#Congratulations!you are recluse.
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moonlight-1108 · 6 months ago
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The English version is below :DD.
Cap 3:Pequeñas discusiones…
Era el otro día,Once-ler ni siquiera despertó después de que se le curara,a ver si podía hacer algo y de todos modos no se atrevería a intentar escapar o algo después de que el tipo lo golpeara.No le tenía miedo,simplemente no quería verlo porque aún le tenía cierto enojo.
Warden no podía quedarse de brazos cruzados,aún sentía pena por lo que había hecho y quería repararlo,así que qué mejor que ir a hacerlo con esa actitud feliz.
El hombre entró en la celda,con toda esa actitud arco-iris y sonriente de siempre,como si nada hubiera pasado.
Warden:HEY!buenos días amigo!-sonriente y abriendo la puerta fuertemente-
Once-ler frunció el ceño al verlo entrar,con irritación agarró su almohada y se la aventó,sin importar a donde le cayera.
Warden:Hey!-esquivando-eso pudo golpearme y matarme!-ceño fruncido y manos en las caderas-
Once-ler:No seas exagerado!-volteándose para no verlo-
Warden:Aún sigues enojado conmigo?Y NO EXAGERO nunca,pff,yo nunca exagero-tratando de verlo-
Once-ler:En serió lo preguntas?EN SERIÓ?agg -levantándose rápidamente,pero empezó a arrepentirse por el dolor-
Warden:Amm…lo siento amigo,te duele?-tomando su sombrero y sosteniéndolo entre sus manos-
Once-ler:Es evidente,tonto…me golpeaste contra el suelo hasta sangrar!sin mencionar que te pedí que te detuvieras-viéndolo con enojo y haciendo un puchero-
Warden:Puede que me haya…salido un poco de control,solo un poco…jeje -risa nerviosa y retrocediendo por vergüenza-
Once-ler simplemente resoplo,negándose a intentar discutir de nuevo.
Once-ler:Bueno,qué quieres?
Warden:Oh,que bueno que lo preguntes-rodeándolo con un brazo y rompiendo el espacio personal de el otro-como nuevo recluso…
Once-ler:No,no,no!aún te equivocas no soy un recluso y de hecho ahora mismo me iré.
Esté aprovechó que la puerta estaba abierta y salió,dejando al otro atrás.
Warden:Hey,hey!pero ya lo discutimos tranquilamente ayer,lo olvidas?-siguiéndolo y tratando de no molestarlo-
Once-ler:Oh,pacíficamente,esto te parece pacíficamente?-señalando su herida y viéndolo con enojo-
Warden:Oh,eso?sí…creo que fui demasiado duro contigo…no creas que soy así todo el tiempo,de hecho todos aquí saben que soy un tipo muy amable,no lo crees?-mirándolo y con una sonrisa,mostrando ese hueco entre sus dientes-
Warden:Escucho,amigo-sonriente a su lado-
Once-ler:Primero que nada,no somos amigos y segundo … .¿Quieres que sea feliz?-señalando-
Warden:Pues sí,quiero que todos los reclusos que entran aquí,sean felices!tienes alguna sugerencia?estoy abierto a nuevas propuestas,claramente-sacando una lista y viéndolo como si esperara a que le dictara-
Once-ler:Entonces déjame ir!-cruzándose de brazos-
Warden:Oye,tú me dijiste amigo ayer…espera!dejarte ir…cómo salir afuera?-moviendo las manos como si tratara de entenderlo con eso-
Once-ler:Eso fue porque me estabas atacando como un animal y sí!salir,de salir afuera…pff,qué digo?tú no sabes que es estar fuera…nunca has salido,tú no sabes lo bello que sería estar afuera de está horrible prisión!-gritandole y sonando intimidante-
El otro retrocedió,cubriéndose con la lista y luciendo shockeado al oír lo que se dijo de su prisión.
Warden:¿Horrible?pe-pero…-tragando saliva y tratando de darse valor-OYE!no es horrible,está prisión es mi casa,es tu casa y es absolutamente bella,divertida e increíble!
Once-ler:Pues para mí es como estar en la basura,lo entiendes?-tomándolo de los hombros y acercándose a él-
Warden:…Oh,ya veo…tienes hambre?-sonriendo ahora-
Warden:Es por qué no has comido,¿verdad?es por eso que estás molesto….pff,tonto yo,cómo pude olvidarlo?-convenciendose genuinamente de eso-tranquilo amigo,yo también me pongo me pongo algo molesto si no tengo mi comida a tiempo,pero tranquilo a eso iremos-sonriéndole y guiñandole un ojo-
Once-ler:¿Sabes qué?no tengo hambre,quiero descansar,adiós!-esté yéndose de nuevo a su celda-eso me haría feliz al menos…
Warden lo dejó irse,tratando de sonar aún más positivo y menos nervioso por intentar darle una buena impresión al otro.
Warden:Sí,jeje…te veo luego,adiós amigo-sonriendo nerviosamente-
Once-ler:Pff,idiota-sentandose en el piso y sosteniendo su rostro entre sus manos-
-Rato después-
Warden decidió llevarle comida a Once-ler,sabía que tendría hambre y no quería dejarlo morir,al menos no por ahora.Esté llegó a la celda de el otro,está vez deteniéndose antes de entrar y tocando.
Warden:Amm…cómo se supone qué deba…-intentando verse bien y no hacer algo que provoque otra riña-
Once-ler:Pasa,ya sé que eres tú-sonando serio y un poco triste-
Warden:Ah sí?pues…hola-sonriendo y entrando-cómo supiste eso?
Once-ler:Eres el único que vendría a verme…y los demás no tendrían la decencia de tocar.
Warden:Bueno,eso es cierto…ciertamente no lo harían,supongo que debo agregar una actividad para eso pero eso será después,por ahora!ten-dándole la bolsa de almuerzo y sonriente como siempre-
Once-ler:Umm?qué es?-mirándolo y sosteniendo la bolsa-
Warden:Es tu comida,no puedo dejar que mueras de hambre…eso no me haría un buen guardi��n-pensando en cuantos ha dejado morir así,sin siquiera pensarlo antes-mmm sí…
Once-ler:Bueno,gracias…supongo que es cierto
El otro hombre sentándose a su lado,luciendo muy sonriente y tal vez tratando de sacar platica.
Warden:Y bien…qué piensas?
Once-ler:¿De qué?-mirándolo-
Warden:No quiero sonar insistente pero…en serió no somos amigos?-mirándolo con nerviosismo y un poco insistente-en serió?
Once-ler:Mmm…-volteando a ver una pared-no creo que sea momento de tomar decisiones sobre eso-sonando serio y franco-
Warden:Jeje…sí,no es tiempo..supongo que debo darte tiempo amig…Once-ler!-alejándose de su lado,un poco incómodo-creo que…debo irme!el deber me llama y estoy muy,MUY ocupado jejeje…bueno adiós!
Once-ler:Sí…está bien-viéndolo y también un poco incómodo-
Warden:…Adiós!-desapareciendo en una explosión de confeti-
Once-ler:Uh?…hombre extraño,interesante…
Esté tomó la bolsa nuevamente,encontrándose una notita,con una carita feliz dibujada.
Once-ler:…Gracioso-dejándola aún lado-
-Rato después-
Pasó un rato,Warden se encontraba en su oficina,viendo un poco la destrucción y un poco creando figuras de papel.
Warden:Mmm…¿habrá creído qué soy extraño?…nah,seguramente le agrado-mirando a todos lados nervioso y un poco incómodo consigo mismo-…necesito…pensar en algo,algo que lo haga feliz,sí!
Esté estaba pensando en algo loco o mínimamente algo capaz de mandar todo al caos o algo que ponga todo mal.Cuando Warden tenía una idea,nada podría pararlo,él manda ahí y puede hacer lo que quiera,si se lo preguntas.
Warden:Oh,sí!seguramente necesita una buena bienvenida,ayer fue…extraño y un poco violento…y neces…qué estoy haciendo?-apretando un botón en su escritorio-
El hombre bajito llegó,después de que fuera absorbido por algo y fuera escupido en la oficina del alcaide.
Warden:Oh,Jared…ahí estás,necesito ayuda de mi contador favorito-yendo hacía el otro y ayudando a pararse-
Jared:Qu-qué necesita señor?-mirándolo y confundido por ese viaje extraño-
Warden:¡Qué bueno que lo preguntas!Como verás Jared,tenemos un nuevo recluso y bueno…puede que ayer haya tenido una bienvenida un tanto extraña.
Jared:Espere,no es el tipo con el que se pele…
Warden:SÍ!jeje-tapándole la boca con la mano-no mencionemos eso,eso ya pasó y ahora!es momento de planear…
Jared:-Quitándose la mano del otro-planear?de qué habla exactamente?
Warden:Jared,Jared…¡Planear!qué más significa eso?-brazos cruzados y mirándolo con el ceño fruncido-
El otro hombre retrocedió asustado y mirándolo con nerviosismo,aunque ya era muy común que hiciera eso cerca de Warden de todos modos.
Jared:Sí,sí señor…lo siento,pero qué necesita?
Warden:Pues es obvió…necesito que intentes calmar a los demás!
Jared:¿Qué?pe-pero señor!esos tipos son como animales salvajes,no se pueden calmar a menos que se trate de verdaderamente una amenaza para ellos!y ni eso los calma del todo-preocupado y nervioso-
Warden:Ay!por Dios Jared…no estoy pidiendo algo imposible,bueno … .probablemente sí ¡pero! lo importante es que puedas cumplir mis órdenes-acercándose al otro y sonriente-
Jared:Su-supongo…-viéndolo con miedo y temblando-
Warden:¡Perfecto!solo quiero darle una bienvenida bien hecha a Once-ler-sonrisa completa-
Jared:Así se llama él?un poco extraño…supongo que intentaré hacer algo con ellos,creo que puedo hacer algo…-aún nervioso y tratando de no hacerlo enojar-
Warden:¡Genial!¡Adiós,encargate!-yéndose en un arco-iris,a la inversa-
Jared:¡Pero señor!…diablos…
Warden estaba emocionado,yendo hacía la celda de Once-ler y entrando nuevamente sin preguntar.
Warden:ONCE-LER!!-feliz pero la sonrisa desapareció luego-Once-ler?
Buscando por todas partes de la celda,no encontrando nada.
Warden:Once-ler!!tiene que estar aquí…no puede que haya?…tranquilo Warden,seguramente él fue a buscar algo o pasear por ahí,sí eso-riendo nerviosamente-
Once-ler:Qué quieres?-mirándolo como si estuviera mirando a un loco-
Warden:Oh,ahí estás!-sonriendo nuevamente y yendo hacía él,abrazándolo-
Once-ler intentó zafarse y empujarlo,no pudiendo por los brazos fideo del otro que lo apretaban fuertemente.
Once-ler:Oye,oye!suéltame-ceño fruncido-
Warden:Uh,sí…lo siento-soltándolo y recomponiendose-
Once-ler:Gracias,qué quieres?-acomodándose el traje-
Warden:Oh,eso…pues,resulta que…admito!Ayer fue una pésima bienvenida para ti y lo siento,pero!quiero recomponerlo y darte una bienvenida grandiosa,qué te parece que yo te enseñe que es este lugar?-sonriente y emocionado-
Warden:Genia…qué?pero,pero…pero es una buena idea,tal vez empieces a disfrutar de este lugar,¡creéme!-haciendo un puchero y mirándolo triste-
Once-ler:Creo que aún no lo captas,no me agradas,no me agrada este lugar y NO GRACIAS!-molesto y exaltado-
Warden:L-lo entiendo pero…solo si me das una oportunidad,te voy a demostrar que te puedo agradar-acercándose a él y otra vez rompiendo el espacio personal del otro-
Once-ler:No,no me vas a agradar!nunca…¿ahora podrías dejar de intentarlo?
Esté tomándolo de los hombros y llevándoselo a cualquier lugar.
Once-ler:Uh?qué estás haciendo?-mirándolo molesto y confundido por lo que pasó-
Warden:Nada,solo llevándote a la mejor bienvenida!claro que sí!-sonriendo totalmente-
Once-ler:Regresame a mi celda o mejor a MI MALDITO HOGAR!
