#Cold weather bird Support
brcreative061 · 8 months
The Heaven for my feathered friends
Creating a winter haven for backyard birds is a thoughtful way to support our feathered friends during the snow-covered months. Establishing a bird shelter not only provides refuge from the harsh weather but also ensures a steady supply of nourishment. By strategically placing feeders and shelters, you invite a diverse array of birds to seek warmth and sustenance in your backyard. As temperatures…
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Why Feeding Wildlife is Dangerous
Originally posted on my blog at https://rebeccalexa.com/feeding-wildlife-dangerous/
Winter is here in the Northern Hemisphere, which means that wild animals of all sorts are falling back on cold weather adaptations that have evolved over countless generations. Some, like reptiles and amphibians, go into brumation or other hibernation-like states. Others have warm feathers or fur to insulate them as they go about their lives in chilly conditions. They may migrate around their territory in search of various food sources. Not all will survive these harsh months, which makes feeding wildlife to help them through the hard times a tempting idea.
Unfortunately, while this is a kind-hearted act born of good intentions, the impact is all too often harmful. Here are a few of the damaging, even deadly, effects of feeding wildlife.
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First, let’s be a little more nuanced about the definition of wildlife in this case. I support the feeding of birds, at least those that commonly visit bird feeders. These birds are of species that are used to their food sources–like seeds, berries, and insects–being temporary, and so they retain their ability to forage for food in various places. Also, because the birds are not being fed by hand, and tend to retain their natural fear of humans, they are not likely to become habituated to us. It should go without saying that trying to convince birds to eat from your hand, or otherwise stop being afraid of you, is a bad idea (more about that in a minute.) And, of course, you need to make sure to keep your feeders clean and watch your local birds very carefully for any signs of disease; here’s an article I wrote on feeding birds safely and ethically. 
Wild mammals, on the other hand, have a tendency to become dependent on human sources of food much more readily than birds. If you leave food scraps, pet food, or trash out where they can access it, they quickly figure out that this is an easy meal, and will hang around more than birds might.
Some birds will be more easily habituated than others; ducks and geese, for example, will lose their fear of humans as quickly as mammals do, especially when being fed regularly at ponds or lakes. So consider this article to primarily cover wild mammals, waterfowl, and any other animal that can be easily habituated through feeding.
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A good example of what NOT to do. 
Habituation is the biggest behavior change seen in fed wildlife. A habituated animal is simply one that no longer fears humans, and sees us as a source of food handouts. Unlike normal, healthy wildlife, these animals do not run away when a human approaches, even at a close distance. As mentioned above, this means they may even become aggressive in seeking food, and people have been bitten, scratched, gored, or otherwise injured by habituated animals. It may be easy to see why a habituated bear or moose is dangerous, but even smaller animals like squirrels or raccoons have a very nasty, painful bite or scratch. Some also carry zoonotic diseases that can be passed to humans; rabies is the most notorious, but even a bacterial infection caused by the bite or scratch can be an unpleasant experience.
But this lack of fear isn’t just a threat to us. It also puts the wildlife at risk. Wild mammals that wander through our neighborhoods in search of food are more likely to be hit by cars, attacked by outdoor dogs or cats, and injured or killed by cruel humans. If hunting is allowed in the area, the animal may walk right up to a hunter. Plus wild animals that become a nuisance or threat to people are sometimes euthanized, as relocated animals often end up finding their way back to their original territory, or go find a new group of humans to mooch off of.
Feeding wildlife can also cause them to cease natural foraging behaviors. Not only does this mean they may starve if the humans in the area stop feeding them, but they don’t teach their young proper foraging either, and so you may have animals several generations down the line that no longer know how to find natural food sources in the area.
Also, what we're feeding wildlife can kill them.
So here’s the thing: humans are omnivores. Actually, we’re sort of super omnivores; we have one of the most varied diets of any species, especially now that we’re able to grow all sorts of domesticated crops, including but not limited to two dozen cultivars of wild mustard (Brassica oleracea), various and sundry grains, legumes, tubers, etc. And because we’ve spread all throughout the planet, we’ve successfully sampled thousands upon thousands of edible animals, plants, and fungi. We’ve managed to evolve tolerances to substances some plants produce to keep from being eaten, like caffeine and capsaicin, and some of us go out of our way to seek them. We’ve also heavily altered some of our foods through cooking, to include some methods that render the food quite unhealthy even for us (not that that stops us from eating it anyway.)
All of this means that over 300,00 years of existence, Homo sapiens has evolved the ability to eat a truly mind-boggling array of foods. Unfortunately, even the other omnivores in our lives can’t necessarily tolerate the foods we eat. Domestic dogs evolved alongside us, eating first our refuse, and then sharing our meals, for thousands of years. Yet they still can’t safely eat chocolate, avocado, onions, or grapes, and some things we’ve created like the artificial sweetener xylitol can also be harmful–even deadly–to dogs.
So when you put out a plate of table scraps for your local squirrels, opossums, raccoons, or even bears, there’s a very good chance that something there is going to make them sick. You could even be sentencing one of your visitors to death! Even if they don’t immediately get sick, over time eating the wrong foods could seriously affect the health of wildlife, and may lead to sickness and an earlier, unpleasant death.
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Sometimes, even something that seems like the “right” food can be deadly. Deer species in North America are adapted to eating lots of woody vegetation in winter; their gut microbiome is perfectly balanced to digest this tough food. However, some people like to feed them corn, either because they want to be nice, or because they want to hunt the deer. Unfortunately, the nutritional makeup of corn is very different from the deer’s winter fare. The carbohydrates in the corn can cause a condition called rumen acidosis. This overloading of carbs causes Streptococcus bacteria, which occur naturally in the deer’s chambered stomach, to overpopulate in a matter of hours. This raises the acidity of the stomach, and kills off many of the other microbes in the gut flora. This sudden imbalance essentially causes the stomach to stop digestion altogether. In a severe enough case, the deer dies a horribly painful death within twenty-four hours. Deer that survive often have permanently damaged stomachs, which can lead to worse health overall and a shortened lifespan.
Every ecosystem has adapted over thousands of years; in some cases, an ecosystem may be millions of years old (with some changes in species makeup, of course.) Over that time, species have evolved to keep each other’s numbers in check, whether through consuming each other, competing for resources, or spreading disease to other species as well as their own. One of the biggest limiting factors in a species’ habitat is the amount of food that’s available. You’ll generally have fewer large predators in a place than large herbivores, for example, because the land can support a lot more plants to feed herbivores than herbivores to feed carnivores.
So the ecosystem is able to keep its species in balance; any time a species begins to overpopulate, predation, starvation and disease tend to knock the numbers back. Some species even have “boom or bust” population cycles; lemmings, for example, are thought to have population fluctuations tied to the number of ermine preying on them in a given area.
But when we humans artificially change the availability of food in a given place, we can cause serious disruptions in these natural checks and balances. Put too much food in a place over time, and you end up with overpopulations of the animals that eat that food, with subsequent deaths from disease due to overcrowding, and starvation when the population inevitably outgrows even the artificially added food.
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By John Davis, CCA-2.0
Speaking of disease, when feeding wildlife many people just dump the food in the same place every day or night, whether that’s pet bowls, a trash can, or a feeding site. This causes wildlife to congregate in unnaturally large numbers and on a regular basis, which again leads to increased disease transmission. Keep in mind that wildlife don’t have veterinarians they can just go to when sick, so you end up with wild animals dying some pretty slow, awful deaths due to these diseases. (And yes, this can happen with birds–again, why it is so incredibly important to properly clean your feeders regularly!)
I know it’s tempting to entice wildlife closer, and to want to help them through tough times. But it is incredibly important to keep a firm boundary between us and wild animals. We’ve already interfered in their lives and their behaviors enough. The more we meddle, the more harm we do to them, even if our intentions were good.
But wildlife are not pets. They are their own beings with their own lives and agendas, instincts and territories. They are, as Henry Beston wrote in The Outermost House, “not brethren, they are not underlings: they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.” And we respect them best when we give them their space and allow them to live as wild a life as possible in a world we have so dramatically changed.
If you want to create the best world for your local wildlife, create habitat and natural food sources for them. Remove invasive species, and plant more native plants, especially those that offer food and shelter to wildlife. (The native plant finder is a great starting point for those in the US.) Work to protect what wildlife habitat is left, especially habitats that are relatively undamaged like old-growth forests. This way you are helping to maintain space where these species can live the lives they have lived for many thousands of years without our interference.
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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blueparadis · 1 year
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ Your boyfriend comes over to take care of you but he asks if you would like to see a glimpse of heaven when you least expect it and you would let him, wouldn’t you?
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣fem!ex-girlfriend!reader x ex-boyfriend!choso, period + piv + unprotected,mention of creampie, service!top!choso,f!nger!ng, f!oral, aftercare; 1,6k word count. | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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The doorbell has already rang two times in a row. Your phone has been vibrating paused with short intervals in between declaring the arrival of multiple messages. You keep the half empty bottle on the kitchen counter and practically drag your feet to get the door. There is no rush. You already know who is behind that door, who is calling you and messaging you non-stop. Choso Kamo, your ex-boyfriend. Having the same workplace as your boyfriend was surely beneficial but now that he has become your ex it certainly made things more complicated than you had primarily imagined. 
“What took you so long? I was worried. Thought something—
“Choso” You call out sharply before he finishes that sentence in one breath. “I’m fine.” you say when his eyes gently land on you. He is still standing outside. He would not come in unless you ask him to. Such a gentleman he is. You do not know what came over you when you wanted to part ways with a guy like him, who is tactfully aware of boundaries. “Com—Choso pushed you aside and let himself in. He definitely picked up on your stern tone of disappointment when you called him by his name yet his serenity remains intact. Nothing fazes him much, not now, not ever. Never did before. 
“I brought some porridge for you and some medicines— he keeps them one by one, on the table as you stare at him confusingly.” You do not know why he is here nor know why he brought porridge and . . . and medicines.
“I’m fine, Choso. Why are you here?” You whine making him pause all his movements. Even though he looks at you, those same amethyst eyes that you once drowned in remind you of a thunderstorm now. 
“You called in sick. I was worried. So I thought to drop by— Choso connects the dots when he suddenly remembers that you are on your period. There are chances that might not be the case but that does not mean he can discard any possible probability and judging the weather you might have caught common cold but that still does not explain why you called in sick because you never did before actually. No matter how down you were, you would make it to the office. “ Yeah, yeah. I think I'm done. I should go. You should be resting.” He murmurs as he leans against the table keeping his hand on the edge for support. 
You bit your bottom lip. There is a twist of a knot forming near your chest as you realize how thoughtful of him it was to just drop by. Not only that, he brought porridges and medicines but you would be happier if he brought snacks and treats. Choso walks towards the exit of the apartment but you let your stupid feeling take over you and push you to grab his hand. “Actually, you can stay. At least, stay for a while then you can— you trail off because his eyes land on the hand that you are holding right now. He was right. You are on your period. It is just the first day so you are not using sanitary pads and since you broke up with him no one is there to scold you or take care of you when you throw tantrums like this. You are a free bird now.
“Like the old times' sake?” he says with a soft smile coating his face as you let go of his hand feeling embarrassed.
You chuckle at his words. Clicking your tongue you say, “Like a co-worker should. You came to see me because I called in sick. So,— He closes the gap between the two of you. He keeps his hand on the table just right beside yours. There is barely an inch of space between two index fingers. “So, uh-um- at least stay for tea or coffee” You rake your eyes from him to the pots hanging on the balcony.
“You know we are not just co-workers.” His words make you snap your gaze at him but he is looking where you were looking a moment ago. “And, I could stay if it’s morning tea,” He smirks. “or coffee,” he says, meeting your eyes. You feel his index finger move but it does not touch. “What do you say?” he asks. 
