#super sonnet
env0writes · 29 days
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A Gust of Words Vol. 4, 8.19.24 “To Dream at Night in Bed”
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by @env0
I’d dream of sleepless nights Yet in my waking, tossing hours Do they haunt Jest and jeer and taunt
I’d dream of days of joy Yet in my slaking, crossing moments Do I lie awake Counting the hours it takes
I’d dream of morning suns Yet in the bed of my own making Do I only find restlessness Is this the outcome of my mess?
I’d dream of you Yet I know not yet who Do I deserve a love requited? With open arms and life invited?
Oh, the dreams that I would dream Were these sheets and pillows any less mean
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cosmicdreamgrl · 5 months
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always on my mind? i think yes 🤍
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swankpalanquin · 1 year
season one of succession is so tight and i can't think of a better word lol its like a really dense short poem with a tight rhyme scheme
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pandagirl45 · 10 months
Bucky: i... I like Tony hips, back, neck and thighs
Bucky: but!!
Bucky: his. Nipples. Bitable. His chest, I like to kiss on and take by the handful!!!
Thor: aye, the less stronger stuff *takes bucky drink away*
Steve: *half asleep on the couch* it feels like when we snuck my dad whiskey!
Bucky: you got sick *starts giggling*
Thor: oh dear...
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bwdeckert · 7 months
February 2024 A Super Bowl Poem • Haiku Trio #1 So who said: “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing” — always, till today, brimming with Super-football-frenzy- -LVIII-Sunday, I believed grinning legendary Lombardi coined the famed catchphrase • • Haiku Trio #2 Google search says yes, he voiced this, but different coach spoke the saying first — so since, as we guess, it’s too easy to…
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bwdeck · 7 months
February 2024 A Super Bowl Poem • Haiku Trio #1 So who said: “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing” — always, till today, brimming with Super-football-frenzy- -LVIII-Sunday, I believed grinning legendary Lombardi coined the famed catchphrase • • Haiku Trio #2 Google search says yes, he voiced this, but different coach spoke the saying first — so since, as we guess, it’s too easy to…
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nhaaauyen · 1 month
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨ The Ghost of You ୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
"This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong // To love that well which thou must leave ere long." -William Shakespeare (Sonnet 73)
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zombie apocalypse sevika x reader au!: sevika was the super soldier; a killing machine driven solely by survival. you were nomadic, constantly searching for something in whatever was left of the world—till you met her.
series masterpost: part I // part II // part IV // part V
wc: 6.1k cw: brief mentions of alcoholism, violence author's note: ngl this just might be my favorite chapter so far, holy shit! thank you to all the lovely comments last chapter, you guys are srsly so sweet <3
Strings of twinkling lights crisscross overhead, swaying gently in the evening breeze. The air is filled with the mingling scents of grilled food and the earthy aroma of a crackling campfire.
It's a birthday party for Marcus's daughter, Ren, and the yard is alive with celebration. Sitting on mismatched chairs, adults chat animatedly with drinks in hand.  Children dart between the adults' legs, their excited shrieks filling the air as they run around. 
You can't help but notice Marcus's absence, and you wonder if he's working late or planning to surprise his daughter by showing up later. It's odd for him to miss such an important event, but you push the thought aside, focusing on the joyful atmosphere around you.
A group of kids approaches you, pulling you out of your reverie.
"Hey, lady! Wanna play Marco Polo with us?" one of them asks.
"Sure," You turn to Powder and Ekko, who are lounging nearby. "You two want to join?"
Powder rolls her eyes dramatically. "I'm too old for that," she declares, trying to sound mature.
You shrug and follow the kids to an open area of the yard. "Marco!" you call out, closing your eyes.
"Polo!" comes the chorus of giggly responses.
As you start to move, arms outstretched, you hear Powder’s voice again. "Wait, no! We want to join now!"
You chuckle to yourself as you hear Powder and Ekko scrambling to join the game. The yard fills with shouts of "Marco!" and "Polo!" as you navigate blindly through the space, guided only by sound and the occasional brush of a fleeing child against your fingertips.
Suddenly, your hands make contact with fabric. You grin triumphantly, sure you've caught one of the kids. But as laughter erupts around you, you open your eyes to find yourself face-to-face with Sevika. Ren, peeks out from behind her, giggling uncontrollably.
Sevika raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of her mouth. "Ready to join the adults yet?"
You feel a blush creeping up your neck. “I was in the middle of winning a game.” 
Sevika shakes her head in amusement and hands you a plate of food. "You know, you're not a babysitter. Let the kids have fun by themselves."
You take the plate, shrugging. "I know, but I don't mind."
"Ah, right. You like to hang out with people of the same maturity level as you." Sevika teases.
Before you can reply, a commotion erupts near the gate and both of you turn sharply to the source. 
Grayson and Marcus have appeared, clearly amid a heated argument. Marcus's face is flushed, his movements erratic – clear signs of intoxication. Grayson stands firm, her posture rigid, and seems to be seething with barely contained anger.
A small voice pipes up beside you. "What's happening?" Ren peeks out, her eyes wide with confusion.
Instinctively, you move to shield her, gently guiding her behind you. "It's nothing, sweetie," you say, trying to keep your voice calm and reassuring.
But it's too late. Marcus catches sight of Ren, and his demeanor changes instantly. He shoves past Grayson, nearly knocking her over in his haste to reach his daughter. "Daddy's here!" he calls out, his voice too loud, too desperate. "Daddy didn't forget!"
Sevika moves swiftly, positioning herself protectively in front of you and Ren. Marcus stumbles to a stop before Sevika, his bloodshot eyes darting between her and his daughter. "How dare you," he slurs, turning back to Grayson. "You've gone too far now. This is my family!"
Grayson's voice is steel as she responds, "You lost the privilege of being a father when you became too drunk to do anything. The only reason why I'm still employing you is for the sake of your own daughter.”
His face immediately contorts with rage. "How fucking dare you," he roars. "You think you know everything? You can't even hold this place together!”
“You people think you are safe? Cause what, we have showers?  Look at your pathetic captains, my wife has one fucking mission with you,” Marcus stabs a finger into Sevika’s chest and you expect her to retaliate but she stands still as a statue, “Because of you... she’s gone.” 
The accusation hangs in the air and Sevika goes very still beside you, her expression unreadable but her fists are clenched so tight you’re worried she’ll bleed.
But Marcus isn't finished. His voice drops to a venomous hiss. "Fuck you. Fuck this place." He pushes past Sevika, reaching for Ren. "Come on, sweetie. We're leaving."
You instinctively tighten your hold on Ren as she looks up at you, her face questioning and so innocent about the situation. You want to protect her, to keep her from this mess, but you can’t and he scoops her up from your grasp.
As Marcus stomps off and the backyard falls into an uncomfortable silence, the cheerful lights now seem garish.  You look at Sevika, there’s a tightness around her eyes and her jaw is clenched hard enough for a vein to be visible. Grayson approaches, her face a mask of controlled anger and regret, and she puts a reassuring hand on Sevika. The two share a silent look that is full of meaning.
"I'm sorry you all had to see that," Grayson says, addressing the stunned partygoers. "Please, try to enjoy the rest of the evening."
But the damage is done. The carefree atmosphere of earlier has evaporated, replaced by a heavy, oppressive tension.  That night you couldn’t sleep, your mind kept wondering about the true cost of keeping Zaun safe and the toll it takes on those sworn to protect it.
