutorials and binary options reviews you can see in playlists. Also you can find others binary options strategy, in particular pocket option strategy and learn…
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wigilham · 4 days
Social Trade Copier’s Refund Policy
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Social Trade Copier is dedicated to providing high-quality digital products and exceptional customer service. Once an order is confirmed and the product is delivered, all purchases are considered final. Social Trade Copier does not offer refunds or exchanges on digital products.
While the standard policy is no refunds, exceptions may be considered in certain circumstances. For example, if a customer accidentally makes a duplicate purchase of the same product or encounters ongoing technical issues that prevent access to or downloading of the product, Social Trade Copier will review these situations and offer assistance where possible.
Customers who experience issues or have questions about their purchase are encouraged to contact Social Trade Copier’s support team. The team is committed to addressing concerns and ensuring a positive experience.
By completing a purchase with Social Trade Copier, customers acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the No Refund policy.
For more updates, you can explore its Refund Policy.
For further inquiries or to resolve any issues, customers should reach out to [email protected]. Social Trade Copier’s support team is dedicated to customer satisfaction and is available to help.
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shaibi3780 · 5 months
*How to Be a Great Trader: Mastering the Art of Trading*
A career in trading can be rewarding and thrilling, but it does demand a certain set of abilities, expertise, and self-control. It takes time, effort, and a readiness to adapt and learn to become a great trader. We'll go over the essential components of profitable trading in this post, including creating a trading plan, controlling risk, and maintaining focus.
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*I. Developing a Trading Plan*
Your trading plan serves as your success road map. It describes your aims, your level of risk tolerance, and the tactics you'll employ to get there. A sound trading strategy should consist of:
- Clearly defined objectives: Identify your objectives, whether they are long-term wealth creation or a particular profit target.
- Risk management: Establish your tolerance for risk as well as your plans for handling it.
- Market analysis: Decide which markets, which instruments, and which analysis methods you will employ.
- Entry and exit strategies: Establish the parameters for opening and closing positions, as well as how you'll enter and leave trades.
- Performance evaluation: Assess your work on a regular basis to find areas that need work.
*II. Understanding Market Analysis*
Making wise trading selections requires a thorough understanding of the market. Two primary categories of analysis exist:
- Fundamental analysis: Forecasts price fluctuations by looking at news, economic data, and corporate performance.
- Technical analysis: Examines patterns and charts to spot trends and forecast future changes in price.
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*III. Mastering Risk Management*
Managing risks is essential to successful trading. It includes:
- Position sizing: Control the magnitude of your transactions to reduce risk.
- Stop-loss orders: These involve automatically terminating trades at a specific price.
- Diversification: Dividing risk among several transactions and marketplaces.
- Hedging: Taking opposite positions to offset possible losses.
*IV. Developing a Trading Mindset*
A great trader must have the following mindset:
- Discipline: Following through on your strategy and refraining from snap judgments.
- Patience: Holding off on overtrading and waiting for the perfect opportunities.
- Focus: Maintaining attention and squelching distractions.
- Adaptability: Modifying your strategy when the market demands alter.
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*V. Staying Organized and Efficient*
An excellent trader must be well-organized and productive:
- Maintain a trading log: Keep track of your analysis, ideas, and transactions.
- Employ technology To improve efficiency, make use of tools, software, and trading platforms.
- Remain current: Continue to learn about markets, analysis, and trading tactics.
*VI. Conclusion*
It takes a combination of abilities, know-how, and dedication to become a great trader. You can succeed in the trading business by creating a trading plan, comprehending market analysis, being an expert in risk management, adopting a trading mindset, and remaining efficient and well-organized. Recall that trading is an ongoing learning process, and long-term success depends on your ability to remain focused and flexible.
*VII. Additional Tips for Success*
Begin with a little investment and raise it progressively as you acquire knowledge and self-assurance.
Remain modest, receptive, and eager to absorb lessons from your errors.
- Make reasonable goals and acknowledge your progress along the way.
- To stay ahead of the game, review and improve your trading strategy on a regular basis.
You can succeed in the trading industry and develop into a great trader by adhering to these rules and maintaining your dedication to your objectives.
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vaklinov · 8 months
The Benefits of Using DamasFX Forex Signals for Passive Income
Forex trading has become increasingly popular as a means to generate passive income. One effective tool that traders can utilize is DamasFX Forex Signals. These signals provide valuable insights and recommendations for trading in the foreign exchange market. By following these signals, traders can potentially increase their chances of making profitable trades and earning passive income. In this…
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How a billionaire’s mediocre pump-and-dump “book” became a “bestseller”
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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I was on a book tour the day my editor called me and told me, "From now on, your middle name is 'Cory.'"
"That's weird. Why?"
"Because from now on, your first name is 'New York Times Bestselling Author.'"
That was how I found out I'd hit the NYT list for the first time. It was a huge moment – just as it has been each subsequent time it's happened. First, because of how it warmed my little ego, but second, and more importantly, because of how it affected my book and all the books afterwards.
Once your book is a Times bestseller, every bookseller in America orders enough copies to fill a front-facing display on a new release shelf or a stack on a bestseller table. They order more copies of your backlist. Foreign rights buyers at Frankfurt crowd around your international agents to bid on your book. Movie studios come calling. It's a huge deal.
My books became Times bestsellers the old-fashioned way: people bought and read them and told their friends, who bought and read them. Booksellers who enjoyed them wrote "shelf-talkers" – short reviews – and displayed them alongside the book.
That "From now on your first name is 'New York Times Bestselling Author' gag is a tradition. When @wilwheaton's memoir Still Just A Geek hit the Times list, I texted the joke to him and he texted back to say @jscalzi had already sent him the same joke (and of course, Scalzi and I have the same editor, Patrick Nielsen Hayden):
But not everyone earns that first name the same way. Some people cheat.
