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Assistance technique complète pour la maison et le bureau : votre guide pour des solutions sans tracas
Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui axé sur la technologie, le dépannage et la réparation des appareils électroniques peuvent souvent devenir une tâche ardue. Que vous ayez affaire à un ordinateur défectueux, que vous ayez des difficultés avec la connectivité Wi-Fi ou que vous ayez besoin d'aide pour configurer un système de cinéma maison, une assistance appropriée peut vous faire économiser du temps, de l'argent et vous éviter des frustrations. Ce guide donne un aperçu des différents services disponibles pour l'assistance technique iDARi, vous garantissant d'obtenir l'aide dont vous avez besoin, que ce soit en personne ou à distance.
1. Réparation d'ordinateurs à domicile : la commodité de l'assistance sur site
Lorsque votre ordinateur commence à fonctionner mal, il est facile de se sentir impuissant, surtout si vous n'êtes pas doué en technologie. La réparation d'ordinateur à domicile offre la commodité de réparer votre appareil sans avoir à quitter votre maison. Les techniciens professionnels peuvent diagnostiquer et réparer des problèmes allant du ralentissement des performances et des problèmes logiciels aux pannes matérielles comme un disque dur endommagé ou une carte mère défectueuse.
Certains des problèmes informatiques les plus courants qui peuvent être résolus à la maison comprennent :
Suppression des virus et des logiciels malveillants : les logiciels malveillants peuvent ralentir considérablement votre système et leur suppression complète nécessite souvent l'intervention d'un expert.
Récupération de données : si vous avez perdu des fichiers ou si votre disque dur est en panne, un technicien peut vous aider à récupérer des documents et supports importants.
Mises à niveau : que vous ayez besoin de plus de RAM, d'une nouvelle carte graphique ou d'un disque dur plus grand, les techniciens peuvent mettre à niveau votre système pour améliorer les performances.
Le meilleur, c’est que tous ces services sont disponibles directement à votre porte, minimisant ainsi les perturbations de votre routine quotidienne.
2. Dépannage informatique à la maison : solutions et solutions rapides
Tous les problèmes informatiques ne nécessitent pas une réparation complète. Parfois, le problème peut simplement être un problème logiciel ou votre appareil peut avoir besoin d'une petite modification pour améliorer ses performances. Le dépannage informatique à domicile a pour objectif d’identifier et de résoudre ces problèmes courants.
Les techniciens peuvent vous aider avec :
Performances lentes : résolution des processus en arrière-plan, optimisation des paramètres de démarrage et suppression des fichiers inutiles.
Problèmes de connectivité : résolution des problèmes de connexion Wi-Fi ou Bluetooth qui affectent la productivité.
Conflits logiciels : assurez-vous que votre système d'exploitation et les logiciels installés sont correctement configurés et compatibles.
En diagnostiquant et en résolvant les problèmes rapidement, le dépannage informatique minimise les temps d'arrêt et vous aide à reprendre le travail plus rapidement.
3. Assistance administrative : vous aider à rester organisé
Dans le monde occupé d’aujourd’hui, la gestion des tâches administratives peut s’avérer fastidieuse, surtout lorsque vous jonglez avec plusieurs appareils et systèmes. Les services d'assistance administrative vont au-delà du simple support technique de base ; ils impliquent également d’aider à la gestion et à l’optimisation de l’installation de votre bureau et de votre bureau à domicile.
Les services relevant de l’assistance administrative peuvent inclure :
Gérer les plannings et les calendriers à l'aide d'outils comme Google Calendar ou Microsoft Outlook.
Configuration du partage de fichiers basé sur le cloud pour faciliter la collaboration et le stockage de documents.
Organiser les e-mails et les fichiers numériques pour améliorer le flux de travail et réduire l'encombrement.
Préparation et édition de documents techniques : vous aider à formater des rapports, des présentations et des feuilles de calcul.
Avec l’assistance administrative d’experts, vous pouvez rationaliser vos opérations quotidiennes et vous concentrer davantage sur vos tâches principales.
4. Assistance technique : aide d'experts pour les problèmes complexes
Parfois, le problème auquel vous êtes confronté peut nécessiter des connaissances plus spécialisées. L'assistance technique peut aider à résoudre des problèmes plus complexes, qu'ils impliquent des logiciels, du matériel ou des systèmes réseau. Par exemple, si vous configurez un réseau d'entreprise, configurez un logiciel avancé ou dépannez la configuration d'un appareil, un expert technique peut vous fournir une aide précieuse.
