#Cold wave in Delhi
*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
It is a common form of headache where there is episodic,paroxysmal headache usually but not necessarily affecting one side of the head.It may or may not be associated with giddiness, nausea, vomiting or visual impairment.
Pain is usually intense and lasting for half an hour to over a couple of days. The attack of migraine is usually preceded by constriction (narrowing) of the cranial vessels (blood vessels supplying the brain and skull) and the headache commences with dilatation of these blood vessels. The attacks of migraine tend to be recurrent and the severity of attacks usually decreases as the patient ages.
Causes of Migraine
Migraine is a vascular headache that is caused due to vasodilatation and abnormalities in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain.
It also tend to be hereditary in nature.
Triggering factors are;
Certain foods and Beverages such as alcoholic drinks,chocolates,red wine.
Skipping meals,lack of sleep,changes in sleeping pattern
Strong odors,perfumes
Menstrual periods
Change in weather
Excessive fatigue
Bright light
Symptoms of Migraine
It often begins in childhood,adolescence or early adulthood.
4 stages are there-
1)Prodrome-One or two days before migraine there may be;
Food cravings
Neck stiffness
Uncontrolable yawning
2)Aura-It occurs before and during headache.These include;
Visual phenomenon
Vision loss
Pins and needle sensation in arms or legs
Speech or language problem
3)Attack-When untreated it usually lasts from four to 72 hours.Following symptoms;
Pain on both side or one side of head
Pain-pulsating or throbbing type
Sensitivity to lights and sounds
Nausea and vomiting
Blurred vision
4)Postdrome-Occurs after a migraine attack.Patient may feel drained and washed out.
Types of Migraine
1) Migraine with Aura (Classic Migraine):
This type of headache is characterized by neurological phenomenon (aura) that is experienced 10 to 30 minutes before the headache begins. Auras may be experienced as visual disturbances, hallucinations or even temporary loss of vision before the headache. . Some other common expressions of the aura may be in
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datingonliine · 9 months
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jasminewilson143 · 9 months
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ramcharantitties · 4 months
Chaper 6- Gajgamini
S/n: I AM SORRy this is too late, but you will realize when you read this. You guys are gonna hopefully love it. Also kainat's day to day activities involves rizzing, depression, and happy.
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Ram could hear jingling of ghungroo from inside. The door was open, just a curtain draped on the frame, sunlight passing through. Ram's first time to ever visit Kainat's home. On the way he realised that he should probably bring some souvenir, as a token of apology or as a gift for her new place. He stood by the entrance, wrapped mogra in leaves in hand, seeing Kainat whose back was turned towards him.
His gaze couldn't move from her, the sweetness of her ghungroo, white skirt, black blouse, long plaits with a statement hair pin and gold earrings. She walked like a swan, her hips and folds dipping down, and up. Ram could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Every step, every movement of her waist sent him in a frenzy. She finally turned around- he was at lost. And her big eyes stalled on the masculine figure. Kainat's face was glowing in sweat, cheeks blushing and lips plump. Ram stared as if his eyes could devour everything she has to show. Kainat's hand came close to her bosom, and tucked her pallu in her skirt.
Kainat cocked an eyebrow, and just by the movement of her pupils, she asked Ram to sit on the wooden chair. Ram stammered, but managed to be seated. Kainat smiled to herself and bowed just a bit, her hand waving in a graceful manner. "Aadab".
Ram bowed his head in return. Why did he find her so alluring now? Kainat walked to the earthen matka, dipping a steel glass in the cold water. "Delhi is hotter than Lahore" she stated, and could see Ram nodding from her peripheral vision. He couldn't help but stare at her, the droplets of water that missed her lips traveling down from her neck, inside her blouse. Ram looked away. She was always pretty, yes, but why so attractive now?
"What brings you here, Mr. Ramaraju?" Kainat kept a glass of water on the table beside Ram, and Ram could smell the roses rubbed on her skin. She took a few steps back, and sat on the floor in front of him. "Did you bring the flowers for your wife?" Her leg extended from the ruffles of skirt, untying her ghungru.
