#Coco x Velvet
arc-misadventures · 10 months
Ladies Gymwear
Jaune: Damn… who told, Yang that I find sportswear hot?
Coco: You find ladies in sportswear hot? Seriously, I thought you had better taste in woman’s fashion.
Jaune: Coco, my darling fellow woman’s fashion lover, you mean to tell me don’t find that, hot?
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Coco: …
Coco: MmmPh~! That’s hot~!
Jaune: Told you~!
Velvet: What the? Yang, are you wearing my gym clothes?
Yang: And, rocking them~!
Velvet: You’re stretching them! Do you any idea how hard it is to find clothing stores that sell to faunas?!
Yang: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find gym clothes that fit these girls?
Velvet: They’re not even in your size!
Yang: Yeah, they are too tight! MmmmmmH~!
Coco: (Whistles) That ass~!
Jaune: I wish to see them jiggle…
Velvet: Give me back mya gym clothes, ya cunt!
Coco: Uh oh, she gone down under mode; Yang’s gonna get it now.
Yang: Excuse me?! What did you… AHHHH?!
Velvet: Give dem back ya bitch!
Coco: Oh shit, they’re wrestling now.
Jaune: We should probably break them apart.
Coco: We should.
Jaune: …
Coco: …
YV: (Intoxicating groaning sounds)
Coco: …
Jaune: …
Coco: Say, Jaune?
Jaune: Yes, Coco?
Coco: You up for switching girlfriends for a round of fun?
Jaune: I wouldn’t be against it, but why not just the four of us have a little fun all together instead?
Coco: I’m game.
Jaune: great. So when shall we begin then?
Coco: Mmmmm… Five more minutes. My show’s just starting~!
Jaune: Okay then.
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bumblebybelladonna · 1 year
Happy pride month ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🌈
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diddyspice · 3 months
VELVET: Have you ever eaten a date?
COCO: Usually not till the second or third time as I like to save that for a special moment.
VELVET: I meant the fruit, you horny Shelia, the bloody fruit!
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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If Pyrrha went around Vale in Everyday Clothes...would people recognize her?
Or would she be as unrecognizable as Tony Hawk in public?
By Weisscoldglare
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nerdlydelicious · 1 year
I’ve been enjoying your ship takes and the lengthy responses to em! Been a fun read. Here’s another for your list if you’d like. I can’t pick between the two so feel free to choose: crosshares or blackvelvet
No reason I can’t do both!
Crosshares has that classic ‘extroverted person and introverted person’ vibe going for it, and while some people might call that cliche, I call it tried and true.
Now to be fair I would not really classify Velvet as being an actual introvert as we have seen her be plenty outgoing in both the show and the two books focusing on team CFVY, so it’s more that they give off that vibe than it definitely being the case. Regardless, they are definitely cute together. While I personally prefer YatsuxVelvet (though I don’t know their ship name), crosshares is still plenty cute.
That being said, I do feel I have to knock a couple points off because I’m not the biggest fan of some of Coco’s attitude and behavior in the CFVY books, mainly that it is specifically stated that she wears sunglasses so that she can check women out without being caught. Which is kinda creepy, honestly. If Coco were a guy and doing that to women I think we would all rightfully consider him a creep. Being a woman doesn’t make it better.
But in all fairness I would hope that once she was in a relationship with Velvet she would stop checking out other women, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and restore a knocked point.
I give it a 6/10, all things being even.
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Now, as for Black Velvet:
Blake and Velvet starting a relationship would be really interesting, especially if it’s back at Beacon before Blake really came out of her shell. If I remember correctly, Blake either told Velvet that she was a faunus, or Velvet figured it out on her own. Either way, I can imagine that Velvet would try to encourage Blake to uncover her ears and not hide who she is. Blake, on the other hand, would want to keep her involvement in the White Fang a secret from Velvet, just like she did her team. She is trying to leave that life behind, after all.
And of course there’d be the interesting situation with their families. Velvet’s father works for Atlas after all, while Blake was in conflict with Atlas and the SDC for years. And of course there’s the fact that Blake’s father founded the White Fang.
Additionally I can’t imagine Blake would be nearly as passive about Cardin bullying velvet if they were in a relationship. She’d definitely be throwing hands with all of team CRDL, which would inevitably draw the rest of team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY into beating down team CRDL.
Then of course there would be the strain in their relationship that would come from Blake still trying to figure out what the WF is up to in Vale, and ignoring her own needs because of it. Which would lead to a reconciliation at the dance, then the drama of the Vytal festival attack and everything following that…
I did not expect to have this many thoughts about Black Velvet. There’s a lot to unpack with these two, and so much you could do with them. Grade A fic material right here.
I give it a 9/10. Probably the best crack ship I’ve received an ask for so far.
(Also I couldn’t get a good image of them on screen together, so I used fan art. Credit goes to DashingIceCream, if I remember correctly.)
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notjustdrwhoboards · 1 year
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RWBY moodboard: Coco Adel/Velvet Scarlatina - Lesbian/Bisexual (requested by: anon)
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RWBY Shipping: Velvet Scarlatina x Coco Adel | Crosshares!
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Legs go with something fun and fluff: Coco, learning that Winter is visiting Beacon, decides to flirt with her, thinking she'll be as easy to fluster as Weiss, only to be left a blushing mess as it turns out the elder Schneebling is more than capable of dishing it back out~
“And you’re sure this is a good idea?” Velvet asked. “I know you like to have fun with Weiss, but trying to flirt with her sister?” 
Coco smirked as she looked over her scroll, already running through her plans in her head. “Weiss is fun to tease, but Winter will be different. Unlike Weiss, she was never formally called an heir to the SDC, she’s a Specialist in the Atlas Military and partly why I wanted to be a huntress. Besides, I only want to tease her. And it should be just as easy to tease her as Weiss.” 
“And you know this… how?” 
“She’s rich, she’s in the military, and anything about her private life has been kept heavily under wraps. As far as I can tell, she’ll melt at the first sign of affection.” 
“If she doesnt kill you first…” Velvet muttered under her breath. 
Coco looked over at Velvet and sat her scroll down. “What was that?” 
“W-what about the tournament? From the sounds of it, she’s only going to be around while the tournament is going since Atlas is now in charge of security.” 
“I’ll still be focused for it.” 
“Will you? And what if she’s only around while we should be fighting? As much fun as it’ll be to watch you flirt with her, I… I was hoping that maybe we could… spend more time together.” 
Coco smiled at Velvet and made her way over to her. “You know I’m always here for you. This is just a one time thing. I promise, I only have eyes for you.” 
Velvet looked away to hide her blush. “You better.” 
“There she is now!” Coco said with excitement as she watched Winter fight another huntsman in the courtyard. Her eyes practically lit up as she watched the specialist summon her nevermores to pelt the older man. “She’s soo cool!” 
“Right, cool…” Velvet said with a sigh. “She looks like she’s busy, so maybe now isnt the best time.” 
“I know, I’ll wait until she’s finished.” 
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” 
Coco grinned as the fight came to an end and started to make her way over to Winter. She took a few moments to compose herself, quietly running through the same lines she used on Weiss. She knew she had the confidence and the right tone to make Winter’s heart melt, but she wanted to be sure she was ready so she wouldnt stumble over anything no matter the answer she got. She made her way to the specialist and put up a confident smile as she spoke. “Hello Snow Angel.” 
Winter paused and turned to face Coco, her eyes practically scanning over her. “And you are?” 
“Coco Adel, future armor smith for huntsmen and the woman who will take you out on the best night of your life. I know all the sights of Vale and you are by far-” 
Coco’s heart nearly stopped as Winter pressed a hand to her chest and pushed her up against the wall. Her breath hitched; a shiver went down her spine as Winter’s face neared her own. 
“A date. That’s what you want, isnt it?” 
Coco quietly nodded as she felt Winter put a hand to her cheek, then moved her finger to trace down her chest. “W-well… not exactly a date-” 
“Then I expect for you to meet me here in the courtyard at seven tonight.” Winter pulled back and smirked as she looked Coco over once more. “I can see why Weiss is fond of you. I expect you to be here on time and to… show me the sights you claim to know so well.” 
Coco blushed hard as she finally took a breath, her legs shook as she watched Winter walk off. She started to steady herself as she heard Velvet call out to her, her calm demeanor still slipping. 
“Coco! Are you okay?” 
“I’m… fine…” 
Velvet stopped in front of Coco and looked her over. “Are you sure? You’re a bit red.” 
“I… I think I have a date with Winter tonight…” Coco paused and steadied her breath as her blush deepened. “And… I think I’m looking forward to it.” 
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waltat04-kevinknight · 4 months
Velvet: Coco, I've noticed you've been hanging with Jaune a lot lately
Coco: Well, he is a fun guy to talk to about things along with other things~
Velvet: like what?
Coco: I'll show you *Takes Velvet to a love hotel where they meet Jaune in one of the rooms*
*Velvet was on Her knees blindfolded as Coco guided her bun-bun to pleasure the Arc treasure that was Jaune's long dick*
Coco: That's it Velvet, make sure every inch is wet and ready for when he gives us our reward~
Velvet: *Continues to bob her head back and forth on Jaune's dick enjoying it as her panties slowly become soaked*
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juanarc-thethird · 10 months
How did you two fall in love?