Certains des services techniques disponibles comprennent :
Dépannage logiciel : Résoudre les problèmes de compatibilité ou de configuration avec des programmes spécialisés.
Configuration du serveur : installation et maintenance à petite échelle pour le support technique à domicile et au bureau.
Réparations avancées du système : réparation des pannes de carte mère ou d'alimentation électrique qui nécessitent un niveau d'expertise technique plus élevé.
L’assistance technique peut constituer une bouée de sauvetage indispensable lorsque vous êtes confronté à des problèmes techniques difficiles ou hautement spécialisés.
5. Assistance à distance pour le bureau : assistance sans frontières
Dans le monde du travail moderne, l'assistance à distance est devenue un service clé pour les entreprises et les employés qui ne sont pas sur place. Si votre bureau rencontre des problèmes logiciels ou matériels, ou si vos employés travaillent à domicile et ont besoin d'une assistance technique, l'assistance à distance peut résoudre le problème efficacement.
Qu'il s'agisse de résoudre un problème logiciel, de réparer la connectivité Wi-Fi ou d'aider un employé à configurer un nouvel appareil, l'assistance à distance élimine la nécessité d'une présence physique des techniciens. Grâce à des outils tels que le partage d'écran et un logiciel d'accès à distance, les experts peuvent prendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur et résoudre le problème comme s'ils étaient assis juste à côté de vous.
7. Conseils informatiques : prendre des décisions éclairées
Avec autant d’options disponibles en matière d’ordinateurs, il peut être difficile de savoir laquelle répondra le mieux à vos besoins. Que vous souhaitiez mettre à niveau votre système actuel ou en acheter un nouveau, les conseils informatiques professionnels peuvent vous aider à prendre des décisions éclairées. Les techniciens peuvent vous guider tout au long du processus, en vous offrant des conseils sur :
Spécifications du système : recommandation des meilleures options de processeur, de RAM et de stockage en fonction de votre cas d'utilisation.
Configuration logicielle requise : suggérer le système d'exploitation ou le logiciel adapté à vos besoins personnels ou professionnels.
Budgétisation : vous aide à équilibrer les performances et le prix pour trouver le meilleur rapport qualité-prix.
8. Configuration des écouteurs pour la télévision : optimisation de votre expérience audio
Pour ceux qui préfèrent regarder la télévision avec des écouteurs, établir une connexion appropriée est essentiel pour obtenir la meilleure qualité sonore. Un professionnel peut vous aider à configurer vos écouteurs pour qu'ils fonctionnent avec votre téléviseur via Bluetooth, des connexions filaires ou d'autres systèmes audio. Que vous résolviez un problème de synchronisation audio ou que vous optimisiez la qualité du son, la bonne configuration garantira une expérience fluide et agréable.
9. Dépannage du fournisseur de réseau TV : résolution des problèmes de streaming et de câble
Les problèmes avec les services de télévision des fournisseurs de réseau, qu'ils proviennent des services de câble, de satellite ou de streaming, peuvent être frustrants. Un technicien peut vous aider à résoudre des problèmes tels que :
Mauvaise réception du signal : diagnostiquer et résoudre les problèmes liés au signal TV ou à une mauvaise réception de votre fournisseur.
Retards de diffusion : résolution des problèmes de mise en mémoire tampon ou de diffusion en continu qui empêchent une visualisation fluide.
Problèmes de programmation des chaînes : résolution des problèmes d'accès aux chaînes ou de configuration de votre boîtier récepteur.
10. Dépannage Smart TV : garantir des performances fluides
Les téléviseurs intelligents sont souvent connectés à divers appareils et réseaux, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes potentiels. Que votre téléviseur ne s'allume pas, ait des problèmes de connectivité ou que les applications ne fonctionnent pas correctement, un professionnel peut rapidement identifier le problème et proposer une solution.
11. Les problèmes courants incluent :
Problèmes de connexion Wi-Fi : réparer la connectivité entre votre téléviseur intelligent et Internet.
Mises à jour logicielles : assurez-vous que le logiciel de votre téléviseur est à jour et fonctionne de manière optimale.