Warden:Pff,no!enserio vas a amar este lugar.
Once-ler:Quiéres otra paliza?-apretando los puños y con irritación-
Warden:Oh,no,no…lo último que quisiera es que me golpees y tengamos otra riña,no me agrada estar nadando en mi propia sangre y golpear amigos-mirándolo y sonriendo,sin estar preocupado realmente-
Once-ler:Bien,entonces regresaré a mi celda por mi propia cuenta-dándose la vuelta y caminando-
Warden:No,no!espera!…no tienes que irte,en serio esto te encantará-sujetandole el brazo y suplicante-
Once-ler:Por qué insistes en esto?-tratándose de alejar-
Warden:Porque…porque!jamás me rendiría en mostrarle a alguien lo divertida,grandiosa,espectacular y increíblemente hermosa que es Superjail!-poniéndose angelical de la nada y inspirador-
Mostrandose por detrás de ellos,reclusos matándose de maneras violentas y todo un desastre,siendo limpiado por Jailbot.
Once-ler:””Oh,sí claro””  no digas estupideces,literalmente esto es un infierno…no es una cárcel normal,no lo ves?
Warden:Cárcel normal?pff,no!la cárcel normal es…es aburrida,por eso,amigo!Cree Superjail!para cambiar la forma en la que se…
Once-ler:Sí,sí…aja,no me importa…ya entendí,cárcel genial,reclusos en la miseria,todo parece vomito arco-iris y tienen a un guardián extraño,entendí…ahora puedes sacarme?-cruzado de brazos y mirándolo con desesperación-
Warden se inmuto y simplemente intentó defenderse,sin poder hacer nada.Once-ler no espero más la respuesta y simplemente empezó a caminar.
Warden:¡No, espera!¿por qué?
Once-ler:Qué?-volteando a verlo-
Warden:¿Por qué simplemente no me das la oportunidad?hasta ahora tú eres el único que puede odiarme pero ¿y yo?tú iniciaste la pelea,tú empezaste a odiarme,¡tú!no quería pelear contigo en ningún momento-un poco molesto y con el ceño fruncido-
Once-ler:Ciertamente tengo razones para hacerlo y en serio…dejaría de hacerlo si hicieras lo que digo!solo quiero ir a casa,es mucho pedirte eso?o es que no lo entiendes?-molesto y exaltado,tratando de no volver a pelear a golpes-
Warden:Pff,yo soy el que da las órdenes,¡no tú!eres un criminal,te vas a quedar aquí y no hay más!-esté enojado y con las pupilas contraídas-
Once-ler:No puedo esperar más de un tipo como tú!sabes qué?no pienso seguir discutiendo..adiós-yéndose a su celda-
Warden no dijo nada,lo dejó irse por más que no quisiera que lo hiciera.
Warden:-cayéndole sangre en la cara-JARED!
Chapter 3:Small discussions…
the next day, Once-ler didn't even wake up after being healed, let's see if he could do something and anyway he wouldn't dare try to escape or something after the guy hit him. I wasn't afraid of him, I just didn't want to see him because I still had some anger towards him. Warden couldn't sit idly by, he still felt sorry for what he had done and wanted to make amends, so what better way to do it than with that happy attitude.
The man entered the cell, with all that rainbow attitude and always smiling, as if nothing had happened.
Warden: Hey! good morning friend! -smiling and opening the door forcefully-
Once-ler frowned when she saw him enter, irritably grabbing his pillow and throwing it at him, no matter where it landed.
Warden: Hey!-dodging-that could have hit me and killed me!-frown and hands on hips-
Once-ler: Don't be exaggerated! -turning around so as not to see him- Warden: Are you still angry with me? And I never exaggerate, pff, I never exaggerate-trying to see it- Once-ler: Are you really asking? REALLY? agg-getting up quickly, but began to regret it because of the pain- Warden: Amm…I'm sorry friend, does it hurt? -taking his hat and holding it in his hands- Once-ler: It's obvious, you fool… you beat me to the ground until I was bleeding! Not to mention that I asked you to stop - looking at him angrily and pouting - Warden: I may have… got a little out of control, just a little… hehe-nervous laugh and stepping back out of embarrassment-
Once-ler simply snorted, refusing to try to argue again.
Once-ler:Well, what do you want? Warden: Oh, it's good that you ask - surrounding him with one arm and breaking the other's personal space - as a new inmate… Once-ler: No, no, no! You're still wrong, I'm not a recluse and in fact I'm leaving right now.
he took advantage of the fact that the door was open and left, leaving the other behind.
Warden:Hey, hey! But we already discussed it calmly yesterday, do you forget? -following him and trying not to bother him- Once-ler: Oh, peacefully, does this sound peacefully to you? -pointing to his wound and looking at him angrily- Warden: Oh, that's right… I think I was too hard on you… don't think I'm like that all the time, in fact everyone here knows that I'm a very nice guy, don't you think so? - looking at him and with a smile, showing that gap between his teeth- Once-ler: Mmm…yes, aha, listen! -stopping- Warden: I'm listening, friend-smiling at his side- Once-ler: First of all, we are not friends and second… Do you want me to be happy? -pointing- Warden: Well yes, I want all the inmates who enter here to be happy! Do you have any suggestions? I am open to new proposals, clearly - taking out a list and looking at it as if waiting for dictate -
Once-ler: Then let me go! -crossing his arms- Warden: Hey, yesterday you told me friend… wait! let you go… how to get out? -moving his hands as if trying to understand it- Once-ler: That was because you were attacking me like an animal and yeah! Get out, get out… pff, what do I say? You don't know what it's like to be outside… you've never been outside, you don't know how beautiful it would be to be outside this horrible prison! -yelling at him and sounding intimidating-
The other took a step back, covering himself with the list and seeming surprised to hear what was being said about his jail
Warden: Horrible? B-but…-swallowing and trying to gain courage-HEY! It's not horrible, this prison is my home, it's your home and it's absolutely beautiful, fun and amazing! Once-ler: Well, to me it's like being in the trash, you understand? -taking him by the shoulders and approaching him- Warden:…Oh, I see…are you hungry?-smiling now- Once-ler: Huh? -confused-
Warden: It's because you haven't eaten, right? That's why you're upset… pff, silly me, how could I forget? - genuinely convincing himself of that - calm down friend, I get a little upset too if I don't have my food on time, but don't worry we'll go there-smiling and winking at him- Once-ler: You know what? I'm not hungry, I want to rest, goodbye! - He's going back to his cell - that would make me happy at least…
Warden let him go, trying to sound even more positive and less nervous about trying to make a good impression on the other.
Warden: Yes, hehe…I'll see you later, goodbye friend-smiling nervously- Once-ler:Pff, idiot-sitting on the floor and holding his face in his hands-
-A while later-
Warden decided to bring food to Once-ler, he knew he would be hungry and he didn't want to let him die, at least not for now. He reached the other's cell, this time pausing before entering and knocking.
Warden: Amm…how am I supposed to…-trying to look good and not do something that will cause another fight- Once-ler: Come on, I know it's you-he sounds serious and a little sad- Warden: Oh yes? Well… hello, smiling and walking in, how did you know? Once-ler: You're the only one who would come to see me… and the others wouldn't have the decency to knock on the door. Warden: Well, that's true… they certainly wouldn't, I guess I should add an activity for that, but that will be later for now! have this -Holding the lunch bag and smiling as always- Once-ler: Umm? What is it? -looking at him and holding the bag- Warden: It's your food, I can't let you starve…that wouldn't make me a good warden-thinking about how many he's let die like that, without even thinking about it first-mmm yeah… Once-ler: Well, thanks… I guess that's true.
The other man sitting next to him, looking very smiling and perhaps trying to make small talk.
Warden: Well…what do you think? Once-ler: About what? -looking at him- Warden: I don't want to sound pushy but…are we really not friends? -Looking at him nervously -Really? Once-ler: Mmm…-turning to look at a wall-I don't think it's time to make decisions about that-sounding serious and frank- Warden: Hehe…yeah, it's not time…I guess I should give you time friend…Once-ler!-walking away from his side, a little uncomfortable-I think…I should go!Duty calls me and I'm very, VERY busy hehehe… well goodbye! Once-ler: Yes…it's okay-seeing it and also a little uncomfortable- Warden:…Goodbye! -disappearing in an explosion of confetti- Once-ler: Uh?…strange, interesting man…
Este took the bag again, finding a little note, with a happy face drawn on it.
Once-ler:…Funny-leaving it aside-
-A while later-
A while passed, Warden was in his office, observing a bit of destruction and a bit creating paper figures. Warden: Hmm… am I weird?… nah, he probably likes me-looking around nervously and a little uncomfortable with himself-…I need…to think of something, something that makes him feel good and happy, yes!
I was thinking of something crazy or at least something capable of sending everything into chaos or something that would make everything go wrong. When Warden has an idea, nothing about it can stop him, he rules there and can do whatever he wants, if you ask him.
Warden: Oh yes! Surely he needs a good welcome, yesterday was… strange and a little violent… and he needs… what am I doing? -pressing a button on his desktop-
The short man arrived, he had been sucked into something and spit out in the warden's office
Warden: Oh, Jared… there you are, I need help from my favorite accountant-he goes to the other one and helps him up-
Jared: W-what do you need sir? -looking at him and confused by that strange trip- Warden, I'm glad you asked! As you can see, Jared, we have a new inmate and well… he may have had a bit of a strange welcome yesterday. Jared: Wait, he's not the guy you fight with… Warden: YES! hehe-covering the other's mouth with his hand-without mentioning that, that's already happened and that's it! It's time to plan… Jared: -removing the other's hand- What exactly are you talking about? Warden: Jared, Jared… Plan! What else does that mean? -she crossed her arms and looked at him with a frown-
The other man backed away scared and looking at him nervously, although it was very common for him to do that around Warden anyway.
Jared: Yes, yes sir… I'm sorry, but what do you need? Warden: Well, it's obvious… I need you to try to calm the others down! Jared: What? B-but sir! Those guys are like wild animals, they can't calm down unless it's really a threat to them! And even that doesn't calm them down at all
Warden: Oh my God, Jared… I'm not asking for something impossible, well… probably yes, but! The important thing is that you can follow my orders - approaching the other and smiling - Jared: I-I guess…-looking at him with fear and trembling- Warden: Perfect! I just want to give a well done welcome to the Once-ler-full smile- Jared: Is that his name? A little strange… I guess I'll try to do something with them, I think I can do something… -still nervous and trying not to make him angry- Warden: Great! Bye, of it! - leaving in a rainbow, in reverse - Jared: But sir!…damn…
Warden was excited, going to the Once-ler's cell and entering again without asking.
Warden: ONCE-LER!!-happy but the smile disappeared then-Once-ler?
Searching everywhere in the cell, finding nothing.
Warden: Once-ler!! He has to be here…can't there be?…don't worry, Warden, he probably went to look for something or walk around, yes that is-laughing nervously- Once-ler: What do you want? -looking at him as if he were looking at a crazy person- Warden: Oh, there you are! -smiling again and going towards him, hugging him-
Once-ler tried to get away and push him, but he couldn't because of the other's noodle arms that were squeezing him tightly.
Once-ler:Hey, hey! let go of me-frown- Warden: Uh, yeah… I'm sorry-releasing it and composing himself- Once-ler: Thank you, what do you want? -adjusting his suit-
Warden: Oh, that… well, it turns out that… I admit! Yesterday was a terrible welcome for you and I'm sorry, but! I want to fixing it up and give you a great welcome, what do you think if I show you what this place is? - smiling and excited - Once-ler: Mmm…no! Warden: Great…what? but, but… but it's a good idea, maybe you'll start to enjoy this place, believe me! -pouting and looking sad- Once-ler: I think you still don't get it, I don't like you, I don't like this place and NO THANK YOU! -annoyed and excited- Warden: I-I understand but…only if you give me a chance, I'm going to show you that I can like you-approaching him and again breaking the other's personal space- Once-ler: No, I'm not going to like you! Never… now could you stop trying? Warden: Mmm…no!
Take him by the shoulders and take him anywhere.