“Choso, please don’t—he places his palm over yours making you gasp. His other hand travels along your waistline bringing you closer to his body. 
“Yes, babe. what?” He asks with a rasp of breath fanning across the column of your neck as you tilt your head to avoid this sudden proximity.
“I—uhh— I just think—it's, you bit your bottom lip, unable to voice your jumbled thoughts roaming inside of your head. You place your other hand on his chest yet do not push him away while your other hand is captive under his and by now his fingers had taken refuge in between yours; you could feel the heat of his skin now. You take in a long breath before looking at him but by the time your eyes could land on his, they are already shut closed by the accumulation of heat pooling on the column of your neck as his tongue travels along your neck, his lips traces the wet path followed by a mouthful suck. You lean towards the table and finally sit as he continues to pepper kisses all over your chest. The spaghetti top you are wearing is adding fuel to the fire as he slips the bands down enough to kiss your shoulders yet not enough to let your boobs spill out.
“you were saying?” he says as one of his hands slips under your top. His index finger rests on your hard nipple.
“It's inappropriate,” you answer him reflexively and he pinches your nipple making you wince. “This.” You spread your legs. “This is,” Choso’s hand travels from your boobs into your underwear. “so inappropriate.” you finish as he inserts his finger inside you. He knows it is but you are not pushing him away nor saying that to his face. There is no resistance in your body when it comes to him. You take his face in your hands and kiss him while his fingers work along the folds of your vagina. 
“Fuck. it feels good” You say under your breath breaking the kiss. Choso sits on his knees as he holds your legs apart by the knees. His deft fingertips create crescent indecents on your skin. 
“Trust me it’ll feel a lot better now,” He exclaims.
“You won’t like it,” You protest.
“what? it's not like i haven't done it before.” He says naively even though he is more aware of your circumstances. He pushes aside the cloth to have a view of your pussy. He missed this. He missed you.
“No. nO. you won’t like it.” you try again but Choso wants to prove you wrong. Not only that, he wants you to like it too. He keeps up the eye contact before he dives his mouth onto your wet cunt. You arch a little, feeling his tongue in between your folds. Your hands at first rest over his head, caressing his hair but the moment he presses his mouth further into your hole while lapping his tongue you let out a loud moan running your hands over your nape as you arch your head simultaneously.
“Do you need me to stop?” He asks but you fail to answer. It is all gibberish again so he takes his time eating you out eliciting illicit moans from you. You tug at his head and a moment later he stands up. He has not forgotten that when you do that, you want him to stop and you want more of him, all of him. Choso unbuckles his belt with one hand. You pull the belt out of his trousers to let them hit the floor. There is no going back now. You will deal with the consequences later. You notice his boner before he finally takes off his underwear and now it stands over his stomach, tall and proud.
“No, I don't.” You say. He pushes aside your panties before pushing his cock inside of you. You can not feel your period cramps anymore, only his cock filling you full. He takes you into his lap, hunches down a little to balance your body, and waits as his hands skillfully hold you by your inner thighs, tight and firm. 
“Hold onto me, baby.” He rasps before starting to make you bounce on his cock. You do not move much. You just let him take all the control. Your arms curl around his nape, fingers skim through his hair strands as he keeps pounding his cock inside you. His irregular breaths, mixed with hot breaths and your melodious moans make him pick up the pace. You feel a knot forming along your lower tummy declaring the approaching orgasm. There is a brief moment of eye contact with him. It is all hazy but it reeks of desperation and longing. You kiss his lips, fervently like a wave kisses the sandbanks during a full moon night while his hot fluid coats your insides. There is a pause for almost half a minute before he lets you stand on the floor. Both of you are panting and catching up on your breath. He grabs the half-empty bottle, totally emptying it before grabbing a towel and wrapping himself around him. You feel his cum drip along your legs and wet your panties.
“We both need a bath.” You say, half-worried, half-fearful of what just happened.
“We sure do,” He says as he kisses your cheeks softly.
@semisgroupie @kentoangel @orchid3a @chosoist
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evilgwrl · 4 hours
TF 141 x Reader (Apocalypse!AU)
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Immune: Nine
WARNING: This is a 18+ Poly!141 series (MDNI)
CW: Attempted suicide, unknown watching as someone gets changed, SIMON BEING THE CUTEST MAN ALIVE, kissing and bum spanking
Taglist: @beebeechaos @h3art3at3rr @johannxseb @cndy-l0v3 @nylluns @pomegranategum @tapioca-marzipan
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The summer air was a broil of wet leaves and burnt tar, roads simmering with clouded fogs of steam that snipped at the exposed flesh of your leg. Your bike was worn, tyres nearly flat from the consistent rummaging of scarred rocks tearing the innocent rubber into a battered mess.
Your legs were inflamed from the constant use, thighs straining against bones and weathered skin. Sweat stuck to you in a damp layer, the occasional fly suckling at the salty residue. There was a gentle strum of moans, ripped jaws sloshing against rotten teeth, skin a ghastly contrast against the greenery. They didn’t care for you, walking past you like you were one of them.
It was a sick punishment.
You thought back to the first couple of days after. After Vienna. Steel supported rough fingers, muzzle pointed under your chin, the chill of cold tickling down your throat, trapping your oesophagus with an arrogant choke. Nimble fingers unclicked the safety, a line of tears streaming down your face pathetically.
You didn’t do it. You weren’t sure which was weaker, staying or leaving.
Blood ran through your chest, beating down to the tips of your wrists, eyes gauging through the flesh as if you had x-ray vision. You would no doubt be scorned with blisters later, the sun kissing you with fat welts filled with liquid medicine as you rolled in used sheets, unable to sleep.
You stared down the winding road, a companion of butchered shops lined up by the corner, untouched. It wasn’t rare for you to venture far, always taking a main road that would eventually lead you home.
You pushed through glass doors, majority of the crystal shattered across the concrete. There was a gentle ding of a bell as you entered, a lone zombie trailing towards the noise, disappointed at the sudden disappearance of its senses as you smashed a blade into the centre of its head, the stench of death filling the shop as you gagged. You weren’t sure you would ever get used to the smell.
The store was disappointing at the front, but you knew the stock room held liquid gold. Your knees skidded over the counter, a till smashed across the floor as you laughed. You wriggled the STAFF ONLY door, your shoulders working to barge it open. There were unopened boxes of candy that caught your attention, sticky tape quickly stuck to the wall as you delved through, a child-like innocence adorning your face as you tore apart a chocolate wrapper.
A sick moan of satisfaction ran through you as you stuffed more bars in your bag, teeth rotting with gooey caramel. Your feet padded against the floor, achy limbs begging for a rest as you sat down on a bench, uncomfortable wood barely supporting you. You scoffed back an apple, a small container full of buttered bread soon resting in your stomach.
You groaned as you chugged the majority of your water, the liquid quenching the Sahara in your throat as it stained your chest, a light dribble working down your chin as you sighed. Eyes stared at the bike resting against a brick wall as you looked up, noticing the flock of birds make their way through the sky, gradual darkness soon blending into the baby blue.
Dirtied nails scraped against the glass of your final destination, a small boutique with a flickering sign greeting you with the smell of dust as you pushed the door open. Nimble fingers worked your sweaty top off as you tried clothes on, wiping the grotty mirror down with an ugly rag of a shirt.
Dark eyes watched you from a rooftop, covered face twisting into a scowl as he watched you prod at yourself in the mirror. Your flesh was greasy, a sweet shine covering your muscles as he fixated on the way you moved. He stared at you through the lens of a sniper before placing it next to him as you walked out, bag round with clothes and the minimal amount of food you could find.
You didn’t notice him, his body stealthy as he adjusted, eyes immersed in you as you rode off. They would head your way tomorrow, he decided.
Thick hands ploughed at the wood; an axe gripped between his fingers as you watched him intensely. Your eyes gawked at his biceps, chiselled muscles bulging under the sun, a glisten against his skin from his work.
“That enough?” His voice was thick, a mixture of molten and sweet honey lacing him. His aura was earthy and masculine, his need to prove himself to you evident as he looked to you for approval.
“Good enough for me,” you replied, attempting to grab a log of wood before he barked that he would do it, snatching it from your grip.
Your eyebrows twisted up in annoyance as you crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m not useless, I was the one doing this before you all came along.”
“Didn’t mean to offend you, sweet’art, just don’t want you to hurt yourself again.”
It was impressive watching him work; his forearms stuffed full of wood as he placed it in the small collector next to the fireplace. This was your first time being alone with him, his large frame was intimidating at first, but his shitty dad jokes couldn’t help but pull a smile from you.
You pulled him into the barn, introducing him to your cows, Daisy and Ted. He wasn’t fond of the names, but he felt himself nodding, watching the way you greeted them like they could speak, eyes full of admiration at the way you handled yourself.
“I’m hoping she gets pregnant, she’s my lifesaver,” you cooed, swatting the cow gently against her rump as she huffed out a breath. Simon raised a brow at you, a cocky smirk against his face.
“Don’t think about it,” you scowled as he turned around. Quick hands swatted at his ass as he grunted. Ghost was trained for anything, his hands at your waist as you squealed, quickly thrown over his shoulder with a huff before you were dropped in a bale of hay, endless giggles wracking through your chest as he peered down at you with a grumpy look.
You noticed his eyes crinkle as your laughter slowly subsided, both of you staring at each other with an amused look. His hands stilled at your waist, gripping them slightly with a warming touch.
“What’s your real name?”
He paused for a moment, thumb rubbing at your rising tummy, a pool of butterflies sinking into every crevice of the muscle. “Simon.”
You repeated it several times back to him, enjoying the way it fell from your lips as battered eyes focused on them, watching the way your tongue wriggled in the heat of your mouth as you spoke.
“You like it?” He asked, voice lower with nerves. He wasn’t sure why he was nervous. But he was.
You nodded at him, glancing from his eyes down to his mouth. Your fingers wrapped around his wrist, bringing his hand to your cheek as your mouth opened slightly, eyes never leaving his. He paused, ready to turn away from you.
He didn’t.
Instead, he leaned in, pushing the mask down his chin in a rough manner before he kissed you, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip before easing it into your throat. He was strangely gentle, almost like he was scared to hurt you. The Lieutenant’s hands gripped your face as you pulled him in by the scruff of his neck, deepening the motion. 
His eyes were voids of burnt sugar, a hinge of toffee speckling through as they merged into his iris. He was warm and inviting, the slight tang of his saliva running through your taste buds as he welcomed the sensation of you, a hand dropping to your throat with a delicate squeeze. 
Simon pulled away with a slight gasp, catching the breath he wasn’t sure he was holding.
“I don’t want to rush you.”
You only smiled and brought him back in.
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Baba Yaga rocked up to the village of Smartass and parked her house in the middle of a public park.
The house kicked over a “no walking on the grass” sign with one chicken leg as it sat down. A nearby stroller glared at the house with stinging disapproval and it responded by winking (which it accomplished by closing one window shutter with a belligerent clatter).
The witch gave the house a fond pat on the side, and left it a handful of bricks as a snack. It pecked at them happily; a nearby dog fled as it saw how beak-sharp its door was.
Baba Yaga approached the local school and knocked on the door cheerfully.
The headmaster rushed out to meet her.
“Ah, mistress Yaga. How lovely to see you! I assume you're here for your yearly tithe of children?”
The witch nodded ominously.
“Wonderful.” The man was sweating like a glass of cold milk on a hot day; chilled but with the promise of rancidness. “We have assembled a gaggle of our most annoying brats for your stewpot.”
The first child was led out. As was tradition, Baba Yaga received them in private.
“Hi, I'm Olga but my friends call me Ollie.” said the child. “So you're gonna eat me, yeah?”
“Yes, Ollie.” The witch then cackled witchily.
“Cool cool. Very grimmcore. Love your vibe.”
If Baba Yaga was perturbed by the child's chipperness, she did not show it.