Famously, the Church of Scientology was caught buying truckloads of L Ron Hubbard books (published by Scientology's own publishing arm) from booksellers, returning them to their warehouse, then shipping them back to the booksellers when they re-ordered the sold out titles. The tip-off came when booksellers opened cases of books and found that they already bore the store's own price-stickers:
The reason Scientology was willing to go to such great lengths wasn't merely that readers used "NYT Bestseller* to choose which books to buy. Far more important was the signal that this sent to the entire book trade, from reviewers to librarians to booksellers, who made important decisions about how many copies of the books to stock, whether to display them spine- or face out, and whether to return unsold stock or leave it on the shelf.
Publishers go to great lengths to send these messages to the trade: sending out fancy advance review copies in elaborate packaging, taking out ads in the trade magazines, featuring titles in their catalogs and sending their sales-force out to impress the publisher's enthusiasm on their accounts.
Even the advance can be a way to signal the trade: when a publisher announces that it just acquired a book for an eyebrow-raising sum, it's not trumpeting the size of its capital reserves – it's telling the trade that this book is a Big Deal that they should pay attention to.
(Of all the signals, this one may be the weakest, even if it's the most expensive for publishers to send. Take the $1.25m advance that Rupert Murdoch's Harpercollins paid to Sarah Palin for her unreadable memoir, Going Rogue. As with so many of the outsized sums Murdoch's press and papers pay to right wing politicians, the figure didn't represent a bet on the commercial prospects of the book – which tanked – but rather, a legal way to launder massive cash transfers from the far-right billionaire to a generation of politicians who now owe him some rather expensive favors.)
All of which brings me to the New York Times bestselling book Read Write Own by the billionaire VC New York Times Bestselling Author Chris Dixon. Dixon is a partner at A16Z, the venture capitalists who pumped billions into failed, scammy, cryptocurrency companies that tricked normies into converting their perfectly cromulent "fiat" money into shitcoins, allowing the investors to turn a massive profit and exit before the companies collapsed or imploded.
Read Write Own (subtitle: "Building the Next Era of the Internet") is a monumentally unconvincing hymn to the blockchain. As Molly White writes in her scathing review, the book is full of undisclosed conflicts of interest, with Dixon touting companies he has a direct personal stake in:
But this book's defects go beyond this kind of sleazy pump-and-dump behavior. It's also just bad. The arguments it makes for the blockchain as a way of escaping the problems of an enshittified, monopolized internet are bad arguments. White dissects each of these arguments very skillfully, and I urge you to read her review for a full list, but I'll reproduce one here to give you a taste:
After three chapters in which Dixon provides a (rather revisionistd) history of the web to date, explains the mechanics of blockchains, and goes over the types of things one might theoretically be able to do with a blockchain, we are left with "Part Four: Here and Now", then the final "Part Five: What's Next". The name of Part Four suggests that he will perhaps lay out a list of blockchain projects that are currently successfully solving real problems.
This may be why Part Four is precisely four and a half pages long. And rather than name any successful projects, Dixon instead spends his few pages excoriating the "casino" projects that he says have given crypto a bad rap,e prompting regulatory scrutiny that is making "ethical entrepreneurs … afraid to build products" in the United States.f
As White says, this is just not a good book. It doesn't contain anything to excite people who are already blockchain-poisoned crypto cultists – and it also lacks anything that will convince normies who never let Matt Damon or Spike Lee convince them to trade dollars for magic beans. It's one of those books that manages to be both paper and a paperweight.
And yet…it's a New York Times Bestseller. How did this come to pass? Here's a hint: remember how the Scientologists got L Ron Hubbard 20 consecutive #1 Bestsellers?
As Jordan Pearson writes for Motherboard, Read Write Own earned its place on the Times list because of a series of massive bulk orders from firms linked to A16Z and Dixon, which ordered between dozens and thousands of copies and gave them away to employees or just randos on Twitter:
The Times recognizes this in a backhanded way, by marking Read Write Own on the list with a "dagger" (†) that indicates the shenanigans (the same dagger appeared alongside the listing for Donald Trump Jr's Triggered after the RNC spent a metric scientologyload of money – $100k – buying up cases of it):
There's a case for the Times not automatically ignoring bulk orders. Since 2020, I've run Kickstarters where I've pre-sold my books on behalf of my publisher, working with bookstores like Book Soup and wholesalers like Porchlight Books to backers when they go on sale. I signed and personalized 500+ books at Vroman's yesterday for backers who pre-ordered my next novel, The Bezzle:
But there's a world of difference between pre-orders that hundreds or thousands of readers place that are aggregated into a single bulk order, and books that are bought by CEOs to give away to people who may not have any interest in them. For the book trade – librarians, reviewers, booksellers – the former indicates broad interest that justifies their attention. The latter just tells you that a handful of deep-pocketed manipulators want you to think there's broad interest.
I'm certain that Dixon – like me – feels a bit of pride at having "earned" a new first name. But Dixon – like me – gets something far more tangible than a bit of egoboo out of making the Times list. For me, a place on the Times list is a way to get booksellers and librarians excited about sharing my book with readers.
For Dixon, the stakes are much higher. Remember that cryptocurrency is a faith-based initiative whose mechanism is: "convince normies that shitcoins will be worth more tomorrow than they are today, and then trade them the shitcoins that cost you nothing to create for dollars that they worked hard to earn."
In other words, crypto is a bezzle, defined by John Kenneth Galbraith as "The magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it."