Ram smirked. "No, they are for you" he said, and kept them on the table. Ram saw her bending to open the knots, her cleavage peaking from the dark, heart shaped blouse. There were intricate designs on sleeves too, and the skirt had a thick work on border. It looked expensive. "You're staring" Kainat didn't have to look up from her business to notice that. Ram smiled and looked away.
"Won't your wife be mad that you got me flowers?" Kainat asked, getting up. Ram nodded. "I am not married" he said, drinking from the glass. "What about any lover?" Kainat kept her ghungru on the table near her, wrapping them in the bag. Ram hummed to deny, still drinking water. "Well you looked like someone who could get used to some pleasure" Kainat's word made Ram choke. He coughed on the water, only to hear Kainat giggle.
She strolled back to sit in front of him on the floor, with Ram's eyes stalking her every movement. "What brings you here? Wasn't insulting me enough in front of everyone?" Ram was surprised to see how easily she said so, no grief or remorse on her face- just a sensual smile and doe eyes. Though, Ram's eyes held deep sorrow. "I came to apologise".
Kainat's eyebrows shot up. "All I got to know from Lahore is that no one knew you or had a complaint against you" Ram said, and he moved down to sit on the floor in front of her. He saw Kainat's downturn face. "What's wrong?" Kainat looked up again, and shook her head with a smile. Ram didn't want to probe, but she looked disappointed. "Tell me" he said.
"It's weird that they said they don't know me. I'm sure they went to my home, asked about me. Rehana aapa would never say she didn't know me." Kainat's voice was just above a whisper. Ram stared at her long face. "It's like being disowned by the very person who shares the same blood, as if she no longer acknowledges my existence. I was expecting her to be upset- but did she really said she didn't know me?" Ram's eyes locked with her eager ones. He couldn't help but just sigh and nod.
"Kainat" the word rolled from Ram's kips, and it held a depth it never did before. "Your value isn't determined by your relations. Or your family's rejections. Now that you have left that behind, don't let it tie you down- rather start building your life in Delhi now." That was the last thing she was expecting from this man. To be kind, and respectful to her? She might have judged him too soon. Kainat nodded, emitting a smile. His reassurance did give some solace- a need of support in the new city.
"Show what you got me?" Kainat said, trying to lighten the mood. Ram beamed and picked up the green packet, unwrapping the thin rope from it. He pulled the white flowers out, and handed them to Kainat. "Pretty" she muttered, taking a whiff from them. Kainat stood up, to put them in her hair by the mirror. Taking a hairpin, she attached them, looking at herself. The flowers did match her with her dress. From the reflection in the mirror, Ram raised his eyebrows to ask if she liked them, and Kainat moved her head like a pigeon, her large earrings moving with her head, and the mogra swinging. She liked them.
Kainat turned around, hand clasped together, a pink blush on her face. Almost immediately, she skipped inside, leaving Ram baffled. Confused, he stood there awkwardly, listening to clang of utensils inside. "I forgot that I have made this, how about you try some?" Kainat made her way out, stirring a bowl with spoon. She handed the copper bowl to Ram, smiling. Ram looked at the colourful dish, probably something sweet. "Wha-" "Mutanjan" "Mutanjan?" Kainat nodded. "Sweet rainbow rice?" She said, hands behind her back, expectantly looking at the brooding man. He took a spoonful, constantly maintaining eye contact with Kainat. The poor girl gulped, feeling hot all over. They stared at each other, when Ram cocked his eyebrow, like Kainat did. He then ate another spoonful of rice, moving his head in agreement, like Kainat did. She laughed, slightly bending forward. If Ram did the same, they might be touching each other then.