Months ago if you told pre-Zaun you that you would care this much for the woman who was practically going to leave you as walker bait in the drug store, you would’ve thought you had gone insane.  But somehow, Sevika had snuck into your thoughts and made residence there.  
The garage door creaks as you push it open, letting in a sliver of sunlight. The air inside is thick with the scent of motor oil and metal. Sevika’s hunched over her workbench, her back to you, the whir of her bionic arm the only sound breaking the heavy silence.
You hesitate in the doorway, remembering Marcus's cruel words from yesterday. The pain in Sevika's eyes, quickly masked, had been unmistakable. 
"Hey," you say softly. "Everything okay?"
Sevika doesn't turn around, her shoulders tensing slightly at your voice. It's clear she's not in a talking mood, but you can't bring yourself to leave her alone like this.
"Fine," she grunts, reaching for a wrench.
You lean against the wall, watching her work. The silence stretches between you. After a few minutes, you decide to try a different approach.
"So," you begin, injecting a note of cheerfulness into your voice, "got anything to do?"
Sevika pauses, then turns to look at you, an eyebrow raised. "You're that excited already, rookie? Haven't you been on five or six missions now?"
You grin, relieved to see a hint of her usual self. "Six, actually," you reply, then quickly add, "But who's counting?"
A ghost of a smile flickers across Sevika's face. She gestures to the motorcycle beside her. "Well, if you're so eager, you can help me with this. Make yourself useful."
You push off the wall, moving to her side. "What do you need me to do?"
You might not be able to relieve the damage from yesterday, but maybe you can help her focus on something else, even if just for a little while.
"Why are you so excited to get out there anyway?" Sevika asks as you work together. "There's nothing to see but walkers."
You shrug, searching for the right words. "I don't know... there isn't much left out there, but it makes me feel like I'm not in a snow globe, you know?"
Sevika pauses, looking at you with confusion.
"I feel safe but it’s just… not real?  I want to be on the other side sometimes too. It's selfish 'cause we've got things so good here, but that was our world too, even if we lost it."
Sevika stares at you for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Then, unexpectedly, her face softens. "I'm having a scout sent out today. Perhaps we can do our own scouting too."
Your eyes widen. "Really?"
"Yes," she nods, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "We need to expand our territory anyway. But first, help me with this. We won't be going anywhere if I can't finish this within the next hour."
"Got it, boss!" you say eagerly, reaching for a nearby tool.
Sevika rolls her eyes.
"How about 'captain' instead?"
She tries to look unamused, but you can see she's fighting a smile. "Suck up."
You saluted. "Yes, ma’am!"
"Smartass," Sevika replies flatly, but there’s a playfulness in her tone. "Now, less talking, more wrenching."
"Hell no." 
Sevika, straddling her newly repaired motorcycle, looks at you like you've sprouted a second head.
"What?" she asks, confusion evident in her voice.
You stand outside your house, arms crossed, eyeing the bike with undisguised suspicion. "Are you crazy? I'm not getting on that death trap – when you said you'd pick me up after you changed, I thought you meant with a car!”
Sevika rolls her eyes. "Why do you think we spent so long fixing this bike?"
"Nope. Nuh-uh. Not happening," you insist, shaking your head vigorously.
"What? You can go out there and face walkers, but not ride this thing?"
"Walkers don't get you into crashes!" you retort, your voice rising an octave.
Sevika sighs dramatically, holding out a helmet. "Just get on. I promise you won't fall off."
Grumbling, you take the helmet and reluctantly swing your leg over the bike. "What makes you so sure?" you mutter.
"Because of this," she says, grabbing your arms and wrapping them tightly around her abdomen. You can feel her muscles flexing beneath your fingers, and suddenly your mouth goes dry.
Before you can process what's happening, Sevika kicks the bike to life. The engine roars, and you let out a shriek as she peels out of the driveway.
"What the fu–" Your expletive is cut short as you zoom down the street, the wind whipping past you.
You spot Grayson on the wall, grinning widely as she signals for the gate to be opened. "Have fun, ladies!" she shouts as you approach.
"Grayson!" you yell, but your voice is lost in the wind.
Sevika glances back, noticing your tightly shut eyes. "Open them!" she shouts over the engine's roar.
Reluctantly, you peek one eye open, then the other. The world rushes by in a blur of color and motion. 
"I hate you!" you yell at Sevika, but you can't keep the laughter out of your voice.
She responds by revving the engine, speeding up as you clear the gate. "No, you don't!" she calls back, the wind carrying her words to you.
As much as you want to deny it, the scenery rushing past you is stunning. Lush greenery blurs into a vibrant tapestry, the sun's warm rays dancing across the landscape. The wind whips through your hair, carrying the scent of pine and wildflowers. 
You catch Sevika's reflection in the side mirror. Her expression is one of pure contentment, as if riding this bike along the winding country road is where she truly belongs. 
"You like it?" Sevika calls over her shoulder, a knowing tone in her voice.
"Maybe," you admit reluctantly. "Not too bad."
You can hear the smirk in her voice as she replies, "Well, I've got something to show you that might change your mind."
Your curiosity piques. "We're doing something else besides scouting?"
Instead of answering, Sevika begins to ascend a steep hill. The bike's engine roars with effort, and you instinctively tighten your grip around her waist, afraid you might slip off. The muscles in her abdomen tense under your hands, steady and reassuring.
"Look over," Sevika instructs as you climb higher.
"What?! Are you crazy?" you yelp, clinging tighter.
"Come on, rookie. Trust me," she insists.
For reasons you can't quite explain, you do trust her. Swallowing your fear, you turn your head to look over the edge of the road.
The view takes your breath away. A vast expanse of forest stretches out below you, a sea of green dotted with splashes of colorful wildflowers. In the distance, you can make out a winding river, its waters glittering in the sunlight like a ribbon of diamonds.
"Whoa..." you breathe, unable to form a more coherent response.
As you reach the top of the hill, Sevika brings the bike to a stop in a clear area that juts out like a natural balcony. From here, you can see for miles in every direction. Rolling hills give way to distant mountains, their peaks shrouded in a light mist. Birds soar on updrafts, their calls carried to you on the breeze.
You dismount the bike on shaky legs, your eyes never leaving the breathtaking panorama before you. The world feels impossibly vast and achingly beautiful from up here, a reminder of what still exists beyond the walls of Zaun.
"Worth the ride?" she asks.
You nod, unable to find words that could do justice to the moment. 
The silence between you is comfortable as you both lean against the motorcycle, its metal still warm from the ride. The vast expanse of the world stretches out before you, a breathtaking canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples as the sun dips below the horizon. Sevika's gaze is distant, lost in memories you can only imagine.
"This spot... it's special to me. I came here when Zaun was first established."
You turn to look at her, surprised by the admission. She continues, "I understand what you meant earlier. About feeling safe in Zaun, about missing this." She gestures to the expansive view. "The freedom to just... exist out here."
You nod, encouraging her to go on. 
"I also came here after..." she pauses, swallowing hard. "After Marcus's wife died. I was so close to saving her. I promised I'd bring her home." Her voice cracks slightly. "But I couldn't. Not alive."
The pain in her voice makes your heart ache. "It wasn't your fault," you say gently.
She turns to you, her eyes fierce. "I'm the captain. Every death is my responsibility. They trust me, they're my people."
You feel a surge of protectiveness. "But who takes responsibility for you? For your sacrifices?"