Once-ler: Uh? What are you doing? -Looking upset and confused by what happened- Warden: Nothing, just taking you to the best welcome! Of course! -smiling totally-
Once-ler: Return me to my cell or MY DAMN HOME! Warden: Pff, no! You're really going to love this place. Once-ler: Do you want another beating? - clenching his fists and irritably - Warden: Oh, no, no… the last thing I want is for you to hit me and have another fight, I don't like being swimming in my own blood and hitting friends - looking at him and smiling, not really worried - Once-ler: Well, then I will return to my cell on my own - turning around and walking - Warden: No, no! wait! … you don't have to go, you'll seriously love this - holding his arm and pleading - Once-ler: Why do you insist on this? -trying to get away- Warden: Because…because! I would never give up on showing someone how fun, great, spectacular and incredibly beautiful-becoming angelic out of nowhere and inspiring-
Showing up behind them, the inmates violently kill each other and Jailbot cleans up a mess.
Once-ler:””Oh, yeah right”” don't say anything stupid, this is literally hell…it's not a normal prison, don't you see? Warden: Normal prison? Phew, no! Normal prison is… it's boring, that's why, buddy! Create a super prison! to change the path… Once-ler: Yeah, yeah…uh-huh, I don't care…I get it, big prison, squalid inmates, everything looks like rainbow vomit and they have a weird guard, I get it…now can you get me out? ? -crossing her arms and looking at him with despair-
Warden shuddered and simply tried to defend himself, helplessly. Once-ler didn't wait any longer for the answer and simply started walking.
Warden: No, wait! Because? Once-ler: What? -turning to look at him- Warden: Why don't you give me a chance? So far you are the only one who can hate me but what about me? You started the fight, you started hating me, you! I didn't want to fight with you at all - a little upset and frowning - Once-ler: I certainly have reasons to do it and seriously… I would stop doing it if you did what I tell you! I just want to go home, is that too much to ask of you? Or don't you understand? - Annoyed and trying not to fight to punches again. Warden: Pff, I'm the one giving the orders, not you! You're a criminal, you're going to stay here and that's it! -angry and with pupils contracted- Once-ler: I can't expect more from a guy like you! Did you know? I'm not going to continue arguing… goodbye-going to his cell-
Warden didn't say anything, he let him go even though he didn't want him to.
Warden:-blood falling on his face-JARED!
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Canción de Will Wood porque siento que le queda a mi versión de la historia :)).
Will Wood song because I feel like it fits my version of the story :)).
My history Warden-ler,links:
Capítulo/Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/759486319457107969?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/759854751368232960/s%C3%ADcapitulo-2-ddd-yeschapter-2-ddd?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/760009496438489088/a?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/760009496438489088/a?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 4: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/760117034475569152/the-english-version-is-below?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 5: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/767547559762853888/nuevo-cap%C3%ADtulo-new-chapther?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 6: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/768011582633639936/new-chapter-dd?source=share
Capítulo/Chapter 7: https://www.tumblr.com/congratulations-you-are-recluse/774880559824535552?source=share
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year ago
Hi, congratulations on 1k followers! I love your writing a lot and I was hoping you could do Villainess AUs with Malleus? Like isekai manhwa style? Thank you!!
the gazelle's sweet briar
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x f!reader
Synopsis: your first objective was to avoid the main characters, but it's not easy when you only have the memories of your friend's ramblings to work off of
Tags: cliché isekai plot, reincarnation, fluff, arranged marriage, tw (mentioned): bad parenting, patriarchal society, death
Word count: 1.6k+
Notes: @coralinnii has an amazing series based on isekai villainesses, so i definitely recommend you check out her work too! im so in love with it (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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Once upon a time, there lived a villainess of exceptional allure, her visage as enchanting as a moonlit night. However, this bewitching beauty concealed a heart blackened by a singular obsession with appearances.
From the earliest days of her upbringing, her mother, a woman who had managed to step into aristocracy by charming a noble, had instilled in her a cruel belief: that those who were not blessed with physical perfection were destined for lives of relentless mockery and eternal solitude. This twisted ideology consumed the villainess' every thought, blinding her to the virtues of education and morality. She became nothing more than a porcelain doll, admired solely for her aesthetic charm.
The King arranged a marriage between her and Duke Draconia, the enigmatic descendant of the dragons who ruled the northern lands, believing that such a striking bride would surely please the reclusive Duke.
However, the King remained oblivious to the swirling rumours that pervaded the courtly circles. Whispers spoke of the Duke as a hideous man who had never once revealed his face, perpetually concealed behind a forbidding black mask. When the rumours reached the villainess' ears, she threw tantrum after tantrum, vehemently refusing to wed a man whose appearance couldn't possibly match her own.
Yet, a royal decree could not be denied. Reluctantly, the villainess embarked on her journey to the northern realm in bitter acceptance. It had rained the moment she arrived, the castle dark and uninviting, with thorns crawling onto the obsidian walls. The Duke, an oblivious and shy man, did not greet her at the grand entrance. Instead, she was met by the Duke's advisor, a man with a curiously boyish features.
Humiliation welled up within the villainess' heart, for she felt as if she were being played the fool by the entire duchy. On the eve of her arrival, anxiety gnawed at her like a relentless spectre.
As night descended, the Duke, mustering his courage, attempted to approach the vexed lady.
But when the villainess beheld his masked face, terror seized her like a vice. "Stay back! You hideous beast!" she cried out, her voice trembling with fear, and she recoiled, her steps faltering as she retreated from him.
The Duke, wounded by her cruel words, attempted to console her, his outstretched hand beseeching understanding. Yet, her irrational dread overcame her, and she continued her backward retreat until, with a heart-stopping scream, she slipped from an open window.
That was how the villainess' life ended.
you hadn't actually read the book, but it wasn't difficult identifying who you got reincarnated as
especially with how your best friend obsessed over this villainess because, and i quote, "if pretty, why evil, huh???"
you woke up a week before the villainess would depart for the North, but that week alone was enough to make you understand the way she acted
every day, you were fed portions fitting of a child, had your skin rubbed raw as you were bathed, and not a moment of your mother's nitpicking about a sudden imperfection she found in you
in truth, you were more than glad to leave for the North, even if that's where your life would be on the line
the survival plan was simple: maintain an amicable relationship with the duchy until the night the heroine stumbles in to ask for a night of shelter, to which the heroine would heal the emotional wounds of the Duke, and share with him the beauty of love, bringing warmth into his heart
and so, you arrived at the estate, the castle tall and intimidating with the clouds dark and foreboding
still, you stepped out of your carriage (with wobbly legs) and met the advisor (your friend's favourite character, in fact)
the advisor, lilia, though seemed young, was actually the very man who raised the duke in the absence of his parents
he welcomed you as the lady of the duchy, and led you to your quarters
by nightfall, you were quite comfortable with living in the estate
everyone was polite, the food was delicious (and properly sized), and you had no doubt you'd settle nicely here
as a precaution to the death sequence, you decided to take a stroll in the rose garden after dinner
if you were already on the ground floor, you couldn't fall to your death, right?
but unexpectedly, you encountered a lone figure in the centre of the garden
he was incredibly tall, dressed simply, his emerald eyes fixated on the estate
upon closer inspection, you noticed he had long horns as well, perhaps he was a gazelle beastman?
either way, you were curious about what it was that held his attention so strongly that he couldn't notice your presence
"Excuse me, sir? May I ask what is so interesting about the building?" you timidly break the silence of the night.
The man turns to you, his eyes widening in surprise. "... Do you not know who I am?"
You blinked in confusion at his words. His words filled you with a sense of foreboding. You wondered if this person matched any of the characters your friend had so fervently described, but all you could recall was the beautiful villainess and the enigmatic advisor to the Duke.
"My apologies, I'm afraid I do not... May I know your name, sir?"
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he considered your question. "No... If that is the case, you may call me whatever you wish."
Perplexed by his response, you tried to come up with a suitable name. "Then... May I call you Mr. Gazelle?"
Upon hearing your words, he burst out in laughter. "Hahaha! What an interesting choice. Very well, I accept the name," he said. "In response to your first question, I was observing the gargoyles of the building."
on that night, not only did you learn more about the fascinating functions gargoyles serve, you also made your first friend in this life
strangely enough, you didn't meet the duke at all unlike the novel, which though strange, you greatly welcomed
if you didn't have any ties with him, then it'd be so much easier to just divorce him, get the money, and live a comfortable luxurious life far away from the main characters
though as you say that, you find yourself wanting to spend more and more time with "Mr Gazelle"
despite his intimidating appearance, he turned out to be a very generous person, frequently gifting you little trinkets he's made or bouquets he's arranged
he's started calling you "Briar", after the roses in the garden where he met you
you greatly appreciated the nickname, it felt better to be called that than the name of the villainess, that you could just be yourself and not play the role of a villainess avoiding ruin
you also find that whatever musings you've mentioned to him, they somehow manifest themselves
oh? you wish you could learn about embroidery? the next day there's a basket full of the highest quality threads and fabrics, with a gentle tutor to help you learn
(you still remember how cute "Mr Gazelle" looked when you gave him your first finished product, a handkerchief with an embroidered gargoyle)
what's this? you'd like to try more desserts from the capital you were never allowed to try? say no more! the next day the chef presents you with 10 different choices!
so you assumed he was an advisor of sorts to the Duke, because how else could your requests be granted so easily?
but one day, around two months after you started living in the duchy, "Mr Gazelle" asked you questions about the duke, whether you were afraid of him, would you prefer to meet him, curious questions like that
though surprised by the topic, you answered honestly, saying you don't really believe in the rumours (because you know from your friend he's an ethereal beauty) and yes, you would like to meet your husband
and what do you know? lilia informs you the duke wants to share dinner with you. what a coincidence!! :)
Nervousness held you in its grasp as you stepped into the room. Your gaze remained fixed on the carpet beneath your feet, and your knees bent gracefully as you executed the perfect curtsey.
"Your Grace."
You could hear sounds of shuffling, and then a pair of black boots entered your field of vision. Familiar hands found yours, guiding you to rise and stand upright. "Rise, my Briar," he murmured gently.
With hesitant anticipation, you finally looked up, taking in the obsidian mask that concealed his face. That voice, that nickname, and those enchanting eyes—it was all too familiar.
"Mr Gazelle..." you whispered in disbelief.
His eyes narrowed in mirth as he chuckled. "Although I hold great fondness for that name, I do wish you could call your husband by his name," he said as he began to remove his mask.
"Malleus..." you breathed.
A tender smile graced his lips, and his eyes sparkled with affection as he delicately brushed a stray lock of hair from your face—a gesture he had done countless times before. "My sweet Briar, I implore you to forgive me for deceiving you. I wished nothing more but to know you," he pleaded.
Oh, with how loud your heart was pounding in your chest, you realized that you were irrevocably and hopelessly ensnared in a love story that had deviated far from the original story.
But you didn't feel a single ounce of regret.
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libraryraccoon · 1 year ago
So I got this idea of an Idia Reader who is an overlord (making some high tech prosthetic or another things that Vox himself can’t make easily) and forced to go attend an overlord meeting and imagine the panic attack he would have if Alastor or worse Valentino interacted with them.
Probably locks themselves in a their room for three months after the meeting.
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message of Raccoon : I can just imagine Vox and Idia!Reader being two bestfriends that have rivalry for fun.
Info : Idia!Reader being an overlord in the Vees.
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General Headcanon
You were one of the Overlords of the Vees.
But compared to the others, you didn't like the attention.
The recluse of the Vees, that's who you were.
You hated leaving your room, preferring to use your tablet to see/talk with others.
But one day, you were forced to show up at one of the Overlords meetings. Irl.
When you entered the room, all the overlords asked you who you were.
"Who are you ?" -Carmilla.
"The one who almost doxxed all of you. Idia!Reader." -you, already wanting to go back to your room.
It was the first time they saw you, like really saw you. Not through a tablet, but irl.
You sat between Rosie and Alastor, a mistake.
The two kept talking and adding you into the conversation. You wanted to die again.
They were nice and polite, yes, but you didn't like socializing. You preferred solitude and calm to having to socialize.
You regretted having taken this place instead of putting yourself next to Zestial, who is calm and silent.
"Oh ! Did you hear about what Jack did ?" -Rosie.
“No, what did he do ?”-Alastor.
"He fucked his wife's sister, then ate the said sister. His wife found him and then ate Jack." -Idia!Reader.