Velvet is taking couple photos with Jaune and Coco.
Velvet: *Holding her camera* Wow, you guys really look good together!
Jaune: *Blushing* Oh thanks
Coco: *Chuckles* Of course we are.
Velvet: I never asked you, but at what point did you two start to like each other?
Jaune: Well... I was just walking by a coffee shop, and I saw Coco reading a book while drinking her coffee and... I just fall for her at that moment. Y try to talk to her after that, and many weeks later I confess to her.
Velvet: Oooh~
Coco: I remember that day too. I noticed how Jaune looked at me. He looked extra juicy that day. I did feel tempted, but I wait. And when he finally confessed, I pushed him into my bed as soon as possible~
Jaune: Yup, just like that.... *red* Wait what?! Coco, you can't say things like that!!
Coco: Why not? It's true.
Jaune: Still, you can't say that to our friends!
Velvet: *Smiling while looking at the couple* (For fuck sake, can you two please get a room. I'm so fucking jealous)
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
To Steal A Date
Violet eyes. Her eyes are on of the things, Yang considered one of her best qualities. Her Hair, and face, were fantastic, but her eyes stood apart from all. Hence why she was so intensely staring at her reflection, making sure those highlighted eyelashes had emphasized her beauty unlike none other.
However, because she was so enraptured by her own eyes, she never saw the individual behind her.
: Pray tell, how does one say they wish to steal your beautiful amethyst eyes, without it sounding creepy?
Yang shrieked as she spun around, and stared at the cheeky grin of her, Thief.
: I do aim to steal your breath away, but not like that.
Yang: Well, you’ve got a good headstart then.
: True. Now then, shall we enjoy our outing today?
Yang: Lets.
Yang’s, Thief lead the way into the, Coco Bunny Café. He pulled out a seat for her by the window. It was old fashioned, but dammit if she didn’t like such old fashion tropes!
As he in turn sat down a rather fashionable waitress stopped by to take their order. Her, Thief ordering a simple, Earl-Grey tea, while, Yang ordered a caramel latte.
Yang: So… My name is, Yang Xiao Long. Beat officer, older sister, and a golden beauty unlike any other.
: I’d buy that. Well, my name is, Jaune Luna Arc, freelance artist, and fashion designer. Youngest brother of seven. And, your noble thief here to steal you away~!
Yang: Jaune Luna Arc~! I finally have a face, and a name to my noble thief. So tell me, how do you plan to steal me away~?
Jaune: Well… Right now, I’m doing some research.
Yang: Oh? What kind of research?
Jaune: Research about my mark. I have to know quite a bit about it before I can move in for the steal. Favourite interests, hobbies, dislikes. So, shall I conduct my research then?
Yang: I’m game, hit me with your best shot, Mr. Thief~!
Jaune: Very well. So, how did a pretty dame like you become such a hot copper?
Yang: Dame~! Well, I come from a cop family. My father, was a cop, my mother was a cop, and I just wanted to become a cop myself. My younger sister is probably going to be a cop herself too in a few years. It’s just one of those family things.
Jaune: Such a simple reason to join; you’ll probably be able to become one of the best cops out there. I can already see it now: ‘Captain Xiao Long, here to keep the city clean!’
Yang: Pfft! You’re just trying to butter me up.
Jaune: No, I am helping myself build a mental image of you in a captain’s uniform.
Yang: Oh really? How good do I look in it?
Jaune: …
Yang: …?
Jaune: …
Yang: Hey, Jaune? Jaune?!
Jaune: Huw?! Oh sorry, I was just mesmerized by how beautiful you were.
Yang: Oh? Oh, you’re good~!
Jaune: Easy when your working with a masterpiece.
Yang: Is it now~! So tell me; fashion designer?
Jaune: And, if needs be, stand-in fashion model.
Yang: You design, and dress?
Jaune: Yep: Dresses, coats, pants, shirts, you name it, I’ve probably done it. I like the designing process more. Having seven sisters gave me plenty of time to practice.
Yang: Did you help them design dresses for them to wear?
Jaune: Well, eventually I did. Most of the time I was helping mend their dresses. Or, wearing them…
Yang: Wearing them?!
Jaune: I was the youngest, and I was adorable, at least that’s what they said. So they forced me into them, and took lots, and lots of photos…
Yang: Oh, now that’s something I need to see~!
Jaune: You must be a level five girlfriend to see those.
Yang: Oh, level five, eh? What level am I at now?
Jaune: Since this is out first date: Level 0.
Yang: You think I would at least be a, Level 1.
Jaune: Well this is our first date, consider it your, ‘Three Day, Free Trail.’
Yang: Pfft! Well, I’m love the trail so far.
Jaune: That makes two of us.
Yang: So, who do you work for? You said you’re a fashion designer, but who precisely do you work for?
Jaune: I work for, Adel Boutique. As the second main fashion designer.
Yang: You work for, Adel Boutique?!
Jaune: Oh, so you’ve heard of her? Then again, for one so fashionably dressed as yourself, of course you’ve heard of her.
Yang: You kidding! I wear them all the time! They’re so hip, and stylish! Not to mention they are some of the few fashion brands I can fir my girls under~!
Jaune: Your welcome then~!
Yang: Your welcome…?
Jaune: Coco, tends to design outfits for the more slender of woman. I tend to make the outfits for the more well endowed woman. As I mentioned, I have seven sisters who are also big chested such as yourself. So, I know what I’m doing.
Yang: Seriously?
Jaune: Yep.
Yang: Then… what bra size am I wearing…?
Jaune: S-Seriously?
Yang: Hey, if you say you know what you’re doing then guess my size. Or, are you just…?!
Jaune: D Cup, borderline double D cup.
Yang: …
Yang: Holy shit…?! You do know what you’re doing…
Jaune: Meh, lots of guys know peoples chest sizes… Most of them are perverts, but nonetheless.
Yang: Fair.
Jaune: I have to ask, because she will pester me about this: But, would you be interested in doing some modelling?
Yang: Modelling? F-For, Adel Boutique?
Jaune: Yep.
Yang: You’re kidding?!
Jaune: Nope. You see, one of the downsides of coming here is that my friends wanted to see who I managed to score a date with. They didn’t believe me when I told them I had a date. And, knowing, Coco, if she likes what she sees, she might just hire you to moonlight as a model for her.
Yang: Since when has she been scoping me out?!
Jaune: Since you came here.
Yang: Bullshit! There’s no way she could hav been watching me for that long!
Jaune: Remember the waitress who came to get our order?
Yang: The fashionably dressed girl with the brown shades, and the barrette?
Jaune: Yep, that’s the, Coco Adel.
Yang: No way?!
Yang turned her head to look at the fashionable waitress, who when the duo made eye contact lowered her glasses, and gave, Yang a seductive wink.
Yang: Holy shit…
Jaune: Velvet, please tell your girlfriend to stop hitting on my date.
Yang: W-What are you talking about?
Jaune: Rabbit faunas behind the counter, her name is, Velvet Scarlatina. store owner, Coco Adel’s girlfriend, and resident eves-dropper.
Yang looked at the counter, and saw a rabbit eared faunas ear’s drooped as she embarrassingly looked away.
Yang: Oh that’s so cute~!
Jaune: Oh she is adorable. Hey, have you finish your coffee?
Yang: Hmm? Oh, oh yeah I did… I guess I was so engrossed in our conversation that I didn’t realize I finished it.
Jaune: Well, I finished my tea too. So lets go~!
Yang: Go? Go where?
Jaune: Well, there’s a street filled with shops, and what not. So the question isn’t where we’re going, but where we’ll end up.
Jaune stood up, and offered his hand to, Yang.
Jaune: So, may I steal you away for a day out on the town~?
Yang couldn’t help, but blush softly as a smile spread across her face as she accepted his hand as she stood up.
Yang: I would love to~!
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weisscoldglare · 2 months
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
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@aliavian continues the Team CFVY Cafe Series! Featuring Bumbleby!
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Can you get more rwby and chaotic reader quotes cause I like chaos?
As an avid rwby lover, I must comply.
Instead of quotes I'm using convos I've had with my friends because we are absolutely chaotic.
Y/n, walking into RWBYS dorm: Ruby have you seen my hairti-
*sees her braiding Yangs hair while she's asleep.
Y/n: okay then.
Blake: why can't the gods grant me the sweet release of death.
Y/n: babe, all they said was there was no more fish left.
Blake: I came here because yang said the fish was amazing, but there's no fucking fish, y/n. Life has lost meaning
Y/n: so, I've called you here today because of the intense sexual tension I feel whenever the two of you are together and it's getting annoying-
Both: what the fu-
Yang told Weiss y/n said winter was hot
Weiss kicks in the door: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU Y/N-
Y/n: *falls off their bed* BITCH WHAT-
Y/n: coco, I love you so much. I would die for you.
Coco: K, so can you help me with my algebra homework ple-
Y/n, getting in their car: BYE BITCH, LOVE YOU
Cinder: I'm going to choke you out the next time you make a sex joke.