Sevika falls silent, considering your words. When she speaks again, her tone is delicate. "Every time you go out there, don't you think it could be your last?"
The question catches you off guard. "I do," you admit. "Every single time."
She moves then, positioning herself in front of you. Her hands rest on the bike beside you, her body close enough that you can feel the warmth radiating from her. Her eyes search yours, intense and questioning.
"Then why?" she asks. "Why keep risking everything?"
You swallow hard, acutely aware of her proximity. "Because it's worth it," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "Because out there, I feel alive. Because someone has to, and if not me, then who?"
For a moment, the world seems to shrink down to just the two of you, the dying light of the sun shining a golden haze on her face.
This close, you can see every detail – the faint lines around her eyes, the determined set of her jaw. Your gaze lingers on the scar that runs across her cheek. You resist the urge to reach out and trace it, to ask about its story.
Sevika’s gaze locks with yours, her voice dropping to a whisper, rough around the edges but laced with something achingly tender. "You make me want things I’m not sure I deserve."
Sevika’s hands hover near your body, fingers trembling slightly as if they’re unsure whether to close the distance or retreat. You see the conflict in her eyes—Every inch she moves closer feels like a dance of tentative steps.
You swallow, the intensity of her words wrapping around your heart. The raw honesty in her voice leaves you breathless, but you manage to find your own, soft and steady. 
“Then let me show you.”
Without thinking, you take the first step for both of you. You gently cup her face in your hands, your thumbs brushing over her cheekbones. Your touch is tender, and your fingertips graze the rough texture of her scar. You can feel her breath hitch, a mix of surprise and anticipation.
For a split second, you feel her resist, a remnant of her walls trying to hold firm. But then she melts into you, her body softening as if surrendering to a battle she’s tired of fighting. 
Her right hand comes up to cradle the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair, while her bionic hand settles on your waist, pulling you closer. The kiss is soft, almost hesitant at first, an uncertain exploration of new territory. But as the seconds stretch, it deepens, a slow dance of lips and breath. 
When you finally part, both slightly breathless, you rest your forehead against hers. Sevika's eyes remain closed while her thumb strokes softly along your jawline as if she's trying to memorize the feel of you.
"I didn't think..." she starts, unsure of what she can, or even what to say.
You brush your lips against her cheek, feeling the raised line of her scar. "You deserve this, Sevika," you murmur against her skin. "You deserve everything."
The sun was blazing hot, its heat beating down on the training area Grayson set up in one of Zaun's less crowded areas.
"Remember," you say, adjusting Ren's grip gently, "It's not about strength. It's about precision and control."
Ren nods, and the other kids follow her steps with some additional adjustments from Grayson and Caitlyn.
You're about to move on to the next lesson when you notice one of Sevika's men approaching. Your heart does a little flip in your chest, but it comes to a stutter when you realize it's not Sevika herself.
"Got a mission for you tomorrow," he says gruffly. "Captain says to be ready at first light."
"Thanks," you reply, trying to keep your voice neutral. As he walks away, you can't help the twinge of hurt that settles in your chest. Sevika didn't come to tell you herself.
You shake your head, chiding yourself internally. She's busy. She's the captain. Why would you expect her to personally deliver every mission briefing?
Yet your mind still wandered to the kiss from a few days ago. The ride back to Zaun had been quiet, but not uncomfortably so. You had attributed it to both of you processing what had happened.
But then... nothing.
Since that evening, you haven't exchanged a single word with Sevika. A day turned into days and the silence began to feel deliberate.
You've caught glimpses of her – a flash of that distinctive silhouette disappearing around a corner, the echo of her voice giving orders from a distance. But every time you've tried to approach, she's been gone before you could reach her.
"Are you okay? You look sad." You're pulled from your thoughts by Ren's voice. 
Forcing a smile, you turn your attention back to the lesson. "I’m all good!  Just thinking, how about we work on our stances?"
Both Grayson and Caitlyn share a knowing look at your response.
“How about we take over? You have to be up early tomorrow.”  Caitlyn offers. 
You were reluctant, but you agreed, mostly because you knew you needed it and because you couldn’t handle the questioning looks the two women kept sending you.  
You're grateful for Caitlyn's insistence that you rest early the night before – the extra sleep has left you feeling sharper, and more alert. As you approach the gathered group, your breath catches in your throat. There's Sevika, leaning against one of the vehicles. She's dressed in military-style cargo, paired with a black tank top that exposes her toned arms, something she wears normally but you find that your body reacts even more so to her now. 
Your heart races as you draw nearer, but before you can even think about approaching her, Sevika climbs into the front seat of the lead vehicle. You swallow your disappointment and resign yourself to riding in the back of the truck with the rest of the team.
The journey is tense and quiet, everyone is lost in their own thoughts about the mission ahead. As the prison comes into view, you're struck by how eerily calm it appears. The high concrete walls are still intact, crowned with coils of razor wire that glint in the morning light. 
The decision to split into smaller groups is made quickly, you were paired with Sevika but your excitement was short-lived when you saw the tense look on her face. 
The massive iron gates groan as you push them open, the sound echoing ominously through the empty prison yard. The concrete beneath your feet is cracked with tufts of weeds pushing through.
Inside, the prison is a maze of long corridors and shadowy corners. The air is stale and heavy with the musty scent of abandonment.  As you move deeper into the facility, the lack of walkers becomes increasingly unsettling. You exchange a worried glance with Sevika, both of you on high alert.
Suddenly, a shuffling sound echoes from an adjoining hallway. Without a word, you and Sevika fall into formation. 
The first walker stumbles into view, followed closely by two more. Sevika moves with lightning speed, pinning one against the wall with her bionic arm. In a fluid motion, she drives her knife into its skull, the blade sinking in with a sickening crunch.
You dispatch the second walker with a swift kick to the knee, bringing it down before finishing it off with your own blade. The third lunges at you, but Sevika is there in an instant, her strong arms wrapping around its torso and slamming it against the wall. Your knife finds its mark, and the walker slumps to the ground.
You turn to Sevika, hoping to catch her eye, to maybe finally break the silence between you. But she's already moving forward, her eyes scanning the shadows for more threats.
With a silent sigh, you fall in step behind her. The tension between you becomes almost unbearable. 
And finally, you can't take it anymore.
"Sevika," you start. "We need to talk about what happened. About the kiss."
You see her shoulders stiffen, but she doesn't stop moving. "This isn't the time," she says, her voice clipped.
"Then when is?" you press, frustration seeping into your tone. "You've been avoiding me for days."
Sevika sighs, turning to face you. "Look, it was... it was a moment. We were caught up in–"
Her words are cut off as you both enter a large, open area – the prison's leisure room. Rows of cells line the upper levels, and old, battered furniture is scattered across the floor. Before you can respond to Sevika, there's a loud bang behind you.
You both whirl around to see the heavy metal door swing shut. Sevika rushes to it, pulling at the handle. "What the fuck? Who the fuck did that?!"
You join her, both of you straining against the door, but it won't budge. 
Then you hear it – a low, guttural groan that sends chills down your spine. You turn slowly, your blood running cold at the sight before you.
Descending the stairs is a massive figure, easily seven feet tall and built like a tank. He's decked out in makeshift armor cobbled together from prison riot gear. In his hands, he wields an enormous sledgehammer that looks like it could crush a skull with one swing.
"Shit," Sevika hisses, drawing her knife. You do the same, but your weapons suddenly feel woefully inadequate.