Plantages d'applications : dépannage des problèmes avec des applications comme Netflix ou YouTube.
12. Optimisation du réseau domestique : maximiser la vitesse et la connectivité Internet
Dans de nombreux foyers, la vitesse et la connectivité Internet sont souvent négligées jusqu’à ce qu’un problème survienne. L'optimisation du réseau domestique garantit que votre configuration Wi-Fi fonctionne efficacement sur tous les appareils, réduisant ainsi le décalage et améliorant les performances globales. Les services peuvent inclure :
Placement du routeur : Optimiser la position de votre routeur pour une meilleure couverture.
Sécurité du réseau : configuration de pare-feu et d'une protection par mot de passe pour sécuriser votre réseau.
Optimisation des canaux Wi-Fi : minimiser les interférences provenant d'autres réseaux pour garantir des vitesses plus rapides.
13. Configuration Internet Wi-Fi : se connecter facilement
Configurer une connexion Wi-Fi à la maison peut sembler une tâche ardue, surtout si vous utilisez plusieurs appareils. Un technicien peut vous aider à choisir le bon routeur et s'assurer que tout est correctement configuré. Ce service peut également inclure la configuration du réseau pour plusieurs utilisateurs, le dépannage des zones de signal faible et la garantie de connexions sécurisées.
14. Installation d'un aspirateur robot : simplifier votre routine de nettoyage
Configurer un aspirateur robot peut paraître simple, mais ces appareils intelligents nécessitent souvent une configuration pour fonctionner correctement. Les techniciens peuvent vous aider avec :
Configuration initiale : connexion de l'aspirateur au Wi-Fi de votre maison.
Intégration d'applications : vous aide à définir des horaires et à contrôler l'aspirateur via votre smartphone ou des assistants vocaux comme Alexa ou Google Home.
Dépannage : résoudre des problèmes tels que des problèmes de connectivité ou des capteurs défectueux.
15. Configuration à distance intelligente : simplifier le contrôle de votre appareil
Si vous possédez plusieurs appareils intelligents, une télécommande intelligente universelle peut vous aider à tout contrôler, de votre téléviseur au système d'éclairage de votre maison. Cependant, la configuration de ces télécommandes peut s'avérer délicate. Les techniciens peuvent vous aider :
Configurez la télécommande pour tous les appareils compatibles.
Programmez des macros pour rationaliser votre expérience et garantir que tout fonctionne de manière transparente.
#Assistance technique#Réparation d'ordinateurs#Dépannage Wi-Fi#Configuration de bureau à domicile#Solutions de maison intelligente#Récupération de données#Assistance à distance#Services de support informatique#Configuration de périphériques#Optimisation du réseau#Suppression de virus#Mises à jour logicielles#Assistance administrative#Support pour Smart TV#Aide technique#Mises à niveau matérielles#Configuration de télécommande intelligente#Installation de robots aspirateurs#Configuration Internet#Experts en dépannage
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i’ve really swung back against remakes this year. i’m really starting to feel hostile to the fact that just by existing they will always functionally replace the original game to the majority of consumers. people like to insist they don’t, but most of these remakes do not have their originals made legally accessible alongside their remake, and it’s just a reality that the majority of consumers will not emulate out of a combination of laziness, being limited by being on iOS, technical incompetence, a fear of legal retaliation, and “lol old games have jank.” just a complete refusal to engage with these games on any genuine level or god forbid find any functional value or meaning in what’s popularly considered ‘jank’ compounded by their remakes inevitably sanding its corners down they don’t have to. you see it with pokemon, sonic, resident evil, harvest moon, even games that do have their original available but are infamously ‘too dated’ like patho— it drives me fucking bonkers. i can’t look up shit about the original mineral town or wonderful life anymore, the latter of which is a damn near unrecognizable game, meme-status hatred of pokemon rby by people who have never played the damn thing is compounded by frlg’s existence, everyone on the goddamn internet says you can just play patho 2 and not 1, don’t get me fucking started on sonic- i can’t take it anymore. i’m sick of the position these things are in. i wish it wasn't like this in a time where it's easier than ever before to re-release older games.