Y/n: ayo that's kinda kinky bro.
Cinder: you have 5 seconds to run away.
Y/n: the only thing I love is carnage and destruction.
Fox: you liar, you literally cried when Velvet told you that you could hold her hand.
Y/n: I will throw hands, you whore-
Y/n: the best way to distract people is to walk up on stage, scream incoherently and then start drawing on your face with lipstick.
Emerald: wh-
Y/n: I've tested it many times. It works very well.
Emerald: I regret saying yes to this date.
RWBY + Y/n playing quickfire dnd
Ruby, the Dm: okay, so you guys are all drowning.
Y/n: my Character, Madam FuckOff farts and inhales that as oxygen
Ruby: what the- okay roll survival?
Yang: incoherent cackling
Y/n HMMMMM shit I got a 4.
Ruby: Madam ForkOff inhales her fart and dies, its a very, very sad event.
Weiss: that wouldn't have worked anyways, wh-
Blake, trying not to laugh: shhh, Weiss we're mourning Madam FuckOff
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spartanblacksmith · 3 months
The Forges of Remnant
Chapter 2: Destruction and Restoration
Vital Coliseum, Vacuo. 4th month, 2nd day of Year 5028
Yang had been gently driving down the streets of Vacuo, taking the scenic route around Menagerie. As far from their house as possible. Yang’s colossal blond hair was within her helmet, if only so her wife behind her could see. Blake was still wearing her camouflage scout uniform, and Yang was wearing her brown biker clothes.
Blake had traveled for 3 and a half weeks on a hoverbike, living life in the wild. Yang figured she could benefit with a nice view of civilization, and she knew just the place.
She arrived at the parking lot of the Vital Coliseum. Putting it in park, she and Blake stepped off the bike.
“Just this way, kitten.” Yang gestures to the giant arena with a curtsy.
Blake raised an eyebrow at Yang. “The Coliseum? It's closed, isn't it?”
“Yes, but as of today, it's closed forever, so who cares?”
“Still the wild woman, aren't we?”
“Says the wild ranger, scavenging berrys and hunting the apocalypse.” Yang said with a wink. Yang then turns towards the Coliseum to see the progress of her plan.
That gets a chuckle out of Blake. “Observing the apocalypse.” Blake then hugs Yang from behind, nuzzling her face in Yang's back. “You do the hunting, my bright sun dragon.”
“I do the slaying. You do the hunting.”
Blake laughs and she takes Yang's hands in hers. “Are we going to debate the definition of those words or are you going to show me in?”
Yang, looking up, fingers tapping on Blake's hand, swaying back and forth, says “Onnnnlllyyy fffooorrr aaaaaaannnnoootttthhhheeeerrrr mmmmiiiinnnn-” She sees a cloud of rose petals fly away from the 3rd tier of seats, Ruby giving her a thumbs up as she zooms away. “-ute.” Yang opened the side gate. “Right this way.”
Blake goes to walk in, but Yang picks up Blake in a princess carry. She then waltzes inside with her raven haired beauty.
“You've done enough hard work. Imma take us there, myself.” Yang reaches the interior of the arena, and Blake wraps her arms around Yang's neck. Yang then starts super jumping from the dugout to several tiers of seats. Her huntress training really pays off in times like this.
She hops from the 3rd tier to the roof of the seating, a large rectangular area with a fence surrounding the perimeter. Yang landed upon it, and there was a surprise waiting.
It was what appeared to be a picnic blanket laid out and everything neatly arranged. 2 baskets, probably full of food. 4 plates and silverware. A salad bowl full of greens. 2 square cushions, a plush sleeping bag and a tent roll. There was even a pair of lit candles and fresh dinner rolls.
I texted Ruby only an hour ago for an emergency picnic, how did she get all this?
… A little on the nose there, with the rolls still steaming and the fresh lit candles. *Internal gasp* Those rolls are covered in cinnamon butter, that's Penny's rolls! Thank you Robo-angel!
Yang sets Blake down and opens her arms towards the picnic. “So, what do ya think?”
Blake tip toes up to kiss Yang on the cheek. “It's perfect. Thank you so much, love.”
“Aw, shucks.” Yang pats the back of her head, blushing a little.
They go to sit down, and Yang sees three of Ruby's petals sitting next to the blanket. When Blake isn't looking as she's sitting down, Yang quickly scoops up the petals and sits on her own cushion.
“So, what shall we eat first, my little ranger?”
“Let's see.” Blake opens the first basket to find grilled fish seasoned with lemon pepper. “Oh, Weiss's fish. Thank you.”
“And we should probably thank Ruby for making all this for us.”
Yang was quiet for a moment, then tries to bluff. “Ruby? Nah, I made this and brought you here so we could enjoy it.”
Blake simply smiles and raises her hand, opens it, and reveals three of Ruby's rose petals. Yang checks her own hand and the petals she had are gone. “Whoa, you're slick.”
“I suppose.” Blake says, a new sullen look on her face as she watches the petals dissolve into thin air.
“... I can't hide anything from ya, can I?”
“Sadly, no. I’ve spent most of my life as a huntress and a thief, and you're a bad liar.”
Yang shrugs her shoulders. “Being confident and truthful suits me better.”
Blake rests her head on Yang's shoulder. “They do.” A moment of silence passes. “So, what were the protesters saying this time?”
“Not important.”
“... They were accusing your father of being “in” with Adam during the Beacon Incident.”
“Ugh. Why did I ask? Why would they-”
Yang put a finger to Blakes lips. “No. Don't even think about it.” She lowers her hand.
“But I can't. We have a responsibility to answer-
Yang puts her finger up to Blake's lips again. “No. They're not like the protesters you hung out with before the White Fang got violent. Those guys had a good reason, a just cause. Like I said before, these guys are simply trolls with nothing better to do, hoping to get a rise out of you, Ghirra, or worse, Kali. All for some gossip.”
“Wait, why is mom the worst?”
“Don't you remember that one guy with the bat wings who tried to throw a swing at you last year?”
“Oh, yeah. Mom clocked him real good. And tossed him down the street.”
“And the reporters haven't let her forget it. There's even a chef who opens a ‘Kung Pao Kali’ in all the Vacuo cities.”
Blake laughs at the memory. “Yeah. It's not bad food either. A nice spicy taste, they've got.” She leans down and lays her head on Yang's lap.
“We still have a responsibility, love. After all, I don't want them to go down the wrong path. To end up like the White Fang, and me.” Blake intertwines her fingers with Yang's metallic digits resting on her belly. “And prevent them from making the same mistakes.”
Still beating herself up over what Adam did to my arm? Oh, my poor kitten.
Yang could only lean down and kiss Blake on the forehead, trying to comfort her wife. “Blake, it's been 10 years. I think you can forgive yourself for being associated with them.”
“You're right. Still doesn't change the past, though.”
“Then let's forget it for a night and let yourself enjoy the night with your wife.” Yang leaned down again, and this time, kissed Blake on the lips.
Yang rose up, and continued speaking. “Perhaps you'd like the news? Or the gossip?”
“Gossip, please.” Blake requested as she reached into the basket and started nibbling on a roll. “Mm, Penny's sweet rolls.”
“Well, first, we have Coco and Velvet. You wouldn't believe me if I told you.”
“What about them?” Blake asked, contemplating the Guardian Clan leader and her wife, the rabbit faunus lieutenant in the Silver Clan.
“Velvet’s pregnant.”
Blake almost choked on a bite of her roll. “Really? Coco knocked her up? When? How?”
“Yeah. Their W.A.S.P. failed its .1% rate on Velvet's birthday, and she got Velvet pregnant. They're keeping it, and they're already writing baby names. We have a pool going for the 20 they’ve thought of. I got $10 for Strudel.”
“That's great. Though Ruby needs another skirmisher now.” Blake finished the roll and grabbed another.
“Yeah. She's promoted Arslan Atlan to fill Velvet's shoes. And she promoted Reese Chloris to co-scout with Neon.”
“The bare-handed fighter and the skateboarder?” Blake asks as she feeds Yang her own roll.
“Yeah!” Yang says. After chewing, she continues. “Have you seen Arslan crush a Beowolf’s head with those fists? And Although Reese ain't exactly stealthy, what with her fluorescent green hair and bright clothes, her skateboarding skills almost beat Neon's rollerblading.”
“And Arslan will have Velvet's sergeant, Dew Gayl. She'll love Dew’s crowd controlling winds.”
“Oh, yeah. Reese will still be under Arslan, but she's doing fine.”
“Well, Ruby's in good company. Although, I think she'd love yours the most.”
Yang waved it off. “Ah, you and I both know she’d love the ‘Angel of Atlas’ being back in the Silver Clan.”
“I'm serious, Yang. As great Weiss is, Ruby would love for her sister to be back on the team. Those doctors don't know what you're capable of. I daresay you fight just as well as during your Beacon days.”
“I… I know.” Yang caressed her lover's smooth black hair. “But I can't make a fuss about it. Those old toadies will always oppose prosthesis using hunters from being in Silver Clan without the Pint Strikers. And besides, my sister does well in the spotlight, and I much prefer my Ember Celica Unit.”