Ram and Kainat were back on the floor, as Kainat stared at Ram eating up. "What's your full name?" She asked, hugging her knees. "Alluri Sitaramaraju" he said with a mouthful. "You must be from-" "southern India". Kainat nodded, slowly, resting her chin back on her knees. "Well thank you for that" Ram smiled at the young woman and kept the utensils on the floor. "My uncle would really love this" he continued, and Kainat peered up at him from her eyelashes. Ram's world stopped for the third time now. "He lives with you?" "Hm? Oh, not really. But we meet often. I live near the police barracks" Kainat nodded again, crossing her legs. "You really like my cooking" She said, when Ram looked at the time. He should get going.
He stood up, smiling. "I do, I guess" he looked down to see Kainat's hand reaching up towards him. He clasped it to pull her up, some flowers loosing their hold from her hair. "Why don't you come over?" Kainat's heart filled with excitement upon his question. She nodded aggressively, holding the door as Ram made his way out. "Just ask Akhtar to drop you there" Ram put his shoes on and then put his hands in pocket.
The evening glow filled her eyes with brown honey, and a pink cascade on her face. Ram really tried to look away, but he couldn't. He didn't even notice when her hands reached forward, plucking the rice from his thick moustache. "I'll take my leave now" he muttered, his eyes lost. Kainat nodded. She felt like she should say something- but what? Ram turned around and left, a soft glow in his heart. He fisted the hand he touched her with.
Tagging: @yehsahihai @definitelyhim @vijayasena @jkdaddy01 @jeniniie @starlight-1010 @ramayantika @lilliebeingdelulu @panikk-attackkk @multifandom-boss-bitch
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creatingnikki · 1 year
Dear the love of my life,
Once again I attempt writing to you. But this time with a more grown up and different perspective. And yet with all this perspective, the words are harder to come out now. Everything feels too much, a lot of it hopeless, a lot of it doomed. But with the little hope and faith I find, I write this to you. To you who I know is out there. To you who is figuring his life out.
Where are you now? Bangalore? London? Mumbai? Toronto? Badlapur? New Mexico? Seoul? Delhi, perhaps? Wherever you are, I send you the kind of energy you need the most right now. As of 23rd August, 2022, my love, what is it that you need? Is it the warmth of someone's sincerity? Is it a miracle to fix a very sticky situation at work or home? Is it strength that your body needs? Is it strength that your mind needs? A good, comfort meal? Peace? Whatever it is, I ask the universe to send it to you — kindly, timely, consistently, and abundantly.
The person I am right now is seeking something so intensely to a point that I have started to stray away from my values and beliefs. To a point that I have started to treat breadcrumbs like a gracious feast prepared specially for me. But if I love bread so much and there are supply chain issues, shouldn't I be strategic and figure out ways to fix them? Quarter by quarter but fix them? That starts now.
As I sit in Third Wave Café sipping on a very milky, very sweet iced coffee with a flower bouquet I curated for my friend who is sitting across me writing a letter to his to-be fiancé, as I feel cold due to the air conditioner for the first time in Bangalore, as I think about everything that's happened in the last five months, I now know this.
This is not the life I want. This is not the life I am going to continue to let myself live. From now on I am going to make decisions that protect me, that provide me with the best, that bring me peace, and that give me power. For I am going to bloom into the person that has always been inside me, waiting politely for me to recognize how precious I am. And I truly hope that you too are able to make the decisions that honor the divine in you and pacify the undivine.
We will meet. We have met. We exist. Soon. Always. Other than this, I have no declarations of love to make. I have no expectations to articulate. We will build and we will nurture and we will love exactly how it is precious to us. And we will laugh and laugh and laugh.
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Summer 2018 mixtape:
Viet Cong / Preoccupations “Disarray”
Lower Dens “Ondine”
Black Marble “A Great Design”
Hot Flash Heat Wave “Glo Ride”
Still Corners “The Photograph”
Odd Couple “What Kings Do”
Oldbills “Tablecloth”
System, The (UK) “Find It In Your Eyes”
Holydrug Couple, The “I’ll Only Say This”
Negative Gemini “Bad Baby”
Refreshers “How Bout U?”