“Would you like a Weather's Original, Ollie?” she offered a packet to the child. “You know, before I marinade and slow cook you?”
The child reaches into the packet.
“Hey lady, this Werthers packet is full of bones. Finger bones, I think.”
“Very observant! Are you gonna be a good kid and eat what you're offered?”
The child shrugged and popped a hard boiled bone into their mouth.
“Hey lady, your house looks like it's rampaging through the park.”
“It must have finished its bricks early.”
“I like that your house is also a chicken.
“Thanks, I grew it myself.”
“Did you know that chickens can see in a huge range of colours?” said the child. “Like, Ultraviolet and shit.”
“Your teachers must be proud of you.”
“My teachers are pissmongers. Schools are obedience factories. I learned in the library.” Ollie finished crunching through the bone sweet. “Did you know that witches are so magical that their words distort reality? You can see it with a spectrograph - spells are one colour, prophecies are another, and deep truths are full rainbow Disney nonsense.”
“What are you getting at?”
“You're not gonna eat me.”
"You sure? I'm pretty hungry and you're snack size."
“Your house is a chicken. It can see weird colours. You left it a snack because you knew it'd get antsy if it saw the colour of what you're saying. It's going buckwild, so it doesn't like it. You're not telling the truth. This whole witchy TikTok “check out my easy one pot recipe for child stew” bit is a nonsense.”
Baba Yaga grinned and showed rows and rows of teeth like a shark.
“Pretty bold assumption, kid. Given if you're wrong, you get ate.”
“Not really.” replied the witch's apprentice. “I can tell you're lying because your house is moving.”
Witches! Puns! Weird jokes! Bird facts! I'm playing the hits here.
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selyeji · 4 months
for lovers
pedri gonzalez x reader
summary : inspired by “for lovers” album by lamp, the drift of two young lovers intertwined by the sea.
warnings : angst if you squint
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for lovers…
as each season goes by, the scenery changes, the landscape melts away, yet you still only think of him. pedri, your childhood best friend, your lover. both of you went to the same school, thus leading to you meeting him. you two instantly clicked like two puzzle pieces, inseparable from each other. months since then, both of you were close to each others family. you often hung out in their house, tutoring pedri with schoolwork, helping around the restaurant, chatting with fer.
you were always aware of your feelings for him, suddenly you looked at him differently. simple words, touches, eye contact changed to metaphors and symbolism of longing for a deeper relationship. it wasn’t until you were both 16 when he confessed his feelings for you.
you have always supported him, his signing with las palmas, you always went to his matches. always there if he needed someone whether it was to talk to or a comfortable silent cuddle. your family’s supported your relationship with each other. seeing each other grow up knowing feelings with bloom in aswell.
as you stand on the shore alone, the waves were quiet but heard, sounds of birds chirping, rays of sun. you admired the view but can’t help think of pedri in this warmth, reminding you of your youthful love in summer. you smiled as you continue walking, the rocks and sand creating a sound as you took each step. pedri was still not taken off your mind.
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spreading tears…
the rain trickles down, the water droplets on the window slowly fall off. the end of summer approaches, turning the blue sky into a darker shade. you always liked the rain and cold weathers, it reminded you of memories with pedri.
a memory when you were kids, the town was quiet, people stayed inside their houses. he waited outside yours, insisting on you playing with him in the rain. you were always scared of getting sick but he assured you it will be fine. “let’s go y/n! i promise it’s safe. if you ever get sick i’ll help take care of you!” he yelled. cheeks turned red, not wanting to leave him disappointed, you quickly grabbed your boots and coat and wore them. asking permission before going out, your mother approved and you ran to the door. opening it, pedri immediately smiled and ran. “hey wait for me!” you yelled at him, chasing him. playing around, getting wet in the rain, dirt spread as you played in the puddles. both your giggles could be heard by the entire town.
the moment is engraved in your memory. it was beautiful, filled with happiness despite the rain and gloomy clouds. you’ll miss these memories, with pedri’s new signing at barcelona, you were so happy for him. you knew communication would be hard until he mentions he wanted you to move to barcelona with him. immediately agreeing, your parents wouldn’t mind as long as you continued your studies in the city.
the small quiet town filled with emotions and memories, you were soon about to leave with your lover. although you were excited, you couldn’t help but feel melancholy for the small town you leave behind. the end of a season in the quiet village you grew up in.
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last train at 25’ o’clock…
the final train for the night left, leaving the two of you in silence on the platform. under the starry night sky, you and pedri walked around the streets of barcelona. the winter coldness and temperatures made blood rise up to your cheeks. holding hands in one of your pockets, sharing your body warmth. a trail of white mist leaves your mouth as you sigh, relaxing your body.
the vast city lights stretched across the street. looking at the stars above, resting your head on pedri’s shoulder. enjoying the moment as youngsters before your partners fame rises, becoming their golden boy. you both run into the night, intertwining hands, despite it being silent, it was comfortable. feeling each others presence, accompanied by the clock showing 1:00 in the morning.
the gentle gust of wind hits your faces, slightly drying your lips as you both smile, two youngins enjoying the time of their life. hearts following the beat of music in the earphones you share.
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out on a sunny day…
pedri always invited you to his games, you always went whenever you could. your schedule with uni and studying filled your calendar. his was too, matches, training, socializing with his club, it was too much. too much that both of you couldn’t even spend time with one another.
it was the 4th time in a row pedri came home late, hours after his training ended. the moonlight rays glow to your window, your silhouette still as you sat on the couch with the clock ticking waiting for pedri. door unlocking, keys shuffling echoed through the silence, you immediately glance to the entrance. he didn’t even bother to greet you, nor to look you in the eye. “where have you been” you spoke up.
“out.” he said coldly, not a single concern nor effort in his voice. “seriously pedri, i’ve been worried for these past days. i wait for you making sure the food is still warm once you arrive.” he snapped “its not that serious y/n. im just out here trying to live the best out of my young years, i want to go out and have fun, yet you’re here just limiting me from it! god when will you just leave me alone.” he yelled. you couldn’t even reply, standing there quietly as tears start gather.
the silence truly killed you softly, it felt like your throat was stuck. your thoughts started building up, anxiety rising. ‘have fun?’ perhaps he started going out to clubs, was he seeing other girls? no that couldn’t be. he wasn’t the pedri you knew, he wasn’t the pedro you fell in love with. you knew this was goodbye. “this isn’t working out anymore, this isn’t for the best. if we stay together it will only get worse amor. please just… leave by tomorrow morning pedro.” you said, couldn’t help calling him your love one last time.
days has passed, your apartment couldn’t have been more empty than before. it felt the duvet folds of your blanket have melted onto you, you were unable to leave your bed. you often forgot to eat, even drink water. only getting up to use the restroom. you only found comfort in your state of depression. you couldn’t cry, therefore you couldn’t sleep. you stared at the ceiling, wondering if you could even forget about him. aimless sundays without his presence is a routine you’ll have to adjust to. a step to moving forward.
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tomorrow comes i will…
its this familiar scene you see once again, too familiar with it in fact. as people walked to not get wet by the shore, memories flooded in as you remain standing. the children’s giggles reminded you of the soft moments on this exact sand.
you were both 16, sat on the beach in the ashen sky. chattering going back and forth about your daily lives. until he asks a question, the conversation deepening, your heart races. “well… are you interested in someone?” you blankly stared forward. your choices whether to ruin your friendship completely or to never tell him your true feelings. you quietly turned your head sideways to face him with blush all over your cheeks.
the wind playfully messed your hair, slightly covering your face. pedri pulls his hand out, caressing the strand behind your ear. his dark brown eyes meeting yours as his hand moves from your ear to your cheek and jawline. caressing your face with his thumb, he slowly moves his face closer to yours.
your lips meets, grazing each other. your eyes close, the time felt slow, you felt like you were on cloud 9. you couldn’t care for anything else but his lips on yours. it felt the world around you just stopped, revolving around you, the flavor of your lipbalm could be tasted. you lips separate, eyes meeting each other before bursting into soft giggles. butterflies in your stomach. foreheads resting on each other, sharing warmth.
soft brushes of the wind grazes your cheek, replacing his hand. you remain in this nameless season, emptiness felt as you felt your own heartbeat and footsteps in the sand. you wanted to hear his voice that gave comfort in your heart, reassurance and love. all alone in the distant sea.
the wind will surely reach your city, barcelona.
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rain tapestry…
the windowpane beside you starts to build up fog. the cold weather and grey sky throughout the city. yet you were warm, you found comfort and your body heats up, blushing because of a guy you recently met. he was your perfect match, similar interests, kind, respectful, any positive trait you could think of.
it felt like you were 17 again, with pedri when your love for him grew despite the obscure rain. during these days you would stay home, cuddle under the sheets as your bodies melt into each other. you were always a fan of literature, books stacked on the shelf, multiple annotations wrote.
pedri laid in your chest as you read the book on your hand, swiftly turning pages. occasionally taking a sip of your coffee. you notice snoring could be heard, checking on pedri if he fell asleep. his were eyes closed, his long lashes noticeable, his cheeks pink, hair messed up. you took your hand out, slowly scratching his scalp. he seemed to notice and moved closer to your upper chest. slowly he began relaxing, his arms hugging your sides. you blushed knowing he’s yours.
well, was. you sat on the table in a cafe, writing poetry and your thoughts. it helped you express yourself through hard times lately. your feelings were validated as you write down, despite wanting to move on from your previous relationship.
you hoped pedri knew each page of poetry was for him, love eternally living in those words.
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words of love…
pedri looked out his balcony, the curtains softly swayed along the wind. the winter night was quiet, it wasn’t the same without you. he longed for a melancholic relationship with genuine feelings, those one-night stands never filled that void, girls only seemed to be interested in him because he was a footballer.
he always wondered what would happen now if he never left, if he wasn’t so stubborn, if only he didn’t keep his pride and ego so high. around this time of night you would’ve been in his room, whispering his words of love to you. slowly dancing with you, moving along the rhythm of the music, talking about the day that has passed by.
the adjustment of moving cities have went smoothly. pedri bonded well with the team while you were able to find a scholarship. life was perfect as your love for each other only seemed to bloom even more.
he often took you out for dinner, wanting to spend more time to talk to you, hear your voice and laughter. exchange words that burned each other heart. holding hands on the table, maintaining eye contact with one another as you spoke.
now sat at the balcony, leaning his head on the window as he pondered about this romance. closing his instagram filled with dms of models around the world. he couldn’t make himself reply to any of them. all of those messages filled with lust despite all he yearned was a romantic love. he lost the only person who could understand him, touch him with the intention of reassurance.
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behind the moon shadow…
back in tenerife beach, the moon reflected on the waves of water. the bygone feelings of the past innocent and idealistic relationship. words of love now stored in a seashell, the memories now buried under the sandy beach. date when we sat under the moon, above the sand, sleeping on each others shoulder.
stardust scattered across the sky of barcelona, pedri wish he was stuck in the past. the waves would wet your arms as you two played in the beach. every happy memory plays as he sat outside, avoiding people from the party. he stares at the moon, the same moon you stare at. perhaps the moon will tell the tale of us once so smitten, drifting apart.
a/n : first fic made it out of boredom,,, live laugh love lamp
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sebluvi · 2 years
Sebastian x G/N Slytherin reader, Kinda angsty, Kinda fluffy
Sebastian's daily morning routine with y/n ceases when y/n goes missing.
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Inspired by a request that was sent to me!
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Normally, every morning before sunrise you were out in the courtyard practicing spell combos and hand-to-hand combat on the dummies.
No matter how tired you were, no matter the weather, Sebastian knew he would always find you there.
Normally, Sebastian would know to always make 2 cups of coffee in the morning. He knew you’d be in too much of a rush to make it out to the courtyard before everyone else, and that you’d forget to make one for yourself.