If there was tea, it would have been perfect.
Carmilla give you a look that can be translated as "Good luck, we're not together."
You will doxx her later as punishment for not helping you.
The meeting was pretty good, except for the moment you had to talk and socialize.
Your social anxiety suffered greatly during this meeting.
When you entered the Vees tower, you wanted to go to your room but the others Vees stopped you.
Valentino and Velvette congratulated you for coming out of your shithole room.
But you know what was the worst ? When Vox saw you, he asked why you had placed yourself next to his enemy, Alastor.
Vox gave you an hour-long lecture on why what you did was wrong.
You just wanted to stay cooped up in your room for the rest of the eternity.
But you couldn't.
Why ? Because Rosie and Alastor have come for you.
Apparently you have become their friends, without your consent.
Once a week you had to go out and spend time with Alastor and/or Rosie.
And you couldn't even run away because the two always know where to find you.
You are gossip friends. I will not accept otherwise.
You have the pass to touch Alastor. You use it to touch his ears because DEER EAR !!
You do the same with his tail, because DEER TAIL !!! (He tries to hide his tail from you)
I headcanon that you have a picture with you, Rosie and Alastor on it.
Let's pretend you were there during the meeting about the angel.
Carmilla paid you $3000 (or whatever the money is in hell) for not talking about her killing an angel.
You took the money before telling to Rosie and Alastor everything.
If she ever finds out, you're dead, but don't worry, it was worth it.
I headcanon that your hair (or at least a part of your hair) is made of fire, and that the Vees, Alastor and Rosie want to touch it.
Alastor and Rosie love seeing your hair changing its colors depending on your emotions, it always betrays you and they find it amusing.
Alastor using the Aromantic charm on you to see you get frustrated and see your hair changing its color is canon.
Alastor has already brought you to the Hazbin Hotel..
When I say that you said what you thought out loud and you were brutal with your words, I don't think you realize how much that was-
You were banned from the hotel by Vaggie while Alastor was just watching and laughing.
You felt hurt, betrayed by your friend.
“Oh yeah, that’s how it is now, every man for himself.”
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thedarlingdearestdead · 1 year ago
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Ok I have a new hyper-fixation...
Summary: You are betrothed to Coriolanus Snow, rather against your will. At your engagement party you bitterly protest the attachment and so Coryo has to bring you around...
Warnings: Uh yeah, full on smut. R18. Dub!con/non!con. Bad Coriolanus.
Word count: 2,041
Part 2 on its way!
The marriage with Coriolanus happened so fast, it was completely out of your control. Your parents had, of course, been thrilled when they were proposed with the offer, the Snows were once again on top of the world, with Coriolanus joining the increasingly prestigious group of Gamemakers for the 13th annual Hunger Games. 
Now moving into his twenties, it was expected that the man found a suitable wife, and as the newly 18 year old heiress of one of the most wealthy old families still functioning, you supposed you must have been at the top of his list. 
You had not known Coriolanus in school, him being a few significant years older than you, but you had heard of him. His name had been everywhere even then. The handsome and reclusive Snow, with top grades in everything and not even a single scandal to be whispered down the gossip line. Until Lucy Grey. Until the games. Until those months when he disappeared from all sight before coming back with a splash. New heir to the Plinth money, apprenticeship under head gamemaker Dr Gaul, and on the unmistakable path to power and presidency. 
You didn’t much care for all that. You only cared that he had barely spoken to you, and yet your engagement party loomed, and you were set to move in with him that night. 
Your mother hung a dress above your closet for the occasion, a patriotic Capital red, you blanched slightly at the neckline and the dangerous slit on the side. Surely this would not be appropriate. “Mama, are you certain you have collected the right dress?” You asked entreatingly. 
“Yes dear, Coriolanus sent it himself, what a gentleman!”
Your heart plummeted, what a joke. 
By the time you were ready your car was already waiting outside, you had a feeling you had left slightly late, if the frowns of your parents were anything to go by. No matter. You doubted you would be much missed. You hadn’t been allowed a look into the arrangements or the guest list, you guessed it was just another opportunity for your ‘fiance’ to socialize with the upper classes, with his colleagues.  
But contrary to your growing feelings of insignificance, as you pulled up you saw the figure of a familiar young man. Coriolanus wore a fitted three-piece black suit with a bright red rose at his lapel. His blonde hair had been wrangled into respectable curls and his blue eyes glinted in the moonlight. But what truly took your breath away was the expression on his face. It was so tight.
As your car slowed to a stop, he moved for the door, first giving his aid to your mother and guiding her out, exchanging pleasantries and suffering her excited chatter, before moving to reach you. His hand was soft but gripped yours so hard as he all but pulled you out of the vehicle.
“Is it your habit, Y/N, to arrive so… fashionably late?” 
It sounded like a reprimand and made your heart beat into attention. The glamorous suit and charming smile that he wore on his face to your parents had such a threatening glint under the surface. You wondered at how they didn’t notice, chuckling softly, saying that yes, yes you had always been somewhat ignorant of keeping time. 
You saw the way his jaw clenched and you felt his firm grip on your arm now. “Well, let’s not keep your guests waiting. Shall we?” How dare he pose it as a question! He was already dragging you into the fold. 
It began in a blur of names, shaking hands and congratulations, all of which flew right over your head. Instead of paying attention to your audience you had instead attempted to track down some posca, soon nursing your glass in one hand, and letting yourself be led with the other. 
“And what a beautiful dress Y/N, perfect for such an occasion!” A couple from Coriolanus’ work had cornered the two of you by one of the tables and engaged you in conversation. Coriolanus smiled his twisted and charming smile, he, of course, remembered their names, asked after their children, her mother. 
It sickened you the way he played people, the way he played your parents. “Really?” You said in reply to the man’s compliment, “I wasn’t sure, it’s a bit bright and not entirely my style.” 
The man blinked at your dismissal of him. And Coriolanus went still. So you wanted something darker, he thought? He could certainly give you that. 
“What she means to say is that she wanted to try something new and special for this party, to begin this marriage as she means to continue it.”
By wearing his selection of dresses? By letting him control your every move? You flinched as he kissed your cheek. 
“Isn’t that right, dear?”
“Whatever you say.” You laugh and take a swig of your drink. His face stays mostly calm, but only you, in such close proximity to him, notice the twitch in his eye. 
From then he keeps a much stronger grasp on you, his hand never straying from your lower back as he trails you through the hoards of people, his trophy to show off. 
Walking past a buffet table, you lean over to grab one of the many sweet snacks, it was one of your favorites, a puffy red cube covered in icing sugar. Coriolanus was watching you, and he grabbed your wrist before you could place it in your mouth. 
“You’ll ruin your lipstick, you’ll be a mess.” He grimaced, a look of disgust crossed his face at the mere thought. You relished in it. You moved your hand back to the table, as if to put it back, causing him to release your arm. Just as he turned away to converse once again with some colleague, you snatch the treat back up to your mouth and revel in the tart rosy taste of it, feeling your lips coat with the white powder. 
His eyes caught the action and followed it as your tongue licked away the powder, his cheeks flush red in stark contrast to his growing frown. It brings a most dangerous light to his face, one that makes your body shudder as you clock eyes. 
He squeezes your waist threateningly. “Excuse us, please.” He says to the men he’d been talking with. He dragged you away through the crowd, not stopping for anyone else, only flashing that smile, faking an incident or rendezvous with his fiancee. He takes you down the side of the building, and stops, pushing you against the wall.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He hisses at you, face inches from your own. 
His closeness sent you spiraling, and his strength began to make you panic. He truly had you trapped there, hsi to interrogate. 
“I… I don’t know.” You gasped, his forearm against your throat, cutting off air.
“Are you so determined to sabotage me?”
“Why shouldn’t I be? You’ve given me no reason to support you.”
“No reason?” He says quietly, “No reason?” His voice increases in volume, “You are my wife, that is your only reason, your only job.”
“I am not your wife yet.” You almost spit it into his face. 
“Oh really? That’s not what the paperwork says.”
You shook your head desperately, “I haven’t signed anything.”
“Why would it need your signature?” He sounded genuinely confused, as if the thought had never entered his mind. A contract, your life had been given away on a contract. “The wedding is but a formality. You need to come to terms with this or I’ll…”
“You’ll what?”
His furious eyes blaze into your own, so full of righteousness, of power. It terrified you. You were so certain that he would act now, hit you, or scream at you, that you didn;t expect what happened next. You didn’t expect his lips to be on yours. 
He kissed you harshly, banging your head into the brick wall behind you, making stars swirl in your head, behind your eyes. It hurt as he dug his fingers into your waist, as he searched for the slit in your dress, and yanked it up your body. It hurt as he grabbed your thighs, picking you up effortlessly and holding you up completely. And then it didn’t. And then nothing did, and your body filled instead with an intense wave of unrelenting pleasure. 
“You’re unbelievable,” you gasp.
He barely let you breathe as his mouth attacked yours and his fingers ravaged your clit through your panties. It felt so good. Despite everything it felt so good. You whispered as much and moaned whenever a break in the kisses occurred. 
He didn't stop, didn’t slow until your body relaxed, until your forehead fell against his in a silent unwilling gasp. 
“Don’t you see it could be good?” He whispered right next to your ear. He kissed the soft skin underneath it, “It could be so good.”
And then he dropped you, and as your legs were weak from your orgasm, they failed to catch you, and you fell onto the ground. You looked up at him, your hooded eyes full of confusion and lust and desperation. There was a smirk on his face and desire was still lighting his eyes. 
“If you let me do whatever I want to you, y/n. If you accept that you belong to me.” He said it so simply, so matter of fact. He offered his hand to you, clearly ready for you to be compliant. So you swat it away, and stand up by yourself, ignoring the slickness between your thighs and the shaking of your body. 
It was clearly the wrong move. Fury burned in his eyes once again and he grabbed you by the waist. Twisting you around and turning you to face the wall. Your hands snatched out to stop your collision with it as he once again worked at your skirts. His breath was hot on your neck and you couldn't help the way your body was already reacting to this change. You could hear his every move, your heart raced as you heard him undo his belt. 
Working down your underwear, he kissed your neck lightly, surprisingly gentle when he eased himself inside you from behind. It was too much, it felt much too good. One of your arms reached back to try and touch him, and he responded by grabbing your hand in his before placing them both against the wall as he started to thrust inside of you.
“Are you going to be good for me?”
All you could do was moan as he settled himself deep inside of you, hitting all the right spots with a relentless precision. His grip tightened on your hand at your sounds which only got louder as he pounded into you. Tears leaked from your eyes, from pain or pleasure you couldn’t decipher. 
“Shut up. Shut up, or do you want them to see you like this?” He slowed his movements, returning his mouth to your neck. “Do you want them to see me using you? It’s not like they don’t know it already. You seem to be the last one to catch on” 
He released your hand and moved both of his to your waist, he pulled you backwards, making you bend even more obscenely against the wall. From this angle he was hitting you deeper, and it took all your effort not to let out a guttural scream. 
He seemed to enjoy this angle too, speeding up and becoming harder by the second, you could feel it. You felt all of him with his every movement and it was intoxicating. It became all too overwhelming when he came inside of you, it was blindingly hot, you felt all too full as you clenched around him in response. You scrambled for purchase against the wall but he pulled you back up to him, embracing you from behind to catch his breath. When he stepped back to pull out of you, he did so slowly, to watch his cum slide out of you onto the floor, to watch it trail down your legs. 
“Do you understand now?”
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axelsagewrites · 1 year ago
Can I request a modern! Jacaerys x Fem! OC fic where Rhaenyra is best friends with the OC’s mother and both Rhaenyra and the OC’s mother try to get Jacaerys and the OC to be friends and like each other but they absolutely hate each other ( like actually hate ) even when they were babies. Then, they grow up near each other and go to the same school but they still hate each other severely. During high school Jace becomes popular, and becomes the captain of his soccer team, and even gets a girlfriend while the OC is not popular by any means and is very shy and reclusive. They go off to uni, and the OC finally shows up to a frat party ( Jace’s frat ) and the tension sort of at its height, and that night and the OC accidentally ends up pregnant and they learn to love and live with each other during her pregnancy. Thank you so much if you can do this btw!!!