Sam Smith “I’m Not The Only One”
Secret Circle “Tube Socks”
6lack “Prblms”
Spizzenergi “Soldier Soldier”
Basic Nature “Love Won’t Always Be There”
Camp Cope “Anna”
Dilly Dally “I Feel Free”
Eyedress f. Pyramid Vritra “1990”
Oldbills “Salsa Verde”
LaMont Johnson Aces
Uniform & The Body “In My Skin”
Water From Your Eyes “We’re Set Up”
Beat Detectives “Call It What You Want (Segment One)”
End Of A Year / Self Defense Family “Self-Immolation Family”
Lanark Artefax “Glasz”
No Age “You’re A Target”
Ice Age “Under The Sun”
Daughters “Satan In The Wait”
Nothing “Blue Line Baby”
Sean Price “STFU Pt. 2”
Tislatin Onzar 3=2+1
clipping. “Ends” (Xanopticon RMX)
Nothing “Zero Day”
Prison Religion “007”
Big Boss, The motion picture soundtrack “The Killing Fight”
Oldbills “Black Ice”
Cults “Gilded Lily”
Eyedress “High Street Drive”
Tanya Tagaq f. Shad “Centre”
Fall, The “Australians In Europe”
Pond “Sweep Me Off My Feet”
Uniform “The Walk”
BreakBeatBuddha “New Delhi Dank”
Ta-Ra “L’il Bit”
Xiu Xiu & Mitski “Between The Breaths”
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever “Time In Common”
Sweet Valley “Sentimental Trash”
Wati Heru X Kashaka “BKWYA”
All These Fingers “Puerta Vallarta”
Body Without Organs “Osiris Rises”
Cults “Talk In Circles”
Miss Red “One Shot Killer”
Underworld & Iggy Pop “Bells And Circles”
Alt-J “Story 4 Sleeplessly Embracing” (clipping. RMX)
Moor Mother “Washington Park”
Erick Arc Elliott “Breaking”
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever “An Air Conditioned Man”
Cansei De Ser Sexy “Girlfriend”
Choir Boy “Blood Moon”
Flastbush Zombies “The Results Are In”
Miss Red “Come Again”
Cold Cave New Morale Leadership
Prison Religion “Glass”
Diseno Corbusier “Ritmo 21”
Happy Meals / Free Love “Pushing Too Hard”
Jessica Rylan “Wishing Well”
Erick Arc Elliott “Fifteen Minutes”
Palm “Dog Milk”
Body, The “Sickly Heart Of Sand”
Oldbills “Weekendluv”
Ariana Grande “Into You”
Imagine Dragons “Thunder”
Moor Mother “Creation Myth”
Cellars “Real Good Day”
Addison Groove “Footcrab” (DJ Rashad & DJ Spinn RMX)
Charles Manson Lie
Water From Your Eyes “That’s The Girl”
Anti-Nowhere League “Snowman”
Bug, The f. Liz Harris “Black Wasp”
Eyedress f. Prefuse73 “Living Room”
Miss Red “Dagga”
Malcomb McLaren “Zulu’s On A Time Bomb”
Idles “Danny Nedelko”
Aube “Parametalizest Pt. II”
Menace Beach “Black Rainbow Sound”
Chvrches “Never Say Die”
Nine Inch Nails “The Background World”
Oh No “Banger”
Oneida “Whitey Fortress”
Ariana Grande “Moonlight”
Happy Meals / Free Love “July”
Curren$y f. The Game & Prodigy “The Type”
CASisDEAD “Leon Best”
Diseno Corbusier “Meta Metalic”
Malcomb McLaren “Soweto”
Nine Inch Nails Bad Witch
Jessica Rylan “Way Home”
Max G. Morton The Devil’s Music
Beat Detectives“ (Undiscernable) Repetition Heavy Traffic: New NYC Vibe 2”
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topnotchquark · 9 months
ok first of all i can’t send an ask without mentioning how excellent all your thoughts on the pecco/luca royalty au were!!!
but anyways delhi anon here and. marco bezzecchi jnu student😭😭😭 but you’re so right. he is from delhi but not a delhi boy if that makes sense. he is at faqir chand book store buying ambedkar. cotton kurtas with jeans. bicurious. kajal?