#also i don't say laziness as a judgmental better than thou thing. i am VERY lazy about this kind of shit too. it's just how it is.#after i got to a certain age i'd rather pull my own teeth out than spend 3 business days downloading an iso on my dial up internet#and then also needing to configure or download an emulator#i mean i still do it sometimes it just means i play video games less often in general#switch speaks
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is your phone headphone jack busted? do you not want to pay for bluetooth headphones? do you have a raspberry pi collecting dust somewhere? turns out that the solution to these 3 problems is the same! :D
this world hates me and its for good reasons
i followed this guide and used a raspberry pi 3 with raspbian lite
#this was so surprisingly easy to configure#i can also put mp3s in there and ssh into it with my phone to turn it into a fucked up mp3 player#but that needs an internet connection which is a pain in the ass when you dont have a screen or a keyboard#this is so cursed im gonna walk around with this in my backpack#raspberry pi
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My Doppio... Why exactly are there people accessing my page on this website? This makes no sense, as I made sure to explicitly tell the Tumbler to keep it private.
- @diavolos-secret-blog
They want to interact with you, boss!!! ( /^ω^)/♪♪ It's a very regular thing to do here!
Also, with all due respect... might i ask how exactly you told tumblr to keep your blog private? Did i get that right?
#i hope diavolo isnt a boomer when it comes to internet configurations (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)#jjba#ask blog#jjba ask#doppio
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Defeating the Annoying McAfee Pop-ups: A Comprehensive Guide Are you tired of constant McAfee pop-ups interrupting your browsing experience? These intrusive notifications can be frustrating and disrupt your workflow. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) Framework to help you understand and address the issue of McAfee pop-ups effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can regain control over your browsing experience and enjoy a pop-up-free environment. [caption id="attachment_63020" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] how to stop McAfee pop-ups[/caption] Understanding McAfee Pop-ups McAfee pop-ups are notifications that appear on your computer screen from the McAfee antivirus software. They serve as alerts for various events such as system scans, updates, and potential security threats. While these pop-ups are intended to keep you informed about your computer's security status, they can become bothersome when they appear too frequently or at inconvenient times. McAfee pop-ups occur due to several reasons. One common cause is the default settings of the McAfee software, which are designed to provide maximum security by keeping users constantly informed. However, this can lead to an overwhelming number of pop-ups. Additionally, conflicts with other software or outdated system settings can trigger these notifications unnecessarily. The impact of McAfee pop-ups on user experience is significant. They can disrupt your workflow, interrupt gaming sessions, and cause frustration when watching videos or browsing websites. Constant pop-ups can also slow down your computer and affect its performance. It is crucial to address this issue to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience. Identifying Root Causes To effectively resolve the issue of McAfee pop-ups, it is important to identify the root causes. By understanding why these pop-ups occur, you can take targeted steps to mitigate the problem. There are several common reasons for persistent McAfee pop-ups. One reason is the default settings of the McAfee software, which are often set to display notifications for various events. It is important to review and adjust these settings according to your preferences. Analyzing your system settings and configurations can also help identify potential causes of the pop-ups. Outdated or incorrect settings can trigger unnecessary notifications. Checking and updating these settings can help resolve the issue. Another possible cause of McAfee pop-ups is conflicts with other software installed on your computer. Some programs may interfere with the functioning of McAfee, leading to frequent pop-ups. Identifying and resolving these conflicts can help eliminate unwanted notifications. Resolving McAfee Pop-ups Now that we have identified the root causes of McAfee pop-ups, let's explore the steps you can take to resolve this issue and enjoy a pop-up-free browsing experience. Adjusting McAfee Settings Accessing the McAfee settings is the first step towards resolving the pop-up issue. To do this, locate the McAfee icon in your system tray or taskbar and right-click on it. From the context menu, select "Open McAfee" or a similar option to access the main interface. Once in the McAfee interface, navigate to the settings section. Look for options related to pop-ups or notifications. Disable the pop-up notifications or choose a less intrusive notification style that suits your preferences. Additionally, you can customize notifications and alerts within McAfee. Select the specific types of notifications you want to receive and the frequency at which they appear. This allows you to tailor the notifications according to your needs, reducing the number of pop-ups you encounter. Optimizing System Settings Optimizing your system settings can also help minimize or eliminate McAfee pop-ups. Start by checking your Windows update settings. Keeping your operating system up to date ensures that you have the latest security patches and reduces the likelihood of unnecessary notifications. Adjusting your browser settings can also play a role in reducing pop-ups. Most modern browsers have built-in pop-up blockers that you can