Jace Velaryon*Frat Party
Pairing: jace x f!reader
Word count: 1982
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Warnings: rivalry, mentions of bullying, frat jace, flirty frat cregan, implied smut but nothing explicity, hate sex, accidental pregnancy, drinking
Masterlist Here
Part Two linked at end
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You had no clue how someone so sweet and loving and kind and amazing could birth such an idiotic insufferable twat. Yet somehow Rhaenyra had managed to do just that. Your mother was friends with Rhaenyra, lovingly dubbed aunty Nyra by you, and were so close that they deliberately moved into the same neighbourhood. This was all be swell if not for the fact that her eldest son Jace was just such a dick.
Your mothers tried to make you like each other and constantly set up playdates but you would simply ditch Jace to play with Luke until you realised, he’d only been so quite because he was giving your barbies haircuts. Eventually some time in middle school they gave up trying but still forced you to go on joint family vacations and similar hellish events.
There was a time in your freshman year of high school you almost became friends. That summer had gone surprisingly well with you both finally being civil enough to talk to each other. Then school rolled around again and Jace got onto the high school soccer team. You congratulated him and even was debating plucking up the courage to ask him to go out to celebrate since despite how much you hated him even you thought he was cute. Then he and sara snow came waltzing out of school and in hand and you went right back to hating him.
It wasn’t just because you were jealous, which you were but refused to admit, but because Sara snow had tormented you all of your first year. And Jace knew this. He knew she would taunt you and make pig noises at you in the corridor but yet here he was sucking face with her in front of your locker which was sadly right above his.
It only got worse when he dumped her then became the captain of the team. Then came a string of girlfriends who’d fawn over him relentlessly in school. To say it was hell was an understatement especially since it always seemed to be the girls that would tease you or laugh when you walked past. Highschool sucked to say the least but finally after all these years of hard work you got the letter.
Youd got into your dream school and were set to be moving to the dorm soon. A new start, new friends, another chance. Finally. Your bubble however was popped by your usual enemy. Jace fucking Velaryon was going there as well. You basically ran him down at the joint celebratory dinner your parents threw you both to say that if he dared ruin university for you the same way he ruined high school you’d make sure he’d never kick another ball again.
So, for the first two years you had peace. You had a small circle of friends, great classes, amazing grades, and your hair finally began to cooperate with you. Aunty Nyra even joked uni had given you a glow up when she saw you this summer. What you didn’t see was the way Jace’s eyes followed you as you left the room.
“I can’t believe you’ve never went to a frat party,” Aly said as she began to raid your closet, pulling out a dress and holding it to herself, “This poor dress. it deserves to see a little fun,”
You snorted at your friends as you helped straighten Sansa’s hair. “You wear it,”
“Or you could,” Sansa retorted, backing off when you held the straighteners in a way an angry mother holds a wooden spoon.
“Either you wear it, or I will,” Aly said as she tossed it on the bed and continued her raid. Your roommate Sansa had recently become friends with Aly and in an unexpected turn so had you. you and Sansa were far quieter than her, but Sansa always seemed to come back from hanging out with her with a huge smile, “Girl look at this top,” Aly broke your train of thought as she held up a black low-cut top, “How you not gonna go out when you own all these clothes?”
“My aunty got me them,”
Aly rolled her eyes as she continued her search, “Well I’m stealing the top but you’re wearing that dress,” she said and before you could even protest, she cut you off, “You are far too hot to be at home in sweats on a Saturday night. We are going,”
You sighed as you finished Sansa’s hair, but she turned to look up at you, “Cmon,” she whined, “one hour and if you don’t like it, we’ll all come back here and watch the polar express,”
You sighed yet again before pausing. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. After all your confidence was far better than what it once was, and you had a good few friends you knew would also be going. Your eyes wandered to the dark red dress on the bed. “Fuck it,” you said, snatching up the fabric.
“You’re coming?!” Sansa grinned, flinging herself off the bed, “Finally come on sit down. Its makeup times!”
Sansa and Aly worked their magic and soon you were walking arm in arm with both girls to the frat. And you had to say they had done a good job if you do say so yourself. Even if you were currently freezing that was. “Boys,” Aly greeted with a wide grin as she walked up to the boy at the door, Cregan you were sure.
“Troubles here,” he joked, his eyes wandering up and down, “And you brought a friend,” he said, eyes turning to you, and it was like the wind was knocked out of you when you saw his face, “Nice to meet you I’m Cregan,”
“Hi,” you grinned, quickly introducing yourself before rushing inside with a giggling Sansa and Aly.
“He was so checking you out,” Aly nudged your ribs.
“Okay maybe this was a good idea,” you laughed as she dragged you and Sansa off for some drinks.
As you stood filling your cup with cheap beer there was a set of gorgeous brown eyes watching your every move, “Dude you know that girl?” Cregan asked as he walked over with more drinks for him and Jace.
“She’s my neighbour,” he said, taking the drink and trying not to let his eyes wander again.
Cregan let out a low whistle, “If she was my neighbour, she would not be here alone,” he laughed prompting Jace to shove his elbow into his ribs, “Hey man!”
Meanwhile you had somehow been convinced to head to the dance floor. Perhaps the three drinks Aly had got you and the buzz in your head had helped. The night had been going surprisingly well. So far at least. You hadn’t even realised Jace was here. That was till you felt two strong hands grip your hips, “Not such a goody two shoes now,” Jace’s voice was low, his breath tickling your neck.
You turned around with a drunken grin as you attempted to push him back, but your attempt was futile, “What did you miss me too much?” you joked.
A grin spread across his lips, “You’re drunk?” he asked, his head tilted like a puppy.
“Watcha gonna do about it? tell on me?” you teased as you crossed your arms. Not knowing it gave Jace an even better view of your tits. “I’m just having a little fun,”
He chuckled as his hands returned to your hips, his head dipping slightly in a way that made butterflies spark in your stomach, “Why don’t you show me how to have a little fun then doll?”
Your eyes flickered down, scanning his face for a moment before grinning, “Follow me then,” you said as you lead him to the drinks table.
Several drinks later you awoke in dark blue sheets and a soccer jersey wondering where the hell your dress went and a strong arm around your waist. The low pounding of your head and Jace’s snores brought you back to reality. “Fuck,” you muttered as you tried to ease out of his grip.
Your eyes fell to the floor where your dress had apparently ended up last night. You debated which was worse, walking home in last night’s dress or Jace’s jersey. You quickly decided to steal a pair of his joggies as well and just ball up the dress and take it with you. as you crept out the room you ignored the faint snoring in the background.
Part of you wondered if it had all been a bad dream. That was till your phone buzzed.
You stole my jersey
What you gonna do? Tell on me?
You sighed as you flung your phone to the side and shoved your pillow in your face to scream. Funnily enough what you had been doing only last night as well.
It was the next day when a heavy knock came at the door. when you opened it, eyebrows knitted, you were met with an infuriatingly hot site. Jace’s arm was lent against the door meaning he was able to glare down at you perfectly, “I want my jersey,”
“Sorry do I know you?” you asked, crossing your arms with a tilted glare.
Jace scoffed slightly before grinning, “You seemed to remember my name fine the other night,” this time you scoffed but not before Jace pushed his way in. “Where is it?”
“Get out of my room!” you protested as Jace shut the door behind him and started rummaging. As his hands went to grab your sheets you pulled at his arms to keep him back but not shockingly, he was able to push you off with ease. “Hey!”
“What’s this?” he said, his hand reaching for the jersey that had been under your duvet however your face went red when he lifted it. a wide grin spread across his stupid face, “What’s that princess?”
“Don’t princess me,” you stuttered as he went to grab the pink silicone you’d left on your bed. “Don’t!” you whined as you grabbed his wrist, accidentally ending up face to face with him yet again.
You could feel his hot breath fanning your lips and you saw his eyes dip for a moment as a pit grew in your stomach. Before you could think what to do next his lips had crashed onto yours, his jersey slipping from his grip as his hands moved to cup your face.
Your hands grabbed at his t-shirt, pulling him in closer till you were stood pressed against his hard chest. His hands moved to your back, finding the small of your waist. Jace sat down, bringing you with him to staddle his lap. You gasped when you felt his bulge pressing into your thigh.
His lips moved to your neck, kissing every last bit of skin he could reach. “This is a bad idea- “
“Why don’t you shut up and enjoy it princess?” Jace cut you off, his hands slipping beneath your shirt. “You enjoyed it the other day,”
You groaned as his fingertips explored your skin before finally sighing, “Fine but it’s just sex,” Jace rolled his eyes at you but didn’t bother to respond as he flipped you onto your back, his hands moving to pull off your shirt.
You knew having a enemies with benefits situation ship with Jace would eventually come back to bite you in the ass but the two pink lines staring back at you felt like being plunged into ice water. “You okay Hun?” Sansa called through the door, wondering what had been taking you so long.
You unlocked the door but refused to stand up. Sansa walked in; concern written over her face when her eyes finally spotted the test in your hand. Looking up at her you could only say one thing, “I’m pregnant,”
Part two here
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila @jacesvelaryons
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aziraphales-library · 6 months ago
Hi there! I just wanted to congratulate you for all your hard work!! All of you have made an important account for this fandom, and I hope you're all doing alright
As a treat (and only if you want!!), can you tell me a cool fic you've read but never recommended before? (If not, that's quite alright)
Hello. Here are some fics I've read and enjoyed recently that I don't think we've recommended before, but if we have they are worth recommending again and adding to the #mod faves tag...
Marriage in an Orange Grove by shanimalx (T)
Murmurations is the oldest café in Soho, whose clientele is usually limited to reclusive artists, older men who value peace and quiet, and those who know the employees personally. Crowley is all three. (Aziraphale makes Crowley a cup of coffee, and Crowley kind of wants to marry him for it.)
Imagine how the world could be by HolRose (T)
Salesman Crowley is driving home when he sees a man in obvious distress at the side of the road. He stops and offers him a lift. Little does he know that this compassionate action will change his life forever. This is a human AU that can be read as a stand-alone story without reference to the other works in the series.
Between a Book and a Hard Place by LCwrites (E)
After a very enjoyable one-night stand, A. Z. Fell and A. J. Crowley go separate ways, though memories of each other linger. More than they ought to, considering it was nothing but a casual encounter and they won't meet again. How fortunate for them that their respective work is keeping them busy. Having one of his more salacious novels turned into an audio book should be enough of a distraction for Aziraphale. As should be getting to narrate one of the famous M. Cortese's porn books – pardon: historical erotica – for Crowley.
A Tricky Situation (Entirely of his own making) by sixbynine (E)
"Crowley stood up and went to leave, he turned back just as he opened the door and took a deep breath. “You know I was quite excited to come here and work with you. I enjoyed reading your work. I disagree with a lot of it, but your writing style is lovely and every so often you’d let that privileged rich white boy mask drop and it was fantastic. I was hoping to meet that Professor Fell, but I’m beginning to think maybe he doesn’t exist and I’m going to be stuck with a rude stuck up arsehole for the next five years.” He slammed the door behind him before Aziraphale could respond. Aziraphale gaped, open mouthed, at the shut door." -- Aziraphale is teaching at Kings College London. He's been teaching at King College London for a long time now thank you very much and he does not take kindly to new Professors being sprung on him suddenly. Especially when this one has quite publically made his opinon of Aziraphale's work known. Luckily Aziraphale has an understanding penpal...
Among the Stacks by MeinirRhos (NR)
Nearly a year after Aziraphale returns to Heaven, he vanishes from existence, leaving Crowley bereft on Earth. Just when the demon has finally started to heal and move on with his life, he finds his angel by chance in a library. But Aziraphale has no memory of his life as an angel, or of Crowley. How will our hero cope?
But You Are An Ocean by megzseattle (T)
After Aziraphale's defection, Crowley tries to figure out how to live life for himself.
- Mod D
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rae-raewrites · 10 months ago
Can you do the Riddlers with an introverted artist reader who draws them sometimes?
As if he didn’t need more for his ego anon lol
The riddlers with a introverted artist S/O
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Congratulations you have ended up with an extrovert with many an introvert quality!
Eddie’s already quite the recluse so you doing your own thing in his space isn’t as much of a problem as he originally thought.