The behemoth charges with surprising speed. You and Sevika dive in opposite directions, barely avoiding the hammer as it crashes into the ground where you are standing. You roll to your feet, darting in to slash at the giant's legs, but your blade skitters off his armored shins. Sevika tries for a higher target, leaping onto a nearby table to gain height, but the monster swings his hammer in a wide arc, forcing her to jump back.
"We need to get that hammer away from him," you shout, ducking under another wild swing.
Sevika nods, her eyes scanning the room for anything you can use. "On three, throw your knife at his face. Aim for the eyes."
You count down together, then launch your knives simultaneously. The blades whistle through the air, but at the last second, the giant raises his arm, and your knives embed themselves harmlessly in his padded forearm.
"Fuck!" you curse, now completely unarmed. "What the hell is this guy? Is he a walker?"
Sevika shakes her head, narrowly avoiding another hammer swing. "I don't think so. I've heard about survivors getting all drugged up, ending up just like them. Mindless, but stronger."
As the behemoth charges again, you and Sevika split up, desperately searching for anything you can use as a weapon. Your eyes dart around the room, scanning the debris-strewn floor for something, anything that could give you an edge.
"There!" Sevika shouts, lunging for a mop propped against the wall. But before her fingers can close around it, the giant's massive form slams into her. The impact sends her flying, her back crashing hard against the concrete wall. You hear the air rush out of her lungs as she crumples to the floor.
"Sevika!" you cry out, your heart in your throat. She's trying to roll away, but her movements are sluggish, stunned by the brutal hit.
The monster looms over her, raising his sledgehammer for a killing blow. Time seems to slow down. You don't think, you just move.
With every ounce of strength you have, you launch yourself forward, shoving Sevika out of the way. For a split second, you lock eyes with her, seeing shock and something else – hurt, maybe? – in her gaze.
Then the world explodes in pain.
The sledgehammer connects with your leg, and you hear the sickening crunch of bone before you feel it. A scream tears from your throat, raw and agonizing. The pain is all-consuming, white-hot, and blinding. Your vision swims, dark spots dancing at the edges as your body tries to process the trauma.
You force your eyes open, fighting against the waves of pain. Sevika is on her feet, and the transformation is terrifying. Gone is any trace of the woman you kissed on that clifftop. In her place is a cold, merciless killing machine.
Her eyes, usually so expressive, are now flat and dead. Her face is a mask of fury, lips pulled back in a snarl.  In one smooth motion, Sevika snatches up the broken mop. She doesn't hesitate, doesn't strategize. She attacks.
The two halves of the mop become dual weapons in her hands. She drives one splintered end deep into the giant's thigh, using her bionic arm to force it through the armor padding. Before he can react, she's already spinning, jamming the other half into the gap between his helmet and chest plate.
The behemoth staggers, caught off guard by the ferocity of her assault. But Sevika doesn't let up. She's a whirlwind of violence, striking again and again.
You try to move, to help somehow, but even the slightest shift sends fresh waves of agony through your broken leg. You can feel the bone grinding, sickeningly out of place. 
The giant finally falters under her onslaught, his steps are laggard and his grip on the weapon wavering.  With a snarl, she wrenches the hammer from his grasp.
The man’s eyes widened in realization, but it was too late. Sevika shoved him back, the force of the blow sending him crashing to the ground. He tried to rise, but Sevika was relentless. She raised the sledgehammer high above her head, her muscles straining as she brought it down with all her might. The sickening crunch that followed was final, the man’s head caving in under the weight of the blow.
For a moment, the world went silent, the only sound was the ragged breaths escaping Sevika’s lips. The hammer is still clenched in her fists and blood splattered across her face – his or hers, you can't tell.
Sevika stands over him, chest heaving. For a heartbeat, she's still that cold-eyed killer. Then she turns to you, and you watch the ice in her gaze melt into concern.
"Can you move?" she asks, her voice hoarse as she rushes to your side.
You grit your teeth, trying to shift, but the pain nearly blinds you. "No," you manage to gasp out. "I think... I think it's broken pretty badly."
Sevika's eyes scan your broken leg. "We need to stabilize it," you say through gritted teeth, reaching for a nearby stick. "I just tie this to keep it straight and–"
"No," Sevika cuts you off, her voice firm but gentle. "I've got you."  She immediately tears off a piece of her shirt like it was paper and ties the stick to your leg to keep it straight. You hiss in pain as she tightens it, and her eyes flit to you with worry.
“Thank you,” You try to stand, stubbornness overriding your pain. "I think I got it now, you can't carry our stuff and me-"
"Yes, I can," she interrupts, her tone brooking no argument. Before you can protest further, she's scooped you up in her arms, cradling you against her chest with surprising tenderness.
"This is embarrassing," you mutter, your cheeks flushing despite the pain.
"Yeah, that's what you get for being an idiot."
"Wow, way to cheer a girl up,”  you reply sarcastically.
As Sevika carries you through the prison corridors, you can't help but study her face. Her guarded expression softens as she looks down. There's something else in there too, a whirl of emotions you can't quite place. 
You tighten your hold on her, tucking your head against her chest. You can hear her heartbeat, strong and steady.  The smell of grimy blood and her shampoo somehow distracts you from the pulsing pain in your leg.
The sound of gunshots echoes through the building and you feel Sevika tense. "Fuck," you mutter, "what is happening out there?"
Sevika shifts you slightly, freeing one hand to grab her radio.
 "We've got two severely injured," crackles a voice through the static.
As you emerge into the harsh sunlight, you see members of your group carrying people out. Two of them have nasty stab wounds, blood seeping through hastily applied bandages.
Sevika gently sets you down next to the injured in the back of the truck. You watch as the rest of the group gathers around the other vehicle, their voices low and urgent as they discuss the situation. There are still people left inside.
Despite the throbbing pain in your leg, your instincts kick in. You reach for your bag, trying to pull out the first aid kit. Sevika notices and immediately moves to stop you.
"Stop, stop," she says, her voice uncharacteristically gentle. "You're injured. Let us help, tell us what to do."
You look up at her, seeing the worry etched on her face.
"Okay," you nod, wincing as you shift to get a better view of the injured. "We need to apply pressure to those wounds. Get the gauze from the kit and press it firmly against the bleeding areas."
As Sevika relayed your instructions to the others, you had forgotten to close your bag properly.  In your bag was the red shawl you kept from the night of the campfire, and unbeknownst to you Sevika had seen it in there, her jaw visibly clenching at the sight.
More of her crew comes out the building, hauling out the fallen attackers, their faces set in a hard scowl. 
“Are the rest dead?” she demands.
A gruff voice answers, “Yeah, we got those fucking bastards. We wanted you to deal with these.” The crew shoves three people onto their knees, their faces unremorseful and stoic. 
One man in the center is screaming at the top of his lungs, his voice raw with fanaticism. “YOU WILL REPENT! THIS IS A RECKONING! THE WORLD WILL BE CLEANSED OF FILTH LIKE YOU!” His words are overlapped with another man reciting a desperate prayer, his hands trembling as he clutches at invisible salvation. 
Sevika’s face remains a mask of cold detachment, her eyes flickering with something darker as she assesses the situation. 
“They’re not worth our bullets,” she says, her tone flat and unfeeling. The others understand immediately, pulling out their knives.
You see Sevika stride toward the vehicle's trunk, and she retrieves a machete, its blade gleaming dangerously.
Sevika’s expression remains inscrutable as she approaches the only woman in the group, the machete held steady and unwavering. The final girl locks eyes with Sevika, but there’s an almost reverent look to them.