enable. Additionally, review your browser extensions and disable any that may be causing conflicts with McAfee or generating unwanted pop-ups. Managing startup programs is another important step. Some programs automatically launch when you start your computer and can trigger McAfee pop-ups. Disable any unnecessary startup programs to minimize the chances of encountering pop-ups. Troubleshooting Software Conflicts If you have identified conflicting software as a potential cause of McAfee pop-ups, it is crucial to address this issue. Start by identifying the conflicting software. Look for any recently installed programs or updates that coincide with the appearance of the pop-ups. Once you have identified the conflicting software, check for any available updates. Software updates often include bug fixes and compatibility improvements that can resolve conflicts. Update the conflicting software to the latest version and see if the pop-ups cease. If updating the conflicting software does not resolve the issue, consider uninstalling it. Remove the software completely from your computer and monitor if the pop-ups persist. Be cautious when uninstalling software, as it may impact other functionalities or dependencies. Advanced Solutions If the previous steps have not resolved the McAfee pop-up issue, there are some advanced solutions you can try. McAfee provides a tool called McAfee Virtual Technician, which can diagnose and resolve common issues with their software. Download and run this tool to identify and fix any underlying problems that may be causing the pop-ups. If all else fails, you can try reinstalling the McAfee software. Uninstall the existing version of McAfee from your computer and then download and install the latest version from the official McAfee website. This fresh installation may resolve any software glitches that were causing the pop-ups. If you are still unable to resolve the issue, it is recommended to seek assistance from McAfee support. They have dedicated resources to help users address specific problems and can provide personalized guidance based on your situation. Frequently Asked Questions How can I temporarily disable McAfee pop-ups? To temporarily disable McAfee pop-ups, you can access the McAfee settings and disable the pop-up notifications. However, keep in mind that disabling pop-ups may leave your computer vulnerable to potential security threats. It is recommended to only disable pop-ups temporarily and re-enable them once the issue causing the frequent notifications is resolved. Will disabling pop-ups affect my computer's security? Disabling pop-ups may reduce the level of notifications you receive from McAfee, but it does not directly affect your computer's security. McAfee will still perform its essential functions, such as scanning for viruses and protecting your system. However, it is important to stay vigilant and regularly update your antivirus software to ensure optimal security. Why do McAfee pop-ups still appear after adjusting settings? If McAfee pop-ups continue to appear even after adjusting the settings, there may be other factors contributing to the issue. Check for conflicting software or outdated system settings that may be overriding the changes you made. You may need to further troubleshoot or seek assistance from McAfee support to resolve the issue. Can I remove McAfee completely to stop pop-ups? Yes, you can uninstall McAfee completely from your computer to stop the pop-ups. However, it is important to note that removing McAfee will leave your computer without antivirus protection. It is recommended to have an alternative antivirus software installed to ensure the ongoing security of your system. Are there alternative antivirus software options without pop-ups? Yes, there are alternative antivirus software options available that offer a less intrusive approach to notifications. Some popular antivirus programs, such as Norton, Avast, and Bitdefender, provide customizable notification settings that allow you to minimize or disable pop-ups. Research and choose an antivirus software that aligns with your preferences and offers the desired level of notification control. How often should I update McAfee to prevent pop-ups? Regularly updating your McAfee software is essential for optimal performance and security. McAfee releases updates to address bugs, improve compatibility, and provide the latest protection against emerging threats. It is recommended to enable automatic updates or manually check for updates at least once a week to ensure you have the latest version installed. Can I prevent McAfee pop-ups on mobile devices? Yes, you can prevent McAfee pop-ups on mobile devices by adjusting the settings within the McAfee Mobile Security app. Similar to the desktop version, you can customize the notification settings to reduce the frequency of pop-ups or disable them altogether. Refer to the app's settings menu to make the necessary adjustments. Will disabling McAfee pop-ups affect other notifications? No, disabling McAfee pop-ups will only affect the notifications generated by McAfee antivirus software. Other notifications from your operating system, applications, or other security software will not be affected. However, it is important to regularly review your notification settings for other programs to ensure you receive important alerts and updates. Conclusion: McAfee pop-ups can be frustrating and disruptive to your browsing experience. By understanding the root causes and following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively address the issue of McAfee pop-ups. Remember to adjust McAfee settings, optimize your system settings, troubleshoot software conflicts, and explore advanced solutions if needed. Additionally, refer to the frequently asked questions section for further clarification. Enjoy a pop-up-free browsing experience and prioritize your computer's security by staying updated with the latest antivirus software.