So long as shitcoins haven't fallen to zero, the bag-holders who've traded their "fiat" for funny money can live in the bezzle, convinced that their "investments" will recover and turn a profit. More importantly, keeping the bezzle alive preserves the possibility of luring in more normies who can infuse the system with fresh dollars to use as convincers that keep the bag-holders to keep holding that bag, rather than bailing and precipitating the zeroing out of the whole scam.
The relatively small sums that Dixon and his affiliated plutocrats spent to flood your podcasts with ads for this pointless 300-page Ponzi ad are a bargain, as are the sums they spent buying up cases of the book to give away or just stash in a storeroom. If only a few hundred retirees are convinced to convert their savings to crypto, the resulting flush of cash will make the line go up, allowing whales like Dixon and A16Z to cash out, or make more leveraged bets, or both. Crypto is a system with very few good trades, but spending chump change to earn a spot on the Times list (dagger or no) is a no-brainer.
After all, the kinds of people who buy crypto are, famously, the kinds of people who think books are stupid ("I would never read a book" -S Bankman-Fried):
There's precious little likelihood that anyone will be convinced to go long on crypto thanks to the words in this book. But the Times list has enough prestige to lure more suckers into the casino: "I'm not going to read this thing, but if it's on the list, that means other people must have read it and think it's convincing."
We are living through a golden age of scams, and crypto, which has elevated caveat emptor to a moral virtue ("not your wallet, not your coins"), is a scammer's paradise. Stein's Law tells us that "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop," but the purpose of a bezzle isn't to keep the scam going forever – just until the scammer can cash out and blow town. The longer the bezzle goes on for, the richer the scammer gets.
Not for nothing, my next novel – which comes out on Feb 20 – is called The Bezzle. It stars Marty Hench, my hard-driving, two-fisted, high-tech forensic accountant, who finds himself unwinding a whole menagerie of scams, from a hamburger-based Ponzi scheme to rampant music royalty theft to a vast prison-tech scam that uses prisoners as the ultimate captive audience:
Patrick Nielsen Hayden – the same editor who gave me my new first name – once told me that "publishing is the act of connecting a text with an audience." Everything a publisher does – editing, printing, warehousing, distributing – can be separated from publishing. The thing a publisher does that makes them a publisher – not a printer or a warehouser or an editing shop – is connecting books and audiences.
Seen in this light, publishing is a subset of the hard problem of advertising, religion, politics and every other endeavor that consists in part of convincing people to try out a new idea:
This may be the golden age of scams, but it's the dark age of publishing. Consolidation in distribution has gutted the power of the sales force to convince booksellers to stock books that the publisher believes in. Consolidation in publishing – especially Amazon, which is both a publisher and the largest retailer in the country – has stacked the deck against books looking for readers and vice-versa (Goodreads, a service founded for that purpose, is now just another tentacle on the Amazon shoggoth). The rapid enshittification of social media has clobbered the one semi-reliable channel publicists and authors had to reach readers directly.
I wrote nine books during lockdown (I write as displacement activity for anxiety) which has given me a chance to see publishing in the way that few authors can: through a sequence of rapid engagements with the system as a whole, as I publish between one and three books per year for multiple, consecutive years. From that vantagepoint, I can tell you that it's grim and getting grimmer. The slots that books that connected with readers once occupied are now increasingly occupied by the equivalent of the botshit that fills the first eight screens of your Google search results: book-shaped objects that have gamed their way to the top of the list.
I don't know what to do about this, but I have one piece of advice: if you read a book you love, tell other people about it. Tell them face-to-face. In your groupchat. On social media. Even on Goodreads. Every book is a lottery ticket, but the bezzlers are buying their tickets by the case: every time you tell someone about a book you loved (and even better, why you loved it), you buy a writer another ticket.
Meanwhile, I've got to go get ready for my book tour. I'm coming to LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, Calgary, Phoenix, Portland, Providence, Boston, New York City, Toronto, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Tucson, Chicago, Buffalo, as well as Torino and Tartu (details soon!).
If you want to get a taste of The Bezzle, here's an excerpt:
And here's the audiobook, read by New York Times Bestselling Author Wil Wheaton:
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malcolmschmitz · 1 month
Current Reading/Liveblogging List
If you want me to add YOUR book to this list, DM me-- I can trade review copies or simply leave a review when I'm done.
@ameliahcrowley 's The Vicar Man. Anything described as Pratchettesque is up my alley.
@thesylverlining 's Life Beyond Parole and The Lifeline Signal. I'm currently rereading Chameleon Moon- it's honestly one of my all time favourite books- and it is a genuine mystery to me how I hadn't gotten to this sooner.
@derinthescarletpescatarian 's Time To Orbit: Unknown. Comes highly recommended. I may have to schedule time to stare at the wall afterwards.
@thebibliosphere's Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, which I started reading and loved but had to stop at the very well drawn depiction of a migraine.
@tyrantisterror's Tyrantis Walks Among Us! (reread) and Tyrantis Roams the Earth! I loved the first one, but again: genuine mystery how I hadn't gotten to the second, which I own, and have been looking forward to reading for an age.
CZ Edwards' Rien's Rebellion series- which. again. GENUINE MYSTERY. How I have not finished this. It's one of my favourite series of all time and was a huge influence on my current longform project (codename Glider Kids).
@shiraglassman 's Knit One, Girl Two.
@plaguedocboi 's Quest for the Sea's Revenge. I really, really, really want to read this one! ...but I am probably going to have to wait for a holiday to pick it up. Heckin' RIP.
If you guys like, I might also sprinkle in a mix of some of the reading I'm doing that's not other indie author's books, which is likely to be stuff from the library or from Project Gutenberg. My personal tastes skew towards kidlit (especially Victorian kidlit), queer romance, SF/F (both classic and modern), nonfiction about history (especially historical fashion, historical crime, and nonfiction written during the periods I enjoy).