Normally, Sebastian would stand under the arches in the courtyard, eyes swollen from just waking up, bedroom slippers still on, waiting on you to notice him so he could give you your coffee.
Normally, you’d be too caught up in improving your combat skills that you wouldn’t even notice him standing there. You’d catch him in your peripheral, excited to see him there, bed-head and all, with your daily dose of caffeine.
Normally, Sebastian wouldn’t care to get up before he absolutely had to, he was known for sleeping in ‘til noon on days he didn’t have class, but ever since you showed up, he’d sacrifice his sleep time just to get a chance with you alone. Even if it meant he had to wake up before the birds.
He was enamored with your ambition, attracted to the way your number one goal was to be better than anyone else. He had never met anyone like you, and as much as he’d like to join you, his feat of the day was just managing to scramble out of bed and make it to you before the coffee got cold. He settled for watching the rest of your morning routine every morning, making idle chit chat and compliments to your stance, and giving tips when they were asked for. He’d spar with you in the afternoon if you asked, but in the morning he’d just roll his eyes at you if you asked. You knew he wasn’t a morning person, and it was okay. You enjoyed the company, he was your #1 supporter after all.
Normally, he’d walk you back to the Slytherin common room so you could shower after your workout, and he could manage to just get dressed.
But this morning, Sebastian stood under the archway in the courtyard, slippers on, two hot cups of coffee in hand, and you were nowhere to be seen. This.. wasn’t normal.
Maybe you were sick. He’d sneak into your side of the dormitory, praying to Merlin he wouldn’t be caught in someone's room that wasn't his. It was incredibly early, so it wasn’t probable. He’d find his way to your room, and find your bed empty.
Maybe you were showering. He’d set your cup of coffee on your nightstand, thinking you’d grab it when you got back.
He’d decide to go to sleep until it was time to actually get up for classes. Maybe he’d catch you in the common room and he could walk to you to class like he normally did.
But you still didn’t show up. He stood, dressed and ready for class, waiting for you to come out to go to class, but you’d never show. He’d check your room, and find your coffee still there on the nightstand, full and cold.
He was worried. He went to class, and then he’d worry some more. He’d wait between classes for you, and worry some more. He’d check the hospital wing, wondering if you were there. He’d check the Undercroft. He’d check the library. He’d check everywhere. You weren’t there.
After classes ended, he’d check your room again. He'd ask Imelda to accompany him. They’d find your room exactly as he left it before, coffee still full, and still very cold.
Imelda had spent plenty of time in your bedroom. You two were best friends after all, at first you may have clashed, but the two of you quickly realized you were both equally as competitive in different areas. Where Imelda slacked, you were capable, and vice versa. She noticed your broom was gone, and they both worried.
They both decided to ask Ominis if he had heard from you. He’d say how you mentioned something last night about going out to collect materials for a potion you needed for class, but he hadn’t heard from you since then. A worrisome stare was shared by the two.
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Every morning, Sebastian would climb out of bed before the birds sing so he could go to the courtyard, hoping to find you there, but you would never be there.
He’d stop making 2 cups of coffee. He knew he’d only need 1. You wouldn’t be there.
There was a new normal.
Normally, Sebastian would wake up before anyone else, and would fly the outskirts of Hogwarts searching for you.
Normally, Sebastian would search the forbidden forest on the weekends, clearing out colonies of spiders and various other disgusting creatures, hoping to find you.
Normally, Sebastian would wander around Hogsmeade, asking anyone would listen if they had seen you.
Normally, at night, Sebastian would lay on the astronomy table on the gate of Hogwarts, staring up at the moon, wondering if you could see it too.
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Sebastian slowly opened his eyes. He looked up at his owl standing on his chest, chirping at him, signaling him to awaken. Sebastian’s owl noticed him open his eyes and flew back to her perch.
He sat up slowly in his bed. He stretched his long arms in the air and let out a long yawn. It was Saturday. That meant he could actually spend the whole day looking for you rather than wasting time in classes.
 His professors and classmates would gently persuade him to stop looking. He knew they were extremely worried for him and his mental health, but he was just worried for you.
He missed seeing you. He missed your laugh. He missed how you kept him grounded. He just missed you.
He knew you weren’t gone. He could almost feel you..right? He wasn’t delusional. He had to convince himself of that every day. He heard the whispers, even if his classmates thought they were being quiet. He was determined to find you, and he’d look for you until the day he died.
He glanced towards the window. It was still dark out, the sun had just started to rise. He threw the covers off of him and slung his feet over the side of the bed. He slid his feet into his slippers and stood up. He stared at the wall, dead-eyed. He was mentally exhausted. He missed you so fucking much. He shook the thoughts from his head, grabbed his robe, and slipped out his room.
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He walked down the hallways of Hogwarts, sipping on his cup of coffee. He had become hopeless at this point. He had begun to accept you were actually gone. He thought about how sometimes, he’d visit your bedroom. Everything sat as you left it. Homework scattered all over your desk. Your sheets messy from where you hadn’t made them up, and your scarf laid on the ground next to your bed, where he had assumed you dropped it on the way out.
He pushed open the large door that lead out to the courtyard. The leaves had started to fall and a slight chill went through the air. He gripped the cup of coffee between both hands, keeping them warm. He walked to the archway where he normally waited for you, and leaned against the wall. He stood, with his right shoulder pressed against the bricks, and slowly sipped his coffee. He blankly stared outinto the courtyard, no thoughts. The dummy you would normally battle every morning sat there, still and lifeless. Probably like you. He shook his head. He took a deep breath in, counting to three. The school counselor told him to do that when he started having dark thoughts. It actually did help. He opened his eyes and sighed.
Maybe he should just stop. You weren’t going to come back. You were gone. He was running himself into the ground at this point. He suffered in classes, professors would give him extensions. They understood he was grieving and they tried his best to get him through the classwork. He heard the leaves on the ground flitter around, as if someone was walking towards him.
Here we go. He thought to himself. Countless times he had a professor have to escort him back to the common room when they found him out here in the early mornings. They knew where to find him now.
He looked up from his cold coffee he had been staring into ,and diverted his eyes to the tree in the middle of the courtyard, preparing for the gentle reprimanding from the professor.
That voice.
Maybe he was delusional.
He whipped his head towards the sound.
It sounded like an angel calling out to him.
Porcelain shattered as it hit the ground. Coffee now staining Sebastian’s white slippers, and his favorite mug ceasing to exist.
You stood, leaned up against the archway opposite from him that led towards the exit of Hogwarts. You looked exhausted, as if you could barely stand. Your hair was messy, and had leaves scattered throughout the strands. A sleeve of your Slytherin robe had been completely ripped off, and it was tied tightly around your right thigh. Dried blood coated the upper part of your leg under the sleeve as if you had been injured, and had to suffice in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.
 You had bags under your eyes, it looked as if you hadn’t slept in ages. Your left boot had a rip in the side of it as if it had gotten caught on something, and you had a long scar through your left eye. One that hadn't been there before. Luckily it didn’t seem as if it had any effect on your vision.
You pushed yourself up off the archway and stared at him with hollow, pleading eyes, supporting yourself with one arm. You looked as if you would pass out any second.
He ran faster than he ever had to you. He wrapped one arm around your waist, letting you fall into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, squeezing as tightly as you could with he energy you had left.
Both of your knees buckled, causing you to fall to the ground. Yours, from lack of energy. From weakness. His, from the flood of emotions he felt course through his body.
You both sat there, and held each other.
After what seemed like forever, he pulled away. His hands moved from your back to your cheek. He gently ran a thumb across your cheek, wiping away the dirt that had ran down your face with your tears.
“I never stopped looking for you.”
You smiled, leaning your face into his hands. You brought your hand up and placed it over his hand.
“I missed you, Sebastian.”
Without thinking, he leaned in, crashing his lips against yours.
Desperate. Sebastian desperately had to show you how much he fucking missed you. Every night you had been gone he regretted never confessing to you. His hand moved down to your waist, fingers digging into your sides. He loved you. His other hand gripped the back of your hair, pulling you as close to him as he could muster. He loved you so fucking much, and he was a dumbass for not telling you sooner. The tears on his cheeks trickled down your locked lips.  
Neither of you had ever had the guts to tell the other how you felt, but in this moment, you said everything you needed to without words.
Your lips separated, foreheads touching, noses brushing against each other, savoring the moment. Neither of you wanted this to end.
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Normally, Sebastian would wake up before class and make two cups of coffee. The nurses said you should lay off the caffeine until they knew you were back in tip top shape, but he would sneak you a cup anyways.
Normally, he’d lay in the bed next to you in his pajamas, watching you sip your coffee as you watched the sun rise through the hospital wing windows.
Normally, he’d go over all the spells you had missed in class. You had a full leg cast that encased your leg from your toes to your thigh, so you couldn’t exactly work on your combat skills for the time being. He knew you were upset you couldn’t physically train, so he’d help you with homework and study so you would feel at least a little strong, mentally that is.
Normally, after the sun rose he’d pack all his books up, chatting idly with you about how your recovery was coming along.
Normally, he’d manage to sneak out before the nurses caught him.
Normally, he’d kiss you quickly so he could leave before being spotted, but this morning he kissed you a bit longer.
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If you liked this i would appreciate a like or an anon message letting me know u liked it<3 the support really does help me write more! Thanks for reading!
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🍂 Fictober 🍂 Day 1: Cold Weather (Din Djarin x gn!Reader)
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During the chilly fall season on a new planet, you go on an afternoon outing with the Mandalorian and his son. Though of course you forgot your coat.
Warnings: Fluff, found family, crushes, pre-relationship, little bit of flirting, not beta read Word Count: 1771 Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader a/n: I slept for most of the first day and then my back was achy when I was trying to edit this. So its late. But it's here. And thats all that matters. Enjoy a fall afternoon outing with our fave clan of two. Day 2's prompt should be out later today (hopefully lmao).
“Grogu, we’ve been over this, you need to wear your coat.”
The child had huffed at the Mandalorian’s words. His large ears lowering, as he frowned and shook his head. You had watched them be trapped in this standoff for quite some time now. Neither father nor son wanted to budge. It was starting to get colder on this planet in recent days. But despite the chill—and despite his fathers lecturing—the little one had been determined to take his coat off any chance he got.
This had been his third time taking off the coat while hoping that neither of you would notice. Din had always been overprotective though, and he had been even more observant. He always had a keen eye for noticing these things, and there was nothing the child—or you—could seem to get past him.
“It’s getting colder out, and I don’t want you getting sick.” Din had tried reasoning with him. “You don’t want to get sick. Right kid?”
Grogu had huffed again. He pouted up to his father before trying to look past him over to you sitting on the bench nearby. Clearly he hoped to rally in your support to his losing battle, and most days those wide pleading eyes of his would convince you to his side in a heartbeat. Unfortunately for the child though, today you found yourself agreeing with the Mandalorian. As you had also caught yourself wishing you had remembered to bring your own coat this chilly afternoon.
Discovering that you wouldn’t be helping him, Grogu had huffed one more time, before finally allowing Din to bundle him back in the coat. The pout he wore as his father buttoned him up making you want to chuckle.
“See? It’s not so bad.” Din had patted the little one’s head after he finished with the last button. Although Grogu only sent a frown back his way, before toddling off back to the leaf pile he was playing in earlier.
The Mandalorian had watched Grogu from where he kneeled for a moment. Though soon he had stood to come back and sit next to you on the bench. He had given you a small nod as he sat, and you had returned it with your own smile. A comfortable silence had fallen between you two then, as you watched the child explore and play in the little clearing. Despite not being pleased with the coat he wore, Grogu still seemed to be enjoying himself at least. He had been throwing leaves here and there. Giggling and laughing to himself as he did so.
“I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to wear it.” After some time Din had been the first to speak, as he shifted a bit awkwardly next to you. “He was so happy picking it out in the market a few days ago, but now he wants nothing to do with it.”