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Overcoming Common Challenges in SharePoint Server Installation
SharePoint Server, a powerful collaboration and content management platform, provides organizations with robust functionalities. However, the installation process can present various challenges that may hinder a seamless deployment. In this article, we will explore common issues faced during SharePoint Server installation and provide probable solutions to overcome them. “The tool was unable to…
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#Access Privileges#Application Services Configuration#Central Administration#Collation Settings#Configuration Database#Database Connectivity#Deployment Challenges#Disk Space#Firewall Interference#Hardware Requirements#Installation Issues#Internet Connectivity#Memory Exception#Probable Solutions#Secure Store Service Application#Service Account#SharePoint Prerequisites#SharePoint Search Service#SharePoint Server#SharePoint Timer Service#SQL Server Permissions#Troubleshooting#User Profile Service Application#Windows Features
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copilot (n.)
a method of rapid editing for programmers who flatly refuse to learn any method of rapid editing (vim keybindings, snippet engines, Emmet for HTML...) besides tab completion
#this is my daily cancelable hot take#github copilot#programming#please i am begging you stop using copilot as a snippet engine#use it to write an entire function fine#but if you just use it to write “if x is not None and” PLEASE GET A BETTER TOOL FOR THAT#your IDE's built in autocomplete likely has some similar functionality that works more reliably and doesn't require an internet connection#i 100% get why most people don't bother to configure their editors#but i promise you#an hour or two of yak shaving (google it) will change your LIFE
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i am a fool for running complicated network infrastructure out of a laptop on Windows when I should've just expensed a new mini PC and made a dedicated linux server (〒﹏〒)
#.... hyper v is good and all i guess. kinda. but ಥ_ಥ idk why i didn't write down how exactly i setup my configuration for future reference#which like. most of it is there and fine but the internet is being inconsistent and i had to tinker around w it in a way i didn't before#I'm sure part of the issue too is this specific wifi relay sucks 😭 probs crapping out like the other one#but windows needs to have all these separate network cards too. which u can use usb adapters for thankfully but#i have a Feeling™ this would all be much more straight forward on linux from a setup/troubleshooting/diagnosing perspective#Linux is truly verbose for better or worse - but when it comes to trying to troubleshoot somethn rly specific there's no such#thing as too much information imo#Windows though?? *windows scoffing and laughing#telling u good luck and to figure it out yourself. pushed you down the stairs while calling u a slur*
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Windows 11 is fucking hostile software, and when they finally mandate I “upgrade” to it, I’m moving to Linux. I hope everyone calling the shots at Microsoft has a very nice time.
#trying to convert an off-the-self-laptop to a typewriter#and i'm inventing new vocabulary by the filthslupp#anything that requires the internet to access basic functionality is shitware#and it's just *bad* design#i loath the design-for-monitoring-and-profit ethos#consumers should be able to configure what they purchase#and just use it out-out-of-the-box#absolute furiositation#i am incandescent with bile#software#accessibility#modern bullshit
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2NetSolutions can help you get the most out of your new and existing products in terms of power, speed, and dependability. We help you in Installation and configuration of Internet Information Server Washington at cost effective price.
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hii i hope yr having a good day how has it been?
i woke up and cracked open the dash to the bi-mishapocalypse which is probably the funniest thing to wake up to. but besides that im probably gonna fuck around with my pedal board after breakfastlunch
#asks#i asked my brother if he had pedals months ago and he pulled out this massive beast from the depths of his closet#but i only now started using it bc i finally have more cables to actually make it work#and i found the manual on the internet#but i literally dont know what im doing but im enjoying it#theres a configuration i like that sounds nice with sleep cult
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Requirements analysis and definition Washington- 2 Netsolutions
Requirements analysis and definition Washington is the process of identifying, documenting, and analyzing the needs and constraints of a project or system. This process is typically used in the early stages of software development or product design, and its goal is to understand and define the problem that the project is trying to solve, as well as the requirements and constraints that will govern the design and development of the solution. In Washington, this process is often used in the development of software systems for government agencies and other organizations, and is typically performed by a team of analysts and stakeholders, including project managers, developers, and subject matter experts.