“I'm fine, love. I am.” Yang put on a smile and kissed Blake on the cheek.
I don't know if I can fight on foot. And I'm scared of slowing Ruby down. This is for the best, Blake.
Blake caressed the luscious blond hair of her lover and returned her affectionate kiss, on the lips. She sat up a little to make it easier for Yang.
After a minute, they stop. “Yang…”
“Sorry, it's been a month, darling. You always leave me wanting more.”
Blake ran her hand over Yang's cheek. “My poor girl.”
“Speaking of which, I really should tell you about Nebula.”
“Nebula? What about her?”
“Has she told you anything in Botanical class?”
“No. Why?”
“Not about her being Sun and Neptunes new girlfriend?”
“*Gasp* What? When? How?”
“Neptune spilled the beans to Ruby when he blurted it out during practice. The three have been together for two months.”
Yang continued her explanation as Blake ate her fish with a spoon. “Sun and Neptune were performing maintenance on their weapons. Then Nebula comes to do hers on her crossbow/sword thing. She helps Neptune enhance the shock on his glaive. Then Sun helps with her weapons extension. And accidentally stabs him in the shoulder as it was too good.”
“Oh, no. Was he okay?” Blake asks, her mouth full.
“He was fine, only a flesh wound. As an apology, she offered Sun coffee and breakfast as he healed up. Badda bing, badda boom, three person polycule.”
“I can't imagine that. After Neptune's been shamelessly flirting with her entire team for years and the whole “shocked them all during the Vytal Festival” would have put a damper on things.”
“Yeah. Sun told me she wanted to wait until the next party before she brings both of them as dates.”
“Wait a minute. Sun and Neptune? I get Nebula, she's a catch. But haven't Sun and Neptune been best friends since forever?”
Blake proceeds to feed Yang spicy noodles from the second basket. Through bites, she explains “Well, at first, it was really her dating one and the other. But after she suggested a threesome, and then Sun and Neptune kissed, it became a proper poly couple.”
“TMI Yang. But I'm glad it's Sun and Neptune. They're nice people.”
“They are. And totally bi.”
Blake cups Yang's cheek in her hand. “You're nice people too.”
“Aw, shucks.”
“I mean it. My strong, *kisses Yangs cheek* lovely, *kisses Yangs nose* kind…” Blake stops talking to kiss Yang deeply.
Yang returns the kiss and runs her hands through Blake's hair.
Thoughts of the food getting cold crossed Yang's mind.
I’ll make a fire if it gets cold. I'm not stopping this.
Yang grabbed the sleeping bag and rolled it out onto the rooftop. Opening it, she picked up Blake and set her inside. And Yang followed suit, continuing where they had left off. “I love you, my moonlily.”
“I love you too, my sunflower.”
And kissing her lover once more.
Their affections didn't stop there, and the picnic had all but been forgotten until a few hours later, where Yang had to make a rooftop fire to heat the food again as Blake set up the tent to sleep the rest of the night inside it.
Plains of Woe. 4th Month, 3rd day of Year 5028.
Squad 12 was watching the Horde from the ledges of the mountain, just next to the fabled Plains of Woe. Outfitted in their camouflage gear and long sight visors, and their bikes parked under tarps on the plateau above them, they’re sure they remained undetected.
The Horde was still moving towards the Remnant Tribe. All 40 of the pitch black armored Leviethains, their 5 smaller Ursa, and their 4 War Forges were looking to pass through the same valley the tribe went through 3 months prior.
A good thing really. The less that happened next to the time when the tribe was set to move, the better.
Lieutenant Geoff hadn't seen anything strange happen for the 4 days he had been put on watch duty. But it always ran a shiver up his spine when he looked at the War Forges of the enemy. It looked so similar to the Tribes Forges, except for the dark armor. But he knew it couldn't be more different on the inside.
His sergeant, Gus, kept looking through the binoculars mounted on a tripod, sitting as he ate a sandwich, ever vigilant.
“Are you eating that through your helmet?” Geoff asked, sitting back to a boulder, his feet up on a backpack.
“Yes.” Gus said, not turning away.
“Helps the chewing.”
“Dumb function really.”
“I like it. This place is dusty, and the helmet keeps it out.”
“It's the outdoors, on the side of a mountain.”
“Still dusty.”
A moment passes between them.
“Say, Gus?”
“You ever wonder why we're here?”
“Gee, that's quite a question. Why are we here in this infinite cosmos? Why are we to fight these ever menacing monsters?”
“No, I meant why are we in these mountains. The Sky Clan can watch the Horde better than we can at this point.”
“You just say that because you're lazy.”
“We're Shadow Clan. We can be as lazy as we want. We just watch, record, and ride into the sunset.”
“Don't let Blake hear you say that. She takes this job super seriously.”
“Hey, I do my job well, I'm just-” their conversation was interrupted by loud steam sounds coming from the Horde.
The squad of 7 stopped what they were doing and watched from the ledge. The War Forge, Hazel, opened its hatch on top to release its Nevermore. A gigantic Crow Mech with anti gravity tech allowing it to fly. Armed with 2 dozen 105mm cannons, and a wingspan as wide as the Forge, it stands from it and takes flight.
“Well, there it is.” Geoff looked at his wrist monitor. “We were expecting a Nevermore, but it's early. Sky Clan is gonna be buuuuuuuuuuusssssssyyyy, uhhhhh…”
Geoff looked back to see the largest horde of Beowolves he’d ever seen emerge from Salem. They swarmed down the exit ports on the side and dropped from under Salem, and all the squad could see was a mass of dark steel of death. And they saw multiple Alphas, Pack Leaders, and worst of all, a Hound to join and assemble in the center.
“Oh, crud.”
“Geoff, uh, that's bad.”
“Of course it's bad! That's a massive swarm! With a Nevermore! And a Hound!”
“Get Ruby Rose on the radio. We need Silver Clan out here to intercept them.”
Plains of Woe. 4th Month, 3rd day of Year 5028.
The meat stares at us brother. They watch from the mountains.
Don't worry, brother. They don't see. My pack can't be seen. They take the caves underneath the land, as the Leviathans hide our entrance. Though they are of the Shadow, the meat forget the caves. The meat always forget.
Good brother. Good. Then I take the pass. I bring to them the fight they expect.
And I, the fight they don't.
Then this is goodbye.
Until we meet in the Queens embrace, together brother.
Together. Now, you must go. Kill them, we will.
Yes. Soon, we shall spill the blood of meat. Soon…
Middle point of Mountain Pass of Glenn. 4th month, 4th day of Year 5028.
Alright, mental checklist.
Crescent rose? Check.
Blade? Sharp.
Ammo? Stocked.
Red Cloak? Fabulous.
Black boots? Tied.
SnowGear? Ready.
Time? 4 a.m.
Distance from Remnant? 200 miles.
Sky Clan transports in a holding pattern? Check.
Sky Clan fighter Air Support on standby? Check.
My squad of 20 warriors? Check.
Sun and his squad of 20, ready and waiting for orders? Check.
Fox and Cinder waiting in the Pint Strikers behind us, awaiting signal to provide heavy fire support? Check.
Arslan and her squad of 18, ready and waiting for orders? Check.
My Red, Blue, and Green wedding ring? Check.
Reese and Neon with their report, waiting.
Ruby and her regiment of Silver Clan warriors await the pair of riders and their scouting report at the top of the plateau halfway up the mountain. Some of the men were having a poker game behind one of their gathered boulders, others were having a push up competition.
Flynt was playing some soft jazz music on his trumpet and many of the women were either vibing to the music or having small talk amongst themselves. Others were sharpening their weapons and counting their bullets.
Ruby knew Fox was meditating and Cinder was torching paper birds she was folding, next to their Pint Strikers, an Atlesian Paladin but piloted. Neptune was napping. Ruby, she was watching the mountains, covered in her red cape, keeping a bored vigilance.
Sun, in his beige pants and open white shirt, approaches Ruby, who's laying down on the edge of the cliff. “Anything?”
Ruby doesn't look away from the horizon, but replies “Nope.”
“Then chill out, will ya? The team's on edge, both figuratively and literally.” Sun says as he looks over to see some of his guys hanging off the edge to entertain themselves.
“Ugh, fine.” Ruby closes her eyes and rolls away from the edge. “But it's so boring up here.”
“I know. I know. I have plenty of places I’d rather be too.”
Like with Nebula and Neptune? You rascal. Don't say that out loud. Don't smirk.
“Why can't these Beowolves just come out already? They're rarely sneaky like this. And avoiding Remnants trail? They usually like their suicide charges into our ranks.”
Sun merely shrugged, his monkey tail forming a question mark. “Maybe they really do have a Hound this time?”
“Ugh.” Ruby rolled facedown in the grass in disgust of the thought. “A Hound? Like I believe that. I think Geoff was wrong and mistook an Alpha for one.”
“I don't know, he may be lazy, but he can be accurate when he wants.”
“But Salem hasn't sent one in a thousand years. Why now?”
Sun sat down and peeled a banana. “Word has it that it has to do with that Oscar kid.”
“Oscar who?”