Her voice is trembling, but defiant. “No one is safe—you cannot escape His wrath.”
Without hesitation, Sevika swings the machete. In a brutal, swift move, her crew slits the throats of the remaining captives. The girl’s final scream is a gurgle of blood as Sevika’s blade comes down with a clean, merciless swipe, severing her head in a single, precise cut.
Blood splatters across the scene, painting their clothes and the ground. The force of the blow sends a spray of it onto Sevika and her crew, but she doesn’t flinch.
You’re left watching in shock, the brutal display leaving you breathless and shaken. 
Sevika’s gaze shifts back to you as the last of the blood settles. The fierceness in her eyes softens just slightly, the ruthlessness giving way to concern. She takes in your injured state and the rest of the crew.
“Head back,” she commands, her voice almost robotic.  “We need to get them to the infirmary immediately.” 
The truck lurches and bumps along the road, each jolt sending a fresh wave of pain through your broken leg.  You shut your eyes, focusing on the thought of arriving at Zaun.
When you arrive at the infirmary, Sevika is out of the vehicle before it even comes to a full stop. She scoops you up, carrying you inside with a determination that’s almost palpable. As she crosses the threshold, you catch sight of the crew still being helped out of the vehicle, their injuries more immediate and visible than yours.
"No," you mumble, your voice weak but insistent. "No doctors... attend to them first."
Sevika's eyes widen in disbelief. "What? Are you crazy?"
You shake your head, the pain and fatigue making it hard to focus. “It’s a broken leg. From what I can tell, no internal bleeding. They’re bleeding, Sevika. They need help now.”
She hesitates, clearly torn between her instinct to protect you and your insistence. After a moment, she lets out a heavy sigh, clearly exasperated by your stubbornness. The adrenaline from the fight is wearing off, and exhaustion settles over you like a heavy blanket. Sevika administers a painkiller, and soon the sharp pain dulls to a throbbing ache.
Silence falls between you, broken only by the sound of your labored breathing. Sevika sits beside your bed, her posture rigid, eyes fixed on the floor. 
"What's wrong?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.  The fatigue is dragging you down, making it hard to keep your eyes open.
Sevika’s gaze remains locked on the ground, her face an unreadable mask. She doesn’t respond right away, but you can see the tremor in her hands and the tightness in her shoulders. With what little strength you have left, you reach out, your hand finding hers. The contact seems to jolt her out of her thoughts, and she finally meets your gaze.
What you see in her eyes is fear. Raw, unguarded terror. It's an expression you never thought you'd see on someone so strong like her, and it sends a chill through you.
Your hand moves to her face, fingers tracing the scar that runs along her cheek. Instead of pulling away as you half-expected, she leans into your touch, her eyes closing for a brief moment.
"It’s okay," you reassure, fighting to keep your eyes open. "I'm okay... just... don't leave me."
As you drift into unconsciousness, the last thing you hear is Sevika’s voice, a hushed murmur barely audible. 
“I failed you.”
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@mirconreadzztuff22 @lils-1979 @veoomvroom @schmoni @theacedragon0w0
@poxismind @kittykatz1227 @archangeldyke-all @abbyssgf @ivorydevil
@lez-zuha @iamastar @jellyfishrnice @anemoxlys @l0vel3tterl0ver
@lavendersgirl @h0pe-scotch @lia-winther @kittykatz1227 @dontknowwhenispawned
@sevikitty @sarahduke @raphaellearp @cewl-casper @crying-lighting443
@sodavrr @sweet-lover-girl @love-sevikalove
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deedala · 4 months
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My submission for the Gallavich Fanart Masquerade 2024
Doing this art was so strange, i tried really hard to go against all my instincts and habits!! It was kind of a fascinating and weird exercise in trying to pick apart all the little things that makes my art look like me...and then *not* do those things. I even tried to draw ian and mickey from an era and with the haircuts that I usually don't go for. this whole artwork is me trying to not do my own artwork, and yet it still came out like me in the end anyway i think. wild how that works!! The title on ao3: You Are Pure Beside Me as a Sleeping Amber, (from Pablo Neruda's Sonnet LXXXI), was another meager attempt at misdirection as i essentially dont know a single thing about poetry. ...and also im usually quite allergic to proper capitalization 🤪 Very interesting experience but super fun!! Thanks @gallavichthings for the event and thanks to everyone who played and commented and kudos'd!! <3
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The FTC has Big Pharma’s number
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On November 27, I'm appearing at the Toronto Metro Reference Library with Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.
On November 29, I'm at NYC's Strand Books with my novel The Lost Cause, a solarpunk tale of hope and danger that Rebecca Solnit called "completely delightful."
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The most consistent bright spot in the dark swirl of US politics is the competence of the Biden Administration's progressive enforcers: people like Rohit Chopra, Jonathan Kanter and Lina Khan, who keep demonstrating just how far a good administrator can go. Anyone can have a vision, but knowing how to execute is the difference between hot air and real change:
Take a minute to contrast Biden's administrators with Trump's: Trump's administrators had an ideological vision just as surely as Biden's do, and Trump himself had a much more pronounced and explicit ideology than Biden, whose governance style is much more about balancing the Democratic Party's blocs than bringing about a specific set of policies:
But whatever clarity of vision the Trump administration brought to DC was completely undermined by its incompetence (thankfully!). Apart from one gigantic tax break, Trump couldn't get stuff done. He couldn't deliver, because he'd lose his temper or speak out of turn:
And his administrators followed his lead. Scott Pruitt was appointed to run the EPA after a career spent suing the agency. It could have been the realization of his life's dream to dismantle environmental law in America and open the floodgates for unlimited, wildly profitable corporate pollution and pillaging. But the dream died because he kept getting embroiled in absurd scandals – like the time he sent his staffers out to drive around all night looking for a good deal on a used mattress:
Or his insistence on installing a CIA-style "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility" (SCIF) so he could play super-spy while reading memos:
Or the time he sent his security detail to the Ritz-Carlton to demand that they supply him lots of little bottles of his favorite hand-cream:
There were other examples in the Trump administration, but Priutt is such a good case-study. He's like a guy who spent his whole life training to compete in the Olympics, and finally got a shot, only to be disqualified for ordering too much room-service in the Olympic Village. Priutt was wildly ambitious, but he was profoundly undisciplined – and wildly incompetent.
Compare that with Biden's progressive enforcers and agency heads, who showed up on the first day of work with an encyclopedic knowledge of their administrative powers, and detailed plans for using them to transform the lives of the American people for the better:
The Biden administration's competence translates into action, getting stuff done. Maybe that shouldn't surprise us, given the difference between the stories that reactionaries and progressives tell about where change comes from.
In reactionary science fiction, we enter the realm of the "Competent Man" story. Think of a Heinlein hero, who is "able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly."
In Competent Man stories, a unitary hero steps into the breach and solves the problem – if not single-handedly, then as the leader of others, whose lesser competence is a base metal that the Competent Man hammers into a tempered blade:
Contrast this with a progressive tale, like, say, Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry For the Future, where the Competent Man is replaced by the Competent Administration, in which people of goodwill and technical competence figure out how to join forces to create population-scale architectures of participation that allow every person to contribute their skills and perspective:
The right's whole ideology insists that the world can only be saved by Competent Men. As Corey Robin writes in The Reactionary Mind, the unifying factor that binds together conservative factions from monarchists to racists to Christian Dominionists is the belief that a few of us are born to rule, and the rest to be ruled over:
The Reaganite insistence that governments are, by their very nature, incompetent and malign ("The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I’m from the government, and I’m here to help'"), means that conservatives deny the possibility of a Competent Administration.