Delhi anon my beloved! Thank you for liking the Pecco/Luca stuff. Collaborative story building for no reason except sharing with others is literally the best thing about Tumblr.
Bezz is definitely the type to have moved to Delhi for uni. JNU masters in mathematics/sociology/Art and aesthetics lol. Still carries mannerisms and habits from his home town but delhi has been kind to him. Ur so right anon he would be buying ambedkar and periyar he would be at the national archives library, he would wear cotton kurta with jeans. He would show up to pride with lots of kajal and maybe painted nails and some jewellery borrowed from some doting girlfriend. Plus have you seen the curls?????? The men and women of Delhi's academic circles would die for him. All the way from Ashoka to AUD, undergrads to postdocs lol. 100% certified bi disaster.
Hope you've been warm and safe in the current cold wave, eat good and wear lots of layers. Delhi folks are so fashionable in the winters despite the general gloom of the colourless sky. Sending hugs xx
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goneahead · 10 months
This is Delhi
A mega urban forest
abode of two billion
insensitive, impatient people
a hapless metropolis
where everything is purchased
-air, water, relationship
a city -unintelligently expanding
where forcefully pasted
artificially prepared
green patches create awe
where no one hears
alhaa, birhaa, holee
or chirpy birds
music and dance are on rent in discos
where whispering
slowly moving necks
cooing pigeons
millions of pigeons
looking like animated corpse-zombies
holding chains
in bus
metro trains
-an endless caravan of zombies
living on credit cards
and the city thriving on loans
-heat wave from Rajasthan
cold wave from Himachal
and much more-
refugees from Pakistan
Labourers from Bihar and UP
standing crop of agents and brokers
this is the city
which is called Delhi.
~~Pankaj Prasoon
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opheliaschamber · 2 years
"For every trial and sorrow that God makes us shoulder, He has a reason." ~Khaled Hosseini.
A year has surpassed, since my anxiety disorder.
But even now, as the sun sways on the clouds at evenings, I can feel the remnants of the disorder. The anxiety penetrating deep within the edges of my belly, and the waves of the new-found atheism.
My disbelief in my God, Madhav.
I went to a couple of people for my anxiety. From the pathologist, to the school teachers, to the school counsellor, to friends, and lastly, to my aunt.
"Do yoga. Go meditate, it's good for anxiety,"
"You worry alot, and you overthink stuff. Why do you want to add more?"
"Itna tension nahi leneka. Be happy."
Imagine you're walking in a tunnel with a herd of people walking like sheeps. You're screaming; full throated cries. Yet, nobody in the tunnel can hear you. Yes, it feels exactly like that.
When the anxiety started, at cold dusks,
I would be on the brink of death.
Thoughts would nuzzle around my mind, like a snake caging its prey with its tail.
My hands would tremble and my breathing would occur with labour.
The fear, the stress, would slowly creep down to the belly of my abdomen and I could do nothing.
I had foreseen a panic attack.
I saw it coming.
Gently, it walked towards me in March.
One flaming hot summer noon,
In a caged toilet, with warm wind gushing through the windows, the attack began.
I remember traces; I was banging on the locked toilet door, with palms turned into fists, and I could not speak.
Words wouldn't fumble out of my mouth and I would helplessly bang on the oak door.
When I was released out of the toilet, the attack raced with a deadly speed.
My cheekbones, my lips, and my mouth went entirely numb. I can remember the tears flowing out of my eyes, and being incapable in providing life to my numb mouth.
"WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE ALL OF THIS? OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO COULD SUFFER, WHY ME? WHY ME?" I didn't realise I was screeching until my mother ran her fingers over the temple of my head, her eyes packed with tears.
I healed at the end of may, and the beginning of June.
After gazing at the monuments in Delhi, to the organized streets in Chandigarh, to the snow-capped mountains in Manali, to the flower gardens in Dalhousie, to the temple in Amritsar and lastly, with the soldiers at Wagha border.