“The kid Blake found in the wild. Said he was looking for an ancient A.I. from the days before the Shattering.” Sun says as his tail tosses the banana peel down the mountain.
“Oh, yeah. The kid Yang was talking to Qrow about over the scroll. I doubt that's it.”
“Aren't we putting the cart before the horse here?” Arslan says as she joins the conversation. Wearing her loose yellow robes but a bandage shirt and sleeves, it confused Ruby as to how her style looked good yet was unconventional. Well, unconventional in a Clan who dressed casually, even for battle. “Reese hasn't even returned with her report.”
Ruby raised her head. “Yeah, we aren't even sure there is one. But she's late.”
“She’s always late.” Arslan tossed her… Blond? Platinum? White? Ruby couldn't tell the exact color of her hair. Anyways, she tossed her hair to the side as she said this. “A habit she hasn't shaken from her Haven days.”
Ruby nodded, knowing Arslan was Reese's team leader when they went to Haven academy together. “Right. We can only wait.”
Sun sat down on a rock next to Ruby, still facedown in the grassy patch on the plateau. “So, tell me, Arslan. How's the new promotion to lieutenant, leader of your own squad?”
Arslan crossed her arms and nodded at Sun. “Not bad. Velvet definitely left some big shoes to fill, no rabbit pun intended. Not too different from our days at Haven, actually. It's only filled with more children.”
Ruby just waved her hand. “Aw, they ain't that bad.”
“Have you seen Sun’s sergeant, Neptune? He’s afraid of water! He squeals like a girl when he has to go through the rope swing on the obstacle course!”
Sun pointed a finger up. “In his defense, he’s always been afraid of water, and the obstacle course moat scares him, as it's 4 feet deep.”
“Then there's Flynt, who had just beat everyone in my unit at poker yesterday and cleaned them out of their week's pay. I had to reverse such action to prevent tensions from getting worse.”
Ruby scratches her head. “Yeah, there's that.”
“It's those sunglasses. He got the poker face of a rock, I tell ya.” Sun squinted in annoyance as he recalled the 1 vs. 1 poker game he had with Flynt last month. Well 4 vs. 4 if you count the Doppelgangers both were using to hold more hands of cards. “He can't have 4 straights in the same pot, no one can!” Yelling to make sure Flynt could hear.
“Yes I can.” Flynt shouted back in response. Sun simply shook his fist and Flynt returned to playing some jazz.
Arslan shook her head. “Nonetheless, I’ve been handling it as best I can. Thank the Brothers for Dew. I don't know what I’d do without her.”
“Righhhhttt. Dew is greeeaaat.” Ruby says, staring intently at Arslan, tapping her fingers on the ground.
The fighter simply raises an eyebrow. “What is it, Captain Rose?”
“... So no weapons at all?”
“Ha, we’re back to this subject.”
Ruby shook her head and sat up on the ground. “It's not that I don't doubt your ability. But everyone has a weapon. Sun has his Bostaff/flintlock pistols. Neptune, his Glaive/rifle. My sergeant, May Zedong, has her sniper rifle/axe. Your own sergeant, Dew Gayl has her, uh, magic staff thing.”
Arslan chuckled. “Wind Dust Staff. I’m telling you, I'm fine, Captain."
Ruby continues, with concern. ”I’ve seen you rip a Beowolf in half, but don't you want a knife at least? Maybe a sidearm? I’d be more than happy to make you one. Heck.” Ruby pulls two large caliber pistols she named ‘Snow’ and ‘Gear’ out of the twin holsters on her belt. “You can borrow one of mine for this battle. But, uh, return it afterwards, cause they're special.”
Arslan simply laughed and pushed Ruby's 3rd anniversary presents back to her. “No, no. I am more than fine with the guns I got.” She says as she flexes her arms. “Besides, I was never a good shot, anyways.”
It was Ruby's turn to raise an eyebrow. “Velvet told me you speared a Wyvern in the eye with a javelin at 500 yards.”
Arslan rotated her hand, explaining “Not a good shot, with a gun.”
Ruby was going to protest more, but not another minute passed as they heard someone approaching. Reese and Neon were riding up the mountainside to the Silver clans plateau.
They ride up and over, doing a pose and a flip, and then landing on their feet in classic extreme sport style.
Ruby rose to her feet. “Yay. You're here. Whatcha see? Whatcha hear?”
The rainbow colored Neon answered first. “Nothing good. We found them entering the mountain range towards this pass, as Shadow Clan said.”
Reese continued “There's over 500 Beowolves down there. All very coordinated too.”
Neon chimed in “Yep, but we have to beware worse things. There's 500 Betas, yes. But there's 10 Alpha's, 3 Pack Leaders, and a Hound as well.”
Everyone on the cliff side gasped at the revelation.
So Geoff was right. Crud.
Beta Beowolves were your standard monster, and Alphas were slightly bigger, smarter, and rare, but word has it, manageable. The 500 were expected, given their lack of activity lately, and 10 Alpha's were a mild surprise.
But Pack Leaders? They were Alpha sized, but scary smart. They usually are in charge of War Forge and the Horde’s defense. They've never been seen leaving Salem's Horde. If Ruby wasn't careful, she’d lead her warriors into an ambush and be slaughtered.
And the Hound. A Beowolf, but a Pint Striker's size. It had the strength of an Ursa and the intelligence of a human. As if that wasn't scary enough, it had an Aura of its own, something only seen in Hunters like the Silver Clan Warriors and living creatures, a personal force field protecting them from harm.
One has not been seen in over a thousand years when it assassinated and killed a Head Chieftain, Dustin Schnee, one of Weiss's ancestors. Salem only sends them out when she really wants something dead. Ruby knew she'd have to take this one herself or risk the trail of bodies of her warriors in its wake.
“Alright then. We stick to the plan. Only I’ll be targeting the Hound. Arslan, Sun, the Pack Leaders are yours. Cinder, Fox, you're laying down fire on the mass of Betas as Sun’s squad kills them.” Ruby turns to her sergeant, May. “You and the squad are killing the Alphas. Arslan’s squad is holding back in case the Hound has any surprises for us. And we strike when Sky Clan attacks that Nevermore.”
The Clan nodded their heads and accepted the new orders.
“Ready? Break.” Ruby claps her hands and leads her squad to their positions.
“Good. Neon, Reese, rejoin the others, we got work to do.” Arslan said as they began their own preparations.
Sun shouted to his men. “Alright guys, we got work to do. Neptune.”
Neptune jolted awake from his place by the rocks. He gets up and runs over to Sun. “You called?”
“We got boulders to move. I’ll fill you in.”
*One hour later*
Here they come.
The pack of Beowolves was moving through the mountain pass, a mass of metal limbs and bladed claws walking together, their jaws constantly opening and closing, making sure they didn't rust shut.
Ruby could see the Hound in the middle of the pack, surrounded by Alphas. It was an intimidating monstrosity. But Ruby had seen worse things. As she and her squad watched the horde from their positions above in the rocks, she glanced to the side. Seeing Sun’s team a few hundred yards to the side, and Arslan's team opposite of her’s in the mountain pass, as well as Cinder and Fox waiting on the plateau they were on earlier, she knew everything was in position.
Come on, little dumb monsters. Come on, you don't see us. Yes, right into the trap zone. You don't have your Nevermore here to protect ya, do you?
Did they send it ahead? Distract us here to let it attack the tribe? Shoot, it may have. We should attack the horde now and go after-
May got Ruby's attention. “Captain Rose?”
“Yes, May?”
“Cinders on the radio, she needs to talk.”
Ruby took the microphone from May and spoke. “Ruby?” Cinder asked over the radio.
“Yes, Cinder? What is it? We're about to start.”
“We have a problem.”
Oh no. “What is it?”
“The Nevermore. It's far in the sky, hiding in the clouds, but it's there.”
A surprise attack from the Nevermore. Man, I can't even see it from here. If we had attacked, we would have been squashed. The Hound almost got us before we even engaged it.
“Great spotting, Cinder. I’ll get Sky Clan on it.”
Ruby switched radio channels to Maria’s.
“Death's arrow, this is Red Knife, how copy?”
A voice over the radio answers. “Read ya loud and clear, Red Knife. This is Death's arrow. What do you need?”
“We have the Nevermore escort over the Beowolf horde. We need air cover.”
“Roger, fighters moving to your position. Eta, 2 minutes.”
“Roger that. Over and out.” Ruby looked back to the horde. She switched to another radio channel. “Sun, Arslan?”
“This is Sun, what's up?”
“The Nevermore is in the clouds. We launch the attack as soon as that Nevermore in the sky gets lit up by Maria and her fighters.”
“Once what?” Sun and Arslan go quiet for a moment to check the sky. “Oh, there it is. Right there in the cloud. Roger that, waiting on the signal.”
Ruby put the radio away, and readied Crescent Rose in her sniper rifle form. Looking down the scope, she dialed in on the Hound’s ugly face. She whispers to May “Can I get a second shooter on the big one? He’s got tough armor.”
“Yes, Ma'am.” May sets her sniper rifle up and dials in as well.