You gave him a shrug. “He’s probably just not used to it—that’s all—give him some time.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, sometimes kids are just picky with these things.” You said smiling again as you watched the child chase down a frog, struggling to keep up in his puffy jacket. “He’ll get used to it eventually.”
Din had let out a bitter sigh, but you could hear the smile in his words. “Yeah you’re right.”
“I usually am.”
He had snorted at that reply, and quickly the two of you fell back into silence. The only sound once again being that of the child's happy geal and the birds singing their sweet tunes. Another breeze had swept through, rustling the leaves and sending an icy chill to roll down your spine. Once again you had found yourself wishing you hadn’t forgotten your own coat, as you shivered and shuddered with every gust of wind that passed.
“Cold?” Din’s question had nearly made you jump, and you looked over to find him looking at you with a tilt of his helmet.
“A little.” You admitted with another shiver, now feeling a bit embarrassed while under the Mandalorian’s gaze. “I honestly didn’t think it would be this cold when we left earlier.”
He had hummed in understanding and went back to watching the child for a moment. You went back to doing so as well. Thinking that had been the end of the discussion, though soon the heavy weight that rested over your shoulders proved otherwise. The cape—his cape—that he tucked around your shivering form had enveloped you in an instant warmth. The cozy fabric making itself the perfect barrier for you from cold.
No wonder he wore this thing all the time—it was stylish and warm.
“There.” He murmured in a hushed tone, as he smoothed out some of the wrinkles in the fabric, and adjusted it around you a little more snuggly. “That should help you stay warm.”
“Thank you.” Your voice had struggled to speak, as you couldn’t help but feel yourself grow shy.
Din had been so close to you as he fixed the cape. His leg had brushed with yours at every movement, and if it weren’t for the helmet that shielded his face, you would have felt how his breath fanned your cheeks. He hadn’t seemed to realize it though until the two of you shared a glance. Your eyes locked to one another, and mere inches apart. Only then did he seem to catch himself. Clearing his throat as he pulled away and averted his gaze. A mumbled apology quickly leaving him as he did.
“Keep it till we get back.” He didn’t dare look at you as he spoke, crossing his arms over his chest awkwardly. Although you couldn’t help but notice how his leg still seemed to brush with yours every now and then. “I don’t need you getting sick either.”
You only nodded. Smiling to yourself a little, and snuggling further into the cape. Your heart feeling like it would jump out of your chest at any moment.
“You know…” He continued quietly, his voice trailing and words a bit teasing, as he had looked at you from the corner of his eye with the tilt of his helmet. “You’re just like the kid with not wanting to wear a coat.”
You gave a little laugh at his words, unable to deny his claim. “Guess I’m a bad influence then, huh?”
“No. I wouldn’t say that.” He shook his head while giving a small chuckle himself, and glancing away from you to watch the child again. “I’d say the opposite actually. You’re a great influence on the kid.”
“You think so?”
“Of course! He adores you…” Din had almost seemed to pause in thought before allowing himself to finish. “We both adore you. Things wouldn’t be the same without you around.”
There was another flutter in your chest at his words, and suddenly it wasn’t just the cape that gave you warmth. The two of you had looked to one another, unable to stop yourselves from leaning closer, as the air between you had seemed to shift. It had been hard to deny the feelings that both of you were beginning to feel for one another lately. And moments like these had only seemed to make it even harder.
The sound from Grogu had broken you both from the trance, and you both looked to find him standing before you two now. The smile he wore bright, as he held out his hands for you to see what he had found. It had been acorns—of course—the child had been fascinated with them since arriving to this planet.
“Oh! Is this for me?” The child had beamed up at you at the question when you realized he held one out to you, and with a smile you took the acorn. “What a lovely little acorn! Thank you Grogu.”
Grogu had let out a happy noise at your acceptance of his gift. His eyes bright with excitement as he watched you look over the acorn. Pleased with seeing your approval, he glanced at the other acorn still in his hand, and then looked to the Mandalorian at your side.
“Do I get one too?” Din seemed to perk up, but any hope he had died quickly as Grogu soon sent a glare his way at the question, before turning to waddle rather grumpily away back to his leaf pile.
“I think he’s still mad about the coat.” You barely managed to stop the laugh that threatened to spill from your lips at the sight.
“Yeah.” The Mandalorian almost sounded like he had been pouting, and based on how his shoulders had sunk you wouldn’t put him past it. “I guess he is”
“Oh don’t worry Din.” You patted his shoulder gently. Trying to reassure him.“He’ll forgive you soon.”
“He can be pretty stubborn.” He mumbled back. Sounding utterly defeated.
You gave a teasing hum. Nudging him with your arm a little. “He’s just like his dad then.”
“I’m not stubborn.” He had tried to argue, but any defense he had fell quickly at the look you sent his way. “I’m only stubborn when I need to be.”
The two of you shared another small laugh at that before falling back into that familiar silence and watching over the child play. The three of you would spend the rest of the afternoon out there. Only leaving when Din would finally decide it had been time to pack up, and head back to the ships. Grogu had almost fought with him over it, but unlike with the coat, he had quickly been won over with the promise of food.
Though it wouldn’t be until the next day where the little one would finally seem to have forgiven his father. This time when you three went to leave for the afternoon outing he did not fight the Mandalorian over the coat. Instead he let his father bundle him up with little complaint. Babbling in bits of gibberish, and pulling out the acorn he had found the other day. Handing it to Din with a bright smile before immediately waddling off in the direction of the clearing.
“See, Din?” You smiled at him, as you both began walking to follow behind the child. “I told you he’d forgive you.”
He had looked over the acorn. The smile he wore hidden behind the helmet. “Yeah, you were right.”
“I usually am.” You had gone to laugh, but an icy breeze had swept through as you spoke, and instead you could only seem to shiver while Din had chuckled.
Of course you had forgotten your coat again.
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aniverse-x · 5 months
Random questions(Will not add more anymore bc I’m lazy)
If you could be anything in the universe(non-living)what would you be?
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?
What color is your toothbrush?
If you had 1 wish(it could be ANYTHING but not more wishes)what would it be?
What’s your zodiac sign?
What are your thoughts on neutron stars?
What is one of your worse weird phobias?
what’s your favorite planet in our solar system?
What’s one(or more)weird fun fact that you know?
What’s one(or more)fun fact that almost nobody knows?
Do you know what Tetration is?
What is your favorite number?
What is your favorite Color?
Do you read comics?
Whats your favorite kids show?
What kind of music do you like?
What are your thoughts on nuclear bombs?
Are you from North Korea?
What is your favorite holiday?
Do you like to draw?
If you could be any celebrity(dead or alive) for the rest of your life who would you be?
If you could spend a day with any celebrity(dead or alive) who would it be?
Who is your favorite historical figure?
How many fictional characters do you simp for?
What’s your favorite song?
Would you want to be leader of a nation if you could?
What is the weirdest hobby you have?
Are you a Night Owl or an Early Bird?
Introvert or Extrovert?
Are you a Cat or Dog person?
What’s your favorite book genre?
What’s your favorite movie genre?
What’s your favorite tv series genre?
What’s your favorite anime genre?
What’s your favorite anime genre?
What’s your favorite comic genre?
What’s your favorite music genre?
When taking a shower, do you prefer Hot or Cold water?
Do you like musicals? If so, what is your favorite? And why?
Who is your favorite song artist?
Are you a Brain or a Brawn?
Are you a Rebel?
Are you a Follower, a Leader, or a Loner?
What are your thoughts on AI?
Do you play Role-Playing games?
Do you like sports? If so, which one is your favorite and which one are you best at?
If you could write a book, make show, movie, etc. what would it be about?
Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what did you break and how did you break it?
What is your craziest life story?
Do you like to sing?
Who is your idol, or at least your fav
Have you ever been in love?
Would you rather Stay Single or be in a Relationship?
Antisocial or Social?
Speed or Strength?
Or you Stronger or Faster?
Sprinter or Distance runner?
Do you wear glasses?
What is one life hack you know that nobody else does?
What languages are you fluent in?
What language is hardest to learn(in your opinion)
How many different languages do you know?
Do you dwell on the Past, Present, or Future more?
In school, what were/are you known as?(athlete, quiet, class clown, weirdo, perv, dummy, etc)
Do you believe in Karma?
Do you think you have more good luck or bad luck?
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite beverage?
Do you prefer to be outside or inside?
What’s your favorite kind of weather?
How did you discover Tumblr?
What is your favorite ship, and where are they from?
What is your favorite kind of food?
Sweet or Sour?
Salt or Vinegar?
Do you have strong will/do you have a powerful determination?
Do you easily give in to peer pressure?
If you had the choice to vent to someone, or not?
Is Bigger Better?
What is #1 your goal in life?
Are you a YouTuber?
What is your favorite thing about people?
What is your favorite thing about today’s society?
What is something you HATE about people?
What is something you HATE about todays society?
Sweet coffee or Bitter coffee?
Your house is gonna blow up. You can only save 1 thing. What is it?
Pancakes or Waffles?
Vegetables or Fruits?
When looking for a good song, do you pay attention to the Lyrics or how the Music Sounds?
Pillow or Blanket?
Hamster or Guinea Pig?
Mouse or Rat? Which one is worse?
Rabies or Zombie?
Do you like to read and/or write fanfic?
Is there anyone in your life that you feel you can truly be yourself with?
Do you Support giving chairs free will?
What is your biggest phobia?
Do you think was Math Created or Discovered?
What song best describes you?
What song best describes you personality?
What song best describes your life?
In your opinion, what is the most powerful word?
How many siblings do you have?
Do you think the Earth would be better without humans?
If you were given the power to end humanity, would you do it?
You are given the power to destroy humanity. But if successful in destroying humanity, you have to kill yourself, too. Do you do it?
You’re given the option to control death. Controlling death is your job. Do you take the offer?
You’re given the option to become Karma itself. Do you take it or leave it?
Are you a big Conspiracy Theorist?
Ham or Turkey?
In your opinion, what is the best combo?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Duo?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Trio?
In your opinion, who is the most iconic Squad?
I’m not adding more anymore :P
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a/n: a small blurb of season 2 spencer x older female reader, to end the night. I hope you like it and thank you very much for all the support. T T
warnings: this is a blurb containing mentions of suggestive innuendo and a bit of mommy kink !!!
pov: the first time you occupy an eye-catching low-cut shirt.
Miami had never been as hot as it was that day.
Your whole body was sweating under the hot sun, plus the blouse you were wearing was the worst choice for a day like that.
With your hand, you pulled in some air in order to get rid of that melting sensation that invaded your whole body.
"I think the unsub picked the worst time to murder." Commented the cop, from whom you could notice a layer of sweat on his forehead.
"No shit, come on. Let's call it a day here before we get heatstroke." Emily was the first to walk away, following her pace to the SUV to go straight to the hotel.
The days passed the same or worse with the weather, you felt like roasted birds were going to drop at any moment.
Your formal clothing options were warm enough that they could burn you alive if you were exposed to the sun with it, so you looked at the bottom of your suitcase to find that shirt with cleavage.
It was perfect to get you out of that hot situation.
"Wow." Was the first thing you heard as you entered the station, feeling everyone's strong gaze on your neckline.
"What?" you asked without knowing what was going on. Your gaze went down your body to scan you, not quite understanding.
You walked in the direction of the coffee pot, pouring some of that majestic liquid into your cup. You turned to look at the others, who were talking among themselves in order to dissimulate.
But you felt an attentive gaze on you. One that you knew where it came from.
Young Dr. Reid wasn't taking his eyes off you, staring at the neckline of your blouse in the most undisguised way.
You smiled to yourself, walking over to him and sitting down on the table to quietly sip your coffee.