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Pre-Orders Now Open for “Many Drops Make a Stream” by Adrian Harley!
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Pre-orders for Adrian Harley’s debut sapphic fantasy novel Many Drops Make a Stream are now open!
A memory-stealing cult. The ever-watchful City of Eyes. Making small talk. Join Droplet as she faces all these horrors and more…
Vigilante shapeshifter Droplet has trained her entire life to take down those with more power than scruples, but she still makes mistakes. When a rescue mission goes wrong, a memory-stealing cult of blood mages escapes with kidnapped captives in tow. To save them, Droplet reluctantly teams up with the outgoing, tenacious Azera. Droplet knows better than to trust a human—she made that mistake once, and that person’s betrayal scattered her community across the known world—and she can tell Azera is hiding secrets behind her sunny smile. But if they can’t learn to work together, even Droplet’s own memories could be lost.
Many Drops Make a Stream, Adrian Harley’s debut novel, is the stand-alone first book in a series of related fantasy-mystery-heists featuring the shapeshifter Droplet and the friends and found family who work alongside her to fight the corrupt powers-that-be. Many Drops Make a Stream is rated general (adult) audiences and features shapeshifting shenanigans, a nascent f/f quarrelers-to-lovers pre-relationship, a wonderful extended cast of family and pseudo-family, necromancy and blood magic and spellwork (oh my!), and one (1) very angry goose.
For this campaign, we’re offering:
Many Drops Make a Stream e-book (ePub and PDF formats)
Many Drops Make a Stream digest-sized trade paperback book (bonus: every single print book comes with a bookplate signed by Adrian Harley!)
Droplet!Dux Die-Cut Sticker
Many Drops Make a Stream Cover Art Print
Shapeshifting Droplet Enamel Pin
Patron-exclusive extra wooden coaster (for people who support Duck Prints Press at the $10/month and $25/month level on Patreon and back this campaign)
Better yet, you can get a discount by picking one of three bundles:
Many Drops Make a Stream E-Book + Merchandise
Many Drops Make a Stream E-Book + Print Book
Many Drops Make a Stream E-Book + Print Book + Merchandise
You can learn all about the book, the author, the campaign, and our offerings by visiting the pre-order page NOW!
Want a chance to win a trade paperback copy of Many Drops Make a Stream? Help us spread the word about this campaign by liking and signal boosting our posts on any of our platforms that including “sharing” functionality (such as Tumblr, Mastodon, Bluesky, and Facebook), and you can get up to 4 entries per platform where you share!*
Campaign backers will also get bonuses based on the number of signal boosts our posts receive! All the social media links for sharing are on the linked pre-order page, so help us tell the world about the awesome book, and who knows – you might win a copy! (But only if we fund, ’cause we can’t afford to print the book if we don’t fund, so help us make sure people who want to buy The Awesome learn that The Awesome exists!)
*sweepstakes rules and conditions
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
Comic recs !!!
I'm not sure if you mean for Jason or in general, so I'll do both but start with Jason comics.
"Role Call," which is collected in DC's New Talent Showcase 2017 and Batman and the Signal trade paperback.
Truth & Justice #10-12 "Haunted By The Past." I think physical copies are only trade paperback while the single issues are only digital.
Batman Urban Legends volume 1.
Task Force Z. It's 2 volumes/12 issues long.
Batman Legends of Gotham
The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing.
Oops, I hit answer too soon, I'll make a part 2 and tag you.
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digitalzoneonyoutube · 2 months
The Most Profitable and strong strategy for binary options | DigitalZone
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ariadnew · 2 months
Hello, friends of Tumblr!
How would you feel about doing a little character questionnaire? A very easy, very straightforward one, where you simply bold your answers; minimal thinking required. You might even enjoy it (wouldn't that be shocking?) I thought it might be a nice, gentle way for people who are interested in character development, collaborating and/or storytelling but aren't sure how to proceed or are daunted by the prospect to dip their toes into the water... or a nice distraction for those who are already doing these things. :)
The questions are under the cut (to save me cluttering your dash); you can either reblog the post with your answers, or copy + paste into a new post. They were adapted, added to and subtracted from a post made by another user quite a while ago, so credit to the creator, as well as my apologies- they've been in a Google doc a good 10 months now and I've no idea where they originated.
If anybody goes ahead and does this, please tag me so I can see? I really enjoy learning about the different personalities in the community. Conversely, if you've been tagged and don't care for this sort of thing, (1) I apologise, (2) safely ignore this, and I'll take it as a signal not to bother you with this nonsense again. :)
[feel free to include a picture!]
