joanietidwell · 2 years
From Little Seeds
A few months back, I sat with a friend eating breakfast under the rounded canopy of a massive oak tree. Spanish moss hung eerily from wooden arms stretched open as wide as a mothers, welcoming us into the comfort of her shade. It was fall in Florida, and while we ate, acorns periodically fell like tiny arial bombs; landed on the table undetonated grenades. They hit the ground around us, bouncing…
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pjbloop · 7 months
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Make a not so subtle comparrision between the fictional genocide and the real war crime that is happening right now
Defending the air nomad genocide and thus palestine genocide currently happening
Blaming the victim, like honestly calling a clearly stated fact in the show and a clearly observable state that gaza is in right now and somehow the zionist manage to not only make up a fake army forces for 1/A bunch of literal monk and 2/A mostly children and women nation but denied the very real occupation of palestine right now
COMEPLETYLY ignore the original message of the post and the scene
Proving the message of the original scene
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the-eorzeancouch · 8 months
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Day 10: Dragon.
Cornixia had heard the stories of Midgardsormr sinking the flagship Agrius as a child. But the stories paled in comparrision to the truth.
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kald-dal-write · 4 months
y is Greason’s interview suit giving Gordon Ramsay chef suit without hat
also Cypress’ first looks like something I would see out of Mary Poppins for some reason
Didn’t realize that Greason’s suit looks like a chef outfit lmao, well inspired this doodle hope you’re happy. Favorite chef of the Games
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Yes fun with Cypress costume comparrision, him and Juniper can be whimsical children story characters together haha
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startistving · 6 years
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Crossover confirmed? 
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exocean · 4 years
i know an exo intro when i hear it. [from she wolf by shakira at the 2019 davis cup closing ceremony]
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nokissforthedauphin · 5 years
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Here we see my most favourite side of Nocturn---------- ♥ 
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cursed-saphire-hart · 3 years
I was looking at your old sketches and i noticed this one with Tord, Anya and Alyona (imagine not spelling-) so I wondered..Who is Alyona?
Oh that was an Idea I had a long tine ago. At the time I was reading a comic where a guy loses his girlfriend to illness and one day meets a girl whose practically her clone, so I had the idea of "What would happen if that happened to Tord?"
Alyona is a eastern russian medic and is the sane age as Anya was when she died. When Tord saw her for the first time, he collapsed from shock, thinking he saw a ghost, Alyona nursed him back to health and he found himself becoming dependent on her for comfort.
To put it into perspective, Aly and Anya are alike personality wise and similar appearances, the differences physically being Alyona doesn't have Anyas height or muscle tones, personality Aly had a more wild and excitable temperment, but are similar enough that they could have been cousins. She has the same soft heart as Anya, but not the same taste for wrath. In a D&D party, Anya would be the tank while Aly is the healer.
I didn't get to posting it, bc i lost the picture, but i did draw a side by side comparrision where Alyona would have been dressed in a blue sweater, and she would have had the dirty blond hair and green eyes some people draw Army Girl with, while Anya would still have the auburn hair and blue eyes I like drawing her with.
In that Au, Tord woukd have spent months with Alyona, finding comfort in her, and she'd help him recover and cope better with his grief. Yes he would have clung to her for her similar appearance to Anya, but would have fallen in love with the differences.
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everyluffy · 5 years
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there’s a lot of posts out there comparing Luffy and Zoro’s intelligence / the way they think. but i think the best comparrision is that i read this page where zeff offers Luffy his freedom if Luffy cut off his leg. and i realized immediately Zoro would have taken the fucking deal
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Kurtz/Reader Request: using the song Ghost by Jacob Lee
You nudge the window open, letting the sound of the rain offset the music you have faintly playing. You pull the book closer to you, balancing your notebook on the chairs arm as you scribble notes and quote ideas for your english essay. You frown when you smell smoke wrinkling your nose as you stand on the chair about to close the window. You hesitate when you hear talking, nervous about being spotted, you don’t think anyone who’s out back behind the school smoking wants some random person eavesdropping.
You catch the eye of the figure under the window, when you stick your arm out to close it. “Hey there.” You don’t say anything closing the window sharply; you can hear his laugh muffled now; your face heats up as you try to shake the thought of his smile. You focus back to your book not moving when the bell rings and ignoring the look from the librarian. You knows she won’t actually kick you out. You’re distracted, humming even though your playlist ended hours ago and you’re halfway through the last chapter when a hand nudges it out of your grip, folding over the corner. “Missing lunch isn’t healthy.” You freeze at the voice from the boy under the window.