With people, with places, and with memories,
I realised that life is now.
Life is in the present. Life is in the moment that I live, life is now that I'm writing.
Life is this.
My aunt, in east Maharashtra, was a messenger sent by Madhav, which we both believe in.
"You have taken the steering wheel of your life from Madhav. Return it back, divya. Let him drive. Let him take care of the speed and destination. You sit beside him and enjoy the journey. And trust him again. He won't let the brakes fail."
"It doesn't matter how many times you water a mango seed, for it will only ever bear fruits in summers."
"The only two things that you should focus on are; what you want in life and what will you do to achieve it."
She healed me.
At the end of the summer, on the brink of an upcoming monsoon,
In the garden, I met Madhav again.
In my dreams, I dream of peacock feathers and summers.
I dream that I am sitting beside the driver's seat and am gazing at the buildings that I grew up with.
"What happened?" Madhav asked.
I grinned; all teeth.
"Winters are parting," I answered.
"What do you see, Divya?" He asked standing beside me.
"I see the dawn of a rising sun."
"I will never let this sun set." He promised.
Now, as the fear of academic pressure looms over me, as new books, new publications await me,
I smile.
"Let me live now." i mutter.
I can see Madhav's eyes cramming with tears for the first time in days and a smile beaming at the dawn.
Author: Divya A. Korde.
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taohun · 2 years
genuinely and for real love Delhi so much we’re in the middle of a cold wave and every single stray dog I’ve seen has had a little coat on. there are random uncles on the street buying coats for dogs that are not their pets because the indian pye dog does not have the cold tolerance that other dogs may have. it’s so so so sweet
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debanish · 1 month
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Why Shaheen Bagh Is A City Story
This post is from January 3, 2020
A 2-km stretch in south Delhi's crowded Shaheen Bagh stays barricaded on both ends. There are tents somewhere in the middle of this stretch. Hundreds of women, some with children on their laps, sit in front of a podium where posters criticising the amended citizenship law are pinned on bright cloth. Some women are in burqa.
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The voice of an angry man fills the air. On the podium, waving his hand, he says, "Don't be afraid. Allah will protect you." After some time, he asks people if they wanted to go for namaz - it's Friday. "You can pray behind the tents," he says. The next speaker introduces herself as a teacher from Jamia Millia Islamia University, whose students faced the Delhi Police's full might a few weeks ago during a protest.
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Except for the tents, the entire stretch at Shaheen Bagh is mostly empty. Some children are playing cricket. Others in white kurta and skull caps are pushing cycles. A large drain clogged with plastic waste cuts the road underneath. The odour stings.
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The sit-in led by women at Shaheen Bagh against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act or CAA has been going on for over three weeks now. The amended law seeks to fast-track the process of giving citizenship to persecuted non-Muslims from three neighbouring countries. The government says the CAA doesn't affect Indians, including Muslims. But critics say the law divides people on religious lines.
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People from across the national capital have been visiting Shaheen Bagh. A large crowd pulled an overnighter to usher in the New Year, with songs and dinner amid the biting cold.
Three days later, some people who are probably directly connected with the protest at Shaheen Bagh tweeted they are folding up so that politicians and goons cannot hijack their cause.
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Shaheen Bagh is a city story.
Except for the women - and the local men and children - who have a stake in the cause, Shaheen Bagh is a safe place for the people of Delhi, the visitors from gated colonies, to let off steam and give reality to their fantasy of a protest without getting hurt. Because they know the police will not shoot them here, unlike in small towns and border states, where people go out to protest at great risk to their lives.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
A fungal infection, also called mycosis, is a skin disease caused by a fungus.
There are millions of species of fungi. They live in the dirt, on plants, on household surfaces, and on your skin. Sometimes, they can lead to skin problems like rashes or bumps.
A fungal skin infection might cause:
• Irritation
• Scaly skin
• Redness
• Itching
• Swelling
• Blisters
Fungal skin infections can happen anywhere on your body. Some of the most common are athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and yeast infections.