♦ Financial: Obscene Wealth / Well Off / Comfortable / Struggling / Poor / In Poverty
♦ Medical: Fit / Reasonably Fit / Average Health / Sickly / Disabled / Disadvantaged / Other
♦ Class: Upper / Middle  / Working / Unsure / Other
♦ Education Level: University / Trade School / High School / Primary School / Other
♦ Criminal Record: Yes, for Major Crimes / Yes, for Minor Crimes / No / Has committed crimes, but not caught (yet?) / Yes, but charges were dismissed / No Comment
♦ Children: Has Children / Has No Children / Wants Children / Does Not Want Children / Undecided
♦ Siblings: Close with Sibling(s) / Not Close with Sibling(s) / Has no Siblings / Sibling(s) Deceased
♦ Parents: Orphaned / Adopted / Disowned / Raised by Birth Parent(s) / Other
♦ Relationship Status: Single / Smitten / Dating / Committed / Married / Divorced / Widowed / Complicated / Other
♦ Extroverted / Introverted / In Between ♦ Optimistic / Pessimistic / In Between ♦ Outspoken / Reserved / In Between ♦ Disagreeable / Agreeable / In Between ♦ Disorganised / Organised / In Between ♦ Fixed Attitude / Open-minded / In Between ♦ Calm / Anxious / In Between ♦ Stubborn / Pushover / In Between ♦ Proud / Humble / In Between ♦ Cautious / Reckless / In Between ♦ Patient / Impatient / In Between ♦ Serious / Playful / In Between ♦ Leader / Follower / In Between ♦ Empathetic / Cold-blooded / In Between ♦ Selfish / Selfless / In Between ♦ Hard-working / Lazy / In Between ♦ Practical / Dreamer / In Between ♦ Loyal / Disloyal / Unknown ♦ Faithful / Unfaithful / Unknown ♦ Cultured / Uncultured / In Between
Tagging: @kullabergs @katrinbergling @madiwx @calveroterranorasj @highgrovesims3
(and the rest in the comments because apparently one cannot tag more than five people in a post)
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bentosandbox · 5 months
Ambience Synesthesia tutorial blog
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rambled this out because I didn't have inflight wifi otw home and the turbulence was too crazy to draw
Buying the ticket
erm so they only dropped the tickets like slightly less than a month before lol kinda insane
The concert tickets were sold on Damai so you need a CN number or know/pay someone with one who'd buy it for you which is what I did by recommendation (A tier 1280 + 400 'service fee' [apparently it would have been cheaper if they only helped you half way or something but i wasnt gonna risk running into a payment hiccup so]) Iirc they sold it in two batches but I don't remember the ratio split between first and second wave…
I got a ticket for 5/5's afternoon show (so the second last performance), I DID meet an oomf who said they managed to snag a ticket for themselves on their own (without a Professional Ticket Snatcher) so its not too impossible to attain on your own I think??? (I didn't get a CN number until like 2 days before I flew back home soo)
Professional Ticket what?? Uhhh apparently there's a whole industry/scene for this you look for listings on xianyu/taobao etc for people to buy on your behalf, you have to give them your real name and identification number (so for foreigners it'd be your passport number) for verification purposes during entry so yknow yea
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getting there
You could cab directly to the venue but my friend signed us up for the free shuttle bus (they had freebies last year but not this time) and before we boarded they gave us like free water and bread (apparently free raincoats too on rainy days) which was nice of them but also insane because. the venue doesn't allow you to bring food/drinks in so a lot of people were leaving A LOT of unopened bottles near the gate and I saw a venue staff just throwing them all into the bin (HOPEFULLY JUST TO CARRY THEM AWAY IN ONE GO AND NOT FOR STRAIGHT DISPOSAL….) They drop you off near the venue but you don't go in directly, there's a 'Doctor break room' where most people are seated waiting to be ushered in batches into the venue, but also a lot of people standing around on one side of the room swapping/offering merch
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merch swap
ive been told this is a very concert culture thing but i feel like its kind of different because a lot of these are so high quality ike…you could sell them at Artist Alleys but here they are just distributing for free if you have a E2 60 blorbo lmao or whatever (there seems to be a tiny…? minority that prints official art but most of them seem to be handdrawn/made)
i was too unprepared for this lol i did exchange some of my old stickers (missed out on a collapsal plastic fan bc my brain lagged when the guy asked me and i went to my auto 'sorry i dont have any merch' response' :( regretted this bc the room got a little hot from the amount of people in there and i was wearing like 3 layers with that fan on my mind)
from people watching a lot of trades are arranged beforehand on weibo/other sites unless you're willing to yell WHO WANTS TO TRADEEE/anyone wants freebies (a lot of people were also wearing 'Feel Free to Swap Merch/Ask for Freebies' tags) which i was definitely not brave enough to do lol… met up with an oomf i got to know from last dec when i attended an arknights only and they gave me some birbs and charms (bottom of post), there was someone who got a free LGD zine and charm from me bc i posted on wb that id give a free copy to anyone with a Mod 3 swire/swummer LMFAO
I had 2 more people to meet but, uhhh so I bought an esim for mobile data and it would intermittently lose signal here and there which was a little annoying when getting coffee but it just died entirely when i reached the venue and it was kind of Dire because i was waiting for one more friend who was coming over from the fes and i couldn't contact them lmao. told the friend i came with to go in first because I thought if my food got confiscated at least my oomf could see it beforehand LOL
waited outside in a light drizzle for an hour trying to trouble shoot my data to no avail and ended up borrowing a staff's wifi hotspot to get my entry qr code (I actually bought a second data roaming plan on my local sim but i quite stupidly did not check the country coverage and only learned later that night that 'Asia' doesn't cover China kuxiao) she was so nice i was (bow emoji) so sorry to trouble you im a stupid gaijin and she was like no its ok enjoy shanghai!! pien
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spent a good 30min next to this board praying for data to no avail
the show
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erm anyway because of that clownery above i more or less missed the first piece (the one w the goated hoho) but at least i wasnt the guy next to me who went for a bathroom break right before starset came up
The live singing this year was definitely an improvement I think… I can't really remember the setlist off the top of my head but I'm sure someone else has already listed it out, there were a couple of new pieces that weren't related to the concert groups like a Babel/Kazdel?? one sung in Latin, a Victoria…? one (in victorian ofc) also an Amiya (? just remembering by the visuals they used lol) one in Japanese
ohh yeah so almost every track would start with like a faction logo transitioning in from 3d to 2d which was cool but also amusing because it was honestly bringing quite the 'I will Make Your Company Logo Into 3D Fiverr' vibes
Since I missed the first piece idk if any of The Dreamer(s) got 3D models but The Pilgrim(s why are they all singular) had Kaltsit playing on that piano (there was also a replica of that piano on stage the white one complete with 'Arknights' text on it lmao) and Siege being cool running around in 3D (and ofc Eureka during her denpa number) it was very cool but man... its a pity the other characters in the group just get their live2d png during the beginning and effectively get sidelined lool compared to say Phenomenal Agents idk if i like this tradeoff but that eureka bit was so good sheesh #NOVAFIVE⭐ULTRALIVESWEEP
The other stuff was really great too looking at you Lone Trail medley…!!!!! I might be wrong but I... assume... you're encouraged to karaoke bc they always show the lyrics on screen… I couldn't even hear myself anyway but it was very fun singing songs you can't get on joysound/etc with a whole crowd going at it too (even if most of them would only sing 1-2 lines of the chorus)
Mary Clare did Radiant (they had the lyrics scrolling on the sides very cool) and iirc the Throne group's song...? Radiant was so fun live
Starset did Monster > Telescope and when the latter ended they were like Bye! and we(?) started yelling ENCORE--awkwardly because idk how they do it here (I was half expecting it to be JP style 'an-call-roo' but a bunch of us just yelled en-core en-core here and there until they returned to perform Infected) speaking of yelling.. between every piece when they had to switch sets people would just yell memes or skill names (like Dage's) to pass the time or sth i barely caught half of whatever they were memeing about
did i forget to mention anything else uhhh originium rock turntable for Guide Ahead's boss theme/Dossoles Lobby and they had IS4 medley live throat singing very cool also the dancers they got for silbenherze's boss theme good stuff...
