#Coming out the closet guys
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caffe1ne · 8 months ago
Me: I think I want to come out
Tumblr: *suddenly fills my timeline with aroace posts*
It's a sign
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rystiel · 4 months ago
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well that’s one way to come out i guess
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dkunknowing · 3 months ago
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bromance is real
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lovelyrotter · 6 months ago
ill probably delete this in a minute but ive just been fuckin boggled by what ive seen across tumblr in the last few days in particular. its why i havent really been around. like holy fucking shit, its really like some of yall just dont want a chunk of the trans community to exist. like some of yall are thisclose to saying it verbatum. way too many already have. 'shut up sit down be quiet and smile for us' type shit, gee where have i heard that before. oh yeah my entire life cause i was forcefully gendered as someones daughter. shock horror i know. you might be surprised to remember and/or learn that very few trans folks know theyre trans before we're 5, or even 10, and that that gendered experience stays with all of us in both/either small or large ways. either bc we literally dont have a solid identity yet (bc we're very small children), dont have the words, we're repressing it out of fear from how others will treat us, we're actually enjoying or enjoyed being another gender in our childhood, or we just genuinely didnt fuckin know until shit lined up later in life. weird isnt it that transmascs dont pop out as 6'1 brick shithouse cis men when we're born so yall know for certain that we're confused lost girls/women oops i mean big dangerous scary men. its almost like we're transgender too. none of yall actually know what intersectionality is or means
#my t#transandrophobia#yeah ill tag it why tf not#i just dont understand why transmasculinity is scrutinized and dissected like this within the trans community#when its just not the case for other gendered trans folks amongst themselves more often than not these days#which is a good thing! a really really good thing! but why are we scapegoating transmascs#''we need more weird trans people!!'' yall cant even handle like. a pre-everything trans guy coming out for the first time#yall cant handle a pre-everything tguy wearing a tshirt without tearing him to shreds & calling him shit like afag/theyfab & ukelele boy#im tired of my identity being treated as a debate. i had enough of that in highschool as#very literally. **the only trans kid in my grade** surrounded by cis teachers & peers USING ME AND MY BODY AS A TALKING POINT#i was the only one who wasnt deeply closeted that is. and holy fuck do i still not blame anyone for being closeted in that school#why is it only okay to try to separate trans ppl from our gender when we're not fem/me#why is one celebrated and the other treated like radioactive waste **within our own community**#god i need to find an irl community fuckin badly online trans circles are hell on earth#ill be describing smth that happened to me as a clocky tguy and someone else will say TO MY FACE#that what happened to me wasnt bc i was a clocky guy but purely bc i was trans#like i. what. how. how does that make any kind of fucking sense#i wouldnt be clocky if i wasnt trying to look like my gender. like i. hello?#would u say that to any other trans person or am i just that special?
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swan2swan · 10 months ago
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When she said this line and you knew there was officially No Going Back...
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allseeingharlequin · 2 months ago
A literal rant about a specific moment in Pt 39 "The Detective"
I just had some choice words about Arthur and John's bullshitery
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I always want to rewrite this part because they're so mean to him and for what?? The order meeting is at freaking 10pm you're not in a hurry
Like yeah he "seems distracted" and he SOUNDS nervous as hell, he seems scared to tell you something which is cause for concern yes but wtf? what about common human decency guys? like an "are you ok?" SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE?? Instead of straight up trying to leave? He came here specifically to tell you something he seems nervous about and your immediate response is to be a dick about it?
He's not "wasting your time" he's trying to tell you something, just like Arthur did earlier in the same episode to Noel, he came in the cafe and seemed nervous and you know what Noel did? HE ASKED IF YOU WERE OK YOU FUCKING ASS
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And then Noel literally starts telling them and fucking Arthur INTERRUPTS HIM TO SAY "cut the cryptic shit and tell us what's going on"
Anyway thats my rant of the day, a literal rant this time because that actually pisses me off every time I listen to it lol
And this is something I've been thinking about since before I even really cared about Noel as a character so it's been marinating in my brain for a while
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quathxr · 2 months ago
Life update. I asked my family to use my pronouns! They already knew I was trans, but this was still a huge step forward. Just wanted to celebrate the little steps. It’s gonna take some time for them all to come around, especially my dad. But I know they love me, and we’ll be ok <3
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flowerakatsuka · 8 months ago
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here's the sapphics i promised for yuri day!! 😊💕
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year ago
my feelings on like, nedbert is that they could never get to the stavos point of actual fucking, like even with a massive amount of modern day therapy, i think both of them would approach ~being gay~ as like, queerness is something you Do not something you Are and i don’t think either of them could ever recognize that what they feel is attraction to another man let alone acting on that feeling. whereas imo stannis is very aware of how he’s Not A Real Man and i think resents renly for being just a paragon of westerosi masculinity while also Doing Gayness & davos is imo aware that his feelings for stannis Are More Than Normal but has rationalized this as devotion to His King in a similar way to Loras’ feelings about Renly being The True King and also ya kno, exactly like Ned’s own devotion to Robert (the fact that ALL THREE OF THOSE FAILURES got themselves dedicated husbands despite being objectively terrible picks to be kings?? god!!)
so like for some characters it’s like are they gay? that’s their business not mine, that’s between robert and the light of the seven okay if ned wants to come out to catelyn that’s between them that’s a private marriage and it’s not my business!!