“Kurtz.” He smiles again holding his hand out. You smile back shaking it. “This is where you tell me your name..” He nods and you jerk back as the Ghoulies pull him away from you. “Kurtz come on; Lance said the Serpent’s are itching for a fight. You can play later.” James, one of the head Ghoulies shoves him towards the door. He nods turning from you; you watch his smile replaced by a frown and brush it off as him being upset about however he was going to play, you shiver at the implication and tuck your book into your bag; deciding to take his advice and make your way to the lunch room. You settle for breezing by it, hearing the screaming and laughing; you know there’s at least one fight happening.
You keep your head down like usual. Staying in the library whenever you get the chance. You keep the window open where you sit; refusing to admit to yourself you’re hoping to hear more of Kurtz, to find an excuse to talk to him. You catch him smoking and each time he offers you a half smile rolling his eyes when you jerk the window closed. He’d been sick the past few days, or maybe the rain had been too heavy, whatever reason he wasn’t at his usual spot and you tried to mask your disappointment.
You watch a figure stumble in, soaked and dripping on the carpet you watch as they stagger towards the back, near the computer room. You think you can hear them muffle a scream. You stand and move towards the room they most likely went into. You step through the doors watching nervously as a figure slumped against one of the tables looks up. “Hey.” You frown at how his voice slurs, you wince as you notice the blood on the side of his cheek. “Don’t worry about it, from the fight in the cafeteria.” “That was weeks ago.” You speak and he smiles wincing as you can see the cut on his cheek reopens. “Kurtz, what happened?” “Nothing.” He leans forward, letting your hand brush against his cheek. “Let me help?” You half question, pulling a cloth out and wiping is carefully against his cheek. “Sorry it’s not the best, but that doesn’t look near as bad with that blood gone.” You assure him and he nods. “Thank you.”
“Y/n. Are you alright? I thought I heard you scream earlier, was that just the pain?” “Yeah pain.” He seems to tense, you can see it in his shoulders. You nod to him, trying to convey you wont talk more about it. “It’s nothing just a stupid Ghoul thing.” You hum slightly nodding for him to continue. “Part of being with them. Have to go against one of the higher members at random times. Lance thought it’d be funny to throw me against Shank.” “Shank?” “No one you should concern yourself with.” “Most would say the same about you, you know that right?” He laughs nodding. “You want me to look at that later today?” “You trying to ask to come over?” You look to the ground nodding. “If you want.” “We got partnered on that history project anyways.” “History project?” “Yeah if you ever went to class you’d know.” “I go to class, sometimes.” He laughs and you can’t help but smile with pride.
You’re standing by the flag pole nervously watching the group of Ghoulies, you can tell they’re waiting for someone, and when Kurtz steps out they straighten up. Seeing his back you manage to get a proper look at the jacket he sports, black leather all the way around, a few studs against the back, around the patch of a skull wrapped with chains. You frown at the Ghoul mark but wait wondering if he’s going to turn. He doesn’t but you can see him talking, pointing back towards the school. One of the ghouls nods towards you and you look away, you can see Kurtz look back at you and nod, the other Ghoulies shaking there heads and pulling him away. You can see him pull back from them and you try your best not to look to hopeful when he turns towards you. One of them reaches out and tugs him back, looping there arm around him and grinning darkly at you. You can feel a hand on your shoulder once Kurtz disappears from your vision. “He’s useless to concern yourself with.” Is hissed into your ear, by the time you turn to where the voice comes from you’re alone by the flag pole once more.
You watch Kurtz closer after that, you fingers drumming against the desk as you sit in the back of history, he nudges you when the bell rings and you walk slightly behind him as he makes his way to English, you’re surprised to see he shares it with you and the teacher seems even more surprised to see you sitting in your seat next to him. “Come over today.” He hums flicking through the copy of Brave New World. “I thought we were reading Fahrenheit 451.” “ That’s next semesters-“ The teacher rolls his eyes as you nudge the bookmark back in place, three chapters from finishing. “Brave New World it is. Yay orgies and drugs.” Kurtz snorts smiling at you. “Kurtz is there something you’d like to share about Mr. Huxley’s work?” “Yeah sounds like his idea of a utopia was just the Ghoul’s Friday night.” The teachers not impressed scowling and giving him detention.