#Requirements analysis and definition Washington#Design and implementation planning Washington#Network tuning and troubleshooting Washington#Oracle Database install and tuning Washington#Apache Web server design installation and configuration Washington#Samba installation and configuration Washington#Information Systems troubleshooting & Performance tuning Washington#Mail server DNS Server setup Washington#Information technology infrastructure analysis Washington#Active Directory & domain design installation and configuration Washington#Installation and configuration of Internet Information Server Washington
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People will tell you all sorts of nonsense about how to set your TV up to run off a computer instead of the tvs software. Here's what has worked for me over and over.
Disconnect your TV from the internet so it can't update/pull in ads
Get a computer with at least 4 gigabytes of ram and 32 gigabytes of disk space (thin clients are great for this), if you already have one even better!
Connect it via Ethernet if possible
Connect it to your tv, if your computer is older you may need a visual adapter, these are widely available but I recommend buying off ebay because that's the cheapest place ive found and the quality is almost always good
Install VLC
Install Firefox with ublock origin at least for ad blocking
Now you can watch off yt, twitch, whatever other sketchy sites for free content
If you want to torrent public domain media download qbittorrent
If your ISP is weird about it you can set qbittorrent to use a vpns network connection in the advanced configuration section of settings (mullvad is recommended for this but ymmv)
You can watch your public domain media with vlc now
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Okay but seebs, while sony may have had confusion on whether o or x was the confirmation, nintendo maps controllers with b as the bottom must button and a to the right, while other controllers map a to bottom most and b to right most. And this infuriates me even more than whether or not x or o is the confirm button, because now that all controllers are basically the same, the onscreen directions for controls now require I know which brand of controller I am using and whether a is mapped down or to the right. At least on playstation, if they tell me that o does an action, I know exactly where the fuck o is without having to look down at my controller and away from my game.
I don't like the PlayStation very much, though I can appreciate the objectively good things it brought to the industry.
One thing I really gotta hand to Sony, though?
They nailed the controller.
Check it.
This is a SNES controller:
Four face buttons, two let's call them system buttons, directional inputs, two shoulder buttons.
This is a Gravis PC GamePad (no way!)
Looks an awful lot like a SNES controller with the system and shoulder buttons removed, and very popular in its time.
This is a Philips CD-I controller:
That's literally a Gravis PC GamePad with a different plastic color are you fucking kidding me?!
This is a PlayStation 1 controller:
Take a SNES controller, double up the shoulder buttons and add some grips. That's it, you're done.
This is a Gravis PC GamePad Pro:
That's the forbidden love child of a SNES and a PlayStation. That looks like it could be a fucking Nintendo Play Station controller. Enough said.
So clearly, Nintendo had it Right with their SNES controller, when all Sony could do to improve on it was adding grips and more shoulder buttons.
And then the Sony devs got a horrible idea.
This... is the PlayStation 1 Dual Shock controller.
Dual for the twin analog sticks, shock for the force feedback motors hidden in the grips.
From then on, all PlayStation controllers would follow the same basic design (except for Move), and after an initial hiccup with the Duke, the Xbox series' controllers would take after it as well. Some would have the directional pad and left stick switch places but these controllers are all basically interchangeable!
Here's a Logitech F310 (I use one myself), Xbox Series X, Switch Pro, and PS5 controller.
In low visibility conditions, you wouldn't be able to tell these fuckers apart!
So basically?
The SNES controller was the beginning of the end.
The PS1 controller was the end of the end.
I might consider the PS1 to be an over-hyped at the time piece of garbage but god damn did they do the controller right.
