#Coffee Crowley
bea-n-art · 11 months
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Aziraphale likes his demons like Crowley likes his coffee. Hot, dark, bitter and strong enough to keep him up all night.
Buy it as a Print: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/beanart
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goosetooths · 1 year
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he's connected the dots. he's connected them.
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luppiart · 1 year
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Hihi haha hoho huhu *im insane
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isa-mocha · 1 year
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I’ve been stretching my fanart muscles with these boys 🥰
Can you tell that I love a coffee shop AU? 🤣
Also, tattooed Crowley is 🤤
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
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Nina thinks that Crowley and Aziraphale make a great couple ❤ C+A 😊
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dduane · 1 year
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fact-dogsarehappiness · 5 months
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They’re all at Tesco’s at the same time
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Ok is ANYONE else talking about the “evil coffee” theory yet??? Or is that just the discord I’m in
Cause like…. Who the FUCK puts THAT much emphasis on a RANDOM CUP OF COFFEE??
I mean Aziraphale literally says “I made my position clear” and then Metaron is immediately like “aAAH, but I brought you.. an OAT milk LaTé 👹” with foreboding music and ominous shots like some scene straight out of a fucking Disney movie, OH Kay… I see you you Jafar sounding bitch 😭😂
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idliketobeatree · 6 months
listening to Too Sweet for the first time and, damn, Crowley never got his flat back, did he? can't believe he's been crashing on Hozier's couch all this time drinking booze and waxing lamentations about his angel. strange world we live in
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jicklet · 1 year
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(S2 Teaser)
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i-have-41-protons · 5 months
Day 7: Coffee
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It’s day seven of ineffable may, folks! I missed a few days because I got sick again, got my first job, and have my GCSEs starting this Friday. I will try to make something new every day, tho :D
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fearandhatred · 9 months
i will accept almost anything neil gives us for season 3. but if crowley and aziraphale become human i will genuinely become the zodiac killer
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fiovske · 1 year
can I just say. coffee theory is stupid and completely cheapens the choice Aziraphale makes.
Aziraphale continues to say no to Metatron's offer until Metatron uses the real bait: if you take over Heaven, you can reinstate Crowley to his Angelic status. And that is what gets Aziraphale to say yes hook line and sinker — he can take Crowley with him so Crowey doesn't have to be afraid of Hell and Aziraphale can run things Do It Right as the Head of Heaven and no one would say anything to Crowley ever again if Aziraphale was on his side. Aziraphale doesn't know about the trial and the fact that Gabriel was fired for disagreeing w Heaven on the Second Armageddon front. He just thinks Gabriel was fired bc he fell in love w a demon (and Aziraphale's in love w a demon). Aziraphale strongly believes that if he can reinstate Crowley as an angel again then there would be no such objections from Heaven at all, because they would both be on the same side and they can be together and if anything ever goes wrong, both Crowley and he would be protected under Aziraphale's position as the new boss of Heaven. Plus, the way he remembers it, Crowley enjoyed making things creating things and still likes to do good deeds which he gets in trouble for if Hell finds out, but he won't if he's an angel, in Aziraphale's eyes then Crowley would be free to do all the good he liked. And because Aziraphale would be the boss, Crowley would be able to ask questions and work with him and make things better w his inquisitive perspective, something Crowley always wanted to do and Aziraphale wants to give him that also.
He doesn't know the full depth of things that Crowley knows, which is why when Crowley hears Aziraphale's offer, all he hears is that Aziraphale is choosing Heaven, after everything they have done to him, Aziraphale is leaving Crowley FOR Heaven. The way he sees it, Aziraphale wants him to change and be Heaven's definition of "Good" so they can both be in Heaven, conforming to a life Crowley left behind long ago, a life he knows Aziraphale wouldn't be happy in either. Which is the killing blow to Crowley's heart bc Aziraphale would choose THAT instead of coming away with Crowley? Devastating. But he doesn't know that Metatron's offer WAS Crowley's Angelification and hence forth security that got Aziraphale to say yes. Crowley hasn't communicated a lot to Aziraphale but Aziraphale also hasn't communicated a lot to him either and they're both on very different pages w the information they've got and what they feel they need to do to be together and be safe and happy.
Does Aziraphale make the naive choice? Yes. Does he make so in full control of his mind and senses? Also yes. Having his coffee poisoned is an incredibly cheap tactic because as a writer it's a cop out. It robs Aziraphale of not only his agency but also the reasonings behind his choice. It absolves him from the struggles and consequences of his actions and robs him of the growth and realization and epiphany he will have in the third act. It cheapens their inevitable reconciliation.
Metatron didn't hand him the coffee to poison him. He handed it to him so he can use the manipulative familiarity of "oh look i brought ur coffee order, isn't it cool how I know your coffee order isn't it nice how we are close like that?" that was the tactic. to get him to listen. Not some elaborate coffee poison.
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arlospace · 4 months
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31. Second Coming
It's not quite the Ritz, but Crowley finally gets his extremely alcoholic breakfast with Aziraphale
(Part 3 of my American Roadtrip with Baby Jesus nonsense. Part 1 / Part 2)
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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lowpolybread · 8 months
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“Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever.” “No. No, I don’t suppose it does.”
GOOD OMENS 1x03, 2x03
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