iirc after starset was like a behind the scenes video of how HG prepared for AS and a recorded lowlight video saying some stuff that i forgot LOL just some thank you message basically. 9.5/10 bc no missy/shu EP live
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i just realised i forgot to display all the merch from the A tier ticket but w/e. light stick photo ft. merch swaps/gifts from friends and strangers 🥹 (the iffy lenticular card was literally dropped into my bag by an iffy coser (wearing the LT outfit..?!) while waiting for the cab LMAO)
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vaklinov · 9 months
Key to investment success
s many of you know we at DamasFX investing our own funds and manage clients funds with our strategies on FOREX market. But to be successful on high risk market as FOREX, main key is diversification. That’s why our own investment portfolio include other traders strategies. Here are some of the best strategies in CopyFX from ROBOFOREX that we have investments: Continue….
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dominimoonbeam · 8 months
To The Edge - 1
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping,
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
The ship descended through the thick cloud cover, shuddering against the onslaught of weather it was never built for. Pink lightning streaked outside the curved window and alarms chimed and blinked across his flight panel.
Gritting his teeth, Rory pushed on, dropping lower and cringing at the sound of atmosphere clawing across his ship, rattling the metal and plastic that had kept him alive for nearly a decade. It was louder than anything he was used to in space, almost too loud to bear until they finally broke through the edge of a storm. Rain pelted the ship for the first time in cycles. He shouldn’t have gone that long between visits to settlements, but it was easy to stay away. It was easy to stay out in the great swaths of in between, and his reasons to go to land had run far and few.
A strong roll of wind tried to push him off course. There was something exciting about flying in atmosphere, not that he would ever admit it. Space was where excitement lived, everyone knew that.
The rain continued.
His course was lit up in neon yellow on the plastic windshield, leading him to the agreed spot for the trade.
Rory hated ransoms.
They were often messy in the worst ways.
The lush jungle below gave way to a valley of gray stones and pebbles. By the time he landed, he could almost see the edge of the ocean on the horizon. The rain had dwindled to a mist, blurring his view from the bridge. With a tap at the console, the view changed, no longer a window at all but a screen giving him outlines and heat signatures.
The pirate jet was waiting.
He set his ship to self-defense mode and coupled it to his optic implant so that any alerts or signals would come up in his vision. They had agreed to meet just the two ships. He would come alone and upon proof that they had the missing Primer, he would make the trade on behalf of their family. It was simple.
Most ransoms sounded simple, but they rarely worked out that way.
Rory checked his guns, slid them back into their holsters on his hips, and then walked off the bridge.
He moved through his ship, to the modest cargo hold and the door.
He winced at the shift of air. There was always a second’s hesitation to breathe and then another few of accepting that particular cocktail of atmosphere as good enough. This settlement smelled like iron and salt, burning the back of his throat, and the air was too wet for comfort, making him feel half-drowned with every breath.
Trying not to sulk, he marched out into the mist-filled, chilly wind, the pebbled ground shifting under his boots.
With a silent command over his optic implant, his ship locked down. There was no way he was going to give pirates the chance to steal from him. They had come for a ransom but there was no promise they wouldn’t change their minds if they saw another opportunity. Although, considering the size of their payday for this one Primer, he doubted they were thinking about anything else.
If they’d known who they really had, they could have asked for even more.
But if they’d known who they had, even pirates might have been too smart to try.
When Rory neared the three figures, he smiled, despite the state of things. His bounty wasn’t looking great, but at least they were on their own two legs. Their wrists were cuffed and they had a hood over their head. Their clothes were torn and filthy with spots of dried blood down their front.
“This is them? Take the damn hood off. I’m not paying the ransom until I confirm it’s them,” Rory pressed, like he did this every day and it was getting old.
One of the pirates, almost young enough to make him feel bad for them—like their choices hadn’t been all their own and this wasn’t the spot they’d chosen to stand in—curled a lip like they might decline the order. It was probably something like instinct for a pirate to defy a command. They came from all parts of the galaxy, from all walks of life, drawn to that life for a hundred different reasons. Aside from a penchant for neon and cruelty, the only common thread Rory had noticed among them was how young they always looked. He supposed they never lasted long enough to look older than twenty. The pirate bared teeth at him but grabbed the hood and pulled it off the bounty. “There. Just as promised.”