His strong gaze made your hair stand on end. You knew that young Spencer was in the prime of his hormones, so you were aware that, your actions, triggered something inside him that was noticeable in how the fabric of his pants suddenly tightened.
Hotch gave the necessary directions to the team, leaving you and Spencer at the station as a fixed point.
You both had to re-profile geographically, taking into account the recent kills that had occurred. You were hitting on a clue.
But Spencer's lingering gaze and null words kept you quite distracted. Every time you turned around, Spencer looked away; every time you leaned in, you felt him swallow hard; every brush was a real turn-on for him.
So you decided to face him.
"If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I'm going to catch a cold, dr. Reid."
A smile tugged at your lips as you saw him stop so suddenly, seeing him frozen in place.
You walked up to face him, who had a face like a sweet apple.
"I-I meant no disrespect, Y/N. I-I just... I can't e-explain my behavior-"
"If you want to see them up close, come to my room tonight. Mommy would be happy to have you over to learn a little more about human anatomy, pretty boy."
Your thumb ran across his lips, gently pushing this one over them before turning your attention back to the profile they made.
Well, you realised because as soon as you pulled away, young Dr. Reid escaped into the bathroom.
I think that was too much encouragement for the moment.
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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env0writes · 4 months
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Impure Pilgrimage, 5.3.24 “Lover's Nest"
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by my friend Mika
They say that I remind them Of a bird they’d often search So now I’m seeking weather warmer Than their shoulder, cold, as perch
Woo me as you would With words so warm and cozy Press upon me like the waves I’m sure to find you nosy
They say quite lot a many Sighing, lying, vying turns of phrase Hold me gently, as my birdly hollow bones Can be broken by such steely gaze
Weary arms cannot take To gale-swept winds in flight Nor be held hand-in-hand Down the aisle wearing white
They say this and that Though none of it be true So on South I fly Looking anywhere, but you
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this Op-Ed from The New Republic:
The terrifying truth of the climate and mass extinction crises is that we don’t understand all that we stand to lose. And without extraordinary acts of imagination and foresight, as a society, we won’t understand what’s being lost till it’s too late—at which time we’ll have to look back at what we might have done with a heartbreak and remorse that have no remedy. 
So we need to protect the living world with the best tool we have: the law.
Evolution is slow, while the climate is changing at a breakneck pace. For organisms like elephants and whales, who can live as long as we do, or trees, who live much longer, both the path to potential adaptation to this rapidly morphing planet and the path to our understanding may stretch beyond any time frame that could help us to save them before the clock strikes midnight. 
Small animals, whose lives and reproductive cycles tend to be shorter, can be more readily studied across generations. Some researchers have seen signs of resilience: Mother zebra finches in Australia, one scientist found, warn the embryos inside their eggs of warming conditions outside by uttering certain calls. The chicks those embryos hatch into have lower birth weights than those who weren’t exposed to the mothers’ calls, which helps the young birds stay cool in hot weather. Lizards in Miami appeared to lower their cold-tolerance thresholds in response to a cold snap in 2020, which might defend against future environmental fluctuations; certain male dragonflies grow paler in warmer weather, losing some of the bright ornamentation that attracts females but making them less vulnerable to overheating.
But examples of seemingly speedy accommodation are tiny flags fluttering on a battlefield where the overwhelming outlook for biodiversity is catastrophic. Instead of shifting gradually over thousands or even millions of years, environments are being transformed so fast that adaptive mechanisms don’t have the opportunity to kick in. 
In many cases, due to human-caused habitat loss and other pressures, of which the unstable climate is a massive threat multiplier, strategies that may have saved other life forms historically are no longer available to them: Pikas, for instance—cute little squeaking mammals native to western North America and Asia—may be able to move up a mountain to reach colder climes as the lower elevations get too hot, but if they reach the peak and it gets hot too, well … there’s nothing left for that wingless pika but the bare blue sky. The desert where I live is getting too hot even for arid-adapted wildlife—a lizard that had thrived in Arizona’s Mule Mountains for three million years is now newly believed extinct, and plants from the small acuña cactus to the Seussian Joshua tree are struggling to hang on.
The list of our dependencies on the other beings with whom we’ve coevolved is nearly infinite. So visionary policy is called for to protect those other beings and systems—not only for their intrinsic and cultural value but because they’re our life support, worth far more to our continued welfare intact than liquidated for short-term profit. If the goal is a livable future, for which we need to achieve a paradigm shift from exploitation to conservation, the services these networks of life supply need to be fully and properly valued. Their right to exist has to be enshrined in law.
Both domestically and internationally, species and ecosystems need to be endowed with legal standing to give local and native stewards the tools to save them from the depredations of industry in the short term and sustain them over the long. 
Luckily, bestowing legal standing on extra-human parties isn’t a fanciful idea: The U.S. Supreme Court did exactly that in the 2010 case known as Citizens United, when it declared that corporations were legal persons—a decision that hobbled American democracy but also set a neat precedent for extending legal personhood to nonhuman entities. And corporations are clearly more abstract and disembodied than animals: Just a couple of weeks ago scientists and philosophers from many nations published the New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness, which argues for the likelihood of consciousness in all vertebrates and many invertebrates, including cephalopods and insects.  
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stayandcozy · 1 day
Chapter 0: Birds of…
Chapter Summary: Solana navigates a difficult situation as she seeks to support herself and her mother. Facing tough choices, she has an unexpected breakthrough that brings a sense of hope and change, offering her a glimpse of a brighter future.
Next Chapter
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“You’re missing a hundred and seventy three dollars Solana. I made an exception for your mother last month but I can’t do it again. I need you to get the rest to me by tonight.” 
Fuck. Saturdays. What a shame such a beautiful day had to be ruined by that god awful, unrelenting fire in me every other Saturday seemed to bring. I could hear my mom’s voice in my head as the feelings bubbled to the surface. Think of the best thing that happened to you today. Even with her aged face, Mom’s beauty never faltered. That’s because it shines brightly from within. Something that wasn’t biological, apparently. 
I looked Mr. Romaro in the eyes, gauging if there was any way he was bluffing but I only found his lips thinned in a line and the hint of sorrow behind his spectacles. 
When I leaned my head back to take a breath, I saw the water damage littered on the ceiling. He needed the money just as badly as I did. I tried to think back over my day, quick flashes of blurred memories passed behind my eyes. Then one came in clear. It was of my favorite old lady, other than my mom, smiling fondly at me as I tried to get change for my pack of gum. When she realized I didn’t have enough she slid it across the counter and nodded her head in acknowledgment. 
“Alright. I’ll see you later then Mr. Romaro. I’m sorry about th—”
“It’s okay Solana. Tonight, alright?”
The need to scream and slam my fist against the brick wall outside tempted me. But we didn’t need a broken hand on top of everything else. 
Navigating the streets of New York should have been second nature to me. But it wasn’t. I hated the way sweaty bodies pressed up against me. I hated the way men walked through the streets like they owned it. I mostly hated that it was Saturday in the city. And I couldn’t enjoy the warm weather and blue skies because all I could think about was how later that night I’d have to see my mom’s exhausted and downhearted face. 
Mom knew me better than anyone and because of that it was no surprise she could see how miserable I’ve been the last three years. Whenever I’d manage to get cast, our rent would be due and I’d have to leave the project to take on odd jobs. It wasn’t mom’s fault, she provided the best she could. But I know those nights of hearing me sob ate her insides alive until she was nothing but skin and bones. 
I should have rejected her proposal. I knew better. But when she was sitting on the couch, her knees touching mine, with my face in her hands… I don’t think even the coldest of men could have said no to her. I wish I could have been cold. Because now we were here on a miserable fucking Saturday. Missing rent money, behind on credit cards, all because mom wanted me to chase my dreams. But when have dreams ever paid the bills?
“Mom, are you home?” I called out while entering the apartment.
Nothing but the leaky drip in the corner and the muffled dialogue of some old rerun on the tv. I clicked it off and sat on the couch. The metallic thunk of the water hitting the bucket was beckoning me into a sleep state. One I so desperately wanted to give into. Just as my eyes became too heavy to fight, a jingling of keys and mumbled curse words sounded just behind the front door. My body went on autopilot trying to sit up, arising like a vampire and trying to blink the verge of sleep away. 
“—you know that's not fair, Mike. I have been with you guys for years! Fucking years! You can’t just—No I won’t, you don’t—No, Mike, you fucking don’t—I’ve been a great team member—Then what is it about? Don’t you dare end this conversation—Mike!”
Mom threw the mail in her arms and kicked at one floating down. “God damnit all to hell!” Mom never used to swear. She did a lot these days. It was surreal to see first hand what the pressure of money did to happy people. 
“Mike fired you?” I asked. As if caught with her hand in the cookie jar her eyes widened and she flinched. 
“Jeez Lana, you scared me. Aren’t you supposed to be at a reading?”
”Went with another actor. All good. Hey momma, did you accidentally leave out some money from rent?”
”I thought he’d maybe let it slide. He wasn’t mean to you was he?”
”No. Do you happen to have it? Mr. Romaro says he’ll give us until midnight to get it to him.” 
She started rummaging through her purse, frantically pulling out ones and a few fives. “Come here Sunshine, can you help me count while I look?”
I hummed a response and crawled over to where she had thrown the mail. Picking it up and tapping it on the counter, I stacked the pile and set it down. Large red letters glared back at me. I used to love the color red, until I found out the way banks highlight phrases in red to scare you. Now all I can see in it is a threatening undertone that makes me uncomfortable. I flipped the top one upside down. Mom then handed me the cash from her purse and walked into the kitchen. I sat and counted. One, two, three, four, five, ten, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. She opened the fridge and brought out a short metal cylinder. One of those ones rich people liked to make ice cream in. God, what I would give for her only worries be about what kind of ice cream she was going to make this week. 
“I swear I had something here—Lana did you take it?”
”We used that to pay for electricity. What about the safe in your room?”
”Yeah… Let me go see.”
Time was against me. Drive I had, and passion consumed me. Yet my time to break into the industry never came. If I didn’t land something consistent soon, Mom was going to die in this shitty apartment. She does so much for others, the very least I could do is take her far away from here. Somewhere where the rain is a welcomed friend, not a deathly worry. 
“I needed to pay back Mrs. Esters for the food she gave us. The safe money is gone too.” She paused, her eyes scanning the kitchen and living. “Okay! Um.. What about…the couch! We find money in there sometimes!” She finally says. 
Before I could get up, she was already tearing off the cushions of the loveseat and throwing them near me. A half laugh fell from my lips seeing her pull an old pair of glasses from the depths of the worn couch. She tossed them aside and kept digging. The pile of cash felt magnetic to my eyes. I vowed to myself and Mom that I wouldn’t go back to that abomination they called a “Dance House,” but seeing the crushing desperation in Mom, it became clear. I was going to have to go back to Danny if we wanted to keep good standing with Mr. Romaro. 
She finally stood up, her hair flying out in wild ways, she was breathing a little heavy. Fuck. Not in the shitty apartment. She deserves better. “I think I’d rather have found nothing than a few coins and a dollar.” 
Mom’s pupils were blown and though she held a positive demeanor, I could see the panic swirling behind them. So I did what she taught me to do, smile when you think people need it. Her shoulders dropped slightly and her eyes got shiny.
“It’ll be okay Momma. I think Mrs. Abbadi has some work for me. I talked to her earlier at the gas station. I’ll go swing by. Can I borrow your backpack?”
“Sure Sunshine.”
She headed towards the bedroom and I leapt up. One of Mom’s quirks, one we often laughed about, was her short term memory loss. The backpack was hanging on the hook near the door. I had probably two minutes before she got upset and came back out. The problem with living in a one bedroom apartment with your parent was the lack of privacy. All of my clothes were in a big trunk we used as a coffee table. I opened it and dug through the piles until I found the lacy black set I was looking for. That set always made me the most money. It was my desperation set. I snagged a jacket and bundled the lingerie inside, checking over my shoulder just in time to see mom coming out again.