Fungi live everywhere. They can be found in plants, soil, and even on your skin. These microscopic organisms on your skin typically don’t cause any problem, unless they multiply faster than normal or penetrate your skin through a cut or lesion.
Since fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, fungal skin infections can often develop in sweaty or damp areas that don’t get much airflow. Some examples include the feet, groin, and folds of skin.
Often, these infections appear as a scaly rash or discoloration of the skin that is often itchy.
Fungal skin infections are often spread through direct contact. This can include coming into contact with fungi on clothing or other items, or on a person or animal.
Many common fungal infections can affect the skin. In addition to the skin, another common area for fungal infections is mucous membranes. Some examples of these are vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush.
Below, we’ll explore some of the most common types of fungal infections that can impact the skin.
Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis)
Ringworm is caused by a fungus and not a worm. It typically occurs on the torso and limbs. Ringworm on other areas of the body can have different names, such as athlete’s foot and jock itch.
The main symptom of ringworm is a ring-shaped rash with slightly raised edges. The skin inside these circular rashes usually looks healthy. The rash can spread and is often itchy.
Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection and is highly contagious. It’s not serious, though, and can usually be treated with an antifungal cream.
Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that affects the skin on your feet, often between your toes. Typical symptoms of athlete’s foot include:
• itching, or a burning, stinging sensation between your toes or on the soles of your feet
• skin that appears red, scaly, dry, or flaky
• cracked or blistered skin
In some cases, the infection can also spread to other areas of your body. Examples include your nails, groin, or hands (tinea manuum).
Jock itch (tinea cruris)
Jock itch is a fungal skin infection that happens in the area of your groin and thighs. It’s most common in men and adolescent boys.
The main symptom is an itchy red rash that typically starts in the groin area or around the upper inner thighs. The rash may get worse after exercise or other physical activity and can spread to the buttocks and abdomen.
The affected skin may also appear scaly, flaky, or cracked. The outer border of the rash can be slightly raised and darker.
Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis)
This fungal infection affects the skin of the scalp and the associated hair shafts. It’s most common in young children and needs to be treated with prescription oral medication as well as antifungal shampoo. The symptoms can include:
• localized bald patches that may appear scaly or red
• associated scaling and itching
• associated tenderness or pain in the patches
Tinea versicolor
Tinea versicolor, sometimes called pityriasis versicolor, is a fungal/yeast skin infection that causes small oval discolored patches to develop on the skin. It’s caused by an overgrowth of a specific type of fungus called Malassezia, which is naturally present on the skin of about 90 percent of adults.
These discolored skin patches most often occur on the back, chest, and upper arms. They may look lighter or darker than the rest of your skin, and can be red, pink, tan, or brown. These patches can be itchy, flaky, or scaly.
Tinea versicolor is more likely during the summer or in areas with a warm, wet climate. The condition can sometimes return following treatment.
Cutaneous candidiasis
This is a skin infection that’s caused by Candida fungi. This type of fungi is naturally present on and inside our bodies. When it overgrows, an infection can happen.
Candida skin infections occur in areas that are warm, moist, and poorly ventilated. Some examples of typical areas that can be affected include under the breasts and in the folds of the buttocks, such as in diaper rash.
The symptoms of a Candida infection of the skin can include:
• a red rash
• itching
• small red pustules
Onychomycosis (tinea unguium)
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of your nails. It can affect the fingernails or the toenails, although infections of the toenails are more common.
You may have onychomycosis if you have nails that are:
• discolored, typically yellow, brown, or white
• brittle or break easily
• thickened
Prescription medications are often required to treat this type of infection. In severe cases, your doctor may remove some or all of an affected nail.
There are several factors that can put you at an increased risk of getting a fungal skin infection. These include:
• living in a warm or wet environment
• sweating heavily
• not keeping your skin clean and dry
• sharing items like clothing, shoes, towels, or bedding
• wearing tight clothing or footwear that doesn’t breathe well
• taking part in activities that involve frequent skin-to-skin contact
• coming into contact with animals that may be infected
• having a weakened immune system due to immunosuppressant drugs, cancer treatment, or conditions such as HIV
Try to keep the following tips in mind to help prevent a fungal skin infection from developing:
• Be sure to practice good hygiene.