2 minutes pass in agony, Ruby hoping the horde doesn't go too far. But luckily, they're right below the Silver Clan. Ruby hears a loud thrum in the air as Sky Clan approaches. The Nevermore's crows deafen the sky as missiles and large caliber bullets hit the side of it. It flies into battle against the Sky Clan fighters and the horde below looks upwards in astonishment.
Ruby takes her chance. She and May fire at the Hound. Their bullets fly out and zoom towards the large beast. The impact staggers him, and visibly damages his Aura. But he's still standing.
Racking a second round quickly, Ruby and May fire again. They hit the Hound before he knows where he's getting hit from.
A third round. Ruby can hear Cinder and Fox spin up their guns. Ruby and May fire again. This time, the Hound grabs an Alpha, and uses it as a shield to take the hits. Although the Alpha was dead now, it kept holding it up.
Cinder and Fox start firing their weapons. Their Pint Strikers were small versions of the Port Strikers, meant for Beowolf hunting. Carrying 4 Gatling guns, 2 shoulder mounted and 2 arm mounted, where some would say ‘Overkill’, the Silver Clan says ‘not enough’. So they load them with explosive Fire Dust rounds.
The 8 Gatling guns tear through the horde, turning dozens of Beowolves into scrap metal. The monsters then start to climb the sides of the mountain to charge their attackers.
Ruby gives the call, her voice sounding through the valley even above the fire. “All Squads, Attack!”
A war cry sounds out in the mountain pass as all the warriors push dozens of their prepared boulders down the mountainside. They crash and crush any monster unlucky enough to be under it. Once the boulders reach the bottom and stop moving, Ruby yells out “Hit it!”
May reaches behind her and clicks the detonator on her utility belt. The explosives attached to the boulders activate, and turn air in the pass into dust, smoke, and flying pieces of Grimm. The smoke clears quickly from the wind, and they see a second wave is on the way up.
Ruby yelled out once more. “Silver Warriors! Fire!” And they all light up the valley floor with bullets. Tearing apart the horde as they climb.
Then, even though all that, the Grimm continues their climb. As they near the warriors positions, Ruby gives out another command. “Ready! Set! Charge!” And hops over the side to start slicing up the enemy.
Another war cry sounds out as Sun’s warriors jump the side and crash into the Beowolves, tearing them apart. The blond faunus led the charge with 4 of his own Aura Doppelgangers.
Neptune was slicing through several of them where Sun wasn't looking and shocking many more with his Glaive.
Arslan's own warriors were supposed to hold back, but as the horde was trying to reach the Pint Strikers, they had to hop into action and hold the line below the plateau they were standing on. Arslan can be seen ripping Beowolves apart, palm striking them to pieces and using a dead one as a club to knock others down the mountainside.
Dew and Flynt was tossing Grimm down as well with their strong winds, tornadoes, and weaponized jazz music. Arslan's warriors fought furiously, holding the line.
Ruby's own warriors jumped down the mountain, carving their way through the swarm. Their targets were the command beasts.
May and the rest of Ruby's squad went to assist Sun’s squad, as the Alphas and Pack Leaders had charged their way. But Ruby went straight for the Hound, still sitting in the center of the Horde.
Beowolves tried to swipe at her, but her semblance “Petal Burst” allowed her to swiftly dodge their attacks at high speeds or simply turn to rose petals and avoid it altogether.
She flew through the horde, reaping nearly 6 at a time with her scythe/sniper rifle, Crescent Rose. Carving through to the center, there she was.
Ruby was standing in front of the Hound. Converting her sniper rifle into Scythe mode, she locks into combat.
You look angry. Let's boogie, big guy.
The beast swipes once, twice, and a third time. Ruby dodges all three. She gets a slice on its leg, its Aura still holding. It picks up a bystanding Beowolf and chucks it at Ruby. The beast knocks Ruby over, but slicing it in half, she regains her footing quickly and charges the Hound again.
You grunt throwing butt head!
The Hound tries to slam its fist into the ground right into Ruby's head. She explodes into Petals before it connects and she reappears above the fist. Its second fist though connects a strong swipe, raking Ruby with its claws. Ruby is sent flying again, her own Aura at 60%.
Okay, new strategy.
She does a backflip and lands on her feet. She dashes at the Hound again. Several beta Beowolves charge at Ruby to protect the Hound.
But Ruby surprises them. The Rose family has a strange, hereditary semblance linked to their silver eyes. On top of her Petal Burst, she can activate an E.M.P. area attack to knock any Grimm mech around her down.
The 20 Beowolves around her fall to the ground around Ruby and the Hound falters a bit as it hits him. Surprised he didn't die like the others, but unfazed, she continues her charge.
It swipes high, expecting a jump. But Ruby slides under it, hooking its leg and pulling it out from under the beast. It falls over and Ruby quickly jumps on top of its chest as it lands on its back. She draws Snow and fires its Ice Dust bullets into the beast's face, turning most of his head into a block of ice. She holsters it again, proud of her wife's gift.
As it starts to beat its own head to break the ice away, Ruby nimbly changes Crescent Rose in its rifle form and reloads with her Fire Dust bullets to blast away at the Hounds chest. Racking round after round, pounding away its heavy Aura.
Finally, the tell tale signs of Aura breaking away shatters over the monstrous mech. But it also finishes breaking the ice away.
It grabs Ruby by the torso and squeezes. Ruby feels the wind knocked out of her, and can feel her Aura slowly being depleted.
Crap, Crap, Crap! I can't breathe. Quickly, now! I can tell I'm at 40%, no, 30%!
Before she's taken down, she changes her weapon into Scythe mode. Tilting the head back into a spear form, Ruby stabs the blade into the Hounds chest. It pierces and she feels it hit dirt on the underside. The beast falters, and Ruby can breathe again. She tilts it back into Scythe mode where she can fire again and blasts the Hound's head off.
Its arm falls away limp. Ruby is victorious.
Yeah. Take that, ya big dolt.
Ruby pulls the weapon out of its chest and she takes a look around and sees the horde around her. More Beowolves start charging at the exhausted girl.
Oh, right. I'm surrounded. And I’ve used my Silver Eyes for the moment. Weiss is right, I am the dolt.
Then the charge is halted by a hail of bullets. The Beowolves around Ruby melt away in a sea of fire. Ruby looks up to see who it was. It's none other than her sister-in-law, flying down in her Pint Striker with its jetpack.
Cinder lands next to Ruby, and launches a circle of fire from her mech. Ruby dives under it, and the fire turns multiple beasts into slag. Cinder's guns begin firing away into another group. “Need some assistance, oh fearless leader?”
Ruby hops up to stand on the mech's head. Although it's quite loud. “Thanks for the save. How are we looking?”
Cinder continues to mow down the horde. “Pretty good. The Alphas are dead, the Pack Leaders too. You just killed the Hound, and the others are almost finished.”
And she was right. For as Ruby looked around again, there were only a few dozen Betas left, being chased by her warriors. Barely a scratch amongst them. Not a bad day.
“Yeah! We Rock! We Kicked Their Metal Butts! Wooo!” Ruby cheered as she jumped up and down on Cinders head.
“Calm down. We still have to hunt down the stragglers. Don't want them messing up the move.”
“Right. Hunt first, party later." Once Ruby catches her breath, she flies away in a cloud of petals, ready to slice up some more Beowolves. Cinder followed, throwing more fireballs and bullets.
Not noticing the blood bubbling from the Hounds chest wound as they left it behind.
Exit point of Mountain Pass of Glenn. 4th month, 4th day of Year 5028.
Grut was fuming. He looked into binoculars and saw that his reinforcements had just been slaughtered by the Silver Clan. “That red haired bitch. Ruby freakin’ Rose. She just killed all my monsters.”
Grut was sitting on top of a mountain, as he was supposed to be observing the horde of Grimm to help him get the boy, Oscar. A big raid on the outskirts of Menagerie, then Grut grabs the boy and gives him to the Hound. But now with it bleeding all over the ground and its forces dead, Tyrian’s Plan A was sunk.
“Just great.” He watched as the Nevermore fell to the ground in 17 different parts a few mountains over. “Now what, ya bag of bolts?”
“Don't worry, my friend.” Behind Grut, a Hound was holding the side of the peak, also observing the battle. Its voice was deep and mechanical, but all too clear. It looked at Grut with its red eye. “My brother's sacrifice will not be in vain.”
Grut was confused. “Sacrifice? Uh, Fennec, weren't they, ya know, gonna attack Remnant?”
“They were, but Tyrian's second spy informed him that the boy doesn't have Jinn. He still needs to be caught. But it's unnecessary now. So I was given different orders. A plan B, if you will. Apologies that you were not informed of the change.”
“So this whole battle, you losing all your beasts was…?” Grut waves his arms over to the hundreds of dead Grimm, hoping for a clear answer.
“All part of Her Majesty's plan. This was not all of them. My brother, Corsac, took half, and got the attention of their ‘Shadow Clan’ to hide my half. Now, as we speak, my Pack travels under the mountain range, to intercept Remnant on their way to the Coastal Plains. And the Silver Clan is none the wiser.”
“Ohh.” Grut then scowled. “Then what am I supposed to do now?”