He keeps a pretty keen eye on everything that matters to him,his plans,his puzzles, you!
Well apparently not well enough when he finds you scribbling in your sketchbook
Extremely fascinated when he sees you look up almost like you got caught doing something
Of course when you shyly reveal what you’re doing well…….to say he didn’t have the biggest smile on his face would be a lie.
“Well look at you taking notice and appreciation of the genius around you!”
Congratulations you’ve accidentally fed his ego and completely charmed him at the same time
Internally though he is absolutely at awe of how much you’ve managed to capture him
Especially the not so…….easy edges
But mostly on those good,handsome ones that make him so downright irresistible
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Absolutely sweetheart in terms of you being an introvert
Like he’s a boy who understands it’s just not in your nature to be his level of flashy (let’s be honest, who is?)
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend hours at his desk not tinkering with the idea of a new scheme
His thinking face basically perfect to be sketched
“Dear? You’re staring.”
Wants to scold you manners wise but gets caught off guard when he sees the sketched in you’re hand
That’s…..that’s him!
All his wrinkles! His hair!
And with such mindfulness of proportions!
He’s…..charmed. Absolutely utterly charmed and hopelessly in love.
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He’s having a artist block day and it’s hitting him
Poor Eddie is trying to find some inspiration today
During one of his many attempts to find some inspiration he finds his muse with a pencil and paper
“Mi amor? What are you doing?”
When you shyly show him what you’ve sketched he’s genuinely perplexed for a second
It’s……it’s him succeeding at a plan!
He wants to kiss you. Genuinely
Like it’s hanging out on his desk now and he’s smiling like a maniac.
Congratulations. Now Gotham has to contend with another possible plan of his.
Zero year
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Wether in intentional or not he can be a real jackass about your introvertness
He’s just…….really flashy? With a side and flair for the dramatic?
I mean the man held Gotham hostage and proceeded to make an hour with the main focus was out smarting him
Sees you drawing when he happens to look up from one of his MANY projects
“Whatcha scribbling down there doll?”
To say his grin when you show him is shit eating is well……an understatement.
Man goes out of his way to start losing some clothes
“What?! It’ll help you capture my really good side ! Not to mention it is hot in here.”
You’re gonna probably have to yell at him to get some actual clothing on at some point.
Like he’s to over dramatic to not see this as an opportunity for anything dirty to happen
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whateversawesome · 1 year ago
Chapter 93: Stellas, Tonitrus and Another Desmond
First of all, congratulations to our girl for getting another stella (her first academic achievement stella too!) Good for you, Anya!!
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Anya also got a tonitrus bolt, but who cares about that 😆 Oh yeah, I know who does...
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Congratulations also to Twilight for not losing it. Good for you, Twilight...you're learning how to be a good dad. Hey, did you notice he didn't even try to look at the results before time?
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Look at that baby's face 💕 Positive reinforcement and encouragement work wonders! Still, I hope one day, Anya realizes her papa loves her no matter what.
It was one hell of a chapter, don't you think?
Let me get this out of the way: the more I know the people around Donovan Desmond, the less I like him. Even though we know very little about this man, it looks like his relationship with his family has destabilized his wife and son's mental health and general wellbeing.
So, here are my thoughts:
He looks like a kid who was pushed too hard to study and was taught nothing else. Yeah, he may be a stella-earning machine, but he lacks a balance, like the ability to communicate and understand other people. If anything, he seemed overwhelmed by a simple interaction with a some kids.
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I'm guessing his classmates see him like an unapproachable person and he is probably a loner. He doesn't seem close to his brother either and I'm going to guess he's not close to Melinda. I suspect his dad "took him under his wing" since he was very young and made him that way.
Why couldn't Anya read his thoughts?
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At the moment, I don't think he was experimented on. In my opinion, this boy's only thoughts are about studying, earning stellas, and not being able to understand people. All courtesy of...
Donovan Desmond
It looks like Donovan did spend a lot of time with Demetrius when he was young. The purpose is still not very clear to me, but this looks fishy. Either he sincerely wanted his son to do well in school or there was a reason Donovan Desmond wanted to be inside those imperial scholar social gatherings.
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My gut tells me it's the second option. Why?...
I believe Donovan was Prime Minister or close to being Prime Minister back then. Why would a busy politician like him spend his time making sure his son did well in school? Something doesn't add up.
In the present, Donovan is basically a recluse and the only events he attends are those imperial scholar gatherings. If Desmond was a good dad, it would be understandable for him to support his son, even if he didn't participate in politics anymore. But that's the thing; Donovan Desmond is not a good, supportive dad. Demetrius said it himself: his dad is not in contact with him. Meaning, there must be an ulterior motive for him to attend to those social gatherings.
My guess is that he used his son. And since he already has access to those meetings, he doesn't need to communicate with his eldest son anymore or to have a relationship with his youngest either.
Talking about the youngest Desmond...
Damian and Anya had a rocky start, but as the story advances, it's obvious Damian is a sweet boy, who seems so...abandoned.
Damian is the kind of kid who thinks he has to earn his parents' love (especially his dad's). That's horrible. That love should be unconditional.
However, after meeting Melinda and now Demetrius, I can confidently say he's better off at school. Because of this, I'm thinking that it was Melinda the one who insisted on Damian staying at Eden.
Damian probably thought that in order for his dad to spend time with him, he needed to be like his brother, meaning a stella-earning machine. That's why those stellas are so important to him. And let me say that it's remarkable that Damian is earning stellas without any help from his parents or anyone else (like Demetrius in the past and Anya in the present.)
Now I see that part of his character arc could be for him to realize he doesn't have to be like his brother and he doesn't need his father's approval either.
Can you see the difference his friends make in Damian's life? His friends, including Anya, are helping become a different person than his brother. They're helping him realize he doesn't have to behave "like a Desmond" only, that it's okay to behave like a kid too.
Maybe that's why his mom wants him to be friends with Anya. She's a good influence on him.
It will be interesting to see if Damian's relationship with Demetrius changes over time. I would like to see that because Damian craves a relationship with his family. In my opinion, Melinda does love his youngest son (we don't know how she feels about Demetrius), but there's a reason why she won't go near him. At some point, we'll find out that reason.
Twilight and Anya
Just like Desmond, Twilight needs to get into those imperial scholar gatherings. That's why Anya needs to get those stellas. We could argue he's also using Anya like Donovan used Demetrius, but there are a few key differences:
1.Anya knows and is helping him willingly, because she knows her papa's purpose: to keep peace (and make a world where children don't have to cry).
2.The way Twilight encourages Anya earn those stellas. Yes, he makes her study (helps her too), like any parent would, but he also lets Anya be herself! Twilight wants Anya to have a balanced life, to have friends, to have fun, to play, to watch TV, to go on outings and even travel as a family.
He's not forcing her to study 24/7 so she turns into a stella-earning machine, because he knows there's more to life than stellas and good grades and because he wants the best for his child, over his mission (even when he's not ready to admit that).
3.This whole thing is transforming him. Unlike Desmond, Twilight is becoming more human. He no longer serves his own purpose (even if that purpose is for peace). Now, he's a father and has to put his daughter's wellbeing first.
Do you need proof?
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Here, Twilight asked the question we've all been dying to ask.
As a spy, he would have pushed his daughter to remember her past so she would answer the question. But instead...
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He realized those memories could be painful and didn't want his daughter to think about that, so he just tells her to forget about it...Why? Because Anya's past doesn't matter. Even when it could be advantageous for his mission, he chooses to let it go for his daughter's sake and because she already has a family with Yor, Bond, and him.
Donovan and Damian
I wonder if at some point Donovan Desmond will try to use Damian for his own purpose. If that happens, I'm sure Damian won't turn his dad down, he'll be happy his father finally acknowledges him and will be happy to spend time with him.
My gut has been screaming that Damian and Donovan are a foil of [Redacted] and his dad. And not only that...Remember when that awful man made Anya cry during the Eden Interview and Twilight lost it? I suspect the relationship between Damian and Donovan Desmond could be a big trigger for Mr. Spy.
Since most of the characters in SxF are morally gray, I suspect Donovan Desmond will be the same. Maybe he'll turn out to be a good leader who wants the best for his country and wants to prevent the war, but at the same time is an abusive husband and father.
Would Twilight be okay with that now that he is a father and a husband himself?
At some point, Twilight will probably have to choose between his family and his mission and Donovan Desmond is his mission...🤔
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blueberry-lavender · 7 months ago
Larry and a reader who grew up with him in Medali??? Like just. Seeing your best friend grow up into curent Larry n stuff…
*this has been in my inbox for almost 2 years*
Tags: ansgt-ish, mentions of bullying and depression, neutral reader
Best Friend Larry hcs
🪽 when you were little, you two would play a lot. He was sweet, shared toys, and was kinda a shy kid. But he was kind.
🪽 as you became teenagers, he was picked on for being so attached to his friends. (You and maybe one other person)
🪽 instead of branching out to more people, he tried to compensate for that with more activities. Joining clubs & trying new things.
🪽 unfortunately, the same people who made fun of him for not branching out made fun of him for not being good at anything he tried to do.
🪽 you watched as all this happened. You tried to help him when you could, congratulate him for small victories.
🪽 but he just got sadder and sadder.
🪽 he became more reclused than he was in the first place, and slowly... ever so slowly... left you.
🪽 he became dead set on just getting a job and getting home. Nothing to it. Do what he could, and never try again.
🪽 you ended up living your own life, somewhat forgetting about him until you encountered him at a restaurant.
🪽 he apparently owned a gym now. But his face... Gaunt and depressed. Seeing him go from that sweet little boy to the overachieving teen, to a settling and sad adult.
🪽 maybe you could reconnect.
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moonlight-1108 · 3 months ago
Chapter 6:
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year ago
Kuai Liang/Harumi x fem reader who is really dense and doesn’t realize the two are attracted to her. So dense the two of them have to spell it out for her cause no amount of flirting is getting through her head.
sfw or nsfw I really don’t care.
NONNY I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS WE NEED SOME HARUMI CONTENT! Also enjoy my totally original and not punny at all title
Kuai Liang (Scorpion) x Harumi Shirai x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None, fluffy stuff, some flirting, reader being oblivious
A/N: Given that there's only a small tidbit of info on Harumi in Liu Kang's timeline, I'm going off of what little is mentioned in-game and on Wikipedia. Also deadass I want a mandarin duck so fucking bad.
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You weren't sure why you were born the way that you were. But when a man with glowing eyes showed up at your crappy little cabin in the mountains, saying he was a god? Yeah, only you would have that kind of interaction.
You didn't believe him until he displayed his powers with fire and explained to you that your powers were only a danger to you.
Yes, powers. You had something called pyromancy, you could summon flames or heat things with your very mind and hands.
So when this "Liu Kang" told you about a clan in Japan called the Shirai Ryu? And that they would welcome you with open arms? You were hesitant to accept.
On one hand, your powers were dangerous, and if you continued to slip up you'd wind up burning your own cabin down, cause a wildfire or... hurt someone. That last one was your greatest fear.
But on the other hand? You'd never even been outside Montana. And Liu Kang wanted you to fly across the world to friggin' Japan? The thought scared you shitless.
You gave him your word that you would think it over for two days. Liu Kang offered to bring someone to you to explain how the clan worked, and you accepted the offer. Perhaps hearing from someone from there would help your decision along.
Liu Kang returned in a ball of fire, alongside him was a woman dressed in a gold and crimson kimono, her long, silky black hair hanging down past her shoulders, twin katanas slung from her obi.
This was Harumi Shirai, for whom the clan was named. Her husband, the Grandmaster of their clan, Kuai Liang was indisposed with new recruits, as was his younger brother Tomas.
She stayed with you, explaining the nuances of their clan and how open-minded they were to your situation. They offered to allow you to bring your comforts (which were admittedly few. You were a bit of a recluse out of necessity due to your powers.) to their compound if you accepted.
She was a beautiful woman, and her words and voice put your nerves at ease.
Of course, two days later. You accepted.
You found yourself in a bit of a culture shock, certainly. But true to Harumi's word, the Shirai Ryu were accepting of you in a way you never anticipated. Training with Kuai Liang allowed you to feel... normal. You'd never felt normal a day in your life. It was nice, to feel so in-place where you always were an enigma before.