• Don’t share clothing, towels, or other personal items.
• Wear clean clothes every day, particularly socks and underwear.
• Choose clothing and shoes that breathe well. Avoid clothing or shoes that are too tight or have a restrictive fit.
• Make sure to dry off properly with a clean, dry, towel after showering, bathing, or swimming.
• Stay away from animals that have signs of a fungal infection, such as missing fur or frequent scratching.
Fungal skin infections are common. Although these infections aren’t usually serious, they can cause discomfort and irritation due to itchy or scaly red skin. If not treated, the rash may spread or become more irritated.
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sonarappliances1 · 2 months
Sonar Appliances - Manufacturer of Cold Press Oil Machine in Delhi
In the bustling landscape of Delhi's industrial sector, where innovation and functionality converge, Sonar Appliances emerges as a beacon of excellence. Specializing in the manufacturing of Commercial Cold Press Oil Machine, Sonar Appliances has set a new benchmark in the realm of oil extraction technology.
With a steadfast commitment to quality and a vision for sustainable progress, Sonar Appliances has captured the attention of businesses and entrepreneurs seeking reliable solutions for oil extraction. The Commercial Cold Press Oil Machine stands as a testament to the brand's dedication to efficiency, durability, and performance.
At the core of Sonar Appliances' philosophy lies a focus on leveraging cutting-edge technology to meet the evolving needs of the industry. The Commercial Cold Press Oil Machine is a seamless blend of innovation and expertise, designed to extract oil from various seeds and nuts while preserving their nutritional value and natural essence.
What sets Sonar Appliances apart is not just its state-of-the-art machinery but also its emphasis on customer satisfaction and service excellence. The brand's presence in Delhi's industrial landscape has redefined the standards of oil extraction, offering businesses a reliable and efficient way to enhance their production processes.
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In a world increasingly conscious of health and sustainability, Sonar Appliances' Commercial Cold Press Oil Machines aligns with the growing demand for organic and chemical-free products. By enabling businesses to extract oil without compromising on quality, taste, or nutritional benefits, Sonar Appliances empowers a new wave of conscious consumers and producers alike.
As Delhi's burgeoning commercial sector continues to expand, Sonar Appliances remains at the forefront, providing a pivotal component for businesses looking to streamline their operations and elevate their output. With a reputation for reliability, innovation, and excellence, the brand has established itself as a trusted partner for those seeking to redefine their approach to oil extraction.
In conclusion, Sonar Appliances stands as a shining example of ingenuity and progress in Delhi's industrial landscape. Through its innovative Commercial Cold Press Oil Machine, the brand continues to catalyze change, shaping the future of oil extraction and setting a new standard for quality and efficiency in the industry.
Contact Us
Sonar Appliances
Visit: https://sonarappliances.com/products/Commercial/Cold-Press-Oil-Machine
Call Us: +91 9312248787
ADD- E-77, West Vinod Nagar, Near Mayur Public School,
Behind Mother Dairy, Patparganj, Delhi, 110092, India
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vipulchandra1990 · 8 months
Winter continues in many states including Delhi-UP
Severe cold and cold wave continues to wreak havoc on the people of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab and a cold wave warning has also been issued in many states of North India.
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nehasingh12 · 9 months
Weather Update
The cold wave continued in the capital Delhi even on Monday morning, anyway today's minimum temperature has been recorded at 3.5 degrees Celsius.
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sksworldschool · 9 months
Brace yourselves, winter is here, and with it, the chilly winds and the enchanting dance of snowflakes. As we navigate this seasonal transformation, a pressing question arises: how do we ensure our little ones stay robust and vibrant amidst the cold waves? Are you ready to unlock the secrets to a winter free from sniffles and sneezes? Join us on a journey of winter wellness, where the top ranking school in East Delhi becomes your guide to safeguarding your family’s health.
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