When conservatives take office and proceed to bungle the most basic elements of administration, they're fulfilling their own campaign narrative, which starts with "We must dismantle the government because it is bad at everything." Conservatives who govern badly prove their own point, which explains a lot about the UK Tory Party's long run of governmental failure and electoral success:
There's a small mercy in the fact that so many of the most ideologically odious and extreme conservative governments are so technically incompetent in governing, and thus accomplish so little of their agendas.
But the inverse – the incredible competence of the best progressive administrators – is nothing short of a delight to witness. Here's the latest example to cross my path: the FTC has intervened in a lawsuit over generic insulin pricing, on an issue that is incredibly technically specific and also fantastically important:
The underlying case is before the FDA, and it concerns the dirty tricks that pharma giant Sanofi used to keep Mylan from making a generic version of Mylan's Lantus insulin after its patent expired.
There's an explicit bargain in patents: inventors can enlist the government to punish their rivals for copying their ideas, but in exchange, the government demands that the inventor has to describe how the invention works in a detailed patent filing, and when the patent expires, 20 years later, rivals can use the patent application as instructions for freely copying and selling the invention. In other words: you get 20 years of exclusive rights in return for facilitating your competitors' copying and selling your invention when the 20 years are up.
Pharma doesn't like this, naturally: not content with 20 years of exclusivity, they want the government to step in and punish their competitors forever. In service to that end, pharma companies have perfected a process called evergreening, where they dribble out ancillary patents after their initial filing, covering minor reformulations, delivery systems, or new uses.
Evergreening got a moment in the public eye earlier this year, with John Green's viral campaign to shame Johnson & Johnson out of using evergreening to restrict poor countries' access to TB medication:
The story of pharma is that it commands gigantic profits, but it invests those profits into medicines that save our lives. The reality is that most of the key underlying pharma research is publicly funded (by Competent Administrators who apportion funding to promising scientific inquiry). Pharma companies' most inventive genius is devoted to inventing new evergreening tactics:
That's where the FTC comes in, in this Sanofi-Mylan case. To facilitate the production of generic, off-patent drugs, the FDA maintains a database called the "Orange Book," where pharma companies are asked to enumerate all the ancillary patents associated with a product whose patent is expiring. That way, generics manufacturers who make their own version of these public domain drugs and therapeutics don't accidentally stumble over one of those later patents – say, by replicating a delivery system or special coating that is still in patent.
This is where the endless, satanic inventiveness of the pharma sector comes in. You see, US law provides for triple damages for "willful patent infringement." If you are a generics manufacturer eyeing up a drug whose patent is about to expire and you are notified that some other patents might be implicated in your plans, you must ensure that you don't accidentally infringe one of those patents, or face business-destroying statutory damages.
So pharma companies stuff the Orange Book full of irrelevant patent claims they say may be implicated in a generic manufacture program. Each of these claims has to be carefully evaluated, both by a scientific team and a legal team, because patents are deliberately obfuscated in the hopes of tricking an inattentive patent examiner into granting patents for unpatentable "inventions":
What's more, when a pharma giant notifies the FDA that it has ancillary patents that are relevant to the Orange Book, this triggers a 30-month delay before a generic can be marketed – adding 2.5 years to the 20 year patent term. That delay is sometimes enough to cause a manufacturer to abandon plans to market a generic drug – so the delay isn't 2.5 years, it's infinite.
This is a highly technical, highly consequential form of evergreening. It's obscure as hell, and requires a deep understanding of patent obfuscation, ancillary patent filings, generic pharma industry practice, and the FDA's administrative procedures.
Sanofi's Orange Book entry for Lantus insulin listed 50 related patent claims. Of these, 48 were invalidated through "inter partes" review (basically the Patent Office decided they shouldn't have allowed these claims to be included on a patent). Neither of the remaining two claims were found to be relevant to the manufacture of generic Lantus.
This is where the FTC's filing comes in: their amicus brief doesn't take a position whether Sanofi's Orange Book entries were fraudulent, but they do ask the FDA to intervene to prevent Orange Book stuffing because "improper listings can cause significant harm to competition and consumers."
This is the kind of boring, technical, important stuff that excellent administrators can do. The FTC's brief is notice to the FDA that it should amend its procedures to ban (and punish) Orange Book abuse. That will make it possible for you, a person who needs medicine, to get that medicine more cheaply and quickly. In America's pay-for-use privatized healthcare hellscape, this could be a life-or-death matter.
There's plenty of things the Biden administration is getting very, very badly wrong, but we shouldn't lose sight of how its progressive wing is making real, lasting change for the better. Competent Administrations are the true peoples' champions. They beat Competent Men every time.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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env0writes · 15 days
Umber Embers Vol.3, 9.3.24 “Wake Up Gamble”
Somebody will love you for the shape you are in Even if it not the shape you labor yourself into And on that fateful day, come morn, come aft, come eve For a glimmer of a glimpse of a glean you will see through their view In night where you find your crown of motivation Clatters to the ground come morning’s bed to make Where kingdoms rose and fell in soft-laid head dreams Continue to rest when sunlight breaks shuttered windows and eyes to wake In the dreams you find the warm summer glow No adult could ever put into words the simplicity Only a stumbling child, can capture that concept of love Our words grown laden, chained, and too verbose to truly see There will be a lover, just out of sight of how you imagined When the morning light, a halo about your mind Pierces every ambition imaginable, flittering attention busy-bee Follow that ambling fly, buzz-buzz-buzz and know inside Love is a changing thing, from night to day Not to be held like air, for only so long, it must be released in order to say “I love you” Risking it all it all for you to say what they will not return
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!  
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ravixen · 26 days
hey beautiful person~ i got a lil request for u! what about werewolves!svt and their reaction to one of the members asking them if they are in love after noting some slight changes in their behavior? hope you have a good day <3
svt + "are you in love?"
➔ request || reaction || werewolf!au || ot13
➔ warnings: none || 0.4k words ➔ notes: fluff, human y/n ; hello to you, too!! this is a super cute idea, and as I've said so many times, the werewolf!au (shifter!au is more accurate, I suppose) is something I keep near and dear to my heart. I hope this is what you were looking for! made it pre-relationship so that we get a little Yearning, and fair warning, only the second one is werewolf-ish? the rest can be read as non-AU
when someone asks if he's in love, he's genuinely confused. "no? what are you talking about?" he asks, and they have to hold back from face palming because he's literally in the middle of making another little gift for you. he thinks that he's just being nice, but everyone (other than you and him, I guess?) recognizes these as courtship tokens. eventually, he will get a wake-up call and realize that holy shit, I am in love with them, and his friends will be there to pat his shoulder because yes? he's literally dedicating hours of his time to do things for you? what else could it be:
joshua, WONWOO, jihoon, seungkwan
his pheromones are going crazy, and he (for lack of a better word) stinks because he's subconsciously trying to cover you in his scent without getting too close. marking without marking, you know? he knows that it's a problem deep down, but he thinks that if he just ignores his feelings, they'll go away. when someone asks are you in love? he just blinks and tries to play dumb, but no one is fooled. all of his friends are trying to get you two together so that he'll stop flooding the room. seriously, every time the two of you are together, they have to open windows:
he's so obvious with his intentions when he sidles up to you, but he hasn't explicitly said anything to anyone, so everyone just ignores it until it goes on for too long. when someone asks if he's in love, he gives them a quizzical look. "obviously," he says, but then he sighs and his gaze finds its way to your side of the room where you stand, laughing with another friend. why is he acting like it's the 15th century and he's about to write a sonnet about his affections?