#my only beef with sony is that they are apparently protective of there triangle square circle ex configuration#I would absolutely love if all games gave me directions by sony buttons#but alas#I get to periodically be confused by what button I’m supposed to press because my comp may or may not know which controller I have#and I may not know what controller I have#because assigning letters that are not universally assigned is horseshit#sorry someone was wrong on the internet
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some tips on how to make bosses easier if youre feeling theyre too hard:
play a ranged physical dps class. that way you can hang back to keep an eye on the arena and what the boss is doing without having to worry about needing to stand still long enough to complete an induction
on that note, inductions are considered finished before the bar is full. you can usually move right before it fills and still have it go off, but it takes some trial and error to figure out how close you can cut it
move your ui around. my own life was made immeasurably easier when i put the target right above my hotbar so i wouldnt have to pay attention to both the top and bottom of the screen at the same time, but try stuff out and see what works best for you
the best time to mitigate an attack is right before the boss finishes casting it. the second best time is as soon as the mit becomes available, every time it becomes available
use addle and feint. you almost never see these used in casual content and it's a waste because they really are extremely useful skills at any level
use arm's length and surecast. there are some knockbacks they dont work on but those are rare. if you know youre gonna get pushed, use these and you probably won't get pushed
take advantage of duty support. the npcs know the mechanics. watch them and let them teach you
particle effects cant hurt you (usually). with the exception of puddles that stay on the ground for a while or layered stacks like akh morn, as long as youre not standing on the marker when it disappears (or are if it's a stack), you're in the clear. feel free to move through the animation if necessary. more and more mechanics require you to do so to be in position for the next one in time
it's usually fine to let spread markers overlap. just, yknow, make sure another person isnt in yours (though its the responsibility of anyone without a spread to keep themselves out of harms way)
when in doubt, ask your party members. it's extremely rare to match with a group of randos and have everyone be a first-timer. most players are happy to help, and the ones that know the mechanics but are bad at explaining them will usually just stick a marker on themselves (usually a triangle) for you to follow
read your tool tips. boss fights are as much a test of how well you know your class as they are your ability to read and react to mechanics. unless youre playing a healer or paladin, youre going to use your entire kit, so make sure you know what everything does
on that note, freecure is a scam. once you get cure ii/benefic ii, you will never need cure or benefic again. keep them on your hotbar for when you get synced content if you wish, but otherwise you do not need them. do not use them
if you play multiple classes, try to keep skills that do the same/similar things at the same spot on your hotbar. this isn't always possible bc despite what some may claim, not all classes of the same type are actually identical, but it will save you a lot of headaches
entirely new and unique mechanics are rare to the point of being nigh nonexistent. everything is a remix of something else and practicing in lower level content can actually be a big help
look up guides. the internet is full of them in pretty much whatever form works best for you (though they can be of admittedly variable quality)
turn down party effects. theyre on one of the tabs under character configuration > controls. if you put them on minimum you can still see heals and such but you wont have your screen constantly full of explosions
turn on target health percentage. this one is under character configuration > ui. it lets you better see how close the boss is to going down
make summons smaller. we all love titan's ass but not when it's the only thing you can see. "/petsize all small" will make this problem go away
relax and have fun. panicking leads to mistakes, which can lead to worse mistakes. if you need to take a second to breathe, do so. your party members probably wont mind waiting a minute or two between pulls
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about the post you created on other archives… could you explain more? how are these websites created? are they linked to ao3? why is decentralised fandom good? genuinely curious! thank you :)
1.) I can try, but it's 2AM where I am, so I can't promise length or coherence!
2.) For my two, I fired up a server running Ubuntu 22.04, installed a WHOLE MOUNTAIN of pre-requsites, configured all those running services (otw-a runs on a LOT of those), installed otw-archive, fired up the archive via Walter's guide in some part. For Ad Astra, this was weeks of work, including one 50 hour week. By the time I deployed CFAA a year later, I had it most of the way there in like-- three days, and hired melo to finish her off and change the CSS. All three of us have offered to help support others who want to try, too!
3.) They're only linked to AO3 in the sense they run on the same software. SqWA is Walter's, superlove is melo's, CFAA and Ad Astra are mine. (Though we've all become friends through this, and we do talk to OTW -- hi James! -- so there's no animosity.)
4.) Before Web2.0 really dug in and before social media, you had a lot of fan communities. Some bigger, some smaller, but all of them were microcosms of fandom. Ad Astra, my Trekfic community, has been here for 15 years; one single fandom, this group of people, some of us have known each other this whole time. The support and the friendship and the collaboration's amazing. Now-- imagine the whole internet filled with these little pools of light. I remember it; I was a member of several myself. But beyond reviving that community spirit, there's also the basic fact that AO3 is down right now, Fanfiction.net's a nightmare (says someone who was one of her columnists once!), and having all of fandom concentrated into just two sites risks losing some very large part of it if a catastrophe happens. Multiple archives are a good thing for everyone, even AO3.
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