Harumi and Kuai were very warm to you (pun intended!) as time went on and your skills flourished. You weren't one for combat, but you excelled in using your powers for defensive stances. When Harumi began teaching you to use her katanas (such an honor) she and Kuai were proud and impressed you used your flames now so effortlessly to ignite the blades without melting it.
To congratulate your progress, they had a custom blade made for you. You were honored that they accepted you so wholly and you found yourself wondering if you truly wanted to return to rural Montana after learning of all of the wonders you'd been blind to before.
What you never really realized though, was that Harumi and Kuai would often take time to spend with you, speak with you about things not related to the clan or your training.
Kuai would ask about your life, your hobbies. When you admitted you liked flowers, he gifted you two potted spider lilies.
Their alien appearance immediately enamored you, as you'd never seen them before, their bright scarlet colors catching the eye and brightening up your room.
And of course, with Harumi... She would join you in the baths. In Japan it was fairly common of course, just not as traditional as what was built in the Shirai Ryu compound.
You were never one for insecurities and Harumi loved that about you. In the baths you would talk about anything that would come to mind, and she would often find herself drawn to your hair, of all things. She adored touching it and putting the shampoo and conditioners in it for you, and combing it out. The color and feel of it beneath her fingers quickly became a favorite.
But despite all of this you were completely, frustratingly and blissfully unaware that Harumi and Kuai Liang were in fact romantically interested in you. Their little gestures were so obvious, it even had Tomas facepalming when nobody was looking because of how painful it was to watch you not even recognize their obvious intent to court you.
It became a topic of hushed gossip and side-betting amongst the clan, wondering who would crack first, or when--if ever--you realized what they were doing.
"I swear... She's so sweet... but so dense!" Harumi laughed, the back of her hand over her forehead as she laid on their bed.
Kuai Liang shook his head with a smile as he undid his robes, leaving his torso bare as he looked at his wife. He shared her humorous exasperation with your oblivious nature, but still found it endearing.
Kuai knelt on the bed and leaned over Harumi, giving her a soft kiss to her lips as she sunk her fingers in his dark hair, tugging it free of its tie; allowing the dark strands to fall around his face as he smiled down at her.
"Perhaps it is time we drop the subtlety, my love." Kuai said softly, resting on his elbow as he looked down at Harumi.
"Do you think we should?" She hummed, trailing her knuckles across his jawline, reaching up with her fingertips to gently trace the scar going down his face.
"I don't see why not. Otherwise we will be performing this dance for some time." He grinned.
"Kuai, what if she isn't interested?" Harumi sighed sadly, her brows raising in concern.
"Then we respect her wishes and accept her friendship instead. I would be glad for her companionship either way." He said simply.
Harumi's beautiful, Cupid's bow lips curled into a smile.
"You're right. Either way, having her close is a blessing. One we will accept no matter the context. We can speak with her in the morning."
You were standing beneath the sakura and plum blossom trees surrounding the sizeable pond in the compound. It was your favorite spot to be because it had the least traffic and the small bridge going over it was perfect for watching the koi as they danced beneath the water.
But your favorite place to sit was beneath the trees near the shoreline. Due mostly in part to the small flock of Mandarin ducks that called the compound home, the little feathery critters took a shine to you, especially after you nursed one of their flock back to health when her poor little leg got broken.
That and, well. They knew you had grapes at the ready, plus a small container of oats you'd feed them out of your hand.
The Mandarin ducks were the most gorgeous you'd ever seen; the males' colors were like a silky orchestra of hues and cute little plumages that admittedly looked a tad silly, but still looked beautiful. The females were lacking in the colors the males had, but you adored their little spots and speckles.
Oftentimes, you'd wind up with one of the younger males cuddled comfortably in your lap, tucking himself under his wings to nap on the silk of your robes while you stroked his feathers.
And it was here that Harumi and Kuai Liang found you, sitting beneath the trees, blossoms that had been shaken loose by the breeze falling around you like a beautiful rain as you fed the ducks from your palm, laughing to yourself as their little bills tickled your hand.
They stood there, merely watching for a few moments until Kuai nudged Harumi on, and they slowly made their way to you as a young female duck hopped into your lap, trying to snitch some extra snacks from you.
Their footsteps were light, to avoid frightening your feathery little companions as they closed on you.
Harumi spoke your name softly and you looked up with an abashed smile. "Oh! I would get up, but..." You looked done at the female water fowl in your lap, as she snuggled down, her tail feathers wiggling contentedly.
Kuai couldn't help but chuckle as he and Harumi sat next to you. The little birds seemed so fond of you. It was cute.
He slowly reached out to try and pet the female in your lap, but she puffed up and made a rather angry noise that plainly said "back off", which made you and Harumi giggle.
"It would seem your charm does not work on all women, my love." Harumi smirked.
"Yes, yes, that is painfully obvious." Kuai replied with a smile, shaking his head as the duck turned back around in your lap, accepting your soothing pets to her feathers.
"Is something the matter?" You ask them curiously.
Harumi and Kuai Liang exchange a long, silent glance which slightly concerns you.
"Kuai and I discussed something last night." Harumi told you.
"And we both decided to ask you something." Kuai continues. "You understand the things we do for you? Not the training, but the smaller things."
"Like... My sword? And the flowers?" You say, your brows furrowing slowly.
"Yes." Harumi chuckles. "Do you understand why we did those things for you?"
You tilt your head. "To... be... nice?"
Harumi and Kuai chuckle together, grinning at one another at how sweetly oblivious you were. They look back at you and Kuai talks. "And you don't have any other inclination, dear? At all?"
Other inclination? What could--did he just call you dear? What could he be talking...
Your eyes get big and you cover your mouth in sheer horror, your face flushing in embarrassment as you awkwardly look away.
Harumi giggles and has to cover her mouth and cough to chase it away, Kuai Liang merely shakes his head and chuckles softly.
"We've been trying to court you. You're a wonderful person, an amazing woman." Harumi says, giving you a soft look. "We've both been rather... Smitten with you, as of late. We'd hoped you'd realize what our intentions were on your own, but..."
You cover your face and make an embarrassed squeak. "Oh, my god..."
"However." Kuai Liang said, holding his hands up. "We both agreed last night that if you do not reciprocate, we will still gladly accept your friendship."
Your hands drop and you look at them, the surprise evident on your face as you watch Harumi smile at you, her hand slipping into Kuai's.
"We hold nothing but respect for whatever decision you shall make." She told you.
You couldn't believe it. It just seemed so unreal..so unreal that these two amazingly strong, wonderful, beautiful people took a look at you and decided that they wanted you?
You. Of all the people they could possibly pick? A little country bumpkin from Montana?
You look down, petting your little duck friend as she contentedly snuggled you, a couple of her flock-mates snuggling your left thigh.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
"...I... I'm open to trying?" You finally say, giving them a shy smile.
Harumi and Kuai's tense postures dropped as they both smiled widely, and Harumi leaned in to kiss your cheek happily.
"We will do our best to prove everything we mean to you." She swears.
Kuai Liang moves towards you and leans in to do the same, his hand brushing your cheek. "We will do everything--"
He was cut off by the female duck in your lap turning around, her tail wiggling and her feathers fluffing up as she opens her mouth and makes more angry noises, making Kuai lean away from you before she is angered any further.
"Ah... The only woman you cannot charm!" Harumi teased as the two of you broke out laughing; whilst Kuai was still unable to give you the small display of affection his wife had given you, all because of the feathered menace that took residence in your comfy lap.
He merely glared at the offensive little bird in your lap as she snuggled back down, staring Kuai back right in the eye as if to say "try me".
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greenbubblefactory · 1 month ago
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Matchup for Bellatrix
Congratulations you have a match with..
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Idia Shroud !
★Now, at first glance this might seem like an unlikely pairing, but the moment I started connecting the dots, I knew you two would be an incredible match. You both have a naturally enigmatic presence while you’re independent and nonchalant, Idia leans toward introverted and reclusive. The result? He’d be completely intrigued by you. You’re someone who doesn’t reveal much about yourself at first, and for a guy who prefers to observe from a distance, that’s enough to make him endlessly curious.
★The first thing that would catch Idia’s attention is your intelligence. Your love for riddles, mysteries, and challenges? Oh he’d love that. The moment he realizes you enjoy mentally stimulating things, you’ve instantly earned his respect. He’d probably try to challenge you with some obscure logic puzzle or throw you into some elaborate game scenario, just to see if you could figure it out. And if you do? Oh boy. Expect his hair to flare up just a little as he mutters something about how “NPCs aren’t usually this smart…”except you’re no NPC, and that just makes you all the more interesting to him.
★And then there’s your humor. You have a playful, sarcastic side, and the way you use absurd expressions would absolutely throw Idia off at first. He’s used to people being predictable, but you? You keep him guessing. He’d be baffled when you suddenly start talking like someone from the 1800s one moment and then switch to tomboy energy the next. It would break him in the best way possible. You’d make him laugh when he least expects it, and though he’d grumble about it, deep down, he’d love the unpredictability.
★Now, let’s talk about your shared love of information. You enjoy listening to people talk about their passions, and Idia? He is built for that. The moment he realizes you’re willing to sit and listen to him ramble about obscure game lore, AI advancements, or some ancient strategy from an old RPG, he’ll be hooked. He might start off reserved, but once he realizes you genuinely enjoy it, he’ll open up like a floodgate. And the best part? He’d actually listen when you talk about your interests too. Expect him to casually drop facts about astronomy or deep-sea creatures in conversation, pretending like it’s no big deal when in reality, he absolutely spent hours looking them up just to impress you.
★Then there’s the matter of your habit of ruining romantic moments with jokes. If there’s one person who would understand that, it’s Idia. He’s so bad at handling romance that the moment he tries to be suave, he overthinks it into oblivion. So if you crack a joke to break the tension? He’ll either play along or dramatically overreact. And then of course it becomes a competition. You tease him, he tries to one-up you, and suddenly, instead of a romantic moment, you’re both laughing at your own ridiculousness. It’s chaotic, but it works.
★And let’s not forget your love for night explorations. The idea of sneaking around NRC to uncover all the hidden passageways? Idia would groan about it at first, saying something like, “You do realize I could just hack into the school’s surveillance camera and find them for you, right?” But deep down? He’d love it. He’d send Ortho to scout ahead for you, or better yet, reluctantly follow you himself grumbling about it the whole time but secretly enjoying the thrill.
★Your relationship would be the definition of an exclusive club,one built on deep conversations, sarcasm, and the kind of humor that only the two of you truly understand. You’d challenge him, intrigue him, and make his otherwise predictable world so much more interesting. In return, he’d show you a side of himself that few ever get to see the passionate, intelligent, and surprisingly thoughtful side that hides beneath all the self-deprecating humor.
English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes!
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nikethestatue · 7 months ago
Az has more on page chemistry with Feyre than he does with gwyn. Joking with her, letting his cocky side show. Shadows caressing her. Az pulling splinters from her hands. Shoving her behind him when jurian caught them with the cauldron. AND he has kissed her twice, once in thanks and once in congratulations. Hell he has even put his lips on nesta at this point.
Its almost like, he is affectionate with people he loves both platonically and romantically. And guess who isn’t even on that list?
Yeah, I think it all stems from the fundamental misunderstanding of his character, tbh. I think some people have gotten so into 'dark broody emo boy' thing with him, that any interaction he has they view as either romantic or shocking.
He is not some reclusive weirdo who can't hold a conversation or doesn't socialize. He is an introvert and he is quiet and thoughtful. He stands, alongside everyone, at Rhysand's throne. He negotiates and he fights and he eats and he jokes.
I think the desire to make Azriel this desperate awkward bumbling idiot who needs 'guidance' and this faux 'healing' has been at an all -time high (and it's especially hilarious that someone like Gwyn is gonna 'heal' him).
Azriel is polite and friendly with those he wants to be friendly with. He likes the Archeron sisters and he also knows he'd have to exist with them for eternity. Better make nice and get to know them, and help them, if needed. So yeah, he is nice to Nesta and to Feyre. He is also nice to all the Priestesses, whether he trains them, or someone like Gwyn or Clotho.