JUNHUI, mingyu
it's not like he's become a different person, but his habits do shift to reflect yours. if you often get up early, he's starting to wake up early. if you're a night owl, he'll stay up late to chat. your favorite song? stuck in his head all day. your favorite food? all he's craving for a week. when someone asks if it's because he's in love, he realizes that he's mirroring you so that he can make space for you in his life. and he supposes that that's love, so he says yes and actively tries to court you so that his efforts won't be in vain:
jeonghan, seokmin, MINGHAO, vernon
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todorokies · 1 year
could you write some boyfriend headcanons for megumi? sfw
boyfriend!megumi headcanons
a/n: i hope i delivered to your liking <3
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☆ . . . dating megumi would feel like the crisp october air whirling throughout your lungs. soon you hear the chilled wind singing a tune as the red, yellow, and orange leaves join in; you feel at peace like a warm knitted quilt rest upon your shoulders.
☆ . . . you would have to confess first, he’s aware theres some unspoken tension that lingers whenever you two are in the same vicinity but he doesn’t exactly know how to approach you on the subject without feeling like a complete fool.
☆ . . . once he gets comfortable with you though he’s totally a cheeky little bastard.
☆ . . . for the first few months of the relationship megumi would prefer to be secretive and sneak around with you … the closest thing you’ll get affection-wise in public is linking pinkies or him drawing patterns on your thigh under a table when nobody is looking.
☆ . . . around the fourth or fifth month he’ll feel ready to go public (tell yuji and nobara) he’ll ask like a hundred times if you were ready as well and if you weren’t he’d have no problem with waiting.
☆ . . . i could see him with a partner who he shares the same vaules and philosophies with. he wouldn’t go out of his way to personally seek an extroverted s/o but he can find himself gravitating towards people with bubbly/outgoing personalities.
☆ . . . megumi is a quiet lover, choosing to express his affections through gestures rather than words.
☆ . . . spotify/apple music playlists are his go-to !!! i hc that he’s super into poetry so the playlist name would be a shorten quote of a sonnet or poem that reminds him of you.
☆ . . . once a month you guys pick out books for each other to read and annotate (his idea.) he gives you a nonfiction or thriller book while you always give him a romance book.
☆ . . . his annotations will either vary from vague one liners like “nice” and “cool quote” or two to three lines of why the protagonist shouldn’t have forgiven the love interest so quickly.
☆ . . . you know that movie trope where someone says “i’m definitely not gonna do that thing” and the scene immediately cuts to them doing that exact thing? yeah that’s megumi when it comes to doing facemasks.
☆ . . . he’ll be sooo reluctant but as soon as you smear the watermelon cucumber clay mask on his face he practically purrs like a kitten. he’s relaxed and happy to have a lil pampering day with you.
☆ . . . he’s more of a listener than a talker, whenever you’re reciting your day to him or rambling about a new show his gaze is so intense and stern you’d think he’s mad at you or not paying attention.
☆ . . . he assures that he was listening and that he’s always listening to you regardless of what you talk about.
☆ . . . he loves to hold you and be held !! it took him some time to ease into the physical aspect of a relationship like cuddles and kisses but he grew accustomed soon with some reassurance.
☆ . . . his favourite cuddle position is where your head rest on his chest with his arms securely wrapped around your waist as your legs are all tangled up together.
☆ . . . all in all, dating megumi is overall a tranquil and lovely experience, you’ll feel loved and cherished everyday you’re with him, even if his actions aren’t explicit he tries his very best to make you happy with the little things.
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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katiefrog217 · 6 months
Good Omens Fic + Poetry | Personal Recommendation Masterlist
I said I'd do it, so I'm doing it. For both myself, and so others can enjoy! I'll try to tag the original authors and link any secondaries/people who recommended me the stories!
If you feel so inclined, you may read my own (very long, very angsty) fic or it's companion piece:
Dubious Excerpts from the Chonicles of a Demon (Retired) | Post-Season 2 / Crowley comes back to the bookshop / Seriously, its a lot of angst/ Self-Contained Meta
From the Confidential Journals of A.Z Fell | Crowley found Azi's journals woops / Mostly Fluff / Ties in to previous Fic / Can be read Standalone
To clarify: this list is going to be a collection of stuff I've personally read/been recommended. I'll try to make sure to tag everyone who owns the fics (if they have a Tumblr) and the people who recommended them to me (if at all). I'll update this list as I go, and might start sorting things into their own posts if it starts to get too long. I'm not going to be able to tag all warnings, so PLEASE HEED the A03 tags!
This list is not meant to play favorites! If I read it and enjoyed it, it will be going on this list. That means the quality may vary, but I think everyone should have a chance to have their work seen! Inevitably though, I will have my favorites, and if I ABSOLUTELY think you should read one, I'll mark in in Green. Everything else will be in Orange for visibility. Anything with NSFW Content will be marked with a (!!!).
If you would like to recommend me a fic (self-promotes welcome and encouraged!), feel free to drop a recommendation here, DM me, or send me an ask if you want to remain anonymous! If you don't see your's here, I haven't gotten to it yet!
@lickthecowhappy does a LOT of poetry for GO, and they have a masterlist on their own blog for their stuff, but my personal favorite is Pour Hot Water Into A Pot With Leaves
This Black Out Poem | Written by @crowleys-bentley-and-plants
Questions (Sonnet No. 2) | Written by @aziraphalesdiaries
This Two Part Poem | Written by @knifeforkspooncup
Short n' Sweet
Literally anything written by the account @meanwhile-at-the-cottage (Seriously follow them they make my day)
Nada | Written and Recommended by @gabapunk (Pining/Season 3 where you at??)
This One-shot | Written by @bloodashre (Post season 2/ The world is ending but their love is not).