“Sorry Y/N guess we have to postpone the history project again.” He laughs under his breath and you roll your eyes. “Well I’ll definitely have to come over Friday, can’t miss out on a real life Brave New World experience, you think I’ll get extra credit if I take pictures?” You wink and snicker, catching the teacher’s eyes in a glare. You try your best not to beam when he give you detention. “Well then Y/N don’t tell me I’m a bad influence on you.” “Not at all, if anything I’m a bad influence on you; making you miss Ghoul meeting and-“ “SHIT!” Kurtz slams his fist onto the table and the teacher looks unimpressed. “Kurtz what have-“
“Fuck off.” He hisses standing and walking out of the room, you watch as the teacher doesn’t look up as you move to follow him. “Kurtz?” “They told me if I missed one I was out.” “Well that doesn’t seem anything like a decent gang.” “What?” “I mean if they’re going to kick you out cause you don’t show for one meeting seems a little extreme, plus they’d have less members if that was an actual rule.” “I know but I can’t-“
“Cant what? They need you more that you need them.” “No I’m; I’m nothing without them.” “So you just came into being with a little leather jacket? An undying sense of loyalty to a gang you met when you started high school? It’s been years with you in them; you really think they’re going to throw you out cause you miss one meeting?” He nods feverishly and shoves his bag into your hands. “Can you meet me in the library? After this meeting.” “Of course.” You turn starting for the library, no point in going to class when there’s only one left.
You’re sitting in your usual spot watching the door. You don’t mean to snoop but when you shift moving Kurtz’s bag next to yours you can see the bright cover of the sketchbook. You assume the meeting has just started so you pull it out carefully opening it. You skim through the pages, mostly half finished sketches, and colour combinations; you laugh at the sketch, clearly done form his point of view, your arm reaching out to close the window, the top of your head just visible. You turn the page watching and the sketches end up more finished but almost an unrecognisable style; the bright colours are what throw you off the most, before it have been almost completely pencils and now it was neon in comparrision, paints and chalk colour faces and clothes outlandishly bright. You note in place of a signature all that’s written is a squashed ‘jangle 2 ½ tubes; twenty minutes.’ You try your best not to think about this being the day of the fight; how the serpents have neon blues and greens dripping from their faces and the knife one of the Ghouls has drips the same.
Kurtz doesn’t say anything and you debating telling him you looked through his sketchbook but decide against it for the moment. He’s brought you back to his house, pulling his books out gives you the excuse you need. “What’s that?” “Sketchbook, mostly empty, ghouls don’t like me doing art, says it distracts from the gang.” You nod but he laughs catching you frowning. “Don’t agree with them?” “If they think you drawing is distracting what on earth do they have to say about me?”
“Well they don’t like me socializing outside of the gang and the thought of me dating outside of it isn’t something they consider.” You swallow leaning closer to him. “If you’re already distracted by art;” You nudge the sketchbook from where it sits between you on the bed scooting into the space made by it. “Why shouldn’t you be distracted by something more enjoyable?”
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joanietidwell · 3 years
The Thief of Joy
If you’re looking for a shortcut for taking a nosedive in self esteem with a double shot of shame on the side, then comparison is the vehicle you want to be strapped into. Trust me, I'm a profession
If you’re looking for a shortcut for taking a nosedive in self esteem with a double shot of shame on the side, then comparison is the vehicle you want to be strapped into. Trust me. I’m a professional. There’s was some marketing campaign I vaguely remember from when I was a kid that boldly challenged consumers everywhere “Dare to Compare!” Well, lets just say I am nothing if not obedient! I…
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uswnt5 · 4 years
People can slag off Casey's management of Press all they like, but when you look at how Lavelle is being managed at City there's no comparrision. It's like if Casey decided to play Press as a CM and then was surprised. At least CP has played that her current role. I really don't get why they even wanted Rose.
Oh yeah they aren’t comparable at all. I feel bad for Rose. 
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the-eorzeancouch · 8 months
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Day 10: Dragon.
Cornixia had heard the stories of Midgardsormr sinking the flagship Agrius as a child. But the stories paled in comparrision to the truth.
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blueonwrestling · 5 years
WWE is fucking fucking themselves in the foot, Chad Gable is AN OLYMPIC LEVEL WRESTLER.
Yet Vince thinks because he’s 5ft8, it’s fucking hilarious.
I’m not saying Chad needs to be the most serious badass motherfucker in the world.
But this fucking focus on him being SHORT is so fucking childish and will literally make crowds cringe over him, THIS DOESN’T HELP TO GET HIM OVER.
I hate making the comparrision, but over in AEW, who’s the next challenger to the world title? Darby Allin, another small dude, but instead of focusing on the negatives they fucking accentuate the positives, DO THIS.
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stattic-writes · 5 years
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exocean · 4 years
the boyz!
bloom bloom > d.d.d > reveal > boy > right here > no air > tattoo > giddy up > white > keeper
i kept switching between ddd and bloom bloom for no.1 cause that really depends on the day both at least for sure my favourites! 
send me the name of a kpop group and i’ll list their title tracks from fave to least fave!
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