“Patience will be rewarded, my friend. Watts is sending you your own team of Hybrids. Await them in Vacuo, once Remnant has abandoned the cities. You will have your day, we promise.” The Hound turns and hops down the mountain, sliding all the way down to its base, to return to its pack.
“You better.” Grut says, even though no one is around. “My blood is itching for battle. My circuits are thirsting for carnage.” Grut packs his stuff. Once he's done, loads up his backpack and fiddles with the back of his head, his hair tangled again with the data port and black steel panel installed there.
“They will know my name. They all will.”
Vale Forge. 4th month, 4th day of Year 5028.
Mmm, I don't know how Penny did it, but her shoulder is so comfy. I'm so tired. If only I could stay here, resting with her. And if only Ruby wasn't out hunting. She’d be with us, lazing about, her head probably in my lap.
*Sigh* Why am I so lethargic recently? I love work, or at least, I’m driven. So why am I wishing to stay home and shower my wives in affection more often recently? Or am I just greedy and wanting to steal more of my wives time? Not sure which is better or worse.
Weiss was laying her head down on Penny's shoulder as the car and their convoy escort was driving down the dirt road towards the Vale Forge, the sun setting behind them. She had already made 3 trips to see the others that day.
Sienna Khan of the Menagerie Forge, Vernal of the Mistral Forge, and Allison of the Vacuo Forge. Now she was about to make her 4th to see Amber of the Vale Forge.
Charles, their driver, pulled up to the side of the colossal constructor, where the robotic Atlesian Knights were waiting. “Master Weiss, we’re here.”
Weiss didn't respond, playing asleep. Penny, in her cute yellow sundress, nudged Weiss awake. “Weiss love, we’re here.”
Weiss slowly lifted her head and looked outside. “Can we have five more minutes?”
“Sorry, snow angel, we have to do this last errand, and then there's the council meeting. But I promise, you can sleep afterwards.”
“Okay.” Weiss takes a moment to yawn. “Let's go.” She exits the car with Penny and smoothes out her long light blue dress. The two of them go to meet the Knights.
“Hello, Master Weiss. You're 3.4 minutes late.” Said one of the 8 knights in a woman's voice.
“Hello to you too, Amber.” Weiss said with a slight sarcasm, not knowing if Amber was being sarcastic or serious in noting such a small tardiness. “We’re here to instruct you on your new orders and inspect the Core.”
“Yes, right this way.” They gestured, and a door leading to an escalator stairway opened from the side of the Forge. It would lead all the way to the top.
Led by 4 of the knights and followed by the remainder, Penny and Weiss ascended up the escalator. It was going to take a minute.
Weiss looked out the viewing port to the interior of the Forge. It was always impressive, filled to the brim with massive mechanical construction arms and tools, workshops, the city being built, and whatnot. No organic personnel were allowed, save for the Schnee family for the inspections and the Atlesian Knights.
The Atlesian Knights. The footmen of the Forges. If there was something that needed hands to be done, the Forges A.I. would control a Knight to do it. They were quite versatile, as construction and maintenance crews, defenders of the Forges, and supplementary security support in the cities.
Each Forge A.I. could control thousands of them at a time, and each was color coded to know who was who. Along with their white armor, like the Forges, Amber's knights had, well, amber stripes along them.
The group reached the top floor, and kept going through the corridors. After a few twists and turns, they arrive at the control room. They found 4 Atlesian Paladins, outside the door, these hulking, heavily armed mech soldiers making sure none enter but Weiss and Penny. After scanning the girls, they step aside to let them in.
The door opens, revealing a series of computer stations along the wall, a large hologram showing the status and future architectural plans for the next Vale, and at the far end of the room was the A.I. Core.
The Core itself was largely not surprising as you’d expect, but not many know about the storage capsule attached to it.
Inside was an amber haired woman with amber eyes. She was the personal body of Amber, dressed in explorer clothes, much like how Penny was the body of Atlas.
Nicolas really should have been more creative with poor Amber's color scheme…
The capsule opens and Amber rises out of it. “Hello. Pleasure to see you again, Master Weiss. And Sister Penny, glad you could join us. The Workshop's not busy today?” Amber proceeds to step out of the capsule and approach the pair.
“Nope. I finished all my maintenance duties. Even finished Ember Celica ahead of schedule. Now, I am keeping Weiss company.” Penny grabbed Weiss's hand and smiled her beautiful smile.
“Good, good. Glad to see your lover making you so happy, Sister Penny.”
“Ha, well, thank you, Sister Amber.” Penny says, blushing a little.
Amber nods and turns to Weiss. “On to business. What's our next destination, Ma’am?”
Weiss went over to the hologram display, with Penny still in hand, and pressed a button to change the display to Map mode. She scrolled until she reached what she was looking for. “Here. The Coastal Plains. Good distance from our current position, plenty of fish this season, easily defendable.”
“Ah. My old stomping grounds. Very well. I will make plans and set a route. When will we set out?”
“Tomorrow. 10 a.m. sharp. I will contact you if anything changes.”
“Great. I just need Glyph Confirmation.” A panel in the wall opened to reveal a large scanner.
Glyphs. The Schnee families hereditary semblance that was passed down from parent to child. It was considered the most versatile, and debatably the most powerful, of all semblances of the warriors of Remnant. It could cast all sorts of powers and abilities, depending on the dust used and capabilities of the warrior.
Weiss used it to make a big, intricate glyph, even more so than usual. She put it to the scanner, and it glowed green. This semblance was used to authorize actions and commands to the Forges.
“Glyph accepted.” The panel closed. “I will prepare for tomorrow.”
Weiss nodded. “Good. Now, for the Dust Core Inspection.”
Amber nodded as well. “Right this way.”
Weiss followed the well treaded path to the Dust Core of Vale. A door to the left of Amber's chamber opened to reveal an elevator. Weiss, Amber, and Penny stepped inside.
The doors close, and Weiss leans into Penny for a moment, and Penny wraps her arm around Weiss's shoulders. They ride in silence, a smile on their faces.
Once they reach the Core Room, the door opens. A small walkway extends out, but only a few meters. In the center of this massive room was a Dust Core Crystal, this one named Amber, glowing a bright, uh, Amber. Slightly smaller than the room itself, nearly 100 feet tall, nearly 70 feet wide, in the shape of a diamond.
Dust. A strange, naturally occuring substance, like a rock but grows like a plant. It came in many elements, such as fire, water, ice, earth, etc. It could be plucked right from the ground and be utilized. Little is known about its origins, but everyone knows it's extremely useful. Weaponry, medical supplies, semblance enhancements, and most importantly, fuel. It powered the cities and their vehicles.
Oddly enough, there were still undiscovered things about Dust that people don't know. For example, the Dust Cores. Nicholas Schnee found 5 of them in a mining dig ages ago, and created the Forges with their almost unlimited power. They had no element to them, just pure energy, and they required rest to recharge. Not many know where humanity would be today without this discovery, and they still don't know how to create one themselves.
Amber, Weiss, and Penny stood upon the walkway as the elevator closed behind them. Weiss, reluctantly, let go of Penny's hand to float up to the Dust Core using her glyphs.
Hmm, there's a crack here. Another over there. The beginnings of one here. Better get started.
Dust, unfortunately, breaks down over time with use, but the Schnee family's semblance’s strange connection to Dust was able to reverse this. Weiss began to create mending glyphs to run over the damage in the Core and close the cracks. She flew one way and another, casting her glyphs and repairing the Core until it was as new as the day it was installed.
After 28 minutes, she was finished.
Weiss floated back over to the two androids on the walkway, and Penny gave her a pat on the back. “Good job, Weiss.”
Amber gave a quick bow. “Apologies there was so much damage this time, Master Weiss.”
“No problem, Amber. That's nothing. Although Mistral's and Vacuo’s were undamaged, you should have seen Sienna’s Core. Almost double the cracks.” Weiss said as she shook her head, looking a little sad. Then she became concerned for the Menagerie Forge. “She's been pushing herself a little too hard lately. She didn't mention why her Core was like that.”
“She's just a hard worker.” Amber explained. “And trying to alleviate the faunus’s stress with more amenities in the city. The White Fang has been attempting to recruit members into its ranks recently, and she wants to avoid that. Thankfully, from what I’ve heard, they've been unsuccessful on all fronts.”
Once more, Father's Race War haunts me. Damn it.
“Wonderful.” Weiss said, sarcasm heavy in her voice. “The White Fang’s return. You’d think they'd fold into Ghirra’s Blue Fang by now.”
Penny gently holds Weiss's hand again.
Amber replies “Adam really did a number on the remaining members. Tricking them, lying to them, making them accomplices in the Beacon Incident. But I assure you, they aren't a threat to you or the Faunus.”
That remains to be seen. One person is a lot more powerful, and dangerous, than most give them credit for.
As they enter the elevator, Weiss sighs in fake relief. “That's some good news. Blake will at least sleep a little better tonight when I tell her she has nothing to worry about.”
The trio exit the elevator back into the Control Room.
As Weiss passed the holographic projector, she gave a curtsy and said “Good day, miss Amber.”
Amber returned it with a bow “Good day, Master Weiss.” And returned to the storage capsule.