The thing is, we've been in his mind. His POV. Undiluted. And the only one he craves romantically is Elain. That's what people don't want to acknowledge. Body language is important, but it doesn't tell the whole story, and when you start extrapolating that this smirk means this, and this gesture means that you get in trouble. That's the trouble that GAs got themselves into. They didn't listen to what he SAID, and what he thought. They misread all the signs, whilst it was all in front of them. SJM was like 'this is who he is sleepless over. This is who he fantasizes about. This is who he wants. And this is what he is struggling with--Elain's mate bond and his sense of self-worth.' That's it. That's what they should've taken from the POV. Not some fantastical 'mate language coded' BS.
Oh well.
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fanaticsnail · 5 months ago
Hello, snail! Thank you for spoiling us with your writing!! You're too talented and I'm always so happy when you pop up on my dash!!
I have a question/request for advice if you ever find yourself willing to give it. I'm in my late 20's and I haven't felt comfortable telling my new partner about my love of fanfiction and extreme hyperfixation on anime (they know I like it, but not to the extent that I do). How did you feel comfortable sharing or were you and your chef-husband always comfortable? I'm worried if I tell him, he won't be interested in me anymore as they aren't a nerd like me.
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First of all, hello!! Thank you for your beautiful words and compliments on my writing. I do love this hobby and I adore sharing my words with you on here.
Thank you so much for your ask! I am in the final year of my 20s and I have been celebrating going into my 'nerdy 30' with a bit of insanity. "One fic per day for 30 days" was going to be my prompt leading up to it, but then I thought: "nah, I can do more."
I am going to add a page break, because I realised just how much I have to say about it. It is very much a personal glimpse into my life, and I hope it helps you. I'm not a relationship coach, this is just my experience.
Tldr: I love this community, and so does chef-husband.
Congratulations on your new partner! All the freshness and excitement being there with the newness is so much fun. I've been with chef-husband for 11 years now. I met him when I was eighteen, and we both worked at our 'Baratie'. I do talk about that often, and I adore writing fics for that restaurant because it just feels like home for me, but I won't linger for too long on it.
Aside from working together, we bonded over our love for music and pop culture. Death Note was one of the things that really got us both talking, and I gifted him a small plush notebook attached to a small apple, never knowing that it would be on a little mantle in our house together 11 years later.
Our tastes in anime differed a little: him with Crying Freeman, and Neon Genesis Evangelion - me with Naruto and Kuroshitsuji, but Death Note (and now JJK) was a series we both loved. Same with Ghibli. Being nerdy or geeky was one of the things that felt magnetic in our conversation, but our other nerdy interests differ.
Encouragement to Write
My husband has always wanted me to express my thoughts through writing. He wanted me to write before I even had the inkling of wanting to. When I dream, I experience full-fledged plots with twists and turns - usually science fiction with thriller tendencies.
When I say: "So, I had a dream last night", chef is already boiling the kettle, making the coffees and sat at the table while I tell him point for point what happens. Silly, but it was something that we did before we had the babies together.
Writing Fanfiction
So, I know this feeling intimately. Telling someone "So, I read and write fanfiction for fun" is still so taboo in mainstream. The one thing that changed this for me, and I talk about this a lot too, was my sister. Growing up secretly reading fanfiction was one of my hobbies because "oh my gosh, there's more? There can be more? AAAAAA". I never really wrote anything back then, not really knowing how to articulate the words I wanted to on paper or on the screen.
But back to the main point: my sister.
Sitting beside her years ago, her on her phone scrolling through her screen, I remember asking her: "what are you doing?" and, without skipping a beat, she responded with two words that really shocked me:
"Reading fanfiction."
Like, with no little blush, no fear of judgement, no little inflections of speech to indicate any signs of embarrassment. It was that easy. Simply "reading fanfiction." Immediately, I followed up with: "Oh? Who for? Canon x OC, x reader stuff, just a main character doing canon divergent stuff?" and she filled me in. I loved her for that. Healed my inner reclusive teenager huddled over an 'x reader' fic.
Last year, I remember sending her a message asking: "So... If I was to start writing fanfiction, would you read it?" and she immediately was like: "WHAT FANDOM, WITH WHO, YES SIS, GET IT GURL, WHAT ARE WE DOING?" and I filled her in the way she filled me in years ago. And so, I started writing for 'x reader'.
Telling Chef-husband I write fanfiction
Once the kids went to bed, all the chores done, him in his shed making miniature terrains for his RC cars, I was sitting merrily at my desk with a glass of wine writing my silly little stories for my silly little guys.
There was one moment where he came in from outside covered in paints and motor oils, and he was like: "whatcha working on?" and I froze. I assumed he was thinking "Oh, she's writing from her nightmares again", I enjoy open communication - so I just said it plainly:
"Writing Fanfiction."
He kind of had this little chuckle in his tone, reaching for the bar fridge and getting a beer. Popping the steel cap from the glass top, he just went: "oh yeah? For which character?"
No little judgement, mild curiosity on my words, having a little glimpse over my shoulder at the screen and him just being like: "Huh. The clown, right? Nice." When he left to go back outside to his hobby, I remember him just laughing with, "Let me know if you need any inspo for Sanji, babe. I've got you covered."
I remember texting my sister: "Chef knows I write fanfiction" and she responded very Gen Z with: "BAHAHAHA" followed up with "how did that go?" and I just told her the truth.
I know not all experiences are like mine, and having a partner that doesn't share the same interests and loving media that you do is daunting. Chef-husband and my marriage isn't perfect, but I knew he was my person from the way he interacted with my other hobbies: D&D, RPGs, comic books, and now writing fanfiction. I also show interest in his: RC cars/planes/drones, Warhammer, and tinkering with his puzzles and collections.
Just so you're aware, and I hope you don't mind, I asked him what he thought about people who read and write fanfiction as soon as I got this ask. He read it on my phone, and said very offhandedly:
"Like, they don't have to read or like the same things (anon) do. Anime is nothing to be ashamed of, and having someone being like: 'yeah, I'm breaking up with you because you're too nerdy' is such a shit thing to do. If (anon) is made to feel shame about something they like from someone they love, then they're a shit person to begin with and not worth pursuing."
That's chef-husband.
Chef-husband also told his boss that I read and write fanfiction, because he knew his boss also reads fanfiction. Pretty sure she reads my stuff on AO3, and I get all blushy when I think about that.
The moral of the story here that, from one passionate fanfic reader to another, whichever way this goes for you regarding confessing your interest to your partner - know you've got snail and chef-husband in Australia letting you know that you're not alone. There is a whole community here that loves and supports your joy, and I hope it all goes well for you.
I'm sorry for the long read, but I hope you appreciate a large glimpse into who I am. So much love for you, anon 🖤
Tagging @since-im-already-here because she's the reason I'm here.
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odyssean-flower · 1 year ago
Bouncing off of anon’s prior ask… I have a few questions of my own bc I’m curious about people’s take on his character. Also because I’m down tremendously for him but shhh—
What do you think dragon man is like when he’s in love? How does he treat them before and after relationship? Like is it a sudden realization, is he romantic? Hmmm many thoughts—
Ideal traits for a partner/mate?
For Yan Neuv, (because your yandere lil fic with him was lovely!!), do you have any headcanons on that aside from what was written?
Sorry if anything has been asked before as I’m rather new to your blog :)
But yeah anyways I hope that’s not too rambl-y! Ty for sharing your lovely stories and thoughts :333 I’m so excited for him in 4.1 and if you roll for him, I wish you luck in getting him! ❤️
Hi~~ thank you so much for reading my fics! Don't worry about being too rambly or repeating stuff, this is actually very helpful for me as it helps me flesh out my ideas as well 🤗 i apologize if any of this stuff isn't very creative lol
May we all get neuvillette and his weapon (and constellations) 🙏
When Neuvillette is in love (before relationship)
So I think Neuvillette would just be A Mess
He's not very good at figuring out emotions, particularly feelings of romance and love, because he always assumed that he would never fall in love
so when he does fall in love, it takes him a while to understand what he's actually feeling (probably after much studying and discussion with the melusines)
imo i feel like he'd be a bit conflicted bc as the chief justice, he feels like he shouldn't have such personal feelings for anyone, but on the other hand, even dragons feel lonely and want love, right?
he would observe you (discreetly and probably unconsciously), memorizing everything about you. He might unknowingly let the things he learned slip into conversation, causing much awkwardness
he finds himself thinking of you at random occasions and associating certain things with you
he noticeably softens when he's interacting with you. it's obvious to everyone except you two
would give you the most sincere and heartfelt compliments, but it doesn't even count as flirting for him, it's just him being himself
even though the chief justice is known to be reclusive, for some reason he would suddenly start frequenting the place where you work. He doesn't even stay there that long, but just makes some awkward and extremely polite conversation (doesn't show it on his face but he's super nervous and self-conscious)
speaking of self-consciousness neuvillette is pretty self-aware about the difference between himself and humans in regards to feelings. He's aware that he's not always the most knowledgeable about human emotions and behavior, which can cause misunderstandings between him and others, but he tries his best to make up for it
When Neuvillette is in love (after relationship)
congratulations for finally reaching this stage
i think neuvillette would be a latent romantic. As in, he has all the potential, but he's never been in a situation where that potential can be explored
but once he's in a relationship...prepare to be swept off your feet
he loves taking you to all the hidden, secret places only he knows about, like an out-of-the-way coffee shop, an inconspicuous nook with a great view of the mountains, maybe even an underwater ruin he really enjoys
will probably take you out on a boating ride
he also enjoys just spending time with you back at his home (hyv please show us where he leaves. i just wanna know)
basically, he'd prefer to spend time with you privately bc he's well aware of the tabloids and paparazzi and doesn't want your life to be ruined by them
does a lot of preparation for your dates. like, an absurd amount, because he would hate it if anything inconveniences you or makes you feel uncomfortable
will continue to say the most romantic and poetic things with the straightest face you've ever seen
not much pda even when it's just you two. a bit of hand-holding (l e w d), brushing his hand against your cheek, maybe even...forehead kisses???
if you are the one who initiates affection with him, his brain would short-circuit, simply because he's not used to having someone do that for him
likes to hear you talk about your day or just anything in general. would also talk about his own day. it makes for some fun lack of congruence
when he's sad, he'll come to you (vice-versa). you two don't talk much, but simply stay by each other's side until you feel better
when you're happy, he feels happy. and when you're sad, he feels sad as well
would be very protective, but would also respect your personal space
melusines will be your biggest supporters. they act as your go-betweens basically
bonus: i feel like furina will be amused by neuvillette's newfound relationship and will probably try to follow you on your dates. she'll attempt to disguise herself but nothing can hide that giant ahoge. and neuvillette can see right through her anyways
Ideal Partner
i think he'd be drawn to someone with a strong sense of justice, someone who has strong beliefs and sticks by them, even if they clash with his own
he would be the type who would welcome being challenged and debated; he would find it refreshing honestly
someone with a similar temperament to him would work, but he'd also find himself unexpectedly attracted to a more fiery, outspoken person
big bonus points if they're nice to the melusines as well
Yandere Mermaid!Neuvillette
i don't know if you're talking about this one but i'll assume you are
hmm i don't know i feel like i put everything i wanted into that fic
so during your weekly meetings, i think neuvi would have moments where he'd imagine himself coming onto land and being with you there, i think he'd also be grudgingly curious about the human world especially after hearing your stories about it, but his sense of responsibility towards his people and his distaste for humans are strong, so his desire to turn you into a mermaid wins out
the underwater garden: he really did believe you'd feel better and that you'd fall in love with him (or at least act warmer towards him) when you saw it
after that fight (?) at the end: i think y/n kinda gave in because they realized that if they didn't accept their new life and the different morals of the mermaids, they would eventually go mad, since they were never escaping. so afterwards, y/n would throw themselves into getting familiar with mermaid customs (aided by neuvi) and just try their best to forget their old life. would probably be very clingy towards him bc ironically, neuvi is a part of their old life
neuvi, for his part, would be happy to see his mate finally accept him, but deep down he knows that it isn't out of real love and that his feelings will probably never be requited in the way he wants them to be. but he decides not to think about that bc having you broken but next to him is better than having you happy but separated from him
so yeah it's a very warped, co-dependent relationship
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