Rory’s smile died. The bounty looked scared. They were trying to clench their jaw, like it would keep it from trembling. Their lip was busted and scabbed over, a trail of blood crusted down their chin, and a deep bruise was blooming over the side of their face in overlapping petals of purple, brown, and yellow. Their hair was a tangled mess falling over the other half of their face, with big, dark eyes staring back at him. “You didn’t have to rough them up. You knew their family would send someone,” he said to the pirates but hadn’t broken eye contact with the Primer yet.
They stared at him like they knew him. Like he had wronged them before, and they had known he’d be coming again this time. Only that wasn’t possible. Really, this Primer was staring at the whole galaxy in his eyes, like the whole damn thing had been out to get them and it was all inevitable. Despite that, despite all that tired scorn, somehow Rory knew they weren’t done fighting either.
One of the pirates shrugged and he forced himself to look away from the rich kidnappee. The other pirate was still scowling. They could have been twins for how similar they looked, the same leather jackets smeared in glowing paint and the same wild pink hair. They were the same height with the same mouth. Definitely related. “They gave us trouble,” the grumpy one explained.
“Trouble?” Rory barked, waving an arm at the Primer in question. They were hardly an imposing figure. “How much trouble could they have been?”
The smiley one and the frowning one traded expressions. It was startling to see.
“They shot one of ours when we took their ship and they’ve been difficult ever since. Broke Brit’s arm and bit a chunk out of Harl. They’re lucky we didn’t muzzle them,” said one of the pirates. Rory had lost track of which was which when they started trading expressions. Maybe they were twins…
He looked at the bounty anew, not surprised exactly but pleased to hear it. “Really? Well, good for them. But I should take a few thousand off for that fat lip.”
“We set the price. You pay it and you get to deliver them alive,” one snapped, gun in hand and waving between Rory and the Primer.
Rory didn’t balk. “Oh, I don’t get to negotiate?” He took a step closer, raising his voice in indignation. “I’m just the idiot sent out to the edge of fucking space, where there’s nothing but asshole pirates like you, to handle the tradeoff. Right? Because you really think families like theirs send polite errand boys to deal with shit like this?” He gestured in big sweeps of his arm as he spoke—to them, to the sky, and to the pebble wet valley all around them. “My ship is nice, but you really think I just zipped that thing across the quad in a couple days? I swear, every year you pirates get dumber.” He took a deep breath and another step, dropping his voice in the attempt to be reasonable. “It’s not your fault. You never live long enough to learn anything. Do you want some advice? I know you won’t take it, because you won’t have time, but one of the many rules of crime in space is know who you mess with.”
The pink twins stared at him, one with wide-eyed surprise and the other with narrow irritation.
Rory’s smile turned cruel. He could feel it and taste it on his own words. “You have no idea who you kidnapped, do you?”
He shot them both before they could lift their weapons, the blasts echoing across the valley and pebbles jostling in all directions as they fell.
The bounty flinched, curling forward and raising those bound hands in a last effort to shield themself.
And then they were off, making a run for…where were they even going? The ocean?
Rory laughed even though he tried not to, chasing after them. “Woah! Woah. Hang on. Don’t run.”
He caught up easily. They had no shoes and the terrain was not kind. He tried to grab their arm, but they shoved him off and spun to face him, panting. At least they’d stopped. He held his hands up and slowly holstered his gun for them to see. “We’re in the middle of nowhere. The nearest settlement is run by criminals and you’re still in handcuffs. Your family hired me to get you back and that’s what I’ll do, okay? I’ll get you home.”
 They dragged a few breaths, shaking either from the cold or the adrenaline. “Promise?” they coughed the word.
“Promise?” he laughed, thrown by how fragile it sounded on their tongue. He hadn’t expected that. In fact, he’d either been expecting them to be crying up a storm or commanding him to drawn them a bath. “Yeah. Yeah, I promise, Stardust.” Why not?
They looked around, like maybe they’d find another option out there in the middle of nowhere.
He chanced a step closer. “Let’s get back to my ship, we’ll get out of here and I’ll patch you up. You look like you might faint…”
They shuffled a step back. “Don’t make fun of me.”
At least they were moving in the right direction, though he wasn’t entirely sure they realized it. “I’m not making fun of you.” He held out an arm, offering his hand.
Stardust curled a lip, eyes a little unfocused.
Rory raised an eyebrow, watching them carefully, arm still out. “Are you sure you can walk to the ship?” He cracked a smile. “Do you want a piggyback?”
Despite looking like they were on the edge of consciousness, the Primer shot back, “Go fuck yourself!”
Laughter burst from his lungs, his smile making his cheeks ache. “I’m going to write that mouth off as a concussion, Stardust. Although having you swear at me while lisping on that busted lip is pretty damn cute.”
They flipped him off again but started walking. It was more of an amble, cutting side to side rather than moving in a straight line. They were stubborn. That had probably served them well during this last week.
Rory was pleasantly surprised. Not only was his bounty alive and in one piece, but they seemed determined to stay that way without as little help from him as possible. “Did you really shoot one of them when they snatched you?” he asked, a few paces behind and keeping an eye out for other pirates.
“You just shot two of them, didn’t you?” they snapped.
“Yeah, I did shoot two of them. I’m not saying you were wrong to do it. I’m impressed. I bet those pirates were real fucking surprised when they cut open the hatch on that shiny jet of yours and found you pointing a gun at them.”
Stardust glanced back at him. “You found it?”
“Your jet? Oh, no, they pulled that thing apart and sold it for parts by the next day. I did get my hands on the logs though. Looked like you gave them a hell of a run before they blew your engine out.” It had been a very expensive jet. He wasn’t the least bit surprised the pirates went after it. No one flew anything that chrome this deep, not unless they had the guns to back it up.