“—tell me how a backpack just disappears!”
“All good, I don’t need it.”
“Why are you bringing a jacket? It’s 85 out.”
“Just in case, you never know.”
She narrowed her eyes, and it felt like I was cemented in place by some sort of maternal magic. Her gaze was reaching deep into my soul, and I begged, pleaded, for some divine power to blind her just this once. Only when she released her breath did I release mine. I turned on my heel, desperate to get away from her all knowing eyes, but before I could reach the door, she stopped me.
“Come here.” She said. I felt panic rise in me. Then she turned me around and planted a soft loving kiss to my temple. “I’m sorry. I love you. Better days will come for us.” 
The panic morphed into guilt and my eyes felt tingly. “I love you too Mom.” I hoped she couldn’t hear the quiver laced in my voice, and even more so, I hoped she didn’t see the backpack hanging. 
Red Lights was the name of New York's scummiest strip club. The building itself was actually really clean for such a dirty place. If it wasn’t for slimy men and god awful management, the neon lights and dancing girls would have been a welcomed scene. Before my dreams of voice acting, I saw myself like many young girls do, as a ballerina. Dancing was rejuvenating. But when the hard times came, it was one of the many things tainted for me. 
The street that held Red Lights wasn’t the safest. People lingered around the bars. A drugged out woman would pass by swaying into you trying to pick a fight. A man would cat call you across the street, then get angry when you ignored him. It was always the worst nights at the club when they would follow me in. They never gave money and always got too handsy. 
Dusk was coming as I turned the corner to the infamous street. A group of men stood outside the club with their arms crossed. I could see Danny, a man much smaller than them, push one back. He only tripped a little but it was enough for it to clearly offend the drunk man. I walked up to them just as Danny’s meathead came out. He chased them off and returned to a position by the door. 
“No fuckin’ way, ain’t it the brightest day in hell whens you come around Sunny.” Laughed Danny as he opened the door for me. 
“I’ve told you to stop calling me that.”
“Awww—Ma still the only one allowed?”
“Do you have room for an extra dancer? Tonight only.”
“Just your luck. Destiny called in, told me shes got herself the fuckin’ clap.”
“Yeah. Lucky me.”
“Though you wanna only do tonight yeah? I’ll have to charge an uprated fee for the space. I’m feelin’ nice. Sixty.”
“Jesus Danny, last time it was only forty dollars—”
“No, no, no, no. You misunderstand me. Sixty percent.”
“What the hell? Since when?”
“Since now. Or ya know,  you could always sign with the club. I’d be happy to drop you to the normal rate then.”
“Fuck you.”
“ Now that’s a pretty idea too Sunny. Maybe if you suck me off real nice I’ll think about dropping it.”
“Fuck. You.”
I balled my fist in my hand, using every ounce of will power in me to not slap Danny’s smug face. The brute outside surely wouldn’t have cared if he had to hit me. He’s done it to plenty of the other girls when Danny didn’t get his way. I turned to leave but the jacket in my hands became heavy. Mom crossed my mind. Would she be horrified to know what I was doing to stop our eviction? It was stupid of me to even entertain. I could feel Danny’s presence behind me. It was as if I had an angel and devil sandwiching me. The angel was calling to me in my subconscious telling me not to turn around. But the devil behind me, painted images in my head of my mom, sick and starving on the streets. So I turned around.
“You can have your sixty percent, but I’d sooner die than blow you. Poor Destiny probably got chlamydia from you.”
I braced myself for the slap I thought was inevitably coming but he just laughed off the insult and tapped my butt a few times. 
“Better take some private rooms tonight. You may not be fuckin’ me tonight but you will be fuckin’ someone.” He howled with more laughter as he walked off. 
When Danny’s soul was being created, I like to think that they added too much narcissism and slime, then accidentally sent him off unfinished. Because that’s all the man was. Plump like a  ball of disease, horniness and an ego that rivaled even Napoleon. Don’t let him shake you, Solana. A cold shower could wash off the sweat from dancing. But it would never take away the dirt he slathered on me.  
While walking to the back I peeked into the main room. Flashing pink and red lights lit up the audience, and within the crowd I could see a few of the regulars. They paid well for private dancing except rooms with them often held little dancing. So I agreed with myself, to only use them as a last resort. I waved to a few of the girls I knew and made my way to the dressing room. The Red Light Club made an obscene amount of money, so I knew it was simply Danny's perverted idea to have no bathrooms, stalls, or any sort of privacy for the girls in the club. If the dancers needed to pee, they would go to the public one where men could get a free mini show. Or if the dancers needed to change, they would have to strip in front of one another. It was an act that didn’t bug most of them. I wasn’t most. 
I felt humiliated as the girls watched me undress in the mirror. None of them ever said anything negative to me, in fact they often would try to boost my confidence before my turn. What kind of sick person does something so dehumanizing, complain about it, then comes back over and over again. Red Light had its claws in me. And much like how my mom gave her life to that diner, if I didn’t get out, I was going to give my life to this club. 
Latex was a very popular choice for the dancers to wear. Every single time I brought out the same simple black lace teddy, I felt insecure. Looking in the mirror, I figdeted with the fabric near my breasts. I only needed to do a few hours on stage and maybe a few private dances. I could do it. The corners of my eyes started to itch and I stared as the stray tear rolled down my face. 
“Hey Solana, Danny says you’re on in two,” said a short and curvy blonde woman. 
I tapped the wetness on my face away and she gave me a sympathetic look. I didn’t need her pity. I needed to make money. Because it was Saturday and on Saturday the bills were due. 
We started to head out of the room when a phone started ringing. I looked behind me but a few of the girls were looking to my phone and then me. Fuck, Mom is probably trying to check in. I should let her know I’m okay. I’d just be lying to her again. 
“Sorry it’s my mom. It’ll just be a second.”
The blonde tightened her lips in a line as if my request was personally affecting her. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and turn to my phone. On the screen I expected to see my moms little emoji, but it wasn’t her. It was my talent manager Audrey. Maybe she was letting me know about another role gone from me. Bitterness swept through me like a wave and I thought about rejecting the call. However, the angels voice, who sounded so much like mom, asked me to answer. What if this was the one. It kept ringing, and I couldn’t make up my mind on time. Soon the ringing ended. 
“Solana, come on. Dannys gonna freak.” The girl said. 
Angel and devil.
I hurriedly looked throughout the room until I recognized one of the girls.
“Nicki! Can you switch slots with me?”
“Um. Yeah? Everything okay?” She asked.
“I don’t know yet. Ask me when you get off stage.” 
There was only one other girl in the room after they left. So with a deep breath I clicked Audreys number. The phone rang and rang. Then when I thought it would click off she answered. Five seconds passed before she spoke.
“Solana Pavlov, oh the woman you are. I’m freaking out for you. God I have such great news. You know that stoic character we sent in for like five months ago?”
“I thought you said they went with other actors?”
“Well, I just didn’t hear from them. I mean after three months would you keep waiting?”
“No. Exactly. Anyways they got back to me. They want you Solana! They really, really, really. Want you!”
All of the air in my chest felt like it was punched out of me. No way. Me?
“A—are you positive Audrey? Wasn’t this the international one?” 
“Yup and yup! Don’t hate me for this but I’ve already told them yes.”
Something new inside me sparked. I felt bright. My tears welled again, but finally for a good reason.
“That’s…perfect. Thank you Audrey. This is a lot to take in. I need to go share the news with my mom.”
“Tell Mama Pavlov I say hi. We’ll talk more tomorrow. Theres a lot of information you’ll want. But for now, enjoy your moment. I’ll be in touch—”
“—wait! Audrey I have a huge favor to ask. Can you ask them for an advancement of payment? Just like two hundred dollars?”
She was quiet on the line for a bit and I worried if I had overstepped. “I just sent you five. Go take your mom to a nice dinner on me.” 
“What? No, that's way too generous—” Click. She had hung up on me. A sliver of me wanted to feel uncomfortable with the gesture, but the excitement won over when I heard the ding of a notification. It was Audrey’s venmo coming in. Attached was a little note, ‘I knew you could do it.’ 
I don’t think I could have changed out of my clothes faster. If there was an olympic sport, I surely would have been a medalist. Giddiness tingled over my body, and noises of excitement spilled from me like a child unable to control their emotions. 
It was easy finding an ATM to deposit the cash. It was easying making my way to Mr. Romaros office. And it felt blissful to see his surprised face when I came in with an envelope in my hand. We didn’t exchange many words, he just held a small smile as he watched me count it out to him. 
“You seem happy tonight,” he said.
“I am,” I responded.
Taking the bus at night was better than the day. Less people meant more energy for my mind to wander. My normal grey thoughts were exceptionally vibrant and I thought about the potential future overseas. In this moment, I felt like I was dancing with life once more. 
I started walking towards our building and shifted the weight of my jacket. Doing so unbundled the lingerie and out fell the black lace. When I reached down to pick it up, the garbage bins caught my eye. If I was wrong about this… If it didn't work out… I turned off my thoughts and threw the set into the bin. A token of trust. A new promise for me and my mom. I’ll do it this time. For us.
I didn’t mean to barrel into our apartment like a bullet. I was just excited. Can you blame me? I was nearly leaping up the stairs to the fifth floor. Inside, my mom groggily awoke from her slumber on the couch. I bounced over to her and kneeled by the couch. She had the pair of glasses she found on. I smiled at her. And she knew, like her all knowing eyes always do, that something had changed in me. She placed her hand on my cheek and I placed mine atop hers. 
“Good day?” She asked.
“A perfect day.” I said. 
“I’m glad to hear that Sunshine.”
“Can I sleep out here with you tonight?”
“Of course.”
I went to grab a blanket from her bed. On her nightstand she had a small digital clock. It read 11:57 pm. It was still Saturday. 
I came back to the living room with a smile on my face and a lightness in my heart. My makeshift bed next to mom wasn’t perfect. Hell it was barely comfortable. But seeing her sleeping face, with a ghost of a smile made everything perfect. That night I fell asleep holding my moms hand and I couldn’t wait to tell her about how good Saturday was.
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Wow! I can’t believe it’s finally here. I’m so happy to introduce you to Solana. I hope you follow us through this story. It’s a long one. (:
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alienaiver · 1 month
Hi Nohr! This headcanons game looks fun!
How about.... Daichi for it?
deru!!! hi<333 and right !!! i remember having a blast the last time i did this!!!
Songs on his iPod: daichi's sappy.... he wont admit it, but love pop songs always makes his head clear if hes grumpy.
celebration (feat. toko miura) by radwimps if we were vampires by jason isbell and the 400 unit and then also starwalkin' by lil nas x for ultimate motivation when he works out!!
The one place they fall asleep – where they’re not supposed to: oh, daichi learned his lesson first year in high school to be careful where he rests. there's people around him not to be trusted..... but one time, and its one time only and he will take this information to the grave, he had a night shift at the local police box he was stationed in and he. he fell asleep!! gasp!! it was barely for four minutes, but he's still riddled with shame to this day, even tho it was during his grunt days. not even sugawara knows.
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: daichi's competitive for sure, but sadly, its more bark than bite in actual practice. HOWEVER, there is ONE and i mean ONE mini-game in super mario party for the switch that he decimates ANYONE in. even kenma!!!! its sizzling stakes!