Hazel Storms and Gentle Ormes | Written by @ardentlake and beta read by thatskindarough (Short chapters but cute, Crown Prince Crowley)
His World In Her Hands | Written by @nik-knight to an art post by Camilleflyingrotten (I was genuinely unwell after this one| Azi got hurt and Crowley begs)
Rain In Avalon | Written by SnowFilly1 and recommended by GoodOmensDuh (Long One-shot, Arthurian Times, Intimacy eluded to but nothing explicit)
Cozy Preening | Written by @canadiankazz and recommended by GoodOmensDuh (Not much plot BUT OMG SO CUTE/ Wing preening fluff)
Lord Knows it Would be the First Time | Written and recommended by @knifeforkspooncup (Angst/ But also Fluff / I want these idiots to be ok)
This Silly Story about Unicorns | Written by @brightwanderer (seriously just read it/I cackled really hard/ Crowley can be a dummy and I love that about him)
Starmaker and Starlight | Written by NohaIjiachi and recommended by thatskindarough (Super cute/ pre-fall Aziracrow / You already know exactly how it ends / but read it anyway/ this lives rent free in my head now)
Divine Interventions (!!!) | Written by @ineffable-roh (AKA Rohese_Purrs) and recommended by Knifeforkspooncup (Norse Deities do a little matchmaking / Fluffy NSFW / Male Crowley with lady bits)
Time Folding in On Itself | Written by Chernozemm (AKA black_earth) (Post season 2 / Aziracrow get to the point/ these two really need to talk)
Impromptu Collab (!!!) | Written by MrGhostRat (Human Streamer AU / Indulgent NSFW / Plot what Plot / Please Mind the Tags)
Free | Written by @eviebane for Flawless (Small, cute, please read Flawless first for context)
A More Gentle Touch | Written by Nik-Knight for ME?? (I'm 100% Biased here / Creature Omens AU / IDC if you don't give a fuck about my au, this is cute AF please read it / Pure FLUFF / Dove Aziraphale and Snake Crowley my beloveds)
Long Fics
This Is Who You Are | Written and Recommended by @azeutreciathewicked (Medium Length / Post Season 2 / RAPHAEL AGAIN HELLO / If you really love creative explainations for Heaven you'll LOVE this / A seriously interesting concept behind Azi and Crowley's relationship/ Snake Crowley and Bird Aziraphale my beloveds)
Instructions Not Included | Written by @brightwanderer (AKA Atalan) and recommended by DoomedLemur (Post Season 1 / Aziracrow run a detective agency for the supernatural / Hello Raphael (this time a different person) / Heavenly lore / There is some weird shit going on / WINGS)
And They Were Streamers | Written by @mrghostrat and recommended by HaeMey (Ongoing /Streamer Au / Its got art / KICKING MY FEET I LOVE THEM)
If We've Got Nothing (We've Got Us) | Written by @kedreeva, recommended by someone on Patreon (God POV / Grey Feathers / Medium Length / Old but Good)
Big Name Feelings (!!!) | Written by mrghostrat (Completed / Au/ Skippable NSFW/ Ace Crowley / I've never felt more seen and called out wtf/ I stayed up until 4 am reading it)
The Many Venomed Earth + sequel Such Rebel Blood | Written by @fremulon (AKA Curtaincall) and recommended by HaeMey (Human Au / Murder Mysteries / Crowley gets framed for a murder in the first one oh no / DETECTIVE (not really) AZI ON THE CASE / mutual pining / eventual payoff)
Mon Horrible Chéri (!!!) | Written by MrGhostRat and recommended by TheCommonMold (Completed/ Human Teachers AU / literal enemies to lovers / ONLY ONE ROOM OH NO--)
Flawless (!!!) | Written by MrGhostRat and @chernozemm (AKA black_earth) (Huamn AU /Cheating Azi / very painful / seriously there is some angst here / happy ending tho TRUST)
Not Light, No Light | Written and recommended by PolarisVega (Their first fic / Season 3 headcanons / Fun Crowley Headcanons)
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach | Written by mouseonamoose (aka Nnm) and recommended by lickthecowhappy and GoodOmensDuh (Crowley Goes to Therapy / Old but still REALLY good / Pre-season 2 / Super long chapters but very worth)
Angel-Centered Therapy Through A Multicultural Lens: An Integrative Approach | Written by @mouseonamoose (Same as the previous, but Azi this time / Unfinished by nearly done / my poor baby Azi)
Factory Settings | Written by Anonymous (I don't remember how I found this one/ swear I must have seen it on Tumblr/ 60 chapters!! / Read carefully it can get a little confusing / Timey Whimey BS / RAPHAEL??/ Post Season 2 shenanigans with a good ending)
Telling Tall Tales (!!!) | Written by @siobhans-world (Human Aziracrow/ Azi is gay AF but lonely / Pretends to be Maggie's Bf (accidentally) / oh no hot cousin alert/ Not done but almost/ mutual pining)
Time Marches Forward | Written and Recommended by @bellisima-writes (Post Season 2 / Starts a little rocky BUT OMG? / FIRST FIC? / I dedicated my entire day to it / Adam is such a good character holy shit / I think about this fic all the time / wish a few more things were flushed out bUT THATS OK/ lots of angst/ someone save my boy Azi)
How Do We Turn on the Light? (!!!) | Written by @moonyinpisces (Post Season 2/I had insomnia and this was my companion / read all the chapters in a few hours and I'm FROTHING AT THE MOUTH / I swear to anybody I'm hanging off their every word / Still Updating / Super Long, Super good / full of angst and love and AAA/ light NSFW content/ they keep getting cockblocked)
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Dorm Leaders and Pick-Up Lines
They all have a favorite cringe pick-up line I can assure you
He was never the best at being suave, so he likely hates pick-up lines. He does like ones that, however, are supposed to make him seem witty
Will opt for something like "I always thought happiness started with an “H” but it looks like it starts with “U.”"
Please laugh or at least give him an E for effort ;-; he's really trying
Hit him back with a pick-up line and see him absolutely flustered
Master at being suave, for no reason. He also never uses it, but when he does he's amazing
Doesn't like pick-up lines, as he doesn't see a point in them. He'll likely go with a super lame one like "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" But the way he says it is at least what saves it from being too cringe
Honestly he's the one that gets flustered easily. So feel free to throw random pick-up lines at him when you have the chance. You might get him to laugh too!
Overall though I don't see him participating in cheesy pick-up lines, but when he does it's marvelous
Uses them unapologetically. It's lowkey embarrassing sometimes haha
Will make some of his own, but will also use well-known ones to fill his repertoire. His current favorite is "I’m lost. Can you give me directions to your heart?"
Floyd and Jade will tease him about this relentlessly if he attempted to get you to date him with pick-up lines when you first met him haha
He's really sweet, and honestly you know that he's just doing this because you two actually find them hilarious. But sometimes, you can't tell if he's joking or not when he says those cringey lines :/
Honestly is too direct about his feelings to you that he never uses pick-up lines. He might try them out for fun though
Says something super basic like "If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber." It makes you guys laugh really hard though so it's not that bad
Please give him pick-up lines, he loves them because of how funny some of them are. It's also nice to just say nice things in general, so why not
Jamil on the other hand might find you two extremely annoying for a while :/
Will not use pick-up lines. Thinks he's better than that (spoiler alert: he's not)
Used it once while you two were alone in the school lab together. He just says out of nowhere "Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?" You then stared at him blankly for five seconds, which was also the longest five seconds of his life
Please don't tease him about his attempts at good pick-up lines, he will not let his pride shatter so quickly haha
He's more of a love sonnets guy than anything else, but even those can sometimes be super sappy (don't tell him, he really means all of those lovely words)
Doesn't have the courage to say pick-up lines. If anything, he fumbles up and just runs away ;-;
The one time he did say it confidently was when you guys were in the middle of a gaming session (you two were playing Silent Hill 2) and suddenly he just says "I use Kazuha for crowd control, so why can’t I control my feelings for you?" (you two play Genshin change my mind)
You just roll over on the floor and, before James in your game gets killed you pause it and just tell Idia how cute that was. Idia probably blushes hard but laughs as well, it was kinda funny ngl
Please throw a pick-up line at him too ;-;
Was amazed at the idea of pick-up lines (fae's are likely more serious when courting that cheesy pick-up lines aren't really a thing) and decided to try EVERY SINGLE ONE
You really didn't expect to get him showing up randomly at Ramshackle, giving you a pick-up line, and then disappearing. Probably used "I’m not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together" at some point
Though the words themselves are kinda cringe, the way he says it makes you both laugh and also blush. It's kinda wholesome
If you give him pick-up lines back he might take a second to get what you mean (puns about human culture especially). But nonetheless it's fun for Lilia to watch in the background
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