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 months ago
guys you won’t believe wtf is happening,,, so Elizabeth Lail was just announced to be doing an off-broadway show and it’s in Lower Manhattan and guess who lives right outside of NYC 👁️👁️ don’t get me wrong, it might be dog shit and awful but. Elizabeth Lail.
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rocketboots564 · 8 months ago
As a first time Teen Wolf watcher
Stiles really has that “Me and the bad bitches I can’t pull because I’m too neurodivergent to realize I already pulled them” vibe to him
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grecoromanyaoi · 7 months ago
u know i have the right to b much meaner so im going to b mean. if ur a cafab transmasc/trans man/nonbinary/whatever who makes no effort to transition irl in any way (not socially, medically, aesthetically/fashion-ly, etc. basically anything beyond having different pronouns in ur tumblr bio) - u dont get to make fun of blue-haired steven universe tenderqueers. u simply dont. esp not for how "clocky" they r. they r actually making an effort to not look like a normie cishet woman, n accepting the difficulties that come w that decision, which is smth ur not doing in any capacity. u dont get to make fun of them for it. (also u call me whatever u want for this post - transphobe, strawmanning, ive seen multiple users do this a lot n its tiring).
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annihilatius · 3 months ago
I get what people mean when they say "they made Salazar less gay in the remake" but are you forgetting about this file from the remake
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I'm sorry but that is GAY AS FUCK!!! HE IS A GAY ASS HOMOSEXUAL !!!!!!!!!
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the-casbah-way · 10 months ago
i never ever cry in front of anyone ever but there was this boy i was OBSESSED with in primary school when i was like seven years old because he was the fastest boy in the class and he had cool spiky hair and i always thought it was a crush until i came out and realised it was gender envy of some form and today my friend out of the blue told me that i look like him and we looked at his instagram together and i actually do. i look almost exactly like him. and i cried like an absolute wanker because i’ve been so miserable my whole life being perceived entirely the wrong way and i went home today and looked at myself and realised i look like the boy i always wanted to be when i was a kid. and whenever i feel bad about myself i get to remind myself that i look like him so i shouldn’t feel bad because back then i couldn’t have ever dreamed of getting to look like this. and t will only make it better and even though the idea of starting it is still so scary to me i keep having moments like this that make me realise how good it’s going to be even if some of it will suck. i always focus on all of the ways my transition has gone and will go wrong and i forget that it’s going to go right in a lot of ways too
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lornasaurusrex · 11 months ago
I miss you Lorna… this is such a mess
This is an old message and I had several other similar messages, but I miss you guys and hope you’re all doing well!! I’m sorry to see nothing has improved.
I saw I was kindly mentioned by @awesomefringey and some other commenters the other day, so just wanted to log in and say hello and log back out for a few more months. 💕
Sending so so much love to all of you. Take care of yourselves and each other, please.
The video is still on YT.
#Anywayyyyy#The fandom added a whole lot more C to my C-PTSD#So a nice random message every few months instead of a freshly posted death wish is LOVELY.#Don’t fret. On meds and therapied but fresh tf out of money from it so @ L and H… lornasaurusrexx at g*ail is the PayPal if ur bored 🙃#I hate to be like this but protect your hearts. They’ll never be able to look out for you guys and they feed these trolls ammo for snacks#and it seems to have only gotten worse. Gotta keep them hets hetbaited for their money whilst actively encouraging them to bully yall? Why?#STILL!? At this point it feels like they’ve both chosen that path deliberately now and I find it quite gross. but I’m also very far removed#So don’t worry about my opinions. Keep trusting your own intuition!!! You all see it. I love you guys and your beautiful hearts and empathy#But I hope they can sleep at night knowing the absolute fucking genuine WRECKAGE they left across the Big Gay War generation/era of Larries#Don’t worry guys I’m just as dramatic as ever. None of this has anything to do with them coming out or anything. Just how we were treated.#But trust I fuckin mean that shit from the deepest darkest pit of my Demon Larrie™️ heart. They encouraged this. 🤷🏼‍♀️#Anyone who cares about my actual life updates: I’m a school nurse now and will be working at a bougie summer camp over break#Had a surgery I needed. Got new tattoos and piercings. In a happy and healthy relationship with the best dude for almost a year now.#OH and I went to New Zealand last year with Prettytruthsandlies!!!! We made a pact back in our Big Gay War/college days to go. And we DID!!#I got overstimulated and overfed and puked in Hobbiton. 🤣 (It was the best time of my LIFE GENUINELY🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹)#Okay BYE LOVE YOU GUYS#There are better and more humane ways to maintain a closet ..like literally STFU entirely. Ignoring it and not exploiting a kid is FREE#🇵🇸
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justacrazylilguy · 1 year ago
To The Metal Gear Fandom
Okay so silly question but i see a lot of yall on here and you say all the homoerotic stuff in mgs is canon right? Especially otasune, bbkaz, bosselot. Not to sound like a hater but the first game came out in 1998. You know what age hideo Kojima was back then? 36 with a wife and kids. So what's his real purpose for making a whole game series about a buncha gay guys? That's what leads me to believe it's unintentional but idk. If he said why then lmk cause I dont get why he would? I've been thinking about this a lot recently because I've been seeing a lot of people saying it's deliberate. Anyone can answer btw my askbox is open because i Need an explanation. More in tags cause im insane.
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