The emoticon they’d use most often: 🙃. he doesnt know its passive aggressive. he thinks its a quirky smile. no one dares tell him
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: he rarely ever goes without his sleep. he knows how important it is to keep up with his physical and mental health and after the grueling study days back when he was younger, he cares even more. he needs to be alert at all times when he's at work, so he's a proud 9pm sleeper. there are times, however, where overtime and cases makes him slip. he is very unpleasant
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights or mornings: daichi likes his coffee extremely hot and rather bitter. he says it warms him up even more? freak
How they like to comfort/care for themselves in a slump: he cares very much for his routines and are well-aware what they do for him. so whenever he hits a wall or a slump, he re-evaluates everything in his daily and weekly affairs. when he realizes he's been neglecting social stuff like seeing friends over a beer, he rectifies it pretty fast. if hes REALLY stuck, he will find support in the people around him by ranting and venting out all his thoughts and frustrations. it can take a whole evening if hes frustrated enough, as he likes to circle around the subject multiple times, to really cement his feelings and process them.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: definitely a ramen cook when he was tiny. whenever his parents took him out for ramen as a treat, his starstruck eyes would observe everything the chef did, and ask enough questions to tire out a patient man. however, his local ramen joint always loved his visits, and often gave him tips on how to improve his food in small ways at home, too. the hobby didn't really stick though, but the tips are still used to this day.
Their favorite kind of weather: sunny, but windy. a day where you can go for a run and not overheat because the wind helps regulate your temperature. it's a good day for a date sightseeing a shrine or climb a mountain together.
Thoughts on their singing voice: daichi wants to sing deep inside. his deep, delicious voice also invites you to think his deep timbre would be soothing. but he's tone deaf, so it comes out flat and scratchy.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: daichi draws birds to pass the time. fat, round birds like dera from tamako market. theyre not realistic, but they ARE cute!
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thank you for sending him in. i really love daichi!!!!
send me a character and ill fill out these headcanons
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dragonqueenofice · 2 years
In your embrace, I think everything will be ok - Childe
Summary: the dead of night in winters can get cold, unbearably so at times, even in Liyue. Who knew the easiest solution to getting rid of such a problem is to be in the arms of someone you love
Notes: I started writing this at 1:40 am because my cat was in my bed lol
Word count: 1,000
Warning: tooth-rotting fluff, author is permanently touch starved
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     Silence rang throughout your room, yet you remained awake despite the moon having been up for long. Nocturnal birds chirped and you could hear the ambient noise of Liyue at night, yet you remain conscious. Your eyelids lay heavy on your face, yet your mind stays plagued with thought. Your mind wasn't racing, per say, but it was still working overtime. A rain of thoughts poured in your mind, not the kind of rain that could put one to sleep, but not a raging tempest either. It was in the uncomfortable middle, the thoughts were not pleasant but they were nothing worth crying over. You decided to simply let your thoughts run their course and wait until your mind finally got as tired as your body. It was going well, you thought, soon enough all these thoughts would run their course and you'd be floating off into Dreamland! That is, until a knock knock knock at your window stirred you out of your tiredness, and into a drowsy curiosity.
     Getting up from your bed, and leaning on the bedside table for support for just a moment, you made your way to the window to see what was making the noise. There, you were met with a familiar mop of red red hair and a familiar pair of cold blue eyes. Childe had a lopsided grin as he mouthed to you to open the window, pointing at the bottom for extra emphasis. You did as asked, though for a mere second you contemplated leaving the bothersome harbinger to his own, if you were to do that you're sure he'd still manage to get in some way, might as well be choosing to let him in, from the window or otherwise. You pulled him into your house, and stood back a little as he dusted off his pants (which, mind you, had no dust on them). He quickly turned to face you and took in a breath before starting his speech, "Good morning Comrade!" His chipper voice contrasted with the darkness of the room. You held your hand up to pause him and moved to turn on the lights so you could see him properly.
     "Why are you in my room, Ajax." You said with a monotone, almost unimpressed voice. You could see him light up a little at the use of his real name, and not the fancy harbinger title nor the codename.
     "Well it's simply so cold out tonight is it not?" He made his way to your bed and promptly sat down, quietly investigating the four different layers of blankets you had piled on top.
     You moved to the bed and sat down next to him, "So it is. But that does not answer my question. Why are you in my house, Childe,"  yet again your voice smooth and monotone. Your tired eyes looked up to meet Childe's, which were all too happy despite the horribly late hour it was.
     He grumbled about your lack of pet names and went on to explain, "Due to such frigid cold we have tonight-"
     "It has barely snowed an inch, Childe."
     "As I said, frigid cold, anyways- I thought about how horrible you must be in such icy temperatures! And I couldn't let my poor darling beloved just freeze!" He dramatically clutched his chest and looked away, an overdramatic 'pained' look on his face
     "An inch of snow, Childe." You could hear him breathe deeply in annoyance, and you had to struggle to not laugh.
     "So I thought-" his voice was uneven and just a little high pitched, his annoyance rang clear, "I thought that I should check up on my darling and make sure they are doing well and will remain warm in such hostile weather! And do you want to know how I could guarantee your comfort in such hard times?"
     "...how?" You stared him in the eyes and could see a mischievous glint in them.
     Childe took a deep breath in, clearly trying to make his answer big and dramatic,  "With cuddles!"
     The silence that followed was deafening. Childe was sure that you'd tell him to leave, but, to his surprise, you didn't. You started to shift on your bed, lightly tugging on the top most layer of blankets to reduce it to three atop your bed, and shuffled to get underneath and lightly patted the side next to you, conveniently left open. Childe stared at you in disbelief, were you going to allow his stupid idea? You sighed and said with your oh so calming voice, "I won't say no, if it'll assure you I'll be fine." Childe slowly moved to get under the blankets along with you, never taking his eyes off you. He adjusted to have his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer ever so slightly. His touch was gentle, as though he were treating you like precious porcelain. "I won't break, y'know,"  You reassured him, and with that you could feel his breathing slow and the weight of his arm over your side increased. He pulled you closer to him, moving you down in the process, just enough to rest his chin on your head. You could hear him breath in and open his mouth, as though he had something to say but the words died in his throat. And then again. And again. Then finally,
     "I… I love you," His voice was small, as though he were scared that raising it would cause you to shatter in his hands.
     You moved your hand to hold his, "I love you too, Ajax."
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hyukaphobicsworld · 6 months
Making something for Hobi that IS NOT smut, because I am capable of doing that (manifesting)
It never really astonished you that your family was one of the friendliest kingdoms of the world. Of course, if needed, your family would use force and violence, but not often. Your family had manners and aspiration, or hope. In world full of evil and deception, your family was as hopeful as a bird flying in the sky with no care in the world.
Your family was at a ball, a celebration of re-marrying (your parent’s friends). You always found “re-marrying” stupid. But, since your parents were excited, and you’re a very supportive daughter, you figured why not. You were dancing with your dad until he climbed on tight when he found your mother. You smiled at the both of them swirling around the room and went to go sit down.
The music was as loud as ever, everyone slow dancing with the men’s arm around the woman’s waist, and the woman’s arms around their neck. The music slow and the cold fall weather blowing in your face, thanks to the windows. You hummed along to the song as you poured yourself a glass of the finest wine you found at the random table you walked upon. And then, someone brushed upon your side. “Hello.”, the ominous voice said.
Your turned to seee who it was and your eyes widened. Jeez, he was beautiful. His smiled curved into a curvy heart, showing his bold and white teeth. He had a beautiful mole on his upper lip and his nose as small and cute as a button. You started to remember what your father said to do to impress any man. “Back straight, feet together, hand either by your side or behind you, and your beautiful smile.”
“Hello” you reply back. “Enjoying yourself?” You asked, drinking the wine. He laughed. “Well, those are my parents. Anything they are happy about, I am too.” He said, looking at both of his parents, your parents friends. You choked on your wine and his eyes landed back on yours immediately. “Are you okay?” He asked, concerned. You nodded your hand and tapped on your chest. “Your parents are the ones who’s getting re-married?” You asked. He nodded. “Yeah, I’m not surprised. My father always told me the stories about how their first one was chaotic and how he always wanted to re-do it.” You nodded. It makes sense. You never really got to meet any of your parents friends or got to know them, so it made sense you have never met him.
“Do you have any siblings?” You asked as you watched his parents dance together. He looked at you and laughed. Jesus, he was beautiful. The translucent glint in his eyes and the way his mouth curved into a smile. He pointed to a woman and a man who was talking, a woman who looked very similar to him. “She’s right there. That’s my sister. Jung Ji-woo and her husband.”
You smiled. “And you?” He asked, interestingly. You laughed and tried to look for him, but he was no where to be found. “Well, though I’m not sure where he is, I have a brother. His name is Kim Seokjin. And his girlfriend is… right there.” You pointed at the woman who was talking to your parents.
“I never got to ask you for your name.” He said, implying on wanting to know your name. You turned towards him and extended your hand towards him. “Kim __,” you stated, “and you?” He took your hand and shook it slightly. “Jung Hoseok.” He told you. The most beautiful name you’ve heard. Jung Hoseok; A Name That Will Spread Out Throughout The Entire Country. It had to. Look at him! His visuals were so beautiful, there was no way it wasn’t going to. He pulled his hand back just to pull it out again. “Would you like to dance, Kim __?” He asked and you took his hand. “I would love to.” You smiled.
When he pulled your to the dance floor, the atmosphere felt different. You could feel your father’s eyes on you. You could tell he was proud by the way he smiled and gave you a thumbs up. You winked back at him.
Hoseok took you the dance floor and before dancing, like every other time you dance, you both bowed at each other. Your grabbed you dark red dress and bowed, squatting down. Hoseok, on the other hand, fully spins his hand and arms and bowed down, just like how men were properly taught. When you both bowed, he grabbed your waist and your wrapped your arms around his neck. You both smiled at each other as you swirled around the ballroom like the other couples.
It’s funny. Nowadays, men would come up to you and no matter what, they will say how much you wanted them first. A cocky and arrogant attitude that no woman would ever like in a man. But with Hoseok, he was calm. Not just calm, but humble. His aura was so nice and his attitude was less cocky and more engagful.
“Don’t tell anyone I told you, but my mother is having a baby.” He said, while dipping you. You smiled at him and he smiled back. He lifted you back up. “Congratulations!” You exclaimed towards him and he smiled. “Thank you.” He replied. “We thought of a name for him. Jungkook.” He smiled and looked up, almost in hope. “I hope that baby is as magnificent and mannered as you.” You whispered to him and kissed his cheek. He kept dancing but his face froze. He looked at you and smirked lovingly. “I’m glad I met you.” He smiled and looked down at your lips. You watched as his eyes stayed there.
You looked up at his, thin yet curvy lips. He then started to pull in, his breath ticking your nose as he slowly, but surely kissed you. Your tongues wrapping around each others as both of your dances came to a stop. You felt tied into his energy, an energy of a word that couldn’t be explained. There was no word for it, or at least you think. He pulled you closer by your waist and you pulled him closer by his neck. His taste did t wear off from your tongue, a strawberry cream flavor. And his scent over worn with cologne.
He pulled away and batted his eyes as he looked at you and smiled. “Hope.” You mumbled to yourself. That’s what his energy gave off. He scrunched his face up a bit in confusion. “I’m sorry?” “You remind me of hope.” You told him. He smiled and kissed your cheek.
His tone, his manners, his clothing, his smile, personality, voice and even the way he looks at you when his speaks reminds you of hope. You hope every other man tunes out just like him. Even his new baby brother, Jungkook. You wish that everyone will one day quit their cocky and unhumbled attitudes and end up just like Jung Hoseok. Jhope.
Update if anyone cares: Jungkook did in fact end up just like Jung Hoseok. His bows were the same, his manners were the same, everything was the same. You and Hoseok now have two kids and are planning of a third. After your brother Kim Seokjin finally approved of you and Hoseok (which you didn’t care about because you were gonna date him rather Seokjin liked him or not), you started giving him new nicknames. Like, Hobi, Hope and your personal favorite Jhope. Hoseok found his love for fashion and became a model. So just like the meaning of his name, A Name That Will spread Throughout The Entire Country. Amd you found your passion for photography, shooting pictures, music videos and sometimes even person photos of Hoseok.
Lmk if yall want smut or sum. Idk. 😜
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