Stardust stopped walking.
“What were you doing in that sector, anyway? Not really the posh neighborhood…” Rory stopped and looked at them. They were dragging deep breaths and staring up at the sky. “Stardust? You okay? What are—oh shit.” He ran for them when their legs buckled, sliding in the pebbles to get his hand under their head before their skull could hit the ground. “Damn it.”
He scooped them up, kicking rocks to get back to his feet with his bounty in his arms. They were worth a fortune.
He unlocked the ship with a thought when he neared, using the commands over his implant to open the door and start the engines. They needed to get distance from the dead pirates, and he needed to make sure the Primer didn’t die on his ship.
Already he knew that if they did, he’d have to frame the pirates for it.
The last thing he needed was to get caught with Stardust Solinoh Fairvell Malou’s corpse.
He carried them into the tiny med room of his ship and laid them on the padded cot, buckling them down. “Don’t die,” he said and then gave them a sedative because he wasn’t sure what would happen if they woke up strapped down to the bed. They’d barely agreed to let him rescue them in the first place…
Rory bolted for the bridge and jumped into his chair. He took off from Luna Eris like death was scratching at his haul. He just needed his passenger to stay unconscious until he was off world, then he’d be able to set the course, turn on autopilot, and patch them up.
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ishipgenfics · 2 years
You and Your Human: Part 2
Part 1
You let yourself fall apart with your human for a few more moments before pulling yourself up. You are not helpless. You have your own ship now. You can keep yourself and your human safe. But you need a new crew. Loyal ones, who are good at their jobs and don't mind humans. Which... isn't so easy to find.
Luckily, you and your human are at one of the largest trading posts this side of the Starry Abyss. If there's anywhere you can find someone who won't much mind working with a human, it's here.
You do not actually end up finding your first crew member, they find you. In fact, they run up to you, beaming.
"Pronouns?" they say, speaking to you in your native language. You are stunned.
"Er... she/her variance?" you say.
They nod and keep speaking, words tumbling out, accent like that of a native speaker. But unless the setup of the trading posts has very much changed since your last visit, they cannot be a native speaker. They are tall, with feathered wings and puffy gray-white hair. They wear flowing white robes and their beak makes a satisfying clicking noise as they speak.
"Oh my gosh thank you so much, I'm not sure why they sent you as opposed to one of my superiors... are you working for one of the ambassadors? You know what, it doesn't really matter. Anyway, thank you for reconsidering I swear I won't let you down--"
You puff your tail up and step in front of your human. "Pronouns?"
"They/them variant."
You nod. "Excuse me, but who are you and what do you want?"
The Equilian backed up. They looked genuinely remorseful, which made you feel a bit bad.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry," they say. They chuckle nervously, teeth retracted into their beak. "I didn't-- I have been a mess today, Saints. I'll just tangle my way out of here then...?"
They start to walk away, but you let out a high-pitched squeak, a signal to wait. You aren't sure why. Your human squeaks at you, but it has the pitch wrong and you can't tell what it's trying to say. You pat its ankle reassuringly and then turn back to the Equilian.
"How do you know Pyricese so well?" you ask. Most people do not know more than their standard language, and maybe a second one they learned at school. It is the reason why most ships are only one species, why the United Galactic Council failed so badly, and why translators are one of the most coveted resources in the Abyss. Someone like you-- who speaks nearly every language a person might need-- well, everybody wants you. It's why you have to be careful.
"I spent five years as part of an aid program, for the alliance between our two planets." Their head bounces up and down, almost like a nod, and you notice your human copying the motion. "I'm essentially fluent!"
"Aid?" you say. There is a cold spiral of dread in your stomach. You feel sick. "What happened?"
"Oh. Oh Saints you don't know."
"What. Happened." Your human is babbling comforting nonsense in the background. Normally you would be happy to hear it speaking its native language, but you are too hopped up on adrenaline right now. When you get back to your ship, you are going to have a nice hot bath and a long lie down. This much adrenaline cannot be healthy.
"It was a sandstorm," the Equilian says. "A bad one. A lot of things were destroyed, pretty soon after the alliance was formed. So they sent over aid groups to help."
"You were one of them?" you clarify. You are starting to have an idea.
"Yeah." The Equilians wings slump. Their feathers are messy, they must not have preened in a while. "Was. My contract ran out and I wasn't a citizen so... I wasn't allowed to stay."
You realize that you are leaning forward, tail perked up. You look too invested in this, you don't even know this person. You're always emotional after a breakdown. "What I am hearing," you say, recovering magnificently if you do say so yourself, "is that you are in need of a job."
"Are you offering?" the Equilian says.
Your tail shakes upwards. "I am. What can you do?"
"I'm a builder, or have been for a while, but I've always liked to think that I'm a good pilot," the Equilian says.
You smile. "It just so happens that I have acquired a new ship. And I'm not a particuarly good pilot."
The Equilians wings flap in and out. "That's-- that's great! Are you ready to go, or do you have any other business? Is there somewhere I should meet you?"
Your human is making soft muttering noises. From what you can parse, although it is difficult to follow two languages at once, it is trying to figure out what you are saying. It does not seem to be having much luck, which makes sense, you've only taught it it/its variance and this whole conversation has been in she/her and they/them variance.
"Meet me at the docks, in the crow section," you say. "I'll show you where the ship is once I get there." You do not think your pilot would steal the ship, but it is standard procedure, and you do not want to risk getting stranded, especially not now that you have a human to protect.
The Equilian nods, and flutter-walks away. You grab your human by the hand, and head off into the crowd. You have more crew members to find.
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