Weiss and Penny left the control room, Penny waving widely at Amber as she walked away. Amber waved back. Through the many corridors, and down the escalator, they were outside again.
Charles and the other escorts and drivers were standing by their vehicles, chatting, standing guard, one secretly reading a book. When they saw the Head Chieftain and the engineers captain, they reentered and readied their vehicles as Weiss and Penny entered the car.
Once they were in the back seat, Weiss laid her head down on Penny's shoulder again. “Ugh, I don't know how you walk so far and not get tired. That had to be at least 2 hours we walked.”
“Indeed. One hour to the Control room, half an hour during your repairs, one hour back. Although, I have robotic legs and you have human ones.”
“Ugh, something must be wrong with me. I need to get in better shape.”
“Weiss, you are in top shape. The doctor's visit last week showed nothing wrong. But you have been up and working for 16 hours now.”
Weiss jolted a bit. “Has it been 16 hours?”
“Yes. The sun “'is” setting behind us and you were in your office at the crack of dawn.”
“And you were deliberating between the cities and the councilman for 15 and a half hours yesterday. And you were supervising the packing of supplies all day the day before. And you were doing paperwork for 18 hours the day before that.”
“You are not lethargic, you are tired. Not taking a day off for so long has taken its toll. You need a four day weekend.”
“I can't, not so close to the move. I’ll take the time off once we get settled in the new Vale.”
“Don’t be silly. That's 2 months away.”
“Well, we’re set to travel tomorrow. What can I do?”
“You could take me up on my offer.”
“No, I will not be carried the whole way. I can walk. I need the exercise anyway.”
“You already maintain a great workout schedule, as well as keeping in top huntress shape with Myrtenaster.”
“Fair. But no. We walk together.”
“Okay, Weiss” Penny then kisses Weiss on the head. “Whatever you say.”
Weiss’s scroll rings in her pocket. She checks to see who it is, and it's Klein. Weiss answers “Hello. How are you doing?”
“Hello Master Weiss. I have news.”
“Oh? What news?”
“Master Ruby and her warriors have all returned and will be able to attend the Council meeting.”
Weiss's face brightens and she hugs Penny. “Good. She's been gone for 7 days. We miss her.”
“We do.” Penny says as she hugs Weiss back.
Weiss tilts her head, giggling a little. “Ya know, you can drop the ‘Master’, Dad.”
“Oh, was I saying it? Sorry. My old habits die hard, Mas-, uh, Weiss.”
“I know. But you married Mother 3 years ago. You're my father now, not my butler.”
“Do not worry, Weiss's Father, I too still sometimes call her Master Weiss by accident.”
*Internally Screaming*
Weiss, blushing furiously, says “Penny. Remember what I told you?”
“Not to tell people that since we're married, and they might take it the wrong way?”
Klein clears his throat, “Don't worry, I didn't take anything weird from it.”
Penny tilts her head to the side, confused. “Weird? I mean I sometimes call her that in-”
Weiss hurriedly interrupts Penny. “Okay, that's enough of that.”
“Okay. Whatever you say.”
“Haha, well, I’ll let you love birds back to your trip to the council.”
“Thank you. Love you, Dad.”
“Love you, too, Snowflake.” Klein hangs up the phone.
“Now, um, Charles, may we have some privacy?”
“Of course.” Charles then rolls up the partition between him and the couple.
“Now, for your maintenance, Penny.”
“Oh, uh, um” Penny looks side to side, blushing a little. “That can wait until we get home.”
Weiss wagged her finger. “Oh no. I’ve done maintenance on 4 massive Dust Cores today. I'm not waiting to do maintenance on the most important one to me.”
“... Very well, Weiss.” Penny turns her back to Weiss. She then lifts up her shirt to allow Weiss access to her back. A quiet internal command has her back opening in a series of retracting panels, until it shows Penny's Dust Core inside. About 6 inches tall, 3 inches wide, and glowing a bright green.
“Tch, tch, tch. Penny. You have a crack right here. You should have come to me sooner. It's because you pushed yourself to finish Ember Celica, isn't it?”
“...Maybe. I knew you'd say that. No need to bother you with something unnecessary like this.”
“*sigh* My sweet firefly, you and your sisters need to bother me more with this stuff.” Weiss begins to mend Penny's Dust Core with both hands on the glyph. Once she's done, she decides to tease Penny a little.
Mirror, Mirror, A heart can turn to stone. But it's by no means a cold stone. It's a very warm, loving stone heart.
Weiss leans down and kisses Penny's Dust Core, a harmless static shock passing through her lips.
Penny gasps at the contact. “Weiss, you crook. You can't just kiss my heart like that.” Penny says, turning back towards Weiss, blushing.
Weiss giggles and Penny joins in, the two laughing together.
Closing her back and tucking her shirt back in, Penny sits back into the seat, letting Weiss lean back into her.
“Go ahead and nap. I’ll wake you up when we're there.”
“Ok. *Yawns* Love you, Penny.”
“Love you too, Weiss.”
“Aw, you two are a sweet couple. Makes a man diabetic from witnessing it.” Charles says from behind his partition.
Weiss, embarrassed, covers her face with Penny's arm. Penny giggles as they head towards the Council tower in Vale.
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novankenn · 1 year
Custom Made Order
Deciding she had enough, Velvet kicked it into second gear and once she was in range, and that Coco had taken a moment to slow down to turn a corner...
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Coco: (Once she stopped rolling) Ow......
Velvet: (Sits on Coco's stomach) You have some explaining to do... so start.
Coco: (Groaning) No, I've done.... (Velvet flicks her nose) Hey!
Velvet: Somehow you changed Jaune into a girl... an adorable girl, but a girl, and now Jaune is a half spider-half woman creature. What did you do?
Coco: I... um... I...
Velvet: Coco start talking or...
Coco: You wouldn't!
Velvet: Yes, I would. Now start talking.
Coco: Okay, just don't do that, okay?
Velvet: Start talking and I won't.
Coco: Alright, so I might or asked, and by asked I mean coerced the Headmaster into making me an elixir that would transform Jaune into a girl.
Velvet: How? Why?
Coco: He's got magic or something, I don't know. I just know it worked, and that noodle has become the girl of my dreams.
Velvet: Why would you do...
Coco: And let those legs and butt be wasted on Schnee or Nikos!?! She's too good for them! She deserves someone that will take care of her...
Velvet: But Jaune was a guy. Why?
Coco: The dance. I saw... I saw...
Velvet: What did you see?
Coco: My future. I saw my future, okay. That dress, Jaune's moves, told me he wasn't who he should be! So I worked out a deal with the Headmaster...
Velvet: What deal?
Coco: That I would turn his favourite coffee mug into dust if he could make Jaune become a girl?
Velvet: And WHY did you think that Headmaster Ozpin could do that?
Coco: Well, he DID do just that!
Velvet: But... but... how did you KNOW that the Headmaster could do what he did?!?
Coco: I don't know! He's old and stuff, so I just thought...
Velvet: Because he's old? You figured he knew how to make a body transforming potion just because he's OLD?!?
Coco: Maybe?
Velvet: What about the spider thing?
Coco: No idea. No idea.
Velvet: Okay. We're going back and...
Coco: (Starts to thrash and struggle) No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Velvet: Calm down!
Coco: She's going to eat me! She said it herself!
Velvet: For what YOU did to Jaune... she should! Now stop being such a pansy and let's go. You're going to apologize to Jaune, and then you are going to FIND a way to reverse this all!
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Coco: (Crying) Please no!
Jaune was feeling strange, and she was sure it was more than just being mortally embarrassed about flashing the whole school, or mortified about now not only being a girl but also a half-spider creature. It was something else, something more insidious. She found herself eyeing Nora in a less than wholesome way.
Nora: Are you okay, Jaune-Jaune?
Jaune: (Blinking) Er... what?
Nora: You kind of spaced out on me there. Are you okay?
Jaune: I'm just not feeling myself.
Nora: Of course you're not yourself, silly! You went from being you to an absolute knock-out babe, and now are a super ominous and sexy looking spider woman! Can you smoother me with your boobies?
Jaune: (Blinking) Er... come again?
Nora: I said... Can you smoother me with your boobies?
Jaune: Ah... why?
Nora: Because they're massive, and I saw it in a movie once.
Jaune: Oooookaaayyyy.
Nora: Really? You will?
Jaune: Ah... er... no.
Nora: But you said...
Jaune: (Looks about herself and see people still staring at her.) I need some clothes. Can we do that?
Nora: Okay, but then we'll talk about you smothering me in your cleavage!
Jaune: Nora...
Nora: Jaune.
Jaune: Really? You really want me to do that to you?
Nora: Until I pass out!
Jaune: Can I think about it?
Nora gives Jaune a look, one stating she didn't believe her.
Jaune: I promise.
Nora: Arc's word?
Jaune: Yes.
Nora: Say it.
Jaune: (Sighing) Arc's word.
Nora: ...
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Jaune: Nora... I need clothes!
Nora: (Grabs Jaune by the wrist and starts to walk) Well, come on, then!
Jaune: (Struggles to hide her private bits with the lab coat) Wait!
Nora: NoPe!
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